Rem Rem $Header: ctx_src_2/src/dr/admin/ctxsys.sql /main/16 2010/05/09 21:34:35 wclin Exp $ Rem Rem ctxsys.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2002, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. Rem All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem ctxsys.sql Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem schema creation and granting privileges (schema name CTXSYS, Rem grant EXECUTE on dbms_registry, alter user lock account Rem expire password Rem Rem NOTES Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem rpalakod 02/08/10 - Bug 9310235 Rem rpalakod 08/03/09 - autooptimize Rem oshiowat 05/13/05 - feature usage tracking Rem yucheng 11/09/04 - grant ctxsys privs on MV table/views Rem gkaminag 08/02/04 - deprecation of connect Rem ekwan 10/03/03 - Bug 3161706: cannot get column type for nested Rem surman 09/04/03 - 3101316: Update duc$ for drop user cascade Rem gkaminag 08/19/03 - grant ctxsys permissions on ctxapp role Rem ekwan 07/01/03 - Bug 2999760: grant dba_tab_cols Rem gkaminag 01/07/03 - dba_indextypes Rem gkaminag 12/03/02 - make ctxsys a normal user Rem ehuang 09/09/02 - grant more sys tables Rem gkaminag 08/22/02 - Rem ehuang 07/08/02 - migrate from dr* scripts Rem ehuang 06/17/02 - ehuang_component_upgrade Rem ehuang 06/11/02 - Created Rem define pass = &1 define tbs = &2 define ttbs = &3 define dolock = &4 prompt ...creating user CTXSYS create user ctxsys identified by &pass default tablespace &tbs temporary tablespace &ttbs; grant create session, alter session, create view, create synonym, resource to CTXSYS; REM REM Needed for ctx_servers REM grant select on sys.v_$session to ctxsys with grant option; grant create public synonym to ctxsys; grant drop public synonym to ctxsys; grant select on SYS.GV_$DB_OBJECT_CACHE to ctxsys; grant select on SYS.ARGUMENT$ to ctxsys with grant option; grant select on SYS.DBA_COLL_TYPES to ctxsys; grant select on SYS.DBA_CONSTRAINTS to ctxsys; grant select on SYS.DBA_CONS_COLUMNS to ctxsys with grant option; grant select on SYS.DBA_DB_LINKS to ctxsys with grant option; grant select on SYS.DBA_INDEXTYPES to ctxsys with grant option; grant select on SYS.DBA_JOBS to ctxsys; grant select on SYS.DBA_JOBS_RUNNING to ctxsys; grant select on SYS.DBA_OBJECTS to ctxsys with grant option; grant select on SYS.DBA_OBJECTS to ctxsys; grant select on SYS.DBA_ROLES to ctxsys with grant option; grant select on SYS.DBA_ROLE_PRIVS to ctxsys with grant option; grant select on SYS.DBA_SYNONYMS to ctxsys with grant option; grant select on SYS.DBA_SYS_PRIVS to ctxsys; grant select on SYS.DBA_TABLES to ctxsys; grant select on SYS.DBA_TAB_COLUMNS to ctxsys; grant select on SYS.DBA_TAB_COLS to ctxsys; grant select on SYS.DBA_TAB_PARTITIONS to ctxsys; grant select on SYS.DBA_TAB_PRIVS to ctxsys with grant option; grant select on SYS.DBA_TYPE_ATTRS to ctxsys with grant option; grant select on SYS.DBA_USERS to ctxsys; grant select on SYS.GV_$PARAMETER to ctxsys; grant select on SYS.HIST_HEAD$ to ctxsys; grant select on SYS.COL$ to ctxsys with grant option; grant select on SYS.COLTYPE$ to ctxsys; grant select on SYS.IND$ to ctxsys with grant option; grant select on SYS.INDPART$ to ctxsys with grant option; grant select on SYS.LOB$ to ctxsys with grant option; grant select on SYS.LOBFRAG$ to ctxsys with grant option; grant select on SYS.OBJ$ to ctxsys with grant option; grant select on SYS.PARTOBJ$ to ctxsys with grant option; grant select on SYS.SYN$ to ctxsys with grant option; grant select on SYS.SYSAUTH$ to ctxsys with grant option; grant select on SYS.TAB$ to ctxsys with grant option; grant select on SYS.TABPART$ to ctxsys with grant option; grant select on SYS.TS$ to ctxsys with grant option; grant select on SYS.USER$ to ctxsys with grant option; grant select on SYS.USER$ to ctxsys with grant option; grant select on SYS.VIEW$ to ctxsys with grant option; grant select on SYS.V_$PARAMETER to ctxsys with grant option; grant select on SYS.V_$RESOURCE to ctxsys with grant option; grant select on dba_types to ctxsys with grant option; grant select on SYS.V_$THREAD to ctxsys with grant option; grant select on SYS.CDEF$ to ctxsys with grant option; grant select on SYS.CON$ to ctxsys with grant option; grant select on SYS.CCOL$ to ctxsys with grant option; grant select on SYS.ICOL$ to ctxsys with grant option; grant select on SYS.snap$ to ctxsys with grant option; grant select on SYS.v_$db_pipes to ctxsys; grant execute on dbms_pipe to ctxsys; grant execute on dbms_lock to ctxsys; grant execute on dbms_registry to ctxsys; grant create job to ctxsys; grant manage scheduler to ctxsys; promp ...creating role CTXAPP create role CTXAPP; grant ctxapp to ctxsys with admin option; begin if ('&dolock' = 'LOCK') then execute immediate 'alter user ctxsys password expire account lock'; end if; end; / REM Support DROP USER CASCADE DELETE FROM sys.duc$ WHERE owner = 'CTXSYS' AND pack = 'CTX_ADM' AND proc = 'DROP_USER_OBJECTS' AND operation# = 1; INSERT INTO sys.duc$ (owner, pack, proc, operation#, seq, com) VALUES ('CTXSYS', 'CTX_ADM', 'DROP_USER_OBJECTS', 1, 1, 'Drops any Text objects for this user'); COMMIT;