Rem $Header: ctx_src_2/src/dr/admin/ctxtab.sql /st_ctx_11.2.0/3 2011/06/15 00:46:52 rkadwe Exp $ Rem Rem ctxtab.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2002, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. Rem All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem ctxtab.sql Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem creates tables, populates static tables Rem Rem NOTES Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem gauryada 05/31/11 - Backport snippet support for result set interface Rem hsarkar 03/24/11 - Date and Pattern Stopclass project Rem rpalakod 12/01/10 - section specific attributes Rem surman 05/26/10 - 9523887: Make dr$waiting an IOT Rem rkadwe 03/31/10 - Document Level Lexer Rem rpalakod 07/17/09 - autooptimize Rem nenarkhe 06/25/09 - dr$tree Rem nenarkhe 04/23/09 - remove dr$mvdata_update Rem rpalakod 01/22/08 - Reduce maximum entity length to 512 Rem rpalakod 01/09/08 - Add compiled column to entdict tabs Rem rpalakod 01/02/08 - type array in entdict Rem rpalakod 12/28/07 - user_extract_rule Rem rpalakod 12/28/07 - new dictionary Rem rpalakod 10/19/07 - second set of entity extraction tables Rem rpalakod 10/16/07 - first set of entity extraction tables Rem ymatsuda 01/18/07 - name search Rem wclin 12/08/06 - clob sqe Rem skabraha 08/15/06 - add dr$activelogs Rem skabraha 07/25/06 - add dr$slowqrys Rem skabraha 05/23/06 - add dr$freqtoks Rem ymatsuda 02/17/06 - add sec_datatype Rem wclin 02/16/06 - modify dr$sdata_update Rem yucheng 01/20/06 - add idx_other to dr$index Rem gkaminag 10/24/05 - sdata update Rem gkaminag 09/29/05 - cdi indexing Rem oshiowat 05/13/05 - feature usage tracking Rem surman 11/13/03 - 3242708: Remove server tables Rem yucheng 08/11/03 - add ixp_option to dr$index_partition Rem yucheng 07/01/03 - migrate to scheduler Rem yucheng 05/01/03 - add sync attributes to dr$index and dr$index_partition Rem yucheng 03/28/03 - remove idx_roption Rem wclin 02/26/03 - drop dr$part_stats Rem ehuang 12/16/02 - dbo table Rem smuralid 12/23/02 - add dr$nvtab; remove dr$index.idx_roption Rem yucheng 11/14/02 - add idx_roption column to dr$index Rem smuralid 11/18/02 - add number_sequence Rem wclin 10/03/02 - add smplsz column to dr$stats Rem ehuang 07/02/02 - security overhaul changes Rem ehuang 06/17/02 - ehuang_component_upgrade Rem ehuang 06/11/02 - Created - component upgrade Rem gkaminag 06/07/02 - security overhaul phase 1. Rem gkaminag 02/08/02 - different key compress check method. Rem gkaminag 02/06/02 - handle key compressed indexes not available Rem yucheng 12/24/01 - online support Rem gkaminag 10/23/01 - add policy tables and views. Rem wclin 09/26/01 - ctxxpath index type Rem gkaminag 10/08/01 - ver_dict to Rem ehuang 08/08/01 - add lock failure column to dr$pending Rem mfaisal 01/04/01 - user-defined lexer Rem gkaminag 04/19/01 - version to 9.0.1 Rem gkaminag 04/10/01 - add partition information into pending Rem gkaminag 02/21/01 - version to 9.0.0 Rem wclin 09/19/00 - chng dr$temp_stats to dr$part_stats Rem wclin 09/05/00 - add dr$temp_stats Rem gkaminag 08/28/00 - Rem gkaminag 08/28/00 - dynamic ctx_version view Rem gkaminag 08/14/00 - partition support Rem gkaminag 08/14/00 - partitioning support Rem gkaminag 08/10/00 - partitioning support Rem yucheng 08/08/00 - local domain index support Rem salpha 06/26/00 - ctxrule implementation Rem gkaminag 06/28/00 - adjust ctx_version view Rem ehuang 03/27/00 - grant insert on thes tables to ctxapp Rem gkaminag 02/21/00 - implement ctxcat type Rem gkaminag 12/21/99 - add thesaurus views Rem gkaminag 11/01/99 - multi stoplist Rem gkaminag 10/11/99 - keyless index Rem gkaminag 08/09/99 - bug 957734 Rem gkaminag 06/21/99 - format and charset columns Rem gkaminag 06/11/99 - attr sections Rem gkaminag 06/09/99 - prompt typo Rem gkaminag 06/07/99 - multi-lingual lexer Rem gkaminag 05/27/99 - stop section bugs Rem gkaminag 05/21/99 - add max length for string attributes Rem ymatsuda 04/27/99 - parallel indexing Rem gkaminag 01/28/99 - make ctx_object_attribute_lov public Rem gkaminag 10/15/98 - make object dictionary public Rem ehuang 10/14/98 - Rem ehuang 10/13/98 - add ctx_version Rem gkaminag 10/09/98 - add index id to index views Rem wclin 10/07/98 - change dr$stats table Rem wclin 09/01/98 - create dr$sqe IOT with overflow clause Rem dyu 08/09/98 - Fix integration error Rem ehuang 08/06/98 - add dr$ths_fphrase Rem gkaminag 07/29/98 - increase length of text column name in dr$index Rem gkaminag 07/02/98 - independent sqe's Rem gkaminag 06/30/98 - new views, correct ctx_classes Rem gkaminag 06/13/98 - lov translations Rem wclin 06/04/98 - modify dr$stats Rem gkaminag 06/05/98 - sentpara sections Rem gkaminag 06/04/98 - add err_timestamp Rem gkaminag 06/03/98 - unique column constraint Rem gkaminag 05/30/98 - field section visibility Rem gkaminag 05/29/98 - remove idx_owner Rem gkaminag 05/28/98 - stoplist count Rem gkaminag 05/22/98 - add optimize columns to dr$index Rem ehuang 05/18/98 - add sec_type sec_fid to dr$section Rem gkaminag 05/19/98 - system preferences Rem ehuang 05/14/98 - add cla_system to dr$class