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Optional parameters:testnameorionName of the test run. num_disksNumber of disks (physical spindles). This number is used to gauge the range of loads that Orion should test at. Increasing this parameter results in Orion using heavier IO loads. Default is the number of LUNs in .lun. size_smallSize of small IOs in KB. Default is 8. size_largeSize of large IOs in KB. Default is 1024. type Type of large IOs (rand, seq). Default is rand. rand - Randomly distributed large IOs. seq - Sequential streams of large IOs. num_streamIONumber of concurrent IOs per stream. This parameter is only used if -type is seq. Default is 4. sep_diskssimulateOrion tests on a virtual LUN formed by combining the specified LUNs in one of these ways. This parameter is typically only used if -type is seq. Default is concat. concat - A serial concatenation of the LUNs. Each sequential stream issues IOs to only one LUN. raid0 - A RAID-0 mapping across the LUNs. Each sequential stream issues IOs across all LUNs, using RAID-0 striping. storaxstripe Percentage of IOs that are writes (SEE WARNING ABOVE). Default is 0. cache_sizeSize in MBs of the array's cache. Unless this option is set to 0, Orion issues a number of unmeasured, random IOs before each large sequential data point. These IOs fill up the storage array's cache (if any) with random data so that IOs from one data point do not result in cache hits for the next data point. Read tests are preceded with junk reads and write tests are preceded with junk writes. If specified, this 'cache warming' is performed until cache_size MBs of IO have been read or written. Default behavior is to issue 2 minutes of unmeasured random IOs before each data point. durationDuration of each data point in seconds. Default is 60. disk_startdisk_enddisk_start_offsetdisk_end_offsetdelaycon_fragsnum_smallNumber of outstanding small IOs. This parameter controls the small IO load. Only used if -matrix is point, col, or max. No default. num_largeThis parameter controls the large IO load. For -type rand, number of outstanding large IOs. For -type seq, number of sequential IO streams. Only used if -matrix is point, row, or max. No default. matrix An Orion test consists of multiple data point tests. These data point tests can be represented as a two-dimensional matrix. Each column in the matrix represents data point tests with the same small IO load, but varying large IO loads. Each row represents data point tests with the same large IO load, but varying small IO loads. An Orion test can be for a single point, a single row, a single column, or the whole matrix, depending on the matrix option setting below. Default is basic. basic - Test small IOs only, then large IOs only. detailed - Test entire matrix. point - Test with num_small small IOs, num_large large IOs. col - Test a varying large IO load with num_small small IOs. row - Test a varying small IO load with num_large large IOs. max - Test varying loads up to the num_small and num_large limits. verbose Prints tracing information to standard output if set. Not set by default.dbidcgidcell_cache_offran (small)ran (large)seq (large)Error in registering signal handler (orion_registersighdler) IBAdditional information: IBMERROR: too many input arguments IBM%pIERROR: failed to open trace file %s IBorion_thread_main:rwbase_rwluns failed iY%s: nio=%llu nior=%llu niow=%llu req w%%=%d act w%%=%d %s: my %3d oth %3d iops %3d lat %.0f us, bw = %6.2f MBps dur %6.2f s size %llu K, Imin lat %llu us, IBmax lat %llu us READ Imax lat %llu us WRITE Imax lat %llu us TOTAL I IBـError in initializing shared memory (orion_proc_main:skgminit) IBM%s Failed to attach to shared memory (orion_proc_shmem:skgmattach) IBInternal error: shared memory address error for IO results area orion_proc_main:skgmaddress IBMInternal error: shared memory address error for IO buffers area orion_proc_main:skgmaddressMemory allocation failed (orion_proc_main) %11uIBM%sIError in writing results (hdr) , %6uIB, %6.2fWarning: failed to write newline to results file. Continuing calibration. Warning: failed to flush results file. Continuing calibration. IBMError in writing results (data) IBMError in joining processes IBMError in joining threads IORA-56727: %s must be invoked using its full, absolute path IBMError in spawning child process IBMError in spawning thread IB Warming %s cache IWarning: failed to warm cache. Continuing calibration. (orion_warm_cache:rwwc) IB%s %llu MB Warning: failed to warm cache. Continuing calibration. IBM Examples: For a preliminary set of data -run simple IBMFor a basic set of data -run normal ITo evaluate storage for an OLTP database -run oltp IBTo evaluate storage for a data warehouse -run dss IBMTo generate combinations of 32KB and 1MB reads to random locations -run advanced -size_small 32 -size_large 1024 -type rand -matrix detailed ITo generate multiple sequential 1MB write streams, simulating RAID0 striping -run advanced -simulate RAID0 -write 100 -type seq -matrix col -num_small 0 IBERROR: Cannot specify -num_small or -num_large when specifying -matrix basic IBERROR: Cannot specify -num_small or -num_large when specifying -matrix detailed IBMERROR: Must specify -num_small and -num_large when specifying -matrix point IBM IBMERROR: Must specify -num_large and must not specify -num_small when specifying -matrix row ERROR: Must specify -num_small and must not specify -num_large when specifying -matrix col ERROR: Must specify -num_large and must not specify -num_small when specifying -oltp IBERROR: Must specify -num_small and must not specify -num_large when specifying -dss IBMERROR: Must specify -num_small and -num_large when specifying -matrix max IBM I orion_builtin: orion_setup_ctl failed matrix=%s IBMInitialization of shared memory failed. (orion_setup_shmem:skgminit) Iorion input/outputIorion io buffersIBMFailed to attach to shared memory (orion_setup_shmem:skgmattach) IInternal error: shared memory corrupt (orion_setup_shmem:skgminspect) Internal error: shared memory address error for results area IInternal error: shared memory length too small. length=%d required=%d Error in validating shared memory (orion_setup_shmem:skgmsvalidate results) IBInternal error: shared memory address error for IO buffers area IBInternal error: IO shared memory length too small. length=%d required=%d IError in validating shared memory (orion_setup_shmem:skgmsvalidate buffers) IBFailed to create shared memory (orion_setup_shmem:skgmcreate) Error allocating memory for results and buffers: %d and %d bytes IInternal error. orion_parse_args: lrminit failed IBError in input parameters. For help, run: %s -help. IB-runIBM-testnameIB-num_disksI-cache_size-verboseIBM-storaxERROR: When -run is simple or normal, -testname and -num_disks must be specified. The only other parameters which may be specified are -cache_size and -verbose. I-typeIB-matrix-num_smallI-num_largeIorion_parse_args: orion_setup_shmem failed _%04u%02u%02u_%02u%02uI.lunIBM_trace.txtIsmallIBlargeIB%s%s IBorion_parse_args: rwbase_read_luncfg failed IBMFailed to parse input parameter '-verbose' orion_parse_args: orion_builtin failed (-run %s) IB-disk_start-disk_endIB-disk_start_offsetI-disk_end_offsetIBMFailed to parse input parameter '-%s' IERROR: -disk_end may