Rem Copyright (c) 1998, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. Rem All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem dr0doc.pkh - DOCument services Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem Rem RETURNS Rem Rem NOTES Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem gauryada 05/31/11 - Backport snippet support for result set Rem interface Rem rpalakod 08/17/09 - Backport rpalakod_bug-8440319 from main Rem wclin 12/04/06 - clob query support Rem daliao 06/18/04 - kwic document service Rem gkaminag 07/18/02 - security phase 2 Rem ehuang 02/01/02 - on demand doc services Rem ehuang 02/21/01 - add procedure ifilter Rem jkud 02/01/00 - add tokens proc Rem jkud 11/11/99 - Add numthemes parameter Rem ehuang 04/15/99 - add support for rowid input Rem gkaminag 04/09/99 - in-memory operations Rem gkaminag 02/09/99 - mistake in comments Rem salpha 10/01/98 - add boundary conditions for gist Rem gkaminag 07/22/98 - highlight navigation Rem gkaminag 07/17/98 - add plaintext highlighting Rem gkaminag 07/13/98 - remove unused functions Rem gkaminag 07/02/98 - change in highlight result table Rem syang 06/15/98 - remove reindex Rem gkaminag 06/03/98 - add html Rem gkaminag 05/18/98 - change defaults for markup Rem gkaminag 04/08/98 - query -> text_query Rem gkaminag 03/27/98 - add reindex Rem ehuang 03/23/98 - mv highlight from dr0query Rem ehuang 03/20/98 - mv pkencode from dr0query Rem gkaminag 03/13/98 - Creation Rem CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE ctx_doc AUTHID current_user AS -- constants -- SAVE_COPY Constants SAVE_COPY_FALLBACK constant number := 0; SAVE_COPY_ERROR constant number := 1; SAVE_COPY_IGNORE constant number := 2; TYPE_ROWID constant varchar2(20) := 'ROWID'; TYPE_PRIMARY_KEY constant varchar2(20) := 'PRIMARY_KEY'; UNLIMITED_THEMES constant number := NULL; /* Beehive: delimiter used in stemming */ STEM_DELIMITER constant varchar2(2) := '!?'; -- package variables pv_ctx_doc_key_type varchar2(500) := null; -- type declaration type theme_rec is record ( theme varchar2(2000), weight number ); type theme_tab is table of theme_rec index by binary_integer; type token_rec is record ( token varchar2(64), offset number, length number ); type token_tab is table of token_rec index by binary_integer; type highlight_rec is record ( offset number, length number ); type highlight_tab is table of highlight_rec index by binary_integer; /* Beehive: Add record/table needed to return stems */ type stem_rec is record ( stem varchar2(1000), is_in_lexicon boolean ); type stem_tab is table of stem_rec index by binary_integer; type stem_group_rec is record ( /* We made the size of word to be larger than the size used for tokens * as this might be a multi-word token */ word varchar2(1000), stems stem_tab, offset number, length number ); type stem_group_tab is table of stem_group_rec index by binary_integer; /* Beehive: Add record/table needed to return noun phrases */ type noun_phrase_rec is record ( term varchar2(64), pos_tag varchar2(64), /* TBD: Confirm with Inxight and reduce size */ offset number, length number, is_phrase_start boolean, is_in_lexicon boolean ); type noun_phrase_tab is table of noun_phrase_rec index by binary_integer; /* Beehive: Add record/table needed to return languages */ type language_rec is record ( language varchar2(64), score number ); type language_tab is table of language_rec index by binary_integer; /* Beehive: Add record/table needed to return parts of speech */ type pos_tag_tab is table of varchar2(64) index by binary_integer; type part_of_speech_rec is record ( word varchar2(64), pos_tags pos_tag_tab, offset number, length number, is_in_lexicon boolean ); type part_of_speech_tab is table of part_of_speech_rec index by binary_integer; /*---------------------------- set_key_type -----------------------------*/ /* NAME set_key_type - toggles CTX_DOC_KEY_TYPE DESCRIPTION toggles system parameter CTX_DOC_KEY_TYPE between ROWID and PRIMARY_KEY ARGUMENT key_type - value of CTX_DOC_KEY_TYPE */ PROCEDURE set_key_type( key_type in varchar2 ); /*------------------------------- themes --------------------------------*/ /* NAME themes - request the themes for a document DESCRIPTION This procedure will generate the themes for a given document. The themes will be written to the theme table specified. The theme table must have the following columns: query_id number (the query_id) theme varchar2(2000) (the theme) weight number (the theme weight) ARGUMENTS index_name - the name of the text index textkey - the primary key of the document restab - the name of the theme table query_id - a query id full_themes - should the full themes be displayed? num_themes - maximum number of themes to return */ PROCEDURE themes ( index_name in varchar2, textkey in varchar2, restab in varchar2, query_id in number default 0, full_themes in boolean default false, num_themes in number default 50, use_saved_copy in number default ctx_doc.save_copy_fallback ); /*------------------------------- themes --------------------------------*/ /* NAME themes - request the themes for a document DESCRIPTION This version of themes returns the results into a PL/SQL table instead of a result table NOTES Existing contents of restab will be destroyed */ PROCEDURE themes ( index_name in varchar2, textkey in varchar2, restab in out nocopy theme_tab, full_themes in boolean default false, num_themes in number default 50, use_saved_copy in number default ctx_doc.save_copy_fallback ); /*------------------------------ policy_themes ------------------------------*/ /* NAME policy_themes - request the themes for a document on demand DESCRIPTION This version of themes accepts a policy name and a single VARCHAR2 document. Returns the results into a PL/SQL table. NOTES Existing contents of restab will be destroyed */ PROCEDURE