Rem Rem $Header: rdbms/admin/xdbuuc2.sql /st_rdbms_11.2.0/1 2011/08/22 17:50:03 thbaby Exp $ Rem Rem xdbuuc2.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2006, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. Rem All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem xdbuuc2.sql - Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem Rem Rem NOTES Rem Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem thbaby 08/18/11 - catch exception during insertion to Rem invalid_xdb$* (bug 12868961) Rem badeoti 10/29/08 - 7433383: re-enable hierarchy after table upgrade Rem in migratexmltable Rem spetride 08/04/06 - add INVALID_XDB$ACL/CONFIG for csx migrate Rem mrafiq 06/21/06 - cleaning up Rem mrafiq 04/07/06 - cleaning up Rem mrafiq 04/13/06 - call 'alter table upgrade' for xdb$acl Rem abagrawa 03/29/06 - Remove user_dep check for now Rem abagrawa 03/28/06 - Move update_config_ref to new file Rem abagrawa 03/28/06 - Add check_user_dependents Rem abagrawa 03/25/06 - Handle ACL downgrade Rem abagrawa 03/17/06 - Fix migrateTable for downgrade Rem abagrawa 03/14/06 - Utility functions for xdb up/downgrade Rem abagrawa 03/14/06 - Created Rem -- This procedure checks for non-system (user) dependents of a schema -- and raises an error if any are found. This will abort upgrade! create or replace procedure check_user_dependents(schref ref xmltype) is objnum integer; begin select o.obj# into objnum from obj$ o where = xdb.dbms_xmlschema_int.xdb$oid2intname(sys_op_r2o(schref)); xdb.dbms_xmlschema_int.checkuserdependents(schref, objnum); end; / -- This procedure replaces a schema's oid with a new oid. This involves -- several steps: -- 1. Update object_id in xdb.xdb$schema table -- 2. Update name in obj$ -- 3. Update schema resource's ref to point to new schema ref -- 4. Update all refs from schema components (elements, attributes, types, etc) -- to point to new schema ref -- 5. Update table metadata in opqtype$ to point to new schema oid create or replace procedure migrate_patchup_schema(oldschemaoid raw, newschemaoid raw) is oldschemaref ref xmltype; newschemaref ref xmltype; oldschemaref_str varchar2(2000); newschemaref_str varchar2(2000); oldschemaoid_str varchar2(2000); newschemaoid_str varchar2(2000); oldintname varchar2(2000); newintname varchar2(2000); begin -- Print out input parameters select rawtohex(oldschemaoid) into oldschemaoid_str from dual; dbms_output.put_line('migrate_patchup_schema:oldschemaoid = ' || oldschemaoid_str); select rawtohex(newschemaoid) into newschemaoid_str from dual; dbms_output.put_line('migrate_patchup_schema:newschemaoid = ' || newschemaoid_str); -- Get oldschemaref from oldschemaoid select ref(e) into oldschemaref from xdb.xdb$schema e where e.object_id = oldschemaoid; select reftohex(oldschemaref) into oldschemaref_str from dual; dbms_output.put_line('migrate_patchup_schema:oldschemaref = ' || oldschemaref_str); -- Get old internal name from oldschemaoid -- The reason we added xdb$oid2intname instead of using xdb$extname2intname -- is that we might not want to pin the schema. Also, in some cases (such as -- for newschemaoid during upgrade), the new schemaoid might not exist yet -- and xdb$extname2intname returns null in that case select xdb.dbms_xmlschema_int.xdb$oid2intname(oldschemaoid) into oldintname from dual; dbms_output.put_line('migrate_patchup_schema:oldintname = ' || oldintname); -- Get new internal name from newschemaoid select xdb.dbms_xmlschema_int.xdb$oid2intname(newschemaoid) into newintname from dual; dbms_output.put_line('migrate_patchup_schema:newintname = ' || newintname); -- 1. Update the schema table to have the correct oid update xdb.xdb$schema e set e.object_id = newschemaoid where ref(e) = oldschemaref; -- Get the new schema ref select ref(e) into newschemaref from xdb.xdb$schema e where e.object_id = newschemaoid; select reftohex(newschemaref) into newschemaref_str from dual; dbms_output.put_line('migrate_patchup_schema:newschemaref = ' || newschemaref_str); -- 2. Update the name in obj$ to the new internal name update obj$ set name = newintname where name = oldintname; -- 3. Update the schema resource's ref to point to