Rem Rem $Header: rdbms/admin/xsrelod.sql /main/6 2010/06/06 21:49:30 snadhika Exp $ Rem Rem xsrelod.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2006, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. Rem All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem xsrelod.sql - Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem Replaces all XS - related packages with the current versions Rem Rem NOTES Rem Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem snadhika 04/14/10 - remove PREDICATE xmlindex Rem atabar 03/09/09 - modified QName regexp Rem srtata 03/03/08 - remove grant on document_links2 view Rem rbhatti 02/01/08 - bug 6782472- move prvtkzxv Rem jsamuel 12/27/07 - xml index on xsprincipals Rem sichandr 12/18/07 - fix security_class catalog view Rem clei 12/11/07 - fix xds dictionary views Rem rburns 11/05/07 - add catnacl Rem snadhika 09/25/07 - Added new column in ALL_XSC_SECURITY_CLASS view Rem Added new view ALL_XSC_SECURITY_CLASS_STATUS Rem Added new package xs$catview_util Rem ningzhan 09/11/07 - fix the ALL_XSC_AGGREGATE_PRIVILEGE view Rem defintion to remove namespace prefix. Rem pknaggs 08/27/07 - DSD schema: aclids to aclFiles or aclDirectory. Rem srtata 07/25/07 - move prvtkzxv.pkb before events packages Rem sgul 01/31/07 - Add prvtkzxv.plb Rem pthornto 10/09/06 - adding View creations Rem pthornto 10/04/06 - cleanup Rem pthornto 09/21/06 - file to load XS related packages Rem pthornto 09/21/06 - Created Rem Rem Create network ACL security views @@catnacl Rem Create event handlers for eXtensible Security events CREATE OR REPLACE LIBRARY DBMS_XSU_LIB TRUSTED AS STATIC; / CREATE OR REPLACE LIBRARY DBMS_XSH_LIB TRUSTED AS STATIC; / Rem Create or replace VIEWs create or replace view DBA_XDS_OBJECTS (SCHEMA_NAME, OBJECT_NAME, ENABLE_OPTION, STATUS) as select,, case bitand(r.stmt_type,8192)+ bitand(r.stmt_type,16384)+ bitand(r.stmt_type,32768) when 8192 then 'ENABLE_DYNAMIC_IS' when 16384 then 'ENABLE_ACLOID_COLUNM' when 32768 then 'ENABLE_STATIC_IS' end, decode(r.enable_flag, 0, 'DISABLE', 'ENABLE') from user$ u, obj$ o, rls$ r where u.user# = o.owner# and r.obj# = o.obj# and r.pname = 'SYS_XDS$POLICY' / comment on table DBA_XDS_OBJECTS is 'All XDS enabled objects in the database' / comment on column DBA_XDS_OBJECTS.SCHEMA_NAME is 'Owner of the object' / comment on column DBA_XDS_OBJECTS.OBJECT_NAME is 'Name of the object' / comment on column DBA_XDS_OBJECTS.ENABLE_OPTION is 'XDS enable option of the object' / comment on column DBA_XDS_OBJECTS.STATUS is 'Policy is enabled or disabled' / create or replace public synonym DBA_XDS_OBJECTS for DBA_XDS_OBJECTS / grant select on DBA_XDS_OBJECTS to select_catalog_role / create or replace view ALL_XDS_OBJECTS (SCHEMA_NAME, OBJECT_NAME, ENABLE_OPTION, STATUS) as select SCHEMA_NAME, o.OBJECT_NAME, ENABLE_OPTION, o.STATUS from DBA_XDS_OBJECTS o, ALL_OBJECTS t where o.SCHEMA_NAME = t.OWNER and o.OBJECT_NAME = t.OBJECT_NAME / comment on table ALL_XDS_OBJECTS is 'All XDS enabled objects accessible to the user' / comment on column ALL_XDS_OBJECTS.SCHEMA_NAME is 'Owner of the object' / comment on column ALL_XDS_OBJECTS.OBJECT_NAME is 'Name of the object' / comment on column ALL_XDS_OBJECTS.ENABLE_OPTION is 'XDS enable option of the object' / comment on column ALL_XDS_OBJECTS.STATUS is 'Policy is enabled or disabled' / create or replace public synonym ALL_XDS_OBJECTS for ALL_XDS_OBJECTS / grant select on ALL_XDS_OBJECTS to PUBLIC / create or replace view USER_XDS_OBJECTS (OBJECT_NAME, ENABLE_OPTION, STATUS) as select OBJECT_NAME, ENABLE_OPTION, STATUS from DBA_XDS_OBJECTS where SCHEMA_NAME = SYS_CONTEXT('USERENV','CURRENT_USER') / comment on table USER_XDS_OBJECTS is 'All XDS enabled objects owned by the user' / comment on column USER_XDS_OBJECTS.OBJECT_NAME is 'Name of the object' / comment on column USER_XDS_OBJECTS.ENABLE_OPTION is 'XDS enable option of the object' / comment on column USER_XDS_OBJECTS.STATUS is 'Policy is enabled or disabled' / create or replace public synonym USER_XDS_OBJECTS for USER_XDS_OBJECTS / grant select on USER_XDS_OBJECTS to PUBLIC / create or replace view DBA_XDS_INSTANCE_SETS (SCHEMA_NAME, OBJECT_NAME, INSTANCE_SET, DESCRIPTION, STATIC, EVAL_RULE, ACL_FILE, ACL_LOCATION) as select substr(regexp_replace(r_xds.path, '/xds/dsd/([^/]+)/([^.]