policy_themes ( policy_name in varchar2, document in varchar2, restab in out nocopy theme_tab, full_themes in boolean default false, num_themes in number default 50, language in varchar2 default NULL, format in varchar2 default NULL, charset in varchar2 default NULL ); /*------------------------------ policy_themes ------------------------------*/ /* NAME policy_themes - request the themes for a document on demand DESCRIPTION This version of themes accepts a policy name and a single CLOB document. Returns the results into a PL/SQL table. NOTES Existing contents of restab will be destroyed */ PROCEDURE policy_themes ( policy_name in varchar2, document in clob, restab in out nocopy theme_tab, full_themes in boolean default false, num_themes in number default 50, language in varchar2 default NULL, format in varchar2 default NULL, charset in varchar2 default NULL ); /*------------------------------ policy_themes ------------------------------*/ /* NAME policy_themes - request the themes for a document on demand DESCRIPTION This version of themes accepts a policy name and a single BLOB document. Returns the results into a PL/SQL table. NOTES Existing contents of restab will be destroyed */ PROCEDURE policy_themes ( policy_name in varchar2, document in blob, restab in out nocopy theme_tab, full_themes in boolean default false, num_themes in number default 50, language in varchar2 default NULL, format in varchar2 default NULL, charset in varchar2 default NULL ); /*------------------------------ policy_themes ------------------------------*/ /* NAME policy_themes - request the themes for a document on demand DESCRIPTION This version of themes accepts a policy name and a single BFILE document. Returns the results into a PL/SQL table. NOTES Existing contents of restab will be destroyed */ PROCEDURE policy_themes ( policy_name in varchar2, document in bfile, restab in out nocopy theme_tab, full_themes in boolean default false, num_themes in number default 50, language in varchar2 default NULL, format in varchar2 default NULL, charset in varchar2 default NULL ); /*------------------------------- tokens --------------------------------*/ /* NAME tokens - request the text tokens for a document DESCRIPTION This procedure will generate the tokens for a given document. The tokens will be written to the token table specified. The token table must have the following columns: query_id number (the query_id) token varchar2(64) (the token) offset number (the token's character offset) length number (the token's length) ARGUMENTS index_name - the name of the text index textkey - the primary key of the document restab - the name of the theme table query_id - a query id */ PROCEDURE tokens ( index_name in varchar2, textkey in varchar2, restab in varchar2, query_id in number default 0, use_saved_copy in number default ctx_doc.save_copy_fallback ); /*------------------------------- tokens --------------------------------*/ /* NAME tokens - request the text tokens for a document DESCRIPTION This version of tokens returns the results into a PL/SQL table instead of a result table NOTES Existing contents of restab will be destroyed */ PROCEDURE tokens ( index_name in varchar2, textkey in varchar2, restab in out nocopy token_tab, use_saved_copy in number default ctx_doc.save_copy_fallback ); /*------------------------------ policy_tokens ------------------------------*/ /* NAME policy_tokens - request the text tokens for a document on demand DESCRIPTION This version of tokens accepts a policy name and a single VARCHAR2 document. Returns the results into a PL/SQL table. NOTES Existing contents of restab will be destroyed */ PROCEDURE policy_tokens ( policy_name in varchar2, document in varchar2, restab in out nocopy token_tab, language in varchar2 default NULL, format in varchar2 default NULL, charset in varchar2 default NULL ); /*------------------------------ policy_tokens -------------------------------*/ /* NAME policy_tokens - request the text tokens for a document on demand DESCRIPTION This version of tokens accepts a policy name and a single CLOB document. Returns the results into a PL/SQL table NOTES Existing contents of restab will be destroyed */ PROCEDURE policy_tokens ( policy_name in varchar2, document in clob, restab in out nocopy token_tab, language in varchar2 default NULL, format in varchar2 default NULL, charset in varchar2 default NULL ); /*------------------------------ policy_tokens ------------------------------*/ /* NAME policy_tokens - request the text tokens for a document on demand DESCRIPTION This version of tokens accepts a policy name and a single BLOB document. Returns the results into a PL/SQL table NOTES Existing contents of restab will be destroyed */ PROCEDURE policy_tokens ( policy_name in varchar2, document in blob, restab in out nocopy token_tab, language in varchar2 default NULL, format in varchar2 default NULL, charset in varchar2 default NULL ); /*------------------------------ policy_tokens -----------------------------*/ /* NAME policy_tokens - request the text tokens for a document on demand DESCRIPTION This version of tokens accepts a policy name and a single BFILE document. Returns the results into a PL/SQL table NOTES Existing contents of restab will be destroyed */ PROCEDURE policy_tokens ( policy_name in varchar2, document in bfile, restab in out nocopy token_tab, language in varchar2 default NULL, format in varchar2 default NULL, charset in varchar2 default NULL ); /* Beehive */ /*----------------------- policy_stems (inmem) ----------------------------*/ /* NAME policy_stems - request the text stems for a document on demand DESCRIPTION This version of stems accepts a policy name and a single varchar2 document. Returns the results into a PL/SQL table. The returned values in the PL/SQL table will have 1 cell for each word (can be