/ Copyright (c) 2008, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. // // NAME // PrvfMsg.msg // // DESCRIPTION // Message file // // NOTES // // MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) // ptare 07/23/11 - Backport ptare_bug-12758454 from main // ptare 07/12/11 - Backport ptare_bug-12532698 from main // ptare 05/03/11 - XbranchMerge ptare_bug-11684397 from main // dsaggi 04/08/11 - Backport dsaggi_bug-11903546 from main // narbalas 03/29/11 - Backport narbalas_bug-9913816 from main // ptare 04/27/11 - Add messages for rp_filter check on LINUX // agorla 04/13/11 - bug#11849901 - add messages // dsaggi 04/01/11 - fix 11903546 // nvira 09/28/10 - add messages for db checks // narbalas 09/09/10 - Fix 9913816 // nvira 08/11/10 - add messages for darwin pluggable tasks // ptare 09/13/10 - Add XML & HTML reporting tool messages // kfgriffi 04/26/10 - Add SSHD messages. // narbalas 04/22/10 - bug 8792932 // kfgriffi 03/18/10 - Add Core File messages. // shmubeen 02/12/10 - Add Huge Page messages. // shmubeen 10/07/09 - Creation. // // //Note: First 300 messages have been reserved for the pluggable framework only // // PACKAGE=package oracle.ops.verification.resources; // MSGIDTYPE=interface 0001, PLUGGABLE_TASK_START, "Starting check for {0} ..." // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 0002, PLUGGABLE_TASK_PASSED, "Check for {0} passed" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 0003, PLUGGABLE_TASK_FAILED, "Check for {0} failed" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 0004, INVALID_OPERATOR, "The given operator is not supported." // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 0005, INVALID_NUMERIC_STRING, "The string does not represent a numeric value." // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 0006, DIR_CREATION_FAILED, "Failed to create directory \"{0}\"" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 0007, EXECUTABLE_NOT_FOUND, "Could not find executable \"{0}\"" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 0008, EXEC_NAME_NOT_FOUND, "Could not find command name in description of executable" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 0009, VARIABLE_NOT_RESOLVED, "Failed to resolve variable \"{0}\"" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 0010, RESULT_TAG_UNAVAILABLE, "Properly formated RESULT tags are not found in the command output: \"{0}\"." // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 0011, EMPTY_COLLECTED_VALUE, "Properly formated COLLECTED tags are not found in the command output." // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 0012, VERIFICATION_EXEC_FAILED, "Execution of verification executable failed." // *Cause: An error was encountered while executing verification executable. // *Action: Look at the accompanying messages for details on the cause of failure. / 0013, ANALYZER_EXEC_FAILED, "Execution of analyzer failed." // *Cause: An error was encountered while executing analyzer. // *Action: Look at the accompanying messages for details on the cause of failure. / 0014, UNKNOWN_HOST, "Could not get local host name." // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 0015, ERR_MESSAGE_BUNDLE, "Could not get message bundle for facility \"{0}\"." // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 0016, UNABLE_WRITE_FILE, "Unale to write data to file \"{0}\"." // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 0017, COMPARISION_FAILURE, "The value collected from the system did not meet the requirement.[Expected = \"{0}\"; Collected = \"{1}\"]" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 0018, NULL_EXEC_ARG, "Encountered a NULL executable argument." // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 0019,ELEMENT_NAME_ENABLED_HUGE_PAGE , "Huge Pages Existence" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 0020, DESC_ENABLED_HUGE_PAGE, "Checks Huge Pages existence" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 0021, NO_HUGE_PAGE_ENABLED, "Huge Pages feature is not enabled on nodes \"{0}\"" // *Cause: Available memory is greater than 4GB, but OS Huge Pages feature is not enabled. // *Action: If available memory is greater than 4GB, Oracle recommends configuring Huge Pages. Refer to OS documentation to configure Huge Pages. / 0022, ERROR_PHYSICAL_MEMORY, "Could not get available memory on node \"{0}\"" // *Cause: An error occurred accessing /proc/meminfo to determine available system memory. // *Action: Ensure that the OS /proc virtual file system is functioning correctly and that /proc/meminfo is accessible. / 0025, ELEMENT_NAME_HWCLOCK_SHUTDOWN_SYNC , "Hardware Clock synchronization at shutdown" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 0026, DESC_HWCLOCK_SHUTDOWN_SYNC , "Checks whether Hardware Clock is synchronized with the system clock during system shutdown" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 0027, HWCLOCK_SYNC_UNCLEAR , "Hardware clock synchronization could not be determined on node \"{0}\"" // *Cause: The hwclock command is used in the shutdown script, but it is not possible to establish that the --systohc option is enabled. // *Action: Check the shutdown/halt script and verify manually whether this script executes the command 'hwclock --systohc'. / 0028, HWCLOCK_SHUTDOWNSCRIPT_MISSING , "Hardware clock synchronization could not be established as halt script does not exist on node \"{0}\"" // *Cause: The shutdown or halt script /etc/rc.d/init.d/halt does not exist or is missing. // *Action: Check for the existence of the shutdown or halt script and ensure this script executes the command 'hwclock --systohc'. / 0029, HWCLOCK_SHUTDOWNSCRIPT_OTHERERROR , "Hardware clock synchronization check could not run on node \"{0}\"" // *Cause: The shutdown or halt script may not be accessible or a command may have failed. // *Action: Contact Oracle Support. / 0030, ELEMENT_NAME_CORE_FILE_SETTING , "Core file creation setting" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 0031, DESC_CORE_FILE_SETTING , "Checks if core files are enabled on the system" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 0032, CORE_FILE_SETTING_PASS , "Core files are enabled on node \"{0}\"" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 0033, CORE_FILE_SETTING_FAIL , "Core files are not enabled on node \"{0}\"" // *Cause: The core file setting currently prevents the creation of a core file for process aborts and exceptions. // *Action: Oracle recommends enabling core file creation. / 0034, CORE_FILE_SETTING_ERROR , "Error encountered while trying to obtain the core file setting on node \"{0}\"" // *Cause: An error occurred while attempting to determine the core file setting. // *Action: Oracle recommends enabling core file creation. / 0035, ELEMENT_NAME_SSHD_SETTING , "The SSH LoginGraceTime setting" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 0036, DESC_SSHD_SETTING, "Checks the SSH LoginGraceTime setting, which controls how long the SSH server allows for a successful login." // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 0037, SSHD_SETTING_PASS , "LoginGraceTime setting passed on node \"{0}\"" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 0038, SSHD_SETTING_FAIL , "The SSH LoginGraceTime setting on node \"{0}\" may result in users being disconnected before login is completed" // *Cause: The LoginGraceTime timeout value is too low which is causing users to be disconnected before their login completes. // *Action: Oracle recommends setting the LoginGraceTime to a value of zero (unlimited), Restart the SSH daemon on the identified node to make the changes effective. / 0039, SSHD_SETTING_ERROR , "Error encountered while trying to obtain the LoginGraceTime setting on node \"{0}\"" // *Cause: An error occurred while attempting to obtain the LoginGraceTime setting. // *Action: Oracle recommends setting the LoginGraceTime to a value of zero (unlimited). / 0040, ELEMENT_NAME_MAX_LOCKED_MEM, "Maximum locked memory when Automatic Memory Management is enabled" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 0041, DESC_MAX_LOCKED_MEM, "Check maximum locked memory when Automatic Memory Management is enabled" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 0042, MEMLOCK_OUTSIDE_LIMIT, "Maximum locked memory when Automatic Memory Management is enabled is less than the recommended value [Expected = \"{0}\", Retrieved=\"{1}\"] on node \"{2}\"" // *Cause: The value of maximum locked memory is less than the recommended value for Automatic Memory Management. // *Action: Increase the value of locked memory in /etc/security/limits.conf . Refer your operating system documentation for details. / 0043, MEMLOCK_CMD_ERR, "Error encountered when checking maximum locked memory limit on node \"{0}\"" // *Cause: An error was encountered when retrieving the value of maximum locked memory. // *Action: Modify the value of max locked memory. Refer your operating system documentation for details. / 0044, MEMLOCK_NO_ENTRY, "No entry in configuration file when checking locked memory limit on node \"{0}\"" // *Cause: No entry for maximum locked memory limit was found in /etc/security/limits.conf. // *Action: Specify or correct the value of locked memory by modifying /etc/security/limits.conf. Refer your operating system documentation for details. / 0045, ELEMENT_NAME_PORT_AVAILABILITY, "availability of port 8888" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 0046, DESC_PORT_AVAILABILITY, "availability of port 8888" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 0047, PORT_AVAILABILITY_CMD_FAIL, "Error when checking IP port availability" // *Cause: Command failed when checking port availability. // *Action: Contact Oracle Support Services. / 0048, PORT_AVAILABILITY_FAIL, "Check for IP port \"{0}\" availability failed" // *Cause: IP Port 8888 not available. // *Action: Stop any applications listening on port 8888 as it is needed for oc4j. / 0301, ELEMENT_NAME_FAKE_INTEGRITY, "Fake Integrity" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 0202, DESC_FAKE_INTEGRITY, "Checks the integrity of fake element" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 0230, ELEMENT_NAME_HANGCHECK_TIMER, "hangcheck_timer loading" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 0231, DESC_HANGCHECK_TIMER, "Checks if the hangcheck_timer module is loaded on the system" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 0232, SUCC_HANGCHECK_TIMER, "hangcheck_timer module loaded on node \"{0}\"" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 0233, VFAIL_HANGCHECK_TIMER, "hangcheck_timer module not loaded on node \"{0}\"" // *Cause: // *Action: / 0234, EFAIL_HANGCHECK_TIMER, "Error encountered while trying to obtain the hangcheck_timer setting on node \"{0}\"" // *Cause: An error occurred while attempting to determine the hangcheck_timer setting. // *Action: / 0235, HANGCHECK_TIMER_DETAILS, "The hangcheck_timer module is required to run a supported configuration in Linux. hangcheck_timer module should be loaded and enabled. 2.4 kernel hangcheck_reboot default is 1 (enabled); 2.6 kernel hangcheck_reboot default is 0 (disabled). In either case, hangcheck_reboot=1 is the proper setting when running Oracle Clusterware. This applies to 9i, 10g and 11gR1, hangcheck_timer is not required for 11gR2 and forward. Recommended settings: 9i (with default oracm misscount of 220): hangcheck_reboot =1 (enabled); hangcheck_tick=30 (seconds); hangcheck_margin=180 (seconds). 