/ Copyright (c) Oracle Corporation 2001. All Rights Reserved. / / ident "%Z%%M% %I% %E%" / / NAME / clstus.msg / DESCRIPTION / Message file for modules common to Cluster Ready Services / NOTES / # CHARACTER_SET_NAME=American_America.US7ASCII / / MODIFIED / gdyoung 08/22/03 - gdyoung_3081231 / gdyoung 08/21/03 - renaming from CLS to CLST / gdyoung 08/12/03 - gdyoung_messages / gdyoung 08/12/03 - errors_us review comments / gdyoung 08/06/03 - crsuser messages / gdyoung 08/06/03 - review comments / gdyoung 08/01/03 - Created / / Message number ranges: / 1xxx: clscfg informational messages / 2xxx: clscfg error messages / / Messages 1xxx: clscfg informational messages / / Message sub-ranges: 1xxx / 11xx: initial install messages (cluster and non-cluster install) / 12xx: node addition messages / 13xx: node deletion messages / 14xx: Cluster Synchronization Service messages / 15xx: Oracle Cluster Repository messages / 16xx: Oracle Event Monitor messages / 17xx: Cluster Ready Services Daemon messages / 19xx: general services messages / / Messages 2xxx: clscfg error messages / / Message sub-ranges: 2xxx / 21xx: initial install messages (cluster and non-cluster install) / 22xx: node addition messages / 23xx: node deletion messages / 24xx: Cluster Synchronization Service messages / 25xx: Oracle Cluster Repository messages / 26xx: Oracle Event Monitor messages / 27xx: Cluster Ready Services Daemon messages / 29xx: general services messages / / Messages 31xx: crsuser informational messages / / Messages 32xx: crsuser error messages / 1101, 0, "assigning default private interconnect name %s for node %s" // *Cause: A private interconnect name was not specified. The node name // was used as a default instead. // *Action: Verify that the node name refers to IP addresses on the // private interconnect. Using a non-private network can cause // performance and stability issues. 1102, 0, "assigning default host name %s for node %s" // *Cause: A host name for the node was not specified. The node name was // used as a default instead. // *Action: If the node name is not equal to the host name, the host // name must be supplied to clscfg. Failure to do so will cause // the Cluster Ready Services daemons not to function. 1103, 0, "existing configuration version (%s) detected" // *Cause: An existing configuration was detected. // *Action: Informational message only. No action is required. // clscfg will not modify the existing configuration // unless explicitly requested with the -force flag. 1104, 0, "successfully determined required configuration for all components" // *Cause: clscfg was able to determine the proper configuration requirements. // *Action: Informational message only. No action is required. // clscfg will attempt to write the configuration next. 1105, 0, "An existing configuration was detected. It was not overwritten." // *Cause: An existing configuration was detected, and clscfg chose not to // overwrite it. // *Action: This message may be ignored if it is seen as part of starting // any node other than the first one. The -force option can be // used to override this decision, but if it is used when there are // active cluster members, failure CLSS-0101 and data integrity // issues are likely. / 1301, 0, "successfully deleted %s of %s configuration values" // *Cause: clscfg completed a portion of the delete operation. // *Action: Informational message only. No action is required. // If some of the values were not deleted, another // error message should be visible with more information. 1302, 0, "successfully deleted %s of %s configuration keys" // *Cause: clscfg completed a portion of the delete operation. // *Action: Informational message only. No action is required. // If some of the keys were not deleted, another // error message should be visible with more information. 1303, 0, "successfully rolled back delete operation" // *Cause: The delete node operation failed, but the configuration was // properly restored to its original state. // *Action: Informational message only. No action is required. 1304, 0, "node deletion successful" // *Cause: The delete node operation succeeded. // *Action: Informational message only. No action is required. / 1401, 0, "formatting voting device: %s" // *Cause: clscfg started formatting the voting device. // *Action: Informational message only. No action is required. / 1501, 0, "tried to delete key %s but it was not there" // *Cause: clscfg attempted to delete a key as part of a delete operation, // but it had already been deleted. // *Action: Informational message only. No action is required. // This might be an indication of corrupted configuration, // or a previous delete operation that did not complete. / 1901, 0, "configuring TCP ports %s, %s, %s, and %s" // *Cause: The specified ports were configured for use with the Cluster // Ready Services Daemons. // *Action: Informational message only. No action is required. // To change the ports used, specify 4 alternate // ports with "-t". Example: -t 1001,1002,1003,1004 1902, 0, "configuring node: node number %s, node name %s" // *Cause: This node configuration was requested. // *Action: Informational message only. No action is required. To alter // the list of nodes re-run the install and specify a different // set of nodes, or make use of the add and delete node install // options after the current install is complete. 