rem Rem $Header: oc_popul.sql 29-aug-2002.11:45:08 hyeh Exp $ rem rem Copyright (c) 2001, 2002, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved. rem rem Owner : ahunold rem rem NAME rem oc_popul.sql - OC (Online Catalog) subschema of OE Common Schema rem rem DESCRIPTON rem Populates tables rem rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) rem hyeh 08/29/02 - hyeh_mv_comschema_to_rdbms rem gxlee 09/17/01 - categories hierarchy rem gxlee 03/05/01 - substituteable object table rem ahunold 01/29/01 - typo rem ahunold 01/09/01 - checkin ADE INSERT INTO categories_tab VALUES (leaf_category_typ('hardware1', 'monitors', 11, CAST(MULTISET(SELECT o.product_id FROM oc_product_information o WHERE o.category_id = 11) as product_ref_list_typ))) ; INSERT INTO categories_tab VALUES (leaf_category_typ('hardware2', 'printers', 12, CAST(MULTISET(SELECT o.product_id FROM oc_product_information o WHERE o.category_id = 12) as product_ref_list_typ))) ; INSERT INTO categories_tab VALUES (leaf_category_typ('hardware3', 'harddisks', 13, CAST(MULTISET(SELECT o.product_id FROM oc_product_information o WHERE o.category_id = 13) as product_ref_list_typ))) ; INSERT INTO categories_tab VALUES (leaf_category_typ('hardware4', 'memory components/upgrades', 14, CAST(MULTISET(SELECT o.product_id FROM oc_product_information o WHERE o.category_id = 14) as product_ref_list_typ))) ; INSERT INTO categories_tab VALUES (leaf_category_typ('hardware5' , 'processors, sound and video cards, network cards, motherboards', 15, CAST(MULTISET(SELECT o.product_id FROM oc_product_information o WHERE o.category_id = 15) as product_ref_list_typ))) ; INSERT INTO categories_tab VALUES (leaf_category_typ('hardware6', 'keyboards, mouses, mouse pads', 16, CAST(MULTISET(SELECT o.product_id FROM oc_product_information o WHERE o.category_id = 16) as product_ref_list_typ))) ; INSERT INTO categories_tab VALUES (leaf_category_typ('hardware7' , 'other peripherals (CD-ROM, DVD, tape cartridge drives, ...)', 17, CAST(MULTISET(SELECT o.product_id FROM oc_product_information o WHERE o.category_id = 17) as product_ref_list_typ))) ; INSERT INTO categories_tab VALUES (leaf_category_typ('hardware8' , 'miscellaneous hardware (cables, screws, power supplies ...)', 19, CAST(MULTISET(SELECT o.product_id FROM oc_product_information o WHERE o.category_id = 19) as product_ref_list_typ))) ; INSERT INTO categories_tab VALUES (leaf_category_typ('software1', 'spreadsheet software', 21, CAST(MULTISET(SELECT o.product_id FROM oc_product_information o WHERE o.category_id = 21) as product_ref_list_typ))) ; INSERT INTO categories_tab VALUES (leaf_category_typ('software2', 'word processing software', 22, CAST(MULTISET(SELECT o.product_id FROM oc_product_information o WHERE o.category_id = 22) as product_ref_list_typ))) ; INSERT INTO categories_tab VALUES (leaf_category_typ('software3', 'database software', 23, CAST(MULTISET(SELECT o.product_id FROM oc_product_information o WHERE o.category_id = 23) as product_ref_list_typ))) ; INSERT INTO categories_tab VALUES (leaf_category_typ('software4', 'operating systems', 24, CAST(MULTISET(SELECT o.product_id FROM oc_product_information o WHERE o.category_id = 24) as product_ref_list_typ))) ; INSERT INTO categories_tab VALUES (leaf_category_typ('software5', 'software development tools (including languages)', 25, CAST(MULTISET(SELECT o.product_id FROM oc_product_information o WHERE o.category_id = 25) as product_ref_list_typ))) ; INSERT INTO categories_tab VALUES (leaf_category_typ('software6', 'miscellaneous software', 29, CAST(MULTISET(SELECT o.product_id FROM oc_product_information o WHERE o.category_id = 29) as product_ref_list_typ))) ; INSERT INTO categories_tab VALUES (leaf_category_typ('office1', 'capitalizable assets (desks, chairs, phones ...)', 31, CAST(MULTISET(SELECT o.product_id FROM oc_product_information o WHERE o.category_id = 31) as product_ref_list_typ))) ; INSERT INTO categories_tab VALUES (leaf_category_typ('office2' , 'office supplies for daily use (pencils, erasers, staples, ...)', 32, CAST(MULTISET(SELECT o.product_id FROM oc_product_information o WHERE o.category_id = 32) as product_ref_list_typ))) ; INSERT INTO categories_tab VALUES (leaf_category_typ('office3', 'manuals, other books', 33, CAST(MULTISET(SELECT o.product_id FROM oc_product_information o WHERE o.category_id = 33) as product_ref_list_typ))) ; INSERT INTO categories_tab VALUES (leaf_category_typ('office4', 'miscellaneous office supplies', 39, CAST(MULTISET(SELECT o.product_id FROM oc_product_information o WHERE o.category_id = 39) as product_ref_list_typ))) ; INSERT INTO categories_tab VALUES (composite_category_typ('hardware', 'computer hardware and peripherals', 10, CAST(MULTISET(SELECT REF(g) FROM categories_tab g WHERE g.category_id IN (11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19)) as subcategory_ref_list_typ))); INSERT INTO categories_tab VALUES (composite_category_typ('software', 'computer software', 20, CAST(MULTISET(SELECT REF(g) FROM categories_tab g WHERE g.category_id IN (21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 29)) as subcategory_ref_list_typ))); INSERT INTO categories_tab VALUES (composite_category_typ('office equipment', 'office furniture and supplies', 30, CAST(MULTISET(SELECT REF(g) FROM categories_tab g WHERE g.category_id IN (31, 32, 33, 39)) as subcategory_ref_list_typ))); INSERT INTO categories_tab VALUES (catalog_typ('online catalog' , 'catalog of computer hardware, software, and office equipment' , 90, CAST(MULTISET(SELECT REF(g) FROM categories_tab g WHERE g.category_id IN (10, 20, 30)) as subcategory_ref_list_typ))); ALTER TYPE category_typ ADD ATTRIBUTE (parent_category_id number(2)) CASCADE; UPDATE categories_tab SET parent_category_id = 90 WHERE category_id IN (10, 20, 30); UPDATE categories_tab SET parent_category_id = 10 WHERE category_id IN (11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19); UPDATE categories_tab SET parent_category_id = 20 WHERE category_id IN (21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 29); UPDATE categories_tab SET parent_category_id = 30 WHERE category_id IN (31, 32, 33, 39); COMMIT; ALTER TYPE catalog_typ COMPILE BODY; ALTER TYPE composite_category_typ COMPILE BODY; ALTER TYPE leaf_category_typ COMPILE BODY;