10g/11g (with 'css misscount' of 30 to 60): hangcheck_reboot=1;hangcheck_tick=1;hangcheck_margin=10" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 0240, ELEMENT_NAME_CSS_DIAGWAIT, "CSS diagwait parameter" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 0241, DESC_CSS_DIAGWAIT, "Checks if the CSS diagwait is set correctly on the system" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 0242, SUCC_CSS_DIAGWAIT, "CSS diagwait is set to recommended value of 13 on node \"{0}\"" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 0243, VFAIL_CSS_DIAGWAIT, "CSS diagwait is not set to recommended value of 13 on node \"{0}\"" // *Cause: CSS diagwait does not meet the recommendation // *Action: Set the diagwait to the recommended setting using '$CRS_HOME/bin/crsctl set css diagwait' command. / 0244, EFAIL_CSS_DIAGWAIT, "Error encountered while trying to obtain the CSS diagwait setting on node \"{0}\"" // *Cause: An error occurred while attempting to determine the CSS diagwait setting. // *Action: / 0245, CSS_DIAGWAIT_DETAILS, "Setting CSS diagwait to recommended value of 13 will allow time to capture first failure diagnostics in case of node eviction which will assist support in analyzing the problem." // *Cause: // *Action: / 0250, ELEMENT_NAME_CSS_MISSCOUNT, "CSS misscount parameter" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 0251, DESC_CSS_MISSCOUNT, "Checks if the CSS misscount is set correctly on the system" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 0252, SUCC_CSS_MISSCOUNT, "CSS misscount is set to the recommended value on node \"{0}\"" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 0253, VFAIL_CSS_MISSCOUNT, "CSS misscount is not set to recommended on node \"{0}\"" // *Cause: CSS misscount does not meet the requirement // *Action: Set the misscount to the recommended setting using '$CRS_HOME/bin/crsctl set css misscount' command. / 0254, EFAIL_CSS_MISSCOUNT, "Error encountered while trying to obtain the CSS misscount setting on node \"{0}\"" // *Cause: An error occurred while attempting to determine the CSS misscount setting. // *Action: / 0255, CSS_MISSCOUNT_DETAILS, "The CSS misscount parameter represents the maximum time, in seconds, that a network heartbeat can be missed before entering into a cluster reconfiguration to evict the node" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 0260, ELEMENT_NAME_CSS_REBOOTTIME, "CSS reboottime parameter" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 0261, DESC_CSS_REBOOTTIME, "Checks if the CSS reboottime is set correctly on the system" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 0262, SUCC_CSS_REBOOTTIME, "CSS reboottime is set to recommended value of 3 seconds on node \"{0}\"" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 0263, VFAIL_CSS_REBOOTTIME, "CSS reboottime is not set to recommended value of 3 seconds on node \"{0}\"" // *Cause: CSS reboottime does not meet the requirement // *Action: Set the reboottime to the recommended setting using '$CRS_HOME/bin/crsctl set css reboottime' command. / 0264, EFAIL_CSS_REBOOTTIME, "Error encountered while trying to obtain the CSS reboottime setting on node \"{0}\"" // *Cause: An error occurred while attempting to determine the CSS reboottime setting. // *Action: / 0265, CSS_REBOOTTIME_DETAILS, "reboottime (default 3 seconds) is the amount of time allowed for a node to complete a reboot after the CSS daemon has been evicted." // *Cause: // *Action: / 0270, ELEMENT_NAME_NETWORK_PARAMETER, "Network parameter - {0}" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 0271, DESC_NETWORK_PARAMETER, "Checks if the network parameter is set correctly on the system" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 0272, SUCC_NETWORK_PARAMETER, "The value of network parameter \"{0}\" is set to the expected value \"{1}\" on node \"{2}\"." // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 0273, VFAIL_NETWORK_PARAMETER, "The value of network parameter \"{0}\" for interface \"{4}\" is not configured to the expected value on node \"{1}\".[Expected=\"{2}\"; Found=\"{3}\"]" // *Cause: // *Action: / 0274, EFAIL_NETWORK_PARAMETER, "Error encountered while trying to obtain the network parameter setting on node \"{0}\"" // *Cause: An error occurred while attempting to retrieve network parameter setting. // *Action: / 0280, ELEMENT_NAME_VMM_PARAMETER, "Virtual memory parameter" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 0281, DESC_VMM_PARAMETER, "Checks if the virtual memory parameter is set correctly on the system" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 0282, SUCC_VMM_PARAMETER, "The value of virtual memory parameter \"{0}\" is set to the expected value \"{1}\" on node \"{2}\"." // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 0283, VFAIL_VMM_PARAMETER, "The value of virtual memory parameter \"{0}\" is not set to the expected value on node \"{1}\".[Expected=\"{2}\"; Found=\"{3}\"]" // *Cause: // *Action: / 0284, EFAIL_VMM_PARAMETER, "Error encountered while trying to obtain the virtual memory parameter setting on node \"{0}\"" // *Cause: An error occurred while attempting to retrieve virtual memory parameter setting. // *Action: / 0290, ELEMENT_NAME_JUMBO_FRAMES, "Ethernet Jumbo Frames" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 0291, DESC_JUMBO_FRAMES, "Checks if Jumbo Frames are configured on the system" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 0292, SUCC_JUMBO_FRAMES, "Jumbo Frames or mini Jumbo Frames are configured for interconnect on node \"{0}\"." // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 0293, VFAIL_JUMBO_FRAMES, "Jumbo Frames are not configured for interconnect on node \"{0}\"." // *Cause: // *Action: / 0294, EFAIL_JUMBO_FRAMES, "Error encountered while trying to obtain the MTU setting on node \"{0}\"" // *Cause: An error occurred while attempting to retrieve MTU setting. // *Action: / 0295, JUMBO_FRAMES_DETAILS, "A performance improvement can be seen with Jumbo Frames, check with your system and network administrator first and if possible, configure Jumbo Frames on interconnect. See reference for more detail specific to platform." // *Cause: // *Action: / 0300, ELEMENT_NAME_E1000_FLOW_CONTROL, "E1000 flow control" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 0301, DESC_E1000_FLOW_CONTROL, "Checks the E1000 flow control settings" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 0302, SUCC_E1000_FLOW_CONTROL, "E1000 flow control settings configured correctly on node \"{0}\"." // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 0303, VFAIL_E1000_FLOW_CONTROL, "Potential problem with E1000 NIC exists on node \"{0}\"." // *Cause: // *Action: / 0304, EFAIL_E1000_FLOW_CONTROL, "Error while checking flow control settings in the E1000 on node \"{0}\"" // *Cause: An error occurred while attempting to retrieve E1000 flow control settings. // *Action: / 0305, E1000_FLOW_CONTROL_DETAILS, "The number of \"packet reassembles failed\" correlates with the number of global cache blocks lost for some of the 2.6 kernel configurations. 2.6 kernel defaults RX flow control to off, which means it ignores the pause frames from the switch and overloads it. Turning on RX flow control on 2.6 stops the drops. Commands to check for these settings and possible diagnostics: 'ethtool eth1', for checking speed, MTU size. 'ethtool -S eth1' for example to check for physical failures. Note that eth1 is an example in this case" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 0310, ELEMENT_NAME_DEFAULT_GATEWAY_VIP_SUBNET, "VIP Default Gateway Subnet" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 0311, DESC_DEFAULT_GATEWAY_VIP_SUBNET, "Checks that the default gateway is on the same subnet as VIP" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 0312, SUCC_DEFAULT_GATEWAY_VIP_SUBNET, "VIP and default gateway are on the same subnet \"{0}\" on node \"{1}\"." // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 0313, VFAIL_DEFAULT_GATEWAY_VIP_SUBNET, "VIP (\"{0}\") and default gateway (\"{1}\") are on different subnet on node \"{2}\"." // *Cause: // *Action: / 0314, EFAIL_DEFAULT_GATEWAY_SUBNET, "Error while checking default gateway subnet on node \"{0}\"" // *Cause: An error occurred while attempting to retrieve subnet of default gateway. // *Action: / 0315, EFAIL_DEFAULT_VIP_SUBNET, "Error while checking VIP subnet on node \"{0}\"" // *Cause: An error occurred while attempting to retrieve subnet of VIP. // *Action: / 0316, DEFAULT_GATEWAY_VIP_SUBNET_DETAILS, "By default, the server's default gateway is used as a ping target during the Oracle RAC VIP status check action. Upon a ping failure, Oracle will decide that the current interface where the VIP is running has failed, and will initiate an interface / internode VIP failover." // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 0320, ELEMENT_NAME_VIP_RESTART, "VIP restart attempts" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 0321, DESC_VIP_RESTART, "Checks the VIP restart configuration" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 0322, SUCC_VIP_RESTART, "VIP restart_attempt ({0}) = 0 on node \"{1}\"." // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 0323, VFAIL_VIP_RESTART, "VIP restart_attempt ({0}) > 0 on node \"{1}\"." // *Cause: // *Action: / 0324, EFAIL_VIP_RESTART, "Error while checking VIP restart configuration on node \"{0}\"" // *Cause: An error occurred while attempting to retrieve VIP restart configuration. // *Action: / 0325, VIP_RESTART_DETAILS, "If VIP restart_attempt is nonzero, CRS attempt as many times as restart_attempt before failing over to healthy cluster member which leads to more network failover time." // *Cause: // *Action: / 0330, ELEMENT_NAME_TCP_RETRANSMISSIONS, "TCP packet re-transmit" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 0331, DESC_TCP_RETRANSMISSIONS, "Checks the TCP retransmissions" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 0332, SUCC_TCP_RETRANSMISSIONS, "TCP retransmissions ({0}) is less than 30% on node \"{1}\"." // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 0333, VFAIL_TCP_RETRANSMISSIONS, "TCP retransmissions ({0}) is greater than 30% on node \"{1}\"." // *Cause: // *Action: / 0334, EFAIL_TCP_RETRANSMISSIONS, "Error while checking TCP packet re-transmit rate on node \"{0}\"" // *Cause: An error occurred while attempting to retrieve TCP packet re-transmit rate. // *Action: / 0335, TCP_RETRANSMISSIONS_DETAILS, "A TCP retransmissions rate above 30% indicates network reliability may be too low for Oracle Clusterware purposes." // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 0340, ELEMENT_NAME_NETWORK_PACKET_REASSEMBLY, "Network packet reassembly" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 0341, DESC_NETWORK_PACKET_REASSEMBLY, "Checks whether the network packets are being reassembled" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 0342, SUCC_NETWORK_PACKET_REASSEMBLY, "Network packet reassembly not occurring on node \"{1}\"." // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 0343, VFAIL_NETWORK_PACKET_REASSEMBLY, "Network packet reassembly occurring on node \"{1}\"." // *Cause: A possible cause is the difference in the MTU size across network // *Action: Ensure that the MTU size is same across network / 0344, EFAIL_NETWORK_PACKET_REASSEMBLY, "Error while checking network packet reassembly on node \"{0}\"" // *Cause: An error occurred while attempting to check network packet reassembly. // *Action: / 0350, ELEMENT_NAME_CSS_DISKTIMEOUT, "CSS disktimeout parameter" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 0351, DESC_CSS_DISKTIMEOUT, "Checks if the CSS disktimeout is set correctly on the system" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 0352, SUCC_CSS_DISKTIMEOUT, "CSS disktimeout is set to recommended value of 200 seconds" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 0353, VFAIL_CSS_DISKTIMEOUT, "CSS disktimeout is not set to recommended value of 200 seconds" // *Cause: // *Action: / 0354, EFAIL_CSS_DISKTIMEOUT, "Error encountered while trying to obtain the CSS disktimeout setting" // *Cause: An error occurred while attempting to determine the CSS disktimeout setting. // *Action: / 0355, CSS_DISKTIMEOUT_DETAILS, "The maximum amount of time allowed for a voting file I/O to complete; if this time is exceeded the voting disk will be marked as offline. Note that this is also the amount of time that will be