/* $RCSfile: xmlproc.h $ $Date: 2011/01/31 17:31:36 $ Copyright (c) 2001, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. FILE NAME xmlproc.h - Oracle XML Processing APIs FILE DESCRIPTION This file defines the XML processing interfaces. DOM class diagram: XML type name: Node xmlnode \ +----Entity xmlentnode |----DocumentFragment xmlfragnode |----EntityReference xmlentrefnode |----Document xmldocnode |----CharacterData | \---Text xmltextnode | \--CDATASection xmlcdatanode | \-Comment xmlcommentnode |----Attr xmlattrnode |----ProcessingInstruction xmlpinode |----Element xmlelemnode |----Notation xmlnotenode +----DocumentType xmldtdnode DOMImplementation NOT USED NodeList xmlnodelist NamedNodeMap xmlnamedmap NodeIterator \ xmliter NodeFilter \ DOM 2 xmlnodefilt TreeWalker / Traversal xmlwalk DocumentTraversal / Range \ DOM 2 xmlrange DocumentRange / Range The W3C DOM specification says all data is a DOMString, defined as UTF-16 or "Unicode". This implementation allows the data encoding to be chosen; it can be Unicode if desired, or anything else (UTF-8, Shift-JIS, ASCII, EBCDIC, etc). It is the user's responsibility to make sure strings passed to DOM are in the appropriate encoding. If you set a node's value, that value will NOT be validated, verified, or re-encoded. It will just be set; the onus is on the API user to provide correct data. The initial DOM data from a parse will be in the chosen data encoding. */ #ifndef XMLPROC_ORACLE # define XMLPROC_ORACLE #ifndef STDIO_ORACLE # define STDIO_ORACLE # include <stdio.h> #endif #ifndef STDARG_ORACLE # define STDARG_ORACLE # include <stdarg.h> #endif #ifndef ORASTRUC # include <orastruc.h> #endif #ifndef XMLERR_ORACLE # include <xmlerr.h> #endif /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- PUBLIC TYPES AND CONSTANTS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Forward declarations */ struct xmlschtype; typedef struct xmlschtype xmlschtype; struct xmlcb; typedef struct xmlcb xmlcb; struct xmldomcb; typedef struct xmldomcb xmldomcb; /* xmlMemU is used to allow users to create DOM document * using user's own memory management mechanism: which * has its memory allocator and free with its own memory * region. Furthermore, this allows users to control memory * allocation and free at the granuality of per document level. * * User can call XmlCreateDocumentWithMem() or * XmlLoadDom() API to pass in the pointer to xmlMemU. */ typedef struct xmlMemU { /* void * that application owns */ void *usrctx_xmlMemU; /* The initMemCtx_xmlMemU function is called by DOM implemetopr * by passing the usrctx_xmlMemU as input argumet and * it returns a void * which represents the user memory context * that is passed in as the first parameter to subsequent * alloc_xmlMemU() and free_xmlMemU() functions. This function is * called first to get a valid memctx that is stashed subquently for * allocation and free. */ void *(*initMemCtx_xmlMemU)(void *usrctx); /* The alloc_xmlMemU function is called by DOM implemetopr to * allocate memory associated with the current DOM doc tree. * The first parameter * memctx is what (*initMemCtx_xmlMemU) has returned. * The second parameter is the size to be allocated. * The third parameter is TRUE which means allocated memory needs to be * memzeroed. FALSE means there is NO need to memzeroed allocated memory. */ void *(*alloc_xmlMemU)(void *memctx, ub4 size, boolean init); /* The free_xmlMemU function is called by DOM implemetopr to * free memory associated with this current DOM doc tree. * The first parameter * memctx is what (*initMemCtx_xmlMemU) has returned. * The second parameter is the pointer to piece of memory to be freed. */ void (*free_xmlMemU)(void *memctx, void *memtobefree); /* The termMemCtx_xmlMemU function is called by DOM implemetopr to * free the entire memory associated with this current DOM doc tree when * this DOM doc tree is freed. * The first parameter is usrctx_xmlMemU. * The second parameter * memctx is what (*initMemCtx_xmlMemU) has returned. */ void (*termMemCtx_xmlMemU)(void *usrctx, void *memctx); } xmlMemU; #ifndef XMLCTX_DEFINED # define XMLCTX_DEFINED /* DATATYPE xmlctx - XML top-level context SEE ALSO XmlCreate, XmlDestroy Context shared for all documents in an XML session. Contains encoding information, low-level memory allocation function pointers, error message language/encoding and optional handler function, etc. Required to load (parse) documents and create DOM, generate SAX, etc. */ struct xmlctx; typedef struct xmlctx xmlctx; #endif /* DATATYPE xmlnodetype - DOM node type enumeration SEE ALSO XmlDomGetNodeType The numeric type code of a node. 0 means invalid, 1-13 are the standard numberings from DOM 1.0, and higher numbers are for internal use only. */ typedef enum { XMLDOM_NONE = 0, /* bogus node */ XMLDOM_ELEM = 1, /* element */ XMLDOM_ATTR = 2, /* attribute */ XMLDOM_TEXT = 3, /* char data not escaped by CDATA */ XMLDOM_CDATA = 4, /* char data escaped by CDATA */ XMLDOM_ENTREF = 5, /* entity reference */ XMLDOM_ENTITY = 6, /* entity */ XMLDOM_PI = 7, /* <?processing instructions?> */ XMLDOM_COMMENT = 8, /* <!-- Comments --> */ XMLDOM_DOC = 9, /* Document */ XMLDOM_DTD = 10, /* DTD */ XMLDOM_FRAG = 11, /* Document fragment */ XMLDOM_NOTATION = 12, /* notation */ /* === Oracle extensions from here on === */ XMLDOM_ELEMDECL = 13, /* DTD element declaration */ XMLDOM_ATTRDECL = 14, /* DTD attribute declaration */ /* --- Content Particles (nodes in element's Content Model) --- */ XMLDOM_CPELEM = 15, /* element */ XMLDOM_CPCHOICE = 16, /* choice (a|b) */ XMLDOM_CPSEQ = 17, /* sequence (a,b) */ XMLDOM_CPPCDATA = 18, /* #PCDATA */ XMLDOM_CPSTAR = 19, /* '*' (zero or more) */ XMLDOM_CPPLUS = 20, /* '+' (one or more) */ XMLDOM_CPOPT = 21, /* '?' (optional) */ XMLDOM_CPEND = 22 /* end marker */ } xmlnodetype; /* XML DOM types */ #ifndef XML_TYPES # define XML_TYPES typedef struct xmlnode xmlnode; typedef xmlnode xmlentnode; typedef xmlnode xmlfragnode; typedef xmlnode xmlentrefnode; typedef xmlnode xmldocnode; typedef xmlnode xmltextnode; typedef xmlnode xmlcdatanode; typedef xmlnode xmlcommentnode; typedef xmlnode xmlattrnode; typedef xmlnode xmlpinode; typedef xmlnode xmlelemnode; typedef xmlnode xmlnotenode; typedef xmlnode xmldtdnode; typedef struct xmlnodelist xmlnodelist; typedef struct xmlnamedmap xmlnamedmap; typedef struct xmlpfnspair xmlpfnspair; typedef struct xmlnodefilt xmlnodefilt; #endif /* DATATYPE xmlrange - DOM Range control structure SEE ALSO XmlDomCreateRange Control structure for DOM 2 Range */ typedef struct xmlrange { xmlnode *startnode_xmlrange; /* start point container */ ub4 startofst_xmlrange; /* start point index */ xmlnode *endnode_xmlrange; /* end point container */ ub4 endofst_xmlrange; /* end point index */ xmlnode *doc_xmlrange; /* document node */ xmlnode *root_xmlrange; /* root node of the range */ boolean collapsed_xmlrange; /* is range collapsed? */ boolean detached_xmlrange; /* is range invalid or invalidated? */ } xmlrange; /* DATATYPE xmliter - Control structure for Node Iterator and Tree Walker SEE ALSO XmlDomCreateNodeIter, XmlDomCreateTreeWalker Control structure for DOM 2 Node Iterator and Tree Walker */ struct xmliter { xmlnode *root_xmliter; /* root node of the iteration space */ xmlnode *cur_xmliter; /* current position (ref) node of the iterator */ ub4 show_xmliter; /* node filter mask */ void *filt_xmliter; /* node filter function */ boolean attach_xmliter; /* is iterator valid? */ boolean expan_xmliter; /* are external entities expanded? */ boolean before_xmliter; /* is the iter position before the ref node? */ }; typedef struct xmliter xmliter; typedef struct xmliter xmlwalk; /* DATATYPE xmlurlacc - URL access methods SEE ALSO XmlAccess This is an enumeration of the known access methods for retrieving data from a URL. Open/read/close functions may be plugged in to override the default behavior (see XmlAccess) */ typedef enum { XML_ACCESS_NONE = 0, /* not specified */ XML_ACCESS_UNKNOWN = 1, /* specified but unknown */ XML_ACCESS_FILE = 2, /* filesystem access */ XML_ACCESS_HTTP = 3, /* HTTP */ XML_ACCESS_FTP = 4, /* FTP */ XML_ACCESS_GOPHER = 5, /* Gopher */ XML_ACCESS_ORADB = 6 /* Oracle DB */ } xmlurlacc; #define XML_ACCESS_MIN 0 #define XML_ACCESS_MAX 6 #define XML_N_ACCESS (XML_ACCESS_MAX - XML_ACCESS_MIN + 1) /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Constants for range return values/errors ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* DATATYPE xmlshowbits - Constants for whatToShow etc SEE ALSO XmlDomCreateNodeIter, XmlDomCreateTreeWalker Bit flags used to select which nodes types to show */ typedef ub4 xmlshowbits; #define XMLDOM_SHOW_ALL ~(xmlshowbits)0 #define XMLDOM_SHOW_BIT(ntype) ((xmlshowbits)1 << (ntype)) #define XMLDOM_SHOW_ELEM XMLDOM_SHOW_BIT(XMLDOM_ELEM) #define XMLDOM_SHOW_ATTR XMLDOM_SHOW_BIT(XMLDOM_ATTR) #define XMLDOM_SHOW_TEXT XMLDOM_SHOW_BIT(XMLDOM_TEXT) #define XMLDOM_SHOW_CDATA XMLDOM_SHOW_BIT(XMLDOM_CDATA) #define XMLDOM_SHOW_ENTREF XMLDOM_SHOW_BIT(XMLDOM_ENTREF) #define XMLDOM_SHOW_ENTITY XMLDOM_SHOW_BIT(XMLDOM_ENTITY) #define XMLDOM_SHOW_PI XMLDOM_SHOW_BIT(XMLDOM_PI) #define XMLDOM_SHOW_COMMENT XMLDOM_SHOW_BIT(XMLDOM_COMMENT) #define XMLDOM_SHOW_DOC XMLDOM_SHOW_BIT(XMLDOM_DOC) #define XMLDOM_SHOW_DTD XMLDOM_SHOW_BIT(XMLDOM_DTD) #define XMLDOM_SHOW_FRAG XMLDOM_SHOW_BIT(XMLDOM_FRAG) #define XMLDOM_SHOW_NOTATION XMLDOM_SHOW_BIT(XMLDOM_NOTATION) #define XMLDOM_SHOW_DOC_TYPE XMLDOM_SHOW_BIT(XMLDOM_DOC_TYPE) /* DATATYPE xmlcmphow - Constants for range comparison SEE ALSO XmlDomRangeCompareBoundaryPoints Constant used for DOM Range comparisons */ typedef enum { XMLDOM_START_TO_START = 0, XMLDOM_START_TO_END = 1, XMLDOM_END_TO_END = 2, XMLDOM_END_TO_START = 3 } xmlcmphow; /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Package Callback - User callback functions This package defines macros which declare functions (or function pointers) for XML callbacks. Callbacks are used for error-message handling, memory allocation & freeing, and stream operations. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /**************************************************************************** Interface Callbacks ****************************************************************************/ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XML_STREAM_OPEN_F PURPOSE DEPRECATED User-defined stream open callback DESCRIPTION DEPRECATED - DO NOT USE THIS FUNCTION FOR NEW WORK. ALL STREAMING CODE SHOULD USE THE NEW orastream STRUCTURE DEFINED IN orastruc.h This macro defines a prototype for the open function callback, which is called once to open the input source. This function should return XMLERR_OK on success. RETURNS (xmlerr) numeric error code, 0 on success ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context sctx (IN) user-defined stream context path (IN) full path of the URI to be opened parts (IN) URI broken down into components (opaque pointer) length (OUT) total length of input data if known, 0 if not known SEE ALSO XML_STREAM_CLOSE_F, XML_STREAM_WRITE_F */ #define XML_STREAM_OPEN_F(func, xctx, sctx, path, parts, length) \ xmlerr func(xmlctx *xctx, void *sctx, oratext *path, \ void *parts, ubig_ora *length) /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XML_STREAM_CLOSE_F PURPOSE DEPRECATED User-defined stream close callback DESCRIPTION DEPRECATED - DO NOT USE THIS FUNCTION FOR NEW WORK. ALL STREAMING CODE SHOULD USE THE NEW orastream STRUCTURE DEFINED IN orastruc.h This macro defines a prototype for the close function callback, called to close an open source and free its resources. RETURNS (void) ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context sctx (IN) user-defined stream context SEE ALSO XML_STREAM_OPEN_F, XML_STREAM_WRITE_F */ #define XML_STREAM_CLOSE_F(func, xctx, sctx) \ void func(xmlctx *xctx, void *sctx) /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XML_STREAM_WRITE_F PURPOSE DEPRECATED User-defined stream write callback DESCRIPTION DEPRECATED - DO NOT USE THIS FUNCTION FOR NEW WORK. ALL STREAMING CODE SHOULD USE THE NEW orastream STRUCTURE DEFINED IN orastruc.h This macro defines a prototype for the write function callback, called to write data to a user-defined stream. RETURNS (xmlerr) numeric error code, 0 on success ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context sctx (IN) user-defined stream context path (IN) full URI of the open source (for error messages) src (IN) source buffer to read data from size (IN) size of source in bytes SEE ALSO XML_STREAM_OPEN_F, XML_STREAM_CLOSE_F */ #define XML_STREAM_WRITE_F(func, xctx, sctx, path, src, size) \ xmlerr func(xmlctx *xctx, void *sctx, oratext *path, \ oratext *src, size_t size) /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XML_ERRMSG_F PURPOSE Handle error message DESCRIPTION This macro defines a prototype for the error message handling function. If no error message callback is provided at XML initialization time, errors will be printed to stderr. If a handler is provided, it will be invoked instead of printing to stderr. RETURNS (void) ARGUMENTS etcx (IN) error message context msg (IN) text of error message err (IN) numeric error code SEE ALSO XmlCreate */ #define XML_ERRMSG_F(func, ectx, msg, err) \ void func(void *ectx, oratext *msg, xmlerr err) /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XML_TRACE_F PURPOSE Handle xdk tracing DESCRIPTION This macro defines a prototype for the xdk tracing mechanism. if a tracing handler is provided, it will be invoked at err and provide tracing information to caller. RETURNS (void) ARGUMENTS etcx (IN) error message context buf (OUT) tracing data SEE ALSO XmlCreate */ #define XML_TRACE_F(func, ectx, buf) \ void func(void *ectx, oratext *buf) /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XML_ALLOC_F PURPOSE Low-level memory allocation DESCRIPTION This macro defines a prototype for the low-level memory alloc function provided by the user. If no allocator is provided, malloc() is used. Memory should NOT be zeroed by this func! Matches XML_FREE_F. RETURNS (void *) allocated memory ARGUMENTS mctx (IN) low-level memory context size (IN) number of bytes to allocate SEE ALSO XML_FREE_F */ #define XML_ALLOC_F(func, mctx, size) \ void *func(void *mctx, size_t size) /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XML_FREE_F PURPOSE Low-level memory freer DESCRIPTION This macro defines a prototype for the low-level memory free function provided by the user. If no allocator is provided, free() is used. Matches XML_ALLOC_F. RETURNS (void) ARGUMENTS mctx (IN) low-level memory context ptr (IN) memory to be freed SEE ALSO XML_FREE_F */ #define XML_FREE_F(func, mctx, ptr) \ void func(void *mctx, void *ptr) #ifndef XMLSAXCB_DEFINED # define XMLSAXCB_DEFINED /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Package SAX - SAX APIs SAX is a standard interface for event-based XML parsing, developed collaboratively by the members of the XML-DEV mailing list. To use SAX, an xmlsaxcb structure is initialized with function pointers and passed to one of the XmlLoadSax calls. A pointer to a user-defined context structure is also provided, and will be passed to each SAX function. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /**************************************************************************** Interface SAX ****************************************************************************/ /* SAX callback structure. Set function pointers for those events you wish to receive, and make the rest NULL. The entire structure should be initialized to zeros so that unused pointers at the end of the struct are NULL (to avoid future problems if they are defined to new events) All SAX functions return a (sword) error code. A zero value (XMLERR_OK) means success and processing will continue; any non-zero value indicates a failure and parsing stops. Pointers passed to SAX callbacks (names, character data, etc), are only valid for the duration of the callback! Once it has returned, the memory pointed to will be recycled and written over. If you need to persistently keep the datums, you must copy them. */ struct xmlsaxcb { /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlSaxStartDocument STANDARD SAX 2: ContentHandler.startDocument() PURPOSE Receives SAX start-of document notification DESCRIPTION The first SAX event, called once per document, indicating the start of the document. Matching event is XmlSaxEndDocument. EXAMPLE <top/> --SAX Parse--> XmlSaxStartDocument() ... RETURNS (xmlerr) error code, XMLERR_OK [0] for success ARGUMENTS ctx (IN) user's SAX context [see XmlLoadSax functions] SEE ALSO XmlSaxEndDocument */ #define XMLSAX_START_DOC_CB XmlSaxStartDocument_xmlsaxcb #define XMLSAX_START_DOC_F(func, ctx) \ xmlerr func(void *ctx) XMLSAX_START_DOC_F((*XMLSAX_START_DOC_CB), ctx); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlSaxEndDocument STANDARD SAX 2: ContentHandler.endDocument() PURPOSE Receives SAX end-of-document notification DESCRIPTION The last SAX event, called once per document, indicating the end of the document. Matching event is XmlSaxStartDocument. EXAMPLE <top/> --SAX Parse--> ... XmlSaxEndDocument() RETURNS (xmlerr) error code, XMLERR_OK [0] for success ARGUMENTS ctx (IN) user's SAX context [see XmlLoadSax functions] SEE ALSO XmlSaxStartDocument */ #define XMLSAX_END_DOC_CB XmlSaxEndDocument_xmlsaxcb #define XMLSAX_END_DOC_F(func, ctx) \ xmlerr func(void *ctx) XMLSAX_END_DOC_F((*XMLSAX_END_DOC_CB), ctx); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlSaxStartElement STANDARD SAX 1: DocumentHandler.startElement() PURPOSE Receives SAX start-of-element notification DESCRIPTION This event marks the start of an element. Note this is the original SAX 1 non-namespace-aware version; XmlSaxStartElementNS is the SAX 2 namespace-aware version. If both are registered, only the NS version will be called. The element's name will be in the data encoding, as are all the attribute parts. See the functions in the NamedNodeMap interface for operating on the attributes map. The matching function is XmlSaxEndElement (there is no XmlSaxEndElementNS). EXAMPLE <top/> --SAX Parse--> ... XmlSaxStartElement(name="top", attrs=NULL) XmlSaxEndElement(name="top") ... RETURNS (xmlerr) error code, XMLERR_OK [0] for success ARGUMENTS ctx (IN) user's SAX context [see XmlLoadSax functions] name (IN) name of element [data encoding] attrs (IN) NamedNodeMap of element's attributes, or NULL SEE ALSO XmlSaxEndElement, XmlDomGetNodeMapLength, XmlDomGetNamedItem */ #define XMLSAX_START_ELEM_CB XmlSaxStartElement_xmlsaxcb #define XMLSAX_START_ELEM_F(func, ctx, name, attrs) \ xmlerr func(void *ctx, oratext *name, xmlnodelist *attrs) XMLSAX_START_ELEM_F((*XMLSAX_START_ELEM_CB), ctx, name, attrs); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlSaxEndElement STANDARD SAX 1: DocumentHandler.endElement() PURPOSE Receives SAX end-of-element notification DESCRIPTION This event marks the close of an element; it matches the XmlSaxStartElement or XmlSaxStartElementNS events. The name is the tagName of the element (which may be a QName for namespace-aware elements) and is in the data encoding. EXAMPLE <top/> --SAX Parse--> ... XmlSaxStartElement(name="top", attrs=NULL) XmlSaxEndElement(name="top") ... RETURNS (xmlerr) error code, XMLERR_OK [0] for success ARGUMENTS ctx (IN) user's SAX context [see XmlLoadSax functions] name (IN) name of ending element [data encoding] SEE ALSO XmlSaxEndElement */ #define XMLSAX_END_ELEM_CB XmlSaxEndElement_xmlsaxcb #define XMLSAX_END_ELEM_F(func, ctx, name) \ xmlerr func(void *ctx, oratext *name) XMLSAX_END_ELEM_F((*XMLSAX_END_ELEM_CB), ctx, name); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlSaxCharacters STANDARD SAX 2: ContentHandler.characters() PURPOSE Receives SAX notification of character data DESCRIPTION This event marks character data, either Text or CDATA. If an XmlSaxCDATA callback is provided, then CDATA will be send to that instead; with no XmlSaxCDATA callback, both Text and CDATA go to the XmlSaxCharacters callback. The data will be in the data encoding, and the returned length is in characters, not bytes. See also XmlSaxWhitespace, which receiving notification about ignorable (whitespace formatting) character data. EXAMPLE <top>junk</top> --SAX Parse--> ... XmlSaxCharacters(ch="junk", len=4) ... RETURNS (xmlerr) error code, XMLERR_OK [0] for success ARGUMENTS ctx (IN) user's SAX context [see XmlLoadSax functions] ch (IN) pointer to data [data encoding] len (IN) length of data [in characters] SEE ALSO XmlSaxWhitespace */ #define XMLSAX_CHARACTERS_CB XmlSaxCharacters_xmlsaxcb #define XMLSAX_CHARACTERS_F(func, ctx, ch, len) \ xmlerr func(void *ctx, oratext *ch, size_t len) XMLSAX_CHARACTERS_F((*XMLSAX_CHARACTERS_CB), ctx, ch, len); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlSaxWhitespace STANDARD SAX 2: ContentHandler.ignorableWhitespace() PURPOSE Receives SAX notification of ignorable (whitespace) data DESCRIPTION This event marks ignorable whitespace data such as newlines, and indentation between lines. The matching function is XmlSaxCharacters, which receives notification of normal character data. The data is in the data encoding, and the returned length is in characters, not bytes. EXAMPLE <top> <sub>junk</sub> </top> --SAX Parse--> ... XmlSaxStartElement(name="top", attrs=NULL) XmlSaxWhitespace(ch="\n ", len=5) XmlSaxStartElement(name="sub", attrs=NULL) ... RETURNS (xmlerr) error code, XMLERR_OK [0] for success ARGUMENTS ctx (IN) user's SAX context [see XmlLoadSax functions] ch (IN) pointer to data [data encoding] len (IN) length of data [in characters] SEE ALSO XmlSaxCharacters */ #define XMLSAX_WHITESPACE_CB XmlSaxWhitespace_xmlsaxcb #define XMLSAX_WHITESPACE_F(func, ctx, ch, len) \ xmlerr func(void *ctx, oratext *ch, size_t len) XMLSAX_WHITESPACE_F((*XMLSAX_WHITESPACE_CB), ctx, ch, len); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlSaxPI STANDARD SAX 2: ContentHandler.processingInstruction() PURPOSE Receives SAX notification of a processing instruction DESCRIPTION This event marks a processing instruction. The PI's target and data will be in the data encoding. There is always a target, but the data may be NULL. EXAMPLE <?keywords sax example?> <top/> --SAX Parse--> XmlSaxPI(target="keywords", data="sax example") ... RETURNS (xmlerr) error code, XMLERR_OK [0] for success ARGUMENTS ctx (IN) user's SAX context [see XmlLoadSax functions] target (IN) PI's target [data encoding] data (IN) PI's data [data encoding] or NULL */ #define XMLSAX_PI_CB XmlSaxPI_xmlsaxcb #define XMLSAX_PI_F(func, ctx, target, data) \ xmlerr func(void *ctx, oratext *target, oratext *data) XMLSAX_PI_F((*XMLSAX_PI_CB), ctx, target, data); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlSaxNotationDecl STANDARD SAX 1: DTDHandler.notationDecl() PURPOSE Receives SAX notification of a notation declaration DESCRIPTION The even marks the declaration of a notation in the DTD. The notation's name, public ID, and system ID will all be in the data encoding. Both IDs are optional and may be NULL. EXAMPLE <!DOCTYPE foo [ <!NOTATION foo PUBLIC "[" "null.ent"> ]> ... --SAX Parse--> XmlSaxNotationDecl(name="foo", publicID="[", systemID="null.ent") ... RETURNS (xmlerr) error code, XMLERR_OK [0] for success ARGUMENTS ctx (IN) user's SAX context [see XmlLoadSax functions] name (IN) notation's name [data encoding] publicID (IN) notation's public ID [data encoding] or NULL systemID (IN) notation's system ID [data encoding] or NULL */ #define XMLSAX_NOTATION_DECL_CB XmlSaxNotationDecl_xmlsaxcb #define XMLSAX_NOTATION_DECL_F(func, ctx, name, pubId, sysId) \ xmlerr func(void *ctx, oratext *name, oratext *pubId, oratext *sysId) XMLSAX_NOTATION_DECL_F((*XMLSAX_NOTATION_DECL_CB), ctx, name, pubId,sysId); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlSaxUnparsedEntityDecl STANDARD SAX 1: DTDHandler.unparsedEntityDecl() PURPOSE Receives SAX notification of a unparsed entity declaration DESCRIPTION Marks an unparsed entity declaration in the DTD, see XmlSaxParsedEntityDecl for the parsed entity version. The unparsed entity's name, public ID, system ID, and notation name will all be in the data encoding. EXAMPLE <!DOCTYPE foo [ <!ENTITY e PUBLIC "p-p-pub-id" 'entity.dat' NDATA endayta> ]> ... --SAX Parse--> XmlSaxUnparsedEntityDecl(name="e", publicID="p-p-pub-id", systemID="entity.dat", notationName="endayta") RETURNS (xmlerr) error code, XMLERR_OK [0] for success ARGUMENTS ctx (IN) user's SAX context [see XmlLoadSax functions] name (IN) entity's name [data encoding] pubId (IN) entity's public ID [data encoding] or NULL sysId (IN) entity's system ID [data encoding] note (IN) entity's notation name [data encoding] SEE ALSO XmlSaxParsedEntityDecl */ #define XMLSAX_UNPARSED_ENT_DECL_CB XmlSaxUnparsedEntityDecl_xmlsaxcb #define XMLSAX_UNPARSED_ENT_DECL_F(func, ctx, name, pubId, sysId, note) \ xmlerr func(void *ctx, oratext *name, oratext *pubId, oratext *sysId, \ oratext *note) XMLSAX_UNPARSED_ENT_DECL_F((*XMLSAX_UNPARSED_ENT_DECL_CB), ctx, name, pubId, sysId, note); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlSaxStartElementNS STANDARD SAX 2: ContentHandler.startElement() PURPOSE Receives SAX namespace-aware start-of-element notification DESCRIPTION This event marks the start of an element. Note this is the new SAX 2 namespace-aware version; XmlSaxStartElement is the SAX 1 non-namespace-aware version. If both are registered, only the NS version will be called. The element's QName, local name, and namespace URI will be in the data encoding, as are all the attribute parts. See the functions in the NamedNodeMap interface for operating on the attributes map. The matching function is XmlSaxEndElement (there is no XmlSaxEndElementNS). EXAMPLE <foo:top xmlns:foo="/foo/bar"/> --SAX Parse--> ... XmlSaxStartElement(qname="foo:top", local="top", nsp="/foo/bar", attrs=NULL) XmlSaxEndElement(name="foo:top") ... RETURNS (xmlerr) error code, XMLERR_OK [0] for success ARGUMENTS ctx (IN) user's SAX context [see XmlLoadSax functions] qname (IN) element's qualified name [data encoding] local (IN) element's namespace local name [data encoding] nsp (IN) element's namespace URI [data encoding] attrs (IN) NodeList of element's attributes, or NULL SEE ALSO XmlSaxStartElement, XmlSaxEndElement, XmlDomGetNodeMapLength, XmlDomGetNamedItem */ #define XMLSAX_START_ELEM_NS_CB XmlSaxStartElementNS_xmlsaxcb #define XMLSAX_START_ELEM_NS_F(func, ctx, qname, local, nsp, attrs) \ xmlerr func(void *ctx, oratext *qname, oratext *local, \ oratext *nsp, xmlnodelist *attrs) XMLSAX_START_ELEM_NS_F((*XMLSAX_START_ELEM_NS_CB), ctx, qname, local, nsp, attrs); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlSaxComment PURPOSE Receives SAX notification of a comment DESCRIPTION This event marks a comment in the XML document. The comment's data will be in the data encoding. Oracle extension, not in SAX standard. EXAMPLE <!--Just a comment--> <foo/> --SAX Parse--> XmlSaxComment(data="Just a comment") ... RETURNS (xmlerr) error code, XMLERR_OK [0] for success ARGUMENTS ctx (IN) user's SAX context [see XmlLoadSax functions] data (IN) comment's data [data encoding] */ #define XMLSAX_COMMENT_CB XmlSaxComment_xmlsaxcb #define XMLSAX_COMMENT_F(func, ctx, data) \ xmlerr func(void *ctx, oratext *data) XMLSAX_COMMENT_F((*XMLSAX_COMMENT_CB), ctx, data); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlSaxElementDecl PURPOSE Receives SAX notification of an element's declaration. Oracle extension, not in SAX standard. DESCRIPTION This event marks an element declaration in the DTD. The element's name and content will be in the data encoding. EXAMPLE <!DOCTYPE foo [ <!ELEMENT e (#PCDATA)> ]> ... --SAX Parse--> XmlSaxElementDecl(name="e", content="(#PCDATA)") ... RETURNS (xmlerr) error code, XMLERR_OK [0] for success ARGUMENTS ctx (IN) user's SAX context [see XmlLoadSax functions] name (IN) element's name content (IN) element's context model SEE ALSO XmlSaxAttributeDecl */ #define XMLSAX_ELEM_DECL_CB XmlSaxElementDecl_xmlsaxcb #define XMLSAX_ELEM_DECL_F(func, ctx, name, content) \ xmlerr func(void *ctx, oratext *name, oratext *content) XMLSAX_ELEM_DECL_F((*XMLSAX_ELEM_DECL_CB), ctx, name, cont); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlSaxAttributeDecl PURPOSE Receives SAX notification of an attribute's declaration. Oracle extension, not in SAX standard. DESCRIPTION This event marks an element declaration in the DTD. The element's name and content will be in the data encoding. Note that an attribute may be declared before the element it belongs to! EXAMPLE <!DOCTYPE foo [ <!ATTLIST a id ID #IMPLIED> ]> ... --SAX Parse--> XmlSaxAttributeDecl(elem="a", name="id", body="ID #IMPLIED") ... RETURNS (xmlerr) error code, XMLERR_OK [0] for success ARGUMENTS ctx (IN) user's SAX context [see XmlLoadSax functions] elem (IN) element that attribute is declared for [data encoding] attr (IN) attribute's name [data encoding] body (IN) body of attribute declaration [data encoding] SEE ALSO XmlSaxAttributeDecl */ #define XMLSAX_ATTR_DECL_CB XmlSaxAttributeDecl_xmlsaxcb #define XMLSAX_ATTR_DECL_F(func, ctx, elem, attr, body) \ xmlerr func(void *ctx, oratext *elem, oratext *attr, oratext *body) XMLSAX_ATTR_DECL_F((*XMLSAX_ATTR_DECL_CB), ctx, elem, attr, body); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlSaxXmlDecl PURPOSE Receives SAX notification of an XML declaration. Oracle extension, not in SAX standard. DESCRIPTION This event marks an XML declaration (XMLDecl). The XmlSaxStartDocument event is always first; if this callback is registered and an XMLDecl exists, it will be the second event. The encoding flag says whether an encoding was specified. Since the document's own encoding specification may be overridden (or wrong), and the input will be converted to the data encoding anyway, the actual encoding specified in the document is not provided. For the standalone flag, -1 will be returned if it was not specified, otherwise 0 for FALSE, 1 for TRUE. EXAMPLE <?xml version="1.0"?> <top/> --SAX Parse--> XmlSaxXmlDecl(version="1.0", encoding=FALSE) ... RETURNS (xmlerr) error code, XMLERR_OK [0] for success ARGUMENTS ctx (IN) user's SAX context [see XmlLoadSax functions] version (IN) version string from XMLDecl [data encoding] encoding (IN) encoding was specified? standalone (IN) value of standalone-document flag [< 0 not specified] */ #define XMLSAX_XML_DECL_CB XmlSaxXmlDecl_xmlsaxcb #define XMLSAX_XML_DECL_F(func, ctx, version, encoding, standalone) \ xmlerr func(void *ctx, oratext *version, boolean encoding, sword standalone) XMLSAX_XML_DECL_F((*XMLSAX_XML_DECL_CB), ctx, ver, enc, std); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlSaxCDATA PURPOSE Receives SAX notification of CDATA. Oracle extension, not in SAX standard. DESCRIPTION This event handles CDATA, as distinct from Text. If no XmlSaxCDATA callback is provided, the Text callback will be invoked. The data will be in the data encoding, and the returned length is in characters, not bytes. See also XmlSaxWhitespace, which receiving notification about ignorable (whitespace formatting) character data. EXAMPLE <doc><![CDATA [ stuff]]></doc> --SAX Parse--> ... XmlSaxCDATA(ch=" stuff", len=6) ... RETURNS (xmlerr) error code, XMLERR_OK [0] for success ARGUMENTS ctx (IN) user's SAX context [see XmlLoadSax functions] ch (IN) pointer to CDATA [data encoding] len (IN) length of CDATA [in characters] SEE ALSO XmlSaxWhitespace */ #define XMLSAX_CDATA_CB XmlSaxCDATA_xmlsaxcb #define XMLSAX_CDATA_F(func, ctx, ch, len) \ xmlerr func(void *ctx, oratext *ch, size_t len) XMLSAX_CDATA_F((*XMLSAX_CDATA_CB), ctx, ch, len); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlSaxParsedEntityDecl PURPOSE Receives SAX notification of a parsed entity declaration. Oracle extension, not in SAX standard. DESCRIPTION Marks an parsed entity declaration in the DTD. The parsed entity's name, public ID, system ID, and notation name will all be in the data encoding. EXAMPLE <?xml version="1.0"?> <!DOCTYPE foo [ <!ENTITY e1 "foobar"> <!ENTITY e2 SYSTEM "nop.ent"> <!ENTITY % e3 "parameter_entity_value"> ]> ... --SAX Parse--> XmlSaxXmlDecl(version="1.0", encoding=NULL) XmlSaxParsedEntityDecl(name="e1", value="foobar", pubID=NULL, sysID=NULL, general=TRUE) XmlSaxParsedEntityDecl(name="e2", value=NULL, pubID=NULL, sysID="nop.ent", general=TRUE) XmlSaxParsedEntityDecl(name="32", value="parameter_entity_value", pubID=NULL, sysID=NULL, general=FALSE) ... RETURNS (xmlerr) error code, XMLERR_OK [0] for success ARGUMENTS ctx (IN) user's SAX context [see XmlLoadSax functions] name (IN) entity's name [data encoding] value (IN) entity's value if internal [data encoding] pubId (IN) entity's public ID [data encoding] or NULL sysId (IN) entity's system ID [data encoding] general (IN) general entity? FALSE if parameter entity SEE ALSO XmlSaxUnparsedEntityDecl */ #define XMLSAX_PARSED_ENT_DECL_CB XmlSaxParsedEntityDecl_xmlsaxcb #define XMLSAX_PARSED_ENT_DECL_F(func, ctx, name, value, pubId,sysId,general) \ xmlerr func(void *ctx, oratext *name, oratext *value, \ oratext *pubId, oratext *sysId, boolean general) XMLSAX_PARSED_ENT_DECL_F((*XMLSAX_PARSED_ENT_DECL_CB), ctx, name, val, pubId, sysId, general); /* The following 2 fields are reserved for future use. */ void (*empty1_xmlsaxcb)(); void (*empty2_xmlsaxcb)(); }; typedef struct xmlsaxcb xmlsaxcb; #endif /* ifndef XMLSAXCB_DEFINED */ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- XML Context ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* This is the fixed header part of a conforming Unified DOM XML context which is exposed to the outside world; each implementation's XML context MUST BEGIN with one of these header parts, so that the function callbacks can be invoked. The other parts of the header are private. */ typedef struct xmlctxhead { ub4 cw_xmlctxhead; /* checkword */ oratext *name_xmlctxhead; /* name for context */ xmlcb *cb_xmlctxhead; /* top-level function callbacks */ xmldomcb *domcb_xmlctxhead; /* DOM function callbacks */ } xmlctxhead; #define XML_CW(xctx) ((xmlctxhead *) xctx)->cw_xmlctxhead #define XML_NAME(xctx) ((xmlctxhead *) xctx)->name_xmlctxhead #define XML_CB(xctx) ((xmlctxhead *) xctx)->cb_xmlctxhead #define XML_DOMCB(xctx) ((xmlctxhead *) xctx)->domcb_xmlctxhead /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Package XML - Top-Level APIs This C implementation of the XML processor (or parser) follows the W3C XML specification (rev REC-xml-19980210) and implements the required behavior of an XML processor in terms of how it must read XML data and the information it must provide to the application. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /**************************************************************************** Interface XML ****************************************************************************/ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlCreateNew PURPOSE Create an XML Developer's Toolkit xmlctx DESCRIPTION Create an XML Developer's Toolkit xmlctx. Properties common to all xmlctx's (both XDK and XMLType) are: ("data_encoding", name of data encoding) The encoding in which XML data will be presented through DOM and SAX. If not specified, the default is UTF-8 (or UTF-E on EBCDIC platforms). Note that single-byte encodings such as EBCDIC or ISO-8859 are substantially faster than multibyte encodings like UTF-8; Unicode (UTF-16) uses more memory but has better performance than multibyte. BEGIN_NO_DOC ("data_lid", data encoding lid) The data encoding specified as an NLS lx_langid; the matching NLS global area must also be specified. END_NO_DOC ("default_input_encoding", name of default input encoding) If the encoding of an input document cannot be automatically determined through BOM, XMLDecl, protocol header, etc, then this encoding will be assumed. BEGIN_NO_DOC ("default_input_lid", default input encoding lid) The default input encoding specified as an NLS lx_langid; the matching NLS global area must also be specified. END_NO_DOC ("error_language", error language or language.encoding) The language (and optional encoding) in which error messages are created. The default is American with UTF-8 encoding. To specify just the language, give the name of the language and nothing else ("American"); To also specify the encoding, add a dot and the Oracle name of the encoding ("American.WE8ISO8859P1"). ("error_handler", function pointer, see XML_ERRMSG_F) Default behavior on errors is to output the formatted message to stderr. If an error handler is provided, the formatted message will be passed to it instead of being printed. ("error_context", user-defined context for error handler) This is a context pointer to be passed to the error handler function. It's meaning is user-defined; it is just specified here and passed along when an error occurs. ("tracing_handler", function pointer, see XML_ERRTRC_F) If a tracing handler is provided, the tracing information will be formatted to a string and passed to the caller. ("input_encoding", name of forced input encoding) The forced input encoding for input documents. Used to override a document's XMLDecl, etc, and always interpret it in the given encoding. USE OF THIS FEATURE IS DISCOURAGED! It should be not necessary in normal use, as BOMs, XMLDecls, etc, when existing, should be correct. ("memory_context", MEMCTX, POINTER), The oramem context used for low-level memory allocation. If not provided, one will be made. From the outside, end-users have to set memory_alloc, memory_free, etc. BEGIN_NO_DOC ("input_lid", INLID, POINTER), The forced input encopding ("lpu_context", lpu context) The LPU context used for URL data loading and access-method hooking. If one is not provided, it will be made for you. DEPRECATED! Use XmlUrl and "url_context" instead!) ("url_context", XmlUrl context) The XmlUrl context used for URL data loading and access-method hooking. If one is not provided, it will be made for you.) END_NO_DOC ("memory_alloc", low-level memory allocation function) Low-level memory allocation function, if malloc is not to be used. If provided, the matching free function must also be given. See XML_ALLOC_F. ("memory_free", low-level memory freeing function) Low-level memory freeing function, if free is not to be used. Matches the alloc function. ("memory_context", user-defined memory context) User-defined memory context which is passed to the alloc and free functions. Its definition and use is entirely up to the user; it is just set here and passed to the callbacks. BEGIN_NO_DOC ("nls_global_area", NLS global area, lx_glo) If any encoding are specified as NLS lids, the matching NLS global area must also be specified. END_NO_DOC The XDK has properites of its own, that only apply to an XDK type xmlctx (the previous properies were all general and applied to all xmlctx's). XDK properties must follow generic properties, with the symbol ORAPROP_SEP used as as separator, for example: ..., "generic-name1", value1, "generic-name2", value2, ORAPROP_SEP, "xdk-specific-name1", value1, "xdk-specific-name2", value2, NULL ("input_buffer_size", size in characters of input buffer) This is the basic I/O buffer size. Default is 256K, minimum is 4K and maximum is 4MB. Depending on the encoding, 1, 2 or 3 of these buffers may be needed. Note size is in characters, not bytes. If the buffer holds Unicode data, it will be twice as large. ("memory_block_size", size in bytes of memory allocation unit) This is the size of chunk the high-level memory package will request from the low-level allocator; i.e., the basic unit of memory allocation. Default is 64K, minimum is 16K and maximum is 256K. RETURNS (xmlctx *) created xmlctx [or NULL on error with err set] ARGUMENTS err (OUT) returned error code name (IN) name of context [for debug] wlist (IN) whitelist wcount (IN) # of strings in the whitelist wencoding (IN) encoding of the whitelist (default UTF-8) ... (IN) variable arguments, with final NULL SEE ALSO XmlDestroy, XML_ERRMSG_F MEMORY USE Memory requirements for documents can be computed by the following formulas. These formulas are used during testing, and memory use is verified to be within 2% of the expected use. Terms: N = number of nodes (excluding attributes), A = number of attributes, L = number of lists (one for each node with children, one for each element with attributes), D = data size in requested encoding (node and attribute names & values, including terminating NULLs; usually roughly input file size) B = buffer overhead, which is formed from: I = I/O buffer size (default 256K), M = memory block size (default 64K) S = SAX buffer (initial size 4K, grows to fit largest set of event datums) DOM: ((N + A) * 60) + (L * 16) + D + B Single-byte encoding: B = I + (M * 2) Unicode (UTF-16): B = (I * 3) + (M * 3) Multi-byte encoding: B = (I * 5) + (M * 2) SAX: (N * 60) + (L * 16) + B Single-byte encoding: B = (I * 2) + (M * 2) + S Unicode (UTF-16): B = (I * 5) + (M * 3) + S Multi-byte encoding: B = (I * 5) + (M * 2) + S Note that for SAX, the only nodes used are for the DTD. However, initial parse nodes are allocated in blocks of 1000. Similarly, list structures used to maintain node children are allocated in blocks of 500. If there is no DTD, there will be no node or list storage. */ xmlctx *XmlCreateNew(xmlerr *err, oratext *name, oratext **wlist, ub4 wcount, oratext *wencoding, ...); /* * XmlCreate API is deprecated. Please use XmlCreateNew */ xmlctx *XmlCreate(xmlerr *err, oratext *name, ...); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlVersion PURPOSE Returns version string for XDK DESCRIPTION Returns the version string for the XDK RETURNS (oratext *) version string ARGUMENTS void */ oratext *XmlVersion(void); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlGetEncoding PURPOSE Returns data encoding in use by XML context DESCRIPTION Returns data encoding in use by XML context. Ordinarily, the data encoding is chosen by the user, so this function is not needed. However, if the data encoding is not specified, and allowed to default, this function can be used to return the name of that default encoding. RETURNS (oratext *) name of data encoding ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context SEE ALSO XmlDomGetDecl, XmlIsSimple, XmlIsUnicode */ oratext *XmlGetEncoding(xmlctx *xctx); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlIsSimple PURPOSE Returns single-byte (simple) character set flag DESCRIPTION Returns a flag saying whether the context's data encoding is "simple", i.e. single-byte per character, like ASCII or EBCDIC. RETURNS (boolean) TRUE of data encoding is "simple", FALSE otherwise ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context SEE ALSO XmlGetEncoding, XmlIsUnicode */ boolean XmlIsSimple(xmlctx *xctx); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlIsUnicode PURPOSE Returns XmlIsUnicode (simple) character set flag DESCRIPTION Returns a flag saying whether the context's data encoding is Unicode, i.e. UTF-16, with two-byte per character. RETURNS (boolean) TRUE of data encoding is Unicode, FALSE otherwise ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context SEE ALSO XmlGetEncoding, XmlIsSimple */ boolean XmlIsUnicode(xmlctx *xctx); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlLoadDom STANDARD DOM 3: DOMBuilder.parse() PURPOSE Load (parse) an XML document and produce a DOM DESCRIPTION Loads (parses) an XML document from an input source and creates a DOM. The root document node is returned on success, or NULL on failure (with err set). The function takes two fixed arguments, the xmlctx and an error return code, then zero or more (property, value) pairs, then NULL. SOURCE Input source is set by one of the following mutually exclusive properties (i.e. choose one): ("uri", document URI) [compiler encoding] ("file", document filesystem path) [compiler encoding] ("buffer", address of buffer, "buffer_length", # bytes in buffer) ("stream", address of stream object, "stream_context", pointer to stream object's context) ("events", pointer to xmlevctx structure) ("stdio", FILE* stream) PROPERTIES Additional properties: ("dtd", DTD node) DTD for document ("base_uri", document base URI) for documents loaded from other sources than a URI, sets the effective base URI. the document's base URI is needed in order to resolve relative URI include, import, etc. ("input_encoding", encoding name) forced input encoding [name] ("default_input_encoding", encoding_name) default input encoding to assume if document is not self-describing (i.e. no BOM, protocol header, XMLDecl, etc) ("schema_location", string) schemaLocation of schema for this document. used to figure optimal layout when loading documents into a database ("validate", boolean) when TRUE, turns on DTD validation; by default, only well-formedness is checked. note that schema validation is a separate beast. ("discard_whitespace", boolean) when TRUE, formatting whitespace between elements (newlines and indentation) in input documents is discarded. by default, ALL input characters are preserved. ("dtd_only", boolean) when TRUE, parses an external DTD, not a complete XML document. ("stop_on_warning", boolean) when TRUE, warnings are treated the same as errors and cause parsing, validation, etc, to stop immediately. by default, warnings are issued but the game continues. ("warn_duplicate_entity", boolean) when TRUE, entities which are declared more than once will cause warnings to be issued. the default is to accept the first declaration and silently ignore the rest. ("no_expand_char_ref", boolean) when TRUE, causes character references to be left unexpanded in the DOM data. ordinarily, character references are replaced by the character they represent. however, when a document is saved those characters entities do not reappear. to way to ensure they remain through load and save is to not expand them. ("no_check_chars", boolean) when TRUE, omits the test of XML [2] Char production: all input characters will be accepted as valid RETURNS (xmldocnode *) document node on success [NULL on failure with err set] ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context err (OUT) error code on failure ... (IN) variable arguments, with final NULL SEE ALSO XmlSaveDom */ xmldocnode *XmlLoadDom(xmlctx *xctx, xmlerr *err, ...); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlSaveDom STANDARD DOM 3: DOMWriter.writeNode PURPOSE Saves (serializes, formats) an XML document DESCRIPTION Serializes document or subtree to the given destination and returns the number of bytes written; if no destination is provided, just returns formatted size but does not output. If an output encoding is specified, the document will be re-encoded on output; otherwise, it will be in its existing encoding. The top level is indented step*level spaces, the next level step*(level+1) spaces, etc. When saving to a buffer, if the buffer overflows, 0 is returned and err is set to XMLERR_SAVE_OVERFLOW. DESTINATION Output destination is set by one of the following mutually exclusive properties (i.e. choose one): ("uri", document URI) POST, PUT? [compiler encoding] ("file", document filesystem path) [compiler encoding] ("buffer", address of buffer, "buffer_length", # bytes in buffer) ("stream", address of stream object, "stream_context", pointer to stream object's context) ("stdio", FILE* stream) PROPERTIES Additional properties: ("output_encoding", encoding name) name of final encoding for document. unless specified, saved document will be in same encoding as xmlctx. ("indent_step", unsigned) spaces to indent each level of output. default is 4, 0 means no indentation. ("indent_level", unsigned) initial indentation level. default is 0, which means no indentation, flush left. ("no_format", boolean) Pretty print for DOM. default is FALSE. When this property is set to be TRUE, the above two properties will be invalid. ("xmldecl", boolean) include an XMLDecl in the output document. ordinarily an XMLDecl is onput output for a compete document (i.e. root node is DOC). ("bom", boolean) input a BOM in the output document. usually the BOM is only needed for certain encodings (UTF-16), and optional for others (UTF-8). causes optional BOMs to be output. ("prune", boolean) prunes the output like the unix 'find' command; does not not descend to children, just prints the one node given. ("eol", EOL string) specifies a custom string to be used at End of Line instead of the default <newline> character. RETURNS (ubig_ora) number of bytes written to destination ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context err (OUT) error code on failure root (IN) root node of subtree to save ... (IN) variable arguments, with final NULL SEE ALSO XmlLoadDom */ ubig_ora XmlSaveDom(xmlctx *xctx, xmlerr *err, xmlnode *root, ...); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlLoadSax PURPOSE Load (parse) an XML document from and produce SAX events DESCRIPTION Loads (parses) an XML document from an input source and generates a set of SAX events (as user callbacks). Input sources and basic set of properties is the same as for XmlLoadDom. RETURNS (xmlerr) numeric error code, XMLERR_OK [0] on success ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context saxcb (IN) SAX callback structure saxctx (IN) context to be passed to SAX callbacks ... (IN) variable arguments, with final NULL */ xmlerr XmlLoadSax(xmlctx *xctx, xmlsaxcb *saxcb, void *saxctx, ...); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlLoadSaxVA PURPOSE Load (parse) an XML document from and produce SAX events [varargs] DESCRIPTION Loads (parses) an XML document from an input source and generates a set of SAX events (as user callbacks). Input sources and basic set of properties is the same as for XmlLoadDom. RETURNS (xmlerr) numeric error code, XMLERR_OK [0] on success ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context saxcb (IN) SAX callback structure saxctx (IN) context to pass to callbacks va (IN) variable arguments, with final NULL */ xmlerr XmlLoadSaxVA(xmlctx *xctx, xmlsaxcb *saxcb, void *saxctx, va_list va); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlAccess PURPOSE Set access-method callbacks for URL DESCRIPTION Sets the stream used to load data for a specific URL access method. Overrides the built-in data loading functions for HTTP, FTP, etc, or provides functions to handle new types (UNKNOWN, etc). RETURNS (xmlerr) numeric error code, XMLERR_OK [0] on success ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context access (IN) URL access method stream (IN) stream data source SEE ALSO XmlLoadDom, XmlLoadSax */ xmlerr XmlAccess(xmlctx *xctx, xmlurlacc access, orastream *stream); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlConvert PURPOSE Convert compiler-encoding string to data encoding DESCRIPTION Converts a given string in the compiler encoding (ASCII or EBCDIC) to the XML context's data encoding, writing it to the given destination buffer. The converted string will be NULL-terminated (or double-NULL terminated for UCS2/UTF-16), the dest pointer will be updated to point to the next position in the buffer, and size is updated to reflect the space used. The converted string is returned, but if the given string is already in the right encoding, it is just returned back and dest and size are not updated. RETURNS (oratext *) converted string, or NULL on error ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context src (IN) source string (in compiler encoding) dest (I/O) destination buffer size (I/O) size of destination buffer in bytes SEE ALSO XmlCreate */ oratext *XmlConvert(xmlctx *xctx, oratext *src, oratext **dest, ub4 *size); /**************************************************************************** CALLBACK SECTION ****************************************************************************/ struct xmlcb { /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDestroy PURPOSE Destroy an xmlctx DESCRIPTION Destroys an xmlctx RETURNS (void) ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context SEE ALSO XmlCreate */ #define XML_DESTROY_CB destroy_xmlcb #define XML_DESTROY_F(func, xctx) \ void func(xmlctx *xctx) XML_DESTROY_F((*XML_DESTROY_CB), xctx); #define XmlDestroy(xctx) \ (*XML_CB(xctx)->XML_DESTROY_CB)(xctx) /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlLoadDomVA PURPOSE Load (parse) an XML document and produce a DOM [varargs] STATUS Private RETURNS (xmldocnode *) document node on success [NULL on failure with err set] ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context err (OUT) error code on failure va (IN) variable arguments SEE ALSO XmlLoadDOM */ #define XML_LOAD_DOM_VA_CB loadDomVA_xmlcb #define XML_LOAD_DOM_VA_F(func, xctx, err, va) \ xmldocnode *func(xmlctx *xctx, xmlerr *err, va_list va) XML_LOAD_DOM_VA_F((*XML_LOAD_DOM_VA_CB), xctx, err, va); #define XmlLoadDomVA(xctx, err, va) \ (*XML_CB(xctx)->XML_LOAD_DOM_VA_CB)((xctx), (err), (va)) /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlSaveDomVA PURPOSE Saves (serializes, formats) an XML document [varargs] STATUS Private RETURNS (ubig_ora) number of bytes written to destination ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context err (OUT) error code on failure root (IN) root node of subtree to save va (IN) variable arguments SEE ALSO XmlSaveDOM */ #define XML_SAVE_DOM_VA_CB saveDomVA_xmlcb #define XML_SAVE_DOM_VA_F(func, xctx, err, root, va) \ ubig_ora func(xmlctx *xctx, xmlerr *err, xmlnode *root, va_list va) XML_SAVE_DOM_VA_F((*XML_SAVE_DOM_VA_CB), xctx, err, root, va); #define XmlSaveDomVA(xctx, err, root, va) \ (*XML_CB(xctx)->XML_SAVE_DOM_VA_CB)((xctx), (err), (root), (va)) /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlHasFeature STANDARD DOM 2: DOMImplementation.hasFeature() PURPOSE Determine if DOM feature is implemented DESCRIPTION Determine if a DOM feature is implemented. Returns TRUE if the feature is implemented in the specified version, FALSE otherwise. In level 1, the legal values for package are 'HTML' and 'XML' (case-insensitive), and the version is the string "1.0". If the version is not specified, supporting any version of the feature will cause the method to return true. DOM 1.0 features are "XML" and "HTML". DOM 2.0 features are "Core", "XML", "HTML", "Views", "StyleSheets", "CSS", "CSS2", "Events", "UIEvents", "MouseEvents", "MutationEvents", "HTMLEvents", "Range", "Traversal" RETURNS (boolean) feature is implemented? ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context feature (IN) package name of the feature to test. version (IN) version # of the package name to test. */ #define XML_HAS_FEATURE_CB hasFeature_xmlcb #define XML_HAS_FEATURE_F(func, xctx, feature, version) \ boolean func(xmlctx *xctx, oratext *feature, oratext *version) XML_HAS_FEATURE_F((*XML_HAS_FEATURE_CB), xctx, feature, version); #define XmlHasFeature(xctx, feature, version) \ (*XML_CB(xctx)->XML_HAS_FEATURE_CB)((xctx), (feature), (version)) /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlCreateDTD STANDARD DOM 2: DOMImplementation.createDocumentType() PURPOSE Create DTD DESCRIPTION Create DTD. RETURNS (xmldtdnode *) new DTD node ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context qname (IN) qualified name pubid (IN) external subset public identifier sysid (IN) external subset system identifier err (OUT) returned error code */ #define XML_CREATE_DTD_CB createDTD_xmlcb #if 0 /* xxx TBD XXX */ #define XML_CREATE_DTD_F(func, xctx, qname, pubid, sysid, err) \ xmldtdnode* func(xmlctx *xctx, oratext *qname, oratext *pubid, \ oratext *sysid, xmlerr *err) XML_CREATE_DTD_F((*XML_CREATE_DTD_CB), xctx, qname, pubid, sysid, err); #else #define XML_CREATE_DTD_F(func, xctx, qname, pubid, sysid) \ xmldtdnode* func(xmlctx *xctx, oratext *qname, oratext *pubid, \ oratext *sysid, xmlerr *err) XML_CREATE_DTD_F((*XML_CREATE_DTD_CB), xctx, qname, pubid, sysid); #endif #define XmlCreateDTD(xctx, qname, pubid, sysid, err) \ (*XML_CB(xctx)->XML_CREATE_DTD_CB) \ ((xctx), (qname), (pubid), (sysid), (err)) /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlCreateDocument STANDARD DOM 2: DOMImplementation.createDocument() PURPOSE Create Document (node) DESCRIPTION Creates the initial top-level DOCUMENT node and its supporting infrastructure. If a qname is provided, a an element with that name is created and set as the document's root element. RETURNS (xmldocnode *) new Document object. ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context uri (IN) namespace URI of root element to create [or NULL] qname (IN) QName of root element [or NULL if none] dtd (IN) associated DTD node err (OUT) returned error code */ #define XML_CREATE_DOCUMENT_CB createDocument_xmlcb #define XML_CREATE_DOCUMENT_F(func, xctx, uri, qname, dtd, err) \ xmldocnode* func(xmlctx *xctx, oratext *uri, oratext *qname, \ xmldtdnode *dtd, xmlerr *err) XML_CREATE_DOCUMENT_F((*XML_CREATE_DOCUMENT_CB), xctx, uri, qname,dtd,err); #define XmlCreateDocument(xctx, uri, qname, dtd, err) \ (*XML_CB(xctx)->XML_CREATE_DOCUMENT_CB) \ ((xctx), (uri), (qname), (dtd), (err)) /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlFreeDocument PURPOSE Free a document (releases all resources) DESCRIPTION Destroys a document created by XmlCreateDocument or through one of the Load functions. Releases all resources associated with the document, which is then invalid. RETURNS (void) ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context doc (IN) document to free SEE ALSO XmlCreateDocument, XmlLoadDom */ #define XML_FREE_DOCUMENT_CB freeDocument_xmlcb #define XML_FREE_DOCUMENT_F(func, xctx, doc) \ void func(xmlctx *xctx, xmldocnode *doc) XML_FREE_DOCUMENT_F((*XML_FREE_DOCUMENT_CB), xctx, doc); #define XmlFreeDocument(xctx, doc) \ (*XML_CB(xctx)->XML_FREE_DOCUMENT_CB)((xctx), (doc)) /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlCreateDocumentWithMem STANDARD DOM 2: DOMImplementation.createDocumentWithMem() PURPOSE Create Document (node) using different memory management structure. DESCRIPTION Creates the initial top-level DOCUMENT node and its supporting infrastructure. If a qname is provided, a an element with that name is created and set as the document's root element. However the memory that holds the DOM nodes for this document is controlled by the input parameter xmlMemU that allows user to control where the memory region in which the doc tree resides in. RETURNS (xmldocnode *) new Document object. ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context uri (IN) namespace URI of root element to create [or NULL] qname (IN) QName of root element [or NULL if none] dtd (IN) associated DTD node err (OUT) returned error code xmu (IN) Memory Ctx structure. See xmlMemU */ #define XML_CREATE_DOCUMENT_WITHMEM_CB createDocumentWithMem_xmlcb #define XML_CREATE_DOCUMENT_WITHMEM_F(func, xctx, uri, qname, dtd, xmu, err) \ xmldocnode* func(xmlctx *xctx, oratext *uri, oratext *qname, \ xmldtdnode *dtd, xmlMemU *xmu, xmlerr *err) XML_CREATE_DOCUMENT_WITHMEM_F((*XML_CREATE_DOCUMENT_WITHMEM_CB), xctx, uri, qname,dtd,xmu,err); #define XmlCreateDocumentWithMem(xctx, uri, qname, dtd, err, xmu) \ (*XML_CB(xctx)->XML_CREATE_DOCUMENT_WITHMEM_CB) \ ((xctx), (uri), (qname), (dtd), (xmu), (err)) /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDocSetSecurityFunction STANDARD PURPOSE Set up the security violation callback function DESCRIPTION This func is called to set up security violation callback function for the DOM document node. When security violation occurs on a node that is part of the DOM document, this callback func is called with the following arguments (xmlnode *, void *obj, oratext *candVal). The xmlnode * points to the node that is subject to security check and void * points to the user callback context that is passed into XmlDocSetSecurityFunction() as the last argument. The oratext *candVal points to the candidate value that is the real node value if security check were not applied. When callf() is NULL for the callback function, this means it clears any previous callback set for the DOM, and revert to the default behaviour. RETURNS ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML document context doc (IN) document node to which the SecurityFunction is applied callf(IN) callback function, the signature of the callback function is oratext *(*)(xmlnode *, void *, oratext *) obj (IN) callback function context SEE ALSO */ #define XML_DOCSET_SECURITY_FUNC_CB docset_security_func_xmlcb #define XML_DOCSET_SECURITY_FUNC_F(func, xctx, doc, callf, obj) \ void func(xmlctx *xctx, xmldocnode *doc, oratext *(*callf)(xmlnode *, void *, oratext *), void *obj) XML_DOCSET_SECURITY_FUNC_F((*XML_DOCSET_SECURITY_FUNC_CB), xctx, doc,callf, obj); #define XmlDocSetSecurityFunction(xctx, doc, callf, obj)\ (*XML_CB(xctx)->XML_DOCSET_SECURITY_FUNC_CB) \ ((xctx), (doc), (callf), (obj)) }; /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Package DOM - DOM APIs Since the DOM standard is object-oriented, for this C adaptation, some changes had to be made: Reused function names had to be expanded, e.g. {getValue} in the attribute class is given the unique name XmlDomGetAttrValue, matching the pattern established by DOM 2's "{getNodeValue}". Also, some functions were added to extend the DOM. For example, there is no function defined which returns the number of children of a node, so XmlDomNumChildNodes was invented, etc. The implementation of this DOM interface follows REC-DOM-Level-1-19981001. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /**************************************************************************** Interface Node ****************************************************************************/ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomGetNodeValueStream PURPOSE Get node's value via orastream STATUS Oracle extension DESCRIPTION Returns the "value" (associated character data) for a node (in the data encoding) as an orastream, in either push or pull modes. Data may be retrieved as bytes or characters. Character and general entities will have been replaced. Only Attr, CDATA, Comment, PI and Text nodes have values, all other node types have NULL value and XMLERR_NODE_TYPE will be returned if they are attempted to be read. PROPERTIES Control over the stream details is specified through a variable property list. Any number of (name, value) pairs are specified, ending with a final NULL. ("character", boolean) By default, data is returned as raw bytes. If the character property is set to TRUE, data will be returned in complete characters only. That is, in character-mode, no character will be split over a buffer boundry, and all characters are guaranteed to be complete and contiguous within a buffer: instead of splitting a character which would have crossed a boundry, a short read will happen first, then the complete character is returned in the next buffer. In byte mode, each buffer is completely filled, and characters may be split between two reads. For single-byte encodings, there is no difference between byte and character modes. ("pull", orastream **) In pull-mode, a read-only orastream is returned; the property's value is a pointer to an (orastream *), which is set to the created orastream. The node's value is then read with successive calls to OraStreamRead(). The stream will already have been opened, so no call to OraStreamOpen() is needed, and after the final piece is read, the stream will automatically be closed and destroyed. ("push", orastream *) In push-mode, a write-only orastream is supplied as the property value. That stream will be successively written with OraStreamWrite() until the complete value is passed. The stream will be opened with OraStreamOpen() before the first write, and closed with OraStreamClose() after the last write, but the user is responsible for creating and destroying the stream. ("stream_context", void *) Specifies the stream context for the pull-mode created stream. If not given, the stream's context will be NULL. Either "pull" or "push" must be specified, but not both. EXAMPLE "<foo>data</foo>" ORASTREAM_WRITE_F(my_writer, sctx, sid, hdl, src, size, written); oraerr oerr; orastream *os = OraStreamInit(0xDEAD, 0xBEEF, &oerr, "write", my_writer, NULL); XmlDomGetNodeValueStream(xctx, <foo's first child, a TEXT node>, "character", TRUE, "push", os, NULL) -> 0 [OK] Which causes the following invocation: my_writer(0xDEAD, 0xBEEF, hdl, "data", 4, written); The writer is responsible for setting <written>, see orastruc.h. RETURNS (xmlerr) error code, XMLERR_OK [0] for success ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context node (IN) XML node ... (IN) variable arguments specifying retrival mode, ending in NULL SEE ALSO XmlDomGetNodeValue, XmlDomGetNodeValueLen */ xmlerr XmlDomGetNodeValueStream(xmlctx *xctx, xmlnode *node, ...); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomSetNodeValueStream PURPOSE Set node's value via orastream STATUS Oracle extension DESCRIPTION Sets the "value" (associated character data) for a node with an orastream in either push or pull modes. Data may be set as bytes or characters, but must be in the data encoding. Only Attr, CDATA, Comment, PI and Text nodes have values; trying to set the value of another type of node is an error and XMLERR_NODE_TYPE will be returned. PROPERTIES Control over the stream details is specified through a variable property list. Any number of (name, value) pairs are specified, ending with a final NULL. ("character", boolean) By default, data is set as raw bytes. If the character property is set to TRUE, data will be passed in complete characters only. That is, in character-mode, no character may be split over a buffer boundry, and all characters must be complete and contiguous within a buffer: instead of splitting a character which would cross a boundry, a short write should happen first, then the complete character is set in the next buffer. In byte mode, each buffer is completely filled, and characters may be split between writes. For single-byte encodings, there is no difference between byte and character modes. ("pull", orastream *) In pull-mode, a read-only orastream is provided by the user. The node's value is then read with successive calls to OraStreamRead(). The stream will be opened with OraStreamOpen() before the first read, and closed with OraStreamClose() after the last read, but the user is responsible for creating and destroying the stream. ("push", orastream **) In push-mode, a write-only orastream is returned; the property's value is a pointer to an (orastream *), which is set to the created orastream. The node's value is then written with successive calls to OraStreamWrite(). The stream will already have been opened, so no call to OraStreamOpen() is needed, and after the final piece is written, the stream will automatically be closed and destroyed. ("stream_context", void *) Specifies the stream context for the push-mode created stream. If not given, the stream's context will be NULL. Either "pull" or "push" must be specified, but not both. EXAMPLE "<foo>data</foo>" ORASTREAM_READ_F(my_reader, func, sctx, sid, hdl, dest, size, start, nread, eoi); oraerr oerr; orastream *is = OraStreamInit(0xDEAD, 0xBEEF, &oerr, "read", my_reader, NULL); XmlDomSetNodeValueStream(xctx, <foo's first child, a TEXT node>, "pull", is, NULL) -> 0 [OK] Which causes the following invocation: my_reader(0xDEAD, 0xBEEF, hdl, <buffer>, <buffer_size>, start, nread, eoi); The reader is responsible for setting <start>, <nread>, and <eoi>, (see orastruc.h). RETURNS (xmlerr) error code, XMLERR_OK [0] for success ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context node (IN) XML node ... (IN) variable arguments specifying retrival mode, ending in NULL SEE ALSO XmlDomSetNodeValue, XmlDomSetNodeValueLen */ xmlerr XmlDomSetNodeValueStream(xmlctx *xctx, xmlnode *node, ...); /**************************************************************************** Interface Attr ****************************************************************************/ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomGetAttrValueStream PURPOSE Returns an attribute's value via orastream STATUS Oracle extension DESCRIPTION Returns the "value" (associated character data) of an attribute (in the data encoding) as an orastream, in either push or pull modes. Data may be retrieved as bytes or characters, but must be in the data encoding. PROPERTIES Control over the stream details is specified through a variable property list. Any number of (name, value) pairs are specified, ending with a final NULL. ("character", boolean) By default, data is returned as raw bytes. If the character property is set to TRUE, data will be returned in complete characters only. That is, in character-mode, no character will be split over a buffer boundry, and all characters are guaranteed to be complete and contiguous within a buffer: instead of splitting a character which would have crossed a boundry, a short read will happen first, then the complete character is returned in the next buffer. In byte mode, each buffer is completely filled, and characters may be split between two reads. For single-byte encodings, there is no difference between byte and character modes. ("pull", orastream **) In pull-mode, a read-only orastream is returned; the property's value is a pointer to an (orastream *), which is set to the created orastream. The attribute's value is then read with successive calls to OraStreamRead(). The stream will already have been opened, so no call to OraStreamOpen() is needed, and after the final piece is read, the stream will automatically be closed and destroyed. ("push", orastream *) In push-mode, a write-only orastream is supplied as the property value. That stream will be successively written with OraStreamWrite() until the complete value is passed. The stream will be opened with OraStreamOpen() before the first write, and closed with OraStreamClose() after the last write, but the user is responsible for creating and destroying the stream. ("stream_context", void *) Specifies the stream context for the pull-mode created stream. If not given, the stream's context will be NULL. Either "pull" or "push" must be specified, but not both. EXAMPLE "<foo x='data'/>" ORASTREAM_READ_F(my_reader, func, sctx, sid, hdl, dest, size, start, nread, eoi); orastream *is; XmlDomGetAttrValueStream(xctx, <foo's attribute "x">, "character", TRUE, "pull", &is, NULL) -> 0 The data is then read with calls like: OraStreamRead(is, dest, size, &start, &nread, &eoi); See orastruc.h for orastream details. RETURNS (xmlerr) error code, XMLERR_OK [0] for success ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context attr (IN) XML attribute node ... (IN) variable arguments specifying retrival mode, ending in NULL SEE ALSO XmlDomGetAttrValue, XmlDomGetAttrValueLen */ xmlerr XmlDomGetAttrValueStream(xmlctx *xctx, xmlattrnode *attr, ...); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomSetAttrValueStream PURPOSE Sets an attribute's value via orastream STATUS Oracle extension DESCRIPTION Sets the "value" (associated character data) for an attribute with an orastream in either push or pull modes. Data may be set as bytes or characters, but must be in the data encoding. PROPERTIES Control over the stream details is specified through a variable property list. Any number of (name, value) pairs are specified, ending with a final NULL. ("character", boolean) By default, data is set as raw bytes. If the character property is set to TRUE, data will be passed in complete characters only. That is, in character-mode, no character may be split over a buffer boundry, and all characters must be complete and contiguous within a buffer: instead of splitting a character which would cross a boundry, a short write should happen first, then the complete character is set in the next buffer. In byte mode, each buffer is completely filled, and characters may be split between writes. For single-byte encodings, there is no difference between byte and character modes. ("pull", orastream *) In pull-mode, a read-only orastream is provided by the user. The attribute's value is then read with successive calls to OraStreamRead(). The stream will be opened with OraStreamOpen() before the first read, and closed with OraStreamClose() after the last read, but the user is responsible for creating and destroying the stream. ("push", orastream **) In push-mode, a write-only orastream is returned; the property's value is a pointer to an (orastream *), which is set to the created orastream. The attribute's value is then written with successive calls to OraStreamWrite(). The stream will already have been opened, so no call to OraStreamOpen() is needed, and after the final piece is written, the stream will automatically be closed and destroyed. ("stream_context", void *) Specifies the stream context for the push-mode created stream. If not given, the stream's context will be NULL. Either "pull" or "push" must