Rem $Header: ctx_src_2/src/dr/admin/ctxview.sql /st_ctx_11.2.0/3 2011/06/15 00:46:52 rkadwe Exp $ Rem Rem Rem ctxview.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2002, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. Rem All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem ctxview.sql Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem create or replace public views, with grants and public Rem synonyms, include any fixed views. Rem Rem NOTES Rem Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem ssethuma 03/24/11 - section specific attributes Rem hsarkar 03/24/11 - Date and Pattern Stopclass project Rem rpalakod 04/29/11 - Backport rpalakod_bug-11651942 from main Rem rpalakod 07/28/09 - autooptimize Rem nenarkhe 06/29/09 - add dr0tree package Rem nenarkhe 04/23/09 - remove dr$mvdata_update Rem rpalakod 02/05/08 - Bug 6798472: ctx_user_extract_policies Rem rpalakod 12/28/07 - new dictionary Rem rpalakod 12/28/07 - user_extract_rule Rem rpalakod 11/14/07 - Entity Extraction Views: Part 3 Rem rpalakod 10/19/07 - second set of entity extraction views Rem rpalakod 10/16/07 - first set of entity extraction views Rem wclin 05/11/07 - bug5996259: support sql92 security Rem wclin 05/08/07 - SDATA section support CHAR type Rem wclin 08/11/06 - bug5401928: fix pending view hints Rem skabraha 07/18/06 - add idx_query_stats_enabled to ctx*indexes Rem wclin 07/13/06 - add section id to cdi views Rem rigandhi 06/07/06 - name search Rem wclin 05/17/06 - add cdi orderby col sort order Rem ymatsuda 02/17/06 - sdata section datatype Rem gkaminag 10/24/05 - sdata update Rem gkaminag 10/16/05 - column mdata Rem gkaminag 09/29/05 - cdi indexing Rem surman 11/13/03 - 3242708: Remove server tables Rem ehuang 10/24/03 - tracing Rem gkaminag 09/16/03 - mdata Rem yucheng 07/01/03 - migrate to scheduler Rem yucheng 06/05/03 - add sync attributes to view Rem gkaminag 04/14/03 - Rem gkaminag 12/17/02 - procedure datatype Rem gkaminag 11/26/02 - increase size of version string Rem gkaminag 09/24/02 - security phase 3 Rem gkaminag 07/17/02 - security phase 2 Rem ehuang 07/02/02 - security overhaul changes Rem ehuang 06/17/02 - ehuang_component_upgrade Rem ehuang 06/11/02 - Created Rem REM =================================================================== REM OBJECT DICTIONARY VIEWS REM =================================================================== REM ------------------------------------------------------------------- REM dr$parameters REM ------------------------------------------------------------------- PROMPT ... creating view ctx_parameters CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW ctx_parameters AS select par_name, par_value from dr$parameter; CREATE OR REPLACE PUBLIC SYNONYM ctx_parameters for ctxsys.ctx_parameters; GRANT select ON ctx_parameters TO public; REM ------------------------------------------------------------------- REM dr$class REM ------------------------------------------------------------------- PROMPT ... creating view ctx_classes CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW ctx_classes AS select cla_name ,cla_desc cla_description from dr$class where cla_system = 'N'; CREATE OR REPLACE PUBLIC SYNONYM ctx_classes FOR ctxsys.ctx_classes; GRANT select ON ctx_classes TO public; REM ------------------------------------------------------------------- REM dr$object REM ------------------------------------------------------------------- PROMPT ... creating view ctx_objects CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW ctx_objects AS select cla_name obj_class, obj_name obj_name, obj_desc obj_description from dr$class, dr$object where cla_id = obj_cla_id and obj_system = 'N' and cla_system = 'N'; CREATE OR REPLACE PUBLIC SYNONYM ctx_objects FOR ctxsys.ctx_objects; GRANT select ON ctx_objects TO public; REM ------------------------------------------------------------------- REM dr$object_attribute REM ------------------------------------------------------------------- PROMPT ... creating view ctx_object_attributes CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW ctx_object_attributes AS select cla_name oat_class, obj_name oat_object, oat_name oat_attribute, oat_desc oat_description, oat_required oat_required, oat_static oat_static, decode(oat_datatype,'S','STRING','I','INTEGER','B','BOOLEAN', 'P','PROCEDURE') oat_datatype, oat_default oat_default, oat_val_min oat_min, decode(oat_datatype, 'S', null, oat_val_max) oat_max, decode(oat_datatype, 'S', oat_val_max, null) oat_max_length from dr$class, dr$object, dr$object_attribute where cla_id = obj_cla_id and obj_cla_id = oat_cla_id and obj_id = oat_obj_id and oat_system = 'N' and cla_system = 'N'; CREATE OR REPLACE PUBLIC SYNONYM ctx_object_attributes FOR ctxsys.ctx_object_attributes; GRANT select ON ctx_object_attributes TO public; REM ------------------------------------------------------------------- REM dr$object_attribute_lov REM ------------------------------------------------------------------- PROMPT ... creating view dr$object_attribute_lov CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW ctx_object_attribute_lov AS select cla_name oal_class, obj_name oal_object, oat_name oal_attribute, oal_label oal_label, oal_value oal_value, oal_desc oal_description from dr$class, dr$object, dr$object_attribute, dr$object_attribute_lov where cla_id = obj_cla_id and obj_cla_id = oat_cla_id and obj_id = oat_obj_id and oat_id = oal_oat_id and obj_system = 'N' and oat_system = 'N' and cla_system = 'N'; CREATE OR REPLACE PUBLIC SYNONYM ctx_object_attribute_lov FOR ctxsys.ctx_object_attribute_lov; GRANT select ON ctx_object_attribute_lov TO public; REM =================================================================== REM PREFERENCE TABLES VIEWS REM =================================================================== REM ------------------------------------------------------------------- REM ctx_preference REM ------------------------------------------------------------------- PROMPT ... creating view ctx_preference CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW ctx_preferences AS select pre_owner ,pre_name pre_name ,cla_name pre_class ,obj_name pre_object from dr$preference ,dr$object ,dr$class ,sys.user$ u where pre_obj_id = obj_id and pre_cla_id = obj_cla_id and obj_cla_id = cla_id and obj_system = 'N' and cla_system = 'N' and pre_owner# = u.user# / CREATE OR REPLACE PUBLIC SYNONYM ctx_preferences FOR ctxsys.ctx_preferences; GRANT select ON ctx_preferences TO public; PROMPT ... creating view ctx_user_preferences CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW ctx_user_preferences AS select pre_name pre_name ,cla_name pre_class ,obj_name pre_object from dr$preference ,dr$object ,dr$class where pre_obj_id = obj_id and pre_cla_id = obj_cla_id and obj_cla_id = cla_id and obj_system = 'N' and cla_system = 'N' and pre_owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') / CREATE OR REPLACE PUBLIC SYNONYM ctx_user_preferences FOR ctxsys.ctx_user_preferences; GRANT select ON ctx_user_preferences TO public; REM ------------------------------------------------------------------- REM dr$preference_value REM ------------------------------------------------------------------- PROMPT ... creating view dr$preference_values CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW ctx_preference_values AS select /*+ ORDERED INDEX(dr$preference_value) */ prv_owner ,pre_name prv_preference ,oat_name prv_attribute ,decode(oat_datatype, 'B', decode(prv_value, 1, 'YES', 'NO'), nvl(oal_label, prv_value)) prv_value from sys.user$ u ,dr$preference ,dr$preference_value ,dr$object_attribute ,dr$object_attribute_lov where prv_value = nvl(oal_value, prv_value) and oat_id = oal_oat_id (+) and oat_id = prv_oat_id and prv_pre_id = pre_id and pre_owner# = u.user# / CREATE OR REPLACE PUBLIC SYNONYM ctx_preference_values FOR ctxsys.ctx_preference_values; GRANT select ON ctx_preference_values TO public; PROMPT ... creating view ctx_user_preference_values CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW ctx_user_preference_values AS select /*+ ORDERED INDEX(dr$preference_value) */ pre_name prv_preference ,oat_name prv_attribute ,decode(oat_datatype, 'B', decode(prv_value, 1, 'YES', 'NO'), nvl(oal_label, prv_value)) prv_value from dr$preference ,dr$preference_value ,dr$object_attribute ,dr$object_attribute_lov where oat_id = oal_oat_id (+) and prv_value = nvl(oal_value, prv_value) and pre_id = prv_pre_id and oat_id = prv_oat_id and pre_owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') / CREATE OR REPLACE PUBLIC SYNONYM ctx_user_preference_values FOR ctxsys.ctx_user_preference_values; GRANT select ON ctx_user_preference_values TO public; REM ------------------------------------------------------------------- REM dr$index REM ------------------------------------------------------------------- PROMPT ... creating view ctx_indexes create or replace view ctx_indexes as select idx_id , idx_owner ,idx_name idx_name , idx_table_owner , idx_table ,idx_key_name idx_key_name ,idx_text_name idx_text_name ,idx_docid_count idx_docid_count ,idx_status idx_status ,idx_language_column idx_language_column ,idx_format_column idx_format_column ,idx_charset_column idx_charset_column ,decode(idx_type, 0, 'CONTEXT', 1, 'CTXCAT', 2, 'CTXRULE') idx_type ,idx_sync_type idx_sync_type ,idx_sync_memory idx_sync_memory ,idx_sync_para_degree idx_sync_para_degree ,idx_sync_interval idx_sync_interval ,idx_sync_jobname idx_sync_jobname ,decode(instr(idx_option, 'Z'), 0, 'NO', NULL, 'NO', 'YES') idx_query_stats_enabled from dr$index, sys.user$ u, sys.obj$ o, sys.user$ u2 where idx_owner# = u.user# and idx_table_owner# = u2.user# and idx_table# = o.obj# / PROMPT ... creating view ctx_user_indexes create or replace view ctx_user_indexes as select idx_id ,idx_name idx_name , idx_table_owner , idx_table ,idx_key_name idx_key_name ,idx_text_name idx_text_name ,idx_docid_count idx_docid_count ,idx_status idx_status ,idx_language_column idx_language_column ,idx_format_column idx_format_column ,idx_charset_column idx_charset_column ,decode(idx_type, 0, 'CONTEXT', 1, 'CTXCAT', 2, 'CTXRULE') idx_type ,idx_sync_type idx_sync_type ,idx_sync_memory idx_sync_memory ,idx_sync_para_degree idx_sync_para_degree ,idx_sync_interval idx_sync_interval ,idx_sync_jobname idx_sync_jobname ,decode(instr(idx_option, 'Z'), 0, 'NO', NULL, 'NO', 'YES') idx_query_stats_enabled from dr$index, sys.user$ u, sys.obj$ o where idx_owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') and idx_table_owner# = u.user# and idx_table# = o.obj# / create or replace public synonym ctx_user_indexes for ctxsys.ctx_user_indexes; grant select on ctx_user_indexes to public; REM ------------------------------------------------------------------- REM dr$index_partition REM ------------------------------------------------------------------- PROMPT ... creating view ctx_index_partitions create or replace view ctx_index_partitions as select ixp_id , ixp_index_owner ,idx_name ixp_index_name ,ixp_name ixp_index_partition_name , ixp_table_owner , ixp_table_name ,o2.subname ixp_table_partition_name ,ixp_docid_count ixp_docid_count ,ixp_status ixp_status ,ixp_sync_type ixp_sync_type ,ixp_sync_memory ixp_sync_memory ,ixp_sync_para_degree ixp_sync_para_degree ,ixp_sync_interval ixp_sync_interval ,ixp_sync_jobname ixp_sync_jobname from dr$index_partition, dr$index, sys.user$ u1, sys.user$ u2, sys.obj$ o1, sys.obj$ o2 where idx_owner# = u1.user# and idx_table_owner# = u2.user# and ixp_table_partition# = o2.obj# and idx_table# = o1.obj# and ixp_idx_id = idx_id / PROMPT ... creating view ctx_user_index_partitions create or replace view ctx_user_index_partitions as select ixp_id ,idx_name ixp_index_name ,ixp_name ixp_index_partition_name , ixp_table_owner , ixp_table_name ,o2.subname ixp_table_partition_name ,ixp_docid_count ixp_docid_count ,ixp_status ixp_status ,ixp_sync_type ixp_sync_type ,ixp_sync_memory ixp_sync_memory ,ixp_sync_para_degree ixp_sync_para_degree ,ixp_sync_interval ixp_sync_interval ,ixp_sync_jobname ixp_sync_jobname from dr$index_partition, dr$index, sys.user$ u2, sys.obj$ o1, sys.obj$ o2 where idx_owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') and idx_table_owner# = u2.user# and ixp_table_partition# = o2.obj# and idx_table# = o1.obj# and ixp_idx_id = idx_id / create or replace public synonym ctx_user_index_partitions for ctxsys.ctx_user_index_partitions; grant select on ctx_user_index_partitions to public; REM ------------------------------------------------------------------- REM dr$index_value REM ------------------------------------------------------------------- PROMPT ... creating view ctx_index_values create or replace view ctx_index_values as select /*+ ORDERED */ ixv_index_owner, idx_name ixv_index_name, cla_name ixv_class, obj_name ixv_object, oat_name ixv_attribute, decode(oat_datatype, 'B', decode(ixv_value, 1, 'YES', 'NO'), nvl(oal_label, ixv_value)) ixv_value from dr$index, sys.user$ u, dr$index_value, dr$object_attribute, dr$object, dr$class, dr$object_attribute_lov where ixv_sub_group = 0 and ixv_value = nvl(oal_value, ixv_value) and oat_id = oal_oat_id (+) and oat_system = 'N' and oat_cla_id = obj_cla_id and oat_obj_id = obj_id and cla_system = 'N' and oat_cla_id = cla_id and ixv_oat_id = oat_id and idx_id = ixv_idx_id and idx_owner# = u.user# / PROMPT ... creating view ctx_user_index_values create or replace view ctx_user_index_values as select /*+ ORDERED */ idx_name ixv_index_name, cla_name ixv_class, obj_name ixv_object, oat_name ixv_attribute, decode(oat_datatype, 'B', decode(ixv_value, 1, 'YES', 'NO'), nvl(oal_label, ixv_value)) ixv_value from dr$index, dr$index_value, dr$object_attribute, dr$object, dr$class, dr$object_attribute_lov where ixv_value = nvl(oal_value, ixv_value) and oat_id = oal_oat_id (+) and oat_system = 'N' and oat_cla_id = obj_cla_id and oat_obj_id = obj_id and cla_system = 'N' and oat_cla_id = cla_id and ixv_oat_id = oat_id and idx_id = ixv_idx_id and idx_owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') / CREATE OR REPLACE PUBLIC SYNONYM ctx_user_index_values FOR ctxsys.ctx_user_index_values; GRANT select ON ctx_user_index_values to public; REM ------------------------------------------------------------------- REM index sub lexer views REM ------------------------------------------------------------------- PROMPT ... creating function dri_sublxv_lang CREATE or replace function dri_sublxv_lang(value in varchar2) return varchar2 is begin return null; end dri_sublxv_lang; / PROMPT ... creating view ctx_index_sub_lexers CREATE or replace view ctx_index_sub_lexers as select /*+ ORDERED */ isl_index_owner, idx_name isl_index_name, substr(dri_sublxv_lang(ixv_value),1,30) isl_language, substr(substr(ixv_value,instr(ixv_value,':',-1)+1),1,30) isl_alt_value, substr(substr(ixv_value,instr(ixv_value,':')+1, instr(ixv_value, ':', -1) - instr(ixv_value,':') - 1), 1,30) isl_object from dr$index, sys.user$ u, dr$index_value where ixv_oat_id = 60601 and idx_id = ixv_idx_id and idx_owner# = u.user# / PROMPT ... creating view ctx_user_index_sub_lexers CREATE or replace view ctx_user_index_sub_lexers as select /*+ ORDERED */ idx_name isl_index_name, substr(dri_sublxv_lang(ixv_value),1,30) isl_language, substr(substr(ixv_value,instr(ixv_value,':',-1)+1),1,30) isl_alt_value, substr(substr(ixv_value,instr(ixv_value,':')+1, instr(ixv_value, ':', -1) - instr(ixv_value,':') - 1), 1,30) isl_object from dr$index, dr$index_value where ixv_oat_id = 60601 and idx_id = ixv_idx_id and idx_owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') / CREATE OR REPLACE PUBLIC SYNONYM ctx_user_index_sub_lexers FOR ctxsys.ctx_user_index_sub_lexers; GRANT select ON ctx_user_index_sub_lexers to public; PROMPT ... creaing view ctx_index_sub_lexer_values create or replace view ctx_index_sub_lexer_values as select /*+ ORDERED */ isv_index_owner, idx_name isv_index_name, substr(dri_sublxv_lang(iv2.ixv_value),1,30) isv_language, obj_name isv_object, oat_name isv_attribute, decode(oat_datatype, 'B', decode(iv1.ixv_value, 1, 'YES', 'NO'), nvl(oal_label, iv1.ixv_value)) isv_value from dr$index, sys.user$ u, dr$index_value iv1, dr$index_value iv2, dr$object_attribute, dr$object, dr$object_attribute_lov where iv1.ixv_value = nvl(oal_value, iv1.ixv_value) and oat_id = oal_oat_id (+) and oat_system = 'N' and oat_cla_id = obj_cla_id and oat_obj_id = obj_id and iv1.ixv_sub_oat_id = oat_id and iv2.ixv_oat_id = 60601 and iv1.ixv_sub_group = iv2.ixv_sub_group and iv1.ixv_idx_id = iv2.ixv_idx_id and iv1.ixv_oat_id = 60602 and idx_id = iv1.ixv_idx_id and idx_owner# = u.user# / PROMPT ... creating view ctx_user_index_sub_lexer_vals create or replace view ctx_user_index_sub_lexer_vals as select /*+ ORDERED */ idx_name isv_index_name, substr(dri_sublxv_lang(iv2.ixv_value),1,30) isv_language, obj_name isv_object, oat_name isv_attribute, decode(oat_datatype, 'B', decode(iv1.ixv_value, 1, 'YES', 'NO'), nvl(oal_label, iv1.ixv_value)) isv_value from dr$index, dr$index_value iv1, dr$index_value iv2, dr$object_attribute, dr$object, dr$object_attribute_lov where iv1.ixv_value = nvl(oal_value, iv1.ixv_value) and oat_id = oal_oat_id (+) and oat_system = 'N' and oat_cla_id = obj_cla_id and oat_obj_id = obj_id and iv1.ixv_sub_oat_id = oat_id and iv2.ixv_oat_id = 60601 and iv1.ixv_sub_group = iv2.ixv_sub_group and iv1.ixv_idx_id = iv2.ixv_idx_id and iv1.ixv_oat_id = 60602 and idx_id = iv1.ixv_idx_id and idx_owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') / CREATE OR REPLACE PUBLIC SYNONYM ctx_user_index_sub_lexer_vals FOR ctxsys.ctx_user_index_sub_lexer_vals; GRANT select ON ctx_user_index_sub_lexer_vals to public; REM ------------------------------------------------------------------- REM dr$index_object REM ------------------------------------------------------------------- PROMPT ... creating view ctx_index_objects create or replace view ctx_index_objects as select ixo_index_owner, idx_name ixo_index_name, cla_name ixo_class, obj_name ixo_object from dr$index, dr$class, dr$object, dr$index_object, sys.user$ u where cla_system = 'N' and ixo_cla_id = cla_id and ixo_cla_id = obj_cla_id and