-- -- Copyright (c) 1998, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. -- All rights reserved. -- -- NAME -- hlpbld.sql -- -- DESCRIPTION -- Builds the SQL*Plus HELP table and loads the HELP data from a -- data file. The data file must exist before this script is run. -- -- USAGE -- To run this script, connect as SYSTEM and pass the datafile to be -- loaded as a parameter e.g. -- -- sqlplus system/ @hlpbld.sql helpus.sql -- -- DEFINE DATAFILE = &1 -- -- Drop the HELP table in a PL/SQL block so that the unnecessary error -- ORA-0942 can be suppressed when table does not exist. (7676775) -- BEGIN EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'DROP TABLE SYSTEM.HELP'; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN IF (SQLCODE = -942) THEN NULL; ELSE RAISE; END IF; END; / -- -- Create the HELP table -- CREATE TABLE SYSTEM.HELP ( TOPIC VARCHAR2 (50) NOT NULL, SEQ NUMBER NOT NULL, INFO VARCHAR2 (80) ) PCTFREE 0 STORAGE (INITIAL 48K PCTINCREASE 0); GRANT SELECT ON SYSTEM.HELP TO PUBLIC; -- -- Insert the data into HELP. -- @@&DATAFILE -- -- Create the index -- ALTER TABLE SYSTEM.HELP ADD CONSTRAINT HELP_TOPIC_SEQ PRIMARY KEY (TOPIC, SEQ) USING INDEX STORAGE (INITIAL 10K); -- -- Add all topics to the HELP TOPICS entry -- CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW SYSTEM.HELP_TEMP_VIEW (TOPIC) AS SELECT DISTINCT UPPER(TOPIC) FROM SYSTEM.HELP GROUP BY UPPER(TOPIC) ORDER BY UPPER(TOPIC); -- Using ROWNUM+10 below allows the first few rows of TOPICS to be -- stored in the data file help.sql. Although there should only -- be 3 lines there, we add 10 to allow future expansion or protect -- from errors. The value for the SEQ column is not important as long -- as it is unique and increases monotonically. INSERT INTO SYSTEM.HELP SELECT 'TOPICS', ROWNUM + 10, TOPIC FROM SYSTEM.HELP_TEMP_VIEW; COMMIT; -- -- Drop the temp HELP view in a PL/SQL block so that the unnecessary error -- ORA-0942 can be suppressed when view does not exist. (7676775) -- BEGIN EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'DROP VIEW SYSTEM.HELP_TEMP_VIEW'; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN IF (SQLCODE = -942) THEN NULL; ELSE RAISE; END IF; END; /