/* $RCSfile: xmlsoap.h $ $Date: 30-mar-2005.17:40:53 $ Copyright (c) 2004, Oracle. All Rights Reserved. FILE NAME xmlsoap.h - XML SOAP APIs FILE DESCRIPTION XML SOAP Public APIs PUBLIC FUNCTIONS XmlSoapCreateCtx - Create and return a SOAP context XmlSoapDestroyCtx - Destroy a SOAP context XmlSoapCreateConnection - Create a SOAP connection object XmlSoapDestroyConnection - Destroy a SOAP connection object XmlSoapCall - Send a SOAP message & wait for reply XmlSoapCreateMsg - Create and return an empty SOAP message XmlSoapDestroyMsg - Destroy a SOAP message created w/XmlSoapCreateMsg XmlSoapGetEnvelope - Return a SOAP message's envelope XmlSoapGetHeader - Return a SOAP message's envelope header XmlSoapGetBody - Return a SOAP message's envelope body XmlSoapAddHeaderElement - Adds an element to a SOAP header XmlSoapGetHeaderElement - Gets an element from a SOAP header XmlSoapAddBodyElement - Adds an element to a SOAP message body XmlSoapGetBodyElement - Gets an element from a SOAP message body XmlSoapSetMustUnderstand - Set mustUnderstand attr for SOAP hdr elem XmlSoapGetMustUnderstand - Get mustUnderstand attr from SOAP hdr elem XmlSoapSetRole - Set role for SOAP header element XmlSoapGetRole - Get role from SOAP header element XmlSoapSetRelay - Set relay Header element property XmlSoapGetRelay - Get relay Header element property XmlSoapSetFault - Set Fault in SOAP message XmlSoapHasFault - Does SOAP message have a Fault? XmlSoapGetFault - Return Fault code, reason, and details XmlSoapAddFaultReason - Add additional Reason to Fault XmlSoapAddFaultSubDetail - Add additional child to Fault Detail XmlSoapGetReasonNum - Get number of Reasons in Fault element XmlSoapGetReasonLang - Get a lang of a reasons with a particular index. XmlSoapError - Get error message(s) */ #ifndef XMLSOAP_ORACLE # define XMLSOAP_ORACLE # ifndef XML_ORACLE # include <xml.h> # endif /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Package SOAP - Simple Object Access Protocol APIs W3C: "SOAP is a lightweight protocol for exchange of information in a decentralized, distributed environment. It is an XML based protocol that consists of three parts: an envelope that defines a framework for describing what is in a message and how to process it, a set of encoding rules for expressing instances of application-defined datatypes, and a convention for representing remote procedure calls and responses." Atachments are only allowed in Soap 1.1 In Soap 1.2 body may not have other elements if Fault is present. Structure of a SOAP message: [SOAP message (XML document) [SOAP envelope [SOAP header? element* ] [SOAP body (element* | Fault)? ] ] ] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #define XMLSOAP_VER_1_2 "http://www.w3.org/2003/05" #define XMLSOAP_VER_1_1 "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org" #define XMLSOAP_URI XMLSOAP_VER_1_2 "/soap" #define XMLSOAP_ENV_URI_1_1 XMLSOAP_VER_1_1 "/soap/envelope/" #define XMLSOAP_ENV_URI_1_2 XMLSOAP_VER_1_2 "/soap-envelope" #define XMLSOAP_PROP_FEATURES XMLSOAP_URI "/features" #define XMLSOAP_PROP_WEB_METHOD XMLSOAP_PROP_FEATURES "/web-method/Method" #define XMLSOAP_WEB_METHOD_GET "GET" #define XMLSOAP_WEB_METHOD_POST "POST" #define XMLSOAP_MIME_TYPE_1_1 (oratext *) "text/xml" #define XMLSOAP_MIME_TYPE_1_2 (oratext *) "application/soap+xml" /**************************************************************************** Interface SOAP ****************************************************************************/ /* DATATYPE xmlsoapctx - SOAP context Context for SOAP operations. Only a single context is needed and can be shared for multiple SOAP messages. */ struct xmlsoapctx; typedef struct xmlsoapctx xmlsoapctx; /* DATATYPE xmlsoapcon - SOAP connection SOAP connection object. One is needed for each distinct connection, and contains binding and endpoint information. */ struct xmlsoapcon; typedef struct xmlsoapcon xmlsoapcon; /* DATATYPE xmlsoapbind - SOAP connection binding Binding for SOAP connections. SOAP does not dictate the binding (transport) used for conveying messages; however HTTP is