not be less than -disk_start IFailed to parse input parameter '-cell_cache_off' Iorion_parse_args: orion_setup_ctl failed run=%s s=%d l=%d I_summary.txtIBMWarning: cannot print arguments to summary file (%s)(orion_parse_args:summary) ORION VERSION %s ICommand line: I%s IThese options enable these settings: IBTest: %s IBSmall IO size: %u KB IBLarge IO size: %u KB IBIO types: small random IOs, large sequential streams IBNumber of concurrent IOs per stream: %d IBMIO types: small random IOs, large random IOs IBSequential stream pattern: RAID-0 striping for all streams Sequential stream pattern: one LUN per stream Writes: %d%% IBCache size: not specified ICache size: %u MB IDuration for each data point: %llu seconds Warning: Failed to write input parameters to summary file. Continuing calibration. ERROR: Cannot specify -disk_{start,end} with -disk_{start,end}_offset IERROR: Can only specify -sep_disks with -type seq and -simulate concat Failed to parse input parameter '-sep_disks' IBCan only specify -num_streamIO with -type seqIBCan only specify -stripe with -simulate RAID0IBERROR: Value for -stripe must be a power of 2 IERROR: Input parameter -simulate must be either 'concat' or 'raid0' IBMMemory allocation failed (orion_parse_args:sync_orionin) IBERROR: When -run is dss or oltp, -type, -matrix, -num_small, and -num_largecannot be specified. IBMORION: ORacle IO Numbers -- Version %3s IBMMemory allocation failed (orion_main) IBpCalibration will take approximately %d minutes. Using a large value for -cache_size may take longer. IError in initializing process (main:skgpinit) (orion_main:rwbase_read_luncfg) failed for %s IError in opening file %s Iorion_main:lun_printsizes failed: stor=%d num=%d IBWarning: Error in closing file %s Iorion_main:rwbase_sync_init failed _mbps.csvIBError in opening output file %s IB_iops.csvIB_lat.csvIBM_hist.txtIBError in opening trace file %s IBM TEST START ---------------------------------------------- I TEST START IL Running point: Small=%d, Large=%d Point %d out of %d Point %d (small=%d, large=%d) of %d IBMValid small %d Valid large %d IValid I This file contains histograms of the latencies observed for each data point test. Each data point test used a fixed number of outstanding small and large I/Os. For each data point, histograms are printed for the latencies of small reads, small writes, large reads, and large writes. The bucket sizes of the histogram are specified in microseconds and range from 1 microsecond to 134 seconds. The value specifies the number of I/Os that were observed within the bucket's latency range. Latency Histogram for small IOs @ Small=%d and Large=%d IB Latency: # of IOs (read) # of IOs (write) %s%d - %d%sus: %d %d IBMorion_main: Cannot write histogram entry %d to %s file traceIB Latency Histogram for large IOs @ Small=%d and Large=%d IB---------------------------------------------- IBM This comma-separated-value file contains the rates sustained by large I/Os in MBps. Each value corresponds to a data point test that used a fixed number of outstanding small and large I/Os. The number of outstanding small I/Os for a value is specified by its column header in the first row. The number of outstanding large I/Os for a value is specified by its row header in the first column. I This comma-separated-value file contains the rates sustained by small I/Os in IOPS. Each value corresponds to a data point test that used a fixed number of outstanding small and large I/Os. The number of outstanding small I/Os for a value is specified by its column header in the first row. The number of outstanding large I/Os for a value is specified by its row header in