/ Standard SDK error codes and their Messages 0,1, "Success" 1,1, "Operations error" 2,1, "Protocol error" 3,1, "Timelimit exceeded" 4,1, "Sizelimit exceeded" 5,1, "Compare false" 6,1, "Compare true" 7,1, "Strong authentication not supported" 8,1, "Strong authentication required" 9,1, "Partial results and referral received" 10,1, "LDAP Referral Error" 11,1, "LDAP Adminstration Limit Error" 12,1, "Critical Extension is not supported" 16,1, "No such attribute" 17,1, "Undefined attribute type" 18,1, "Inappropriate matching" 19,1, "Constraint violation" 20,1, "Type or value exists" 21,1, "Invalid syntax" 32,1, "No such object" 33,1, "Alias problem" 34,1, "Invalid DN syntax" 35,1, "Object is a leaf" 36,1, "Alias dereferencing problem" 48,1, "Inappropriate authentication" 49,1, "Invalid credentials" 50,1, "Insufficient access" 51,1, "DSA is busy" 52,1, "DSA is unavailable" 53,1, "DSA is unwilling to perform" 54,1, "Loop detected" 64,1, "Naming violation" 65,1, "Object class violation" 66,1, "Operation not allowed on nonleaf" 67,1, "Operation not allowed on RDN" 68,1, "Already exists" 69,1, "Cannot modify object class" 70,1, "Results too large" 71,1, "Affects multiple DSAs" 80,1, "Unknown error" 81,1, "Can't contact LDAP server" 82,1, "Local error" 83,1, "Encoding error" 84,1, "Decoding error" 85,1, "Timed out" 86,1, "Unknown authentication method" 87,1, "Bad search filter" 88,1, "User cancelled operation" 89,1, "Bad parameter to an ldap routine" 90,1, "Out of memory" 97,1, "Referral hop limit exceeded" / Oracle specific SDK error codes and messages 500,1, "specified information could not be discovered" 501,1, "Error during looking up of specified information" 502,1, "No DNS address found" 503,1, "File not found" 504,1, "Error during parsing of the file" 550,1, "SSL initialization failed" 551,1, "SSL context configuration failed" 552,1, "Unable to open wallet" 553,1, "SSL context creation failed" 554,1, "SSL handshake failed" 555,1, "Unable to get peer's SSL credential" / Genneral Errors 2101,1,"Internal Error" 2102,1,"Memory Allocation Error" 2103,1,"Decoding Error" 2104,1,"%s: Not an LDAP errno :%d\n" 2105,1,"%s: matched: %s\n" 2106,1,"%s: additional info: %s\n" 2107,1,"%s: matched an LDAP errno :%d\n" 2108,1,"Server is Configured to Deny Anonymous Binds" 2109,1,"Proxy Switch is not Allowed on Super User and Replication User" 2110,1,"User does not exist in directory for Proxy Switch" 2111,1,"Insufficient access to do Proxy Switch and Switching as Anonymous" 2112,1,"Insufficient access to do Proxy Switch" / Incomplete functionality Errors 2201,1,"Version Not Supported" 2202,1,"Currently Not Supported" 2203,1,"Function Not Implemented" / Connectivity Errors 2301,1,"Error Reading SSL credentials" 2302,1,"Reading Error" 2303,1,"Error in Control Info." 2304,1,"MaxConnReached" / Unexplained MEssages 2401,1,"gsleioHJBDBerAlloc" 2402,1,"sgsleenSBerPrintf entry end" / LDAP messages erros 2501,1,"Unknown search scope" 2502,1,"Bad Search Filter" 2503,1,"UnRecognized Modify operation" 2504,1,"No values given" 2505,1,"Attribute Uniqueness Constraint Violation\n" 2506,1,"Attribute Uniqueness Constraint Violation across object class\n" / Additional Information/messages returned by Server to client 3001,1,"Entry to be modified not found." 3002,1,"INVALID ACI is %s" 3003,1,"Attribute %s is not supported in schema." 3004,1,"Error encountered while adding %s to the entry" 3005,1,"Attribute %s is single valued." 3006,1,"Error replacing %s." 3007,1,"Attribute %s not present in the entry." 3008,1,"%s not found for attribute %s." 3009,1,"Modifying the Naming attribute for the entry without modifying the DN" 3010,1,"Operation not allowed on the DSE Entry." 3011,1,"error in Schema hash creation" 3012,1,"Bad attribute definition" 3013,1,"OID %s has syntax error." 3014,1,"Attribute %s has syntax error." 