be specified, but not both. EXAMPLE "<foo x='data'/>" ORASTREAM_READ_F(my_reader, func, sctx, sid, hdl, dest, size, start, nread, eoi); oraerr oerr; orastream *is = OraStreamInit(0xDEAD, 0xBEEF, &oerr, "read", my_reader, NULL); XmlDomSetAttrValueStream(xctx, <foo's attribute "x">, "pull", is, NULL) -> 0 [OK] Which causes the following invocation: my_reader(0xDEAD, 0xBEEF, hdl, <buffer>, <buffer_size>, start, nread, eoi); The reader is responsible for setting <start>, <nread>, and <eoi>, (see orastruc.h). RETURNS (xmlerr) error code, XMLERR_OK [0] for success ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context attr (IN) XML attribute node ... (IN) variable arguments specifying retrival mode, ending in NULL SEE ALSO XmlDomSetAttrValue */ xmlerr XmlDomSetAttrValueStream(xmlctx *xctx, xmlattrnode *attr, ...); /**************************************************************************** CALLBACK SECTION ****************************************************************************/ struct xmldomcb { /**************************************************************************** Interface Document ****************************************************************************/ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomGetDecl PURPOSE Returns a document's XMLDecl information DESCRIPTION Returns the information from a document's XMLDecl. If there is no XMLDecl, returns XMLERR_NO_DECL. Returned are the XML version# ("1.0" or "2.0"), the specified encoding, and the standalone value. If encoding is not specified, NULL will be set. The standalone flag is three-state: < 0 if standalone was not specified, 0 if it was specified and FALSE, > 0 if it was specified and TRUE. RETURNS (xmlerr) XML error code, perhaps version/encoding/standalone set ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context doc (IN) XML document [node] ver (OUT) XML version enc (OUT) encoding specification std (OUT) standalone specification */ #define XMLDOM_GET_DECL_CB getDecl_xmldomcb #define XMLDOM_GET_DECL_F(func, xctx, doc, ver, enc, std) \ xmlerr func(xmlctx *xctx, xmldocnode *doc, oratext **ver, \ oratext **enc, sb4 *std) XMLDOM_GET_DECL_F((*XMLDOM_GET_DECL_CB), xctx, doc, ver, enc, std); #define XmlDomGetDecl(xctx, doc, ver, enc, std) \ (*XML_DOMCB(xctx)->XMLDOM_GET_DECL_CB) \ ((xctx), (doc), (ver), (enc), (std)) /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomGetBaseURI STANDARD DOM 3: Node.baseURI PURPOSE Returns the base URI for a document DESCRIPTION Returns the base URI for a document. Usually only documents that were loaded from a URI will automatically have a base URI; documents loaded from other sources (stdin, buffer, etc) will not naturally have a base URI, but a base URI may have been set for them using XmlDomSetBaseURI, for the purposes of resolving relative URIs in inclusion. RETURNS (oratext *) document's base URI [or NULL] ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context doc (IN) XML document [node] SEE ALSO XmlDomSetBaseURI */ #define XMLDOM_GET_BASE_URI_CB getBaseURI_xmldomcb #define XMLDOM_GET_BASE_URI_F(func, xctx, doc) \ oratext *func(xmlctx *xctx, xmldocnode *doc) XMLDOM_GET_BASE_URI_F((*XMLDOM_GET_BASE_URI_CB), xctx, doc); #define XmlDomGetBaseURI(xctx, doc) \ (*XML_DOMCB(xctx)->XMLDOM_GET_BASE_URI_CB) \ ((xctx), (doc)) /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomSetBaseURI STANDARD DOM 3: Document.setBaseURI() PURPOSE Sets base URI for document DESCRIPTION Only documents that were loaded from a URI will automatically have a base URI; documents loaded from other sources (stdin, buffer, etc) will not naturally have a base URI, so this API is used to set a base URI, for the purposes of relative URI resolution in includes. The base URI should be in the data encoding, and a copy will be made. EXAMPLE A document is loaded with XmlLoadDomStdio from stdin; that document as a DOCTYPE declaration, which is always a URI. The DTD's URI is relative, i.e. "subdir/junk.dtd". Where is the DTD to be found? Its URI is resolved against the parent's URI, but the parent doesn't have a URI in this case, so no resolution takes place, and "subdir/junk.dtd" is tried directly, which may or may not work depending on the working directory. To make this work always, set the base URI of the top-level document to an absolute path, for example to "/root/dir1/dir2/topdoc.html"; then the URI resolution of the included DTD would produce "/root/dir1/dir2/subdir/junk.dtd" every time. RETURNS (xmlerr) XML error code ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context doc (IN) XML document [node] uri (IN) base URI to set [data encoding] SEE ALSO XmlDomGetBaseURI */ #define XMLDOM_SET_BASE_URI_CB setBaseURI_xmldomcb #define XMLDOM_SET_BASE_URI_F(func, xctx, doc, uri) \ xmlerr func(xmlctx *xctx, xmldocnode *doc, oratext *uri) XMLDOM_SET_BASE_URI_F((*XMLDOM_SET_BASE_URI_CB), xctx, doc, uri); #define XmlDomSetBaseURI(xctx, doc, uri) \ (*XML_DOMCB(xctx)->XMLDOM_SET_BASE_URI_CB) \ ((xctx), (doc), (uri)) /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomGetDTD STANDARD DOM 2: Document.doctype PURPOSE Get DTD (Document Type) for document DESCRIPTION Returns the DTD node associated with current document; if there is no DTD, returns NULL. The DTD cannot be edited, but its children may be retrieved with XmlDomGetChildNodes as for other node types. RETURNS (xmldtdnode *) DTD node for document [or NULL] ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context doc (IN) XML document [node] SEE ALSO XmlDomSetDTD, XmlCreateDTD, XmlCreateDocument, XmlDomGetDTDName, XmlDomGetDTDEntities, XmlDomGetDTDNotations */ #define XMLDOM_GET_DTD_CB getDTD_xmldomcb #define XMLDOM_GET_DTD_F(func, xctx, doc) \ xmldtdnode* func(xmlctx *xctx, xmldocnode *doc) XMLDOM_GET_DTD_F((*XMLDOM_GET_DTD_CB), xctx, doc); #define XmlDomGetDTD(xctx, doc) \ (*XML_DOMCB(xctx)->XMLDOM_GET_DTD_CB) \ ((xctx), (doc)) /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomSetDTD PURPOSE Sets DTD (Document Type Definition) for document DESCRIPTION Sets the DTD for document. Note this call may only be used for a blank document, BEFORE any parsing has taken place. A single DTD can be set for multiple documents, so when a document with a set DTD is freed, the set DTD is NOT also freed. RETURNS (xmlerr) numeric error code, 0 on success ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context doc (IN) XML document [node] dtdnode (IN) Document Type to set [node] SEE ALSO XmlDomGetDTD, XmlDomGetDTDName, XmlDomGetDTDEntities, XmlDomGetDTDNotations */ #define XMLDOM_SET_DTD_CB setDTD_xmldomcb #define XMLDOM_SET_DTD_F(func, xctx, doc, dtdnode) \ xmlerr func(xmlctx *xctx, xmldocnode *doc, xmldtdnode *dtdnode) XMLDOM_SET_DTD_F((*XMLDOM_SET_DTD_CB), xctx, doc, dtdnode); #define XmlDomSetDTD(xctx, doc, dtdnode) \ (*XML_DOMCB(xctx)->XMLDOM_SET_DTD_CB) \ ((xctx), (doc), (dtdnode)) /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomGetDocElem STANDARD DOM 2: Document.documentElement PURPOSE Get top-level element for document DESCRIPTION Returns the root element (node) of the DOM tree, or NULL if there is none. Each document has only one uppermost Element node, called the root element. It is created after a document is parsed successfully, or manually by XmlDomCreateElem then XmlDomAppendChild, etc. RETURNS (xmlelemnode *) root element [or NULL] ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context doc (IN) XML document [node] SEE ALSO XmlDomCreateElem */ #define XMLDOM_GET_DOCUMENT_ELEM_CB getDocumentElem_xmldomcb #define XMLDOM_GET_DOCUMENT_ELEM_F(func, xctx, doc) \ xmlelemnode* func(xmlctx *xctx, xmldocnode *doc) XMLDOM_GET_DOCUMENT_ELEM_F((*XMLDOM_GET_DOCUMENT_ELEM_CB), xctx, doc); #define XmlDomGetDocElem(xctx, doc) \ (*XML_DOMCB(xctx)->XMLDOM_GET_DOCUMENT_ELEM_CB) \ ((xctx), (doc)) /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomSync PURPOSE Synchronizes the persistent version of a document with its DOM. DESCRIPTION Causes a modified DOM to be written back out to its original source, synchronizing the persistent store and in-memory versions. RETURNS (xmlerr) numeric error code, 0 on success ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context doc (IN) XML document [node] */ #define XMLDOM_SYNC_CB syncDoc_xmldomcb #define XMLDOM_SYNC_F(func, xctx, doc) \ xmlerr func(xmlctx *xctx, xmldocnode *doc) XMLDOM_SYNC_F((*XMLDOM_SYNC_CB), xctx, doc); #define XmlDomSync(xctx, doc) \ (*XML_DOMCB(xctx)->XMLDOM_SYNC_CB) \ ((xctx), (doc)) /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomCreateElem STANDARD DOM 2: Document.createElement() PURPOSE Create an element node DESCRIPTION Creates an element node with the given tag name (which should be in the data encoding). Note that the tag name of an element is CASE SENSITIVE. This is the non-namespace aware function: the new node will have NULL namespace URI and prefix, and its local name will be the same as its tag name, even if the tag name specified is a QName. The new node is an orphan with no parent; it must be added to the DOM tree with XmlDomAppendChild etc. The tagname is NOT copied, its pointer is just stored. The user is responsible for persistence and freeing of that data. RETURNS (xmlelemnode *) new Element node. ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context doc (IN) XML document [node] tagname (IN) new node's name [data encoding; user control] SEE ALSO XmlDomCreateElemNS, XmlDomCleanNode, XmlDomFreeNode */ #define XMLDOM_CREATE_ELEM_CB createElem_xmldomcb #define XMLDOM_CREATE_ELEM_F(func, xctx, doc, tagname) \ xmlelemnode* func(xmlctx *xctx, xmldocnode *doc, oratext *tagname) XMLDOM_CREATE_ELEM_F((*XMLDOM_CREATE_ELEM_CB), xctx, doc, tagname); #define XmlDomCreateElem(xctx, doc, tagname) \ (*XML_DOMCB(xctx)->XMLDOM_CREATE_ELEM_CB) \ ((xctx), (doc), (tagname)) /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomCreateElemNS STANDARD DOM 2: Document.createElementNS() PURPOSE Create an element node with namespace information DESCRIPTION Creates an element with the given namespace URI and QName. Note that element names are CASE SENSITIVE, and the QName is required though the URI may be NULL. The QName will be split into prefix and local parts, retrievable with XmlDomGetNodePrefix, XmlDomGetNodeLocal, etc; the tagName will be the full QName. The new node is an orphan with no parent; it must be added to the DOM tree with XmlDomAppendChild etc. The URI and QName are NOT copied, their pointers are just stored. The user is responsible for persistence and freeing of that data. RETURNS (xmlelemnode *) new Element node. ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context doc (IN) XML document [node] uri (IN) new node's namespace URI [data encoding; user control] qname (IN) new node's qualified name [data encoding; user control] SEE ALSO XmlDomCreateElem, XmlDomCleanNode, XmlDomFreeNode */ #define XMLDOM_CREATE_ELEM_NS_CB createElemNS_xmldomcb #define XMLDOM_CREATE_ELEM_NS_F(func, xctx, doc, uri, qname) \ xmlelemnode* func(xmlctx *xctx, xmldocnode *doc, \ oratext *uri, oratext *qname) XMLDOM_CREATE_ELEM_NS_F((*XMLDOM_CREATE_ELEM_NS_CB), xctx, doc, uri,qname); #define XmlDomCreateElemNS(xctx, doc, uri, qname) \ (*XML_DOMCB(xctx)->XMLDOM_CREATE_ELEM_NS_CB) \ ((xctx),(doc),(uri),(qname)) /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomCreateFragment STANDARD DOM 2: Document.createDocumentFragment() PURPOSE Create a document fragment DESCRIPTION Creates an empty Document Fragment node. A document fragment is treated specially when it is inserted into a DOM tree: the children of the fragment are inserted in order instead of the fragment node itself. After insertion, the fragment node will still exist, but have no children. See XmlDomInsertBefore, XmlDomReplaceChild, XmlDomAppendChild, etc. The name of a fragment node is always "#document-fragment". RETURNS (xmlfragnode *) new empty DocumentFragment node ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context doc (IN) XML document [node] SEE ALSO XmlDomInsertBefore, XmlDomReplaceChild, XmlDomAppendChild */ #define XMLDOM_CREATE_FRAGMENT_CB createFragment_xmldomcb #define XMLDOM_CREATE_FRAGMENT_F(func, xctx, doc) \ xmlfragnode* func(xmlctx *xctx, xmldocnode *doc) XMLDOM_CREATE_FRAGMENT_F((*XMLDOM_CREATE_FRAGMENT_CB), xctx, doc); #define XmlDomCreateFragment(xctx, doc) \ (*XML_DOMCB(xctx)->XMLDOM_CREATE_FRAGMENT_CB) \ ((xctx), (doc)) /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomCreateText STANDARD DOM 2: Document.createTextNode() PURPOSE Create text node DESCRIPTION Creates a Text node with the given initial data (which must be non-NULL and in the data encoding). The data may be NULL; if provided, it is not verified, converted, checked, or parsed (entities will not be expanded). If bad data is set, bad things will happen-- GIGO! The name of a fragment node is always "#text". New data for a Text node can be set with XmlDomSetNodeValue; see the CharacterData interface for editing methods. The new node is an orphan with no parent; it must be added to the DOM tree with XmlDomAppendChild etc. The text data is NOT copied, its pointer is just stored. The user is responsible for persistence and freeing of that data. RETURNS (xmltextnode *) new Text node. ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context doc (IN) XML document [node] data (IN) new node's text [data encoding; user control] SEE ALSO XmlDomCreateCDATA, XmlDomSetNodeValue, XmlDomGetNodeValue, XmlDomSetCharData, XmlDomGetCharData, XmlDomGetCharDataLength, XmlDomSubstringData, XmlDomAppendData, XmlDomInsertData, XmlDomDeleteData, XmlDomReplaceData, XmlDomCleanNode, XmlDomFreeNode */ #define XMLDOM_CREATE_TEXT_NODE_CB createText_xmldomcb #define XMLDOM_CREATE_TEXT_NODE_F(func, xctx, doc, data) \ xmltextnode* func(xmlctx *xctx, xmldocnode *doc, oratext *data) XMLDOM_CREATE_TEXT_NODE_F((*XMLDOM_CREATE_TEXT_NODE_CB), xctx, doc, data); #define XmlDomCreateText(xctx, doc, data) \ (*XML_DOMCB(xctx)->XMLDOM_CREATE_TEXT_NODE_CB) \ ((xctx), (doc), (data)) /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomCreateComment STANDARD DOM 2: Document.createComment() PURPOSE Create comment node DESCRIPTION Creates a Comment node with the given initial data (which must be in the data encoding). The data may be NULL; if provided, it is not verified, converted, or checked. If bad data is set, bad things may happen-- GIGO! The name of a Comment node is always "#comment". The new node is an orphan with no parent; it must be added to the DOM tree with XmlDomAppendChild etc. The comment data is NOT copied, its pointer is just stored. The user is responsible for persistence and freeing of that data. RETURNS (xmlcommentnode *) new Comment node. ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context doc (IN) XML document [node] data (IN) new node's comment [data encoding; user control] SEE ALSO XmlDomCleanNode, XmlDomFreeNode */ #define XMLDOM_CREATE_COMMENT_CB createComment_xmldomcb #define XMLDOM_CREATE_COMMENT_F(func, xctx, doc, data) \ xmlcommentnode* func(xmlctx *xctx, xmldocnode *doc, oratext *data) XMLDOM_CREATE_COMMENT_F((*XMLDOM_CREATE_COMMENT_CB), xctx, doc, data); #define XmlDomCreateComment(xctx, doc, data) \ (*XML_DOMCB(xctx)->XMLDOM_CREATE_COMMENT_CB) \ ((xctx), (doc), (data)) /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomCreateCDATA STANDARD DOM 2: Document.createCDATASection() PURPOSE Create CDATA node DESCRIPTION Creates a CDATASection node with the given initial data (which should be in the data encoding). A CDATA section is considered verbatim and is never parsed; it will not be joined with adjacent Text nodes by the normalize operation. The initial data may be NULL; if provided, it is not verified, converted, or checked. If bad data is set, bad things will happen-- GIGO! The name of a CDATA node is always "#cdata-section". The new node is an orphan with no parent; it must be added to the DOM tree with XmlDomAppendChild etc. The CDATA is NOT copied, its pointer is just stored. The user is responsible for persistence and freeing of that data. RETURNS (xmlcdatanode *) new CDATA node. ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context doc (IN) XML document [node] data (IN) new node's CDATA [data encoding; user control] SEE ALSO XmlDomCreateText, XmlDomCleanNode, XmlDomFreeNode */ #define XMLDOM_CREATE_CDATA_CB createCDATA_xmldomcb #define XMLDOM_CREATE_CDATA_F(func, xctx, doc, data) \ xmlcdatanode* func(xmlctx *xctx, xmldocnode *doc, oratext *data) XMLDOM_CREATE_CDATA_F((*XMLDOM_CREATE_CDATA_CB), xctx, doc, data); #define XmlDomCreateCDATA(xctx, doc, data) \ (*XML_DOMCB(xctx)->XMLDOM_CREATE_CDATA_CB) \ ((xctx), (doc), (data)) /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomCreatePI STANDARD DOM 2: Document.createProcessingInstruction() PURPOSE Create PI node DESCRIPTION Creates a Processing Instruction node with the given target and data (which should be in the data encoding). The data may be NULL initially, and may be changed later (with XmlDomSetPIData), but the target is required and cannot be changed. Note the target and data are not verified, converted, or checked. If bad data is set, bad things will happen-- GIGO! The name of a PI node is the same as the target. The new node is an orphan with no parent; it must be added to the DOM tree with XmlDomAppendChild etc. The PI's target and data are NOT copied, their pointers are just stored. The user is responsible for persistence and freeing of that data. RETURNS (xmlpinode *) new PI node. ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context doc (IN) XML document [node] target (IN) new node's target [data encoding; user control] data (IN) new node's data [data encoding; user control] SEE ALSO XmlDomGetPITarget, XmlDomGetPIData, XmlDomSetPIData, XmlDomCleanNode, XmlDomFreeNode */ #define XMLDOM_CREATE_PI_CB createPI_xmldomcb #define XMLDOM_CREATE_PI_F(func, xctx, doc, target, data) \ xmlpinode* func(xmlctx *xctx, xmldocnode *doc, \ oratext *target, oratext *data) XMLDOM_CREATE_PI_F((*XMLDOM_CREATE_PI_CB), xctx, doc, target, data); #define XmlDomCreatePI(xctx, doc, target, data) \ (*XML_DOMCB(xctx)->XMLDOM_CREATE_PI_CB) \ ((xctx), (doc), (target), (data)) /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomCreateAttr STANDARD DOM 2: Document.createAttribute() PURPOSE Create attribute node DESCRIPTION Creates an attribute node with the given name and value (in the data encoding). Note this function differs from the DOM specification, which does not allow the initial value of the attribute to be set (see XmlDomSetAttrValue). The name is required, but the value may be NULL; neither is verified, converted, or checked. If bad data is set, bad things will happen-- GIGO! This is the non-namespace aware function (see XmlDomCreateAttrNS): the new attribute will have NULL namespace URI and prefix, and its local name will be the same as its name, even if the name specified is a QName. If given an initial value, the attribute's specified flag will be TRUE. The new node may be added to the DOM tree with XmlDomSetAttrNode. See XmlDomSetAttr which creates and adds an attribute in a single operation. The name and value are NOT copied, their pointers are just stored. The user is responsible for persistence and freeing of that data. RETURNS (xmlattrnode *) new Attr node. ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context doc (IN) XML document [node] name (IN) new node's name [data encoding; user control] value (IN) new node's value [data encoding; user control] SEE ALSO XmlDomSetAttrValue, XmlDomCreateAttrNS, XmlDomSetAttr, XmlDomCleanNode, XmlDomFreeNode, XmlDomSetAttrNode */ #define XMLDOM_CREATE_ATTR_CB createAttr_xmldomcb #define XMLDOM_CREATE_ATTR_F(func, xctx, doc, name, value) \ xmlattrnode* func(xmlctx *xctx, xmldocnode *doc, \ oratext *name, oratext *value) XMLDOM_CREATE_ATTR_F((*XMLDOM_CREATE_ATTR_CB), xctx, doc, name, value); #define XmlDomCreateAttr(xctx, doc, name, value) \ (*XML_DOMCB(xctx)->XMLDOM_CREATE_ATTR_CB) \ ((xctx), (doc), (name), (value)) /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomCreateAttrNS STANDARD DOM 2: Document.createAttributeNS() PURPOSE Create attribute node with namespace information DESCRIPTION Creates an attribute node with the given namespace URI and QName; this is the namespace-aware version of XmlDomCreateAttr. Note this function differs from the DOM specification, which does not allow the initial value of the attribute to be set (see XmlDomSetAttrValue). The name is required, but the value may be NULL; neither is verified, converted, or checked. If bad data is set, bad things will happen-- GIGO! If given an initial value, the attribute's specified flag will be TRUE. The new node may be added to the DOM tree with XmlDomSetAttrNodeNS. See XmlDomSetAttrNS which creates and adds an attribute in a single operation. The URI, QName and value are NOT copied, their pointers are just stored. The user is responsible for persistence and freeing of that data. RETURNS (xmlattrnode *) new Attr node. ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context doc (IN) XML document [node] uri (IN) node's namespace URI [data encoding; user control] qname (IN) node's qualified name [data encoding; user control] value (IN) node's value [data encoding; user control] SEE ALSO XmlDomSetAttrValue, XmlDomCreateAttr, XmlDomSetAttrNS, XmlDomCleanNode, XmlDomFreeNode, XmlDomSetAttrNodeNS */ #define XMLDOM_CREATE_ATTR_NS_CB createAttrNS_xmldomcb #define XMLDOM_CREATE_ATTR_NS_F(func, xctx, doc, uri, qname, value) \ xmlattrnode* func(xmlctx *xctx, xmldocnode *doc, oratext *uri, \ oratext *qname, oratext *value) XMLDOM_CREATE_ATTR_NS_F((*XMLDOM_CREATE_ATTR_NS_CB), xctx, doc, uri, qname, value); #define XmlDomCreateAttrNS(xctx, doc, uri, qname, value) \ (*XML_DOMCB(xctx)->XMLDOM_CREATE_ATTR_NS_CB) \ ((xctx), (doc), (uri), (qname), (value)) /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomCreateEntityRef STANDARD DOM 2: Document.createEntityReference() PURPOSE Create entity reference node DESCRIPTION Creates an Entity Reference node; the name (which should be in the data encoding) is the name of the entity to be referenced. The named entity does not have to exist. The name is not verified, converted, or checked. If bad data is set, bad things will happen-- GIGO! Entity Reference nodes are never generated by the parser; instead, entity references are expanded as encountered. On output, an entity reference node will turn into a "&name;" style reference. The new node is an orphan with no parent; it must be added to the DOM tree with XmlDomAppendChild etc. The entity reference name is NOT copied, its pointer is just stored. The user is responsible for persistence and freeing of that data. RETURNS (xmlentrefnode *) new EntityReference node. ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context doc (IN) XML document [node] name (IN) name of referenced entity [data encoding; user control] */ #define XMLDOM_CREATE_ENTITY_REF_CB createEntityRef_xmldomcb #define XMLDOM_CREATE_ENTITY_REF_F(func, xctx, doc, name) \ xmlentrefnode* func(xmlctx *xctx, xmldocnode *doc, oratext *name) XMLDOM_CREATE_ENTITY_REF_F((*XMLDOM_CREATE_ENTITY_REF_CB), xctx, doc,name); #define XmlDomCreateEntityRef(xctx, doc, name) \ (*XML_DOMCB(xctx)->XMLDOM_CREATE_ENTITY_REF_CB) \ ((xctx), (doc), (name)) /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomGetDocElemByID STANDARD DOM 2: Document.getElementById() PURPOSE Get document element given ID DESCRIPTION Returns the element node which has the given ID. If no such ID is defined, returns NULL. Note that attributes named "ID" are not automatically of type ID; ID attributes (which can have any name) must be declared as type ID in the DTD. The given ID should be in the data encoding or it might not match. RETURNS (xmlelemnode *) matching element. ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context doc (IN) XML document [node] id (IN) element's unique ID [data encoding] SEE ALSO XmlDomGetDocElemsByTag, XmlDomGetDocElemsByTagNS */ #define XMLDOM_GET_DOC_ELEM_BY_ID_CB getDocElemByID_xmldomcb #define XMLDOM_GET_DOC_ELEM_BY_ID_F(func, xctx, doc, id) \ xmlelemnode* func(xmlctx *xctx, xmldocnode *doc, oratext *id) XMLDOM_GET_DOC_ELEM_BY_ID_F((*XMLDOM_GET_DOC_ELEM_BY_ID_CB), xctx, doc,id); #define XmlDomGetDocElemByID(xctx, doc, id) \ (*XML_DOMCB(xctx)->XMLDOM_GET_DOC_ELEM_BY_ID_CB) \ ((xctx), (doc), (id)) /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomGetDocElemsByTag STANDARD DOM 2: Document.getElementsByTagName() PURPOSE Obtain doc elements DESCRIPTION Returns a list of all elements in the document tree rooted at the root node with a given tag name, in document order (i.e. the order in which they would be encountered in a preorder traversal of the tree). If root is NULL, the entire document is searched. The special name "*" matches all tag names; a NULL name matches nothing. Note that tag names are CASE SENSITIVE, and should be in the data encoding or a mismatch might occur. This function is not namespace aware; the full tag names are compared. If two QNames with two different prefixes both of which map to the same URI are compared, the comparison will fail. See XmlDomGetElemsByTagNS for the namespace-aware version. The list should be freed with XmlDomFreeNodeList when it is no longer needed. The list is NOT live, it is a snapshot. That is, if a new node which matched the tag name were added to the DOM after the list was returned, the list would not automatically be updated to include the node. RETURNS (xmlnodelist *) new NodeList containing all matched Elements. ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context doc (IN) XML document [node] name (IN) tagname to match [data encoding; "*" for all] SEE ALSO XmlDomGetDocElemByID, XmlDomGetDocElemsByTagNS, XmlDomFreeNodeList */ #define XMLDOM_GET_DOC_ELEMS_BY_TAG_CB getDocElemsByTag_xmldomcb #define XMLDOM_GET_DOC_ELEMS_BY_TAG_F(func, xctx, doc, name) \ xmlnodelist* func(xmlctx *xctx, xmldocnode *doc, oratext *name) XMLDOM_GET_DOC_ELEMS_BY_TAG_F((*XMLDOM_GET_DOC_ELEMS_BY_TAG_CB), xctx, doc, name); #define XmlDomGetDocElemsByTag(xctx, doc, name) \ (*XML_DOMCB(xctx)->XMLDOM_GET_DOC_ELEMS_BY_TAG_CB) \ ((xctx), (doc), (name)) /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomGetDocElemsByTagNS STANDARD DOM 2: Document.getElementsByTagNameNS() PURPOSE Obtain doc elements (namespace aware version) DESCRIPTION Returns a list of all elements (in the document tree rooted at the given node) with a given namespace URI and local name, in the order in which they would be encountered in a preorder traversal of the tree. If root is NULL, the entire document is searched. The URI and local name should be in the data encoding. The special local name "*" matches all local names; a NULL local name matches nothing. Namespace URIs must always match, however, no wildcard is allowed. Note that comparisons are CASE SENSITIVE. See XmlDomGetDocElemsByTag for the non-namespace aware version. The list should be freed with XmlDomFreeNodeList when it is no longer needed. The list is NOT live, it is a snapshot. That is, if a new node which matched the tag name were added to the DOM after the list was returned, the list would not automatically be updated to include the node. RETURNS (xmlnodelist *) new NodeList containing all matched Elements. ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context doc (IN) XML document [node] uri (IN) namespace URI to match [data encoding] local (IN) local name to match [data encoding; "*" for all] SEE ALSO XmlDomGetDocElemByID, XmlDomGetDocElemsByTag, XmlDomFreeNodeList */ #define XMLDOM_GET_DOC_ELEMS_BY_TAG_NS_CB getDocElemsByTagNS_xmldomcb #define XMLDOM_GET_DOC_ELEMS_BY_TAG_NS_F(func, xctx, doc, uri, local) \ xmlnodelist* func(xmlctx *xctx, xmldocnode *doc, \ oratext *uri, oratext *local) XMLDOM_GET_DOC_ELEMS_BY_TAG_NS_F((*XMLDOM_GET_DOC_ELEMS_BY_TAG_NS_CB), xctx, doc, uri, local); #define XmlDomGetDocElemsByTagNS(xctx, doc, uri, local) \ (*XML_DOMCB(xctx)->XMLDOM_GET_DOC_ELEMS_BY_TAG_NS_CB) \ ((xctx), (doc), (uri), (local)) /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomGetChildren PURPOSE Obtain children elements (namespace aware version) STATUS Oracle extension [Private] DESCRIPTION Returns a list of all children elements (in the document order) complaining with node-test. RETURNS (ub2) number of children in the list. ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context node (IN) parent XML element uri (IN) namespace URI to match [NULL for all] local (IN) local name to match [NULL for all] test (IN) XPath node-test for the child dst (OUT) array for children size (IN) the size of dst[] deep (IN) if TRUE do deep recursive search SEE ALSO XmlDomNodeTest */ #define XMLDOM_GET_CHILDREN_CB getChildren_xmldomcb #define XMLDOM_GET_CHILDREN_F(func, xctx, node, uri,local,test,dst,size,deep) \ ub4 func(xmlctx *xctx, xmlnode *node, \ oratext *uri, oratext *local, ub2 test, \ xmlnode **dst, ub4 size, boolean deep) XMLDOM_GET_CHILDREN_F((*XMLDOM_GET_CHILDREN_CB), xctx, node, uri, local, test, dst, size, deep); #define XmlDomGetChildren(xctx, node, uri, local, test, dst, size, deep) \ (*XML_DOMCB(xctx)->XMLDOM_GET_CHILDREN_CB) \ ((xctx), (node), (uri), (local), (test), \ (dst), (size), (deep)) /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XdkDomNodeTest PURPOSE Returns TRUE if node complay with XPath node-test. STATUS Oracle extension [Private] DESCRIPTION Returns TRUE if node complay with XPath node-test. RETURNS (ub2) number of children in the list. ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context node (IN) parent XML element uri (IN) namespace URI to match [NULL for all] local (IN) local name to match [NULL for all] test (IN) XPath node-test for the child SEE ALSO XmlDomGetChildren */ #define XMLDOM_NODETEST_CB nodeTest_xmldomcb #define XMLDOM_NODETEST_F(func, xctx, node, uri, local, test) \ ub2 func(xmlctx *xctx, xmlnode *node, \ oratext *uri, oratext *local, ub2 test) XMLDOM_NODETEST_F((*XMLDOM_NODETEST_CB), xctx, node, uri, local, test); #define XmlDomNodeTest(xctx, node, uri, local, test) \ (*XML_DOMCB(xctx)->XMLDOM_NODETEST_CB) \ ((xctx), (node), (uri), (local), (test)) /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomIsNamespaceNode PURPOSE Returns TRUE if node is namespace attribute. STATUS Oracle extension [Private] DESCRIPTION Returns TRUE if node is namespace attribute. RETURNS Returns TRUE if node is namespace attribute. ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context attr (IN) attribute node SEE ALSO */ #define XMLDOM_IS_NAMESPACE_NODE_CB isNamespaceNode_xmldomcb #define XMLDOM_IS_NAMESPACE_NODE_F(func, xctx, attr) \ ub2 func(xmlctx *xctx, xmlnode *attr) XMLDOM_IS_NAMESPACE_NODE_F((*XMLDOM_IS_NAMESPACE_NODE_CB), xctx, attr); #define XmlDomIsNamespaceNode(xctx, attr) \ (*XML_DOMCB(xctx)->XMLDOM_IS_NAMESPACE_NODE_CB) \ ((xctx), (attr)) /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomSetDocOrder PURPOSE Set document order for all nodes DESCRIPTION Sets the document order for each node in the current document. Must be called once on the final document before XSLT processing can occur. Note this is called automatically by the XSLT processor, so ordinarily the user need not make this call. RETURNS (ub4) highest ordinal assigned ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context doc (IN) XML document [node] start_id (IN) starting ID# SEE ALSO XmlDomGetDocOrder, XmlDomCompareDocOrder */ #define XMLDOM_SET_DOC_ORDER_CB setDocOrder_xmldomcb #define XMLDOM_SET_DOC_ORDER_F(func, xctx, doc, start_id) \ ub4 func(xmlctx *xctx, xmldocnode *doc, ub4 start_id) XMLDOM_SET_DOC_ORDER_F((*XMLDOM_SET_DOC_ORDER_CB), xctx, doc, start_id); #define XmlDomSetDocOrder(xctx, doc, start_id) \ (*XML_DOMCB(xctx)->XMLDOM_SET_DOC_ORDER_CB) \ ((xctx), (doc), (start_id)) /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomGetLastError PURPOSE Return last error code for document DESCRIPTION Returns the error code of the last error which occured in the given document. RETURNS (xmlerr) numeric error code, 0 if no error ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context doc (IN) XML document [node] */ #define XMLDOM_GET_LAST_ERROR_CB getLastError_xmldomcb #define XMLDOM_GET_LAST_ERROR_F(func, xctx, doc) \ xmlerr func(xmlctx *xctx, xmldocnode *doc) XMLDOM_GET_LAST_ERROR_F((*XMLDOM_GET_LAST_ERROR_CB), xctx, doc); #define XmlDomGetLastError(xctx, doc) \ (*XML_DOMCB(xctx)->XMLDOM_GET_LAST_ERROR_CB) \ ((xctx), (doc)) /* BEGIN_NO_DOC */ #if 0 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomSetLastError PURPOSE Sets last error code for document. DESCRIPTION Sets the Last Error code for the given document. If <doc> is NULL, sets the error code for the XML context. RETURNS (xmlerr) original error code ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context doc (IN) XML document [node] errcode (IN) error code to set, 0 to clear error */ #define XMLDOM_SET_LAST_ERROR_CB setLastError_xmldomcb #define XMLDOM_SET_LAST_ERROR_F(func, xctx, doc, errcode) \ xmlerr func(xmlctx *xctx, xmldocnode *doc, xmlerr errcode) XMLDOM_SET_LAST_ERROR_F((*XMLDOM_SET_LAST_ERROR_CB), xctx, doc, errcode); #define XmlDomSetLastError(xctx, doc, errcode) \ (*XML_DOMCB(xctx)->XMLDOM_SET_LAST_ERROR_CB) \ ((xctx), (doc), (errcode)) #endif /* END_NO_DOC */ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomImportNode STANDARD DOM 2: Document.importNode() PURPOSE Import a node from another DOM DESCRIPTION Imports a node from one Document to another. The new node is an orphan and has no parent; it must be added to the DOM tree with XmlDomAppendChild, etc. The original node is not modified in any way or removed from its document; instead, a new node is created with copies of all the original node's QName, prefix, namespace URI, and local name. As with XmlDomCloneNode, the deep controls whether the children of the node are recursively imported. If FALSE, only the node itself is imported, and it will have no children. If TRUE, all descendents of the node will be imported as well, and an entire new subtree created. Document and DocumentType nodes cannot be imported. Imported attributes will have their specified flags set to TRUE. Elements will have only their specified attributes imported; non-specified (default) attributes are omitted. New default attributes (for the destination document) are then added. RETURNS (xmlnode *) newly imported node (in this Document). ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML document context doc (IN) XML document [node] nctx (IN) XML context of imported node node (IN) node to import deep (IN) recursively import subtree? SEE ALSO XmlDomCloneNode */ #define XMLDOM_IMPORT_NODE_CB importNode_xmldomcb #define XMLDOM_IMPORT_NODE_F(func, xctx, doc, nctx, node, deep) \ xmlnode* func(xmlctx *xctx, xmldocnode *doc, \ xmlctx *nctx, xmlnode *node, boolean deep) XMLDOM_IMPORT_NODE_F((*XMLDOM_IMPORT_NODE_CB), xctx, doc, nctx, node,deep); #define XmlDomImportNode(xctx, doc, nctx, node, deep) \ (*XML_DOMCB(xctx)->XMLDOM_IMPORT_NODE_CB) \ ((xctx), (doc), (nctx), (node), (deep)) /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomIsSchemaBased PURPOSE Indicate whether a schema is associated with a document DESCRIPTION Returns flag saying whether there is a schema associated with this document. The XmlLoadDom functions take a schema location hint (URI); the schema is used for efficient layout of XMLType data. If a schema was provided at load time, this function returns TRUE. RETURNS (boolean) TRUE if there is a schema associated with the document ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context doc (IN) XML document [node] SEE ALSO XmlDomGetSchema, XmlLoadDom */ #define XMLDOM_IS_SCHEMA_BASED_CB isSchemaBased_xmldomcb #define XMLDOM_IS_SCHEMA_BASED_F(func, xctx, doc) \ boolean func(xmlctx *xctx, xmldocnode *doc) XMLDOM_IS_SCHEMA_BASED_F((*XMLDOM_IS_SCHEMA_BASED_CB), xctx, doc); #define XmlDomIsSchemaBased(xctx, doc) \ (*XML_DOMCB(xctx)->XMLDOM_IS_SCHEMA_BASED_CB) \ ((xctx), (doc)) /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomGetSchema PURPOSE Returns URI of schema associated with document DESCRIPTION Returns URI of schema associated with document, if there is one, else returns NULL. The XmlLoadDom functions take a schema location hint (URI); the schema is used for efficient layout of XMLType data. If a schema was provided at load time, this function returns TRUE. RETURNS (oratext *) Schema URI or NULL ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context doc (IN) XML document [node] SEE ALSO XmlDomIsSchemaBased, XmlLoadDom */ #define XMLDOM_GET_SCHEMA_CB getSchema_xmldomcb #define XMLDOM_GET_SCHEMA_F(func, xctx, doc) \ oratext* func(xmlctx *xctx, xmldocnode *doc) XMLDOM_GET_SCHEMA_F((*XMLDOM_GET_SCHEMA_CB), xctx, doc); #define XmlDomGetSchema(xctx, doc) \ (*XML_DOMCB(xctx)->XMLDOM_GET_SCHEMA_CB) \ ((xctx), (doc)) /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomSetXSLOutput PURPOSE Handle XSL's xsl:output directive STATUS Private DESCRIPTION Handle XSL's xsl:output directive. Called by the XSL processor when xsl:output is encountered. Used to stash the arguments to xsl:output in the DOM structure for use later if/when the DOM is serialized. RETURNS (xmlerr) XML error code ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context doc (IN) XML document [node] method (IN) "method" argument [NULL, or "xml|html|text|name"] version (IN) "version" argument [NULL or "string"] encoding (IN) "encoding" argument [NULL or "string"] omitdecl (IN) "omit-xml-declaration" argument [NULL or "yes|no"] stdalone (IN) "standalone" argument [NULL or "yes|no"] docpubid (IN) "doctype-public" argument [NULL or "string"] docsysid (IN) "doctype-system" argument [NULL or "string"] cdelems (IN) "cdata-section-elements" [NULL or "namelist"] indent (IN) "indent" argument [NULL or "yes|no"] media (IN) "media-type" argument [NULL or "string"] */ #define XMLDOM_SET_XSL_OUTPUT_CB setXSLoutput_xmldomcb #define XMLDOM_SET_XSL_OUTPUT_F(func, xctx, doc, method, version, encoding, \ omitdecl, stdalone, docpubid, docsysid, \ cdelems, indent, media) \ xmlerr func(xmlctx *xctx, xmldocnode *doc, oratext *method, \ oratext *version, oratext *encoding, oratext *omitdecl, \ oratext *stdalone, oratext *docpubid, oratext *docsysid, \ oratext *cdelems, oratext *indent, oratext *media) XMLDOM_SET_XSL_OUTPUT_F((*XMLDOM_SET_XSL_OUTPUT_CB), xctx, doc, meth, ver, enc, odecl, std, pubid, sysid, cdelems, indent, media); #define XmlDomSetXSLOutput(xctx, doc, method, version, encoding, omitdecl, \ stdalone, docpubid, docsysid,cdelems,indent,media) \ (*XML_DOMCB(xctx)->XMLDOM_SET_XSL_OUTPUT_CB) \ ((xctx), (doc), (method), (version), (encoding), \ (omitdecl), (stdalone), (docpubid), (docsysid), (cdelems), \ (indent), (media)) /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomSaveString PURPOSE Saves a string permanently in a document's memory pool DESCRIPTION Copies the given string into the document's memory pool, so that it persists for the life of the document. The individual string WILL NOT BE FREEABLE, and the storage will be returned only when the entire document is freed. Works on single-byte or multi-byte encodings; for Unicode strings, use XmlDomSaveString2 RETURNS (oratext *) saved copy of string ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context doc (IN) XML document str (IN) string to save [data encoding; single- or multi-byte only] SEE ALSO XmlDomSaveString2, XmlFreeDocument */ #define XMLDOM_SAVE_STRING_CB saveString_xmldomcb #define XMLDOM_SAVE_STRING_F(func, xctx, doc, str) \ oratext* func(xmlctx *xctx, xmldocnode *doc, oratext *str) XMLDOM_SAVE_STRING_F((*XMLDOM_SAVE_STRING_CB), xctx, doc, str); #define XmlDomSaveString(xctx, doc, str) \ (*XML_DOMCB(xctx)->XMLDOM_SAVE_STRING_CB) \ ((xctx), (doc), (str)) /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomSaveString2 PURPOSE Saves a Unicode string permanently in a document's memory pool DESCRIPTION Copies the given string into the document's memory pool, so that it persists for the life of the document. The individual string will not be freeable, and the storage will be returned only when the entire document is free. Works on Unicode strings only; for single-byte or multi-byte strings, use XmlDomSaveString RETURNS (ub2 *) saved copy of string ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context doc (IN) XML document ustr (IN) string to save [data encoding; Unicode only] SEE ALSO XmlDomSaveString, XmlFreeDocument */ #define XMLDOM_SAVE_STRING2_CB saveString2_xmldomcb #define XMLDOM_SAVE_STRING2_F(func, xctx, doc, ustr) \ ub2* func(xmlctx *xctx, xmldocnode *doc, ub2 *ustr) XMLDOM_SAVE_STRING2_F((*XMLDOM_SAVE_STRING2_CB), xctx, doc, ustr); #define XmlDomSaveString2(xctx, doc, ustr) \ (*XML_DOMCB(xctx)->XMLDOM_SAVE_STRING2_CB) \ ((xctx), (doc), (ustr)) /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomFreeString PURPOSE Frees a string allocate by XmlDomSubstringData etc DESCRIPTION Frees the string allocated by XmlDomSubstringData or similar functions. Note that strings explicitly saved with XmlDomSaveString et al are NOT freeable individually. RETURNS (void) ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context doc (IN) document string belongs to str (IN) string to free SEE ALSO XmlDomSaveString, XmlDomSaveString2 */ #define XMLDOM_FREE_STRING_CB freeString_xmldomcb #define XMLDOM_FREE_STRING_F(func, xctx, doc, str) \ void func(xmlctx *xctx, xmldocnode *doc, oratext *str) XMLDOM_FREE_STRING_F((*XMLDOM_FREE_STRING_CB), xctx, doc, str); #define XmlDomFreeString(xctx, doc, str) \ (*XML_DOMCB(xctx)->XMLDOM_FREE_STRING_CB) \ ((xctx), (doc), (str)) /**************************************************************************** Interface Node ****************************************************************************/ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomGetNodeName STANDARD DOM 2: Node.getNodeName() PURPOSE Get node's name as NULL-terminated string DESCRIPTION Returns the (fully-qualified) name of a node (in the data encoding) as a NULL-terminated string, for example "bar\0" or "foo:bar\0". Note that some node types have fixed names: "#text", "#cdata-section", "#comment", "#document", "#document-fragment". A node's name cannot be changed once it is created, so there is no matching SetNodeName function. A length-based version is available as XmlDomGetNodeNameLen which returns the node name as a pointer and length, for use if the data is known to use XMLType backing store. RETURNS (oratext *) name of node [data encoding] ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context node (IN) XML node SEE ALSO XmlDomGetNodeNameLen */ #define XMLDOM_GET_NODE_NAME_CB getNodeName_xmldomcb #define XMLDOM_GET_NODE_NAME_F(func, xctx, node) \ oratext* func(xmlctx *xctx, xmlnode *node) XMLDOM_GET_NODE_NAME_F((*XMLDOM_GET_NODE_NAME_CB), xctx, node); #define XmlDomGetNodeName(xctx, node) \ (*XML_DOMCB(xctx)->XMLDOM_GET_NODE_NAME_CB) \ ((xctx), (node)) /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomGetNodeNameLen PURPOSE Get node's name as length-encoded string DESCRIPTION Returns the (fully-qualified) name of a node (in the data encoding) as a length-encoded string, for example {"bar", 3} or {"foo:bar", 7}. Note that some node types have fixed names: "#text", "#cdata-section", "#comment", "#document", "#document-fragment". A node's name cannot be changed once it is created, so there is no matching SetNodeName function. A NULL-terminated version is available as XmlDomGetNodeName which returns the node name as NULL-terminated string. If the backing store is known to be XMLType, then the node's name will be stored internally as length-encoded. Using the length-encoded Get functions will avoid having to copy and NULL-terminate the name. If both the input buffer is non-NULL and the input buffer length is non-zero, then the value will be stored in the input buffer. Else, the implementation will return its own buffer. If the actual length is greater than buflen, then a truncated value will be copied into the buffer and len will return the actual length. RETURNS (oratext *) name of node, with length of name set in 'len' ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context node (IN) XML node buf (IN) input buffer [optional] buflen (IN) input buffer length [optional] len (OUT) length of name [in characters] SEE ALSO XmlDomGetNodeName */ #define XMLDOM_GET_NODE_NAME_LEN_CB getNodeNameLen_xmldomcb #define XMLDOM_GET_NODE_NAME_LEN_F(func, xctx, node, buf, buflen, len) \ oratext* func(xmlctx *xctx, xmlnode *node, oratext *buf, ub4 buflen, \ ub4 *len) XMLDOM_GET_NODE_NAME_LEN_F((*XMLDOM_GET_NODE_NAME_LEN_CB), xctx, node, buf, buflen, len); #define XmlDomGetNodeNameLen(xctx, node, buf, buflen, len) \ (*XML_DOMCB(xctx)->XMLDOM_GET_NODE_NAME_LEN_CB) \ ((xctx), (node), (buf), (buflen), (len)) /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomGetNodeType STANDARD DOM 2: Node.getNodeType() PURPOSE Get node's numeric type code DESCRIPTION Returns the type code of a node. The type names and numeric values match the DOM specification: ELEMENT_NODE=1, ATTRIBUTE_NODE=2, TEXT_NODE=3, CDATA_SECTION_NODE=4, ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE=5, ENTITY_NODE=6, PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE=7, COMMENT_NODE=8, DOCUMENT_NODE=9, DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE=10, DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE=11, NOTATION_NODE=12 Additional Oracle extension node types are as follows: ELEMENT_DECL_NODE, ATTR_DECL_NODE, CP_ELEMENT_NODE, CP_CHOICE_NODE, CP_SEQUENCE_NODE, CP_PCDATA_NODE, CP_STAR_NODE, CP_PLUS_NODE, CP_OPT_NODE RETURNS (xmlnodetype) numeric type-code of the node ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context node (IN) XML node */ #define XMLDOM_GET_NODE_TYPE_CB getNodeType_xmldomcb #define XMLDOM_GET_NODE_TYPE_F(func, xctx, node) \ xmlnodetype func(xmlctx *xctx, xmlnode *node) XMLDOM_GET_NODE_TYPE_F((*XMLDOM_GET_NODE_TYPE_CB), xctx, node); #define XmlDomGetNodeType(xctx, node) \ (*XML_DOMCB(xctx)->XMLDOM_GET_NODE_TYPE_CB) \ ((xctx), (node)) /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomGetNodeValue STANDARD DOM 2: Node.getNodeValue() PURPOSE Get node's value as NULL-terminated string DESCRIPTION Returns the "value" (associated character data) for a node as a NULL-terminated string. Character and general entities will have been replaced. Only Attr, CDATA, Comment, PI and Text nodes have values, all other node types have NULL value. A length-encoded version is available as XmlDomGetNodeValueLen which returns the node value as a pointer and length, for use if the data is known to use XMLType backing store. EXAMPLE "<foo>data</foo>" XmlDomGetNodeValue(node foo) --> NULL XmlDomGetNodeValue(foo's first child, a TEXT node) --> "data\0" RETURNS (oratext *) value of node ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context node (IN) XML node SEE ALSO XmlDomSetNodeValue, XmlDomGetNodeValueLen */ #define XMLDOM_GET_NODE_VALUE_CB getNodeValue_xmldomcb #define XMLDOM_GET_NODE_VALUE_F(func, xctx, node) \ oratext* func(xmlctx *xctx, xmlnode *node) XMLDOM_GET_NODE_VALUE_F((*XMLDOM_GET_NODE_VALUE_CB), xctx, node); #define XmlDomGetNodeValue(xctx, node) \ (*XML_DOMCB(xctx)->XMLDOM_GET_NODE_VALUE_CB) \ ((xctx), (node)) /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomGetNodeValueLen PURPOSE Get node's value as length-encoded string DESCRIPTION Returns the "value" (associated character data) for a node as a length-encoded string. Character and general entities will have been replaced. Only Attr, CDATA, Comment, PI and Text nodes have values, all other node types have NULL value. A NULL-terminated version is available as XmlDomGetNodeValue which returns the node value as NULL-terminated string. If the backing store is known to be XMLType, then the node's data will be stored internally as length-encoded. Using the length-based Get functions will avoid having to copy and NULL-terminate the data. If both the input buffer is non-NULL and the input buffer length is non-zero, then the value will be stored in the input buffer. Else, the implementation will return its own buffer without allocating any new buffer, thus this returned value can be the underlying DOM inernal storage buffer itself. This is the most efficient way to get the value as there is no char conversion required and no null termination is required. If the actual length is greater than buflen, then a truncated value will be copied into the buffer and len will return the actual length. EXAMPLE "<foo>data</foo>" XmlDomGetNodeValue(node foo) --> NULL XmlDomGetNodeValue(foo's first child) --> {"data", 4} RETURNS (oratext *) value of node ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context node (IN) XML node buf (IN) input buffer [optional] buflen (IN) input buffer length [optional] len (OUT) length of value [in bytes] SEE ALSO XmlDomSetNodeValueLen, XmlDomGetNodeValue */ #define XMLDOM_GET_NODE_VALUE_LEN_CB getNodeValueLen_xmldomcb #define XMLDOM_GET_NODE_VALUE_LEN_F(func, xctx, node, buf, buflen, len) \ oratext* func(xmlctx *xctx, xmlnode *node, oratext *buf, ub4 buflen, \ ub4 *len) XMLDOM_GET_NODE_VALUE_LEN_F((*XMLDOM_GET_NODE_VALUE_LEN_CB), xctx, node, buf, buflen, len); #define XmlDomGetNodeValueLen(xctx, node, buf, buflen, len) \ (*XML_DOMCB(xctx)->XMLDOM_GET_NODE_VALUE_LEN_CB) \ ((xctx), (node), (buf), (buflen), (len)) /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomGetNodeValueStreamVA PURPOSE Get node's value via orastream STATUS Oracle extension [Private] DESCRIPTION Same as XmlDomGetNodeValueStream() but takes the variable arguments as a va_list instead of ... RETURNS (xmlerr) error code, XMLERR_OK [0] for success ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context node (IN) XML node va (IN) variable arguments as va_list (ending in NULL) SEE ALSO XmlDomGetNodeValue, XmlDomGetNodeValueLen, XmlDomGetNodeValueStream */ #define XMLDOM_GET_NODE_VALUE_STREAM_VA_CB getNodeValueStreamVA_xmldomcb #define XMLDOM_GET_NODE_VALUE_STREAM_VA_F(func, xctx, node, va) \ xmlerr func(xmlctx *xctx, xmlnode *node, va_list va) XMLDOM_GET_NODE_VALUE_STREAM_VA_F((*XMLDOM_GET_NODE_VALUE_STREAM_VA_CB), xctx, node, va); #define XmlDomGetNodeValueStreamVA(xctx, node, va) \ (*XML_DOMCB(xctx)->XMLDOM_GET_NODE_VALUE_STREAM_VA_CB) \ ((xctx), (node), (va)) /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomSetNodeValue STANDARD DOM 2: Node.setNodeValue() PURPOSE Set node's value DESCRIPTION Sets a node's value (character data) as a NULL-terminated string. Does not allow setting the value to NULL. Only Attr, CDATA, Comment, PI and Text nodes have values; trying to set the value of another type of node is a no-op. The new value must be in the data encoding! It is not verified, converted, or checked. If bad data is set for a node, bad things will happen-- GIGO! The value is NOT copied, its pointer is just stored. The user is responsible for persistence and freeing of that data. RETURNS (xmlerr) numeric error code, 0 on success ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context node (IN) XML node value (IN) node's new value [data encoding; user control] SEE ALSO XmlDomGetNodeValue, XmlDomSetNodeValueLen */ #define XMLDOM_SET_NODE_VALUE_CB setNodeValue_xmldomcb #define XMLDOM_SET_NODE_VALUE_F(func, xctx, node, value) \ xmlerr func(xmlctx *xctx, xmlnode *node, oratext *value) XMLDOM_SET_NODE_VALUE_F((*XMLDOM_SET_NODE_VALUE_CB), xctx, node, value); #define XmlDomSetNodeValue(xctx, node, value) \ (*XML_DOMCB(xctx)->XMLDOM_SET_NODE_VALUE_CB) \ ((xctx), (node), (value)) /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomSetNodeValueLen PURPOSE Set node's value as length-encoded string DESCRIPTION Sets the "value" (associated character data) for a node as a length-encoded string. A NULL-terminated version is available as XmlDomSetNodeValue which takes the node value as a NULL-terminated string. If the backing store is known to be XMLType, then the node's data will be stored internally as length-encoded. Using the length-based Set functions will avoid having to copy and NULL-terminate the data. EXAMPLE "<foo>data</foo>" XmlDomSetNodeValue(foo's text node, "z", 1) "<foo>z</foo>" RETURNS (xmlerr) numeric error code, 0 on success ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context node (IN) XML node value (IN) new value for node len (IN) length of value [in bytes] SEE ALSO XmlDomSetNodeValueLen, XmlDomSetNodeValue */ #define XMLDOM_SET_NODE_VALUE_LEN_CB setNodeValueLen_xmldomcb #define XMLDOM_SET_NODE_VALUE_LEN_F(func, xctx, node, value, len) \ xmlerr func(xmlctx *xctx, xmlnode *node, oratext *value, ub4 len) XMLDOM_SET_NODE_VALUE_LEN_F((*XMLDOM_SET_NODE_VALUE_LEN_CB), xctx, node, value, len); #define XmlDomSetNodeValueLen(xctx, node, value, len) \ (*XML_DOMCB(xctx)->XMLDOM_SET_NODE_VALUE_LEN_CB) \ ((xctx), (node), (value), (len)) /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomSetNodeValueStreamVA PURPOSE Set node's value via orastream STATUS Oracle extension [Private] DESCRIPTION Same as XmlDomSetNodeValueStream() but takes the variable arguments as a va_list instead of ... RETURNS (xmlerr) error code, XMLERR_OK [0] for success ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context node (IN) XML node va (IN) variable arguments as va_list (ending in NULL) SEE ALSO XmlDomSetNodeValue, XmlDomSetNodeValueLen, XmlDomSetNodeValueStream */ #define XMLDOM_SET_NODE_VALUE_STREAM_VA_CB setNodeValueStreamVA_xmldomcb #define XMLDOM_SET_NODE_VALUE_STREAM_VA_F(func, xctx, node, va) \ xmlerr func(xmlctx *xctx, xmlnode *node, va_list va) XMLDOM_SET_NODE_VALUE_STREAM_VA_F((*XMLDOM_SET_NODE_VALUE_STREAM_VA_CB), xctx, node, va); #define XmlDomSetNodeValueStreamVA(xctx, node, va) \ (*XML_DOMCB(xctx)->XMLDOM_SET_NODE_VALUE_STREAM_VA_CB) \ ((xctx), (node), (va)) /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomGetParentNode STANDARD DOM 2: Node.getParentNode() PURPOSE Get parent node DESCRIPTION Returns a node's parent node. All nodes types except Attr, Document, DocumentFragment, Entity, and Notation may have a parent (these five exceptions always have a NULL parent). If a node has just been created but not yet added to the DOM tree, or if it has been removed from the DOM tree, its parent is also NULL. RETURNS (xmlnode *) parent of node ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context node (IN) XML node */ #define XMLDOM_GET_PARENT_NODE_CB getParentNode_xmldomcb #define XMLDOM_GET_PARENT_NODE_F(func, xctx, node) \ xmlnode* func(xmlctx *xctx, xmlnode *node) XMLDOM_GET_PARENT_NODE_F((*XMLDOM_GET_PARENT_NODE_CB), xctx, node); #define XmlDomGetParentNode(xctx, node) \ (*XML_DOMCB(xctx)->XMLDOM_GET_PARENT_NODE_CB) \ ((xctx), (node)) /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomGetXSLParentNode PURPOSE Get parent node (per XSL spec) STATUS Private DESCRIPTION This function differs from the normal XmlDomGetParentNode in that for DOM, attribute nodes have no parents; but for XSL, attributes have their elements as parents. Used only by the XSLT processor. RETURNS (xmlnode *) parent of node (XSL rules) ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context node (IN) XML node SEE ALSO XmlDomGetParentNode */ #define XMLDOM_GET_XSL_PARENT_NODE_CB getXSLParentNode_xmldomcb #define XMLDOM_GET_XSL_PARENT_NODE_F(func, xctx, node) \ xmlnode* func(xmlctx *xctx, xmlnode *node) XMLDOM_GET_XSL_PARENT_NODE_F((*XMLDOM_GET_XSL_PARENT_NODE_CB), xctx, node); #define XmlDomGetXSLParentNode(xctx, node) \ (*XML_DOMCB(xctx)->XMLDOM_GET_XSL_PARENT_NODE_CB) \ ((xctx), (node)) /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomHasChildNodes STANDARD DOM 2: Node.hasChildNodes() PURPOSE Test if node has children DESCRIPTION Test if a node has children. Only Element, Document, DTD, and DocumentFragment nodes may have children. Note that just because XmlDomGetChildNodes returns a list does not mean the node actually has children, since the list may be empty, so a non-NULL return from XmlDomGetChildNodes should not be used as a test. RETURNS (boolean) TRUE if the node has any children ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context node (IN) XML node */ #define XMLDOM_HAS_CHILD_NODES_CB hasChildNodes_xmldomcb #define XMLDOM_HAS_CHILD_NODES_F(func, xctx, node) \ boolean func(xmlctx *xctx, xmlnode *node) XMLDOM_HAS_CHILD_NODES_F((*XMLDOM_HAS_CHILD_NODES_CB), xctx, node); #define XmlDomHasChildNodes(xctx, node) \ (*XML_DOMCB(xctx)->XMLDOM_HAS_CHILD_NODES_CB) \ ((xctx), (node)) /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomGetChildNodes STANDARD DOM 2: Node.getChildNodes() PURPOSE Return children of node DESCRIPTION Returns a list of the node's children, or NULL if it has no children. Only Element, Document, DTD, and DocumentFragment nodes may have children; all other types will return NULL. Note that an empty list may be returned if the node once had children, but all have been removed! That is, the list may exist but have no members. So, presense of the list alone does not mean the node has children. You must check the size of the list with XmlDomNumChildNodes or use XmlDomHasChildNodes first. The xmlnodelist structure is opaque and can only be manipulated with functions in the NodeList interface. The returned list is live; all changes in the original node are reflected immediately. RETURNS (xmlnodelist *) live NodeList containing all children of node ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context node (IN) XML node */ #define XMLDOM_GET_CHILD_NODES_CB getChildNodes_xmldomcb #define XMLDOM_GET_CHILD_NODES_F(func, xctx, node) \ xmlnodelist* func(xmlctx *xctx, xmlnode *node) XMLDOM_GET_CHILD_NODES_F((*XMLDOM_GET_CHILD_NODES_CB), xctx, node); #define XmlDomGetChildNodes(xctx, node) \ (*XML_DOMCB(xctx)->XMLDOM_GET_CHILD_NODES_CB) \ ((xctx), (node)) /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomNumChildNodes PURPOSE Return number of children of node DESCRIPTION Returns the number of children of a node. Only Element, Document, DTD, and DocumentFragment nodes may have children, all other types return 0. Note that just because XmlDomGetChildNodes returns a list does not mean that it contains any children; it may be an empty list with zero length. RETURNS (ub4) number of children of node ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context node (IN) XML node */ #define XMLDOM_NUM_CHILD_NODES_CB numChildNodes_xmldomcb #define XMLDOM_NUM_CHILD_NODES_F(func, xctx, node) \ ub4 func(xmlctx *xctx, xmlnode *node) XMLDOM_NUM_CHILD_NODES_F((*XMLDOM_NUM_CHILD_NODES_CB), xctx, node); #define XmlDomNumChildNodes(xctx, node) \ (*XML_DOMCB(xctx)->XMLDOM_NUM_CHILD_NODES_CB) \ ((xctx), (node)) /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomGetFirstChild STANDARD DOM 2: Node.getFirstChild() PURPOSE Returns first child of node DESCRIPTION Returns the first child of a node, or NULL if the node has no children. Only Element, Document, DTD, and DocumentFragment nodes may have children; all other types will return NULL. RETURNS (xmlnode *) first child of node ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context node (IN) XML node SEE ALSO XmlDomGetLastChild, XmlDomHasChildNodes, XmlDomGetChildNodes, XmlDomNumChildNodes */ #define XMLDOM_GET_FIRST_CHILD_CB getFirstChild_xmldomcb #define XMLDOM_GET_FIRST_CHILD_F(func, xctx, node) \ xmlnode* func(xmlctx *xctx, xmlnode *node) XMLDOM_GET_FIRST_CHILD_F((*XMLDOM_GET_FIRST_CHILD_CB), xctx, node); #define XmlDomGetFirstChild(xctx, node) \ (*XML_DOMCB(xctx)->XMLDOM_GET_FIRST_CHILD_CB) \ ((xctx), (node)) /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomGetLastChild STANDARD DOM 2: Node.getLastChild() PURPOSE Returns last child of node DESCRIPTION Returns the last child of a node, or NULL if the node has no children. Only Element, Document, DTD, and DocumentFragment nodes may have children; all other types will return NULL. RETURNS (xmlnode *) last child of node ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context node (IN) XML node SEE ALSO XmlDomGetFirstChild, XmlDomHasChildNodes, XmlDomGetChildNodes, XmlDomNumChildNodes */ #define XMLDOM_GET_LAST_CHILD_CB getLastChild_xmldomcb #define XMLDOM_GET_LAST_CHILD_F(func, xctx, node) \ xmlnode* func(xmlctx *xctx, xmlnode *node) XMLDOM_GET_LAST_CHILD_F((*XMLDOM_GET_LAST_CHILD_CB), xctx, node); #define XmlDomGetLastChild(xctx, node) \ (*XML_DOMCB(xctx)->XMLDOM_GET_LAST_CHILD_CB) \ ((xctx), (node)) /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomAppendChild STANDARD DOM 2: Node.appendChild() PURPOSE Append new child to node's list of children DESCRIPTION Appends the node to the end of the parent's list of children and returns the new node. If newChild is a DocumentFragment, all of its children are appended in original order; the DocumentFragment node itself is not. RETURNS (xmlnode *) node added ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context parent (IN) parent to receive new node newChild (IN) node to add SEE ALSO XmlDomInsertBefore, XmlDomReplaceChild */ #define XMLDOM_APPEND_CHILD_CB appendChild_xmldomcb #define XMLDOM_APPEND_CHILD_F(func, xctx, parent, newChild) \ xmlnode* func(xmlctx *xctx, xmlnode *parent, xmlnode *newChild) XMLDOM_APPEND_CHILD_F((*XMLDOM_APPEND_CHILD_CB), xctx, parent, newChild); #define XmlDomAppendChild(xctx, parent, child) \ (*XML_DOMCB(xctx)->XMLDOM_APPEND_CHILD_CB) \ ((xctx), (parent), (child)) /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomInsertBefore STANDARD DOM 2: Node.insertBefore() PURPOSE Insert new child into node's list of children DESCRIPTION Inserts the node newChild before the existing child node refChild in the parent node. If refChild is NULL, appends to parent's children as per XmlDomAppendChild; otherwise it must be a child of the given parent. If newChild is a DocumentFragment, all of its children are inserted (in the same order) before refChild; the DocumentFragment node itself is not. If newChild is already in the DOM tree, it is first removed from its current position. RETURNS (xmlnode *) node being inserted ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context parent (IN) parent to receive new child newChild (IN) node to insert refChild (IN) reference node to insert before SEE ALSO XmlDomAppendChild, XmlDomReplaceChild, XmlDomRemoveChild */ #define XMLDOM_INSERT_BEFORE_CB insertBefore_xmldomcb #define XMLDOM_INSERT_BEFORE_F(func, xctx, parent, newChild, refChild) \ xmlnode* func(xmlctx *xctx, xmlnode *parent, \ xmlnode *newChild, xmlnode *refChild) XMLDOM_INSERT_BEFORE_F((*XMLDOM_INSERT_BEFORE_CB), xctx, parent, newChild, refChild); #define XmlDomInsertBefore(xctx, parent, child, ref) \ (*XML_DOMCB(xctx)->XMLDOM_INSERT_BEFORE_CB) \ ((xctx), (parent), (child), (ref)) /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomReplaceChild STANDARD DOM 2: Node.replaceChild() PURPOSE Replace an existing child of a node DESCRIPTION Replaces the child node oldChild with the new node newChild in oldChild's parent, and returns oldChild (which is now orphaned, with a NULL parent). If newChild is a DocumentFragment, all of its children are inserted in place of oldChild; the DocumentFragment node itself is not. If newChild is already in the DOM tree, it is first removed from its current position. RETURNS (xmlnode *) node replaced ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context newChild (IN) new node being substituted oldChild (OUT) old node being replaced SEE ALSO XmlDomAppendChild, XmlDomInsertBefore, XmlDomRemoveChild */ #define XMLDOM_REPLACE_CHILD_CB replaceChild_xmldomcb #define XMLDOM_REPLACE_CHILD_F(func, xctx, newChild, oldChild) \ xmlnode* func(xmlctx *xctx, xmlnode *newChild, xmlnode *oldChild) XMLDOM_REPLACE_CHILD_F((*XMLDOM_REPLACE_CHILD_CB), xctx, newC, oldC); #define XmlDomReplaceChild(xctx, newChild, oldChild) \ (*XML_DOMCB(xctx)->XMLDOM_REPLACE_CHILD_CB) \ ((xctx),(newChild),(oldChild)) /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomRemoveChild STANDARD DOM 2: Node.removeChild() PURPOSE Remove an existing child node DESCRIPTION Removes a node from its parent's list of children and returns it. The node is orphaned; its parent will be NULL after removal. RETURNS (xmlnode *) node removed ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context oldChild (IN) node to remove SEE ALSO XmlDomAppendChild, XmlDomInsertBefore, XmlDomReplaceChild */ #define XMLDOM_REMOVE_CHILD_CB removeChild_xmldomcb #define XMLDOM_REMOVE_CHILD_F(func, xctx, oldChild) \ xmlnode* func(xmlctx *xctx, xmlnode *oldChild) XMLDOM_REMOVE_CHILD_F((*XMLDOM_REMOVE_CHILD_CB), xctx, oldChild); #define XmlDomRemoveChild(xctx, oldChild) \ (*XML_DOMCB(xctx)->XMLDOM_REMOVE_CHILD_CB) \ ((xctx), (oldChild)) /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomGetPrevSibling STANDARD DOM 2: Node.previousSibling PURPOSE Return previous sibling of node DESCRIPTION Returns the node preceding a node at the same level in the DOM tree. That is, for each child of a parent node, the previous sibling of that child is the child which came before it. If a node is the first child of its parent, or has no parent, NULL is returned. RETURNS (xmlnode *) node immediately preceding node at same level ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context node (IN) XML node SEE ALSO XmlDomGetNextSibling */ #define XMLDOM_GET_PREV_SIBLING_CB getPrevSibling_xmldomcb #define XMLDOM_GET_PREV_SIBLING_F(func, xctx, node) \ xmlnode* func(xmlctx *xctx, xmlnode *node) XMLDOM_GET_PREV_SIBLING_F((*XMLDOM_GET_PREV_SIBLING_CB), xctx, node); #define XmlDomGetPrevSibling(xctx, node) \ (*XML_DOMCB(xctx)->XMLDOM_GET_PREV_SIBLING_CB) \ ((xctx), (node)) /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomGetNextSibling STANDARD DOM 2: Node.nextSibling PURPOSE Return next sibling of node DESCRIPTION Returns the node following a node at the same level in the DOM tree. That is, for each child of a parent node, the next sibling of that child is the child which comes after it. If a node is the last child of its parent, or has no parent, NULL is returned. RETURNS (xmlnode *) node immediately following node at same level ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context node (IN) XML node SEE ALSO XmlDomGetPrevSibling */ #define XMLDOM_GET_NEXT_SIBLING_CB getNextSibling_xmldomcb #define XMLDOM_GET_NEXT_SIBLING_F(func, xctx, node) \ xmlnode* func(xmlctx *xctx, xmlnode *node) XMLDOM_GET_NEXT_SIBLING_F((*XMLDOM_GET_NEXT_SIBLING_CB), xctx, node); #define XmlDomGetNextSibling(xctx, node) \ (*XML_DOMCB(xctx)->XMLDOM_GET_NEXT_SIBLING_CB) \ ((xctx), (node)) /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomHasAttrs PURPOSE Test if element has attributes DESCRIPTION Test if an element has attributes. Returns TRUE if any attributes of any sort are defined (namespace or regular). RETURNS (boolean) TRUE if element has attributes ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context elem (IN) XML element node */ #define XMLDOM_HAS_ATTRS_CB hasAttrs_xmldomcb #define XMLDOM_HAS_ATTRS_F(func, xctx, elem) \ boolean func(xmlctx *xctx, xmlelemnode *elem) XMLDOM_HAS_ATTRS_F((*XMLDOM_HAS_ATTRS_CB), xctx, elem); #define XmlDomHasAttrs(xctx, elem) \ (*XML_DOMCB(xctx)->XMLDOM_HAS_ATTRS_CB) \ ((xctx), (elem)) /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomGetAttrs STANDARD DOM 2: Node.attributes PURPOSE Return attributes of node DESCRIPTION Returns a NamedNodeMap of attributes of an element node, or NULL if it has no attributes. For other node types, NULL is returned. Note that if an element once had attributes, but they have all been removed, an empty list will be returned. So, presense of the list does not mean the element has attributes. You must check the size of the list with XmlDomNumAttrs or use XmlDomHasChildNodes first. RETURNS (xmlnamedmap *) NamedNodeMap of node's attributes ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context elem (IN) XML element node SEE ALSO XmlDomNumAttrs, XmlDomHasChildNodes */ #define XMLDOM_GET_ATTRS_CB getAttrs_xmldomcb #define XMLDOM_GET_ATTRS_F(func, xctx, elem) \ xmlnamedmap* func(xmlctx *xctx, xmlelemnode *elem) XMLDOM_GET_ATTRS_F((*XMLDOM_GET_ATTRS_CB), xctx, elem); #define XmlDomGetAttrs(xctx, elem) \ (*XML_DOMCB(xctx)->XMLDOM_GET_ATTRS_CB) \ ((xctx), (elem)) /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomNumAttrs PURPOSE Return number of attributes of element DESCRIPTION Returns the number of attributes of an element. Note that just because a list is returned by XmlDomGetAttrs does not mean it contains any attributes; it may be an empty list with zero length. RETURNS (ub4) number of attributes of node ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context elem (IN) XML element node */ #define XMLDOM_NUM_ATTRS_CB numAttrs_xmldomcb #define XMLDOM_NUM_ATTRS_F(func, xctx, elem) \ ub4 func(xmlctx *xctx, xmlelemnode *elem) XMLDOM_NUM_ATTRS_F((*XMLDOM_NUM_ATTRS_CB), xctx, elem); #define XmlDomNumAttrs(xctx, elem) \ (*XML_DOMCB(xctx)->XMLDOM_NUM_ATTRS_CB) \ ((xctx), (elem)) /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomGetNodeURI STANDARD DOM 2: Node.namespaceURI PURPOSE Return namespace URI of node as a NULL-terminated string DESCRIPTION Returns the namespace URI for a node (in the data encoding) as a NULL-terminated string. If the node's name is not qualified (does not contain a namespace prefix), it will have the default namespace in effect when the node was created (which may be NULL). A length-encoded version is available as XmlDomGetNodeURILen which returns the URI as a pointer and length, for use if the data is known to use XMLType backing store. EXAMPLE <pfx:foo xmlns:pfx="example_namespace"/> XmlDomGetNodeURI(element pfx:foo) --> "example_namespace\0" RETURNS (oratext *) namespace URI of node [data encoding; may be NULL] ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context node (IN) XML node SEE ALSO XmlDomGetNodeURILen, XmlDomGetNodePrefix, XmlDomGetNodeLocal */ #define XMLDOM_GET_NODE_URI_CB getNodeURI_xmldomcb #define XMLDOM_GET_NODE_URI_F(func, xctx, node) \ oratext* func(xmlctx *xctx, xmlnode *node) XMLDOM_GET_NODE_URI_F((*XMLDOM_GET_NODE_URI_CB), xctx, node); #define XmlDomGetNodeURI(xctx, node) \ (*XML_DOMCB(xctx)->XMLDOM_GET_NODE_URI_CB) \ ((xctx), (node)) /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomGetNodeURILen PURPOSE Return namespace URI of node as length-encoded string DESCRIPTION Returns the namespace URI for a node (in the data encoding) as length-encoded string. If the node's name is not qualified (does not contain a namespace prefix), it will have the default namespace in effect when the node was created (which may be NULL). A NULL-terminated version is available as XmlDomGetNodeURI which returns the URI value as NULL-terminated string. If the backing store is known to be XMLType, then the node's data will be stored internally as length-encoded. Using the length-based Get functions will avoid having to copy and NULL-terminate the data. If both the input buffer is non-NULL and the input buffer length is non-zero, then the value will be stored in the input buffer. Else, the implementation will return its own buffer. If the actual length is greater than buflen, then a truncated value will be copied into the buffer and len will return the actual length. EXAMPLE <pfx:foo xmlns:pfx="example_namespace"/> XmlDomGetNodeURILen(element pfx:foo) --> ("example_namespace", 17) RETURNS (oratext *) namespace URI of node [data encoding; may be NULL] ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context node (IN) XML node buf (IN) input buffer [optional] buflen (IN) input buffer length [optional] len (OUT) length of URI [in characters] SEE ALSO XmlDomGetNodeURI, XmlDomGetNodePrefix, XmlDomGetNodeLocal */ #define XMLDOM_GET_NODE_URI_LEN_CB getNodeURILen_xmldomcb #define XMLDOM_GET_NODE_URI_LEN_F(func, xctx, node, buf, buflen, len) \ oratext* func(xmlctx *xctx, xmlnode *node, oratext *buf, ub4 buflen, \ ub4 *len) XMLDOM_GET_NODE_URI_LEN_F((*XMLDOM_GET_NODE_URI_LEN_CB), xctx, node, buf, buflen, len); #define XmlDomGetNodeURILen(xctx, node, buf, buflen, len) \ (*XML_DOMCB(xctx)->XMLDOM_GET_NODE_URI_LEN_CB) \ ((xctx), (node), (buf), (buflen), (len)) /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomGetNodePrefix STANDARD DOM 2: Node.prefix PURPOSE Return namespace prefix of node DESCRIPTION Returns the namespace prefix for a node (as a NULL-terminated string). If the node's name is not fully qualified (has no prefix), NULL is returned. EXAMPLE <pfx:foo xmlns:pfx="example_namespace"/> XmlDomGetNodePrefix(element pfx:foo) --> "pfx" RETURNS (oratext *) namespace prefix of node [data encoding; may be NULL] ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context node (IN) XML node */ #define XMLDOM_GET_NODE_PREFIX_CB getNodePrefix_xmldomcb #define XMLDOM_GET_NODE_PREFIX_F(func, xctx, node) \ oratext* func(xmlctx *xctx, xmlnode *node) XMLDOM_GET_NODE_PREFIX_F((*XMLDOM_GET_NODE_PREFIX_CB), xctx, node); #define XmlDomGetNodePrefix(xctx, node) \ (*XML_DOMCB(xctx)->XMLDOM_GET_NODE_PREFIX_CB) \ ((xctx), (node)) /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomSetNodePrefix PURPOSE Set namespace prefix of node DESCRIPTION Sets the namespace prefix of node (as NULL-terminated string). Does not verify the prefix is defined! Just causes a new QName to be formed from the new prefix and the old local name; the new QName will be under DOM control and should not be managed by the user. RETURNS (void) ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context node (IN) XML node prefix (IN) new namespace prefix */ #define XMLDOM_SET_NODE_PREFIX_CB setNodePrefix_xmldomcb #define XMLDOM_SET_NODE_PREFIX_F(func, xctx, node, prefix) \ void func(xmlctx *xctx, xmlnode *node, oratext *prefix) XMLDOM_SET_NODE_PREFIX_F((*XMLDOM_SET_NODE_PREFIX_CB), xctx, node, prefix); #define XmlDomSetNodePrefix(xctx, node, prefix) \ (*XML_DOMCB(xctx)->XMLDOM_SET_NODE_PREFIX_CB) \ ((xctx), (node), (prefix)) /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomGetNodeLocal STANDARD DOM 2: Node.localName PURPOSE Get local part of node's qualified name as NULL-terminated string DESCRIPTION Returns the namespace local name for a node as a NULL-terminated string. If the node's name is not fully qualified (has no prefix), then the local name is the same as the name. A length-encoded version is available as XmlDomGetNodeLocalLen which returns the local name as a pointer and length, for use if the data is known to use XMLType backing store. EXAMPLE <pfx:foo xmlns:pfx="example_namespace"/> XmlDomGetNodeLocal(element pfx:foo) --> "foo\0" RETURNS (oratext *) local name of node [data encoding] ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context node (IN) XML node SEE ALSO XmlDomGetNodeLocalLen, XmlDomGetNodePrefix, XmlDomGetNodeURI */ #define XMLDOM_GET_NODE_LOCAL_CB getNodeLocal_xmldomcb #define XMLDOM_GET_NODE_LOCAL_F(func, xctx, node) \ oratext* func(xmlctx *xctx, xmlnode *node) XMLDOM_GET_NODE_LOCAL_F((*XMLDOM_GET_NODE_LOCAL_CB), xctx, node); #define XmlDomGetNodeLocal(xctx, node) \ (*XML_DOMCB(xctx)->XMLDOM_GET_NODE_LOCAL_CB) \ ((xctx), (node)) /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomGetNodeLocalLen PURPOSE Get local part of node's qualified name as length-encoded string DESCRIPTION Returns the namespace local name for a node as a length-encoded string. If the node's name is not fully qualified (has no prefix), then the local name is the same as the name. A NULL-terminated version is available as XmlDomGetNodeLocal which returns the local name as NULL-terminated string. If the backing store is known to be XMLType, then the node's data will be stored internally as length-encoded. Using the length-based Get functions will avoid having to copy and NULL-terminate the data. If both the input buffer is non-NULL and the input buffer length is non-zero, then the value will be stored in the input buffer. Else, the implementation will return its own buffer. If the actual length is greater than buflen, then a truncated value will be copied into the buffer and len will return the actual length. EXAMPLE <pfx:foo xmlns:pfx="example_namespace"/> XmlDomGetNodeLocalLen(element pfx:foo) --> ("foo", 3) RETURNS (oratext *) local name of node [data encoding] ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context node (IN) XML node buf (IN) input buffer [optional] buflen (IN) input buffer length [optional] len (OUT) length of local name [in characters] SEE ALSO XmlDomGetNodeLocal, XmlDomGetNodePrefix, XmlDomGetNodeURILen */ #define XMLDOM_GET_NODE_LOCAL_LEN_CB getNodeLocalLen_xmldomcb #define XMLDOM_GET_NODE_LOCAL_LEN_F(func, xctx, node, buf, buflen, len) \ oratext* func(xmlctx *xctx, xmlnode *node, oratext *buf, ub4 buflen, \ ub4 *len) XMLDOM_GET_NODE_LOCAL_LEN_F((*XMLDOM_GET_NODE_LOCAL_LEN_CB), xctx, node, buf, buflen, len); #define XmlDomGetNodeLocalLen(xctx, node, buf, buflen, len) \ (*XML_DOMCB(xctx)->XMLDOM_GET_NODE_LOCAL_LEN_CB) \ ((xctx), (node), (buf), (buflen), (len)) /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomGetOwnerDocument STANDARD DOM 2: Node.ownerDocument PURPOSE Get the owner document of node DESCRIPTION Returns the Document node associated with a node. Each node may belong to only one document, or may not be associated with any document at all (e.g. immediately after XmlDomCreateElem, etc). The "owning" document [node] is returned, or NULL for an orphan node. RETURNS (xmldocnode *) document node is in ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context node (IN) XML node */ #define XMLDOM_GET_OWNER_DOCUMENT_CB getOwnerDocument_xmldomcb #define XMLDOM_GET_OWNER_DOCUMENT_F(func, xctx, node) \ xmldocnode* func(xmlctx *xctx, xmlnode *node) XMLDOM_GET_OWNER_DOCUMENT_F((*XMLDOM_GET_OWNER_DOCUMENT_CB), xctx, node); #define XmlDomGetOwnerDocument(xctx, node) \ (*XML_DOMCB(xctx)->XMLDOM_GET_OWNER_DOCUMENT_CB) \ ((xctx), (node)) /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomCloneNode STANDARD DOM 2: Node.cloneNode() PURPOSE Clone a node DESCRIPTION Creates and returns a duplicate of a node. The duplicate node has no parent. Cloning an element copies all attributes and their values, including those generated by the XML processor to represent defaulted attributes, but it does not copy any text it contains unless it is a deep clone, since the text is contained in a child text node. Cloning any other type of node simply returns a copy of the node. Note that a clone of an unspecified attribute node is specified. If deep is TRUE, all children of the node are recursively cloned, and the cloned node will have cloned children; a non-deep clone will have no children. RETURNS (xmlnode *) duplicate (cloned) node ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context node (IN) XML node deep (IN) recursively clone children? SEE ALSO XmlDomImportNode */ #define XMLDOM_CLONE_NODE_CB cloneNode_xmldomcb #define XMLDOM_CLONE_NODE_F(func, xctx, node, deep) \ xmlnode* func(xmlctx *xctx, xmlnode *node, boolean deep) XMLDOM_CLONE_NODE_F((*XMLDOM_CLONE_NODE_CB), xctx, node, deep); #define XmlDomCloneNode(xctx, node, deep) \ (*XML_DOMCB(xctx)->XMLDOM_CLONE_NODE_CB) \ ((xctx), (node), (deep)) /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomNormalize STANDARD DOM 2: Element.normalize() PURPOSE "Normalize" a node, that is, merge adjacent text nodes DESCRIPTION "Normalizes" the subtree rooted at an element, i.e. merges adjacent Text nodes children of elements. Note that adjacent Text nodes will never be created during a normal parse, only after manipulation of the document with DOM calls. EXAMPLE <a>"XXX" "YYY"<b>"111" "222"</b></a> normalize(node a) --> <a>"XXXYYY"<b>"111222"</b></a> RETURNS (void) ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context node (IN) XML node */ #define XMLDOM_NORMALIZE_CB normalize_xmldomcb #define XMLDOM_NORMALIZE_F(func, xctx, node) \ void func(xmlctx *xctx, xmlnode *node) XMLDOM_NORMALIZE_F((*XMLDOM_NORMALIZE_CB), xctx, node); #define XmlDomNormalize(xctx, node) \ (*XML_DOMCB(xctx)->XMLDOM_NORMALIZE_CB) \ ((xctx), (node)) /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomGetSourceLine STANDARD DOM 2: DOMLocator.getLineNumber() PURPOSE Return source line# of node DESCRIPTION Returns the line# in the original source where the node started. The first line in every input is line #1. RETURNS (ub4) line number of node in original input source ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context node (IN) XML node */ #define XMLDOM_GET_SOURCE_LINE_CB getSourceLine_xmldomcb #define XMLDOM_GET_SOURCE_LINE_F(func, xctx, node) \ ub4 func(xmlctx *xctx, xmlnode *node) XMLDOM_GET_SOURCE_LINE_F((*XMLDOM_GET_SOURCE_LINE_CB), xctx, node); #define XmlDomGetSourceLine(xctx, node) \ (*XML_DOMCB(xctx)->XMLDOM_GET_SOURCE_LINE_CB) \ ((xctx), (node)) /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomGetSourceEntity PURPOSE Return the entity node if the input file is an external entity DESCRIPTION Returns the extern entity node whose inclusion caused the creation of the given node. RETURNS (xmlentnode *) entity node if the input is from an external entity ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context node (IN) XML node */ #define XMLDOM_GET_SOURCE_ENTITY_CB getSourceEntity_xmldomcb #define XMLDOM_GET_SOURCE_ENTITY_F(func, xctx, node) \ xmlentnode* func(xmlctx *xctx, xmlnode *node) XMLDOM_GET_SOURCE_ENTITY_F((*XMLDOM_GET_SOURCE_ENTITY_CB), xctx, node); #define XmlDomGetSourceEntity(xctx, node) \ (*XML_DOMCB(xctx)->XMLDOM_GET_SOURCE_ENTITY_CB) \ ((xctx), (node)) /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomGetSourceLocation PURPOSE Return source location (path, URI, etc) of node DESCRIPTION Return source location (path, URI, etc) of node. Note this will be in the compiler encoding, not the data encoding! RETURNS (oratext *) full path of input source [in compiler encoding] ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context node (IN) XML node */ #define XMLDOM_GET_SOURCE_LOCATION_CB getSourceLocation_xmldomcb #define XMLDOM_GET_SOURCE_LOCATION_F(func, xctx, node) \ oratext* func(xmlctx *xctx, xmlnode *node) XMLDOM_GET_SOURCE_LOCATION_F((*XMLDOM_GET_SOURCE_LOCATION_CB), xctx, node); #define XmlDomGetSourceLocation(xctx, node) \ (*XML_DOMCB(xctx)->XMLDOM_GET_SOURCE_LOCATION_CB) \ ((xctx), (node)) /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomGetDocOrder PURPOSE Get document order for a node STATUS Private DESCRIPTION Returns the document order ordinal for a node. XmlDomSetDocOrder must have been called first or all nodes will have a 0 order! Used primarily by the XSLT processor, which requires document order for node comparisons. Nodes are numbered by the order in which they would be encountered in a preorder traversal of the tree. The root node's order is specified to XmlDomSetDocOrder, but regardless of the absolute numbering, a node which comes first in the document will have a lower order than a node which comes later. RETURNS (ub4) document order ordinal for a node ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context node (IN) XML node SEE ALSO XmlDomSetDocOrder, XmlDomCompareDocOrder */ #define XMLDOM_GET_DOC_ORDER_CB getDocOrder_xmldomcb #define XMLDOM_GET_DOC_ORDER_F(func, xctx, node) \ ub4 func(xmlctx *xctx, xmlnode *node) XMLDOM_GET_DOC_ORDER_F((*XMLDOM_GET_DOC_ORDER_CB), xctx, node); #define XmlDomGetDocOrder(xctx, node) \ (*XML_DOMCB(xctx)->XMLDOM_GET_DOC_ORDER_CB) \ ((xctx), (node)) /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomCompareDocOrder PURPOSE Compare the document order of two nodes STATUS Private DESCRIPTION Compares the document order of two nodes, returning a strcmp-like signed comparison: < 0 if node1 is before node2, 0 if node1 and node2 are the same; > 0 if node1 comes after node2. RETURNS (sb4) three-state comparison value ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context node1 (IN) first node to test node2 (IN) second node to test */ #define XMLDOM_CMP_DOC_ORDER_CB compareDocOrder_xmldomcb #define XMLDOM_CMP_DOC_ORDER_F(func, xctx, node1, node2) \ sb4 func(xmlctx *xctx, xmlnode *node1, xmlnode *node2) XMLDOM_CMP_DOC_ORDER_F((*XMLDOM_CMP_DOC_ORDER_CB), xctx, node1, node2); #define XmlDomCompareDocOrder(xctx, node1, node2) \ (*XML_DOMCB(xctx)->XMLDOM_CMP_DOC_ORDER_CB) \ ((xctx), (node1), (node2)) /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomPrefixToURI STANDARD DOM 3: Node.lookupNamespacePrefix() PURPOSE Get namespace URI for prefix DESCRIPTION Given a namespace prefix and a node, returns the namespace URI mapped to that prefix. If the given node doesn't have a matching prefix, its parent is tried, then its parent, and so on, all the way to the root node. If the prefix is undefined, NULL is returned. RETURNS (oratext *) URI for prefix [data encoding; NULL if no match] ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context node (IN) XML node prefix (IN) prefix to map */ #define XMLDOM_PREFIX_TO_URI_CB prefixToURI_xmldomcb #define XMLDOM_PREFIX_TO_URI_F(func, xctx, node, prefix) \ oratext* func(xmlctx *xctx, xmlnode *node, oratext *prefix) XMLDOM_PREFIX_TO_URI_F((*XMLDOM_PREFIX_TO_URI_CB), xctx, node, prefix); #define XmlDomPrefixToURI(xctx, node, prefix) \ (*XML_DOMCB(xctx)->XMLDOM_PREFIX_TO_URI_CB) \ ((xctx), (node), (prefix)) /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomFreeNode PURPOSE Free a node allocated with XmlDomCreateXXX DESCRIPTION Free a node allocated with XmlDomCreateXXX. Frees all resources associated with a node, then frees the node itself. Certain parts of the node are under DOM control, and some parts may be under user control. DOM keeps flags tracking who owns what, and only frees its own allocations. The user is responsible for freeing their own parts of the node before calling XmlDomFreeNode. RETURNS (void) ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context node (IN) node to free SEE ALSO XmlDomCleanNode */ #define XMLDOM_FREE_NODE_CB freeNode_xmldomcb #define XMLDOM_FREE_NODE_F(func, xctx, node) \ void func(xmlctx *xctx, xmlnode *node) XMLDOM_FREE_NODE_F((*XMLDOM_FREE_NODE_CB), xctx, node); #define XmlDomFreeNode(xctx, node) \ (*XML_DOMCB(xctx)->XMLDOM_FREE_NODE_CB) \ ((xctx), (node)) /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomCleanNode PURPOSE "Clean" a node (free DOM allocations) DESCRIPTION Frees parts of the node which were allocated by DOM itself, but does not recurse to children or touch the node's attributes. After freeing part of the node (e.g. name), a DOM call to get that part (e.g. XmlDomGetNodeName) should return a NULL pointer. Used to manage the allocations of a node parts of which are controlled by DOM, and part by the user. Calling clean frees all allocations may by DOM and leaves the user's allocations alone. The user is responsible for freeing their own allocations. RETURNS (void) ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context node (IN) node to clean SEE ALSO XmlDomFreeNode */ #define XMLDOM_CLEAN_NODE_CB cleanNode_xmldomcb #define XMLDOM_CLEAN_NODE_F(func, xctx, node) \ void func(xmlctx *xctx, xmlnode *node) XMLDOM_CLEAN_NODE_F((*XMLDOM_CLEAN_NODE_CB), xctx, node); #define XmlDomCleanNode(xctx, node) \ (*XML_DOMCB(xctx)->XMLDOM_CLEAN_NODE_CB) \ ((xctx), (node)) /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomGetDefaultNS PURPOSE Get default namespace for node DESCRIPTION Gets the default namespace for a node. RETURNS (oratext *) default namespace for node [data encoding; may be NULL] ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context node (IN) element/attribute DOM node */ #define XMLDOM_GET_DEFAULT_NS_CB getDefaultNS_xmldomcb #define XMLDOM_GET_DEFAULT_NS_F(func, xctx, node) \ oratext* func(xmlctx *xctx, xmlnode *node) XMLDOM_GET_DEFAULT_NS_F((*XMLDOM_GET_DEFAULT_NS_CB), xctx, node); #define XmlDomGetDefaultNS(xctx, node) \ (*XML_DOMCB(xctx)->XMLDOM_GET_DEFAULT_NS_CB) \ ((xctx), (node)) /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomSetDefaultNS PURPOSE Set default namespace for node DESCRIPTION Set the default namespace for a node RETURNS (void) ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context node (IN) element/attribute DOM node defns (IN) new default namespace for node */ #define XMLDOM_SET_DEFAULT_NS_CB setDefaultNS_xmldomcb #define XMLDOM_SET_DEFAULT_NS_F(func, xctx, node, defns) \ void func(xmlctx *xctx, xmlnode *node, oratext *defns) XMLDOM_SET_DEFAULT_NS_F((*XMLDOM_SET_DEFAULT_NS_CB), xctx, node, defns); #define XmlDomSetDefaultNS(xctx, node, defns) \ (*XML_DOMCB(xctx)->XMLDOM_SET_DEFAULT_NS_CB) \ ((xctx), (node), (defns)) /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomGetFirstPfnsPair PURPOSE Get first prefix namespace pair DESCRIPTION This function is to allow implementations an opportunity to speedup the iteration of all available prefix-Uri bindings available on a given node. It returns a state structure and the prefix and URI of the first prefix-URI mapping. The state structure should be passed to XmlDomGetNextPfnsPair to fetch the remaining pairs. RETURNS (xmlpfnspair *) iterating object or NULL of no prefixes ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context node (IN) Node whose prefix/URI pairs are to be iterated prefix (OUT) prefix of first mapping [data encoding] uri (OUT) URI of first mapping [data encoding] */ #define XMLDOM_GET_FIRST_PFNS_PAIR_CB getFirstPfnsPair_xmldomcb #define XMLDOM_GET_FIRST_PFNS_PAIR_F(func, xctx, node, prefix, uri) \ xmlpfnspair* func(xmlctx *xctx, xmlnode *node, \ oratext **prefix, oratext **uri) XMLDOM_GET_FIRST_PFNS_PAIR_F((*XMLDOM_GET_FIRST_PFNS_PAIR_CB), xctx, node, prefix, uri); #define XmlDomGetFirstPfnsPair(xctx, node, prefix, uri) \ (*XML_DOMCB(xctx)->XMLDOM_GET_FIRST_PFNS_PAIR_CB) \ ((xctx), (node), (prefix), (uri)) /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomGetNextPfnsPair PURPOSE Get subsequent prefix namespace pair DESCRIPTION This function is to allow implementations an opportunity to speedup the iteration of all available prefix-URI bindings available on a given node. Given an iterator structure from XmlDomGetFirstPfnsPair, returns the next prefix-URI mapping; repeat calls to XmlDomGetNextPfnsPair until NULL is returned. RETURNS (xmlpfnspair *) iterating object, NULL when no more pairs ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context pfns (IN) iterator object returned by XmlDomGetFirstPfnsPair prefix (OUT) prefix of next mapping [data encoding] uri (OUT) URI of next mapping [data encoding] */ #define XMLDOM_GET_NEXT_PFNS_PAIR_CB getNextPfnsPair_xmldomcb #define XMLDOM_GET_NEXT_PFNS_PAIR_F(func, xctx, pfnx, prefix, uri) \ xmlpfnspair* func(xmlctx *xctx, xmlpfnspair *pfns, \ oratext **prefix, oratext **uri) XMLDOM_GET_NEXT_PFNS_PAIR_F((*XMLDOM_GET_NEXT_PFNS_PAIR_CB), xctx, pfnx, prefix, uri); #define XmlDomGetNextPfnsPair(xctx, pfns, prefix, uri) \ (*XML_DOMCB(xctx)->XMLDOM_GET_NEXT_PFNS_PAIR_CB) \ ((xctx), (pfns), (prefix), (uri)) /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomValidate PURPOSE Validate a node against current DTD DESCRIPTION Given a root node, validates it against the current DTD. RETURNS (xmlerr) error code, XMLERR_OK [0] means node is valid ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context node (IN) node to validate */ #define XMLDOM_VALIDATE_CB validate_xmldomcb #define XMLDOM_VALIDATE_F(func, xctx, node) \ xmlerr func(xmlctx *xctx, xmlnode *node) XMLDOM_VALIDATE_F((*XMLDOM_VALIDATE_CB), xctx, node); #define XmlDomValidate(xctx, node) \ (*XML_DOMCB(xctx)->XMLDOM_VALIDATE_CB)((xctx), (node)) /**************************************************************************** Interface NodeList ****************************************************************************/ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomGetNodeListItem STANDARD DOM 2: NodeList.item() PURPOSE Return nth node in list DESCRIPTION Return nth node in a node list. The first item is index 0. RETURNS (xmlnode *) node at the nth position in node list [or NULL] ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context list (IN) node list index (IN) index into list SEE ALSO XmlDomGetNodeListLength, XmlDomFreeNodeList */ #define XMLDOM_GET_NODELIST_ITEM_CB getNodeListItem_xmldomcb #define XMLDOM_GET_NODELIST_ITEM_F(func, xctx, list, index) \ xmlnode* func(xmlctx *xctx, xmlnodelist *list, ub4 index) XMLDOM_GET_NODELIST_ITEM_F((*XMLDOM_GET_NODELIST_ITEM_CB), xctx, list, index); #define XmlDomGetNodeListItem(xctx, list, index) \ (*XML_DOMCB(xctx)->XMLDOM_GET_NODELIST_ITEM_CB) \ ((xctx), (list), (index)) /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomGetNodeListLength STANDARD DOM 2: NodeList.length PURPOSE Return length of node list DESCRIPTION Returns the number of nodes in a node list (i.e. its length). Note that nodes are referred to by index, so the range of valid indexes is 0 through length-1. RETURNS (ub4) number of nodes in node list ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context list (IN) node list SEE ALSO XmlDomGetNodeListItem, XmlDomFreeNodeList */ #define XMLDOM_GET_NODELIST_LENGTH_CB getNodeListLength_xmldomcb #define XMLDOM_GET_NODELIST_LENGTH_F(func, xctx, list) \ ub4 func(xmlctx *xctx, xmlnodelist *list) XMLDOM_GET_NODELIST_LENGTH_F((*XMLDOM_GET_NODELIST_LENGTH_CB), xctx, list); #define XmlDomGetNodeListLength(xctx, list) \ (*XML_DOMCB(xctx)->XMLDOM_GET_NODELIST_LENGTH_CB) \ ((xctx), (list)) /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomFreeNodeList PURPOSE Free a node list returned by XmlDomGetElemsByTag etc DESCRIPTION Free a node list returned by XmlDomGetElemsByTag or related functions, releasing all resources associated with it. If given a node list that is part of the DOM proper (such as the children of a node), does nothing. RETURNS (void) ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context list (IN) node list to free SEE ALSO XmlDomGetElemsByTag, XmlDomGetElemsByTagNS, XmlDomGetChildrenByTag, XmlDomGetChildrenByTagNS */ #define XMLDOM_FREE_NODELIST_CB freeNodeList_xmldomcb #define XMLDOM_FREE_NODELIST_F(func, xctx, list) \ void func(xmlctx *xctx, xmlnodelist *list) XMLDOM_FREE_NODELIST_F((*XMLDOM_FREE_NODELIST_CB), xctx, list); #define XmlDomFreeNodeList(xctx, list) \ (*XML_DOMCB(xctx)->XMLDOM_FREE_NODELIST_CB) \ ((xctx), (list)) /**************************************************************************** Interface NamedNodeMap ****************************************************************************/ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomGetNodeMapItem STANDARD DOM 2: NamedNodeMap.item() PURPOSE Return nth node in list DESCRIPTION Retrieves an item from a NamedNodeMap, specified by name (which should be in the data encoding). This is a non-namespace-aware function; it just matches (case sensitively) on the whole QName. Note this function differs from the DOM spec in that the index of the matching item is also returned. Named "item" in W3C spec. RETURNS (xmlnode *) node at the nth position in the map (or NULL) ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context map (IN) NamedNodeMap index (IN) index into this map, starts from 0 SEE ALSO XmlDomGetNamedItem, XmlDomSetNamedItem, XmlDomRemoveNamedItem, XmlDomGetNodeMapLength */ #define XMLDOM_GET_NODEMAP_ITEM_CB getNodeMapItem_xmldomcb #define XMLDOM_GET_NODEMAP_ITEM_F(func, xctx, map, index) \ xmlnode* func(xmlctx *xctx, xmlnamedmap *map, ub4 index) XMLDOM_GET_NODEMAP_ITEM_F((*XMLDOM_GET_NODEMAP_ITEM_CB), xctx, map, index); #define XmlDomGetNodeMapItem(xctx, map, index) \ (*XML_DOMCB(xctx)->XMLDOM_GET_NODEMAP_ITEM_CB) \ ((xctx), (map), (index)) /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomGetNodeMapLength STANDARD DOM 2: NamedNodeMap.length PURPOSE Return length of named node map DESCRIPTION Returns the number of nodes in a NamedNodeMap (the length). Note that nodes are referred to by index, and the range of valid indexes is 0 through length-1. RETURNS (ub4) number of nodes in NamedNodeMap ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context map (IN) NamedNodeMap SEE ALSO XmlDomGetNodeMapItem, XmlDomGetNamedItem */ #define XMLDOM_GET_NODEMAP_LENGTH_CB getNodeMapLength_xmldomcb #define XMLDOM_GET_NODEMAP_LENGTH_F(func, xctx, map) \ ub4 func(xmlctx *xctx, xmlnamedmap *map) XMLDOM_GET_NODEMAP_LENGTH_F((*XMLDOM_GET_NODEMAP_LENGTH_CB), xctx, map); #define XmlDomGetNodeMapLength(xctx, map) \ (*XML_DOMCB(xctx)->XMLDOM_GET_NODEMAP_LENGTH_CB) \ ((xctx), (map)) /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomGetNamedItem STANDARD DOM 2: NamedNodeMap.getNamedItem() PURPOSE Return named node from list DESCRIPTION Retrieves an item from a NamedNodeMap, specified by name (which should be in the data encoding). This is a non-namespace-aware function; it just matches (case sensitively) on the whole QName. Note this function differs from the DOM spec in that the index of the matching item is also returned. RETURNS (xmlnode *) Node with the specified name [or NULL] ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context map (IN) NamedNodeMap name (IN) name of node to retrieve [data encoding] SEE ALSO XmlDomGetNamedItemNS, XmlDomGetNodeMapItem, XmlDomGetNodeMapLength */ #define XMLDOM_GET_NAMED_ITEM_CB getNamedItem_xmldomcb #define XMLDOM_GET_NAMED_ITEM_F(func, xctx, map, name) \ xmlnode* func(xmlctx *xctx, xmlnamedmap *map, oratext *name) XMLDOM_GET_NAMED_ITEM_F((*XMLDOM_GET_NAMED_ITEM_CB), xctx, map, name); #define XmlDomGetNamedItem(xctx, map, name) \ (*XML_DOMCB(xctx)->XMLDOM_GET_NAMED_ITEM_CB) \ ((xctx), (map), (name)) /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomGetNamedItemNS PURPOSE Return named node from list (namespace aware version) DOM 2 NamedNodeMap.getNamedItemNS() DESCRIPTION Retrieves an item from a NamedNodeMap, specified by URI and localname (which should be in the data encoding). Note this function differs from the DOM spec in that the index of the matching item is also returned. RETURNS (xmlnode *) node with given local name and namespace URI [or NULL] ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context map (IN) NamedNodeMap uri (IN) namespace URI of node to retrieve [data encoding] local (IN) local name of node to retrieve [data encoding] SEE ALSO XmlDomGetNamedItem, XmlDomGetNodeMapItem, XmlDomGetNodeMapLength */ #define XMLDOM_GET_NAMED_ITEM_NS_CB getNamedItemNS_xmldomcb #define XMLDOM_GET_NAMED_ITEM_NS_F(func, xctx, map, uri, local) \ xmlnode* func(xmlctx *xctx, xmlnamedmap *map, \ oratext *uri, oratext *local) XMLDOM_GET_NAMED_ITEM_NS_F((*XMLDOM_GET_NAMED_ITEM_NS_CB), xctx, map, uri, local); #define XmlDomGetNamedItemNS(xctx, map, uri, local) \ (*XML_DOMCB(xctx)->XMLDOM_GET_NAMED_ITEM_NS_CB) \ ((xctx), (map), (uri), (local)) /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomSetNamedItem STANDARD DOM 2: NamedNodeMap.setNamedItem() PURPOSE Set node in named node list DESCRIPTION Adds a new node to a NamedNodeMap. If a node already exists with the given name, replaces the old node and returns it. If no such named node exists, adds the new node to the map and sets old to NULL. This is a non-namespace-aware function; it just matches (case sensitively) on the whole QName. Since some node types have fixed names (Text, Comment, etc), trying to set another of the same type will always cause replacement. RETURNS (xmlnode *) the replaced node (or NULL) ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context map (IN) NamedNodeMap newNode (IN) new node to store in map SEE ALSO XmlDomSetNamedItemNS, XmlDomGetNamedItem, XmlDomGetNamedItemNS, XmlDomGetNodeMapItem, XmlDomGetNodeMapLength */ #define XMLDOM_SET_NAMED_ITEM_CB setNamedItem_xmldomcb #define XMLDOM_SET_NAMED_ITEM_F(func, xctx, map, newNode) \ xmlnode* func(xmlctx *xctx, xmlnamedmap *map, xmlnode *newNode) XMLDOM_SET_NAMED_ITEM_F((*XMLDOM_SET_NAMED_ITEM_CB), xctx, map, newNode); #define XmlDomSetNamedItem(xctx, map, node) \ (*XML_DOMCB(xctx)->XMLDOM_SET_NAMED_ITEM_CB) \ ((xctx), (map), (node)) /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomSetNamedItemNS STANDARD DOM 2: NamedNodeMap.setNamedItemNS() PURPOSE Set node in named node list (namespace aware version) DESCRIPTION Adds a new node to a NamedNodeMap. If a node already exists with the given URI and localname, replaces the old node and returns it. If no such named node exists, adds the new node to the map and sets old to NULL. Since some node types have fixed names (Text, Comment, etc), trying to set another of the same type will always cause replacement. RETURNS (xmlnode *) replaced Node [or NULL] ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context map (IN) NamedNodeMap newNode (IN) new node to store in map SEE ALSO XmlDomSetNamedItem, XmlDomGetNamedItem, XmlDomGetNamedItemNS, XmlDomGetNodeMapItem, XmlDomGetNodeMapLength */ #define XMLDOM_SET_NAMED_ITEM_NS_CB setNamedItemNS_xmldomcb #define XMLDOM_SET_NAMED_ITEM_NS_F(func, xctx, map, newNode) \ xmlnode* func(xmlctx *xctx, xmlnamedmap *map, xmlnode *newNode) XMLDOM_SET_NAMED_ITEM_NS_F((*XMLDOM_SET_NAMED_ITEM_NS_CB), xctx, map, newNode); #define XmlDomSetNamedItemNS(xctx, map, newNode) \ (*XML_DOMCB(xctx)->XMLDOM_SET_NAMED_ITEM_NS_CB) \ ((xctx), (map), (newNode)) /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomRemoveNamedItem STANDARD DOM 2: NamedNodeMap.removeNamedItem() PURPOSE Remove node from named node map DESCRIPTION Removes a node from a NamedNodeMap, specified by name. This is a non-namespace-aware function; it just matches (case sensitively) on the whole QName. If the removed node is an attribute with default value (not specified), it is immediately replaced. The removed node is returned; if no removal took place, NULL is returned. RETURNS (xmlnode *) node removed from this map ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context map (IN) NamedNodeMap name (IN) name of node to remove [data encoding] SEE ALSO XmlDomRemoveNamedItemNS, XmlDomGetNamedItem, XmlDomGetNamedItemNS, XmlDomSetNamedItem, XmlDomSetNamedItemNS */ #define XMLDOM_REMOVE_NAMED_ITEM_CB removeNamedItem_xmldomcb #define XMLDOM_REMOVE_NAMED_ITEM_F(func, xctx, map, name) \ xmlnode* func(xmlctx *xctx, xmlnamedmap *map, oratext *name) XMLDOM_REMOVE_NAMED_ITEM_F((*XMLDOM_REMOVE_NAMED_ITEM_CB), xctx,map,name); #define XmlDomRemoveNamedItem(xctx, map, name) \ (*XML_DOMCB(xctx)->XMLDOM_REMOVE_NAMED_ITEM_CB) \ ((xctx), (map), (name)) /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomRemoveNamedItemNS STANDARD DOM 2: NamedNodeMap.removeNamedItemNS() PURPOSE Remove node from named node map (namespace aware version) DESCRIPTION Removes a node from a NamedNodeMap, specified by URI and localname. If the removed node is an attribute with default value (not specified), it is immediately replaced. The removed node is returned; if no removal took place, NULL is returned. RETURNS (xmlnode *) node removed from this map ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context map (IN) NamedNodeMap uri (IN) namespace URI of node to remove [data encoding] local (IN) local name of node to remove [data encoding] SEE ALSO XmlDomRemoveNamedItem, XmlDomGetNamedItem, XmlDomGetNamedItemNS, XmlDomSetNamedItem, XmlDomSetNamedItemNS */ #define XMLDOM_REMOVE_NAMED_ITEM_NS_CB removeNamedItemNS_xmldomcb #define XMLDOM_REMOVE_NAMED_ITEM_NS_F(func, xctx, map, uri, local) \ xmlnode* func(xmlctx *xctx, xmlnamedmap *map, \ oratext *uri, oratext *local) XMLDOM_REMOVE_NAMED_ITEM_NS_F((*XMLDOM_REMOVE_NAMED_ITEM_NS_CB), xctx, map, uri, local); #define XmlDomRemoveNamedItemNS(xctx, map, uri, local) \ (*XML_DOMCB(xctx)->XMLDOM_REMOVE_NAMED_ITEM_NS_CB) \ ((xctx), (map), (uri), (local)) /**************************************************************************** Interface CharacterData ****************************************************************************/ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomGetCharData STANDARD DOM 2: CharacterData.data PURPOSE Return data for node DESCRIPTION Returns the data for a CharacterData node (type text, comment or CDATA) in the data encoding. For other node types, or if there is no data, returns NULL. RETURNS (oratext *) character data of node [data encoding] ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context node (IN) CharacterData node [text, comment, or CDATA] SEE ALSO XmlDomSetCharData, XmlDomCreateText, XmlDomCreateComment, XmlDomCreateCDATA */ #define XMLDOM_GET_CHAR_DATA_CB getCharData_xmldomcb #define XMLDOM_GET_CHAR_DATA_F(func, xctx, node) \ oratext* func(xmlctx *xctx, xmlnode *node) XMLDOM_GET_CHAR_DATA_F((*XMLDOM_GET_CHAR_DATA_CB), xctx, node); #define XmlDomGetCharData(xctx, node) \ (*XML_DOMCB(xctx)->XMLDOM_GET_CHAR_DATA_CB) \ ((xctx), (node)) /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomSetCharData STANDARD DOM 2: CharacterData.data PURPOSE Set data for node DESCRIPTION Sets data for a CharacterData node (type text, comment or CDATA), replacing the old data. For other node types, does nothing. The new data is not verified, converted, or checked-- it should be in the data encoding. If bad data is set, bad things will happen-- GIGO! RETURNS (void) ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context node (IN) CharacterData node [text, comment, or CDATA] data (IN) new data for node SEE ALSO XmlDomGetCharData */ #define XMLDOM_SET_CHAR_DATA_CB setCharData_xmldomcb #define XMLDOM_SET_CHAR_DATA_F(func, xctx, node, data) \ void func(xmlctx *xctx, xmlnode *node, oratext *data) XMLDOM_SET_CHAR_DATA_F((*XMLDOM_SET_CHAR_DATA_CB), xctx, node, data); #define XmlDomSetCharData(xctx, node, data) \ (*XML_DOMCB(xctx)->XMLDOM_SET_CHAR_DATA_CB) \ ((xctx), (node), (data)) /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomGetCharDataLength STANDARD DOM 2: CharacterData.length PURPOSE Return length of data for node DESCRIPTION Returns the length of the data for a CharacterData node (type text, comment or CDATA) in characters (not bytes!). For other node types, returns 0. RETURNS (ub4) length in characters (not bytes!) of node's data ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context node (IN) CharacterData node [text, comment, or CDATA] SEE ALSO XmlDomGetCharData */ #define XMLDOM_GET_CHAR_DATA_LENGTH_CB getCharDataLength_xmldomcb #define XMLDOM_GET_CHAR_DATA_LENGTH_F(func, xctx, cdata) \ ub4 func(xmlctx *xctx, xmlnode *cdata) XMLDOM_GET_CHAR_DATA_LENGTH_F((*XMLDOM_GET_CHAR_DATA_LENGTH_CB), xctx, cdata); #define XmlDomGetCharDataLength(xctx, node) \ (*XML_DOMCB(xctx)->XMLDOM_GET_CHAR_DATA_LENGTH_CB) \ ((xctx), (node)) /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomSubstringData STANDARD DOM 2: CharacterData.substringData() PURPOSE Return substring of node's data DESCRIPTION Returns a range of character data from a CharacterData node (type text, comment or CDATA). For other node types, or if count is zero, returns NULL. Since the data is in the data encoding, offset and count are in characters, not bytes. The beginning of the string is offset 0. If the sum of offset and count exceeds the length, then all characters to the end of the data are returned. The substring is permanently allocated in the node's document's memory pool. To free the substring, use XmlDomFreeString. EXAMPLE Given a node with data "abcdefgh", XmlDomSubstringData(offset=0, length=1) --> "a" XmlDomSubstringData(offset=5, length=5) --> "fgh" RETURNS (oratext *) specified substring. ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context node (IN) CharacterData node [text, comment, or CDATA] offset (IN) start offset of substring to extract count (IN) number of characters to extract SEE ALSO XmlDomAppendData, XmlDomInsertData, XmlDomDeleteData, XmlDomReplaceData, XmlDomSplitText, XmlDomFreeString */ #define XMLDOM_SUBSTRING_DATA_CB substringData_xmldomcb #define XMLDOM_SUBSTRING_DATA_F(func, xctx, node, offset, count) \ oratext* func(xmlctx *xctx, xmlnode *node, ub4 offset, ub4 count) XMLDOM_SUBSTRING_DATA_F((*XMLDOM_SUBSTRING_DATA_CB), xctx, node, offset, count); #define XmlDomSubstringData(xctx, node, offset, count) \ (*XML_DOMCB(xctx)->XMLDOM_SUBSTRING_DATA_CB) \ ((xctx), (node), (offset), (count)) /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomAppendData STANDARD DOM 2: Node.appendData() PURPOSE Append data to end of node's current data DESCRIPTION Append a string to the end of a CharacterData node's data. If the node is not text, comment or CDATA, or if the string to append is NULL, does nothing. The appended data should be in the data encoding. It will not be verified, converted, or checked. If bad data is appended, bad things will happen-- GIGO! The new node data will be allocated and managed by DOM, but if the previous node value was allocated and manager by the user, they are responsible for freeing it (which is why it's returned). RETURNS (void) ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context node (IN) CharacterData node [text, comment, or CDATA] data (IN) data to append [data encoding] old (OUT) previous data for node [data encoding] SEE ALSO XmlDomGetCharData, XmlDomInsertData, XmlDomDeleteData, XmlDomReplaceData, XmlDomSplitText */ #define XMLDOM_APPEND_DATA_CB appendData_xmldomcb #define XMLDOM_APPEND_DATA_F(func, xctx, node, data, old) \ void func(xmlctx *xctx, xmlnode *node, oratext *data, oratext **old) XMLDOM_APPEND_DATA_F((*XMLDOM_APPEND_DATA_CB), xctx, node, data, old); #define XmlDomAppendData(xctx, node, data, old) \ (*XML_DOMCB(xctx)->XMLDOM_APPEND_DATA_CB) \ ((xctx), (node), (data), (old)) /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomInsertData STANDARD DOM 2: CharacterData.insertData() PURPOSE Insert string into node's current data DESCRIPTION Insert a string into a CharacterData node's data at the specified position. If the node is not text, comment or CDATAS, or if the data to be inserted is NULL, or the offset is outside the original data, does nothing. The inserted data must be in the data encoding. It will not be verified, converted, or checked. If bad data is appended, bad things will happen-- GIGO! The offset is specified as characters, not bytes. The offset is zero-based, so inserting at offset zero prepends the data. The new node data will be allocated and managed by DOM, but if the previous node value was allocated and managed by the user, they are responsible for freeing it (which is why it's returned). EXAMPLE {Given a node with data} "abcdefgh" InsertData(offset=0, arg="FOO") --> "FOOabcdefgh" InsertData(offset=5, arg="*") --> "abcde*fgh" RETURNS (void) ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context node (IN) CharacterData node [Text, Comment, or CDATA] offset (IN) character offset at which to insert arg (IN) data to insert [data encoding] old (OUT) previous data for node [data encoding] SEE ALSO XmlDomGetCharData, XmlDomAppendData, XmlDomDeleteData, XmlDomReplaceData, XmlDomSplitText */ #define XMLDOM_INSERT_DATA_CB insertData_xmldomcb #define XMLDOM_INSERT_DATA_F(func, xctx, node, offset, arg, old) \ void func(xmlctx *xctx, xmlnode *node, ub4 offset, \ oratext *arg, oratext **old) XMLDOM_INSERT_DATA_F((*XMLDOM_INSERT_DATA_CB), xctx, node, offset,arg,old); #define XmlDomInsertData(xctx, node, offset, data, old) \ (*XML_DOMCB(xctx)->XMLDOM_INSERT_DATA_CB) \ ((xctx), (node), (offset), (data), (old)) /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomDeleteData STANDARD DOM 2: CharacterData.deleteData() PURPOSE Remove part of node's data DESCRIPTION Remove a range of characters from a CharacterData node's data. If the node is not text, comment or CDATA, or if the offset is outside of the original data, does nothing. The offset is zero-based, so offset zero refers to the start of the data. Both offset and count are in characters, not bytes. If the sum of offset and count exceeds the data length then all characters from offset to the end of the data are deleted. The new node data will be allocated and managed by DOM, but if the previous node value was allocated and managed by the user, they are responsible for freeing it (which is why it's returned). EXAMPLE {Given a node with data} "abcdefgh", DeleteData(offset=0, count=2) --> "cdefgh" DeleteData(offset=5, count=5) --> "abcde" RETURNS (void) ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context node (IN) CharacterData node [Text, Comment, or CDATA] offset (IN) character offset from which to start removing count (IN) number of characters to delete out (OUT) previous data for node [data encoding] SEE ALSO XmlDomGetCharData, XmlDomAppendData, XmlDomInsertData, XmlDomReplaceData, XmlDomSplitText */ #define XMLDOM_DELETE_DATA_CB deleteData_xmldomcb #define XMLDOM_DELETE_DATA_F(func, xctx, node, offset, count, old) \ void func(xmlctx *xctx, xmlnode *node, ub4 offset, \ ub4 count, oratext **old) XMLDOM_DELETE_DATA_F((*XMLDOM_DELETE_DATA_CB), xctx, node, offset, count, old); #define XmlDomDeleteData(xctx, node, offset, count, old) \ (*XML_DOMCB(xctx)->XMLDOM_DELETE_DATA_CB) \ ((xctx), (node), (offset), (count), (old)) /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomReplaceData STANDARD DOM 2: CharacterData.replaceData() PURPOSE Replace part of node's data DESCRIPTION Replaces a range of characters in a CharacterData node's data with a new string. If the node is not text, comment or CDATA, or if the offset is outside of the original data, or if the replacement string is NULL, does nothing. If the count is zero, acts just as XmlDomInsertData. The offset is zero-based, so offset zero refers to the start of the data. The replacement data must be in the data encoding. It will not be verified, converted, or checked. If bad data is set, bad things will happen-- GIGO! The offset and count are both in characters, not bytes. If the sum of offset and count exceeds length, then all characters to the end of the data are replaced. The new node data will be allocated and managed by DOM, but if the previous node value was allocated and managed by the user, they are responsible for freeing it (which is why it's returned). EXAMPLE Given a node with data "abcdefgh", XmlDomReplaceData(offset=0, count=1, arg="FOO") --> "FOObcdefgh" XmlDomRreplaceData(offset=2, count=2, arg="*") --> "ab*efgh" XmlDomRreplaceData(offset=5, count=5, arg="*") --> "abcde*" RETURNS (void) ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context node (IN) CharacterData node [text, comment, or CDATA] offset (IN) character offset from which to start replacing count (IN) number of characters to replace arg (IN) replacement substring [data encoding] out (OUT) previous data for node [data encoding] SEE ALSO XmlDomGetCharData, XmlDomAppendData, XmlDomInsertData, XmlDomDeleteData, XmlDomSplitText */ #define XMLDOM_REPLACE_DATA_CB replaceData_xmldomcb #define XMLDOM_REPLACE_DATA_F(func, xctx, node, offset, count, arg, old) \ void func(xmlctx *xctx, xmlnode *node, ub4 offset, \ ub4 count, oratext *arg, oratext **old) XMLDOM_REPLACE_DATA_F((*XMLDOM_REPLACE_DATA_CB), xctx, node, offset, count, arg, old); #define XmlDomReplaceData(xctx, node, offset, count, data, old) \ (*XML_DOMCB(xctx)->XMLDOM_REPLACE_DATA_CB) \ ((xctx), (node), (offset), (count), (data), (old)) /**************************************************************************** Interface Attr ****************************************************************************/ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomGetAttrName STANDARD DOM 2: Attr.name PURPOSE Returns an attribute's name as NULL-terminated string DESCRIPTION Returns the fully-qualified name of an attribute (in the data encoding) as a NULL-terminated string, for example "bar\0" or "foo:bar\0". A length-encoded version is available as XmlDomGetAttrNameLen which returns the attribute name as a pointer and length, for use if the data is known to use XMLType backing store. RETURNS (oratext *) name of attribute [data encoding] ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context attr (IN) attribute node SEE ALSO XmlDomGetAttrNameLen, XmlDomGetAttrURI, XmlDomGetAttrPrefix, XmlDomGetAttrLocal */ #define XMLDOM_GET_ATTR_NAME_CB getAttrName_xmldomcb #define XMLDOM_GET_ATTR_NAME_F(func, xctx, attr) \ oratext* func(xmlctx *xctx, xmlattrnode *attr) XMLDOM_GET_ATTR_NAME_F((*XMLDOM_GET_ATTR_NAME_CB), xctx, attr); #define XmlDomGetAttrName(xctx, attr) \ (*XML_DOMCB(xctx)->XMLDOM_GET_ATTR_NAME_CB) \ ((xctx), (attr)) /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomGetAttrNameLen PURPOSE Returns an attribute's name as length-encoded string DESCRIPTION Returns the fully-qualified name of an attribute (in the data encoding) as a length-encoded string, for example ("bar", 3) or ("foo:bar", 7). A NULL-terminated version is available as XmlDomGetAttrName which returns the attribute name as NULL-terminated string. If the backing store is known to be XMLType, then the attribute's data will be stored internally as length-encoded. Using the length-based Get functions will avoid having to copy and NULL-terminate the data. If both the input buffer is non-NULL and the input buffer length is non-zero, then the value will be stored in the input buffer. Else, the implementation will return its own buffer. If the actual length is greater than buflen, then a truncated value will be copied into the buffer and len will return the actual length. RETURNS (oratext *) name of attribute [data encoding] ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context attr (IN) attribute node buf (IN) input buffer [optional] buflen (IN) input buffer length [optional] len (OUT) length of name [in characters] SEE ALSO XmlDomGetAttrName, XmlDomGetAttrURI, XmlDomGetAttrPrefix, XmlDomGetAttrLocal */ #define XMLDOM_GET_ATTR_NAME_LEN_CB getAttrNameLen_xmldomcb #define XMLDOM_GET_ATTR_NAME_LEN_F(func, xctx, attr, buf, buflen, len) \ oratext* func(xmlctx *xctx, xmlattrnode *attr, oratext *buf, ub4 buflen, \ ub4 *len) XMLDOM_GET_ATTR_NAME_LEN_F((*XMLDOM_GET_ATTR_NAME_LEN_CB), xctx, attr, buf, buflen, len); #define XmlDomGetAttrNameLen(xctx, attr, buf, buflen, len) \ (*XML_DOMCB(xctx)->XMLDOM_GET_ATTR_NAME_LEN_CB) \ ((xctx), (attr), (buf), (buflen), (len)) /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomGetAttrURI STANDARD DOM 2: Node.namespaceURI PURPOSE Returns an attribute's namespace URI as NULL-terminated string DESCRIPTION Returns an attribute's namespace URI (in the data encoding). If the attribute's name is not qualified (does not contain a namespace prefix), it will have the default namespace in effect when the node was created (which may be NULL). A length-encoded version is available as XmlDomGetAttrURILen which returns the URI as a pointer and length, for use if the data is known to use XMLType backing store. EXAMPLE <foo xmlns:pfx="example_namespace" pfx:bar="bar_value"/> XmlDomGetAttrURI(attr pfx:bar) --> "example_namespace\0" RETURNS (oratext *) attribute's namespace URI [data encoding] or NULL ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context attr (IN) attribute node SEE ALSO XmlDomGetAttrURILen, XmlDomGetAttrPrefix, XmlDomGetAttrLocal */ #define XMLDOM_GET_ATTR_URI_CB getAttrURI_xmldomcb #define XMLDOM_GET_ATTR_URI_F(func, xctx, attr) \ oratext* func(xmlctx *xctx, xmlattrnode *attr) XMLDOM_GET_ATTR_URI_F((*XMLDOM_GET_ATTR_URI_CB), xctx, attr); #define XmlDomGetAttrURI(xctx, attr) \ (*XML_DOMCB(xctx)->XMLDOM_GET_ATTR_URI_CB) \ ((xctx), (attr)) /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomGetAttrURILen PURPOSE Returns an attribute's namespace URI as length-encoded string DESCRIPTION Returns an attribute's namespace URI (in the data encoding) as length-encoded string. If the attribute's name is not qualified (does not contain a namespace prefix), it will have the default namespace in effect when the node was created (which may be NULL). A NULL-terminated version is available as XmlDomGetAttrURI which returns the URI as NULL-terminated string. If the backing store is known to be XMLType, then the attribute's data will be stored internally as length-encoded. Using the length-based Get functions will avoid having to copy and NULL-terminate the data. If both the input buffer is non-NULL and the input buffer length is non-zero, then the value will be stored in the input buffer. Else, the implementation will return its own buffer. If the actual length is greater than buflen, then a truncated value will be copied into the buffer and len will return the actual length. EXAMPLE <foo xmlns:pfx="example_namespace" pfx:bar="bar_value"/> XmlDomGetAttrURILen(attr pfx:bar) --> ("example_namespace", 17) RETURNS (oratext *) attribute's namespace URI [data encoding] or NULL ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context attr (IN) attribute node buf (IN) input buffer [optional] buflen (IN) input buffer length [optional] len (OUT) length of URI [in characters] SEE ALSO XmlDomGetAttrURI, XmlDomGetAttrPrefix, XmlDomGetAttrLocal */ #define XMLDOM_GET_ATTR_URI_LEN_CB getAttrURILen_xmldomcb #define XMLDOM_GET_ATTR_URI_LEN_F(func, xctx, attr, buf, buflen, len) \ oratext* func(xmlctx *xctx, xmlattrnode *attr, oratext *buf, ub4 buflen, \ ub4 *len) XMLDOM_GET_ATTR_URI_LEN_F((*XMLDOM_GET_ATTR_URI_LEN_CB), xctx, attr, buf, buflen, len); #define XmlDomGetAttrURILen(xctx, attr, buf, buflen, len) \ (*XML_DOMCB(xctx)->XMLDOM_GET_ATTR_URI_LEN_CB) \ ((xctx), (attr), (buf), (buflen), (len)) /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomGetAttrPrefix STANDARD DOM 2: Node.prefix PURPOSE Returns an attribute's namespace prefix DESCRIPTION Returns an attribute's namespace prefix (in the data encoding). If the attribute's name is not fully qualified (has no prefix), NULL is returned. EXAMPLE <foo xmlns:pfx="example_namespace" pfx:bar="bar_value"/> XmlDomGetAttrPrefix(attr pfx:bar) --> "pfx\0" RETURNS (oratext *) attribute's namespace prefix [data encoding] or NULL ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context attr (IN) attribute node SEE ALSO XmlDomGetAttrName, XmlDomGetAttrURI, XmlDomGetAttrLocal */ #define XMLDOM_GET_ATTR_PFX_CB getAttrPrefix_xmldomcb #define XMLDOM_GET_ATTR_PFX_F(func, xctx, attr) \ oratext* func(xmlctx *xctx, xmlattrnode *attr) XMLDOM_GET_ATTR_PFX_F((*XMLDOM_GET_ATTR_PFX_CB), xctx, attr); #define XmlDomGetAttrPrefix(xctx, attr) \ (*XML_DOMCB(xctx)->XMLDOM_GET_ATTR_PFX_CB) \ ((xctx), (attr)) /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomGetAttrLocal STANDARD DOM 2: Node.localName PURPOSE Returns an attribute's namespace local name as NULL-terminated string DESCRIPTION Returns an attribute's namespace local name (in the data encoding). If the attribute's name is not fully qualified (has no prefix), then the local name is the same as the name. A length-encoded version is available as XmlDomGetAttrURILen which returns the local name as a pointer and length, for use if the data is known to use XMLType backing store. EXAMPLE <foo xmlns:pfx="example_namespace" pfx:bar="bar_value"/> XmlDomGetAttrLocal(attr pfx:bar) --> "bar\0" RETURNS (oratext *) attribute's local name [data encoding] ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context attr (IN) attribute node SEE ALSO XmlDomGetAttrLocalLen, XmlDomGetAttrName, XmlDomGetAttrURI, XmlDomGetAttrPrefix */ #define XMLDOM_GET_ATTR_LOCAL_CB getAttrLocal_xmldomcb #define XMLDOM_GET_ATTR_LOCAL_F(func, xctx, attr) \ oratext* func(xmlctx *xctx, xmlattrnode *attr) XMLDOM_GET_ATTR_LOCAL_F((*XMLDOM_GET_ATTR_LOCAL_CB), xctx, attr); #define XmlDomGetAttrLocal(xctx, attr) \ (*XML_DOMCB(xctx)->XMLDOM_GET_ATTR_LOCAL_CB) \ ((xctx), (attr)) /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomGetAttrLocalLen PURPOSE Returns an attribute's namespace local name as length-encoded string DESCRIPTION Returns an attribute's namespace local name (in the data encoding). If the attribute's name is not fully qualified (has no prefix), then the local name is the same as the name. A NULL-terminated version is available as XmlDomGetAttrLocal which returns the local name as NULL-terminated string. If the backing store is known to be XMLType, then the attribute's data will be stored internally as length-encoded. Using the length-based Get functions will avoid having to copy and NULL-terminate the data. If both the input buffer is non-NULL and the input buffer length is non-zero, then the value will be stored in the input buffer. Else, the implementation will return its own buffer. If the actual length is greater than buflen, then a truncated value will be copied into the buffer and len will return the actual length. EXAMPLE <foo xmlns:pfx="example_namespace" pfx:bar="bar_value"/> XmlDomGetAttrLocalLen(attr pfx:bar) --> ("bar", 3) RETURNS (oratext *) attr's local name [data encoding] ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context attr (IN) attribute node buf (IN) input buffer [optional] buflen (IN) input buffer length [optional] len (OUT) length of local name [in characters] SEE ALSO XmlDomGetAttrLocal, XmlDomGetAttrName, XmlDomGetAttrURI, XmlDomGetAttrPrefix */ #define XMLDOM_GET_ATTR_LOCAL_LEN_CB getAttrLocalLen_xmldomcb #define XMLDOM_GET_ATTR_LOCAL_LEN_F(func, xctx, attr, buf, buflen, len) \ oratext* func(xmlctx *xctx, xmlattrnode *attr, oratext *buf, ub4 buflen, \ ub4 *len) XMLDOM_GET_ATTR_LOCAL_LEN_F((*XMLDOM_GET_ATTR_LOCAL_LEN_CB), xctx, attr, buf, buflen, len); #define XmlDomGetAttrLocalLen(xctx, attr, buf, buflen, len) \ (*XML_DOMCB(xctx)->XMLDOM_GET_ATTR_LOCAL_LEN_CB) \ ((xctx), (attr), (buf), (buflen), (len)) /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomGetAttrSpecified STANDARD DOM 2: Attr.specified PURPOSE Returns a flag saying whether an attribute was explicitly created DESCRIPTION Return the 'specified' flag for an attribute. If the attribute was explicitly given a value in the original document, this is TRUE; otherwise, it is FALSE. If the node is not an attribute, returns FALSE. If the user sets an attribute's value through DOM, its specified flag will be TRUE. To return an attribute to its default value (if it has one), the attribute should be deleted-- it will then be re-created automatically with the default value (and specified will be FALSE). RETURNS (boolean) attribute's "specified" flag ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context attr (IN) attribute node SEE ALSO XmlDomSetAttrValue */ #define XMLDOM_GET_ATTR_SPECIFIED_CB getAttrSpecified_xmldomcb #define XMLDOM_GET_ATTR_SPECIFIED_F(func, xctx, attr) \ boolean func(xmlctx *xctx, xmlattrnode *attr) XMLDOM_GET_ATTR_SPECIFIED_F((*XMLDOM_GET_ATTR_SPECIFIED_CB), xctx, attr); #define XmlDomGetAttrSpecified(xctx, attr) \ (*XML_DOMCB(xctx)->XMLDOM_GET_ATTR_SPECIFIED_CB) \ ((xctx), (attr)) /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomGetAttrValue STANDARD DOM 2: Attr.value PURPOSE Returns an attribute's value as NULL-terminated string DESCRIPTION Returns the "value" (character data) of an attribute (in the data encoding) as NULL-terminated string. Character and general entities will have been replaced. A length-encoded version is available as XmlDomGetAttrValueLen which returns the attribute value as a pointer and length, for use if the data is known to use XMLType backing store. RETURNS (oratext *) attribute's value ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context attr (IN) attribute node SEE ALSO XmlDomGetAttrValueLen, XmlDomSetAttrValue */ #define XMLDOM_GET_ATTR_VALUE_CB getAttrValue_xmldomcb #define XMLDOM_GET_ATTR_VALUE_F(func, xctx, attr) \ oratext* func(xmlctx *xctx, xmlattrnode *attr) XMLDOM_GET_ATTR_VALUE_F((*XMLDOM_GET_ATTR_VALUE_CB), xctx, attr); #define XmlDomGetAttrValue(xctx, attr) \ (*XML_DOMCB(xctx)->XMLDOM_GET_ATTR_VALUE_CB) \ ((xctx), (attr)) /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomGetAttrValueLen PURPOSE Returns an attribute's value as length-encoded string DESCRIPTION Returns the "value" (character data) of an attribute (in the data encoding) as length-encoded string. Character and general entities will have been replaced. A NULL-terminated version is available as XmlDomGetAttrValue which returns the attribute value as NULL-terminated string. If the backing store is known to be XMLType, then the attribute's data will be stored internally as length-encoded. Using the length-based Get functions will avoid having to copy and NULL-terminate the data. If both the input buffer is non-NULL and the input buffer length is non-zero, then the value will be stored in the input buffer. Else, the implementation will return its own buffer. If the actual length is greater than buflen, then a truncated value will be copied into the buffer and len will return the actual length. RETURNS (oratext *) attribute's value ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context attr (IN) attribute node buf (IN) input buffer [optional] buflen (IN) input buffer length [optional] len (OUT) length of attr's value [in characters] SEE ALSO XmlDomGetAttrValue, XmlDomSetAttrValue */ #define XMLDOM_GET_ATTR_VALUE_LEN_CB getAttrValueLen_xmldomcb #define XMLDOM_GET_ATTR_VALUE_LEN_F(func, xctx, attr, buf, buflen, len) \ oratext* func(xmlctx *xctx, xmlattrnode *attr, oratext *buf, ub4 buflen, \ ub4 *len) XMLDOM_GET_ATTR_VALUE_LEN_F((*XMLDOM_GET_ATTR_VALUE_LEN_CB), xctx, attr, buf, buflen, len); #define XmlDomGetAttrValueLen(xctx, attr, buf, buflen, len) \ (*XML_DOMCB(xctx)->XMLDOM_GET_ATTR_VALUE_LEN_CB) \ ((xctx), (attr), (buf), (buflen), (len)) /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomGetAttrValueStreamVA PURPOSE Get attribute's value via orastream STATUS Oracle extension [Private] DESCRIPTION Same as XmlDomGetAttrValueStream() but takes the variable arguments as a va_list instead of ... RETURNS (xmlerr) error code, XMLERR_OK [0] for success ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context attr (IN) XML attriibute node va (IN) variable arguments as va_list (ending in NULL) SEE ALSO XmlDomGetAttrValue, XmlDomGetAttrValueLen, XmlDomGetAttrValueStream */ #define XMLDOM_GET_ATTR_VALUE_STREAM_VA_CB getAttrValueStreamVA_xmldomcb #define XMLDOM_GET_ATTR_VALUE_STREAM_VA_F(func, xctx, attr, va) \ xmlerr func(xmlctx *xctx, xmlnode *attr, va_list va) XMLDOM_GET_ATTR_VALUE_STREAM_VA_F((*XMLDOM_GET_ATTR_VALUE_STREAM_VA_CB), xctx, attr, va); #define XmlDomGetAttrValueStreamVA(xctx, attr, va) \ (*XML_DOMCB(xctx)->XMLDOM_GET_ATTR_VALUE_STREAM_VA_CB) \ ((xctx), (attr), (va)) /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomSetAttrValue STANDARD DOM 2: Attr.value PURPOSE Sets an attribute's value DESCRIPTION Sets the given attribute's value to data. If the node is not an attribute, does nothing. Note that the new value must be in the data encoding! It is not verified, converted, or checked. If bad data is set for the attribute, bad things will happen-- GIGO! The attribute's specified flag will be TRUE after setting a new value. RETURNS (void) ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context attr (IN) attribute node value (IN) new value of attribute [data encoding] SEE ALSO XmlDomGetAttrValue */ #define XMLDOM_SET_ATTR_VALUE_CB setAttrValue_xmldomcb #define XMLDOM_SET_ATTR_VALUE_F(func, xctx, attr, value) \ void func(xmlctx *xctx, xmlattrnode *attr, oratext *value) XMLDOM_SET_ATTR_VALUE_F((*XMLDOM_SET_ATTR_VALUE_CB), xctx, attr, value); #define XmlDomSetAttrValue(xctx, attr, value) \ (*XML_DOMCB(xctx)->XMLDOM_SET_ATTR_VALUE_CB) \ ((xctx), (attr), (value)) /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomSetAttrValueStreamVA PURPOSE Set attribute's value via orastream STATUS Oracle extension [Private] DESCRIPTION Same as XmlDomSetAttrValueStream() but takes the variable arguments as a va_list instead of ... RETURNS (xmlerr) error code, XMLERR_OK [0] for success ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context attr (IN) XML attribute node va (IN) variable arguments as va_list (ending in NULL) SEE ALSO XmlDomSetAttrValue, XmlDomSetAttrValueStream */ #define XMLDOM_SET_ATTR_VALUE_STREAM_VA_CB setAttrValueStreamVA_xmldomcb #define XMLDOM_SET_ATTR_VALUE_STREAM_VA_F(func, xctx, attr, va) \ xmlerr func(xmlctx *xctx, xmlnode *attr, va_list va) XMLDOM_SET_ATTR_VALUE_STREAM_VA_F((*XMLDOM_SET_ATTR_VALUE_STREAM_VA_CB), xctx, attr, istream); #define XmlDomSetAttrValueStreamVA(xctx, attr, va) \ (*XML_DOMCB(xctx)->XMLDOM_SET_ATTR_VALUE_STREAM_VA_CB) \ ((xctx), (attr), (va)) /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomGetOwnerElem STANDARD DOM 2: Attr.ownerElement PURPOSE Returns an attribute's owning element DESCRIPTION Returns the Element node associated with an attribute. Each attr either belongs to an element (one and only one), or is detached and not yet part of the DOM tree. In the former case, the element node is returned; if the attr is unassigned, NULL is returned. RETURNS (xmlelemnode *) attribute's element node [or NULL] ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context attr (IN) attribute node SEE ALSO XmlDomGetOwnerDocument */ #define XMLDOM_GET_OWNER_ELEM_CB getOwnerElem_xmldomcb #define XMLDOM_GET_OWNER_ELEM_F(func, xctx, attr) \ xmlelemnode* func(xmlctx *xctx, xmlattrnode *attr) XMLDOM_GET_OWNER_ELEM_F((*XMLDOM_GET_OWNER_ELEM_CB), xctx, attr); #define XmlDomGetOwnerElem(xctx, node) \ (*XML_DOMCB(xctx)->XMLDOM_GET_OWNER_ELEM_CB) \ ((xctx), (node)) /**************************************************************************** Interface Element ****************************************************************************/ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomGetTag STANDARD DOM 2: Element.tagName PURPOSE Return an element node's tagname DESCRIPTION Returns the {tagName} of a node, which is the same as its name. DOM 1.0 says "...even though there is a generic {nodeName} attribute on the {Node} interface, there is still a {tagName} attribute on the {Element} interface; these two attributes must contain the same value, but the Working Group considers it worthwhile to support both, given the different constituencies the DOM API must satisfy." RETURNS (oratext *) element's name [data encoding] ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context elem (IN) element node SEE ALSO XmlDomGetNodeName */ #define XMLDOM_GET_TAG_CB getTag_xmldomcb #define XMLDOM_GET_TAG_F(func, xctx, elem) \ oratext* func(xmlctx *xctx, xmlelemnode *elem) XMLDOM_GET_TAG_F((*XMLDOM_GET_TAG_CB), xctx, elem); #define XmlDomGetTag(xctx, elem) \ (*XML_DOMCB(xctx)->XMLDOM_GET_TAG_CB) \ ((xctx), (elem)) /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomGetAttr STANDARD DOM 2: Element.getAttribute() PURPOSE Return attribute's value given its name DESCRIPTION Returns the value of an element's attribute (specified by name). Note that an attribute may have the empty string as its value, but cannot be NULL. If the element does not have an attribute with the given name, NULL is returned. RETURNS (oratext *) named attribute's value [data encoding; may be NULL] ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context elem (IN) element node name (IN) attribute's name [data encoding] SEE ALSO XmlDomGetAttrNS, XmlDomGetAttrs, XmlDomGetAttrNode */ #define XMLDOM_GET_ATTR_CB getAttr_xmldomcb #define XMLDOM_GET_ATTR_F(func, xctx, elem, name) \ oratext* func(xmlctx *xctx, xmlelemnode *elem, oratext *name) XMLDOM_GET_ATTR_F((*XMLDOM_GET_ATTR_CB), xctx, elem, name); #define XmlDomGetAttr(xctx, elem, name) \ (*XML_DOMCB(xctx)->XMLDOM_GET_ATTR_CB) \ ((xctx), (elem), (name)) /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomGetAttrNS STANDARD DOM 2: Element.getAttributeNS() PURPOSE Return attribute's value given its URI and localname DESCRIPTION Returns the value of an element's attribute (specified by URI and localname). Note that an attribute may have the empty string as its value, but cannot be NULL. If the element does not have an attribute with the given name, NULL is returned. RETURNS (oratext *) named attribute's value [data encoding; may be NULL] ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context elem (IN) element node uri (IN) attribute's namespace URI [data encoding] local (IN) attribute's local name [data encoding] SEE ALSO XmlDomGetAttr, XmlDomGetAttrs, XmlDomGetAttrNode */ #define XMLDOM_GET_ATTR_NS_CB getAttrNS_xmldomcb #define XMLDOM_GET_ATTR_NS_F(func, xctx, elem, uri, local) \ oratext* func(xmlctx *xctx, xmlelemnode *elem, \ oratext *uri, oratext *local) XMLDOM_GET_ATTR_NS_F((*XMLDOM_GET_ATTR_NS_CB), xctx, elem, uri, local); #define XmlDomGetAttrNS(xctx, elem, uri, local) \ (*XML_DOMCB(xctx)->XMLDOM_GET_ATTR_NS_CB) \ ((xctx), (elem), (uri), (local)) /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomSetAttr STANDARD DOM 2: Element.setAttribute() PURPOSE Set new attribute for element DESCRIPTION Creates a new attribute for an element with the given name and value (which should be in the data encoding). If the named attribute already exists, its value is simply replaced. The name and value are not verified, converted, or checked. If bad data is set, bad things may happen-- GIGO! The value is not parsed, so entity references will not be expanded. The attribute's Specified flag will be set. RETURNS (void) ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context elem (IN) element node name (IN) attribute's name [data encoding] value (IN) attribute's value [data encoding] SEE ALSO XmlDomSetAttrNS, XmlDomCreateAttr, XmlDomSetAttrValue, XmlDomRemoveAttr */ #define XMLDOM_SET_ATTR_CB setAttr_xmldomcb #define XMLDOM_SET_ATTR_F(func, xctx, elem, name, value) \ void func(xmlctx *xctx, xmlelemnode *elem, oratext *name, oratext *value) XMLDOM_SET_ATTR_F((*XMLDOM_SET_ATTR_CB), xctx, elem, name, value); #define XmlDomSetAttr(xctx, elem, name, value) \ (*XML_DOMCB(xctx)->XMLDOM_SET_ATTR_CB) \ ((xctx), (elem), (name), (value)) /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomSetAttrNS STANDARD DOM 2: Element.setAttributeNS() PURPOSE Set new attribute for element (namespace aware version) DESCRIPTION Creates a new attribute for an element with the given URI, localname and value (which should be in the data encoding). If the named attribute already exists, its value is simply replaced. The name and value are not verified, converted, or checked. If bad data is set, bad things will happen-- GIGO! The value is not parsed, so entity references will not be expanded. The attribute's {specified} flag will be set. RETURNS (void) ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context elem (IN) element node uri (IN) attribute's namespace URI [data encoding] qname (IN) attribute's qualified name [data encoding] value (IN) attribute's value [data encoding] SEE ALSO XmlDomSetAttr, XmlDomCreateAttr, XmlDomSetAttrValue, XmlDomRemoveAttr */ #define XMLDOM_SET_ATTR_NS_CB setAttrNS_xmldomcb #define XMLDOM_SET_ATTR_NS_F(func, xctx, elem, uri, qname, value) \ void func(xmlctx *xctx, xmlelemnode *elem, oratext *uri, \ oratext *qname, oratext *value) XMLDOM_SET_ATTR_NS_F((*XMLDOM_SET_ATTR_NS_CB), xctx, elem, uri, qname, value); #define XmlDomSetAttrNS(xctx, elem, uri, qname, value) \ (*XML_DOMCB(xctx)->XMLDOM_SET_ATTR_NS_CB) \ ((xctx), (elem), (uri), (qname), (value)) /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomRemoveAttr STANDARD DOM 2: Element.removeAttribute() PURPOSE Remove attribute with specified name DESCRIPTION Removes an attribute (specified by name). If the removed attribute has a default value it is immediately re-created with that default. Note that the attribute is removed from the element's list of attributes, but the attribute node itself is not destroyed. RETURNS (void) ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context elem (IN) element node name (IN) attribute's name [data encoding] SEE ALSO XmlDomRemoveAttrNS, XmlDomRemoveAttrNode */ #define XMLDOM_REMOVE_ATTR_CB removeAttr_xmldomcb #define XMLDOM_REMOVE_ATTR_F(func, xctx, elem, name) \ void func(xmlctx *xctx, xmlelemnode *elem, oratext *name) XMLDOM_REMOVE_ATTR_F((*XMLDOM_REMOVE_ATTR_CB), xctx, elem, name); #define XmlDomRemoveAttr(xctx, elem, name) \ (*XML_DOMCB(xctx)->XMLDOM_REMOVE_ATTR_CB) \ ((xctx), (elem), (name)) /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomRemoveAttrNS PURPOSE Remove attribute with specified URI and local name STANDARD DOM 2: Element.removeAttributeNS() DESCRIPTION Removes an attribute (specified by URI and localname). If the removed attribute has a default value it is immediately re-created with that default. Note that the attribute is removed from the element's list of attributes, but the attribute node itself is not destroyed. RETURNS (void) ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context elem (IN) element node uri (IN) attribute's namespace URI local (IN) attribute's local name SEE ALSO XmlDomRemoveAttr, XmlDomRemoveAttrNode */ #define XMLDOM_REMOVE_ATTR_NS_CB removeAttrNS_xmldomcb #define XMLDOM_REMOVE_ATTR_NS_F(func, xctx, elem, uri, local) \ void func(xmlctx *xctx, xmlelemnode *elem, oratext *uri, oratext *local) XMLDOM_REMOVE_ATTR_NS_F((*XMLDOM_REMOVE_ATTR_NS_CB), xctx, elem, uri, local); #define XmlDomRemoveAttrNS(xctx, elem, uri, local) \ (*XML_DOMCB(xctx)->XMLDOM_REMOVE_ATTR_NS_CB) \ ((xctx),(elem),(uri),(local)) /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomGetAttrNode STANDARD DOM 2: Element.getAttributeNode() PURPOSE Get attribute by name DESCRIPTION Returns an element's attribute specified by name. If the node is not an element or the named attribute does not exist, returns NULL. RETURNS (xmlattrnode *) attribute with the specified name [or NULL] ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context elem (IN) element node name (IN) attribute's name [data encoding] SEE ALSO XmlDomGetAttrNodeNS, XmlDomGetAttr */ #define XMLDOM_GET_ATTR_NODE_CB getAttrNode_xmldomcb #define XMLDOM_GET_ATTR_NODE_F(func, xctx, elem, name) \ xmlattrnode* func(xmlctx *xctx, xmlelemnode *elem, oratext *name) XMLDOM_GET_ATTR_NODE_F((*XMLDOM_GET_ATTR_NODE_CB), xctx, elem, name); #define XmlDomGetAttrNode(xctx, elem, name) \ (*XML_DOMCB(xctx)->XMLDOM_GET_ATTR_NODE_CB) \ ((xctx), (elem), (name)) /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomGetAttrNodeNS STANDARD DOM 2: Element.getAttributeNodeNS() PURPOSE Get attribute by name (namespace aware version) DESCRIPTION Returns an element's attribute specified by URI and localname. If the node is not an element or the named attribute does not exist, returns NULL. RETURNS (xmlattrnode *) attribute node with the given URI/local name [or NULL] ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context elem (IN) element node uri (IN) attribute's namespace URI [data encoding] local (IN) attribute's local name [data encoding] SEE ALSO XmlDomGetAttrNode, XmlDomGetAttr */ #define XMLDOM_GET_ATTR_NODE_NS_CB getAttrNodeNS_xmldomcb #define XMLDOM_GET_ATTR_NODE_NS_F(func, xctx, elem, uri, local) \ xmlattrnode* func(xmlctx *xctx, xmlelemnode *elem, \ oratext *uri, oratext *local) XMLDOM_GET_ATTR_NODE_NS_F((*XMLDOM_GET_ATTR_NODE_NS_CB), xctx, elem, uri, local); #define XmlDomGetAttrNodeNS(xctx, elem, uri, local) \ (*XML_DOMCB(xctx)->XMLDOM_GET_ATTR_NODE_NS_CB) \ ((xctx), (elem), (uri), (local)) /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomSetAttrNode STANDARD DOM 2: Element.setAttributeNode() PURPOSE Set attribute node DESCRIPTION Adds a new attribute to an element. If an attribute with the given name already exists, it is replaced and the old attribute returned through {oldNode}. If the attribute is new, it is added to the element's list and {oldNode} set to NULL. RETURNS (xmlattrnode *) replaced attribute node (or NULL) ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context elem (IN) element node newAttr (IN) attribute node to add SEE ALSO XmlDomSetAttrNodeNS, XmlDomCreateAttr, XmlDomSetAttrValue */ #define XMLDOM_SET_ATTR_NODE_CB setAttrNode_xmldomcb #define XMLDOM_SET_ATTR_NODE_F(func, xctx, elem, newAttr) \ xmlattrnode* func(xmlctx *xctx, xmlelemnode *elem, xmlattrnode *newAttr) XMLDOM_SET_ATTR_NODE_F((*XMLDOM_SET_ATTR_NODE_CB), xctx, elem, newAttr); #define XmlDomSetAttrNode(xctx, elem, attr) \ (*XML_DOMCB(xctx)->XMLDOM_SET_ATTR_NODE_CB) \ ((xctx), (elem), (attr)) /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomSetAttrNodeNS STANDARD DOM 2: Element.setAttributeNodeNS() PURPOSE Set attribute node (namespace aware version) DESCRIPTION Adds a new attribute to an element. If an attribute with {newNode}'s URI and localname already exists, it is replaced and the old attribute returned through {oldNode}. If the attribute is new, it is added to the element's list and {oldNode} set to NULL. RETURNS (xmlattrnode *) replaced attribute node [or NULL] ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context elem (IN) element node newAttr (IN) attribute node to add SEE ALSO XmlDomSetAttrNode, XmlDomCreateAttr, XmlDomSetAttrValue */ #define XMLDOM_SET_ATTR_NODE_NS_CB setAttrNodeNS_xmldomcb #define XMLDOM_SET_ATTR_NODE_NS_F(func, xctx, elem, newAttr) \ xmlattrnode* func(xmlctx *xctx, xmlelemnode *elem, xmlattrnode *newAttr) XMLDOM_SET_ATTR_NODE_NS_F((*XMLDOM_SET_ATTR_NODE_NS_CB), xctx, elem, newAttr); #define XmlDomSetAttrNodeNS(xctx, elem, attr) \ (*XML_DOMCB(xctx)->XMLDOM_SET_ATTR_NODE_NS_CB) \ ((xctx), (elem), (attr)) /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomRemoveAttrNode PURPOSE Remove attribute node STANDARD DOM 2: Element.removeAttributeNode() DESCRIPTION Removes an attribute from an element. If the attribute has a default value, it is immediately re-created with that value (Specified set to FALSE). Returns the removed attribute on success, else NULL. RETURNS (xmlattrnode *) replaced attribute node [or NULL] ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context elem (IN) element node newAttr (IN) attribute node to add SEE ALSO XmlDomRemoveAttr */ #define XMLDOM_REMOVE_ATTR_NODE_CB removeAttrNode_xmldomcb #define XMLDOM_REMOVE_ATTR_NODE_F(func, xctx, elem, oldAttr) \ xmlattrnode* func(xmlctx *xctx, xmlelemnode *elem, xmlattrnode *oldAttr) XMLDOM_REMOVE_ATTR_NODE_F((*XMLDOM_REMOVE_ATTR_NODE_CB), xctx, elem, oldAttr); #define XmlDomRemoveAttrNode(xctx, elem, old) \ (*XML_DOMCB(xctx)->XMLDOM_REMOVE_ATTR_NODE_CB) \ ((xctx), (elem), (old)) /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomHasAttr PURPOSE Does named attribute exist? STANDARD DOM 2: Element.hasAttribute() DESCRIPTION Determines if an element has a attribute with the given name. Returns TRUE if so, FALSE if not. RETURNS (boolean) TRUE if