-- Page: complianceDetailiBrowser.jsp
-- Controller: oracle.sysman.eml.ecm.jsp.ComplianceBrowserController
-- kchiasso 09/07/06 - add noscript tag
-- kchiasso 08/14/06 - fix jscript - 5442022
-- sthiruna 07/04/06 - For 'Not Evaluated' status of a Rule
-- kchiasso 04/18/06 - add filter by target
-- kchiasso 04/17/06 - rmv instr; toggle show violations choice
-- kchiasso 01/10/06 - toggle all and viol
-- kchiasso 01/10/06 - handle dynamic resize
-- kchiasso 01/10/06 - Creation
<%@ page contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8"%>
<%@ taglib uri="http://xmlns.oracle.com/uix/ui" prefix="uix"%>
<%@ taglib uri="http://xmlns.oracle.com/oem/jsp/tag" prefix="oem"%>
<%-- Imports --%>
<%@ page import="oracle.sysman.eml.ecm.compliance.ComplianceConstants"%>
<%@ page import="oracle.sysman.eml.ecm.util.table.UIXDataSource" %>
<%@ include file="../../oemTitle.jspf" %>
<%@ include file="../../oemGlobal.jspf" %>
<%-- include iframe consisting of left and right frameset --%>
\" );">