the first column. I This comma-separated-value file contains the average latency sustained by small I/Os in microseconds. Each value corresponds to a data point test that used a fixed number of outstanding small and large I/Os. The number of outstanding small I/Os for a value is specified by its column header in the first row. The number of outstanding large I/Os for a value is specified by its row header in the first column. IBMLarge/Small TEST END TEST END IBMWarning: cannot write to summary file %sIBMSmall Columns:ILarge Columns:ITotal Data Points: %d IMaximum Large MBPS=%.2f @ Small=%d and Large=%d IBMorion_main: Cannot write max mbps to summary file I Maximum Small IOPS=%d @ Small=%d and Large=%d orion_main: Cannot write max iops to summary file ISmall Read Latency: avg=%.0f us, min=%.0f us, max=%.0f us, std dev=%.0f us @ Small=%d and Large=%d orion_main: Cannot write small read latency to summary file IBMSmall Write Latency: avg=%.0f us, min=%.0f us, max=%.0f us, std dev=%.0f us @ Small=%d and Large=%d IBMorion_main: Cannot write small write latency to summary file IBK Minimum Small Latency=%.2f usecs @ Small=%d and Large=%d Iorion_main: Cannot write min lat to summary file IB Minimum Small Latency=%.0f usecs @ Small=%d and Large=%d Iorion_main: Cannot write min read latency to summary file Iorion_main: Cannot write min write latency to summary file Small Read / Write Latency Histogram @ Small=%d and Large=%d Latency: # of IOs (read) # of IOs (write) IBMorion_main: Cannot write histogram to summary file Small Read / Write Latency Histogram @ Small=%d and Large=%d Latency: # of IOs (read) # of IOs (write) IBsummaryTest aborted due to errors. IBMTest aborted due to insufficient data. orion_main: orion_spawn sml failed orion_main: orion_spawn lrg failed ORION runs IO performance tests that model Oracle RDBMS IO workloads. It measures the performance of small (2-32K) IOs and large (128K+) IOs at various load levels. IBMEach Orion data point is a test for a specific mix of small and large IO loads sustained for a duration. An Orion test consists of multiple data point tests. These data point tests can be represented as a two-dimensional matrix. Each column in the matrix represents data point tests with the same small IO load, but varying large IO loads. Each row represents data point tests with the same large IO load, but varying small IO loads. An Orion test can be for a single point, a single row, a single column, or the whole matrix. IBMThe 'run' parameter is the only mandatory parameter. Defaults are indicated for all other parameters. For additional information on the user interface, see the Orion User Guide. IB is the prefix used for all input and output filenames. By default, it is 'orion'. It can be specified with the 'testname' parameter. IBM.lun should contain a carriage-return-separated list of LUNs. IBThe output files for a test run are prefixed by _ where date is "yyyymmdd_hhmm". IThe output files are: __summary.txt - Summary of the input parameters, along with the minimum small IO latency (in usecs), the maximum MBPS, and the maximum IOPS observed. IBM__mbps.csv - Performance results of large IOs in MBPS. __iops.csv - Performance results of small IOs in IOPS. __lat.csv - Latency of small IOs in microseconds. I__hist.csv - Histogram of IO latencies. IBM__trace.txt - Extended, unprocessed output. IBWARNING: IF YOU ARE PERFORMING WRITE TESTS, BE PREPARED TO LOSE ANY DATA STORED ON THE LUNS. IMandatory parameters: O `!!@F(F`GGII@JPJKK@M(M`MN NNO(O`P$P`PPQQ@R`RS0S`TT@[\\]bTbkl l|62xÙ0řDřXřhřxřǙ`ə˙͙ϙ љ$ә8ՙLՙXәיי יHיxיٙ0ٙHۙ`ۙxۙۙۙәՙә י 0˙ Dۙ dݙ   Ù ߙ ٙ 4ٙ X tٙ ٙ  ٙ <  ٙ   ٙ h x ٙ 0@dٙٙ@PٙLٙpٙٙ(ٙٙ\ٙ4ٙٙٙ4ٙٙٙٙTٙHٙPٙdٙ˙˙˙˙0L`řř(˙@˙P͙h˙x͙˙י˙͙ۙP˙h˙x6Hp˙˙ә8˙Lp˙˙˙ ˙ $ D˙ dř |ř   !