well-defined and currently the only choice. */ typedef enum xmlsoapbind { XMLSOAP_BIND_NONE = 0, /* none */ XMLSOAP_BIND_HTTP = 1 /* HTTP */ } xmlsoapbind; /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlSoapCreateCtx PURPOSE Create and return a SOAP context DESCRIPTION Create and return a SOAP context. This context must be passed to all XmlSoap APIs. Note the name provided should be unique and is used to identify the context when debugging. Options are specified as (name, value) pairs, ending with a NULL, same as XmlCreate(). If no options are desired, the NULL is still needed. Options are: ("debug_level", numeric level, 0 for no debug) Enables SOAP debug output to stderr. Level 0 (the default) means no debug statements; the higher the level, the more detailed (and volumnous) the output. RETURNS (xmlsoapctx *) SOAP context, or NULL on failure (w/xerr set) ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context xerr (OUT) error return code on failure name (IN) name of context (for debugging) ... (IN) options, as (name, value) pairs, followed by NULL SEE ALSO XmlSoapDestroyCtx */ xmlsoapctx *XmlSoapCreateCtx(xmlctx *xctx, xmlerr *xerr, oratext *name, ...); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlSoapDestroyCtx PURPOSE Destroy a SOAP context DESCRIPTION Destroy a SOAP context created with XmlSoapCreateCtx. All memory allocated will be freed, and all connections closed. RETURNS (xmlerr) numeric error code, XMLERR_OK [0] on success ARGUMENTS ctx (IN) SOAP context SEE ALSO XmlSoapCreateCtx */ xmlerr XmlSoapDestroyCtx(xmlsoapctx *ctx); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlSoapCreateConnection PURPOSE Create a SOAP connection object DESCRIPTION Create a SOAP connection object, specifying the binding (transport) and endpoint. The binding is an enum of type xmlsoapbind, and the endpoint depends on the binding. Currently only HTTP binding is supported, and the endpoint is a URL. That URL should be active, i.e. a cgi-bin script or some mechanism to trigger SOAP message processing based on the Content-type of the incoming message ("application/soap+xml"). To control the HTTP access method (GET or POST), use the web-method property named XMLSOAP_PROP_WEB_METHOD which can have possible values XMLSOAP_WEB_METHOD_GET and XMLSOAP_WEB_METHOD_POST. (conbuf, consiz) is the connection buffer used with LPU; for sending, it contains only the HTTP header, but on reception it holds the entire reply, including HTTP header and the full SOAP body. If no buffer is provided, one will be allocated for you. If size if zero, the default size (64K) will be used. (msgbuf, msgsiz) is the message buffer used to form SOAP messages for sending. It needs to be large enough to contain the largest message which will be sent. If no buffer is specified, one will be allocated for you. If the size is zero, the default size (64K) will be used. Two buffers are needed for sending since the SOAP message needs to be formed first in order to determine it's size; then, the HTTP header can be formed, since the Content-Length is now known. RETURNS (xmlsoapcon *) connect object, or NULL on error with xerr set ARGUMENTS ctx (IN) SOAP context xerr (OUT) numeric error code on failure bind (IN) connection binding endp (IN) connection endpoint conbuf (I/O) connection buffer (or NULL to have one allocated) consiz (IN) size of connection buffer (or 0 for default size) msgbuf (I/O) message buffer (or NULL to have one allocated) msgsiz (IN) size of message buffer (or 0 for default size) ... (IN) additional HTTP headers to set, followed by NULL SEE ALSO XmlSoapDestroyConnection, XmlSoapCall */ xmlsoapcon *XmlSoapCreateConnection(xmlsoapctx *ctx, xmlerr *xerr, xmlsoapbind bind, void *endp, oratext *conbuf, ubig_ora consiz, oratext *msgbuf, ubig_ora msgsiz, ...); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlSoapDestroyConnection PURPOSE Destroy a SOAP connection object DESCRIPTION Destroy a SOAP connection object made with XmlSoapCreateConnection and free any resources. RETURNS (xmlerr) numeric error code, XMLERR_OK [0] on success ARGUMENTS