Rem Rem $Header: rdbms/admin/xdbuuc.sql /main/9 2010/05/05 15:12:00 badeoti Exp $ Rem Rem xdbuuc.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2004, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. Rem All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem xdbuuc.sql - XDB upgrade utility functions Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem Functions useful during XDB upgrade. Culled from various files Rem Rem NOTES Rem Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem badeoti 04/19/10 - Bug 9591348 Rem badeoti 07/23/09 - compile any_t Rem sanagara 12/01/08 - 7284151: compile types Rem mrafiq 05/08/06 - add choice removal to delete_elem_by_ref Rem rpang 12/02/04 - Add type_name, find_element, find_child... Rem rpang 10/07/04 - cascade delete_elem_by_ref Rem spannala 05/18/04 - more utility procedures Rem abagrawa 05/10/04 - Add xdb$insertElement Rem thbaby 04/26/04 - thbaby_https Rem spannala 03/03/04 - adding alt_type_drop_attribute Rem spannala 01/30/04 - Created Rem -- -- The following type compilations are necessary due to the fix -- for bug 7284151. These types are directly depended on by tables -- referenced in the pl/sql code that follows below. Due to changes -- introduced by the fix for bug 7284151, the pl/sql code may get -- ORA-942 errors and fail to compile if these types are invalid -- (which they are likely to be at this stage of the upgrade) -- alter type XDB.XDB$SCHEMA_T compile; alter type XDB.XDB$ELEMENT_T compile; alter type XDB.XDB$SIMPLE_T compile; alter type XDB.XDB$COMPLEX_T compile; alter type XDB.XDB$ANY_T compile; -- UTILITY FUNCTIONS FOR UPGRADE create or replace procedure element_type(schema_url IN varchar2, element_name IN varchar2, type_owner out varchar2, type_name out varchar2) as qry varchar2(4000); cur integer; rc integer; begin qry := 'select, ' || 'from xdb.xdb$element e, xdb.xdb$schema s ' || 'where = :a ' || 'and = ref(s) ' || 'and s.xmldata.schema_url = :b'; cur := dbms_sql.open_cursor; dbms_sql.parse(cur, qry, dbms_sql.native); dbms_sql.bind_variable(cur, ':a', element_name); dbms_sql.bind_variable(cur, ':b', schema_url); dbms_sql.define_column(cur, 1, type_owner, 30); dbms_sql.define_column(cur, 2, type_name, 30); rc := dbms_sql.execute(cur); IF dbms_sql.fetch_rows(cur) > 0 THEN dbms_sql.column_value(cur, 1, type_owner); dbms_sql.column_value(cur, 2, type_name); ELSE dbms_sql.close_cursor(cur); dbms_output.put_line('XDBNB: no element type, url=' || schema_url || ', elem=' || element_name); RETURN; END IF; dbms_sql.close_cursor(cur); END; / show errors; CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE ALT_TYPE_DROP_ATTRIBUTE(type_owner IN varchar2, type_name IN varchar2, attr_string IN varchar2) as sqlstr varchar2(1000); BEGIN sqlstr := 'ALTER TYPE ' || dbms_assert.enquote_name(type_owner, false) || '.' || dbms_assert.enquote_name(type_name, false) || ' DROP ATTRIBUTE (' || attr_string || ') CASCADE'; EXECUTE IMMEDIATE sqlstr; END; / show errors; create or replace procedure alt_type_add_attribute(type_owner IN varchar2, type_name IN varchar2, attr_string IN varchar2) as sqlstr varchar2(1000); BEGIN sqlstr := 'ALTER TYPE ' || dbms_assert.enquote_name(type_owner, false) || '.' || dbms_assert.enquote_name(type_name, false) || ' ADD ATTRIBUTE (' || attr_string || ') CASCADE'; EXECUTE IMMEDIATE sqlstr; END; / show errors; create or replace function get_upgrade_status return integer as m integer; begin select n into m from xdb.migr9202status; return m; end; / show errors; create or replace procedure set_upgrade_status(m integer, docommit boolean) as begin update xdb.migr9202status set n = m; if docommit then commit; end if; end; / show errors; Rem Function to insert new bootstrap schema elements create or replace function xdb.xdb$insertElement( parent_schema ref sys.xmltype, prop_number integer, name varchar2, typename xdb.xdb$qname, min_occurs integer, max_occurs integer, mem_byte_length raw, mem_type_code raw, system raw, mutable raw, fixed raw, sqlname varchar2, sqltype varchar2, sqlschema varchar2, java_type xdb.xdb$javatype, default_value varchar2, smpl_type_decl ref sys.xmltype, type_ref ref sys.xmltype, propref_name xdb.xdb$qname, propref_ref ref sys.xmltype, subs_group xdb.xdb$qname, num_cols integer, nillable raw, final_info xdb.xdb$derivationChoice, block xdb.xdb$derivationChoice, abstract raw, mem_inline raw, sql_inline raw, java_inline raw, maintain_dom raw, default_table varchar2, table_storage varchar2, java_classname varchar2, bean_classname varchar2, global raw, base_sqlname varchar2, cplx_type_decl ref sys.xmltype, subs_group_refs xdb.xdb$xmltype_ref_list_t, sqlcolltype varchar2 := null, sqlcollschema varchar2 := null, hidden raw := null, transient xdb.xdb$transientChoice := null, baseprop raw := null ) return ref sys.xmltype is elem_i xdb.xdb$element_t; elem_ref ref sys.xmltype; begin elem_i := xdb.xdb$element_t( xdb.xdb$property_t(null,parent_schema,prop_number, name,typename, mem_byte_length,mem_type_code,system, mutable,null, sqlname,sqltype,sqlschema,java_type, default_value,smpl_type_decl,type_ref, propref_name,propref_ref, null, null, global,null, sqlcolltype, sqlcollschema, hidden, transient, null, baseprop), subs_group,num_cols,nillable, final_info,block,abstract, mem_inline,sql_inline,java_inline, maintain_dom,default_table,'XDB', table_storage,java_classname,bean_classname, base_sqlname,cplx_type_decl, subs_group_refs, null, min_occurs,to_char(max_occurs), null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null); execute