// Copyright (c) 2008, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. // // NAME // SclsMsg.msg // // DESCRIPTION // Defines message IDs for Super Cluster (vertical) tier implementation // // NOTES // // MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) // yizhang 05/26/09 - fix messages // spavan 10/03/08 - fix bug7417758 // rxkumar 07/10/08 - add EONS_RUNTIME_NOT_ACTIVE // sravindh 03/18/08 - Transfer cause and action comments from java // source file SclsMsg.java // rxkumar 09/06/07 - add GET_MBRLIST_FAILED // rxkumar 06/18/07 - Creation // */ // // PACKAGE=package oracle.supercluster.resources; // IMPORT=import oracle.ops.mgmt.nls.MessageKey; 1000, SCREP_CREATE_FAILED, "Failed to create super cluster representative server for tier {0}, {1}" // *Cause: Failed to create super cluster representative server for the given tier. // *Action: Retry after resolving cause stated in message. / 1001, GET_ONS_FAILED, "Failed to get ONS runtime of {0}" // *Cause: Failed to get ONS runtime of the given server. // *Action: Retry after resolving cause stated in message. / 1002, GET_MBRLIST_FAILED, "Failed to get current member list of tier {0}" // *Cause: Failed to get current member list of the given tier. // *Action: Retry after resolving cause stated in message. / 1003, EONS_RUNTIME_NOT_ACTIVE, "eONS runtime was not running for tier {0}" // *Cause: eONS runtime was stopped abnormally. // *Action: In cluster environment, try srvctl stop nodeapps -n <node> and srvctl start nodeapps -n <node>. In Oracle Restart environment, try srvctl stop eons and srvctl start eons. / 1004, EONS_SETLISTENPORT_FAILED, "Failed to set listening port to {0} for {1}" // *Cause: Failed to update listening port of the eONS runtime for this tier. // *Action: Make sure that user has permission to update resource attribute. In cluster environment make sure that the clusterware stack is up. / 1005, INVALID_LOCALPORT_NUMBER, "Invalid listening port {0} specified for eONS" // *Cause: The specified eONS listening port number is invalid. // *Action: Valid port numbers on Unix are from 1025 to 65535. Provide a valid port number for eONS to listen on. /