Rem Rem $Header: xdbu101.sql 10-jul-2007.11:20:06 rangrish Exp $ Rem Rem xdbu101.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2004, 2007, Oracle. All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem xdbu101.sql - xdb upgrade from 10.1 relese to 10.2 Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem XDB upgrade for the 101. release Rem Rem NOTES Rem XDB Upgrade document. Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem rangrish 07/10/07 - add roles for WS Rem mrafiq 06/29/07 - making it rerunnable Rem vkapoor 01/25/05 - Adding 102 upgrade script Rem sidicula 06/24/05 - Update migrstatus to 1000 Rem sidicula 06/24/05 - Call xdbu102 Rem pnath 06/16/05 - set default ftp and http ports to 0 Rem rmurthy 03/08/05 - fix namespaces for bootstrapped schemas Rem thbaby 02/16/05 - set acl of xdbconfig.xml by all_owner_acl.xml Rem abagrawa 02/08/05 - Protect xdbconfig.xml by xdbadmin role Rem vkapoor 01/13/05 - LRG 1804464 Rem spannala 05/22/04 - adjust status to match the one in xdbs101 Rem spannala 05/07/04 - prevent execution of xdbs101 repetedly Rem thbaby 04/26/04 - thbaby_https Rem thbaby 04/21/04 - Created Rem -- First upgrade the schemas, if necessary COLUMN :sch101_name NEW_VALUE comp101_file NOPRINT VARIABLE sch101_name VARCHAR2(50) DECLARE a number; BEGIN select n into a from xdb.migr9202status; if a < 750 then :sch101_name := '@xdbs101.sql'; else :sch101_name := '@nothing.sql'; end if; end; / select :sch101_name from dual; @&comp101_file; -- Protect xdbconfig.xml with the xdbadmin role -- First revoke privileges from public, and make sure xdbadmin has all priv revoke all on xdb.xdb$config from public; grant all on xdb.xdb$config to xdbadmin ; -- set the acl of xdbconfig.xml to all_owner_acl.xml -- no need to modify migrate status since setacl is an idempotent opern DECLARE acl_abspath VARCHAR2(200); b_abspath VARCHAR(20) := '/xdbconfig.xml'; BEGIN acl_abspath := '/sys/acls/all_owner_acl.xml'; dbms_xdb.setAcl(b_abspath, acl_abspath); END; / declare a number; begin select n into a from xdb.migr9202status; if a < 900 then dbms_xdb.setftpport(0); dbms_xdb.sethttpport(0); update xdb.migr9202status set n = 900; commit; end if; end; / drop package xdb.xdb$bootstrap; drop package xdb.xdb$bootstrapres; -- Fix namespace array for bootstrapped schemas -- First create the function that converts namespace array to internal -- pickled form (same as the one defined in catxdbdt.sql during install) -- This is an idempotent operation. create or replace function xdb.xdb$getPickledNS (nsuri IN VARCHAR2, pfx IN VARCHAR2) return raw is external name "GET_PICKLED_NS" language C library XMLSCHEMA_LIB with context parameters (context, nsuri STRING, nsuri INDICATOR sb4, nsuri LENGTH sb4, pfx STRING, pfx INDICATOR sb4, pfx LENGTH sb4, return LENGTH sb4, return INDICATOR sb4, return); / -- update namespace array for schema for schemas and resource schema update xdb.xdb$schema e set e.xmlextra = sys.xmltypeextra( sys.xmltypepi( xdb.xdb$getpickledns( '', null), xdb.xdb$getpickledns( '', 'xdb'), xdb.xdb$getpickledns( '', 'xdbres') ), null) where e.object_id = '6C3FCF2D9D354DC1E03408002087A0B7' or e.object_id = '8758D485E6004793E034080020B242C6'; commit; drop function xdb.xdb$getPickledNS; update xdb.migr9202status set n = 1500; -- Add roles for WS declare role_exists EXCEPTION; PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(role_exists, -01921); begin execute immediate 'create role XDBWEBSERVICES'; execute immediate 'create role XDBWEBSERVICESWITHPUBLIC'; execute immediate 'create role XDBWEBSERVICESOVERHTTP'; exception when role_exists then NULL; end; / commit; -- Call script to upgrade from 10.2 to subsequent releases @@xdbu102