Rem Rem $Header: rdbms/admin/xdbu102.sql /st_rdbms_11.2.0/1 2011/06/07 12:30:50 juding Exp $ Rem Rem xdbu102.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2004, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. Rem All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem xdbu102.sql - xdb upgrade from 10.2 release to main. Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem XDB upgrade for 102 release Rem Rem NOTES Rem XDB Upgrade document Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem juding 05/26/11 - Backport badeoti_bug-10168805 from main Rem vhosur 02/15/10 - Fix for bug 9034494 Rem badeoti 12/21/09 - ensure limited acl table access privs for public Rem spetride 12/09/09 - print acl index status Rem badeoti 11/20/09 - load new package defns after xdbs102 Rem badeoti 03/20/09 - remove public synonyms for XDB internal packages Rem badeoti 12/15/08 - avoid any_path-conditioned selects from rv Rem sidicula 01/10/08 - Grants to dba, system Rem yifeng 11/12/07 - move creation of XDBResConfig schema to xdbs102 Rem rburns 08/22/07 - add 11g XDB up/down scripts Rem rangrish 07/10/07 - WS roles added/removed Rem mrafiq 05/08/07 - fix for bug 5900481 Rem vkapoor 05/09/07 - bug 5769835 Rem vkapoor 04/27/07 - lrg 2941734 Rem vkapoor 04/16/07 - bug 5640175 Rem mrafiq 04/10/07 - adding XDS_ACE and XDS_ACL Rem rpang 12/01/06 - anonymousServletRole for static/anonymous DADs Rem mrafiq 11/08/06 - grant all to xdbadmin on xdb$config Rem spetride 11/12/06 - check if xmltr.xsd.1.0 already registered Rem vmedi 08/16/06 - reset disable-validation event Rem vkapoor 07/25/06 - Bug 5371725 Rem thbaby 07/10/06 - revoke execute on dbms_sys_sql Rem rmurthy 06/12/06 - add prvtxdz2.plb Rem pnath 05/17/06 - document links upgrade Rem pnath 04/13/06 - add document link trigger to all hierarchy Rem enable xmltype tables Rem petam 05/25/06 - remove digest allow-mechanism from upgrade Rem bkhaladk 04/25/06 - add the translation schema Rem pbelknap 03/26/06 - report framework servlet upgrade Rem petam 04/07/06 - fix XS upgrade to go after ResConfig Rem pknaggs 03/24/06 - add Extensible Security Class Catalog Views. Rem abagrawa 03/16/06 - Move token manager upgrade to xdbs102 Rem taahmed 02/27/06 - security classes for system, dav, and security Rem class Rem thbaby 02/21/06 - Add NFS info into root_info Rem vkapoor 01/25/05 - NFS upgrade changes Rem nitgupta 02/07/06 - Drop Token MGR tables and recreate Rem sidicula 01/18/06 - Adding protocol info into rootinfo Rem smalde 12/19/05 - Contentsize upgrade/downgrade Rem taahmed 01/27/06 - downgrade XS schemas Rem taahmed 01/18/06 - Upgrade for extensible security Rem thbaby 01/06/06 - drop procedure xdb.setmodflg Rem mrafiq 10/10/05 - creating xdbresconfig schema for upgrade Rem sidicula 06/29/05 - sidicula_le Rem fge 10/27/04 - Created Rem -- First upgrade the schemas, if necessary COLUMN :sch102_name NEW_VALUE comp102_file NOPRINT VARIABLE sch102_name VARCHAR2(50) DECLARE a number; BEGIN select n into a from xdb.migr9202status; if a < 750 then :sch102_name := '@xdbs102.sql'; else :sch102_name := '@nothing.sql'; end if; end; / select :sch102_name from dual; @&comp102_file; Rem 8440074: reload packages @@xdbptrl1.sql grant all on xdb.xdb$config to xdbadmin; grant select, insert, update, delete on XDB.XDB$ACL to public; commit; Rem TODO - We should do the XDBCONFIG Upgrade here