ctx (IN) SOAP context con (IN) SOAP connection object SEE ALSO XmlSoapCreateConnection, XmlSoapCall */ xmlerr XmlSoapDestroyConnection(xmlsoapctx *ctx, xmlsoapcon *con); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlSoapCall PURPOSE Send a SOAP message then wait for and return replied message DESCRIPTION Send a SOAP message over a connection and wait for the response; the message reply (an XML document) is parsed and returned as a SOAP message (equivalent to a DOM). The message buffer is first used to serialize the outgoing message; if it's too small (overflow occurs), xerr gets XMLERR_SAVE_OVERFLOW and NULL is returned. The same buffer is then re-used to receive the replied SOAP message. Opening the connection object is expected to cause an active SOAP handler to appear on the end-point; how this happens is up to the user. For HTTP, the URL should invoke a cgi-bin, or detect the application/soap+xml content-type. RETURNS (xmldocnode *) returned message, or NULL on failure with xerr set ARGUMENTS ctx (IN) SOAP context con (IN) SOAP connection object msg (IN) SOAP message to send xerr (OUT) numeric error code on failure SEE ALSO XmlSoapCreateMsg, XmlSoapCreateConnection, XmlSoapDestroyConnection */ xmldocnode *XmlSoapCall(xmlsoapctx *ctx, xmlsoapcon *con, xmldocnode *msg, xmlerr *xerr); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlSoapCreateMsg PURPOSE Create and return an empty SOAP message DESCRIPTION Create and return an empty SOAP message. The SOAP message will consist of an Envelope. The Envelope contains an empty Header and Body. A SOAP message is an XML document represented by a DOM, and is no different from any other XML document. All DOM operations are valid on the document, but be sure not to harm the overall structure! Changes should be restricted to creating and modifying elements inside the Header and Body. RETURNS (xmldocnode *) SOAP message, or NULL on failure (w/xerr set) ARGUMENTS ctx (IN) SOAP context xerr (OUT) error return code on failure SEE ALSO XmlSoapDestroyMsg */ xmldocnode *XmlSoapCreateMsg(xmlsoapctx *ctx, xmlerr *xerr); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlSoapDestroyMsg PURPOSE Destroy a SOAP message created with XmlSoapCreateMsg DESCRIPTION Destroy a SOAP message created with XmlSoapCreateMsg; this is the same as calling XmlFreeDocument. RETURNS (xmlerr) numeric error code, XMLERR_OK [0] on success ARGUMENTS ctx (IN) SOAP context msg (IN) SOAP message SEE ALSO XmlSoapCreateMsg */ xmlerr XmlSoapDestroyMsg(xmlsoapctx *ctx, xmldocnode *msg); /**************************************************************************** Interface Message ****************************************************************************/ /* DATATYPE xmlsoaprole - Role for SOAP node Role for SOAP node */ typedef enum xmlsoaprole { XMLSOAP_ROLE_UNSET = 0, /* not specified */ XMLSOAP_ROLE_NONE = 1, /* "none" */ XMLSOAP_ROLE_NEXT = 2, /* "next" */ XMLSOAP_ROLE_ULT = 3, /* "ultimateReceiver" */ XMLSOAP_ROLE_OTHER = 4 /* other - user defined */ } xmlsoaprole; /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlSoapGetEnvelope PURPOSE Return a SOAP message's envelope DESCRIPTION Return a SOAP message's envelope RETURNS (xmlelemnode *) SOAP envelope ARGUMENTS ctx (IN) SOAP context msg (IN) SOAP message xerr (I/O) error code SEE ALSO */ xmlelemnode *XmlSoapGetEnvelope(xmlsoapctx *ctx, xmldocnode *msg, xmlerr *xerr); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlSoapGetHeader PURPOSE Return a SOAP message's envelope header DESCRIPTION Return a SOAP message's envelope header RETURNS (xmlelemnode *) SOAP header ARGUMENTS ctx (IN) SOAP context msg (IN) SOAP message xerr (I/O) error code SEE ALSO XmlSoapGetBody */ xmlelemnode *XmlSoapGetHeader(xmlsoapctx *ctx, xmldocnode *msg, xmlerr *xerr); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlSoapGetBody PURPOSE Return a SOAP message's envelope body DESCRIPTION Return a SOAP message's envelope body RETURNS (xmlelemnode *) SOAP Body ARGUMENTS ctx (IN) SOAP context msg (IN) SOAP message xerr (I/O) error code SEE ALSO XmlSoapGetHeader */ xmlelemnode *XmlSoapGetBody(xmlsoapctx *ctx, xmldocnode *msg, xmlerr *xerr); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlSoapAddHeaderElement PURPOSE Adds an element to a SOAP header DESCRIPTION Adds an element to a SOAP header Set (xmlerr) numeric error code. RETURNS (xmlelemnode *) created element ARGUMENTS ctx (IN) SOAP context msg (I/O) SOAP message qname (IN) QName of element to add uri (IN) Namespace URI of element to add xerr (I/O) error code SEE ALSO XmlDomCreateElemNS, XmlSoapGetHeaderElement, XmlSoapAddBodyElement */ xmlelemnode *XmlSoapAddHeaderElement(xmlsoapctx *ctx, xmldocnode *msg, oratext *qname, oratext *uri, xmlerr *xerr); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlSoapGetHeaderElement PURPOSE Gets an element from a SOAP header DESCRIPTION Gets an element from a SOAP header. Set (xmlerr) numeric error code. RETURNS (xmlelemnode *) named element, or NULL on error ARGUMENTS ctx (IN) SOAP context msg (IN) SOAP message uri (IN) Namespace URI of element to get local (IN) Local name of element to get xerr (I/O) error code SEE ALSO XmlDomCreateElemNS, XmlSoapAddHeaderElement, XmlSoapGetBodyElement */ xmlelemnode *XmlSoapGetHeaderElement(xmlsoapctx *ctx, xmldocnode *msg, oratext *uri, oratext *local, xmlerr *xerr); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlSoapAddBodyElement PURPOSE Adds an element to a SOAP message body. DESCRIPTION Adds an element to a SOAP message body. Set (xmlerr) numeric error code RETURNS (xmlelemnode *) created element ARGUMENTS ctx (IN) SOAP context msg (I/O) SOAP message qname (IN) QName of element to add uri (IN) Namespace URI of element to add xerr (I/O) error code SEE ALSO XmlDomCreateElemNS, XmlSoapAddHeaderElement */ xmlelemnode *XmlSoapAddBodyElement(xmlsoapctx *ctx, xmldocnode *msg, oratext *qname, oratext *uri, xmlerr *xerr); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlSoapGetBodyElement PURPOSE Gets an element from a SOAP body DESCRIPTION Gets an element from a SOAP body RETURNS (xmlelemnode *) named element, or NULL on error ARGUMENTS ctx (IN) SOAP context msg (IN) SOAP message uri (IN) Namespace URI of element to get local (IN) Local name of element to get xerr (I/O) error code SEE ALSO XmlDomCreateElemNS, XmlSoapAddBodyElement */ xmlelemnode *XmlSoapGetBodyElement(xmlsoapctx *ctx, xmldocnode *msg, oratext *uri, oratext *local, xmlerr *xerr); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlSoapSetMustUnderstand PURPOSE Set mustUnderstand attribute for SOAP header element DESCRIPTION Set mustUnderstand attribute for SOAP header element. According to the standard, if the value is FALSE, the attribute is not set. RETURNS (xmlerr) numeric error code, XMLERR_OK [0] on success ARGUMENTS ctx (IN) SOAP context elem (I/O) SOAP header element mustUnderstand (IN) mustUnderstand value (TRUE|FALSE) SEE ALSO XmlSoapSetRole */ xmlerr XmlSoapSetMustUnderstand(xmlsoapctx *ctx, xmlelemnode *elem, boolean mustUnderstand); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlSoapGetMustUnderstand PURPOSE Get mustUnderstand attribute from SOAP header element DESCRIPTION Get mustUnderstand attribute from SOAP header element. The absence of this attribute is not an error and treated as value FALSE. To indicate the absence of an attribute, the error code XMLERR_SOAP_NO_MUST_UNDERSTAND is returned in this case, XMLERR_OK (0) is returned if the attribute is present. Other appropriate error codes might be returned. User supplied *mustUnderstand value is set accordingly. RETURNS (xmlerr) numeric error code, XMLERR_OK [0] on success ARGUMENTS ctx (IN) SOAP context elem (IN) SOAP header element mustUnderstand (OUT) mustUnderstand value (boolean) SEE ALSO XmlDomCreateElemNS, XmlSoapAddBodyElement, XmlSoapSetMustUnderstand */ xmlerr XmlSoapGetMustUnderstand(xmlsoapctx *ctx, xmlelemnode *elem, boolean *mustUnderstand); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlSoapSetRole PURPOSE Set role for SOAP header element DESCRIPTION Set role for SOAP header element. If the role specified is XMLSOAP_ROLE_ULT, then according to the standard the attribute is not