newschemaref update xdb.xdb$resource r set r.xmldata.xmlref = newschemaref where r.xmldata.xmlref = oldschemaref; -- 4. Update all references from elements, types, and other schema -- components to point to the new schema ref too update xdb.xdb$element e set = newschemaref where = oldschemaref; update xdb.xdb$attribute e set e.xmldata.parent_schema = newschemaref where e.xmldata.parent_schema = oldschemaref; update xdb.xdb$simple_type e set e.xmldata.parent_schema = newschemaref where e.xmldata.parent_schema = oldschemaref; update xdb.xdb$complex_type e set e.xmldata.parent_schema = newschemaref where e.xmldata.parent_schema = oldschemaref; update xdb.xdb$all_model e set e.xmldata.parent_schema = newschemaref where e.xmldata.parent_schema = oldschemaref; update xdb.xdb$choice_model e set e.xmldata.parent_schema = newschemaref where e.xmldata.parent_schema = oldschemaref; update xdb.xdb$sequence_model e set e.xmldata.parent_schema = newschemaref where e.xmldata.parent_schema = oldschemaref; update xdb.xdb$anyattr e set = newschemaref where = oldschemaref; update xdb.xdb$any e set = newschemaref where = oldschemaref; update xdb.xdb$group_def e set e.xmldata.parent_schema = newschemaref where e.xmldata.parent_schema = oldschemaref; update xdb.xdb$group_ref e set e.xmldata.parent_schema = newschemaref where e.xmldata.parent_schema = oldschemaref; update xdb.xdb$attrgroup_def e set e.xmldata.parent_schema = newschemaref where e.xmldata.parent_schema = oldschemaref; update xdb.xdb$attrgroup_ref e set e.xmldata.parent_schema = newschemaref where e.xmldata.parent_schema = oldschemaref; -- 5. Update the table metadata to point to the new schema oid update opqtype$ set schemaoid = newschemaoid where schemaoid = oldschemaoid; commit; end; / show errors; create or replace procedure xdb.FixAcl_SchemaLoc(errtabname IN VARCHAR2) is stmt varchar2(2000); begin stmt := 'update ' || errtabname || ' t set t.object_value = '; stmt := stmt || ' updatexml(t.object_value, ''/acl/@xsi:schemaLocation'', ''http://'; stmt := stmt || ''', '' xmlns='; stmt := stmt || '"" xmlns:xsi='; stmt := stmt || '""'')'; stmt := stmt || ' where t.object_value is not null'; dbms_output.put_line(stmt); execute immediate stmt; end; / show errors; -- Helper procedure for migration to CSX storage create or replace procedure create_csxinvalid_entries_tab( tabname varchar2, temptabname varchar2, schemaowner varchar2, transformfn varchar2, need_2nd_fn number, defaultdoc varchar2) is full_errtabname varchar2(50); stmterrtab varchar2(2000); stmtselcur varchar2(2000); TYPE obj_list_cur IS REF CURSOR; cur obj_list_cur; myobj_id raw(16); myacloid raw(16); myownerid raw(16); stmtins1row varchar2(2000); stmtfix1row varchar2(2000); stmtinserr varchar2(2000); stmtinserr2 varchar2(2000); myobj_id_str varchar2(2000); nfixobjval sys.xmltype; fixobjval sys.xmltype; stmtchk1 varchar2(2000); noinv number := 0; stmtfixtab varchar2(2000); stmtdelrow varchar2(2000); stmtselcur2 varchar2(2000); stmtinsdef varchar2(2000); stmtdefxml varchar2(2000); defaultxml sys.xmltype; gotdefault boolean; xmldirname varchar2(2000); begin -- 1. create table that will contain invalid entries in the temporary table full_errtabname := schemaowner || '.' || 'INVALID_' || tabname; dbms_output.put_line(full_errtabname); stmterrtab := 'create table ' || full_errtabname || ' ( ' || 'object_id raw(16), ' || 'object_value sys.xmltype, ' || 'acloid raw(16), ' || 'ownerid raw(16)) ' || 'xmltype object_value store as CLOB'; dbms_output.put_line(stmterrtab); execute immediate stmterrtab; commit; -- creating the statements beforehand stmtselcur := 'select object_id, value(x), acloid, ownerid from ' || schemaowner || '.' || temptabname || ' x'; stmtfix1row := 'select xmltype(' || transformfn || '(:1).getclobval()) ' || ' from dual '; stmtins1row := 'insert into ' || schemaowner || '.' || tabname || '(object_id, object_value, acloid, ownerid)' || ' values(:1, :2, :3 , :4)'; stmtinserr := 'insert into ' || full_errtabname || '(object_id, object_value, acloid, ownerid)' || ' values(:1, :2, :3 , :4)'; stmtinserr2 := 'insert into ' || full_errtabname || '(object_id, acloid, ownerid) values(:1, :2, :3)'; stmtdelrow := 'delete from ' || full_errtabname || ' where (object_id = :1 ) and (acloid = :2 ) ' || ' and (ownerid = :3 )'; stmtselcur2 := 'select object_id, x.object_value, acloid, ownerid from ' || full_errtabname || ' x where x.object_value is not null'; stmtinsdef := 'insert into ' || schemaowner || '.' || tabname || '(object_id, object_value, acloid, ownerid)' || ' values(:1, :2, :3 , :4)'; -- 2. open a cursor on the temporary table dbms_output.put_line(stmtselcur); open cur for stmtselcur; loop fetch cur into myobj_id, nfixobjval, myacloid, myownerid; exit when cur%notfound; -- 3. for each row in the temporary table, insert the fixed xml value begin dbms_output.put_line(stmtfix1row); execute immediate stmtfix1row into fixobjval using nfixobjval; begin execute immediate stmtins1row using myobj_id, fixobjval, myacloid, myownerid; exception when others then -- if insert fails, add the transformed row into the error table dbms_output.put_line('insert failed'); dbms_output.put_line(stmtinserr); begin execute immediate stmtinserr using myobj_id, fixobjval, myacloid, myownerid; -- exception block added by fix for bug 12868961 exception when others then -- insert into invalid_xdb$* table fails -- insert null into xmltype column. Object id stored -- in this table can be used to figure out the offending -- ACL document. dbms_output.put_line('insert into invalid table failed'); dbms_output.put_line(stmtinserr2); begin execute immediate stmtinserr2 using myobj_id, myacloid, myownerid; exception when others then -- insert into invalid_xdb$* table fails dbms_output.put_line('insert into invalid table (null) failed'); begin select rawtohex(myobj_id) into myobj_id_str from dual; dbms_output.put_line('myobj_id = ' || myobj_id_str); exception when others then null; end; end; end; -- END OF exception block added by fix for bug 12868961 noinv := noinv + 1; end; exception when others then -- if fix fails, add the orginal row into the error table dbms_output.put_line('fix failed'); dbms_output.put_line(stmtinserr); begin execute immediate stmtinserr using myobj_id, nfixobjval, myacloid, myownerid; -- exception block added by fix for bug 12868961 exception when others then -- insert into invalid_xdb$* table fails -- insert null into xmltype column. Object id stored -- in this table can be used to figure out the offending -- ACL document. dbms_output.put_line('insert into invalid table failed'); dbms_output.put_line(stmtinserr2); begin execute immediate stmtinserr2 using myobj_id, myacloid, myownerid; exception when others then -- insert into invalid_xdb$* table fails dbms_output.put_line('insert into invalid table (null) failed'); begin select rawtohex(myobj_id) into myobj_id_str from dual; dbms_output.put_line('myobj_id = ' || myobj_id_str); exception when others then null; end; end; end; -- END OF exception block added by fix for bug 12868961 noinv := noinv + 1; end; end loop; if (noinv = 0) then return; end if; -- 4. if default document provided, replace each invalid with it -- keep invalid rows in the error table if (need_2nd_fn = 0) then if (defaultdoc is not null) then begin -- construct the default xml execute immediate 'select dbms_metadata_hack.get_xml_dirname() from dual' into xmldirname; defaultxml := xmltype(BFILENAME(xmldirname, defaultdoc), 0); --defaultxml := xmltype(dbms_metadata_hack.get_xml_bfile(defaultdoc), 0); -- open cursor on the error table dbms_output.put_line(stmtselcur2); open cur for stmtselcur2; loop fetch cur into myobj_id, fixobjval, myacloid, myownerid; exit when cur%notfound; -- insert default doc begin dbms_output.put_line(stmtinsdef); execute immediate stmtinsdef using myobj_id, defaultxml, myacloid, myownerid; exception -- if we reach an exception here, the default doc must be invalid -- should never come to this point when others then dbms_output.put_line('error inserting default doc'); null; end; end loop; exception when others then dbms_output.put_line('error constructing default doc'); null; end; end if; return; end if; -- need_2nd_fn > 0 -- 4. if second fix provided, and invalid rows exist, -- apply the fix to the error table case when (tabname = 'XDB$ACL') then