Rem Rem $Header: rdbms/admin/xdbxtbix.sql /st_rdbms_11.2.0/2 2011/04/11 10:17:29 juding Exp $ Rem Rem xdbxtbix.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2010, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. Rem All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem xdbxtbix.sql - XDB Xml TaBle IndeX Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem Upgrade SXI from to - Rem 1) (commented out) drop KEY column of leaf child SXI table Rem 2) recreate secondary index on KEY column as local Rem 3) recreate foreign key constraint referencing parent KEY column Rem 4) recreate secondary index on OID, RID, PKEY column as local Rem 5) add OID column to SXI table created for partitioned xmltype table Rem 6) add KEY column to SXI leaf table Rem Rem NOTES Rem Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem juding 04/08/11 - Backport juding_bug11071061u from main Rem juding 02/09/11 - Backport juding_bug-11070995 from main Rem juding 05/02/10 - Created Rem WHENEVER SQLERROR EXIT; EXECUTE dbms_registry.check_server_instance; WHENEVER SQLERROR CONTINUE; alter session set events '19119 trace name context forever, level 0x20000000'; drop table XDB.XDB$UPGRADE_TMP; create table XDB.XDB$UPGRADE_TMP as select u.NAME user_name , o.NAME xtab_name , t.PTABOBJ# parent_id , f.CONSTRAINT_NAME fk_cons_name , pu.NAME puser_name , po.NAME pxtab_name from XDB.XDB$XTAB t, OBJ$ o, USER$ u , all_constraints f , OBJ$ po, USER$ pu where bitand(t.FLAGS, 16384) = 16384 and t.XMLTABOBJ# = o.OBJ# and o.OWNER# = u.USER# and u.NAME = f.OWNER and o.NAME = f.TABLE_NAME and f.CONSTRAINT_TYPE = 'R' and t.PTABOBJ# = po.OBJ# and po.OWNER# = pu.USER#; declare cursor XTAB_CUR_1 is select u.NAME user_name , o.NAME xtab_name , t.PTABOBJ# parent_id , count(k.XMLTABOBJ#) kid_cnt from XDB.XDB$XTAB t, OBJ$ o, USER$ u , XDB.XDB$XTAB k where 1=1 and t.XMLTABOBJ# = o.OBJ# and o.OWNER# = u.USER# and t.XMLTABOBJ# = k.PTABOBJ# (+) group by u.NAME , o.NAME , t.PTABOBJ#; cursor XTAB_CUR_2 is select u.NAME user_name , o.NAME xtab_name , t.PTABOBJ# parent_id , c.CONSTRAINT_NAME pk_cons_name , c.OWNER pk_idx_owner , c.INDEX_NAME pk_idx_name from XDB.XDB$XTAB t, OBJ$ o, USER$ u , all_constraints c where bitand(t.FLAGS, 16384) = 16384 and t.XMLTABOBJ# = o.OBJ# and o.OWNER# = u.USER# and u.NAME = c.OWNER and o.NAME = c.TABLE_NAME and c.CONSTRAINT_TYPE = 'P'; cursor XTAB_CUR_3 is select * from XDB.XDB$UPGRADE_TMP; cursor XTAB_CUR_4 is select u.NAME user_name , o.NAME xtab_name , t.PTABOBJ# parent_id , i.INDEX_OWNER index_owner , i.INDEX_NAME index_name , i.COLUMN_NAME column_name from XDB.XDB$XTAB t, OBJ$ o, USER$ u , all_ind_columns i where bitand(t.FLAGS, 16384) = 16384 and t.XMLTABOBJ# = o.OBJ# and o.OWNER# = u.USER# and u.NAME = i.TABLE_OWNER and o.NAME = i.TABLE_NAME and i.COLUMN_NAME in ('OID', 'RID', 'PKEY'); stmt varchar2(2000); begin /* Don't do this since it is destructive. for XTAB_REC in XTAB_CUR_1 loop if XTAB_REC.kid_cnt = 0 then stmt := 'alter table ' || XTAB_REC.user_name || '.' || XTAB_REC.xtab_name || ' drop column "KEY"'; -- dbms_output.put_line(stmt); execute immediate stmt; end if; end loop; */ for XTAB_REC in XTAB_CUR_2 loop stmt := 'alter table ' || XTAB_REC.user_name || '.' || XTAB_REC.xtab_name || ' drop primary key cascade drop index'; -- dbms_output.put_line(stmt); execute immediate stmt; stmt := 'create index ' || XTAB_REC.pk_idx_name || ' on ' || XTAB_REC.user_name || '.' || XTAB_REC.xtab_name || ' ("KEY") local'; -- dbms_output.put_line(stmt); execute immediate stmt; stmt := 'alter table ' || XTAB_REC.user_name || '.' || XTAB_REC.xtab_name || ' add constraint ' || XTAB_REC.pk_cons_name || ' primary key ("KEY") using