Rem Rem $Header: rdbms/admin/xdbu9202.sql /main/29 2009/04/06 20:28:12 badeoti Exp $ Rem Rem xdbu9202.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2002, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. Rem All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem xdbu9202.sql - XDB Upgrade from to 10.0.0. Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem Upgrades XDB from the release to 10.0.0. Rem Rem NOTES Rem None. Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem badeoti 03/19/09 - clean up 11.2 packages Rem mrafiq 06/29/07 - making it rerunnable Rem mrafiq 05/22/06 - making the revoke sql statement rerunnable Rem vkapoor 02/08/05 - bug 4169607 Rem spannala 09/24/04 - remove exception blocks from upgrade and Rem downgrade scripts Rem spannala 05/07/04 - prevent execution of xdbs9202 repetedly Rem spannala 04/12/04 - revoke select any table from xdb Rem thbaby 04/21/04 - add 10g upgrade Rem rmurthy 01/17/04 - add asm folder Rem spannala 12/29/03 - fix bug 3335998: create resource_oid_index Rem alakshmi 11/06/03 - Fix XML LCR schema upgrade Rem rmurthy 10/16/03 - temp fix for timefacet Rem rmurthy 11/10/03 - fix table alias Rem spannala 11/10/03 - bug#3237862 Rem rmurthy 10/16/03 - temp fix for timefacet Rem rmurthy 09/16/03 - add oid virtual folder Rem fge 08/06/03 - create index xdb.xdb_h_link_child_oid Rem spannala 08/25/03 - moving xdbptrl1 to the end of xdbs script. Rem spannala 08/22/03 - force removal of all schemas Rem spannala 08/21/03 - moving lcr upgrade from xdbs9202 to xdbu9202 Rem spannala 08/21/03 - prvtxdb depends on dbmsxdbt Rem spannala 06/24/03 - only load necessary pkgs before cleansga Rem spannala 06/16/03 - load xdbptrl1.sql so that new package defns are found Rem spannala 06/12/03 - call migrate correctly Rem spannala 06/12/03 - add call to revalidate all path index triggers Rem spannala 06/11/03 - adding call to cleansga Rem njalali 03/28/03 - dropping unneeded objects Rem njalali 02/11/03 - moving schema upgrades into xdbs9202.sql Rem nmontoya 02/14/03 - SET attributes TO null IN schema FOR schemas Rem njalali 01/23/03 - commenting out alter type temporarily Rem njalali 01/16/03 - add text type to schema for schemas Rem abagrawa 01/22/03 - Remove abstract, add final to simpletype Rem ataracha 12/02/02 - Add opqtype$ flag for out-of-line tables Rem abagrawa 12/16/02 - Alter xdb.xdb$facet_list_t to size 65535 Rem spannala 12/19/02 - fixing bug#2702653 Rem njalali 11/21/02 - njalali_migscripts_10i Rem njalali 11/18/02 - Created Rem update xdb.xdb$complex_type c set c.xmldata.attributes = null where = 'annotation'; update xdb.xdb$attribute a set = 'dateTime' where a.xmldata.prop_number = 2; -- Can be repeated, does not need status create or replace public synonym xdb$string_list_t for xdb.xdb$string_list_t; grant execute on xdb.xdb$string_list_t to public with grant option; --making this rerunnable create or replace procedure revoke_privileges as priv_not_granted EXCEPTION; PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(priv_not_granted, -1952); begin execute immediate 'revoke select any table from xdb'; exception when priv_not_granted then NULL; end; / show errors; call revoke_privileges(); Rem Do the necessary bootstrap schema upgrades first COLUMN :sch9202_name NEW_VALUE comp9202_file NOPRINT VARIABLE sch9202_name VARCHAR2(50) DECLARE a number; BEGIN select n into a from xdb.migr9202status; if a < 750 then :sch9202_name := '@xdbs9202.sql'; else :sch9202_name := '@nothing.sql'; end if; end; / select :sch9202_name from dual; @&comp9202_file; Rem Drop unneeded 9.2.0 objects drop package xdb.xdb$bootstrap; drop package xdb.xdb$bootstrapres; drop function xdb.xdb$insertcomplex; drop procedure xdb.rootschemamigrate; drop function xdb.xdb$insertChoice; Rem create secondary index on xdb$h_link.child_oid declare m integer; begin select n into m from xdb.migr9202status