required for initial cluster formation, i.e. when no nodes have previously been up and in a cluster." // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 0360, ELEMENT_NAME_DISK_ASYNCH_IO_LINKING, "Oracle linking with asynchronous IO libraries" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 0361, DESC_DISK_ASYNCH_IO_LINKING, "Checks if Oracle is linked with asynchronous IO libraries" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 0362, SUCC_DISK_ASYNCH_IO_LINKING, "Oracle is linked with asynchronous IO libraries on node \"{0}\"" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 0363, VFAIL_DISK_ASYNCH_IO_LINKING, "Oracle is not linked with asynchronous IO libraries on node \"{0}\"" // *Cause: // *Action: / 0364, EFAIL_DISK_ASYNCH_IO_LINKING, "Error while checking asynchronous IO linking on node \"{0}\"" // *Cause: // *Action: / 0370, ELEMENT_NAME_NON_ROUTABLE_NETWORK_INTERCONNECT, "Non-routable network for interconnect" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 0371, DESC_NON_ROUTABLE_NETWORK_INTERCONNECT, "Checks if the interconnect is configured on routable network addresses" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 0372, SUCC_NON_ROUTABLE_NETWORK_INTERCONNECT, "Interconnect is configured on non-routable network addresses on node \"{0}\"" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 0373, VFAIL_NON_ROUTABLE_NETWORK_INTERCONNECT, "Interconnect should not be configured on routable network addresses on node \"{0}\"" // *Cause: // *Action: / 0374, EFAIL_NON_ROUTABLE_NETWORK_INTERCONNECT, "Error while checking network for interconnect on node \"{0}\"" // *Cause: // *Action: / 0375, NON_ROUTABLE_NETWORK_INTERCONNECT_DETAILS, "Interconnect should be configured on non-routable private LAN. Interconnect IP should not be accessible outside LAN." // *Cause: // *Action: / 0380, ELEMENT_NAME_HANGCHECK_REBOOT, "Hangcheck reboot" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 0381, DESC_HANGCHECK_REBOOT, "Checks if the hangcheck reboot is configured properly" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 0382, SUCC_HANGCHECK_REBOOT, "Hangcheck reboot is configured properly on node \"{0}\"" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 0383, VFAIL_HANGCHECK_REBOOT, "Hangcheck reboot is not configured properly on node \"{0}\"" // *Cause: // *Action: / 0384, EFAIL_HANGCHECK_REBOOT, "Error encountered while trying to obtain the hangcheck reboot setting on node \"{0}\"" // *Cause: An error occurred while attempting to determine the hangcheck reboot setting. // *Action: / 0385, HANGCHECK_REBOOT_DETAILS, "The hangcheck_reboot parameter determines if the hangcheck-timer restarts the node if the kernel fails to respond within the sum of the hangcheck_tick and hangcheck_margin parameter values. If the value of hangcheck_reboot is equal to or greater than 1, then the hangcheck-timer module restarts the system when a hang is detected. If the hangcheck_reboot parameter is set to zero, then the hangcheck-timer module does not restart the node when a hang is detected." // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 0390, ELEMENT_NAME_HANGCHECK_TICK, "Hangcheck tick" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 0391, DESC_HANGCHECK_TICK, "Checks if the hangcheck tick is configured properly" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 0392, SUCC_HANGCHECK_TICK, "Hangcheck tick is configured properly on node \"{0}\"" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 0393, VFAIL_HANGCHECK_TICK, "Hangcheck tick is not configured properly on node \"{0}\"" // *Cause: // *Action: / 0394, EFAIL_HANGCHECK_TICK, "Error encountered while trying to obtain the hangcheck tick setting on node \"{0}\"" // *Cause: An error occurred while attempting to determine the hangcheck tick setting. // *Action: / 0395, HANGCHECK_TICK_DETAILS, "hangcheck_tick parameter: This parameter defines how often, in seconds, the hangcheck-timer checks the node for hangs. The default value is 60 seconds. Oracle recommends that you change the value of hangcheck_tick to 1." // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 0400, ELEMENT_NAME_HANGCHECK_MARGIN, "Hangcheck margin" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 0401, DESC_HANGCHECK_MARGIN, "Checks if the hangcheck margin is configured properly" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 0402, SUCC_HANGCHECK_MARGIN, "Hangcheck timer margin is configured properly on node \"{0}\"" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 0403, VFAIL_HANGCHECK_MARGIN, "Hangcheck timer margin is not configured properly on node \"{0}\"" // *Cause: // *Action: / 0404, EFAIL_HANGCHECK_MARGIN, "Error encountered while trying to obtain the hangcheck margin setting on node \"{0}\"" // *Cause: An error occurred while attempting to determine the hangcheck margin setting. // *Action: / 0405, HANGCHECK_MARGIN_DETAILS, "The hangcheck_timer module is required to run a supported configuration in Linux. Hangcheck-timer module should be loaded and enabled. 2.4 kernel hangcheck_reboot default is 1 (enabled); 2.6 kernel hangcheck_reboot default is 0 (disabled). In either case, hangcheck_reboot=1 is the proper setting when running Oracle Clusterware. This applies to 9i, 10g and 11gR1, hangcheck timer is not required for 11gR2 and forward. Recommended settings: 9i (with default oracm misscount of 220): hangcheck_reboot =1 (enabled); hangcheck_tick=30 (seconds); hangcheck_margin=180 (seconds). 10g/11g (with css misscount of 30 to 60): hangcheck_reboot=1;hangcheck_tick=1;hangcheck_margin=10" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 0410, ELEMENT_NAME_LISTENER_NAMING_CONVENTION, "Listener naming convention" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 0411, DESC_LISTENER_NAMING_CONVENTION, "Checks if the listener naming convention is followed" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 0412, SUCC_LISTENER_NAMING_CONVENTION, "Correct naming convention followed for listener name on node \"{0}\"" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 0413, VFAIL_LISTENER_NAMING_CONVENTION, "Wrong naming convention followed for listener name on node \"{0}\"" // *Cause: // *Action: / 0414, EFAIL_LISTENER_NAMING_CONVENTION, "Error encountered while trying to obtain the listener name on node \"{0}\"" // *Cause: An error occurred while attempting to determine the listener name. // *Action: / 0415, LISTENER_NAMING_CONVENTION_DETAILS, "Listener name always should be appened with hostname. If not ,DBUA may fail while upgrading the database." // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 0420, DEV_SHM_FAILED , "/dev/shm is not found mounted on node \"{0}\"" // *Cause: During database installation it is recommended to have /dev/shm mounted as a RAM file system. // *Action: Mount /dev/shm as RAM file system with appropriate size. / 0421, SHMEM_NOFSTAB, "No entry exists in /etc/fstab for mounting /dev/shm" // *Cause: The file /etc/fstab did not have an entry specifying /dev/shm and its size to be mounted. // *Action: Modify /etc/fstab to mount /dev/shm with appropriate size. / 0422, SHMEM_DIFF, "The size of in-memory file system mounted at /dev/shm \"{0}\" does not match with the size mentioned in /etc/fstab \"{0}\"" // *Cause: The size of the mounted RAM file system does not equal the value configured for system startup. // *Action: Modify /etc/fstab to mount /dev/shm with appropriate size. / 0423, DEV_SHM_FSTAB_NOTEXIST, "The file /etc/fstab does not exist on node \"{0}\"" // *Cause: The file /etc/fstab should exist on the node. // *Action: Recreate or retrieve the /etc/fstab file. / 0424, ELEMENT_NAME_DEV_SHM_MOUNT, "/dev/shm mounted as temporary file system" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 0425, DESC_DEV_SHM_MOUNT, "Checks whether /dev/shm is mounted correctly as temporary file system" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 0450, ELEMENT_NAME_REVERSE_PATH_FILTER, "Reverse path filter setting" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 0451, DESC_REVERSE_PATH_FILTER, "Checks if reverse path filter setting for all private interconnect network interfaces is correct" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 0452, SUCC_REVERSE_PATH_FILTER, "Reverse path filter setting is correct for all private interconnect network interfaces on node \"{0}\"." // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 0453, VFAIL_REVERSE_PATH_FILTER, "Reverse path filter parameter \"rp_filter\" for private interconnect network interfaces \"{0}\" is not set to 0 or 2 on node \"{1}\"." // *Cause: Reverse path filter parameter 'rp_filter' was not set to 0 or 2 for identified private interconnect network interfaces on specified node. // *Action: Ensure that the 'rp_filter' parameter is correctly set to the value of 0 or 2 for each of the interface used in the private interconnect classification, // This will disable or relax the filtering and allow Clusterware to function correctly. Use 'sysctl' command to modify the value of this parameter. / 0454, EFAIL_REVERSE_PATH_FILTER, "Error encountered while trying to retrieve the value of \"rp_filter\" parameter of \"{0}\" network interfaces on node \"{1}\"" // *Cause: An error occurred while attempting to retrieve reverse path filter parameter 'rp_filter' value on specified node. // *Action: / 0455, REVERSE_PATH_FILTER_DETAILS, "Reverse path filter parameter \"rp_filter\" must be set to the value of 0 or 2 for all the private interconnect network interfaces, this will disable or relax the filtering and allow Clusterware to function correctly" // *Cause: // *Action: / 2500, ELEMENT_NAME_FAST_START_MTTR_TARGET, "FAST_START_MTTR_TARGET" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 2501, DESC_FAST_START_MTTR_TARGET, "Checks FAST_START_MTTR_TARGET" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 2502, SUCC_FAST_START_MTTR_TARGET, "FAST_START_MTTR_TARGET configured correctly." // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 2503, VFAIL_FAST_START_MTTR_TARGET, "FAST_START_MTTR_TARGET should be 0 when _FAST_START_INSTANCE_RECOVERY_TARGET > 0 on rac." // *Cause: FAST_START_MTTR_TARGET > 0, when _FAST_START_INSTANCE_RECOVERY_TARGET > 0 // *Action: set FAST_START_MTTR_TARGET to 0 when _FAST_START_INSTANCE_RECOVERY_TARGET > 0 / 2504, EFAIL_FAST_START_MTTR_TARGET, "Error while checking FAST_START_MTTR_TARGET" // *Cause: An error occurred while attempting to retrieve FAST_START_MTTR_TARGET. // *Action: / 2505, FAST_START_MTTR_TARGET_DETAILS, "" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 2510, ELEMENT_NAME_PRE_PAGE_SGA, "PRE_PAGE_SGA" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 2511, DESC_PRE_PAGE_SGA, "Checks PRE_PAGE_SGA setting" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 2512, SUCC_PRE_PAGE_SGA, "PRE_PAGE_SGA = false." // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 2513, VFAIL_PRE_PAGE_SGA, "PRE_PAGE_SGA = true." // *Cause: // *Action: / 2514, EFAIL_PRE_PAGE_SGA, "Error while checking PRE_PAGE_SGA" // *Cause: // *Action: / 2515, PRE_PAGE_SGA_DETAILS, "PRE_PAGE_SGA=true can significantly increase the time required to establish database connections. In cases where the connections to the database are very slow, check the configuration of this parameter and set this parameter to false, it avoids mapping the entire SGA and process startup and consuming time." // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 2520, ELEMENT_NAME_PARALLEL_EXECUTION_MESSAGE_SIZE, "PARALLEL_EXECUTION_MESSAGE_SIZE" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 2521, DESC_PARALLEL_EXECUTION_MESSAGE_SIZE, "Checks PARALLEL_EXECUTION_MESSAGE_SIZE setting" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 2522, SUCC_PARALLEL_EXECUTION_MESSAGE_SIZE, "PARALLEL_EXECUTION_MESSAGE_SIZE >= 4096." // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 2523, VFAIL_PARALLEL_EXECUTION_MESSAGE_SIZE, "PARALLEL_EXECUTION_MESSAGE_SIZE < 