Rem Rem $Header: rdbms/admin/xdbs9202.sql /main/29 2010/06/23 09:59:36 badeoti Exp $ Rem Rem xdbs9202.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2003, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. Rem All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem xdbs9202.sql - XDB Upgrade Schemas from Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem Upgrades the bootstrap schemas from to 10.1 and onward Rem Rem NOTES Rem None. Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem badeoti 05/18/10 - lrg 4616786: xmltype table flags in sys.opqtype Rem badeoti 04/19/10 - Bug 9591348 Rem samane 10/24/09 - Bug 8609997 Rem sidicula 02/23/09 - Fix 9201 schema-for-schemas Rem mrafiq 08/16/07 - remove 'alter type reset' for facet list Rem yifeng 06/11/07 - lrg 3002028: set event 22838 to allow dbms_sql Rem update SYS_NC columns directly Rem kquinn 06/14/05 - 4421376: use event 10519 Rem vkapoor 04/13/05 - Bug 4294239 Rem vkapoor 02/11/05 - LRG 1828813 Rem spannala 05/04/04 - enabling 10g upgrade Rem thbaby 01/30/04 - adding 10g upgrade Rem spannala 12/29/03 - fixing bug 3335694: refcount property is Rem read-only in 10g Rem abagrawa 11/10/03 - Uncomment facet_list_t increase Rem spannala 10/21/03 - move creation of migr9202status to xdbdbmig Rem spannala 09/11/03 - status at the end of 9202 upgrade can be 600 Rem najain 08/19/03 - add HierSchmResource property Rem spannala 08/25/03 - moving xdbptrl1 to the end of xdbs9202.sql Rem spannala 08/21/03 - moving lcr upgrade to copy-evolve Rem sichandr 07/10/03 - fix LCR upgrade for new element Rem athusoo 07/21/03 - Change the PD for lu and partition elements Rem spannala 07/15/03 - lcr_migrate update Rem spannala 07/09/03 - Add complex types to the base schema Rem spannala 07/03/03 - upgrade for schemaLocation-mappings Rem spannala 06/26/03 - moving lcr upgrade down Rem spannala 06/24/03 - remove enable_hierarchy Rem sidicula 06/17/03 - LCR upgrade should use status > 480 Rem spannala 06/17/03 - Disable hierarchy on config for upgrade Rem athusoo 06/17/03 - config upgrade fixes Rem spannala 06/16/03 - removing linebreaks from hex numbers Rem athusoo 06/16/03 - add missing quote Rem athusoo 05/15/03 - Upgrade support for xdbcore-xobmem-bound Rem and xdbcore-loadableunit-size parameters Rem sidicula 05/01/03 - ACL schema should be upgraded only if necessary Rem sidicula 03/14/03 - ACL Schema upgrade Rem sichandr 03/26/03 - upgrade LCR schema Rem njalali 02/21/03 - njalali_bug-2796015 Rem njalali 02/11/03 - Created Rem alter session set events '22838 trace name context forever'; /* Update information for XMLType Table/Columns */ update opqtype$ op set op.flags = utl_raw.cast_to_binary_integer ( utl_raw.bit_or ( utl_raw.cast_from_binary_integer(op.flags), utl_raw.cast_from_binary_integer(32) ) ) where (op.obj#, op.intcol#) in (select opq.obj#, opq.intcol# from obj$ o, user$ u, xdb.xdb$element e, sys.opqtype$ opq, col$ c where o.owner#=u.user# and e.xmldata.default_table is not null and e.xmldata.sql_inline = '00' and = '00' and = e.xmldata.default_table_schema and = e.xmldata.default_table and opq.obj# = o.obj# and c.obj# = opq.obj# and c.intcol# = opq.intcol# and bitand(, 512) = 512 /* rowinfo column */ ); -- Procedure to make sure we ignore exceptions in case facet_list -- is already 64K. -- We check for exception 22324 and then make sure exception PLS-00728 -- was also thrown. PLS-00728 is exception -- "the limit of a VARRAY can only be increased..." create or replace procedure increase_facet_list_size as facet_max_limit