Rem Add new servlets declare cfg_data XMLTYPE; begin cfg_data := dbms_xdb.cfg_get(); -- Report framework servlet SELECT appendchildxml( cfg_data, '/xdbconfig/sysconfig/protocolconfig/httpconfig/webappconfig' || '/servletconfig/servlet-mappings', xmltype( ' /orarep/* ReportFmwkServlet ')) INTO cfg_data FROM dual; SELECT appendchildxml( cfg_data, '/xdbconfig/sysconfig/protocolconfig/httpconfig/webappconfig' || '/servletconfig/servlet-list', xmltype( ' ReportFmwkServlet C REPT Servlet for accessing reports authenticatedUser authenticatedUser ')) INTO cfg_data FROM dual; -- Set anonymousServletRole security-role-ref for PL/SQL servlets using -- static or anonymous authentication, which have database-username set. SELECT appendchildxml( deletexml( cfg_data, '/xdbconfig/sysconfig/protocolconfig/httpconfig/webappconfig' || '/servletconfig/servlet-list/servlet[plsql/database-username]'|| '/security-role-ref'), '/xdbconfig/sysconfig/protocolconfig/httpconfig/webappconfig' || '/servletconfig/servlet-list/servlet[plsql/database-username]', xmltype( ' anonymousServletRole anonymousServletRole ')) INTO cfg_data FROM dual; dbms_xdb.cfg_update(cfg_data); end; / Rem Update ROOT_INFO with protocol info -- A simple select first to check the values select extractValue(value(e), '/xdbconfig/sysconfig/protocolconfig/ftpconfig/ftp-port'), extractValue(value(e), '/xdbconfig/sysconfig/protocolconfig/ftpconfig/ftp-protocol'), extractValue(value(e), '/xdbconfig/sysconfig/protocolconfig/httpconfig/http-port'), extractValue(value(e), '/xdbconfig/sysconfig/protocolconfig/httpconfig/http-protocol'), extractValue(value(e), '/xdbconfig/sysconfig/protocolconfig/httpconfig/http-host'), extractValue(value(e), '/xdbconfig/sysconfig/protocolconfig/httpconfig/http2-port'), extractValue(value(e), '/xdbconfig/sysconfig/protocolconfig/httpconfig/http2-protocol'), extractValue(value(e), '/xdbconfig/sysconfig/protocolconfig/httpconfig/http2-host'), extractValue(value(e), '/xdbconfig/sysconfig/protocolconfig/nfsconfig/nfs-port'), extractValue(value(e), '/xdbconfig/sysconfig/protocolconfig/nfsconfig/nfs-protocol') from xdb.xdb$config e; update xdb.xdb$root_info set (ftp_port, ftp_protocol, http_port, http_protocol, http_host, http2_port, http2_protocol, http2_host, nfs_port, nfs_protocol) = (select extractValue(value(e), '/xdbconfig/sysconfig/protocolconfig/ftpconfig/ftp-port'), extractValue(value(e), '/xdbconfig/sysconfig/protocolconfig/ftpconfig/ftp-protocol'), extractValue(value(e), '/xdbconfig/sysconfig/protocolconfig/httpconfig/http-port'), extractValue(value(e), '/xdbconfig/sysconfig/protocolconfig/httpconfig/http-protocol'), extractValue(value(e), '/xdbconfig/sysconfig/protocolconfig/httpconfig/http-host'), extractValue(value(e), '/xdbconfig/sysconfig/protocolconfig/httpconfig/http2-port'), extractValue(value(e), '/xdbconfig/sysconfig/protocolconfig/httpconfig/http2-protocol'), extractValue(value(e), '/xdbconfig/sysconfig/protocolconfig/httpconfig/http2-host'), extractValue(value(e), '/xdbconfig/sysconfig/protocolconfig/nfsconfig/nfs-port'), extractValue(value(e), '/xdbconfig/sysconfig/protocolconfig/nfsconfig/nfs-protocol') from xdb.xdb$config e); commit; -- Set inline trigger flag on hierarchically enabled tables for -- content size. -- Set table dependant flags on hierarchically enabled tables declare cursor mycur is SELECT object_name, object_owner, function