/* Copyright (c) 1996, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. */ /* NAME ociap.h DESCRIPTION Oracle Call Interface - Ansi Prototypes RELATED DOCUMENTS INSPECTION STATUS Inspection date: Inspection status: Estimated increasing cost defects per page: Rule sets: ACCEPTANCE REVIEW STATUS Review date: Review status: Reviewers: PUBLIC FUNCTION(S) OCIAttrGet OCIAttrSet OCIBindArrayOfStruct OCIBindByName OCIBindByPos OCIBindDynamic OCIBindObject OCIBreak OCIConnectionPoolCreate OCISessionPoolCreate OCISessionGet OCISessionRelease OCIDateTimeAssign OCIDateTimeCheck OCIDateTimeCompare OCIDateTimeConvert OCIDateTimeFromText OCIDateTimeGetDate OCIDateTimeGetTime OCIDateTimeGetTime OCIDateTimeGetTimeZoneOffset OCIDateTimeSysTimeStamp OCIDateTimeIntervalAdd OCIDateTimeIntervalSub OCIDateTimeConstruct OCIDateTimeSubtract OCIDateTimeToText OCIDateTimeGetTimeZoneName OCIDateTimeToArray OCIDateTimeFromArray OCIRowidToChar OCIDefineArrayOfStruct OCIDefineByPos OCIDefineDynamic OCIDefineObject OCIDescAlloc OCIDescFree OCIDescribeAny OCIEnvCreate OCIEnvNlsCreate OCIEnvInit OCIErrorGet OCIExtractSetKey OCIExtractFromFile OCIIntervalSubtract OCIIntervalMultiply OCIIntervalToNumber OCIIntervalToText OCIIntervalFromTZ OCIKerbAttrSet OCILdaToSvcCtx OCILobAppend OCILobAssign OCILobCharSetForm OCILobCharSetId OCILobCopy OCILobCreateTemporary OCILobDisableBuffering OCILobEnableBuffering OCILobErase OCILobOpen OCILobClose OCILobFileClose OCILobFileCLoseAll OCILobFileExists OCILobFileGetName OCILobFileIsOpen OCILobFileOpen OCILobFileSetName OCILobFlushBuffer OCILobFreeTemporary OCILobGetChunkSize OCILobGetLength OCILobIsEqual OCILobIsTemporary OCILobLoadFromFile OCILobLocatorAssign OCILobLocatorIsInit OCILobRead OCILobTrim OCILobWrite OCILobWriteAppend OCILobGetStorageLimit OCILobGetOptions OCILobSetOptions OCILobGetContentType OCILobSetContentType OCILogoff OCILogon OCILogon2 OCIMemoryFree OCIParamGet OCIParamGet OCIPasswordChange OCIReset OCIResultSetToStmt OCIServerAttach OCIServerDetach OCIServerVersion OCISessionBegin OCISessionEnd OCIStmtExecute OCIStmtFetch OCIStmtFetch2 OCIStmtGetPieceInfo OCIStmtPrepare OCIStmtPrepare2 OCIStmtRelease OCIStmtSetPieceInfo OCIFormatString OCISvcCtxToLda OCITransCommit OCITransDetach OCITransForget OCITransMultiPrepare OCITransPrepare OCITransRollback OCITransStart OCIInitialize OCIEnvCreate OCIEnvNlsCreate OCIFEnvCreate OCIHandleAlloc OCIDescriptorAlloc OCIDescriptorFree OCIArrayDescriptorAlloc OCIArrayDescriptorFree OCIEnvInit OCIServerAttach OCISessionBegin OCISessionEnd OCILogon OCILogon2 OCIPasswordChange OCIStmtPrepare OCIStmtPrepare2 OCIStmtRelease OCIBindByPos OCIBindByName OCIBindObject OCIBindDynamic OCIBindArrayOfStruct OCIStmtGetPieceInfo OCIStmtSetPieceInfo OCIStmtExecute OCIDefineByPos OCIDefineObject OCIDefineDynamic OCIRowidToChar OCIDefineArrayOfStruct OCIStmtFetch OCIStmtFetch2 OCIStmtGetBindInfo OCIDescribeAny OCIParamGet OCIParamSet OCITransStart OCITransMultiPrepare OCIErrorGet OCILobAppend OCILobAssign OCILobCharSetForm OCILobCharSetId OCILobCopy OCILobCreateTemporary OCILobClose OCILobDisableBuffering OCILobEnableBuffering OCILobErase OCILobFileClose OCILobFileExists OCILobFileGetName OCILobFileIsOpen OCILobFileOpen OCILobFileSetName OCILobFlushBuffer OCILobFreeTemporary OCILobGetChunkSize OCILobGetLength OCILobIsEqual OCILobIsOpen OCILobIsTemporary OCILobLoadFromFile OCILobLocatorAssign OCILobLocatorIsInit OCILobOpen OCILobRead OCILobTrim OCILobWrite OCILobWriteAppend OCIServerVersion OCIServerRelease OCIAttrGet OCIAttrSet OCIUserCallbackRegister OCIUserCallbackGet OCISharedLibInit OCIFileExists OCIFileGetLength OCIFileOpen OCIFileRead OCIFileSeek OCIFileWrite OCILobCopy2 OCILobErase2 OCILobGetLength2 OCILobLoadFromFile2 OCILobRead2 OCILobArrayRead OCILobTrim2 OCILobWrite2 OCILobArrayWrite OCILobWriteAppend2 OCILobGetStorageLimit OCISecurityOpenWallet OCISecurityCloseWallet OCISecurityCreateWallet OCISecurityDestroyWallet OCISecurityStorePersona OCISecurityOpenPersona OCISecurityClosePersona OCISecurityRemovePersona OCISecurityCreatePersona OCISecuritySetProtection OCISecurityGetProtection OCISecurityRemoveIdentity OCISecurityCreateIdentity OCISecurityAbortIdentity OCISecurityFreeIdentity OCISecurityStoreTrustedIdentity OCISecuritySign OCISecuritySignExpansion OCISecurityVerify OCISecurityValidate OCISecuritySignDetached OCISecuritySignDetExpansion OCISecurityVerifyDetached OCISecurity_PKEncrypt OCISecurityPKEncryptExpansion OCISecurityPKDecrypt OCISecurityEncrypt OCISecurityEncryptExpansion OCISecurityDecrypt OCISecurityEnvelope OCISecurityDeEnvelope OCISecurityKeyedHash OCISecurityKeyedHashExpansion OCISecurityHash OCISecurityHashExpansion OCISecuritySeedRandom OCISecurityRandomBytes OCISecurityRandomNumber OCISecurityInitBlock OCISecurityReuseBlock OCISecurityPurgeBlock OCISecuritySetBlock OCISecurityGetIdentity OCIAQEnq OCIAQDeq OCIAQEnqArray OCIAQEnqStreaming OCIAQDeqArray OCIAQListen OCIAQListen2 OCIExtractSetKey OCIExtractFromFile OCIExtractToInt OCIExtractToBool OCIExtractToStr OCIExtractToOCINum OCIExtractFromList OCIMemoryAlloc OCIMemoryResize OCIContextSetValue OCIContextGetValue OCIContextClearValue OCIMemorySetCurrentIDs OCIPicklerTdsCtxInit OCIPicklerTdsInit OCIPicklerTdsCreateElementNumber OCIPicklerTdsCreateElementChar OCIPicklerTdsCreateElementVarchar OCIPicklerTdsCreateElementRaw OCIPicklerTdsCreateElement OCIPicklerTdsAddAttr OCIPicklerTdsGenerate OCIPicklerTdsGetAttr OCIPicklerFdoInit OCIPicklerFdoFree OCIPicklerImageInit OCIPicklerImageFree OCIPicklerImageAddScalar OCIPicklerImageAddNullScalar OCIPicklerImageGenerate OCIPicklerImageGetScalarSize OCIPicklerImageGetScalar OCIPicklerImageCollBegin OCIPicklerImageCollAddScalar OCIPicklerImageCollEnd OCIPicklerImageCollBeginScan OCIPicklerImageCollGetScalarSize OCIPicklerImageCollGetScalar OCIAnyDataGetType OCIAnyDataIsNull OCIAnyDataConvert OCIAnyDataBeginCreate OCIAnyDataAttrSet OCIAnyDataCollAddElem OCIAnyDataEndCreate OCIAnyDataAccess OCIAnyDataGetCurrAttrNum OCIAnyDataAttrGet OCIAnyDataCollGetElem OCIPicklerTdsCtxInit OCIPicklerTdsInit OCIPicklerTdsCreateElementNumber OCIPicklerTdsCreateElementChar OCIPicklerTdsCreateElementVarchar OCIPicklerTdsCreateElementRaw OCIPicklerTdsCreateElement OCIPicklerTdsAddAttr OCIPicklerTdsGenerate OCIPicklerTdsGetAttr OCIPicklerFdoInit OCIPicklerFdoFree OCIPicklerImageInit OCIPicklerImageFree OCIPicklerImageAddScalar OCIPicklerImageAddNullScalar OCIPicklerImageGenerate OCIPicklerImageGetScalarSize OCIPicklerImageGetScalar OCIPicklerImageCollBegin OCIPicklerImageCollAddScalar OCIPicklerImageCollEnd OCIPicklerImageCollBeginScan OCIPicklerImageCollGetScalarSize OCIPicklerImageCollGetScalar OCIAnyDataGetType OCIAnyDataIsNull OCIAnyDataConvert OCIAnyDataBeginCreate OCIAnyDataAttrSet OCIAnyDataCollAddElem OCIAnyDataEndCreate OCIAnyDataAccess OCIAnyDataGetCurrAttrNum OCIAnyDataAttrGet OCIAnyDataCollGetElem OCIPicklerTdsCtxInit OCIPicklerTdsInit OCIPicklerTdsCreateElementNumber OCIPicklerTdsCreateElementChar OCIPicklerTdsCreateElementVarchar OCIPicklerTdsCreateElementRaw OCIPicklerTdsCreateElement OCIPicklerTdsAddAttr OCIPicklerTdsGenerate OCIPicklerTdsGetAttr OCIPicklerFdoInit OCIPicklerFdoFree OCIPicklerImageInit OCIPicklerImageFree OCIPicklerImageAddScalar OCIPicklerImageAddNullScalar OCIPicklerImageGenerate OCIPicklerImageGetScalarSize OCIPicklerImageGetScalar OCIPicklerImageCollBegin OCIPicklerImageCollAddScalar OCIPicklerImageCollEnd OCIPicklerImageCollBeginScan OCIPicklerImageCollGetScalarSize OCIPicklerImageCollGetScalar OCIAnyDataGetType OCIAnyDataIsNull OCIAnyDataConvert OCIAnyDataBeginCreate OCIAnyDataAttrSet OCIAnyDataCollAddElem OCIAnyDataEndCreate OCIAnyDataAccess OCIAnyDataGetCurrAttrNum OCIAnyDataAttrGet OCIAnyDataCollGetElem OCIAnyDataSetBeginCreate OCIAnyDataSetDestroy OCIAnyDataSetAddInstance OCIAnyDataSetEndCreate OCIAnyDataSetGetType OCIAnyDataSetGetCount OCIAnyDataSetGetInstance OCIFormatString OCINlsGetInfo OCINlsNameMap OCIMultiByteToWideChar OCIMultiByteInSizeToWideChar OCIWideCharToMultiByte OCIWideCharInSizeToMultiByte OCIWideCharStrcmp OCIWideCharStrncmp OCIWideCharStrcat *OCIWideCharStrchr OCIWideCharStrcpy OCIWideCharStrncat OCIWideCharStrncpy *OCIWideCharStrrchr OCIWideCharStrCaseConversion OCIMultiByteStrcmp OCIMultiByteStrncmp OCIMultiByteStrcat OCIMultiByteStrcpy OCIMultiByteStrncat OCIMultiByteStrncpy OCIMultiByteStrnDisplayLength OCIMultiByteStrCaseConversion OCICharSetToUnicode OCIUnicodeToCharSet OCINlsCharSetConvert OCINlsEnvironmentVariableGet OCIMessageOpen OCIMessageGet OCIThreadMutexInit OCIThreadMutexDestroy OCIThreadMutexAcquire OCIThreadMutexRelease OCIThreadKeyInit OCIThreadKeyDestroy OCIThreadKeyGet OCIThreadKeySet OCIThreadIdSet OCIThreadIdSetNull OCIThreadIdGet OCIThreadIdSame OCIThreadIdNull OCIThreadHndInit OCIThreadHndDestroy OCIThreadCreate OCIThreadHandleGet OCIThreadMutexInit OCIThreadMutexDestroy OCIThreadMutexAcquire OCIThreadMutexRelease OCIThreadKeyInit OCIThreadKeyDestroy OCIThreadKeyGet OCIThreadKeySet OCIThreadIdSet OCIThreadIdSame OCIThreadIdNull OCIThreadCreate OCISubscriptionRegister OCISubscriptionPost OCISubscriptionUnRegister OCISubscriptionDisable OCISubscriptionEnable OCIDateTimeGetTime OCIDateTimeGetDate OCIDateTimeGetTimeZoneOffset OCIDateTimeConstruct OCIDateTimeSysTimeStamp OCIDateTimeAssign OCIDateTimeToText OCIDateTimeFromText OCIDateTimeCompare OCIDateTimeCheck OCIDateTimeConvert OCIDateTimeSubtract OCIDateTimeIntervalAdd OCIDateTimeIntervalSub OCIIntervalSubtract OCIIntervalAdd OCIIntervalMultiply OCIIntervalDivide OCIIntervalCompare OCIIntervalFromNumber OCIIntervalFromText OCIIntervalToText OCIIntervalToNumber OCIIntervalCheck OCIIntervalAssign OCIIntervalSetYearMonth OCIIntervalGetYearMonth OCIIntervalSetDaySecond OCIIntervalGetDaySecond OCIDateTimeToArray OCIDateTimeFromArray OCIDateTimeGetTimeZoneName OCIIntervalFromTZ OCIConnectionPoolCreate OCIConnectionPoolDestroy OCISessionPoolCreate OCISessionPoolDestroy OCISessionGet OCISessionRelease OCIAppCtxSet OCIAppCtxClearAll OCIMemStats OCIKerbAttrSet OCIDBStartup OCIDBShutdown OCIClientVersion OCIInitEventHandle OCIStmtBindByPos OCIStmtBindByName PRIVATE FUNCTION(S) EXAMPLES NOTES MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) slari 03/24/11 - OCIRoundTripCallback slynn 03/18/08 - OCILobSet/SetContenttype->OCILobGet/SetContentType amullick 02/11/08 - add OCILobGet/SetContenttype APIs schoi 02/27/07 - OCILobGet/SetOptions API change slynn 07/28/06 - Migrate to new 11g LOB terminology hqian 05/22/06 - add OCI_SYSASM slynn 06/21/06 - Add Lob Get Shared Regions Functionality slynn 05/25/06 - New NG Lob Functionality. jawilson 05/22/06 - add TDO out parameter for streaming enq callback aramappa 01/19/06 - Added OCIArrayDescriptorAlloc, OCIArrayDescriptorFree jawilson 02/09/06 - add OCIAQEnqStreaming mxu 03/08/06 - Fix bug 5037807 srseshad 09/12/05 - stmtcache: callback mbastawa 09/16/05 - dbhygiene dmukhin 06/29/05 - ANSI prototypes; miscellaneous cleanup nbhatt 06/17/04 - merge conflicts nbhatt 05/24/04 - merge conflicts weiwang 05/06/04 - add OCIAQListen2 rvissapr 06/21/04 - add OCIAppCtx API debanerj 05/17/04 - 13064: LOB array Read and Write aahluwal 06/02/04 - [OCI Events]: add OCIInitEventHandle nikeda 05/28/04 - grabtrans 'nikeda_oci_events_copy' nikeda 05/13/04 - [OCI Events] Rename HACBK->EVTCBK, HACTX->EVTCTX nikeda 05/10/04 - [OCI Events] code review changes aahluwal 04/09/04 - [OCI Events]: add OCIHAServerHandleGet nikeda 03/18/04 - [OCI Events] New Server Handle Callback dfrumkin 12/04/03 - Add OCIDBStartup, OCIDBShutdown jciminsk 12/12/03 - merge from RDBMS_MAIN_SOLARIS_031209 sgollapu 06/26/03 - Change OCIPing prototype sgollapu 05/05/03 - Add OCIPing debanerj 01/16/03 - Bug 2753018: Lob Locator parameter for OCILobGetStorageLimit rpingte 05/06/04 - add OCIClientVersion debanerj 08/26/03 - 6003: Lob interface changes sgollapu 06/23/03 - Add OCIPing debanerj 01/16/03 - Bug 2753018: Lob Locator parameter for OCILobGetStorageLimit tkeefe 02/17/03 - bug-2773794: Add new interface for setting Kerb attrs ataracha 01/03/03 - Move OCIXMLType functions to ocixml.h akatti 11/28/02 - [2521361]:add OCIRowidToChar prototype chliang 10/23/02 - add OCIFetchRowCallback cparampa 10/13/02 - Fix the prototype of OCIAQListen(ansi prototype) chliang 10/12/02 - add OCIBindRowCallback debanerj 09/30/02 - Unlimited size LOB 6003 thoang 09/25/02 - Add csid to XMLType create functions thoang 04/19/02 - Add OCIXMLTypeGetNS aahluwal 08/09/02 - adding OCIAQDeqArray aahluwal 06/03/02 - bug 2360115 skabraha 04/16/02 - fix compiler warnings sichandr 02/12/02 - fix OCIXMLTypeExists gayyappa 02/01/02 - fix 2210776 : change Dom to DOM sichandr 10/24/01 - OCISvcCtx for XMLType create routines schandir 09/14/01 - Add prototypes for Stmt Caching abande 09/04/01 - Add Prototypes for Session Pooling Methods stakeda 09/12/01 - add OCINlsCharSetConvert whe 08/28/01 - add OCIEnvNlsCreate wzhang 08/22/01 - Add OCINlsCharSetNameToId. whe 10/05/01 - add prototype for OCIXMLType functions mdmehta 04/06/01 - Bug 1683763, OCIDateTimeToText: buf_size to ub4* schandir 12/12/00 - modify the ociconnectionpoolcreate() interface. porangas 12/04/00 - Forward merge bug#974710 to 9i rpingte 11/29/00 - Fix bug# 1485795. gtarora 11/30/00 - fix comment for OCILobIsTemporary akatti 11/07/00 - [1198379]:add OCIRowidToChar bpalaval 10/15/00 - Forward merge 892654. kmohan 09/18/00 - add OCILogon2 etucker 07/28/00 - add OCIIntervalFromTZ vjayaram 07/18/00 - add connection pooling changes etucker 07/13/00 - add dls apis for oci hmasaki 07/05/00 - fix 1230846: forward merge into 8.2 mbastawa 06/05/00 - add OCIStmtFetch2 rxgovind 06/07/00 - update OCIAnyData interfaces rxgovind 05/04/00 - add OCIAnyDataSet interfaces rkasamse 05/01/00 - remove attrno from OCIAnyDataAttrGet rkasamse 03/13/00 - add prototype s for OCCIAnyData slari 09/01/99 - remove OCIEnvCallback slari 08/23/99 - add OCIUcb in user callback functions dsaha 07/07/99 - Add OCIFEnvCreate for forms vyanaman 06/21/99 - Change OCI DateTime/Interval APIs. esoyleme 07/01/99 - expose MTS performance enhancements whe 06/14/99 - bug727872:add CONST to match definitions kkarun 02/23/99 - Fix OCIDateTime APIs jiyang 12/07/98 - Add comments for OCI_NLS_DUAL_CURRENCY aroy 12/01/98 - add OCIEnvCreate slari 11/23/98 - use ORASTDARG slari 11/21/98 - replace ellipsis by arglist in OCIUserCallback thchang 10/20/98 - correct comment on OCILobCreateTemporary slari 09/08/98 - allow envh to receive error info also in CallbackReg/ kkarun 09/02/98 - Change const to CONST aroy 08/04/98 - add OCITerminate calls nramakri 06/25/98 - remove CONST from some OCIPickler APIs jiyang 06/22/98 - Fix a lint error nmallava 06/08/98 - ociistemporary -> envhp jhasenbe 05/27/98 - Remove definitions for U-Calls (Unicode) nmallava 05/18/98 - add comments sgollapu 05/19/98 - Change text to OraText aroy 04/20/98 - merge forward 8.0.5 -> 8.1.3 nbhatt 05/14/98 - aq listen call lchidamb 03/02/98 - Client Notification prototypes vyanaman 04/19/98 - System Timestamp kkarun 04/17/98 - Add more Interval functions vyanaman 04/17/98 - Fix min (proc error) vyanaman 04/16/98 - Add get/set TZ kkarun 04/13/98 - Add Datetime prototypes rkasamse 04/13/98 - change OCIEnv* to dvoid* for context/memory cart serv rkasamse 04/15/98 - chage pickler cart interface slari 03/20/98 - change proto of OCIUserCallback slari 02/17/98 - add OCIUserCallback jiyang 04/02/98 - Accept both env and user handles for NLS rkasamse 03/20/98 - remove prototypes for OCIMemoryDuration* functions. tsaulys 03/20/98 - use environment or session handle nmallava 04/09/98 - OCILobLocatorAssign nmallava 04/07/98 - lobgetchunksize and writeappend apis jhasenbe 04/06/98 - Add new interfaces for Unicode support nmallava 03/17/98 - add interfaces nmallava 03/16/98 - add open/close apis nmallava 03/10/98 - add temporary lobs apis sgollapu 07/10/97 - Add OCIReset sgollapu 02/09/98 - OCI non-blocking nramakri 01/16/98 - remove #ifdef NEVER clause for OCIExtract rmurthy 01/08/98 - OCIContextGenerateKey: change ub1 to ub4 ewaugh 12/18/97 - Turn type wrappers into functions. skabraha 12/02/97 - adding OCIFile functions rhwu 12/02/97 - add OCI Thread nramakri 12/15/97 - move to core4 nramakri 12/11/97 - modify OCIExtract prototype ewaugh 12/10/97 - add OCIFormat prototypes nmallava 12/17/97 - Add ilob open and close apis rkasamse 12/03/97 - Change some of the function names for pickler cartrid nramakri 11/12/97 - add OCIExtract prototypes rkasamse 11/21/97 - add prototypes for memory cartridge services and cont rkasamse 11/03/97 - Add pickler cartridge interfaces. jiyang 11/11/97 - Add NLS service for cartridge tanguyen 08/19/97 - cxcheng 07/30/97 - replace OCISvcCtx with OCISvcCtx schandra 06/25/97 - AQ OCI interface bnainani 07/21/97 - add prototypes for Oracle XA extensions esoyleme 05/13/97 - move failover callback prototype skmishra 05/06/97 - stdc compiler fixes skmishra 04/24/97 - C++ Compatibility changes skotsovo 04/21/97 - make lob parameter names consistent rwhitman 04/16/97 - Fix LOB prototypes - Olint OCI 8.0.3 ramkrish 04/15/97 - Add free flag to OCILobFlushBuffer dchatter 04/10/97 - add nzt.h inclusion cxcheng 04/09/97 - change objnamp from CONST text* to dvoid* cxcheng 04/08/97 - fix prototype of OCIDescribeAny() skotsovo 03/31/97 - remove OCILobLocatorSize skotsovo 03/27/97 - add OCILobLoadFromFile bcchang 02/18/97 - Fix syntax error dchatter 01/13/97 - fix comments on LOB calls aroy 01/10/97 - remove ocilobfilecreate delete sgollapu 12/27/96 - Correct OCILogon prototype dchatter 01/04/97 - comments to describe the functions sgollapu 11/25/96 - Change OCILobFileIsExistent schandra 11/18/96 - Remove xa.h include sgollapu 11/09/96 - Change prototype of OCIDescribeAny dchatter 10/31/96 - delete CONST from lob write cb fn dchatter 10/30/96 - more changes dchatter 10/26/96 - lob/file long name corrections slari 10/16/96 - delete unused calls rwessman 10/29/96 - Fixed OCISecurityGetIdentity prototype bcchang 10/25/96 - Fix syntax error sgollapu 10/22/96 - Add OCILogon and OCILogoff rwessman 10/16/96 - Added cryptographic and digital signature functions sgollapu 10/10/96 - Add ocibdp and ocibdn rxgovind 10/07/96 - add oci file calls skotsovo 10/01/96 - move orl lob fnts to oci skotsovo 09/20/96 - in OCILobGetLength(), remove the 'isnull' parameter. aroy 08/29/96 - change prototype for Nchar Lob support dchatter 08/21/96 - OCIResultSetToStmt prototype change sthakur 08/14/96 - add OCIParamSet schandra 07/26/96 - TX OCI return values - sb4->sword aroy 07/17/96 - terminology change: OCILobLocator => OCILobLocator dchatter 07/01/96 - create ANSI prototypes dchatter 07/01/96 - Creation */ #ifndef OCIAP_ORACLE # define OCIAP_ORACLE # ifndef ORATYPES # include # endif #ifndef ORASTDARG #include #define ORASTDARG #endif #ifndef OCIDFN #include #endif #ifndef NZT_ORACLE #include #endif /* NZT_ORACLE */ #ifndef OCI_ORACLE #include #endif #ifndef ORT_ORACLE #include #endif /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- PUBLIC TYPES AND CONSTANTS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRIVATE TYPES AND CONSTANTS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- PUBLIC FUNCTIONS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /***************************************************************************** DESCRIPTION ****************************************************************************** Note: the descriptions of the functions are alphabetically arranged. Please maintain the arrangement when adding a new function description. The actual prototypes are below this comment section and donot follow any alphabetical ordering. --------------------------------OCIAttrGet------------------------------------ OCIAttrGet() Name OCI Attribute Get Purpose This call is used to get a particular attribute of a handle. Syntax sword OCIAttrGet ( const void *trgthndlp, ub4 trghndltyp, void *attributep, ub4 *sizep, ub4 attrtype, OCIError *errhp ); Comments This call is used to get a particular attribute of a handle. See Appendix B, "Handle Attributes", for a list of handle types and their readable attributes. Parameters trgthndlp (IN) - is the pointer to a handle type. trghndltyp (IN) - is the handle type. attributep (OUT) - is a pointer to the storage for an attribute value. The attribute value is filled in. sizep (OUT) - is the size of the attribute value. This can be passed in as NULL for most parameters as the size is well known. For text* parameters, a pointer to a ub4 must be passed in to get the length of the string. attrtype (IN) - is the type of attribute. errhp (IN/OUT) - an error handle which can be passed to OCIErrorGet() for diagnostic information in the event of an error. Related Functions OCIAttrSet() --------------------------------OCIAttrSet------------------------------------ OCIAttrSet() Name OCI Attribute Set Purpose This call is used to set a particular attribute of a handle or a descriptor. Syntax sword OCIAttrSet ( void *trgthndlp, ub4 trghndltyp, void *attributep, ub4 size, ub4 attrtype, OCIError *errhp ); Comments This call is used to set a particular attribute of a handle or a descriptor. See Appendix B for a list of handle types and their writeable attributes. Parameters trghndlp (IN/OUT) - the pointer to a handle type whose attribute gets modified. trghndltyp (IN/OUT) - is the handle type. attributep (IN) - a pointer to an attribute value. The attribute value is copied into the target handle. If the attribute value is a pointer, then only the pointer is copied, not the contents of the pointer. size (IN) - is the size of an attribute value. This can be passed in as 0 for most attributes as the size is already known by the OCI library. For text* attributes, a ub4 must be passed in set to the length of the string. attrtype (IN) - the type of attribute being set. errhp (IN/OUT) - an error handle which can be passed to OCIErrorGet() for diagnostic information in the event of an error. Related Functions OCIAttrGet() --------------------------------OCIBindArrayOfStruct-------------------------- OCIBindArrayOfStruct() Name OCI Bind for Array of Structures Purpose This call sets up the skip parameters for a static array bind. Syntax sword OCIBindArrayOfStruct ( OCIBind *bindp, OCIError *errhp, ub4 pvskip, ub4 indskip, ub4 alskip, ub4 rcskip ); Comments This call sets up the skip parameters necessary for a static array bind. This call follows a call to OCIBindByName() or OCIBindByPos(). The bind handle returned by that initial bind call is used as a parameter for the OCIBindArrayOfStruct() call. For information about skip parameters, see the section "Arrays of Structures" on page 4-16. Parameters bindp (IN) - the handle to a bind structure. errhp (IN) - an error handle which can be passed to OCIErrorGet() for diagnostic information in the event of an error. pvskip (IN) - skip parameter for the next data value. indskip (IN) - skip parameter for the next indicator value or structure. alskip (IN) - skip parameter for the next actual length value. rcskip (IN) - skip parameter for the next column-level return code value. Related Functions OCIAttrGet() --------------------------------OCIBindByName--------------------------------- OCIBindByName() Name OCI Bind by Name Purpose Creates an association between a program variable and a placeholder in a SQL statement or PL/SQL block. Syntax sword OCIBindByName ( OCIStmt *stmtp, OCIBind **bindp, OCIError *errhp, const OraText *placeholder, sb4 placeh_len, void *valuep, sb4 value_sz, ub2 dty, void *indp, ub2 *alenp, ub2 *rcodep, ub4 maxarr_len, ub4 *curelep, ub4 mode ); Description This call is used to perform a basic bind operation. The bind creates an association between the address of a program variable and a placeholder in a SQL statement or PL/SQL block. The bind call also specifies the type of data which is being bound, and may also indicate the method by which data will be provided at runtime. This function also implicitly allocates the bind handle indicated by the bindp parameter. Data in an OCI application can be bound to placeholders statically or dynamically. Binding is static when all the IN bind data and the OUT bind buffers are well-defined just before the execute. Binding is dynamic when the IN bind data and the OUT bind buffers are provided by the application on demand at execute time to the client library. Dynamic binding is indicated by setting the mode parameter of this call to OCI_DATA_AT_EXEC. Related Functions: For more information about dynamic binding, see the section "Runtime Data Allocation and Piecewise Operations" on page 5-16. Both OCIBindByName() and OCIBindByPos() take as a parameter a bind handle, which is implicitly allocated by the bind call A separate bind handle is allocated for each placeholder the application is binding. Additional bind calls may be required to specify particular attributes necessary when binding certain data types or handling input data in certain ways: If arrays of structures are being utilized, OCIBindArrayOfStruct() must be called to set up the necessary skip parameters. If data is being provided dynamically at runtime, and the application will be using user-defined callback functions, OCIBindDynamic() must be called to register the callbacks. If a named data type is being bound, OCIBindObject() must be called to specify additional necessary information. Parameters stmth (IN/OUT) - the statement handle to the SQL or PL/SQL statement being processed. bindp (IN/OUT) - a pointer to a pointer to a bind handle which is implicitly allocated by this call. The bind handle maintains all the bind information for this particular input value. The handle is feed implicitly when the statement handle is deallocated. errhp (IN/OUT) - an error handle which can be passed to OCIErrorGet() for diagnostic information in the event of an error. placeholder (IN) - the placeholder attributes are specified by name if ocibindn() is being called. placeh_len (IN) - the length of the placeholder name specified in placeholder. valuep (IN/OUT) - a pointer to a data value or an array of data values of the type specified in the dty parameter. An array of data values can be specified for mapping into a PL/SQL table or for providing data for SQL multiple-row operations. When an array of bind values is provided, this is called an array bind in OCI terms. Additional attributes of the array bind (not bind to a column of ARRAY type) are set up in OCIBindArrayOfStruct() call. For a REF, named data type bind, the valuep parameter is used only for IN bind data. The pointers to OUT buffers are set in the pgvpp parameter initialized by OCIBindObject(). For named data type and REF binds, the bind values are unpickled into the Object Cache. The OCI object navigational calls can then be used to navigate the objects and the refs in the Object Cache. If the OCI_DATA_AT_EXEC mode is specified in the mode parameter, valuep is ignored for all data types. OCIBindArrayOfStruct() cannot be used and OCIBindDynamic() must be invoked to provide callback functions if desired. value_sz (IN) - the size of a data value. In the case of an array bind, this is the maximum size of any element possible with the actual sizes being specified in the alenp parameter. If the OCI_DATA_AT_EXEC mode is specified, valuesz defines the maximum size of the data that can be ever provided at runtime for data types other than named data types or REFs. dty (IN) - the data type of the value(s) being bound. Named data types (SQLT_NTY) and REFs (SQLT_REF) are valid only if the application has been initialized in object mode. For named data types, or REFs, additional calls must be made with the bind handle to set up the datatype-specific attributes. indp (IN/OUT) - pointer to an indicator variable or array. For scalar data types, this is a pointer to sb2 or an array of sb2s. For named data types, this pointer is ignored and the actual pointer to the indicator structure or an array of indicator structures is initialized by OCIBindObject(). Ignored for dynamic binds. See the section "Indicator Variables" on page 2-43 for more information about indicator variables. alenp (IN/OUT) - pointer to array of actual lengths of array elements. Each element in alenp is the length of the data in the corresponding element in the bind value array before and after the execute. This parameter is ignored for dynamic binds. rcodep (OUT) - pointer to array of column level return codes. This parameter is ignored for dynamic binds. maxarr_len (IN) - the maximum possible number of elements of type dty in a PL/SQL binds. This parameter is not required for non-PL/SQL binds. If maxarr_len is non-zero, then either OCIBindDynamic() or OCIBindArrayOfStruct() can be invoked to set up additional bind attributes. curelep(IN/OUT) - a pointer to the actual number of elements. This parameter is only required for PL/SQL binds. mode (IN) - the valid modes for this parameter are: OCI_DEFAULT. This is default mode. OCI_DATA_AT_EXEC. When this mode is selected, the value_sz parameter defines the maximum size of the data that can be ever provided at runtime. The application must be ready to provide the OCI library runtime IN data buffers at any time and any number of times. Runtime data is provided in one of the two ways: callbacks using a user-defined function which must be registered with a subsequent call to OCIBindDynamic(). a polling mechanism using calls supplied by the OCI. This mode is assumed if no callbacks are defined. For more information about using the OCI_DATA_AT_EXEC mode, see the section "Runtime Data Allocation and Piecewise Operations" on page 5-16. When the allocated buffers are not required any more, they should be freed by the client. Related Functions OCIBindDynamic(), OCIBindObject(), OCIBindArrayOfStruct(), OCIAttrGet() -------------------------------OCIBindByPos----------------------------------- OCIBindByPos() Name OCI Bind by Position Purpose Creates an association between a program variable and a placeholder in a SQL statement or PL/SQL block. Syntax sword OCIBindByPos ( OCIStmt *stmtp, OCIBind **bindp, OCIError *errhp, ub4 position, void *valuep, sb4 value_sz, ub2 dty, void *indp, ub2 *alenp, ub2 *rcodep, ub4 maxarr_len, ub4 *curelep, ub4 mode); Description This call is used to perform a basic bind operation. The bind creates an association between the address of a program variable and a placeholder in a SQL statement or PL/SQL block. The bind call also specifies the type of data which is being bound, and may also indicate the method by which data will be provided at runtime. This function also implicitly allocates the bind handle indicated by the bindp parameter. Data in an OCI application can be bound to placeholders statically or dynamically. Binding is static when all the IN bind data and the OUT bind buffers are well-defined just before the execute. Binding is dynamic when the IN bind data and the OUT bind buffers are provided by the application on demand at execute time to the client library. Dynamic binding is indicated by setting the mode parameter of this call to OCI_DATA_AT_EXEC. Related Functions: For more information about dynamic binding, see the section "Runtime Data Allocation and Piecewise Operations" on page 5-16 Both OCIBindByName() and OCIBindByPos() take as a parameter a bind handle, which is implicitly allocated by the bind call A separate bind handle is allocated for each placeholder the application is binding. Additional bind calls may be required to specify particular attributes necessary when binding certain data types or handling input data in certain ways: If arrays of structures are being utilized, OCIBindArrayOfStruct() must be called to set up the necessary skip parameters. If data is being provided dynamically at runtime, and the application will be using user-defined callback functions, OCIBindDynamic() must be called to register the callbacks. If a named data type is being bound, OCIBindObject() must be called to specify additional necessary information. Parameters stmth (IN/OUT) - the statement handle to the SQL or PL/SQL statement being processed. bindp (IN/OUT) - a pointer to a pointer to a bind handle which is implicitly allocated by this call. The bind handle maintains all the bind information for this particular input value. The handle is feed implicitly when the statement handle is deallocated. errhp (IN/OUT) - an error handle which can be passed to OCIErrorGet() for diagnostic information in the event of an error. position (IN) - the placeholder attributes are specified by position if ocibindp() is being called. valuep (IN/OUT) - a pointer to a data value or an array of data values of the type specified in the dty parameter. An array of data values can be specified for mapping into a PL/SQL table or for providing data for SQL multiple-row operations. When an array of bind values is provided, this is called an array bind in OCI terms. Additional attributes of the array bind (not bind to a column of ARRAY type) are set up in OCIBindArrayOfStruct() call. For a REF, named data type bind, the valuep parameter is used only for IN bind data. The pointers to OUT buffers are set in the pgvpp parameter initialized by OCIBindObject(). For named data type and REF binds, the bind values are unpickled into the Object Cache. The OCI object navigational calls can then be used to navigate the objects and the refs in the Object Cache. If the OCI_DATA_AT_EXEC mode is specified in the mode parameter, valuep is ignored for all data types. OCIBindArrayOfStruct() cannot be used and OCIBindDynamic() must be invoked to provide callback functions if desired. value_sz (IN) - the size of a data value. In the case of an array bind, this is the maximum size of any element possible with the actual sizes being specified in the alenp parameter. If the OCI_DATA_AT_EXEC mode is specified, valuesz defines the maximum size of the data that can be ever provided at runtime for data types other than named data types or REFs. dty (IN) - the data type of the value(s) being bound. Named data types (SQLT_NTY) and REFs (SQLT_REF) are valid only if the application has been initialized in object mode. For named data types, or REFs, additional calls must be made with the bind handle to set up the datatype-specific attributes. indp (IN/OUT) - pointer to an indicator variable or array. For scalar data types, this is a pointer to sb2 or an array of sb2s. For named data types, this pointer is ignored and the actual pointer to the indicator structure or an array of indicator structures is initialized by OCIBindObject(). Ignored for dynamic binds. See the section "Indicator Variables" on page 2-43 for more information about indicator variables. alenp (IN/OUT) - pointer to array of actual lengths of array elements. Each element in alenp is the length of the data in the corresponding element in the bind value array before and after the execute. This parameter is ignored for dynamic binds. rcodep (OUT) - pointer to array of column level return codes. This parameter is ignored for dynamic binds. maxarr_len (IN) - the maximum possible number of elements of type dty in a PL/SQL binds. This parameter is not required for non-PL/SQL binds. If maxarr_len is non-zero, then either OCIBindDynamic() or OCIBindArrayOfStruct() can be invoked to set up additional bind attributes. curelep(IN/OUT) - a pointer to the actual number of elements. This parameter is only required for PL/SQL binds. mode (IN) - the valid modes for this parameter are: OCI_DEFAULT. This is default mode. OCI_DATA_AT_EXEC. When this mode is selected, the value_sz parameter defines the maximum size of the data that can be ever provided at runtime. The application must be ready to provide the OCI library runtime IN data buffers at any time and any number of times. Runtime data is provided in one of the two ways: callbacks using a user-defined function which must be registered with a subsequent call to OCIBindDynamic() . a polling mechanism using calls supplied by the OCI. This mode is assumed if no callbacks are defined. For more information about using the OCI_DATA_AT_EXEC mode, see the section "Runtime Data Allocation and Piecewise Operations" on page 5-16. When the allocated buffers are not required any more, they should be freed by the client. Related Functions OCIBindDynamic(), OCIBindObject(), OCIBindArrayOfStruct(), OCIAttrGet() -------------------------------OCIBindDynamic--------------------------------- OCIBindDynamic() Name OCI Bind Dynamic Attributes Purpose This call is used to register user callbacks for dynamic data allocation. Syntax sword OCIBindDynamic( OCIBind *bindp, OCIError *errhp, void *ictxp, OCICallbackInBind (icbfp)( void *ictxp, OCIBind *bindp, ub4 iter, ub4 index, void **bufpp, ub4 *alenp, ub1 *piecep, void **indp ), void *octxp, OCICallbackOutBind (ocbfp)( void *octxp, OCIBind *bindp, ub4 iter, ub4 index, void **bufp, ub4 **alenpp, ub1 *piecep, void **indpp, ub2 **rcodepp) ); Comments This call is used to register user-defined callback functions for providing data for an UPDATE or INSERT if OCI_DATA_AT_EXEC mode was specified in a previous call to OCIBindByName() or OCIBindByPos(). The callback function pointers must return OCI_CONTINUE if it the call is successful. Any return code other than OCI_CONTINUE signals that the client wishes to abort processing immediately. For more information about the OCI_DATA_AT_EXEC mode, see the section "Runtime Data Allocation and Piecewise Operations" on page 5-16. Parameters bindp (IN/OUT) - a bind handle returned by a call to OCIBindByName() or OCIBindByPos(). errhp (IN/OUT) - an error handle which can be passed to OCIErrorGet() for diagnostic information in the event of an error. ictxp (IN) - the context pointer required by the call back function icbfp. icbfp (IN) - the callback function which returns a pointer to the IN bind value or piece at run time. The callback takes in the following parameters. ictxp (IN/OUT) - the context pointer for this callback function. bindp (IN) - the bind handle passed in to uniquely identify this bind variable. iter (IN) - 1-based execute iteration value. index (IN) - index of the current array, for an array bind. 1 based not greater than curele parameter of the bind call. index (IN) - index of the current array, for an array bind. This parameter is 1-based, and may not be greater than curele parameter of the bind call. bufpp (OUT) - the pointer to the buffer. piecep (OUT) - which piece of the bind value. This can be one of the following values - OCI_ONE_PIECE, OCI_FIRST_PIECE, OCI_NEXT_PIECE and OCI_LAST_PIECE. indp (OUT) - contains the indicator value. This is apointer to either an sb2 value or a pointer to an indicator structure for binding named data types. indszp (OUT) - contains the indicator value size. A pointer containing the size of either an sb2 or an indicator structure pointer. octxp (IN) - the context pointer required by the callback function ocbfp. ocbfp (IN) - the callback function which returns a pointer to the OUT bind value or piece at run time. The callback takes in the following parameters. octxp (IN/OUT) - the context pointer for this call back function. bindp (IN) - the bind handle passed in to uniquely identify this bind variable. iter (IN) - 1-based execute iteration value. index (IN) - index of the current array, for an array bind. This parameter is 1-based, and must not be greater than curele parameter of the bind call. bufpp (OUT) - a pointer to a buffer to write the bind value/piece. buflp (OUT) - returns the buffer size. alenpp (OUT) - a pointer to a storage for OCI to fill in the size of the bind value/piece after it has been read. piecep (IN/OUT) - which piece of the bind value. It will be set by the library to be one of the following values - OCI_ONE_PIECE or OCI_NEXT_PIECE. The callback function can leave it unchanged or set it to OCI_FIRST_PIECE or OCI_LAST_PIECE. By default - OCI_ONE_PIECE. indpp (OUT) - returns a pointer to contain the indicator value which either an sb2 value or a pointer to an indicator structure for named data types. indszpp (OUT) - returns a pointer to return the size of the indicator value which is either size of an sb2 or size of an indicator structure. rcodepp (OUT) - returns a pointer to contains the return code. Related Functions OCIAttrGet() ---------------------------------OCIBindObject-------------------------------- OCIBindObject() Name OCI Bind Object Purpose This function sets up additional attributes which are required for a named data type (object) bind. Syntax sword OCIBindObject ( OCIBind *bindp, OCIError *errhp, const OCIType *type, void **pgvpp, ub4 *pvszsp, void **indpp, ub4 *indszp, ); Comments This function sets up additional attributes which binding a named data type or a REF. An error will be returned if this function is called when the OCI environment has been initialized in non-object mode. This call takes as a paramter a type descriptor object (TDO) of datatype OCIType for the named data type being defined. The TDO can be retrieved with a call to OCITypeByName(). If the OCI_DATA_AT_EXEC mode was specified in ocibindn() or ocibindp(), the pointers to the IN buffers are obtained either using the callback icbfp registered in the OCIBindDynamic() call or by the OCIStmtSetPieceInfo() call. The buffers are dynamically allocated for the OUT data and the pointers to these buffers are returned either by calling ocbfp() registered by the OCIBindDynamic() or by setting the pointer to the buffer in the buffer passed in by OCIStmtSetPieceInfo() called when OCIStmtExecute() returned OCI_NEED_DATA. The memory of these client library- allocated buffers must be freed when not in use anymore by using the OCIObjectFreee() call. Parameters bindp ( IN/OUT) - the bind handle returned by the call to OCIBindByName() or OCIBindByPos(). errhp ( IN/OUT) - an error handle which can be passed to OCIErrorGet() for diagnostic information in the event of an error. type ( IN) - points to the TDO which describes the type of the program variable being bound. Retrieved by calling OCITypeByName(). pgvpp ( IN/OUT) - points to a pointer to the program variable buffer. For an array, pgvpp points to an array of pointers. When the bind variable is also an OUT variable, the OUT Named Data Type value or REF is allocated (unpickled) in the Object Cache, and a pointer to the value or REF is returned, At the end of execute, when all OUT values have been received, pgvpp points to an array of pointer(s) to these newly allocated named data types in the object cache. pgvpp is ignored if the OCI_DATA_AT_EXEC mode is set. Then the Named Data Type buffers are requested at runtime. For static array binds, skip factors may be specified using the OCIBindArrayOfStruct() call. The skip factors are used to compute the address of the next pointer to the value, the indicator structure and their sizes. pvszsp ( IN/OUT) - points to the size of the program variable. The size of the named data type is not required on input. For an array, pvszsp is an array of ub4s. On return, for OUT bind variables, this points to size(s) of the Named Data Types and REFs received. pvszsp is ignored if the OCI_DATA_AT_EXEC mode is set. Then the size of the buffer is taken at runtime. indpp ( IN/OUT) - points to a pointer to the program variable buffer containing the parallel indicator structure. For an array, points to an array of pointers. When the bind variable is also an OUT bind variable, memory is allocated in the object cache, to store the unpickled OUT indicator values. At the end of the execute when all OUT values have been received, indpp points to the pointer(s) to these newly allocated indicator structure(s). indpp is ignored if the OCI_DATA_AT_EXEC mode is set. Then the indicator is requested at runtime. indszp ( IN/OUT) - points to the size of the IN indicator structure program variable. For an array, it is an array of sb2s. On return for OUT bind variables, this points to size(s) of the received OUT indicator structures. indszp is ignored if the OCI_DATA_AT_EXEC mode is set. Then the indicator size is requested at runtime. Related Functions OCIAttrGet() ----------------------------------OCIBreak------------------------------------ OCIBreak() Name OCI Break Purpose This call performs an immediate (asynchronous) abort of any currently executing OCI function that is associated with a server . Syntax sword OCIBreak ( void *hndlp, OCIError *errhp); Comments This call performs an immediate (asynchronous) abort of any currently executing OCI function that is associated with a server. It is normally used to stop a long-running OCI call being processed on the server. This call can take either the service context handle or the server context handle as a parameter to identify the function to be aborted. Parameters hndlp (IN) - the service context handle or the server context handle. errhp (IN) - an error handle which can be passed to OCIErrorGet() for diagnostic information in the event of an error. Related Functions -----------------------------OCIConnectionPoolCreate -------------------------- Name: OCIConnectionPoolCreate Purpose: Creates the connections in the pool Syntax: OCIConnectionPoolCreate (OCIEnv *envhp, OCIError *errhp, OCICPool *poolhp, OraText **poolName, sb4 *poolNameLen, const Oratext *dblink, sb4 dblinkLen, ub4 connMin, ub4 connMax, ub4 connIncr, const OraText *poolUsername, sb4 poolUserLen, const OraText *poolPassword, sb4 poolPassLen, ub4 mode) Comments: This call is used to create a connection pool. conn_min connections to the database are started on calling OCIConnectionPoolCreate. Parameters: envhp (IN/OUT) - A pointer to the environment where the Conencton Pool is to be created errhp (IN/OUT) - An error handle which can be passed to OCIErrorGet(). poolhp (IN/OUT) - An uninitialiazed pool handle. poolName (OUT) - The connection pool name. poolNameLen (OUT) - The length