EXCEPTION; PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(facet_max_limit, -22324); begin execute immediate 'alter type xdb.xdb$facet_list_t modify limit ' || '65535 cascade including table data'; exception when facet_max_limit then if (SQLERRM like '%PLS-00728%') then NULL; else RAISE; end if; end; / show errors; Rem Allow ALTER TYPE RESET alter session set events '10519 trace name context forever'; Rem Alter the faect list type to have 64k elements instead of 1000 Rem as it used to have in 9i declare m integer; begin select n into m from xdb.migr9202status for update; if (m < 410) then execute immediate 'alter type xdb.xdb$simplecont_ext_t compile specification reuse settings'; execute immediate 'alter type xdb.xdb$complex_derivation_t compile specification reuse settings'; execute immediate 'alter type xdb.xdb$content_t compile specification reuse settings'; execute immediate 'update xdb.migr9202status set n = 410'; execute immediate 'commit'; end if; increase_facet_list_size(); end; / alter session set events '10519 trace name context off'; Rem XML DB doesn't support the presence of empty varrays, but we get one Rem as a result of a bug in the schema for schema Rem bootstrapping process. update xdb.xdb$complex_type c set c.xmldata.attributes = null where = 'annotation'; Rem Function to insert new bootstrap schema elements create or replace function xdb.xdb$insertElement( parent_schema ref sys.xmltype, prop_number integer, name varchar2, typename xdb.xdb$qname, min_occurs integer, max_occurs integer, mem_byte_length raw, mem_type_code raw, system raw, mutable raw, fixed raw, sqlname varchar2, sqltype varchar2, sqlschema varchar2, java_type xdb.xdb$javatype, default_value varchar2, smpl_type_decl ref sys.xmltype, type_ref ref sys.xmltype, propref_name xdb.xdb$qname, propref_ref ref sys.xmltype, subs_group xdb.xdb$qname, num_cols integer, nillable raw, final_info xdb.xdb$derivationChoice, block xdb.xdb$derivationChoice, abstract raw, mem_inline raw, sql_inline raw, java_inline raw, maintain_dom raw, default_table varchar2, table_storage varchar2, java_classname varchar2, bean_classname varchar2, global raw, base_sqlname varchar2, cplx_type_decl ref sys.xmltype, subs_group_refs xdb.xdb$xmltype_ref_list_t, sqlcolltype varchar2 := null, sqlcollschema varchar2 := null, hidden raw := null, transient xdb.xdb$transientChoice := null, baseprop raw := null ) return ref sys.xmltype is elem_i xdb.xdb$element_t; elem_ref ref sys.xmltype; begin elem_i := xdb.xdb$element_t( xdb.xdb$property_t(null,parent_schema,prop_number, name,typename, mem_byte_length,mem_type_code,system, mutable,null, sqlname,sqltype,sqlschema,java_type, default_value,smpl_type_decl,type_ref, propref_name,propref_ref, null, null, global,null, sqlcolltype, sqlcollschema, hidden, transient, null, baseprop), subs_group,num_cols,nillable, final_info,block,abstract, mem_inline,sql_inline,java_inline, maintain_dom,default_table,'XDB', table_storage,java_classname,bean_classname, base_sqlname,cplx_type_decl, subs_group_refs, null, min_occurs,to_char(max_occurs), null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null); execute immediate 'insert into xdb.xdb$element e (xmldata) values (:1) returning ref(e) into :2' using elem_i returning into elem_ref; return elem_ref; end; / show errors; create or replace function xdb.xdb$insertAttr( parent_schema ref sys.xmltype, prop_number integer, name varchar2, typename xdb.xdb$qname, min_occurs integer, max_occurs integer, mem_byte_length raw, mem_type_code raw, system raw, mutable raw, fixed raw, sqlname varchar2, sqltype varchar2, sqlschema varchar2, java_type