Rem Copyright (c) Oracle Corporation 1999 - 2007. All Rights Reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem apexins.sql Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem Rem NOTES Rem Assumes the SYS user is connected. Rem Rem REQUIRENTS Rem - Oracle or later Rem Rem Arguments: Rem Position 1: Name of tablespace for Application Express application user Rem Position 2: Name of tablespace for Application Express files user Rem Position 3: Name of temporary tablespace Rem Position 4: Virtual directory for APEX images Rem Rem Example: Rem Rem 1)Local Rem sqlplus "sys/syspass as sysdba" @apexins SYSAUX SYSAUX TEMP /i/ Rem Rem 2)With connect string Rem sqlplus "sys/syspass@10g as sysdba" @apexins SYSAUX SYSAUX TEMP /i/ Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YYYY) Rem jkallman 09/10/2004 - Created Rem jstraub 10/25/2004 - Changed the name of the log file to end in .log and include date/time Rem jkallman 01/04/2005 - Adjusted APPUN to FLOWS_020000 Rem jduan 07/07/2005 - Modify for upgrade to 2.0 Rem jkallman 09/14/2005 - Adjusted APPUN to FLOWS_020100 Rem jkallman 09/22/2005 - Add substitution variable XE Rem jkallman 01/23/2006 - Adjusted APPUN to FLOWS_020200 Rem jkallman 02/28/2006 - Copied from original htmldbins.sql Rem jstraub 06/27/2006 - Added exit logic if XE Rem jstraub 08/11/2006 - Changed calling coreins with new prefix parameter Rem jkallman 09/29/2006 - Adjusted APPUN to FLOWS_030000 Rem jkallman 02/15/2007 - Remove XE check Rem jstraub 02/21/2007 - Removed 6th positional connect parameter Rem jstraub 04/10/2007 - Added INSTALL_TYPE parameter for use with dynamically setting WHENEVER SQLERROR exit in coreins Rem jkallman 08/02/2007 - Change FLOWS_030000 references to FLOWS_030100 Rem jstraub 08/16/2007 - Removed password as positional parameter and made random Rem jstraub 09/14/2007 - Updated comments to reflect correct number of arguments and updated examples Rem jstraub 12/19/2007 - Added logic to exit if not connected as SYSDBA Rem jstraub 01/10/2008 - Added prerequisite checks for XDB and CONTEXT Rem jstraub 02/08/2008 - Added alter session set nls_length_semantics = byte Rem jkallman 09/09/2008 - Change FLOWS_030100 references to APEX_030200 Rem jstraub 03/24/2009 - Added spool off, removed from coreins.sql for catupgrd alter session set nls_length_semantics = byte; prompt . ____ ____ ____ ____ prompt . / \ | \ /\ / | / prompt .| || / / \ | | | prompt .| ||--- ---- | | |--- prompt .| || \ / \ | | | prompt . \____/ | \/ \ \____ |____ \____ prompt . prompt . Application Express Installation. prompt ................................... prompt . prompt ... Checking prerequisites set define '^' set concat on set concat . set verify off set termout off spool off set termout on Rem Rem Check that user has SYSDBA privilege, CONTEXT and XDB are installed before proceeding Rem whenever sqlerror exit set serveroutput on Rem Check SYSDBA Privilege define foo2 = 'NOSYSDBA' column foo new_val foo2 NOPRINT select privilege foo from session_privs where privilege = 'SYSDBA'; begin if '^foo2' = 'NOSYSDBA' then dbms_output.put_line('Application Express installation requires a connection with the SYSDBA privilege.'); execute immediate 'bogus statement to force exit'; end if; end; / Rem Check for CONTEXT define foo2 = 'NOCONTEXT' column foo new_val foo2 NOPRINT select comp_id foo from dba_registry where comp_id = 'CONTEXT' and status = 'VALID'; begin if '^foo2' = 'NOCONTEXT' then dbms_output.put_line('Application Express installation requires the Oracle Text database component.'); execute immediate 'bogus statement to force exit'; end if; end; / Rem Check for XDB define foo2 = 'NOXDB' column foo new_val foo2 NOPRINT select comp_id foo from dba_registry where comp_id = 'XDB' and status = 'VALID'; begin if '^foo2' = 'NOXDB' then dbms_output.put_line('Application Express installation requires the Oracle XML Database database component.'); execute immediate 'bogus statement to force exit'; end if; end; / whenever sqlerror continue prompt . prompt ... Prerequisite check complete. Result passed. prompt . column foo3 new_val LOG1 select 'install'||to_char(sysdate,'YYYY-MM-DD_HH24-MI-SS')||'.log' foo3 from dual; define LOG2 = ^LOG1.english.log define LOG3 = ^LOG1.english.bad spool ^LOG1 define UPGRADE = '1' define INSTALL_TYPE = 'MANUAL' define APPUN = 'APEX_030200' column foo2 new_val UPGRADE select '2' foo2 from dba_users where (username in ('FLOWS_030100','FLOWS_030000','FLOWS_020200','FLOWS_020100','FLOWS_020000','FLOWS_010600','FLOWS_010500')) and rownum = 1; define DATTS = '^1' define FF_TBLS = '^2' define TEMPTBL = '^3' define IMGPR = '^4' define DB_VERSION = '10' define PREFIX = '@' column :rnd_pwd new_value ADM_PWD NOPRINT variable rnd_pwd varchar2(30) begin :rnd_pwd := dbms_random.string('X',30); end; / select :rnd_pwd from dual; @@coreins.sql ^LOG1 ^UPGRADE ^APPUN ^TEMPTBL ^IMGPR ^DATTS ^FF_TBLS ^ADM_PWD ^PREFIX spool off exit