ixo_obj_id = obj_id and ixo_idx_id = idx_id and idx_owner# = u.user# / PROMPT ... creating view ctx_user_index_objects create or replace view ctx_user_index_objects as select idx_name ixo_index_name, cla_name ixo_class, obj_name ixo_object from dr$index, dr$class, dr$object, dr$index_object where cla_system = 'N' and ixo_cla_id = cla_id and ixo_cla_id = obj_cla_id and ixo_obj_id = obj_id and ixo_idx_id = idx_id and idx_owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') / CREATE OR REPLACE PUBLIC SYNONYM ctx_user_index_objects FOR ctxsys.ctx_user_index_objects; GRANT select ON ctx_user_index_objects to public; REM ------------------------------------------------------------------- REM dr$sqe - REM ------------------------------------------------------------------- PROMPT ... creating view ctx_sqes create or replace view ctx_sqes as select sqe_owner, sqe_name, sqe_query from dr$sqe sqe, sys.user$ u where sqe_owner# = u.user# / create or replace public synonym ctx_sqes for ctxsys.ctx_sqes; grant select on ctx_sqes to public; PROMPT ... creating view ctx_user_sqes create or replace view ctx_user_sqes as select sqe_owner, sqe_name, sqe_query from dr$sqe sqe, sys.user$ u where sqe_owner# = u.user# and u.user# = userenv('SCHEMAID') / create or replace public synonym ctx_user_sqes for ctxsys.ctx_user_sqes; grant select on ctx_user_sqes to public; Rem --- Creation of ctx_user_session_sqes done in drvxmd.pkb --- REM ------------------------------------------------------------------- REM dr$ths - REM ------------------------------------------------------------------- PROMPT ... creating view ctx_thesauri create or replace view ctx_thesauri as select ths_owner, ths_name from dr$ths, sys.user$ u where ths_owner# = u.user# / create or replace public synonym CTX_THESAURI for CTXSYS.CTX_THESAURI; grant select on CTX_THESAURI to PUBLIC; PROMPT ... creating view ctx_user_thesauri create or replace view ctx_user_thesauri as select ths_name from dr$ths where ths_owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') / create or replace public synonym CTX_USER_THESAURI for CTXSYS.CTX_USER_THESAURI; grant select on CTX_USER_THESAURI to PUBLIC; REM ------------------------------------------------------------------- REM dr$ths_phrase - REM ------------------------------------------------------------------- PROMPT ... creating view ctx_thes_phrases create or replace view ctx_thes_phrases as select ths_name thp_thesaurus, thp_phrase thp_phrase, thp_qualify thp_qualifier, thp_note thp_scope_note from dr$ths, dr$ths_phrase where thp_thsid = ths_id order by thp_thsid, thp_phrase, thp_qualify / create or replace public synonym CTX_THES_PHRASES for CTXSYS.CTX_THES_PHRASES; grant select on CTX_THES_PHRASES to PUBLIC; PROMPT ... creating ctx_user_thes_phrases create or replace view ctx_user_thes_phrases as select ths_name thp_thesaurus, thp_phrase thp_phrase, thp_qualify thp_qualifier, thp_note thp_scope_note from dr$ths_phrase, dr$ths where thp_thsid = ths_id and ths_owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') order by thp_thsid, thp_phrase, thp_qualify / create or replace public synonym CTX_USER_THES_PHRASES for CTXSYS.CTX_USER_THES_PHRASES; grant select on CTX_USER_THES_PHRASES to PUBLIC; REM ------------------------------------------------------------------- REM dr$section_group - REM ------------------------------------------------------------------- PROMPT ... creating view ctx_section_groups create or replace view ctx_section_groups as select sgp_owner, sgp_name, obj_name sgp_type from dr$section_group, dr$object, dr$class, sys.user$ u where sgp_obj_id = obj_id and obj_system = 'N' and obj_cla_id = cla_id and cla_name = 'SECTION_GROUP' and sgp_owner# = u.user# / create or replace public synonym CTX_SECTION_GROUPS for CTXSYS.CTX_SECTION_GROUPS; grant select on CTX_SECTION_GROUPS to PUBLIC; PROMPT ... creating view ctx_user_section_groups create or replace view ctx_user_section_groups as select sgp_name, obj_name sgp_type from dr$section_group, dr$object, dr$class where sgp_obj_id = obj_id and obj_system = 'N' and obj_cla_id = cla_id and cla_name = 'SECTION_GROUP' and sgp_owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') / create or replace public synonym CTX_USER_SECTION_GROUPS for CTXSYS.CTX_USER_SECTION_GROUPS; grant select on CTX_USER_SECTION_GROUPS to PUBLIC; REM ------------------------------------------------------------------- REM dr$section - REM ------------------------------------------------------------------- PROMPT ... creating view ctx_sections create or replace view ctx_sections as select sec_owner, sgp_name sec_section_group, decode(sec_type, 1, 'ZONE', 2, 'FIELD', 3, 'SPECIAL', 4, 'STOP', 5, 'ATTR', 7, 'MDATA', 8, 'COLUMN SDATA', 9, 'COLUMN MDATA', 10, 'SDATA', 11, 'NDATA', null) sec_type, sec_id sec_id, decode(sec_type, 4, null, sec_name) sec_name, sec_tag sec_tag, sec_visible sec_visible, decode(sec_datatype, 2, 'NUMBER', 5, 'VARCHAR2', 12, 'DATE', 23, 'RAW', 96, 'CHAR', null) sec_datatype from dr$section sec, dr$section_group sgp, sys.user$ u where sgp.sgp_id = sec.sec_sgp_id and sgp_owner# = u.user# / create or replace public synonym CTX_SECTIONS for CTXSYS.CTX_SECTIONS; grant select on CTX_SECTIONS to PUBLIC; PROMPT ... creating view ctx_user_sections create or replace view ctx_user_sections as select sgp_name sec_section_group, decode(sec_type, 1, 'ZONE', 2, 'FIELD', 3, 'SPECIAL', 4, 'STOP', 5, 'ATTR', 7, 'MDATA', 8, 'COLUMN SDATA', 9, 'COLUMN MDATA', 10, 'SDATA', 11, 'NDATA', null) sec_type, sec_id sec_id, decode(sec_type, 4, null, sec_name) sec_name, sec_tag sec_tag, sec_visible sec_visible, decode(sec_datatype, 2, 'NUMBER', 5, 'VARCHAR2', 12, 'DATE', 23, 'RAW', 96, 'CHAR', null) sec_datatype from dr$section sec, dr$section_group sgp where sgp.sgp_id = sec.sec_sgp_id and sgp_owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') / create or replace public synonym CTX_USER_SECTIONS for CTXSYS.CTX_USER_SECTIONS; grant select on CTX_USER_SECTIONS to PUBLIC; REM ------------------------------------------------------------------- REM