Rem Rem $Header: ctx_src_2/src/dr/admin/d1102030.sql /st_ctx_11.2.0/4 2011/06/15 00:46:52 rkadwe Exp $ Rem Rem d1200000.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem d1200000.sql - Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem downgrade from to Rem Rem NOTES Rem Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem rkadwe 06/07/11 - Backport section specific attribute framework Rem gauryada 05/31/11 - Backport snippet support for result set interface Rem hsarkar 05/22/11 - Date and Pattern Stopclass Rem rpalakod 02/08/11 - downgrade from Rem rpalakod 02/08/11 - Created Rem SET ECHO ON SET FEEDBACK 1 SET NUMWIDTH 10 SET LINESIZE 80 SET TRIMSPOOL ON SET TAB OFF SET PAGESIZE 100 REM =================================================================== REM Bug 9950719: fuzzy_score has a mininum value of 1 REM =================================================================== update dr$object_attribute set oat_val_min = 0 where oat_id = 70103; REM ================================================================== REM Reverse Change from filter cache REM ================================================================== delete from dr$object_attribute where OAT_ID=90118 and OAT_CLA_ID=9 and OAT_OBJ_ID=1 and OAT_ATT_ID=18 and OAT_NAME='QUERY_FILTER_CACHE_SIZE'; commit; drop public synonym ctx_filter_cache_statistics; drop view ctx_filter_cache_statistics; REM ------------------------------------------------------------------ REM drop column spw_pattern dr$stopword REM ------------------------------------------------------------------ declare errnum number; begin execute immediate('alter table dr$stopword drop column spw_pattern'); exception when others then errnum := SQLCODE; if (errnum = -00904) then null; else raise; end if; end; / REM ------------------------------------------------------------------ REM ctx_stopwords REM ------------------------------------------------------------------ create or replace view ctx_stopwords as select spw_owner, spl_name spw_stoplist, decode(spw_type, 1, 'STOP_CLASS', 2, 'STOP_WORD', 3, 'STOP_THEME', null) spw_type, spw_word spw_word, decode(spw_language, 'ALL', null, spw_language) spw_language, spw_lang_dependent spw_lang_dependent from dr$stoplist, dr$stopword, sys.user$ u where spl_id = spw_spl_id and spl_owner# = u.user# / create or replace public synonym ctx_stopwords for CTXSYS.CTX_STOPWORDS; grant select on CTX_STOPWORDS to PUBLIC; REM ------------------------------------------------------------------ REM ctx_user_stopwords REM ------------------------------------------------------------------ create or replace view CTX_USER_STOPWORDS as select spl_name spw_stoplist, decode(spw_type, 1, 'STOP_CLASS', 2, 'STOP_WORD', 3, 'STOP_THEME', null) spw_type, spw_word spw_word, decode(spw_language, 'ALL', null, spw_language) spw_language, spw_lang_dependent spw_lang_dependent from dr$stoplist, dr$stopword where spl_id = spw_spl_id and spl_owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') / create or replace public synonym CTX_USER_STOPWORDS for CTXSYS.CTX_USER_STOPWORDS; grant select on CTX_USER_STOPWORDS to PUBLIC; REM ================================================================== REM Reverse Changes from Forward Index project REM ================================================================== delete from dr$object_attribute where OAT_ID=90119 and OAT_CLA_ID=9 and OAT_OBJ_ID=1 and OAT_ATT_ID=19 and OAT_NAME='FORWARD_INDEX'; delete from dr$object_attribute where OAT_ID=90120 and OAT_CLA_ID=9 and OAT_OBJ_ID=1 and OAT_ATT_ID=20 and OAT_NAME='O_TABLE_CLAUSE'; delete from dr$object_attribute where OAT_ID=90121 and OAT_CLA_ID=9 and OAT_OBJ_ID=1 and OAT_ATT_ID=21 and OAT_NAME='O_INDEX_CLAUSE'; delete from dr$object_attribute where OAT_ID=90122 and OAT_CLA_ID=9 and OAT_OBJ_ID=1 and OAT_ATT_ID=22 and OAT_NAME='SAVE_COPY'; delete from dr$object_attribute where OAT_ID=90123 and OAT_CLA_ID=9 and OAT_OBJ_ID=1 and OAT_ATT_ID=23 and OAT_NAME='D_TABLE_CLAUSE'; delete from dr$object_attribute where OAT_ID=90124 and OAT_CLA_ID=9 and OAT_OBJ_ID=1 and OAT_ATT_ID=24 and OAT_NAME='SAVE_COPY_MAX_SIZE'; commit; REM =================================================================== REM Drop configuration column from dr$index REM =================================================================== alter table dr$index drop column idx_config_column; REM =================================================================== REM Reverse Section specific attributes project changes REM =================================================================== REM Migrating back from section specific attributes infrastructure to REM colon separated infrastructure declare sec_id number := 0; sec_csv varchar2(500); sec_oat_id number; sec_rcnt number; cnt number := 0; begin for c1 in (select ixv_idx_id, ixv_value, ixv_sub_group, ixv_sub_oat_id from dr$index_value, dr$object_attribute where ixv_oat_id = oat_id and oat_name = 'SECTION_ATTRIBUTE' order by ixv_sub_group) loop if (sec_id <> c1.ixv_sub_group) then sec_id := c1.ixv_sub_group; select count(*) into sec_rcnt from dr$index_value where ixv_idx_id = c1.ixv_idx_id and ixv_sub_group = c1.ixv_sub_group; end if; if (c1.ixv_sub_oat_id = 240107) then sec_csv := sec_csv || 'T' || c1.ixv_value; else sec_csv := sec_csv || c1.ixv_value ||':'; end if; cnt := cnt + 1; if (sec_rcnt = cnt and sec_rcnt <> 0) then select ixv_oat_id into sec_oat_id from dr$index_value where ixv_idx_id = c1.ixv_idx_id and ixv_value = to_char(sec_id); insert into dr$index_value values (c1.ixv_idx_id, sec_oat_id, rtrim(sec_csv, ':'), 0, 0); delete from dr$index_value where ixv_idx_id = c1.ixv_idx_id and ixv_value = to_char(sec_id); delete from dr$index_value where ixv_idx_id = c1.ixv_idx_id and ixv_sub_group = sec_id; update dr$index_object set ixo_acnt = ixo_acnt - sec_rcnt where ixo_cla_id = 5 and ixo_idx_id = c1.ixv_idx_id; sec_csv := ''; sec_rcnt := 0; cnt := 0; end if; end loop; end; / alter table dr$class drop constraint drc$cla_key; drop table dr$section_attribute; update dr$object_attribute set oat_datatype = 'S' where oat_cla_id = 5; delete from dr$object_attribute where oat_name = 'SECTION_ATTRIBUTE'; delete from dr$object_attribute where oat_cla_id = 24; delete from dr$object where obj_cla_id = 24; delete from dr$class where cla_id = 24;