Rem Rem $Header: coe_xml.sql 25-feb-2005.12:38:42 cbauwens Exp $ Rem Rem coe_xml.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2002, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem coe_xml.sql - Create XML DB data for user OE Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem Create XML DB data for user OE Rem Rem NOTES Rem . Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem cbauwens 02/24/05 - drop 2 more xdb objects after xml schema creation Rem cbauwens 08/04/04 - drop xdb packages after xml schema creation Rem cbauwens 03/16/04 - enhanced xml shema Rem cbauwens 12/23/03 - Rem cbauwens 10/28/03 - set nls_numeric_characters Rem ahunold 02/13/03 - typo: REFERENCE_IS_UNQIUE Rem ahunold 10/12/02 - revoke ANY DIRECTORY privilege when done Rem ahunold 10/07/02 - Created Rem PROMPT PROMPT specify password for OE as parameter 1: DEFINE pass_oe = &1 PROMPT PROMPT PROMPT password for SYS as parameter 2: DEFINE pass_sys = &2 PROMPT -- -- CONNECT as SYS. Add roles AND privileges to OE. -- CONNECT sys/&pass_sys AS SYSDBA; GRANT xdbadmin TO oe; GRANT create any directory TO oe; GRANT drop any directory TO oe; GRANT alter session TO oe; -- Create stored objects @?/demo/schema/order_entry/xdbSupport -- Create directory object, instantiated by @?/demo/schema/order_entry/createUser CONNECT oe/&pass_oe; -- -- set . and , as decimal point and thousand separator for the session -- as the unit prices are hard coded, which might cause NLS issues -- ALTER SESSION SET NLS_NUMERIC_CHARACTERS='.,'; -- Create folders and load @?/demo/schema/order_entry/xdb03usg -- -- CONNECT as SYS. Revoke "ANY" privs -- CONNECT sys/&pass_sys AS SYSDBA; REVOKE create any directory FROM oe; REVOKE drop any directory FROM oe; REVOKE alter session FROM oe; DROP PACKAGE xdb.xdb_configuration; DROP PACKAGE xdb.xdb_namespaces; DROP PACKAGE xdb.xdb_dom_helper; DROP PACKAGE xdb.xdb_utilities; DROP PACKAGE xdb.xdb_tools; DROP TRIGGER xdb.no_dml_operations_allowed; DROP VIEW xdb.database_summary; CONNECT oe/&&pass_oe;