FROM dba_policies v WHERE (policy_name LIKE '%xdbrls%' OR policy_name LIKE '%$xd_%'); begin for myrec in mycur loop if myrec.function = 'CHECKPRIVRLS_SELECTPF' then xdb.dbms_xdbz0.set_delta_calc_inline_trigflag ( myrec.object_name, myrec.object_owner, TRUE, FALSE ); xdb.dbms_xdbz0.update_table_dependant_flags ( myrec.object_name, myrec.object_owner, 0); elsif myrec.function = 'CHECKPRIVRLS_SELECTPROPF' then xdb.dbms_xdbz0.update_table_dependant_flags ( myrec.object_name, myrec.object_owner, 0); end if; end loop; end; / -- Upgrading from 10.2 OR VCR flags with 700. -- This is done for version controlled resources. -- Bug 9034494 update xdb.xdb$resource t set t.xmldata.flags = utl_raw.bit_or('700',t.xmldata.flags) where t.xmldata.versionid is not NULL; Rem Initialize document links support @@catxdbdl.sql drop package xdb.xdb$bootstrap; drop package xdb.xdb$bootstrapres; -- The fix for 4931915, which went into 11g, modified setmodflg (defined in -- prvtxdbz.sql) and moved it from the xdb schema to the sys schema. Hence, -- drop procedure in xdb schema during upgrade. drop procedure xdb.setmodflg; -- dbms_sys_sql is not needed by xdb create or replace procedure revoke_priv as priv_not_granted EXCEPTION; PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(priv_not_granted, -1952); begin execute immediate 'revoke execute on sys.dbms_sys_sql from xdb'; exception when priv_not_granted then NULL; end; / show errors; Rem Create dbms_metadata_hack @@catxdbh -- add the translation schema for clob declare TRXSD BFILE := dbms_metadata_hack.get_bfile('xmltr.xsd.11.0'); TRURL VARCHAR2(2000) := ''; isreg NUMBER; begin select count(*) into isreg from xdb.xdb$schema s where s.xmldata.schema_url = TRURL; if (isreg > 0) then return; end if; xdb.dbms_xmlschema.registerSchema(TRURL, TRXSD, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, 'XDB'); end; / drop package dbms_metadata_hack; -- acl index setup @@prvtxdz2.plb -- check the ACL index status select index_name, status from dba_indexes where table_name='XDB$ACL' and owner='XDB'; /* * Updates for XDB DEFAULT CONFIG */ -- (Re-)Insert the authentication element into xdbconfig.xml declare auth_count INTEGER := 0; auth_frag xmltype; cfg xmltype; begin cfg := dbms_xdb.cfg_get(); begin select 1 into auth_count from dual where XMLExists( 'declare namespace c = ""; /c:xdbconfig/c:sysconfig/c:protocolconfig/c:httpconfig/c:authentication' PASSING cfg); exception when no_data_found then null; end; -- enable INSERTXMLBEFORE, APPENDCHILDXML, DELETEXML(4) -- Turn on rewrite for updxml/delxml/insertxml over collections(128) execute immediate 'alter session set events ''19027 trace name context forever, level 132'' '; if auth_count = 0 then auth_frag := xmltype('basic300'); else -- extract authentication fragment for later re-insertion dbms_output.put_line('authentication fragment existed, deleting'); auth_frag := cfg.extract('/xdbconfig/sysconfig/protocolconfig/httpconfig/authentication'); select deletexml (cfg, '/c:xdbconfig/c:sysconfig/c:protocolconfig/c:httpconfig/c:authentication', 'xmlns:c=""') into cfg from dual; end if; dbms_output.put_line('inserting authentication fragment'); select insertchildxml (cfg, '/c:xdbconfig/c:sysconfig/c:protocolconfig/c:httpconfig', 'authentication', auth_frag, 'xmlns:c=""') into cfg from dual; dbms_output.put_line('updating xdbconfig