" -P - 3BMV+@+S+a+r+->-U-e--- Vs , U   Wallet created successfully Usage: %s [-d] [] MakeWallet... Failed to create wallet. Usage:mkwallet -R rootPwd rootWrl DN keySize expDate Create root wallet mkwallet -e pwd wrl Create empty wallet mkwallet -r pwd wrl DN keySize certReqLoc Create certificate request, add it to wallet and export it to certReqLoc mkwallet -c rootPwd rootWrl certReqLoc certLoc Create a certificate for a certificate request V 1M`mkwallet -i pwd wrl certLoc NZDST_CERTIFICATE | NZDST_CLEAR_PTP Install a certificate | trusted point mkwallet -d pwd wrl DN Delete a certificate with matching DN mkwallet -s pwd wrl Store sso wallet mkwallet -p pwd wrl Dump the content of wallet mkwallet -q certLoc Dump the content of the certificate Failed to create a certificate request Failed to install a certificate Failed to delete a certificate Px !"#=$W%&3 Failed to store a wallet in sso format Failed to store encrypted wallet Failed to create a root wallet Failed to create a certificate Failed to load the wallet Failed to retrieve certificate Failed to retrieve persona from wallet Failed to store identity Failed to retrieve certificate request Failed to retrieve certificate from root wallet Failed to delete a certificate request mkwallet -Lg pwd wrl crlLoc nextUpdate4b5p6789:;<=9>Q?o@AB Generate CRL mkwallet -La pwd wrl crlLoc certtoRevoke Revoke certificate mkwallet -Ld crlLoc Display CRL mkwallet -Lv crlLoc cacert Verify CRL signature mkwallet -Ls crlLoc cert Check certificate revocation status Failed to Generate CRL Failed to revoke certificate Failed to Display CRL Failed to Verify CRL signature Failed to check certificate revocation Status The certificate has been revoked. CJDqEFGHIJ=KkLM The certificate has not been revoked. Failed to fetch CRL from LDAP directory mkwallet -Ll oidHostname oidPortNumber cacert Fetch CRL from LDAP directory mkwallet -Lc cert Fetch CRL from CRLDP in cert Failed to fetch CRL from CRLDP in cert Failed to convert CRL from B64 to DER format mkwallet -Lb b64CrlLoc derCrlLoc Convert CRL from B64 to DER format mkwallet -Pw pwd wrl pkcs11Lib tokenPassphrase N>OpPQRS'T^UV Create an empty wallet. Store PKCS11 info in it. mkwallet -Pq pwd wrl DN keysize certreqLoc Create cert request. Generate key pair on pkcs11 device. mkwallet -Pl pwd wrl Test pkcs11 device login using wallet containing PKCS11 info. Failed to create an empty wallet to store PKCS11 info Failed to create cert request using pkcs11 device Failed to test pkcs11 device login mkwallet -Px pwd wrl pkcs11Lib tokenPassphrase WVX^+ + +.+0&+1B+2_+3+>+?+@ Create a wallet with pkcs11 info from a software wallet. Failed to create an wallet (pkcs11) from software wallet No of I/ONo more memory.Error while closing cursor %s.Could not initialize certficate: 0x%x.Could not initialize issuer.Could not initialize subject.Could not set certificate fields: 0x%x.Certficate not created.Could not create keypair.Could not initialize for signature.Could not sign certificate. +AV+Br+C+D+E+F+M+N+O=+Pe+Q+R+SCould not store private key.Could not store certificate.Could not get certificate fields: 0x%x.Could not get encoded name: 0x%x.Could not sign certificate: 0x%x.Memory Allocation Failed %sCould not extract certificate from wallet. Could not locate encrypted private key. Could not extract encrypted private key from wallet. Could not get username from certificate. Username: %sError while reading password. +T\+Un+V+W+X+Y+Z+[+\'+]O+^j+_+`+aInvalid password. Logged in successfully. Access denied. Enter password: %s.Oracle Wallet: Cannot Open Your Certificate Do you want to make certificate: y/n? Please retry! Oracle Wallet Download Program Please Enter the following information: Cannot parser command line Initialization failed Oracle Certificate Fulfill Program, V2.1 Please Enter the following information: Storage Method : (F)ile or (O)racle? +b\+cu+d+e+f+g+h+i+m+n4+oS+pq+q+rCertificate Request file:OSS SQL*Net alias :OSS User Name :OSS Password :Certificate Request Table ID : Press etscape server or pyglass server:Oracle WalletOracle Wallet Program Enter the version number[1or3]: Fulfill Certificate Failed %d Download Certificate Failed! Oracle Certificate Download Program, V2.0 OSS Certificate Download Initialization Failed! Location of BASE64 Encoded Certificate : +sD+[+++ +6+Y+z++oracle security serviceOracle Certificate Request Program, V2.0 Oracle Wallet Create Certificate Authority Program Usage: %s Create or Store The Certificate Failed. Enter Expiration Date :Could not initialize LX context! Failure when converting date. Should be %s but is: %s The expiration date is: %s %s The expiration date must be after %s+z++++++++++-+;+A+P+\+j-<-=->%s is an invalid date! The version number[1 or 3] must be after expiration date Common Name :Organization Unit :Organization :Country :State :Locality :Oracle Name :Subject Name :Serial Number:Title:Street Address:Postal Code:Email Address:Enter modulus size (512/768/1024) :Encrypted Private Key File :Distinguished Name File :Random File: ile or tandard Input :-?h-@z-A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H-P+-QJ-Re-S-T-URandom File Name :Certificate Type :Application User Name :Application Type :Email Address :Phone Number :Digest :Enter CA Password :Enter Password :Enter for wallet file (I/O) : Get OSS SQL*Net Alias Failed! Get OSS User Name Failed! Get Certificate Request Failed! Get OSS Password Failed! Parse Certificate Request Failed! Get Common Name Failed! -Vb-W-X-Y-Z-[-\-]-^6-_P-`k-a-b-d-e Get Organization Unit Failed! Get Organization Failed! Get Country Failed! Get State Failed! Get Locality Failed! Get Private Key Failed! Get Distinguished Name File Failed! Get Cert Request File Failed! Get Phone Number Failed! Get Email Address Failed! Get Application Type Failed! Get Application User Failed! Get Local Date Failed! Open Random File Failed! Get Oracle Name Failed! -z-----------5-L-c----- Version: %d Signature Algorithm: Serial Number: Subject Name: Issuer Name: Validity Start: Validity End: Public Key: Issuer Unique ID: Subject Unique ID: Certificate Extensions: MD2 With RSA EncryptionMD5 With RSA EncryptionUnsupport Signature Algorithm Last Update: Next Update: Revoked Certificates: There are no Revoked Certificates. Serial Number: ->-T-p----2-- Revocation Date:OIW_SHA1 With RSA EncryptionSHA1 With RSA EncryptionNo certificate found on token with label: %s Found %d certificates on token with label: %s Cert with label: %s and subject name: %s has NO matching private key on token. Cert with label: %s and subject name: %s has a matching private key on token. No certificate found on token. Number of certificates found on token = %d - ---/Cert with subject name: %s has NO matching private key on token. Added to wallet as a CA cert. Cert with subject name: %s has a matching private key on token. Cert with subject name: %s installed as user cert in wallet. No user cert was installed from token into wallet.