dr$stoplist - REM ------------------------------------------------------------------- PROMPT ... creating view ctx_stoplists create or replace view ctx_stoplists as select spl_owner, spl_name spl_name, spl_count spl_count, obj_name spl_type from dr$stoplist, sys.user$ u, dr$object, dr$class where spl_owner# = u.user# and spl_type = obj_id and obj_cla_id = cla_id and cla_name = 'STOPLIST' / create or replace public synonym CTX_STOPLISTS for CTXSYS.CTX_STOPLISTS; grant select on CTX_STOPLISTS to PUBLIC; PROMPT ... creating view ctx_user_stoplists create or replace view ctx_user_stoplists as select spl_name spl_name, spl_count spl_count, obj_name spl_type from dr$stoplist, dr$object, dr$class where spl_owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') and spl_type = obj_id and obj_cla_id = cla_id and cla_name = 'STOPLIST' / create or replace public synonym CTX_USER_STOPLISTS for CTXSYS.CTX_USER_STOPLISTS; grant select on CTX_USER_STOPLISTS to PUBLIC; REM ------------------------------------------------------------------- REM dr$stopword - REM ------------------------------------------------------------------- PROMPT ... creating view ctx_stopwords create or replace view ctx_stopwords as select spw_owner, spl_name spw_stoplist, decode(spw_type, 1, 'STOP_CLASS', 2, 'STOP_WORD', 3, 'STOP_THEME', null) spw_type, spw_word spw_word, decode(spw_language, 'ALL', null, spw_language) spw_language, spw_lang_dependent spw_lang_dependent, spw_pattern spw_pattern from dr$stoplist, dr$stopword, sys.user$ u where spl_id = spw_spl_id and spl_owner# = u.user# / create or replace public synonym ctx_stopwords for CTXSYS.CTX_STOPWORDS; grant select on CTX_STOPWORDS to PUBLIC; PROMPT ... creating view ctx_user_stopwords create or replace view CTX_USER_STOPWORDS as select spl_name spw_stoplist, decode(spw_type, 1, 'STOP_CLASS', 2, 'STOP_WORD', 3, 'STOP_THEME', null) spw_type, spw_word spw_word, decode(spw_language, 'ALL', null, spw_language) spw_language, spw_lang_dependent spw_lang_dependent, spw_pattern spw_pattern from dr$stoplist, dr$stopword where spl_id = spw_spl_id and spl_owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') / create or replace public synonym CTX_USER_STOPWORDS for CTXSYS.CTX_USER_STOPWORDS; grant select on CTX_USER_STOPWORDS to PUBLIC; REM ------------------------------------------------------------------- REM dr$sub_lexer - REM ------------------------------------------------------------------- PROMPT ... creating view ctx_sub_lexers CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW ctx_sub_lexers AS select slx_owner ,p1.pre_name slx_name ,slx_language slx_language ,slx_alt_value slx_alt_value , slx_sub_owner ,p2.pre_name slx_sub_name ,slx_lang_dependent slx_lang_dependent from dr$sub_lexer ,dr$preference p1 ,dr$preference p2 ,sys.user$ u1 ,sys.user$ u2 where p2.pre_owner# = u2.user# and p1.pre_owner# = u1.user# and slx_sub_pre_id = p2.pre_id and slx_pre_id = p1.pre_id / create or replace public synonym CTX_SUB_LEXERS for CTXSYS.CTX_SUB_LEXERS; grant select on CTX_SUB_LEXERS to PUBLIC; PROMPT ... creating view ctx_user_sub_lexers CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW ctx_user_sub_lexers AS select p1.pre_name slx_name ,slx_language slx_language ,slx_alt_value slx_alt_value , slx_sub_owner ,p2.pre_name slx_sub_name ,slx_lang_dependent slx_lang_dependent from dr$sub_lexer ,dr$preference p1 ,dr$preference p2 ,sys.user$ u2 where p2.pre_owner# = u2.user# and p1.pre_owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') and slx_sub_pre_id = p2.pre_id and slx_pre_id = p1.pre_id / create or replace public synonym CTX_USER_SUB_LEXERS for CTXSYS.CTX_USER_SUB_LEXERS; grant select on CTX_USER_SUB_LEXERS to PUBLIC; REM ------------------------------------------------------------------- REM dr$index_set - REM ------------------------------------------------------------------- PROMPT ... creating view ctx_index_sets create or replace view ctx_index_sets as select ixs_owner, ixs_name from dr$index_set, sys.user$ u where ixs_owner# = u.user# / create or replace public synonym CTX_INDEX_SETS for CTXSYS.CTX_INDEX_SETS; grant select on CTX_INDEX_SETS to PUBLIC; PROMPT ... creating view ctx_user_index_sets create or replace view ctx_user_index_sets as select ixs_name from dr$index_set where ixs_owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') / create or replace public synonym CTX_USER_INDEX_SETS for CTXSYS.CTX_USER_INDEX_SETS; grant select on CTX_USER_INDEX_SETS to PUBLIC; REM ------------------------------------------------------------------- REM dr$index_set_index - REM ------------------------------------------------------------------- PROMPT ... creating view ctx_index_set_indexes create or replace view ctx_index_set_indexes as select ixx_index_set_owner, ixs_name ixx_index_set_name, ixx_collist, ixx_storage from dr$index_set_index, dr$index_set, sys.user$ u where ixs_owner# = u.user# and ixx_ixs_id = ixs_id; / create or replace public synonym CTX_INDEX_SET_INDEXES for CTXSYS.CTX_INDEX_SET_INDEXES; grant select on CTX_INDEX_SET_INDEXES to PUBLIC; PROMPT ... creating view ctx_user_index_set_indexes create or replace view ctx_user_index_set_indexes as select ixs_name ixx_index_set_name, ixx_collist, ixx_storage from dr$index_set_index, dr$index_set where ixx_ixs_id = ixs_id and ixs_owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') / create or replace public synonym CTX_USER_INDEX_SET_INDEXES for CTXSYS.CTX_USER_INDEX_SET_INDEXES; grant select on CTX_USER_INDEX_SET_INDEXES to PUBLIC; REM =================================================================== REM ADMINISTRATION TABLES REM =================================================================== REM ------------------------------------------------------------------- REM dr$pending REM ------------------------------------------------------------------- PROMPT ... creating view drv$pending CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW drv$pending as select * from dr$pending where pnd_cid = SYS_CONTEXT('DR$APPCTX','IDXID') with