a multi-word as determined by the Lexer) in the input string document. For each word, all the stems are returned. For each stem, the offset and length (in the input string) of the word for which this is a stem is returned. Additioanlly, for each stem, a boolean value is returned that indicates if the stem was found in the lexicon. NOTES Existing contents of restab will be destroyed */ PROCEDURE policy_stems ( policy_name in varchar2, document in varchar2, restab in out nocopy stem_group_tab, language in varchar2 default NULL, format in varchar2 default NULL, charset in varchar2 default NULL ); PROCEDURE policy_stems ( policy_name in varchar2, document in clob, restab in out nocopy stem_group_tab, language in varchar2 default NULL, format in varchar2 default NULL, charset in varchar2 default NULL ); /*----------------------- policy_noun_phrases (inmem) --------------------*/ /* NAME policy_noun_phrases - request the noun phrases for a document DESCRIPTION This version of stems accepts a policy name and a single varchar2 document. Returns the results into a PL/SQL table. The returned values in the PL/SQL table will have 1 cell for each noun phrase extracted from the input document. For each noun phrase, the part of speech tags are also returned. NOTES Existing contents of restab will be destroyed */ PROCEDURE policy_noun_phrases ( policy_name in varchar2, document in varchar2, restab in out nocopy noun_phrase_tab, language in varchar2 default NULL, format in varchar2 default NULL, charset in varchar2 default NULL ); PROCEDURE policy_noun_phrases ( policy_name in varchar2, document in clob, restab in out nocopy noun_phrase_tab, language in varchar2 default NULL, format in varchar2 default NULL, charset in varchar2 default NULL ); /*----------------------- policy_languages (inmem) ----------------------------*/ /* NAME policy_languages - request the languages for a document DESCRIPTION This version of languages accepts a policy name and a single varchar2 document. Returns the results into a PL/SQL table. The returned values in the PL/SQL table will have 1 cell for each detected language. It will also have a score which indicates the stength of the detected language in this document - the score ranges from 0 to 100 with the highest score referring to the most likely language for the document. NOTES Existing contents of restab will be destroyed */ PROCEDURE policy_languages ( policy_name in varchar2, document in varchar2, restab in out nocopy language_tab, format in varchar2 default NULL, charset in varchar2 default NULL ); PROCEDURE policy_languages ( policy_name in varchar2, document in clob, restab in out nocopy language_tab, format in varchar2 default NULL, charset in varchar2 default NULL ); /*----------------------- policy_part_of_speech (inmem) --------------------------*/ /* NAME policy_part_of_speech - request the part_of_speech tags for a document DESCRIPTION This version of part_of_speech accepts a policy name and a single varchar2 document. Returns the results into a PL/SQL table. The returned values in the PL/SQL table will have 1 cell for each word in the input string document. For each word, the part_of_speech tags are returned. If the input parameter disambiguate_tags is set to true, only 1 part_of_speech will be returned for each word - this tag is determined by the Lexer by automatically performing disambiguation to identify the most likely tag, given the surrounding context, for a token with more than one possible tag. If the input parameter disambiguate_tags is set to false, all possible tags will be returned for each word. Additionally, for each word, the offset and length (in the input string) of the word for and a boolean value indicating if the word was found in the lexicon are also returned. NOTES Existing contents of restab will be destroyed */ PROCEDURE policy_part_of_speech ( policy_name in varchar2, document in varchar2, restab in out nocopy part_of_speech_tab, language in varchar2 default NULL, format in varchar2 default NULL, charset in varchar2 default NULL, disambiguate_tags in boolean default true ); PROCEDURE policy_part_of_speech ( policy_name in varchar2, document in clob, restab in out nocopy part_of_speech_tab, language in varchar2 default NULL, format in varchar2 default NULL, charset in varchar2 default NULL, disambiguate_tags in boolean default true ); /*------------------------------- gist ----------------------------------*/ /* NAME gist - request the gist for a document DESCRIPTION This procedure will generate gist(s) of a given document. The gist(s) will be written to the gist table specified. The gist table must have the following columns: query_id number (the query id) pov varchar2(80) (gist point-of-view) gist clob (gist) ARGUMENTS index_name - the name of the text index textkey - the primary key of the document restab - the name of the gist table query_id - the query id glevel - P or S pov - point-of-view limit numparagraphs - total number of paragraphs in gist(>=0) maxpercent - maximum percent of document in gist(>=0,<=100) num_themes - maximum number of themes to return */ PROCEDURE gist ( index_name in varchar2, textkey in varchar2, restab in varchar2, query_id in number default 0, glevel in varchar2 default 'P', pov in varchar2 default null, numParagraphs in number default null, maxPercent in number default null, num_themes in number default 50, use_saved_copy in number default ctx_doc.save_copy_fallback ); /*------------------------------- gist ----------------------------------*/ /* NAME gist - request the gist for a document DESCRIPTION This version of gist returns the result into a CLOB locator instead of a result table. NOTES Unlike result table gist, this version of gist returns only one gist. If pov is not supplied, the GENERIC gist is returned. If result is NULL on entry, a temporary