4096." // *Cause: // *Action: / 2524, EFAIL_PARALLEL_EXECUTION_MESSAGE_SIZE, "Error while checking PARALLEL_EXECUTION_MESSAGE_SIZE" // *Cause: // *Action: / 2525, PARALLEL_EXECUTION_MESSAGE_SIZE_DETAILS, "Increase init.ora PARALLEL_EXECUTION_MESSAGE_SIZE from default (normallly 2048) to 8192. Speed up parallel executions, including instance recovery, but use more memory. Has helped in most parallel execution environments and configurations we have worked with. This can be set higher for datawarehousing based systems where there is a lot of data transferred through PQ." // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 2530, ELEMENT_NAME_OPTIMIZER_DYNAMIC_SAMPLING, "OPTIMIZER_DYNAMIC_SAMPLING" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 2531, DESC_OPTIMIZER_DYNAMIC_SAMPLING, "Checks OPTIMIZER_DYNAMIC_SAMPLING setting" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 2532, SUCC_OPTIMIZER_DYNAMIC_SAMPLING, "OPTIMIZER_DYNAMIC_SAMPLING is set to the recommended value of 2" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 2533, VFAIL_OPTIMIZER_DYNAMIC_SAMPLING, "OPTIMIZER_DYNAMIC_SAMPLING is not set to the recommended value of 2" // *Cause: // *Action: / 2534, EFAIL_OPTIMIZER_DYNAMIC_SAMPLING, "Error while checking OPTIMIZER_DYNAMIC_SAMPLING" // *Cause: // *Action: / 2535, OPTIMIZER_DYNAMIC_SAMPLING_DETAILS, "Not having OPTIMIZER_DYNAMIC_SAMPLING set to the default value of 2 can have an adverse impact on cost based optimizer performance. This is a required setting for EBS and PeopleSoft applications." // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 2540, ELEMENT_NAME_DB_WRITER_PROCESSES, "DB_WRITER_PROCESSES" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 2541, DESC_DB_WRITER_PROCESSES, "Checks DB_WRITER_PROCESSES setting" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 2542, SUCC_DB_WRITER_PROCESSES, "Single DBWR when oracle linked with asynchronous IO libraries" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 2543, VFAIL_DB_WRITER_PROCESSES, "More than one DBWR processes when oracle linked with asynchronous IO libraries" // *Cause: // *Action: / 2544, EFAIL_DB_WRITER_PROCESSES, "Error while checking DB_WRITER_PROCESSES" // *Cause: // *Action: / 2545, DB_WRITER_PROCESSES_DETAILS, "If asynchronous IO is enabled and database workload is not write intensive, generally having DBWR_IO_SLAVES set helps to gain performance." // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 2550, ELEMENT_NAME_MAX_COMMIT_PROPAGATION_DELAY, "MAX_COMMIT_PROPAGATION_DELAY" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 2551, DESC_MAX_COMMIT_PROPAGATION_DELAY, "Checks MAX_COMMIT_PROPAGATION_DELAY setting" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 2552, SUCC_MAX_COMMIT_PROPAGATION_DELAY, "MAX_COMMIT_PROPAGATION_DELAY is set to default value 0" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 2553, VFAIL_MAX_COMMIT_PROPAGATION_DELAY, "MAX_COMMIT_PROPAGATION_DELAY is not set to default value 0" // *Cause: // *Action: / 2554, EFAIL_MAX_COMMIT_PROPAGATION_DELAY, "Error while checking MAX_COMMIT_PROPAGATION_DELAY" // *Cause: // *Action: / 2555, MAX_COMMIT_PROPAGATION_DELAY_DETAILS, "MAX_COMMIT_PROPAGATION_DELAY should not be changed from its default value except under a limited set of circumstances." // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 2560, ELEMENT_NAME_INVALID_APPLICATION_OBJECTS, "INVALID objects in the application related schemas" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 2561, DESC_INVALID_APPLICATION_OBJECTS, "Checks for the presence of INVALID objects in the application related schemas (non SYS and SYSTEM)" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 2562, SUCC_INVALID_APPLICATION_OBJECTS, "No application objects were found to be invalid" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 2563, VFAIL_INVALID_APPLICATION_OBJECTS, "Application objects were found to be invalid" // *Cause: // *Action: / 2564, EFAIL_INVALID_APPLICATION_OBJECTS, "Error while checking presence of any invalid application objects" // *Cause: // *Action: / 2565, INVALID_APPLICATION_OBJECTS_DETAILS, "Investigate invalid objects in the application related schemas (non SYS and SYSTEM)." // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 2570, ELEMENT_NAME_INVALID_JAVA_OBJ, "Invalid Java Objects" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 2571, DESC_INVALID_JAVA_OBJ, "Checks invalid java objects" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 2572, SUCC_INVALID_JAVA_OBJ, "There are no invalid objects for the Java VM" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 2573, VFAIL_INVALID_JAVA_OBJ, "Objects which make up the Java VM are invalid" // *Cause: // *Action: / 2574, EFAIL_INVALID_JAVA_OBJ, "Error while checking invalid java objects" // *Cause: // *Action: / 2580, ELEMENT_NAME_DBWR_IO_SLAVES, "DBWR_IO_SLAVES" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 2581, DESC_DBWR_IO_SLAVES, "Checks DBWR_IO_SLAVES setting" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 2582, SUCC_DBWR_IO_SLAVES, "Multiple DBWR IO slaves are configured" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 2583, VFAIL_DBWR_IO_SLAVES, "Multiple DBWR IO slaves are not configured" // *Cause: // *Action: / 2584, EFAIL_DBWR_IO_SLAVES, "Error while checking DBWR_IO_SLAVES" // *Cause: // *Action: / 2585, DBWR_IO_SLAVES_DETAILS, "When Oracle is linked with asynchronous IO libraries and DISK_ASYNC_IO = TRUE, it is recommended that multiple DBWR IO slaves be configured." // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 2590, ELEMENT_NAME_SYSAUX_TS, "SYSAUX tablespace existence" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 2591, DESC_SYSAUX_TS, "Checks existence of SYSAUX tablespace" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 2592, SUCC_SYSAUX_TS, "SYSAUX Tablespace already exists" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 2593, VFAIL_SYSAUX_TS, "SYSAUX Tablespace does not exist" // *Cause: // *Action: / 2594, EFAIL_SYSAUX_TS, "Error while checking SYSAUX tablespace existence" // *Cause: // *Action: / 2595, SYSAUX_TS_DETAILS, "The SYSAUX tablespace is required for versions 10 and above. Refer to the Upgrade Companion for your target version for more details." // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 2600, ELEMENT_NAME_JVM_CONFIGURATION, "JVM configuration for database" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 2601, DESC_JVM_CONFIGURATION, "Checks JVM configuration for database" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 2602, SUCC_JVM_CONFIGURATION, "JVM appears to be working" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 2603, VFAIL_JVM_CONFIGURATION, "JVM is not working correctly" // *Cause: // *Action: / 2604, EFAIL_JVM_CONFIGURATION, "Error while checking database JVM configuration" // *Cause: // *Action: / 2605, JVM_CONFIGURATION_DETAILS, "The query 'select dbms_java.longname('true') \"JAVAVM TESTING\" from dual;' should return \"true\" if the JVM is working correctly" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 2610, ELEMENT_NAME_JAVA_BASED_USERS, "Java based user in database" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 2611, DESC_JAVA_BASED_USERS, "Checks presence of any Java based user in database" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 2612, SUCC_JAVA_BASED_USERS, "There are no Java-based users in the database" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 2613, VFAIL_JAVA_BASED_USERS, "There should be NO Java-based users in the database version 9.0.1 abd above" // *Cause: // *Action: / 2614, EFAIL_JAVA_BASED_USERS, "Error while checking Java based users" // *Cause: // *Action: / 2615, JAVA_BASED_USERS_DETAILS, "There should not be any Java Based users for database version 9.0.1 and above." // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 2620, ELEMENT_NAME_JAVA_ROLE_COUNT, "Java Role Count" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 2621, DESC_JAVA_ROLE_COUNT, "Checks JVM roles" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 2622, SUCC_JAVA_ROLE_COUNT, "The JVM roles appear to be consistent" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 2623, VFAIL_JAVA_ROLE_COUNT, "The JVM roles appear to be inconsistent" // *Cause: // *Action: / 2624, EFAIL_JAVA_ROLE_COUNT, "Error while checking JVM roles" // *Cause: // *Action: / 2625, JAVA_ROLE_COUNT_DETAILS, "A healthy JVM should contain six roles. If there are more or less than six roles, the JVM is inconsistent." // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 2630, ELEMENT_NAME_INVALID_SYSTEM_OBJECTS, "Invalid SYS or SYSTEM Schema Objects" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 2631, DESC_INVALID_SYSTEM_OBJECTS, "Checks presence of any invalid SYS or SYSTEM schema objects" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 2632, SUCC_INVALID_SYSTEM_OBJECTS, "No SYS or SYSTEM schema objects were found to be invalid" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 2633, VFAIL_INVALID_SYSTEM_OBJECTS, "SYS or SYSTEM schema objects were found to be invalid" // *Cause: // *Action: / 2634, EFAIL_INVALID_SYSTEM_OBJECTS, "Error while checking SYS or SYSTEM schema objects" // *Cause: // *Action: / 2635, INVALID_SYSTEM_OBJECTS_DETAILS, "There should not be any invalid SYS or SYSTEM schema objects. Investigate invalid objects in the SYS and SYSTEM schemas." // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 2640, ELEMENT_NAME_SPFILE, "SPFILE" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 2641, DESC_SPFILE, "Checks that the instances are using SPFILE" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 2642, SUCC_SPFILE, "Instance is using SPFILE" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 2643, VFAIL_SPFILE, "Instance is not using SPFILE" // *Cause: // *Action: / 2644, EFAIL_SPFILE, "Error while checking SPFILE usage by instances" // *Cause: // *Action: / 2645, SPFILE_DETAILS, "Using one and the same SPFILE for all instances in clustered database is recommended." // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 2650, ELEMENT_NAME_DATABASE_WORDSIZE, "Database word size(bits)" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 2651, DESC_DATABASE_WORDSIZE, "Checks that the database is created with 64-bit word size" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 2652, SUCC_DATABASE_WORDSIZE, "Database was created with 64-bit which avoids a known issue" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 2653, VFAIL_DATABASE_WORDSIZE, "Database created with 32-bit word size, it is recommended to use 64-bit word size." // *Cause: // *Action: / 2654, EFAIL_DATABASE_WORDSIZE, "Error while checking database word size" // *Cause: // *Action: / 2655, DATABASE_WORDSIZE_DETAILS, "When database is created with 32-bit word size and upgrading database to (64-bit) there are known issues." // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 2660, ELEMENT_NAME_DUPLICATE_SYSTEM_OBJECTS, "Duplicate SYS or SYSTEM Schema Objects" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 2661, DESC_DUPLICATE_SYSTEM_OBJECTS, "Checks for duplicate SYS or SYSTEM schema objects" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 2662, SUCC_DUPLICATE_SYSTEM_OBJECTS, "No Duplicate objects were found in the SYS or SYSTEM schemas" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 2663, VFAIL_DUPLICATE_SYSTEM_OBJECTS, "Duplicate objects were found in the SYS or SYSTEM schemas" // *Cause: // *Action: / 2664, EFAIL_DUPLICATE_SYSTEM_OBJECTS, "Error while checking duplicate SYS or SYSTEM schema objects" // *Cause: // *Action: / 2665, DUPLICATE_SYSTEM_OBJECTS_DETAILS, "If any duplicate objects were found in the SYS and SYSTEM schemas, refer to articles in the references section. Read the exceptions carefully before taking action." // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 2670, ELEMENT_NAME_ASM_POWER_LIMIT, "ASM_POWER_LIMIT" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 