1903, 0, "configuring node: host name %s, private interconnect name %s" // *Cause: This node configuration was requested. // *Action: Informational message only. No action is required. To alter // the list of nodes re-run the install and specify a different // set of nodes, or make use of the add and delete node install // options after the current install is complete. 1904, 0, "creating configuration with user (%s) and group (%s)" // *Cause: The configuration was set up with the specified user and group. // *Action: Informational message only. No action is required. Some // configuration information will only be accessible to members // of the specified group. // Note: On Windows platforms the group may be blank. 1999, 0, "Warning: -force specified. Overwriting existing configuration." // *Cause: The -force parameter was supplied. // *Action: The -force parameter will cause clscfg to overwrite the existing // configuration. If used while a Cluster Ready Services cluster // is actively running, this can cause instability and data // integrity exposures. / / Messages 2xxx: clscfg error messages / / Message sub-ranges: 2xxx / 21xx: initial install messages (cluster and non-cluster install) / 22xx: node addition messages / 23xx: node deletion messages / 24xx: Cluster Synchronization Service messages / 25xx: Oracle Cluster Repository messages / 26xx: Oracle Event Monitor messages / 27xx: Cluster Ready Services Daemon messages / 29xx: general services messages / 2101, 1, "Too many nodes were specified. limit is %s" // *Cause: Too many nodes were specified on command line. // *Action: Retry the operation with a smaller number of simultaneous // changes. 2102, 1, "Node %s specified is out of range. Maximum node number is %s." // *Cause: A node was specified with node number out of range. // *Action: Retry the operation with a smaller node number. 2103, 1, "Unable to parse TCP port options specified." // *Cause: Arguments to the -t flag were not valid port numbers, or // some number other than 4 ports were supplied. // *Action: Correct the arguments to the -t flag and rerun the operation. 2104, 1, "TCP port %s is out of bounds." // *Cause: The TCP port specified was not a valid port number. // *Action: Specify an another port. Usually TCP ports need to be between // 1001 and 65,535. 2105, 1, "missing required parameter -l with language ID information" // *Cause: The -l parameter was required for the requested operation. // *Action: Supply the -l parameter with the proper language ID. 2106, 1, "missing required parameter -o with path to ORA_CRS_HOME" // *Cause: The -o parameter was required for the requested operation. // *Action: Supply the -o parameter with the proper path. 2107, 1, "failure configuring component %s" // *Cause: The Oracle Cluster Repository configuration for the specified // component was unsuccessful. // *Action: Look for other error information and contact Oracle support. 2108, 1, "missing required parameter -q with path to the voting device" // *Cause: The -q parameter was required for the requested operation. // *Action: Supply the -q parameter with a valid path for the voting // device. 2109, 1, "missing required parameter -c with a cluster name" // *Cause: The -c parameter was required for the requested operation. // *Action: Supply the -c parameter with a name for the cluster. 2110, 1, "missing required parameter -nn with the list of nodenames" // *Cause: The -nn parameter was required for the requested operation. // *Action: Supply a list of node names with the format: // nodenameA,nodenumA,nodenameB,nodenumB,... / 2201, 1, "node %s already exists in the configuration with node number %s" // *Cause: A node name specified for the add node operation conflicted with // the existing configuration. // *Action: Choose an alternate node to add to the cluster, or give the // new node a unique name, or delete the previous node, then retry. 2202, 1, "private interconnect name %s is already assigned to node number %s" // *Cause: The private interconnect name specified for the add node operation // conflicted with the existing configuration. // *Action: Choose an alternate node to add to the cluster, or give the // new node a unique name, or delete the previous node, then retry. 2203, 1, "Host name %s is already assigned to node number %s." // *Cause: The host name specified for the add node operation conflicted // with the existing configuration. // *Action: Choose an alternate node to add to the cluster, or give the // new node a unique name, or delete the previous node, then retry. 2204, 1, "Node number %s is already assigned to node %s." // *Cause: The node number specified for the add node operation conflicted // with the existing configuration. // *Action: Chose an alternate node to add to the cluster, or give the // new node a unique node number, or delete the previous node, // then retry. / 2301, 1, "failure %s validating configuration of node %s" // *Cause: clscfg was unable to validate existing configuration of the // specified node. // *Action: Validate the integrity of the Cluster Ready Services install // on the local node, or choose another node to delete. 