3015,1,"matching rule, %s, not defined" 3016,1,"Operation not allowed on the %s." 3017,1,"syntax, %s, not defined" 3018,1,"Attribute %s already in use." 3019,1,"Error in hashing %s attribute." 3020,1,"Object ID %s already in use." 3021,1,"Super type undefined" 3022,1,"error in Schema hash creation" 3023,1,"Objectclass %s already in use." 3024,1,"Error in hashing %s objectclass." 3025,1,"Attempted to add a Class with oid %s taken by other class" 3026,1,"Super object %s is not defined in Admin Domain %s\n" 3027,1,"Manditory attribute %s is not defined in Admin Domain %s\n" 3028,1,"Optional attribute %s is not defined in Admin Domain %s\n" 3029,1,"%s attribute not found." 3030,1,"Objectclass attribute missing." 3031,1,"Admin domain does not contain schema information for objectclass %s." 3032,1," Mandatory Attribute missing." 3033,1,"Failed to find %s in mandatory or optional attribute list." 3034,1,"Entry to be deleted not found." 3035,1,"error while normalizing value for attribute %s." 3036,1,"Entry to be modified not found." 3037,1,"New Parent not found." 3038,1,"Attribute modification with member or Uniquemeber not supported." 3039,1,"Admin Domain restricts modification of Attribute: %s ." 3040,1,"Entry %s under an Alias entry is not supported." 3041,1,"Problem in dereferencing the base of the search." 3042,1,"Server Plug-in OCI failure" 3043,1,"Server Plug-in related error" 3044,1,"NULL or Invalid value passed." 3045,1,"NULL value passed for Mandatory attribute %s." 3046,1,"ldapadd operation is not allowed on %s." 3047,1,"ldapdelete operation is not allowed on %s." 3048,1,"ldapmodify operation is not allowed on %s." 3049,1,"ldapmodrdn operation is not allowed on %s." 3050,1,"ldapcompare operation is not allowed on %s." 3051,1,"ldapsearch operation is not allowed on %s." 3052,1,"Super user name can not be the DN of an existing entry." 3053,1,"Cannot add nonbase schema outside cn=subschemasubentry." // *Document: YES // *Severity: error // *Category: Compliance // *Cause: A schema addition was attempted outside cn=subschemasubentry. // *Action: Ensure schema additions are made to cn=subschemasubentry. 3054,1,"Cannot move non-base subschema-subentry." 3055,1,"New RDN is invalid." 3056,1,"Server Java Plug-in Error" 3057,1,"Dynamic group cache update failed." 3058,1,"Dynamic group member update failed." 3059,1,"Invalid dynamic group definition." 3060,1,"Attribute alias %s is already in use" 3061,1,"Attribute name %s exceeds maximum allowed length" 3062,1,"Cannot create alias to another alias entry" 3063,1,"Mandatory Attribute %s in the Objectclass %s is an RI enabled attribute" 3064,1,"Function Not Implemented, search filter attribute %s is not indexed/cataloged" 3067,1,"Attribute %s provided for orcluniqueattrname is not supported in schema." 3068,1,"Attribute %s provided for orcluniqueattrname is not indexed/cataloged." 3069,1,"Objectclass %s provided for orcluniqueobjectclass is not supported in schema." 5001,1,"Error in DN Normalization." 5002,1,"Super user addition not permitted." 5003,1,"Parent entry not found in the directory." 5004,1,"%s attribute has duplicate value. VALUE: %s" 5005,1,"The attribute or the value specified in the RDN does not exist in the entry" 5006,1,"Error encountered while encrypting an attribute value" 5007,1,"Object already exists" 5008,1,"First level entry to be added not in namingcontexts attribute of DSE" 5009,1,"%s attribute has duplicate value." 5010,1,"Referential integrity constraint violated for %s. Specified value does not exist in directory." 5011,1,"Referential integrity constraint violated for one of the specified attributes." 