+).xml', '\1'), 1, 30), substr(regexp_replace(r_xds.path, '/xds/dsd/([^/]+)/([^.]+).xml', '\2'), 1, 30), substr(extractValue(value(ins), '/instanceSet/name', 'xmlns=""'), 1, 30), extractValue(value(ins), '/instanceSet/description', 'xmlns=""'), substr(extractValue(value(ins), '/instanceSet/@static', 'xmlns=""'), 1, 5), extractValue(value(ins), '/instanceSet/memberEvaluationRule', 'xmlns=""'), decode(existsNode(value(ins), '/instanceSet/acls/aclDirectory'), 0, 'true', 'false'), extractvalue(value(acldirectory), '/aclDirectory', 'xmlns=""') from xdb.xs$data_security xds, path_view r_xds, table(XMLSequence( extract(xds.OBJECT_VALUE, '/DataSecurity/instanceSets/instanceSet', 'xmlns=""'))) ins, table(XMLSequence( extract(value(ins), '/instanceSet/acls/aclDirectory', 'xmlns=""'))) acldirectory where r_xds.path like '/xds/dsd/%.xml' and sys_op_r2o(extractvalue(r_xds.RES, '/Resource/XMLRef'))=xds.object_id union all select substr(regexp_replace(r_xds.path, '/xds/dsd/([^/]+)/([^.]+).xml', '\1'), 1, 30), substr(regexp_replace(r_xds.path, '/xds/dsd/([^/]+)/([^.]+).xml', '\2'), 1, 30), substr(extractValue(value(ins), '/instanceSet/name', 'xmlns=""'), 1, 30), extractValue(value(ins), '/instanceSet/description', 'xmlns=""'), substr(extractValue(value(ins), '/instanceSet/@static', 'xmlns=""'), 1, 5), extractValue(value(ins), '/instanceSet/memberEvaluationRule', 'xmlns=""'), decode(existsNode(value(ins), '/instanceSet/acls/aclDirectory'), 0, 'true', 'false'), extractvalue(value(aclfile), '/aclFile', 'xmlns=""') from xdb.xs$data_security xds, path_view r_xds, table(XMLSequence( extract(xds.OBJECT_VALUE, '/DataSecurity/instanceSets/instanceSet', 'xmlns=""'))) ins, table(XMLSequence( extract(value(ins), '/instanceSet/acls/aclFiles/aclFile', 'xmlns=""'))) aclfile where r_xds.path like '/xds/dsd/%.xml' and sys_op_r2o(extractvalue(r_xds.RES, '/Resource/XMLRef'))=xds.object_id; comment on table DBA_XDS_INSTANCE_SETS is 'All instance sets in the database' / comment on column DBA_XDS_INSTANCE_SETS.SCHEMA_NAME is 'Owner of the object' / comment on column DBA_XDS_INSTANCE_SETS.OBJECT_NAME is 'Name of the object' / comment on column DBA_XDS_INSTANCE_SETS.INSTANCE_SET is 'Name of the instance set' / comment on column DBA_XDS_INSTANCE_SETS.DESCRIPTION is 'Description of the instance set' / comment on column DBA_XDS_INSTANCE_SETS.STATIC is 'true for static instance sets, false for dynamic instance sets' / comment on column DBA_XDS_INSTANCE_SETS.EVAL_RULE is 'Membership evaluation rule of the instance set' / comment on column DBA_XDS_INSTANCE_SETS.ACL_FILE is 'true if ACL_LOCATION is a file, false if ACL_LOCATION is a directory' / comment on column DBA_XDS_INSTANCE_SETS.ACL_LOCATION is 'ACL file or directory associated with rule' / create or replace public synonym DBA_XDS_INSTANCE_SETS for DBA_XDS_INSTANCE_SETS / grant select on DBA_XDS_INSTANCE_SETS to select_catalog_role / create or replace view ALL_XDS_INSTANCE_SETS (SCHEMA_NAME, OBJECT_NAME, INSTANCE_SET, DESCRIPTION, STATIC, EVAL_RULE, ACL_FILE, ACL_LOCATION) as select SCHEMA_NAME, OBJECT_NAME, INSTANCE_SET, DESCRIPTION, STATIC, EVAL_RULE, ACL_FILE, ACL_LOCATION from dba_xds_instance_sets, all_tables t where SCHEMA_NAME = t.OWNER and OBJECT_NAME = t.TABLE_NAME / comment on table ALL_XDS_INSTANCE_SETS is 'All instance sets for objects accessible to the user in the database' / comment on column ALL_XDS_INSTANCE_SETS.SCHEMA_NAME is 'Owner of the object' / comment on column ALL_XDS_INSTANCE_SETS.OBJECT_NAME is 'Name of the object' / comment on column ALL_XDS_INSTANCE_SETS.INSTANCE_SET is 'Name of the