for update; if m < 760 then update xdb.migr9202status set n = 760; execute immediate 'create index xdb.xdb_h_link_child_oid on xdb.xdb$h_link(child_oid)'; end if; end; / Rem create resource oid index declare m integer; begin select n into m from xdb.migr9202status for update; if m < 800 then update xdb.migr9202status set n = 800; execute immediate 'create unique index xdb.xdb$resource_oid_index on XDB.XDB$RESOURCE e' || ' (sys_op_r2o(e.xmldata.xmlref))'; end if; end; / Rem Now clean up sga so that normal XDB operations to work Rem This clean out the main XDB SGA structure call xdb.dbms_xdbutil_int.CleanSGAForUpgrade(); Rem This cleans out the schemas out the schema cache alter system flush shared_pool; Rem Now we can call normal XDB operations like creation of folders Rem First create the /sys/apps folder Rem repeatable, does not use status DECLARE retval BOOLEAN := FALSE; ct NUMBER; BEGIN if (NOT DBMS_XDB.existsResource('/sys/apps')) then retval := DBMS_XDB.CREATEFOLDER('/sys/apps'); end if; IF retval THEN DBMS_XDB.SETACL('/sys/apps', '/sys/acls/bootstrap_acl.xml'); END IF; END; / commit; Rem Create OID virtual folder Rem This step is repeatable. declare ret boolean; begin ret := xdb.dbms_xdbutil_int.createSystemVirtualFolder('/sys/oid'); if ret then dbms_xdb.setacl('/sys/oid', '/sys/acls/bootstrap_acl.xml'); end if; exception when others then ret := FALSE; end; / commit; Rem Create ASM virtual folder Rem This step is repeatable. declare ret boolean; begin ret := xdb.dbms_xdbutil_int.createSystemVirtualFolder('/sys/asm'); if ret then dbms_xdb.setacl('/sys/asm', '/sys/acls/all_owner_acl.xml'); end if; exception when others then ret := FALSE; end; / commit; Rem Now migrate all tables to the new version of the path index trigger Rem This operation is repeatable, though expensive call xdb.dbms_xdbz0.migrate_pitrig(); Rem enable hierarchy on the xdb$config table, if not already enabled. Rem Repeatable, does not use status. begin IF NOT xdb.dbms_xdbz0.is_hierarchy_enabled_trig('XDB', 'XDB$CONFIG') THEN dbms_xdbz.enable_hierarchy('XDB', 'XDB$CONFIG'); END IF; end; / /* Upgrade LCR schema. This is strictly not a XDB bootstrap schema but * since we supply it in most cases, let's upgrade it. * The changes are as follows: * * A new global complexType has been added. * * * * * * * * * The element "extra_attribute_values" has been added to element "ROW_LCR" * * The element "extra_attribute_values" has been added to element "DDL_LCR" * * A new element "long_information" has been added to * complexType "column_value" */ -- This function returns true if the upgrade is necessary, false otherwise. create or replace function lcr_extval_needupg(schema_url IN VARCHAR2) return boolean as m integer; begin select count(*) into m from xdb.xdb$element e, xdb.xdb$schema s where s.xmldata.schema_url = schema_url and ref(s) = and = 'extra_attribute_values'; if m > 0 then return FALSE; else return TRUE; end if; end; / Rem Load catxlcr1.sql @@catxlcr1.sql create or replace procedure upgrade_lcr as lcr_schema_url varchar2(60); cnt integer; begin lcr_schema_url := lcr$_xml_schema.CONFIGURL; select count(*) into cnt from xdb.xdb$schema s where s.xmldata.schema_url = lcr_schema_url; if cnt > 0 and lcr_extval_needupg(lcr_schema_url) then -- Drop the existing schema. This is going to fail if there are -- dependent tables/schemas in which case users have to upgrade using -- CopyEvolve. dbms_xmlschema.DeleteSchema(lcr$_xml_schema.CONFIGURL, dbms_xmlschema.DELETE_RESTRICT); -- Register new schema dbms_xmlschema.registerSchema(schemaURL => lcr$_xml_schema.CONFIGURL, schemaDoc => lcr$_xml_schema.CONFIGXSD_10101, local => FALSE, genTypes => TRUE, genBean => FALSE, genTables => FALSE, force => FALSE); end if; end; / call upgrade_lcr(); -- drop the upgrade procedures drop function lcr_extval_needupg; drop procedure upgrade_lcr; -- Call 10.1 Upgrade @@xdbu101.sql