immediate 'insert into xdb.xdb$element e (xmldata) values (:1) returning ref(e) into :2' using elem_i returning into elem_ref; return elem_ref; end; / show errors; -- This procedure executes the statement given by stmt only if the -- current value of the migr9202status is GREATER than the given -- value. It then updates the status and commits everything atomically -- The statement CAN be a ddl. CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE exec_stmt_chg_status(status IN number, stmt IN varchar2) as m integer; BEGIN select n into m from xdb.migr9202status; IF m > status THEN update xdb.migr9202status set n = status; execute immediate stmt; commit; END IF; END; / show errors; -- same function as above except it deletes the schema instead of -- executing a statement. CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE drop_schema_chg_status(status IN number, schurl IN varchar2) as m integer; BEGIN select n into m from xdb.migr9202status; IF m > status THEN update xdb.migr9202status set n = status; select count(*) into m from xdb.xdb$schema s where s.xmldata.schema_url = schurl; IF m > 0 THEN dbms_xmlschema.deleteschema(schurl, dbms_xmlschema.delete_cascade); END IF; commit; END IF; END; / show errors; CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE DELETE_ELEM_BY_REF (eltref ref xmltype, delete_cascade boolean default false) as type_name VARCHAR2(30); type_ref REF XMLTYPE; seq_ref REF XMLTYPE; choice_ref REF XMLTYPE; elem_arr XDB.XDB$XMLTYPE_REF_LIST_T; choice_list XDB.XDB$XMLTYPE_REF_LIST_T; BEGIN delete from xdb.xdb$element e where ref(e) = eltref returning, into type_name, type_ref; IF delete_cascade THEN IF type_ref IS NOT NULL THEN IF type_name = 'XDB$ENUM_T' THEN delete from xdb.xdb$simple_type s where ref(s) = type_ref; ELSE delete from xdb.xdb$complex_type c where ref(c) = type_ref returning c.xmldata.sequence_kid into seq_ref; IF seq_ref IS NOT NULL THEN delete from xdb.xdb$sequence_model m where ref(m) = seq_ref returning m.xmldata.elements, m.xmldata.choice_kids into elem_arr, choice_list; FOR i IN 1..elem_arr.last LOOP delete_elem_by_ref(elem_arr(i), true); END LOOP; IF choice_list IS NOT NULL THEN FOR i IN 1..choice_list.last LOOP choice_ref := choice_list(i); delete from xdb.xdb$choice_model m where ref(m) = choice_ref returning m.xmldata.elements into elem_arr; FOR i IN 1..elem_arr.last LOOP delete_elem_by_ref(elem_arr(i), true); END LOOP; END LOOP; END IF; END IF; END IF; END IF; END IF; END; / show errors; -- Find child element in a sequence by name create or replace function find_child(seq xdb.xdb$xmltype_ref_list_t, child varchar2) return ref xmltype as r ref xmltype; begin select ref(e) into r from xdb.xdb$element e where ref(e) in (select * from table(seq)) and = child; return r; exception when no_data_found then return null; end; / show errors; create or replace function find_child_with_model(parent ref xmltype, child varchar2, model out ref xmltype, model_type out varchar2) return ref xmltype as r ref xmltype; elems xdb.xdb$xmltype_ref_list_t; -- child elements choices xdb.xdb$xmltype_ref_list_t; -- choice elements begin -- Find child element under parent's elements and choices select ref(m), m.xmldata.elements, m.xmldata.choice_kids into model, elems, choices from xdb.xdb$element e, xdb.xdb$complex_type c, xdb.xdb$sequence_model m where ref(e) = parent and ref(c) in (e.xmldata.cplx_type_decl, and ref(m) = c.xmldata.sequence_kid; r := find_child(elems, child); if r is not null then model_type := 'xdb$sequence_model'; return r; end if; if choices is not null then for i in 1..choices.count loop select ref(m), m.xmldata.elements into model, elems from xdb.xdb$choice_model m where ref(m) = choices(i); r := find_child(elems, child); if r is not null then model_type := 'xdb$choice_model'; return r; end if; end loop; end if; return null; end; / show errors; -- Find child element under a parent element create or replace function find_element(schema_url varchar2, xpath varchar2, parent ref xmltype default null) return ref xmltype as r ref xmltype; elems xdb.xdb$xmltype_ref_list_t; -- child elements sep pls_integer; -- '/' separator child varchar2(80); -- child element name model ref xmltype; model_type varchar2(80); begin -- Find child name sep := instr(xpath, '/', 2); if (sep > 2) then child := substr(xpath, 2, sep-2); else child := substr(xpath, 2); end if; if parent is null then -- Find root element select s.xmldata.elements into elems from xdb.xdb$schema s where s.xmldata.schema_url = schema_url; r := find_child(elems, child); else -- Find child element under parent's elements and choices r := find_child_with_model(parent, child, model, model_type); end if; -- Keep traversing the xpath if this is not the leaf child if (sep > 2) then return find_element(null, substr(xpath, sep), r); end if; return r; end; / show errors; -- Generate type name with a sequence number create or replace function type_name(prefix varchar2, suffix varchar2) return varchar2 as name varchar2(80); begin select prefix || xdb.xdb$namesuff_seq.nextval || '_' || suffix into name from dual; return name; end; / show errors;