#!../../perl/bin/perl # # $Header: install/utl/clone/bin/clone.pl /st_install_11.2.0/3 2011/03/16 22:37:12 huliliu Exp $ # # clone.pl # # Copyright (c) 2004, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. # # NAME # clone.pl - # # DESCRIPTION # Script that performs the cloning operation on the current home. This script should # be called at the target of the cloning operation. # # NOTES # # # MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) # huliliu 03/16/11 - XbranchMerge huliliu_bug-11781857 from main # huliliu 03/15/11 - add validation on -O'"CLUSTER_NODE={node1,node2}'" # format, -bug 11781857 # pvallam 12/27/10 - XbranchMerge pvallam_bug-10094341_11203 from # st_install_11.2.0 # pvallam 12/03/10 - adding support for skiprootpre property # scravind 08/20/10 - Doing the changes to prompt for rootpre on # solarisamd64 Vendor cluster for the bug 10045398 # scravind 08/20/10 - XbranchMerge scravind_bug-10045398 from # st_install_11.2.0 # scravind 03/29/10 - XbranchMerge scravind_bug-9499881 from # st_install_11. # svaggu 08/02/09 - Fix for Bug 8339964 # wyou 02/25/09 - use the relative path for shebang instead of using # instantiation # xiaofwan 02/18/09 - Fix bug 8259748 by enabling -defaultHomeName # wyou 01/13/09 - change the header into instantiation # xiaofwan 11/12/07 - Combine clone.pl with db.clone.pl # xiaofwan 04/24/07 - Fix bug 6005641 by accepting ORACLE_BASE as a # mandatory parameter # poosrini 12/11/06 - Added -nowait to OUI cmd line # rlemos 06/10/05 - Fix issue with validation checks # rlemos 05/04/05 - Updates to create the targets.xml.tmp file # rlemos 03/22/05 - rlemos_checkin_cloning_scripts # rlemos 03/22/05 - Creation # use English qw(-no_match_vars); use File::Path; use File::Spec::Functions; my $root_directory = File::Spec->rel2abs(File::Basename::dirname ( $PROGRAM_NAME )); my $ORACLE_HOME = "Not yet set!!"; my $ORACLE_HOME_NAME = "Not yet set!!"; my $ORACLE_BASE = "Not yet set!!"; my $OSDBA_GROUP = "Not yet set!!"; my $OSOPER_GROUP = "Not yet set!!"; my $OSASM_GROUP = "Not yet set!!"; my $SKIP_ROOTPRE_PROPERTY = "FALSE"; my $SKIP_ROOTPRE_PROPERTY_PASSED = "FALSE"; my %ARGS; # Build the command line my $OUI_COMMAND = "./runInstaller"; if (onWindows()) { $OUI_COMMAND = ".\\setup.exe"; } my $CLONE_COMMAND_LINE = $OUI_COMMAND . " -clone -waitForCompletion "; # Update path environment variable if (!onWindows()) { update_path_environment_variable(); } # parse the command line arguments parse_arguments(@ARGV); # validate the arguments passed validate_arguments(); # rootpre check rootpre_check(); # build the command line build_clone_command(); $props_file = File::Spec->catfile($root_directory, updir(), "config", "cs.properties"); %PROPS = load_properties($props_file); $CLONE_COMMAND_LINE_BUFFER = $PROPS{clone_command_line}; $CLONE_COMMAND_LINE = $CLONE_COMMAND_LINE.' '.$CLONE_COMMAND_LINE_BUFFER; # Explicitly unsetting the following ENV variables delete $ENV{'ORACLE_HOME'}; delete $ENV{'ORACLE_HOME_NAME'}; delete $ENV{'ORACLE_BASE'}; delete $ENV{'OSDBA_GROUP'}; delete $ENV{'OSOPER_GROUP'}; delete $ENV{'OSASM_GROUP'}; # Go to the OUI directory chdir(File::Spec->catfile($ORACLE_HOME, "oui", "bin")); print("$CLONE_COMMAND_LINE \n"); # Invoke OUI in clone mode system($CLONE_COMMAND_LINE); # Exit with the correct exit status exit $?