check option; grant select, insert on drv$pending to public; PROMPT ... creating view ctx_pending CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW ctx_pending AS select /*+ ORDERED USE_NL(i p d) */ pnd_index_owner, idx_name pnd_index_name, ixp_name pnd_partition_name, pnd_rowid, pnd_timestamp from sys.user$ u, dr$index i, dr$index_partition p, dr$pending d where idx_owner# = u.user# and idx_id = ixp_idx_id and pnd_pid = ixp_id and pnd_pid != 0 and pnd_cid = idx_id UNION ALL select /*+ ORDERED USE_NL(i d) */ pnd_index_owner, idx_name pnd_index_name, null pnd_partition_name, pnd_rowid, pnd_timestamp from sys.user$ u, dr$index i, dr$pending d where idx_owner# = u.user# and pnd_pid = 0 and pnd_cid = idx_id / PROMPT ... creating view ctx_user_pending CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW ctx_user_pending AS select /*+ ORDERED USE_NL(i p d)*/ idx_name pnd_index_name, ixp_name pnd_partition_name, pnd_rowid, pnd_timestamp from dr$index i, dr$index_partition p, dr$pending d where idx_id = ixp_idx_id and pnd_pid = ixp_id and pnd_cid != 0 and pnd_cid = idx_id and idx_owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') UNION ALL select /*+ ORDERED USE_NL(i d) */ idx_name pnd_index_name, null pnd_partition_name, pnd_rowid, pnd_timestamp from dr$index i, dr$pending d where pnd_pid = 0 and pnd_cid = idx_id and idx_owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') / create or replace public synonym CTX_USER_PENDING for CTXSYS.CTX_USER_PENDING; grant select on CTX_USER_PENDING to PUBLIC; REM ------------------------------------------------------------------- REM dr$waiting REM ------------------------------------------------------------------- PROMPT ... creating view drv$waiting CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW drv$waiting as select * from dr$waiting where wtg_cid = SYS_CONTEXT('DR$APPCTX','IDXID') with check option; grant select, insert on drv$waiting to public; REM ------------------------------------------------------------------- REM drv$online_pending REM ------------------------------------------------------------------- PROMPT ... creating view drv$online_pending CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW drv$online_pending as select * from dr$online_pending where onl_cid = SYS_CONTEXT('DR$APPCTX','IDXID') with check option; grant select, insert on drv$online_pending to public; REM ------------------------------------------------------------------- REM drv$delete REM ------------------------------------------------------------------- PROMPT ... creating view drv$delete CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW drv$delete as select * from dr$delete; grant select on drv$delete to public; CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW drv$delete2 as select * from dr$delete where del_idx_id = SYS_CONTEXT('DR$APPCTX','IDXID') with check option; grant insert on drv$delete2 to public; REM ------------------------------------------------------------------- REM drv$unindexed REM ------------------------------------------------------------------- PROMPT ... creating view drv$unindexed CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW drv$unindexed as select * from dr$unindexed; grant select on drv$unindexed to public; CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW drv$unindexed2 as select * from dr$unindexed where unx_idx_id = SYS_CONTEXT('DR$APPCTX','IDXID') with check option; grant select, insert, delete on drv$unindexed2 to public; REM ------------------------------------------------------------------- REM dr$index_error REM ------------------------------------------------------------------- PROMPT ... creating view ctx_index_errors CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW ctx_index_errors AS select err_index_owner, idx_name err_index_name, err_timestamp, err_textkey, err_text from dr$index_error, dr$index, sys.user$ u where idx_id = err_idx_id and idx_owner# = u.user# / PROMPT ... creating view ctx_user_index_errors CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW ctx_user_index_errors AS select idx_name err_index_name, err_timestamp, err_textkey, err_text from dr$index_error, dr$index where idx_id = err_idx_id and idx_owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') / create or replace public synonym ctx_user_index_errors for ctxsys.ctx_user_index_errors; grant select, delete on ctx_user_index_errors to public; REM ------------------------------------------------------------------- REM ctx_version REM ------------------------------------------------------------------- create or replace function dri_version return varchar2 is begin return ''; end; / PROMPT ... creating view ctx_version CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW ctx_version AS select '' ver_dict, substr(dri_version,1,10) ver_code from dual; REM ------------------------------------------------------------------- REM ctx_trace_values REM ------------------------------------------------------------------- REM this is a dummy until the types and packages we need get created create or replace view ctx_trace_values as select 0 trc_id, 0 trc_value from dual where 1 = 2; create or replace public synonym ctx_trace_values for ctxsys.ctx_trace_values; grant select on ctx_trace_values to public; REM ------------------------------------------------------------------- REM ctx_filter_cache_statistics REM ------------------------------------------------------------------- REM this is a dummy until the types and packages we need get created create or replace view ctx_filter_cache_statistics as select 0 fcs_index_owner, 0 fcs_index_name, 0 fcs_partition_name, 0 fcs_size, 0 fcs_entries, 0 fcs_requests, 0 fcs_hits from dual where 1 = 2; create or replace public synonym ctx_filter_cache_statistics for ctxsys.ctx_filter_cache_statistics; grant select on ctx_filter_cache_statistics to public; REM ------------------------------------------------------------------- REM ctx_filter_by_columns REM ------------------------------------------------------------------- create