rem rem Copyright (c) 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999 by Oracle Corporation rem NAME rem dr0thes.pkh - Spec for ConText Option external thesaurus package rem DESCRIPTION rem This contains the interface to the external thesaurus procedures rem rem RETURNS rem rem NOTES rem rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) rem hsarkar 12/04/10 - Backport hsarkar_blr_backport_10211776_11. rem from st_ctx_11.2.0 rem ehuang 03/30/00 - add has_relation rem ehuang 12/01/99 - add translation calls rem ehuang 04/21/99 - add maintenance api rem gkaminag 04/14/99 - pl/sql table thesaurus expansion rem ehuang 08/05/98 - add TR, TRSYN rem gkaminag 07/13/98 - remove unused functions rem gkaminag 05/22/97 - procedure style rem gkaminag 03/17/97 - add output style rem gkaminag 03/11/97 - case-sensitive, bti/nti rem yucheng 12/10/96 - creation CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE ctx_thes AS type exp_rec is record ( xrel varchar2(12), xlevel number, xphrase varchar2(256) ); type exp_tab is table of exp_rec index by binary_integer; -- public constants OP_RENAME constant varchar2(6) := 'RENAME'; OP_TRUNCATE constant varchar2(8) := 'TRUNCATE'; OP_PT constant varchar2(2) := 'PT'; OP_SN constant varchar2(2) := 'SN'; /*========================================================================*/ /* Thesaurus Maintenance Functions */ /*========================================================================*/ /*--------------------------- create_thesaurus ---------------------------*/ /* NAME create_thesaurus - create a new thesaurus DESCRIPTION This procedure creates a new thesaurus with the indicated name ARGUMENTS name -- the new thesaurus name casesens -- case-sensitive NOTES error if the thesaurus already exists Only ctxsys or user with ctxapp role can use this RETURN */ procedure create_thesaurus( name in varchar2 , casesens in boolean default false ); /*--------------------------- drop_thesaurus ---------------------------*/ /* NAME drop_thesaurus - drop a thesaurus DESCRIPTION This procedure drops an existing thesaurus with the indicated name ARGUMENTS name -- the thesaurus name NOTES error if the thesaurus already exists Only ctxsys or thesaurus owner should be able to drop a thesaurus RETURN */ procedure drop_thesaurus(name in varchar2); /*--------------------------- alter_thesaurus ---------------------------*/ /* NAME alter_thesaurus -- alter an existing thesaurus DESCRIPTION This procedure rename or truncate a thesaurus. ARGUMENTS tname -- thesaurus name op -- alter operation, one of 'RENAME' or 'TRUNCATE' operand -- argument to the alter operation RENAME new thesaurus name TRUNCATE null NOTES Only thesaurus owner and ctxsys are allowed to invoke this function on a given thesaurus RETURN */ procedure alter_thesaurus(tname in varchar2, op in varchar2, operand in varchar2 default null); /*--------------------------- import_thesaurus ---------------------------*/ /* NAME import_thesaurus -- imports thesaurus DESCRIPTION This procedure loads a thesaurus ARGUMENTS name -- thesaurus name data -- thesaurus data casesens -- 'Y' for case sensitive, 'N' for case-insensitive NOTES Only thesaurus owner and ctxsys are allowed to invoke this function on a given thesaurus RETURN */ procedure import_thesaurus(name in varchar2, data in clob, casesens in varchar2 default 'N'); /*--------------------------- export_thesaurus ---------------------------*/ /* NAME export_thesaurus -- exports thesaurus DESCRIPTION This procedure dumps thesaurus to a clob ARGUMENTS name -- thesaurus name thesdump -- result lob NOTES Only thesaurus owner and ctxsys are allowed to invoke this function on a given thesaurus RETURN */ procedure export_thesaurus (name in varchar2, thesdump in out nocopy clob); /*--------------------------- create_phrase -----------------------------*/ /* NAME create_phrase -- add a phrase to a thesaurus DESCRIPTION This procedure adds a phrase to the thesaurus ARGUMENTS tname -- thesaurus name phrase -- phrase to add rel -- DEPRECATED relname -- DEPRECATED NOTES no error if the information already exists. Only ctxsys or user with ctxapp role can use this REL and RELNAME arguments are deprecated -- use create_relation instead. RETURN */ procedure create_phrase(tname in varchar2, phrase in varchar2, rel in varchar2 default null, relname in varchar2 default