5012,1,"Of the two objectclasses, one with member and another with uniquemember attribute, an entry can have only one of them but not both." / SSL Errors . Needs to go away from this file. 6980,1, "SSL Error: IO closed" 6981,1, "SSL Error: Bad parameter" 6982,1, "SSL Error: X509 data not found" 6983,1, "SSL Error: X509 certificate chain incomplete" 6984,1, "SSL Error: X509 names not equal" 6985,1, "SSL Error: X509 certificate expired" 6986,1, "SSL Error: X509 certificate chain invalid" 6987,1, "SSL Error: ASN Integer too big" 6988,1, "SSL Error: ASN bad encoding" 6989,1, "SSL Error: Connection closed" 6990,1, "SSL Error: Connection closed Gracefully" 6991,1, "SSL Error: Session Not Found" 6992,1, "SSL Error: IO Error" 6993,1, "SSL Error: Would block" 6994,1, "SSL Error: Fatal Alert" 6995,1, "SSL Error: Negotiation Error" 6996,1, "SSL Error: Protocol Error" 6997,1, "SSL Error: Unknown Error" 6998,1, "SSL Error: Overflow" 6999,1, "SSL Error: Not Supported" 7000,1, "SSL Error: Out of memory" / Datagen Messages 8001,1,"invalid format, line %d of entry: \"%s\"\n" 8002,1,"invalid format, attribute %s seen before DN specified.\n" 8003,1,"%s: skipping change record for entry: %s\n\t(LDAP host/port does not match replica: lines)\n" 8004,1,"%s: unknown %s \"%s\" (line %d of entry: %s)\n" 8005,1,"%s: expecting \"%s:\" but saw \"%s:\" (line %d of entry %s)\n" 8006,1,"%s: expecting \"%s:\" but saw \"%s:\" (line %d of entry %s)\n" 8007,1,"%s: extra lines at end (line %d of entry %s)\n" 8008,1,"DN Error --- DN \"%s\", rc=%d.\n" 8009,1,"Schema Check failed with error=%d\n" 8010,1,"***** error : %s.\n" 8011,1,"Naming violation. RDN attribute values not found in the entry. DN: %s,Status: %d.\n" 8012,1,"%s: missing value on line %d (attr is %s)\n" 8013,1,"%s: no attributes to change or add (entry %s)\n" /8014,1,"%s %s:\n" /8015,1,"\tNOT ASCII (%ld bytes)\n" /8016,1,"\t%s\n" 8017,1,"%sadding new entry %s\n" 8018,1,"%smodifying entry %s\n" 8019,1,"modify complete\n" 8020,1,"%sdeleting entry %s\n" 8021,1,"delete complete" 8022,1,"new RDN: %s (%skeep existing values)\n" 8023,1,"%smodifying rdn of entry %s\n" 8024,1,"modrdn completed\n" 8025,1,"usage: %s connect= encode= file=absolute path of LDIF file " 8026,1,"[debug=] [dnfile=] [schemacheck=] " 8027,1,"[operational=] [entrybase=] [creatordn=] [numThread=] \n" 8028,1,"Could not initialize NLS Context Exiting...\n" 8029,1,"Could not initialize SLTS Context. Result code = %ld\n" 8030,1,"Could not initialize oidldapd Server. Result code = %ld\n" /8031,1,"Debug levels:\n" /8032,1,"\tLDAP_DEBUG_TRACE\t%d\n" /8033,1,"\tLDAP_DEBUG_PACKETS\t%d\n" /8034,1,"\tLDAP_DEBUG_ARGS\t\t%d\n" /8035,1,"\tLDAP_DEBUG_CONNS\t%d\n" /8036,1,"\tLDAP_DEBUG_BER\t\t%d\n" /8037,1,"\tLDAP_DEBUG_FILTER\t%d\n" /8038,1,"\tLDAP_DEBUG_CONFIG\t%d\n" /8039,1,"\tLDAP_DEBUG_ACL\t\t%d\n" /8040,1,"\tLDAP_DEBUG_STATS\t\t%d\n" /8041,1,"\tLDAP_DEBUG_STATS2\t\t%d\n" /8042,1,"\tLDAP_DEBUG_SHELL\t\t%d\n" /8043,1,"\tLDAP_DEBUG_PARSE\t\t%d\n" /8044,1,"\tLDAP_DEBUG_ANY\t\t%d\n" 8045,1,"must compile with LDAP_DEBUG for debugging\n" /8046,1,"holy smokes! i = %d, %d" 8047,1,"catalog hash table in backend structure is inconsistent.\n" 8048,1,"Error %d encountered processing DN:%s (eid:%d)\n" 8049,1,"Error %d encountered processing DN: %s\n" 8050,1,"DN: %s. No attributes specified.\n" 8051,1,"Reverse DN failed on %s\n" 8052,1,"ORACLE_HOME not set\n" 8053,1,"Error in parsing attribute value.\n" 8054,1,"Unable to get value from file %s.