>>8; ############################################################################# # NAME : parse_arguments # PURPOSE: Checks the command line arguments. # INPUTS : The command line arguments # OUTPUTS: NONE # NOTES : Updates global variables with command line arguments. # ############################################################################# sub parse_arguments { (@ARGV)=@_; my %ARGS; $no_arguments = scalar ( @ARGV ); for ( my $i = 0; $i < $no_arguments; $i++ ) { # mandatory if we are connecting to an instance - if not passed use the old instance name if ($ARGV[$i] eq "-silent") { $SILENT_MODE = "true"; } elsif ($ARGV[$i] eq "-debug") { $DEBUG_MODE = "true"; } elsif ($ARGV[$i] eq "-help") { print_usage(); exit; } # Read in values beginning with -O (pass to OUI clone cmd line) -P (preClone) elsif ($ARGV[$i] =~ /-O/) { $ARGV[$i]=~s/-O//; if ($ARGV[$i]=~ /CLUSTER_NODES=/) { # split the arg by '=' ($name, $value) = split(/=/, $ARGV[$i]); # validate the {} at the right side of the args if (($value =~ /^\{/) && ($value =~ /\}"$/)) { $CLONE_COMMAND_LINE = $CLONE_COMMAND_LINE.' '.$ARGV[$i]; } else { # error and exit print "CLUSTER_NODES must be specified within \{\}!\n"; exit -1; } } else { # for other -O parameters, no validation checking performed $CLONE_COMMAND_LINE = $CLONE_COMMAND_LINE.' '.$ARGV[$i]; } } elsif ($ARGV[$i] =~ /OSDBA_GROUP=/) { ($name, $value) = split (/=/, $ARGV[$i]); $ARGS{$name} = $value; $CLONE_COMMAND_LINE = $CLONE_COMMAND_LINE.' "oracle_install_OSDBA='.$value.'"'; } elsif ($ARGV[$i] =~ /OSOPER_GROUP=/) { ($name, $value) = split (/=/, $ARGV[$i]); $ARGS{$name} = $value; $CLONE_COMMAND_LINE = $CLONE_COMMAND_LINE.' "oracle_install_OSOPER='.$value.'"'; } elsif ($ARGV[$i] =~ /OSASM_GROUP=/) { ($name, $value) = split (/=/, $ARGV[$i]); $ARGS{$name} = $value; $CLONE_COMMAND_LINE = $CLONE_COMMAND_LINE.' "oracle_install_OSASM='.$value.'"'; } elsif ($ARGV[$i] =~ /oracle.install.skipRootPre=/) { $SKIP_ROOTPRE_PROPERTY_PASSED="TRUE"; ($name, $value) = split (/=/, $ARGV[$i]); $ARGS{$name} = $value; if ( lc($value) eq 'true') { $SKIP_ROOTPRE_PROPERTY="TRUE"; } } elsif ($ARGV[$i] =~ /=/) { $CLONE_COMMAND_LINE = $CLONE_COMMAND_LINE.' "'.$ARGV[$i].'"'; ($name, $value) = split (/=/, $ARGV[$i]); $ARGS{$name} = $value; } else # Hook for EM Cloning { $CLONE_COMMAND_LINE = $CLONE_COMMAND_LINE.' '.$ARGV[$i].' '; } } if (exists $ARGS{"ORACLE_HOME"}) { $ORACLE_HOME = $ARGS{"ORACLE_HOME"}; } if (exists $ARGS{"ORACLE_HOME_NAME"}) { $ORACLE_HOME_NAME = $ARGS{"ORACLE_HOME_NAME"}; } if (exists $ARGS{"ORACLE_BASE"}) { $ORACLE_BASE = $ARGS{"ORACLE_BASE"}; } if (exists $ARGS{"OSDBA_GROUP"}) { $OSDBA_GROUP = $ARGS{"OSDBA_GROUP"}; } if (exists $ARGS{"OSOPER_GROUP"}) { $OSOPER_GROUP = $ARGS{"OSOPER_GROUP"}; } if (exists $ARGS{"OSASM_GROUP"}) { $OSASM_GROUP = $ARGS{"OSASM_GROUP"}; } } ############################################################################# # NAME : build_clone_command # PURPOSE: builds the command line to be passed to OUI. # INPUTS : NONE # OUTPUTS: NONE # NOTES : # ############################################################################# sub build_clone_command() { if ($DEBUG_MODE eq "true") { $CLONE_COMMAND_LINE = $CLONE_COMMAND_LINE . " -debug"; } } ############################################################################# # NAME : validate_arguments # PURPOSE: Validates the command line arguments. # INPUTS : NONE # OUTPUTS: NONE # NOTES : Exits if any of the mandatory arguments are not passed / are invalid # ############################################################################# sub validate_arguments { my $error_occurred = "false"; # Check if a valid ORACLE_HOME is specified if ($ORACLE_HOME eq "Not yet set!!") { print ("ERROR: Oracle Home has not been specified. Aborting the clone operation.\n\n"); $error_occurred = "true"; } elsif (!-e File::Spec->catfile($ORACLE_HOME, "oui", "bin")) { print ("ERROR: Invalid Oracle Home specified. Aborting the clone operation.\n\n"); $error_occurred = "true"; } elsif ($ORACLE_HOME_NAME eq "Not yet set!!") { $CLONE_COMMAND_LINE = $CLONE_COMMAND_LINE . " -defaultHomeName"; } elsif ($ORACLE_BASE eq "Not yet set!!") { print ("ERROR: Invalid Oracle Base specified. Aborting the clone operation.