2671, DESC_ASM_POWER_LIMIT, "Checks the setting of ASM_POWER_LIMIT" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 2672, SUCC_ASM_POWER_LIMIT, "ASM_POWER_LIMIT is set to recommended value of 1" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 2673, VFAIL_ASM_POWER_LIMIT, "ASM_POWER_LIMIT is not set to recommended value of 1" // *Cause: // *Action: / 2674, EFAIL_ASM_POWER_LIMIT, "Error while checking asm_power_limit" // *Cause: // *Action: / 2675, ASM_POWER_LIMIT_DETAILS, "ASM_POWER_LIMIT specifies the maximum power on an Automatic Storage Management instance for disk rebalancing. The higher the limit, the faster rebalancing will complete. Lower values will take longer, but consume fewer processing and I/O resources." // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 2680, ELEMENT_NAME_ENABLE_NUMA_OPTIMIZATION, "_ENABLE_NUMA_OPTIMIZATION" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 2681, DESC_ENABLE_NUMA_OPTIMIZATION, "Checks the setting of _ENABLE_NUMA_OPTIMIZATION" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 2682, SUCC_ENABLE_NUMA_OPTIMIZATION, "NUMA (Non-Uniform Memory Access) is not enabled for database instances" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 2683, VFAIL_ENABLE_NUMA_OPTIMIZATION, "NUMA (Non-Uniform Memory Access) is enabled for database instance which can cause instance hang" // *Cause: // *Action: / 2684, EFAIL_ENABLE_NUMA_OPTIMIZATION, "Error while checking _ENABLE_NUMA_OPTIMIZATION" // *Cause: // *Action: / 2685, ENABLE_NUMA_OPTIMIZATION_DETAILS, "Ensure the NUMA ( Non Uniform Memory Architecture) feature is turned OFF either in the OS or in the Oracle database configuration. With NUMA enabled there are many performance and operational issues reported. Hence advised from RAC development team to disable NUMA. To disable NUMA support in Oracle database: _ENABLE_NUMA_OPTIMIZATION=FALSE; _db_block_numa=1" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 2690, ELEMENT_NAME_MAX_DUMP_FILE_SIZE, "MAX_DUMP_FILE_SIZE" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 2691, DESC_MAX_DUMP_FILE_SIZE, "Checks the setting of MAX_DUMP_FILE_SIZE" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 2692, SUCC_MAX_DUMP_FILE_SIZE, "Initialization parameter MAX_DUMP_FILE_SIZE is set to recommended value of 'unlimited'" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 2693, VFAIL_MAX_DUMP_FILE_SIZE, "Init parameter MAX_DUMP_FILE_SIZE is not set to recommended value of 'unlimited'" // *Cause: // *Action: / 2694, EFAIL_MAX_DUMP_FILE_SIZE, "Error while checking MAX_DUMP_FILE_SIZE" // *Cause: // *Action: / 2695, MAX_DUMP_FILE_SIZE_DETAILS, "Init parameter MAX_DUMP_FILE_SIZE should be set to 'unlimited' so if we need to take trace of any event or system trace for analysing hang ,dump file have all enough information.Please see metalink note # 30762.1 to see how to set this parameter." // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 2700, ELEMENT_NAME_REMOTE_LISTENER, "REMOTE_LISTENER" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 2701, DESC_REMOTE_LISTENER, "Checks that the REMOTE_LISTENER parameter is set" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 2702, SUCC_REMOTE_LISTENER, "REMOTE_LISTENER parameter is set to achieve load balancing and failover" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 2703, VFAIL_REMOTE_LISTENER, "REMOTE_LISTENER parameter is not set to achieve load balancing and failover" // *Cause: // *Action: / 2704, EFAIL_REMOTE_LISTENER, "Error while checking REMOTE_LISTENER" // *Cause: // *Action: / 2705, REMOTE_LISTENER_DETAILS, "Setting the database REMOTE_LISTENER parameter makes it possible to use listener-based load balancing and failover features." // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 2710, ELEMENT_NAME_FILES_IN_BACKUP, "Database Datafiles in Backup Mode" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 2711, DESC_FILES_IN_BACKUP, "Checks if there are any database datafiles in backup mode" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 2712, SUCC_FILES_IN_BACKUP, "No database datafiles are in backup mode" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 2713, VFAIL_FILES_IN_BACKUP, "One or more database datafiles are in backup mode" // *Cause: // *Action: / 2714, EFAIL_FILES_IN_BACKUP, "Error while checking database datafiles in backup mode" // *Cause: // *Action: / 2720, ELEMENT_NAME_MEDIA_RECOVERY_FILES, "Files Needing Media Recovery" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 2721, DESC_MEDIA_RECOVERY_FILES, "Checks if there are any files needing media recovery" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 2722, SUCC_MEDIA_RECOVERY_FILES, "No files are in need of media recovery" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 2723, VFAIL_MEDIA_RECOVERY_FILES, "One or more files need media recovery" // *Cause: // *Action: / 2724, EFAIL_MEDIA_RECOVERY_FILES, "Error while checking files needing media recovery" // *Cause: // *Action: / 2730, ELEMENT_NAME_FAST_START_INSTANCE_RECOVERY_TARGET, "_FAST_START_INSTANCE_RECOVERY_TARGET" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 2731, DESC_FAST_START_INSTANCE_RECOVERY_TARGET, "Checks _FAST_START_INSTANCE_RECOVERY_TARGET" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 2732, SUCC_FAST_START_INSTANCE_RECOVERY_TARGET, "_FAST_START_INSTANCE_RECOVERY_TARGET >= 5" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 2733, VFAIL_FAST_START_INSTANCE_RECOVERY_TARGET, "_FAST_START_INSTANCE_RECOVERY_TARGET should be 5 seconds or more for rac." // *Cause: // *Action: / 2734, EFAIL_FAST_START_INSTANCE_RECOVERY_TARGET, "Error while checking _FAST_START_INSTANCE_RECOVERY_TARGET" // *Cause: An error occurred while attempting to retrieve _FAST_START_INSTANCE_RECOVERY_TARGET. // *Action: / 2735, FAST_START_INSTANCE_RECOVERY_TARGET_DETAILS, "Consider the usage of _FAST_START_INSTANCE_RECOVERY_TARGET: _FAST_START_INSTANCE_RECOVERY_TARGET works in the same fashion as FAST_START_MTTR_TARGET, but it attempts to only bind the 1st pass scan and recovery claiming during instance recovery. It also gives the DBA a better handle on the target recovery time since the time can be expressed in seconds that instance recovery should take; unlike FAST_START_MTTR_TARGET, which includes the instance startup time. Note that this parameter is instance-specific, i.e. the mechanism only considers a single-instance failure in a cluster. If multiple failures occur, e.g. 2 out of 8 instances fail, and then instance recovery time will be higher than the set target. Setting _FAST_START_INSTANCE_RECOVERY_TARGET to a non-zero value has a several advantages as discussed in the chapters about recovery and buffer cache. Values less than 5 seconds may be too aggressive in terms of I/O; another side effect of it, commit cleanouts may suffer from it, i.e. Oracle cannot perform a commit cleanout if the block is already on disk. In a RAC environment, the recommendation is to use _FAST_START_INSTANCE_RECOVERY_TARGET, and not FAST_START_MTTR_TARGET; and do not use both parameters at the same time." // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 2740, ELEMENT_NAME_INDOUBT_DIST_TRANS, "In-doubt Distributed Transactions" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 2741, DESC_INDOUBT_DIST_TRANS, "Checks if there are any in-doubt distributed transactions" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 2742, SUCC_INDOUBT_DIST_TRANS, "There are NO in-doubt distributed transactions" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 2743, VFAIL_INDOUBT_DIST_TRANS, "One or more in-doubt distributed transactions" // *Cause: // *Action: / 2744, EFAIL_INDOUBT_DIST_TRANS, "Error while checking files needing media recovery" // *Cause: // *Action: / 2745, INDOUBT_DIST_TRANS_DETAILS, "Indoubt distributed transactions need to be investigated before attempting any database upgrade. Refer the notes in the reference section for more details." // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 2750, ELEMENT_NAME_ORPHAN_DICTIONARY_ROWS, "Orphaned Dictionary Rows" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 2751, DESC_ORPHAN_DICTIONARY_ROWS, "Checks if there are any orphaned dictionary rows" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 2752, SUCC_ORPHAN_DICTIONARY_ROWS, "No orphaned dictionary rows were found" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 2753, VFAIL_ORPHAN_DICTIONARY_ROWS, "Orphaned dictionary rows were found - resolve before upgrade" // *Cause: // *Action: / 2754, EFAIL_ORPHAN_DICTIONARY_ROWS, "Error while checking orphaned dictionary rows" // *Cause: // *Action: / 2755, ORPHAN_DICTIONARY_ROWS_DETAILS, "Refer the reference section before proceeding with any upgrade." // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 2760, ELEMENT_NAME_TIME_ZONE_FILE_VERSION, "Database Time Zone File Version" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 2761, DESC_TIME_ZONE_FILE_VERSION, "Checks the version of the time zone file" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 2762, SUCC_TIME_ZONE_FILE_VERSION, "Time zone file is current" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 2763, VFAIL_TIME_ZONE_FILE_VERSION, "Time zone patch upgrade should be performed" // *Cause: // *Action: / 2764, EFAIL_TIME_ZONE_FILE_VERSION, "Error while checking the version of time zone file" // *Cause: // *Action: / 2770, ELEMENT_NAME_SYS_OBJ_TABLES, "SYS-Owned Object Tables Check" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 2771, DESC_SYS_OBJ_TABLES, "Checks for the presence of any SYS-owned object tables" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 2772, SUCC_SYS_OBJ_TABLES, "No SYS-owned object tables found" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 2773, VFAIL_SYS_OBJ_TABLES, "SYS-owned object tables were found" // *Cause: // *Action: / 2774, EFAIL_SYS_OBJ_TABLES, "Error while checking SYS owned object tables" // *Cause: // *Action: / 2775, SYS_OBJ_TABLES_DETAILS, "Refer the reference section before proceeding with any upgrade." // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 2780, ELEMENT_NAME_CONNECT_ROLE_GRANTEES, "Users Granted CONNECT Role" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 2781, DESC_CONNECT_ROLE_GRANTEES, "Checks for the presence of any users with CONNECT role" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 2782, SUCC_CONNECT_ROLE_GRANTEES, "No CONNECT role granted users found" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 2783, VFAIL_CONNECT_ROLE_GRANTEES, "CONNECT role granted users found" // *Cause: // *Action: / 2784, EFAIL_CONNECT_ROLE_GRANTEES, "Error while checking users with CONNECT role" // *Cause: // *Action: / 2790, ELEMENT_NAME_INVALID_REGISTRY_COMP, "Invalid Objects in dba_registry" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 2791, DESC_INVALID_REGISTRY_COMP, "Checks for the presence of any invalid objects in dba_registry" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 2792, SUCC_INVALID_REGISTRY_COMP, "No invalid objects found in dba_registry" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 2793, VFAIL_INVALID_REGISTRY_COMP, "Invalid objects found in dba_registry" // *Cause: // *Action: / 2794, EFAIL_INVALID_REGISTRY_COMP, "Error while checking dba_registry" // *Cause: // *Action: / 2795, INVALID_REGISTRY_COMP_DETAILS, "Checking for invalid components and objects before upgrade. There should not be any invalid objects in the database before upgrade. Prior to upgrade, resolving invalid objects under SYS and SYSTEM is mandatory. Run $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/utlrp.sql to validate the invalid objects in the database and then re-execute multiple times, until there is no change in the number of invalid objects." // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 2800, ELEMENT_NAME_AUDIT_TABLESPACE, "Audit Tablespace" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 