2302, 1, "failure %s validating configuration of private interconnect name %s" // *Cause: clscfg was unable to validate existing configuration of the // specified node. // *Action: Validate the integrity of the Cluster Ready Services install // on the local node, or choose another node to delete. 2303, 1, "failure %s validating configuration of node with host name %s" // *Cause: clscfg was unable to validate existing configuration of the // specified node. // *Action: Validate the integrity of the Cluster Ready Services install // on the local node, or choose another node to delete. 2304, 1, "node name %s for node %s does not match existing node name %s" // *Cause: The node name specified in a delete operation did not match // the existing configuration. // *Action: Specify the correct information describing the node you intend // to delete, then retry. 2305, 1, "node number %s for node %s does not match existing node number %s" // *Cause: The node number specified in a delete operation did not match // the existing configuration. // *Action: Specify the correct information describing the node you intend // to delete, then retry. 2306, 1, "private interconnect name %s for node %s does not match %s" // *Cause: The private interconnect name specified in a delete operation did // not match the existing configuration. // *Action: Specify the correct information describing the node you intend // to delete, then retry. 2307, 1, "host name %s for node %s does not match existing host name %s" // *Cause: The host name specified in a delete operation did not match // the existing configuration. // *Action: Specify the correct information describing the node you intend // to delete, then retry. 2308, 1, "concurrent node deletion suspected when deleting key %s" // *Cause: A key being deleted by the current operation was deleted by // another process during the small amount of time between opening // it for deletion and actually deleting it. An attempt to execute // multiple separate delete operations may have occurred, and may // have corrupted the configuration. // *Action: Verify the integrity of the Oracle Cluster Repository, and // restore from backup if necessary. If only one clscfg process // was active on the cluster this may be ignored. 2309, 1, "failure updating the configuration in node deletion" // *Cause: clscfg was unable to modify the existing configuration for node // deletion. The existing configuration was probably not harmed. // *Action: Verify the integrity of the Cluster Ready Services install // on the local node, and retry. 2310, 1, "CSS daemon refused node deletion, status %s. attempting rollback" // *Cause: Cluster Synchronization Services daemon refused the node deletion. // *Action: One or more of the designated nodes may still be active. clscfg // will now attempt to roll back the deletion process. The Cluster // Ready Services daemons must be shut down on a node before any // attempt to remove them from the configuration. More information // on why the attempt was refused may be available in the Cluster // Synchronization Service logfile. 2311, 1, "failure rolling back node deletion. configuration irrecoverable" // *Cause: clscfg attempted to roll back the deletion process after a // failure and was unable to do so. Configuration was partially // deleted and left in an inconsistent state. // *Action: Shut down the cluster and restore the Oracle Cluster Repository // from backup. 2312, 1, "failed to completely delete node configuration" // *Cause: The node deletion was mostly successful, and should be functional // in this state. Some portions of the configuration were not // successfully deleted. // *Action: This can be ignored. The safer choice is to restore the Oracle // Cluster Repository from backup, and attempt the delete again. // Adding any of the deleted nodes back to the configuration in the // future may fail if this is ignored. / 2401, 1, "failure %s querying maximum configurable node number" // *Cause: clscfg was unable to determine the legitimate range of node // numbers. // *Action: Verify the integrity of the Cluster Ready Services install // on the local node. 2402, 1, "failure %s querying existing configured node list" // *Cause: clscfg was unable to retrieve the list of currently configured // nodes. // *Action: Verify the integrity of the Cluster Ready Services install // on the local node. 2403, 1, "failure %s querying the maximum node name size" // *Cause: clscfg was unable to determine the size of the largest node name. // *Action: Verify the integrity of the Cluster Ready Services install // on the local node. 2404, 1, "failure %s querying the cluster name" // *Cause: clscfg was unable to determine the existing cluster name. // *Action: Verify the integrity of the Cluster Ready Services install // on the local node. 2405, 1, "failure formatting voting device (%s) at [%s] [%s] [%s]" // *Cause: clscfg failed to format the voting device. // *Action: Verify the path and permissions set on the voting device. / 2501, 1, "failure %s opening configuration for write operation" // *Cause: clscfg was attempting to open the current configuration // for write access. // *Action: Verify the integrity of the Oracle Cluster Repository. // Shut down the cluster and restore OCR from backup if necessary. 