lob is allocated and returned. it is up to the calling procedure to deallocate this lob. Any existing contents of the lob locator passed in are cleared. */ PROCEDURE gist ( index_name in varchar2, textkey in varchar2, restab in out nocopy clob, glevel in varchar2 default 'P', pov in varchar2 default 'GENERIC', numParagraphs in number default null, maxPercent in number default null, num_themes in number default 50, use_saved_copy in number default ctx_doc.save_copy_fallback ); /*------------------------------ policy_gist --------------------------------*/ /* NAME policy_gist - request the gist for a document on demand DESCRIPTION This version of tokens accepts a policy name and a single VARCHAR2 document. Returns the result into a CLOB locator. NOTES Unlike result table gist, this version of gist returns only one gist. If pov is not supplied, the GENERIC gist is returned. If result is NULL on entry, a temporary lob is allocated and returned. it is up to the calling procedure to deallocate this lob. Any existing contents of the lob locator passed in are cleared. */ PROCEDURE policy_gist ( policy_name in varchar2, document in varchar2, restab in out nocopy clob, glevel in varchar2 default 'P', pov in varchar2 default 'GENERIC', numParagraphs in number default null, maxPercent in number default null, num_themes in number default 50, language in varchar2 default NULL, format in varchar2 default NULL, charset in varchar2 default NULL ); /*------------------------------ policy_gist --------------------------------*/ /* NAME policy_gist - request the gist for a document on demand DESCRIPTION This version of tokens accepts a policy name and a single CLOB document. Returns the result into a CLOB locator. NOTES Unlike result table gist, this version of gist returns only one gist. If pov is not supplied, the GENERIC gist is returned. If result is NULL on entry, a temporary lob is allocated and returned. it is up to the calling procedure to deallocate this lob. Any existing contents of the lob locator passed in are cleared. */ PROCEDURE policy_gist ( policy_name in varchar2, document in clob, restab in out nocopy clob, glevel in varchar2 default 'P', pov in varchar2 default 'GENERIC', numParagraphs in number default null, maxPercent in number default null, num_themes in number default 50, language in varchar2 default NULL, format in varchar2 default NULL, charset in varchar2 default NULL ); /*------------------------------ policy_gist --------------------------------*/ /* NAME policy_gist - request the gist for a document on demand DESCRIPTION This version of tokens accepts a policy name and a single BLOB document. Returns the result into a CLOB locator. NOTES Unlike result table gist, this version of gist returns only one gist. If pov is not supplied, the GENERIC gist is returned. If result is NULL on entry, a temporary lob is allocated and returned. it is up to the calling procedure to deallocate this lob. Any existing contents of the lob locator passed in are cleared. */ PROCEDURE policy_gist ( policy_name in varchar2, document in blob, restab in out nocopy clob, glevel in varchar2 default 'P', pov in varchar2 default 'GENERIC', numParagraphs in number default null, maxPercent in number default null, num_themes in number default 50, language in varchar2 default NULL, format in varchar2 default NULL, charset in varchar2 default NULL ); /*------------------------------ policy_gist --------------------------------*/ /* NAME policy_gist - request the gist for a document on demand DESCRIPTION This version of tokens accepts a policy name and a single BFILE document. Returns the result into a CLOB locator. NOTES Unlike result table gist, this version of gist returns only one gist. If pov is not supplied, the GENERIC gist is returned. If result is NULL on entry, a temporary lob is allocated and returned. it is up to the calling procedure to deallocate this lob. Any existing contents of the lob locator passed in are cleared. */ PROCEDURE policy_gist ( policy_name in varchar2, document in bfile, restab in out nocopy clob, glevel in varchar2 default 'P', pov in varchar2 default 'GENERIC', numParagraphs in number default null, maxPercent in number default null, num_themes in number default 50, language in varchar2 default NULL, format in varchar2 default NULL, charset in varchar2 default NULL ); /*------------------------------- filter -------------------------------*/ /* NAME filter - return filtered text DESCRIPTION Filter takes a document reference and returns a plaintext version The filter result table should have the following columns: query_id number (the query id) document clob (plaintext document) ARGUMENTS index_name -- name of the index textkey -- the document for which to produce highlights restab -- the filter result table query_id -- the query id plaintext -- set to TRUE if plaintext is desired */ PROCEDURE filter ( index_name in varchar2, textkey in varchar2, restab in varchar2, query_id in number default 0, plaintext in boolean default FALSE ); /*------------------------------- filter -------------------------------*/ /* NAME filter - return filtered text DESCRIPTION This version of filter returns the result into a CLOB locator instead of a result table. NOTES If result is NULL on entry, a temporary lob is allocated and returned. it is up to the calling procedure to deallocate this lob. Any existing contents of the lob locator passed in are cleared. */ PROCEDURE filter ( index_name in varchar2, textkey in varchar2, restab in out nocopy clob, plaintext in boolean default FALSE, use_saved_copy in number default ctx_doc.save_copy_fallback ); /*----------------------------- policy_filter ------------------------------*/ /* NAME policy_filter - return filtered text on demand DESCRIPTION This version of filter accepts a policy name and a single