instance set' / comment on column ALL_XDS_INSTANCE_SETS.DESCRIPTION is 'Description of the instance set' / comment on column ALL_XDS_INSTANCE_SETS.STATIC is 'true for static instance sets, false for dynamic instance sets' / comment on column ALL_XDS_INSTANCE_SETS.EVAL_RULE is 'Membership evaluation rule of the instance set' / comment on column ALL_XDS_INSTANCE_SETS.ACL_FILE is 'true if ACL_LOCATION is a file, false if ACL_LOCATION is a directory' / comment on column ALL_XDS_INSTANCE_SETS.ACL_LOCATION is 'ACL file or directory associated with rule' / create or replace public synonym ALL_XDS_INSTANCE_SETS for ALL_XDS_INSTANCE_SETS / grant select on ALL_XDS_INSTANCE_SETS to PUBLIC / create or replace view USER_XDS_INSTANCE_SETS (OBJECT_NAME, INSTANCE_SET, DESCRIPTION, STATIC, EVAL_RULE, ACL_FILE, ACL_LOCATION) as select OBJECT_NAME, INSTANCE_SET, DESCRIPTION, STATIC, EVAL_RULE, ACL_FILE, ACL_LOCATION from dba_xds_instance_sets where SCHEMA_NAME = SYS_CONTEXT('USERENV','CURRENT_USER') / comment on table USER_XDS_INSTANCE_SETS is 'All instance sets for objects owned by the user' / comment on column USER_XDS_INSTANCE_SETS.OBJECT_NAME is 'Name of the object' / comment on column USER_XDS_INSTANCE_SETS.INSTANCE_SET is 'Name of the instance set' / comment on column USER_XDS_INSTANCE_SETS.DESCRIPTION is 'Description of the instance set' / comment on column USER_XDS_INSTANCE_SETS.STATIC is 'true for static instance sets, false for dynamic instance sets' / comment on column USER_XDS_INSTANCE_SETS.EVAL_RULE is 'Membership evaluation rule of the instance set' / comment on column USER_XDS_INSTANCE_SETS.ACL_FILE is 'true if ACL_LOCATION is a file, false if ACL_LOCATION is a directory' / comment on column USER_XDS_INSTANCE_SETS.ACL_LOCATION is 'ACL file or directory associated with rule' / create or replace public synonym USER_XDS_INSTANCE_SETS for USER_XDS_INSTANCE_SETS / grant select on USER_XDS_INSTANCE_SETS to PUBLIC / CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW DBA_XDS_ATTRIBUTE_SECS (SCHEMA_NAME, OBJECT_NAME, COLUMN_NAME, DESCRIPTION, PRIVILEGE) as SELECT substr(regexp_replace(r_xds.path, '/xds/dsd/([^/]+)/([^.]+).xml', '\1'), 1, 30), substr(regexp_replace(r_xds.path, '/xds/dsd/([^/]+)/([^.]+).xml', '\2'), 1, 30), substr(extractValue(value(ll), '/attributeSec/attribute/colName', 'xmlns=""'), 1, 30), extractValue(value(ll), '/attributeSec/description', 'xmlns=""'), SYS_XMLEXNSURI(value(ll), '/attributeSec/privilege', 'xmlns=""')||':'|| REGEXP_REPLACE(extractValue(value(ll), '/attributeSec/privilege', 'xmlns=""'), '(.+):(.+)', '\2') FROM XDB.XS$DATA_SECURITY p, path_view r_xds, table(XMLSequence( extract(OBJECT_VALUE, '/DataSecurity/attributeSecs/attributeSec', 'xmlns=""'))) ll WHERE r_xds.path like '/xds/dsd/%.xml' and sys_op_r2o(extractvalue(r_xds.RES, '/Resource/XMLRef'))=p.object_id and SYS_XMLEXNSURI(value(ll), '/attributeSec/privilege', 'xmlns=""') is not NULL union all SELECT substr(regexp_replace(r_xds.path, '/xds/dsd/([^/]+)/([^.]+).xml', '\1'), 1, 30), substr(regexp_replace(r_xds.path, '/xds/dsd/([^/]+)/([^.]+).xml', '\2'), 1, 30), substr(extractValue(value(ll), '/attributeSec/attribute/colName', 'xmlns=""'), 1, 30), extractValue(value(ll), '/attributeSec/description', 'xmlns=""'), extractValue(value(ll), '/attributeSec/privilege', 'xmlns=""') FROM XDB.XS$DATA_SECURITY p, path_view r_xds, table(XMLSequence( extract(OBJECT_VALUE, '/DataSecurity/attributeSecs/attributeSec', 'xmlns=""'))) ll WHERE r_xds.path like '/xds/dsd/%.xml' and sys_op_r2o(extractvalue(r_xds.RES, '/Resource/XMLRef'))=p.object_id and SYS_XMLEXNSURI(value(ll), '/attributeSec/privilege', 'xmlns=""') is NULL / comment on table DBA_XDS_ATTRIBUTE_SECS is 'All XDS column security defined in the database' / comment on column DBA_XDS_ATTRIBUTE_SECS.SCHEMA_NAME is 'Owner of the object' / comment on column DBA_XDS_ATTRIBUTE_SECS.OBJECT_NAME is 'Name of the object' / comment on column DBA_XDS_ATTRIBUTE_SECS.COLUMN_NAME