\n\n"); $error_occurred = "true"; } if ($error_occurred eq "true") { print_usage(); exit -1; } } ############################################################################# # NAME : print_usage # PURPOSE: NONE # INPUTS : NONE # OUTPUTS: NONE # NOTES : Prints the usage for the current script. # Spaces were used instead of tabs to maintain formatting. # Please verify the formatting of the message if this method is being updated. # ############################################################################# sub print_usage { $help_msg = "NAME\n"; $help_msg = $help_msg." clone.pl - Clones an Oracle home.\n\n"; $help_msg = $help_msg."SYNOPSIS\n"; if(onWindows()){ $help_msg = $help_msg." perl clone.pl ORACLE_HOME=\n ORACLE_BASE=\n [ORACLE_HOME_NAME=]|-defaultHomeName\n -O<>\n -debug\n -help\n\n"; } else{ $help_msg = $help_msg." perl clone.pl ORACLE_HOME=\n ORACLE_BASE=\n [ORACLE_HOME_NAME=]|-defaultHomeName\n OSDBA_GROUP=\n OSOPER_GROUP=\n OSASM_GROUP=\n -O<>\n -debug\n -help\n\n"; } $help_msg = $help_msg."DESCRIPTION\n"; $help_msg = $help_msg." Invoked at the target to clone the Oracle home\n\n"; $help_msg = $help_msg." ORACLE_HOME=\n This is the complete path to the Oracle Home being cloned. If an\n invalid path is specified the script will exit. This is a manda-\n tory parameter.\n\n"; $help_msg = $help_msg." ORACLE_BASE=\n This is the complete path to the Oracle Base being cloned. If an\n invalid path is specified the script will exit. This is a manda-\n tory parameter.\n\n"; $help_msg = $help_msg." ORACLE_HOME_NAME=\n The Oracle Home Name for the home being cloned. This is an opti-\n onal parameter.'-defaultHomeName' flag can be passed instead of\n ORACLE_HOME_NAME to assign the default Oracle Home Name for the home.\n\n"; if(!onWindows()){ $help_msg = $help_msg." OSDBA_GROUP=\n Operating System group to be used as OSDBA privileged group.\n It is recommended to pass this parameter for Oracle Database and\n Oracle Grid Infrastructure software cloning.\n\n"; $help_msg = $help_msg." OSOPER_GROUP=\n Operating System group to be used as OSOPER privileged group.\n It is recommended to pass this parameter for Oracle Database and\n Oracle Grid Infrastructure software cloning.\n\n"; $help_msg = $help_msg." OSASM_GROUP=\n Operating System group to be used as OSASM privileged group.\n It is recommended to pass this parameter for Oracle Grid\n Infrastructure software cloning.\n\n"; } $help_msg = $help_msg." -O<>\n If the -O flag were used then anything following it is passed to\n the OUI clone command line.\n\n"; #$help_msg = $help_msg." -P<>\n If the -P flag were used then anything following it is passed to\n the Preclone clone command line.\n\n"; $help_msg = $help_msg." -debug\n Runs the script in debug mode\n\n"; $help_msg = $help_msg." -help\n Prints the usage for this script\n\n"; # print the usage message print $help_msg; } ############################################################################# # NAME : onWindows() # # PURPOSE: Return true if running under MS Windows ############################################################################# sub onWindows { return ($^O eq 'MSWin32'); } ############################################################################# # NAME : load_properties # PURPOSE: loads properties stored in the specified configuration file. # INPUTS : hash where the values are saved, and location of the config file. # OUTPUTS: NONE # NOTES : # ############################################################################# sub load_properties { $props_file_loc = $_[0]; #%PROPS = $_[1]; my %PROPS ; #log_msg($DEBUG, "Loading properties from $props_file_loc"); unless(-e $props_file_loc) { #log_msg ($ERROR, "Properties file $props_file_loc was not found. Failed loading correponding properties."); print "Properties