of the connection pool name dblink (IN/OUT) - Specifies the database(server) to connect. This will also be used as the default pool name. dblinkLen (IN) - The length of the string pointed to by dblink. connMin (IN) - Specifies the minimum number of connections in the Connection Pool at any instant. connMin number of connections are started when OCIConnectionPoolCreate() is called. connMax (IN) - Specifies the maximum number of connections that can be opened to the database. Once this value is reached, no more connections are opened. connIncr (IN) - Allows application to set the next increment for connections to be opened to the database if the current number of connections are less than conn_max. poolUsername (IN/OUT) - Connection pooling requires an implicit proxy session and this attribute provides a username for that session. poolUserLen (IN) - This represents the length of pool_username. poolPassword (IN/OUT) - The password for the parameter pool_username passed above. poolPassLen (IN) - This represents the length of pool_password. mode (IN) - The modes supported are OCI_DEFAULT and OCI_CPOOL_REINITIALIZE Related Functions OCIConnectionPoolDestroy() --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------OCIConnectionPoolDestroy------------------------- Name: OCIConnectionPoolDestroy Purpose: Terminates the connections in the pool Syntax: OCIConnectionPoolDestroy (OCICPool *poolhp, OCIError *errhp, ub4 mode) Comments: On calling OCIConnectionPoolDestroy, all the open connections in the pool are closed and the pool is destroyed. Parameters: poolhp (IN/OUT) - An initialiazed pool handle. errhp (IN/OUT) - An error handle which can be passed to OCIErrorGet(). mode (IN) - Currently, OCIConnectionPoolDestroy() will support only the OCI_DEFAULT mode. Related Functions: OCIConnectionPoolCreate() ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------OCISessionPoolCreate----------------------------- Name: OCISessionPoolCreate Purpose: Creates the sessions in the session pool. Syntax: sword OCISessionPoolCreate (OCIEnv *envhp, OCIError *errhp, OCISpool *spoolhp, OraText **poolName, ub4 *poolNameLen, const OraText *connStr, ub4 connStrLen, ub4 sessMin, ub4 sessMax, ub4 sessIncr, OraText *userid, ub4 useridLen, OraText *password, ub4 passwordLen, ub4 mode) Comments: When OCISessionPoolCreate is called, a session pool is initialized for the associated environment and the database specified by the connStr parameter. This pool is named uniquely and the name is returned to the user in the poolname parameter. Parameters: envhp (IN/OUT) - A pointer to the environment handle in which the session pool needs to be created. errhp (IN/OUT) - An error handle which can be passed to OCIErrorGet(). spoolhp (IN/OUT) - A pointer to the session pool handle that is created. poolName (OUT) - Session pool name returned to the user. poolNameLen (OUT) - Length of the PoolName connStr (IN) - The TNS alias of the database to connect to. connStrLen (IN) - Length of the connStr. sessMin (IN) - Specifies the minimum number of sessions in the Session Pool. These are the number of sessions opened in the beginning, if in Homogeneous mode. Else, the parameter is ignored. sessMax (IN) - Specifies the maximum number of sessions in the Session Pool. Once this value is reached, no more sessions are opened, unless the OCI_ATTR_SPOOL_FORCEGET is set. userid (IN) - Specifies the userid with which to start up the sessions. useridLen (IN) - Length of userid. password (IN) - Specifies the password for the corresponding userid. passwordLen (IN) - Specifies the length of the password mode(IN) - May be OCI_DEFAULT, OCI_SPC_SPOOL_REINITIALIZE, or OCI_SPC_SPOOL_HOMOGENEOUS. Returns: SUCCESS - If pool could be allocated and created successfully. ERROR - If above conditions could not be met. Related Functions: OCISessionPoolDestroy() ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------OCISessionPoolDestroy--------------------------- Name: OCISessionPoolDestroy Purpose: Terminates all the sessions in the session pool. Syntax: sword OCISessionPoolDestroy (OCISPool *spoolhp, OCIError *errhp, ub4 mode) Comments: spoolhp (IN/OUT) - The pool handle of the session pool to be destroyed. errhp (IN/OUT) - An error handle which can be passed to OCIErrorGet(). mode (IN) - Currently only OCI_DEFAULT mode is supported. Returns: SUCCESS - All the sessions could be closed. ERROR - If the above condition is not met. Related Functions: OCISessionPoolCreate() ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------OCISessionGet--------------------------------- Name: OCISessionGet Purpose: Get a session. This could be from a session pool, connection pool or a new standalone session. Syntax: sword OCISessionGet(OCIenv *envhp, OCIError *errhp, OCISvcCtx **svchp, OCIAuthInfo *authhp, OraText *poolName, ub4 poolName_len, const OraText *tagInfo, ub4 tagInfo_len, OraText **retTagInfo, ub4 *retTagInfo_len, boolean *found, ub4 mode) Comments: envhp (IN/OUT) - OCI environment handle. errhp (IN/OUT) - OCI error handle to be passed to OCIErrorGet(). svchp (IN/OUT) - Address of an OCI service context pointer. This will be filled with a server and session handle, attached to the pool. authhp (IN/OUT) - OCI Authentication Information handle. poolName (IN) - This indicates the session/connection pool to get the session/connection from in the OCI_SPOOL/OCI_CPOOL mode. In the OCI_DEFAULT mode it refers to the connect string. poolName_len (IN) - length of poolName. tagInfo (IN) - indicates the tag of the session that the user wants. If the user wants a default session, he must specify a NULL here. Only used for Session Pooling. tagInfo_len (IN) - the length of tagInfo. retTagInfo (OUT) - This indicates the type of session that is returned to the user. Only used for Session Pooling. retTagInfo_len (OUT) - the length of retTagInfo. found (OUT) - set to true if the user gets a session he had requested, else set to false. Only used for Session Pooling. mode (IN) - The supported modes are OCI_DEFAULT, OCI_CRED_PROXY and OCI_GET_SPOOL_MATCHANY, OCI_SPOOL and OCI_CPOOL. OCI_SPOOL and OCI_CPOOL are mutually exclusive. Returns: SUCCESS - if a session was successfully returned into svchp. SUCCESS_WITH_INFO - if a session was successfully returned into svchp and the total number of sessions > maxsessions. Only valid for Session Pooling. ERROR - If a session could not be retrieved. Related Functions: OCISessionRelease() ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------OCISessionRelease--------------------------------- Name: OCISessionRelease Purpose: Release the session. Syntax: sword OCISessionRelease ( OCISvcCtx *svchp, OCIError *errhp, OraText *tag, ub4 tag_len, ub4 mode); Comments: svchp (IN/OUT) - The service context associated with the session/connection. errhp (IN/OUT) - OCI error handle to be passed to OCIErrorGet(). tag (IN) - Only used for Session Pooling. This parameter will be ignored unless mode OCI_RLS_SPOOL_RETAG is specified. In this case, the session is labelled with this tag and returned to the pool. If this is NULL, then the session is untagged. tag_len (IN) - Length of the tag. This is ignored unless mode OCI_RLS_SPOOL_RETAG is set. mode (IN) - The supported modes are OCI_DEFAULT, OCI_RLS_SPOOL_DROPSESS, OCI_RLS_SPOOL_RETAG. The last 2 are only valid for Session Pooling. When OCI_RLS_SPOOL_DROPSESS is specified, the session will be removed from the session pool. If OCI_RLS_SPOOL_RETAG is set, the tag on the session will be altered. If this mode is not set, the tag and tag_len parameters will be ignored. Returns: ERROR - If the session could not be released successfully. SUCCESS - In all other cases. Related Functions: OCISessionGet(). ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------OCIDateTimeAssign -------------------------- sword OCIDateTimeAssign(void *hndl, OCIError *err, const OCIDateTime *from, OCIDateTime *to); NAME: OCIDateTimeAssign - OCIDateTime Assignment PARAMETERS: hndl (IN) - Session/Env handle. err (IN/OUT) - error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in 'err' and this function returns OCI_ERROR. The error recorded in 'err' can be retrieved by calling OCIErrorGet(). from (IN) - datetime to be assigned to (OUT) - lhs of assignment DESCRIPTION: Performs date assignment. The type of the output will be same as that of input ------------------------------OCIDateTimeCheck---------------------------- sword OCIDateTimeCheck(void *hndl, OCIError *err, const OCIDateTime *date, ub4 *valid ); NAME: OCIDateTimeCheck - OCIDateTime CHecK if the given date is valid PARAMETERS: hndl (IN) - Session/Env handle. err (IN/OUT) - error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in 'err' and this function returns OCI_ERROR. The error recorded in 'err' can be retrieved by calling OCIErrorGet(). date (IN) - date to be checked valid (OUT) - returns zero for a valid date, otherwise the ORed combination of all error bits specified below: Macro name Bit number Error ---------- ---------- ----- OCI_DATE_INVALID_DAY 0x1 Bad day OCI_DATE_DAY_BELOW_VALID 0x2 Bad DAy Low/high bit (1=low) OCI_DATE_INVALID_MONTH 0x4 Bad MOnth OCI_DATE_MONTH_BELOW_VALID 0x8 Bad MOnth Low/high bit (1=low) OCI_DATE_INVALID_YEAR 0x10 Bad YeaR OCI_DATE_YEAR_BELOW_VALID 0x20 Bad YeaR Low/high bit (1=low) OCI_DATE_INVALID_HOUR 0x40 Bad HouR OCI_DATE_HOUR_BELOW_VALID 0x80 Bad HouR Low/high bit (1=low) OCI_DATE_INVALID_MINUTE 0x100 Bad MiNute OCI_DATE_MINUTE_BELOW_VALID 0x200 Bad MiNute Low/high bit (1=low) OCI_DATE_INVALID_SECOND 0x400 Bad SeCond OCI_DATE_SECOND_BELOW_VALID 0x800 bad second Low/high bit (1=low) OCI_DATE_DAY_MISSING_FROM_1582 0x1000 Day is one of those "missing" from 1582 OCI_DATE_YEAR_ZERO 0x2000 Year may not equal zero OCI_DATE_INVALID_TIMEZONE 0x4000 Bad Timezone OCI_DATE_INVALID_FORMAT 0x8000 Bad date format input So, for example, if the date passed in was 2/0/1990 25:61:10 in (month/day/year hours:minutes:seconds format), the error returned would be OCI_DATE_INVALID_DAY | OCI_DATE_DAY_BELOW_VALID | OCI_DATE_INVALID_HOUR | OCI_DATE_INVALID_MINUTE DESCRIPTION: Check if the given date is valid. RETURNS: OCI_SUCCESS if the function completes successfully. OCI_INVALID_HANDLE if 'err' is NULL. OCI_ERROR if 'date' and 'valid' pointers are NULL pointers ------------------------------- OCIDateTimeCompare---------------------------- sword OCIDateTimeCompare(void *hndl, OCIError *err, const OCIDateTime *date1, const OCIDateTime *date2, sword *result ); NAME: OCIDateTimeCompare - OCIDateTime CoMPare dates PARAMETERS: hndl (IN) - Session/Env handle. err (IN/OUT) - error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in 'err' and this function returns OCI_ERROR. The error recorded in 'err' can be retrieved by calling OCIErrorGet(). date1, date2 (IN) - dates to be compared result (OUT) - comparison result, 0 if equal, -1 if date1 < date2, 1 if date1 > date2 DESCRIPTION: The function OCIDateCompare compares two dates. It returns -1 if date1 is smaller than date2, 0 if they are equal, and 1 if date1 is greater than date2. RETURNS: OCI_SUCCESS if the function completes successfully. OCI_INVALID_HANDLE if 'err' is NULL. OCI_ERROR if invalid date input dates are not mutually comparable ------------------------------OCIDateTimeConvert---------------------- sword OCIDateTimeConvert(void *hndl, OCIError *err, OCIDateTime *indate, OCIDateTime *outdate); NAME: OCIDateTimeConvert - Conversion between different DATETIME types PARAMETERS: hndl (IN) - Session/Env handle. err (IN/OUT) - error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in 'err' and this function returns OCI_ERROR. The error recorded in 'err' can be retrieved by calling OCIErrorGet(). indate (IN) - pointer to input date outdate (OUT) - pointer to output datetime DESCRIPTION: Converts one datetime type to another. The result type is the type of the 'outdate' descriptor. RETURNS: OCI_SUCCESS if the function completes successfully. OCI_INVALID_HANDLE if 'err' is NULL. OCI_ERROR if conversion not possible. ---------------------------- OCIDateTimeFromText----------------------- sword OCIDateTimeFromText(void *hndl, OCIError *err, const OraText *date_str, size_t d_str_length, const OraText *fmt, ub1 fmt_length, const OraText *lang_name, size_t lang_length, OCIDateTime *date ); NAME: OCIDateTimeFromText - OCIDateTime convert String FROM Date PARAMETERS: hndl (IN) - Session/Env handle. If Session Handle is passed, the conversion takes place in session NLS_LANGUAGE and session NLS_CALENDAR, otherwise the default is used. err (IN/OUT) - error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in 'err' and this function returns OCI_ERROR. The error recorded in 'err' can be retrieved by calling OCIErrorGet(). date_str (IN) - input string to be converted to Oracle date d_str_length (IN) - size of the input string, if the length is -1 then 'date_str' is treated as a null terminated string fmt (IN) - conversion format; if 'fmt' is a null pointer, then the string is expected to be in the default format for the datetime type. fmt_length (IN) - length of the 'fmt' parameter lang_name (IN) - language in which the names and abbreviations of days and months are specified, if null i.e. (OraText *)0, the default language of session is used, lang_length (IN) - length of the 'lang_name' parameter date (OUT) - given string converted to date DESCRIPTION: Converts the given string to Oracle datetime type set in the OCIDateTime descriptor according to the specified format. Refer to "TO_DATE" conversion function described in "Oracle SQL Language Reference Manual" for a description of format. RETURNS: OCI_SUCCESS if the function completes successfully. OCI_INVALID_HANDLE if 'err' is NULL. OCI_ERROR if invalid format unknown language invalid input string --------------------------- OCIDateTimeGetDate------------------------- sword OCIDateTimeGetDate(void *hndl, OCIError *err, const OCIDateTime *date, sb2 *year, ub1 *month, ub1 *day ); NAME: OCIDateTimeGetDate - OCIDateTime Get Date (year, month, day) portion of DATETIME. PARAMETERS: hndl (IN) - Session/Env handle. err (IN/OUT) - error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in 'err' and this function returns OCI_ERROR. The error recorded in 'err' can be retrieved by calling OCIErrorGet(). datetime (IN) - Pointer to OCIDateTime year (OUT) - year value month (OUT) - month value day (OUT) - day value --------------------------- OCIDateTimeGetTime ------------------------ sword OCIDateTimeGetTime(void *hndl, OCIError *err, OCIDateTime *datetime, ub1 *hour, ub1 *minute, ub1 *sec, ub4 *fsec); NAME: OCIDateTimeGetTime - OCIDateTime Get Time (hour, min, second, fractional second) of DATETIME. PARAMETERS: hndl (IN) - Session/Env handle. err (IN/OUT) - error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in 'err' and this function returns OCI_ERROR. The error recorded in 'err' can be retrieved by calling OCIErrorGet(). datetime (IN) - Pointer to OCIDateTime hour (OUT) - hour value minute (OUT) - minute value sec (OUT) - second value fsec (OUT) - Fractional Second value --------------------------- OCIDateTimeGetTimeZoneOffset ---------------------- sword OCIDateTimeGetTimeZoneOffset(void *hndl,OCIError *err,const OCIDateTime *datetime,sb1 *hour,sb1 *minute); NAME: OCIDateTimeGetTimeZoneOffset - OCIDateTime Get TimeZone (hour, minute) portion of DATETIME. PARAMETERS: hndl (IN) - Session/Env handle. err (IN/OUT) - error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in 'err' and this function returns OCI_ERROR. The error recorded in 'err' can be retrieved by calling OCIErrorGet(). datetime (IN) - Pointer to OCIDateTime hour (OUT) - TimeZone Hour value minute (OUT) - TimeZone Minute value --------------------------- OCIDateTimeSysTimeStamp--------------------- sword OCIDateTimeSysTimeStamp(void *hndl, OCIError *err, OCIDateTime *sys_date ); NAME: OCIDateTimeSysTimeStamp - Returns system date/time as a TimeStamp with timezone PARAMETERS: hndl (IN) - Session/Env handle. err (IN/OUT) - error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in 'err' and this function returns OCI_ERROR. The error recorded in 'err' can be retrieved by calling OCIErrorGet(). sys_date (OUT) - Pointer to output timestamp DESCRIPTION: Gets the system current date and time as a timestamp with timezone RETURNS: OCI_SUCCESS if the function completes successfully. OCI_INVALID_HANDLE if 'err' is NULL. ------------------------------OCIDateTimeIntervalAdd---------------------- sword OCIDateTimeIntervalAdd(void *hndl, OCIError *err, OCIDateTime *datetime, OCIInterval *inter, OCIDateTime *outdatetime); NAME: OCIDateTimeIntervalAdd - Adds an interval to datetime PARAMETERS: hndl (IN) - Session/Env handle. err (IN/OUT) - error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in 'err' and this function returns OCI_ERROR. The error recorded in 'err' can be retrieved by calling OCIErrorGet(). datetime (IN) - pointer to input datetime inter (IN) - pointer to interval outdatetime (IN) - pointer to output datetime. The output datetime will be of same type as input datetime DESCRIPTION: Adds an interval to a datetime to produce a resulting datetime RETURNS: OCI_SUCCESS if the function completes successfully. OCI_INVALID_HANDLE if 'err' is NULL. OCI_ERROR if: resulting date is before Jan 1, -4713 resulting date is after Dec 31, 9999 ------------------------------OCIDateTimeIntervalSub---------------------- sword OCIDateTimeIntervalSub(void *hndl, OCIError *err, OCIDateTime *datetime, OCIInterval *inter, OCIDateTime *outdatetime); NAME: OCIDateTimeIntervalSub - Subtracts an interval from a datetime PARAMETERS: hndl (IN) - Session/Env handle. err (IN/OUT) - error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in 'err' and this function returns OCI_ERROR. The error recorded in 'err' can be retrieved by calling OCIErrorGet(). datetime (IN) - pointer to input datetime inter (IN) - pointer to interval outdatetime (IN) - pointer to output datetime. The output datetime will be of same type as input datetime DESCRIPTION: Subtracts an interval from a datetime and stores the result in a datetime RETURNS: OCI_SUCCESS if the function completes successfully. OCI_INVALID_HANDLE if 'err' is NULL. OCI_ERROR if: resulting date is before Jan 1, -4713 resulting date is after Dec 31, 9999 --------------------------- OCIDateTimeConstruct------------------------- sword OCIDateTimeConstruct(void *hndl,OCIError *err,OCIDateTime *datetime, sb2 year,ub1 month,ub1 day,ub1 hour,ub1 min,ub1 sec,ub4 fsec, OraText *timezone,size_t timezone_length); NAME: OCIDateTimeConstruct - Construct an OCIDateTime. Only the relevant fields for the OCIDateTime descriptor types are used. PARAMETERS: hndl (IN) - Session/Env handle. err (IN/OUT) - error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in 'err' and this function returns OCI_ERROR. The error recorded in 'err' can be retrieved by calling OCIErrorGet(). datetime (IN) - Pointer to OCIDateTime year (IN) - year value month (IN) - month value day (IN) - day value hour (IN) - hour value min (IN) - minute value sec (IN) - second value fsec (IN) - Fractional Second value timezone (IN) - Timezone string timezone_length(IN) - Length of timezone string DESCRIPTION: Constructs a DateTime descriptor. The type of the datetime is the type of the OCIDateTime descriptor. Only the relevant fields based on the type are used. For Types with timezone, the date and time fields are assumed to be in the local time of the specified timezone. If timezone is not specified, then session default timezone is assumed. RETURNS: OCI_SUCCESS if the function completes successfully. OCI_ERROR if datetime is not valid. ------------------------------OCIDateTimeSubtract----------------------- sword OCIDateTimeSubtract(void *hndl, OCIError *err, OCIDateTime *indate1, OCIDateTime *indate2, OCIInterval *inter); NAME: OCIDateTimeSubtract - subtracts two datetimes to return an interval PARAMETERS: hndl (IN) - Session/Env handle. err (IN/OUT) - error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in 'err' and this function returns OCI_ERROR. The error recorded in 'err' can be retrieved by calling OCIErrorGet(). indate1(IN) - pointer to subtrahend indate2(IN) - pointer to minuend inter (OUT) - pointer to output interval DESCRIPTION: Takes two datetimes as input and stores their difference in an interval. The type of the interval is the type of the 'inter' descriptor. RETURNS: OCI_SUCCESS if the function completes successfully. OCI_INVALID_HANDLE if 'err' is NULL. OCI_ERROR if datetimes are not comparable. --------------------------- OCIDateTimeToText-------------------------- sword OCIDateTimeToText(void *hndl, OCIError *err, const OCIDateTime *date, const OraText *fmt, ub1 fmt_length, ub1 fsprec, const OraText *lang_name, size_t lang_length, ub4 *buf_size, OraText *buf ); NAME: OCIDateTimeToText - OCIDateTime convert date TO String PARAMETERS: hndl (IN) - Session/Env handle. If Session Handle is passed, the conversion takes place in session NLS_LANGUAGE and session NLS_CALENDAR, otherwise the default is used. err (IN/OUT) - error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in 'err' and this function returns OCI_ERROR. The error recorded in 'err' can be retrieved by calling OCIErrorGet(). date (IN) - Oracle datetime to be converted fmt (IN) - conversion format, if null string pointer (OraText*)0, then the date is converted to a character string in the default format for that type. fmt_length (IN) - length of the 'fmt' parameter fsprec (IN) - specifies the fractional second precision in which the fractional seconds is returned. lang_name (IN) - specifies the language in which the names and abbreviations of months and days are returned; default language of session is used if 'lang_name' is null i.e. (OraText *)0 lang_length (IN) - length of the 'nls_params' parameter buf_size (IN/OUT) - size of the buffer; size of the resulting string is returned via this parameter buf (OUT) - buffer into which the converted string is placed DESCRIPTION: Converts the given date to a string according to the specified format. Refer to "TO_DATE" conversion function described in "Oracle SQL Language Reference Manual" for a description of format and NLS arguments. The converted null-terminated date string is stored in the buffer 'buf'. RETURNS: OCI_SUCCESS if the function completes successfully. OCI_INVALID_HANDLE if 'err' is NULL. OCI_ERROR if buffer too small invalid format unknown language overflow error ----------------------------OCIDateTimeGetTimeZoneName------------------------ sword OCIDateTimeGetTimeZoneName(void *hndl, OCIError *err, const OCIDateTime *datetime, ub1 *buf, ub4 *buflen); NAME OCIDateTimeGetTimeZoneName - OCI DateTime Get the Time Zone Name PARAMETERS: hndl (IN) - Session/Env handle. err (IN/OUT) - error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in 'err' and this function returns OCI_ERROR. The error recorded in 'err' can be retrieved by calling OCIErrorGet(). datetime (IN) - Pointer to an OCIDateTime. buf (OUT) - User allocated storage for name string. buflen (IN/OUT) - length of buf on input, length of name on out DESCRIPTION: Returns either the timezone region name or the absolute hour and minute offset. If the DateTime was created with a region id then the region name will be returned in the buf. If the region id is zero, then the hour and minute offset is returned as "[-]HH:MM". RETURNS: OCI_SUCCESS if the function completes successfully. OCI_INVALID_HANDLE if 'err' is NULL. OCI_ERROR if buffer too small error retrieving timezone data invalid region invalid LdiDateTime type ---------------------------------OCIDateTimeToArray---------------------------- sword OCIDateTimeToArray(void *hndl, OCIError *err, const OCIDateTime *datetime, const OCIInterval *reftz, ub1 *outarray, ub4 *len ub1 *fsprec); NAME OCIDateTimeToArray - OCI DateTime convert To Array format PARAMETERS: hndl (IN) - Session/Env handle. err (IN/OUT) - error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in 'err' and this function returns OCI_ERROR. The error recorded in 'err' can be retrieved by calling OCIErrorGet(). datetime (IN) - Pointer to OCIDateTime to be converted. outarray (OUT) - Result array storage len (OUT) - pointer to length of outarray. fsprec (IN) - Number of fractional seconds digits. DESCRIPTION: Returns an array representing the input DateTime descriptor. RETURNS: OCI_SUCCESS if the function completes successfully. OCI_INVALID_HANDLE if 'err' is NULL. OCI_ERROR if buffer too small error retrieving timezone data invalid region invalid LdiDateTime type --------------------------------OCIDateTimeFromArray--------------------------- sword OCIDateTimeFromArray(void *hndl, OCIError *err, ub1 *inarray, ub4 len ub1 type OCIDateTime *datetime, OCIInterval *reftz, ub1 fsprec); NAME OCIDateTimeFromArray - OCI DateTime convert From Array format PARAMETERS: hndl (IN) - Session/Env handle. err (IN/OUT) - error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in 'err' and this function returns OCI_ERROR. The error recorded in 'err' can be retrieved by calling OCIErrorGet(). inarray (IN) - Pointer to input array representtion of DateTime len (IN) - len of inarray. type (IN) - One of SQLT_DATE, SQLT_TIME, SQLT_TIME_TZ, SQLT_TIMESTAMP, SQLT_TIMESTAMP_TZ, or SQLT_TIMESTAMP_LTZ. datetime (OUT) - Pointer to the result OCIDateTime. reftz (IN) - timezone interval used with SQLT_TIMESTAMP_LTZ. fsprec (IN) - fractionl seconds digits of precision (0-9). DESCRIPTION: Returns a pointer to an OCIDateTime of type type converted from the inarray. RETURNS: OCI_SUCCESS if the function completes successfully. OCI_INVALID_HANDLE if 'err' is NULL. OCI_ERROR if buffer too small error retrieving timezone data invalid region invalid LdiDateTime type ----------------------------------OCIRowidToChar----------------------------- Name OCIRowidToChar Purpose Converts physical/logical (universal) ROWID to chracter extended (Base 64) representation into user provided buffer outbfp of length outbflp. After execution outbflp contains amount of bytes converted.In case of truncation error, outbflp contains required size to make this conversion successful and returns ORA-1405. Syntax sword OCIRowidToChar( OCIRowid *rowidDesc, OraText *outbfp, ub2 *outbflp, OCIError *errhp) Comments After this conversion, ROWID in character format can be bound using OCIBindByPos or OCIBindByName call and used to query a row at a desired ROWID. Parameters rowidDesc (IN) - rowid DESCriptor which is allocated from OCIDescritorAlloc and populated by a prior SQL statement execution outbfp (OUT) - pointer to the buffer where converted rowid in character representation is stored after successful execution. outbflp (IN/OUT) - pointer to output buffer length variable. Before execution (IN mode) *outbflp contains the size of outbfp, after execution (OUT mode) *outbflp contains amount of bytes converted. In an event of truncation during conversion *outbflp contains the required length to make conversion successful. errhp (IN/OUT) - an error handle which can be passed to OCIErrorGet() for diagnostic information in the event of an error. ------------------------------OCIDefineArrayOfStruct-------------------------- OCIDefineArrayOfStruct() Name OCI Define for Array of Structures Purpose This call specifies additional attributes necessary for a static array define. Syntax sword OCIDefineArrayOfStruct ( OCIDefine *defnp, OCIError *errhp, ub4 pvskip, ub4 indskip, ub4 rlskip, ub4 rcskip ); Comments This call specifies additional attributes necessary for an array define, used in an array of structures (multi-row, multi-column) fetch. For more information about skip parameters, see the section "Skip Parameters" on page 4-17. Parameters defnp (IN) - the handle to the define structure which was returned by a call to OCIDefineByPos(). errhp (IN) - an error handle which can be passed to OCIErrorGet() for diagnostic information in the event of an error. pvskip (IN) - skip parameter for the next data value. indskip (IN) - skip parameter for the next indicator location. rlskip (IN) - skip parameter for the next return length value. rcskip (IN) - skip parameter for the next return code. Related Functions OCIAttrGet() OCIDefineByPos() Name OCI Define By Position Purpose Associates an item in a select-list with the type and output data buffer. Syntax sb4 OCIDefineByPos ( OCIStmt *stmtp, OCIDefine **defnp, OCIError *errhp, ub4 position, void *valuep, sb4 value_sz, ub2 dty, void *indp, ub2 *rlenp, ub2 *rcodep, ub4 mode ); Comments This call defines an output buffer which will receive data retreived from Oracle. The define is a local step which is necessary when a SELECT statement returns data to your OCI application. This call also implicitly allocates the define handle for the select-list item. Defining attributes of a column for a fetch is done in one or more calls. The first call is to OCIDefineByPos(), which defines the minimal attributes required to specify the fetch. This call takes as a parameter a define handle, which must have been previously allocated with a call to OCIHandleAlloc(). Following the call to OCIDefineByPos() additional define calls may be necessary for certain data types or fetch modes: A call to OCIDefineArrayOfStruct() is necessary to set up skip parameters for an array fetch of multiple columns. A call to OCIDefineObject() is necessary to set up the appropriate attributes of a named data type fetch. In this case the data buffer pointer in ocidefn() is ignored. Both OCIDefineArrayOfStruct() and OCIDefineObject() must be called after ocidefn() in order to fetch multiple rows with a column of named data types. For a LOB define, the buffer pointer must be a lob locator of type OCILobLocator , allocated by the OCIDescAlloc() call. LOB locators, and not LOB values, are always returned for a LOB column. LOB values can then be fetched using OCI LOB calls on the fetched locator. For NCHAR (fixed and varying length), the buffer pointer must point to an array of bytes sufficient for holding the required NCHAR characters. Nested table columns are defined and fetched like any other named data type. If the mode parameter is this call is set to OCI_DYNAMIC_FETCH, the client application can fetch data dynamically at runtime. Runtime data can be provided in one of two ways: callbacks using a user-defined function which must be registered with a subsequent call to OCIDefineDynamic(). When the client library needs a buffer to return the fetched data, the callback will be invoked and the runtime buffers provided will return a piece or the whole data. a polling mechanism using calls supplied by the OCI. This mode is assumed if no callbacks are defined. In this case, the fetch call returns the OCI_NEED_DATA error code, and a piecewise polling method is used to provide the data. Related Functions: For more information about using the OCI_DYNAMIC_FETCH mode, see the section "Runtime Data Allocation and Piecewise Operations" on page 5-16 of Volume 1.. For more information about the define step, see the section "Defining" on page 2-30. Parameters stmtp (IN) - a handle to the requested SQL query operation. defnp (IN/OUT) - a pointer to a pointer to a define handle which is implicitly allocated by this call. This handle is used to store the define information for this column. errhp (IN) - an error handle which can be passed to OCIErrorGet() for diagnostic information in the event of an error. position (IN) - the position of this value in the select list. Positions are 1-based and are numbered from left to right. For example, in the SELECT statement SELECT empno, ssn, mgrno FROM employees; empno is at position 1, ssn is at position 2, and mgrno is at position 3. valuep (IN/OUT) - a pointer to a buffer or an array of buffers of the type specified in the dty parameter. A number of buffers can be specified when results for more than one row are desired in a single fetch call. value_sz (IN) - the size of each valuep buffer in bytes. If the data is stored internally in VARCHAR2 format, the number of characters desired, if different from the buffer size in bytes, may be additionally specified by the using OCIAttrSet(). In an NLS conversion environment, a truncation error will be generated if the number of bytes specified is insufficient to handle the number of characters desired. dty (IN) - the data type. Named data type (SQLT_NTY) and REF (SQLT_REF) are valid only if the environment has been intialized with in object mode. indp - pointer to an indicator variable or array. For scalar data types, pointer to sb2 or an array of sb2s. Ignored for named data types. For named data types, a pointer to a named data type indicator structure or an array of named data type indicator structures is associated by a subsequent OCIDefineObject() call. See the section "Indicator Variables" on page 2-43 for more information about indicator variables. rlenp (IN/OUT) - pointer to array of length of data fetched. Each element in rlenp is the length of the data in the corresponding element in the row after the fetch. rcodep (OUT) - pointer to array of column-level return codes mode (IN) - the valid modes are: OCI_DEFAULT. This is the default mode. OCI_DYNAMIC_FETCH. For applications requiring dynamically allocated data at the time of fetch, this mode must be used. The user may additionally call OCIDefineDynamic() to set up a callback function that will be invoked to receive the dynamically allocated buffers and to set up the memory allocate/free callbacks and the context for the callbacks. valuep and value_sz are ignored in this mode. Related Functions OCIDefineArrayOfStruct(), OCIDefineDynamic(), OCIDefineObject() OCIDefineDynamic() Name OCI Define Dynamic Fetch Attributes Purpose This call is used to set the additional attributes required if the OCI_DYNAMIC_FETCH mode was selected in OCIDefineByPos(). Syntax sword OCIDefineDynamic( OCIDefine *defnp, OCIError *errhp, void *octxp, OCICallbackDefine (ocbfp)( void *octxp, OCIDefine *defnp, ub4 iter, void **bufpp, ub4 **alenpp, ub1 *piecep, void **indpp, ub2 **rcodep) ); Comments This call is used to set the additional attributes required if the OCI_DYNAMIC_FETCH mode has been selected in a call to OCIDefineByPos(). When the OCI_DYNAMIC_FETCH mode is selected, buffers will be dynamically allocated for REF, and named data type, values to receive the data. The pointers to these buffers will be returned. If OCI_DYNAMIC_FETCH mode was selected, and the call to OCIDefineDynamic() is skipped, then the application can fetch data piecewise using OCI calls. For more information about OCI_DYNAMIC_FETCH mode, see the section "Runtime Data Allocation and Piecewise Operations" on page 5-16. Parameters defnp (IN/OUT) - the handle to a define structure returned by a call to OCIDefineByPos(). errhp (IN/OUT) - an error handle which can be passed to OCIErrorGet() for diagnostic information in the event of an error. octxp (IN) - points to a context for the callback function. ocbfp (IN) - points to a callback function. This is invoked at runtime to get a pointer to the buffer into which the fetched data or a piece of it will be retreived. The callback also specifies the indicator, the return code and the lengths of the data piece and indicator. The callback has the following parameters: octxp (IN) - a context pointer passed as an argument to all the callback functions. defnp (IN) - the define handle. iter (IN) - which row of this current fetch. bufpp (OUT) - returns a pointer to a buffer to store the column value, ie. *bufp points to some appropriate storage for the column value. alenpp (OUT) - returns a pointer to the length of the buffer. *alenpp contains the size of the buffer after return from callback. Gets set to actual data size after fetch. piecep (IN/OUT) - returns a piece value, as follows: The IN value can be OCI_ONE_PIECE, OCI_FIRST_PIECE or OCI_NEXT_PIECE. The OUT value can be OCI_ONE_PIECE if the IN value was OCI_ONE_PIECE. The OUT value can be OCI_ONE_PIECE or OCI_FIRST_PIECE if the IN value was OCI_FIRST_PIECE. The OUT value can only be OCI_NEXT_PIECE or OCI_LAST_PIECE if the IN value was OCI_NEXT_PIECE. indpp (IN) - indicator variable pointer rcodep (IN) - return code variable pointer Related Functions OCIAttrGet() OCIDefineObject() OCIDefineObject() Name OCI Define Named Data Type attributes Purpose Sets up additional attributes necessary for a Named Data Type define. Syntax sword OCIDefineObject ( OCIDefine *defnp, OCIError *errhp, const OCIType *type, void **pgvpp, ub4 *pvszsp, void **indpp, ub4 *indszp ); Comments This call sets up additional attributes necessary for a Named Data Type define. An error will be returned if this function is called when the OCI environment has been initialized in non-Object mode. This call takes as a paramter a type descriptor object (TDO) of datatype OCIType for the named data type being defined. The TDO can be retrieved with a call to OCITypeByName(). See the description of OCIInitialize() on page 13 - 43 for more information about initializing the OCI process environment. Parameters defnp (IN/OUT) - a define handle previously allocated in a call to OCIDefineByPos(). errhp (IN/OUT) - an error handle which can be passed to OCIErrorGet() for diagnostic information in the event of an error. type (IN, optional) - points to the Type Descriptor Object (TDO) which describes the type of the program variable. Only used for program variables of type SQLT_NTY. This parameter is optional, and may be passed as NULL if it is not being used. pgvpp (IN/OUT) - points to a pointer to a program variable buffer. For an array, pgvpp points to an array of pointers. Memory for the fetched named data type instance(s) is dynamically allocated in the object cache. At the end of the fetch when all the values have been received, pgvpp points to the pointer(s) to these newly allocated named data type instance(s). The application must call OCIObjectMarkDel() to deallocate the named data type instance(s) when they are no longer needed. pvszsp (IN/OUT) - points to the size of the program variable. For an array, it is an array of ub4s. On return points to the size(s) of unpickled fetched values. indpp (IN/OUT) - points to a pointer to the program variable buffer containing the parallel indicator structure. For an array, points to an array of pointers. Memory is allocated to store the indicator structures in the object cache. At the end of the fetch when all values have been received, indpp points to the pointer(s) to these newly allocated indicator structure(s). indszp (IN/OUT) - points to the size(s) of the indicator structure program variable. For an array, it is an array of ub4s. On return points to the size(s) of the unpickled fetched indicator values. Related Functions OCIAttrGet() OCIDescAlloc() Name OCI Get DESCriptor or lob locator Purpose Allocates storage to hold certain data types. The descriptors can be used as bind or define variables. Syntax sword OCIDescAlloc ( const void *parenth, void **descpp, ub4 type, size_t xtramem_sz, void **usrmempp); Comments Returns a pointer to an allocated and initialized structure, corresponding to the type specified in type. A non-NULL descriptor or LOB locator is returned on success. No diagnostics are available on error. This call returns OCI_SUCCESS if successful, or OCI_INVALID_HANDLE if an out-of-memory error occurs. Parameters parenth (IN) - an environment handle. descpp (OUT) - returns a descriptor or LOB locator of desired type. type (IN) - specifies the type of descriptor or LOB locator to be allocated. The specific types are: OCI_DTYPE_SNAP - specifies generation of snapshot descriptor of C type - OCISnapshot OCI_DTYPE_LOB - specifies generation of a LOB data type locator of C type - OCILobLocator OCI_DTYPE_RSET - specifies generation of a descriptor of C type OCIResult that references a result set (a number of rows as a result of a query). This descriptor is bound to a bind variable of data type SQLT_RSET (result set). The descriptor has to be converted into a statement handle using a function - OCIResultSetToStmt() - which can then be passed to OCIDefineByPos() and OCIStmtFetch() to retrieve the rows of the result set. OCI_DTYPE_ROWID - specifies generation of a ROWID descriptor of C type OCIRowid. OCI_DTYPE_COMPLEXOBJECTCOMP - specifies generation of a complex object retrieval descriptor of C type OCIComplexObjectComp. xtramemsz (IN) - specifies an amount of user memory to be allocated for use by the application. usrmempp (OUT) - returns a pointer to the user memory of size xtramemsz allocated by the call for the user. Related Functions OCIDescFree() OCIDescFree() Name OCI Free DESCriptor Purpose Deallocates a previously allocated descriptor. Syntax sword OCIDescFree ( void *descp, ub4 type); Comments This call frees up storage associated with the descriptor, corresponding to the type specified in type. Returns OCI_SUCCESS or OCI_INVALID_HANDLE. All descriptors must be explicitly deallocated. OCI will not deallocate a descriptor if the environment handle is deallocated. Parameters descp (IN) - an allocated descriptor. type (IN) - specifies the type of storage to be freed. The specific types are: OCI_DTYPE_SNAP - snapshot descriptor OCI_DTYPE_LOB - a LOB data type descriptor OCI_DTYPE_RSET - a descriptor that references a result set (a number of rows as a result of a query). OCI_DTYPE_ROWID - a ROWID descriptor OCI_DTYPE_COMPLEXOBJECTCOMP - a complex object retrieval descriptor Related Functions OCIDescAlloc() OCIDescribeAny() Name OCI DeSCribe Any Purpose Describes existing schema objects. Syntax sword OCIDescribeAny ( OCISvcCtx *svchp, OCIError *errhp, void *objptr, ub4 objnm_len, ub1 objptr_typ, ub1 info_level, ub1 objtype, OCIDesc *dschp ); Comments This is a generic describe call that describes existing schema objects: tables, views, synonyms, procedures, functions, packages, sequences, and types. As a result of this call, the describe handle is populated with the object-specific attributes which can be obtained through an OCIAttrGet() call. An OCIParamGet() on the describe handle returns a parameter descriptor for a specified position. Parameter positions begin with 1. Calling OCIAttrGet() on the parameter descriptor returns the specific attributes of a stored procedure or function parameter or a table column descriptor as the case may be. These subsequent calls do not need an extra round trip to the server because the entire schema object description cached on the client side by OCIDescribeAny(). Calling OCIAttrGet() on the describe handle can also return the total number of positions. See the section "Describing" on page 2-33 for more information about describe operations. Parameters TO BE UPDATED svchp (IN/OUT) - a service context handle. errhp (IN/OUT) - an error handle which can be passed to OCIErrorGet() for diagnostic information in the event of an error. objptr (IN) - the name of the object (a null-terminated string) to be described. Only procedure or function names are valid when connected to an Oracle7 Server. objptr_len (IN) - the length of the string. Must be non-zero. objptr_typ (IN) - Must be OCI_OTYPE_NAME, OCI_OTYPE_REF, or OCI_OTYPE_PTR. info_level (IN) - reserved for future extensions. Pass OCI_DEFAULT. objtype (IN/OUT) - object type. dschp (IN/OUT) - a describe handle that is populated with describe information about the object after the call. Related Functions OCIAttrGet() OCIEnvCreate() Name OCI ENVironment CREATE Purpose This function creates and initializes an environment for the rest of the OCI functions to work under. This call is a replacement for both the OCIInitialize and OCIEnvInit calls. Syntax sword OCIEnvCreate ( OCIEnv **envhpp, ub4 mode, const void *ctxp, const void *(*malocfp) (void *ctxp, size_t size), const void *(*ralocfp) (void *ctxp, void *memptr, size_t newsize), const void (*mfreefp) ( void *ctxp, void *memptr)) size_t xtramemsz, void **usrmempp ); Comments This call creates an environment for all the OCI calls using the modes specified by the user. This call can be used instead of the two calls OCIInitialize and OCIEnvInit. This function returns an environment handle which is then used by the remaining OCI functions. There can be multiple environments in OCI each with its own environment modes. This function also performs any process level initialization if required by any mode. For example if the user wants to initialize an environment as OCI_THREADED, then all libraries that are used by OCI are also initialized in the threaded mode. This call should be invoked before anny other OCI call and should be used instead of the OCIInitialize and OCIEnvInit calls. This is the recommended call, although OCIInitialize and OCIEnvInit calls will still be supported for backward compatibility. envpp (OUT) - a pointer to a handle to the environment. mode (IN) - specifies initialization of the mode. The valid modes are: OCI_DEFAULT - default mode. OCI_THREADED - threaded environment. In this mode, internal data structures are protected from concurrent accesses by multiple threads. OCI_OBJECT - will use navigational object interface. ctxp (IN) - user defined context for the memory call back routines. malocfp (IN) - user-defined memory allocation function. If mode is OCI_THREADED, this memory allocation routine must be thread safe. ctxp - context pointer for the user-defined memory allocation function. size - size of memory to be allocated by the user-defined memory allocation function ralocfp (IN) - user-defined memory re-allocation function. If mode is OCI_THREADED, this memory allocation routine must be thread safe. ctxp - context pointer for the user-defined memory reallocation function. memp - pointer to memory block newsize - new size of memory to be allocated mfreefp (IN) - user-defined memory free function. If mode is OCI_THREADED, this