is 'Name of the column' / comment on column DBA_XDS_ATTRIBUTE_SECS.DESCRIPTION is 'Description' / comment on column DBA_XDS_ATTRIBUTE_SECS.PRIVILEGE is 'Name of the privilege' / create or replace public synonym DBA_XDS_ATTRIBUTE_SECS for DBA_XDS_ATTRIBUTE_SECS / grant select on DBA_XDS_ATTRIBUTE_SECS to select_catalog_role / CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW ALL_XDS_ATTRIBUTE_SECS (SCHEMA_NAME, OBJECT_NAME, COLUMN_NAME, DESCRIPTION, PRIVILEGE) as select SCHEMA_NAME, o.OBJECT_NAME, COLUMN_NAME, DESCRIPTION, PRIVILEGE from DBA_XDS_ATTRIBUTE_SECS o, all_objects t where SCHEMA_NAME = t.OWNER and o.OBJECT_NAME = t.OBJECT_NAME / comment on table ALL_XDS_ATTRIBUTE_SECS is 'All objects with XDS column security and accessible to the user' / comment on column ALL_XDS_ATTRIBUTE_SECS.SCHEMA_NAME is 'Owner of the object' / comment on column ALL_XDS_ATTRIBUTE_SECS.OBJECT_NAME is 'Name of the object' / comment on column ALL_XDS_ATTRIBUTE_SECS.COLUMN_NAME is 'Name of the column' / comment on column ALL_XDS_ATTRIBUTE_SECS.DESCRIPTION is 'Description' / comment on column ALL_XDS_ATTRIBUTE_SECS.PRIVILEGE is 'Name of the privilege' / create or replace public synonym ALL_XDS_ATTRIBUTE_SECS for ALL_XDS_ATTRIBUTE_SECS / grant select on ALL_XDS_ATTRIBUTE_SECS to PUBLIC / CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW USER_XDS_ATTRIBUTE_SECS (OBJECT_NAME, COLUMN_NAME, DESCRIPTION, PRIVILEGE) as select OBJECT_NAME, COLUMN_NAME, DESCRIPTION, PRIVILEGE from ALL_XDS_ATTRIBUTE_SECS where SCHEMA_NAME = SYS_CONTEXT('USERENV','CURRENT_USER') / comment on table USER_XDS_ATTRIBUTE_SECS is 'All objects with column security and owned by the user' / comment on column USER_XDS_ATTRIBUTE_SECS.OBJECT_NAME is 'Name of the object' / comment on column USER_XDS_ATTRIBUTE_SECS.COLUMN_NAME is 'Name of the column' / comment on column USER_XDS_ATTRIBUTE_SECS.DESCRIPTION is 'Description' / comment on column USER_XDS_ATTRIBUTE_SECS.PRIVILEGE is 'Name of the privilege' / create or replace public synonym USER_XDS_ATTRIBUTE_SECS for USER_XDS_ATTRIBUTE_SECS / grant select on USER_XDS_ATTRIBUTE_SECS to PUBLIC / CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW XDB.DOCUMENT_LINKS2 AS SELECT resid source_id, any_path source_path, (select resid from resource_view where equals_path(res, extractvalue(value(xl), '/*/@xlink:href', 'xmlns:xlink=""')) = 1) target_id, extractvalue(value(xl), '/*/@xlink:href', 'xmlns:xlink=""') target_path FROM resource_view r, table(xmlsequence(extract(res, '//*[@xlink:href]', 'xmlns:xlink=""'))) xl; create or replace public synonym DOCUMENT_LINKS2 for XDB.DOCUMENT_LINKS2; create or replace view ALL_XSC_SECURITY_CLASS (OWNER, CLASS_NAME, TARGET_NAMESPACE, TITLE, DESCRIPTION, SECURITY_CLASS, ENABLE, PATH) as select extractValue(r.RES, 'Resource/Owner'), substr(extractValue(OBJECT_VALUE, '/securityClass/@name'), 1, 1024), substr(extractValue(OBJECT_VALUE, '/securityClass/@targetNamespace'), 1, 4000), extractValue(OBJECT_VALUE, '/securityClass/title'), extractValue(OBJECT_VALUE, '/securityClass/description'), extract(OBJECT_VALUE, '/securityClass'), substr(extractValue(OBJECT_VALUE, '/securityClass/@enable'),1,5), ANY_PATH from XDB.XS$SECURITYCLASS p, RESOURCE_VIEW r where sys_op_r2o(extractValue(r.RES, '/Resource/XMLRef')) = p.object_id; comment on table ALL_XSC_SECURITY_CLASS is 'All security class definitions in the database' / comment on column ALL_XSC_SECURITY_CLASS.OWNER is 'The owner of the security class' / comment on column ALL_XSC_SECURITY_CLASS.CLASS_NAME is 'Name of the security class' / comment on column ALL_XSC_SECURITY_CLASS.TARGET_NAMESPACE is 'The target namespace for the security class' / comment on column ALL_XSC_SECURITY_CLASS.TITLE is 'Title of the security class' / comment on column ALL_XSC_SECURITY_CLASS.DESCRIPTION is 'Description of the security class' / comment on column ALL_XSC_SECURITY_CLASS.SECURITY_CLASS is 'XMLType for the security class