Rem Rem $Header: rdbms/admin/xdbvlo.sql /st_rdbms_11.2.0/1 2011/08/19 17:01:37 thbaby Exp $ Rem Rem xdbvlo.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2002, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. Rem All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem xdbvlo.sql - Xml DB VaLidate all Objects after upgrade Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem Makes sure XML DB objects are valid after an upgrade. Rem Rem NOTES Rem None Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem thbaby 08/17/11 - conditionally compile xdb.xdb_datastore_proc Rem thbaby 08/17/11 - conditionally compile xdb.dbms_xdbt Rem achoi 11/13/08 - lrg3678340: move xdb_pi_trig to SYS Rem pnath 10/25/04 - Make SYS the owner of DBMS_REGXDB package Rem spannala 08/23/03 - Rem spannala 08/21/03 - adding revalidation of invalid schemas Rem njalali 04/03/03 - njalali_xdbupg_catmet_main Rem njalali 04/02/03 - Created Rem WHENEVER SQLERROR EXIT; EXECUTE dbms_registry.check_server_instance; WHENEVER SQLERROR CONTINUE; -- Some implementations have these operators defined, and some don't. -- Regardless, they are unused in and should be dropped. begin execute immediate 'drop indextype xdb.path_index'; exception when others then commit; end; / begin execute immediate 'drop operator xdb.xdbpi_noop'; exception when others then commit; end; / alter package sys.dbms_regxdb compile; alter package xdb.DBMS_XMLSCHEMA compile; alter package xdb.dbms_xdbz0 compile; alter package xdb.dbms_xdbz compile; alter package xdb.DBMS_XDBUTIL_INT compile; alter procedure xdb.xdb$patchupdeleteschema compile; alter procedure xdb.XDB$PATCHUPSCHEMA compile; alter type xdb.XDB$RESLOCK_ARRAY_T compile; alter procedure xdb.XDB$INITXDBSCHEMA compile; -- alter package xdb.dbms_xdbt compile; -- bug 12861686 -- when CTX is not present in the database, then xdb.dbms_xdbt will -- not exist in the database. So, check for this innocuous 4043 -- error and catch error. declare obj_not_found exception; pragma exception_init(obj_not_found, -4043); begin execute immediate 'alter package xdb.dbms_xdbt compile'; exception when obj_not_found then null; when others then raise; end; / alter type xdb.XDB$ENUM2_T compile; alter type xdb.XDB$ENUM_VALUES_T compile; alter type xdb.XDB$EXTRA_LIST_T compile; alter type xdb.XDB$NLOCKS_T compile; -- alter procedure xdb.XDB_DATASTORE_PROC compile -- bug 12861686 -- when CTX is not present in the database, then xdb.XDB_DATASTORE_PROC -- will not exist in the database. So, check for this innocuous 4043 -- error and catch error. declare obj_not_found exception; pragma exception_init(obj_not_found, -4043); begin execute immediate 'alter procedure xdb.XDB_DATASTORE_PROC compile'; exception when obj_not_found then null; when others then raise; end; / alter type xdb."privilegeNameType1_T" compile; -- alter package xdb.dbms_xdbt compile; -- bug 12861686 -- when CTX is not present in the database, then xdb.dbms_xdbt will -- not exist in the database. So, check for this innocuous 4043 -- error and catch error. -- We are doing this alter package twice in this script because the -- original script did it twice. We have not had the time to evaluate if a -- second invocation is truly necessary. In any case, it does not hurt to do -- it twice declare obj_not_found exception; pragma exception_init(obj_not_found, -4043); begin execute immediate 'alter package xdb.dbms_xdbt compile'; exception when obj_not_found then null; when others then raise; end; / -- alter procedure xdb.XDB_DATASTORE_PROC compile -- bug 12861686 -- when CTX is not present in the database, then xdb.XDB_DATASTORE_PROC -- will not exist in the database. So, check for this innocuous 4043 -- error and catch error. -- We are doing this alter procedure twice in this script because the -- original script did it twice. We have not had the time to evaluate if a -- second invocation is truly necessary. In any case, it does not hurt to do -- it twice declare obj_not_found exception; pragma exception_init(obj_not_found, -4043); begin execute immediate 'alter procedure xdb.XDB_DATASTORE_PROC compile'; exception when obj_not_found then null; when others then raise; end; / Rem Recompile invalidated schemas declare cur INTEGER; rc INTEGER; schema_url VARCHAR2(2000); stmt VARCHAR2(2000); begin cur := dbms_sql.open_cursor; dbms_sql.parse( cur, 'select x.qual_schema_url from dba_xml_schemas x, dba_objects o where o.object_type = ''XML SCHEMA'' and o.status != ''VALID'' and o.object_name = x.int_objname', dbms_sql.native); dbms_sql.define_column(cur, 1, schema_url, 2000); rc := dbms_sql.execute(cur); LOOP IF dbms_sql.fetch_rows(cur) > 0 THEN dbms_sql.column_value(cur, 1, schema_url); dbms_output.put_line('Recompiling invalid schema with URL: ' || schema_url); dbms_xmlschema.compileschema(schema_url); ELSE exit; END IF; END LOOP; dbms_sql.close_cursor(cur); commit; end; / Rem Clean up invalidated triggers declare cur INTEGER; rc INTEGER; obj_name VARCHAR2(2000); stmt VARCHAR2(2000); begin cur := dbms_sql.open_cursor; dbms_sql.parse( cur, 'select object_name from dba_objects where owner = ''XDB'' and status != ''VALID'' and object_type = ''TRIGGER''', dbms_sql.native); dbms_sql.define_column(cur, 1, obj_name, 2000); rc := dbms_sql.execute(cur); LOOP IF dbms_sql.fetch_rows(cur) > 0 THEN dbms_sql.column_value(cur, 1, obj_name); stmt := 'alter trigger XDB."' || obj_name || '" compile'; execute immediate stmt; ELSE exit; END IF; END LOOP; dbms_sql.close_cursor(cur); commit; end; / Rem Reset XDB version execute dbms_registry.loaded('XDB'); Rem Set XDB to a valid state. Rem We cannot use sys.dbms_regxdb.validatexdb() because Rem resource_view is unusable until the DB is restarted. execute sys.dbms_registry.valid('XDB');