Rem Copyright (c) 2008, Oracle. All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem apxe111.sql Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem Runs downgrade actions for Application Express. Rem Rem NOTES Rem Assumes the SYS user is connected. Rem Rem REQUIRENTS Rem Application Express Rem Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YYYY) Rem jstraub 02/26/2008 - Created for 11.2 downgrade Rem jstraub 04/14/2008 - Changed logic to revert images directory to prior release, only if resource exists (lrg 3366866) Rem jstraub 05/08/2008 - Added call to validate_apex since there is no apxrelod script for 10.1 and 10.2 (lrg 3398351) Rem jkallman 09/09/2008 - Change FLOWS_030100 references to APEX_030200 Rem jstraub 12/08/2008 - Changed current_schema to ^UFROM prior to wwv_flow_upgrade.switch_schemas (lrg 3702914) Rem jstraub 03/18/2009 - Removed call to validate_apex per component script guidelines, already in apxrelod.sql Rem jstraub 10/27/2009 - Moved storing of apxset.sql to $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/log (Bug 7422107) column :xe_home new_value OH_HOME NOPRINT variable xe_home varchar2(255) begin -- get oracle_home dbms_system.get_env('ORACLE_HOME',:xe_home); end; / select :xe_home from dual; -- save session settings store set &OH_HOME/rdbms/log/apxset.sql replace set define '^' set concat on set concat . define APPUN = 'APEX_030200' define UFROM = 'APEX_030200' EXECUTE dbms_registry.downgrading('APEX'); -- find the version upgraded from and the prior images directory alter session set current_schema = ^APPUN; column :foo_user new_val UFROM NOPRINT variable foo_user varchar2(50) column :image_dir new_val IMGDIR NOPRINT variable image_dir varchar2(4000) begin for c1 in (select upgrade_action, upgrade_command from wwv_flow_upgrade_progress where upgrade_id = 0 and upgrade_sequence = 0 ) loop :foo_user := c1.upgrade_action; :image_dir := c1.upgrade_command; end loop; end; / select :foo_user from dual; select :image_dir from dual; alter session set current_schema = ^UFROM; begin if '^UFROM' != '^APPUN' then wwv_flow_upgrade.switch_schemas('^APPUN','^UFROM'); end if; end; / alter session set current_schema = SYS; begin if '^UFROM' != '^APPUN' then if dbms_xdb.existsresource('/images/') and dbms_xdb.existsresource('^IMGDIR') then for c1 in (select to_char(sysdate,'YYYYMMDDHH24MI') x from dual) loop dbms_xdb.renameresource('/images/','/','/images_'||c1.x||'/'); end loop; dbms_xdb.renameresource('^IMGDIR','/','/images/'); end if; end if; end; / column flow_version new_val version set termout off select ^UFROM..wwv_flows_release flow_version from dual where rownum = 1; set termout on EXECUTE dbms_registry.downgraded('APEX','^version'); -- Restore session variables @?/rdbms/log/apxset.sql