2502, 1, "failure %s writing new configuration" // *Cause: clscfg was attempting to write new configuration data. // *Action: Verify the integrity of the Oracle Cluster Repository. // Shut down the cluster and restore OCR from backup if necessary. 2503, 1, "failure %s opening configuration for delete operation" // *Cause: clscfg received an error while attempting to delete // part of the existing configuration. // *Action: Verify the integrity of the Oracle Cluster Repository. // Shut down the cluster and restore OCR from backup if necessary. 2504, 1, "failure %s writing configuration to disk" // *Cause: clscfg received a failure writing information to the Oracle // Cluster Repository. // *Action: Verify the settings for the Oracle Cluster Repository and retry. / 2901, 1, "The number of Oracle Cluster Repository keys exceeds limit of %s." // *Cause: clscfg ran out of internal space for keys during install. // *Action: Re-run the install and specify a smaller list of nodes. // When that completes, use the add node option to add the // remaining nodes. 2902, 1, "The number of Oracle Cluster Repository keys exceeds limit of %s." // *Cause: clscfg ran out of internal space for keys during delete node. // *Action: Re-run the delete node operation and delete fewer nodes at once. 2903, 1, "unable to allocate %s bytes of memory at location: %s" // *Cause: clscfg was unable to allocate enough memory to service the // request. // *Action: Ensure that the specified amount of memory will be available // and retry the operation. 2904, 1, "failure %s in SCLS API at %s" // *Cause: clscfg was unable to query for information about the system // setup. // *Action: Contact Oracle support with the additional information // printed just after this message. 2905, 1, "add, install, delete, concepts, and local are mutually exclusive" // *Cause: clscfg was run with two different mode flags. All mode flags are // mutually exclusive. // *Action: Correct the command line and try again. 2906, 1, "Clustername should be between 1 and %s letters." // *Cause: cluster name supplied with -c argument was the wrong size. // *Action: Supply an alternate cluster name of an appropriate length. 2907, 1, "unknown parameter %s supplied" // *Cause: An unknown parameter was passed to clscfg. // *Action: Use "clscfg -help" or "clscfg -concepts" for more information. 2908, 1, "unable to determine local hostname" // *Cause: clscfg was unable to determine the local hostname. // *Action: Verify the operating system host name configuration. 2909, 1, "The requested operation requires High Availability privileges." // *Cause: The current user did not have High Availability privileges. // *Action: Log in as a different user and retry the operation. 2910, 1, "Failure %s contacting the CRS daemon." // *Cause: clscfg was unable to communicate with the CRS daemon. // *Action: The requested operation must be performed from an active cluster // node. Validate the pre-existing installation on the local // machine, or perform the operation from another node. 2911, 1, "failure %s contacting the CSS daemon" // *Cause: clscfg was unable to communicate with the CSS daemon. // *Action: The requested operation must be performed from an active cluster // node. Validate the pre-existing installation on the local // machine, or perform the operation from another node. 2999, 1, "Untranslated failure: [%s] [%s] [%s] [%s] [%s] [%s]" // *Cause: A failure with no translation occurred. // *Action: Contact Oracle Customer Support for more information. / / Messages 31xx: crsuser informational messages / / Message sub-ranges: 31xx / 31xx: crsuser informational messages / 3100, 0, "See the documentation for usage information." // *Cause: Incorrect or insufficient arguments were passed to crsuser. // *Action: Read documentation for instructions on how to use this tool. 3101, 0, "Enter the password for user %s." // *Cause: crsuser requires the password to register the user. // *Action: Enter the requested password. 3102, 0, "Operation successful." // *Cause: The operation succeeded. // *Action: None / / Messages 32xx: crsuser error messages / / Message sub-ranges: 32xx / 32xx: crsuser error messages / 3200, 1, "internal error: [%s] [%s] [%s] [%s] [%s]" // *Cause: A failure with no translation occurred. // *Action: Contact Oracle Customer support for more information. 3201, 1, "unexpected argument: %s" // *Cause: crsuser failed to parse the arguments, or an unknown argument // was passed. // *Action: Supply the correct arguments and try again. 3202, 1, "Memory allocation failure for %s bytes." // *Cause: crsuser was unable to allocate memory. // *Action: Free up some system memory and try again. 3203, 1, "insufficient privileges for action: %s" // *Cause: The current user did not have sufficient privileges. // *Action: Log in as another user and try again. /