\n" 8055,1,"ObjectClass attribute missing\n" 8056,1,"Error in Exploding ObjectClass\n" 8057,1,"LDIF record Check failed\n" 8058,1,"authpassword already exists\n" 8059,1,"Password Syntax checking error\n" 8060,1,"Operation Not supported\n" 8061,1,"OCI Bind Error encountered during schema-check\n" 8062,1,"Database Error encountered during schema-check\n" / ldapbind Messages 8100,1,"usage: %s [options]\nwhere:\n" 8101,1,"options:\n" 8102,1," -D binddn\tbind dn\n" 8103,1," -w passwd\tbind passwd (for simple authentication)\n" 8104,1," -k\t\tuse Kerberos instead of Simple Password authentication\n" 8105,1," -h host\tldap server\n" 8106,1," -p port\tport on ldap server\n" 8107,1," -W Wallet\tWallet location\n" 8108,1," -P Wpasswd\tWallet Password\n" 8109,1," -U SSLAuth\tSSL Authentication Mode\n" 8110,1,"Null Wallet or password given\n" 8111,1," Wrong SSL Authenication Mode Value\n" /8112,1," %s\n" 8113,1,"bind successful\n" 8114,1," -H Prints all options\n" 8115,1," -E Encoding Character Set\n" 8116,1," -Z [enable native authentication]\n" 8117,1," -O SASL\tSecurity properties\n" 8118,1," -R SASL\tRealm\n" 8119,1," -Y SASL\tMechanism\n" 8120,1," -X SASL\tAuthorization identity\n" 8121,1,"Please enter bind password: " 8122,1,"Please enter SSL wallet password:" 8123,1,"Command-line passwords are disabled for LDAP commands.\nUse -q option instead of -w . You will be prompted for the password.\n\n" 8124,1,"Command-line passwords are disabled for LDAP commands.\nUse -Q option instead of -P . You will be prompted for the password.\n\n" 8125,1,"sasl bind successful\n" 8126,1,"%s - normalize dn failed\n" 8127,1,"%s - need mutual authentication\n" / BulkLoader Messages /8200,1,"%s: invalid format (line %d of entry: %s\n" /8201,1,"%s: skipping change record for entry: %s\n\t(LDAP host/port does not match replica: lines)\n" /8202,1,"%s: unknown %s \"%s\" (line %d of entry: %s)\n" /8203,1,"%s: expecting \"%s:\" but saw \"%s:\" (line %d of entry %s)\n" /8204,1,"%s: expecting \"%s:\" but saw \"%s:\" (line %d of entry %s)\n" /8205,1,"%s: extra lines at end (line %d of entry %s)\n" /8206,1,"Schema Check failed on %s.\n" /8207,1,"%s: missing value on line %d (attr is %s)\n" /8208,1,"%s: no attributes to change or add (entry %s)\n" /8209,1,"%s %s:\n" /8210,1,"\tNOT ASCII (%ld bytes)\n" /8211,1,"\t%s\n" /8212,1,"%sadding new entry %s\n" /8213,1,"%smodifying entry %s\n" /8214,1,"modify complete\n" /8215,1,"%sdeleting entry %s\n" /8216,1,"delete complete" /8217,1,"new RDN: %s (%skeep existing values)\n" /8218,1,"%smodifying rdn of entry %s\n" /8219,1,"modrdn completed\n" /8220,1,"usage: %s [-d debuglevel] [-f datafile] [-s check].\n" /8221,1,"Could not initialize NLS Context Exiting...\n" /8222,1,"Could not initialize SLTS Context. Result code = %ld\n" /8223,1,"Could not initialize oidldapd Server. Result code = %ld\n" /8224,1,"MUst compile with LDAP_DEBUG for debugging\n" / ldap compare Messages 8300,1,"Null Wallet or password given\n" 8301,1," Wrong SSL Authenication Mode Value\n" /8302,1," %s\n" 8303,1,"The value %s is contained in the attribute %s in DN %s.\n" 8304,1,"The value %s is not contained in the attribute %s in DN %s.\n" 8305,1,"usage: %s [options] -b basedn -a attrname -v attrvalue\n" 8306,1,"where:\n" 8307,1," basedn base dn for compare\n" 8308,1," attrname assertion attribute\n" 8309,1," attrvalue assertion value\n" 8310,1,"options:\n" 8311,1," -D binddn bind DN\n" 8312,1," -w passwd bind password (for simple authentication)\n" 8313,1," -h host LDAP server\n" 8314,1," -p port port on LDAP server\n" 8315,1," -W wurl wallet location for SSL connection(one-way or two-way)\n" 8316,1," -P wpasswd wallet password for SSL connection(one-way or two-way)\n" 8317,1," -U SSLAuth SSL Authentication Mode (\"1\" no-auth,\"2\" one-way,\"3\" two-way)\n" 8318,1," -E charset encoding character set\n" 8319,1," -M send ManageDsaIT control to server\n" 8320,1," -V version version of LDAP protocol\n" 8321,1," -q prompt for simple bind password\n" 8322,1," -Q prompt for SSL wallet password\n" / ldap delete Messages 8400,1," Wrong SSL Authenication Mode Value\n" 8401,1,"%sdeleting entry %s\n" 8402,1,"entry removed\n" 8403,1,"compile with -DLDAP_DEBUG for debugging\n" 8404,1,"Null Wallet or password given\n" 8405,1,"usage: %s [options] dn | -f file\n" 8406,1,"where:\n" 8407,1," dn list of DNs to delete\n" 8408,1," file read DNs to be delete from `file'\n" 