memory free routine must be thread safe. ctxp - context pointer for the user-defined memory free function. memptr - pointer to memory to be freed xtramemsz (IN) - specifies the amount of user memory to be allocated. usrmempp (OUT) - returns a pointer to the user memory of size xtramemsz allocated by the call for the user. Example Related Functions OCIInitialize, OCIEnvInit OCIEnvNlsCreate() Name OCI ENVironment CREATE with NLS info Purpose This function does almost everything OCIEnvCreate does, plus enabling setting of charset and ncharset programmatically, except OCI_UTF16 mode. Syntax sword OCIEnvNlsCreate(OCIEnv **envhpp, ub4 mode, void *ctxp, void *(*malocfp) (void *ctxp, size_t size), void *(*ralocfp) (void *ctxp, void *memptr, size_t newsize), void (*mfreefp) (void *ctxp, void *memptr), size_t xtramemsz, void **usrmempp, ub2 charset, ub2 ncharset) Comments The charset and ncharset must be both zero or non-zero. The parameters have the same meaning as the ones in OCIEnvCreate(). When charset or ncharset is non-zero, the corresponding character set will be used to replace the ones specified in NLS_LANG or NLS_NCHAR. Moreover, OCI_UTF16ID is allowed to be set as charset and ncharset. On the other hand, OCI_UTF16 mode is deprecated with this function. Applications can achieve the same effects by setting both charset and ncharset as OCI_UTF16ID. OCIEnvInit() Name OCI INITialize environment Purpose This call initializes the OCI environment handle. Syntax sword OCIEnvInit ( OCIEnv **envp, ub4 mode, size_t xtramemsz, void **usrmempp ); Comments Initializes the OCI environment handle. No changes are done on an initialized handle. If OCI_ERROR or OCI_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO is returned, the environment handle can be used to obtain ORACLE specific errors and diagnostics. This call is processed locally, without a server round-trip. Parameters envpp (OUT) - a pointer to a handle to the environment. mode (IN) - specifies initialization of an environment mode. The only valid mode is OCI_DEFAULT for default mode xtramemsz (IN) - specifies the amount of user memory to be allocated. usrmempp (OUT) - returns a pointer to the user memory of size xtramemsz allocated by the call for the user. Example See the description of OCISessionBegin() on page 13-84 for an example showing the use of OCIEnvInit(). Related Functions OCIErrorGet() Name OCI Get Diagnostic Record Purpose Returns an error message in the buffer provided and an ORACLE error. Syntax sword OCIErrorGet ( void *hndlp, ub4 recordno, OraText *sqlstate, ub4 *errcodep, OraText *bufp, ub4 bufsiz, ub4 type ); Comments Returns an error message in the buffer provided and an ORACLE error. Currently does not support SQL state. This call can be called a multiple number of times if there are more than one diagnostic record for an error. The error handle is originally allocated with a call to OCIHandleAlloc(). Parameters hndlp (IN) - the error handle, in most cases, or the environment handle (for errors on OCIEnvInit(), OCIHandleAlloc()). recordno (IN) - indicates the status record from which the application seeks info. Starts from 1. sqlstate (OUT) - Not supported in Version 8.0. errcodep (OUT) - an ORACLE Error is returned. bufp (OUT) - the error message text is returned. bufsiz (IN) - the size of the buffer provide to get the error message. type (IN) - the type of the handle. Related Functions OCIHandleAlloc() OCIExtractInit Name OCI Extract Initialize Purpose This function initializes the parameter manager. Syntax sword OCIExtractInit(void *hndl, OCIError *err); Comments It must be called before calling any other parameter manager routine. The NLS information is stored inside the parameter manager context and used in subsequent calls to OCIExtract routines. Returns OCI_SUCCESS, OCI_INVALID_HANDLE, or OCI_ERROR Parameters hndl (IN/OUT) - The OCI environment or session handle. err (IN/OUT) - The OCI error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in err and this function returns OCI_ERROR. Diagnostic information can be obtained by calling OCIErrorGet(). Related Functions OCIExtractTerm() OCIExtractTerm Name OCI Extract Terminate Purpose This function releases all dynamically allocated storage and may perform other internal bookkeeping functions. Syntax sword OCIExtractTerm(void *hndl, OCIError *err); Comments It must be called when the parameter manager is no longer being used. Returns OCI_SUCCESS, OCI_INVALID_HANDLE, or OCI_ERROR Parameters hndl (IN/OUT) - The OCI environment or session handle. err (IN/OUT) - The OCI error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in err and this function returns OCI_ERROR. Diagnostic information can be obtained by calling OCIErrorGet(). Related Functions OCIExtractInit() OCIExtractReset Name OCI Extract Reset Purpose The memory currently used for parameter storage, key definition storage, and parameter value lists is freed and the structure is reinitialized. Syntax sword OCIExtractReset(void *hndl, OCIError *err); Comments Returns OCI_SUCCESS, OCI_INVALID_HANDLE, or OCI_ERROR Parameters hndl (IN/OUT) - The OCI environment or session handle. err (IN/OUT) - The OCI error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in err and this function returns OCI_ERROR. Diagnostic information can be obtained by calling OCIErrorGet(). Related Functions OCIExtractSetNumKeys Name OCI Extract Set Number of Keys Purpose Informs the parameter manager of the number of keys that will be registered. Syntax sword OCIExtractSetNumKeys(void *hndl, OCIError *err, uword numkeys); Comments This routine must be called prior to the first call of OCIExtractSetKey(). Returns OCI_SUCCESS, OCI_INVALID_HANDLE, or OCI_ERROR Parameters hndl (IN/OUT) - The OCI environment or session handle. err (IN/OUT) - The OCI error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in err and this function returns OCI_ERROR. Diagnostic information can be obtained by calling OCIErrorGet(). numkeys (IN) - The number of keys that will be registered with OCIExtractSetKey(). Related Functions OCIExtractSetKey() OCIExtractSetKey Name OCI Extract Set Key definition Purpose Registers information about a key with the parameter manager. Syntax sword OCIExtractSetKey(void *hndl, OCIError *err, const OraText *name, ub1 type, ub4 flag, const void *defval, const sb4 *intrange, const OraText *const *strlist); Comments This routine must be called after calling OCIExtractSetKey() and before calling OCIExtractFromFile() or OCIExtractFromStr(). Returns OCI_SUCCESS, OCI_INVALID_HANDLE, or OCI_ERROR Parameters hndl (IN/OUT) - The OCI environment or session handle. err (IN/OUT) - The OCI error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in err and this function returns OCI_ERROR. Diagnostic information can be obtained by calling OCIErrorGet(). name (IN) - The name of the key. type (IN) - The type of the key (OCI_EXTRACT_TYPE_INTEGER, OCI_EXTRACT_TYPE_OCINUM, OCI_EXTRACT_TYPE_STRING, or OCI_EXTRACT_TYPE_BOOLEAN). flag (IN) - Set to OCI_EXTRACT_MULTIPLE if the key can take multiple values or 0 otherwise. defval (IN) - Set to the default value for the key. May be NULL if there is no default. A string default must be a (text*) type, an integer default must be an (sb4*) type, and a boolean default must be a (ub1*) type. intrange (IN) - Starting and ending values for the allowable range of integer values. May be NULL if the key is not an integer type or if all integer values are acceptable. strlist (IN) - List of all acceptable text strings for the key. May be NULL if the key is not a string type or if all text values are acceptable. Related Functions OCIExtractSetNumKeys() OCIExtractFromFile Name OCI Extract parameters From File Purpose The keys and their values in the given file are processed. Syntax sword OCIExtractFromFile(void *hndl, OCIError *err, ub4 flag, OraText *filename); Comments Returns OCI_SUCCESS, OCI_INVALID_HANDLE, or OCI_ERROR Parameters hndl (IN/OUT) - The OCI environment or session handle. err (IN/OUT) - The OCI error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in err and this function returns OCI_ERROR. Diagnostic information can be obtained by calling OCIErrorGet(). flag (IN) - Zero or has one or more of the following bits set: OCI_EXTRACT_CASE_SENSITIVE, OCI_EXTRACT_UNIQUE_ABBREVS, or OCI_EXTRACT_APPEND_VALUES. filename (IN) - Null-terminated filename string. Related Functions OCIExtractFromStr Name OCI Extract parameters From String Purpose The keys and their values in the given string are processed. Syntax sword OCIExtractFromStr(void *hndl, OCIError *err, ub4 flag, OraText *input); Comments Returns OCI_SUCCESS, OCI_INVALID_HANDLE, or OCI_ERROR Parameters hndl (IN/OUT) - The OCI environment or session handle. err (IN/OUT) - The OCI error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in err and this function returns OCI_ERROR. Diagnostic information can be obtained by calling OCIErrorGet(). flag (IN) - Zero or has one or more of the following bits set: OCI_EXTRACT_CASE_SENSITIVE, OCI_EXTRACT_UNIQUE_ABBREVS, or OCI_EXTRACT_APPEND_VALUES. input (IN) - Null-terminated input string. Related Functions OCIExtractToInt Name OCI Extract To Integer Purpose Gets the integer value for the specified key. Syntax sword OCIExtractToInt(void *hndl, OCIError *err, OraText *keyname, uword valno, sb4 *retval); Comments The valno'th value (starting with 0) is returned. Returns OCI_SUCCESS, OCI_INVALID_HANDLE, OCI_NO_DATA, or OCI_ERROR. OCI_NO_DATA means that there is no valno'th value for this key. Parameters hndl (IN) - The OCI environment or session handle. err (IN/OUT) - The OCI error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in err and this function returns OCI_ERROR. Diagnostic information can be obtained by calling OCIErrorGet(). keyname (IN) - Key name. valno (IN) - Which value to get for this key. retval (OUT) - The actual integer value. Related Functions OCIExtractToBool Name OCI Extract To Boolean Purpose Gets the boolean value for the specified key. Syntax sword OCIExtractToBool(void *hndl, OCIError *err, OraText *keyname, uword valno, ub1 *retval); Comments The valno'th value (starting with 0) is returned. Returns OCI_SUCCESS, OCI_INVALID_HANDLE, OCI_NO_DATA, or OCI_ERROR. OCI_NO_DATA means that there is no valno'th value for this key. Parameters hndl (IN) - The OCI environment or session handle. err (IN/OUT) - The OCI error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in err and this function returns OCI_ERROR. Diagnostic information can be obtained by calling OCIErrorGet(). keyname (IN) - Key name. valno (IN) - Which value to get for this key. retval (OUT) - The actual boolean value. Related Functions OCIExtractToStr Name OCI Extract To String Purpose Gets the string value for the specified key. Syntax sword OCIExtractToStr(void *hndl, OCIError *err, OraText *keyname, uword valno, OraText *retval, uword buflen); Comments The valno'th value (starting with 0) is returned. Returns OCI_SUCCESS, OCI_INVALID_HANDLE, OCI_NO_DATA, or OCI_ERROR. OCI_NO_DATA means that there is no valno'th value for this key. Parameters hndl (IN) - The OCI environment or session handle. err (IN/OUT) - The OCI error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in err and this function returns OCI_ERROR. Diagnostic information can be obtained by calling OCIErrorGet(). keyname (IN) - Key name. valno (IN) - Which value to get for this key. retval (OUT) - The actual null-terminated string value. buflen (IN) - The length of the buffer for retval. Related Functions Note: The following OCIExtract functions are unavailable in this release OCIExtractToOCINum Name OCI Extract To OCI Number Purpose Gets the OCINumber value for the specified key. Syntax sword OCIExtractToOCINum(void *hndl, OCIError *err, OraText *keyname, uword valno, OCINumber *retval); Comments The valno'th value (starting with 0) is returned. Returns OCI_SUCCESS, OCI_INVALID_HANDLE, OCI_NO_DATA, or OCI_ERROR. OCI_NO_DATA means that there is no valno'th value for this key. Parameters hndl (IN) - The OCI environment or session handle. err (IN/OUT) - The OCI error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in err and this function returns OCI_ERROR. Diagnostic information can be obtained by calling OCIErrorGet(). keyname (IN) - Key name. valno (IN) - Which value to get for this key. retval (OUT) - The actual OCINumber value. Related Functions OCIExtractToList Name OCI Extract To parameter List Purpose Generates a list of parameters from the parameter structures that are stored in memory. Syntax sword OCIExtractToList(void *hndl, OCIError *err, uword *numkeys); Comments Must be called before OCIExtractValues() is called. Returns OCI_SUCCESS, OCI_INVALID_HANDLE, or OCI_ERROR Parameters hndl (IN) - The OCI environment or session handle. err (IN/OUT) - The OCI error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in err and this function returns OCI_ERROR. Diagnostic information can be obtained by calling OCIErrorGet(). numkeys (OUT) - Number of distinct keys stored in memory. Related Functions OCIExtractFromList() OCIExtractFromList Name OCI Extract From parameter List Purpose Generates a list of values for the a parameter in the parameter list. Syntax sword OCIExtractFromList(void *hndl, OCIError *err, uword index, OraText *name, ub1 *type, uword *numvals, void ***values); Comments Parameters are specified by an index. OCIExtractToList() must be called prior to calling this routine to generate the parameter list from the parameter structures that are stored in memory. Returns OCI_SUCCESS, OCI_INVALID_HANDLE, or OCI_ERROR Parameters hndl (IN) - The OCI environment or session handle. err (IN/OUT) - The OCI error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in err and this function returns OCI_ERROR. Diagnostic information can be obtained by calling OCIErrorGet(). name (OUT) - Name of the key for the current parameter. type (OUT) - Type of the current parameter (OCI_EXTRACT_TYPE_STRING, OCI_EXTRACT_TYPE_INTEGER, OCI_EXTRACT_TYPE_OCINUM, or OCI_EXTRACT_TYPE_BOOLEAN) numvals (OUT) - Number of values for this parameter. values (OUT) - The values for this parameter. Related Functions OCIExtractToList() ************************ OCIFileClose() *********************************** Name OCIFileClose - Oracle Call Interface FILE i/o CLOSE Purpose Close a previously opened file. Syntax sword OCIFileClose ( void *hndl, OCIError *err, OCIFileObject *filep ) Comments This function will close a previously opened file. If the function succeeds then OCI_SUCCESS will be returned, else OCI_ERROR. Parameters hndl (IN) - the OCI environment or session handle. err (OUT) - the OCI error handle filep (IN) - the OCIFile file object Related Functions OCIFileOpen. ********************* OCIFileExists() ************************************** Name OCIFileExists - Oracle Call Interface FILE i/o EXIST Purpose Check to see if the file exists. Syntax sword OCIFileExists ( void *hndl, OCIError *err, OraText *filename, OraText *path, ub1 *flag ) Comments This function will set the flag to TRUE if the file exists else it will be set to FALSE. The function will return OCI_ERROR if any error is encountered, else it will return OCI_ERROR. Parameters hndl(IN) - OCI environment or session handle err(OUT) - OCI error handle filename(IN) - filename path(IN) - path of the file flag(OUT) - whether the file exists or not Related Functions. None. **************************** OCIFileFlush() ****************************** Name OCIFileFlush - Oracle Call Interface File i/o FLUSH Purpose Flush the buffers associated with the file to the disk. Syntax sword OCIFileFlush ( void *hndl, OCIError *err, OCIFileObject *filep ) Comments The function will return OCI_ERROR if any error is encountered, else it will return OCI_ERROR. Parameters hndl (IN) - the OCI environment or session handle. err (OUT) - the OCI error handle filep (IN) - the OCIFile file object Related Functions OCIFileOpen, OCIFileWrite *************************** OCIFileGetLength() **************************** Name OCIFileGetLength - Oracle Call Interface FILE i/o GET file LENGTH Purpose Get the length of a file. Syntax OCIFileGetLength(void *hndl, OCIError *err, OraText *filename, OraText *path, ubig_ora *lenp ) Comments The length of the file will be returned in lenp. The function will return OCI_ERROR if any error is encountered, else it will return OCI_ERROR. Parameters hndl (IN) - the OCI environment or session handle. err (OUT) - the OCI error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in err and this function returns OCI_ERROR. Diagnostic information can be obtained by calling OCIErrorGet(). filename (IN) - file name. path (IN) - path of the file. lenp (OUT) - On output, it is the length of the file in bytes. is the number of bytes in the file. Related Functions None. ******************************** OCIFileInit() ***************************** Name OCIFileInit - Oracle Call Interface FILE i/o INITialize Purpose Initialize the OCI File I/O package and create the OCIFile context. Syntax sword OCIFileInit ( void *hndl, OCIError *err) Comments This function should be called before any of the OCIFile functions are used. The function will return OCI_ERROR if any error is encountered, else it will return OCI_ERROR. Parameters hndl(IN) - OCI environment or session handle. err(OUT) - OCI error structure. Related Functions OCIFileTerm ********************************* OCIFileOpen() ***************************** Name OCIFileOpen - Oracle Call Interface File i/o OPEN Purpose Open a file. Syntax sword OCIFileOpen ( void *hndl, OCIError *err, OCIFileObject **filep, OraText *filename, OraText *path, ub4 mode, ub4 create, ub4 type ) Comments OCIFileOpen returns a handle to the open file in filep if the file is successfully opened. If one wants to use the standard file objects (stdin, stdout & stderr) then OCIFileOpen whould be called with the type filed containing the appropriate type (see the parameter type). If any of the standard files are specified then filename, path, mode and create are ignored. The function will return OCI_ERROR if any error is encountered, else it will return OCI_ERROR. Parameters hndl (OUT) - the OCI environment or session handle. err (OUT) - the OCI error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in err and this function returns OCI_ERROR. Diagnostic information can be obtained by calling OCIErrorGet(). filep (OUT) - the file object to be returned. filename (IN) - file name (NULL terminated string). path (IN) - path of the file (NULL terminated string). mode - mode in which to open the file (valid modes are OCI_FILE_READONLY, OCI_FILE_WRITEONLY, OCI_FILE_READ_WRITE). create - should the file be created if it does not exist. Valid values are: OCI_FILE_TRUNCATE - create a file regardless of whether or not it exists. If the file already exists overwrite it. OCI_FILE_EXIST - open it if it exists, else fail. OCI_FILE_EXCL - fail if the file exists, else create. OCI_FILE_CREATE - open the file if it exists, and create it if it doesn't. OCI_FILE_APPEND - set the file pointer to the end of the file prior to writing(this flag can be OR'ed with OCI_FILE_EXIST or OCI_FILE_CREATE). type - file type. Valid values are OCI_FILE_TEXT, OCI_FILE_BIN, OCI_FILE_STDIN, OCI_FILE_STDOUT and OCI_FILE_STDERR. If any of the standard files are specified then filename, path, mode and create are ignored. Related Functions. OCIFileClose ************************** OCIFileRead() ************************************ Name OCIFileRead - Oracle Call Interface FILE i/o READ Purpose Read from a file into a buffer. Syntax sword OCIFileRead ( void *hndl, OCIError *err, OCIFileObject *filep, void *bufp, ub4 bufl, ub4 *bytesread ) Comments Upto bufl bytes from the file will be read into bufp. The user should allocate memory for the buffer. The number of bytes read would be in bytesread. The function will return OCI_ERROR if any error is encountered, else it will return OCI_ERROR. Parameters hndl (IN) - the OCI environment or session handle. err (OUT) - the OCI error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in err and this function returns OCI_ERROR. Diagnostic information can be obtained by calling OCIErrorGet(). filep (IN/OUT) - a File Object that uniquely references the file. bufp (IN) - the pointer to a buffer into which the data will be read. The length of the allocated memory is assumed to be bufl. bufl - the length of the buffer in bytes. bytesread (OUT) - the number of bytes read. Related Functions OCIFileOpen, OCIFileSeek, OCIFileWrite ****************************** OCIFileSeek() ****************************** Name OCIFileSeek - Oracle Call Interface FILE i/o SEEK Purpose Perfom a seek to a byte position. Syntax sword OCIFileSeek ( void *hndl, OCIError *err, OCIFileObject *filep, uword origin, ubig_ora offset, sb1 dir) Comments The function will return OCI_ERROR if any error is encountered, else it will return OCI_ERROR. Parameters hndl (IN) - the OCI environment or session handle. err (OUT) - the OCI error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in err and this function returns OCI_ERROR. Diagnostic information can be obtained by calling OCIErrorGet(). filep (IN/OUT) - a file handle that uniquely references the file. origin - The starting point we want to seek from. NOTE: The starting point may be OCI_FILE_SEEK_BEGINNING (beginning), OCI_FILE_SEEK_CURRENT (current position), or OCI_FILE_SEEK_END (end of file). offset - The number of bytes from the origin we want to start reading from. dir - The direction we want to go from the origin. NOTE: The direction can be either OCI_FILE_FORWARD or OCI_FILE_BACKWARD. Related Function OCIFileOpen, OCIFileRead, OCIFileWrite *************************** OCIFileTerm() ********************************** Name OCIFileTerm - Oracle Call Interface FILE i/o TERMinate Purpose Terminate the OCI File I/O package and destroy the OCI File context. Syntax sword OCIFileTerm ( void *hndl, OCIError *err ) Comments After this function has been called no OCIFile function should be used. The function will return OCI_ERROR if any error is encountered, else it will return OCI_ERROR. Parameters hndl(IN) - OCI environment or session handle. err(OUT) - OCI error structure. Related Functions OCIFileInit ********************************* OCIFileWrite() **************************** Name OCIFileWrite - Oracle Call Interface FILE i/o WRITE Purpose Write data from buffer into a file. Syntax sword OCIFileWrite ( void *hndl, OCIError *err, OCIFileObject *filep, void *bufp, ub4 buflen ub4 *byteswritten ) Comments The number of bytes written will be in *byteswritten. The function will return OCI_ERROR if any error is encountered, else it will return OCI_ERROR. Parameters hndl (IN) - the OCI environment or session handle. err (OUT) - the OCI error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in err and this function returns OCI_ERROR. Diagnostic information can be obtained by calling OCIErrorGet(). filep (IN/OUT) - a file handle that uniquely references the file. bufp (IN) - the pointer to a buffer from which the data will be written. The length of the allocated memory is assumed to be the value passed in bufl. bufl - the length of the buffer in bytes. byteswritten (OUT) - the number of bytes written. Related Functions OCIFileOpen, OCIFileSeek, OCIFileRead OCIHandleAlloc() Name OCI Get HaNDLe Purpose This call returns a pointer to an allocated and initialized handle. Syntax sword OCIHandleAlloc ( const void *parenth, void **hndlpp, ub4 type, size_t xtramem_sz, void **usrmempp); Comments Returns a pointer to an allocated and initialized structure, corresponding to the type specified in type. A non-NULL handle is returned on success. Bind handle and define handles are allocated with respect to a statement handle. All other handles are allocated with respect to an environment handle which is passed in as a parent handle. No diagnostics are available on error. This call returns OCI_SUCCESS if successful, or OCI_INVALID_HANDLE if an out-of-memory error occurs. Handles must be allocated using OCIHandleAlloc() before they can be passed into an OCI call. Parameters parenth (IN) - an environment or a statement handle. hndlpp (OUT) - returns a handle to a handle type. type (IN) - specifies the type of handle to be allocated. The specific types are: OCI_HTYPE_ERROR - specifies generation of an error report handle of C type OCIError OCI_HTYPE_SVCCTX - specifies generation of a service context handle of C type OCISvcCtx OCI_HTYPE_STMT - specifies generation of a statement (application request) handle of C type OCIStmt OCI_HTYPE_BIND - specifies generation of a bind information handle of C type OCIBind OCI_HTYPE_DEFINE - specifies generation of a column definition handle of C type OCIDefine OCI_HTYPE_DESCRIBE - specifies generation of a select list description handle of C type OCIDesc OCI_HTYPE_SERVER - specifies generation of a server context handle of C type OCIServer OCI_HTYPE_SESSION - specifies generation of an authentication context handle of C type OCISession OCI_HTYPE_TRANS - specifies generation of a transaction context handle of C type OCITrans OCI_HTYPE_COMPLEXOBJECT - specifies generation of a complex object retrieval handle of C type OCIComplexObject OCI_HTYPE_SECURITY - specifies generation of a security handle of C type OCISecurity xtramem_sz (IN) - specifies an amount of user memory to be allocated. usrmempp (OUT) - returns a pointer to the user memory of size xtramemsz allocated by the call for the user. Related Functions OCIHandleFree() OCIHandleFree() Name OCI Free HaNDLe Purpose This call explicitly deallocates a handle. Syntax sword OCIHandleFree ( void *hndlp, ub4 type); Comments This call frees up storage associated with a handle, corresponding to the type specified in the type parameter. This call returns either OCI_SUCCESS or OCI_INVALID_HANDLE. All handles must be explicitly deallocated. OCI will not deallocate a child handle if the parent is deallocated. Parameters hndlp (IN) - an opaque pointer to some storage. type (IN) - specifies the type of storage to be allocated. The specific types are: OCI_HTYPE_ENV - an environment handle OCI_HTYPE_ERROR - an error report handle OCI_HTYPE_SVCCTX - a service context handle OCI_HTYPE_STMT - a statement (application request) handle OCI_HTYPE_BIND - a bind information handle OCI_HTYPE_DEFINE - a column definition handle OCI_HTYPE_DESCRIBE - a select list description handle OCI_HTYPE_SERVER - a server handle OCI_HTYPE_SESSION - a user authentication handle OCI_HTYPE_TRANS - a transaction handle OCI_HTYPE_COMPLEXOBJECT - a complex object retrieval handle OCI_HTYPE_SECURITY - a security handle Related Functions OCIHandleAlloc() OCIInitialize() Name OCI Process Initialize Purpose Initializes the OCI process environment. Syntax sword OCIInitialize ( ub4 mode, const void *ctxp, const void *(*malocfp) ( void *ctxp, size_t size ), const void *(*ralocfp) ( void *ctxp, void *memp, size_t newsize ), const void (*mfreefp) ( void *ctxp, void *memptr )); Comments This call initializes the OCI process environment. OCIInitialize() must be invoked before any other OCI call. Parameters mode (IN) - specifies initialization of the mode. The valid modes are: OCI_DEFAULT - default mode. OCI_THREADED - threaded environment. In this mode, internal data structures are protected from concurrent accesses by multiple threads. OCI_OBJECT - will use navigational object interface. ctxp (IN) - user defined context for the memory call back routines. malocfp (IN) - user-defined memory allocation function. If mode is OCI_THREADED, this memory allocation routine must be thread safe. ctxp - context pointer for the user-defined memory allocation function. size - size of memory to be allocated by the user-defined memory allocation function ralocfp (IN) - user-defined memory re-allocation function. If mode is OCI_THREADED, this memory allocation routine must be thread safe. ctxp - context pointer for the user-defined memory reallocation function. memp - pointer to memory block newsize - new size of memory to be allocated mfreefp (IN) - user-defined memory free function. If mode is OCI_THREADED, this memory free routine must be thread safe. ctxp - context pointer for the user-defined memory free function. memptr - pointer to memory to be freed Example See the description of OCIStmtPrepare() on page 13-96 for an example showing the use of OCIInitialize(). Related Functions -------------------------------OCITerminate------------------------------------ OCITerminate() Name OCI process Terminate Purpose Do cleanup before process termination Syntax sword OCITerminate (ub4 mode); Comments This call performs OCI related clean up before the OCI process terminates. If the process is running in shared mode then the OCI process is disconnected from the shared memory subsystem. OCITerminate() should be the last OCI call in any process. Parameters mode (IN) - specifies different termination modes. OCI_DEFAULT - default mode. Example Related Functions OCIInitialize() ------------------------ OCIAppCtxSet-------------------------------------- Name OCI Application context Set Purpose Set an attribute and its value for a particular application context namespace Syntax (sword) OCIAppCtxSet((void *) sesshndl, (void *)nsptr,(ub4) nsptrlen, (void *)attrptr, (ub4) attrptrlen, (void *)valueptr, (ub4) valueptrlen, errhp, (ub4)mode); Comments Please note that the information set on the session handle is sent to the server during the next OCIStatementExecute or OCISessionBegin. This information is cleared from the session handle, once the information has been sent over to the server,and should be setup again if needed. Parameters sesshndl (IN/OUT) - Pointer to a session handle nsptr (IN) - Pointer to namespace string nsptrlen (IN) - length of the nsptr attrptr (IN) - Pointer to attribute string attrptrlen (IN) - length of the attrptr valueptr (IN) - Pointer to value string valueptrlen(IN) - length of the valueptr errhp (OUT) - Error from the API mode (IN) - mode of operation (OCI_DEFAULT) Returns error if any Example Related Functions OCIAppCtxClearAll ------------------------ OCIAppCtxClearAll--------------------------------- Name OCI Application Context Clear all attributes in a namespace Purpose To clear the values all attributes in a namespace Syntax (sword) OCIAppCtxClearAll((void *) sesshndl, (void *)nsptr, (ub4) nsptrlen, (OCIError *)errhp, (ub4)mode); Comments This will clean up the context information on the server side during the next piggy-back to the server. Parameters sesshndl (IN/OUT) - Pointer to a session handle nsptr (IN) - Pointer to namespace string where the values of all attributes are cleared nsptrlen (IN) - length of the nsptr errhp (OUT) - Error from the API mode (IN) - mode of operation (OCI_DEFAULT) Example Returns error if any Related Functions OCIAppCtxSet ---------------------- OCIIntervalAssign --------------------------------- sword OCIIntervalAssign(void *hndl, OCIError *err, const OCIInterval *inpinter, OCIInterval *outinter ); DESCRIPTION Copies one interval to another to create a replica PARAMETERS hndl (IN) - Session/Env handle. err (IN/OUT) - error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in 'err' and this function returns OCI_ERROR. The error recorded in 'err' can be retrieved by calling OCIErrorGet(). (IN) inpinter - Input Interval (OUT) outinter - Output Interval RETURNS OCI_INVALID_HANDLE if 'err' is NULL. OCI_SUCCESS otherwise ---------------------- OCIIntervalCheck ------------------------------------ sword OCIIntervalCheck(void *hndl, OCIError *err, const OCIInterval *interval, ub4 *valid ); DESCRIPTION Checks the validity of an interval PARAMETERS hndl (IN) - Session/Env handle. err (IN/OUT) - error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in 'err' and this function returns OCI_ERROR. The error recorded in 'err' can be retrieved by calling OCIErrorGet(). (IN) interval - Interval to be checked (OUT) valid - Zero if the interval is valid, else returns an Ored combination of the following codes. Macro name Bit number Error ---------- ---------- ----- OCI_INTER_INVALID_DAY 0x1 Bad day OCI_INTER_DAY_BELOW_VALID 0x2 Bad DAy Low/high bit (1=low) OCI_INTER_INVALID_MONTH 0x4 Bad MOnth OCI_INTER_MONTH_BELOW_VALID 0x8 Bad MOnth Low/high bit (1=low) OCI_INTER_INVALID_YEAR 0x10 Bad YeaR OCI_INTER_YEAR_BELOW_VALID 0x20 Bad YeaR Low/high bit (1=low) OCI_INTER_INVALID_HOUR 0x40 Bad HouR OCI_INTER_HOUR_BELOW_VALID 0x80 Bad HouR Low/high bit (1=low) OCI_INTER_INVALID_MINUTE 0x100 Bad MiNute OCI_INTER_MINUTE_BELOW_VALID 0x200 Bad MiNute Low/high bit(1=low) OCI_INTER_INVALID_SECOND 0x400 Bad SeCond OCI_INTER_SECOND_BELOW_VALID 0x800 bad second Low/high bit(1=low) OCI_INTER_INVALID_FRACSEC 0x1000 Bad Fractional second OCI_INTER_FRACSEC_BELOW_VALID 0x2000 Bad fractional second Low/High RETURNS OCI_SUCCESS if interval is okay OCI_INVALID_HANDLE if 'err' is NULL. ---------------------- OCIIntervalCompare ----------------------------------- sword OCIIntervalCompare(void *hndl, OCIError *err, OCIInterval *inter1, OCIInterval *inter2, sword *result ); DESCRIPTION Compares two intervals, returns 0 if equal, -1 if inter1 < inter2, 1 if inter1 > inter2 PARAMETERS hndl (IN) - Session/Env handle. err (IN/OUT) - error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in 'err' and this function returns OCI_ERROR. The error recorded in 'err' can be retrieved by calling OCIErrorGet(). inter1 (IN) - Interval to be compared inter2 (IN) - Interval to be compared result (OUT) - comparison result, 0 if equal, -1 if inter1 < inter2, 1 if inter1 > inter2 RETURNS OCI_SUCCESS on success OCI_INVALID_HANDLE if 'err' is NULL. OCI_ERROR if the two input datetimes are not mutually comparable. ---------------------- OCIIntervalDivide ------------------------------------ sword OCIIntervalDivide(void *hndl, OCIError *err, OCIInterval *dividend, OCINumber *divisor, OCIInterval *result ); DESCRIPTION Divides an interval by an Oracle Number to produce an interval PARAMETERS hndl (IN) - Session/Env handle. err (IN/OUT) - error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in 'err' and this function returns OCI_ERROR. The error recorded in 'err' can be retrieved by calling OCIErrorGet(). dividend (IN) - Interval to be divided divisor (IN) - Oracle Number dividing `dividend' result (OUT) - resulting interval (dividend / divisor) RETURNS OCI_SUCCESS on success OCI_INVALID_HANDLE if 'err' is NULL. ---------------------- OCIIntervalFromNumber -------------------- sword OCIIntervalFromNumber(void *hndl, OCIError *err, OCIInterval *inter, OCINumber *number); DESCRIPTION Converts an interval to an Oracle Number PARAMETERS hndl (IN) - Session/Env handle. err (IN/OUT) - error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in 'err' and this function returns OCI_ERROR. The error recorded in 'err' can be retrieved by calling OCIErrorGet(). (OUT) interval - Interval to be converted (IN) number - Oracle number result (in years for YEARMONTH interval and in days for DAYSECOND) RETURNS OCI_SUCCESS on success OCI_INVALID_HANDLE if 'err' is NULL. OCI_ERROR on error. NOTES Fractional portions of the date (for instance, minutes and seconds if the unit chosen is hours) will be included in the Oracle number produced. Excess precision will be truncated. ---------------------- OCIIntervalFromText --------------------------------- sword OCIIntervalFromText( void *hndl, OCIError *err, const OraText *inpstr, size_t str_len, OCIInterval *result ); DESCRIPTION Given an interval string produce the interval represented by the string. The type of the interval is the type of the 'result' descriptor. PARAMETERS hndl (IN) - Session/Env handle. err (IN/OUT) - error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in 'err' and this function returns OCI_ERROR. The error recorded in 'err' can be retrieved by calling OCIErrorGet(). (IN) inpstr - Input string (IN) str_len - Length of input string (OUT) result - Resultant interval RETURNS OCI_SUCCESS on success OCI_INVALID_HANDLE if 'err' is NULL. OCI_ERROR if there are too many fields in the literal string the year is out of range (-4713 to 9999) if the month is out of range (1 to 12) if the day of month is out of range (1 to 28...31) if hour is not in range (0 to 23) if hour is not in range (0 to 11) if minute is not in range (0 to 59) if seconds in minute not in range (0 to 59) if seconds in day not in range (0 to 86399) if the interval is invalid ---------------------- OCIIntervalGetDaySecond -------------------- DESCRIPTION Gets values of day second interval PARAMETERS hndl (IN) - Session/Env handle. err (IN/OUT) - error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in 'err' and this function returns OCI_ERROR. The error recorded in 'err' can be retrieved by calling OCIErrorGet(). day (OUT) - number of days hour (OUT) - number of hours min (OUT) - number of mins sec (OUT) - number of secs fsec (OUT) - number of fractional seconds result (IN) - resulting interval RETURNS OCI_SUCCESS on success OCI_INVALID_HANDLE if 'err' is NULL. ---------------------- OCIIntervalGetYearMonth -------------------- DESCRIPTION Gets year month from an interval PARAMETERS hndl (IN) - Session/Env handle. err (IN/OUT) - error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in 'err' and this function returns OCI_ERROR. The error recorded in 'err' can be retrieved by calling OCIErrorGet(). year (OUT) - year value month (OUT) - month value result (IN) - resulting interval RETURNS OCI_SUCCESS on success OCI_INVALID_HANDLE if 'err' is NULL. -------------------------- OCIIntervalAdd ------------------------------ sword OCIIntervalAdd(void *hndl, OCIError *err, OCIInterval *addend1, OCIInterval *addend2, OCIInterval *result ); NAME OCIIntervalAdd - Adds two intervals PARAMETERS hndl (IN) - Session/Env handle. err (IN/OUT) - error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in 'err' and this function returns OCI_ERROR. The error recorded in 'err' can be retrieved by calling OCIErrorGet(). addend1 (IN) - Interval to be added addend2 (IN) - Interval to be added result (OUT) - resulting interval (addend1 + addend2) DESCRIPTION Adds two intervals to produce a resulting interval RETURNS OCI_SUCCESS on success OCI_ERROR if: the two input intervals are not mutually comparable. the resulting year would go above SB4MAXVAL the resulting year would go below SB4MINVAL OCI_INVALID_HANDLE if 'err' is NULL. NOTES The two input intervals must be mutually comparable ---------------------- OCIIntervalSubtract ------------------------------- sword OCIIntervalSubtract(void *hndl, OCIError *err, OCIInterval *minuend, OCIInterval *subtrahend, OCIInterval *result ); NAME - OCIIntervalSubtract - subtracts two intervals PARAMETERS hndl (IN) - Session/Env handle. err (IN/OUT) - error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in 'err' and this function returns OCI_ERROR. The error recorded in 'err' can be retrieved by calling OCIErrorGet(). minuend (IN) - interval to be subtracted from subtrahend (IN) - interval subtracted from minuend result (OUT) - resulting interval (minuend - subtrahend) DESCRIPTION Subtracts two intervals and stores the result in an interval RETURNS OCI_SUCCESS on success OCI_INVALID_HANDLE if 'err' is NULL. OCI_ERROR if: the two input intervals are not mutually comparable. the resulting leading field would go below SB4MINVAL the resulting leading field would go above SB4MAXVAL ---------------------- OCIIntervalMultiply --------------------------------- sword OCIIntervalMultiply(void *hndl, OCIError *err, const OCIInterval *inter, OCINumber *nfactor, OCIInterval *result ); DESCRIPTION Multiplies an interval by an Oracle Number to produce an interval PARAMETERS hndl (IN) - Session/Env handle. err (IN/OUT) - error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in 'err' and this function returns OCI_ERROR. The error recorded in 'err' can be retrieved by calling OCIErrorGet(). inter (IN) - Interval to be multiplied nfactor (IN) - Oracle Number to be multiplied result (OUT) - resulting interval (ifactor * nfactor) RETURNS OCI_SUCCESS on success OCI_INVALID_HANDLE if 'err' is NULL. OCI_ERROR if: the resulting year would go above SB4MAXVAL the resulting year would go below SB4MINVAL ---------------------- OCIIntervalSetDaySecond -------------------- DESCRIPTION Sets day second interval PARAMETERS hndl (IN) - Session/Env handle. err (IN/OUT) - error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in 'err' and this function returns OCI_ERROR. The error recorded in 'err' can be retrieved by calling OCIErrorGet(). day (IN) - number of days hour (IN) - number of hours min (IN) - number of mins sec (IN) - number of secs fsec (IN) - number of fractional seconds result (OUT) - resulting interval RETURNS OCI_SUCCESS on success OCI_INVALID_HANDLE if 'err' is NULL. ---------------------- OCIIntervalSetYearMonth -------------------- DESCRIPTION Sets year month interval PARAMETERS hndl (IN) - Session/Env handle. err (IN/OUT) - error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in 'err' and this function returns OCI_ERROR. The error recorded in 'err' can be retrieved by calling OCIErrorGet(). year (IN) - year value month (IN) - month value result (OUT) - resulting interval RETURNS OCI_SUCCESS on success OCI_INVALID_HANDLE if 'err' is NULL. ----------------------- OCIIntervalToNumber --------------------------------- sword OCIIntervalToNumber(void *hndl, OCIError *err, const OCIInterval *inter, OCINumber *number); DESCRIPTION Converts an interval to an Oracle Number PARAMETERS hndl (IN) - Session/Env handle. err (IN/OUT) - error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in 'err' and this function returns OCI_ERROR. The error recorded in 'err' can be retrieved by calling OCIErrorGet(). (IN) inter - Interval to be converted (OUT) number - Oracle number result (in years for YEARMONTH interval and in days for DAYSECOND) RETURNS OCI_INVALID_HANDLE if 'err' is NULL. OCI_SUCCESS on success NOTES Fractional portions of the date (for instance, minutes and seconds if the unit chosen is hours) will be included in the Oracle number produced. Excess precision will be truncated. ------------------------------- OCIIntervalToText ------------------------- sword OCIIntervalToText( void *hndl, OCIError *err, const OCIInterval *inter, ub1 lfprec, ub1 fsprec, OraText *buffer, size_t buflen, size_t *resultlen ); DESCRIPTION Given an interval, produces a string representing the interval. PARAMETERS hndl (IN) - Session/Env handle. err (IN/OUT) - error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in 'err' and this function returns OCI_ERROR. The error recorded in 'err' can be retrieved by calling OCIErrorGet(). (IN) inter - Interval to be converted (IN) lfprec - Leading field precision. Number of digits used to represent the leading field. (IN) fsprec - Fractional second precision of the interval. Number of digits used to represent the fractional seconds. (OUT) buffer - buffer to hold result (IN) buflen - length of above buffer (OUT) resultlen - length of result placed into buffer RETURNS OCI_SUCCESS on success OCI_INVALID_HANDLE if 'err' is NULL. OCI_ERROR if the buffer is not large enough to hold the result NOTES The interval literal will be output as `year' or `[year-]month' for YEAR-MONTH intervals and as `seconds' or `minutes[:seconds]' or `hours[:minutes[:seconds]]' or `days[ hours[:minutes[:seconds]]]' for DAY-TIME intervals (where optional fields are surrounded by brackets). ---------------------- OCIIntervalFromTZ -------------------- sword OCIIntervalFromTZ(void *hndl, OCIError *err, const oratext *inpstring, size_t str_len, OCIInterval *result); DESCRIPTION Retuns an OCI_DTYPE_INTERVAL_DS OCIInterval with the region id (if the region is specified in the input string) set and the current absolute offset or an absolut offset with the region id set to 0. PARAMETERS hndl (IN) - Session/Env handle. err (IN/OUT) - error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in 'err' and this function returns OCI_ERROR. The error recorded in 'err' can be retrieved by calling OCIErrorGet(). inpstring (IN) - pointer to the input string str_len (IN) - inpstring length result - Output Interval RETURNS OCI_SUCCESS on success OCI_INVALID_HANDLE if 'err' is NULL. OCI_ERROR on error Bad interval type Timezone errors NOTES The input string must be of the form [+/-]TZH:TZM or 'TZR [TZD]' ----------------------- OCIKerbAttrSet --------------------- sword OCIKerbAttrSet(OCISession *trgthndlp, ub4 auth_mode, ub1 *ftgt_ticket, ub4 ftgt_ticket_len, ub1 *ftgt_sesskey, ub4 ftgt_sesskey_len, ub2 ftgt_keytype, ub4 ftgt_ticket_flags, sb4 ftgt_auth_time, sb4 ftgt_start_time, sb4 ftgt_end_time, sb4 ftgt_renew_time, oratext *ftgt_principal, ub4 ftgt_principal_len, oratext *ftgt_realm, ub4 ftgt_realm_len, OCIError *errhp); DESCRIPTION This call sets the attributes required for Kerberos authentication on the user handle. PARAMETERS trgthndlp (IN) - The pointer to a user handle. auth_mode (IN) - Indicates what type of Kerberos credentials should be set. Options are: OCI_KERBCRED_PROXY - Set Kerberos credentials for use with proxy authentication. OCI_KERBCRED_CLIENT_IDENTIFIER - Set Kerberos credentials for use with secure client identifier. ftgt_ticket (IN) - Forwardable Ticket Granting Ticket (FTGT). ftgt_ticket_len (IN) - Length of FTGT. ftgt_sesskey(IN) - Session Key associated with FTGT. ftgt_sesskey_len (IN) - Length of session key. ftgt_keytype (IN) - Type of encryption key used to encrypt FTGT. ftgt_ticket_flags (IN) - Flags associated with encryption of FTGT. ftgt_auth_time (IN) - Authentication time compatible with that in FTGT. ftgt_start_time (IN) - Start time compatible with that indicated in FTGT. ftgt_end_time (IN) - End time compatible with that