doc'); dbms_xdb.cfg_update(cfg); end; / commit; create or replace view XDS_ACL (ACLID, SHARED, DESCRIPTION, SECURITY_CLASS_NS, SECURITY_CLASS_NAME, PARENT_ACL_PATH, INHERITANCE_TYPE) as select a.object_id, substr(extractvalue(a.object_value, '/acl/@shared', 'xmlns=""'), 1, 5), extractvalue(a.object_value, '/acl/@description', 'xmlns=""'), xmlquery('declare namespace a=""; fn:namespace-uri-from-QName(fn:data(/a:acl/a:security-class))' PASSING OBJECT_VALUE returning content), xmlquery('declare namespace a=""; fn:local-name-from-QName(fn:data(/a:acl/a:security-class))' PASSING OBJECT_VALUE returning content), CASE existsNode(a.object_value, '/acl/extends-from', 'xmlns=""') WHEN 1 THEN extractvalue(a.object_value, '/acl/extends-from/@href', 'xmlns=""') ELSE (CASE existsNode(a.object_value, '/acl/constrained-with', 'xmlns=""') WHEN 1 THEN extractvalue(a.object_value, '/acl/constrained-with/@href', 'xmlns=""') ELSE NULL END) END, CASE existsNode(a.object_value, '/acl/extends-from', 'xmlns=""') WHEN 1 THEN 'extends-from' ELSE (CASE existsNode(a.object_value, '/acl/constrained-with', 'xmlns=""') WHEN 1 THEN 'constrained-with' ELSE NULL END) END FROM XDB.XDB$ACL a; create or replace public synonym XDS_ACL for XDS_ACL; grant select on XDS_ACL to PUBLIC; comment on table XDS_ACL is 'All ACLs that are visible to the current user in the database' / comment on column XDS_ACL.ACLID is 'The ACL ID of an ACL' / comment on column XDS_ACL.SHARED is 'Whether this ACL is shared or not' / comment on column XDS_ACL.DESCRIPTION is 'The ACL description' / comment on column XDS_ACL.SECURITY_CLASS_NS is 'The namespace of the Security Class' / comment on column XDS_ACL.SECURITY_CLASS_NAME is 'The name of the Security Class' / comment on column XDS_ACL.PARENT_ACL_PATH is 'The path of its parent ACL' / comment on column XDS_ACL.INHERITANCE_TYPE is 'The inhertance type, i.e. constrained-with or extends-from' / create or replace view XDS_ACE (ACLID, START_DATE, END_DATE, IS_GRANT, INVERT, PRINCIPAL, PRIVILEGE) as select a.object_id, extractvalue(value(b), '/ace/@start_date', 'xmlns=""'), extractvalue(value(b), '/ace/@end_date', 'xmlns=""'), substr(extractvalue(value(b), '/ace/grant', 'xmlns=""'), 1, 5), CASE existsNode(value(b), '/ace/invert', 'xmlns=""') WHEN 1 THEN 'true' ELSE 'false' END, CASE existsNode(value(b), '/ace/invert', 'xmlns=""') WHEN 1 THEN extractvalue(value(b), '/ace/invert/principal', 'xmlns=""') ELSE extractvalue(value(b), '/ace/principal', 'xmlns=""') END, extract(value(b), '/ace/privilege', 'xmlns=""') from xdb.xdb$acl a, table(XMLSequence(extract(a.object_value, '/acl/ace'))) b; create or replace public synonym XDS_ACE for XDS_ACE; grant select on XDS_ACE to PUBLIC; comment on table XDS_ACE is 'All ACEs in ACLs that are visible to the current user in the database' / comment on column XDS_ACE.ACLID is 'The ACL ID of an ACL' / comment on column XDS_ACE.START_DATE is 'The start_date attribute of the ACE' / comment on column XDS_ACE.END_DATE is 'The end_date attribute of the ACE' / comment on column XDS_ACE.IS_GRANT is 'true if this is a grant ACE, false otherwise' / comment on column XDS_ACE.INVERT is 'true if this ACE contains invert principal, false otherwise' / comment on column XDS_ACE.PRINCIPAL is 'The principal in this ACE' / comment on column XDS_ACE.PRIVILEGE is 'The privileges in this ACE' / DECLARE c number; BEGIN select