8409,1,"options:\n" 8410,1," -D binddn bind DN\n" 8411,1," -w passwd bind password (for simple authentication)\n" 8412,1," -h host LDAP server\n" 8413,1," -p port port on LDAP server\n" 8414,1," -W wurl wallet location for SSL connection(one-way or two-way)\n" 8415,1," -P wpasswd wallet password for SSL connection(one-way or two-way)\n" 8416,1," -U SSLAuth SSL Authentication Mode (\"1\" no-auth,\"2\" one-way,\"3\" two-way)\n" 8417,1," -E charset encoding character set\n" 8418,1," -M send ManageDsaIT control to server\n" 8419,1," -k use Kerberos instead of Simple Password authentication\n" 8420,1," -O refhop set referral hop limit to `refhop'\n" 8421,1," -V version version of LDAP protocol\n" 8422,1," -n print the delete operations but don't actually delete\n" 8423,1," -d level set LDAP debugging level to `level'\n" 8424,1," -v trun in verbose mode (diagnostics to standard output)\n" 8425,1," -q prompt for simple bind password\n" 8426,1," -Q prompt for SSL wallet password\n" / ldap des Messages 8500,1,"%s: internal error %d (%s)\n" 8501,1,"unable to create language handle" 8502,1,"error processing string" /8503,1,"%s\n" / ldap Search Messages 8601,1,"usage: %s [options] filter [attributes...]\nwhere:\n" 8612,1," filter\tRFC-1558 compliant LDAP search filter\n" 8613,1," attributes\twhitespace-separated list of attributes to retrieve\n" 8614,1,"\t\t(if no attribute list is given, all are retrieved)\n" 8615,1,"options:\n" 8616,1," -n\t\tshow what would be done but don't actually search\n" 8617,1," -v\t\trun in verbose mode (diagnostics to standard output)\n" 8618,1," -t\t\twrite values to files in /tmp\n" 8619,1," -u\t\tinclude User Friendly entry names in the output\n" 8620,1," -A\t\tretrieve attribute names only (no values)\n" 8621,1," -B\t\tdo not suppress printing of non-ASCII values\n" 8622,1," -L\t\tprint entries in LDIF format (-B is implied)\n" 8623,1," -R\t\tdo not automatically follow referrals\n" 8624,1," -d level\tset LDAP debugging level to `level'\n" 8625,1," -F sep\tprint `sep' instead of `=' between attribute names and values\n" 8626,1," -S attr\tsort the results by attribute `attr'\n" 8627,1," -f file\tperform sequence of searches listed in `file'\n" 8628,1," -b basedn\tbase dn for search\n" 8629,1," -s scope\tone of base, one, or sub (search scope)\n" 8630,1," -a deref\tone of never, always, search, or find (alias dereferencing)\n" 8631,1," -l time lim\ttime limit (in seconds) for search\n" 8632,1," -z size lim\tsize limit (in entries) for search\n" 8633,1," -D binddn\tbind dn\n" 8634,1," -w passwd\tbind passwd (for simple authentication)\n" 8635,1," -k\t\tuse Kerberos instead of Simple Password authentication\n" 8636,1," -h host\tldap server\n" 8637,1," -p port\tport on ldap server\n" 8638,1," -W Wallet\tWallet location\n" 8639,1," -P Wpasswd\tWallet Password\n" 8640,1," -U SSLAuth\tSSL Authentication Mode\n" 8641,1," -E charset\tCharacter Set Encoding\n" /8641,1,"Error " 8642,1,"compile with -DLDAP_DEBUG for debugging\n" 8643,1,"compile with -DLDAP_REFERRALS for referral support\n" 8644,1,"scope should be base, one, or sub\n" 8645,1,"alias deref should be never, search, find, or always\n" /8646,1,"ldap_open( %s, %d )\n" 8647,1,"Null Wallet or password given\n" 8648,1," Wrong SSL Authenication Mode Value\n" /8649,1," %s\n" 8650,1,"filter pattern: %s\nreturning: " /8651,1,"ALL" /8652,1,"%s " 8653,1,"filter is: (%s)\n" 8654,1,"%d matches\n" /8655,1,"%s%s%s\n" 8656,1," -X\t\tprint entries in XML format \n" / ldap Monitor Messages 8701,1,"Memory Allocation Failed.\n" 8702,1,"NLS_LANG not set in environment.\n" 8703,1,"Please set NLS_LANG to the appropriate AL32UTF8 character set.\n" 8704,1,"Terminating exisiting Monitor Process...\n" 8705,1,"Starting the Monitor process.\n\n" 8706,1,"Fork Failed\n" 8707,1,"Monitor Process Terminated\n\n" 8708,1,"No such Process!!