" '#  'j-Z"T ?' Pk} eEhZijEMAgent starts successfullyEMAgent terminatedfailed to open file %sfailed to delete file %srunning as user %d, not %dunable to check ownership of file %s%s failed to allocate memoryOMS version detected as %s different than %s, will restart agentInvalid expression %sUndefined column name %s in expression %sexpect a column name or simple expression after an operator in expression %sMissing operator in expression %sk8lbpqrsQMissing right parenthesis in expression %sMissing left parenthesis in expression %sRow(%d): NUMBER type column %s='%s' has invalid number formatRow(%d): TIMESTAMP column %s='%s' has invalid format [need yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss z]Reserved token used as column name "%s" : expression %sLHS of delta operator should be an identifer : %sSkipping target {%s, %s}: Missing properties - %sNo metadata found or badly formed metadata file2b(z-targets.xml is read only, no editing is allowed.targets.xml_bak is read only, no editing is allowed.target {%s, %s} is broken: cannot compute dynamic properties in time.Error Parsing: Blackout Name is required in blackouts.xml,Skipping the entry.Error Parsing: target type is required in blackouts.xml,when specifying a target.Error Parsing: target name is required in blackouts.xml,when specifying a target.Unparseable date = %s time = %s .P/uHoBad day of week for WeekSchedule = %sBad day of month for MonthSchedule = %sNo such metric %s TYPE can't be NULL TYPE=%s is invalid NAME can't be null Target NAME=%s does not existfatal error parsing %s, will be ignoredDisable collectorenable collector NAME cannot be NULL has invalid UPLOAD=%s Jw#Rp has invalid LEVEL=%s has incomplete proxy target info NAME cannot be null has invalid operator=%s must have either CRITICAL or WARNING NAME attribute cannot be null TYPE cannot be null must have LIMIT_TO have Invalid SORT_ORDER COLUMN_NAME cannot be null NAME cannot be null >eU has invalid ENCRYPTED=%s NAME cannot be null has invalid OPERATOR has invalid attribute for UPLOAD_IF_SEVERITY Disk is full, scheduling of collections DISABLED %s cannot define conditions for USAGE_TYPE=%s %s has TYPE that cannot be collected %s has USAGE_TYPE that cannot be collected has invalid %s2h)u of RAW Metric "%s" has no TABLE_NAME of RAW Metric with TABLE_NAME "%s" must have COLUMN_NAME has invalid TYPE[%s] has properties ::<%s> are accessed as INSTANCE scope but not defined[%s] Property (%s) in %s not marked optional, but only as optional property.[%s] InstanceProperty (%s) is marked OPTIONAL but is being usedError parsing %s, this metadata file will be skipped,f:Computed columns can be specified only after other columnsA maximum of 3 columns can be marked as keys. %s is key #%d in metric %s is a KEY_COLUMN so cannot be TRANSIENTA maximum of %d columns can be marked as keys. %s is key #%d in metric %sOnly one TIMESTAMP column allowed per metric. %s is not the first in metric %s cannot be both a KEY_COLUMN and a TIMESTAMP2 XfYZ must be a CLOB or BLOB column to have IS_FILENAME attribute. must be a RAW metric to support CLOB/BLOB columns.BLOB column %s must have IS_FILENAME set to TRUE.Metadata REQUIRED_AGENT_VERSION=%s has an invalid format or is incompatible with the Agent version=%s NAME can't be NULL VALUE can't be NULL ENCRYPTED="%s" is invalid, must be (NA|FALSE|TRUE) [Dx:u has invalid target typeOMS version %s is not supportedStarting Agent %s from %sEMAgent started successfullyEMAgent normal shutdownEMAgent abnormal terminating : Initialization of LOGGING CONTEXT failure : Initialization of SETUP DIRECTORY failure : Read emd.properties failure : Missing AGENTTZREGION in emd.properties2Y : The Agent was started by a user who does not own emd.properties - aborting startup : Initialization of XML PARSER failure : Initialization of JVM CAPABILITY and SIGNAL HANDLERS failure : Initialization of THREAD POOL MANAGER failure : Startup of HEALTH MONITOR failure : Initialization of SCHEDULER failure : Initialization of HTTP CLIENT CONTEXT failure8jP : Startup of HTTP LISTENER failure : Initialization of PING MANAGER failure : Initialization of UPLOAD MANAGER failure : Initialization of COMMAND MANAGER failure : Initialization of RELOAD SYSTEM failure : Initialization of FETCHLET MANAGER failure : Startup of UPLOAD MANAGER failure : Initialization of METRIC ENGINE failure2l!