document' / comment on column ALL_XSC_SECURITY_CLASS.ENABLE is 'Enable attribute of the security class' / comment on column ALL_XSC_SECURITY_CLASS.PATH is 'The path where the security class is stored in the XML DB repository' / create or replace public synonym ALL_XSC_SECURITY_CLASS for ALL_XSC_SECURITY_CLASS / grant select on ALL_XSC_SECURITY_CLASS to select_catalog_role / create or replace package xs$catview_util as function disablebyancestor (sc_name IN VARCHAR2, target_ns IN VARCHAR2, sc_xml IN XMLType) return XMLType; end xs$catview_util; / create or replace package body xs$catview_util as /* the hash table used for keeping track of visited ancestors */ /* used as part of cycle detection in security class */ type xs$hash is table of boolean index by varchar2(5024); /* Given a security class xml this function finds whether the security class * is disabled by its ancestor. If yes, it returns the ancestor by which * the security class is disabled and the ancestors target_namespace*/ function disablebyancestor_int (visited_list IN OUT xs$hash, sc_xml IN XMLType) return XMLType is enable VARCHAR2(5); parent VARCHAR2(1024); parent_target_ns VARCHAR2(4000); parent_sc_name VARCHAR2(5024); parent_sc XMLType; nodelist XMLSequenceType; result XMLType; begin /* select the parents of the security class in a XMLSequenceType*/ select XMLSequence(extract(sc_xml,'/securityClass/inherits-from')) into nodelist from dual; /* loop through the parents */ for x in 1..nodelist.count() loop /* get parent name */ select substr(REGEXP_REPLACE(extractValue(nodelist(x), '/inherits-from','xmlns=""'), '(.+):(.+)', '\2'),1,1024) into parent from dual; /* get parent target namespace */ select substr(SYS_XMLEXNSURI(nodelist(x),'/inherits-from', 'xmlns=""'),1,4000) into parent_target_ns from dual; parent_sc_name := parent_target_ns ||':'|| parent; /* check if there is cycle in security classes */ /* i.e there is an entry for parent in hash table */ if visited_list.exists(parent_sc_name) then return xmltype (''); end if; /* put parent in visited list */ visited_list(parent_sc_name) := TRUE; /* beginnig of the exception block */ begin /* get parent securty class xml */ /* will throw no data found exception if parent doesn't exist */ select OBJECT_VALUE into parent_sc from XDB.XS$SECURITYCLASS where (substr(extractValue(OBJECT_VALUE,'/securityClass/@name'),1,1024)=parent) and (substr(extractValue(OBJECT_VALUE,'/securityClass/@targetNamespace'), 1,4000)=parent_target_ns); /* get enable attribute of parent */ select substr(extractValue(parent_sc,'/securityClass/@enable'),1,5) into enable from dual; /* if parent is disabled */ if enable = 'false' then /* return the result as xmltype */ return xmltype(' '||parent||' '||parent_target_ns||' '); /* if parent is not directly disabled */ else /* check whether it is disabled by its ancestor */ result := disablebyancestor_int(visited_list,parent_sc) ; /* delete entry from hash table once the recursive call returns */ visited_list.delete(parent_sc_name) ; /* check the enable attribute in retuirned result */ select substr(extractValue(result,'/disablebyancestor/@enable'),1,5) into enable from dual; /* if parent is disabled by its ancestor */ /* or there was a cycle in security class */ if (enable = 'false') or (enable is null) then return result; end if; end if; /* exception is thrown when parent security class is not found */ exception when no_data_found then return xmltype (''); end; end loop; /* If security class is not disabled by any of its parent */ return xmltype(''); end disablebyancestor_int; /* Given a security class name and target namespace this function * finds whether the security class is disabled by its ancestor * If security class is disabled by ancestor it returns the ancestor * and the target namespace of the ancestor. The result is returned * as xmltype */ function disablebyancestor(sc_name IN VARCHAR2,target_ns IN VARCHAR2, sc_xml IN XMLType) return XMLType