\n" 8709,1,"The Monitor Process is not running.\n" 8710,1,"Could not Disconnect from the Database\n" 8711,1,"Could not free context\n" 8712,1,"No Memory!\n" 8713,1,"Disconnected from the Database\n" 8714,1,"OCI Error: Error code %d\n" /8715,1,"Fork failed.\n" 8716,1,"usage: %s [connect=cc] [host=hostname] [sleep=nn] start | stop\n" 8717,1,"options:\n" 8718,1," connect=cc The tnsname of the database to connect to for start/stop.\n" 8719,1," If connect string is not provided, it set by default to the\n" 8720,1," value of ORACLE_SID environment variable.\n\n" 8721,1," sleep=nn The time interval in seconds at which the Monitor\n" 8722,1," monitors OiD servers. If sleeptime is not provided,\n" 8723,1," it is set by default to 10 seconds.\n\n" 8724,1," start | stop Start or Stop the Monitor.\n" 8725,1,"ORACLE_SID not set in environment\n" 8726,1,"\n\n\n*****Please try Starting the server again.*****\n\n\n" 8727,1,"Please set NLS_LANG to AMERICAN_AMERICA.AL32UTF8 in system env setting and reboot\n" 8728,1," host=hostname Name of the (logical) host.\n" 8729,1," Defaults to hostname where oidmon is started.\n\n" 8730,1,"usage: %s [connect=cc] [host=hostname] [sleep=nn] username=user\n" 8731,1," password=password start | stop\n" 8732,1," username=user oidmon service run as this user instead of \n" 8733,1," Local System Account(Default).\n\n" 8734,1," password=pswd Password of the user.\n\n" 8735,1,"oidmon is already running.\n" 8736,1,"oidmon is not running on the host %s you provided. Do you wish to continue? [N]" 8737,1,"yes" 8738,1,"oidctl: action aborted.\n" 8739,1,"Error accesssing ODS_GUARDIAN table rc = %d error=%s\n" 8740,1,"oidmon: OID is started by OPMN, please use OPMNCTL command to stop OID.\n\n" / ldap OiD Manager Messages 8800,1,"usage: %s connect=cc server=ss instance=nn \n [name=IN] [componentname=CN] [host=hn] \n" 8801,1,"options:\n" 8802,1," connect=cc The tnsname of the database to connect.\n\n" 8803,1," server=ss The name of the OID server.\nserver name is a mandatory argument.\n" 8804,1," Server name must be either oidldapd or oidrepld.\n\n" 8805,1," instance=nn The numerical value of the instance.\n" 8806,1," Instance value is mandatory argument.\n" 8807,1," Instance value MUST be > 0 and <= 100.\n\n" 8808,1," name=in Instance Name to be used(default is inst1)\n\n" 8809,1," componentname=cn Component Name to be used(default is oid1)\n\n" 8810,1," Configset value MUST be >= 0 and <= 1000.\n\n" 8811,1," flags=ff The flags needed ONLY while starting the OID server.\n" 8812,1," If the flags consist of UNIX-style keywords, then,\n" 8813,1," those keyword-value pairs MUST be separted by spaces.\n" 8814,1," Example: flags='-p -debug '\n\n" 8815,1," start | stop | status [-diag] Start or Stop or Status of the OID server.\n-diag option should be used for status option.\n\n" 8816,1," host=hostname Name of the (logical) host,\n" 8817,1," where OID server to be started/stopped.\n\n" 8818,1," [flags=ff] \n" 8819,1," Process oidmon is alive as PID = %d \n" 8820,1," Process oidmon is not running\n" 8821,1," Process oidldapd (dispatcher) is alive as PID = %d\n" 8822,1," Process oidldapd is not running\n" 8823,1," Process oidrepld is alive as PID = %d\n" 8824,1," Process oidrepld is not running\n" 8825,1," Process odisrv is alive as PID = %d\n" 8826,1," Process odisrv is not running\n" 8827,1,"oidctl:Waiting for oidmon to start %s (instance=%d)\n" 8828,1,"oidctl:oidmon is not running on host=%s, componentName=%s instanceName=%s\nWaiting for a few seconds... \n" 8829,1,"oidctl:oidmon is up and running on %s\n" 8830,1,"oidctl:Waiting for oidmon to stop %s (instance=%d) pid=%d\n" 8831,1,"oidctl:Started %s (instance=%d) with PID : %d successfully\n\n" 8832,1,"oidctl:Stopped %s (instance=%d) successfully\n\n" 8833,1,"\noidctl:Checking Oracle Internet Directory Processes ...