null); /*--------------------------- drop_phrase -----------------------------*/ /* NAME drop_phrase -- drop a phrase from a thesaurus DESCRIPTION This procedure drops a phrase from the thesaurus ARGUMENTS tname -- thesaurus name phrase -- phrase to drop NOTES BT* / NT* relations are patched around the dropped phrase RETURN */ procedure drop_phrase(tname in varchar2, phrase in varchar2); /*--------------------------- alter_phrase -----------------------------*/ /* NAME alter_phrase -- alter an existing phrase in a thesaurus DESCRIPTION This procedure alters a phrase in a thesaurus. ARGUMENTS tname -- thesaurus name phrase -- phrase to alter op -- alter operation. should be one of 'RENAME', 'PT' ,'SN' operand -- argument to the alter operation PT null RENAME new phrase name SN new scope note NOTES Only ctxsys or thesaurus owner can alter a phrase RETURN */ procedure alter_phrase(tname in varchar2, phrase in varchar2, op in varchar2, operand in varchar2 default null); /*--------------------------- create_relation -----------------------------*/ /* NAME create_relation -- create a relation DESCRIPTION This procedure creates a relation between two phrases ARGUMENTS tname -- thesaurus name phrase -- the filing phrase rel -- relation to create relphrase -- the related phrase NOTES Only ctxsys or thesaurus owner can create a relation if either phrase or relphrase do not exist, they are created as part of this call. phrase is the filing phrase and relphrase is the related phrase, so a thesaurus like this: A BT B would be translated as create_phrase('THES', 'A'); create_phrase('THES', 'B'); create_relation('THES','A','BT','B'); RETURN */ procedure create_relation(tname in varchar2, phrase in varchar2, rel in varchar2, relphrase in varchar2); /*--------------------------- drop_relation -----------------------------*/ /* NAME drop_relation -- drop a relation DESCRIPTION This procedure drops a relation between two phrases ARGUMENTS tname -- thesaurus name phrase -- the filing phrase rel -- relation to drop relphrase -- the related phrase NOTES Only ctxsys or thesaurus owner can drop a relation phrase is the filing phrase and relphrase is the related phrase, so a relation like this: A BT B would be dropped as drop_relation('THES','A','BT','B'); this is symmetric with create_relation RETURN */ procedure drop_relation(tname in varchar2, phrase in varchar2, rel in varchar2, relphrase in varchar2 default null); /*-------------------------- create_translation -----------------------------*/ /* NAME create_translation -- create a translation DESCRIPTION This procedure creates a new translation for a phrase ARGUMENTS tname -- thesaurus name phrase -- phrase in the thesaurus to which to add a translation language -- language of the translation translation -- translated term NOTES Only ctxsys or thesaurus owner can create a relation. Phrase must already exist in the thesarus, or an error is raised. If a translation for this phrase for this language already exists, this new translation is added without removing that original translation, so long as that original translation is not the same. RETURN */ procedure create_translation(tname in varchar2, phrase in varchar2, language in varchar2, translation in varchar2); /*-------------------------- drop_translation -----------------------------*/ /* NAME drop_translation -- drop a translation DESCRIPTION This procedure drops one or more translations for a phrase ARGUMENTS tname -- thesaurus name phrase -- phrase in the thesaurus to which to add a translation language -- language of the translation translation -- translated term NOTES Only ctxsys or thesaurus owner can drop a relation. Phrase must already exist in the thesarus, or an error is raised. Language is optional. If not specified, translation must also be not specified, and all translations in all languages for the phrase are removed. An error is raised if the phrase has no translation. RETURN */ procedure drop_translation(tname in varchar2, phrase in varchar2, language in varchar2 default null, translation in varchar2 default null); /*-------------------------- update_translation -----------------------------*/ /* NAME update_translation -- update a translation DESCRIPTION This procedure updates an existing translation ARGUMENTS tname -- thesaurus name phrase -- phrase in the thesaurus to which to add a translation language -- language of the