or replace view ctx_filter_by_columns as select fbc_index_owner ,idx_name fbc_index_name , fbc_table_owner , fbc_table_name ,cdi_column_name fbc_column_name ,cdi_column_type fbc_column_type ,cdi_section_name fbc_section_name ,decode(cdi_section_type,8,'SDATA',9,'MDATA','UNKNOWN') fbc_section_type ,cdi_section_id fbc_section_id from dr$index_cdi_column, dr$index, sys.user$ u, sys.obj$ o, sys.user$ u2 where cdi_idx_id = idx_id and cdi_column_position = 0 and idx_owner# = u.user# and idx_table_owner# = u2.user# and idx_table# = o.obj# / REM ------------------------------------------------------------------- REM ctx_user_filter_by_columns REM ------------------------------------------------------------------- create or replace view ctx_user_filter_by_columns as select idx_name fbc_index_name , fbc_table_owner , fbc_table_name ,cdi_column_name fbc_column_name ,cdi_column_type fbc_column_type ,cdi_section_name fbc_section_name ,decode(cdi_section_type,8,'SDATA',9,'MDATA','UNKNOWN') fbc_section_type ,cdi_section_id fbc_section_id from dr$index_cdi_column, dr$index, sys.obj$ o, sys.user$ u where cdi_idx_id = idx_id and cdi_column_position = 0 and idx_table_owner# = u.user# and idx_table# = o.obj# and idx_owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') / create or replace public synonym ctx_user_filter_by_columns for ctxsys.ctx_user_filter_by_columns; grant select on ctx_user_filter_by_columns to public; REM ------------------------------------------------------------------- REM ctx_order_by_columns REM ------------------------------------------------------------------- create or replace view ctx_order_by_columns as select obc_index_owner ,idx_name obc_index_name , obc_table_owner , obc_table_name ,cdi_column_name obc_column_name ,cdi_column_position obc_column_position ,cdi_column_type obc_column_type ,cdi_section_name obc_section_name ,decode(cdi_section_type,8,'SDATA',9,'MDATA','UNKNOWN') obc_section_type ,cdi_section_id obc_section_id ,cdi_sort_order obc_sort_order from dr$index_cdi_column, dr$index, sys.user$ u, sys.obj$ o, sys.user$ u2 where cdi_idx_id = idx_id and cdi_column_position != 0 and idx_owner# = u.user# and idx_table_owner# = u2.user# and idx_table# = o.obj# / REM ------------------------------------------------------------------- REM ctx_user_order_by_columns REM ------------------------------------------------------------------- create or replace view ctx_user_order_by_columns as select idx_name obc_index_name , obc_table_owner , obc_table_name ,cdi_column_name obc_column_name ,cdi_column_position obc_column_position ,cdi_column_type obc_column_type ,cdi_section_name obc_section_name ,decode(cdi_section_type,8,'SDATA',9,'MDATA','UNKNOWN') obc_section_type ,cdi_section_id obc_section_id ,cdi_sort_order obc_sort_order from dr$index_cdi_column, dr$index, sys.obj$ o, sys.user$ u where cdi_idx_id = idx_id and cdi_column_position != 0 and idx_table_owner# = u.user# and idx_table# = o.obj# and idx_owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') / create or replace public synonym ctx_user_order_by_columns for ctxsys.ctx_user_order_by_columns; grant select on ctx_user_order_by_columns to public; REM ------------------------------------------------------------------- REM drv$sdata_update REM ------------------------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW drv$sdata_update as select * from dr$sdata_update; grant select on drv$sdata_update to public; CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW drv$sdata_update2 as select * from dr$sdata_update where sdu_idx_id = SYS_CONTEXT('DR$APPCTX','IDXID') with check option; grant select, insert, delete on drv$sdata_update2 to public; REM ------------------------------------------------------------------- REM drv$user_extract_rule REM ------------------------------------------------------------------- rem This view is used to add rules to the rule table via a trusted rem callout. create or replace view drv$user_extract_rule as select * from dr$user_extract_rule where erl_pol_id = SYS_CONTEXT('DR$APPCTX', 'IDXID') with check option; grant select, insert, update, delete on drv$user_extract_rule to public; REM ------------------------------------------------------------------- REM ctx_user_extract_rules REM ------------------------------------------------------------------- rem This view allows a user to view his extract rules create or replace view ctx_user_extract_rules as select i.idx_name erl_policy_name, e.erl_rule_id erl_rule_id, e.erl_language erl_language, e.erl_rule erl_rule, e.erl_modifier erl_modifier, e.erl_type erl_type, decode(e.erl_status, 0,'not compiled', 1, 'to be deleted', 2, 'compiled') erl_status, e.erl_comments erl_comments from dr$user_extract_rule e, dr$index i where i.idx_owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') and e.erl_pol_id = i.idx_id; / create or replace public synonym ctx_user_extract_rules for ctxsys.ctx_user_extract_rules; grant select on ctx_user_extract_rules to public; REM ------------------------------------------------------------------- REM drv$user_extract_stop_entity REM ------------------------------------------------------------------- rem This view is used to add stop entities to the stopentity table create or replace view drv$user_extract_stop_entity as select * from dr$user_extract_stop_entity where ese_pol_id = SYS_CONTEXT('DR$APPCTX', 'IDXID') with check option; grant select,insert,update,delete on drv$user_extract_stop_entity to public; REM ------------------------------------------------------------------- REM ctx_user_extract_stop_entities REM ------------------------------------------------------------------- rem This view allow the user to view his stop entities create or replace view ctx_user_extract_stop_entities as select i.idx_name ese_policy_name, e.ese_name ese_name, e.ese_type ese_type, decode(e.ese_status, 0,'not compiled', 1, 'to be deleted', 2, 'compiled', 3, 'subset') ese_status, e.ese_comments ese_comments from dr$user_extract_stop_entity e, dr$index i where