element has attribute with given name ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context elem (IN) element node name (IN) attribute's name [data encoding] SEE ALSO XmlDomHasAttrNS */ #define XMLDOM_HAS_ATTR_CB hasAttr_xmldomcb #define XMLDOM_HAS_ATTR_F(func, xctx, elem, name) \ boolean func(xmlctx *xctx, xmlelemnode *elem, oratext *name) XMLDOM_HAS_ATTR_F((*XMLDOM_HAS_ATTR_CB), xctx, elem, name); #define XmlDomHasAttr(xctx, elem, name) \ (*XML_DOMCB(xctx)->XMLDOM_HAS_ATTR_CB) \ ((xctx), (elem), (name)) /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomHasAttrNS STANDARD DOM 2 Element.hasAttributeNS() PURPOSE Does named attribute exist? (namespace aware version) DESCRIPTION Determines if an element has an attribute with the given URI and localname. Returns TRUE if so, FALSE if not. RETURNS (boolean) TRUE if element has attribute with given URI/localname ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context elem (IN) element node uri (IN) attribute's namespace URI [data encoding] local (IN) attribute's local name [data encoding] SEE ALSO XmlDomHasAttr */ #define XMLDOM_HAS_ATTR_NS_CB hasAttrNS_xmldomcb #define XMLDOM_HAS_ATTR_NS_F(func, xctx, elem, uri, local) \ boolean func(xmlctx *xctx, xmlelemnode *elem, oratext *uri, oratext *local) XMLDOM_HAS_ATTR_NS_F((*XMLDOM_HAS_ATTR_NS_CB), xctx, elem, uri, local); #define XmlDomHasAttrNS(xctx, elem, uri, local) \ (*XML_DOMCB(xctx)->XMLDOM_HAS_ATTR_NS_CB) \ ((xctx), (elem), (uri), (local)) /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomGetElemsByTag STANDARD DOM 2: Element.getElementsByTagName() PURPOSE Get elements with given tag name [non-namespace-aware version] DESCRIPTION Returns a list of all elements (in the document tree rooted at the root node) with a given tag name, in the order in which they would be encountered in a preorder traversal of the tree. If root is NULL, the entire document is searched. The tag name should be in the data encoding. The special name {"*"} matches all tag names; a NULL name matches nothing. Note that tag names are CASE SENSITIVE. This function is not namespace aware; the full tag names are compared. If two prefixes which map to the same URI are compared, the comparison will fail. See XmlDomGetElemsByTagNS for the namespace-aware version. The returned list can be freed with XmlDomFreeNodeList. RETURNS (xmlnodelist *) node list of matching elements ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context elem (IN) element node name (IN) tag name to match [data encoding; {"*"} for any tag] SEE ALSO XmlDomGetElemsByTagNS, XmlDomFreeNodeList */ #define XMLDOM_GET_ELEMS_BY_TAG_CB getElemsByTag_xmldomcb #define XMLDOM_GET_ELEMS_BY_TAG_F(func, xctx, elem, name) \ xmlnodelist* func(xmlctx *xctx, xmlelemnode *elem, oratext *name) XMLDOM_GET_ELEMS_BY_TAG_F((*XMLDOM_GET_ELEMS_BY_TAG_CB), xctx, elem, name); #define XmlDomGetElemsByTag(xctx, elem, name) \ (*XML_DOMCB(xctx)->XMLDOM_GET_ELEMS_BY_TAG_CB) \ ((xctx), (elem), (name)) /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomGetElemsByTagNS STANDARD DOM 2: Element.getElementsByTagNameNS() PURPOSE Get elements with given URI and localname [namespace aware version] DESCRIPTION Returns a list of all elements (in the document tree rooted at the root node) with a given URI and localname, in the order in which they would be encountered in a preorder traversal of the tree. If root is NULL, the entire document is searched. The tag name should be in the data encoding. The special name {"*"} matches all tag names; a NULL name matches nothing. Note that tag names are CASE SENSITIVE. This function is not namespace aware; the full tag names are compared. If two prefixes which map to the same URI are compared, the comparison will fail. The returned list can be freed with XmlDomFreeNodeList. RETURNS (xmlnodelist *) node list of matching elements ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context elem (IN) element node uri (IN) namespace URI to match [data encoding; {"*"} matches any] local (IN) local name to match [data encoding; {"*"} matches any] SEE ALSO XmlDomGetDocElemsByTag, XmlDomFreeNodeList */ #define XMLDOM_GET_ELEMS_BY_TAG_NS_CB getElemsByTagNS_xmldomcb #define XMLDOM_GET_ELEMS_BY_TAG_NS_F(func, xctx, elem, uri, local) \ xmlnodelist* func(xmlctx *xctx, xmlelemnode *elem, \ oratext *uri, oratext *local) XMLDOM_GET_ELEMS_BY_TAG_NS_F((*XMLDOM_GET_ELEMS_BY_TAG_NS_CB), xctx, elem, uri, local); #define XmlDomGetElemsByTagNS(xctx, elem, uri, local) \ (*XML_DOMCB(xctx)->XMLDOM_GET_ELEMS_BY_TAG_NS_CB) \ ((xctx), (elem), (uri), (local)) /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomGetChildrenByTag PURPOSE Get children of element with given tag name [non-namespace-aware] DESCRIPTION Returns a list of children of an element with the given tag name, in the order in which they would be encountered in a preorder traversal of the tree. The tag name should be in the data encoding. The special name {"*"} matches all tag names; a NULL name matches nothing. Note that tag names are CASE SENSITIVE. This function is not namespace aware; the full tag names are compared. If two prefixes which map to the same URI are compared, the comparison will fail. See XmlDomGetChildrenByTagNS for the namespace-aware version. The returned list can be freed with XmlDomFreeNodeList. RETURNS (xmlnodelist *) node list of matching children ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context elem (IN) element node name (IN) tag name to match [data encoding; {"*"} for any] SEE ALSO XmlDomGetChildrenByTagNS, XmlDomFreeNodeList */ #define XMLDOM_GET_CHILDREN_BY_TAG_CB getChildrenByTag_xmldomcb #define XMLDOM_GET_CHILDREN_BY_TAG_F(func, xctx, elem, name) \ xmlnodelist* func(xmlctx *xctx, xmlelemnode *elem, oratext *name) XMLDOM_GET_CHILDREN_BY_TAG_F((*XMLDOM_GET_CHILDREN_BY_TAG_CB), xctx, elem, name); #define XmlDomGetChildrenByTag(xctx, elem, name) \ (*XML_DOMCB(xctx)->XMLDOM_GET_CHILDREN_BY_TAG_CB) \ ((xctx),(elem),(name)) /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomGetChildrenByTagNS PURPOSE Get children of element with tag name [namespace-aware version] DESCRIPTION Returns a list of children of an element with the given URI and local name, in the order in which they would be encountered in a preorder traversal of the tree. The URI and local name should be in the data encoding. The special name {"*"} matches all URIs or tag names; a NULL name matches nothing. Note that names are CASE SENSITIVE. See XmlDomGetChildrenByTag for the non-namespace version. The returned list can be freed with XmlDomFreeNodeList. RETURNS (xmlnodelist *) node list of matching children ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context elem (IN) element node uri (IN) namespace URI to match [data encoding; {"*"} for] local (IN) local name to match [data encoding; {"*"} for any] SEE ALSO XmlDomGetChildrenByTag, XmlDomFreeNodeList */ #define XMLDOM_GET_CHILDREN_BY_TAG_NS_CB getChildrenByTagNS_xmldomcb #define XMLDOM_GET_CHILDREN_BY_TAG_NS_F(func, xctx, elem, uri, local) \ xmlnodelist* func(xmlctx *xctx, xmlelemnode *elem, \ oratext *uri, oratext *local) XMLDOM_GET_CHILDREN_BY_TAG_NS_F((*XMLDOM_GET_CHILDREN_BY_TAG_NS_CB), xctx, elem, uri, local); #define XmlDomGetChildrenByTagNS(xctx, elem, uri, local) \ (*XML_DOMCB(xctx)->XMLDOM_GET_CHILDREN_BY_TAG_NS_CB) \ ((xctx), (elem), (uri), (local)) /**************************************************************************** Interface Text ****************************************************************************/ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomSplitText STANDARD DOM 2: Text.splitText() PURPOSE Split text node into two DESCRIPTION Splits a single text node into two text nodes; the original data is split between them. If the given node is not type text, or the offset is outside of the original data, does nothing and returns NULL. The offset is zero-based, and is in characters, not bytes. The original node is retained, its data is just truncated. A new text node is created which contains the remainder of the original data, and is inserted as the next sibling of the original. The new text node is returned. EXAMPLE (Given a Text node with data) "abcdefgh", XmlDomSplitText(1) --> Text("a"), Text("bcdefgh") XmlDomSplitText(5) --> Text("abcde"), Text("fgh") RETURNS (xmltextnode *) new text node ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context textnode (IN) text node offset (IN) character offset at which to split, starting from 0. SEE ALSO XmlDomGetCharData, XmlDomAppendData, XmlDomInsertData, XmlDomDeleteData, XmlDomReplaceData */ #define XMLDOM_SPLIT_TEXT_CB splitText_xmldomcb #define XMLDOM_SPLIT_TEXT_F(func, xctx, textnode, offset) \ xmltextnode* func(xmlctx *xctx, xmltextnode *textnode, ub4 offset) XMLDOM_SPLIT_TEXT_F((*XMLDOM_SPLIT_TEXT_CB), xctx, textnode, offset); #define XmlDomSplitText(xctx, textnode, offset) \ (*XML_DOMCB(xctx)->XMLDOM_SPLIT_TEXT_CB) \ ((xctx), (textnode), (offset)) /**************************************************************************** Interface DocumentType ****************************************************************************/ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomGetDTDName STANDARD DOM 2: DocumentType.name PURPOSE Get name of DTD DESCRIPTION Returns a DTD's name (specified immediately after the {DOCTYPE} keyword), or NULL if the node is not type DTD. RETURNS (oratext *) name of DTD ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context dtd (IN) DTD node SEE ALSO XmlDomGetDTD, XmlDomGetDTDEntities, XmlDomGetDTDNotations, XmlDomGetDTDSysID, XmlDomGetDTDInternalSubset */ #define XMLDOM_GET_DTD_NAME_CB getDTDName_xmldomcb #define XMLDOM_GET_DTD_NAME_F(func, xctx, dtd) \ oratext* func(xmlctx *xctx, xmldtdnode *dtd) XMLDOM_GET_DTD_NAME_F((*XMLDOM_GET_DTD_NAME_CB), xctx, dtd); #define XmlDomGetDTDName(xctx, dtd) \ (*XML_DOMCB(xctx)->XMLDOM_GET_DTD_NAME_CB) \ ((xctx), (dtd)) /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomGetDTDEntities STANDARD DOM 2: DocumentType.entities PURPOSE Get entities of DTD DESCRIPTION Returns a named node map of general entities defined by the DTD. If the node is not a DTD, or has no general entities, returns NULL. RETURNS (xmlnamedmap *) named node map containing entities declared in DTD ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context dtd (IN) DTD node SEE ALSO XmlDomGetDTD, XmlDomGetDTDName, XmlDomGetDTDNotations, XmlDomGetDTDSysID, XmlDomGetDTDInternalSubset */ #define XMLDOM_GET_DTD_ENTITIES_CB getDTDEntities_xmldomcb #define XMLDOM_GET_DTD_ENTITIES_F(func, xctx, dtd) \ xmlnamedmap* func(xmlctx *xctx, xmldtdnode *dtd) XMLDOM_GET_DTD_ENTITIES_F((*XMLDOM_GET_DTD_ENTITIES_CB), xctx, dtd); #define XmlDomGetDTDEntities(xctx, dtd) \ (*XML_DOMCB(xctx)->XMLDOM_GET_DTD_ENTITIES_CB) \ ((xctx), (dtd)) /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomGetDTDNotations STANDARD DOM 2: DocumentType.notations PURPOSE Get notations of DTD DESCRIPTION Returns named node map of notations declared by the DTD. If the node is not a DTD or has no notations, returns NULL. RETURNS (xmlnamedmap *) named node map containing notations declared in DTD ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context dtd (IN) DTD node SEE ALSO XmlDomGetDTD, XmlDomGetDTDName, XmlDomGetDTDEntities, XmlDomGetDTDSysID, XmlDomGetDTDInternalSubset */ #define XMLDOM_GET_DTD_NOTATIONS_CB getDTDNotations_xmldomcb #define XMLDOM_GET_DTD_NOTATIONS_F(func, xctx, dtd) \ xmlnamedmap* func(xmlctx *xctx, xmldtdnode *dtd) XMLDOM_GET_DTD_NOTATIONS_F((*XMLDOM_GET_DTD_NOTATIONS_CB), xctx, dtd); #define XmlDomGetDTDNotations(xctx, dtd) \ (*XML_DOMCB(xctx)->XMLDOM_GET_DTD_NOTATIONS_CB) \ ((xctx), (dtd)) /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomGetDTDPubID STANDARD DOM 2: DocumentType.publicID PURPOSE Get DTD's public ID DESCRIPTION Returns a DTD's public identifier. RETURNS (oratext *) DTD's public identifier [data encoding] ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context dtd (IN) DTD node SEE ALSO XmlDomGetDTD, XmlDomGetDTDName, XmlDomGetDTDEntities, XmlDomGetDTDSysID, XmlDomGetDTDInternalSubset */ #define XMLDOM_GET_DTD_PUBID_CB getDTDPubID_xmldomcb #define XMLDOM_GET_DTD_PUBID_F(func, xctx, dtd) \ oratext* func(xmlctx *xctx, xmldtdnode *dtd) XMLDOM_GET_DTD_PUBID_F((*XMLDOM_GET_DTD_PUBID_CB), xctx, dtd); #define XmlDomGetDTDPubID(xctx, dtd) \ (*XML_DOMCB(xctx)->XMLDOM_GET_DTD_PUBID_CB) \ ((xctx), (dtd)) /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomGetDTDSysID STANDARD DOM 2: DocumentType.systemID PURPOSE Get DTD's system ID DESCRIPTION Returns a DTD's system identifier. RETURNS (oratext *) DTD's system identifier [data encoding] ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context dtd (IN) DTD node SEE ALSO XmlDomGetDTD, XmlDomGetDTDName, XmlDomGetDTDEntities, XmlDomGetDTDPubID, XmlDomGetDTDInternalSubset */ #define XMLDOM_GET_DTD_SYSID_CB getDTDSysID_xmldomcb #define XMLDOM_GET_DTD_SYSID_F(func, xctx, dtd) \ oratext* func(xmlctx *xctx, xmldtdnode *dtd) XMLDOM_GET_DTD_SYSID_F((*XMLDOM_GET_DTD_SYSID_CB), xctx, dtd); #define XmlDomGetDTDSysID(xctx, dtd) \ (*XML_DOMCB(xctx)->XMLDOM_GET_DTD_SYSID_CB) \ ((xctx), (dtd)) /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomGetDTDInternalSubset STANDARD DOM 2: DocumentType.internalSubset PURPOSE Get DTD's internal subset DESCRIPTION Returns the content model for an element. If there is no DTD, returns NULL. RETURNS (xmlnode *) content model subtree ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context dtd (IN) DTD node name (IN) name of Element [data encoding] SEE ALSO XmlDomGetDTD, XmlDomGetDTDName, XmlDomGetDTDEntities, XmlDomGetDTDNotations, XmlDomGetDTDPubID */ #define XMLDOM_GET_DTD_INTERNAL_SUBSET_CB getDTDInternalSubset_xmldomcb #define XMLDOM_GET_DTD_INTERNAL_SUBSET_F(func, xctx, dtd, name) \ xmlnode* func(xmlctx *xctx, xmldtdnode *dtd, oratext *name) XMLDOM_GET_DTD_INTERNAL_SUBSET_F((*XMLDOM_GET_DTD_INTERNAL_SUBSET_CB), xctx, dtd, name); #define XmlDomGetDTDInternalSubset(xctx, dtd, name) \ (*XML_DOMCB(xctx)->XMLDOM_GET_DTD_INTERNAL_SUBSET_CB) \ ((xctx), (dtd), (name)) /**************************************************************************** Interface Notation ****************************************************************************/ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomGetNotationPubID STANDARD DOM 2: Notation.publicId PURPOSE Get notation's public ID DESCRIPTION Return a notation's public identifier (in the data encoding). If the node is not a notation, or has no defined public ID, returns NULL. RETURNS (oratext *) notation's public identifier [data encoding; may be NULL] ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context note (IN) notation node SEE ALSO XmlDomGetNotationSysID */ #define XMLDOM_GET_NOTATION_PUBID_CB getNotationPubID_xmldomcb #define XMLDOM_GET_NOTATION_PUBID_F(func, xctx, note) \ oratext* func(xmlctx *xctx, xmlnotenode *note) XMLDOM_GET_NOTATION_PUBID_F((*XMLDOM_GET_NOTATION_PUBID_CB), xctx, note); #define XmlDomGetNotationPubID(xctx, note) \ (*XML_DOMCB(xctx)->XMLDOM_GET_NOTATION_PUBID_CB) \ ((xctx), (note)) /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomGetNotationSysID STANDARD DOM 2: Notation.systemId PURPOSE Get notation's system ID DESCRIPTION Return a notation's system identifier (in the data encoding). If the node is not a notation, or has no defined system ID, returns NULL. RETURNS (oratext *) notation's system identifier [data encoding; may be NULL] ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context note (IN) notation node SEE ALSO XmlDomGetNotationPubID */ #define XMLDOM_GET_NOTATION_SYSID_CB getNotationSysID_xmldomcb #define XMLDOM_GET_NOTATION_SYSID_F(func, xctx, note) \ oratext* func(xmlctx *xctx, xmlnotenode *note) XMLDOM_GET_NOTATION_SYSID_F((*XMLDOM_GET_NOTATION_SYSID_CB), xctx, note); #define XmlDomGetNotationSysID(xctx, note) \ (*XML_DOMCB(xctx)->XMLDOM_GET_NOTATION_SYSID_CB) \ ((xctx), (note)) /**************************************************************************** Interface Entity ****************************************************************************/ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomGetEntityPubID STANDARD DOM 2: Entity.publicId PURPOSE Get entity's public ID DESCRIPTION Returns an entity's public identifier (in the data encoding). If the node is not an entity, or has no defined public ID, returns NULL. RETURNS (oratext *) entity's public identifier [data encoding; may be NULL] ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context ent (IN) entity node SEE ALSO XmlDomGetEntitySysID, XmlDomGetEntityNotation */ #define XMLDOM_GET_ENTITY_PUBID_CB getEntityPubID_xmldomcb #define XMLDOM_GET_ENTITY_PUBID_F(func, xctx, ent) \ oratext* func(xmlctx *xctx, xmlentnode *ent) XMLDOM_GET_ENTITY_PUBID_F((*XMLDOM_GET_ENTITY_PUBID_CB), xctx, ent); #define XmlDomGetEntityPubID(xctx, ent) \ (*XML_DOMCB(xctx)->XMLDOM_GET_ENTITY_PUBID_CB) \ ((xctx), (ent)) /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomGetEntitySysID STANDARD DOM 2: Entity.systemId PURPOSE Get entity's system ID DESCRIPTION Returns an entity's system identifier (in the data encoding). If the node is not an entity, or has no defined system ID, returns NULL. RETURNS (oratext *) entity's system identifier [data encoding; may be NULL] ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context ent (IN) entity node SEE ALSO XmlDomGetEntityPubID, XmlDomGetEntityNotation */ #define XMLDOM_GET_ENTITY_SYSID_CB getEntitySysID_xmldomcb #define XMLDOM_GET_ENTITY_SYSID_F(func, xctx, ent) \ oratext* func(xmlctx *xctx, xmlentnode *ent) XMLDOM_GET_ENTITY_SYSID_F((*XMLDOM_GET_ENTITY_SYSID_CB), xctx, ent); #define XmlDomGetEntitySysID(xctx, ent) \ (*XML_DOMCB(xctx)->XMLDOM_GET_ENTITY_SYSID_CB) \ ((xctx), (ent)) /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomGetEntityNotation STANDARD DOM 2: Entity.notationName PURPOSE Get entity's notation DESCRIPTION For unparsed entities, returns the name of its notation (in the data encoding). For parsed entities and other node types, returns NULL. RETURNS (oratext *) entity's notation [data encoding; may be NULL] ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context ent (IN) entity node SEE ALSO XmlDomGetEntityPubID, XmlDomGetEntitySysID */ #define XMLDOM_GET_ENTITY_NOTATION_CB getEntityNotation_xmldomcb #define XMLDOM_GET_ENTITY_NOTATION_F(func, xctx, ent) \ oratext* func(xmlctx *xctx, xmlentnode *ent) XMLDOM_GET_ENTITY_NOTATION_F((*XMLDOM_GET_ENTITY_NOTATION_CB), xctx, ent); #define XmlDomGetEntityNotation(xctx, ent) \ (*XML_DOMCB(xctx)->XMLDOM_GET_ENTITY_NOTATION_CB) \ ((xctx), (ent)) /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomGetEntityType PURPOSE Get entity's type DESCRIPTION Returns a boolean for an entity describing whether it is general (TRUE) or parameter (FALSE). RETURNS (boolean) TRUE for general entity, FALSE for parameter entity ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context ent (IN) entity node SEE ALSO XmlDomGetEntityPubID, XmlDomGetEntitySysID, XmlDomGetEntityNotation */ #define XMLDOM_GET_ENTITY_TYPE_CB getEntityType_xmldomcb #define XMLDOM_GET_ENTITY_TYPE_F(func, xctx, ent) \ boolean func(xmlctx *xctx, xmlentnode *ent) XMLDOM_GET_ENTITY_TYPE_F((*XMLDOM_GET_ENTITY_TYPE_CB), xctx, ent); #define XmlDomGetEntityType(xctx, ent) \ (*XML_DOMCB(xctx)->XMLDOM_GET_ENTITY_TYPE_CB) \ ((xctx), (ent)) /**************************************************************************** Interface ProcessingInstruction ****************************************************************************/ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomGetPITarget STANDARD DOM 2: ProcessingInstruction.target PURPOSE Get PI's target DESCRIPTION Returns a processing instruction's target string. If the node is not a PI, returns NULL. The target is the first token following the markup that begins the PI. All PIs must have a target, though the data part is optional. EXAMPLE <?rating extra saucy?> XmlDomGetPITarget --> "rating" RETURNS (oratext *) processing instruction's target [data encoding] ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context pi (IN) processing instruction node SEE ALSO XmlDomGetPIData, XmlDomSetPIData */ #define XMLDOM_GET_PI_TARGET_CB getPITarget_xmldomcb #define XMLDOM_GET_PI_TARGET_F(func, xctx, pi) \ oratext* func(xmlctx *xctx, xmlpinode *pi) XMLDOM_GET_PI_TARGET_F((*XMLDOM_GET_PI_TARGET_CB), xctx, pi); #define XmlDomGetPITarget(xctx, pi) \ (*XML_DOMCB(xctx)->XMLDOM_GET_PI_TARGET_CB) \ ((xctx), (pi)) /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomGetPIData STANDARD DOM 2: ProcessingInstruction.data PURPOSE Get processing instruction's data DESCRIPTION Returns the content (data) of a processing instruction (in the data encoding). If the node is not a PI, returns NULL. The content is the part from the first non-whitespace character after the target until the ending "?>". EXAMPLE <?rating extra saucy?> XmlDomGetPIData --> "extra saucy" RETURNS (oratext *) processing instruction's data [data encoding] ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context pi (IN) processing instruction node SEE ALSO XmlDomGetPITarget, XmlDomSetPIData */ #define XMLDOM_GET_PI_DATA_CB getPIData_xmldomcb #define XMLDOM_GET_PI_DATA_F(func, xctx, pi) \ oratext* func(xmlctx *xctx, xmlpinode *pi) XMLDOM_GET_PI_DATA_F((*XMLDOM_GET_PI_DATA_CB), xctx, pi); #define XmlDomGetPIData(xctx, pi) \ (*XML_DOMCB(xctx)->XMLDOM_GET_PI_DATA_CB) \ ((xctx), (pi)) #define XMLDOM_SET_PI_DATA_CB setPIData_xmldomcb #define XMLDOM_SET_PI_DATA_F(func, xctx, pi, data) \ void func(xmlctx *xctx, xmlpinode *pi, oratext *data) XMLDOM_SET_PI_DATA_F((*XMLDOM_SET_PI_DATA_CB), xctx, pi, data); #define XmlDomSetPIData(xctx, pi, data) \ (*XML_DOMCB(xctx)->XMLDOM_SET_PI_DATA_CB) \ ((xctx), (pi), (data)) /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomClearLastError PURPOSE Clear the last error for document DESCRIPTION Clears the last error for a given document. RETURNS (void) ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context doc (IN) XML document [node] */ #define XMLDOM_CLEAR_LAST_ERROR_CB clearLastError_xmldomcb #define XMLDOM_CLEAR_LAST_ERROR_F(func, xctx, doc) \ void func(xmlctx *xctx, xmldocnode *doc) XMLDOM_CLEAR_LAST_ERROR_F((*XMLDOM_CLEAR_LAST_ERROR_CB), xctx, doc); #define XmlDomClearLastError(xctx, doc) \ (*XML_DOMCB(xctx)->XMLDOM_CLEAR_LAST_ERROR_CB) \ ((xctx), (doc)) /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomGetLastErrorStr PURPOSE Return last error message for document DESCRIPTION Returns the error message of the last error which occured in the given document. RETURNS (oratext *) error message ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context doc (IN) XML document [node] */ #define XMLDOM_GET_LAST_ERROR_STR_CB getLastErrorStr_xmldomcb #define XMLDOM_GET_LAST_ERROR_STR_F(func, xctx, doc) \ oratext *func(xmlctx *xctx, xmldocnode *doc) XMLDOM_GET_LAST_ERROR_STR_F((*XMLDOM_GET_LAST_ERROR_STR_CB), xctx, doc); #define XmlDomGetLastErrorStr(xctx, doc) \ (*XML_DOMCB(xctx)->XMLDOM_GET_LAST_ERROR_STR_CB) \ ((xctx), (doc)) /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomGetNodeMiscInfo PURPOSE Return info about a node DESCRIPTION Returns info about a node. The return type is ub4. So that the each bit can be used to indicate certain info. RETURNS ub4 ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context node (IN) XML node [node] */ #define XMLDOM_GET_NODE_MISC_INFO_CB getNodeMiscInfo_xmldomcb #define XMLDOM_GET_NODE_MISC_INFO_F(func, xctx, node) \ ub4 func(xmlctx *xctx, xmlnode *node) XMLDOM_GET_NODE_MISC_INFO_F((*XMLDOM_GET_NODE_MISC_INFO_CB), xctx, node); #define XmlDomGetNodeMiscInfo(xctx, node) \ (*XML_DOMCB(xctx)->XMLDOM_GET_NODE_MISC_INFO_CB) \ ((xctx), (node)) /* NOTE...NOTE...PLEASE ADD SOME COMMENTS. This file is modified by more than * one person. So comments will help! */ #define XMLDOM_GETPULL_NODE_VALUE_BSTREAM_CB \ getPullNodeValueAsBinaryStream_xmldomcb #define XMLDOM_GETPULL_NODE_VALUE_BSTREAM_F(func,xctx,node) \ orastream *func(xmlctx *xctx,xmlnode* node) XMLDOM_GETPULL_NODE_VALUE_BSTREAM_F((*XMLDOM_GETPULL_NODE_VALUE_BSTREAM_CB),xctx,node); #define XmlDomGetPullNodeAsBinaryStream(xctx,node)\ (*XML_DOMCB(xctx)->XMLDOM_GETPULL_NODE_VALUE_BSTREAM_CB)\ ((xctx),(node)) #define XMLDOM_GETPULL_NODE_VALUE_CSTREAM_CB\ getPullNodeValueAsCharacterStream_xmldomcb #define XMLDOM_GETPULL_NODE_VALUE_CSTREAM_F(func,xctx,node)\ orastream *func(xmlctx *xctx,xmlnode* node) XMLDOM_GETPULL_NODE_VALUE_CSTREAM_F((*XMLDOM_GETPULL_NODE_VALUE_CSTREAM_CB),xctx,node); #define XmlDomGetPullNodeAsCharacterStream(xctx,node)\ (*XML_DOMCB(xctx)->XMLDOM_GETPULL_NODE_VALUE_CSTREAM_CB)\ ((xctx),(node)) #define XMLDOM_GETPUSH_NODE_VALUE_BSTREAM_CB\ getPushNodeValueAsBinaryStream_xmldomcb #define XMLDOM_GETPUSH_NODE_VALUE_BSTREAM_F(func,xctx,node,ostream)\ xmlerr *func(xmlctx *xctx,xmlnode* node,orastream* ostream) XMLDOM_GETPUSH_NODE_VALUE_BSTREAM_F((*XMLDOM_GETPUSH_NODE_VALUE_BSTREAM_CB),xctx,node,ostream); #define XmlDomGetPushNodeAsBinaryStream(xctx,node,ostream)\ (*XML_DOMCB(xctx)->XMLDOM_GETPUSH_NODE_VALUE_BSTREAM_CB)\ ((xctx),(node),(ostream)) #define XMLDOM_GETPUSH_NODE_VALUE_CSTREAM_CB\ getPushNodeValueAsCharacterStream_xmldomcb #define XMLDOM_GETPUSH_NODE_VALUE_CSTREAM_F(func,xctx,node,ostream)\ xmlerr *func(xmlctx *xctx,xmlnode* node,orastream* ostream) XMLDOM_GETPUSH_NODE_VALUE_CSTREAM_F((*XMLDOM_GETPUSH_NODE_VALUE_CSTREAM_CB),xctx,node,ostream); #define XmlDomGetPushNodeAsCharacterStream(xctx,node,ostream)\ (*XML_DOMCB(xctx)->XMLDOM_GETPUSH_NODE_VALUE_CSTREAM_CB)\ ((xctx),(node),(ostream)) #define XMLDOM_SETPULL_NODE_VALUE_BSTREAM_CB\ setPullNodeValueAsBinaryStream_xmldomcb #define XMLDOM_SETPULL_NODE_VALUE_BSTREAM_F(func,xctx,node,istream)\ xmlerr func(xmlctx *xctx,xmlnode* node,orastream* istream) XMLDOM_SETPULL_NODE_VALUE_BSTREAM_F((*XMLDOM_SETPULL_NODE_VALUE_BSTREAM_CB),xctx,node,istream); #define XmlDomSetPullNodeAsBinaryStream(xctx,node,istream)\ (*XML_DOMCB(xctx)->XMLDOM_GETPULL_NODE_VALUE_BSTREAM_CB)\ ((xctx),(node),(istream)) #define XMLDOM_SETPULL_NODE_VALUE_CSTREAM_CB\ setPullNodeValueAsCharacterStream_xmldomcb #define XMLDOM_SETPULL_NODE_VALUE_CSTREAM_F(func,xctx,node,istream)\ xmlerr func(xmlctx *xctx,xmlnode* node,orastream* istream) XMLDOM_SETPULL_NODE_VALUE_CSTREAM_F((*XMLDOM_SETPULL_NODE_VALUE_CSTREAM_CB),xctx,node,istream); #define XmlDomSetPullNodeAsCharacterStream(xctx,node,istream)\ (*XML_DOMCB(xctx)->XMLDOM_GETPULL_NODE_VALUE_CSTREAM_CB)\ ((xctx),(node),(istream)) #define XMLDOM_SETPUSH_NODE_VALUE_BSTREAM_CB\ setPushNodeValueAsBinaryStream_xmldomcb #define XMLDOM_SETPUSH_NODE_VALUE_BSTREAM_F(func,xctx,node)\ orastream *func(xmlctx *xctx,xmlnode* node) XMLDOM_SETPUSH_NODE_VALUE_BSTREAM_F((*XMLDOM_SETPUSH_NODE_VALUE_BSTREAM_CB),xctx,node); #define XmlDomSetPushNodeAsBinaryStream(xctx,node)\ (*XML_DOMCB(xctx)->XMLDOM_SETPUSH_NODE_VALUE_BSTREAM_CB)\ ((xctx),(node)) #define XMLDOM_SETPUSH_NODE_VALUE_CSTREAM_CB\ setPushNodeValueAsCharacterStream_xmldomcb #define XMLDOM_SETPUSH_NODE_VALUE_CSTREAM_F(func,xctx,node)\ orastream *func(xmlctx *xctx,xmlnode* node) XMLDOM_SETPUSH_NODE_VALUE_CSTREAM_F((*XMLDOM_SETPUSH_NODE_VALUE_CSTREAM_CB),xctx,node); #define XmlDomSetPushNodeAsCharacterStream(xctx,node)\ (*XML_DOMCB(xctx)->XMLDOM_SETPUSH_NODE_VALUE_CSTREAM_CB)\ ((xctx),(node)) /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomRenameNode PURPOSE Update the name of a node (element/attribute nodes only) 1. If the prefix does not have a current mapping. The user should add the mapping by creating a xmlns attribute and associating it with this element node by calling XmlDomSetAttributeNodeNS 2. namespace attribute nodes cannot be modified DESCRIPTION RETURNS xmlnode ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context node (IN) XML node [node] tagname (IN) new tagname */ #define XMLDOM_RENAME_NODE_CB renameNode_xmldomcb #define XMLDOM_RENAME_NODE_F(func, xctx, node, tagname) \ xmlnode *func(xmlctx *xctx, xmlnode *node, oratext *tagname) XMLDOM_RENAME_NODE_F((*XMLDOM_RENAME_NODE_CB), xctx, node, tagname); #define XmlDomRenameNode(xctx, node, tagname) \ (*XML_DOMCB(xctx)->XMLDOM_RENAME_NODE_CB) \ ((xctx), (node), (tagname)) /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomRenameNodeNS PURPOSE Update the name, uri of a node (element/attribute) 1. If the prefix does not have a current mapping. The user should add the mapping by creating a xmlns attribute and associating it with this element node by calling XmlDomSetAttributeNodeNS 2. namespace attribute nodes cannot be modified DESCRIPTION RETURNS xmlnode ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context node (IN) XML node [node] uri (IN) the new uri. If NULL, the existing uri is retained. tagname (IN) new tagname */ #define XMLDOM_RENAME_NODE_NS_CB renameNodeNS_xmldomcb #define XMLDOM_RENAME_NODE_NS_F(func, xctx, node, uri, tagname) \ xmlnode *func(xmlctx *xctx, xmlnode *node, oratext *uri, oratext *tagname) XMLDOM_RENAME_NODE_NS_F((*XMLDOM_RENAME_NODE_NS_CB), xctx, node, uri, tagname); #define XmlDomRenameNodeNS(xctx, node, uri, tagname) \ (*XML_DOMCB(xctx)->XMLDOM_RENAME_NODE_NS_CB) \ ((xctx), (node), (uri), (tagname)) /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomImportNodeWithXQSem STANDARD PURPOSE Create a new DOM node from another DOM with XQuery semantics and import it into the target node. DESCRIPTION This DOM API is called by XVM attaching node for xquery construction expression with xquery semantics. RETURNS (xmlnode *) newly copied node (in this Document). ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML document context node (IN) node to copy tdocnode (IN) target document node to which import is applied boolean preserve (IN) xquery constructor preserve semantics boolean inherit (IN) xquery constructor inherit semantics SEE ALSO */ #define XMLDOM_IMPORT_NODE_WXQSEM_CB ImportNodeWithXQSem_xmldomcb #define XMLDOM_IMPORT_NODE_WXQSEM_F(func, xctx, node, tdocnode, \ preserve, inherit) \ xmlnode* func(xmlctx *xctx, xmlnode *node,\ xmlnode *tdocnode, boolean preserve, boolean inherit) XMLDOM_IMPORT_NODE_WXQSEM_F((*XMLDOM_IMPORT_NODE_WXQSEM_CB), xctx, node, tdocnode, preserve, inherit); #define XmlDomImportNodeWithXQSem(xctx, node, tdocnode, preserve, inherit) \ (*XML_DOMCB(xctx)->XMLDOM_IMPORT_NODE_WXQSEM_CB) \ ((xctx), (node), tdocnode, (preserve), (inherit)) /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomGetNodeQNameId STANDARD PURPOSE Get the qname of the node as ub8 integer id DESCRIPTION This DOM API is called by XVM NodeTest to use qname id (ub8) instead of qname string to do qname matching. Only DOM implementation which assigns qname id may implement this. RETURNS qname id (as ub8) of the node ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML document context node (IN) node to copy SEE ALSO */ #define XMLDOM_GET_NODE_QNAMEID_CB get_node_qnameid_xmldomcb #define XMLDOM_GET_NODE_QNAMEID_F(func, xctx, node) \ ub8 func(xmlctx *xctx, xmlnode *node) XMLDOM_GET_NODE_QNAMEID_F((*XMLDOM_GET_NODE_QNAMEID_CB), xctx, node); #define XmlDomGetNodeQNameId(xctx, node)\ (*XML_DOMCB(xctx)->XMLDOM_GET_NODE_QNAMEID_CB) \ ((xctx), (node)) /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomSetNodeSecurity STANDARD PURPOSE Set/clear the security check flag for the node. DESCRIPTION This DOM API is called to set/clear security check flag for the node RETURNS ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML document context node (IN) node to set security flag mode (IN) 0 means clear the security flag otherwise it is XMLDOM_NODE_SECURE flag SEE ALSO */ #define XMLDOM_NODE_SECURE 0x1 #define XMLDOM_SET_NODE_SECURITY_CB set_node_security_xmldomcb #define XMLDOM_SET_NODE_SECURITY_F(func, xctx, node, mode) \ void func(xmlctx *xctx, xmlnode *node, ub4 mode) XMLDOM_SET_NODE_SECURITY_F((*XMLDOM_SET_NODE_SECURITY_CB), xctx, node,mode); #define XmlDomSetNodeSecurity(xctx, node, mode)\ (*XML_DOMCB(xctx)->XMLDOM_SET_NODE_SECURITY_CB) \ ((xctx), (node), (mode)) /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomGetNodeSecurity STANDARD PURPOSE Get the security check flag of the node. DESCRIPTION This DOM API is called to get security check flag for the node RETURNS ub4 flag. 0 means no security check; otherwise it is XMLDOM_NODE_SECURE flag ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML document context node (IN) node to get security flag SEE ALSO */ #define XMLDOM_GET_NODE_SECURITY_CB get_node_security_xmldomcb #define XMLDOM_GET_NODE_SECURITY_F(func, xctx, node) \ ub4 func(xmlctx *xctx, xmlnode *node) XMLDOM_GET_NODE_SECURITY_F((*XMLDOM_GET_NODE_SECURITY_CB), xctx, node); #define XmlDomGetNodeSecurity(xctx, node)\ (*XML_DOMCB(xctx)->XMLDOM_GET_NODE_SECURITY_CB) \ ((xctx), (node)) /**************************************************************************** Interface DOM PSVI ****************************************************************************/ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomGetNodeSchType STANDARD PURPOSE Get node XMLSchema type DESCRIPTION XML DOM nodes get types after XMLSchema validation. RETURNS (xmlschtype *) a pointer to XMLSchema type. NULL if not validated. ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context node (IN) the DOM node. */ #define XMLDOM_GET_NODE_SCHTYPE_CB getNodeSchType_xmldomcb #define XMLDOM_GET_NODE_SCHTYPE_F(func, xctx, node) \ xmlschtype* func(xmlctx *xctx, xmlnode *node) XMLDOM_GET_NODE_SCHTYPE_F((*XMLDOM_GET_NODE_SCHTYPE_CB), xctx, node); #define XmlDomGetNodeSchType(xctx, node) \ (*XML_DOMCB(xctx)->XMLDOM_GET_NODE_SCHTYPE_CB) \ ((xctx), (node)) /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomGetNodeTypedValue STANDARD PURPOSE Get node XMLSchema typed value DESCRIPTION XML DOM node value after XMLSchema validation. RETURNS (ub1 *) a pointer to node typed value. NULL if the node value is not typed. ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context node (IN) the DOM node. len (OUT) the length of returned value. num (IN) the value component number. Some values (like QName) have more than one component. In that case each value component is obtained with its number. rsltbuf (IN/OUT) pointer to a result buffer of at most XMLDOM_GET_NODE_TYPED_VALUE_TMPBUF_SIZE (22) size. It is used for caller to pass in a tmp buffer so that callee can put the node value into this tmp buffer and set return value to be pointer to this tmp buffer. That way, callee does need to allocate memory to hold return value smaller than XMLDOM_GET_NODE_TYPED_VALUE_TMPBUF_SIZE size because once the memory is allocated by callee, callee does not know when to free the memory. This helps for most of the built-in fixed size schema type value (xs:decimal, xs:double, xs:integer) whose binary value requires at most XMLDOM_GET_NODE_TYPED_VALUE_TMPBUF_SIZE storage. */ #define XMLDOM_GET_NODE_TYPED_VALUE_TMPBUF_SIZE 22 #define XMLDOM_GET_NODE_TYPED_VALUE_CB getNodeTypedValue_xmldomcb #define XMLDOM_GET_NODE_TYPED_VALUE_F(func, xctx, node, len, num, rsltbuf)\ ub1* func(xmlctx *xctx, xmlnode *node, ub4 *len, ub4 num, ub1 *rsltbuf) XMLDOM_GET_NODE_TYPED_VALUE_F((*XMLDOM_GET_NODE_TYPED_VALUE_CB), xctx, node, len, num, rsltbuf); #define XmlDomGetNodeTypedValue(xctx, node, len, num, rsltbuf) \ (*XML_DOMCB(xctx)->XMLDOM_GET_NODE_TYPED_VALUE_CB) \ ((xctx), (node), (len), (num), (rsltbuf)) /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomIsNodeNilled STANDARD PURPOSE Informs if the node is XMLSchema declared as "nilled" DESCRIPTION XML DOM nodes are annotated after XMLSchema validation. RETURNS (boolean) TRUE if node is declared as "nilled". ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context node (IN) the DOM node. */ #define XMLDOM_IS_NODE_NILLED_CB isNodeNilled_xmldomcb #define XMLDOM_IS_NODE_NILLED_F(func, xctx, node) \ boolean func(xmlctx *xctx, xmlnode *node) XMLDOM_IS_NODE_NILLED_F((*XMLDOM_IS_NODE_NILLED_CB), xctx, node); #define XmlDomIsNodeNilled(xctx, node) \ (*XML_DOMCB(xctx)->XMLDOM_IS_NODE_NILLED_CB) \ ((xctx), (node)) /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomGetNodePrefixLen PURPOSE Get node's prefix as length-encoded string DESCRIPTION Returns the prefix of a node (in the data encoding) as a length-encoded string,. If both the input buffer is non-NULL and the input buffer length is non-zero, then the value will be stored in the input buffer and null terminated. Else, the implementation will return a non NULL terminated prefix value from the storage. If the actual length is greater than buflen, then a truncated value will be copied into the buffer and len will return the actual length. The trunctated value will be NULL terminated as well. RETURNS (oratext *) prefix of node, with length of prefix set in 'len' ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context node (IN) XML node buf (IN) input buffer [optional] buflen (IN) input buffer length [optional] len (OUT) length of prefix [in characters] SEE ALSO XmlDomGetNodePrefixLen */ #define XMLDOM_GET_NODE_PREFIX_LEN_CB getNodePrefixLen_xmldomcb #define XMLDOM_GET_NODE_PREFIX_LEN_F(func, xctx, node, buf, buflen, len) \ oratext* func(xmlctx *xctx, xmlnode *node, oratext *buf, ub4 buflen, \ ub4 *len) XMLDOM_GET_NODE_PREFIX_LEN_F((*XMLDOM_GET_NODE_PREFIX_LEN_CB), xctx, node, buf, buflen, len); #define XmlDomGetNodePrefixLen(xctx, node, buf, buflen, len) \ (*XML_DOMCB(xctx)->XMLDOM_GET_NODE_PREFIX_LEN_CB) \ ((xctx), (node), (buf), (buflen), (len)) /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomSetEnvHdl PURPOSE Store External Env hanlder into the root doc node. DESCRIPTION This allows the DOM API impelmentation to store external env handlder to which it is associated with. RETURNS nothing ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context node (IN) XML doc node envhdl (IN) env handler SEE ALSO */ #define XMLDOM_SET_ENV_HDL_CB setEnvHdl_xmldomcb #define XMLDOM_SET_ENV_HDL_F(func, xctx, node, envhdl) \ void func(xmlctx *xctx, xmldocnode *node, void *envhdl) XMLDOM_SET_ENV_HDL_F((*XMLDOM_SET_ENV_HDL_CB), xctx, node, envhdl); #define XmlDomSetEnvHdl(xctx, node, envhdl) \ (*XML_DOMCB(xctx)->XMLDOM_SET_ENV_HDL_CB) \ ((xctx), (node), (envhdl)) /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomGetEnvHdl PURPOSE Get the External Env hanlder from the root doc node. DESCRIPTION This allows the DOM API impelmentation to get external env handlder to which it is associated with. RETURNS void *envhdl ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context node (IN) XML doc node SEE ALSO */ #define XMLDOM_GET_ENV_HDL_CB getEnvHdl_xmldomcb #define XMLDOM_GET_ENV_HDL_F(func, xctx, node) \ void* func(xmlctx *xctx, xmldocnode *node) XMLDOM_GET_ENV_HDL_F((*XMLDOM_GET_ENV_HDL_CB), xctx, node); #define XmlDomGetEnvHdl(xctx, node) \ (*XML_DOMCB(xctx)->XMLDOM_GET_ENV_HDL_CB) \ ((xctx), (node)) /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomSetDocFragOrder PURPOSE Set document order for all nodes within a fragment. DESCRIPTION Sets the document order for each node in the current fragment. This is called for document fragment constructed by xquery expression constructor where the input node may not be a document node, but rather element node, text node etc. RETURNS (ub4) highest ordinal assigned ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context node (IN) XML node start_id (IN) starting ID# SEE ALSO XmlDomGetDocOrder, XmlDomCompareDocOrder */ #define XMLDOM_SET_DOCFRAG_ORDER_CB setDocFragOrder_xmldomcb #define XMLDOM_SET_DOCFRAG_ORDER_F(func, xctx, node, start_id) \ ub4 func(xmlctx *xctx, xmlnode *node, ub4 start_id) XMLDOM_SET_DOCFRAG_ORDER_F((*XMLDOM_SET_DOCFRAG_ORDER_CB), xctx, node, start_id); #define XmlDomSetDocFragOrder(xctx, node, start_id) \ (*XML_DOMCB(xctx)->XMLDOM_SET_DOCFRAG_ORDER_CB) \ ((xctx), (node), (start_id)) /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomGetFirstAttr STANDARD PURPOSE Return first attribute node of an element node DESCRIPTION Returns the first attribute node of an element node, or NULL if it has no attributes. For other node types, NULL is returned. RETURNS (xmlattrnode *) attribute node ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context elem (IN) XML element node SEE ALSO XmlDomNumAttrs, XmlDomHasChildNodes */ #define XMLDOM_GET_FIRST_ATTR_CB getFirstAttr_xmldomcb #define XMLDOM_GET_FIRST_ATTR_F(func, xctx, elem) \ xmlattrnode* func(xmlctx *xctx, xmlelemnode *elem) XMLDOM_GET_FIRST_ATTR_F((*XMLDOM_GET_FIRST_ATTR_CB), xctx, elem); #define XmlDomGetFirstAttr(xctx, elem) \ (*XML_DOMCB(xctx)->XMLDOM_GET_FIRST_ATTR_CB) \ ((xctx), (elem)) /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomGetNextAttr STANDARD PURPOSE Return the next attribute node of the input attribute node DESCRIPTION Returns the next attribute node of an attribute node, or NULL if it is the last attribute node. For other node types, NULL is returned. RETURNS (xmlattrnode *) attribute node ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context attr (IN) XML attribute node SEE ALSO XmlDomNumAttrs, XmlDomHasChildNodes */ #define XMLDOM_GET_NEXT_ATTR_CB getNextAttr_xmldomcb #define XMLDOM_GET_NEXT_ATTR_F(func, xctx, attr) \ xmlattrnode* func(xmlctx *xctx, xmlattrnode *attr) XMLDOM_GET_NEXT_ATTR_F((*XMLDOM_GET_NEXT_ATTR_CB), xctx, attr); #define XmlDomGetNextAttr(xctx, attr) \ (*XML_DOMCB(xctx)->XMLDOM_GET_NEXT_ATTR_CB) \ ((xctx), (attr)) }; /**************************************************************************** Interface Document ****************************************************************************/ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomAddTextElem PURPOSE Adds a text-containing element DESCRIPTION This is a shorthand function which performs a common idiom: adding a text node to an element. Given the URI, QName, and text string, creates an element with the given URI/QName, which in turn has a text child containing the given string. The created element is appended to the given parent node. RETURNS (xmlelemnode *) created element ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context parent (IN) parent to receive new element uri (IN) URI of created element qname (IN) QName of created element value (IN) value of Text node */ xmlelemnode *XmlDomAddTextElem(xmlctx *xctx, xmlelemnode *parent, oratext *uri, oratext *qname, oratext *value); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomGetChildText PURPOSE Return text of named element DESCRIPTION Searched the given element for a sub-element with the given URI and local name. If found, and the first child of that node is TEXT, then the value of the text is returned. In all other cases, NULL is returned. RETURNS (oratext *) text of named child ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context elem (IN) parent node uri (IN) URI of child node local (IN) localname of child node */ oratext *XmlDomGetChildText(xmlctx *xctx, xmlelemnode *elem, oratext *uri, oratext *local); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Package Traversal - DOM Traversal APIs ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /**************************************************************************** Interface NodeIterator ****************************************************************************/ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomIterDetach STANDARD DOM 2: NodeIterator.detach() PURPOSE Detach a node iterator (deactivate it) DESCRIPTION Detaches the NodeIterator from the set which it iterated over, releasing any resources and placing the iterator in the INVALID state. After detach has been invoked, calls to XmlDomIterNextNode or XmlDomIterPrevNode will raise the exception XMLERR_ITER_DETACHED. RETURNS (void) ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context iter (IN) NodeIterator object SEE ALSO XmlDomIterNextNode, XmlDomIterPrevNode */ xmlerr XmlDomIterDetach(xmlctx *xctx, xmliter *iter); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomIterNextNode STANDARD DOM 2: TreeWalker.nextNode() PURPOSE Returns next node for iterator DESCRIPTION Returns the next node in the set and advances the position of the iterator in the set. After a node iterator is created, the first call to XmlDomIterNextNode returns the first node in the set. It assumed that the reference node (current iterator position) is never deleted. Otherwise, changes in the underlying DOM tree do not invalidate the iterator. RETURNS (xmlnode *) next node in set being iterated over [or NULL] ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context iter (IN) node iterator object xerr (OUT) error return code SEE ALSO XmlDomIterPrevNode, XmlDomIterDetach */ xmlnode* XmlDomIterNextNode(xmlctx *xctx, xmliter *iter, xmlerr *xerr); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomIterPrevNode STANDARD DOM 2: TreeWalker.previousNode() PURPOSE Returns previous node for iterator DESCRIPTION Returns the previous node in the set and moves the position of the iterator backwards in the set. RETURNS (xmlnode *) previous node in set being iterated over [or NULL] ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context iter (IN) node iterator object xerr (OUT) error return code SEE ALSO XmlDomIterNextNode, XmlDomIterDetach */ xmlnode* XmlDomIterPrevNode(xmlctx *xctx, xmliter *iter, xmlerr *xerr); /**************************************************************************** Interface NodeFilter ****************************************************************************/ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XMLDOM_ACCEPT_NODE_F STANDARD DOM 2: NodeFilter PURPOSE Perform user-defined filtering action on node DESCRIPTION Sole method of {NodeFilter} interface. Given a node and a filter, determines the filtering action to perform. This function pointer is passed to the node iterator/tree walker methods, as needed. Values for xmlerr are: XMLERR_OK Accept the node. Navigation methods defined for NodeIterator or TreeWalker will return this node. XMLERR_FILTER_REJECT Reject the node. Navigation methods defined for NodeIterator or TreeWalker will NOT return this node. For TreeWalker, the children of this node will also be rejected. NodeIterators treat this as a synonym for XMLDOM_FILTER_SKIP XMLERR_FILTER_SKIP Skip this single node. Navigation methods defined for NodeIterator or TreeWalker will NOT return this node. For both NodeIterator and TreeWalker, the children of this node will still be considered. RETURNS (xmlerr) filtering result ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context node (IN) node to test */ #define XMLDOM_ACCEPT_NODE_F(func, xctx, node) \ xmlerr func(xmlctx *xctx, xmlnode *node) /**************************************************************************** Interface TreeWalker ****************************************************************************/ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomWalkerGetRoot PURPOSE Return (get) root node DESCRIPTION Return (get) root node, or NULL on error. Since the current node can be removed from under the root node together with a subtree where it belongs to, the current root node in a walker might have no relation to the current node any more. The TreeWalker iterations are based on the current node. However, the root node defines the space of an iteration. This function checks if the root node is still in the root node (ancestor) relation to the current node. If so, it returns this root node. Otherwise, it finds the root of the tree where the current node belongs to, and sets and returns this root as the root node of the walker. It returns NULL if the walker is a NULL pointer. RETURNS (xmlnode *) root node ARGUMENTS walker (IN) TreeWalker object xerr (OUT) numeric return value */ xmlnode* XmlDomWalkerGetRoot(xmlctx *xctx, xmlwalk *walker, xmlerr *xerr); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomWalkerSetRoot PURPOSE Set the root node DESCRIPTION Set the root node. Returns new root node if it is an ancestor of the current node. If not it signals an error and checks if the cuurent root node is an ancestor of the current node. If yes it returns it. Otherwise it sets the root node to and returns the root of the tree where the current node belongs to. It returns NULL if the walker or the root node parameter is a NULL pointer. RETURNS (xmlnode *) new root node ARGUMENTS walker (IN) TreeWalker object node (IN) new root node xerr (OUT) numeric return code */ xmlnode* XmlDomWalkerSetRoot(xmlctx *xctx, xmlwalk *walker, xmlnode *node, xmlerr *xerr); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomWalkerGetCurrentNode PURPOSE Return (get) current node DESCRIPTION Return (get) current node, or NULL on error. RETURNS (xmlnode *) current node ARGUMENTS walker (IN) TreeWalker object xerr (OUT) numeric return code */ xmlnode* XmlDomWalkerGetCurrentNode(xmlctx *xctx, xmlwalk *walker, xmlerr *xerr); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomWalkerSetCurrentNode PURPOSE Set current node DESCRIPTION Sets and returns new current node. It also checks if the root node is an ancestor of the new current node. If not it does not set the current node, returns NULL, and sets retval to XMLDOM_WALKER_BAD_NEW_CUR. Returns NULL if an error. RETURNS (xmlnode *) new current node ARGUMENTS walker (IN) TreeWalker object node (IN) new current node xerr (OUT) numeric return code */ xmlnode* XmlDomWalkerSetCurrentNode(xmlctx *xctx, xmlwalk *walker, xmlnode *node, xmlerr *xerr); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomWalkerFirstChild STANDARD DOM 2: TreeWalker.firstChild() PURPOSE Return first visible child of current node DESCRIPTION Moves the TreeWalker to the first visible child of the current node, and returns the new node. If the current node has no visible children, returns NULL, and retains the current node. RETURNS (xmlnode *) first visible child [or NULL] ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context walker (IN) TreeWalker object xerr (OUT) numeric return code SEE ALSO XmlDomWalkerLastChild */ xmlnode* XmlDomWalkerFirstChild(xmlctx *xctx, xmlwalk *walker, xmlerr *xerr); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomWalkerLastChild STANDARD DOM 2: TreeWalker.lastChild() PURPOSE Return last visible child of current node DESCRIPTION Moves the TreeWalker to the last visible child of the current node, and returns the new node. If the current node has no visible children, returns NULL, and retains the current node. RETURNS (xmlnode *) last visible children [or NULL] ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context walker (IN) TreeWalker object xerr (OUT) numeric return code */ xmlnode* XmlDomWalkerLastChild(xmlctx *xctx, xmlwalk *walker, xmlerr *xerr); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomWalkerNextNode STANDARD DOM 2: TreeWalker.nextNode() PURPOSE Return next visible node DESCRIPTION Moves the TreeWalker to the next visible node in document order relative to the current node, and returns the new node. If the current node has no next node, or if the search for the next node attempts to step upward from the TreeWalker's root node, returns NULL, and retains the current node. RETURNS (xmlnode *) next node [or NULL] ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context walker (IN) TreeWalker object xerr (OUT) numeric return code SEE ALSO XmlDomWalkerPrevNode, XmlDomWalkerNextSibling, XmlDomWalkerPrevSibling */ xmlnode* XmlDomWalkerNextNode(xmlctx *xctx, xmlwalk *walker, xmlerr *xerr); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomWalkerNextSibling STANDARD DOM 2: TreeWalker.nextSibling() PURPOSE Return next sibling node DESCRIPTION Moves the TreeWalker to the next sibling of the current node, and returns the new node. If the current node has no visible next sibling, returns NULL, and retains the current node. RETURNS (xmlnode *) next sibling [or NULL] ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context walker (IN) TreeWalker object xerr (OUT) numeric return code SEE ALSO XmlDomWalkerNextNode, XmlDomWalkerPrevNode, XmlDomWalkerPrevSibling */ xmlnode* XmlDomWalkerNextSibling(xmlctx *xctx, xmlwalk *walker, xmlerr *xerr); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomWalkerParentNode STANDARD DOM 2: TreeWalker.parentNode() PURPOSE Return parent node DESCRIPTION Moves to and returns the closest visible ancestor node of the current node. If the search for the parent node attempts to step upward from the TreeWalker's root node, or if it fails to find a visible ancestor node, this method retains the current position and returns null. RETURNS (xmlnode *) parent node [or NULL] ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context walker (IN) TreeWalker object xerr (OUT) numeric return code */ xmlnode* XmlDomWalkerParentNode(xmlctx *xctx, xmlwalk *walker, xmlerr *xerr); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomWalkerPrevNode STANDARD DOM 2: TreeWalker.previousNode() PURPOSE Return previous node DESCRIPTION Moves the TreeWalker to the previous visible node in document order relative to the current node, and returns the new node. If the current node has no previous node, or if the search for the previous node attempts to step upward from the TreeWalker's root node, returns NULL, and retains the current node. RETURNS (xmlnode *) previous node [or NULL] ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context walker (IN) TreeWalker object xerr (OUT) numeric return code SEE ALSO XmlDomWalkerNextNode, XmlDomWalkerNextSibling, XmlDomWalkerPrevSibling */ xmlnode* XmlDomWalkerPrevNode(xmlctx *xctx, xmlwalk *walker, xmlerr *xerr); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomWalkerPrevSibling STANDARD DOM 2: TreeWalker.previousSibling() PURPOSE Return previous sibling node DESCRIPTION Moves the TreeWalker to the previous sibling of the current node, and returns the new node. If the current node has no visible previous sibling, returns NULL, and retains the current node. RETURNS (xmlnode *) previous sibling [or NULL] ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context walker (IN) TreeWalker object xerr (OUT) numeric return code SEE ALSO XmlDomWalkerNextNode, XmlDomWalkerPrevNode, XmlDomWalkerNextSibling */ xmlnode* XmlDomWalkerPrevSibling(xmlctx *xctx, xmlwalk *walker, xmlerr *xerr); /**************************************************************************** Interface DocumentTraversal ****************************************************************************/ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomCreateNodeIter STANDARD DOM 2: DocumentTraversal.createNodeIterator() PURPOSE Create node iterator object DESCRIPTION One of two methods of DocumentTraversal interface, used to create a NodeIterator object. This method is identical to XmlDomCreateTreeWalker except for the type of object returned. The whatToShow argument is a mask of flag bits, one for each node type. The value XMLDOM_SHOW_ALL passes all node types through, otherwise only the types whose bits are set will be passed. Entity reference expansion is controlled by the entrefExpansion flag. If TRUE, entity references are replaced with their final content; if FALSE, entity references are left as nodes. RETURNS (xmliter *) original or new NodeIterator object ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context iter (IN) existing NodeIterator to set [NULL to create] root (IN) root node to be iterated whatToShow (IN) mask of XMLDOM_SHOW_xxx flag bits nodeFilter (IN) node filter to be used [NULL if none] entrefExpand (IN) expand entity reference nodes? SEE ALSO XmlDomCreateTreeWalker */ xmliter* XmlDomCreateNodeIter(xmlctx *xctx, xmliter *iter, xmlnode *root, xmlshowbits whatToShow, XMLDOM_ACCEPT_NODE_F((*nodeFilter), xctx, node), boolean entrefExpand); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomCreateTreeWalker STANDARD DOM 2: DocumentTraversal.createTreeWalker() PURPOSE Create tree walker object DESCRIPTION One of two methods of DocumentTraversal interface, used to create a TreeWalker object. This method is identical to XmlDomCreateNodeIter except for the type of object returned. The {whatToShow} argument is a mask of flag bits, one for each node type. The value XMLDOM_SHOW_ALL passes all node types through, otherwise only the types whose bits are set will be passed. Entity reference expansion is controlled by the {entrefExpansion} flag. If TRUE, entity references are replaced with their final content; if FALSE, entity references are left as nodes. RETURNS (xmlwalk *) new TreeWalker object ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context walker (IN) existing TreeWalker to set [NULL to create] root (IN) root node which for TreeWalker whatToShow (IN) mask of XMLDOM_SHOW_xxx flag bits nodeFilter (IN) node filter to be used [NULL if none] entrefExpand (IN) expand entity reference nodes? SEE ALSO XmlDomCreateNodeIter */ xmlwalk* XmlDomCreateTreeWalker(xmlctx *xctx, xmlwalk* walker, xmlnode *root, xmlshowbits whatToShow, XMLDOM_ACCEPT_NODE_F((*nodeFilter), xctx, node), boolean entrefExpansion); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Package Range - DOM Range APIs ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /**************************************************************************** Interface Range ****************************************************************************/ /* RANGE: All functions defined in the Range specification are implemented here and have exactly the same semantics as described in W3C DOM Level 2 Spec. In addition to the specified functions this implementation adds two more functions, XmlDomRangeGetDetached and XmlDomRangeIsConsistent. These functions are Oracle extensions. If the document is modified by an API different than the Range API, it is assumed, in this case, that the consistency of the range is maintained by using appropriate SET, SELECT, and COLLAPSE functions from the Range API. */ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomRangeGetStartContainer STANDARD DOM 2: Range.startContainer PURPOSE Return range start container node DESCRIPTION Returns range start container node if the range is valid and is not detached, otherwise returns NULL. RETURNS (xmlnode *) range start container node ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context range (IN) range object xerr (OUT) numeric return code */ xmlnode* XmlDomRangeGetStartContainer(xmlctx *xctx, xmlrange *range, xmlerr *xerr); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomRangeGetStartOffset STANDARD DOM 2: Range.startOffset PURPOSE Return range start offset DESCRIPTION Returns range start offset if the range is not detached, otherwise returns {~(ub4)0} [the maximum {ub4} value]. RETURNS (ub4) range start offset [or {ub4} maximum] ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context range (IN) range object xerr (OUT) numeric return code */ ub4 XmlDomRangeGetStartOffset(xmlctx *xctx, xmlrange *range, xmlerr *xerr); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomRangeGetEndContainer STANDARD DOM 2: Range.endContainer PURPOSE Return range end container node DESCRIPTION Returns range end container node if the range is not detached, otherwise returns NULL. RETURNS (xmlnode *) range end container node [or NULL] ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context range (IN) range object xerr (OUT) numeric return code */ xmlnode* XmlDomRangeGetEndContainer(xmlctx *xctx, xmlrange *range, xmlerr *xerr); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomRangeGetEndOffset STANDARD DOM 2: Range.endOffset PURPOSE Return range end offset DESCRIPTION Returns range end offset if the range is not detached, otherwise returns {~(ub4)0} [the maximum {ub4} value]. RETURNS (ub4) range end offset [or {ub4} maximum] ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context range (IN) range object xerr (OUT) numeric return code */ ub4 XmlDomRangeGetEndOffset(xmlctx *xctx, xmlrange *range, xmlerr *xerr); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomRangeGetCollapsed STANDARD DOM 2: Range.collapsed PURPOSE Return whether the range is collapsed DESCRIPTION Returns TRUE if the range is collapsed and is not detached, otherwise returns FALSE. RETURNS (boolean) TRUE if the range is collapsed, FALSE otherwise ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context range (IN) range object xerr (OUT) numeric return code */ boolean XmlDomRangeGetCollapsed(xmlctx *xctx, xmlrange *range, xmlerr *xerr); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomRangeGetCommonAncestor PURPOSE Return deepest common ancestor node of two boundary points DESCRIPTION Returns deepest common ancestor node of two boundary points of the range if the range is not detached, otherwise returns NULL. It is assumed that the range is in a consistent state. RETURNS (xmlnode *) deepest common ancestor node [or NULL] ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context range (IN) range object xerr (OUT) numeric return code */ xmlnode* XmlDomRangeGetCommonAncestor(xmlctx *xctx, xmlrange *range, xmlerr *xerr); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomRangeSetStart STANDARD DOM 2: Range.setStart() PURPOSE Set the start point DESCRIPTION Sets the range start point. If it has a root container other than the current one for the range, the range is collapsed to the new position. If the start is set to be at a position after the end, the range is collapsed to that position. Returns xmlerr value according to the description above where this type is defined. It is assumed that the end point of the range is a valid end point. RETURNS (xmlerr) numeric return code ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context range (IN) range object node (IN) XML node offset (IN) starting offset */ xmlerr XmlDomRangeSetStart(xmlctx *xctx, xmlrange *range, xmlnode *node, ub4 offset); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomRangeSetEnd STANDARD DOM 2: Range.setEnd() PURPOSE Set the end point DESCRIPTION Sets the range end point. If it has a root container other than the current one for the range, the range is collapsed to the new position. If the end is set to be at a position before the start, the range is collapsed to that position. Returns xmlerr value according to the description above where this type is defined. It is assumed that the start point of the range is a valid start point. RETURNS (xmlerr) numeric return code ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context range (IN) range object node (IN) node node offset (IN) ending offset */ xmlerr XmlDomRangeSetEnd(xmlctx *xctx, xmlrange *range, xmlnode *node, ub4 offset); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomRangeSetStartBefore STANDARD DOM 2: Range.setStartBefore() PURPOSE Set the start point before a node DESCRIPTION Sets the range start point before a node. If it has a root container other than the current one for the range, the range is collapsed to the new position with offset == 0. If the before node sets the start to be at a position after the end, the range is collapsed to new position. Returns xmlerr value according to the description above where this type is defined. It is assumed that the end point of the range is a valid end point. RETURNS (xmlerr) numeric return code ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context range (IN) range object node (IN) XML node */ xmlerr XmlDomRangeSetStartBefore(xmlctx *xctx, xmlrange *range, xmlnode *node); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomRangeSetStartAfter STANDARD DOM 2: Range.setStartAfter() PURPOSE Set the start point after a node DESCRIPTION Sets the range start point after a node. If it has a root container other than the current one for the range, the range is collapsed to the new position. If the after node sets the start to be at a position after the end, the range is collapsed to new position. Returns xmlerr value according to the description above where this type is defined. It is assumed that the end point of the range is a valid end point. RETURNS (xmlerr) numeric return code ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context range (IN) range object node (IN) XML node */ xmlerr XmlDomRangeSetStartAfter(xmlctx *xctx, xmlrange *range, xmlnode *node); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomRangeSetEndBefore STANDARD DOM 2: Range.setEndBefore() PURPOSE Set the end point before a node DESCRIPTION Sets the range end point before a node. If it has a root container other than the current one for the range, the range is collapsed to the new position. If the before node sets the end to be at a position before the start, the range is collapsed to new position. Returns xmlerr value according to the description above where this type is defined. It is assumed that the start point of the range is a valid start point. RETURNS (xmlerr) numeric return code ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context range (IN) range object node (IN) XML node */ xmlerr XmlDomRangeSetEndBefore(xmlctx *xctx, xmlrange *range, xmlnode *node); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomRangeSetEndAfter STANDARD DOM 2: Range.setEndAfter() PURPOSE Set the end point after a node DESCRIPTION Sets the range end point after a node. If it has a root container other than the current one for the range, the range is collapsed to the new position. If the after node sets the end to be at a position before the start, the range is collapsed to new position. Returns xmlerr value according to the description above where this type is defined. It is assumed that the start point of the range is a valid start point. RETURNS (xmlerr) numeric return code ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context range (IN) range object node (IN) XML node */ xmlerr XmlDomRangeSetEndAfter(xmlctx *xctx, xmlrange *range, xmlnode *node); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomRangeCollapse STANDARD DOM 2: Range.collapse() PURPOSE Collapse range to either start point or end point DESCRIPTION Collapses the range to either start point or end point. The point where it is collapsed to is assumed to be a valid point in the document which this range is attached to. RETURNS (xmlerr) numeric return code ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context range (IN) range object tostart (IN) flag indicating whether collapse is to start or end */ xmlerr XmlDomRangeCollapse(xmlctx *xctx, xmlrange *range, boolean tostart); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomRangeSelectNode STANDARD DOM 2: Range.selectNode() PURPOSE Select a node as a range DESCRIPTION Sets the range end point and start point so that the parent node of this node becomes the container node, and the offset is the offset of this node among the children of its parent. The range becomes collapsed. It is assumed that the node is a valid node of its document. If the range is detached, it is ignored, and the range becomes attached. RETURNS (xmlerr) numeric return code ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context range (IN) range object node (IN) XML node */ xmlerr XmlDomRangeSelectNode(xmlctx *xctx, xmlrange *range, xmlnode *node); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomRangeSelectNodeContents STANDARD DOM 2: Range.selectNodeContents() PURPOSE Define range to select node contents DESCRIPTION Sets the range start point to the start of the node contents and the end point to the end of the node contents. It is assumed that the node is a valid document node. If the range is detached, it is ignored, and the range becomes attached. RETURNS (xmlerr) numeric return code ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context range (IN) range object node (IN) XML node */ xmlerr XmlDomRangeSelectNodeContents(xmlctx *xctx, xmlrange *range, xmlnode *node); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomRangeCompareBoundaryPoints STANDARD DOM 2: Range.compareBoundaryPoints() PURPOSE Compare boundary points of two ranges DESCRIPTION Compares two boundary points of two different ranges. Returns -1,0,1 depending on whether the corresponding boundary point of the range (range) is before, equal, or after the corresponding boundary point of the second range ({srange}). It returns {~(int)0} if two ranges are attached to two different documents or if one of them is detached. RETURNS (sb4) strcmp-like comparison result ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context range (IN) range object how (IN) xmlcmphow value [how to compare] srange (IN) range object to be compared with xerr (OUT) numeric return code */ sb4 XmlDomRangeCompareBoundaryPoints(xmlctx *xctx, xmlrange *range, xmlcmphow how, xmlrange *srange, xmlerr *xerr); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomRangeDeleteContents STANDARD DOM 2: Range.deleteContents() PURPOSE Delete content selected by a range DESCRIPTION Delete content selected by a range. Deletes content selected by a range. Performs the range consistency check and sets retval to an error code if an error. RETURNS (xmlerr) numeric return code ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context range (IN) range object */ xmlerr XmlDomRangeDeleteContents(xmlctx *xctx, xmlrange *range); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomRangeExtractContents STANDARD DOM 2: Range.extractContents() PURPOSE Extract contents selected by a range DESCRIPTION Extract contents selected by a range. Clones and deletes contents selected by a range. Performs the range consistency check and sets retval to an error code if an error. RETURNS (xmlnode *) extracted ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context range (IN) range object xerr (OUT) numeric return code */ xmlnode* XmlDomRangeExtractContents(xmlctx *xctx, xmlrange *range, xmlerr *xerr); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomRangeCloneContents STANDARD DOM 2: Range.cloneContents() PURPOSE Clone contents selected by a range DESCRIPTION Clone contents selected by a range. Clones but does not delete contents selected by a range. Performs the range consistency check and sets retval to an error code if an error. RETURNS (xmlnode *) cloned contents ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context range (IN) range object xerr (OUT) numeric return code */ xmlnode* XmlDomRangeCloneContents(xmlctx *xctx, xmlrange *range, xmlerr *xerr); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomRangeClone PURPOSE Clone a range STANARD DOM 2: Range.cloneRange() DESCRIPTION Clone a range. Clones the range without affecting the content selected by the original range. Returns NULL if an error. RETURNS (xmlrange *) new range that clones the old one ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context range (IN) range object xerr (OUT) numeric return code */ xmlrange* XmlDomRangeClone(xmlctx *xctx, xmlrange *range, xmlerr *xerr); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomRangeDetach STANDARD DOM 2: Range.detach() PURPOSE Detach a range DESCRIPTION Detaches the range from the document and places it (range) in invalid state. RETURNS (xmlerr) numeric return code ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context range (IN) range object */ xmlerr XmlDomRangeDetach(xmlctx *xctx, xmlrange *range); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomRangeGetDetached PURPOSE Return whether the range is detached DESCRIPTION Return whether the range is detached. Returns TRUE if the range is detached and is not NULL. Otherwise returns FALSE. RETURNS (ub1) TRUE if the range is detached, FALSE otherwise ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context range (IN) range object */ ub1 XmlDomRangeGetDetached(xmlctx *xctx, xmlrange *range); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomRangeIsConsistent PURPOSE Return whether the range is consistent DESCRIPTION Return whether the range is consistent. Returns TRUE if the range is consistent: both points are under the same root and the start point is before or equal to the end point. Otherwise returns FALSE. RETURNS (ub1) TRUE if the range is consistent, FALSE otherwise ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context range (IN) range object xerr (OUT) numeric return code */ boolean XmlDomRangeIsConsistent(xmlctx *xctx, xmlrange *range, xmlerr *xerr); /**************************************************************************** Interface DocumentRange ****************************************************************************/ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME XmlDomCreateRange STANDARD DOM 2: DocumentRange.createRange() PURPOSE Create Range object DESCRIPTION The only one method of DocumentRange interface, used to create a Range object. RETURNS (xmlrange *) original or new Range object. ARGUMENTS xctx (IN) XML context range (IN) existing NodeIterator or NULL to allocate new. If a new object is allocated the caller must free it using the memory free function associated with xctx. doc (IN) the document which new (set) range is attached to. */ xmlrange* XmlDomCreateRange(xmlctx *xctx, xmlrange *range, xmldocnode *doc); #endif /* XMLPROC_ORACLE */