\ : Initialization of TARGET MANAGER failure : Initialization of BLACKOUT MANAGER failure : Initialization of CLUSTER MANAGER failure : Initialization of COLLECTION MANAGER failure : Initialization of RECVLET MANAGER failure : Startup of SCHEDULER failure Reached Maximum process reservation: %d,g !E" Too many processes running currently: %d Open File %s failed at File %s, Line %d - Too many File Descriptors Open Socket creation failed at File %s, Line %d - No sockets available Agent Signaled to EXIT by emctl Memory Allocation Error, %s=%d, Agent will shutdown Failed to spawn thread for http request, %s=%d, Agent will shutdownRST Current OMS version (%s) incompatible with min required version (%s), Agent will shutdown Unsuccessful Upload attempts for XML file exceeds specified limit=%d, Agent will shutdown Exceeded Max allowed Upload data - No of files: %d, Size of upload data: %fMB, Pct(%) of Disk used: %3.2f%%, Disabling collections&m Invalid TIMEZONE for agent not compatible with OMS timezone, Agent will shutdown. Update %s property in %s file OMS decided to shutdown the agent because of the following reason sent from OMS: %s Collections(%s) hung, Not finished in %d time, permissible time was %d, Agent will shutdown Error Creating Thread for %s, OS threads exhaustedattribute %s in <%s> cannot be NULL DrRXML Internal error, Fail to create object <%s>XML Internal error, Fail to call init for object <%s>ParseError: File=%s, Line=%d, Msg=%sORAXML-%d, File=%s, Line=%d, Msg=%s%sattribute %s in <%s> has invalid valuefailed to allocate memory for snmp.ora parameters at %s : %d%s could not find snmp.ora file, or it was malformedfailed to allocate memory at %s : %dEnvironment variable %s is not set P % B O i    Required parameter %s was not found in snmp.oraFailure to connect to database %s as agent user %sAgent %s user account is locked/expired for database %sFailure to retrieve characterset information from database %snormal, successful completionvalue too bigno such SNMP variable namebad SNMP variable valueSNMP variable is read onlygeneral SNMP erroruninitialized SNMP contextI/O failure J *bxSNMP message has incorrect version, version 0 is requiredSNMP initialization failurememory exhaustedinternal SNMP program interface errornormal, successful completioncannot initialize ASN.1 contextuninitialized ASN.1 contextmissing stream functions in ASN.1 context initializationunusable ASN.1 contextmaximum ASN.1 element nesting depth %s exceeded on readmaximum ASN.1 element nesting depth %s exceeded on write >m8wASN.1 type tag is greater than maximum of 16383uninitialized ASN.1 class attributeuninitialized ASN.1 tag attributeunsupported ASN.1 "UNIV" type %sASN.1 sequence has already been ended on writerequested ASN.1 class %s does not match received class %srequested ASN.1 type tag %s does not match received type tag %sASN.1 sequence has already been ended on readcannot end constructed ASN.1 encoding, %s encoding octets unread8l:;< =E>?attempt to put ASN.1 "UNIV" type with illegal tag %srequested form %s does not match actual form %sincoming ASN.1 value too large (%s octets) to store locallyincoming ASN.1 NULL encoding has nonzero length of %sincoming ASN.1 BOOLEAN encoding has incorrect length of %sincoming ASN.1 encoding has length %s, maximum allowed is %sincoming ASN.1 type tag is greater than maximum of 16383received unsupported ASN.1 INDEFINITE-LENGTH encoding@,AXBCD'Gereceived illegal ASN.1 encoding length of %sreceived ASN.1 length octet count greater than maximum of %sreceived malformed ASN.1 object identifierreceived ASN.1 object identifier with sub-identifier that is too largereceived ASN.1 object identifier with more than 256 sub-identifierscan't see last message ... bug