file $props_file_loc was not found. Failed loading correponding properties."; return; } # load the file open(PROPS, $props_file_loc); while($line = ) { # skip comment and empty lines if($line =~ /^#/ or $line eq "\n") { next; } ($prop_name, $prop_val) = split("=", $line, 2); # Remove ^M characters $prop_name =~s/\^M//ig; $prop_val =~s/\^M//ig; # Remove \n characters $prop_name =~s/\\n//; $prop_val =~s/\\n//; # Trim spaces $prop_name =~s/^\s+//; $prop_name =~s/\s+$//; $prop_val =~s/^\s+//; $prop_val =~s/\s+$//; $PROPS{$prop_name} = $prop_val; } return %PROPS; } ############################################################################# # NAME : rootpre_check # # PURPOSE: rootpre.sh need to be run on AIX to configure async I/O. Rootpre # needs to be run on solarisamd64 vendor clusters as well. ############################################################################# sub rootpre_check { $OS=$^O; if ( $OS eq "aix") { if ( -d "$ORACLE_HOME/inventory/Components21/oracle.rdbms" ) { if ($SKIP_ROOTPRE_PROPERTY eq "FALSE") { prompt_rootpre(); } } } if ($OS eq "solaris") { $arch=`/usr/bin/isainfo -k`; chomp($arch); if ($arch eq "amd64"){ if ( -e "$ORACLE_HOME/clone/rootpre.sh"){ if ((-d "$ORACLE_HOME/inventory/Components21/oracle.crs") &&(isSunClusterRunning())){ if ($SKIP_ROOTPRE_PROPERTY eq "FALSE") { prompt_rootpre(); } } } } } } # # Check if SunCluster is running # sub isSunClusterRunning { system("/bin/ps -e -u 0 | grep 'ucm[m]d' 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null"); if($? ne 0){ return 0; } else{ return 1; } } ############################################################################# # NAME : prompt_rootpre # PURPOSE: Output the rootpre prompt # INPUTS : NONE # OUTPUTS: NONE # ############################################################################# sub prompt_rootpre { my $SHOW_ROOTPRE_PROMPT=FALSE; if ($SKIP_ROOTPRE_PROPERTY_PASSED eq "TRUE") { if ( $SKIP_ROOTPRE_PROPERTY eq "FALSE" ) { $SHOW_ROOTPRE_PROMPT=TRUE; } } else { if(exists($ENV{"SKIP_ROOTPRE"})) { if ($ENV{'SKIP_ROOTPRE'} ne "TRUE") { print "SKIP_ROOTPRE not set to TRUE.\n"; exit 0; } else { if ( $ENV{'SKIP_ROOTPRE'} eq "TRUE") { print "\n"; print "****************************************************\n"; print "SKIP_ROOTPRE environment variable is set to TRUE, \n"; print "which means rootpre.sh was already run as root user.\n"; print "****************************************************\n"; print "\n"; } } } else { $SHOW_ROOTPRE_PROMPT=TRUE; } } if ( $SHOW_ROOTPRE_PROMPT eq "TRUE" ){ print "********************************************************************************\n"; print "\n"; print "Your platform requires the root user to perform certain pre-clone\n"; print "OS preparation. The root user should run the shell script 'rootpre.sh' before\n"; print "you proceed with cloning. rootpre.sh can be found at\n"; print "$ORACLE_HOME/clone directory."; print "\n"; print "Answer 'y' if the root user has run 'rootpre.sh' script.\n"; print "\n"; print "********************************************************************************\n"; print "\n"; print "Has 'rootpre.sh' been run by the root user? [y/n] (n)\n"; chomp($response=); if ( $response eq "y" || $response eq "Y" ) { print ""; } else { print "Cloning stopped to run '$ORACLE_HOME/clone/rootpre.sh' by root.\n"; exit 0; } } } ############################################################################# # NAME : update_path_environment_variable # PURPOSE: Updates the path environment variable # INPUTS : NONE # OUTPUTS: NONE # ############################################################################# sub update_path_environment_variable { my $PATH=$ENV{'PATH'}; if (! $PATH){ $ENV{'PATH'} ='/usr/bin:/usr/ccs/bin'; } else{ $ENV{'PATH'}='/usr/bin:/usr/ccs/bin:'.$PATH; } }