VARCHAR2 document. Returns the result into a CLOB locator. NOTES If result is NULL on entry, a temporary lob is allocated and returned. it is up to the calling procedure to deallocate this lob. Any existing contents of the lob locator passed in are cleared. */ PROCEDURE policy_filter ( policy_name in varchar2, document in clob, restab in out nocopy clob, plaintext in boolean default FALSE, language in varchar2 default NULL, format in varchar2 default NULL, charset in varchar2 default NULL ); /*----------------------------- policy_filter ------------------------------*/ /* NAME policy_filter - return filtered text on demand DESCRIPTION This version of filter accepts a policy name and a single CLOB document. Returns the result into a CLOB locator. NOTES If result is NULL on entry, a temporary lob is allocated and returned. it is up to the calling procedure to deallocate this lob. Any existing contents of the lob locator passed in are cleared. */ PROCEDURE policy_filter ( policy_name in varchar2, document in blob, restab in out nocopy clob, plaintext in boolean default FALSE, language in varchar2 default NULL, format in varchar2 default NULL, charset in varchar2 default NULL ); /*----------------------------- policy_filter ------------------------------*/ /* NAME policy_filter - return filtered text on demand DESCRIPTION This version of filter accepts a policy name and a single BLOB document. Returns the result into a CLOB locator. NOTES If result is NULL on entry, a temporary lob is allocated and returned. it is up to the calling procedure to deallocate this lob. Any existing contents of the lob locator passed in are cleared. */ PROCEDURE policy_filter ( policy_name in varchar2, document in bfile, restab in out nocopy clob, plaintext in boolean default FALSE, language in varchar2 default NULL, format in varchar2 default NULL, charset in varchar2 default NULL ); /*----------------------------- policy_filter ------------------------------*/ /* NAME policy_filter - return filtered text on demand DESCRIPTION This version of filter accepts a policy name and a single BFILE document. Returns the result into a CLOB locator. NOTES If result is NULL on entry, a temporary lob is allocated and returned. it is up to the calling procedure to deallocate this lob. Any existing contents of the lob locator passed in are cleared. */ PROCEDURE policy_filter ( policy_name in varchar2, document in varchar2, restab in out nocopy clob, plaintext in boolean default FALSE, language in varchar2 default NULL, format in varchar2 default NULL, charset in varchar2 default NULL ); /*------------------------------- highlight ----------------------------*/ /* NAME highlight - return highlight information DESCRIPTION Highlight takes a query and a document, and returns highlight information The result table should have the following columns: query_id number (the query id) offset number (character offset to highlight start) length number (character length of highlight) ARGUMENTS index_name -- name of the index textkey -- the document for which to produce highlights text_query -- the query restab -- the highlight result table query_id -- a query id plaintext -- set to TRUE if plaintext offsets are desired */ PROCEDURE highlight ( index_name in varchar2, textkey in varchar2, text_query in varchar2, restab in varchar2, query_id in number default 0, plaintext in boolean default FALSE, use_saved_copy in number default ctx_doc.save_copy_fallback ); PROCEDURE highlight_clob_query ( index_name in varchar2, textkey in varchar2, text_query in clob, restab in varchar2, query_id in number default 0, plaintext in boolean default FALSE, use_saved_copy in number default ctx_doc.save_copy_fallback ); /*------------------------------- highlight ----------------------------*/ /* NAME highlight - return highlight information DESCRIPTION This version of filter returns the results into a PL/SQL table instead of a result table. NOTES Existing contents of the table are destroyed */ PROCEDURE highlight ( index_name in varchar2, textkey in varchar2, text_query in varchar2, restab in out nocopy highlight_tab, plaintext in boolean default FALSE, use_saved_copy in number default ctx_doc.save_copy_fallback ); PROCEDURE highlight_clob_query ( index_name in varchar2, textkey in varchar2, text_query in clob, restab in out nocopy highlight_tab, plaintext in boolean default FALSE, use_saved_copy in number default ctx_doc.save_copy_fallback ); /*------------------------------ policy_highlight --------------------------*/ /* NAME policy_highlight - return highlight information DESCRIPTION This version of highlight accepts a policy name and a single VARCHAR2 document. Returns the restuls into a PL/SQL table. NOTES Existing contents of the table are destroyed */ PROCEDURE policy_highlight ( policy_name in varchar2, document in varchar2, text_query in varchar2, restab in out nocopy highlight_tab, plaintext in boolean default FALSE, language in varchar2 default NULL, format in varchar2 default NULL, charset in varchar2 default NULL ); PROCEDURE policy_highlight_clob_query ( policy_name in varchar2, document in varchar2, text_query in clob, restab in out nocopy highlight_tab, plaintext in boolean default FALSE, language in varchar2 default NULL, format in varchar2 default NULL, charset in varchar2 default NULL ); /*------------------------------ policy_highlight --------------------------*/ /* NAME policy_highlight - return highlight information DESCRIPTION This version of highlight accepts a policy name and a single CLOB document. Returns the results into a PL/SQL table. NOTES Existing contents of the table are destroyed */ PROCEDURE policy_highlight ( policy_name in varchar2, document in clob, text_query in varchar2, restab in out nocopy highlight_tab, plaintext in boolean default FALSE, language in varchar2 default