Rem Rem $Header: rdbms/admin/xdbuuc4.sql /main/5 2010/05/05 15:12:00 badeoti Exp $ Rem Rem xdbuuc.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2004, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. Rem All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem xdbuuc4.sql - XDB upgrade utility functions. This is the same Rem as xdbuuc.sql, except that we now have 10 nulls in the Rem definition of insertElement. Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem Functions useful during XDB upgrade. Culled from various files Rem Rem NOTES Rem Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem badeoti 04/19/10 - Bug 9591348 Rem badeoti 07/23/09 - compile any_t Rem sanagara 12/01/08 - 7284151: compile types Rem yifeng 11/12/07 - create element_exists_complextype Rem smalde 01/30/04 - Created -- -- The following type compilations are necessary due to the fix -- for bug 7284151. These types are directly depended on by tables -- referenced in the pl/sql code that follows below. Due to changes -- introduced by the fix for bug 7284151, the pl/sql code may get -- ORA-942 errors and fail to compile if these types are invalid -- (which they are likely to be at this stage of the upgrade) -- alter type XDB.XDB$SCHEMA_T compile; alter type XDB.XDB$ELEMENT_T compile; alter type XDB.XDB$SIMPLE_T compile; alter type XDB.XDB$COMPLEX_T compile; alter type XDB.XDB$ANY_T compile; -- UTILITY FUNCTIONS FOR UPGRADE create or replace procedure element_type(schema_url IN varchar2, element_name IN varchar2, type_owner out varchar2, type_name out varchar2) as qry varchar2(4000); cur integer; rc integer; begin qry := 'select, ' || 'from xdb.xdb$element e, xdb.xdb$schema s ' || 'where = :a ' || 'and = ref(s) ' || 'and s.xmldata.schema_url = :b'; cur := dbms_sql.open_cursor; dbms_sql.parse(cur, qry, dbms_sql.native); dbms_sql.bind_variable(cur, ':a', element_name); dbms_sql.bind_variable(cur, ':b', schema_url); dbms_sql.define_column(cur, 1, type_owner, 30); dbms_sql.define_column(cur, 2, type_name, 30); rc := dbms_sql.execute(cur); IF dbms_sql.fetch_rows(cur) > 0 THEN dbms_sql.column_value(cur, 1, type_owner); dbms_sql.column_value(cur, 2, type_name); ELSE dbms_sql.close_cursor(cur); dbms_output.put_line('XDBNB: no element type, url=' || schema_url || ', elem=' || element_name); RETURN; END IF; dbms_sql.close_cursor(cur); END; / show errors; CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE ALT_TYPE_DROP_ATTRIBUTE(type_owner IN varchar2, type_name IN varchar2, attr_string IN varchar2) as sqlstr varchar2(1000); BEGIN sqlstr := 'ALTER TYPE ' || dbms_assert.enquote_name(type_owner, false) || '.' || dbms_assert.enquote_name(type_name, false) || ' DROP ATTRIBUTE (' || attr_string || ') CASCADE'; EXECUTE IMMEDIATE sqlstr; END; / show errors; CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE alt_type_add_attribute(type_owner IN varchar2, type_name IN varchar2, attr_string IN varchar2) as cur integer; rc integer; BEGIN cur := dbms_sql.open_cursor; dbms_sql.parse( cur, 'ALTER TYPE ' || dbms_assert.enquote_name(type_owner, false) || '.' || dbms_assert.enquote_name(type_name, false) || ' ADD ATTRIBUTE (' || attr_string || ') CASCADE', dbms_sql.native); rc := dbms_sql.execute(cur); dbms_sql.close_cursor(cur); END; / show errors; create or replace function get_upgrade_status return integer as m integer; begin select n into m from xdb.migr9202status; return m; end; / show errors; create or replace procedure set_upgrade_status(m integer, docommit boolean) as begin update xdb.migr9202status set n = m; if docommit then commit; end if; end; / show errors; -- Rem Function to insert new bootstrap schema elements -- create or replace function xdb.xdb$insertElement( -- parent_schema ref sys.xmltype, -- prop_number integer, -- name varchar2, -- typename xdb.xdb$qname, -- min_occurs integer, -- max_occurs integer, -- mem_byte_length