˙!!6"+x++++, ,6,(,,,,ә,ә--:/Tՙ/000600ՙ060 1ՙ1 1"61, 1<ՙ1L 1V61` 1pՙ1 161 1611 2 2L 22622622623 3L 333 4T4f64p4 45 5l5 5 6*66 6 7( 7\ 777 8, 8d 8 86886890ՙ9<ә9P 9\ә9j69x 9י99969ٙ96:ٙ:*6:@ٙ:^6:hٙ:z6:ٙ:6:ٙ:6:ٙ:6:ٙ;6;$ٙ;66;Dٙ;j6;xٙ;6;ٙ;6;ٙ;;ۙ6?D?d?r6??6??6??6?@6@@&6@,@>6@H@Z6@d@v6@@6@@@6@A6AA*6A4AR6AXAj6AtA6AA6AA6A˙A6BB(BR6B\Br6Bx˙B6BBϙB6B˙B6BCC&6C0CDřC^6Cd˙C|CC6C˙CC6CD6DD6D$D:6D@DV6D\Dr6DxD6DD6DD6DE6E E.6E@EN6E`En6EE6EE6EE6EE6EF6F˙FjFF6FFG@Gb6Gh˙Gr6G|͙H 6H(H`Hr6HH6H˙H6H˙II6I˙I˙I͙J JJ*6J0˙J@͙JJ6J˙J͙JK6Kb6KٙK6KٙL6L ٙL<Lz6L˙L6L˙L6L˙LٙL6L˙MٙM!MMN&6NnNvN#NO%O'OO6OٙP 6PPPbPPPP6PQF6QXQb6QhQr6QxQ6QQ6QQ6QQ6QQ6QQ6QQ6QQ6QR6RR6RR"6R(R26R8RB6RHR6RR6RR6RR6RR6RS6SS6SS)S+SۙT6TT˙UUh˙UUәUVVәVVәW,-WX/W˙WW˙WX˙X$XH˙Xt1XX3Y˙YY@˙YxY3Y˙YZ˙Z4˙ZL˙Z`Z˙Z˙Z˙ZZ˙[˙[[<˙[T[dř[tř[6[˙\ 6\l\v6\6\˙]6]D^^_d_|__`\`t`aaLadabDb6b5c5cPdיde7egHٙgtٙggۙhٙh4ٙhTٙhٙhٙhٙiDٙidٙiٙj\˙jljk6kl&l?l8?l?ly?l?l?l?m?m?m?m?m ?m0?m8?m@?mH4?mX?m`4?mp?mx4?m?m4?m ?m4?m"?m4?m$?m4?m0?m4?n2?n4?n 8?n(8?n88?n@8?nP8?nX8?n`8?np8?nx8?n8?n8?n8?n8?n8?n8?n8?n8?n8?gorion.c %kl)`ne k k!@| kF` kG kI@ kJ kK@ kM` kN  kN  kO`  kP`/ kP> kQ@O kRb kS`v kT@ k\ k] kb kl  lklknk@nnnnn nnn%n.n7nUnonno@oHoPoXnnooo o o"o+o2o=o Ko$Wo(co,mnwno0o4no8o<nnnnnnnn nnn&n/n8nAnJnSn\nennnwnnnnnknpn nn8nPnlkkm8!km@. l3k8?lDkIl_kmuk lkmk lkmXk mkmpk mkm k mkm/k m=kmKk m Ykm(gnv m0k+=EMWcny (19JR\dlt|     & 0 B N [ j r .fileThu Oct 20 21:28:40 2011 IBM XL C Enterprise Edition for AIX, Version --- fdpr.main.orion_proc_main.orion_parse_args.orion_registersighdler.orion_warm_cache.orion_spawn.orion_join.orion_row_to_file.orion_signal_handler.orion_dumpstack.orion_intrpthandler.orion_tracecb.orion_flushcb.orion_print_ver.orion_help_header.orion_help_trailer.orion_get_storax.orion_setup_shmem.orion_builtin.orion_setup_ctl.orion_thread_main.orion_which_bucketTOC__func____func___SINFINITY_SQNAN__func____func____func____func____func__skgesigErrorAlreadyRegisteredskgesigErrorNotRegisteredskgesigHandlersUnstableskgesigErrorOSErrorskgesigErrorUnsupportedpos0_valuespos1_valuesposu_valueswrite_valuessmall_deflarge_defstream_defwrite_defduration_defthr_defhelp_defFH_defstripe_defdiskstart_defdiskend_deflunsize_defdelay_defcache_defsepdisks_defverbose_defdbid_defcgid_defcell_cache_defnumdisks_defcon_frags_def__func____func____func____func____func____func____func____func____func____func____func____func____func____func____func____func____func____func____func____func____func____func____func____func___$STATICrun_valuestype_valuesmatrix_valuesarray_valuesstorax_valuesprocessctx_$STATIC_$STATIC_BSSprev_timeprev_bkt_$STATIC_BSSmainmainvsnnum_iob_iob_system_configuration_system_configurationorion_print_verorion_print_verorion_help_headerorion_help_headerorion_signal_handlerorion_signal_handlerorion_intrpthandlerorion_intrpthandlerorion_thread_mainorion_thread_mainorion_tracecborion_tracecborion_flushcborion_flushcbstorax_traceFHorion_which_bucketorion_which_bucket.strcmp.vsnpri.fprintf.skgmdestroy.skgmdetach.free.malloc.__uitrunc.skgpinit.storax_print_trace.storax_printslos.rwbase_read_luncfg.rwbase_sync_init.strlen.strcpy.SlfFopen.SlfFprintf.SlfFclose.skgpreset.rwbase_sync_term.lun_printsizes.slzprintf.rwbase_sync_reset.SlfFflush.___fill64.lstprintf.skgminit.slcgems.strncpy.skgmattach.skgmaddress.lrminit.lrmhcb.lrmpaa.lrmhorv.lrmgsv.rwbase_get_seed.lcv42b.ldxbegin.sldxgd.strcat.lrmgiv.lrmgbv.lrmgps.lrmg8v.skgesigRegisterHandler.sigaction.rwbase_warm_cache.skgpspawn.skgpthrspawn.skgpjoin.skgpthrjoin.___memmove64.kgdsdst.exit.skgovprint.SlfFopen2.SlfFread.skgmsetsubareasz.skgmcreate.skgminspect.skgmsvalidate.sscanf.rwbase_rwluns