NULL, format in varchar2 default NULL, charset in varchar2 default NULL ); PROCEDURE policy_highlight_clob_query ( policy_name in varchar2, document in clob, text_query in clob, restab in out nocopy highlight_tab, plaintext in boolean default FALSE, language in varchar2 default NULL, format in varchar2 default NULL, charset in varchar2 default NULL ); /*------------------------------ policy_highlight --------------------------*/ /* NAME policy_highlight - return highlight information DESCRIPTION This version of highlight accepts a policy name and a single BLOB document. Returns the restuls into a PL/SQL table. NOTES Existing contents of the table are destroyed */ PROCEDURE policy_highlight ( policy_name in varchar2, document in blob, text_query in varchar2, restab in out nocopy highlight_tab, plaintext in boolean default FALSE, language in varchar2 default NULL, format in varchar2 default NULL, charset in varchar2 default NULL ); PROCEDURE policy_highlight_clob_query ( policy_name in varchar2, document in blob, text_query in clob, restab in out nocopy highlight_tab, plaintext in boolean default FALSE, language in varchar2 default NULL, format in varchar2 default NULL, charset in varchar2 default NULL ); /*------------------------------ policy_highlight --------------------------*/ /* NAME policy_highlight- return highlight information DESCRIPTION This version of highlight accepts a policy name and a single BFILE document. Returns the restuls into a PL/SQL table. NOTES Existing contents of the table are destroyed */ PROCEDURE policy_highlight ( policy_name in varchar2, document in bfile, text_query in varchar2, restab in out nocopy highlight_tab, plaintext in boolean default FALSE, language in varchar2 default NULL, format in varchar2 default NULL, charset in varchar2 default NULL ); PROCEDURE policy_highlight_clob_query ( policy_name in varchar2, document in bfile, text_query in clob, restab in out nocopy highlight_tab, plaintext in boolean default FALSE, language in varchar2 default NULL, format in varchar2 default NULL, charset in varchar2 default NULL ); /*------------------------------- markup -------------------------------*/ /* NAME markup - return marked-up document DESCRIPTION Markup takes a document reference and a query, and returns a marked-up plain text version of the document The result table should have the following columns: query_id number (the query id) document clob (marked-up document) ARGUMENTS index_name -- name of the index textkey -- the document for which to produce highlights text_query -- the query restab -- the highlight result table query_id -- a query id plaintext -- set to TRUE if plaintext markup is required tagset -- name of tagset TEXT_DEFAULT HTML_DEFAULT HTML_NAVIGATE starttag -- the start mark-up tag endtag -- the end mark-up tag prevtag -- the navigate to previous highlight mark-up tag nexttag -- the navigate to next highlight mark-up tag */ PROCEDURE markup ( index_name in varchar2, textkey in varchar2, text_query in varchar2, restab in varchar2, query_id in number default 0, plaintext in boolean default FALSE, tagset in varchar2 default 'TEXT_DEFAULT', starttag in varchar2 default null, endtag in varchar2 default null, prevtag in varchar2 default null, nexttag in varchar2 default null, use_saved_copy in number default ctx_doc.save_copy_fallback ); PROCEDURE markup_clob_query ( index_name in varchar2, textkey in varchar2, text_query in clob, restab in varchar2, query_id in number default 0, plaintext in boolean default FALSE, tagset in varchar2 default 'TEXT_DEFAULT', starttag in varchar2 default null, endtag in varchar2 default null, prevtag in varchar2 default null, nexttag in varchar2 default null, use_saved_copy in number default ctx_doc.save_copy_fallback ); /*------------------------------- markup -------------------------------*/ /* NAME markup - return marked-up document DESCRIPTION This version of markup returns the result into a CLOB locator instead of a result table. NOTES If result is NULL on entry, a temporary lob is allocated and returned. it is up to the calling procedure to deallocate this lob. Any existing contents of the lob locator passed in are cleared. */ PROCEDURE markup ( index_name in varchar2, textkey in varchar2, text_query in varchar2, restab in out nocopy clob, plaintext in boolean default FALSE, tagset in varchar2 default 'TEXT_DEFAULT', starttag in varchar2 default null, endtag in varchar2 default null, prevtag in varchar2 default null, nexttag in varchar2 default null, use_saved_copy in number default ctx_doc.save_copy_fallback ); PROCEDURE markup_clob_query ( index_name in varchar2, textkey in varchar2, text_query in clob, restab in out nocopy clob, plaintext in boolean default FALSE, tagset in varchar2 default 'TEXT_DEFAULT', starttag in varchar2 default null, endtag in varchar2 default null, prevtag in varchar2 default null, nexttag in varchar2 default null, use_saved_copy in number default ctx_doc.save_copy_fallback ); /*------------------------------- policy_markup -----------------------------*/ /* NAME policy_markup - return marked-up document on demand DESCRIPTION This version of markup accepts a policy name and a single VARCHAR2 document. Returns the result into a CLOB locator. NOTES If result is NULL on entry, a temporary lob is allocated and returned. it is up to the calling procedure to deallocate this lob. Any existing contents of the lob locator passed in are cleared. */ PROCEDURE policy_markup ( policy_name in varchar2, document in varchar2, text_query in varchar2, restab in out nocopy clob, plaintext in boolean default FALSE, tagset in varchar2 default 'TEXT_DEFAULT', starttag in varchar2 default null, endtag in varchar2 default null, prevtag in varchar2 default null, nexttag in varchar2 default null, language in varchar2 default NULL, format in varchar2 