\n\n" 8834,1," oidldapd (server) is alive as PID = %d\n" 8835,1," oidldapd (server) is not running\n" 8836,1,"\n Checking %s instance %d ...\n" 8837,1," Instance is shutdown\n" 8838,1," Instance is being stopped\n" 8839,1," Instance is starting\n" 8840,1," Instance is failed over to %s host\n" 8841,1,"\n %s instance is not configured\n" 8842,1," Process oidldapd (dispatcher) is alive as PID = %d port=%d sslport=%d\n" 8843,1," Process oidldapd (dispatcher) is alive as PID = %d port=%d\n" 8844,1," Process oidldapd (dispatcher) is alive as PID = %d sslport=%d\n" 8845,1," name=IN Name of the instance to be used(default is inst1).\n\n" 8846,1," componentname=CN Name of the component to be used(default is oid1).\n\n" 8847,1," OIDMON instanceName=%s, componentName=%s (PID=%d) is running\n\n" 8848,1," Set environment variable INSTANCE_NAME=%s and COMPONENT_NAME=%s and retry\n\n" 8849,1," OIDMON for the instanceName=%s, componentName=%s is running.\n" 8850,1," OIDMON instanceName=%s, componentName=%s is NOT RUNNING.\n" 8851,1," command:\n" 8852,1," start : Start the server=ss instance=nn [name=IN componentName=CN]\n" 8853,1," stop : Stop the server=ss instance=nn [name=IN componentName=CN]\n" 8854,1," add : Add configuration set entry and start the server instance. \n" 8855,1," delete: Stop the server instance and delete a configuration entry\n" 8856,1," status [-diag]: Status of the running server instances. \n -diag can be used get the diagnostic information for the server instance(s).\n" / ldap Modify Messages 8900,1,"Null Wallet or password given\n" 8901,1," Wrong SSL Authenication Mode Value\n" 8902,1,"%s: invalid format (line %d of entry: %s\n" 8903,1,"%s: skipping change record for entry: %s\n\t(LDAP host/port does not match replica:lines)\n" 8904,1,"%s: unknown %s \"%s\" (line %d of entry: %s)\n" 8905,1,"%s: expecting \"%s:\" but saw \"%s:\" (line %d of entry %s)\n" 8906,1,"%s: expecting \"%s:\" but saw \"%s:\" (line %d of entry %s)\n" 8907,1,"%s: extra lines at end (line %d of entry %s)\n" 8908,1,"%s: missing value on line %d (attr is %s)\n" 8909,1,"do modify ****\n" 8910,1,"%s: no attributes to change or add (entry %s)\n" /8911,1,"\tNOT ASCII (%ld bytes)\n" /8912,1,"\t%s\n" 8913,1,"%sadding new entry %s\n" 8914,1,"%smodifying entry %s\n" 8915,1,"modify complete\n" 8916,1,"%sdeleting entry %s\n" 8917,1,"delete complete" 8918,1,"new RDN: %s (%skeep existing values)\n" 8919,1,"%smodifying rdn of entry %s\n" 8920,1,"modrdn completed\n" 8921,1,"Error while parsing LDIF file\n" 8922,1,"usage: %s [options]\n" 8923,1," list of operations are read from stdin or\n" 8924,1," from the file with -f file option.\n" 8925,1,"options:\n" 8926,1," -D binddn bind DN\n" 8927,1," -w passwd bind password (for simple authentication)\n" 8928,1," -h host LDAP server\n" 8929,1," -p port port on LDAP server\n" 8930,1," -W wurl wallet location for SSL connection(one-way or two-way)\n" 8931,1," -P wpasswd wallet password for SSL connection(one-way or two-way)\n" 8932,1," -U SSLAuth SSL Authentication Mode (\"1\" no-auth,\"2\" one-way,\"3\" two-way)\n" 8933,1," -f file perform sequence of operations listed in `file'\n" 8934,1," -X dsmlfile perform sequence of operations from xml file `dslmfile'\n" 8935,1," -a changetype is add if `changetype' is missing (default is modify)\n" 8936,1," -r replace values (default is add)\n" 8937,1," -b for binary attrs read values from file specified in attrval\n" 8938,1," -c continous operation (do not stop on error)\n" 8939,1," -F force all changes records to be used\n" 8940,1," -E charset encoding character set\n" 8941,1," -M send ManageDsaIT control to server\n" 8942,1," -k use Kerberos instead of Simple Password authentication\n" 8943,1," -i bind as current user for chasing Referrals\n" 8944,1," -O refhop set referral hop limit to `refhop'\n" 8945,1," -V version version of LDAP protocol\n" 8946,1," -n print the operations but don't actually do them\n" 8947,1," -d level set LDAP debugging level to `level'\n" 8948,1," -o logfile log messages will be written to `logfile'\n" 8949,1," -v trun in verbose mode (diagnostics to standard output)\n" / ldap Modify DN Messages 8950,1,"Part of the DN that matches an existing entry: %s\n" 8951,1,"%s renamed successfully.