translation translation -- translated term new_translation -- new form of translated term NOTES Only ctxsys or thesaurus owner can update a relation. Phrase must already exist in the thesarus, or an error is raised. Translation can be passed in as NULL if there is only on translation for the specified language for this error. An error will be raised if there is more than one translation for the term in the specified language The translation must already exist, or an error is raised. RETURN */ procedure update_translation(tname in varchar2, phrase in varchar2, language in varchar2, translation in varchar2, new_translation in varchar2); /*========================================================================*/ /* Expansion Functions */ /*========================================================================*/ /*---------------------------- output_style --------------------------------*/ /* NAME output_style DESCRIPTION set the output style for the expansion functions ARGUMENTS showlevel -- show level in bt/nt expansions showqualify -- show phrase qualifiers showpt -- show preferred terms with * showid -- show phrase ids NOTES level is a number then a colon at the start of the phrase pt is an asterisk then a colon at the start of the phrase id is a colon, then the id at the end of the phrase qualify is in parens after a space at the end of the phrase but before id example: preferred term | | phrase | | | | qualifier | | | | | | phraseid | | | | V V V V {*:TURKEY (BIRD):1234} RETURN */ PROCEDURE output_style ( showlevel in boolean default false , showqualify in boolean default false , showpt in boolean default false , showid in boolean default false ); /*-------------------------------- syn ------------------------------------*/ /* NAME syn -- find synonyms of a term DESCRIPTION This procedure finds all synonyms of a term, and returns a string like this: {syn1},{syn2},{syn3} ... ARGUMENTS restab -- result table (for pl/sql table version) phrase -- phrase tname -- thesaurus name (if not specified, system default thes used) RETURN see description */ function syn(phrase in varchar2, tname in varchar2 default 'DEFAULT') return varchar2; procedure syn(restab in out NOCOPY exp_tab, phrase in varchar2, tname in varchar2 default 'DEFAULT'); /*-------------------------------- pt ------------------------------------*/ /* NAME pt -- find preferred term ARGUMENTS restab -- result table (for pl/sql table version) phrase -- phrase tname -- thesaurus name (if not specified, system default used) RETURN expansion */ function pt(phrase in varchar2, tname in varchar2 default 'DEFAULT') return varchar2; procedure pt(restab in out NOCOPY exp_tab, phrase in varchar2, tname in varchar2 default 'DEFAULT'); /*-------------------------------- tt ------------------------------------*/ /* NAME tt -- find top term ARGUMENTS restab -- result table (for pl/sql table version) phrase -- phrase tname -- thesaurus name (if not specified, system default used) RETURN expansion */ function tt(phrase in varchar2, tname in varchar2 default 'DEFAULT') return varchar2; procedure tt(restab in out NOCOPY exp_tab, phrase in varchar2, tname in varchar2 default 'DEFAULT'); /*-------------------------------- rt ------------------------------------*/ /* NAME rt -- find related term ARGUMENTS restab -- result table (for pl/sql table version) phrase -- phrase tname -- thesaurus name (if not specified, system default used) RETURN expansion */ function rt(phrase in varchar2, tname in varchar2 default 'DEFAULT') return varchar2; procedure rt(restab in out NOCOPY exp_tab, phrase in varchar2, tname in varchar2 default 'DEFAULT'); /*-------------------------------- bt ------------------------------------*/ /* NAME bt -- find broader terms of a phrase DESCRIPTION This procedure finds all broader terms of a term, and returns a string like this: {bt1},{bt2},{bt3} ... ARGUMENTS restab -- result table (for pl/sql table version) phrase -- phrase lvl -- how many levels up (i.e. 2 means get the broader terms of the broader terms of the phrase) tname -- thesaurus name (if not specified, system default thes used) NOTES RETURN see description */ function bt( phrase in varchar2, lvl in number default 1, tname in varchar2 default 'DEFAULT') return varchar2; procedure bt(restab in out NOCOPY exp_tab, phrase in varchar2, lvl in number default 1, tname in varchar2 default 