Rem wclin 05/13/98 - add dr$stats Rem gkaminag 05/11/98 - use object and user id's Rem gkaminag 05/05/98 - table owner in dr$index Rem cbhavsar 04/29/98 - Trusted callout messaging Rem gkaminag 04/17/98 - new stopword types Rem wclin 04/07/98 - Add dr$delete Rem gkaminag 04/16/98 - fix view sql Rem dyu 04/08/98 - ctx_column_indexes ctx_indexes Rem ehuang 04/06/98 - merge index/text_index, drop text_index_log Rem dyu 04/06/98 - dr$indexx -> dr$index Rem ehuang 03/30/98 - dr$policy->dr$index Rem gkaminag 04/02/98 - section groups now have type Rem dyu 04/01/98 - dr$preference_value key should be unique Rem dyu 03/29/98 - fix synonym ctx_class Rem mfaisal 03/26/98 - Adding Hierarchical Query Feedback Rem ehuang 03/25/98 - rm reference to CTXADMIN, CTXUSER roles Rem gkaminag 03/24/98 - normalize section group table Rem dyu 03/23/98 - Fix ctx_user_section_groups Rem dyu 03/23/98 - create ctx_user_index_errors Rem ehuang 03/20/98 - new dr$sqe schema Rem gkaminag 03/17/98 - preference system change Rem dyu 03/16/98 - Rem gkaminag 03/14/98 - change services queue schema Rem gkaminag 03/12/98 - cleanup Rem ehuang 03/03/98 - 8.1 preference system Rem jkud 03/04/98 - remove settings Rem ehuang 02/27/98 - new stoplist objects Rem gkaminag 02/24/98 - dml redesign Rem gkaminag 12/09/97 - add pol_text_length Rem cbhavsar 08/22/97 - Bug 532975 Rem gkaminag 07/31/97 - eliminate dr$lexicon for 2.3.4. Rem gkaminag 07/15/97 - new DML queue Rem ehuang 06/18/97 - add dr$lexicon Rem ymatsuda 06/25/97 - remove dr$bind Rem ehuang 06/10/97 - Bug 503897 Rem ehuang 05/23/97 - Bug 496155 Rem ehuang 05/14/97 - add txi_trigger to dr$text_index Rem gkaminag 05/13/97 - add dbid to dr$server Rem gkaminag 05/08/97 - index on nls_message Rem gkaminag 05/05/97 - remove binning Rem gkaminag 04/29/97 - increase txi_name length Rem ehuang 04/09/97 - added Section Search objects Rem gkaminag 04/04/97 - creation of all data dictionary TABLES Rem gkaminag 04/04/97 - Created Rem REM =================================================================== REM OBJECT DICTIONARY TABLES REM REM These tables define the objects in the ConText framework REM They are static, populated at install time REM =================================================================== REM ------------------------------------------------------------------- REM dr$system_param REM ------------------------------------------------------------------- PROMPT ... creating table dr$parameter create table dr$parameter( par_name varchar2(30) primary key ,par_value varchar2(500) ) organization index; REM ------------------------------------------------------------------- REM dr$class - REM ------------------------------------------------------------------- rem This table contains an entry for each object class rem rem cla_id - class id rem cla_name - the class name. rem cla_desc - the description of the class rem cla_system - Y if it's a system class,unaccessible to user, N otherwise' rem PROMPT ... creating table dr$class CREATE TABLE dr$class( cla_id NUMBER ,cla_name VARCHAR2(30) ,cla_desc VARCHAR2(80) ,cla_system VARCHAR2(1) ,CONSTRAINT drc$cla_key PRIMARY KEY (cla_id) USING INDEX STORAGE (INITIAL 5K NEXT 5K) ) STORAGE (INITIAL 1K NEXT 1K); REM ------------------------------------------------------------------- REM dr$object - REM ------------------------------------------------------------------- rem This table contains instances of the classes described in dr$class. rem rem obj_id - object id (unique within classes) rem obj_cla_id - class id of the object rem obj_name - the object name(unique across all objects) rem obj_desc - the descriptions of this object rem obj_system - if 'Y', users not allowed to create prefs using rem this object. Object also hidden in all views. PROMPT ... creating table dr$object CREATE TABLE dr$object( obj_cla_id NUMBER ,obj_id NUMBER ,obj_name VARCHAR2(30) ,obj_desc VARCHAR2(80) ,obj_system CHAR(1) ,CONSTRAINT drc$obj_key PRIMARY KEY (obj_cla_id, obj_id) USING INDEX STORAGE (INITIAL 5K NEXT 5K) ,CONSTRAINT drc$obj_name UNIQUE(obj_name) USING INDEX STORAGE (INITIAL 5K NEXT 5K) ) STORAGE (INITIAL 10K NEXT 10K); REM ------------------------------------------------------------------- REM dr$object_attribute - REM ------------------------------------------------------------------- rem definition of each attribute of a TILE (or framework object) rem rem oat_id - object attribute ID (unique across all obj attr) rem oat_cla_id - class rem oat_obj_id - object rem oat_att_id - attribute id (unique within object) rem oat_name - attribute name rem oat_desc - description of the attribute rem oat_required - if 'Y'. a value for this attribute must by provided rem for all preferences using this object rem oat_system - if 'Y', user cannot set this attribute. Attribute and rem attributes values also hidden in all views. If rem obj_system is true for this object. ALL attributes rem should also have oat_system = 'Y' rem oat_static - if 'Y', users can reset this attribute without having rem to reindex rem oat_datatype - 'S' = string, 'I' = integer, 'B' for boolean rem oat_default - default value