indicated in FTGT. ftgt_renew_time (IN) - Renew time compatible with that indicated in FTGT. ftgt_principal (IN) - Client principal name from FTGT. ftgt_principal_len (IN) - Length of client principal name. ftgt_realm (IN) - Client realm name from FTGT. ftgt_realm_len (IN) - Client realm name length. errhp (IN/OUT) - error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in 'err' and this function returns OCI_ERROR. The error recorded in 'err' can be retrieved by calling OCIErrorGet(). RETURNS OCI_SUCCESS on success OCI_ERROR on error NOTES OCILdaToSvcCtx() Name OCI toggle version 7 Lda_Def to SerVice context handle Purpose Converts a V7 Lda_Def to a V8 service context handle. Syntax sword OCILdaToSvcCtx ( OCISvcCtx **svchpp, OCIError *errhp, Lda_Def *ldap ); Comments Converts a V7 Lda_Def to a V8 service context handle. The action of this call can be reversed by passing the resulting service context handle to the OCISvcCtxToLda() function. Parameters svchpp (IN/OUT) - the service context handle. errhp (IN/OUT) - an error handle which can be passed to OCIErrorGet() for diagnostic information in the event of an error. ldap (IN/OUT) - the V7 logon data area returned by OCISvcCtxToLda() from this service context. Related Functions OCISvcCtxToLda() OCILobAppend() Name OCI Lob APpend Purpose Appends a LOB value at the end of another LOB. Syntax sword OCILobAppend ( OCISvcCtx *svchp, OCIError *errhp, OCILobLocator *dst_locp, OCILobLocator *src_locp ); Comments Appends a LOB value at the end of LOB. The data is copied from the source to the destination at the end of the destination. The source and the destination must already exist. The destination LOB is extended to accommodate the newly written data. It is an error to extend the destination LOB beyond the maximum length allowed or to try to copy from a NULL LOB. Parameters svchp (IN) - the service context handle. errhp (IN/OUT) - an error handle which can be passed to OCIErrorGet() for diagnostic information in the event of an error. dst_locp (IN/OUT) - a locator uniquely referencing the destination LOB. src_locp (IN/OUT) - a locator uniquely referencing the source LOB. Related Functions OCILobTrim() OCIErrorGet() OCILobWrite() OCILobCopy() OCILobAssign() Name OCI Lob ASsiGn Purpose Assigns one LOB/FILE locator to another. Syntax sword OCILobAssign ( OCIEnv *envhp, OCIError *errhp, const OCILobLocator *src_locp, OCILobLocator **dst_locpp ); Comments Assign source locator to destination locator. After the assignment, both locators refer to the same LOB data. For internal LOBs, the source locator's LOB data gets copied to the destination locator's LOB data only when the destination locator gets stored in the table. Therefore, issuing a flush of the object containing the destination locator will copy the LOB data. For FILEs only the locator that refers to the OS file is copied to the table. The OS file is not copied. Note: The only difference between this and OCILobLocatorAssign is that this takes an environment handle whereas OCILobLocatorAssign takes an OCI service handle Parameters envhp (IN/OUT) - OCI environment handle initialized in object mode. errhp (IN/OUT) - The OCI error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in errhp and this function returns OCI_ERROR. Diagnostic information can be obtained by calling OCIErrorGet(). src_locp (IN) - LOB locator to copy from. dst_locpp (IN/OUT) - LOB locator to copy to. The caller must allocate space for the OCILobLocator by calling OCIDescriptorAlloc(). See also OCIErrorGet() OCILobIsEqual() OCILobLocatorIsInit() OCILobLocatorAssign() OCILobCharSetForm() Name OCI Lob Get Character Set Form Purpose Gets the LOB locator's character set fpr,, if any. Syntax sword OCILobCharSetForm ( OCIEnv *envhp, OCIError *errhp, const OCILobLocator *locp, ub1 *csfrm ); Comments Returns the character set form of the input LOB locator in the csfrm output parameter. Parameters envhp (IN/OUT) - OCI environment handle initialized in object mode. errhp (IN/OUT) - error handle. The OCI error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in err and this function returns OCI_ERROR. Diagnostic information can be obtained by calling OCIErrorGet(). locp (IN) - LOB locator for which to get the character set form. csfrm(OUT) - character set form of the input LOB locator. If the input locator is for a BLOB or a BFILE, csfrm is set to 0 since there is no concept of a character set for binary LOBs/FILEs. The caller must allocate space for the csfrm (ub1) and not write into the space. See also OCIErrorGet(), OCILobCharSetId(), OCILobLocatorIsInit OCILobCharSetId() Name OCI Lob get Character Set IDentifier Purpose Gets the LOB locator's character set ID, if any. Syntax sword OCILobCharSetId ( OCIEnv *envhp, OCIError *errhp, const OCILobLocator *locp, ub2 *csid ); Comments Returns the character set ID of the input LOB locator in the cid output parameter. Parameters envhp (IN/OUT) - OCI environment handle initialized in object mode. errhp (IN/OUT) - error handle. The OCI error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in err and this function returns OCI_ERROR. Diagnostic information can be obtained by calling OCIErrorGet(). locp (IN) - LOB locator for which to get the character set ID. csid (OUT) - character set ID of the input LOB locator. If the input locator is for a BLOB or a BFILE, csid is set to 0 since there is no concept of a character set for binary LOBs/FILEs. The caller must allocate space for the character set id of type ub2 and not write into the space. See also OCIErrorGet(), OCILobCharSetForm(), OCILobLocatorIsInit() OCILobCopy() Name OCI Lob Copy Purpose Copies a portion of a LOB value into another LOB value. Syntax sword OCILobCopy ( OCISvcCtx *svchp, OCIError *errhp, OCILobLocator *dst_locp, OCILobLocator *src_locp, ub4 amount, ub4 dst_offset, ub4 src_offset ); Comments Copies a portion of a LOB value into another LOB as specified. The data is copied from the source to the destination. The source (src_locp) and the destination (dlopb) LOBs must already exist. If the data already exists at the destination's start position, it is overwritten with the source data. If the destination's start position is beyond the end of the current data, a hole is created from the end of the data to the beginning of the newly written data from the source. The destination LOB is extended to accommodate the newly written data if it extends beyond the current length of the destination LOB. It is an error to extend the destination LOB beyond the maximum length allowed or to try to copy from a NULL LOB. Parameters svchp (IN) - the service context handle. errhp (IN/OUT) - an error handle which can be passed to OCIErrorGet() for diagnostic information in the event of an error. dst_locp (IN/OUT) - a locator uniquely referencing the destination LOB. src_locp (IN/OUT) - a locator uniquely referencing the source LOB. amount (IN) - the number of character or bytes, as appropriate, to be copied. dst_offset (IN) - this is the absolute offset for the destination LOB. For character LOBs it is the number of characters from the beginning of the LOB at which to begin writing. For binary LOBs it is the number of bytes from the beginning of the lob from which to begin reading. The offset starts at 1. src_offset (IN) - this is the absolute offset for the source LOB. For character LOBs it is the number of characters from the beginning of the LOB, for binary LOBs it is the number of bytes. Starts at 1. See Also OCIErrorGet(), OCILobAppend(), OCILobWrite(), OCILobTrim() OCILobCreateTemporary() Name OCI Lob Create Temporary Purpose Create a Temporary Lob Syntax sword OCILobCreateTemporary(OCISvcCtx *svchp, OCIError *errhp, OCILobLocator *locp, ub2 csid, ub1 csfrm, ub1 lobtype, boolean cache, OCIDuration duration); Comments svchp (IN) - the service context handle. errhp (IN/OUT) - an error handle which can be passed to OCIErrorGet() for diagnostic information in the event of an error. locp (IN/OUT) - a locator which points to the temporary Lob csid (IN) - the character set id csfrm(IN) - the character set form lobtype (IN) - the lob type - one of the three constants OCI_TEMP_BLOB, OCI_TEMP_CLOB and OCI_TEMP_NCLOB cache(IN)- TRUE if the temporary LOB goes through the cache; FALSE, if not. duration(IN)- duration of the temporary LOB; Can be a valid duration id or one of the values: OCI_DURATION_SESSION, OCI_DURATION_CALL Note: OCI_DURATION_TRANSACTION is NOT supported in 8.1 Related functions OCILobFreeTemporary() OCILobIsTemporary() OCILobDisableBuffering() Name OCI Lob Disable Buffering Purpose Disable lob buffering for the input locator. Syntax sword OCILobDisableBuffering ( OCISvcCtx *svchp, OCIError *errhp, OCILobLocator *locp); Comments Disable lob buffering for the input locator. The next time data is read/written from/to the lob through the input locator, the lob buffering subsystem is *not* used. Note that this call does *not* implicitly flush the changes made in the buffering subsystem. The user must explicitly call OCILobFlushBuffer() to do this. Parameters svchp (IN) - the service context handle. errhp (IN/OUT) - an error handle which can be passed to OCIErrorGet() for diagnostic information in the event of an error. locp (IN/OUT) - a locator uniquely referencing the LOB. Related Functions OCILobEnableBuffering() OCIErrorGet() OCILobFlushBuffer() OCILobEnableBuffering() Name OCI Lob Enable Buffering Purpose Enable lob buffering for the input locator. Syntax sword OCILobEnableBuffering ( OCISvcCtx *svchp, OCIError *errhp, OCILobLocator *locp); Comments Enable lob buffering for the input locator. The next time data is read/written from/to the lob through the input locator, the lob buffering subsystem is used. Once lob buffering is enabled for a locator, if that locator is passed to one of the following routines, an error is returned: OCILobCopy, OCILobAppend, OCILobErase, OCILobGetLength, OCILobTrim Parameters svchp (IN) - the service context handle. errhp (IN/OUT) - an error handle which can be passed to OCIErrorGet() for diagnostic information in the event of an error. locp (IN/OUT) - a locator uniquely referencing the LOB. Related Functions OCILobDisableBuffering() OCIErrorGet() OCILobWrite() OCILobRead() OCILobFlushBuffer() OCILobErase() Name OCI Lob ERase Purpose Erases a specified portion of the LOB data starting at a specified offset. Syntax sword OCILobErase ( OCISvcCtx *svchp, OCIError *errhp, OCILobLocator *locp, ub4 *amount, ub4 offset ); Comments Erases a specified portion of the LOB data starting at a specified offset. The actual number of characters/bytes erased is returned. The actual number of characters/bytes and the requested number of characters/bytes will differ if the end of the LOB data is reached before erasing the requested number of characters/bytes. If a section of data from the middle of the LOB data is erased, a hole is created. When data from that hole is read, 0's are returned. If the LOB is NULL, this routine will indicate that 0 characters/bytes were erased. Parameters svchp (IN) - the service context handle. errhp (IN/OUT) - an error handle which can be passed to OCIErrorGet() for diagnostic information in the event of an error. locp (IN/OUT) - the LOB for which to erase a section of data. amount (IN/OUT) - On IN, the number of characters/bytes to erase. On OUT, the actual number of characters/bytes erased. offset (IN) - absolute offset from the beginning of the LOB data from which to start erasing data. Starts at 1. See Also OCIErrorGet(), OCILobRead(), OCILobWrite() OCILobOpen() Name OCI Lob Open Purpose Opens an internal or external Lob. Syntax sword OCILobOpen( OCISvcCtx *svchp, OCIError *errhp, OCILobLocator *locp, ub1 mode ); Comments It is an error if the same lob is opened more than once in the same transaction. Lobs are opened implicitly if they are not opened before using them. A LOB has to be closed before the transaction commits else the transaction is rolled back. Open locators are closed if the transaction aborts. Multiple users can open the same lob on different locators. Parameters svchp (IN) - the service context handle. errhp (IN/OUT) - an error handle which can be passed to OCIErrorGet() for diagnostic information in the event of an error. locp (IN/OUT) - locator points to the LOB to be opened mode (IN) - mode in which to open the lob. The valid modes are read-only - OCI_FILE_READONLY, read-write - OCI_FILE_READWRITE OCILobClose() Name OCI Lob Close Purpose Closes an open internal or external Lob. Syntax sword OCILobClose( OCISvcCtx *svchp, OCIError *errhp, OCILobLocator *locp ); Comments It is an error if the lob is not open at this time. All LOBs that have been opened in a transaction have to be closed before the transaction commits, else the transaction gets rolled back. Parameters svchp (IN) - the service context handle. errhp (IN/OUT) - an error handle which can be passed to OCIErrorGet() for diagnostic information in the event of an error. locp (IN) - A locator that was opened using OCILobOpen() OCILobFileClose() Name OCI Lob File CLoSe Purpose Closes a previously opened FILE. Syntax sword OCILobFileClose ( OCISvcCtx *svchp, OCIError *errhp, OCILobLocator *filep ); Comments Closes a previously opened FILE. It is an error if this function is called for an internal LOB. No error is returned if the FILE exists but is not opened. Parameters svchp (IN) - the service context handle. errhp (IN/OUT) - an error handle which can be passed to OCIErrorGet() for diagnostic information in the event of an error. filep (IN/OUT) - a pointer to a FILE locator to be closed. See Also OCIErrorGet(), OCILobFileOpen(), OCILobFileCloseAll(), OCILobFileIsOpen(), OCILobFileExists(), CREATE DIRECTORY DDL OCILobFileCloseAll() Name OCI LOB FILE Close All Purpose Closes all open FILEs on a given service context. Syntax sword OCILobFileCLoseAll ( OCISvcCtx *svchp, OCIError *errhp ); Comments Closes all open FILEs on a given service context. Parameters svchp (IN) - the service context handle. errhp (IN/OUT) - an error handle which can be passed to OCIErrorGet() for diagnostic information in the event of an error. See also OCILobFileClose(), OCIErrorGet(), OCILobFileOpen(), OCILobFileIsOpen(), OCILobFileExists(), CREATE DIRECTORY DDL OCILobFileExists() Name OCI LOB FILE exists Purpose Tests to see if the FILE exists on the server Syntax sword OCILobFileExists ( OCISvcCtx *svchp, OCIError *errhp, OCILobLocator *filep, boolean *flag ); Comments Checks to see if a FILE exists for on the server. Parameters svchp (IN) - the OCI service context handle. errhp (IN/OUT) - error handle. The OCI error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in err and this function returns OCI_ERROR. Diagnostic information can be obtained by calling OCIErrorGet(). filep (IN) - pointer to the FILE locator that refers to the file. flag (OUT) - returns TRUE if the FILE exists; FALSE if it does not. See also OCIErrorGet, CREATE DIRECTORY (DDL) OCILobFileGetName() Name OCI LOB FILE Get file Name Purpose Gets the FILE locator's directory alias and file name. Syntax sword OCILobFileGetName ( OCIEnv *envhp, OCIError *errhp, const OCILobLocator *filep, OraText *dir_alias, ub2 *d_length, OraText *filename, ub2 *f_length ); Comments Returns the directory alias and file name associated with this file locator. Parameters envhp (IN/OUT) - OCI environment handle initialized in object mode. errhp (IN/OUT) -The OCI error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in errhp and this function returns OCI_ERROR. Diagnostic information can be obtained by calling OCIErrorGet(). filep (IN) - FILE locator for which to get the directory alias and file name. dir_alias (OUT) - buffer into which the directory alias name is placed. The caller must allocate enough space for the directory alias name and must not write into the space. d_length (IN/OUT) - IN: length of the input dir_alias string; - OUT: length of the returned dir_alias string. filename (OUT) - buffer into which the file name is placed. The caller must allocate enough space for the file name and must not write into the space. f_length (IN/OUT) - IN: length of the input filename string; - OUT: lenght of the returned filename string. See also OCILobFileSetName(), OCIErrorGet() OCILobFileIsOpen() Name OCI LOB FILE Is Open? Purpose Tests to see if the FILE is open Syntax sword OCILobFileIsOpen ( OCISvcCtx *svchp, OCIError *errhp, OCILobLocator *filep, boolean *flag ); Comments Checks to see if the FILE on the server is open for a given LobLocator. Parameters svchp (IN) - the OCI service context handle. errhp (IN/OUT) - error handle. The OCI error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in err and this function returns OCI_ERROR. Diagnostic information can be obtained by calling OCIErrorGet(). filep (IN) - pointer to the FILE locator being examined. If the input file locator was never passed to OCILobFileOpen(), the file is considered not to be opened by this locator. However, a different locator may have opened the file. More than one file opens can be performed on the same file using different locators. flag (OUT) - returns TRUE if the FILE is opened using this locator; FALSE if it is not. See also OCIErrorGet, OCILobFileOpen, OCILobFileClose, OCILobFileCloseAll, CREATE DIRECTORY SQL command OCILobFileOpen() Name OCI LOB FILE open Purpose Opens a FILE for read-only access Syntax sword OCILobFileOpen ( OCISvcCtx *svchp, OCIError *errhp, OCILobLocator *filep, ub1 mode ); Comments Opens a FILE. The FILE can be opened for read-only access only. FILEs may not be written to throough ORACLE. Parameters svchp (IN) - the service context handle. errhp (IN/OUT) - an error handle which can be passed to OCIErrorGet() for diagnostic information in the event of an error. filep (IN/OUT) - the FILE to open. Error if the locator does not refer to a FILE. mode (IN) - mode in which to open the file. The only valid mode is read-only - OCI_FILE_READONLY. See Also OCILobFileClose, OCIErrorGet, OCILobFileCloseAll, OCILobFileIsOpen, OCILobFileSetName, CREATE DIRECTORY OCILobFileSetName() Name OCI Lob File Set NaMe Purpose Sets directory alias and file name in the FILE locator. Syntax sword OCILobFileSetName ( OCIEnv *envhp, OCIError *errhp, OCILobLocator **filepp, OraText *dir_alias, ub2 d_length, OraText *filename, ub2 f_length ); Comments Sets the directory alias and file name in the LOB file locator. Parameters envhp (IN/OUT) - OCI environment handle initialized in object mode. errhp (IN/OUT) - The OCI error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in errhp and this function returns OCI_ERROR. Diagnostic information can be obtained by calling OCIErrorGet(). filepp (IN/OUT) - FILE locator for which to set the directory alias name. The caller must have already allocated space for the locator by calling OCIDescriptorAlloc(). dir_alias (IN) - buffer that contains the directory alias name to set in the locator. d_length (IN) - length of the input dir_alias parameter. filename (IN) - buffer that contains the file name is placed. f_length (IN) - length of the input filename parameter. See also OCILobFileGetName, OCIErrorGet, CREATE DIRECTORY OCILobFlushBuffer() Name OCI Lob Flush all Buffers for this lob. Purpose Flush/write all buffers for this lob to the server. Syntax sword OCILobFlushBuffer ( OCISvcCtx *svchp, OCIError *errhp, OCILobLocator *locp, ub4 flag); Comments Flushes to the server, changes made to the buffering subsystem that are associated with the lob referenced by the input locator. This routine will actually write the data in the buffer to the lob in the database. Lob buffering must have already been enabled for the input lob locator. This routine, by default, does not free the buffer resources for reallocation to another buffered LOB operation. However, if you want to free the buffer explicitly, you can set the flag parameter to OCI_LOB_BUFFER_FREE. Parameters svchp (IN/OUT) - the service context handle. errhp (IN/OUT) - an error handle which can be passed to OCIErrorGet() for diagnostic information in the event of an error. locp (IN/OUT) - a locator uniquely referencing the LOB. flag (IN) - to indicate if the buffer resources need to be freed after a flush. Default value is OCI_LOB_BUFFER_NOFREE. Set it to OCI_LOB_BUFFER_FREE if you want the buffer resources to be freed. Related Functions OCILobEnableBuffering() OCILobDisableBuffering() OCIErrorGet() OCILobWrite() OCILobRead() OCILobFreeTemporary() Name OCI Lob Free Temporary Purpose Free a temporary LOB Syntax sword OCILobFreeTemporary(OCISvcCtx *svchp, OCIError *errhp, OCILobLocator *locp); Comments Frees the contents of the temporary Lob this locator is pointing to. Note that the locator itself is not freed until a OCIDescriptorFree is done. Parameters svchp (IN/OUT) - the service context handle. errhp (IN/OUT) - an error handle which can be passed to OCIErrorGet() for diagnostic information in the event of an error. locp (IN/OUT) - a locator uniquely referencing the LOB Related functions OCILobCreateTemporary() OCILobIsTemporary() Name OCI Lob/File Get Chunk Size Purpose When creating the table, the user can specify the chunking factor, which can be a multiple of Oracle blocks. This corresponds to the chunk size used by the LOB data layer when accessing/modifying the LOB value. Part of the chunk is used to store system-related information and the rest stores the LOB value. This function returns the amount of space used in the LOB chunk to store the LOB value. Syntax sword OCILobGetChunkSize ( OCISvcCtx *svchp, OCIError *errhp, OCILobLocator *locp, ub4 *chunksizep ); Comments Performance will be improved if the user issues read/write requests using a multiple of this chunk size. For writes, there is an added benefit since LOB chunks are versioned and, if all writes are done on chunk basis, no extra/excess versioning is done nor duplicated. Users could batch up the write until they have enough for a chunk instead of issuing several write calls for the same chunk. Parameters svchp (IN) - the service context handle. errhp (IN/OUT) - an error handle which can be passed to OCIErrorGet() for diagnostic information in the event of an error. locp (IN/OUT) - a LOB locator that uniquely references the LOB. For internal LOBs, this locator must be a locator that was obtained from the server specified by svchp. For FILEs, this locator can be initialized by a Select or OCILobFileSetName. chunksizep (OUT) - On output, it is the length of the LOB if not NULL - for character LOBs it is the number of characters, for binary LOBs it is the number of bytes in the LOB. Related Functions OCILobGetLength() Name OCI Lob/File Length Purpose Gets the length of a LOB/FILE. Syntax sword OCILobGetLength ( OCISvcCtx *svchp, OCIError *errhp, OCILobLocator *locp, ub4 *lenp ); Comments Gets the length of a LOB/FILE. If the LOB/FILE is NULL, the length is undefined. Parameters svchp (IN) - the service context handle. errhp (IN/OUT) - an error handle which can be passed to OCIErrorGet() for diagnostic information in the event of an error. locp (IN/OUT) - a LOB locator that uniquely references the LOB. For internal LOBs, this locator must be a locator that was obtained from the server specified by svchp. For FILEs, this locator can be initialized by a Select or OCILobFileSetName. lenp (OUT) - On output, it is the length of the LOB if not NULL - for character LOBs it is the number of characters, for binary LOBs it is the number of bytes in the LOB. Related Functions OCIErrorGet, OCIFileSetName OCILobIsEqual() Name OCI Lob Is Equal Purpose Compares two LOB locators for equality. Syntax sword OCILobIsEqual ( OCIEnv *envhp, const OCILobLocator *x, const OCILobLocator *y, boolean *is_equal ); Comments Compares the given LOB locators for equality. Two LOB locators are equal if and only if they both refer to the same LOB data. Two NULL locators are considered not equal by this function. Parameters envhp (IN) - the OCI environment handle. x (IN) - LOB locator to compare. y (IN) - LOB locator to compare. is_equal (OUT) - TRUE, if the LOB locators are equal; FALSE if they are not. See also OCILobAssign, OCILobLocatorIsInit OCILobLocatorAssign, OCILobIsOpen() Name OCI Lob Is Open sword OCILobIsOpen(svchp, errhp, locp, flag) OCISvcCtx *svchp; OCIError *errhp; OCILobLocator *locp; boolean *flag; Comments Checks if the LOB locator was opened before. flag is set to TRUE if opened; FALSE otherwise Parameters svchp (IN) - the service context handle. errhp (IN/OUT) - an error handle which can be passed to OCIErrorGet() for diagnostic information in the event of an error. locp (IN) - the locator to test for temporary LOB flag(OUT) - TRUE, if the LOB locator points to is open FALSE, if not. OCILobIsTemporary() Name OCI Lob Is Temporary Purpose Tests if this locator points to a temporary LOB Syntax sword OCILobIsTemporary(OCIEnv *envhp, OCIError *errhp, OCILobLocator *locp, boolean *is_temporary); Comments Tests the locator to determine if it points to a temporary LOB. If so, is_temporary is set to TRUE. If not, is_temporary is set to FALSE. Parameters envhp (IN) - the environment handle. errhp (IN/OUT) - an error handle which can be passed to OCIErrorGet() for diagnostic information in the event of an error. locp (IN) - the locator to test for temporary LOB is_temporary(OUT) - TRUE, if the LOB locator points to a temporary LOB; FALSE, if not. See Also OCILobCreateTemporary, OCILobFreeTemporary OCILobLoadFromFile() Name OCI Lob Load From File Purpose Load/copy all or a portion of the file into an internal LOB. Syntax sword OCILobLoadFromFile ( OCISvcCtx *svchp, OCIError *errhp, OCILobLocator *dst_locp, OCILobLocator *src_filep, ub4 amount, ub4 dst_offset, ub4 src_offset ); Comments Loads/copies a portion or all of a file value into an internal LOB as specified. The data is copied from the source file to the destination internal LOB (BLOB/CLOB). No character set conversions are performed when copying the bfile data to a clob/nclob. The bfile data must already be in the same character set as the clob/nclob in the database. No error checking is performed to verify this. The source (src_filep) and the destination (dst_locp) LOBs must already exist. If the data already exists at the destination's start position, it is overwritten with the source data. If the destination's start position is beyond the end of the current data, a hole is created from the end of the data to the beginning of the newly written data from the source. The destination LOB is extended to accommodate the newly written data if it extends beyond the current length of the destination LOB. It is an error to extend the destination LOB beyond the maximum length allowed or to try to copy from a NULL LOB. Parameters svchp (IN) - the service context handle. errhp (IN/OUT) - an error handle which can be passed to OCIErrorGet() for diagnostic information in the event of an error. dst_locp (IN/OUT) - a locator uniquely referencing the destination internal LOB which may be of type blob, clob, or nclob. src_filep (IN/OUT) - a locator uniquely referencing the source BFILE. amount (IN) - the number of bytes to be copied. dst_offset (IN) - this is the absolute offset for the destination LOB. For character LOBs it is the number of characters from the beginning of the LOB at which to begin writing. For binary LOBs it is the number of bytes from the beginning of the lob from which to begin reading. The offset starts at 1. src_offset (IN) - this is the absolute offset for the source BFILE. It is the number of bytes from the beginning of the LOB. The offset starts at 1. See Also OCIErrorGet(), OCILobAppend(), OCILobWrite(), OCILobTrim(), OCILobCopy() OCILobLocatorAssign() Name OCI Lob LOCATOR ASsiGn Purpose Assigns one LOB/FILE locator to another. Syntax sword OCILobLocatorAssign ( OCISvcCtx *svchp, OCIError *errhp, const OCILobLocator *src_locp, OCILobLocator **dst_locpp ); Comments Assign source locator to destination locator. After the assignment, both locators refer to the same LOB data. For internal LOBs, the source locator's LOB data gets copied to the destination locator's LOB data only when the destination locator gets stored in the table. Therefore, issuing a flush of the object containing the destination locator will copy the LOB data. For FILEs only the locator that refers to the OS file is copied to the table. The OS file is not copied. Note : the only difference between this and OCILobAssign is that this takes a OCI service handle pointer instead of a OCI environment handle pointer Parameters svchp (IN/OUT) - OCI service handle initialized in object mode. errhp (IN/OUT) - The OCI error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in errhp and this function returns OCI_ERROR. Diagnostic information can be obtained by calling OCIErrorGet(). src_locp (IN) - LOB locator to copy from. dst_locpp (IN/OUT) - LOB locator to copy to. The caller must allocate space for the OCILobLocator by calling OCIDescriptorAlloc(). See also OCIErrorGet() OCILobIsEqual() OCILobLocatorIsInit() OCILobAssign() OCILobLocatorIsInit() Name OCI LOB locator is initialized? Purpose Tests to see if a given LOB locator is initialized. Syntax sword OCILobLocatorIsInit ( OCIEnv *envhp, OCIError *errhp, const OCILobLocator *locp, boolean *is_initialized ); Comments Tests to see if a given LOB locator is initialized. Parameters envhp (IN/OUT) - OCI environment handle initialized in object mode. errhp (IN/OUT) - error handle. The OCI error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in err and this function returns OCI_ERROR. Diagnostic information can be obtained by calling OCIErrorGet(). locp (IN) - the LOB locator being tested is_initialized (OUT) - returns TRUE if the given LOB locator is initialized; FALSE if it is not. See also OCIErrorGet, OCILobIsEqual OCILobRead() Name OCI Lob/File ReaD Purpose Reads a portion of a LOB/FILE as specified by the call into a buffer. Syntax sword OCILobRead ( OCISvcCtx *svchp, OCIError *errhp, OCILobLocator *locp, ub4 offset, ub4 *amtp, void *bufp, ub4 bufl, void *ctxp, OCICallbackLobRead cbfp, ub2 csid, ub1 csfrm ); Comments Reads a portion of a LOB/FILE as specified by the call into a buffer. Data read from a hole is returned as 0s. It is an error to try to read from a NULL LOB/FILE. The OS FILE must already exist on the server and must have been opened using the input locator. Oracle must hav epermission to read the OS file and user must have read permission on the directory object. Parameters svchp (IN/OUT) - the service context handle. errhp (IN/OUT) - an error handle which can be passed to OCIErrorGet() for diagnostic information in the event of an error. locp (IN/OUT) - a LOB locator that uniquely references a LOB. offset (IN) - On input, it is the absolute offset, for character LOBs in the number of characters from the beginning of the LOB, for binary LOBs it is the number of bytes. Starts from 1. amtp (IN/OUT) - On input, the number of character or bytes to be read. On output, the actual number of bytes or characters read. If the amount of bytes to be read is larger than the buffer length it is assumed that the LOB is being read in a streamed mode. On input if this value is 0, then the data shall be read in streamed mode from the LOB until the end of LOB. If the data is read in pieces, *amtp always contains the length of the last piece read. If a callback function is defined, then this callback function will be invoked each time bufl bytes are read off the pipe. Each piece will be written into bufp. If the callback function is not defined, then OCI_NEED_DATA error code will be returned. The application must invoke the LOB read over and over again to read more pieces of the LOB until the OCI_NEED_DATA error code is not returned. The buffer pointer and the length can be different in each call if the pieces are being read into different sizes and location. bufp (IN) - the pointer to a buffer into which the piece will be read. The length of the allocated memory is assumed to be bufl. bufl (IN) - the length of the buffer in octets. ctxp (IN) - the context for the call back function. Can be NULL. cbfp (IN) - a callback that may be registered to be called for each piece. If this is NULL, then OCI_NEED_DATA will be returned for each piece. The callback function must return OCI_CONTINUE for the read to continue. If any other error code is returned, the LOB read is aborted. ctxp (IN) - the context for the call back function. Can be NULL. bufp (IN) - a buffer pointer for the piece. len (IN) - the length of length of current piece in bufp. piece (IN) - which piece - OCI_FIRST_PIECE, OCI_NEXT_PIECE or OCI_LAST_PIECE. csid - the character set ID of the buffer data csfrm - the character set form of the buffer data Related Functions OCIErrorGet, OCILobWrite, OCILobFileOpen, OCILobFileSetName, CREATE DIRECTORY OCILobTrim() Name OCI Lob Trim Purpose Trims the lob value to a shorter length Syntax sword OCILobTrim ( OCISvcCtx *svchp, OCIError *errhp, OCILobLocator *locp, ub4 newlen ); Comments Truncates LOB data to a specified shorter length. Parameters svchp (IN) - the service context handle. errhp (IN/OUT) - an error handle which can be passed to OCIErrorGet() for diagnostic information in the event of an error. locp (IN/OUT) - a LOB locator that uniquely references the LOB. This locator must be a locator that was obtained from the server specified by svchp. newlen (IN) - the new length of the LOB data, which must be less than or equal to the current length. Related Functions OCIErrorGet, OCILobWrite, OCiLobErase, OCILobAppend, OCILobCopy OCILobWrite() Name OCI Lob Write Purpose Writes a buffer into a LOB Syntax sword OCILobWrite ( OCISvcCtx *svchp, OCIError *errhp, OCILobLocator *locp, ub4 offset, ub4 *amtp, void *bufp, ub4 buflen, ub1 piece, void *ctxp, OCICallbackLobWrite (cbfp) ( void *ctxp, void *bufp, ub4 *lenp, ub1 *piecep ) ub2 csid ub1 csfrm ); Comments Writes a buffer into a LOB as specified. If LOB data already exists it is overwritten with the data stored in the buffer. The buffer can be written to the LOB in a single piece with this call, or it can be provided piecewise using callbacks or a standard polling method. If this value of the piece parameter is OCI_FIRST_PIECE, data must be provided through callbacks or polling. If a callback function is defined in the cbfp parameter, then this callback function will be invoked to get the next piece after a piece is written to the pipe. Each piece will be written from bufp. If no callback function is defined, then OCILobWrite() returns the OCI_NEED_DATA error code. The application must all OCILobWrite() again to write more pieces of the LOB. In this mode, the buffer pointer and the length can be different in each call if the pieces are of different sizes and from different locations. A piece value of OCI_LAST_PIECE terminates the piecewise write. Parameters svchp (IN/OUT) - the service context handle. errhp (IN/OUT) - an error handle which can be passed to OCIErrorGet() for diagnostic information in the event of an error. locp (IN/OUT) - a LOB locator that uniquely references a LOB. offset (IN) - On input, it is the absolute offset, for character LOBs in the number of characters from the beginning of the LOB, for binary LOBs it is the number of bytes. Starts at 1. bufp (IN) - the pointer to a buffer from which the piece will be written. The length of the allocated memory is assumed to be the value passed in bufl. Even if the data is being written in pieces, bufp must contain the first piece of the LOB when this call is invoked. bufl (IN) - the length of the buffer in bytes. Note: This parameter assumes an 8-bit byte. If your platform uses a longer byte, the value of bufl must be adjusted accordingly. piece (IN) - which piece of the buffer is being written. The default value for this parameter is OCI_ONE_PIECE, indicating the buffer will be written in a single piece. The following other values are also possible for piecewise or callback mode: OCI_FIRST_PIECE, OCI_NEXT_PIECE and OCI_LAST_PIECE. amtp (IN/OUT) - On input, takes the number of character or bytes to be written. On output, returns the actual number of bytes or characters written. If the data is written in pieces, *amtp will contain the total length of the pieces written at the end of the call (last piece written) and is undefined in between. (Note it is different from the piecewise read case) ctxp (IN) - the context for the call back function. Can be NULL. cbfp (IN) - a callback that may be registered to be called for each piece in a piecewise write. If this is NULL, the standard polling method will be used. The callback function must return OCI_CONTINUE for the write to continue. If any other error code is returned, the LOB write is aborted. The callback takes the following parameters: ctxp (IN) - the context for the call back function. Can be NULL. bufp (IN/OUT) - a buffer pointer for the piece. lenp (IN/OUT) - the length of the buffer (in octets) and the length of current piece in bufp (out octets). piecep (OUT) - which piece - OCI_NEXT_PIECE or OCI_LAST_PIECE. csid - the character set ID of the buffer data csfrm - the character set form of the buffer data Related Functions OCILobWriteAppend() Name OCI Lob Write Append Purpose Writes data to the end of a LOB value. This call provides the ability to get the length of the data and append it to the end of the LOB in a single round trip to the server. Syntax sword OCILobWriteAppend ( OCISvcCtx *svchp, OCIError *errhp, OCILobLocator *locp, ub4 *amtp, void *bufp, ub4 buflen, ub1 piece, void *ctxp, OCICallbackLobWrite (cbfp) ( void *ctxp, void *bufp, ub4 *lenp, ub1 *piecep ) ub2 csid ub1 csfrm ); Comments Writes a buffer to the end of a LOB as specified. If LOB data already exists it is overwritten with the data stored in the buffer. The buffer can be written to the LOB in a single piece with this call, or it can be provided piecewise using callbacks or a standard polling method. If this value of the piece parameter is OCI_FIRST_PIECE, data must be provided through callbacks or polling. If a callback function is defined in the cbfp parameter, then this callback function will be invoked to get the next piece after a piece is written to the pipe. Each piece will be written from bufp. If no callback function is defined, then OCILobWriteAppend() returns the OCI_NEED_DATA error code. The application must all OCILobWriteAppend() again to write more pieces of the LOB. In this mode, the buffer pointer and the length can be different in each call if the pieces are of different sizes and from different locations. A piece value of OCI_LAST_PIECE terminates the piecewise write. Parameters svchp (IN/OUT) - the service context handle. errhp (IN/OUT) - an error handle which can be passed to OCIErrorGet() for diagnostic information in the event of an error. locp (IN/OUT) - a LOB locator that uniquely references a LOB. bufp (IN) - the pointer to a buffer from which the piece will be written. The length of the allocated memory is assumed to be the value passed in bufl. Even if the data is being written in pieces, bufp must contain the first piece of the LOB when this call is invoked. bufl (IN) - the length of the buffer in bytes. Note: This parameter assumes an 8-bit byte. If your platform uses a longer byte, the value of bufl must be adjusted accordingly. piece (IN) - which piece of the buffer is being written. The default value for this parameter is OCI_ONE_PIECE, indicating the buffer will be written in a single piece. The following other values are also possible for piecewise or callback mode: OCI_FIRST_PIECE, OCI_NEXT_PIECE and OCI_LAST_PIECE. amtp (IN/OUT) - On input, takes the number of character or bytes to be written. On output, returns the actual number of bytes or characters written. If the data is written in pieces, *amtp will contain the total length of the pieces written at the end of the call (last piece written) and is undefined in between. (Note it is different from the piecewise read case) ctxp (IN) - the context for the call back function. Can be NULL. cbfp (IN) - a callback that may be registered to be called for each piece in a piecewise write. If this is NULL, the standard polling method will be used. The callback function must return OCI_CONTINUE for the write to continue. If any other error code is returned, the LOB write is aborted. The callback takes the following parameters: ctxp (IN) - the context for the call back function. Can be NULL. bufp (IN/OUT) - a buffer pointer for the piece. lenp (IN/OUT) - the length of the buffer (in octets) and the length of current piece in bufp (out octets). piecep (OUT) - which piece - OCI_NEXT_PIECE or OCI_LAST_PIECE. csid - the character set ID of the buffer data csfrm - the character set form of the buffer data Related Functions OCILobGetStorageLimit() Name OCI Lob Get Storage Limit Purpose To get the maximum Length of a LOB in bytes that can be stored in the database. Syntax sword OCILobGetStorageLimit ( OCISvcCtx *svchp, OCIError *errhp, OCILobLocator *locp, oraub8 *limitp); Comments With unlimited size LOB support the limit for a LOB is no longer restricted to 4GB. This interface should be used to get the actual limit for storing data for a specific LOB locator. Note that if the compatibality is set to 9.2 or older the limit would still be 4GB. Parameters svchp (IN/OUT) - the service context handle. errhp (IN/OUT) - an error handle which can be passed to OCIErrorGet() for diagnostic information in the event of an error. locp (IN/OUT) - a LOB locator that uniquely references a LOB. limitp (OUT) - The storage limit for a LOB in bytes. Related Functions OCILobGetOptions() Name OCI Lob Get Options Purpose To get the current options set for the given SecureFile. Syntax sword OCILobGetOptions ( OCISvcCtx *svchp, OCIError *errhp, OCILobLocator *locp, ub4 optypes, void *optionsp, ub4 *optionslenp, ub4 mode); Comments This function only works on SecureFiles. All others will get an error. Parameters svchp (IN/OUT) - the service context handle. errhp (IN/OUT) - an error handle which can be passed to OCIErrorGet() for diagnostic information in the event of an error. locp (IN/OUT) - a LOB locator that uniquely references a LOB. optypes (IN) - the types of options flags to be retrieved. optionsp (OUT) - the options flags or value for the given types. optionslenp (IN/OUT) - the length of option_value buffer mode (IN) - for future use (pass 0 for now). Related Functions OCISetOptions() OCILobSetOptions() Name OCI Lob Set Options Purpose To set the options for the given SecureFile Lob. Syntax sword OCILobSetOptions ( OCISvcCtx *svchp, OCIError *errhp, OCILobLocator *locp, ub4 optypes, void *optionsp, ub4 optionslen, ub4 mode); Comments This function only works on SecureFile Lobs. All others will get an error. Parameters svchp (IN/OUT) - the service context handle. errhp (IN/OUT) - an error handle which can be passed to OCIErrorGet() for diagnostic information in the event of an error. locp (IN/OUT) - a LOB locator that uniquely references a LOB. optypes (IN) - the types of options flags to be set. optionsp (IN) - the options flags or value to be set for the given types. optionslen (IN) - then length of option_value buffer mode (IN) - for future use (pass 0 for now). Related Functions OCILobGetOptions() OCILobGetContentType() Name OCI Lob Get Content Type Purpose To get the current contenttype set for the given SecureFile. Syntax sword OCILobGetContentType (OCISvcCtx *svchp, OCIError *errhp, OCILobLocator *locp, oratext *contenttypep, ub4 *contenttypelenp, ub4 mode); Comments This function only works on SecureFiles. All others will get an error. If the securefile does not have a contenttype associated with it, the contenttype length (= *contenttypelenp) is returned as 0 without modifying the buffer contenttypep. Parameters svchp (IN/OUT) - the service context handle. errhp (IN/OUT) - an error handle which can be passed to OCIErrorGet() for diagnostic information in the event of an error. locp (IN/OUT) - a LOB locator that uniquely references a LOB. contenttypep(IN/OUT)- pointer to the buffer where the contenttype is stored after successful execution. The caller needs to allocate the buffer before calling this function. The size of the allocated buffer should be >= OCI_LOB_CONTENTTYPE_MAXSIZE bytes contenttypelenp(IN/OUT)- The caller should set this field to the size of contenttypep buffer. After the call successfully executes, it will hold the size of the contenttype returned. mode (IN) - for future use (pass 0 for now). Related Functions OCISetContentType() OCILobSetContentType() Name OCI Lob Set Content Type Purpose To set the contenttype for the given SecureFile Lob. Syntax sword OCILobSetContentType (OCISvcCtx *svchp, OCIError *errhp, OCILobLocator *locp, const oratext *contenttypep, ub4 contenttypelen, ub4 mode); Comments This function only works on SecureFiles. All others will get an error. To clear an existing contenttype set on a securefile, the user will invoke OCILobSetContentType API with contenttypep set to (oratext *)0, and contenttypelen set to 0. Parameters svchp (IN/OUT) - the service context handle. errhp (IN/OUT) - an error handle which can be passed to OCIErrorGet() for diagnostic information in the event of an error. locp (IN/OUT) - a LOB locator that uniquely references a LOB. contenttypep (IN) - the contenttype to be set for the given LOB. contenttypelen(IN) - the size of contenttype in bytes. The size of the contenttype should be <= OCI_LOB_CONTENTTYPE_MAXSIZE bytes. mode (IN) - for future use (pass 0 for now). Related Functions OCILobGetContentType() OCILogoff() Name OCI simplified Logoff Purpose This function is used to terminate a session created with OCILogon() or OCILogon2(). Syntax sword OCILogoff ( OCISvcCtx *svchp OCIError *errhp ); Comments This call is used to terminate a session which was created with OCILogon() or OCILogon2(). This call implicitly deallocates the server, authentication, and service context handles. Note: For more information on logging on and off in an application, refer to the section "Application Initialization, Connection, and Authorization" on page 2-16. Parameters svchp (IN) - the service context handle which was used in the call to OCILogon() or OCILogon2(). errhp (IN/OUT) - an error handle which can be passed to OCIErrorGet() for diagnostic information in the event of an error. See Also OCILogon(), OCILogon2(). OCILogon() Name OCI Service Context Logon Purpose This function is used to create a simple logon session. Syntax sword OCILogon ( OCIEnv *envhp, OCIError *errhp, OCISvcCtx *svchp, const OraText *username, ub4 uname_len, const OraText *password, ub4 passwd_len, const OraText *dbname, ub4 dbname_len ); Comments This function is used to create a simple logon session for an application. Note: Users requiring more complex session (e.g., TP monitor applications) should refer to the section "Application Initialization, Connection, and Authorization" on page 2-16. This call allocates the error and service context handles which are passed to it. This call also implicitly allocates server and authentication handles associated with the session. These handles can be retrieved by calling OCIAttrGet() on the service context handle. Parameters envhp (IN) - the OCI environment handle. errhp (IN/OUT) - an error handle which can be passed to OCIErrorGet() for diagnostic information in the event of an error. svchp (OUT) - the service context pointer. username (IN) - the username. uname_len (IN) - the length of username. password (IN) - the user's password. passwd_len (IN) - the length of password. dbname (IN) - the name of the database to connect to. dbname_len (IN) - the length of dbname. See Also OCILogoff() OCILogon2() Name OCI Service Context Logon Purpose This function is used to create a logon session in connection pooling mode. Syntax sword OCILogon2 ( OCIEnv *envhp, OCIError *errhp, OCISvcCtx **svchp, const OraText *username, ub4 uname_len, const OraText *password, ub4 passwd_len, const OraText *dbname, ub4 dbname_len, ub4 mode); Comments This function is used to create a simple logon session for an application in Connection Pooling mode. The valid values for mode are currently OCI_POOL and OCI_DEFAULT. Call to this function with OCI_DEFAULT mode is equivalent to OCILogon() call. This call allocates the error and service context handles which are passed to it. This call also implicitly allocates server and authentication handles associated with the session. These handles can be retrieved by calling OCIAttrGet() on the service context handle. This call assumes that OCIConnectionPoolCreate() has already been called for the same dbname. Parameters envhp (IN) - the OCI environment handle. errhp (IN/OUT) - an error handle which can be passed to OCIErrorGet() for diagnostic information in the event of an error. svchp (OUT) - the service context pointer. username (IN) - the username. uname_len (IN) - the length of username. password (IN) - the user's password. If this is null, it is assumed that a proxy session has to be created and the required grants on the database are already done. passwd_len (IN) - the length of password. dbname (IN) - the name of the database to connect to. dbname_len (IN) - the length of dbname. mode (IN) - the mode for doing the server attach. Should be OCI_POOL for using Connection Pooling. See Also OCILogoff() OCIMemoryFree() Name OCI FREE Memory Purpose Frees up storage associated with the pointer. Syntax void OCIMemoryFree ( const OCIStmt *stmhp, void *memptr); Comments Frees up dynamically allocated data pointers associated with the pointer using either the default memory free function or the registered memory free function, as the case may be. A user-defined memory free function can be registered during the initial call to OCIInitialize(). This call is always successful. Parameters stmhp (IN) - statement handle which returned this data buffer. memptr (IN) - pointer to data allocated by the client library. Related Functions OCIInitialize() OCIParamGet() Name OCI Get PARaMeter Purpose Returns a descriptor of a parameter specified by position in the describe handle or statement handle. Syntax sword OCIParamGet ( const void *hndlp, ub4 htype, OCIError *errhp, void **parmdpp, ub4 pos ); Comments This call returns a descriptor of a parameter specified by position in the describe handle or statement handle. Parameter descriptors are always allocated internally by the OCI library. They are read-only. OCI_NO_DATA may be returned if there are no parameter descriptors for this position. See Appendix B for more detailed information about parameter descriptor attributes. Parameters hndlp (IN) - a statement handle or describe handle. The OCIParamGet() function will return a parameter descriptor for this handle. htype (IN) - the type of the handle passed in the handle parameter. Valid types are OCI_HTYPE_DESCRIBE, for a describe handle OCI_HTYPE_STMT, for a statement handle errhp (IN/OUT) - an error handle which can be passed to OCIErrorGet() for diagnostic information in the event of an error. parmdpp (OUT) - a descriptor of the parameter at the position given in the pos parameter. pos (IN) - position number in the statement handle or describe handle. A parameter descriptor will be returned for this position. Note: OCI_NO_DATA may be returned if there are no parameter descriptors for this position. Related Functions OCIAttrGet(), OCIAttrSet() OCIParamSet() Name OCI Parameter Set in handle Purpose Used to set a complex object retrieval descriptor into a complex object retrieval handle. Syntax sword OCIParamGet ( void *hndlp, ub4 htyp, OCIError *errhp, const void *dscp, ub4 dtyp, ub4 pos ); Comments This call sets a given complex object retrieval descriptor into a complex object retrieval handle. The handle must have been previously allocated using OCIHandleAlloc(), and the descriptor must have been previously allocated using OCIDescAlloc(). Attributes of the descriptor are set using OCIAttrSet(). Parameters hndlp (IN/OUT) - handle pointer. htype (IN) - handle type. errhp (IN/OUT) - error handle. dscp (IN) - complex object retrieval descriptor pointer. dtyp (IN) - pos (IN) - position number. See Also OCIPasswordChange() Name OCI Change PassWord Purpose This call allows the password of an account to be changed. Syntax sword OCIPasswordChange ( OCISvcCtx *svchp, OCIError *errhp, const OraText *user_name, ub4 usernm_len, const OraText *opasswd, ub4 opasswd_len, const OraText *npasswd, sb4 npasswd_len, ub4 mode); Comments This call allows the password of an account to be changed. This call is similar to OCISessionBegin() with the following differences: If the user authentication is already established, it authenticates the account using the old password and then changes the password to the new password If the user authentication is not established, it establishes a user authentication and authenticates the account using the old password, then changes the password to the new password. This call is useful when the password of an account is expired and OCISessionBegin() returns an error or warning which indicates that the password has expired. Parameters svchp (IN/OUT) - a handle to a service context. The service context handle must be initialized and have a server context handle associated with it. errhp (IN) - an error handle which can be passed to OCIErrorGet() for diagnostic information in the event of an error. user_name (IN) - specifies the user name. It points to a character string, whose length is specified in usernm_len. This parameter must be NULL if the service context has been initialized with an authentication handle. usernm_len (IN) - the length of the user name string specified in user_name. For a valid user name string, usernm_len must be non-zero. opasswd (IN) - specifies the user's old password. It points to a character string, whose length is specified in opasswd_len . opasswd_len (IN) - the length of the old password string specified in opasswd. For a valid password string, opasswd_len must be non-zero. npasswd (IN) - specifies the user's new password. It points to a character string, whose length is specified in npasswd_len which must be non-zero for a valid password string. If the password complexity verification routine is specified in the user's profile to verify the new password's complexity, the new password must meet the complexity requirements of the verification function. npasswd_len (IN) - then length of the new password string specified in npasswd. For a valid password string, npasswd_len must be non-zero. mode - pass as OCI_DEFAULT. Related Functions OCISessionBegin() ----------------------------------OCIReset------------------------------------ OCIReset() Name OCI Reset Purpose Resets the interrupted asynchronous operation and protocol. Must be called if a OCIBreak call had been issued while a non-blocking operation was in progress. Syntax sword OCIReset ( void *hndlp, OCIError *errhp); Comments This call is called in non-blocking mode ONLY. Resets the interrupted asynchronous operation and protocol. Must be called if a OCIBreak call had been issued while a non-blocking operation was in progress. Parameters hndlp (IN) - the service context handle or the server context handle. errhp (IN) - an error handle which can be passed to OCIErrorGet() for diagnostic information in the event of an error. Related Functions OCIResultSetToStmt() Name OCI convert Result Set to Statement Handle Purpose Converts a descriptor to statement handle for fetching rows. Syntax sword OCIResultSetToStmt ( OCIResult *rsetdp, OCIError *errhp ); Comments Converts a descriptor to statement handle for fetching rows. A result set descriptor can be allocated with a call to OCIDescAlloc(). Parameters rsetdp (IN/OUT) - a result set descriptor pointer. errhp (IN/OUT) - an error handle which can be passed to OCIErrorGet() for diagnostic information in the event of an error. Related Functions OCIDescAlloc() OCIServerAttach() Name OCI ATtaCH to server Purpose Creates an access path to a data source for OCI operations. Syntax sword OCIServerAttach ( OCIServer *srvhp, OCIError *errhp, const OraText *dblink, sb4 dblink_len, ub4 mode); Comments This call is used to create an association between an OCI application and a particular server. This call initializes a server context handle, which must have been previously allocated with a call to OCIHandleAlloc(). The server context handle initialized by this call can be associated with a service context through a call to OCIAttrSet(). Once that association has been made, OCI operations can be performed against the server. If an application is operating against multiple servers, multiple server context handles can be maintained. OCI operations are performed against whichever server context is currently associated with the service context. Parameters srvhp (IN/OUT) - an uninitialized server context handle, which gets initialized by this call. Passing in an initialized server handle causes an error. errhp (IN/OUT) - an error handle which can be passed to OCIErrorGet() for diagnostic information in the event of an error. dblink (IN) - specifies the database (server) to use. This parameter points to a character string which specifies a connect string or a service point. If the connect string is NULL, then this call attaches to the default host. The length of connstr is specified in connstr_len. The connstr pointer may be freed by the caller on return. dblink_len (IN) - the length of the string pointed to by connstr. For a valid connect string name or alias, connstr_len must be non-zero. mode (IN) - specifies the various modes of operation. For release 8.0, pass as OCI_DEFAULT - in this mode, calls made to the server on this server context are made in blocking mode. Example See the description of OCIStmtPrepare() on page 13-96 for an example showing the use of OCIServerAttach(). Related Functions OCIServerDetach() OCIServerDetach() Name OCI DeTaCH server Purpose Deletes an access to a data source for OCI operations. Syntax sword OCIServerDetach ( OCIServer *svrhp, OCIError *errhp, ub4 mode); Comments This call deletes an access to data source for OCI operations, which was established by a call to OCIServerAttach(). Parameters srvhp (IN) - a handle to an initialized server context, which gets reset to uninitialized state. The handle is not de-allocated. errhp (IN/OUT) - an error handle which can be passed to OCIErrorGet() for diagnostic information in the event of an error. mode (IN) - specifies the various modes of operation. The only valid mode is OCI_DEFAULT for the default mode. Related Functions OCIServerAttach() OCIServerVersion() Name OCI VERSion Purpose Returns the version string of the Oracle server. Syntax sword OCIServerVersion ( void *hndlp, OCIError *errhp, OraText *bufp, ub4 bufsz ub1 hndltype ); Comments This call returns the version string of the Oracle server. For example, the following might be returned as the version string if your application is running against a 7.3.2 server: Oracle7 Server Release - Production Release PL/SQL Release - Production CORE Version - Production TNS for SEQUENT DYNIX/ptx: Version - Production NLSRTL Version - Production Parameters hndlp (IN) - the service context handle or the server context handle. errhp (IN) - an error handle which can be passed to OCIErrorGet() for diagnostic information in the event of an error. bufp (IN) - the buffer in which the version information is returned. bufsz (IN) - the length of the buffer. hndltype (IN) - the type of handle passed to the function. Related Functions OCISessionBegin() Name OCI Session Begin and authenticate user Purpose Creates a user authentication and begins a user session for a given server. Syntax sword OCISessionBegin ( OCISvcCtx *svchp, OCIError *errhp, OCISession *usrhp, ub4 credt, ub4 mode); Comments For Oracle8, OCISessionBegin() must be called for any given server handle before requests can be made against it. Also, OCISessionBegin() only supports authenticating the user for access to the Oracle server specified by the server handle in the service context. In other words, after OCIServerAttach() is called to initialize a server handle, OCISessionBegin() must be called to authenticate the user for that given server. When OCISessionBegin() is called for the first time for the given server handle, the initialized authentication handle is called a primary authentication context. A primary authentication context may not be created with the OCI_MIGRATE mode. Also, only one primary authentication context can be created for a given server handle and the primary authentication context c an only ever be used with that server handle. If the primary authentication context is set in a service handle with a different server handle, then an error will result. After OCISessionBegin() has been called for the server handle, and the primary authentication context is set in the service handle, OCISessionBegin() may be called again to initialize another authentication handle with different (or the same) credentials. When OCISessionBegin() is called with a service handle set with a primary authentication context, the returned authentication context in authp is called a user authentication context. As many user authentication contexts may be initialized as desired. User authentication contexts may be created with the OCI_MIGRATE mode. If the OCI_MIGRATE mode is not specified, then the user authentication context can only ever be used with the same server handle set in svchp. If OCI_MIGRATE mode is specified, then the user authentication may be set with different server handles. However, the user authentication context is restricted to use with only server handles which resolve to the same database instance and that have equivalent primary authentication contexts. Equivalent authentication contexts are those which were authenticated as the same database user. OCI_SYSDBA, OCI_SYSOPER, OCI_SYSASM, and OCI_PRELIM_AUTH may only be used with a primary authentication context. To provide credentials for a call to OCISessionBegin(), one of two methods are supported. The first is to provide a valid username and password pair for database authentication in the user authentication handle passed to OCISessionBegin(). This involves using OCIAttrSet() to set the OCI_ATTR_USERNAME and OCI_ATTR_PASSWORD attributes on the authentication handle. Then OCISessionBegin() is called with OCI_CRED_RDBMS. Note: When the authentication handle is terminated using OCISessionEnd(), the username and password attributes remain unchanged and thus can be re-used in a future call to OCISessionBegin(). Otherwise, they must be reset to new values before the next OCISessionBegin() call. The second type of credentials supported are external credentials. No attributes need to be set on the authentication handle before calling OCISessionBegin(). The credential type is OCI_CRED_EXT. This is equivalent to the Oracle7 `connect /' syntax. If values have been set for OCI_ATTR_USERNAME and OCI_ATTR_PASSWORD, then these are ignored if OCI_CRED_EXT is used. Parameters svchp (IN) - a handle to a service context. There must be a valid server handle set in svchp. errhp (IN) - an error handle to the retrieve diagnostic information. usrhp (IN/OUT) - a handle to an authentication context, which is initialized by this call. credt (IN) - specifies the type of credentials to use for authentication. Valid values for credt are: OCI_CRED_RDBMS - authenticate using a database username and password pair as credentials. The attributes OCI_ATTR_USERNAME and OCI_ATTR_PASSWORD should be set on the authentication context before this call. OCI_CRED_EXT - authenticate using external credentials. No username or password is provided. mode (IN) - specifies the various modes of operation. Valid modes are: OCI_DEFAULT - in this mode, the authentication context returned may only ever be set with the same server context specified in svchp. This establishes the primary authentication context. OCI_MIGRATE - in this mode, the new authentication context may be set in a service handle with a different server handle. This mode establishes the user authentication context. OCI_SYSDBA - in this mode, the user is authenticated for SYSDBA access. OCI_SYSOPER - in this mode, the user is authenticated for SYSOPER access. OCI_SYSASM - in this mode, the user is authenticated for SYSASM access. Note that only an ASM instance can grant SYSASM access. OCI_PRELIM_AUTH - this mode may only be used with OCI_SYSDBA, OCI_SYSASM, or OCI_SYSOPER to authenticate for certain administration tasks. Related Functions OCISessionEnd() OCISessionEnd() Name OCI Terminate user Authentication Context Purpose Terminates a user authentication context created by OCISessionBegin() Syntax sword OCISessionEnd ( OCISvcCtx *svchp, OCIError *errhp, OCISession *usrhp, ub4 mode); Comments The user security context associated with the service context is invalidated by this call. Storage for the authentication context is not freed. The transaction specified by the service context is implicitly committed. The transaction handle, if explicitly allocated, may be freed if not being used. Resources allocated on the server for this user are freed. The authentication handle may be reused in a new call to OCISessionBegin(). Parameters svchp (IN/OUT) - the service context handle. There must be a valid server handle and user authentication handle associated with svchp. errhp (IN/OUT) - an error handle which can be passed to OCIErrorGet() for diagnostic information in the event of an error. usrhp (IN) - de-authenticate this user. If this parameter is passed as NULL, the user in the service context handle is de-authenticated. mode (IN) - the only valid mode is OCI_DEFAULT. Example In this example, an authentication context is destroyed. Related Functions OCISessionBegin() OCIStmtExecute() Name OCI EXECute Purpose This call associates an application request with a server. Syntax sword OCIStmtExecute ( OCISvcCtx *svchp, OCIStmt *stmtp, OCIError *errhp, ub4 iters, ub4 rowoff, const OCISnapshot *snap_in, OCISnapshot *snap_out, ub4 mode ); Comments This function is used to execute a prepared SQL statement. Using an execute call, the application associates a request with a server. On success, OCI_SUCCESS is returned. If a SELECT statement is executed, the description of the select list follows implicitly as a response. This description is buffered on the client side for describes, fetches and define type conversions. Hence it is optimal to describe a select list only after an execute. Also for SELECT statements, some results are available implicitly. Rows will be received and buffered at the end of the execute. For queries with small row count, a prefetch causes memory to be released in the server if the end of fetch is reached, an optimization that may result in memory usage reduction. Set attribute call has been defined to set the number of rows to be prefetched per result set. For SELECT statements, at the end of the execute, the statement handle implicitly maintains a reference to the service context on which it is executed. It is the user's responsibility to maintain the integrity of the service context. If the attributes of a service context is changed for executing some operations on this service context, the service context must be restored to have the same attributes, that a statement was executed with, prior to a fetch on the statement handle. The implicit reference is maintained until the statement handle is freed or the fetch is cancelled or an end of fetch condition is reached. Note: If output variables are defined for a SELECT statement before a call to OCIStmtExecute(), the number of rows specified by iters will be fetched directly into the defined output buffers and additional rows equivalent to the prefetch count will be prefetched. If there are no additional rows, then the fetch is complete without calling OCIStmtFetch(). The execute call will return errors if the statement has bind data types that are not supported in an Oracle7 server. Parameters svchp (IN/OUT) - service context handle. stmtp (IN/OUT) - an statement handle - defines the statement and the associated data to be executed at the server. It is invalid to pass in a statement handle that has bind of data types only supported in release 8.0 when srvchp points to an Oracle7 server. errhp (IN/OUT) - an error handle which can be passed to OCIErrorGet() for diagnostic information in the event of an error. If the statement is being batched and it is successful, then this handle will contain this particular statement execution specific errors returned from the server when the batch is flushed. iters (IN) - the number of times this statement is executed for non-Select statements. For Select statements, if iters is non-zero, then defines must have been done for the statement handle. The execution fetches iters rows into these predefined buffers and prefetches more rows depending upon the prefetch row count. This function returns an error if iters=0 for non-SELECT statements. rowoff (IN) - the index from which the data in an array bind is relevant for this multiple row execution. snap_in (IN) - this parameter is optional. if supplied, must point to a snapshot descriptor of type OCI_DTYPE_SNAP. The contents of this descriptor must be obtained from the snap_out parameter of a previous call. The descriptor is ignored if the SQL is not a SELECT. This facility allows multiple service contexts to ORACLE to see the same consistent snapshot of the database's committed data. However, uncommitted data in one context is not visible to another context even using the same snapshot. snap_out (OUT) - this parameter optional. if supplied, must point to a descriptor of type OCI_DTYPE_SNAP. This descriptor is filled in with an opaque representation which is the current ORACLE "system change number" suitable as a snap_in input to a subsequent call to OCIStmtExecute(). This descriptor should not be used any longer than necessary in order to avoid "snapshot too old" errors. mode (IN) - The modes are: If OCI_DEFAULT_MODE, the default mode, is selected, the request is immediately executed. Error handle contains diagnostics on error if any. OCI_EXACT_FETCH - if the statement is a SQL SELECT, this mode is only valid if the application has set the prefetch row count prior to this call. In this mode, the OCI library will get up to the number of rows specified (i.e., prefetch row count plus iters). If the number of rows returned by the query is greater than this value, OCI_ERROR will be returned with ORA-01422 as the implementation specific error in a diagnostic record. If the number of rows returned by the query is smaller than the prefetch row count, OCI_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO will be returned with ORA-01403 as the implementation specific error. The prefetch buffer size is ignored and the OCI library tries to allocate all the space required to contain the prefetched rows. The exact fetch semantics apply to only the top level rows. No more rows can be fetched for this query at the end of the call. OCI_KEEP_FETCH_STATE - the result set rows (not yet fetched) of this statement executed in this transaction will be maintained when the transaction is detached for migration. By default, a query is cancelled when a transaction is detached for migration. This mode is the default mode when connected to a V7 server. Related Functions OCIStmtPrepare() OCIStmtFetch() Name OCI FetCH Purpose Fetches rows from a query. Syntax sword OCIStmtFetch ( OCIStmt *stmtp, OCIError *errhp, ub4 nrows, ub2 orientation, ub4 mode); Comments The fetch call is a local call, if prefetched rows suffice. However, this is transparent to the application. If LOB columns are being read, LOB locators are fetched for subsequent LOB operations to be performed on these locators. Prefetching is turned off if LONG columns are involved. A fetch with nrows set to 0 rows effectively cancels the fetch for this statement. Parameters stmtp (IN) - a statement (application request) handle. errhp (IN) - an error handle which can be passed to OCIErrorGet() for diagnostic information in the event of an error. nrows (IN) - number of rows to be fetched from the current position. orientation (IN) - for release 8.0, the only acceptable value is OCI_FETCH_NEXT, which is also the default value. mode (IN) - for release 8.0, beta-1, the following mode is defined. OCI_DEFAULT - default mode OCI_EOF_FETCH - indicates that it is the last fetch from the result set. If nrows is non-zero, setting this mode effectively cancels fetching after retrieving nrows, otherwise it cancels fetching immediately. Related Functions OCIAttrGet() OCIStmtFetch2() Name OCI FetCH2 Purpose Fetches rows from a query. Syntax sword OCIStmtFetch2 ( OCIStmt *stmtp, OCIError *errhp, ub4 nrows, ub2 orientation, ub4 scrollOffset, ub4 mode); Comments The fetch call works similar to the OCIStmtFetch call with the addition of the fetchOffset parameter. It can be used on any statement handle, whether it is scrollable or not. For a non-scrollable statement handle, the only acceptable value will be OCI_FETCH_NEXT, and the fetchOffset parameter will be ignored. Applications are encouraged to use this new call. A fetchOffset with OCI_FETCH_RELATIVE is equivalent to OCI_FETCH_CURRENT with a value of 0, is equivalent to OCI_FETCH_NEXT with a value of 1, and equivalent to OCI_FETCH_PRIOR with a value of -1. Note that the range of accessible rows is [1,OCI_ATTR_ROW_COUNT] beyond which an error could be raised if sufficient rows do not exist in The fetch call is a local call, if prefetched rows suffice. However, this is transparent to the application. If LOB columns are being read, LOB locators are fetched for subsequent LOB operations to be performed on these locators. Prefetching is turned off if LONG columns are involved. A fetch with nrows set to 0 rows effectively cancels the fetch for this statement. Parameters stmtp (IN) - a statement (application request) handle. errhp (IN) - an error handle which can be passed to OCIErrorGet() for diagnostic information in the event of an error. nrows (IN) - number of rows to be fetched from the current position. It defaults to 1 for orientation OCI_FETCH_LAST. orientation (IN) - The acceptable values are as follows, with OCI_FETCH_NEXT being the default value. OCI_FETCH_CURRENT gets the current row, OCI_FETCH_NEXT gets the next row from the current position, OCI_FETCH_FIRST gets the first row in the result set, OCI_FETCH_LAST gets the last row in the result set, OCI_FETCH_PRIOR gets the previous row from the current row in the result set, OCI_FETCH_ABSOLUTE will fetch the row number (specified by fetchOffset parameter) in the result set using absolute positioning, OCI_FETCH_RELATIVE will fetch the row number (specified by fetchOffset parameter) in the result set using relative positioning. scrollOffset(IN) - offset used with the OCI_FETCH_ABSOLUTE and OCI_FETCH_RELATIVE orientation parameters only. It specify the new current position for scrollable result set. It is ignored for non-scrollable result sets. mode (IN) - for release 8.0, beta-1, the following mode is defined. OCI_DEFAULT - default mode OCI_EOF_FETCH - indicates that it is the last fetch from the result set. If nrows is non-zero, setting this mode effectively cancels fetching after retrieving nrows, otherwise it cancels fetching immediately. Related Functions OCIAttrGet() OCIStmtGetPieceInfo() Name OCI Get Piece Information Purpose Returns piece information for a piecewise operation. Syntax sword OCIStmtGetPieceInfo( const OCIStmt *stmtp, OCIError *errhp, void **hndlpp, ub4 *typep, ub1 *in_outp, ub4 *iterp, ub4 *idxp, ub1 *piecep ); Comments When an execute/fetch call returns OCI_NEED_DATA to get/return a dynamic bind/define value or piece, OCIStmtGetPieceInfo() returns the relevant information: bind/define handle, iteration or index number and which piece. See the section "Runtime Data Allocation and Piecewise Operations" on page 5-16 for more information about using OCIStmtGetPieceInfo(). Parameters stmtp (IN) - the statement when executed returned OCI_NEED_DATA. errhp (OUT) - an error handle which can be passed to OCIErrorGet() for diagnostic information in the event of an error. hndlpp (OUT) - returns a pointer to the bind or define handle of the bind or define whose runtime data is required or is being provided. typep (OUT) - the type of the handle pointed to by hndlpp: OCI_HTYPE_BIND (for a bind handle) or OCI_HTYPE_DEFINE (for a define handle). in_outp (OUT) - returns OCI_PARAM_IN if the data is required for an IN bind value. Returns OCI_PARAM_OUT if the data is available as an OUT bind variable or a define position value. iterp (OUT) - returns the row number of a multiple row operation. idxp (OUT) - the index of an array element of a PL/SQL array bind operation. piecep (OUT) - returns one of the following defined values - OCI_ONE_PIECE, OCI_FIRST_PIECE, OCI_NEXT_PIECE and OCI_LAST_PIECE. The default value is always OCI_ONE_PIECE. Related Functions OCIAttrGet(), OCIAttrGet(), OCIStmtExecute(), OCIStmtFetch(), OCIStmtSetPieceInfo() OCIStmtPrepare() Name OCI Statement REQuest Purpose This call defines the SQL/PLSQL statement to be executed. Syntax sword OCIStmtPrepare ( OCIStmt *stmtp, OCIError *errhp, const OraText *stmt, ub4 stmt_len, ub4 language, ub4 mode); Comments This call is used to prepare a SQL or PL/SQL statement for execution. The OCIStmtPrepare() call defines an application request. This is a purely local call. Data values for this statement initialized in subsequent bind calls will be stored in a bind handle which will hang off this statement handle. This call does not create an association between this statement handle and any particular server. See the section "Preparing Statements" on page 2-21 for more information about using this call. Parameters stmtp (IN) - a statement handle. errhp (IN) - an error handle to retrieve diagnostic information. stmt (IN) - SQL or PL/SQL statement to be executed. Must be a null-terminated string. The pointer to the OraText of the statement must be available as long as the statement is executed. stmt_len (IN) - length of the statement. Must not be zero. language (IN) - V7, V8, or native syntax. Possible values are: OCI_V7_SYNTAX - V7 ORACLE parsing syntax OCI_V8_SYNTAX - V8 ORACLE parsing syntax OCI_NTV_SYNTAX - syntax depending upon the version of the server. mode (IN) - the only defined mode is OCI_DEFAULT for default mode. Example This example demonstrates the use of OCIStmtPrepare(), as well as the OCI application initialization calls. Related Functions OCIAttrGet(), OCIStmtExecute() OCIStmtPrepare2() Name OCI Statement REQuest with (a) early binding to svchp and/or (b) stmt caching Purpose This call defines the SQL/PLSQL statement to be executed. Syntax sword OCIStmtPrepare2 ( OCISvcCtx *svchp, OCIStmt **stmtp, OCIError *errhp, const OraText *stmt, ub4 stmt_len, const OraText *key, ub4 key_len, ub4 language, ub4 mode); Comments This call is used to prepare a SQL or PL/SQL statement for execution. The OCIStmtPrepare() call defines an application request. This is a purely local call. Data values for this statement initialized in subsequent bind calls will be stored in a bind handle which will hang off this statement handle. This call creates an association between the statement handle and a service context. It differs from OCIStmtPrepare in that respect.It also supports stmt caching. The stmt will automatically be cached if the authp of the stmt has enabled stmt caching. Parameters svchp (IN) - the service context handle that contains the session that this stmt handle belongs to. stmtp (OUT) - an unallocated stmt handle must be pased in. An allocated and prepared statement handle will be returned. errhp (IN) - an error handle to retrieve diagnostic information. stmt (IN) - SQL or PL/SQL statement to be executed. Must be a null- terminated string. The pointer to the OraText of the statement must be available as long as the statement is executed. stmt_len (IN) - length of the statement. Must not be zero. key (IN) - This is only Valid for OCI Stmt Caching. It indicates the key to search with. It thus optimizes the search in the cache. key_len (IN) - the length of the key. This, too, is onlly valid for stmt caching. language (IN) - V7, V8, or native syntax. Possible values are: OCI_V7_SYNTAX - V7 ORACLE parsing syntax OCI_V8_SYNTAX - V8 ORACLE parsing syntax OCI_NTV_SYNTAX - syntax depending upon the version of the server. mode (IN) - the defined modes are OCI_DEFAULT and OCI_PREP2_CACHE_SEARCHONLY. Example Related Functions OCIStmtExecute(), OCIStmtRelease() OCIStmtRelease() Name OCI Statement Release. This call is used to relesae the stmt that was retreived using OCIStmtPrepare2(). If the stmt is release using this call, OCIHandleFree() must not be called on the stmt handle. Purpose This call releases the statement obtained by OCIStmtPrepare2 Syntax sword OCIStmtRelease ( OCIStmt *stmtp, OCIError *errhp, cONST OraText *key, ub4 key_len, ub4 mode); Comments This call is used to release a handle obtained via OCIStmtPrepare2(). It also frees the memory associated with the handle. This is a purely local call. Parameters stmtp (IN/OUT) - The statement handle to be released/freed. errhp (IN) - an error handle to retrieve diagnostic information. key (IN) - This is only Valid for OCI Stmt Caching. It indicates the key to tag the stmt with. key_len (IN) - the length of the key. This, too, is only valid for stmt caching. mode (IN) - the defined modes are OCI_DEFAULT for default mode and OCI_STRLS_CACHE_DELETE (only used for Stmt Caching). Example Related Functions OCIStmtExecute(), OCIStmtPrepare2() OCIStmtSetPieceInfo() Name OCI Set Piece Information Purpose Sets piece information for a piecewise operation. Syntax sword OCIStmtSetPieceInfo ( void *hndlp, ub4 type, OCIError *errhp, const void *bufp, ub4 *alenp, ub1 piece, const void *indp, ub2 *rcodep ); Comments When an execute call returns OCI_NEED_DATA to get a dynamic IN/OUT bind value or piece, OCIStmtSetPieceInfo() sets the piece information: the buffer, the length, the indicator and which piece is currently being processed. For more information about using OCIStmtSetPieceInfo() see the section "Runtime Data Allocation and Piecewise Operations" on page 5-16. Parameters hndlp (IN/OUT) - the bind/define handle. type (IN) - type of the handle. errhp (OUT) - an error handle which can be passed to OCIErrorGet() for diagnostic information in the event of an error. bufp (IN/OUT) - bufp is a pointer to a storage containing the data value or the piece when it is an IN bind variable, otherwise bufp is a pointer to storage for getting a piece or a value for OUT binds and define variables. For named data types or REFs, a pointer to the object or REF is returned. alenp (IN/OUT) - the length of the piece or the value. piece (IN) - the piece parameter. The following are valid values: OCI_ONE_PIECE, OCI_FIRST_PIECE, OCI_NEXT_PIECE, or OCI_LAST_PIECE. The default value is OCI_ONE_PIECE. This parameter is used for IN bind variables only. indp (IN/OUT) - indicator. A pointer to a sb2 value or pointer to an indicator structure for named data types (SQLT_NTY) and REFs (SQLT_REF), i.e., *indp is either an sb2 or a void * depending upon the data type. rcodep (IN/OUT) - return code. Related Functions OCIAttrGet(), OCIAttrGet(), OCIStmtExecute(), OCIStmtFetch(), OCIStmtGetPieceInfo() OCIFormatInit Name OCIFormat Package Initialize Purpose Initializes the OCIFormat package. Syntax sword OCIFormatInit(void *hndl, OCIError *err); Comments This routine must be called before calling any other OCIFormat routine. Returns OCI_SUCCESS, OCI_INVALID_HANDLE, or OCI_ERROR Parameters hndl (IN/OUT) - OCI environment or session handle err (IN/OUT) - OCI error handle Related Functions OCIFormatTerm() OCIFormatString Name OCIFormat Package Format String Purpose Writes a text string into the supplied text buffer using the argument list submitted to it and in accordance with the format string given. Syntax sword OCIFormatString(void *hndl, OCIError *err, OraText *buffer, sbig_ora bufferLength, sbig_ora *returnLength, const OraText *formatString, ...); Comments The first call to this routine must be preceded by a call to the OCIFormatInit routine that initializes the OCIFormat package for use. When this routine is no longer needed then terminate the OCIFormat package by a call to the OCIFormatTerm routine. Returns OCI_SUCCESS, OCI_INVALID_HANDLE, or OCI_ERROR Parameters hndl (IN/OUT) - OCI environment or session handle err (IN/OUT) - OCI error handle buffer (OUT) - text buffer for the string bufferLength (IN) - length of the text buffer returnLength (OUT) - length of the formatted string formatString (IN) - format specification string ... (IN) - variable argument list Related Functions OCIFormatTerm Name OCIFormat Package Terminate Purpose Terminates the OCIFormat package. Syntax sword OCIFormatTerm(void *hndl, OCIError *err); Comments It must be called after the OCIFormat package is no longer being used. Returns OCI_SUCCESS, OCI_INVALID_HANDLE, or OCI_ERROR Parameters hndl (IN/OUT) - OCI environment or session handle err (IN/OUT) - OCI error handle Related Functions OCIFormatInit() OCIFormatTUb1 Name OCIFormat Package ub1 Type Purpose Return the type value for the ub1 type. Syntax sword OCIFormatTUb1(void); Comments None Parameters None Related Functions None OCIFormatTUb2 Name OCIFormat Package ub2 Type Purpose Return the type value for the ub2 type. Syntax sword OCIFormatTUb2(void); Comments None Parameters None Related Functions None OCIFormatTUb4 Name OCIFormat Package ub4 Type Purpose Return the type value for the ub4 type. Syntax sword OCIFormatTUb4(void); Comments None Parameters None Related Functions None OCIFormatTUword Name OCIFormat Package uword Type Purpose Return the type value for the uword type. Syntax sword OCIFormatTUword(void); Comments None Parameters None Related Functions None OCIFormatTUbig_ora Name OCIFormat Package ubig_ora Type Purpose Return the type value for the ubig_ora type. Syntax sword OCIFormatTUbig_ora(void); Comments None Parameters None Related Functions None OCIFormatTSb1 Name OCIFormat Package sb1 Type Purpose Return the type value for the sb1 type. Syntax sword OCIFormatTSb1(void); Comments None Parameters None Related Functions None OCIFormatTSb2 Name OCIFormat Package sb2 Type Purpose Return the type value for the sb2 type. Syntax sword OCIFormatTSb2(void); Comments None Parameters None Related Functions None OCIFormatTSb4 Name OCIFormat Package sb4 Type Purpose Return the type value for the sb4 type. Syntax sword OCIFormatTSb4(void); Comments None Parameters None Related Functions None OCIFormatTSword Name OCIFormat Package sword Type Purpose Return the type value for the sword type. Syntax sword OCIFormatTSword(void); Comments None Parameters None Related Functions None OCIFormatTSbig_ora Name OCIFormat Package sbig_ora Type Purpose Return the type value for the sbig_ora type. Syntax sword OCIFormatTSbig_ora(void); Comments None Parameters None Related Functions None OCIFormatTEb1 Name OCIFormat Package eb1 Type Purpose Return the type value for the eb1 type. Syntax sword OCIFormatTEb1(void); Comments None Parameters None Related Functions None OCIFormatTEb2 Name OCIFormat Package eb2 Type Purpose Return the type value for the eb2 type. Syntax sword OCIFormatTEb2(void); Comments None Parameters None Related Functions None OCIFormatTEb4 Name OCIFormat Package eb4 Type Purpose Return the type value for the eb4 type. Syntax sword OCIFormatTEb4(void); Comments None Parameters None Related Functions None OCIFormatTEword Name OCIFormat Package eword Type Purpose Return the type value for the eword type. Syntax sword OCIFormatTEword(void); Comments None Parameters None Related Functions None OCIFormatTChar Name OCIFormat Package text Type Purpose Return the type value for the text type. Syntax sword OCIFormatTChar(void); Comments None Parameters None Related Functions None OCIFormatTText Name OCIFormat Package *text Type Purpose Return the type value for the *text type. Syntax sword OCIFormatTText(void); Comments None Parameters None Related Functions None OCIFormatTDouble Name OCIFormat Package double Type Purpose Return the type value for the double type. Syntax sword OCIFormatTDouble(void); Comments None Parameters None Related Functions None OCIFormatDvoid Name OCIFormat Package void Type Purpose Return the type value for the void type. Syntax sword OCIFormatTDvoid(void); Comments None Parameters None Related Functions None OCIFormatTEnd Name OCIFormat Package end Type Purpose Return the list terminator's "type". Syntax sword OCIFormatTEnd(void); Comments None Parameters None Related Functions None OCISvcCtxToLda() Name OCI toggle SerVice context handle to Version 7 Lda_Def Purpose Toggles between a V8 service context handle and a V7 Lda_Def. Syntax sword OCISvcCtxToLda ( OCISvcCtx *srvhp, OCIError *errhp, Lda_Def *ldap ); Comments Toggles between an Oracle8 service context handle and an Oracle7 Lda_Def. This function can only be called after a service context has been properly initialized. Once the service context has been translated to an Lda_Def, it can be used in release 7.x OCI calls (e.g., obindps(), ofen()). Note: If there are multiple service contexts which share the same server handle, only one can be in V7 mode at any time. The action of this call can be reversed by passing the resulting Lda_Def to the OCILdaToSvcCtx() function. Parameters svchp (IN/OUT) - the service context handle. errhp (IN/OUT) - an error handle which can be passed to OCIErrorGet() for diagnostic information in the event of an error. ldap (IN/OUT) - a Logon Data Area for V7-style OCI calls which is initialized by this call. Related Functions OCILdaToSvcCtx() OCITransCommit() Name OCI TX (transaction) CoMmit Purpose Commits the transaction associated with a specified service context. Syntax sword OCITransCommit ( OCISvcCtx *srvcp, OCIError *errhp, ub4 flags ); Comments The transaction currently associated with the service context is committed. If it is a distributed transaction that the server cannot commit, this call additionally retrieves the state of the transaction from the database to be returned to the user in the error handle. If the application has defined multiple transactions, this function operates on the transaction currently associated with the service context. If the application is working with only the implicit local transaction created when database changes are made, that implicit transaction is committed. If the application is running in the object mode, then the modified or updated objects in the object cache for this transaction are also committed. The flags parameter is used for one-phase commit optimization in distributed transactions. If the transaction is non-distributed, the flags parameter is ignored, and OCI_DEFAULT can be passed as its value. OCI applications managing global transactions should pass a value of OCI_TRANS_TWOPHASE to the flags parameter for a two-phase commit. The default is one-phase commit. Under normal circumstances, OCITransCommit() returns with a status indicating that the transaction has either been committed or rolled back. With distributed transactions, it is possible that the transaction is now in-doubt (i.e., neither committed nor aborted). In this case, OCITransCommit() attempts to retrieve the status of the transaction from the server. The status is returned. Parameters srvcp (IN) - the service context handle. errhp (IN) - an error handle which can be passed to OCIErrorGet() for diagnostic information in the event of an error. flags -see the "Comments" section above. Related Functions OCITransRollback() OCITransDetach() Name OCI TX (transaction) DeTach Purpose Detaches a transaction. Syntax sword OCITransDetach ( OCISvcCtx *srvcp, OCIError *errhp, ub4 flags); Comments Detaches a global transaction from the service context handle. The transaction currently attached to the service context handle becomes inactive at the end of this call. The transaction may be resumed later by calling OCITransStart(), specifying a flags value of OCI_TRANS_RESUME. When a transaction is detached, the value which was specified in the timeout parameter of OCITransStart() when the transaction was started is used to determine the amount of time the branch can remain inactive before being deleted by the server's PMON process. Note: The transaction can be resumed by a different process than the one that detached it, provided that the transaction has the same authorization. Parameters srvcp (IN) - the service context handle. errhp (IN) - an error handle which can be passed to OCIErrorGet() for diagnostic information in the event of an error. flags (IN) - you must pass a value of OCI_DEFAULT for this parameter. Related Functions OCITransStart() OCITransForget() Name OCI TX (transaction) ForGeT Purpose Causes the server to forget a heuristically completed global transaction. Syntax sword OCITransForget ( OCISvcCtx *svchp, OCIError *errhp, ub4 flags); Comments Forgets a heuristically completed global transaction. The server deletes the status of the transaction from the system's pending transaction table. The XID of the transaction to be forgotten is set as an attribute of the transaction handle (OCI_ATTR_XID). Parameters srvcp (IN) - the service context handle - the transaction is rolled back. errhp (IN) - an error handle which can be passed to OCIErrorGet() for diagnostic information in the event of an error. flags (IN) - you must pass OCI_DEFAULT for this parameter. Related Functions OCITransCommit(), OCITransRollback() OCITransMultiPrepare() Name OCI Trans(action) Multi-Branch Prepare Purpose Prepares a transaction with multiple branches in a single call. Syntax sword OCITransMultiPrepare ( OCISvcCtx *svchp, ub4 numBranches, OCITrans **txns, OCIError **errhp); Comments Prepares the specified global transaction for commit. This call is valid only for distributed transactions. This call is an advanced performance feature intended for use only in situations where the caller is responsible for preparing all the branches in a transaction. Parameters srvcp (IN) - the service context handle. numBranches (IN) - This is the number of branches expected. It is also the array size for the next two parameters. txns (IN) - This is the array of transaction handles for the branches to prepare. They should all have the OCI_ATTR_XID set. The global transaction ID should be the same. errhp (IN) - This is the array of error handles. If OCI_SUCCESS is not returned, then these will indicate which branches received which errors. Related Functions OCITransPrepare() OCITransPrepare() Name OCI TX (transaction) PREpare Purpose Prepares a transaction for commit. Syntax sword OCITransPrepare ( OCISvcCtx *svchp, OCIError *errhp, ub4 flags); Comments Prepares the specified global transaction for commit. This call is valid only for distributed transactions. The call returns OCI_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO if the transaction has not made any changes. The error handle will indicate that the transaction is read-only. The flag parameter is not currently used. Parameters srvcp (IN) - the service context handle. errhp (IN) - an error handle which can be passed to OCIErrorGet() for diagnostic information in the event of an error. flags (IN) - you must pass OCI_DEFAULT for this parameter. Related Functions OCITransCommit(), OCITransForget() OCITransRollback() Name OCI TX (transaction) RoLlback Purpose Rolls back the current transaction. Syntax sword OCITransRollback ( void *svchp, OCIError *errhp, ub4 flags ); Comments The current transaction- defined as the set of statements executed since the last OCITransCommit() or since OCISessionBegin()-is rolled back. If the application is running under object mode then the modified or updated objects in the object cache for this transaction are also rolled back. An error is returned if an attempt is made to roll back a global transaction that is not currently active. Parameters svchp (IN) - a service context handle. The transaction currently set in the service context handle is rolled back. errhp -(IN) - an error handle which can be passed to OCIErrorGet() for diagnostic information in the event of an error. flags - you must pass a value of OCI_DEFAULT for this parameter. Related Functions OCITransCommit() OCITransStart() Name OCI TX (transaction) STart Purpose Sets the beginning of a transaction. Syntax sword OCITransStart ( OCISvcCtx *svchp, OCIError *errhp, uword timeout, ub4 flags); Comments This function sets the beginning of a global or serializable transaction. The transaction context currently associated with the service context handle is initialized at the end of the call if the flags parameter specifies that a new transaction should be started. The XID of the transaction is set as an attribute of the transaction handle (OCI_ATTR_XID) Parameters svchp (IN/OUT) - the service context handle. The transaction context in the service context handle is initialized at the end of the call if the flag specified a new transaction to be started. errhp (IN/OUT) - The OCI error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in err and this function returns OCI_ERROR. Diagnostic information can be obtained by calling OCIErrorGet(). timeout (IN) - the time, in seconds, to wait for a transaction to become available for resumption when OCI_TRANS_RESUME is specified. When OCI_TRANS_NEW is specified, this value is stored and may be used later by OCITransDetach(). flags (IN) - specifies whether a new transaction is being started or an existing transaction is being resumed. Also specifies serializiability or read-only status. More than a single value can be specified. By default, a read/write transaction is started. The flag values are: OCI_TRANS_NEW - starts a new transaction branch. By default starts a tightly coupled and migratable branch. OCI_TRANS_TIGHT - explicitly specifies a tightly coupled branch OCI_TRANS_LOOSE - specifies a loosely coupled branch OCI_TRANS_RESUME - resumes an existing transaction branch. OCI_TRANS_READONLY - start a readonly transaction OCI_TRANS_SERIALIZABLE - start a serializable transaction Related Functions OCITransDetach() ******************************************************************************/ /*-----------------------Dynamic Callback Function Pointers------------------*/ typedef sb4 (*OCICallbackInBind)(void *ictxp, OCIBind *bindp, ub4 iter, ub4 index, void **bufpp, ub4 *alenp, ub1 *piecep, void **indp); typedef sb4 (*OCICallbackOutBind)(void *octxp, OCIBind *bindp, ub4 iter, ub4 index, void **bufpp, ub4 **alenp, ub1 *piecep, void **indp, ub2 **rcodep); typedef sb4 (*OCICallbackDefine)(void *octxp, OCIDefine *defnp, ub4 iter, void **bufpp, ub4 **alenp, ub1 *piecep, void **indp, ub2 **rcodep); typedef sword (*OCIUserCallback)(void *ctxp, void *hndlp, ub4 type, ub4 fcode, ub4 when, sword returnCode, sb4 *errnop, va_list arglist); typedef sword (*OCIEnvCallbackType)(OCIEnv *env, ub4 mode, size_t xtramem_sz, void *usrmemp, OCIUcb *ucbDesc); typedef sb4 (*OCICallbackLobRead)(void *ctxp, const void *bufp, ub4 len, ub1 piece); typedef sb4 (*OCICallbackLobWrite)(void *ctxp, void *bufp, ub4 *lenp, ub1 *piece); #ifdef ORAXB8_DEFINED typedef sb4 (*OCICallbackLobRead2)(void *ctxp, const void *bufp, oraub8 len, ub1 piece, void **changed_bufpp, oraub8 *changed_lenp); typedef sb4 (*OCICallbackLobWrite2)(void *ctxp, void *bufp, oraub8 *lenp, ub1 *piece, void **changed_bufpp, oraub8 *changed_lenp); typedef sb4 (*OCICallbackLobArrayRead)(void *ctxp, ub4 array_iter, const void *bufp, oraub8 len, ub1 piece, void **changed_bufpp, oraub8 *changed_lenp); typedef sb4 (*OCICallbackLobArrayWrite)(void *ctxp, ub4 array_iter, void *bufp, oraub8 *lenp, ub1 *piece, void **changed_bufpp, oraub8 *changed_lenp); #endif typedef sb4 (*OCICallbackLobGetDeduplicateRegions)(void *ctxp, OCILobRegion *regions, ub4 count, ub1 piece, OCILobRegion **changed_reg, ub4 *changed_count); typedef sb4 (*OCICallbackAQEnq)(void *ctxp, void **payload, void **payload_ind); typedef sb4 (*OCICallbackAQEnqStreaming)(void *ctxp, void **payload, void **payload_ind, OCIAQMsgProperties **msgprop, OCIType **tdo); typedef sb4 (*OCICallbackAQDeq)(void *ctxp, void **payload, void **payload_ind); /*--------------------------Failover Callback Structure ---------------------*/ typedef sb4 (*OCICallbackFailover)(void *svcctx, void *envctx, void *fo_ctx, ub4 fo_type, ub4 fo_event); typedef struct { OCICallbackFailover callback_function; void *fo_ctx; } OCIFocbkStruct; /*---------------------Statement Cache callback function ------------------*/ typedef sword (*OCICallbackStmtCache)(void *ctx, OCIStmt *stmt, ub4 mode); /*--------------------------HA Callback Structure ---------------------*/ typedef void (*OCIEventCallback)(void *evtctx, OCIEvent *eventhp); /*------------------------- Round Trip Callback Structure --------------------*/ typedef sword (*OCIRoundTripCallback)(void *rtctx, OCISvcCtx *svch, OCISession *userh); /***************************************************************************** ACTUAL PROTOTYPE DECLARATIONS ******************************************************************************/ sword OCIInitialize (ub4 mode, void *ctxp, void *(*malocfp)(void *ctxp, size_t size), void *(*ralocfp)(void *ctxp, void *memptr, size_t newsize), void (*mfreefp)(void *ctxp, void *memptr) ); sword OCITerminate( ub4 mode); sword OCIEnvCreate (OCIEnv **envp, ub4 mode, void *ctxp, void *(*malocfp)(void *ctxp, size_t size), void *(*ralocfp)(void *ctxp, void *memptr, size_t newsize), void (*mfreefp)(void *ctxp, void *memptr), size_t xtramem_sz, void **usrmempp); sword OCIEnvNlsCreate (OCIEnv **envp, ub4 mode, void *ctxp, void *(*malocfp)(void *ctxp, size_t size), void *(*ralocfp)(void *ctxp, void *memptr, size_t newsize), void (*mfreefp)(void *ctxp, void *memptr), size_t xtramem_sz, void **usrmempp, ub2 charset, ub2 ncharset); sword OCIFEnvCreate (OCIEnv **envp, ub4 mode, void *ctxp, void *(*malocfp)(void *ctxp, size_t size), void *(*ralocfp)(void *ctxp, void *memptr, size_t newsize), void (*mfreefp)(void *ctxp, void *memptr), size_t xtramem_sz, void **usrmempp, void *fupg); sword OCIHandleAlloc(const void *parenth, void **hndlpp, const ub4 type, const size_t xtramem_sz, void **usrmempp); sword OCIHandleFree(void *hndlp, const ub4 type); sword OCIDescriptorAlloc(const void *parenth, void **descpp, const ub4 type, const size_t xtramem_sz, void **usrmempp); sword OCIArrayDescriptorAlloc(const void *parenth, void **descpp, const ub4 type, ub4 array_size, const size_t xtramem_sz, void **usrmempp); sword OCIDescriptorFree(void *descp, const ub4 type); sword OCIArrayDescriptorFree(void **descp, const ub4 type); sword OCIEnvInit (OCIEnv **envp, ub4 mode, size_t xtramem_sz, void **usrmempp); sword OCIServerAttach (OCIServer *srvhp, OCIError *errhp, const OraText *dblink, sb4 dblink_len, ub4 mode); sword OCIServerDetach (OCIServer *srvhp, OCIError *errhp, ub4 mode); sword OCISessionBegin (OCISvcCtx *svchp, OCIError *errhp, OCISession *usrhp, ub4 credt, ub4 mode); sword OCISessionEnd (OCISvcCtx *svchp, OCIError *errhp, OCISession *usrhp, ub4 mode); sword OCILogon (OCIEnv *envhp, OCIError *errhp, OCISvcCtx **svchp, const OraText *username, ub4 uname_len, const OraText *password, ub4 passwd_len, const OraText *dbname, ub4 dbname_len); sword OCILogon2 (OCIEnv *envhp, OCIError *errhp, OCISvcCtx **svchp, const OraText *username, ub4 uname_len, const OraText *password, ub4 passwd_len, const OraText *dbname, ub4 dbname_len, ub4 mode); sword OCILogoff (OCISvcCtx *svchp, OCIError *errhp); sword OCIPasswordChange (OCISvcCtx *svchp, OCIError *errhp, const OraText *user_name, ub4 usernm_len, const OraText *opasswd, ub4 opasswd_len, const OraText *npasswd, ub4 npasswd_len, ub4 mode); sword OCIStmtPrepare (OCIStmt *stmtp, OCIError *errhp, const OraText *stmt, ub4 stmt_len, ub4 language, ub4 mode); sword OCIStmtPrepare2 ( OCISvcCtx *svchp, OCIStmt **stmtp, OCIError *errhp, const OraText *stmt, ub4 stmt_len, const OraText *key, ub4 key_len, ub4 language, ub4 mode); sword OCIStmtRelease ( OCIStmt *stmtp, OCIError *errhp, const OraText *key, ub4 key_len, ub4 mode); sword OCIBindByPos (OCIStmt *stmtp, OCIBind **bindp, OCIError *errhp, ub4 position, void *valuep, sb4 value_sz, ub2 dty, void *indp, ub2 *alenp, ub2 *rcodep, ub4 maxarr_len, ub4 *curelep, ub4 mode); sword OCIBindByName (OCIStmt *stmtp, OCIBind **bindp, OCIError *errhp, const OraText *placeholder, sb4 placeh_len, void *valuep, sb4 value_sz, ub2 dty, void *indp, ub2 *alenp, ub2 *rcodep, ub4 maxarr_len, ub4 *curelep, ub4 mode); sword OCIBindObject (OCIBind *bindp, OCIError *errhp, const OCIType *type, void **pgvpp, ub4 *pvszsp, void **indpp, ub4 *indszp); sword OCIBindDynamic (OCIBind *bindp, OCIError *errhp, void *ictxp, OCICallbackInBind icbfp, void *octxp, OCICallbackOutBind ocbfp); sword OCIBindArrayOfStruct (OCIBind *bindp, OCIError *errhp, ub4 pvskip, ub4 indskip, ub4 alskip, ub4 rcskip); sword OCIStmtGetPieceInfo (OCIStmt *stmtp, OCIError *errhp, void **hndlpp, ub4 *typep, ub1 *in_outp, ub4 *iterp, ub4 *idxp, ub1 *piecep); sword OCIStmtSetPieceInfo (void *hndlp, ub4 type, OCIError *errhp, const void *bufp, ub4 *alenp, ub1 piece, const void *indp, ub2 *rcodep); sword OCIStmtExecute (OCISvcCtx *svchp, OCIStmt *stmtp, OCIError *errhp, ub4 iters, ub4 rowoff, const OCISnapshot *snap_in, OCISnapshot *snap_out, ub4 mode); sword OCIDefineByPos (OCIStmt *stmtp, OCIDefine **defnp, OCIError *errhp, ub4 position, void *valuep, sb4 value_sz, ub2 dty, void *indp, ub2 *rlenp, ub2 *rcodep, ub4 mode); sword OCIDefineObject (OCIDefine *defnp, OCIError *errhp, const OCIType *type, void **pgvpp, ub4 *pvszsp, void **indpp, ub4 *indszp); sword OCIDefineDynamic (OCIDefine *defnp, OCIError *errhp, void *octxp, OCICallbackDefine ocbfp); sword OCIRowidToChar (OCIRowid *rowidDesc, OraText *outbfp, ub2 *outbflp, OCIError *errhp); sword OCIDefineArrayOfStruct (OCIDefine *defnp, OCIError *errhp, ub4 pvskip, ub4 indskip, ub4 rlskip, ub4 rcskip); sword OCIStmtFetch (OCIStmt *stmtp, OCIError *errhp, ub4 nrows, ub2 orientation, ub4 mode); sword OCIStmtFetch2 (OCIStmt *stmtp, OCIError *errhp, ub4 nrows, ub2 orientation, sb4 scrollOffset, ub4 mode); sword OCIStmtGetBindInfo (OCIStmt *stmtp, OCIError *errhp, ub4 size, ub4 startloc, sb4 *found, OraText *bvnp[], ub1 bvnl[], OraText *invp[], ub1 inpl[], ub1 dupl[], OCIBind **hndl); sword OCIDescribeAny (OCISvcCtx *svchp, OCIError *errhp, void *objptr, ub4 objnm_len, ub1 objptr_typ, ub1 info_level, ub1 objtyp, OCIDescribe *dschp); sword OCIParamGet (const void *hndlp, ub4 htype, OCIError *errhp, void **parmdpp, ub4 pos); sword OCIParamSet(void *hdlp, ub4 htyp, OCIError *errhp, const void *dscp, ub4 dtyp, ub4 pos); sword OCITransStart (OCISvcCtx *svchp, OCIError *errhp, uword timeout, ub4 flags ); sword OCITransDetach (OCISvcCtx *svchp, OCIError *errhp, ub4 flags ); sword OCITransCommit (OCISvcCtx *svchp, OCIError *errhp, ub4 flags); sword OCITransRollback (OCISvcCtx *svchp, OCIError *errhp, ub4 flags); sword OCITransPrepare (OCISvcCtx *svchp, OCIError *errhp, ub4 flags); sword OCITransMultiPrepare (OCISvcCtx *svchp, ub4 numBranches, OCITrans **txns, OCIError **errhp); sword OCITransForget (OCISvcCtx *svchp, OCIError *errhp, ub4 flags); sword OCIErrorGet (void *hndlp, ub4 recordno, OraText *sqlstate, sb4 *errcodep, OraText *bufp, ub4 bufsiz, ub4 type); sword OCILobAppend (OCISvcCtx *svchp, OCIError *errhp, OCILobLocator *dst_locp, OCILobLocator *src_locp); sword OCILobAssign (OCIEnv *envhp, OCIError *errhp, const OCILobLocator *src_locp, OCILobLocator **dst_locpp); sword OCILobCharSetForm (OCIEnv *envhp, OCIError *errhp, const OCILobLocator *locp, ub1 *csfrm); sword OCILobCharSetId (OCIEnv *envhp, OCIError *errhp, const OCILobLocator *locp, ub2 *csid); sword OCILobCopy (OCISvcCtx *svchp, OCIError *errhp, OCILobLocator *dst_locp, OCILobLocator *src_locp, ub4 amount, ub4 dst_offset, ub4 src_offset); sword OCILobCreateTemporary(OCISvcCtx *svchp, OCIError *errhp, OCILobLocator *locp, ub2 csid, ub1 csfrm, ub1 lobtype, boolean cache, OCIDuration duration); sword OCILobClose( OCISvcCtx *svchp, OCIError *errhp, OCILobLocator *locp ); sword OCILobDisableBuffering (OCISvcCtx *svchp, OCIError *errhp, OCILobLocator *locp); sword OCILobEnableBuffering (OCISvcCtx *svchp, OCIError *errhp, OCILobLocator *locp); sword OCILobErase (OCISvcCtx *svchp, OCIError *errhp, OCILobLocator *locp, ub4 *amount, ub4 offset); sword OCILobFileClose (OCISvcCtx *svchp, OCIError *errhp, OCILobLocator *filep); sword OCILobFileCloseAll (OCISvcCtx *svchp, OCIError *errhp); sword OCILobFileExists (OCISvcCtx *svchp, OCIError *errhp, OCILobLocator *filep, boolean *flag); sword OCILobFileGetName (OCIEnv *envhp, OCIError *errhp, const OCILobLocator *filep, OraText *dir_alias, ub2 *d_length, OraText *filename, ub2 *f_length); sword OCILobFileIsOpen (OCISvcCtx *svchp, OCIError *errhp, OCILobLocator *filep, boolean *flag); sword OCILobFileOpen (OCISvcCtx *svchp, OCIError *errhp, OCILobLocator *filep, ub1 mode); sword OCILobFileSetName (OCIEnv *envhp, OCIError *errhp, OCILobLocator **filepp, const OraText *dir_alias, ub2 d_length, const OraText *filename, ub2 f_length); sword OCILobFlushBuffer (OCISvcCtx *svchp, OCIError *errhp, OCILobLocator *locp, ub4 flag); sword OCILobFreeTemporary(OCISvcCtx *svchp, OCIError *errhp, OCILobLocator *locp); sword OCILobGetChunkSize(OCISvcCtx *svchp, OCIError *errhp, OCILobLocator *locp, ub4 *chunksizep); sword OCILobGetLength (OCISvcCtx *svchp, OCIError *errhp, OCILobLocator *locp, ub4 *lenp); sword OCILobIsEqual (OCIEnv *envhp, const OCILobLocator *x, const OCILobLocator *y, boolean *is_equal); sword OCILobIsOpen( OCISvcCtx *svchp, OCIError *errhp, OCILobLocator *locp, boolean *flag); sword OCILobIsTemporary(OCIEnv *envp, OCIError *errhp, OCILobLocator *locp, boolean *is_temporary); sword OCILobLoadFromFile (OCISvcCtx *svchp, OCIError *errhp, OCILobLocator *dst_locp, OCILobLocator *src_filep, ub4 amount, ub4 dst_offset, ub4 src_offset); sword OCILobLocatorAssign (OCISvcCtx *svchp, OCIError *errhp, const OCILobLocator *src_locp, OCILobLocator **dst_locpp); sword OCILobLocatorIsInit (OCIEnv *envhp, OCIError *errhp, const OCILobLocator *locp, boolean *is_initialized); sword OCILobOpen( OCISvcCtx *svchp, OCIError *errhp, OCILobLocator *locp, ub1 mode ); sword OCILobRead (OCISvcCtx *svchp, OCIError *errhp, OCILobLocator *locp, ub4 *amtp, ub4 offset, void *bufp, ub4 bufl, void *ctxp, OCICallbackLobRead cbfp, ub2 csid, ub1 csfrm); sword OCILobTrim (OCISvcCtx *svchp, OCIError *errhp, OCILobLocator *locp, ub4 newlen); sword OCILobWrite (OCISvcCtx *svchp, OCIError *errhp, OCILobLocator *locp, ub4 *amtp, ub4 offset, void *bufp, ub4 buflen, ub1 piece, void *ctxp, OCICallbackLobWrite cbfp, ub2 csid, ub1 csfrm); sword OCILobGetDeduplicateRegions(OCISvcCtx *svchp, OCIError *errhp, OCILobLocator *locp, OCILobRegion *regp, ub4 *count, ub1 piece, void *ctxp, OCICallbackLobGetDeduplicateRegions cbfp); sword OCILobWriteAppend(OCISvcCtx *svchp, OCIError *errhp, OCILobLocator *lobp, ub4 *amtp, void *bufp, ub4 bufl, ub1 piece, void *ctxp, OCICallbackLobWrite cbfp, ub2 csid, ub1 csfrm); sword OCIBreak (void *hndlp, OCIError *errhp); sword OCIReset (void *hndlp, OCIError *errhp); sword OCIServerVersion (void *hndlp, OCIError *errhp, OraText *bufp, ub4 bufsz, ub1 hndltype); sword OCIServerRelease (void *hndlp, OCIError *errhp, OraText *bufp, ub4 bufsz, ub1 hndltype, ub4 *version); sword OCIAttrGet (const void *trgthndlp, ub4 trghndltyp, void *attributep, ub4 *sizep, ub4 attrtype, OCIError *errhp); sword OCIAttrSet (void *trgthndlp, ub4 trghndltyp, void *attributep, ub4 size, ub4 attrtype, OCIError *errhp); sword OCISvcCtxToLda (OCISvcCtx *svchp, OCIError *errhp, Lda_Def *ldap); sword OCILdaToSvcCtx (OCISvcCtx **svchpp, OCIError *errhp, Lda_Def *ldap); sword OCIResultSetToStmt (OCIResult *rsetdp, OCIError *errhp); sword OCIFileClose ( void *hndl, OCIError *err, OCIFileObject *filep ); sword OCIUserCallbackRegister(void *hndlp, ub4 type, void *ehndlp, OCIUserCallback callback, void *ctxp, ub4 fcode, ub4 when, OCIUcb *ucbDesc); sword OCIUserCallbackGet(void *hndlp, ub4 type, void *ehndlp, ub4 fcode, ub4 when, OCIUserCallback *callbackp, void **ctxpp, OCIUcb *ucbDesc); sword OCISharedLibInit(void *metaCtx, void *libCtx, ub4 argfmt, sword argc, void **argv, OCIEnvCallbackType envCallback); sword OCIFileExists ( void *hndl, OCIError *err, OraText *filename, OraText *path, ub1 *flag ); sword OCIFileFlush( void *hndl, OCIError *err, OCIFileObject *filep ); sword OCIFileGetLength( void *hndl, OCIError *err, OraText *filename, OraText *path, ubig_ora *lenp ); sword OCIFileInit ( void *hndl, OCIError *err ); sword OCIFileOpen ( void *hndl, OCIError *err, OCIFileObject **filep, OraText *filename, OraText *path, ub4 mode, ub4 create, ub4 type ); sword OCIFileRead ( void *hndl, OCIError *err, OCIFileObject *filep, void *bufp, ub4 bufl, ub4 *bytesread ); sword OCIFileSeek ( void *hndl, OCIError *err, OCIFileObject *filep, uword origin, ubig_ora offset, sb1 dir ); sword OCIFileTerm ( void *hndl, OCIError *err ); sword OCIFileWrite ( void *hndl, OCIError *err, OCIFileObject *filep, void *bufp, ub4 buflen, ub4 *byteswritten ); #ifdef ORAXB8_DEFINED sword OCILobCopy2 (OCISvcCtx *svchp, OCIError *errhp, OCILobLocator *dst_locp, OCILobLocator *src_locp, oraub8 amount, oraub8 dst_offset, oraub8 src_offset); sword OCILobErase2 (OCISvcCtx *svchp, OCIError *errhp, OCILobLocator *locp, oraub8 *amount, oraub8 offset); sword OCILobGetLength2 (OCISvcCtx *svchp, OCIError *errhp, OCILobLocator *locp, oraub8 *lenp); sword OCILobLoadFromFile2 (OCISvcCtx *svchp, OCIError *errhp, OCILobLocator *dst_locp, OCILobLocator *src_filep, oraub8 amount, oraub8 dst_offset, oraub8 src_offset); sword OCILobRead2 (OCISvcCtx *svchp, OCIError *errhp, OCILobLocator *locp, oraub8 *byte_amtp, oraub8 *char_amtp, oraub8 offset, void *bufp, oraub8 bufl, ub1 piece, void *ctxp, OCICallbackLobRead2 cbfp, ub2 csid, ub1 csfrm); sword OCILobArrayRead (OCISvcCtx *svchp, OCIError *errhp, ub4 *array_iter, OCILobLocator **lobp_arr, oraub8 *byte_amt_arr, oraub8 *char_amt_arr, oraub8 *offset_arr, void **bufp_arr, oraub8 *bufl_arr, ub1 piece, void *ctxp, OCICallbackLobArrayRead cbfp, ub2 csid, ub1 csfrm); sword OCILobTrim2 (OCISvcCtx *svchp, OCIError *errhp, OCILobLocator *locp, oraub8 newlen); sword OCILobWrite2 (OCISvcCtx *svchp, OCIError *errhp, OCILobLocator *locp, oraub8 *byte_amtp, oraub8 *char_amtp, oraub8 offset, void *bufp, oraub8 buflen, ub1 piece, void *ctxp, OCICallbackLobWrite2 cbfp, ub2 csid, ub1 csfrm); sword OCILobArrayWrite (OCISvcCtx *svchp, OCIError *errhp, ub4 *array_iter, OCILobLocator **lobp_arr, oraub8 *byte_amt_arr, oraub8 *char_amt_arr, oraub8 *offset_arr, void **bufp_arr, oraub8 *bufl_arr, ub1 piece, void *ctxp, OCICallbackLobArrayWrite cbfp, ub2 csid, ub1 csfrm); sword OCILobWriteAppend2 (OCISvcCtx *svchp, OCIError *errhp, OCILobLocator *lobp, oraub8 *byte_amtp, oraub8 *char_amtp, void *bufp, oraub8 bufl, ub1 piece, void *ctxp, OCICallbackLobWrite2 cbfp, ub2 csid, ub1 csfrm); sword OCILobGetStorageLimit (OCISvcCtx *svchp, OCIError *errhp, OCILobLocator *lobp, oraub8 *limitp); sword OCILobGetOptions (OCISvcCtx *svchp, OCIError *errhp, OCILobLocator *lobp, ub4 optypes, void *optionsp, ub4 *optionslenp, ub4 mode); sword OCILobSetOptions (OCISvcCtx *svchp, OCIError *errhp, OCILobLocator *lobp, ub4 optypes, void *optionsp, ub4 optionslen, ub4 mode); sword OCILobGetContentType (OCISvcCtx *svchp, OCIError *errhp, OCILobLocator *lobp, oratext *contenttypep, ub4 *contenttypelenp, ub4 mode); sword OCILobSetContentType (OCISvcCtx *svchp, OCIError *errhp, OCILobLocator *lobp, const oratext *contenttypep, ub4 contenttypelen, ub4 mode); #endif /* ** Initialize the security package */ sword OCISecurityInitialize (OCISecurity *sechandle, OCIError *error_handle); sword OCISecurityTerminate (OCISecurity *sechandle, OCIError *error_handle); sword OCISecurityOpenWallet(OCISecurity *osshandle, OCIError *error_handle, size_t wrllen, OraText *wallet_resource_locator, size_t pwdlen, OraText *password, nzttWallet *wallet); sword OCISecurityCloseWallet(OCISecurity *osshandle, OCIError *error_handle, nzttWallet *wallet); sword OCISecurityCreateWallet(OCISecurity *osshandle, OCIError *error_handle, size_t wrllen, OraText *wallet_resource_locator, size_t pwdlen, OraText *password, nzttWallet *wallet); sword OCISecurityDestroyWallet(OCISecurity *osshandle, OCIError *error_handle, size_t wrllen, OraText *wallet_resource_locator, size_t pwdlen, OraText *password); sword OCISecurityStorePersona(OCISecurity *osshandle, OCIError *error_handle, nzttPersona **persona, nzttWallet *wallet); sword OCISecurityOpenPersona(OCISecurity *osshandle, OCIError *error_handle, nzttPersona *persona); sword OCISecurityClosePersona(OCISecurity *osshandle, OCIError *error_handle, nzttPersona *persona); sword OCISecurityRemovePersona(OCISecurity *osshandle, OCIError *error_handle, nzttPersona **persona); sword OCISecurityCreatePersona(OCISecurity *osshandle, OCIError *error_handle, nzttIdentType identity_type, nzttCipherType cipher_type, nzttPersonaDesc *desc, nzttPersona **persona); sword OCISecuritySetProtection(OCISecurity *osshandle, OCIError *error_handle, nzttPersona *persona, nzttcef crypto_engine_function, nztttdufmt data_unit_format, nzttProtInfo *protection_info); sword OCISecurityGetProtection(OCISecurity *osshandle, OCIError *error_handle, nzttPersona *persona, nzttcef crypto_engine_function, nztttdufmt * data_unit_format_ptr, nzttProtInfo *protection_info); sword OCISecurityRemoveIdentity(OCISecurity *osshandle, OCIError *error_handle, nzttIdentity **identity_ptr); sword OCISecurityCreateIdentity(OCISecurity *osshandle, OCIError *error_handle, nzttIdentType type, nzttIdentityDesc *desc, nzttIdentity **identity_ptr); sword OCISecurityAbortIdentity(OCISecurity *osshandle, OCIError *error_handle, nzttIdentity **identity_ptr); sword OCISecurityFreeIdentity(OCISecurity *osshandle, OCIError *error_handle, nzttIdentity **identity_ptr); sword OCISecurityStoreTrustedIdentity(OCISecurity *osshandle, OCIError *error_handle, nzttIdentity **identity_ptr, nzttPersona *persona); sword OCISecuritySign(OCISecurity *osshandle, OCIError *error_handle, nzttPersona *persona, nzttces signature_state, size_t input_length, ub1 *input, nzttBufferBlock *buffer_block); sword OCISecuritySignExpansion(OCISecurity *osshandle, OCIError *error_handle, nzttPersona *persona, size_t inputlen, size_t *signature_length); sword OCISecurityVerify(OCISecurity *osshandle, OCIError *error_handle, nzttPersona *persona, nzttces signature_state, size_t siglen, ub1 *signature, nzttBufferBlock *extracted_message, boolean *verified, boolean *validated, nzttIdentity **signing_party_identity); sword OCISecurityValidate(OCISecurity *osshandle, OCIError *error_handle, nzttPersona *persona, nzttIdentity *identity, boolean *validated); sword OCISecuritySignDetached(OCISecurity *osshandle, OCIError *error_handle, nzttPersona *persona, nzttces signature_state, size_t input_length, ub1 * input, nzttBufferBlock *signature); sword OCISecuritySignDetExpansion(OCISecurity *osshandle, OCIError *error_handle, nzttPersona *persona, size_t input_length, size_t *required_buffer_length); sword OCISecurityVerifyDetached(OCISecurity *osshandle, OCIError *error_handle, nzttPersona *persona, nzttces signature_state, size_t data_length, ub1 *data, size_t siglen, ub1 *signature, boolean *verified, boolean *validated, nzttIdentity **signing_party_identity); sword OCISecurity_PKEncrypt(OCISecurity *osshandle, OCIError *error_handle, nzttPersona *persona, size_t number_of_recipients, nzttIdentity *recipient_list, nzttces encryption_state, size_t input_length, ub1 *input, nzttBufferBlock *encrypted_data); sword OCISecurityPKEncryptExpansion(OCISecurity *osshandle, OCIError *error_handle, nzttPersona *persona, size_t number_recipients, size_t input_length, size_t *buffer_length_required); sword OCISecurityPKDecrypt(OCISecurity *osshandle, OCIError *error_handle, nzttPersona *persona, nzttces encryption_state, size_t input_length, ub1 *input, nzttBufferBlock *encrypted_data); sword OCISecurityEncrypt(OCISecurity *osshandle, OCIError *error_handle, nzttPersona *persona, nzttces encryption_state, size_t input_length, ub1 *input, nzttBufferBlock *encrypted_data); sword OCISecurityEncryptExpansion(OCISecurity *osshandle, OCIError *error_handle, nzttPersona *persona, size_t input_length, size_t *encrypted_data_length); sword OCISecurityDecrypt(OCISecurity *osshandle, OCIError *error_handle, nzttPersona *persona, nzttces decryption_state, size_t input_length, ub1 *input, nzttBufferBlock *decrypted_data); sword OCISecurityEnvelope(OCISecurity *osshandle, OCIError *error_handle, nzttPersona *persona, size_t number_of_recipients, nzttIdentity *identity, nzttces encryption_state, size_t input_length, ub1 *input, nzttBufferBlock *enveloped_data); sword OCISecurityDeEnvelope(OCISecurity *osshandle, OCIError *error_handle, nzttPersona *persona, nzttces decryption_state, size_t input_length, ub1 *input, nzttBufferBlock *output_message, boolean *verified, boolean *validated, nzttIdentity **sender_identity); sword OCISecurityKeyedHash(OCISecurity *osshandle, OCIError *error_handle, nzttPersona *persona, nzttces hash_state, size_t input_length, ub1 *input, nzttBufferBlock *keyed_hash); sword OCISecurityKeyedHashExpansion(OCISecurity *osshandle, OCIError *error_handle, nzttPersona *persona, size_t input_length, size_t *required_buffer_length); sword OCISecurityHash(OCISecurity *osshandle, OCIError *error_handle, nzttPersona *persona, nzttces hash_state, size_t input, ub1 *input_length, nzttBufferBlock *hash); sword OCISecurityHashExpansion(OCISecurity *osshandle, OCIError *error_handle, nzttPersona *persona, size_t input_length, size_t *required_buffer_length); sword OCISecuritySeedRandom(OCISecurity *osshandle, OCIError *error_handle, nzttPersona *persona, size_t seed_length, ub1 *seed); sword OCISecurityRandomBytes(OCISecurity *osshandle, OCIError *error_handle, nzttPersona *persona, size_t number_of_bytes_desired, nzttBufferBlock *random_bytes); sword OCISecurityRandomNumber(OCISecurity *osshandle, OCIError *error_handle, nzttPersona *persona, uword *random_number_ptr); sword OCISecurityInitBlock(OCISecurity *osshandle, OCIError *error_handle, nzttBufferBlock *buffer_block); sword OCISecurityReuseBlock(OCISecurity *osshandle, OCIError *error_handle, nzttBufferBlock *buffer_block); sword OCISecurityPurgeBlock(OCISecurity *osshandle, OCIError *error_handle, nzttBufferBlock *buffer_block); sword OCISecuritySetBlock(OCISecurity *osshandle, OCIError *error_handle, uword flags_to_set, size_t buffer_length, size_t used_buffer_length, ub1 *buffer, nzttBufferBlock *buffer_block); sword OCISecurityGetIdentity(OCISecurity *osshandle, OCIError *error_handle, size_t namelen, OraText *distinguished_name, nzttIdentity **identity); sword OCIAQEnq(OCISvcCtx *svchp, OCIError *errhp, OraText *queue_name, OCIAQEnqOptions *enqopt, OCIAQMsgProperties *msgprop, OCIType *payload_tdo, void **payload, void **payload_ind, OCIRaw **msgid, ub4 flags); sword OCIAQDeq(OCISvcCtx *svchp, OCIError *errhp, OraText *queue_name, OCIAQDeqOptions *deqopt, OCIAQMsgProperties *msgprop, OCIType *payload_tdo, void **payload, void **payload_ind, OCIRaw **msgid, ub4 flags); sword OCIAQEnqArray(OCISvcCtx *svchp, OCIError *errhp, OraText *queue_name, OCIAQEnqOptions *enqopt, ub4 *iters, OCIAQMsgProperties **msgprop, OCIType *payload_tdo, void **payload, void **payload_ind, OCIRaw **msgid, void *ctxp, OCICallbackAQEnq enqcbfp, ub4 flags); sword OCIAQEnqStreaming(OCISvcCtx *svchp, OCIError *errhp, OraText *queue_name, OCIAQEnqOptions *enqopt, OCIType *payload_tdo, void *ctxp, OCICallbackAQEnqStreaming enqcbfp, ub4 flags); sword OCIAQDeqArray(OCISvcCtx *svchp, OCIError *errhp, OraText *queue_name, OCIAQDeqOptions *deqopt, ub4 *iters, OCIAQMsgProperties **msgprop, OCIType *payload_tdo, void **payload, void **payload_ind, OCIRaw **msgid, void *ctxp, OCICallbackAQDeq deqcbfp, ub4 flags); sword OCIAQListen(OCISvcCtx *svchp, OCIError *errhp, OCIAQAgent **agent_list, ub4 num_agents, sb4 wait, OCIAQAgent **agent, ub4 flags); sword OCIAQListen2(OCISvcCtx *svchp, OCIError *errhp, OCIAQAgent **agent_list, ub4 num_agents, OCIAQListenOpts *lopts, OCIAQAgent **agent, OCIAQLisMsgProps *lmops, ub4 flags); sword OCIAQGetReplayInfo(OCISvcCtx *svchp, OCIError *errhp, OraText *queue_name, OCIAQAgent *sender, ub4 replay_attribute, OraText *correlation, ub2 *corr_len); sword OCIAQResetReplayInfo(OCISvcCtx *svchp, OCIError *errhp, OraText *queue_name, OCIAQAgent *sender, ub4 replay_attribute); sword OCIExtractInit(void *hndl, OCIError *err); sword OCIExtractTerm(void *hndl, OCIError *err); sword OCIExtractReset(void *hndl, OCIError *err); sword OCIExtractSetNumKeys(void *hndl, OCIError *err, uword numkeys); sword OCIExtractSetKey(void *hndl, OCIError *err, const OraText *name, ub1 type, ub4 flag, const void *defval, const sb4 *intrange, const OraText *const *strlist); sword OCIExtractFromFile(void *hndl, OCIError *err, ub4 flag, OraText *filename); sword OCIExtractFromStr(void *hndl, OCIError *err, ub4 flag, OraText *input); sword OCIExtractToInt(void *hndl, OCIError *err, OraText *keyname, uword valno, sb4 *retval); sword OCIExtractToBool(void *hndl, OCIError *err, OraText *keyname, uword valno, ub1 *retval); sword OCIExtractToStr(void *hndl, OCIError *err, OraText *keyname, uword valno, OraText *retval, uword buflen); sword OCIExtractToOCINum(void *hndl, OCIError *err, OraText *keyname, uword valno, OCINumber *retval); sword OCIExtractToList(void *hndl, OCIError *err, uword *numkeys); sword OCIExtractFromList(void *hndl, OCIError *err, uword index, OraText **name, ub1 *type, uword *numvals, void ***values); /* Memory Related Service Interfaces */ sword OCIMemoryAlloc(void *hdl, OCIError *err, void **mem, OCIDuration dur, ub4 size, ub4 flags); sword OCIMemoryResize(void *hdl, OCIError *err, void **mem, ub4 newsize, ub4 flags); sword OCIMemoryFree(void *hdl, OCIError *err, void *mem); sword OCIContextSetValue(void *hdl, OCIError *err, OCIDuration duration, ub1 *key, ub1 keylen, void *ctx_value); sword OCIContextGetValue(void *hdl, OCIError *err, ub1 *key, ub1 keylen, void **ctx_value); sword OCIContextClearValue(void *hdl, OCIError *err, ub1 *key, ub1 keylen); sword OCIContextGenerateKey(void *hdl, OCIError *err, ub4 *key); sword OCIMemorySetCurrentIDs(void *hdl, OCIError *err, ub4 curr_session_id, ub4 curr_trans_id, ub4 curr_stmt_id); sword OCIPicklerTdsCtxInit(OCIEnv *env, OCIError *err, OCIPicklerTdsCtx **tdsc); sword OCIPicklerTdsCtxFree(OCIEnv *env, OCIError *err, OCIPicklerTdsCtx *tdsc); sword OCIPicklerTdsInit(OCIEnv *env, OCIError *err, OCIPicklerTdsCtx *tdsc, OCIPicklerTds **tdsh); sword OCIPicklerTdsFree(OCIEnv *env, OCIError *err, OCIPicklerTds *tdsh); sword OCIPicklerTdsCreateElementNumber(OCIEnv *env, OCIError *err, OCIPicklerTds *tdsh, ub1 prec, sb1 scale, OCIPicklerTdsElement *elt); sword OCIPicklerTdsCreateElementChar(OCIEnv *env, OCIError *err, OCIPicklerTds *tdsh, ub2 len, OCIPicklerTdsElement *elt); sword OCIPicklerTdsCreateElementVarchar(OCIEnv *env, OCIError *err, OCIPicklerTds *tdsh, ub2 len, OCIPicklerTdsElement *elt); sword OCIPicklerTdsCreateElementRaw(OCIEnv *env, OCIError *err, OCIPicklerTds *tdsh, ub2 len, OCIPicklerTdsElement *elt); sword OCIPicklerTdsCreateElement(OCIEnv *env, OCIError *err, OCIPicklerTds *tdsh, OCITypeCode dty, OCIPicklerTdsElement *elt); sword OCIPicklerTdsAddAttr(OCIEnv *env, OCIError *err, OCIPicklerTds *tdsh, OCIPicklerTdsElement elt); sword OCIPicklerTdsGenerate(OCIEnv *env, OCIError *err, OCIPicklerTds *tdsh); sword OCIPicklerTdsGetAttr(OCIEnv *env, OCIError *err, const OCIPicklerTds *tdsh, ub1 attrno, OCITypeCode *typ, ub2 *len); sword OCIPicklerFdoInit(OCIEnv *env, OCIError *err, OCIPicklerFdo **fdoh); sword OCIPicklerFdoFree(OCIEnv *env, OCIError *err, OCIPicklerFdo *fdoh); sword OCIPicklerImageInit(OCIEnv *env, OCIError *err, OCIPicklerFdo *fdoh, OCIPicklerTds *tdsh, OCIPicklerImage **imgh); sword OCIPicklerImageFree(OCIEnv *env, OCIError *err, OCIPicklerImage *imgh); sword OCIPicklerImageAddScalar(OCIEnv *env, OCIError *err, OCIPicklerImage *imgh, void *scalar, ub4 len); sword OCIPicklerImageAddNullScalar(OCIEnv *env, OCIError *err, OCIPicklerImage *imgh); sword OCIPicklerImageGenerate(OCIEnv *env, OCIError *err, OCIPicklerImage *imgh); sword OCIPicklerImageGetScalarSize(OCIEnv *env, OCIError *err, OCIPicklerImage *imgh, ub4 attrno, ub4 *size); sword OCIPicklerImageGetScalar(OCIEnv *env, OCIError *err, OCIPicklerImage *imgh, ub4 attrno, void *buf, ub4 *len, OCIInd *ind); sword OCIPicklerImageCollBegin(OCIEnv *env, OCIError *err, OCIPicklerImage *imgh, const OCIPicklerTds *colltdsh); sword OCIPicklerImageCollAddScalar( OCIEnv *env, OCIError *err, OCIPicklerImage *imgh, void *scalar, ub4 buflen, OCIInd ind); sword OCIPicklerImageCollEnd(OCIEnv *env, OCIError *err, OCIPicklerImage *imgh); /* should take svcctx for locator stuff */ sword OCIPicklerImageCollBeginScan(OCIEnv *env, OCIError *err, OCIPicklerImage *imgh, const OCIPicklerTds *coll_tdsh, ub4 attrnum, ub4 startidx, OCIInd *ind); sword OCIPicklerImageCollGetScalarSize(OCIEnv *env, OCIError *err, const OCIPicklerTds *coll_tdsh, ub4 *size); sword OCIPicklerImageCollGetScalar(OCIEnv *env, OCIError *err, OCIPicklerImage *imgh, void *buf, ub4 *buflen, OCIInd *ind); sword OCIAnyDataGetType(OCISvcCtx *svchp, OCIError *errhp, OCIAnyData *sdata, OCITypeCode *tc, OCIType **type); sword OCIAnyDataIsNull(OCISvcCtx *svchp, OCIError *errhp, OCIAnyData *sdata, boolean *isnull); sword OCIAnyDataConvert(OCISvcCtx *svchp, OCIError *errhp, OCITypeCode tc, OCIType *type, OCIDuration dur, void *ind, void *data_val, ub4 len, OCIAnyData **sdata); sword OCIAnyDataBeginCreate(OCISvcCtx *svchp, OCIError *errhp, OCITypeCode tc, OCIType *type, OCIDuration dur, OCIAnyData **sdata); sword OCIAnyDataDestroy(OCISvcCtx *svchp, OCIError *errhp, OCIAnyData *sdata); sword OCIAnyDataAttrSet(OCISvcCtx *svchp, OCIError *errhp, OCIAnyData *sdata, OCITypeCode tc, OCIType *type, void *ind, void *attr_val, ub4 length, boolean is_any); sword OCIAnyDataCollAddElem(OCISvcCtx *svchp, OCIError *errhp, OCIAnyData *sdata, OCITypeCode tc, OCIType *type, void *ind, void *attr_val, ub4 length, boolean is_any, boolean last_elem); sword OCIAnyDataEndCreate(OCISvcCtx *svchp, OCIError *errhp, OCIAnyData *sdata); sword OCIAnyDataAccess(OCISvcCtx *svchp, OCIError *errhp, OCIAnyData *sdata, OCITypeCode tc, OCIType *type, void *ind, void *attr_val, ub4 *length); sword OCIAnyDataGetCurrAttrNum(OCISvcCtx *svchp, OCIError *errhp, OCIAnyData *sdata, ub4 *attrnum); sword OCIAnyDataAttrGet(OCISvcCtx *svchp, OCIError *errhp, OCIAnyData *sdata, OCITypeCode tc, OCIType *type, void *ind, void *attr_val, ub4 *length, boolean is_any); sword OCIAnyDataCollGetElem(OCISvcCtx *svchp, OCIError *errhp, OCIAnyData *sdata, OCITypeCode tc, OCIType *type, void *ind, void *celem_val, ub4 *length, boolean is_any); /*------------------------ OCIAnyDataSet interfaces -------------------------*/ /* NAME OCIAnyDataSetBeginCreate - OCIAnyDataSet Begin Creation PARAMETERS svchp (IN/OUT) - The OCI service context. errhp (IN/OUT) - The OCI error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in errhp and this function returns OCI_ERROR. Diagnostic information can be obtained by calling OCIErrorGet(). typecode - typecode corresponding to the OCIAnyDataSet. type (IN) - type corresponding to the OCIAnyDataSet. If the typecode corresponds to a built-in type (OCI_TYPECODE_NUMBER etc.) , this parameter can be NULL. It should be non NULL for user defined types (OCI_TYPECODE_OBJECT, OCI_TYPECODE_REF, collection types etc.) dur (IN) - duration for which OCIAnyDataSet is allocated. data_set (OUT) - Initialized OCIAnyDataSet. RETURNS - error code NOTES This call allocates an OCIAnyDataSet for the duration of dur and initializes it with the type information. The OCIAnyDataSet can hold multiple instances of the given type. For performance reasons, the OCIAnyDataSet will end up pointing to the passed in OCIType parameter. It is the responsibility of the caller to ensure that the OCIType is longer lived (has allocation duration >= the duration of the OCIAnyData if the OCIType is a transient one, allocation/pin duration >= duration of the OCIAnyData if the OCIType is a persistent one). */ sword OCIAnyDataSetBeginCreate(OCISvcCtx *svchp, OCIError *errhp, OCITypeCode typecode, const OCIType *type, OCIDuration dur, OCIAnyDataSet ** data_set); /* NAME OCIAnyDataSetDestroy - OCIAnyDataSet Destroy DESCRIPTION This call frees the OCIAnyDataSet allocated using OCIAnyDataSetBeginCreate(). RETURNS error code. PARAMETERS svchp (IN/OUT) - The OCI service context. errhp (IN/OUT) - The OCI Error handle. data_set (IN/OUT) - OCIAnyDataSet to be freed. */ sword OCIAnyDataSetDestroy(OCISvcCtx *svchp, OCIError *errhp, OCIAnyDataSet *data_set); /* NAME OCIAnyDataSetAddInstance - OCIAnyDataSet Add an instance DESCRIPTION This call adds a new skeleton instance to the OCIAnyDataSet and all the attributes of the instance are set to NULL. It returns this skeleton instance through the OCIAnyData parameter which can be constructed subsequently by invoking the OCIAnyData API. RETURNS error code. PARAMETERS svchp (IN/OUT) - The OCI service context. errhp (IN/OUT) - The OCI Error handle. data_set (IN/OUT) - OCIAnyDataSet to which a new instance is added. data (IN/OUT) - OCIAnyData corresponding to the newly added instance. If (*data) is NULL, a new OCIAnyData will be allocated for same duration as the OCIAnyDataSet. If (*data) is not NULL, it will get reused. This OCIAnyData can be subseqently constructed using the OCIAnyDataConvert() call or it can be constructed piece-wise using the OCIAnyDataAttrSet and OCIAnyDataCollAddElem calls. NOTES No Destruction of the old value is done here. It is the responsibility of the caller to destroy the old value pointed to by (*data) and set (*data) to a null pointer before beginning to make a sequence of this call. No deep copying (of OCIType information nor the data part.) is done in the returned OCIAnyData. This OCIAnyData cannot be used beyond the allocation duration of the OCIAnyDataSet (it is like a reference into the OCIAnyDataSet). The returned OCIAnyData can be reused on subsequent calls to this function, to sequentially add new data instances to the OCIAnyDataSet. */ sword OCIAnyDataSetAddInstance(OCISvcCtx *svchp, OCIError *errhp, OCIAnyDataSet *data_set, OCIAnyData **data); /* NAME OCIAnyDataSetEndCreate - OCIAnyDataSet End Creation process. DESCRIPTION This call marks the end of OCIAnyDataSet creation. It should be called after constructing all of its instance(s). RETURNS error code. PARAMETERS svchp (IN/OUT) - The OCI service context. errhp (IN/OUT) - The OCI error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in errhp and this function returns OCI_ERROR. Diagnostic information can be obtained by calling OCIErrorGet(). data_set (IN/OUT) - OCIAnyDataSet that has been fully constructed. */ sword OCIAnyDataSetEndCreate(OCISvcCtx *svchp, OCIError *errhp, OCIAnyDataSet *data_set); /* NAME OCIAnyDataSetGetType - OCIAnyDataSet Get Type of an OCIAnyDataSet DESCRIPTION Gets the Type corresponding to an OCIAnyDataSet. It returns the actual pointer to the type maintained inside an OCIAnyDataSet. No copying is done for performance reasons. The client is responsible for not using this type once the OCIAnyDataSet is freed (or its duration ends). RETURNS error code. PARAMETERS svchp (IN/OUT) - The OCI service context. errhp (IN/OUT) - The OCI Error handle. data_set (IN) - Initialized OCIAnyDataSet. tc (OUT) - The typecode of the type. type (OUT) - The type corresponding to the OCIAnyDataSet. This could be null if the OCIAnyData corresponds to a built-in type. */ sword OCIAnyDataSetGetType (OCISvcCtx *svchp, OCIError *errhp, OCIAnyDataSet *data_set, OCITypeCode *tc, OCIType **type); /* NAME OCIAnyDataSetGetCount - OCIAnyDataSet Get Count of instances. DESCRIPTION This call gets the number of instances in the OCIAnyDataSet. RETURNS error code. PARAMETERS svchp (IN/OUT) - OCI Service Context errhp (IN/OUT) - OCI Error handle data_set (IN) - Well formed OCIAnyDataSet. count (OUT) - number of instances in OCIAnyDataSet */ sword OCIAnyDataSetGetCount(OCISvcCtx *svchp, OCIError *errhp, OCIAnyDataSet *data_set, ub4 *count); /* NAME OCIAnyDataSetGetInstance - OCIAnyDataSet Get next instance. DESCRIPTION Only sequential access to the instances in an OCIAnyDataSet is allowed. This call returns the OCIAnyData corresponding to an instance at the current position and updates the current position. Subsequently, the OCIAnyData access routines may be used to access the instance. RETURNS error code. Returns OCI_NO_DATA if the current position is at the end of the set, OCI_SUCCESS otherwise. PARAMETERS svchp (IN/OUT) - OCI Service Context errhp (IN/OUT) - OCI Error handle data_set (IN) - Well formed OCIAnyDataSet data (IN/OUT) - OCIAnyData corresponding to the instance. If (*data) is NULL, a new OCIAnyData will be allocated for same duration as the OCIAnyDataSet. If (*data) is not NULL , it will get reused. This OCIAnyData can be subsequently accessed using the OCIAnyDataAccess() call