raw, -- mem_type_code raw, -- system raw, -- mutable raw, -- fixed raw, -- sqlname varchar2, -- sqltype varchar2, -- sqlschema varchar2, -- java_type xdb.xdb$javatype, -- default_value varchar2, -- smpl_type_decl ref sys.xmltype, -- type_ref ref sys.xmltype, -- propref_name xdb.xdb$qname, -- propref_ref ref sys.xmltype, -- subs_group xdb.xdb$qname, -- num_cols integer, -- nillable raw, -- final_info xdb.xdb$derivationChoice, -- block xdb.xdb$derivationChoice, -- abstract raw, -- mem_inline raw, -- sql_inline raw, -- java_inline raw, -- maintain_dom raw, -- default_table varchar2, -- table_storage varchar2, -- java_classname varchar2, -- bean_classname varchar2, -- global raw, -- base_sqlname varchar2, -- cplx_type_decl ref sys.xmltype, -- subs_group_refs xdb.xdb$xmltype_ref_list_t, -- sqlcolltype varchar2 := null, -- sqlcollschema varchar2 := null, -- hidden raw := null, -- transient xdb.xdb$transientChoice := null, -- baseprop raw := null -- ) return ref sys.xmltype is -- elem_i xdb.xdb$element_t; -- elem_ref ref sys.xmltype; -- begin -- elem_i := xdb.xdb$element_t( -- xdb.xdb$property_t(null,parent_schema,prop_number, -- name,typename, -- mem_byte_length,mem_type_code,system, -- mutable,null, -- sqlname,sqltype,sqlschema,java_type, -- default_value,smpl_type_decl,type_ref, -- propref_name,propref_ref, -- null, null, global,null, -- sqlcolltype, sqlcollschema, -- hidden, transient, null, baseprop), -- subs_group,num_cols,nillable, -- final_info,block,abstract, -- mem_inline,sql_inline,java_inline, -- maintain_dom,default_table,'XDB', -- table_storage,java_classname,bean_classname, -- base_sqlname,cplx_type_decl, -- subs_group_refs, null, -- min_occurs,to_char(max_occurs), -- null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null); -- execute immediate 'insert into xdb.xdb$element e (xmldata) -- values (:1) returning ref(e) into :2' using elem_i returning into elem_ref; -- return elem_ref; -- end; -- / -- This procedure executes the statement given by stmt only if the -- current value of the migr9202status is GREATER than the given -- value. It then updates the status and commits everything atomically -- The statement CAN be a ddl. CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE exec_stmt_chg_status(status IN number, stmt IN varchar2) as m integer; BEGIN select n into m from xdb.migr9202status; IF m > status THEN update xdb.migr9202status set n = status; execute immediate stmt; commit; END IF; END; / show errors; -- same function as above except it deletes the schema instead of -- executing a statement. CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE drop_schema_chg_status(status IN number, schurl IN varchar2) as m integer; BEGIN select n into m from xdb.migr9202status; IF m > status THEN update xdb.migr9202status set n = status; select count(*) into m from xdb.xdb$schema s where s.xmldata.schema_url = schurl; IF m > 0 THEN dbms_xmlschema.deleteschema(schurl, dbms_xmlschema.delete_cascade); END IF; commit; END IF; END; / show errors; CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE DELETE_ELEM_BY_REF (eltref ref xmltype, delete_cascade boolean default false) as type_name VARCHAR2(30); type_ref REF XMLTYPE; seq_ref REF XMLTYPE; elem_arr XDB.XDB$XMLTYPE_REF_LIST_T; BEGIN delete from xdb.xdb$element e where ref(e) = eltref returning, into type_name, type_ref; IF delete_cascade THEN IF type_ref IS NOT NULL THEN IF type_name = 'XDB$ENUM_T' THEN delete from xdb.xdb$simple_type s where ref(s) = type_ref; ELSE delete from xdb.xdb$complex_type c where ref(c) = type_ref returning c.xmldata.sequence_kid into seq_ref; IF seq_ref IS NOT NULL THEN delete from xdb.xdb$sequence_model m where ref(m) = seq_ref returning m.xmldata.elements into elem_arr; FOR i IN 1..elem_arr.last LOOP delete_elem_by_ref(elem_arr(i), true); END LOOP; END IF; END IF; END IF; END IF; END; / show