is visited_list xs$hash; result XMLType; begin visited_list(target_ns ||':'|| sc_name) := TRUE; result := disablebyancestor_int(visited_list,sc_xml); return result; end disablebyancestor; end xs$catview_util; / grant execute on xs$catview_util to select_catalog_role; / CREATE OR REPLACE view ALL_XSC_SECURITY_CLASS_STATUS (CLASS_NAME,TARGET_NAMESPACE, ENABLE, DISABLED_BY_CLASS_NAME,DISABLED_BY_CLASS_TARGET_NS, MUTABLE) as select substr(extractValue(OBJECT_VALUE, '/securityClass/@name'),1,1024), substr(extractValue(OBJECT_VALUE, '/securityClass/@targetNamespace'),1,4000), substr(extractValue(OBJECT_VALUE, '/securityClass/@enable'),1,5), null, null, substr(extractValue(OBJECT_VALUE, '/securityClass/@mutable'),1,5) from XDB.XS$SECURITYCLASS where substr(extractValue(OBJECT_VALUE, '/securityClass/@enable'),1,5)='false' or extract(OBJECT_VALUE, '/securityClass/inherits-from') is NULL union all select substr(extractValue(securityclass, '/securityClass/@name'),1,1024), substr(extractValue(securityclass, '/securityClass/@targetNamespace'),1,4000), substr(extractValue(disablebyxml,'/disablebyancestor/@enable'),1,5), substr(extractValue(disablebyxml,'/disablebyancestor/parent'),1,1024), substr(extractValue(disablebyxml,'/disablebyancestor/parent_target_ns'),1,4000), substr(extractValue(securityclass,'/securityClass/@mutable'),1,5) from (select OBJECT_VALUE securityclass, xs$catview_util.disablebyancestor(substr(extractValue(OBJECT_VALUE, '/securityClass/@name'),1,1024),substr(extractValue(OBJECT_VALUE, '/securityClass/@targetNamespace'),1,4000),OBJECT_VALUE) disablebyxml from XDB.XS$SECURITYCLASS) tab where substr(extractValue(securityclass, '/securityClass/@enable'),1,4)='true' and extract(securityclass, '/securityClass/inherits-from') is not NULL; comment on table ALL_XSC_SECURITY_CLASS_STATUS is 'Security class "enable" and "mutable" status' / comment on column ALL_XSC_SECURITY_CLASS_STATUS.CLASS_NAME is 'The name of the security class' / comment on column ALL_XSC_SECURITY_CLASS_STATUS.TARGET_NAMESPACE is 'The target namespace for the security class' / comment on column ALL_XSC_SECURITY_CLASS_STATUS.ENABLE is 'enable status of security class' / comment on column ALL_XSC_SECURITY_CLASS_STATUS.DISABLED_BY_CLASS_NAME is 'The target name of the ancestor by which security class is disabled' / comment on column ALL_XSC_SECURITY_CLASS_STATUS.DISABLED_BY_CLASS_TARGET_NS is 'The target namespace for the ancestor by which security class is disabled' / comment on column ALL_XSC_SECURITY_CLASS_STATUS.MUTABLE is 'True if security class is mutable,else false' / create or replace public synonym ALL_XSC_SECURITY_CLASS_STATUS for ALL_XSC_SECURITY_CLASS_STATUS / grant select on ALL_XSC_SECURITY_CLASS_STATUS to select_catalog_role / create or replace view ALL_XSC_SECURITY_CLASS_DEP (CLASS_NAME, CLASS_TARGET_NAMESPACE, PARENT_CLASS_NAME, PARENT_CLASS_TARGET_NAMESPACE) as select substr(extractValue(OBJECT_VALUE, '/securityClass/@name'), 1, 1024), substr(extractValue(OBJECT_VALUE, '/securityClass/@targetNamespace'), 1, 4000), substr(REGEXP_REPLACE(extractValue(value(ancestors), '/inherits-from', 'xmlns=""'), '(.+):(.+)', '\2'), 1, 4000), substr(SYS_XMLEXNSURI(value(ancestors), '/inherits-from', 'xmlns=""'), 1, 4000) from XDB.XS$SECURITYCLASS p, table(XMLSequence( extract(p.OBJECT_VALUE, '/securityClass/inherits-from')) ) ancestors; comment on table ALL_XSC_SECURITY_CLASS_DEP is 'All security class dependencies in the database' / comment on column ALL_XSC_SECURITY_CLASS_DEP.CLASS_NAME is 'The name of the security class' / comment on column ALL_XSC_SECURITY_CLASS_DEP.CLASS_TARGET_NAMESPACE is 'The target namespace for the security class' / comment on column ALL_XSC_SECURITY_CLASS_DEP.PARENT_CLASS_NAME is 'The name of a parent security class' / comment on column ALL_XSC_SECURITY_CLASS_DEP.PARENT_CLASS_TARGET_NAMESPACE is 'The target namespace for the parent security class' / create or replace public synonym