rem rem Copyright (c) 2002, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. rem All rights reserved. rem rem NAME rem drvdoc.pkh - DR inVoker's rights DOC services rem rem DESCRIPTION rem functions called by ConText cartridge routines to perform rem document services helper functionalities rem rem NOTES rem rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) rem gauryada 05/31/11 - Backport snippet support for result set rem interface rem rpalakod 08/17/09 - Backport rpalakod_bug-8440319 from main rem wclin 12/06/06 - clob query support rem daliao 06/18/04 - kwic document service rem gkaminag 07/22/02 - gkaminag_security_phase2_020620 rem gkaminag 07/19/02 - creation create or replace package drvdoc authid current_user as /*------------------------------- get_rowid ------------------------------*/ /* translates a primary key string into a rowid */ FUNCTION get_rowid ( p_idx in dr_def.idx_rec, p_textkey in varchar2 ) RETURN VARCHAR2; /*--------------------------- restab_chk ------------------------------*/ /* various checks on result tables */ PROCEDURE restab_chk ( query_id in number, restab in varchar2, resout in out nocopy varchar2 ); /*--------------------------- reslob_chk ------------------------------*/ /* various checks on result lob */ PROCEDURE reslob_chk ( reslob in out nocopy clob ); /*--------------------------- gist_options ----------------------------*/ /* set gist options */ PROCEDURE gist_options( glvl in varchar2, pov in varchar2, forcepov in boolean, numpar in number, maxpct in number, numthm in number ); /*--------------------------- theme_options ----------------------------*/ /* set theme options */ PROCEDURE theme_options( full_themes in boolean, num_themes in number ); /*------------------------------- ling_request ---------------------------*/ /* performs a linguistic request -- common code to themes and gist */ PROCEDURE ling_request ( index_name in varchar2, textkey in varchar2, inmem in boolean, direct in boolean, reslob in out nocopy clob, use_saved_copy in number ); /*---------------------- token_request ---------------------------------*/ /* do a tokens call */ PROCEDURE token_request ( index_name in varchar2, textkey in varchar2, inmem in boolean, direct in boolean, use_saved_copy in number ); /*---------------------- stems_request ---------------------------------*/ /* do a stems call */ PROCEDURE stems_request ( index_name in varchar2 ); /*---------------------- noun_phrases_request ---------------------------------*/ /* do a noun phrase extraction call */ PROCEDURE noun_phrases_request ( index_name in varchar2 ); /*---------------------- languages_request ---------------------------------*/ /* do a language[s] extraction call */ PROCEDURE languages_request ( index_name in varchar2 ); /*---------------------- part_of_speech_request ---------------------------------*/ /* do a part_of_speech extraction call */ PROCEDURE part_of_speech_request ( index_name in varchar2, disambiguate_tags in boolean ); /*--------------------------- markup_options ----------------------------*/ /* check and set markup options */ PROCEDURE markup_options( plaintext in boolean, tagset in varchar2, starttag in varchar2, endtag in varchar2, prevtag in varchar2, nexttag in varchar2 ); /*---------------------- concordance_options ----------------------------*/ /* check and set concordance options */ PROCEDURE concordance_options( starttag IN VARCHAR2, endtag IN VARCHAR2, entity_translation IN BOOLEAN, kwicradius IN NUMBER, max_length IN NUMBER, separator IN VARCHAR2 ); /*--------------------------- highlight_options ----------------------------*/ /* check and set highlight options */ PROCEDURE highlight_options( plaintext in boolean ); /*--------------------------- filter_options ----------------------------*/ /* check and set filter options */ PROCEDURE filter_options( plaintext in boolean ); /*--------------------------- highlight_request ----------------------------*/ /* common code to markup, highlight, filter */ procedure highlight_request ( index_name in varchar2, textkey in varchar2, query in varchar2, query_clob in clob, inmem in boolean, direct in boolean, reslob in out nocopy clob, use_saved_copy in number ); end drvdoc; /