index ' || XTAB_REC.pk_idx_name; -- dbms_output.put_line(stmt); execute immediate stmt; end loop; for XTAB_REC in XTAB_CUR_3 loop stmt := 'alter table ' || XTAB_REC.user_name || '.' || XTAB_REC.xtab_name || ' add constraint ' || XTAB_REC.fk_cons_name || ' foreign key ("PKEY") references ' || XTAB_REC.puser_name || '.' || XTAB_REC.pxtab_name || ' ("KEY") on delete cascade initially deferred'; -- dbms_output.put_line(stmt); execute immediate stmt; end loop; for XTAB_REC in XTAB_CUR_4 loop stmt := 'drop index ' || XTAB_REC.index_owner || '.' || XTAB_REC.index_name; -- dbms_output.put_line(stmt); execute immediate stmt; stmt := 'create index ' || XTAB_REC.index_owner || '.' || XTAB_REC.index_name || ' on ' || XTAB_REC.user_name || '.' || XTAB_REC.xtab_name || ' ("' || XTAB_REC.column_name || '") local'; -- dbms_output.put_line(stmt); execute immediate stmt; end loop; end; / drop table XDB.XDB$UPGRADE_TMP; -- local SXI table created for partitioned xmltype table create table XDB.XDB$UPGRADE_TMP as select t.IDXOBJ# idx_id , t.XMLTABOBJ# idxtab_id , bu.NAME btab_user , bo.NAME btab_name , u.NAME xtab_user , o.NAME xtab_name from XDB.XDB$XTAB t , IND$ i, OBJ$ bo, USER$ bu , OBJ$ o, USER$ u where bitand(t.FLAGS, 16640) = 16640 and t.IDXOBJ# = i.OBJ# and i.BO# = bo.OBJ# and bo.OWNER# = bu.USER# and t.XMLTABOBJ# = o.OBJ# and o.OWNER# = u.USER#; declare /* stage 0: SXI table has no OID column * 1: SXI table has nullable OID column (not populated yet) * 2: SXI table has non-nullable OID column (already populated) */ cursor XTAB_CUR_5 is select v.idx_id , v.idxtab_id , v.btab_user , v.btab_name , v.xtab_user , v.xtab_name , 0 stage from XDB.XDB$UPGRADE_TMP v where not exists (select 1 from all_tab_cols c where v.xtab_user = c.OWNER and v.xtab_name = c.TABLE_NAME and c.COLUMN_NAME = 'OID') union all select v.idx_id , v.idxtab_id , v.btab_user , v.btab_name , v.xtab_user , v.xtab_name , decode(c.NULLABLE, 'N', 2, 1) stage from XDB.XDB$UPGRADE_TMP v , all_tab_cols c where v.xtab_user = c.OWNER and v.xtab_name = c.TABLE_NAME and c.COLUMN_NAME = 'OID'; stmt varchar2(2000); idxnm varchar2(200); idxcnt integer; begin for XTAB_REC in XTAB_CUR_5 loop if XTAB_REC.stage < 1 then -- add OID column stmt := 'alter table ' || XTAB_REC.xtab_user || '.' || XTAB_REC.xtab_name || ' add (OID raw(16))'; -- dbms_output.put_line(stmt); execute immediate stmt; end if; if XTAB_REC.stage < 2 then -- populate OID column stmt := 'update ' || XTAB_REC.xtab_user || '.' || XTAB_REC.xtab_name || ' xt' || ' set OID = (select bt.sys_nc_oid$ from ' || XTAB_REC.btab_user || '.' || XTAB_REC.btab_name || ' bt' || ' where bt.rowid = xt.RID)'; -- dbms_output.put_line(stmt); execute immediate stmt; -- set OID column not null stmt := 'alter table ' || XTAB_REC.xtab_user || '.' || XTAB_REC.xtab_name || ' modify (OID not null)'; -- dbms_output.put_line(stmt); execute immediate stmt; end if; idxnm := 'SYS' || XTAB_REC.idx_id || '_' || XTAB_REC.idxtab_id || '_OID_IDX'; -- OID column has index? select count(*) into idxcnt from all_indexes where OWNER = XTAB_REC.xtab_user and INDEX_NAME = idxnm; if idxcnt < 1 then -- create index on OID column stmt := 'create index ' || XTAB_REC.xtab_user || '.' || idxnm || ' on ' || XTAB_REC.xtab_user || '.' || XTAB_REC.xtab_name || ' (OID) local'; -- dbms_output.put_line(stmt); execute immediate stmt; end if; end loop; end; / drop table XDB.XDB$UPGRADE_TMP; /* * SXI leaf table */ create table XDB.XDB$UPGRADE_TMP as select u.NAME xtab_user , o.NAME xtab_name , t.IDXOBJ# idx_id , t.XMLTABOBJ# idxtab_id , iu.NAME xidx_user , io.NAME xidx_name , decode(bitand(t.FLAGS, 16384), 16384, 'local', '') ptlcl from XDB.XDB$XTAB t, OBJ$ o, USER$ u , XDB.XDB$XTAB k, OBJ$ io, USER$ iu where 1=1 and t.XMLTABOBJ# = o.OBJ# and o.OWNER# = u.USER# and t.XMLTABOBJ# = k.PTABOBJ# (+) and t.IDXOBJ# = io.OBJ# and io.OWNER# = iu.USER# group by u.NAME , o.NAME , t.PTABOBJ# , t.IDXOBJ# , t.XMLTABOBJ# , iu.NAME , io.NAME , t.FLAGS having count(k.XMLTABOBJ#) = 0; drop table XDB.XDB$UPGRADE_TMP2; /* stage 0: SXI leaf table has no KEY column * 1: SXI leaf table has nullable KEY column (not populated yet) * 2: SXI leaf table has non-nullable KEY column (already populated) */ create table XDB.XDB$UPGRADE_TMP2 as select v.idx_id , v.idxtab_id , v.xidx_user , v.xidx_name , v.xtab_user , v.xtab_name , v.ptlcl , 0 stage from XDB.XDB$UPGRADE_TMP v where not exists (select 1 from all_tab_cols c where v.xtab_user = c.OWNER and v.xtab_name = c.TABLE_NAME and c.COLUMN_NAME = 'KEY') union all select v.idx_id , v.idxtab_id , v.xidx_user , v.xidx_name , v.xtab_user , v.xtab_name , v.ptlcl , decode(c.NULLABLE, 'N', 2, 1) stage from XDB.XDB$UPGRADE_TMP v , all_tab_cols c where v.xtab_user = c.OWNER and v.xtab_name = c.TABLE_NAME and c.COLUMN_NAME = 'KEY'; declare cursor XTAB_CUR_6 is select v.* from XDB.XDB$UPGRADE_TMP2 v where v.stage < 2; cursor XTAB_CUR_7 is select distinct v.xidx_user , v.xidx_name from XDB.XDB$UPGRADE_TMP2 v where v.stage < 2; cursor XTAB_CUR_8 is select v.* from XDB.XDB$UPGRADE_TMP2 v where v.stage = 2; stmt varchar2(2000); idxnm varchar2(200); idxcnt integer; cstcnt integer; begin for XTAB_REC in XTAB_CUR_6 loop if XTAB_REC.stage < 1 then -- add KEY column stmt := 'alter table ' || XTAB_REC.xtab_user || '.' || XTAB_REC.xtab_name || ' add (KEY RAW(1000))'; -- dbms_output.put_line(stmt); execute immediate stmt; end if; -- truncate table stmt := 'truncate table ' || XTAB_REC.xtab_user || '.' || XTAB_REC.xtab_name; -- dbms_output.put_line(stmt); execute immediate stmt; end loop; for XTAB_REC in XTAB_CUR_7 loop -- populate table -- dbms_output.put_line( -- 'xdb.dbms_xmlindex0.reload_sxi_leaf(' || -- XTAB_REC.xidx_user || ', ' || XTAB_REC.xidx_name || ')'); xdb.dbms_xmlindex0.reload_sxi_leaf( XTAB_REC.xidx_user, XTAB_REC.xidx_name ); end loop; /* * Commented out, since no index or primary key constraint on KEY column. * for XTAB_REC in XTAB_CUR_6 loop idxnm := 'SYS' || XTAB_REC.idx_id || '_' || XTAB_REC.idxtab_id || '_KEY_IDX'; -- KEY column has index? select count(*) into idxcnt from all_indexes where OWNER = XTAB_REC.xtab_user and INDEX_NAME = idxnm; if idxcnt < 1 then -- create index on KEY column stmt := 'create index ' || XTAB_REC.xtab_user || '.' || idxnm || ' on ' || XTAB_REC.xtab_user || '.' || XTAB_REC.xtab_name || ' (KEY) ' || XTAB_REC.ptlcl; -- dbms_output.put_line(stmt); execute immediate stmt; end if; -- create primary key on KEY column stmt := 'alter table ' || XTAB_REC.xtab_user || '.' || XTAB_REC.xtab_name || ' add constraint ' || idxnm || ' primary key (KEY) using index ' || XTAB_REC.xtab_user || '.' || idxnm; -- dbms_output.put_line(stmt); execute immediate stmt; end loop; */ for XTAB_REC in XTAB_CUR_8 loop idxnm := 'SYS' || XTAB_REC.idx_id || '_' || XTAB_REC.idxtab_id || '_KEY_IDX'; -- KEY column is primary key? select count(*) into cstcnt from all_constraints where OWNER = XTAB_REC.xtab_user and CONSTRAINT_NAME = idxnm and CONSTRAINT_TYPE = 'P' and TABLE_NAME = XTAB_REC.xtab_name; if cstcnt > 0 then -- drop primary key constraint on KEY column stmt := 'alter table ' || XTAB_REC.xtab_user || '.' || XTAB_REC.xtab_name || ' drop primary key drop index'; -- dbms_output.put_line(stmt); execute immediate stmt; end if; end loop; end; / drop table XDB.XDB$UPGRADE_TMP2; drop table XDB.XDB$UPGRADE_TMP; alter session set events '19119 trace name context off';