'DEFAULT'); /*-------------------------------- btp ------------------------------------*/ /* NAME btp -- find broader terms (partative) of a phrase DESCRIPTION This procedure finds all broader terms of a term, and returns a string like this: {bt1},{bt2},{bt3} ... ARGUMENTS restab -- result table (for pl/sql table version) phrase -- phrase lvl -- how many levels up (i.e. 2 means get the broader terms of the broader terms of the phrase) tname -- thesaurus name (if not specified, system default thes used) NOTES RETURN see description */ function btp( phrase in varchar2, lvl in number default 1, tname in varchar2 default 'DEFAULT') return varchar2; procedure btp(restab in out NOCOPY exp_tab, phrase in varchar2, lvl in number default 1, tname in varchar2 default 'DEFAULT'); /*-------------------------------- bti ------------------------------------*/ /* NAME bti -- find broader terms (instance) of a phrase DESCRIPTION This procedure finds all broader terms of a term, and returns a string like this: {bt1},{bt2},{bt3} ... ARGUMENTS restab -- result table (for pl/sql table version) phrase -- phrase lvl -- how many levels up (i.e. 2 means get the broader terms of the broader terms of the phrase) tname -- thesaurus name (if not specified, system default thes used) NOTES RETURN see description */ function bti( phrase in varchar2, lvl in number default 1, tname in varchar2 default 'DEFAULT') return varchar2; procedure bti(restab in out NOCOPY exp_tab, phrase in varchar2, lvl in number default 1, tname in varchar2 default 'DEFAULT'); /*-------------------------------- btg ------------------------------------*/ /* NAME btg -- find broader terms (generic) of a phrase DESCRIPTION This procedure finds all broader terms of a term, and returns a string like this: {bt1},{bt2},{bt3} ... ARGUMENTS restab -- result table (for pl/sql table version) phrase -- phrase lvl -- how many levels up (i.e. 2 means get the broader terms of the broader terms of the phrase) tname -- thesaurus name (if not specified, system default thes used) NOTES RETURN see description */ function btg( phrase in varchar2, lvl in number default 1, tname in varchar2 default 'DEFAULT') return varchar2; procedure btg(restab in out NOCOPY exp_tab, phrase in varchar2, lvl in number default 1, tname in varchar2 default 'DEFAULT'); /*-------------------------------- nt ------------------------------------*/ /* NAME nt -- find narrower terms of a phrase DESCRIPTION This procedure finds all narrower terms of a term, and returns a string like this: {nt1},{nt2},{nt3} ... ARGUMENTS restab -- result table (for pl/sql table version) phrase -- phrase lvl -- how many levels down (i.e. 2 means get the narrower terms of the narrower terms of the phrase) tname -- thesaurus name (if not specified, system default thes used) NOTES RETURN see description */ function nt(phrase in varchar2, lvl in number default 1, tname in varchar2 default 'DEFAULT') return varchar2; procedure nt(restab in out NOCOPY exp_tab, phrase in varchar2, lvl in number default 1, tname in varchar2 default 'DEFAULT'); /*-------------------------------- ntp ------------------------------------*/ /* NAME ntp -- find narrower terms (partative) of a phrase DESCRIPTION This procedure finds all narrower terms of a term, and returns a string like this: {nt1},{nt2},{nt3} ... ARGUMENTS restab -- result table (for pl/sql table version) phrase -- phrase lvl -- how many levels down (i.e. 2 means get the narrower terms of the narrower terms of the phrase) tname -- thesaurus name (if not specified, system default thes used) NOTES RETURN see description */ function ntp(phrase in varchar2, lvl in number default 1, tname in varchar2 default 'DEFAULT') return varchar2; procedure ntp(restab in out NOCOPY exp_tab, phrase in varchar2, lvl in number default 1, tname in varchar2 default 'DEFAULT'); /*-------------------------------- nti ------------------------------------*/ /* NAME nti -- find narrower terms (instance) of a phrase DESCRIPTION This procedure finds all narrower terms of a term, and returns a string like this: {nt1},{nt2},{nt3} ... ARGUMENTS restab -- result table (for pl/sql table version) phrase -- phrase lvl -- how many levels down (i.e. 2 means get the narrower terms of the narrower terms of the phrase) tname -- thesaurus name (if not specified, system default thes used) NOTES RETURN see description */ function