count(*) into c from ALL_SCHEDULER_JOB_CLASSES where JOB_CLASS_NAME = 'XMLDB_NFS_JOBCLASS'; if c = 0 then dbms_scheduler.create_job_class( job_class_name => 'SYS.XMLDB_NFS_JOBCLASS', logging_level => DBMS_SCHEDULER.LOGGING_FAILED_RUNS); end if; select count(*) into c from ALL_SCHEDULER_JOBS where JOB_NAME = 'XMLDB_NFS_CLEANUP_JOB'; if c = 0 then dbms_scheduler.create_job( job_name => 'SYS.XMLDB_NFS_CLEANUP_JOB' , job_type=>'STORED_PROCEDURE', job_action=>'xdb.dbms_xdbutil_int.cleanup_expired_nfsclients', job_class=>'SYS.XMLDB_NFS_JOBCLASS', repeat_interval=>'Freq=minutely;interval=5'); end if; execute immediate 'delete from noexp$ where name = :1' using 'XMLDB_NFS_JOBCLASS'; execute immediate 'insert into noexp$ (owner, name, obj_type) values(:1, :2, :3)' using 'SYS', 'XMLDB_NFS_JOBCLASS', '68'; end; / -- Remove old roles declare dropped_role EXCEPTION; PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(dropped_role, -01919); begin execute immediate 'drop role XDBWEBSERVICES'; execute immediate 'drop role XDBWEBSERVICESWITHPUBLIC'; execute immediate 'drop role XDBWEBSERVICESOVERHTTP'; exception when dropped_role then NULL; end; / -- Add new roles declare role_exists EXCEPTION; PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(role_exists, -01921); begin execute immediate 'create role XDB_WEBSERVICES'; execute immediate 'create role XDB_WEBSERVICES_WITH_PUBLIC'; execute immediate 'create role XDB_WEBSERVICES_OVER_HTTP'; exception when role_exists then NULL; end; / -- Explicit grants to DBA,System; "any" privileges are no more applicable for -- XDB tables. Listing these specifically since there are certain tables -- for which we dont grant full access by default even to DBA & System. -- (eg, purely-dictionary tables like XDB$SCHEMA, XDB$TTSET etc.) grant all on XDB.XDB$RESOURCE to dba; grant all on XDB.XDB$RESOURCE to system with grant option; grant all on XDB.XDB$H_INDEX to dba; grant all on XDB.XDB$H_INDEX to system with grant option; grant all on XDB.XDB$H_LINK to dba; grant all on XDB.XDB$H_LINK to system with grant option; grant all on XDB.XDB$D_LINK to dba; grant all on XDB.XDB$D_LINK to system with grant option; grant all on XDB.XDB$NLOCKS to dba; grant all on XDB.XDB$NLOCKS to system with grant option; grant all on XDB.XDB$WORKSPACE to dba; grant all on XDB.XDB$WORKSPACE to system with grant option; grant all on XDB.XDB$CHECKOUTS to dba; grant all on XDB.XDB$CHECKOUTS to system with grant option; grant all on XDB.XDB$ACL to dba; grant all on XDB.XDB$ACL to system with grant option; grant all on XDB.XDB$CONFIG to dba; grant all on XDB.XDB$CONFIG to system with grant option; grant all on XDB.XDB$RESCONFIG to dba; grant all on XDB.XDB$RESCONFIG to system with grant option; -- ensure that public has limited privileges on acl table revoke all on XDB.XDB$ACL from public; grant select, insert, update, delete on XDB.XDB$ACL to public; commit; declare suf varchar2(26); stmt varchar2(2000); begin select toksuf into suf from xdb.xdb$ttset where flags = 0; stmt := 'grant all on XDB.X$PT' || suf || ' to DBA'; execute immediate stmt; stmt := 'grant all on XDB.X$PT' || suf || ' to SYSTEM WITH GRANT OPTION'; execute immediate stmt; end; / commit; -- Invoke upgrade to subsequent releases @@xdbu111.sql -- check the ACL index status select index_name, status from dba_indexes where table_name='XDB$ACL' and owner='XDB';