set. RETURNS (xmlerr) numeric error code, XMLERR_OK [0] on success ARGUMENTS ctx (IN) SOAP context elem (I/O) SOAP header element role (IN) role value (xmlsoaprole) SEE ALSO XmlSoapSetMustUnderstand, xmlsoaprole */ xmlerr XmlSoapSetRole(xmlsoapctx *ctx, xmlelemnode *elem, xmlsoaprole role); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlSoapGetRole PURPOSE Get role from SOAP header element DESCRIPTION Get role from SOAP header element. If the element has no role, XMLERR_SOAP_NO_ROLE is returned, otherwise XMLERR_OK (0) is returned. The user's role is set accordingly, if the element has no role, then according to the standard, the user's role is set to XMLSOAP_ROLE_ULT. RETURNS (xmlerr) numeric error code, XMLERR_OK [0] on success ARGUMENTS ctx (IN) SOAP context elem (IN) SOAP header element role (OUT) role value (xmlsoaprole) SEE ALSO XmlSoapSetMustUnderstand, xmlsoaprole, XmlSoapSetRole */ xmlerr XmlSoapGetRole(xmlsoapctx *ctx, xmlelemnode *elem, xmlsoaprole *role); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlSoapSetRelay PURPOSE Set Relay attribute for SOAP header element DESCRIPTION Set Relay attribute for SOAP header element According to the standard, if the value is FALSE, the attribute is not set. RETURNS (xmlerr) numeric error code, XMLERR_OK [0] on success ARGUMENTS ctx (IN) SOAP context elem (I/O) SOAP header element Relay (IN) Relay (TRUE|FALSE) SEE ALSO XmlSoapSetRelay */ xmlerr XmlSoapSetRelay(xmlsoapctx *ctx, xmlelemnode *elem, boolean Relay); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlSoapGetRelay PURPOSE Get Relay attribute from SOAP header element DESCRIPTION Get Relay attribute from SOAP header element. If the element has no mustUnderstand attr, XMLERR_SOAP_NO_MUST_UNDERSTAND is returned, otherwise XMLERR_OK (0) is returned and the user's mustUnderstand value is set accordingly. RETURNS (xmlerr) numeric error code, XMLERR_OK [0] on success ARGUMENTS ctx (IN) SOAP context elem (IN) SOAP header element Relay (OUT) Relay value (boolean) SEE ALSO XmlDomCreateElemNS, XmlSoapAddBodyElement, XmlSoapSetRelay */ xmlerr XmlSoapGetRelay(xmlsoapctx *ctx, xmlelemnode *elem, boolean *Relay); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlSoapSetFault PURPOSE Set Fault in SOAP message DESCRIPTION Set Fault in SOAP message. Ver 1.2 Only one Fault is allowed per message, and it must be the only child of the Body. If the Body has children, they are first removed and freed. The Fault is then added with children code - "env:Code" (required), reason - "env:Reason" (required), node - "env:Node" (optional), role - "env:role"(optional), and detail - "env:Detail" (optional), The primary-language reason should be added first; calls to XmlSoapGetFault which pass a NULL language will pick this reason. Detail is the user-defined subtree to be spliced into the Fault. Ver 1.1. Only one Fault is allowed per message. If the Body already has Fault, it is first removed and freed. The Fault is then added with children code - "faultcode" (required), reason - "faultstring" (required), node - "faultactor" (optional), and detail - "detail" (optional). Detail is the user-defined subtree to be spliced into the Fault. role and lang are unused in ver 1.1 RETURNS (xmlerr) numeric error code, XMLERR_OK [0] on success ARGUMENTS ctx (IN) SOAP context msg (I/O) SOAP message node (IN) URI of SOAP node which faulted, Node (1.2), faultactor(1.1) code (IN) Code (1.2), faultcode (1.1) reason (IN) Human-readable fault Reason (1.2), faultreason (1.1) lang (IN) Language of reason (1.2), unused (1.1) role (IN) URI representing role, Role (1.2), unused (1.1) detail (IN) detail elements (user-defined) SEE ALSO XmlSoapAddFaultReason */ xmlerr XmlSoapSetFault(xmlsoapctx *ctx, xmldocnode *msg,oratext *node, oratext *code, oratext *reason, oratext *lang, oratext *role, xmlelemnode *detail); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlSoapHasFault PURPOSE Determine if SOAP message contains Fault object DESCRIPTION Determine if SOAP message contains Fault object RETURNS (boolean) TRUE if there's a Fault, FALSE if not ARGUMENTS ctx (IN) SOAP context msg (IN) SOAP message xerr (I/O) error code SEE ALSO XmlSoapGetFault */ boolean XmlSoapHasFault(xmlsoapctx *ctx, xmldocnode *msg, xmlerr *xerr); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlSoapGetFault PURPOSE Return Fault code, reason, and details DESCRIPTION Return Fault code, reason, node, role, and details. Fetches the Fault information and returns through user variables. NULL may be supplied for any part which is not needed. For lang, if the pointed-to variable is NULL, it will be set to the default language (that of the first reason). RETURNS (xmlerr) numeric error code, XMLERR_OK [0] on success ARGUMENTS ctx (IN) SOAP context msg (I/O) SOAP message code (OUT) Fault code reason (OUT) Human-readable fault reason lang (IN) Desired reason language (or NULL) node (OUT) Fault Node role (OUT) Role (next, none, or ulitmate receiver) (unused in 1.1) detail (OUT) user-defined details SEE ALSO XmlSoapSetFault */ xmlerr XmlSoapGetFault(xmlsoapctx *ctx, xmldocnode *msg, oratext **code, oratext **reason, oratext **lang, oratext **node, oratext **role, xmlelemnode **detail); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlSoapAddFaultReason PURPOSE Add additional Reason to Fault DESCRIPTION Add additional Reason to Fault. The same reason text may be provided in different languages. When the fault is created, the primary language/reason is added at that time; use this function to add additional translations of the reason. RETURNS (xmlerr) numeric error code, XMLERR_OK [0] on success ARGUMENTS ctx (IN) SOAP context msg (I/O) SOAP message reason (IN) Human-readable fault reason lang (IN) Language of reason SEE ALSO XmlSoapSetFault */ xmlerr XmlSoapAddFaultReason(xmlsoapctx *ctx, xmldocnode *msg, oratext *reason, oratext *lang); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlSoapAddFaultSubDetail PURPOSE Add additional child to Fault Detail DESCRIPTION Add additional child to Fault Detail. XmlSoapSetFault allows for creation of Deatail element with only one child. Extra children could be added with this function. RETURNS (xmlerr) numeric error code, XMLERR_OK [0] on success ARGUMENTS ctx (IN) SOAP context msg (I/O) SOAP message sub (IN) subdetail tree. SEE ALSO XmlSoapSetFault */ xmlerr XmlSoapAddFaultSubDetail(xmlsoapctx *ctx, xmldocnode *msg, xmlelemnode *sub); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlSoapGetReasonNum PURPOSE Determine the number of reasons in Fault element DESCRIPTION Determine the number of reasons in Fault element. Returns 0 if Fault is not present RETURNS (ub4) number of reasons in Fault element ARGUMENTS ctx (IN) SOAP context msg (IN) SOAP message SEE ALSO XmlSoapGetFault, XmlSoapHasFault */ ub4 XmlSoapGetReasonNum(xmlsoapctx *ctx, xmldocnode *msg); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlSoapGetReasonLang PURPOSE Get a lang of a reasons with a particular index. DESCRIPTION Returns lang of the Reason through user variable. NULL may be supplied. The reason is selected based on index. RETURNS Error code ARGUMENTS ctx (IN) SOAP context msg (IN) SOAP message indx (IN) index of fault reason lang (OUT Reason language SEE ALSO XmlSoapGetFault, XmlSoapHasFault, XmlSoapGetReasonNum */ xmlerr XmlSoapGetReasonLang(xmlsoapctx *ctx, xmldocnode *msg, ub4 index, oratext **lang); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlSoapError PURPOSE To retrieve human readable representation of the error code. And optionally to retrieve the info about the error code of underlying layer. DESCRIPTION Retrive human readable representation of the error code. Retrive (optionally) info about the error code of underlying layer. RETURNS None ARGUMENTS ctx (IN) SOAP context con (IN) connection about which additional info is requested err (IN) error code for which human readable info will be returned suberr (OUT) error code from con submsg (OUT) human readable info about con error SEE ALSO XmlSoapError, XmlSoapGetErrorCode, XmlSoapGetError */ oratext *XmlSoapError(xmlsoapctx *ctx, xmlsoapcon *con, xmlerr err, uword *suberr, oratext **submsg); #endif /* XMLSOAP_ORACLE */