Rem Rem ctxposup.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2002, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. Rem All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem ctxposup.sql - <one-line expansion of the name> Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem This script contains common post-upgrade steps. Developers Rem should keep this up-to-date so that it is compatible with Rem the latest versions of everything. Rem Rem NOTES Rem <other useful comments, qualifications, etc.> Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem gauryada 10/18/11 - Added commit after csv_to_section_attr Rem rkadwe 06/21/11 - Backport rkadwe_bug-12659548 from main Rem ssethuma 03/18/11 - section specific attributes Rem rpalakod 01/11/08 - Drop temp procedure setatt Rem gkaminag 10/07/04 - inst val proc Rem ehuang 12/16/02 - Rem ehuang 08/02/02 - ehuang_component_upgrade_2 Rem ehuang 07/30/02 - Created Rem REM ======================================================================== REM drop dummy operator and index implementation type REM ======================================================================== drop operator dummyop; drop package ctx_dummyop; drop type DummyIndexMethods; REM ======================================================================== REM drop temporary versions of ctx_ddl routines REM ======================================================================== drop procedure dr$temp_crepref; drop procedure dr$temp_cresg; drop procedure dr$temp_setatt; REM ======================================================================== REM Recompile shared library REM ======================================================================== PROMPT STARTING DR0ULIB.SQL @@dr0ulib.sql REM ======================================================================== REM Attempt to recompile any invalid views REM ======================================================================== declare begin for c1 in (select object_name from dba_objects where status = 'INVALID' and owner = 'CTXSYS' and object_type = 'VIEW') loop begin execute immediate 'alter view '||c1.object_name||' compile'; exception when others then null; end; end loop; end; / REM ======================================================================== REM Recompile Packages REM ======================================================================== REM Assumption is that the INDEXTYPE HEADERS are VALID at this point PROMPT STARTING CTXPKH.SQL @@ctxpkh.sql PROMPT STARTING CTXPLB.SQL @@ctxplb.sql REM ======================================================================== REM Recompile Type Bodies REM ======================================================================== @@ctxtyb.sql REM ======================================================================== REM populate database object manifest REM ======================================================================== @@ctxdbo.sql REM ======================================================================== REM Attempt to recompile any leftover errant objects REM ======================================================================== declare cbody varchar2(10); otype varchar2(30); begin for c1 in (select object_type, object_name from dba_objects where status = 'INVALID' and owner = 'CTXSYS' order by object_type) loop otype := c1.object_type; cbody := null; if (c1.object_type = 'PACKAGE BODY') then otype := 'PACKAGE'; cbody := 'BODY'; elsif (c1.object_type = 'TYPE BODY') then otype := 'TYPE'; cbody := 'BODY'; elsif (c1.object_type = 'VIEW') then cbody := 'BODY'; end if; begin execute immediate 'alter '||otype||' '||c1.object_name||' compile '||cbody; exception when others then null; end; end loop; end; / REM this is not a mistake -- we want to run this twice due to possible REM cyclical dependencies / REM ======================================================================== REM Install latest version of validation procedure REM ======================================================================== @@ctxval.sql REM ======================================================================== REM Insert individual section attributes to dr$index_value table REM ======================================================================== begin for c1 in (select ixv_idx_id, ixv_value, ixv_oat_id, oat_name, driv.rowid from dr$index_value driv, dr$object_attribute where ixv_oat_id = oat_id and oat_cla_id = DRIOBJ.CLASS_SECTION_GROUP and ixv_value like '%:%:%') loop drisgp.csv_to_section_attr(c1.ixv_idx_id, c1.oat_name, c1.ixv_value); delete from dr$index_value where rowid = c1.rowid; end loop; commit; end; / REM END OF CTXPOSUP