errors; -- Find child element in a sequence by name create or replace function find_child(seq xdb.xdb$xmltype_ref_list_t, child varchar2) return ref xmltype as r ref xmltype; begin select ref(e) into r from xdb.xdb$element e where ref(e) in (select * from table(seq)) and = child; return r; exception when no_data_found then return null; end; / show errors; create or replace function find_child_with_model(parent ref xmltype, child varchar2, model out ref xmltype, model_type out varchar2) return ref xmltype as r ref xmltype; elems xdb.xdb$xmltype_ref_list_t; -- child elements choices xdb.xdb$xmltype_ref_list_t; -- choice elements begin -- Find child element under parent's elements and choices select ref(m), m.xmldata.elements, m.xmldata.choice_kids into model, elems, choices from xdb.xdb$element e, xdb.xdb$complex_type c, xdb.xdb$sequence_model m where ref(e) = parent and ref(c) in (e.xmldata.cplx_type_decl, and ref(m) = c.xmldata.sequence_kid; r := find_child(elems, child); if r is not null then model_type := 'xdb$sequence_model'; return r; end if; if choices is not null then for i in 1..choices.count loop select ref(m), m.xmldata.elements into model, elems from xdb.xdb$choice_model m where ref(m) = choices(i); r := find_child(elems, child); if r is not null then model_type := 'xdb$choice_model'; return r; end if; end loop; end if; return null; end; / show errors; -- Find child element under a parent element create or replace function find_element(schema_url varchar2, xpath varchar2, parent ref xmltype default null) return ref xmltype as r ref xmltype; elems xdb.xdb$xmltype_ref_list_t; -- child elements sep pls_integer; -- '/' separator child varchar2(80); -- child element name model ref xmltype; model_type varchar2(80); begin -- Find child name sep := instr(xpath, '/', 2); if (sep > 2) then child := substr(xpath, 2, sep-2); else child := substr(xpath, 2); end if; if parent is null then -- Find root element select s.xmldata.elements into elems from xdb.xdb$schema s where s.xmldata.schema_url = schema_url; r := find_child(elems, child); else -- Find child element under parent's elements and choices r := find_child_with_model(parent, child, model, model_type); end if; -- Keep traversing the xpath if this is not the leaf child if (sep > 2) then return find_element(null, substr(xpath, sep), r); end if; return r; end; / show errors; -- Generate type name with a sequence number create or replace function type_name(prefix varchar2, suffix varchar2) return varchar2 as name varchar2(80); begin select prefix || xdb.xdb$namesuff_seq.nextval || '_' || suffix into name from dual; return name; end; / show errors; create or replace function element_exists_complextype(schema_url IN varchar2, complex_type IN varchar2, ell_name IN varchar2) return boolean as seq_ref REF XMLTYPE; elem_list XDB.XDB$XMLTYPE_REF_LIST_T; rescfg_schema_ref REF XMLTYPE; v_idx NUMBER; ename varchar2(2000); begin -- following comments are assuming to find some element in the -- '' under complex type -- 'xlink-config' -- ref to resconfig schema select ref(s) into rescfg_schema_ref from xdb.xdb$schema s where s.xmldata.schema_url = schema_url; -- sequence child of complextype named xlink-config in resconfig schema select c.xmldata.sequence_kid into seq_ref from xdb.xdb$complex_type c where and c.xmldata.parent_schema=rescfg_schema_ref; -- varray of refs to elements that are children of sequence -- where the sequence is the child of complextype named xlink-config -- in resconfig schema select m.xmldata.elements into elem_list from xdb.xdb$sequence_model m where ref(m) = seq_ref; v_idx := elem_list.FIRST; << display_loop >> WHILE v_idx IS NOT NULL LOOP select into ename from xdb.xdb$element e where ref(e) = elem_list(v_idx); if ename = ell_name then return TRUE; end if; v_idx := elem_list.NEXT(v_idx); END LOOP display_loop; return FALSE; end; / show errors;