ALL_XSC_SECURITY_CLASS_DEP for ALL_XSC_SECURITY_CLASS_DEP / grant select on ALL_XSC_SECURITY_CLASS_DEP to select_catalog_role / create or replace view ALL_XSC_PRIVILEGE (CLASS_NAME, TARGET_NAMESPACE, PRIVILEGE_NAME, TITLE, DESCRIPTION) as select substr(extractValue(value(s), '/s:securityClass/@name', 'xmlns:s=""'), 1, 1024), substr(extractValue(value(s), '/s:securityClass/@targetNamespace', 'xmlns:s=""'), 1, 4000), substr(extractValue(value(privs), '/privilege/@name', 'xmlns=""'), 1, 1024), extractValue(value(titles), '/title', 'xmlns=""'), extractValue(value(descriptions), '/description', 'xmlns=""') from XDB.XS$SECURITYCLASS p, table(XMLSequence( extract(p.OBJECT_VALUE, '/securityClass', 'xmlns=""')) ) s, table(XMLSequence( extract(value(s), '/securityClass/privilege', 'xmlns=""')) ) privs, table(XMLSequence( extract(value(privs), '/privilege/title', 'xmlns=""')) ) (+) titles, table(XMLSequence( extract(value(privs), '/privilege/description', 'xmlns=""')) ) (+) descriptions; comment on table ALL_XSC_PRIVILEGE is 'All mappings of privileges to security classes in the database' / comment on column ALL_XSC_PRIVILEGE.CLASS_NAME is 'The name of the security class' / comment on column ALL_XSC_PRIVILEGE.TARGET_NAMESPACE is 'The target namespace for the security class' / comment on column ALL_XSC_PRIVILEGE.PRIVILEGE_NAME is 'The name of a privilege defined in the specified security class' / comment on column ALL_XSC_PRIVILEGE.TITLE is 'Title of the privilege' / comment on column ALL_XSC_PRIVILEGE.DESCRIPTION is 'Description of the privilege' / create or replace public synonym ALL_XSC_PRIVILEGE for ALL_XSC_PRIVILEGE / grant select on ALL_XSC_PRIVILEGE to select_catalog_role / create or replace view ALL_XSC_AGGREGATE_PRIVILEGE (AGGREGATE_PRIVILEGE_NAME, AGGREGATE_PRIVILEGE_TARGET_NS, TITLE, DESCRIPTION, PRIVILEGE_NAME, PRIVILEGE_TARGET_NAMESPACE) as select substr(extractValue(value(aggregates), '/aggregatePrivilege/@name', 'xmlns=""'), 1, 1024), substr(extractValue(OBJECT_VALUE, '/securityClass/@targetNamespace'), 1, 4000), extractValue(value(titles), '/title', 'xmlns=""'), extractValue(value(descriptions), '/description', 'xmlns=""'), REGEXP_REPLACE(substr(extractValue(value(privrefs), '/privilegeRef/@name', 'xmlns=""'), 1, 1024), '(.+):(.+)', '\2'), substr( SYS_XMLEXNSURI(value(privrefs), '/privilegeRef/@name', 'xmlns=""'), 1, 4000) from XDB.XS$SECURITYCLASS p, table(XMLSequence( extract(p.OBJECT_VALUE, '/securityClass/aggregatePrivilege')) ) aggregates, table(XMLSequence( extract(value(aggregates), '/aggregatePrivilege/privilegeRef', 'xmlns=""')) ) privrefs, table(XMLSequence( extract(value(aggregates), '/aggregatePrivilege/title', 'xmlns=""')) ) titles, table(XMLSequence( extract(value(aggregates), '/aggregatePrivilege/description', 'xmlns=""')) ) descriptions union all select substr(extractValue(value(aggregates), '/aggregatePrivilege/@name', 'xmlns=""'), 1, 1024), substr(extractValue(OBJECT_VALUE, '/securityClass/@targetNamespace'), 1, 4000), NULL, NULL, REGEXP_REPLACE(substr(extractValue(value(privrefs), '/privilegeRef/@name', 'xmlns=""'), 1, 1024), '(.+):(.+)', '\2'), substr( SYS_XMLEXNSURI(value(privrefs), '/privilegeRef/@name', 'xmlns=""'), 1, 4000) from XDB.XS$SECURITYCLASS p, table(XMLSequence( extract(p.OBJECT_VALUE, '/securityClass/aggregatePrivilege')) ) aggregates, table(XMLSequence( extract(value(aggregates), '/aggregatePrivilege/privilegeRef', 'xmlns=""')) ) privrefs union all select substr(extractValue(value(aggregates), '/aggregatePrivilege/@name', 'xmlns=""'), 1, 1024), substr(extractValue(OBJECT_VALUE, '/securityClass/@targetNamespace'), 1, 4000), NULL, extractValue(value(descriptions), '/description', 'xmlns=""'), REGEXP_REPLACE(substr(extractValue(value(privrefs), '/privilegeRef/@name', 'xmlns=""'), 1, 1024), '(.+):(.