or piece-wise by using the OCIAnyDataAttrGet() call. NOTE No Destruction of the old value is done here. It is the responsibility of the caller to destroy the old value pointed to by (*data) and set (*data) to a null pointer before beginning to make a sequence of this call. No deep copying (of OCIType information nor the data part.) is done in the returned OCIAnyData. This OCIAnyData cannot be used beyond the allocation duration of the OCIAnyDataSet (it is like a reference into the OCIAnyDataSet). The returned OCIAnyData can be reused on subsequent calls to this function to sequentially access the OCIAnyDataSet. */ sword OCIAnyDataSetGetInstance(OCISvcCtx *svchp, OCIError *errhp, OCIAnyDataSet *data_set, OCIAnyData **data); /*--------------------- End of OCIAnyDataSet interfaces ---------------------*/ sword OCIFormatInit(void *hndl, OCIError *err); sword OCIFormatString(void *hndl, OCIError *err, OraText *buffer, sbig_ora bufferLength, sbig_ora *returnLength, const OraText *formatString, ...); sword OCIFormatTerm(void *hndl, OCIError *err); sword OCIFormatTUb1(void); sword OCIFormatTUb2(void); sword OCIFormatTUb4(void); sword OCIFormatTUword(void); sword OCIFormatTUbig_ora(void); sword OCIFormatTSb1(void); sword OCIFormatTSb2(void); sword OCIFormatTSb4(void); sword OCIFormatTSword(void); sword OCIFormatTSbig_ora(void); sword OCIFormatTEb1(void); sword OCIFormatTEb2(void); sword OCIFormatTEb4(void); sword OCIFormatTEword(void); sword OCIFormatTChar(void); sword OCIFormatTText(void); sword OCIFormatTDouble(void); sword OCIFormatTDvoid(void); sword OCIFormatTEnd(void); /*-------------------------- Extensions to XA interface ---------------------*/ /* ------------------------- xaosvch ----------------------------------------*/ /* NAME xaosvch - XA Oracle get SerViCe Handle DESCRIPTION Given a database name return the service handle that is used by the XA library NOTE This macro has been provided for backward compatibilty with 8.0.2 */ OCISvcCtx *xaosvch(OraText *dbname); /* ------------------------- xaoSvcCtx --------------------------------------*/ /* NAME xaoSvcCtx - XA Oracle get SerViCe ConTeXt DESCRIPTION Given a database name return the service handle that is used by the XA library NOTE This routine has been provided for APs to get access to the service handle that XA library uses. Without this routine APs must use SQLLIB routine sqlld2 to get access to the Logon data area registered by the XA library */ OCISvcCtx *xaoSvcCtx(OraText *dbname); /* ------------------------- xaoEnv -----------------------------------------*/ /* NAME xaoEnv - XA Oracle get ENvironment Handle DESCRIPTION Given a database name return the environment handle that is used by the XA library NOTE This routine has been provided for APs to get access to the environment handle that XA library uses. Without this routine APs must use SQLLIB routine sqlld2 to get access to the Logon data area registered by the XA library */ OCIEnv *xaoEnv(OraText *dbname); /* ------------------------- xaosterr ---------------------------------------*/ /* NAME xaosterr - XA Oracle get xa STart ERRor code DESCRIPTION Given an oracle error code return the XA error code */ int xaosterr(OCISvcCtx *svch, sb4 error); /*-------------------------- End Extensions ---------------------------------*/ /*---------------------- Extensions to NLS cartridge service ----------------*/ /* ----------------------- OCINlsGetInfo ------------------------------------*/ /* NAME OCINlsGetInfo - Get NLS info from OCI environment handle REMARKS This function generates language information specified by item from OCI environment handle envhp into an array pointed to by buf within size limitation as buflen. RETURNS OCI_SUCCESS, OCI_INVALID_HANDLE, or OCI_ERROR on wrong item. envhp(IN/OUT) OCI environment handle. errhp(IN/OUT) The OCI error handle. If there is an error, it is record in errhp and this function returns a NULL pointer. Diagnostic information can be obtained by calling OCIErrorGet(). buf(OUT) Pointer to the destination buffer. buflen(IN) The size of destination buffer. The maximum length for each information is 32 bytes. item(IN) It specifies to get which item in OCI environment handle and can be one of following values: OCI_NLS_DAYNAME1 : Native name for Monday. OCI_NLS_DAYNAME2 : Native name for Tuesday. OCI_NLS_DAYNAME3 : Native name for Wednesday. OCI_NLS_DAYNAME4 : Native name for Thursday. OCI_NLS_DAYNAME5 : Native name for Friday. OCI_NLS_DAYNAME6 : Native name for for Saturday. OCI_NLS_DAYNAME7 : Native name for for Sunday. OCI_NLS_ABDAYNAME1 : Native abbreviated name for Monday. OCI_NLS_ABDAYNAME2 : Native abbreviated name for Tuesday. OCI_NLS_ABDAYNAME3 : Native abbreviated name for Wednesday. OCI_NLS_ABDAYNAME4 : Native abbreviated name for Thursday. OCI_NLS_ABDAYNAME5 : Native abbreviated name for Friday. OCI_NLS_ABDAYNAME6 : Native abbreviated name for for Saturday. OCI_NLS_ABDAYNAME7 : Native abbreviated name for for Sunday. OCI_NLS_MONTHNAME1 : Native name for January. OCI_NLS_MONTHNAME2 : Native name for February. OCI_NLS_MONTHNAME3 : Native name for March. OCI_NLS_MONTHNAME4 : Native name for April. OCI_NLS_MONTHNAME5 : Native name for May. OCI_NLS_MONTHNAME6 : Native name for June. OCI_NLS_MONTHNAME7 : Native name for July. OCI_NLS_MONTHNAME8 : Native name for August. OCI_NLS_MONTHNAME9 : Native name for September. OCI_NLS_MONTHNAME10 : Native name for October. OCI_NLS_MONTHNAME11 : Native name for November. OCI_NLS_MONTHNAME12 : Native name for December. OCI_NLS_ABMONTHNAME1 : Native abbreviated name for January. OCI_NLS_ABMONTHNAME2 : Native abbreviated name for February. OCI_NLS_ABMONTHNAME3 : Native abbreviated name for March. OCI_NLS_ABMONTHNAME4 : Native abbreviated name for April. OCI_NLS_ABMONTHNAME5 : Native abbreviated name for May. OCI_NLS_ABMONTHNAME6 : Native abbreviated name for June. OCI_NLS_ABMONTHNAME7 : Native abbreviated name for July. OCI_NLS_ABMONTHNAME8 : Native abbreviated name for August. OCI_NLS_ABMONTHNAME9 : Native abbreviated name for September. OCI_NLS_ABMONTHNAME10 : Native abbreviated name for October. OCI_NLS_ABMONTHNAME11 : Native abbreviated name for November. OCI_NLS_ABMONTHNAME12 : Native abbreviated name for December. OCI_NLS_YES : Native string for affirmative response. OCI_NLS_NO : Native negative response. OCI_NLS_AM : Native equivalent string of AM. OCI_NLS_PM : Native equivalent string of PM. OCI_NLS_AD : Native equivalent string of AD. OCI_NLS_BC : Native equivalent string of BC. OCI_NLS_DECIMAL : decimal character. OCI_NLS_GROUP : group separator. OCI_NLS_DEBIT : Native symbol of debit. OCI_NLS_CREDIT : Native sumbol of credit. OCI_NLS_DATEFORMAT : Oracle date format. OCI_NLS_INT_CURRENCY: International currency symbol. OCI_NLS_LOC_CURRENCY : Locale currency symbol. OCI_NLS_LANGUAGE : Language name. OCI_NLS_ABLANGUAGE : Abbreviation for language name. OCI_NLS_TERRITORY : Territory name. OCI_NLS_CHARACTER_SET : Character set name. OCI_NLS_LINGUISTIC : Linguistic name. OCI_NLS_CALENDAR : Calendar name. OCI_NLS_DUAL_CURRENCY : Dual currency symbol. */ sword OCINlsGetInfo(void *envhp, OCIError *errhp, OraText *buf, size_t buflen, ub2 item); /* ----------------------- OCINlsNumericInfoGet -----------------------------*/ /* NAME OCINlsNumericInfoGet - Get NLS numeric info from OCI environment handle REMARKS This function generates numeric language information specified by item from OCI environment handle envhp into an output number variable. RETURNS OCI_SUCCESS, OCI_INVALID_HANDLE, or OCI_ERROR on wrong item. envhp(IN/OUT) OCI environment handle. If handle invalid, returns OCI_INVALID_HANDLE. errhp(IN/OUT) The OCI error handle. If there is an error, it is record in errhp and this function returns a NULL pointer. Diagnostic information can be obtained by calling OCIErrorGet(). val(OUT) Pointer to the output number variable. On OCI_SUCCESS return, it will contain the requested NLS numeric info. item(IN) It specifies to get which item in OCI environment handle and can be one of following values: OCI_NLS_CHARSET_MAXBYTESZ : Maximum character byte size for OCI environment or session handle charset OCI_NLS_CHARSET_FIXEDWIDTH: Character byte size for fixed-width charset; 0 for variable-width charset */ sword OCINlsNumericInfoGet(void *envhp, OCIError *errhp, sb4 *val, ub2 item); /* ----------------------- OCINlsCharSetNameToId ----------------------------*/ /* NAME OCINlsCharSetNameToId - Get Oracle charset id given Oracle charset name REMARKS This function will get the Oracle character set id corresponding to the given Oracle character set name. RETURNS Oracle character set id for the given Oracle character set name if character set name and OCI handle are valid; otherwise returns 0. envhp(IN/OUT) OCI environment handle. name(IN) Pointer to a null-terminated Oracle character set name whose id will be returned. */ ub2 OCINlsCharSetNameToId(void *envhp, const oratext *name); /* ----------------------- OCINlsCharSetIdToName ----------------------------*/ /* NAME OCINlsCharSetIdToName - Get Oracle charset name given Oracle charset id REMARKS This function will get the Oracle character set name corresponding to the given Oracle character set id. RETURNS OCI_SUCCESS, OCI_INVALID_HANDLE, or OCI_ERROR envhp(IN/OUT) OCI environment handle. If handle invalid, returns OCI_INVALID_HANDLE. buf(OUT) Pointer to the destination buffer. On OCI_SUCCESS return, it will contain the null-terminated string for character set name. buflen(IN) Size of destination buffer. Recommended size is OCI_NLS_MAXBUFSZ for guarantee to store an Oracle character set name. If it's smaller than the length of the character set name, the function will return OCI_ERROR. id(IN) Oracle character set id. */ sword OCINlsCharSetIdToName(void *envhp, oratext *buf, size_t buflen, ub2 id); /* ----------------------- OCINlsNameMap ------------------------------------*/ /* NAME OCINlsNameMap - Map NLS naming from Oracle to other standards and vice versa REMARKS This function will map NLS naming from Oracle to other standards (such as ISO, IANA) and vice versa. RETURNS OCI_SUCCESS, OCI_INVALID_HANDLE, or OCI_ERROR envhp(IN/OUT) OCI environment handle. If handle invalid, returns OCI_INVALID_HANDLE. buf(OUT) Pointer to the destination buffer. On OCI_SUCCESS return, it will contain null-terminated string for requested mapped name. buflen(IN) The size of destination buffer. Recommended size is OCI_NLS_MAXBUFSZ for guarantee to store an NLS name. If it is smaller than the length of the name, the function will return OCI_ERROR. srcbuf(IN) Pointer to null-terminated NLS name. If it is not a valid name in its define scope, the function will return OCI_ERROR. flag(IN) It specifies name mapping direction and can take the following values: OCI_NLS_CS_IANA_TO_ORA : Map character set name from IANA to Oracle OCI_NLS_CS_ORA_TO_IANA : Map character set name from Oracle to IANA OCI_NLS_LANG_ISO_TO_ORA : Map language name from ISO to Oracle OCI_NLS_LANG_ORA_TO_ISO : Map language name from Oracle to ISO OCI_NLS_TERR_ISO_TO_ORA : Map territory name from ISO to Oracle OCI_NLS_TERR_ORA_TO_ISO : Map territory name from Oracle to ISO OCI_NLS_TERR_ISO3_TO_ORA : Map territory name from 3-letter ISO abbreviation to Oracle OCI_NLS_TERR_ORA_TO_ISO3 : Map territory name from Oracle to 3-letter ISO abbreviation */ sword OCINlsNameMap(void *envhp, oratext *buf, size_t buflen, const oratext *srcbuf, ub4 flag); /* -------------------- OCIMultiByteToWideChar ------------------------------*/ /* NAME OCIMultiByteToWideChar - Convert a null terminated multibyte string into wchar REMARKS This routine converts an entire null-terminated string into the wchar format. The wchar output buffer will be null-terminated. RETURNS OCI_SUCCESS, OCI_INVALID_HANDLE or OCI_ERROR envhp(IN/OUT) OCI environment handle to determine the character set of string. dst (OUT) Destination buffer for wchar. src (IN) Source string to be converted. rsize (OUT) Number of characters converted including null-terminator. If it is a NULL pointer, no number return */ sword OCIMultiByteToWideChar(void *envhp, OCIWchar *dst, const OraText *src, size_t *rsize); /* --------------------- OCIMultiByteInSizeToWideChar -----------------------*/ /* NAME OCIMultiByteInSizeToWideChar - Convert a mulitbyte string in length into wchar REMARKS This routine converts part of string into the wchar format. It will convert as many complete characters as it can until it reaches output buffer size or input buffer size or it reaches a null-terminator in source string. The output buffer will be null-terminated if space permits. If dstsz is zero, this function will only return number of characters not including ending null terminator for converted string. RETURNS OCI_SUCCESS, OCI_INVALID_HANDLE or OCI_ERROR envhp(IN/OUT) OCI environment handle to determine the character set of string. dst (OUT) Pointer to a destination buffer for wchar. It can be NULL pointer when dstsz is zero. dstsz(IN) Destination buffer size in character. If it is zero, this function just returns number of characters will be need for the conversion. src (IN) Source string to be converted. srcsz(IN) Length of source string in byte. rsize(OUT) Number of characters written into destination buffer, or number of characters for converted string is dstsz is zero. If it is NULL pointer, nothing to return. */ sword OCIMultiByteInSizeToWideChar(void *envhp, OCIWchar *dst, size_t dstsz, const OraText *src, size_t srcsz, size_t *rsize); /* ---------------------- OCIWideCharToMultiByte ----------------------------*/ /* NAME OCIWideCharToMultiByte - Convert a null terminated wchar string into multibyte REMARKS This routine converts an entire null-terminated wide character string into multi-byte string. The output buffer will be null-terminated. RETURNS OCI_SUCCESS, OCI_INVALID_HANDLE or OCI_ERROR envhp(IN/OUT) OCI environment handle to determine the character set of string. dst (OUT) Destination buffer for multi-byte string. src (IN) Source wchar string to be converted. rsize (OUT) Number of bytes written into the destination buffer. If it is NULL pointer, nothing to return. */ sword OCIWideCharToMultiByte(void *envhp, OraText *dst, const OCIWchar *src, size_t *rsize); /* ---------------------- OCIWideCharInSizeToMultiByte ----------------------*/ /* NAME OCIWideCharInSizeToMultiByte - Convert a wchar string in length into mulitbyte REMARKS This routine converts part of wchar string into the multi-byte format. It will convert as many complete characters as it can until it reaches output buffer size or input buffer size or it reaches a null-terminator in source string. The output buffer will be null-terminated if space permits. If dstsz is zero, the function just returns the size of byte not including ending null-terminator need to store the converted string. RETURNS OCI_SUCCESS, OCI_INVALID_HANDLE or OCI_ERROR envhp(IN/OUT) OCI environment handle to determine the character set of string. dst (OUT) Destination buffer for multi-byte. It can be NULL pointer if dstsz is zero. dstsz(IN) Destination buffer size in byte. If it is zero, it just returns the size of bytes need for converted string. src (IN) Source wchar string to be converted. srcsz(IN) Length of source string in character. rsize(OUT) Number of bytes written into destination buffer, or number of bytes need to store the converted string if dstsz is zero. If it is NULL pointer, nothing to return. */ sword OCIWideCharInSizeToMultiByte(void *envhp, OraText *dst, size_t dstsz, const OCIWchar *src, size_t srcsz, size_t *rsize); /* ----------------------- OCIWideCharIsAlnum -------------------------------*/ /* NAME OCIWideCharIsAlnum - test whether wc is a letter or decimal digit REMARKS It tests whether wc is a letter or decimal digit. RETURNS TRUE or FLASE. envhp(IN/OUT) OCI environment handle to determine the character set . wc(IN) Wchar for testing. */ boolean OCIWideCharIsAlnum(void *envhp, OCIWchar wc); /* ----------------------- OCIWideCharIsAlpha -------------------------------*/ /* NAME OCIWideCharIsAlpha - test whether wc is an alphabetic letter REMARKS It tests whether wc is an alphabetic letter RETURNS TRUE or FLASE. envhp(IN/OUT) OCI environment handle to determine the character set . wc(IN) Wchar for testing. */ boolean OCIWideCharIsAlpha(void *envhp, OCIWchar wc); /* --------------------- OCIWideCharIsCntrl ---------------------------------*/ /* NAME OCIWideCharIsCntrl - test whether wc is a control character REMARKS It tests whether wc is a control character. RETURNS TRUE or FLASE. envhp(IN/OUT) OCI environment handle to determine the character set . wc(IN) Wchar for testing. */ boolean OCIWideCharIsCntrl(void *envhp, OCIWchar wc); /* ----------------------- OCIWideCharIsDigit -------------------------------*/ /* NAME OCIWideCharIsDigit - test whether wc is a decimal digit character REMARKS It tests whether wc is a decimal digit character. RETURNS TRUE or FLASE. envhp(IN/OUT) OCI environment handle to determine the character set . wc(IN) Wchar for testing. */ boolean OCIWideCharIsDigit(void *envhp, OCIWchar wc); /* ----------------------- OCIWideCharIsGraph -------------------------------*/ /* NAME OCIWideCharIsGraph - test whether wc is a graph character REMARKS It tests whether wc is a graph character. A graph character is character with a visible representation and normally includes alphabetic letter, decimal digit, and punctuation. RETURNS TRUE or FLASE. envhp(IN/OUT) OCI environment handle to determine the character set . wc(IN) Wchar for testing. */ boolean OCIWideCharIsGraph(void *envhp, OCIWchar wc); /* ----------------------- OCIWideCharIsLower -------------------------------*/ /* NAME OCIWideCharIsLower - test whether wc is a lowercase letter REMARKS It tests whether wc is a lowercase letter. RETURNS TRUE or FLASE. envhp(IN/OUT) OCI environment handle to determine the character set . wc(IN) Wchar for testing. */ boolean OCIWideCharIsLower(void *envhp, OCIWchar wc); /* ----------------------- OCIWideCharIsPrint -------------------------------*/ /* NAME OCIWideCharIsPrint - test whether wc is a printable character REMARKS It tests whether wc is a printable character. RETURNS TRUE or FLASE. envhp(IN/OUT) OCI environment handle to determine the character set . wc(IN) Wchar for testing. */ boolean OCIWideCharIsPrint(void *envhp, OCIWchar wc); /* ----------------------- OCIWideCharIsPunct -------------------------------*/ /* NAME OCIWideCharIsPunct - test whether wc is a punctuation character REMARKS It tests whether wc is a punctuation character. RETURNS TRUE or FLASE. envhp(IN/OUT) OCI environment handle to determine the character set . wc(IN) Wchar for testing. */ boolean OCIWideCharIsPunct(void *envhp, OCIWchar wc); /* ----------------------- OCIWideCharIsSpace -------------------------------*/ /* NAME OCIWideCharIsSpace - test whether wc is a space character REMARKS It tests whether wc is a space character. A space character only causes white space in displayed text(for example, space, tab, carriage return, newline, vertical tab or form feed). RETURNS TRUE or FLASE. envhp(IN/OUT) OCI environment handle to determine the character set . wc(IN) Wchar for testing. */ boolean OCIWideCharIsSpace(void *envhp, OCIWchar wc); /* ----------------------- OCIWideCharIsUpper -------------------------------*/ /* NAME OCIWideCharIsUpper - test whether wc is a uppercase letter REMARKS It tests whether wc is a uppercase letter. RETURNS TRUE or FLASE. envhp(IN/OUT) OCI environment handle to determine the character set . wc(IN) Wchar for testing. */ boolean OCIWideCharIsUpper(void *envhp, OCIWchar wc); /*----------------------- OCIWideCharIsXdigit -------------------------------*/ /* NAME OCIWideCharIsXdigit - test whether wc is a hexadecimal digit REMARKS It tests whether wc is a hexadecimal digit ( 0-9, A-F, a-f ). RETURNS TRUE or FLASE. envhp(IN/OUT) OCI environment handle to determine the character set . wc(IN) Wchar for testing. */ boolean OCIWideCharIsXdigit(void *envhp, OCIWchar wc); /* --------------------- OCIWideCharIsSingleByte ----------------------------*/ /* NAME OCIWideCharIsSingleByte - test whether wc is a single-byte character REMARKS It tests whether wc is a single-byte character when converted into multi-byte. RETURNS TRUE or FLASE. envhp(IN/OUT) OCI environment handle to determine the character set . wc(IN) Wchar for testing. */ boolean OCIWideCharIsSingleByte(void *envhp, OCIWchar wc); /* ----------------------- OCIWideCharToLower -------------------------------*/ /* NAME OCIWideCharToLower - Convert a wchar into the lowercase REMARKS If there is a lower-case character mapping for wc in the specified locale, it will return the lower-case in wchar, else return wc itself. RETURNS A wchar envhp(IN/OUT) OCI environment handle to determine the character set . wc(IN) Wchar for lowercase mapping. */ OCIWchar OCIWideCharToLower(void *envhp, OCIWchar wc); /* ----------------------- OCIWideCharToUpper -------------------------------*/ /* NAME OCIWideCharToUpper - Convert a wchar into the uppercase REMARKS If there is a upper-case character mapping for wc in the specified locale, it will return the upper-case in wchar, else return wc itself. RETURNS A wchar envhp(IN/OUT) OCI environment handle to determine the character set . wc(IN) Wchar for uppercase mapping. */ OCIWchar OCIWideCharToUpper(void *envhp, OCIWchar wc); /* ----------------------- OCIWideCharStrcmp --------------------------------*/ /* NAME OCIWideCharStrcmp - compare two null terminated wchar string REMARKS It compares two wchar string in binary ( based on wchar encoding value ), linguistic, or case-insensitive. RETURNS 0, if wstr1 == wstr2. Positive, if wstr1 > wstr2. Negative, if wstr1 < wstr2. envhp(IN/OUT) OCI environment handle to determine the character set. wstr1(IN) Pointer to a null-terminated wchar string. wstr2(IN) Pointer to a null-terminated wchar string. flag(IN) It is used to decide the comparison method. It can be taken one of the following values: OCI_NLS_BINARY : for the binary comparison, this is default value. OCI_NLS_LINGUISTIC : for linguistic comparison specified in the locale. This flag can be ORed with OCI_NLS_CASE_INSENSITIVE for case-insensitive comparison. */ int OCIWideCharStrcmp(void *envhp, const OCIWchar *wstr1, const OCIWchar *wstr2, int flag); /* ----------------------- OCIWideCharStrncmp -------------------------------*/ /* NAME OCIWideCharStrncmp - compare twe wchar string in length REMARKS This function is similar to OCIWideCharStrcmp(), except that at most len1 characters from wstr1 and len2 characters from wstr1 are compared. The null-terminator will be taken into the comparison. RETURNS 0, if wstr1 = wstr2 Positive, if wstr1 > wstr2 Negative, if wstr1 < wstr2 envhp(IN/OUT) OCI environment handle to determine the character set . wstr1(IN) Pointer to the first wchar string len1(IN) The length for the first string for comparison wstr2(IN) Pointer to the second wchar string len2(IN) The length for the second string for comparison. flag(IN) It is used to decide the comparison method. It can be taken one of the following values: OCI_NLS_BINARY : for the binary comparison, this is default value. OCI_NLS_LINGUISTIC : for linguistic comparison specified in the locale. This flag can be ORed with OCI_NLS_CASE_INSENSITIVE for case-insensitive comparison. */ int OCIWideCharStrncmp(void *envhp, const OCIWchar *wstr1, size_t len1, const OCIWchar *wstr2, size_t len2, int flag); /* ----------------------- OCIWideCharStrcat --------------------------------*/ /* NAME OCIWideCharStrcat - concatenate two wchar strings REMARKS This function appends a copy of the wchar string pointed to by wsrcstr, including the null-terminator to the end of wchar string pointed to by wdststr. It returns the number of character in the result string not including the ending null-terminator. RETURNS number of characters in the result string not including the ending null-terminator. envhp(IN/OUT) OCI environment handle to determine the character set . wdststr(IN/OUT) Pointer to the destination wchar string for appending. wsrcstr(IN) Pointer to the source wchar string to append. */ size_t OCIWideCharStrcat(void *envhp, OCIWchar *wdststr, const OCIWchar *wsrcstr); /* ----------------------- OCIWideCharStrchr --------------------------------*/ /* NAME OCIWideCharStrchr - Search the first occurrence of wchar in a wchar string REMARKS This function searchs for the first occurrence of wc in the wchar string pointed to by wstr. It returns a pointer to the whcar if successful, or a null pointer. RETURNS wchar pointer if successful, otherwise a null pointer. envhp(IN/OUT) OCI environment handle to determine the character set . wstr(IN) Pointer to the wchar string to search wc(IN) Wchar to search for. */ OCIWchar *OCIWideCharStrchr(void *envhp, const OCIWchar *wstr, OCIWchar wc); /* ----------------------- OCIWideCharStrcpy --------------------------------*/ /* NAME OCIWideCharStrcpy - copy a wchar string REMARKS This function copies the wchar string pointed to by wsrcstr, including the null-terminator, into the array pointed to by wdststr. It returns the number of character copied not including the ending null-terminator. RETURNS number of characters copied not including the ending null-terminator. envhp(IN/OUT) OCI environment handle to determine the character set . wdststr(OUT) Pointer to the destination wchar buffer. wsrcstr(IN) Pointer to the source wchar string. */ size_t OCIWideCharStrcpy(void *envhp, OCIWchar *wdststr, const OCIWchar *wsrcstr); /* ----------------------- OCIWideCharStrlen --------------------------------*/ /* NAME OCIWideCharStrlen - Return number of character in a wchar string REMARKS This function computes the number of characters in the wchar string pointed to by wstr, not including the null-terminator, and returns this number. RETURNS number of characters not including ending null-terminator. envhp(IN/OUT) OCI environment handle to determine the character set . wstr(IN) Pointer to the source wchar string. */ size_t OCIWideCharStrlen(void *envhp, const OCIWchar *wstr); /* ----------------------- OCIWideCharStrncat -------------------------------*/ /* NAME OCIWideCharStrncat - Concatenate wchar string in length REMARKS This function is similar to OCIWideCharStrcat(), except that at most n characters from wsrcstr are appended to wdststr. Note that the null-terminator in wsrcstr will stop appending. wdststr will be null-terminated.. RETURNS Number of characters in the result string not including the ending null-terminator. envhp(IN/OUT) OCI environment handle to determine the character set . wdststr(IN/OUT) Pointer to the destination wchar string for appending. wsrcstr(IN) Pointer to the source wchar string to append. n(IN) Number of characters from wsrcstr to append. */ size_t OCIWideCharStrncat(void *envhp, OCIWchar *wdststr, const OCIWchar *wsrcstr, size_t n); /* ----------------------- OCIWideCharStrncpy -------------------------------*/ /* NAME OCIWideCharStrncpy - Copy wchar string in length REMARKS This function is similar to OCIWideCharStrcpy(), except that at most n characters are copied from the array pointed to by wsrcstr to the array pointed to by wdststr. Note that the null-terminator in wdststr will stop coping and result string will be null-terminated. RETURNS number of characters copied not including the ending null-terminator. envhp(IN/OUT) OCI environment handle to determine the character set . wdststr(OUT) Pointer to the destination wchar buffer. wsrcstr(IN) Pointer to the source wchar string. n(IN) Number of characters from wsrcstr to copy. */ size_t OCIWideCharStrncpy(void *envhp, OCIWchar *wdststr, const OCIWchar *wsrcstr, size_t n); /* ----------------------- OCIWideCharStrrchr -------------------------------*/ /* NAME OCIWideCharStrrchr - search the last occurrence of a wchar in wchar string REMARKS This function searchs for the last occurrence of wc in the wchar string pointed to by wstr. It returns a pointer to the whcar if successful, or a null pointer. RETURNS wchar pointer if successful, otherwise a null pointer. envhp(IN/OUT) OCI environment handle to determine the character set . wstr(IN) Pointer to the wchar string to search wc(IN) Wchar to search for. */ OCIWchar *OCIWideCharStrrchr(void *envhp, const OCIWchar *wstr, OCIWchar wc); /* --------------------- OCIWideCharStrCaseConversion -----------------------*/ /* NAME OCIWideCharStrCaseConversion - convert a wchar string into lowercase or uppercase REMARKS This function convert the wide char string pointed to by wsrcstr into the uppercase or lowercase specified by flag and copies the result into the array pointed to by wdststr. The result string will be null-terminated. RETURNS number of characters for result string not including null-terminator. envhp(IN/OUT) OCI environment handle. wdststr(OUT) Pointer to destination array. wsrcstr(IN) Pointer to source string. flag(IN) Specify the case to convert: OCI_NLS_UPPERCASE : convert to uppercase. OCI_NLS_LOWERCASE: convert to lowercase. This flag can be ORed with OCI_NLS_LINGUISTIC to specify that the linguistic setting in the locale will be used for case conversion. */ size_t OCIWideCharStrCaseConversion(void *envhp, OCIWchar *wdststr, const OCIWchar *wsrcstr, ub4 flag); /*---------------------- OCIWideCharDisplayLength ---------------------------*/ /* NAME OCIWideCharDisplayLength - Calculate the display length for a wchar REMARKS This function determines the number of column positions required for wc in display. It returns number of column positions, or 0 if wc is null-terminator. RETURNS Number of display positions. envhp(IN/OUT) OCI environment handle to determine the character set . wc(IN) Wchar character. */ size_t OCIWideCharDisplayLength(void *envhp, OCIWchar wc ); /*---------------------- OCIWideCharMultiByteLength -------------------------*/ /* NAME OCIWideCharMultiByteLength - Determine byte size in multi-byte encoding REMARKS This function determines the number of byte required for wc in multi-byte encoding. It returns number of bytes in multi-byte for wc. RETURNS Number of bytes. envhp(IN/OUT) OCI environment handle to determine the character set . wc(IN) Wchar character. */ size_t OCIWideCharMultiByteLength(void *envhp, OCIWchar wc); /* ----------------------- OCIMultiByteStrcmp -------------------------------*/ /* NAME OCIMultiByteStrcmp - Compare two multi-byte strings REMARKS It compares two multi-byte strings in binary ( based on encoding value ), linguistic, or case-insensitive. RETURNS 0, if str1 == str2. Positive, if str1 > str2. Negative, if str1 < str2. envhp(IN/OUT) OCI environment handle to determine the character set. str1(IN) Pointer to a null-terminated string. str2(IN) Pointer to a null-terminated string. flag(IN) It is used to decide the comparison method. It can be taken one of the following values: OCI_NLS_BINARY: for the binary comparison, this is default value. OCI_NLS_LINGUISTIC: for linguistic comparison specified in the locale. This flag can be ORed with OCI_NLS_CASE_INSENSITIVE for case-insensitive comparison. */ int OCIMultiByteStrcmp(void *envhp, const OraText *str1, const OraText *str2, int flag); /*----------------------- OCIMultiByteStrncmp -------------------------------*/ /* NAME OCIMultiByteStrncmp - compare two strings in length REMARKS This function is similar to OCIMultiBytestrcmp(), except that at most len1 bytes from str1 and len2 bytes from str2 are compared. The null-terminator will be taken into the comparison. RETURNS 0, if str1 = str2 Positive, if str1 > str2 Negative, if str1 < str2 envhp(IN/OUT) OCI environment handle to determine the character set. str1(IN) Pointer to the first string len1(IN) The length for the first string for comparison str2(IN) Pointer to the second string len2(IN) The length for the second string for comparison. flag(IN) It is used to decide the comparison method. It can be taken one of the following values: OCI_NLS_BINARY: for the binary comparison, this is default value. OCI_NLS_LINGUISTIC: for linguistic comparison specified in the locale. This flag can be ORed with OCI_NLS_CASE_INSENSITIVE for case-insensitive comparison. */ int OCIMultiByteStrncmp(void *envhp, const OraText *str1, size_t len1, OraText *str2, size_t len2, int flag); /*----------------------- OCIMultiByteStrcat --------------------------------*/ /* NAME OCIMultiByteStrcat - concatenate multibyte strings REMARKS This function appends a copy of the multi-byte string pointed to by srcstr, including the null-terminator to the end of string pointed to by dststr. It returns the number of bytes in the result string not including the ending null-terminator. RETURNS number of bytes in the result string not including the ending null-terminator. envhp(IN/OUT) Pointer to OCI environment handle dststr(IN/OUT) Pointer to the destination multi-byte string for appending. srcstr(IN) Pointer to the source string to append. */ size_t OCIMultiByteStrcat(void *envhp, OraText *dststr, const OraText *srcstr); /*------------------------- OCIMultiByteStrcpy ------------------------------*/ /* NAME OCIMultiByteStrcpy - copy multibyte string REMARKS This function copies the multi-byte string pointed to by srcstr, including the null-terminator, into the array pointed to by dststr. It returns the number of bytes copied not including the ending null-terminator. RETURNS number of bytes copied not including the ending null-terminator. envhp(IN/OUT) Pointer to the OCI environment handle. srcstr(OUT) Pointer to the destination buffer. dststr(IN) Pointer to the source multi-byte string. */ size_t OCIMultiByteStrcpy(void *envhp, OraText *dststr, const OraText *srcstr); /*----------------------- OCIMultiByteStrlen --------------------------------*/ /* NAME OCIMultiByteStrlen - Calculate multibyte string length REMARKS This function computes the number of bytes in the multi-byte string pointed to by str, not including the null-terminator, and returns this number. RETURNS number of bytes not including ending null-terminator. str(IN) Pointer to the source multi-byte string. */ size_t OCIMultiByteStrlen(void *envhp, const OraText *str); /*----------------------- OCIMultiByteStrncat -------------------------------*/ /* NAME OCIMultiByteStrncat - concatenate string in length REMARKS This function is similar to OCIMultiBytestrcat(), except that at most n bytes from srcstr are appended to dststr. Note that the null-terminator in srcstr will stop appending and the function will append as many character as possible within n bytes. dststr will be null-terminated. RETURNS Number of bytes in the result string not including the ending null-terminator. envhp(IN/OUT) Pointer to OCI environment handle. srcstr(IN/OUT) Pointer to the destination multi-byte string for appending. dststr(IN) Pointer to the source multi-byte string to append. n(IN) Number of bytes from srcstr to append. */ size_t OCIMultiByteStrncat(void *envhp, OraText *dststr, const OraText *srcstr, size_t n); /*----------------------- OCIMultiByteStrncpy -------------------------------*/ /* NAME OCIMultiByteStrncpy - copy multibyte string in length REMARKS This function is similar to OCIMultiBytestrcpy(), except that at most n bytes are copied from the array pointed to by srcstr to the array pointed to by dststr. Note that the null-terminator in srcstr will stop coping and the function will copy as many character as possible within n bytes. The result string will be null-terminated. RETURNS number of bytes copied not including the ending null-terminator. envhp(IN/OUT) Pointer to a OCI environment handle. dststr(IN) Pointer to the source multi-byte string. srcstr(OUT) Pointer to the destination buffer. n(IN) Number of bytes from srcstr to copy. */ size_t OCIMultiByteStrncpy(void *envhp, OraText *dststr, const OraText *srcstr, size_t n); /*----------------------- OCIMultiByteStrnDisplayLength ---------------------*/ /* NAME OCIMultiByteStrnDisplayLength - calculate the display length for a multibyt string REMARKS This function returns the number of display positions occupied by the complete characters within the range of n bytes. RETURNS number of display positions. envhp(IN/OUT) OCI environment handle. str(IN) Pointer to a multi-byte string. n(IN) Number of bytes to examine. */ size_t OCIMultiByteStrnDisplayLength(void *envhp, const OraText *str1, size_t n); /*---------------------- OCIMultiByteStrCaseConversion ---------------------*/ /* NAME OCIMultiByteStrCaseConversion REMARKS This function convert the multi-byte string pointed to by srcstr into the uppercase or lowercase specified by flag and copies the result into the array pointed to by dststr. The result string will be null-terminated. RETURNS number of bytes for result string not including null-terminator. envhp(IN/OUT) OCI environment handle. dststr(OUT) Pointer to destination array. srcstr(IN) Pointer to source string. flag(IN) Specify the case to convert: OCI_NLS_UPPERCASE: convert to uppercase. OCI_NLS_LOWERCASE: convert to lowercase. This flag can be ORed with OCI_NLS_LINGUISTIC to specify that the linguistic setting in the locale will be used for case conversion. */ size_t OCIMultiByteStrCaseConversion(void *envhp, OraText *dststr, const OraText *srcstr, ub4 flag); /*------------------------- OCICharSetToUnicode -----------------------------*/ /* NAME OCICharSetToUnicode - convert multibyte string into Unicode as UCS2 REMARKS This function converts a multi-byte string pointed to by src to Unicode into the array pointed to by dst. The conversion will stop when it reach to the source limitation or destination limitation. The function will return number of characters converted into Unicode. If dstlen is zero, it will just return the number of characters for the result without real conversion. RETURNS OCI_SUCCESS, OCI_INVALID_HANDLE or OCI_ERROR envhp(IN/OUT) Pointer to an OCI environment handle dst(OUT) Pointer to a destination buffer dstlen(IN) Size of destination buffer in character src(IN) Pointer to multi-byte source string. srclen(IN) Size of source string in bytes. rsize(OUT) Number of characters converted. If it is a NULL pointer, nothing to return. */ sword OCICharSetToUnicode(void *envhp, ub2 *dst, size_t dstlen, const OraText *src, size_t srclen, size_t *rsize); /*------------------------- OCIUnicodeToCharSet -----------------------------*/ /* NAME OCIUnicodeToCharSet - convert Unicode into multibyte REMARKS This function converts a Unicode string pointed to by src to multi-byte into the array pointed to by dst. The conversion will stop when it reach to the source limitation or destination limitation. The function will return number of bytes converted into multi-byte. If dstlen is zero, it will just return the number of bytes for the result without real conversion. If a Unicode character is not convertible for the character set specified in OCI environment handle, a replacement character will be used for it. In this case, OCICharSetConversionIsReplacementUsed() will return ture. RETURNS OCI_SUCCESS, OCI_INVALID_HANDLE or OCI_ERROR envhp(IN/OUT) Pointer to an OCI environment handle. dst(OUT) Pointer to a destination buffer. dstlen(IN) Size of destination buffer in byte. src(IN) Pointer to a Unicode string. srclen(IN) Size of source string in characters. rsize(OUT) Number of bytes converted. If it is a NULL pointer, nothing to return. */ sword OCIUnicodeToCharSet(void *envhp, OraText *dst, size_t dstlen, const ub2 *src, size_t srclen, size_t *rsize); /*----------------------- OCINlsCharSetConvert ------------------------------*/ /* NAME OCINlsCharSetConvert - convert between any two character set. REMARKS This function converts a string pointed to by src in the character set specified with srcid to the array pointed to by dst in the character set specified with dstid. The conversion will stop when it reaches the source limitation or destination limitation. The function will return the number of bytes converted into the destination buffer. Even though either source or destination character set id is OCI_UTF16ID, given and return data length will be represented with the byte length as this function is intended for generic purpose. Note the conversion will not stop at null data. To get character set id from name, OCINlsCharSetNameToId can be used. To check if derived data in the destination buffer contains any replacement character resulting from conversion failure, OCICharSetConversionIsReplacementUsed can be used to get the status. Data alignment should be guaranteed by a caller. For example, UTF-16 data should be aligned to ub2 type. RETURNS OCI_SUCCESS or OCI_ERROR. errhp(IN/OUT) OCI error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in errhp and this function returns a NULL pointer. Diagnostic information can be obtained by calling OCIErrorGet(). dstid(IN) Character set id for the destination buffer. dstp(OUT) Pointer to the destination buffer. dstlen(IN) The maximum byte size of destination buffer. srcid(IN) Character set id for the source buffer. srcp(IN) Pointer to the source buffer. srclen(IN) The length byte size of source buffer. rsize(OUT) The number of characters converted. If it is a NULL pointer, nothing to return. */ sword OCINlsCharSetConvert(void *envhp, OCIError *errhp, ub2 dstid, void *dstp, size_t dstlen, ub2 srcid, const void *srcp, size_t srclen, size_t *rsize); /* ------------------- OCICharsetConversionIsReplacementUsed ----------------*/ /* NAME OCICharsetConversionIsReplacementUsed - chech if replacement is used in conversion REMARKS This function indicates whether or not the replacement character was used for nonconvertible characters in character set conversion in last invoke of OCICharsetUcs2ToMb(). RETURNS TRUE is the replacement character was used in last OCICharsetUcs2ToMb() invoking, else FALSE. envhp(IN/OUT) OCI environment handle. This should be the first handle passed to OCICharsetUcs2ToMb(). */ boolean OCICharSetConversionIsReplacementUsed(void *envhp); /*------------------- OCINlsEnvironmentVariableGet -----------------*/ /* NAME OCINlsEnvironmentVariableGet - get a value of NLS environment variable. DESCRIPTION This function retrieves a value of NLS environment variable to the buffer pointed to by val. Data type is determined by the parameter specified by item. Either numeric data or string data can be retrieved. RETURNS OCI_SUCCESS or OCI_ERROR. PARAMETERS valp(OUT) - Pointer to the buffer. size(IN) - Size of the buffer. This argument is only applicable to string data type, but not to numerical data, in such case, it is ignored. item(IN) - NLS item value, which can be one of following values: OCI_NLS_CHARSET_ID - NLS_LANG character set id in ub2 data type. OCI_NLS_NCHARSET_ID - NLS_NCHAR character set id in ub2 data type. charset(IN) - Character set id for retrieved string data. If it is 0, NLS_LANG will be used. OCI_UTF16ID is a valid id. In case of numeric data, this argument is ignored. rsize(OUT) - Size of return value. NOTE This functions is mainly used for retrieving character set id from either NLS_LANG or NLS_NCHAR environment variables. If NLS_LANG is not set, the default character set id is returned. For future extension, the buffer is capable for storing other data types. */ sword OCINlsEnvironmentVariableGet(void *valp, size_t size, ub2 item, ub2 charset, size_t *rsize); /*------------------------- OCIMessageOpen ----------------------------------*/ /* NAME OCIMessageOpen - open a locale message file REMARKS This function opens a message handle for facility of product in a language pointed to by envhp. It first try to open the message file corresponding to envhp for the facility. If it successes, it will use that file to initialize a message handle, else it will use the default message file which is for American language for the facility. The function return a pointer pointed to a message handle into msghp parameter. RETURNS OCI_SUCCESS, OCI_INVALID_HANDLE or OCI_ERROR envhp(IN/OUT) A pointer to OCI environment handle for message language. errhp(IN/OUT) The OCI error handle. If there is an error, it is record in errhp and this function returns a NULL pointer. Diagnostic information can be obtained by calling OCIErrorGet(). msghp(OUT) a message handle for return product(IN) A pointer to a product name. Product name is used to locate the directory for message in a system dependent way. For example, in Solaris, the directory of message files for the product `rdbms' is `${ORACLE_HOME}/rdbms'. facility(IN) A pointer to a facility name in the product. It is used to construct a message file name. A message file name follows the conversion with facility as prefix. For example, the message file name for facility `img' in American language will be `imgus.msb' where `us' is the abbreviation of American language and `msb' as message binary file extension. dur(IN) Duration for memory allocation for the return message handle. It can be the following values: OCI_DURATION_CALL OCI_DURATION_STATEMENT OCI_DURATION_SESSION OCI_DURATION_TRANSACTION For the detail description, please refer to Memory Related Service Interfaces section. */ sword OCIMessageOpen(void *envhp, OCIError *errhp, OCIMsg **msghp, const OraText *product, const OraText *facility, OCIDuration dur); /*------------------------- OCIMessageGet -----------------------------------*/ /* NAME OCIMessageGet - get a locale message from a message handle REMARKS This function will get message with message number identified by msgno and if buflen is not zero, the function will copy the message into the buffer pointed to by msgbuf. If buflen is zero, the message will be copied into a message buffer inside the message handle pointed to by msgh. For both cases. it will return the pointer to the null-terminated message string. If it cannot get the message required, it will return a NULL pointer. RETURNS A pointer to a null-terminated message string on success, otherwise a NULL pointer. msgh(IN/OUT) Pointer to a message handle which was previously opened by OCIMessageOpen(). msgno(IN) The message number for getting message. msgbuf(OUT) Pointer to a destination buffer to the message retrieved. If buflen is zero, it can be NULL pointer. buflen(IN) The size of the above destination buffer. */ OraText *OCIMessageGet(OCIMsg *msgh, ub4 msgno, OraText *msgbuf, size_t buflen); /*------------------------- OCIMessageClose ---------------------------------*/ /* NAME OCIMessageClose - close a message handle REMARKS This function closes a message handle pointed to by msgh and frees any memory associated with this handle. RETURNS OCI_SUCCESS, OCI_INVALID_HANDLE or OCI_ERROR envhp(IN/OUT) A pointer to OCI environment handle for message language. errhp(IN/OUT) The OCI error handle. If there is an error, it is record in errhp and this function returns a NULL pointer. Diagnostic information can be obtained by calling OCIErrorGet(). msghp(IN/OUT) A pointer to a message handle which was previously opened by OCIMessageOpen(). */ sword OCIMessageClose(void *envhp, OCIError *errhp, OCIMsg *msghp); /*--------------- End of Extensions to NLS cartridge service ----------------*/ /*----------------- Extensions to OCI Thread interface ---------------------*/ /***************************************************************************** DESCRIPTION ****************************************************************************** 1 Threads Interface The OCIThread package provides a number of commonly used threading primitives for use by Oracle customers. It offers a portable interface to threading capabilities native to various platforms. It does not implement threading on platforms which do not have native threading capability. OCIThread does not provide a portable implementation of multithreaded facilities. It only serves as a set of portable covers for native multithreaded facilities. Therefore, platforms that do not have native support for multi-threading will only be able to support a limited implementation of OCIThread. As a result, products that rely on all of OCIThread's functionality will not port to all platforms. Products that must port to all platforms must use only a subset of OCIThread's functionality. This issue is discussed further in later sections of this document. The OCIThread API is split into four main parts. Each part is described briefly here. The following subsections describe each in greater detail. 