2801, DESC_AUDIT_TABLESPACE, "Checks that the AUD$ is in the system tablespace when auditing is enabled." // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 2802, SUCC_AUDIT_TABLESPACE, "Auditing table (AUD$) is in SYSTEM tablespace" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 2803, VFAIL_AUDIT_TABLESPACE, "Auditing table (AUD$) is not in SYSTEM tablespace" // *Cause: // *Action: / 2804, EFAIL_AUDIT_TABLESPACE, "Error while checking audit tablespace" // *Cause: // *Action: / 2805, AUDIT_TABLESPACE_DETAILS, "Ensure that the AUD$ is in the SYSTEM tablespace when auditing is enabled." // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 2810, ELEMENT_NAME_EXT_SSL_AUTHENTICATED_USERS, "SSL Authenticated Database Users" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 2811, DESC_EXT_SSL_AUTHENTICATED_USERS, "Checks for SSL authenticated database users" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 2812, SUCC_EXT_SSL_AUTHENTICATED_USERS, "There are NO externally authenticated SSL users" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 2813, VFAIL_EXT_SSL_AUTHENTICATED_USERS, "There are externally authenticated SSL users" // *Cause: // *Action: / 2814, EFAIL_EXT_SSL_AUTHENTICATED_USERS, "Error while checking for SSL authenticated users" // *Cause: // *Action: / 2815, EXT_SSL_AUTHENTICATED_USERS_DETAILS, "Check whether database has any externally authenticated SSL users. Refer the reference section after upgrade when there are SSL authenticated database users." // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 2820, ELEMENT_NAME_MV_GROUP_REFRESH_JOBS, "Materialized View Group Refresh Jobs" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 2821, DESC_MV_GROUP_REFRESH_JOBS, "Checks if there are any materialized view group refresh in progress" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 2822, SUCC_MV_GROUP_REFRESH_JOBS, "No materialized view refresh groups in progress" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 2823, VFAIL_MV_GROUP_REFRESH_JOBS, "One or more job based materialized view group refresh is in progress" // *Cause: // *Action: / 2824, EFAIL_MV_GROUP_REFRESH_JOBS, "Error while checking for materialized view group refresh" // *Cause: // *Action: / 2825, MV_GROUP_REFRESH_JOBS_DETAILS, "Before proceeding with an upgrade ensure that all snapshot refreshes are successfully completed, and that replication is stopped." // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 2830, ELEMENT_NAME_MV_GROUP_MANUAL_REFRESH, "Materialized View Manual Group Refresh" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 2831, DESC_MV_GROUP_MANUAL_REFRESH, "Checks if there are any materialized view group refresh in progress" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 2832, SUCC_MV_GROUP_MANUAL_REFRESH, "No materialized view refresh groups in progress manually" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 2833, VFAIL_MV_GROUP_MANUAL_REFRESH, "One or more materialized view refresh groups is being manually refreshed" // *Cause: // *Action: / 2834, EFAIL_MV_GROUP_MANUAL_REFRESH, "Error while checking for materialized view group refresh" // *Cause: // *Action: / 2835, MV_GROUP_MANUAL_REFRESH_DETAILS, "Before proceeding with an upgrade ensure that all snapshot refreshes are successfully completed, and that replication is stopped." // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 2840, ELEMENT_NAME_SHARED_POOL_SIZE, "ASM SHARED_POOL_SIZE parameter" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 2841, DESC_SHARED_POOL_SIZE, "Checks if the ASM SHARED_POOL_SIZE meets the recommendation" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 2842, SUCC_SHARED_POOL_SIZE, "ASM SHARED_POOL_SIZE is set to recommended value" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 2843, VFAIL_SHARED_POOL_SIZE, "ASM SHARED_POOL_SIZE is not set to recommended value" // *Cause: // *Action: / 2844, EFAIL_SHARED_POOL_SIZE, "Error while checking ASM SHARED_POOL_SIZE" // *Cause: // *Action: / 2845, SHARED_POOL_SIZE_DETAILS, "The SHARED_POOL_SIZE value for 64-bit environments is required to be 88MB for an ASM instance, 150MB is the recommended value." // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 2850, ELEMENT_NAME_REDO_LOG_SIZE, "Redo Log Size (MB)" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 2851, DESC_REDO_LOG_SIZE, "Checks if the redo log size is sufficient" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 2852, SUCC_REDO_LOG_SIZE, "Redo logs are large enough" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 2853, VFAIL_REDO_LOG_SIZE, "Redo logs size is recommeded to be 4MB or greater" // *Cause: // *Action: / 2854, EFAIL_REDO_LOG_SIZE, "Error while checking redo log size" // *Cause: // *Action: / 2855, REDO_LOG_SIZE_DETAILS, "Ensure that the redo logfile size is greater than 4MB when upgrading to 11g" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 2860, ELEMENT_NAME_DB_LOG_MODE, "DB Log Mode" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 2861, DESC_DB_LOG_MODE, "Checks the database log archiving mode" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 2862, SUCC_DB_LOG_MODE, "NOARCHIVELOG mode is recommended when upgrading" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 2863, VFAIL_DB_LOG_MODE, "NOARCHIVELOG mode is recommended when upgrading" // *Cause: // *Action: / 2864, EFAIL_DB_LOG_MODE, "Error while checking database archivelog mode" // *Cause: // *Action: / 2865, DB_LOG_MODE_DETAILS, "If the database is in log archiving mode, then it is always desirable and advisable to upgrade the database in noarchivelog mode as that will reduce the time taken to upgrade the database. After the upgrade, the database can be reverted to the archivelog mode." // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 2870, ELEMENT_NAME_CORE_DUMP_DEST, "CORE_DUMP_DESTINATION" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 2871, DESC_CORE_DUMP_DEST, "Checks CORE_DUMP_DEST" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 2872, SUCC_CORE_DUMP_DEST, "CORE_DUMP_DEST does not have too many old core dump files" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 2873, VFAIL_CORE_DUMP_DEST, "CORE_DUMP_DEST has too many old core dump files" // *Cause: // *Action: / 2874, EFAIL_CORE_DUMP_DEST, "Error while checking CORE_DUMP_DEST" // *Cause: // *Action: / 2875, CORE_DUMP_DEST_DETAILS, "Old trace files from CORE_DUMP_DEST should be archived regularly outside of ORACLE_BASE otherwise one may run out of space on ORACLE_BASE mount point and may not be able to collect diagnostic information when failure occurs." // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 2880, ELEMENT_NAME_ORA_00600_ERRORS, "database [and ASM] alert log messages indicating internal errors (ORA-00600 errors)" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 2881, DESC_ORA_00600_ERRORS, "Checks for ORA-00600 errors in alert log" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 2882, SUCC_ORA_00600_ERRORS, "No ORA-00600 errors found in alert log" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 2883, VFAIL_ORA_00600_ERRORS, "ORA-00600 errors found in alert log" // *Cause: // *Action: / 2884, EFAIL_ORA_00600_ERRORS, "Error while checking for ORA-00600 errors in alert log" // *Cause: // *Action: / 2885, ORA_00600_ERRORS_DETAILS, "Recurring ORA-00600 errors may lead to database block corruption or some serious issue. Please see the trace file for more information next to ORA-00600 error in alert log. If you are not able to resolve the problem, please open service request with Oracle support." // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 2890, ELEMENT_NAME_ALERT_LOG_FILE_SIZE, "Database alert log file size" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 2891, DESC_ALERT_LOG_FILE_SIZE, "Checks for the size of database alert log file" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 2892, SUCC_ALERT_LOG_FILE_SIZE, "Alert log is not too big" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 2893, VFAIL_ALERT_LOG_FILE_SIZE, "Alert log file is too big and should be rolled over periodically" // *Cause: // *Action: / 2894, EFAIL_ALERT_LOG_FILE_SIZE, "Error while checking the size of alert log file" // *Cause: // *Action: / 2895, ALERT_LOG_FILE_SIZE_DETAILS, "If alert log file is larger than 50 MB, it should be rolled over to new file and old file should be backed up." // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 2900, ELEMENT_NAME_DISK_ASYNCH_IO, "DISK_ASYNCH_IO" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 2901, DESC_DISK_ASYNCH_IO, "Checks DISK_ASYNCH_IO setting" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 2902, SUCC_DISK_ASYNCH_IO, "Oracle not linked with asynchronous I/O libraries and DISK_ASYNCH_IO = FALSE" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 2903, VFAIL_DISK_ASYNCH_IO, "Oracle not linked with asynchronous I/O libraries but DISK_ASYNCH_IO = TRUE" // *Cause: // *Action: / 2904, EFAIL_DISK_ASYNCH_IO, "Error while checking DISK_ASYNCH_IO" // *Cause: // *Action: / 2910, ELEMENT_NAME_BACKGROUND_DUMP_DESTINATION, "Old trace files in background dump destination" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 2911, DESC_BACKGROUND_DUMP_DESTINATION, "Checks the BACKGROUND_DUMP_DEST for old trace files" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 2912, SUCC_BACKGROUND_DUMP_DESTINATION, "BACKGROUND_DUMP_DEST does not have so many old files" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 2913, VFAIL_BACKGROUND_DUMP_DESTINATION, "BACKGROUND_DUMP_DEST has too many old files trace files" // *Cause: // *Action: / 2914, EFAIL_BACKGROUND_DUMP_DESTINATION, "Error while checking trace files in BACKGROUND_DUMP_DEST" // *Cause: // *Action: / 2915, BACKGROUND_DUMP_DESTINATION_DETAILS, "Old trace files from BACKGROUND_DUMP_DEST should regularly be archived outside ORACLE_BASE, otherwise ORACLE_BASE mount point may run out of space and may not be able to collect diagnostic information when failure occurs." // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 2920, ELEMENT_NAME_ORA_07445_ERRORS, "database [and ASM] alert log messages indicating internal errors (ORA-07445 errors)" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 2921, DESC_ORA_07445_ERRORS, "Checks for ORA-07445 errors in alert log" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 2922, SUCC_ORA_07445_ERRORS, "No ORA-07445 errors found in alert log" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 2923, VFAIL_ORA_07445_ERRORS, "ORA-07445 errors found in alert log" // *Cause: // *Action: / 2924, EFAIL_ORA_07445_ERRORS, "Error while checking for ORA-07445 errors in alert log" // *Cause: // *Action: / 2925, ORA_07445_ERRORS_DETAILS, "Recurring ORA-07445 errors may lead to database block corruption or some serious issue. Please see the trace file for more information next to ORA-07445 error in alert log.If you are not able to resolve the problem,Please open service request with Oracle support." // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 3000, ELEMENT_NAME_NO_OF_DICTIONARY_MANAGED_TS, "All tablespaces are locally manged tablespaces" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 3001, DESC_NO_OF_DICTIONARY_MANAGED_TS, "Checks all tablespaces are locally manged tablespaces" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 3002, SUCC_NO_OF_DICTIONARY_MANAGED_TS, "All tablespaces are locally manged tablespace" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 3003, VFAIL_NO_OF_DICTIONARY_MANAGED_TS, "Database has one or more dictionary managed tablespace" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 3004, EFAIL_NO_OF_DICTIONARY_MANAGED_TS, "Error while checking locally manged tablespaces" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 3005, NO_OF_DICTIONARY_MANAGED_TS_DETAILS, "In order to reduce contention to the data dictionary, rollback data, and reduce the amount of generated redo, locally managed tablespaces should