nti(phrase in varchar2, lvl in number default 1, tname in varchar2 default 'DEFAULT') return varchar2; procedure nti(restab in out NOCOPY exp_tab, phrase in varchar2, lvl in number default 1, tname in varchar2 default 'DEFAULT'); /*-------------------------------- ntg ------------------------------------*/ /* NAME ntg -- find narrower terms (generic) of a phrase DESCRIPTION This procedure finds all narrower terms of a term, and returns a string like this: {nt1},{nt2},{nt3} ... ARGUMENTS restab -- result table (for pl/sql table version) phrase -- phrase lvl -- how many levels down (i.e. 2 means get the narrower terms of the narrower terms of the phrase) tname -- thesaurus name (if not specified, system default thes used) NOTES RETURN see description */ function ntg(phrase in varchar2, lvl in number default 1, tname in varchar2 default 'DEFAULT') return varchar2; procedure ntg(restab in out NOCOPY exp_tab, phrase in varchar2, lvl in number default 1, tname in varchar2 default 'DEFAULT'); /*-------------------------------- tr ------------------------------------*/ /* NAME TR -- find foreign language equivalent DESCRIPTION This procedure finds all foreign terms of a term, and returns a string like this: {ft1},{ft2},{ft3} ... ARGUMENTS restab -- result table (for pl/sql table version) phrase -- phrase lang -- language tname -- thesaurus name (if not specified, system default thes used) NOTES RETURN see description */ function tr(phrase in varchar2, lang in varchar2 default null, tname in varchar2 default 'DEFAULT') return varchar2; procedure tr(restab in out NOCOPY exp_tab, phrase in varchar2, lang in varchar2 default null, tname in varchar2 default 'DEFAULT'); /*-------------------------------- trsyn ----------------------------------*/ /* NAME TRSYN -- find foreign language equivalent plus its synonyms and their foreign language equivalent DESCRIPTION This procedure finds all foreign terms of a term and its synonyms and foreign terms of its synonyms synonym, and returns a string like this: {ft1},{ft2},{ft3} ... ARGUMENTS restab -- result table (for pl/sql table version) phrase -- phrase lang -- language tname -- thesaurus name (if not specified, system default thes used) NOTES RETURN see description */ function trsyn(phrase in varchar2, lang in varchar2 default null, tname in varchar2 default 'DEFAULT') return varchar2; procedure trsyn(restab in out NOCOPY exp_tab, phrase in varchar2, lang in varchar2 default null, tname in varchar2 default 'DEFAULT'); /*---------------------------------- sn -----------------------------------*/ /* NAME SN -- get scope note of phrase DESCRIPTION This procedure finds the scope note of the phrase ARGUMENTS phrase -- phrase tname -- thesaurus name (if not specified, system default thes used) NOTES RETURN see description */ function sn(phrase in varchar2, tname in varchar2 default 'DEFAULT') return varchar2; /*-------------------------------- thes_tt ---------------------------------*/ /* NAME THES_TT -- get thesaurus top terms DESCRIPTION This procedure finds the top terms of a thesaurus. A top term is defined as any term which has a narrower term but has no broader terms. This differs from TT in that TT takes in a phrase and finds the top term for that phrase, but THES_TT searches the whole thesaurus and finds all top terms. ARGUMENTS restab -- result table phrase -- phrase tname -- thesaurus name (if not specified, system default thes used) NOTES Since this function searches the whole thesaurus, it can take some time on large thesauri. It is not recommend to call this often for such thesauri. Instead, the application should call this once, store the results in a seperate table, and use those stored results instead. */ procedure thes_tt(restab in out NOCOPY exp_tab, tname in varchar2 default 'DEFAULT'); /*-------------------------- has_relation ----------------------------------*/ /* NAME HAS_RELATION - check to see if a phrase has a relation DESCRIPTION Check to see if a phrase has a relation. Valid relations are 'SYN','SN','TR','RT','BT','BTG','BTP','BTI','NT', 'NTG','NTP', 'NTI', or 'ANY'(meaning any of the above). ARGUMENTS phrase -- phrase rel -- a list of relations separated by commas tname -- thesaurus name NOTES RETURN TRUE or FALSE */ function has_relation( phrase in varchar2, rel in varchar2, tname in varchar2 default 'DEFAULT' ) return boolean; end ctx_thes; /