\n" 8952,1,"usage: %s [options]\nwhere:\n" 8953,1,"options:\n" 8954,1," -D binddn\tbind dn\n" 8955,1," -w passwd\tbind passwd (for simple authentication)\n" 8956,1," -b basedn (dn of the entry to be moved)\n" 8957,1," -R newrdn (new rdn)\n" 8958,1," -N new parentDN (dn of the parent where this has to be moved)\n" 8959,1," -r delete old rdn (if specified removes old rdn )\n" 8960,1," -k\t\tuse Kerberos instead of Simple Password authentication\n" 8961,1," -h host\tldap server\n" 8962,1," -p port\tport on ldap server\n" 8963,1," -W Wallet\tWallet location\n" 8964,1," -P Wpasswd\tWallet Password\n" 8965,1," -U SSLAuth\tSSL Authentication Mode\n" 8966,1," -E character set encoding\n" 8967,1,"Cannot rename entry to super user." / ldap Modify messages 8980,1," -q prompt for simple bind password\n" 8981,1," -Q prompt for SSL wallet password\n" 8982,1,"XML Parser initialization failed\n" / s0gslsrv Messages / usage message consists of messages 9000, 9001, 9002 9000,1,"usage:\n oidldapd\t[connect=]\n\t\t[port=]\n\t\t[instance=]\n" 9001,1,"\t\t[configset=]\n\t\t[version]\n Unique abbreviations of any parameters are accepted.\n" 9002,1," Parameter names may be optionally preceeded with a dash (-)\n" / LDAP Server main function Messages 9050,1,"usage: %s connect= flags=\"[-d debuglevel] [-p portnumber]\"\n" 9051,1,"Could not initialize NLS Context Exiting...\n" 9052,1,"Could not initialize SLTS Context. Result code = %ld\n" 9053,1,"Could not initialize OiD LDAP Server. Result code = %ld\n" 9054,1,"Failed to get Oracle core context. Program exiting.\n" 9055,1,"Failed to read replication configuration. Program exiting.\n" 9056,1,"No replication agreement to be processed. replication server exits.\n" 9057,1,"usage: %s flags=\"[options]\"\n" 9058,1,"options:\n" 9059,1," -h host\t\tldap server\n" 9060,1," -p port\t\tport on ldap server\n" 9061,1," -d level\t\tset LDAP debugging level to `level'\n" 9062,1," -m [true/false]\tset multi-master to true or false. Defaulted to true.\n" 9063,1,"Problem in opening the log file. Check $ORACLE_HOME/ldap/log. \n" 9064,1," -i instance\t\tinstance on ldap server\n" 9065,1,"usage: %s flags=\"[options]\"\n" 9066,1,"options:\n" 9067,1," -ihome ihome\t\tinstance home\n" 9068,1," -oidname oidname\t\tOID component name\n" 9069,1," -dbhost dbhost\t\tDB host name\n" 9070,1," -dbport dbport\t\tDB port\n" 9071,1," -dbsvcname dbsvcname\tDB service name\n" 9072,1," -oldpwd oidpwd\t\tOld DB Password\n" 9073,1," -newpwd newpwd\t\tNew DB Password\n" 9074,1," -mode [short/firstInst/secInst/upgrade]\n" 9075,1," install Mode: short term/first inst/second inst/upgrade\n" 9076,1," <-firstihome firstihome\tFirst Inst's instance home>\n" / s0service Messages 9100,1,"OracleDirectoryService Created \n" 9101,1,"Failed to Open OracleDirectoryService: (0x%02x)\n" 9102,1,"OracleDirectoryService removed \n" 9103,1,"Failed to remove OracleDirectoryService: (0x%02x)\n" 9104,1,"falied to install OracleDirectoryService: (0x%02x)\n" 9105,1,"Falied to access OracleDirectoryService:(0x%02x)\n" 9106,1,"OracleDirectoryService started \n" 9107,1,"Falied to start OracleDirectoryService: (0x%02x)\n" 9108,1,"Failed to run OracleDirectoryService\n" 9109,1,"Failure:OracleDirectoryService stopped\n" 9110,1,"Failed to access OracleDirectoryService: (0x%02x)\n" 9111,1,"Stopped OracleDirectoryService\n" 9112,1,"failed to stop OracleDirectoryService: (0x%02x)\n" 9113,1," instsrv connect= sleep=