be used rather than dictionary managed tablespaces." // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 3010, ELEMENT_NAME_UNIFORM_ALLOCATION_TYPE_TS, "Tablespace allocation type" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 3011, DESC_UNIFORM_ALLOCATION_TYPE_TS, "Checks if the tablespace allocation type is UNIFORM for all tablespaces" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 3012, SUCC_UNIFORM_ALLOCATION_TYPE_TS, "Tablespace allocation type is UNIFORM for all tablespaces" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 3013, VFAIL_UNIFORM_ALLOCATION_TYPE_TS, "Some tablespaces do not have allocation type as UNIFORM" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 3014, EFAIL_UNIFORM_ALLOCATION_TYPE_TS, "Error while checking tablespace allocation type" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 3015, UNIFORM_ALLOCATION_TYPE_TS_DETAILS, "It is recommended that for all locally managed tablespaces that the allocation type specified be SYSTEM to allow Oracle to automatically determine extent size based on the data profile." // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 3020, ELEMENT_NAME_AUTO_SEGMENT_SPACE_MGMT, "Automatic segment storage management" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 3021, DESC_AUTO_SEGMENT_SPACE_MGMT, "Checks all tablespaces are using automatic segment storage management" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 3022, SUCC_AUTO_SEGMENT_SPACE_MGMT, "All tablespaces are using automatic segment storage management" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 3023, VFAIL_AUTO_SEGMENT_SPACE_MGMT, "Some tablespaces are not using automatic segment storage management" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 3024, EFAIL_AUTO_SEGMENT_SPACE_MGMT, "Error while checking automatic segment storage management" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 3025, EFAIL_AUTO_SEGMENT_SPACE_MGMT_DETAILS, "Starting with Oracle 9i, automatic segment space management (ASSM) can be used by specifying the SEGMENT SPACE MANAGEMENT clause, set to AUTO in the CREATE TABLESPACE statement. Implementing the ASSM feature allows Oracle to use bitmaps to manage the free space within segments. The bitmap describes the status of each data block within a segment, with respect to the amount of space in the block available for inserting rows. The current status of the space available in a data block is reflected in the bitmap allowing for Oracle to manage free space automatically with ASSM. ASSM tablespaces automate freelist management and remove the requirement/ability to specify PCTUSED, FREELISTS, and FREELIST GROUPS storage parameters for individual tables and indexes created in these tablespaces." // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 3030, ELEMENT_NAME_AVG_GC_CR_BLOCK_RECV_TIME, "Average GC CR Block Receive Time" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 3031, DESC_AVG_GC_CR_BLOCK_RECV_TIME, "Check Avg GC CR Block Receive Time" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 3032, SUCC_AVG_GC_CR_BLOCK_RECV_TIME, "Avg GC CR Block Receive Time Within Acceptable Range" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 3033, VFAIL_AVG_GC_CR_BLOCK_RECV_TIME, "Avg GC CR Block Receive Time Outside Acceptable Range" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 3034, EFAIL_AVG_GC_CR_BLOCK_RECV_TIME, "Error occured while checking Avg GC CR Block Receive Time" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 3035, AVG_GC_CR_BLOCK_RECV_TIME_DETAILS, "The average gc cr block receive time should typically be less than 15 milliseconds depending on your system configuration and volume. This is the average latency of a consistent-read request round-trip from the requesting instance to the holding instance and back to the requesting instance." // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 3040, ELEMENT_NAME_AVG_GC_CURRENT_BLOCK_RECV_TIME, "Average GC Current Block Receive Time" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 3041, DESC_AVG_GC_CURRENT_BLOCK_RECV_TIME, "Check Avg GC Current Block Receive Time" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 3042, SUCC_AVG_GC_CURRENT_BLOCK_RECV_TIME, "Avg GC CURRENT Block Receive Time Within Acceptable Range" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 3043, VFAIL_AVG_GC_CURRENT_BLOCK_RECV_TIME, "Avg GC CURRENT Block Receive Time Outside Acceptable Range" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 3044, EFAIL_AVG_GC_CURRENT_BLOCK_RECV_TIME, "Error occured while checking Avg GC Current Block Receive Time" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: 3045, AVG_GC_CURRENT_BLOCK_RECV_TIME_DETAILS, "The average global cache current block receive time should typically be less than 15 milliseconds depending on your system configuration and volume. This is the average latency of a current request round-trip from the requesting instance to the holding instance and back to the requesting instance." // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 3050, ELEMENT_NAME_AUTO_UNDO_MGMT, "Automatic Undo Management" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 3051, DESC_AUTO_UNDO_MGMT, "Check automatic undo management" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 3052, SUCC_AUTO_UNDO_MGMT, "Instance is using automatic undo management" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 3053, VFAIL_AUTO_UNDO_MGMT, "Instance is not using automatic undo management" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 3054, EFAIL_AUTO_UNDO_MGMT, "Error occured while checking automatic undo management" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 3055, AUTO_UNDO_MGMT_DETAILS, "Oracle provides a fully automated mechanism, referred to as automatic undo management, for managing undo information and space. In this management mode, you create an undo tablespace, and the server automatically manages undo segments and space among the various active sessions.You should set the UNDO_MANAGEMENT initialization parameter to AUTO to enable automatic undo management." // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 3060, ELEMENT_NAME_CLUSTER_INTERCONNECTS, "Cluster Interconnects" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 3061, DESC_CLUSTER_INTERCONNECTS, "Check Cluster Interconnects" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 3062, SUCC_CLUSTER_INTERCONNECTS, "Instance has Cluster Interconnects" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 3063, VFAIL_CLUSTER_INTERCONNECTS, "Instance does not have Cluster Interconnects" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 3064, EFAIL_CLUSTER_INTERCONNECTS, "Error occured while checking Cluster Interconnects" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 3070, ELEMENT_NAME_ASM_DISKS_WITHOUT_GROUPS, "Disks without disk_group" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 3071, DESC_ASM_DISKS_WITHOUT_GROUPS, "Check disks without disk group" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 3072, SUCC_ASM_DISKS_WITHOUT_GROUPS, "No disks found which are not part of any disk group" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 3073, VFAIL_ASM_DISKS_WITHOUT_GROUPS, "One or more disks found which are not part of any disk group" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 3074, EFAIL_ASM_DISKS_WITHOUT_GROUPS, "Error occured while checking disks without disk group" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 3075, ASM_DISKS_WITHOUT_GROUPS_DETAILS, "The GROUP_NUMBER and DISK_NUMBER columns in V$ASM_DISK will only be valid if the disk is part of a disk group which is currently mounted by the instance. Otherwise, GROUP_NUMBER will be 0, and DISK_NUMBER will be a unique value with respect to the other disks that also have a group number of 0." // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 3080, ELEMENT_NAME_ASM_DISK_IO_ERRORS, "ASM disk I/O error" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 3081, DESC_ASM_DISK_IO_ERRORS, "Check ASM disk I/O errors" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 3082, SUCC_ASM_DISK_IO_ERRORS, "No I/O errors found for ASM disks" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 3083, VFAIL_ASM_DISK_IO_ERRORS, "One or more I/O errors found for ASM disks" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 3084, EFAIL_ASM_DISK_IO_ERRORS, "Error occured while checking ASM disk I/O errors" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 3085, ASM_DISK_IO_ERRORS_DETAILS, "Read errors can be the result of a loss of access to the entire disk or media corruptions on an otherwise a healthy disk. ASM tries to recover from read errors on corrupted sectors on a disk. When a read error by the database or ASM triggers the ASM instance to attempt bad block remapping, ASM reads a good copy of the extent and copies it to the disk that had the read error.\n\nIf the write to the same location succeeds, then the underlying allocation unit (sector) is deemed healthy. This might be because the underlying disk did its own bad block reallocation.\n\nIf the write fails, ASM attempts to write the extent to a new allocation unit on the same disk.If this write succeeds, the original allocation unit is marked as unusable.If the write fails, the disk is taken offline.\n\nOne unique benefit on ASM-based mirroring is that the database instance is aware of the mirroring. For many types of logical corruptions such as a bad checksum or incorrect System Change Number (SCN), the database instance proceeds through the mirror side looking for valid content and proceeds without errors.If the process in the database that encountered the read is in a position to obtain the appropriate locks to ensure data consistency, it writes the correct data to all mirror sides.\n\nWhen encountering a write error, a database instance sends the ASM instance a disk offline message.\n\nIf database can successfully complete a write to at least one extent copy and receive acknowledgment of the offline disk from ASM, the write is considered successful.\n\nIf the write to all mirror side fails, database takes the appropriate actions in response to a write error such as taking the tablespace offline.\n\nWhen the ASM instance receives a write error message from an database instance or when an ASM instance encounters a write error itself, ASM instance attempts to take the disk offline. ASM consults the Partner Status Table (PST) to see whether any of the disk's partners are offline. If too many partners are already offline, ASM forces the dismounting of the disk group. Otherwise, ASM takes the disk offline.