xdb.FixAcl_SchemaLoc(full_errtabname); -- cannot pass the name of 2nd fix as string, since -- execute immediate stmt does not allow stmt to contain DDLs -- Note: If needed for other tables, add here the call to 2nd fixes end case; gotdefault := false; -- open cursor on the error table dbms_output.put_line(stmtselcur2); open cur for stmtselcur2; loop fetch cur into myobj_id, fixobjval, myacloid, myownerid; exit when cur%notfound; begin dbms_output.put_line(stmtins1row); execute immediate stmtins1row using myobj_id, fixobjval, myacloid, myownerid; -- if insert successful, delete the row from the error table begin dbms_output.put_line(stmtdelrow); execute immediate stmtdelrow using myobj_id, myacloid, myownerid; exception when others then dbms_output.put_line('delete from errortable failed'); null; end; exception when others then dbms_output.put_line('2nd insert failed'); -- insert default document, if provided if (defaultdoc is not null) then begin if (not gotdefault) then execute immediate 'select dbms_metadata_hack.get_xml_dirname() from dual' into xmldirname; defaultxml := xmltype(BFILENAME(xmldirname, defaultdoc), 0); --defaultxml := xmltype(dbms_metadata_hack.get_xml_bfile(defaultdoc), 0); gotdefault := true; end if; dbms_output.put_line(stmtinsdef); execute immediate stmtinsdef using myobj_id, defaultxml, myacloid, myownerid; exception when others then null; end; end if; end; end loop; end; / show errors; -- This procedure migrates SB data between CSX storage and OR storage -- It makes sure that the table name, table extent oid, schema oid, propnum -- for root element are all unchanged. This makes sure that any other -- metadata that is relying on these will not have to be updated. The -- main use case right now is for migrating ACL documents to CSX, but this -- can be used for any schema -- This can only be used when there is one root element in the schema -- Parameters: -- xsd: new schema to be registered -- nmspc: target namespace of old schema -- url: old schema's URL -- tabname: old schema's root element's table name -- schemaowner: owner of the XML schema -- root: root element name -- absdir: absolute path where schema is located in repository -- absfile: resource name of schema doc in repository -- NOTE: although absdir and absfile can be inferred from nmspc and url, -- we want to avoid XDB initialization so we ask users to pass this in -- csx: true if moving data to csx, false if moving data from csx -- need_2nd_fn : set to non-zero if, after applying transformfn -- on each row, we want to apply a second correction; -- the 2nd correction is applied on the entire -- table with invalid rows; a 2nd insert is then attempted -- for each of the rows in the invalid entries table -- Note: now only called for XDB$ACL for correcting schemaLocation -- defaultdoc : if provided, this document will be used to replace -- each invalid document; the invalid document is still -- present in the invalid entries table; -- the post-recovery step will later on attempt to correct -- the invalid document create or replace procedure xdb$migratexmltable(xsd in sys.xmltype, nmspc varchar2, url varchar2, tabname varchar2, schemaowner varchar2, root varchar2, absdir varchar2, absfile varchar2, csx in boolean, transformfn varchar2 := null, need_2nd_fn number := 0, defaultdoc varchar2 := null) is oldschemaoid raw(16); regschemaoid raw(16) := null; oldschemaref ref xmltype; oldschemaref_str varchar2(2000); oldschemaoid_str varchar2(2000); oldtableoid_str varchar2(2000); newtableoid_str varchar2(2000); oldtableoid raw(16); newschemaref ref xmltype; newschemaoid raw(16); newtableoid raw(16); createtableddl varchar2(4000); oldpropnum integer; altertableddl varchar2(4000); upgradetableddl varchar2(4000); abspath varchar2(2000); tempabspath varchar2(2000); temptabname varchar2(2000); tempurl varchar2(2000); tempabsfile varchar2(2000); xdbuser varchar2(2000) := 'XDB'; xdbschematab varchar2(2000) := 'XDB$SCHEMA'; regoptions pls_integer := 0; gentypesval boolean := true; binaryval number; isbinary boolean; delete_option number := xdb.dbms_xmlschema.delete_cascade_force + xdb.dbms_xmlschema.delete_migrate; insertsql