1. Initialization and Termination Calls These calls deal with the initialization and termination of OCIThread. Initialization of OCIThread initializes the OCIThread context which is a member of the OCI environment or session handle. This context is required for other OCIThread calls. 2. Passive Threading Primitives The passive threading primitives include primitives to manipulate mutual exclusion (mutex) locks, thread ID's, and thread-specific data keys. The reason that these primitives are described as 'passive' is that while their specifications allow for the existence of multiple threads, they do not require it. This means that it is possible for these primitives to be implemented according to specification in both single-threaded and multi-threaded environments. As a result, OCIThread clients that use only these primitives will not require the existence of multiple threads in order to work correctly, i.e., they will be able to work in single-threaded environments without branching code. 3. Active Threading Primitives Active threading primitives include primitives dealing with the creation, termination, and other manipulation of threads. The reason that these primitives are described as 'active' is that they can only be used in true multi-threaded environments. Their specifications explicitly require that it be possible to have multiple threads. If you need to determine at runtime whether or not you are in a multi-threaded environment, call OCIThreadIsMulti() before calling an OCIThread active primitive. 1.1 Initialization & Termination ================================== The types and functions described in this section are associated with the initialization and termination of the OCIThread package. OCIThread must be properly initialized before any of its functionality can be used. OCIThread's process initialization function, 'OCIThreadProcessInit()', must be called with care; see below. The observed behavior of the initialization and termination functions is the same regardless of whether OCIThread is in single-threaded or multi-threaded environment. It is OK to call the initialization functions from both generic and operating system specific (OSD) code. 1.1.1 Types OCIThreadContext - OCIThread Context ------------------------------------- Most calls to OCIThread functions take the OCI environment or session handle as a parameter. The OCIThread context is part of the OCI environment or session handle and it must be initialized by calling 'OCIThreadInit()'. Termination of the OCIThread context occurs by calling 'OCIThreadTerm()'. The OCIThread context is a private data structure. Clients must NEVER attempt to examine the contents of the context. 1.1.2 OCIThreadProcessInit OCIThreadProcessInit - OCIThread Process INITialization -------------------------------------------------------- Description This function should be called to perform OCIThread process initialization. Prototype void OCIThreadProcessInit(); Returns Nothing. Notes Whether or not this function needs to be called depends on how OCI Thread is going to be used. * In a single-threaded application, calling this function is optional. If it is called at all, the first call to it must occur before calls to any other OCIThread functions. Subsequent calls can be made without restriction; they will not have any effect. * In a multi-threaded application, this function MUST be called. The first call to it MUST occur 'strictly before' any other OCIThread calls; i.e., no other calls to OCIThread functions (including other calls to this one) can be concurrent with the first call. Subsequent calls to this function can be made without restriction; they will not have any effect. 1.1.3 OCIThreadInit OCIThreadInit - OCIThread INITialize ------------------------------------- Description This initializes OCIThread context. Prototype sword OCIThreadInit(void *hndl, OCIError *err); hndl(IN/OUT): The OCI environment or session handle. err(IN/OUT): The OCI error handle. If there is an error and OCI_ERROR is returned, the error is recorded in err and diagnostic information can be obtained by calling OCIErrorGet(). Returns OCI_SUCCESS, OCI_ERROR or OCI_INVALID_HANDLE. Notes It is illegal for OCIThread clients to try an examine the memory pointed to by the returned pointer. It is safe to make concurrent calls to 'OCIThreadInit()'. Unlike 'OCIThreadProcessInit()', there is no need to have a first call that occurs before all the others. The first time 'OCIThreadInit()' is called, it initilaizes the OCI Thread context. It also saves a pointer to the context in some system dependent manner. Subsequent calls to 'OCIThreadInit()' will return the same context. Each call to 'OCIThreadInit()' must eventually be matched by a call to 'OCIThreadTerm()'. OCIThreadTerm - OCIThread TERMinate ------------------------------------ Description This should be called to release the OCIThread context. It should be called exactly once for each call made to 'OCIThreadInit()'. Prototype sword OCIThreadTerm(void *hndl, OCIError *err); hndl(IN/OUT): The OCI environment or session handle. err(IN/OUT): The OCI error handle. If there is an error and OCI_ERROR is returned, the error is recorded in err and diagnostic information can be obtained by calling OCIErrorGet(). Returns OCI_SUCCESS, OCI_ERROR or OCI_INVALID_HANDLE. Notes It is safe to make concurrent calls to 'OCIThreadTerm()'. 'OCIThreadTerm()' will not do anything until it has been called as many times as 'OCIThreadInit()' has been called. When that happens, it terminates the OCIThread layer and frees the memory allocated for the context. Once this happens, the context should not be re-used. It will be necessary to obtain a new one by calling 'OCIThreadInit()'. OCIThreadIsMulti - OCIThread Is Multi-Threaded? ------------------------------------------------ Description This tells the caller whether the application is running in a multi-threaded environment or a single-threaded environment. Prototype boolean OCIThreadIsMulti(void); Returns TRUE if the environment is multi-threaded; FALSE if the environment is single-threaded. 1.2 Passive Threading Primitives ================================== 1.2.1 Types The passive threading primitives deal with the manipulation of mutex, thread ID's, and thread-specific data. Since the specifications of these primitives do not require the existence of multiple threads, they can be used both on multithreaded and single-threaded platforms. OCIThreadMutex - OCIThread Mutual Exclusion Lock ----------------------------------------------------------- The type 'OCIThreadMutex' is used to represent a mutual exclusion lock (mutex). A mutex is typically used for one of two purposes: (i) to ensure that only one thread accesses a given set of data at a time, or (ii) to ensure that only one thread executes a given critical section of code at a time. Mutexes pointer can be declared as parts of client structures or as stand-alone variables. Before they can be used, they must be initialized using 'OCIThreadMutexInit()'. Once they are no longer needed, they must be destroyed using 'OCIThreadMutexDestroy()'. A mutex pointer must NOT be used after it is destroyed. A thread can acquire a mutex by using either 'OCIThreadMutexAcquire()' or 'OCIThreadMutexTry()'. They both ensure that only one thread at a time is allowed to hold a given mutex. A thread that holds a mutex can release it by calling 'OCIThreadMutexRelease()'. OCIThreadKey - OCIThread Key for Thread-Specific Data ---------------------------------------------------------------- A key can be thought of as a process-wide variable that has a thread-specific value. What this means is that all the threads in a process can use any given key. However, each thread can examine or modify that key independently of the other threads. The value that a thread sees when it examines the key will always be the same as the value that it last set for the key. It will not see any values set for the key by the other threads. The type of the value held by a key is a 'void *' generic pointer. Keys can be created using 'OCIThreadKeyInit()'. When a key is created, its value is initialized to 'NULL' for all threads. A thread can set a key's value using 'OCIThreadKeySet()'. A thread can get a key's value using 'OCIThreadKeyGet()'. The OCIThread key functions will save and retrieve data SPECIFIC TO THE THREAD. When clients maintain a pool of threads and assign the threads to different tasks, it *may not* be appropriate for a task to use OCIThread key functions to save data associated with it. Here is a scenario of how things can fail: A thread is assigned to execute the initialization of a task. During the initialization, the task stored some data related to it in the thread using OCIThread key functions. After the initialization, the thread is returned back to the threads pool. Later, the threads pool manager assigned another thread to perform some operations on the task, and the task needs to retrieve those data it stored earlier in initialization. Since the task is running in another thread, it will not be able to retrieve the same data back! Applications that use thread pools should be aware of this and be cautious when using OCIThread key functions. OCIThreadKeyDestFunc - OCIThread Key Destructor Function Type ------------------------------------------------------------------------ This is the type of a pointer to a key's destructor routine. Keys can be associated with a destructor routine when they are created (see 'OCIThreadKeyInit()'). A key's destructor routine will be called whenever a thread that has a non-NULL value for the key terminates. The destructor routine returns nothing and takes one parameter. The parameter will be the value that was set for key when the thread terminated. The destructor routine is guaranteed to be called on a thread's value in the key after the termination of the thread and before process termination. No more precise guarantee can be made about the timing of the destructor routine call; thus no code in the process may assume any post-condition of the destructor routine. In particular, the destructor is not guaranteed to execute before a join call on the terminated thread returns. OCIThreadId - OCIThread Thread ID -------------------------------------------- Type 'OCIThreadId' is the type that will be used to identify a thread. At any given time, no two threads will ever have the same 'OCIThreadId'. However, 'OCIThreadId' values can be recycled; i.e., once a thread dies, a new thread may be created that has the same 'OCIThreadId' as the one that died. In particular, the thread ID must uniquely identify a thread T within a process, and it must be consistent and valid in all threads U of the process for which it can be guaranteed that T is running concurrently with U. The thread ID for a thread T must be retrievable within thread T. This will be done via OCIThreadIdGet(). The 'OCIThreadId' type supports the concept of a NULL thread ID: the NULL thread ID will never be the same as the ID of an actual thread. 1.2.2 Function prototypes for passive primitives -------------------------------------------------- Mutex functions ------------------------- OCIThreadMutexInit - OCIThread MuteX Initialize ----------------------------------------------- Description This allocate and initializes a mutex. All mutexes must be initialized prior to use. Prototype sword OCIThreadMutexInit(void *hndl, OCIError *err, OCIThreadMutex **mutex); hndl(IN/OUT): The OCI environment or session handle. err(IN/OUT): The OCI error handle. If there is an error and OCI_ERROR is returned, the error is recorded in err and diagnostic information can be obtained by calling OCIErrorGet(). mutex(OUT): The mutex to initialize. Returns OCI_SUCCESS, OCI_ERROR or OCI_INVALID_HANDLE. Notes Multiple threads must not initialize the same mutex simultaneously. Also, a mutex must not be reinitialized until it has been destroyed (see 'OCIThreadMutexDestroy()'). OCIThreadMutexDestroy - OCIThread MuteX Destroy ----------------------------------------------- Description This destroys and deallocate a mutex. Each mutex must be destroyed once it is no longer needed. Prototype sword OCIThreadMutexDestroy(void *hndl, OCIError *err, OCIThreadMutex **mutex); hndl(IN/OUT): The OCI environment or session handle. err(IN/OUT): The OCI error handle. If there is an error and OCI_ERROR is returned, the error is recorded in err and diagnostic information can be obtained by calling OCIErrorGet(). mutex(IN/OUT): The mutex to destroy. Returns OCI_SUCCESS, OCI_ERROR or OCI_INVALID_HANDLE. Notes It is not legal to destroy a mutex that is uninitialized or is currently held by a thread. The destruction of a mutex must not occur concurrently with any other operations on the mutex. A mutex must not be used after it has been destroyed. OCIThreadMutexAcquire - OCIThread MuteX Acquire ----------------------------------------------- Description This acquires a mutex for the thread in which it is called. If the mutex is held by another thread, the calling thread is blocked until it can acquire the mutex. Prototype sword OCIThreadMutexAcquire(void *hndl, OCIError *err, OCIThreadMutex *mutex); hndl(IN/OUT): The OCI environment or session handle. err(IN/OUT): The OCI error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in err and this function returns OCI_ERROR. Diagnostic information can be obtained by calling OCIErrorGet(). mutex(IN/OUT): The mutex to acquire. Returns OCI_SUCCESS, OCI_ERROR or OCI_INVALID_HANDLE. Notes It is illegal to attempt to acquire an uninitialized mutex. This function's behavior is undefined if it is used by a thread to acquire a mutex that is already held by that thread. OCIThreadMutexRelease - OCIThread MuteX Release ----------------------------------------------- Description This releases a mutex. If there are any threads blocked on the mutex, one of them will acquire it and become unblocked. Prototype sword OCIThreadMutexRelease(void *hndl, OCIError *err, OCIThreadMutex *mutex); hndl(IN/OUT): The OCI environment or session handle. err(IN/OUT): The OCI error handle. If there is an error and OCI_ERROR is returned, the error is recorded in err and diagnostic information can be obtained by calling OCIErrorGet(). mutex(IN/OUT): The mutex to release. Returns OCI_SUCCESS, OCI_ERROR or OCI_INVALID_HANDLE. Notes It is illegal to attempt to release an uninitialized mutex. It is also illegal for a thread to release a mutex that it does not hold. OCIThreadKeyInit - OCIThread KeY Initialize ------------------------------------------- Description This creates a key. Each call to this routine allocate and generates a new key that is distinct from all other keys. Prototype sword OCIThreadKeyInit(void *hndl, OCIError *err, OCIThreadKey **key, OCIThreadKeyDestFunc destFn); hndl(IN/OUT): The OCI environment or session handle. err(IN/OUT): The OCI error handle. If there is an error and OCI_ERROR is returned, the error is recorded in err and diagnostic information can be obtained by calling OCIErrorGet(). key(OUT): The 'OCIThreadKey' in which to create the new key. destFn(IN): The destructor for the key. NULL is permitted. Returns OCI_SUCCESS, OCI_ERROR or OCI_INVALID_HANDLE. Notes Once this function executes successfully, a pointer to an allocated and initialized key is return. That key can be used with 'OCIThreadKeyGet()' and 'OCIThreadKeySet()'. The initial value of the key will be 'NULL' for all threads. It is illegal for this function to be called more than once to create the same key (i.e., to be called more than once with the same value for the 'key' parameter). If the 'destFn' parameter is not NULL, the routine pointed to by 'destFn' will be called whenever a thread that has a non-NULL value for the key terminates. The routine will be called with one parameter. The parameter will be the key's value for the thread at the time at which the thread terminated. If the key does not need a destructor function, pass NULL for 'destFn'. OCIThreadKeyDestroy - OCIThread KeY DESTROY ------------------------------------------- Description Destroy and deallocate the key pointed to by 'key'. Prototype sword OCIThreadKeyDestroy(void *hndl, OCIError *err, OCIThreadKey **key); hndl(IN/OUT): The OCI environment or session handle. err(IN/OUT): The OCI error handle. If there is an error and OCI_ERROR is returned, the error is recorded in err and diagnostic information can be obtained by calling OCIErrorGet(). key(IN/OUT): The 'OCIThreadKey' in which to destroy the key. Returns OCI_SUCCESS, OCI_ERROR or OCI_INVALID_HANDLE. Notes This is different from the destructor function callback passed to the key create routine. This new destroy function 'OCIThreadKeyDestroy' is used to terminate any resources OCI THREAD acquired when it created 'key'. [The 'OCIThreadKeyDestFunc' callback type is a key VALUE destructor; it does in no way operate on the key itself.] This must be called once the user has finished using the key. Not calling the key destroy function may result in memory leaks. Thread Key operations ------------------------------- OCIThreadKeyGet - OCIThread KeY Get value ----------------------------------------- Description This gets the calling thread's current value for a key. Prototype sword OCIThreadKeyGet(void *hndl, OCIError *err, OCIThreadKey *key, void **pValue); hndl(IN/OUT): The OCI environment or session handle. err(IN/OUT): The OCI error handle. If there is an error and OCI_ERROR is returned, the error is recorded in err and diagnostic information can be obtained by calling OCIErrorGet(). key(IN): The key. pValue(IN/OUT): The location in which to place the thread-specific key value. Returns OCI_SUCCESS, OCI_ERROR or OCI_INVALID_HANDLE. Notes It is illegal to use this function on a key that has not been created using 'OCIThreadKeyInit()'. If the calling thread has not yet assigned a value to the key, 'NULL' is placed in the location pointed to by 'pValue'. OCIThreadKeySet - OCIThread KeY Set value ----------------------------------------- Description This sets the calling thread's value for a key. Prototype sword OCIThreadKeySet(void *hndl, OCIError *err, OCIThreadKey *key, void *value); hndl(IN/OUT): The OCI environment or session handle. err(IN/OUT): The OCI error handle. If there is an error and OCI_ERROR is returned, the error is recorded in err and diagnostic information can be obtained by calling OCIErrorGet(). key(IN/OUT): The key. value(IN): The thread-specific value to set in the key. Returns OCI_SUCCESS, OCI_ERROR or OCI_INVALID_HANDLE. Notes It is illegal to use this function on a key that has not been created using 'OCIThreadKeyInit()'. Thread Id -------------------- OCIThreadIdInit - OCIThread Thread Id INITialize -------------------------------------------------- Description Allocate and initialize the thread id 'tid'. Prototype sword OCIThreadIdInit(void *hndl, OCIError *err, OCIThreadId **tid); hndl(IN/OUT): The OCI environment or session handle. err(IN/OUT): The OCI error handle. If there is an error and OCI_ERROR is returned, the error is recorded in err and diagnostic information can be obtained by calling OCIErrorGet(). tid (OUT): Pointer to the thread ID to initialize. Returns OCI_SUCCESS, OCI_ERROR or OCI_INVALID_HANDLE. OCIThreadIdDestroy - OCIThread Thread Id DESTROY -------------------------------------------------- Description Destroy and deallocate the thread id 'tid'. Prototype sword OCIThreadIdDestroy(void *hndl, OCIError *err, OCIThreadId **tid); hndl(IN/OUT): The OCI environment or session handle. err(IN/OUT): The OCI error handle. If there is an error and OCI_ERROR is returned, the error is recorded in err and diagnostic information can be obtained by calling OCIErrorGet(). tid(IN/OUT): Pointer to the thread ID to destroy. Returns OCI_SUCCESS, OCI_ERROR or OCI_INVALID_HANDLE. Note 'tid' should be initialized by OCIThreadIdInit(). OCIThreadIdSet - OCIThread Thread Id Set ----------------------------------------- Description This sets one 'OCIThreadId' to another. Prototype sword OCIThreadIdSet(void *hndl, OCIError *err, OCIThreadId *tidDest, OCIThreadId *tidSrc); hndl(IN/OUT): The OCI environment or session handle. err(IN/OUT): The OCI error handle. If there is an error and OCI_ERROR is returned, the error is recorded in err and diagnostic information can be obtained by calling OCIErrorGet(). tidDest(OUT): This should point to the location of the 'OCIThreadId' to be set to. tidSrc(IN): This should point to the 'OCIThreadId' to set from. Returns OCI_SUCCESS, OCI_ERROR or OCI_INVALID_HANDLE. Notes 'tid' should be initialized by OCIThreadIdInit(). OCIThreadIdSetNull - OCIThread Thread Id Set Null --------------------------------------------------------- Description This sets the NULL thread ID to a given 'OCIThreadId'. Prototype sword OCIThreadIdSetNull(void *hndl, OCIError *err, OCIThreadId *tid); hndl(IN/OUT): The OCI environment or session handle. err(IN/OUT): The OCI error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in err and this function returns OCI_ERROR. Diagnostic information can be obtained by calling OCIErrorGet(). tid(OUT): This should point to the 'OCIThreadId' in which to put the NULL thread ID. Returns OCI_SUCCESS, OCI_ERROR or OCI_INVALID_HANDLE. Notes 'tid' should be initialized by OCIThreadIdInit(). OCIThreadIdGet - OCIThread Thread Id Get ------------------------------------------ Description This retrieves the 'OCIThreadId' of the thread in which it is called. Prototype sword OCIThreadIdGet(void *hndl, OCIError *err, OCIThreadId *tid); hndl(IN/OUT): The OCI environment or session handle. err(IN/OUT): The OCI error handle. If there is an error and OCI_ERROR is returned, the error is recorded in err and diagnostic information can be obtained by calling OCIErrorGet(). tid(OUT): This should point to the location in which to place the ID of the calling thread. Returns OCI_SUCCESS, OCI_ERROR or OCI_INVALID_HANDLE. Notes 'tid' should be initialized by OCIThreadIdInit(). When OCIThread is used in a single-threaded environment, OCIThreadIdGet() will always place the same value in the location pointed to by 'tid'. The exact value itself is not important. The important thing is that it is not the same as the NULL thread ID and that it is always the same value. OCIThreadIdSame - OCIThread Thread Ids Same? ---------------------------------------------- Description This determines whether or not two 'OCIThreadId's represent the same thread. Prototype sword OCIThreadIdSame(void *hndl, OCIError *err, OCIThreadId *tid1, OCIThreadId *tid2, boolean *result); hndl(IN/OUT): The OCI environment or session handle. err(IN/OUT): The OCI error handle. If there is an error and OCI_ERROR is returned, the error is recorded in err and diagnostic information can be obtained by calling OCIErrorGet(). tid1(IN): Pointer to the first 'OCIThreadId'. tid2(IN): Pointer to the second 'OCIThreadId'. result(IN/OUT): Pointer to the result. Returns OCI_SUCCESS, OCI_ERROR or OCI_INVALID_HANDLE. Notes If 'tid1' and 'tid2' represent the same thread, 'result' is set to TRUE. Otherwise, 'result' is set to FALSE. 'result' is set to TRUE if both 'tid1' and 'tid2' are the NULL thread ID. 'ti1d' and 'tid2' should be initialized by OCIThreadIdInit(). OCIThreadIdNull - OCIThread Thread Id NULL? --------------------------------------------- Description This determines whether or not a given 'OCIThreadId' is the NULL thread ID. Prototype sword OCIThreadIdNull(void *hndl, OCIError *err, OCIThreadId *tid, boolean *result); hndl(IN/OUT): The OCI environment or session handle. err(IN/OUT): The OCI error handle. If there is an error and OCI_ERROR is returned, the error is recorded in err and diagnostic information can be obtained by calling OCIErrorGet(). tid(IN): Pointer to the 'OCIThreadId' to check. result(IN/OUT): Pointer to the result. Returns OCI_SUCCESS, OCI_ERROR or OCI_INVALID_HANDLE. Notes If 'tid' is the NULL thread ID, 'result' is set to TRUE. Otherwise, 'result' is set to FALSE. 'tid' should be initialized by OCIThreadIdInit(). 1.3 Active Threading Primitives ================================= The active threading primitives deal with the manipulation of actual threads. Because the specifications of most of these primitives require that it be possible to have multiple threads, they work correctly only in the enabled OCIThread; In the disabled OCIThread, they always return failure. The exception is OCIThreadHandleGet(); it may be called in a single-threaded environment, in which case it will have no effect. Active primitives should only be called by code running in a multi-threaded environment. You can call OCIThreadIsMulti() to determine whether the environment is multi-threaded or single-threaded. 1.3.1 Types -------------- OCIThreadHandle - OCIThread Thread Handle ------------------------------------------------------ Type 'OCIThreadHandle' is used to manipulate a thread in the active primitives: OCIThreadJoin()and OCIThreadClose(). A thread handle opened by OCIThreadCreate() must be closed in a matching call to OCIThreadClose(). A thread handle is invalid after the call to OCIThreadClose(). The distinction between a thread ID and a thread handle in OCIThread usage follows the distinction between the thread ID and the thread handle on Windows NT. On many platforms, the underlying native types are the same. 1.3.2 Functions ------------------ OCIThreadHndInit - OCIThread HaNDle Initialize ---------------------------------------------- Description Allocate and initialize the thread handle. Prototype sword OCIThreadHndInit(void *hndl, OCIError *err, OCIThreadHandle **thnd); hndl(IN/OUT): The OCI environment or session handle. err(IN/OUT): The OCI error handle. If there is an error and OCI_ERROR is returned, the error is recorded in err and diagnostic information can be obtained by calling OCIErrorGet(). thnd(OUT): The address of pointer to the thread handle to initialize. Returns OCI_SUCCESS, OCI_ERROR or OCI_INVALID_HANDLE. OCIThreadHndDestroy - OCIThread HaNDle Destroy ---------------------------------------------- Description Destroy and deallocate the thread handle. Prototype sword OCIThreadHndDestroy(void *hndl, OCIError *err, OCIThreadHandle **thnd); hndl(IN/OUT): The OCI environment or session handle. err(IN/OUT): The OCI error handle. If there is an error and OCI_ERROR is returned, the error is recorded in err and diagnostic information can be obtained by calling OCIErrorGet(). thnd(IN/OUT): The address of pointer to the thread handle to destroy. Returns OCI_SUCCESS, OCI_ERROR or OCI_INVALID_HANDLE. Notes 'thnd' should be initialized by OCIThreadHndInit(). OCIThreadCreate - OCIThread Thread Create ----------------------------------------- Description This creates a new thread. Prototype sword OCIThreadCreate(void *hndl, OCIError *err, void (*start)(void *), void *arg, OCIThreadId *tid, OCIThreadHandle *tHnd); hndl(IN/OUT): The OCI environment or session handle. err(IN/OUT): The OCI error handle. If there is an error and OCI_ERROR is returned, the error is recorded in err and diagnostic information can be obtained by calling OCIErrorGet(). start(IN): The function in which the new thread should begin execution. arg(IN): The argument to give the function pointed to by 'start'. tid(IN/OUT): If not NULL, gets the ID for the new thread. tHnd(IN/OUT): If not NULL, gets the handle for the new thread. Returns OCI_SUCCESS, OCI_ERROR or OCI_INVALID_HANDLE. Notes The new thread will start by executing a call to the function pointed to by 'start' with the argument given by 'arg'. When that function returns, the new thread will terminate. The function should not return a value and should accept one parameter, a 'void *'. The call to OCIThreadCreate() must be matched by a call to OCIThreadClose() if and only if tHnd is non-NULL. If tHnd is NULL, a thread ID placed in *tid will not be valid in the calling thread because the timing of the spawned thread's termination is unknown. 'tid' should be initialized by OCIThreadIdInit(). 'thnd' should be initialized by OCIThreadHndInit(). OCIThreadJoin - OCIThread Thread Join ------------------------------------- Description This function allows the calling thread to 'join' with another thread. It blocks the caller until the specified thread terminates. Prototype sword OCIThreadJoin(void *hndl, OCIError *err, OCIThreadHandle *tHnd); hndl(IN/OUT): The OCI environment or session handle. err(IN/OUT): The OCI error handle. If there is an error and OCI_ERROR is returned, the error is recorded in err and diagnostic information can be obtained by calling OCIErrorGet(). tHnd(IN): The 'OCIThreadHandle' of the thread to join with. Returns OCI_SUCCESS, OCI_ERROR or OCI_INVALID_HANDLE. Notes 'thnd' should be initialized by OCIThreadHndInit(). The result of multiple threads all trying to join with the same thread is undefined. OCIThreadClose - OCIThread Thread Close --------------------------------------- Description This function should be called to close a thread handle. Prototype sword OCIThreadClose(void *hndl, OCIError *err, OCIThreadHandle *tHnd); hndl(IN/OUT): The OCI environment or session handle. err(IN/OUT): The OCI error handle. If there is an error and OCI_ERROR is returned, the error is recorded in err and diagnostic information can be obtained by calling OCIErrorGet(). tHnd(IN/OUT): The OCIThread thread handle to close. Returns OCI_SUCCESS, OCI_ERROR or OCI_INVALID_HANDLE. Notes 'thnd' should be initialized by OCIThreadHndInit(). Both thread handle and the thread ID that was returned by the same call to OCIThreadCreate() are invalid after the call to OCIThreadClose(). OCIThreadHandleGet - OCIThread Thread Get Handle ------------------------------------------------ Description Retrieve the 'OCIThreadHandle' of the thread in which it is called. Prototype sword OCIThreadHandleGet(void *hndl, OCIError *err, OCIThreadHandle *tHnd); hndl(IN/OUT): The OCI environment or session handle. err(IN/OUT): The OCI error handle. If there is an error and OCI_ERROR is returned, the error is recorded in err and diagnostic information can be obtained by calling OCIErrorGet(). tHnd(IN/OUT): If not NULL, the location to place the thread handle for the thread. Returns OCI_SUCCESS, OCI_ERROR or OCI_INVALID_HANDLE. Notes 'thnd' should be initialized by OCIThreadHndInit(). The thread handle 'tHnd' retrieved by this function must be closed with OCIThreadClose() and destroyed by OCIThreadHndDestroy() after it is used. 1.4 Using OCIThread ===================== This section summarizes some of the more important details relating to the use of OCIThread. * Process initialization OCIThread only requires that the process initialization function ('OCIThreadProcessInit()') be called when OCIThread is being used in a multi-threaded application. Failing to call 'OCIThreadProcessInit()' in a single-threaded application is not an error. * OCIThread initialization Separate calls to 'OCIThreadInit()' will all return the same OCIThread context. Also, remember that each call to 'OCIThreadInit()' must eventually be matched by a call to 'OCIThreadTerm()'. * Active vs. Passive Threading primitives OCIThread client code written without using any active primitives can be compiled and used without change on both single-threaded and multi-threaded platforms. OCIThread client code written using active primitives will only work correctly on multi-threaded platforms. In order to write a version of the same application to run on single-threaded platform, it is necessary to branch the your code, whether by branching versions of the source file or by branching at runtime with the OCIThreadIsMulti() call. ******************************************************************************/ /***************************************************************************** ACTUAL PROTOTYPE DECLARATIONS ******************************************************************************/ void OCIThreadProcessInit(); sword OCIThreadInit(void *hndl, OCIError *err); sword OCIThreadTerm(void *hndl, OCIError *err); boolean OCIThreadIsMulti(); sword OCIThreadMutexInit(void *hndl, OCIError *err, OCIThreadMutex **mutex); sword OCIThreadMutexDestroy(void *hndl, OCIError *err, OCIThreadMutex **mutex); sword OCIThreadMutexAcquire(void *hndl, OCIError *err, OCIThreadMutex *mutex); sword OCIThreadMutexRelease(void *hndl, OCIError *err, OCIThreadMutex *mutex); sword OCIThreadKeyInit(void *hndl, OCIError *err, OCIThreadKey **key, OCIThreadKeyDestFunc destFn); sword OCIThreadKeyDestroy(void *hndl, OCIError *err, OCIThreadKey **key); sword OCIThreadKeyGet(void *hndl, OCIError *err, OCIThreadKey *key, void **pValue); sword OCIThreadKeySet(void *hndl, OCIError *err, OCIThreadKey *key, void *value); sword OCIThreadIdInit(void *hndl, OCIError *err, OCIThreadId **tid); sword OCIThreadIdDestroy(void *hndl, OCIError *err, OCIThreadId **tid); sword OCIThreadIdSet(void *hndl, OCIError *err, OCIThreadId *tidDest, OCIThreadId *tidSrc); sword OCIThreadIdSetNull(void *hndl, OCIError *err, OCIThreadId *tid); sword OCIThreadIdGet(void *hndl, OCIError *err, OCIThreadId *tid); sword OCIThreadIdSame(void *hndl, OCIError *err, OCIThreadId *tid1, OCIThreadId *tid2, boolean *result); sword OCIThreadIdNull(void *hndl, OCIError *err, OCIThreadId *tid, boolean *result); sword OCIThreadHndInit(void *hndl, OCIError *err, OCIThreadHandle **thnd); sword OCIThreadHndDestroy(void *hndl, OCIError *err, OCIThreadHandle **thnd); sword OCIThreadCreate(void *hndl, OCIError *err, void (*start)(void *), void *arg, OCIThreadId *tid, OCIThreadHandle *tHnd); sword OCIThreadJoin(void *hndl, OCIError *err, OCIThreadHandle *tHnd); sword OCIThreadClose(void *hndl, OCIError *err, OCIThreadHandle *tHnd); sword OCIThreadHandleGet(void *hndl, OCIError *err, OCIThreadHandle *tHnd); /*----------------- End OCI Thread interface Extensions ---------------------*/ /*------------------ Begin OCI Row Callback Interfaces ----------------------*/ typedef sword (*OCIBindRowCallback)(void *ctx); typedef sword (*OCIFetchRowCallback)(void *ctx); /*------------------ Begin OCI Row Callback Interfaces ----------------------*/ /*--------------- Begin OCI Client Notification Interfaces ------------------*/ typedef ub4 (*OCISubscriptionNotify)(void *ctx, OCISubscription *subscrhp, void *pay, ub4 payl, void *desc, ub4 mode); sword OCISubscriptionRegister(OCISvcCtx *svchp, OCISubscription **subscrhpp, ub2 count, OCIError *errhp, ub4 mode); sword OCISubscriptionPost(OCISvcCtx *svchp, OCISubscription **subscrhpp, ub2 count, OCIError *errhp, ub4 mode); sword OCISubscriptionUnRegister(OCISvcCtx *svchp, OCISubscription *subscrhp, OCIError *errhp, ub4 mode); sword OCISubscriptionDisable(OCISubscription *subscrhp, OCIError *errhp, ub4 mode); sword OCISubscriptionEnable(OCISubscription *subscrhp, OCIError *errhp, ub4 mode); /*------------------- End OCI Publish/Subscribe Interfaces ------------------*/ /*----------------- Extensions to Datetime interfaces -----------------------*/ /*--------------------- Actual Prototypes -----------------------------------*/ sword OCIDateTimeGetTime(void *hndl, OCIError *err, OCIDateTime *datetime, ub1 *hr, ub1 *mm, ub1 *ss, ub4 *fsec); sword OCIDateTimeGetDate(void *hndl, OCIError *err, const OCIDateTime *date, sb2 *yr, ub1 *mnth, ub1 *dy ); sword OCIDateTimeGetTimeZoneOffset(void *hndl,OCIError *err, const OCIDateTime *datetime, sb1 *hr,sb1 *mm); sword OCIDateTimeConstruct(void *hndl,OCIError *err,OCIDateTime *datetime, sb2 yr,ub1 mnth,ub1 dy,ub1 hr,ub1 mm,ub1 ss,ub4 fsec, OraText *timezone,size_t timezone_length); sword OCIDateTimeSysTimeStamp(void *hndl, OCIError *err, OCIDateTime *sys_date ); sword OCIDateTimeAssign(void *hndl, OCIError *err, const OCIDateTime *from, OCIDateTime *to); sword OCIDateTimeToText(void *hndl, OCIError *err, const OCIDateTime *date, const OraText *fmt, ub1 fmt_length, ub1 fsprec, const OraText *lang_name, size_t lang_length, ub4 *buf_size, OraText *buf ); sword OCIDateTimeFromText(void *hndl, OCIError *err, const OraText *date_str, size_t dstr_length, const OraText *fmt, ub1 fmt_length, const OraText *lang_name, size_t lang_length, OCIDateTime *date ); sword OCIDateTimeCompare(void *hndl, OCIError *err, const OCIDateTime *date1, const OCIDateTime *date2, sword *result ); sword OCIDateTimeCheck(void *hndl, OCIError *err, const OCIDateTime *date, ub4 *valid ); sword OCIDateTimeConvert(void *hndl, OCIError *err, OCIDateTime *indate, OCIDateTime *outdate); sword OCIDateTimeSubtract(void *hndl, OCIError *err, OCIDateTime *indate1, OCIDateTime *indate2, OCIInterval *inter); sword OCIDateTimeIntervalAdd(void *hndl, OCIError *err, OCIDateTime *datetime, OCIInterval *inter, OCIDateTime *outdatetime); sword OCIDateTimeIntervalSub(void *hndl, OCIError *err, OCIDateTime *datetime, OCIInterval *inter, OCIDateTime *outdatetime); sword OCIIntervalSubtract(void *hndl, OCIError *err, OCIInterval *minuend, OCIInterval *subtrahend, OCIInterval *result ); sword OCIIntervalAdd(void *hndl, OCIError *err, OCIInterval *addend1, OCIInterval *addend2, OCIInterval *result ); sword OCIIntervalMultiply(void *hndl, OCIError *err, const OCIInterval *inter, OCINumber *nfactor, OCIInterval *result ); sword OCIIntervalDivide(void *hndl, OCIError *err, OCIInterval *dividend, OCINumber *divisor, OCIInterval *result ); sword OCIIntervalCompare(void *hndl, OCIError *err, OCIInterval *inter1, OCIInterval *inter2, sword *result ); sword OCIIntervalFromNumber(void *hndl, OCIError *err, OCIInterval *inter, OCINumber *number); sword OCIIntervalFromText( void *hndl, OCIError *err, const OraText *inpstr, size_t str_len, OCIInterval *result ); sword OCIIntervalToText( void *hndl, OCIError *err, const OCIInterval *inter, ub1 lfprec, ub1 fsprec, OraText *buffer, size_t buflen, size_t *resultlen ); sword OCIIntervalToNumber(void *hndl, OCIError *err,const OCIInterval *inter, OCINumber *number); sword OCIIntervalCheck(void *hndl, OCIError *err, const OCIInterval *interval, ub4 *valid ); sword OCIIntervalAssign(void *hndl, OCIError *err, const OCIInterval *ininter, OCIInterval *outinter ); sword OCIIntervalSetYearMonth(void *hndl, OCIError *err, sb4 yr, sb4 mnth, OCIInterval *result ); sword OCIIntervalGetYearMonth(void *hndl, OCIError *err, sb4 *yr, sb4 *mnth, const OCIInterval *result ); sword OCIIntervalSetDaySecond(void *hndl, OCIError *err, sb4 dy, sb4 hr, sb4 mm, sb4 ss, sb4 fsec, OCIInterval *result ); sword OCIIntervalGetDaySecond(void *hndl, OCIError *err, sb4 *dy, sb4 *hr, sb4 *mm, sb4 *ss, sb4 *fsec, const OCIInterval *result ); sword OCIDateTimeToArray(void *hndl, OCIError *err, const OCIDateTime *datetime, const OCIInterval *reftz, ub1 *outarray, ub4 *len, ub1 fsprec); sword OCIDateTimeFromArray(void *hndl, OCIError *err, ub1 *inarray, ub4 len, ub1 type, OCIDateTime *datetime, const OCIInterval *reftz, ub1 fsprec); sword OCIDateTimeGetTimeZoneName(void *hndl, OCIError *err, const OCIDateTime *datetime, ub1 *buf, ub4 *buflen); sword OCIIntervalFromTZ(void *hndl, OCIError *err, const oratext *inpstring, size_t str_len, OCIInterval *result); /*----------------- End Datetime interface Extensions -----------------------*/ /*----------------- Connection Pooling prototypes ---------------------------*/ sword OCIConnectionPoolCreate(OCIEnv *envhp, OCIError *errhp, OCICPool *poolhp, OraText **poolName, sb4 *poolNameLen, const OraText *dblink, sb4 dblinkLen, ub4 connMin, ub4 connMax, ub4 connIncr, const OraText *poolUserName, sb4 poolUserLen, const OraText *poolPassword, sb4 poolPassLen, ub4 mode); sword OCIConnectionPoolDestroy(OCICPool *poolhp, OCIError *errhp, ub4 mode); /*----------------- End Connection Pooling prototypes -----------------------*/ /*-------------------- Session Pooling prototypes ---------------------------*/ sword OCISessionPoolCreate (OCIEnv *envhp, OCIError *errhp, OCISPool *spoolhp, OraText **poolName, ub4 *poolNameLen, const OraText *connStr, ub4 connStrLen, ub4 sessMin, ub4 sessMax, ub4 sessIncr, OraText *userid, ub4 useridLen, OraText *password, ub4 passwordLen, ub4 mode); sword OCISessionPoolDestroy (OCISPool *spoolhp, OCIError *errhp, ub4 mode); sword OCISessionGet (OCIEnv *envhp, OCIError *errhp, OCISvcCtx **svchp, OCIAuthInfo *authhp, OraText *poolName, ub4 poolName_len, const OraText *tagInfo, ub4 tagInfo_len, OraText **retTagInfo, ub4 *retTagInfo_len, boolean *found, ub4 mode); sword OCISessionRelease (OCISvcCtx *svchp, OCIError *errhp, OraText *tag, ub4 tag_len, ub4 mode); /*-------------------- End Session Pooling prototypes -----------------------*/ /* --------------------- OCI Application Context --------------------------*/ sword OCIAppCtxSet(void * sesshndl, void *nsptr, ub4 nsptrlen, void *attrptr, ub4 attrptrlen, void *valueptr, ub4 valueptrlen, OCIError *errhp, ub4 mode); sword OCIAppCtxClearAll(void *sesshndl, void *nsptr, ub4 nsptrlen, OCIError *errhp, ub4 mode); /*-------------------------------- OCIMemStats ------------------------------*/ sword OCIMemStats(void *hndlp, OCIError *errhp, OCIEnv **envhp, ub4 mode, ub4 mode1, oratext *tabname); /*-------------------------------- OCIPing ----------------------------------*/ sword OCIPing (OCISvcCtx *svchp, OCIError *errhp, ub4 mode); /*----------------- Kerberos Authentication prototypes ----------------------*/ sword OCIKerbAttrSet(OCISession *trgthndlp, ub4 cred_use, ub1 *ftgt_ticket, ub4 ticket_len, ub1 *session_key, ub4 skey_len, ub2 ftgt_keytype, ub4 ftgt_ticket_flags, sb4 ftgt_auth_time, sb4 ftgt_start_time, sb4 ftgt_end_time, sb4 ftgt_renew_time, oratext *ftgt_client_principal, ub4 ftgt_client_principal_len, oratext *ftgt_client_realm, ub4 ftgt_client_realm_len, OCIError *errhp); /*------------------- End Kerberos Authentication prototypes ----------------*/ /*------------------- Database Startup/Shutdown prototypes ------------------*/ sword OCIDBStartup (OCISvcCtx *svchp, OCIError *errhp, OCIAdmin *admhp, ub4 mode, ub4 flags); sword OCIDBShutdown(OCISvcCtx *svchp, OCIError *errhp, OCIAdmin *admhp, ub4 mode); /*------------------ End Database Startup/Shutdown prototypes ---------------*/ /*----------------------- OCIClientVersion ------------------------------*/ void OCIClientVersion(sword *major_version, sword *minor_version, sword *update_num, sword *patch_num, sword *port_update_num); /*----------------------- End OCIClientVersion --------------------------*/ /*----------------------- HA Event prototypes ------------------------------*/ sword OCIInitEventHandle(OCIError *errhp, OCIEvent *event, text *str, ub4 size); /*----------------------- End HA Event prototypes --------------------------*/ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRIVATE FUNCTIONS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* the following functions are depracated and should not be used */ #ifdef NEVER sword OCIStmtBindByPos (OCIStmt *stmtp, OCIBind *bindp, OCIError *errhp, ub4 position, void *valuep, sb4 value_sz, ub2 dty, void *indp, ub2 *alenp, ub2 *rcodep, ub4 maxarr_len, ub4 *curelep, ub4 mode); sword OCIStmtBindByName (OCIStmt *stmtp, OCIBind *bindp, OCIError *errhp, const OraText *placeholder, sb4 placeh_len, void *valuep, sb4 value_sz, ub2 dty, void *indp, ub2 *alenp, ub2 *rcodep, ub4 maxarr_len, ub4 *curelep, ub4 mode); sword ocidefn (OCIStmt *stmtp, OCIDefine *defnp, OCIError *errhp, ub4 position, void *valuep, sb4 value_sz, ub2 dty, void *indp, ub2 *rlenp, ub2 *rcodep, ub4 mode); #endif /* NEVER */ #endif /* OCIAP_ORACLE */