\n\nThe ASMCMD remap command was introduced to address situations where a range of bad sectors exists on a disk and must be corrected before ASM or database I/O" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 3090, ELEMENT_NAME_AUDSES$_SEQUENCE_CACHE_SIZE, "AUDSES$ sequence cache size" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 3091, DESC_AUDSES$_SEQUENCE_CACHE_SIZE, "Check AUDSES$ sequence cache size" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 3092, SUCC_AUDSES$_SEQUENCE_CACHE_SIZE, "SYS.AUDSES1$ sequence cache size >= 10,000" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 3093, VFAIL_AUDSES$_SEQUENCE_CACHE_SIZE, "SYS.AUDSES1$ sequence cache size < 10,000" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 3094, EFAIL_AUDSES$_SEQUENCE_CACHE_SIZE, "Error occured while checking AUDSES$ sequence cache size" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 3095, AUDSES$_SEQUENCE_CACHE_SIZE_DETAILS, "Use large cache value of maybe 10,000 or more. NOORDER most effective, but impact on strict ordering. Performance. Might not get strict time ordering of sequence numbers. There are problems reported with Audses$ and ora_tq_base$ which are both internal sequences . Also particularly if the order of the application sequence is not important or this is used during the login process and hence can be involved in a login storm then this needs to be taken care of. Some sequences need to be presented in a particular order and hence caching those is not a good idea but in the interest of performance if order does not matter then this could be cached and presented. This also manifests itself as waits in \"rowcache\" for \"dc_sequences\" which is a rowcache type for sequences. For Applications this can cause significant issues especially with Transactional Sequences." // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 3100, ELEMENT_NAME_ACTIVE_INSTANCE_COUNT, "ACTIVE_INSTANCE_COUNT" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 3101, DESC_ACTIVE_INSTANCE_COUNT, "Check ACTIVE_INSTANCE_COUNT is not set" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 3102, SUCC_ACTIVE_INSTANCE_COUNT, "ACTIVE_INSTANCE_COUNT not set" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 3103, VFAIL_ACTIVE_INSTANCE_COUNT, "ACTIVE_INSTANCE_COUNT should not be set in 10g and above" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 3104, EFAIL_ACTIVE_INSTANCE_COUNT, "Error occured while checking ACTIVE_INSTANCE_COUNT" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 3105, ACTIVE_INSTANCE_COUNT_DETAILS, "In 10g and 11g databases, init parameter ACTIVE_INSTANCE_COUNT should no longer be set. This is because the RACG layer doesn't work take this parameter into account. As an alternative, you should create a service with one preferred instance. Negative Consequences for setting ACTIVE_INSTANCE_COUNT: 1. Cluster Managed Services, if defined using EM or \"srvctl add service\", do not know that the second instance can't be used. They could fail over to the secondary instance or be relocated there due to planned maintenance, but users would not be able to log on to the secondary instance. 2. EM Agent cannot manage or monitor the database through the secondary instance. 3. Data Guard CRS integration when performing failover/switchover will not respect the secondary instance. 4. RLB and FAN may direct user connections to the secondary instance even though they cannot do any work there. " // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 3110, ELEMENT_NAME_JAVA_VM_VERSION, "Java VM version" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 3111, DESC_JAVA_VM_VERSION, "Checks Java VM version" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 3112, SUCC_JAVA_VM_VERSION, "Java VM version meets or exceeds recommendation" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 3113, VFAIL_JAVA_VM_VERSION, "Java VM version does not meet the recommendation" // *Cause: // *Action: / 3114, EFAIL_JAVA_VM_VERSION, "Error while checking Java VM version" // *Cause: // *Action: / 3115, JAVA_VM_VERSION_DETAILS, "Investigate and correct these problems." // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 3120, ELEMENT_NAME_IDGEN$_SEQUENCE_CACHE_SIZE, "IDGEN$ sequence cache size" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 3121, DESC_IDGEN$_SEQUENCE_CACHE_SIZE, "Check IDGEN$ sequence cache size" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 3122, SUCC_IDGEN$_SEQUENCE_CACHE_SIZE, "SYS.IDGEN1$ sequence cache size >= 1,000" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 3123, VFAIL_IDGEN$_SEQUENCE_CACHE_SIZE, "SYS.IDGEN1$ sequence cache size < 1,000" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 3124, EFAIL_IDGEN$_SEQUENCE_CACHE_SIZE, "Error occured while checking IDGEN$ sequence cache size" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 3125, IDGEN$_SEQUENCE_CACHE_SIZE_DETAILS, "Sequence contention (SQ enqueue) can occur if SYS.IDGEN1$ sequence is not cached to 1000. This condition can lead to performance issues in RAC. 1000 is the default starting in version" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 3130, REPORT_EMPTY_TASK_LIST, "Verification checks are not available for version \"{0}\"" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 3131, REPORT_EMPTY_DB_TASK_LIST, "Database mandatory verification checks are not applicable" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 3132, REPORT_EMPTY_DB_TASK_LIST_BESTPRACTICE, "Database Best Practices verification checks are not applicable" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 10001, BEST_PRACTICE_HEADING, "Detailed report for Best Practices checks" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 10002, SUMMARY_CLUSTER_ENV, "Summary of environment" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 10003, SUMMARY_ELEMENT_NAME, "Name" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 10004, SUMMARY_ELEMENT_VALUE, "Value" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 10005, SUMMARY_CLUSTER_NAME, "Cluster name" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 10006, SUMMARY_DATABASE_NAME, "Database name" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 10007, SUMMARY_DATABASE, "Database{0}" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 10008, SUMMARY_DATABASE_VERSION, "Database version" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 10009, SUMMARY_DATABASE_HOME, "Database home" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 10010, SUMMARY_DATE, "Date (mm/dd/yyyy)" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 10011, SUMMARY_TIME, "Time (hh:mm:ss)" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 10012, REPORT_CLUSTER_SYSREQ_CHECKS, "System requirements" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 10013, REPORT_CLUSTER_SYSRECO_CHECKS, "System recommendations" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 10014, REPORT_CLUSTERWARE_REQ_CHECKS, "Clusterware requirements" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 10015, REPORT_CLUSTERWARE_RECO_CHECKS, "Clusterware recommendations" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 10016, REPORT_DATABASE_REQ_CHECKS, "Database requirement checks for \"{0}\"" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 10017, REPORT_DATABASE_RECO_CHECKS, "Database recommendation checks for \"{0}\"" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 10018, REPORT_NETWORK_CHECKS, "Network checks" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 10019, REPORT_TABLE_DESC_CHECK, "Verification Check" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 10020, REPORT_TABLE_DESC_RESULT, "Verification Result" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 10021, REPORT_TABLE_DESC_DESCRIPTION, "Verification Description" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 10022, REPORT_TEXT_DATABASE_INSTANCE, "Database(Instance)" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 10023, REPORT_TABLE_DESC_MORE_DETAILS, "Additional Details" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 10024, REPORT_EXPECTED_VALUE, "Expected Value" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 10025, REPORT_ACTUAL_VALUE, "Actual Value" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 10026, REPORT_STR_NOT_APPLICABLE, "not applicable" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 10027, REPORT_STR_NOT_AVAILABLE, "not available" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 10028, REPORT_SAVED_FILE_DETAIL_MSG, "Complete report of this execution is saved in file \"{0}\"" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 10029, HTML_HEADING_SUBJECT, "Following components are checked as part of this report (Click on each component listed below to navigate)" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 10030, REPORT_STR_PASSED, "PASSED" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 10031, REPORT_STR_FAILED, "FAILED" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 10032, REPORT_STR_WARNING, "WARNING" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 10033, REPORT_STR_ERROR, "ERROR" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 10034, REPORT_STR_MET, "MET" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 10035, REPORT_STR_NOTMET, "NOT MET" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 10036, REPORT_STR_ERROR_DETAILS, "Error details" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 10037, REPORT_CRS_HOME, "Grid home" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 10038, REPORT_CRS_USER, "Grid User" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 10039, REPORT_NODE_WISE_DETAILS, "Error details for node \"{0}\"" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 10040, REPORT_MORE_DETAILS_HEADING, "More details for check : {0}" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 10041, REPORT_MOUSEOVER_CLICK_MOREDETAILS, "Click for more details" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 10042, REPORT_MOUSEOVER_CLICK_NODEDETAILS, "Click to view details" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 10043, REPORT_MOUSEOVER_CLICK_DETAILS_MAIN, "Click to go to main index" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 10044, REPORT_NO_TARGET_IN_XML_EXCEPTION, "Could not find targets in the xml file" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 10045, REPORT_HTML_TABLE_ROW_EXCEPTION, "Could not add the row as the number of columns in row mismatch with the number of column in table" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 10046, REPORT_HTML_POPUP_TITLE, "Details for \"{0}\" check" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 10047, REPORT_TEXT_SUMMARY, "Verification Summary" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 10048, REPORT_TEXT_REFERENCES, "References (URLs/Notes)" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 10049, REPORT_TEXT_CLUSTERWARE_RELEASE, "Clusterware version" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 10050, REPORT_TEXT_OS_PLATFORM, "Operating system" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 10051, REPORT_NULL_PARAM_VALUE_EXCEPTION, "Parameter \"{0}\" cannot be null" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 10052, REPORT_STR_NODE, "Node" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 10053, REPORT_TABLE_DESC_DETAILS, "details" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 10054, REPORT_TEXT_NONE, "None" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 10055, REPORT_TEXT_TOP, "Top" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 10056, REPORT_STR_STATUS, "Status" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 10057, REPORT_STATUS_UNKNOWN, "Unknown" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 10058, REPORT_INCORRECT_FILE_DIR_PATH_EXCEPTION, "Incorrect value of file or directory path provided" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 10059, REPORT_FAILED_TO_CREATE_FILE_EXCEPTION, "Could not create the file at path \"{0}\" failed with error : {1}" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 10060, REPORT_FAILED_TO_DELETE_FILE_EXCEPTION, "Could not delete the file at path \"{0}\" failed with error : {1}" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 10061, REPORT_HTML_BROWSER_INVALID_EXCEPTION, "Could not find file \"{0}\" or execute permission denied" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 10062, REPORT_HTML_BROWSER_NOT_FOUND_EXCEPTION, "Could not find any html browser installed" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 10063, REPORT_HTML_BROWSER_FAILED_EXCEPTION, "Failed to open the html file \"{0}\" using browser \"{1}\" Error : {2}" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 10064, REPORT_GLOBAL_ERROR_DETAILS_MSG, "Cluster-wide error details" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 10065, REPORT_ERROR_MSG_HEADER, "Error" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 10066, REPORT_ERROR_CAUSE_HEADER, "Cause" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 10067, REPORT_ERROR_ACTION_HEADER, "Action" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: / 10068, REPORT_XML_HEADER_ABSENT, "Header details not added to the xml report, ensure that basic details header is added" // *Document: NO // *Cause: // *Action: /