default NULL, charset in varchar2 default NULL ); PROCEDURE policy_markup_clob_query ( policy_name in varchar2, document in varchar2, text_query in clob, restab in out nocopy clob, plaintext in boolean default FALSE, tagset in varchar2 default 'TEXT_DEFAULT', starttag in varchar2 default null, endtag in varchar2 default null, prevtag in varchar2 default null, nexttag in varchar2 default null, language in varchar2 default NULL, format in varchar2 default NULL, charset in varchar2 default NULL ); /*------------------------------- policy_markup -----------------------------*/ /* NAME policy_markup - return marked-up document on demand DESCRIPTION This version of markup accepts a policy name and a single CLOB document. Returns the result into a CLOB locator. NOTES If result is NULL on entry, a temporary lob is allocated and returned. it is up to the calling procedure to deallocate this lob. Any existing contents of the lob locator passed in are cleared. */ PROCEDURE policy_markup ( policy_name in varchar2, document in clob, text_query in varchar2, restab in out nocopy clob, plaintext in boolean default FALSE, tagset in varchar2 default 'TEXT_DEFAULT', starttag in varchar2 default null, endtag in varchar2 default null, prevtag in varchar2 default null, nexttag in varchar2 default null, language in varchar2 default NULL, format in varchar2 default NULL, charset in varchar2 default NULL ); PROCEDURE policy_markup_clob_query ( policy_name in varchar2, document in clob, text_query in clob, restab in out nocopy clob, plaintext in boolean default FALSE, tagset in varchar2 default 'TEXT_DEFAULT', starttag in varchar2 default null, endtag in varchar2 default null, prevtag in varchar2 default null, nexttag in varchar2 default null, language in varchar2 default NULL, format in varchar2 default NULL, charset in varchar2 default NULL ); /*------------------------------- policy_markup -----------------------------*/ /* NAME policy_markup - return marked-up document on demand DESCRIPTION This version of markup accepts a policy name and a single BLOB document. Returns the result into a CLOB locator. NOTES If result is NULL on entry, a temporary lob is allocated and returned. it is up to the calling procedure to deallocate this lob. Any existing contents of the lob locator passed in are cleared. */ PROCEDURE policy_markup ( policy_name in varchar2, document in blob, text_query in varchar2, restab in out nocopy clob, plaintext in boolean default FALSE, tagset in varchar2 default 'TEXT_DEFAULT', starttag in varchar2 default null, endtag in varchar2 default null, prevtag in varchar2 default null, nexttag in varchar2 default null, language in varchar2 default NULL, format in varchar2 default NULL, charset in varchar2 default NULL ); PROCEDURE policy_markup_clob_query ( policy_name in varchar2, document in blob, text_query in clob, restab in out nocopy clob, plaintext in boolean default FALSE, tagset in varchar2 default 'TEXT_DEFAULT', starttag in varchar2 default null, endtag in varchar2 default null, prevtag in varchar2 default null, nexttag in varchar2 default null, language in varchar2 default NULL, format in varchar2 default NULL, charset in varchar2 default NULL ); /*------------------------------- policy_markup ----------------------------*/ /* NAME policy_markup - return marked-up document on demand DESCRIPTION This version of markup accepts a policy name and a single BFILE document. Returns the result into a CLOB locator. NOTES If result is NULL on entry, a temporary lob is allocated and returned. it is up to the calling procedure to deallocate this lob. Any existing contents of the lob locator passed in are cleared. */ PROCEDURE policy_markup ( policy_name in varchar2, document in bfile, text_query in varchar2, restab in out nocopy clob, plaintext in boolean default FALSE, tagset in varchar2 default 'TEXT_DEFAULT', starttag in varchar2 default null, endtag in varchar2 default null, prevtag in varchar2 default null, nexttag in varchar2 default null, language in varchar2 default NULL, format in varchar2 default NULL, charset in varchar2 default NULL ); PROCEDURE policy_markup_clob_query ( policy_name in varchar2, document in bfile, text_query in clob, restab in out nocopy clob, plaintext in boolean default FALSE, tagset in varchar2 default 'TEXT_DEFAULT', starttag in varchar2 default null, endtag in varchar2 default null, prevtag in varchar2 default null, nexttag in varchar2 default null, language in varchar2 default NULL, format in varchar2 default NULL, charset in varchar2 default NULL ); /*----------------------------- snippet --------- ----------------------*/ /* NAME snippet - return snippet (or kwic or concordance) for a given document DESCRIPTION This version of snippet accepts a index name and a key to specify a document. Returns the snippet result. NOTES */ function snippet ( index_name IN VARCHAR2, textkey IN VARCHAR2, text_query IN VARCHAR2, starttag IN VARCHAR2 default '', endtag IN VARCHAR2 default '', entity_translation IN BOOLEAN default TRUE, separator IN VARCHAR2 default '...', radius IN NUMBER default 25, max_length IN NUMBER default 150, use_saved_copy IN NUMBER default ctx_doc.save_copy_fallback ) return varchar2; function snippet_clob_query ( index_name IN VARCHAR2, textkey IN VARCHAR2, text_query IN CLOB, starttag IN VARCHAR2 default '', endtag IN VARCHAR2 default '', entity_translation IN BOOLEAN default TRUE, separator IN VARCHAR2 default '...', radius IN NUMBER default 25, max_length IN NUMBER default 150, use_saved_copy IN NUMBER default ctx_doc.save_copy_fallback ) return varchar2; /*----------------------------- policy_snippet ----------------------*/ /* NAME policy_snippet - return snippet (kwic or concordaace) for a given document DESCRIPTION This version of snippet accepts a policy name and a single varchar2 document. Returns