varchar2(4000); begin -- The basic algorithm used by this procedure is: -- 1. Rename the schema URL to a temporary URL -- 2. Rename the table to a temporary name -- 3. Change the table extent OID to a new and unique temporary OID -- 4. Change schema oid (and all other metadata to make this work) -- NOTE: if we are moving data from CSX, this step occurs after -- step 8 because the schema OID is stored along with CSX data -- and we need to keep the old schema to decode data properly -- 5. Rename repository link for schema resource to temporary URL -- 6. Register new schema and maintain the propnum for the root. Also -- if we are moving data to CSX, then maintain the old schema's OID -- 7. Copy data into new table from old table -- NOTE: this step requires a fixit operation to make the old documents -- compliant with the new schema, as well as to ensure that certain -- events that fire normally are fired because the schema URL has been -- changed -- 8. Delete old schema in cascade force mode -- set up some constants tempabsfile := absfile || '_2'; abspath := absdir || '/' || absfile; tempabspath := abspath || '_2'; temptabname := tabname || '_2'; tempurl := url || '_2'; -- First check if this schema is registered for CSX or not select bitand(to_number(s.xmldata.flags,'xxxxxxxx'), 16384) into binaryval from xdb.xdb$schema s where s.xmldata.target_namespace = nmspc and s.xmldata.schema_url = url; isbinary := (binaryval = 16384); -- Nothing to be done, just return if (isbinary = csx) then dbms_output.put_line('migratexmltable: nothing to be done'); return; else dbms_output.put_line('migratexmltable: need to migrate data'); end if; -- Select some data out that will be needed later select object_id into oldschemaoid from xdb.xdb$schema e where e.xmldata.target_namespace = nmspc and e.xmldata.schema_url = url; select rawtohex(oldschemaoid) into oldschemaoid_str from dual; dbms_output.put_line('migratexmltable: oldschemaoid = ' || oldschemaoid_str); select ref(e) into oldschemaref from xdb.xdb$schema e where e.xmldata.target_namespace = nmspc and e.xmldata.schema_url = url; -- TODO:check user dependents and abort upgrade if any are found -- check_user_dependents(oldschemaref); select reftohex(oldschemaref) into oldschemaref_str from dual; dbms_output.put_line('migratexmltable: oldschemaref = ' || oldschemaref_str); select oid$ into oldtableoid from obj$ where name = tabname and owner# = (select user# from user$ where name = schemaowner); select rawtohex(oldtableoid) into oldtableoid_str from dual; dbms_output.put_line('migratexmltable: oldtableoid = ' || oldtableoid_str); select into oldpropnum from xdb.xdb$element e where and; dbms_output.put_line('migratexmltable: oldpropnum = ' || oldpropnum); -- Generate a new table extend oid for the table to copy data to newtableoid := xdb.dbms_xdbutil_int.getnewoid(); select rawtohex(newtableoid) into newtableoid_str from dual; dbms_output.put_line('migratexmltable: newtableoid = ' || newtableoid_str); -- Disable hierarchy on old table xdb.dbms_xdbz.disable_hierarchy(schemaowner, tabname); -- Rename schema URL update xdb.xdb$schema e set e.xmldata.schema_url = tempurl where e.xmldata.target_namespace = nmspc and e.xmldata.schema_url = url ; dbms_output.put_line('migratexmltable: tempurl = ' || tempurl); -- Upgrade Table upgradetableddl := 'alter table ' || schemaowner || '.' || tabname || ' upgrade'; execute immediate upgradetableddl; -- Rename table altertableddl := 'alter table ' || schemaowner || '.' || tabname || ' rename to ' || temptabname; execute immediate altertableddl; dbms_output.put_line('migratexmltable: altertableddl = ' || altertableddl); -- Rename table extend OID update obj$ set oid$ = newtableoid where oid$ = oldtableoid; update oid$ set oid$ = newtableoid where oid$ = oldtableoid; dbms_output.put_line('migratexmltable: updated table eoid'); -- Change xdb:defaulttable attribute update xdb.xdb$element e set e.xmldata.default_table = temptabname where e.xmldata.default_table = tabname and e.xmldata.default_table_schema = schemaowner; dbms_output.put_line('migratexmltable: updated defaulttable attr'); -- If moving data to CSX, then generate