i.idx_owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') and e.ese_pol_id = i.idx_id; create or replace public synonym ctx_user_extract_stop_entities for ctxsys.ctx_user_extract_stop_entities; grant select on ctx_user_extract_stop_entities to public; REM ----------------------------------------------------------------- REM drv$user_extract_tkdict REM ----------------------------------------------------------------- create or replace view drv$user_extract_tkdict as select * from dr$user_extract_tkdict where etd_polid = SYS_CONTEXT('DR$APPCTX', 'IDXID') with check option; grant select, insert, update, delete on drv$user_extract_tkdict to public; REM ----------------------------------------------------------------- REM drv$user_extract_entdict REM ----------------------------------------------------------------- create or replace view drv$user_extract_entdict as select * from dr$user_extract_entdict where eed_polid = SYS_CONTEXT('DR$APPCTX', 'IDXID') with check option; grant select, insert, update, delete on drv$user_extract_entdict to public; REM ------------------------------------------------------------------------- REM ctx_extract_policies REM ------------------------------------------------------------------------- rem This view allows ctxsys to view all extract policies create or replace view ctx_extract_policies as select i.idx_name epl_name, epl_owner from dr$index i, sys.user$ u where INSTR(i.idx_option, 'E') > 0 and i.idx_owner# = u.user#; REM ------------------------------------------------------------------------- REM ctx_extract_policy_values REM ------------------------------------------------------------------------- rem This view allows ctxsys to view lexer object associated with policy create or replace view ctx_extract_policy_values as select /*+ ORDERED */ idx_name epv_policy_name, epv_policy_owner, cla_name epv_class, obj_name epv_object, oat_name epv_attribute, decode(oat_datatype, 'B', decode(ixv_value, 1, 'YES', 'NO'), nvl(oal_label, ixv_value)) epv_value from dr$index, sys.user$ u, dr$index_value, dr$object_attribute, dr$object, dr$class, dr$object_attribute_lov where ixv_sub_group = 0 and ixv_value = nvl(oal_value, ixv_value) and oat_id = oal_oat_id (+) and oat_system = 'N' and oat_cla_id = obj_cla_id and oat_obj_id = obj_id and (cla_name = 'STORAGE' or cla_name = 'LEXER') and cla_system = 'N' and oat_cla_id = cla_id and ixv_oat_id = oat_id and idx_id = ixv_idx_id and idx_owner# = u.user# and INSTR(idx_option, 'E') > 0; REM ------------------------------------------------------------------------- REM ctx_user_extract_policies REM ------------------------------------------------------------------------- rem This view allows user to view his extract policies create or replace view ctx_user_extract_policies as select i.idx_name epl_name from dr$index i where INSTR(i.idx_option, 'E') > 0 and i.idx_owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID'); create or replace public synonym ctx_user_extract_policies for ctxsys.ctx_user_extract_policies; grant select on ctx_user_extract_policies to public; REM ------------------------------------------------------------------------- REM ctx_user_extract_policy_values REM ------------------------------------------------------------------------- rem This view allows user to view lexer object associated with his policy create or replace view ctx_user_extract_policy_values as select /*+ ORDERED */ idx_name epv_policy_name, cla_name epv_class, obj_name epv_object, oat_name epv_attribute, decode(oat_datatype, 'B', decode(ixv_value, 1, 'YES', 'NO'), nvl(oal_label, ixv_value)) epv_value from dr$index, dr$index_value, dr$object_attribute, dr$object, dr$class, dr$object_attribute_lov where ixv_sub_group = 0 and ixv_value = nvl(oal_value, ixv_value) and oat_id = oal_oat_id (+) and oat_system = 'N' and oat_cla_id = obj_cla_id and oat_obj_id = obj_id and (cla_name = 'STORAGE' or cla_name = 'LEXER') and cla_system = 'N' and oat_cla_id = cla_id and ixv_oat_id = oat_id and idx_id = ixv_idx_id and idx_owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') and INSTR(idx_option, 'E') > 0; create or replace public synonym ctx_user_extract_policy_values for ctxsys.ctx_user_extract_policy_values; grant select on ctx_user_extract_policy_values to public; ------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- ctx_auto_optimize_indexes ------------------------------------------------------------------------- create or replace view ctx_auto_optimize_indexes as select o.aoi_ownname aoi_index_owner, o.aoi_idxname aoi_index_name, o.aoi_partname aoi_partition_name from dr$autoopt o; create or replace view drv$autoopt as select * from dr$autoopt; grant select on drv$autoopt to public; ------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- ctx_user_auto_optimize_indexes ------------------------------------------------------------------------- create or replace view ctx_user_auto_optimize_indexes as select o.aoi_idxname aoi_index_name, o.aoi_partname aoi_partition_name from dr$autoopt o where o.aoi_ownid = userenv('SCHEMAID'); create or replace public synonym ctx_user_auto_optimize_indexes for ctxsys.ctx_user_auto_optimize_indexes; grant select on ctx_user_auto_optimize_indexes to public; ------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- ctx_auto_optimize_status ------------------------------------------------------------------------- create or replace view ctx_auto_optimize_status as select l.log_date aos_timestamp, l.status aos_status, d.additional_info aos_error from user_scheduler_job_log l, user_scheduler_job_run_details d where l.log_id = d.log_id and l.owner = d.owner and l.owner = 'CTXSYS'; REM ------------------------------------------------------------------------- REM drv$tree REM ------------------------------------------------------------------------- rem This view allows user to view create or replace view drv$tree as select * from ctxsys.dr$tree where idxid = SYS_CONTEXT('DR$APPCTX', 'IDXID') with check option; grant select, insert, update, delete on drv$tree to public; /