the snippet result. NOTES */ function policy_snippet ( policy_name IN VARCHAR2, document IN VARCHAR2, text_query IN VARCHAR2, language IN VARCHAR2 default NULL, format IN VARCHAR2 default NULL, charset IN VARCHAR2 default NULL, starttag IN VARCHAR2 default '', endtag IN VARCHAR2 default '', entity_translation IN BOOLEAN default TRUE, separator IN VARCHAR2 default '...', radius IN NUMBER default 25, max_length IN NUMBER default 150 ) return varchar2; function policy_snippet_clob_query ( policy_name IN VARCHAR2, document IN VARCHAR2, text_query IN CLOB, language IN VARCHAR2 default NULL, format IN VARCHAR2 default NULL, charset IN VARCHAR2 default NULL, starttag IN VARCHAR2 default '', endtag IN VARCHAR2 default '', entity_translation IN BOOLEAN default TRUE, separator IN VARCHAR2 default '...', radius IN NUMBER default 25, max_length IN NUMBER default 150 ) return varchar2; /*----------------------------- policy_snippet ----------------------*/ /* NAME policy_snippet - return snippet (kwic or concordaace) for a given document DESCRIPTION This version of snippet accepts a policy name and a single clob document. Returns the snippet result. NOTES */ function policy_snippet ( policy_name IN VARCHAR2, document IN CLOB, text_query IN VARCHAR2, language IN VARCHAR2 default NULL, format IN VARCHAR2 default NULL, charset IN VARCHAR2 default NULL, starttag IN VARCHAR2 default '', endtag IN VARCHAR2 default '', entity_translation IN BOOLEAN default TRUE, separator IN VARCHAR2 default '...', radius IN NUMBER default 25, max_length IN NUMBER default 150 ) return varchar2; function policy_snippet_clob_query ( policy_name IN VARCHAR2, document IN CLOB, text_query IN CLOB, language IN VARCHAR2 default NULL, format IN VARCHAR2 default NULL, charset IN VARCHAR2 default NULL, starttag IN VARCHAR2 default '', endtag IN VARCHAR2 default '', entity_translation IN BOOLEAN default TRUE, separator IN VARCHAR2 default '...', radius IN NUMBER default 25, max_length IN NUMBER default 150 ) return varchar2; /*----------------------------- policy_snippet ----------------------*/ /* NAME policy_snippet - return snippet (kwic or concordaace) for a given document DESCRIPTION This version of snippet accepts a policy name and a single BLOB document. Returns the snippet result. NOTES */ function policy_snippet ( policy_name IN VARCHAR2, document IN BLOB, text_query IN VARCHAR2, language IN VARCHAR2 default NULL, format IN VARCHAR2 default NULL, charset IN VARCHAR2 default NULL, starttag IN VARCHAR2 default '', endtag IN VARCHAR2 default '', entity_translation IN BOOLEAN default TRUE, separator IN VARCHAR2 default '...', radius IN NUMBER default 25, max_length IN NUMBER default 150 ) return varchar2; function policy_snippet_clob_query ( policy_name IN VARCHAR2, document IN BLOB, text_query IN CLOB, language IN VARCHAR2 default NULL, format IN VARCHAR2 default NULL, charset IN VARCHAR2 default NULL, starttag IN VARCHAR2 default '', endtag IN VARCHAR2 default '', entity_translation IN BOOLEAN default TRUE, separator IN VARCHAR2 default '...', radius IN NUMBER default 25, max_length IN NUMBER default 150 ) return varchar2; /*----------------------------- policy_snippet ----------------------*/ /* NAME policy_snippet - return snippet (kwic or concordaace) for a given document DESCRIPTION This version of snippet accepts a policy name and a single BLOB document. Returns the snippet result. NOTES */ function policy_snippet ( policy_name IN VARCHAR2, document IN BFILE, text_query IN VARCHAR2, language IN VARCHAR2 default NULL, format IN VARCHAR2 default NULL, charset IN VARCHAR2 default NULL, starttag IN VARCHAR2 default '', endtag IN VARCHAR2 default '', entity_translation IN BOOLEAN default TRUE, separator IN VARCHAR2 default '...', radius IN NUMBER default 25, max_length IN NUMBER default 150 ) return varchar2; function policy_snippet_clob_query ( policy_name IN VARCHAR2, document IN BFILE, text_query IN CLOB, language IN VARCHAR2 default NULL, format IN VARCHAR2 default NULL, charset IN VARCHAR2 default NULL, starttag IN VARCHAR2 default '', endtag IN VARCHAR2 default '', entity_translation IN BOOLEAN default TRUE, separator IN VARCHAR2 default '...', radius IN NUMBER default 25, max_length IN NUMBER default 150 ) return varchar2; /*----------------------------- pkencode --------------------------------*/ /* NAME PKENCODE(pk1,pk2,pk3,pk4,pk5,pk6,pk7,pk8,pk9,pk10,pk11,pk12,pk13, pk14,pk15,pk16) DESCRIPTION encoding a list of pk strings into one; the resulting string has the ',' and '\' escapped by an extra '\'. comma ',' is used as delimiter between pk's. it is used in composite textkeys e.g., ('p,1','p\2','p3') => 'p\,1,p\\2,p3' ARGUMENTS pk1-pk16 - textkey list RETURN encoded pkstring */ FUNCTION pkencode( pk1 IN varchar2, pk2 IN varchar2 default NULL, pk3 IN varchar2 default NULL, pk4 IN varchar2 default NULL, pk5 IN varchar2 default NULL, pk6 IN varchar2 default NULL, pk7 IN varchar2 default NULL, pk8 IN varchar2 default NULL, pk9 IN varchar2 default NULL, pk10 IN varchar2 default NULL, pk11 IN varchar2 default NULL, pk12 IN varchar2 default NULL, pk13 IN varchar2 default NULL, pk14 IN varchar2 default NULL, pk15 IN varchar2 default NULL, pk16 IN varchar2 default NULL ) return varchar2; PRAGMA RESTRICT_REFERENCES(pkencode, WNDS, WNPS, RNDS, RNPS); /*----------------------------- ifilter ----------------------------------*/ /* NAME ifilter DESCRIPTION Takes binary data(BLOB), filters the data through INSO and writes the text version to a CLOB ARGUMENTS data (IN) BLOB TEXT (IN OUT) CLOB NOTES text is APPENDed to the CLOB -- so existing contents are not disturbed. It is the client's responsibility to ensure that the CLOB is trucated before the ifilter call if the existing content is not needed. RETURN */ PROCEDURE ifilter( data IN blob, text IN OUT nocopy clob ); END ctx_doc; /