+)', '\2'), substr( SYS_XMLEXNSURI(value(privrefs), '/privilegeRef/@name', 'xmlns=""'), 1, 4000) from XDB.XS$SECURITYCLASS p, table(XMLSequence( extract(p.OBJECT_VALUE, '/securityClass/aggregatePrivilege')) ) aggregates, table(XMLSequence( extract(value(aggregates), '/aggregatePrivilege/privilegeRef', 'xmlns=""')) ) privrefs, table(XMLSequence( extract(value(aggregates), '/aggregatePrivilege/description', 'xmlns=""')) ) descriptions union all select substr(extractValue(value(aggregates), '/aggregatePrivilege/@name', 'xmlns=""'), 1, 1024), substr(extractValue(OBJECT_VALUE, '/securityClass/@targetNamespace'), 1, 4000), extractValue(value(titles), '/title', 'xmlns=""'), NULL, REGEXP_REPLACE(substr(extractValue(value(privrefs), '/privilegeRef/@name', 'xmlns=""'), 1, 1024), '(.+):(.+)', '\2'), substr( SYS_XMLEXNSURI(value(privrefs), '/privilegeRef/@name', 'xmlns=""'), 1, 4000) from XDB.XS$SECURITYCLASS p, table(XMLSequence( extract(p.OBJECT_VALUE, '/securityClass/aggregatePrivilege')) ) aggregates, table(XMLSequence( extract(value(aggregates), '/aggregatePrivilege/privilegeRef', 'xmlns=""')) ) privrefs, table(XMLSequence( extract(value(aggregates), '/aggregatePrivilege/title', 'xmlns=""')) ) titles; comment on table ALL_XSC_AGGREGATE_PRIVILEGE is 'All privileges that make up an aggregate privilege in the database' / comment on column ALL_XSC_AGGREGATE_PRIVILEGE.AGGREGATE_PRIVILEGE_NAME is 'The name of the aggregate privilege' / comment on column ALL_XSC_AGGREGATE_PRIVILEGE.AGGREGATE_PRIVILEGE_TARGET_NS is 'The target namespace for the aggregate privilege' / comment on column ALL_XSC_AGGREGATE_PRIVILEGE.TITLE is 'Title of the aggregate privilege' / comment on column ALL_XSC_AGGREGATE_PRIVILEGE.DESCRIPTION is 'Description of the aggregate privilege' / comment on column ALL_XSC_AGGREGATE_PRIVILEGE.PRIVILEGE_NAME is 'Name of a privilege defined in the specified aggregate privilege' / comment on column ALL_XSC_AGGREGATE_PRIVILEGE.PRIVILEGE_TARGET_NAMESPACE is 'The target namespace for this privilege' / create or replace public synonym ALL_XSC_AGGREGATE_PRIVILEGE for ALL_XSC_AGGREGATE_PRIVILEGE / grant select on ALL_XSC_AGGREGATE_PRIVILEGE to select_catalog_role / Rem Fixed view for enabled lightweigh session roles create or replace view XS_SESSION_ROLES (ROLE, UUID, DBID, FLAGS) as select u.role_name, u.uuid, u.dbid, u.flags from x$xs_session_roles u; / comment on table XS_SESSION_ROLES is 'Roles enabled in the current lightweight session' / comment on column XS_SESSION_ROLES.ROLE is 'Role name' / comment on column XS_SESSION_ROLES.UUID is 'UUID of role' / comment on column XS_SESSION_ROLES.DBID is 'Database internal ID of role' / comment on column XS_SESSION_ROLES.FLAGS is 'Status flags' / create or replace public synonym XS_SESSION_ROLES for XS_SESSION_ROLES; grant select on XS_SESSION_ROLES to PUBLIC; Rem Fixed view for xs$session namespace create or replace view v$xs_session as select * from xs$sessions with read only; create or replace public synonym V$XS_SESSION for v$xs_session ; grant select on V$XS_SESSION to DBA; Rem Fixed view for all lightweight session roles create or replace view v$xs_session_role (name, roleid, uuid, lwsid) as select rolename, roleintid, roleid, sid from xs$session_roles where roleflags = 1 with read only; create or replace public synonym V$XS_SESSION_ROLE for v$xs_session_role; grant select on V$XS_SESSION_ROLE to DBA; Rem Fixed view for all lightweight session namespaces and attributes create or replace view v$xs_session_attribute (lwsid, namespace, name, value, acloid, event_handler) as select sid, nsname, attrname, attrvalue, nsacloid, nshandler from xs$session_appns with read only; create or replace public synonym V$XS_SESSION_ATTRIBUTE for v$xs_session_attribute; grant select on V$XS_SESSION_ATTRIBUTE to DBA; Rem Event handlers for eXtensible Security events @@prvtkzxu.plb Rem Mid-Tier Cache related packages @@prvtkzxh.plb @@prvtkzxevents.plb Rem Create network ACL security packages @@dbmsnacl @@prvtnacl.plb --Enable xml index --alter index xdb.prin_xidx enable; --alter index xdb.sc_xidx enable;