a new schema OID, and rename -- the old schema to point to that OID if csx then newschemaoid := xdb.dbms_xdbutil_int.getnewoid(); migrate_patchup_schema(oldschemaoid, newschemaoid); end if; -- Clean up session/shared state xdb.dbms_xdbutil_int.flushsession; execute immediate 'alter system flush shared_pool'; execute immediate 'alter system flush shared_pool'; execute immediate 'alter system flush shared_pool'; execute immediate 'alter system flush shared_pool'; -- Rename schema link (in repository) xdb.dbms_xdb.renameresource(abspath, absdir, tempabsfile); commit; dbms_output.put_line('migratexmltable: renamed resource'); -- Clean up session/shared state again xdb.dbms_xdbutil_int.flushsession; execute immediate 'alter system flush shared_pool'; execute immediate 'alter system flush shared_pool'; execute immediate 'alter system flush shared_pool'; execute immediate 'alter system flush shared_pool'; -- If moving data to CSX, the schema must be registered with different -- flags and parameter values if csx then regoptions := dbms_xmlschema.register_binaryxml; gentypesval := false; regschemaoid := oldschemaoid; end if; -- Register the schema again while keeping the same propnum for the -- root element. Also, when moving data to CSX, make sure we preserve -- the OID of the schema document xdb.dbms_xmlschema_int.registerschema( schemaurl=>url, schemadoc=>xsd.getclobval(), local=>false, gentypes=>gentypesval, genbean=>false, gentables=>false, force=>false, owner=>schemaowner, enablehierarchy=>dbms_xmlschema.enable_hierarchy_contents, options=>regoptions, schemaoid=>regschemaoid, elname=>root, elnum=>oldpropnum); commit; dbms_output.put_line('migratexmltable: registered new schema'); -- Create the default table for the root element createtableddl := 'create table ' || schemaowner || '.' || tabname || ' of xmltype oid ''' || oldtableoid || ''''; if csx then createtableddl := createtableddl || ' xmltype store as basicfile binary xml'; end if; createtableddl := createtableddl || ' xmlschema "' || url || '"' || ' element "' || root || '"'; execute immediate createtableddl; dbms_output.put_line('migratexmltable: createtableddl = ' || createtableddl); -- Enable xrls hierarchy to add in acloid column xdb.dbms_xdbz.enable_hierarchy(schemaowner, tabname); -- Disable xrls hierarchy priv check xdb.dbms_xdbz.disable_hierarchy(schemaowner, tabname); xdb.dbms_xdbz.disable_hierarchy(xdbuser, xdbschematab); -- Also, re-enable hierarchy on temptable to make sure extra columns -- ownerid and acloid are present xdb.dbms_xdbz.enable_hierarchy(schemaowner, temptabname); xdb.dbms_xdbz.disable_hierarchy(schemaowner, temptabname); -- Copy data from old table into new table if csx then create_csxinvalid_entries_tab(tabname, temptabname, schemaowner, transformfn, need_2nd_fn, defaultdoc); else insertsql := 'insert into ' || schemaowner || '.' || tabname || ' (object_id, object_value, acloid, ownerid) (select object_id, '; insertsql := insertsql || transformfn || '(xmltype(value(x).getclobval()))'; insertsql := insertsql || ', acloid, ownerid from ' || schemaowner || '.' || temptabname || ' x)'; dbms_output.put_line('migratexmltable:insertsql = ' || insertsql); execute immediate insertsql; end if; -- Disable hierarchy (to disable triggers) xdb.dbms_xdbz.disable_hierarchy(schemaowner, temptabname); -- Delete schema cascade force mode xdb.dbms_xmlschema.deleteschema(tempurl, delete_option); dbms_output.put_line('migratexmltable: deleted old schema'); -- If the old data was in CSX, we defer the schemaOID rename to after -- the data copy because CSX data stores schemaOID in it if (csx = false) then select object_id into newschemaoid from xdb.xdb$schema s where s.xmldata.target_namespace = nmspc and s.xmldata.schema_url = url; migrate_patchup_schema(newschemaoid, oldschemaoid); end if; end; / show errors; -- Checks if a schema exists and deletes it if found create or replace procedure delete_schema_if_exists(schurl IN varchar2, options IN pls_integer) is c number; BEGIN select count(*) into c from xdb.xdb$schema s where s.xmldata.schema_url = schurl; if c > 0 then dbms_xmlschema.deleteschema(schurl, options); end if; END; /