for attribute rem oat_upper - for string attributes, if 'Y' then values are rem automatically uppercased rem oat_val_min - for integer attributes. range min rem oat_val_max - for integer attributes, range max rem oat_lov - if 'Y', an LOV exists for this attribute PROMPT ... creating table dr$object_attribute CREATE TABLE dr$object_attribute ( oat_id NUMBER ,oat_cla_id NUMBER ,oat_obj_id NUMBER ,oat_att_id NUMBER ,oat_name VARCHAR2(30) ,oat_desc VARCHAR2(80) ,oat_required CHAR(1) ,oat_system CHAR(1) ,oat_static CHAR(1) ,oat_datatype CHAR(1) ,oat_default VARCHAR2(500) ,oat_val_min NUMBER ,oat_val_max NUMBER ,oat_lov CHAR(1) ,CONSTRAINT drc$oat_key PRIMARY KEY (oat_id) USING INDEX STORAGE (INITIAL 10K NEXT 10K) ,CONSTRAINT drc$oat_name UNIQUE (oat_cla_id, oat_obj_id, oat_name) USING INDEX STORAGE (INITIAL 10K NEXT 10K) ) STORAGE (INITIAL 20K NEXT 20K); rem this grant is needed for parallel optimize grant select on dr$object_attribute to public; REM ------------------------------------------------------------------- REM dr$object_attribute_lov - REM ------------------------------------------------------------------- REM NOTE: even though oal_value is really a number, it should be REM a varchar2 here or the ctx_ views may get ORA errors. PROMPT ... creating table dr$object_attribute_lov CREATE TABLE dr$object_attribute_lov ( oal_oat_id NUMBER ,oal_label VARCHAR2(30) ,oal_value VARCHAR2(10) ,oal_desc VARCHAR2(80) ) STORAGE (INITIAL 5K NEXT 5K); CREATE INDEX drx$oal_id ON dr$object_attribute_lov(oal_oat_id) STORAGE (INITIAL 1K NEXT 1K); REM =================================================================== REM PREFERENCE TABLES REM REM These tables store customer settings in groups called REM preferences. These tables will be populated over the life REM of the system REM =================================================================== REM ------------------------------------------------------------------- REM dr$preference - REM ------------------------------------------------------------------- rem A preference references a framework object. It describes how a referenced rem object is to be used (or fine tuned). rem rem A object can be referenced by one or more preferences which reference a rem same framework object e.g. there are several preferences referencing a rem particular lexer. Each preference would reference the lexer with rem different options rem rem pre_id - preference id rem pre_owner - preference owner rem pre_name - preference name (unique within owner) rem pre_cla_id - peference class rem pre_obj_id - preference object rem pre_valid - if 'N' preference needs to be validated rem PROMPT ... creating table dr$preference CREATE TABLE dr$preference( pre_id NUMBER ,pre_owner# NUMBER ,pre_name VARCHAR2(30) ,pre_obj_id NUMBER ,pre_cla_id NUMBER ,pre_valid CHAR(1) ,CONSTRAINT drc$pre_key PRIMARY KEY (pre_id) ,CONSTRAINT drc$pre_name UNIQUE (pre_owner#, pre_name) ); REM ------------------------------------------------------------------- REM dr$preference_value - REM ------------------------------------------------------------------- rem This table keeps track of the value(s) assigned to each preference rem attribute, for each preference. For instance, if I create a rem preference for OSFILE, it has an attribute PATH, with a value of rem '/data/files'. The value '/data/files' is stored in this table. rem PROMPT ... creating table dr$preference_value CREATE TABLE dr$preference_value( prv_pre_id NUMBER ,prv_oat_id NUMBER ,prv_value VARCHAR2(500) ,constraint drc$prv_key primary key (prv_pre_id, prv_oat_id) ); REM ------------------------------------------------------------------- REM dr$index - REM ------------------------------------------------------------------- rem This table contains both templates and index that have been assigned rem to to column; we will call the latter column indexes. rem rem A column index can not be updated if index has already been created for rem it. rem rem a) DR_TEMPLATES_INDEXES - system view on all template indexes, rem i.e. rem those that have not been assigned to any rem specific colum rem b) CTX_COLUMN_INDEXES - user view of all column indexes, rem c) CTX_USER_TEMPLATE_INDXES - user view of template indexes, rem d) CTX_USER_COLUMN_INDEXES - user view of column indexes rem COLUMNS: rem idx_id - the TEXTILE id of the policy, rem idx_owner - the name of the user who is the owner of the table, rem idx_name - the name of the policy. If the pol_tablename is not rem null, then this field is the name of the text column rem in the text table, rem idx_table - text table name rem idx_key_name - the name of the primary key column in the table rem identified by pol_tablename, rem idx_key_type - the datatype of the primary key column rem idx_text_name - type nane of the text column rem idx_text_type - the datatype of the text column rem idx_text_length - the maximum length of the text column rem idx_docid_count - number of documents associated with the policy rem idx_status - indexing status rem idx_version - rem idx_nextid - rem idx_src_name - used by a shadow index rem to store source index name. rem idx_src_id - source index id rem rem CONSTRAINTS: rem a) idx_id is unique system wide rem b) unique constraint on idx_owner, idx_name. idx_name must be unique rem per user. rem PROMPT ... creating table dr$index CREATE TABLE dr$index ( idx_id NUMBER(38,0) NOT NULL, idx_owner# NUMBER NOT NULL, idx_name VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL, idx_table_owner# NUMBER NOT NULL, idx_table# NUMBER NOT NULL, idx_key_name VARCHAR2(256), idx_key_type NUMBER, idx_text_name VARCHAR2(256) NOT NULL, idx_text_type NUMBER NOT NULL, idx_text_length NUMBER DEFAULT 0, idx_docid_count NUMBER DEFAULT 0, idx_status VARCHAR2(12) NOT NULL, idx_version NUMBER, idx_nextid NUMBER, idx_opt_token VARCHAR2(64), idx_opt_type NUMBER, idx_opt_count NUMBER, idx_language_column VARCHAR2(256), idx_format_column VARCHAR2(256), idx_charset_column VARCHAR2(256), idx_type NUMBER NOT NULL, idx_option VARCHAR2(40), idx_sync_type VARCHAR2(20) DEFAULT NULL, idx_sync_memory VARCHAR2(100) DEFAULT NULL, idx_sync_para_degree NUMBER DEFAULT NULL, idx_sync_interval VARCHAR2(2000) DEFAULT NULL, idx_sync_jobname VARCHAR2(50) DEFAULT NULL, idx_src_name VARCHAR2(30) DEFAULT NULL, idx_src_id NUMBER DEFAULT 0, idx_config_column VARCHAR2(256), CONSTRAINT drc$idx_key PRIMARY KEY ( idx_id ), CONSTRAINT drc$idx_colspec UNIQUE ( idx_owner#, idx_name ) ); create index drc$idx_column on dr$index(idx_table#, idx_text_name); REM ------------------------------------------------------------------- REM dr$index_partition REM ------------------------------------------------------------------- rem This table contains all the index partitions. rem rem COLUMNS: rem ixp_id - index partition id, rem ixp_name - index partition name, rem ixp_idx_id - index id, rem ixp_tablepartition_id - table partition id, rem ixp_docid_count - number of documents associated with rem the partition rem ixp_nextid - rem ixp_opt_token rem ixp_opt_type rem ixp_opt_count rem rem CONSTRAINTS: rem PROMPT ... creating table dr$index_partition CREATE TABLE dr$index_partition ( ixp_id NUMBER(38,0) NOT NULL, ixp_name VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL, ixp_idx_id NUMBER(38,0) NOT NULL, ixp_table_partition# NUMBER(38,0) NOT NULL, ixp_docid_count NUMBER(38,0) DEFAULT 0, ixp_status VARCHAR2(12) NOT NULL, ixp_nextid NUMBER(38,0), ixp_opt_token VARCHAR2(64), ixp_opt_type NUMBER(38,0), ixp_opt_count NUMBER(38,0), ixp_sync_type VARCHAR2(20) DEFAULT NULL, ixp_sync_memory VARCHAR2(100) DEFAULT NULL, ixp_sync_para_degree NUMBER DEFAULT NULL, ixp_sync_interval VARCHAR2(2000) DEFAULT NULL, ixp_sync_jobname VARCHAR2(50) DEFAULT NULL, ixp_option VARCHAR2(40), CONSTRAINT drc$ixp_key PRIMARY KEY (ixp_idx_id, ixp_id) ); create unique index drx$ixp_name on dr$index_partition(ixp_idx_id, ixp_name); REM ------------------------------------------------------------------- REM dr$index_value - REM ------------------------------------------------------------------- rem rem This table contains the attribute and attribute values of rem a policy rem rem rem COLUMNS: rem ixv_idx_id - index id (policy id) rem ixv_oat_id - attribute id rem ixv_value - attribute value rem PROMPT ... creating table dr$index_value CREATE TABLE dr$index_value ( ixv_idx_id NUMBER(38,0), ixv_oat_id NUMBER(38,0), ixv_value VARCHAR2(500) NOT NULL, ixv_sub_group NUMBER(38,0) default 0, ixv_sub_oat_id NUMBER(38,0) default 0 ); create index drx$ixv_key on dr$index_value(ixv_idx_id, ixv_oat_id, ixv_sub_group, ixv_sub_oat_id); REM ------------------------------------------------------------------- REM dr$policy_tab REM ------------------------------------------------------------------- rem This table is a dummy table for use by policies rem rem COLUMNS: rem plt_policy - dummy column rem PROMPT ... creating table dr$policy_tab CREATE TABLE dr$policy_tab ( plt_policy CHAR(1), plt_langcol CHAR(1) ); GRANT select ON dr$policy_tab to public; REM ------------------------------------------------------------------- REM dr$index_object - REM ------------------------------------------------------------------- rem rem COLUMNS: rem ixo_idx_id - index id (policy id) rem ixo_cla_id - class id rem ixo_obj_id - object id rem ixo_acnt - PROMPT ... creating table dr$index_object CREATE TABLE dr$index_object ( ixo_idx_id NUMBER(38,0), ixo_cla_id NUMBER(38,0), ixo_obj_id NUMBER(38,0), ixo_acnt NUMBER(38,0), CONSTRAINT drc$ixo_key PRIMARY KEY (ixo_idx_id, ixo_cla_id) ) ORGANIZATION INDEX; REM ------------------------------------------------------------------- REM dr$sqe - REM ------------------------------------------------------------------- rem COLUMNS: rem sqe_owner# - owner of the SQE rem sqe_name - Name of the SQE rem sqe_query - query text rem NOTES: PROMPT ... creating table dr$sqe CREATE TABLE dr$sqe( sqe_owner# NUMBER NOT NULL, sqe_name VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL, sqe_query CLOB NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (sqe_owner#, sqe_name) ) organization index overflow / REM ------------------------------------------------------------------- REM dr$ths - REM ------------------------------------------------------------------- prompt ... creating table dr$ths CREATE TABLE dr$ths ( ths_id NUMBER PRIMARY KEY , ths_name VARCHAR2(30) UNIQUE NOT NULL , ths_owner# NUMBER NOT NULL , ths_case VARCHAR2(1) DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL CHECK(ths_case IN ('Y','N')) ); grant select on dr$ths to public; grant insert on dr$ths to ctxapp; REM ------------------------------------------------------------------- REM dr$ths_phrase - REM ------------------------------------------------------------------- prompt ... creating table dr$ths_phrase CREATE TABLE dr$ths_phrase ( thp_id NUMBER PRIMARY KEY , thp_thsid NUMBER REFERENCES dr$ths(ths_id) ON DELETE CASCADE , thp_phrase VARCHAR2(256) NOT NULL , thp_qualify VARCHAR2(256) , thp_note VARCHAR2(2000) , thp_ringid NUMBER ); grant select on dr$ths_phrase to public; grant insert on dr$ths_phrase to ctxapp; grant update on dr$ths_phrase to ctxapp; REM dr_uniq_ths_phrase has compress on by default. But standard edition does REM not support compress. v$option is not a consistent way to check for REM such support, so instead we just try to create it with compress, and REM if this fails, then we create it without compress. declare val number; stm varchar2(256) := 'create unique index dr_uniq_ths_phrase '|| 'on dr$ths_phrase(thp_thsid, thp_phrase, thp_qualify)'; unsupported exception; pragma exception_init(unsupported, -439); begin execute immediate stm || ' compress 1'; exception when unsupported then execute immediate stm; end; / create index dr_ths_ringid on dr$ths_phrase(thp_ringid); REM ------------------------------------------------------------------- REM dr$ths_fphrase - REM ------------------------------------------------------------------- prompt ... creating table dr$ths_fphrase CREATE TABLE dr$ths_fphrase ( thf_thp_id NUMBER REFERENCES dr$ths_phrase(thp_id) ON DELETE CASCADE , thf_phrase VARCHAR2(256) NOT NULL , thf_type VARCHAR2(10) NOT NULL , PRIMARY KEY(thf_thp_id, thf_phrase, thf_type) ) organization index; grant insert on dr$ths_fphrase to ctxapp; REM ------------------------------------------------------------------- REM dr$ths_bt - REM ------------------------------------------------------------------- prompt ... creating table dr$ths_bt CREATE TABLE dr$ths_bt ( thb_thp_id NUMBER REFERENCES dr$ths_phrase(thp_id) ON DELETE CASCADE , thb_type VARCHAR2(3) NOT NULL , thb_bt NUMBER REFERENCES dr$ths_phrase(thp_id) ON DELETE CASCADE ); grant insert on dr$ths_bt to ctxapp; create unique index dr_uniq_ths_bt on dr$ths_bt(thb_thp_id, thb_type, thb_bt); create index dr_ths_bt on dr$ths_bt(thb_bt, thb_type); REM ------------------------------------------------------------------- REM dr$section_group - REM ------------------------------------------------------------------- rem This table is used to hold all the section group names rem rem COLUMNS: rem rem sgp_id - unique numeric identifier of the section group rem sgp_name - section group name rem sgp_owner - owner of the section group rem rem NOTES: rem PROMPT ... creating table dr$section_group CREATE TABLE dr$section_group( sgp_id NUMBER, sgp_owner# NUMBER NOT NULL, sgp_name VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL, sgp_obj_id NUMBER, CONSTRAINT drc$sgp_key primary key (sgp_id), CONSTRAINT drc$sgp_uniqe unique (sgp_name, sgp_owner#) ) / REM ------------------------------------------------------------------- REM dr$section - REM ------------------------------------------------------------------- rem This table is used to hold all the sections rem rem COLUMNS: rem rem sec_id - unique numeric identifier of the section rem sec_name - name of the section rem sec_sgp_id - secton group the section belongs to rem sec_tag - a pattern which marks the start of a section PROMPT ... creating table dr$section CREATE TABLE dr$section( sec_id NUMBER, sec_type NUMBER, sec_name VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL, sec_sgp_id NUMBER, sec_tag VARCHAR2(256), sec_fid NUMBER, sec_visible CHAR(1), sec_datatype NUMBER, CONSTRAINT drc$sec_key primary key (sec_id) ) / create index drx$sec_tag on dr$section(sec_tag, sec_sgp_id); create index drx$sec_name on dr$section(sec_name, sec_sgp_id); REM ------------------------------------------------------------------------ REM dr$section_attribute REM ------------------------------------------------------------------------ rem This table holds section specific attribute values PROMPT ... creating table dr$section_attribute create table dr$section_attribute ( sca_sgp_id number, sca_sec_id number, sca_sat_id number, sca_value varchar2(500), primary key(sca_sgp_id, sca_sec_id, sca_sat_id) ) organization index; REM ------------------------------------------------------------------- REM dr$stoplist - REM ------------------------------------------------------------------- rem This table holds the stoplists rem rem COLUMNS: rem slist_id - unique numeric identifier of the stoplist rem slist_name - owner of the stoplist rem slist_owner - name of the stoplist PROMPT ... creating table dr$stoplist CREATE TABLE dr$stoplist( spl_id NUMBER constraint dr_stoplist_pk PRIMARY KEY, spl_owner# NUMBER NOT NULL, spl_name VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL, spl_count NUMBER NOT NULL, spl_type NUMBER NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT dr_stoplist_uniq UNIQUE(spl_name, spl_owner#) ) / REM ------------------------------------------------------------------- REM dr$stopword - REM ------------------------------------------------------------------- rem This table holds all the stopwords for all the stoplists rem rem COLUMNS rem rem sword_slist_id - stoplist the stopword belongs to rem sword - stopword PROMPT ... creating table dr$stopword CREATE TABLE dr$stopword( spw_spl_id NUMBER NOT NULL, spw_type NUMBER NOT NULL, spw_language VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL, spw_word VARCHAR2(80) NOT NULL, spw_lang_dependent CHAR(1), spw_pattern VARCHAR2(512) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (spw_spl_id, spw_type, spw_language, spw_word) ) ORGANIZATION INDEX; REM ------------------------------------------------------------------- REM dr$sub_lexer - REM ------------------------------------------------------------------- rem This table holds all the sub-lexer references for multi-lingual lexers rem rem COLUMNS rem rem slx_pre_id - id of referencing lexer rem slx_language - language of sub lexer rem slx_sub_pre_id - id of sub lexer rem slx_alt_value - alternate value of language rem slx_lang_dependent - is the sublexer language dependent? PROMPT ... creating table dr$sub_lexer CREATE TABLE dr$sub_lexer( slx_pre_id NUMBER NOT NULL, slx_language VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL, slx_alt_value VARCHAR2(30), slx_sub_pre_id NUMBER NOT NULL, slx_lang_dependent CHAR(1), constraint drc$slx_key PRIMARY KEY (slx_pre_id, slx_language) ); create index drx$slx_sub_pre_id on dr$sub_lexer(slx_sub_pre_id); REM ------------------------------------------------------------------- REM dr$index_set - REM ------------------------------------------------------------------- rem This table is used to hold all the index set names rem rem COLUMNS: rem rem ixs_id - unique numeric identifier of the index set rem ixs_name - index set name rem ixs_owner - owner of the index set rem rem NOTES: rem PROMPT ... creating table dr$index_set CREATE TABLE dr$index_set( ixs_id NUMBER, ixs_owner# NUMBER NOT NULL, ixs_name VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT drc$ixs_key primary key (ixs_id), CONSTRAINT drc$ixs_name unique (ixs_name, ixs_owner#) ) / REM ------------------------------------------------------------------- REM dr$index_set_index - REM ------------------------------------------------------------------- rem This table is used to hold all the indexes in an index set rem rem COLUMNS: rem rem ixx_ixs_id - unique numeric identifier of the index set rem ixx_collist - column list of the index rem ixx_storage - storage clause of the index PROMPT ... creating table dr$index_set_index CREATE TABLE dr$index_set_index( ixx_ixs_id NUMBER, ixx_collist VARCHAR2(500) NOT NULL, ixx_storage VARCHAR2(500), CONSTRAINT drc$ixx_key primary key (ixx_ixs_id, ixx_collist) ) / REM =================================================================== REM ADMINISTRATION TABLES REM REM These are tables necessary for communication, process management, REM and other internal details of context server REM =================================================================== REM ------------------------------------------------------------------- REM dr$pending REM ------------------------------------------------------------------- PROMPT ... creating table dr$pending create table dr$pending ( pnd_cid number NOT NULL, pnd_pid number default 0 NOT NULL, pnd_rowid rowid NOT NULL, pnd_timestamp date, pnd_lock_failed char(1) default 'N', primary key (pnd_cid, pnd_pid, pnd_rowid) ) organization index storage (freelists 10); REM ------------------------------------------------------------------- REM dr$waiting REM ------------------------------------------------------------------- PROMPT ... creating table dr$waiting create table dr$waiting ( wtg_cid number NOT NULL, wtg_rowid rowid, wtg_pid number default 0, primary key (wtg_cid, wtg_pid, wtg_rowid) ) organization index; REM ------------------------------------------------------------------- REM dr$online_pending REM ------------------------------------------------------------------- PROMPT ... creating table dr$online_pending create table dr$online_pending ( onl_cid number not null, onl_rowid varchar(18) not null, onl_indexpartition varchar(30) default null, primary key (onl_cid, onl_rowid) ) organization index storage (freelists 10); REM ------------------------------------------------------------------- REM dr$delete REM ------------------------------------------------------------------- PROMPT ... creating table dr$delete create table dr$delete ( del_idx_id number, del_ixp_id number, del_docid number, constraint drc$del_key primary key (del_idx_id, del_ixp_id, del_docid) ) organization index; REM ------------------------------------------------------------------- REM dr$unindexed REM ------------------------------------------------------------------- PROMPT ... creating table dr$unindexed create table dr$unindexed ( unx_idx_id number, unx_ixp_id number, unx_rowid rowid, constraint drc$unx_key primary key (unx_idx_id, unx_ixp_id, unx_rowid) ) organization index; REM ------------------------------------------------------------------- REM dr$index_error - REM ------------------------------------------------------------------- PROMPT ... creating table dr$index_error CREATE TABLE dr$index_error( err_idx_id number, err_timestamp date, err_textkey varchar2(18), err_text varchar2(4000) ); REM ------------------------------------------------------------------- REM dr$parallel REM ------------------------------------------------------------------- PROMPT ... creating table dr$parallel CREATE TABLE DR$PARALLEL ( P_IDX_ID NUMBER, -- index id P_SLAVE_ID NUMBER, -- slave id P_JOB NUMBER, -- job number P_PARTITION VARCHAR2(30), -- partition name P_STATUS VARCHAR2(10), -- status P_ERROR VARCHAR2(2000), -- error message PRIMARY KEY (P_IDX_ID, P_SLAVE_ID)) ORGANIZATION INDEX OVERFLOW; REM ------------------------------------------------------------------- REM dr$stats REM ------------------------------------------------------------------- PROMPT ... creating table dr$stats CREATE TABLE dr$stats( idx_id NUMBER(38,0) primary key, smplsz NUMBER default 0 ); REM ------------------------------------------------------------------- REM dr$number_sequence REM Contains integers from 1..256. Used for parallel optimize REM ------------------------------------------------------------------- CREATE TABLE dr$number_sequence(num number); DECLARE i INTEGER; BEGIN FOR i IN 1..256 LOOP INSERT INTO dr$number_sequence VALUES(i); END LOOP; COMMIT; END; / GRANT SELECT ON dr$number_sequence TO PUBLIC; REM ------------------------------------------------------------------- REM dr$dbo REM ------------------------------------------------------------------- CREATE TABLE dr$dbo( dbo_name varchar2(30), dbo_type varchar2(30), primary key (dbo_name, dbo_type) ) organization index; REM =================================================================== REM SEQUENCES REM REM All sequence creations in this section REM =================================================================== rem rem Create sequences used for dr_ids. The range number between 1-1000 rem is reserved for used by Framework Classes and Objects. This sequence is rem used for items such as preferences, column/template indexes etc. rem It is important not to overlap the class/object ids with preferences. rem create sequence dr_id_seq start with 1000; create sequence mesg_id_seq start with 1000; create sequence ths_seq; REM =================================================================== REM ORACLE OBJECT TYPES REM =================================================================== PROMPT ... creating named data type ctx_feedback_item_type CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE ctx_feedback_item_type AS OBJECT (text VARCHAR2(80), cardinality NUMBER, score NUMBER, MAP MEMBER FUNCTION rank RETURN REAL, PRAGMA RESTRICT_REFERENCES (rank, RNDS, WNDS, RNPS, WNPS) ) / CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE BODY ctx_feedback_item_type AS MAP MEMBER FUNCTION rank RETURN REAL IS BEGIN RETURN score; END rank; END; / GRANT EXECUTE ON ctx_feedback_item_type TO PUBLIC; PROMPT ... creating named data type ctx_feedback_type CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE ctx_feedback_type AS TABLE OF ctx_feedback_item_type / GRANT EXECUTE ON ctx_feedback_type TO PUBLIC; REM ------------------------------------------------------------------- REM dr$nvtab REM Contains hash keys and values REM ------------------------------------------------------------------- CREATE TABLE dr$nvtab( name VARCHAR2(256) PRIMARY KEY, val sys.ANYDATA ); REM ------------------------------------------------------------------- REM dr$index_cdi_column REM Contains CDI column metadata REM cdi_column_type and cdi_column_type# contain essentially the REM same information, but it's easier to use if split up ' REM ------------------------------------------------------------------- CREATE TABLE dr$index_cdi_column ( cdi_idx_id number, cdi_column_position number, cdi_column_name varchar2(256), cdi_column_type varchar2(30), cdi_column_type# number, cdi_column_length number, cdi_section_name varchar2(30), cdi_section_type number, cdi_section_id number, cdi_sort_order varchar2(8), primary key (cdi_idx_id, cdi_column_position, cdi_column_name) ) organization index; REM ------------------------------------------------------------------- REM dr$sdata_update REM ------------------------------------------------------------------- create table dr$sdata_update ( sdu_idx_id number, sdu_ixp_id number, sdu_sdata_id number, sdu_docid number, sdu_nv_type varchar2(30), sdu_nv_ndata number, sdu_nv_ddata date, sdu_nv_cdata varchar2(250), sdu_nv_rdata raw(250), constraint drc$sdu_key primary key (sdu_idx_id, sdu_ixp_id, sdu_sdata_id, sdu_docid) ) organization index; REM ------------------------------------------------------------------- REM dr$feature_used REM ------------------------------------------------------------------- create table dr$feature_used ( feature_name varchar2(1000), feature_type number, feature_used number, constraint dr$feat_key primary key (feature_name, feature_type) ); REM ------------------------------------------------------------------- REM dr$freqtoks REM ------------------------------------------------------------------- rem This table stores away the information on frequently queried tokens. create table dr$freqtoks ( fqt_idx_id number, fqt_ixp_id number, fqt_flush_id number, fqt_token varchar2(64), fqt_tktype number, fqt_numocc number ); create index idx1_dr$freqtoks on dr$freqtoks(fqt_idx_id, fqt_ixp_id); create index idx2_dr$freqtoks on dr$freqtoks(fqt_flush_id); REM ------------------------------------------------------------------- REM dr$slowqrys REM ------------------------------------------------------------------- rem This table stores away the information on slowest running queries. create table dr$slowqrys ( sq_idx_id number, sq_ixp_id number, sq_qry_hash number, sq_text_qry varchar2(100), sq_tqry_len number, sq_when_run date, sq_time_taken number, sq_query varchar2(4000), sq_qry_len number ); create index idx1_dr$slowqrys on dr$slowqrys(sq_idx_id, sq_ixp_id); REM ------------------------------------------------------------------- REM dr$activelogs REM ------------------------------------------------------------------- rem This table stores away the information on logs which are currently active create table dr$activelogs ( alogs_sid number, /* session id */ alogs_sno number, /* serial no: */ alogs_filename varchar2(4000) ); REM ------------------------------------------------------------------- REM dr$user_extract_rule REM ------------------------------------------------------------------- rem This table stores information on user added rules create table dr$user_extract_rule ( erl_pol_id number(38), /* extract policy id */ erl_rule_id integer, /* extract rule id */ erl_language varchar2(30), /* extract rule language text */ erl_rule varchar2(512), /* extract rule contents */ erl_modifier varchar2(8), /* Modifiers for regex */ erl_type varchar2(4000), /* list of tuples {}*/ erl_status number, /* compiled, not compiled, to be deleted*/ erl_comments varchar2(4000), /* comments */ primary key (erl_pol_id, erl_rule_id) ); REM ------------------------------------------------------------------- REM dr$user_extract_stop_entity REM ------------------------------------------------------------------- rem This table stores information on user added stop entities create table dr$user_extract_stop_entity ( ese_pol_id number(38), /* extract policy id */ ese_name varchar2(512), /* stop entity name */ ese_type varchar2(30), /* stop entity type */ ese_status number, /* compiled, not compiled, to be deleted, subset*/ ese_comments varchar2(4000), /* comments */ unique (ese_pol_id, ese_name, ese_type) ); REM ----------------------------------------------------------------- REM dr$user_extract_tkdict REM ----------------------------------------------------------------- rem This table stores tokens and bigrams from the user dictionary create table dr$user_extract_tkdict ( etd_polid number, /* dictionary bound to extract policy */ etd_txt varchar2(128), /* either a token or bigram */ etd_soe number, /* token is an soe */ etd_eoe number, /* token is an eoe */ etd_bigram number, /* text is a bigram */ etd_status number, /* compiled, not compiled, to be deleted */ primary key (etd_polid, etd_txt) ); REM ----------------------------------------------------------------- REM dr$user_extract_entdict REM ----------------------------------------------------------------- rem This table stores the completed entities from the user dictionary create table dr$user_extract_entdict ( eed_polid number, /* dictionary bound to extract policy */ eed_entid number, /* entry id */ eed_lang varchar2(30), /* entry language */ eed_mention varchar2(512), /* entity mention */ eed_type varchar2(3000), /* entity type */ eed_normid number, /* normal form */ eed_altcnt number, /* number of alternate forms */ eed_status number, /* compiled, not compiled, to be deleted */ primary key (eed_polid, eed_entid, eed_normid) ); REM ----------------------------------------------------------------- REM dr$tree REM ----------------------------------------------------------------- rem This table stores the metadata of the tree information on MVDATA sections create table dr$tree ( idxid number, /* Index id containing the MVDATA section */ secid number, /* MVDATA section id over which tree is built */ node_seq number, /* Next node for a newly allocated node */ primary key(idxid, secid) )organization index; REM ------------------------------------------------------------------ REM dr$autoopt REM ------------------------------------------------------------------ rem This table contains indexes registered for auto optimize create table dr$autoopt ( aoi_idxid number, aoi_partid number, aoi_ownid number, aoi_ownname varchar2(30), aoi_idxname varchar2(30), aoi_partname varchar2(30), constraint drc$autoopt_un unique (aoi_idxid, aoi_partid, aoi_ownid) );