xdb.xdb$javatype, default_value varchar2, smpl_type_decl ref sys.xmltype, type_ref ref sys.xmltype, propref_name xdb.xdb$qname, propref_ref ref sys.xmltype, sqlcolltype varchar2 := null, sqlcollschema varchar2 := null, hidden raw := null, transient xdb.xdb$transientChoice := null, baseprop raw := null ) return ref sys.xmltype is attr_i xdb.xdb$property_t; attr_ref ref sys.xmltype; begin attr_i := xdb.xdb$property_t(null,parent_schema,prop_number,name, typename, mem_byte_length,mem_type_code, system,mutable,null, sqlname,sqltype,sqlschema,java_type, default_value,smpl_type_decl,type_ref, propref_name, propref_ref, null, null,null,null,sqlcolltype,sqlcollschema, hidden, transient, null, baseprop); execute immediate 'insert into xdb.xdb$attribute a (xmldata) values (:1) returning ref(a) into :2' using attr_i returning into attr_ref; return attr_ref; end; / show errors; Rem Add FINAL_INFO to XDB.XDB$SIMPLE_T Rem STAUS NUMBER USED 420 declare m integer; rc integer; cur integer; begin select n into m from xdb.migr9202status for update; if (m < 420) then cur := dbms_sql.open_cursor; dbms_sql.parse( cur, 'alter type xdb.xdb$simple_t add attribute ("FINAL_INFO" XDB.XDB$DERIVATIONCHOICE) cascade', dbms_sql.native); rc := dbms_sql.execute(cur); dbms_sql.close_cursor(cur); update xdb.migr9202status set n = 420; commit; end if; end; / Rem Add the 'text' element and 'final' attribute to the schema for schemas Rem Repeatable -- does not use status declare T_CLOB CONSTANT RAW(2) :='70'; PN_TOTAL_PROPNUMS CONSTANT INTEGER := 271; PN_SIMPLE_FINAL CONSTANT INTEGER := 270; TRUE CONSTANT RAW(1) := '1'; FALSE CONSTANT RAW(1) := '0'; TR_STRING CONSTANT xdb.xdb$qname := xdb.xdb$qname('00', 'string'); JT_STREAM CONSTANT xdb.xdb$javatype := xdb.xdb$javatype('a'); schels xdb.xdb$xmltype_ref_list_t; num_props integer; schref REF sys.xmltype; T_ENUM CONSTANT RAW(2) :='103'; JT_ENUM CONSTANT xdb.xdb$javatype := xdb.xdb$javatype('f'); drv_choice_ref ref sys.xmltype; attlist xdb.xdb$xmltype_ref_list_t; begin -- Add the new property only if it wasn't already added select s.xmldata.num_props into num_props from xdb.xdb$schema s where s.xmldata.schema_url = ''; if num_props = 269 then select ref(s) into schref from xdb.xdb$schema s where s.xmldata.schema_url = ''; -- Insert the 'text' element select s.xmldata.elements into schels from xdb.xdb$schema s where s.xmldata.schema_url = ''; schels.extend(); schels(14) := xdb.xdb$insertElement( schref, 269, 'text', TR_STRING, 0, null, null, T_CLOB, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, null, null,null,JT_STREAM, null, null,null,null,null, null, 0, FALSE, null, null, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, null, null, null, null, TRUE, null, null, null); update xdb.xdb$schema s set s.xmldata.elements = schels, s.xmldata.num_props = PN_TOTAL_PROPNUMS where s.xmldata.schema_url = ''; -- Insert the 'final' attribute select c.xmldata.attributes into attlist from xdb.xdb$complex_type c where = 'simpleType' and c.xmldata.parent_schema = schref for update; select ref(s) into drv_choice_ref from xdb.xdb$simple_type s where = 'derivationChoice' and s.xmldata.parent_schema = schref; attlist.extend(); attlist(5) := xdb.xdb$insertAttr(schref, PN_SIMPLE_FINAL, 'final', xdb.xdb$qname('01', 'derivationChoice'), 0, 1, null, T_ENUM, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, 'FINAL_INFO', 'XDB$DERIVATIONCHOICE', 'XDB', JT_ENUM, null, null, drv_choice_ref,null,null); execute immediate 'update xdb.xdb$complex_type c set c.xmldata.attributes = :1 where = ''simpleType'' and c.xmldata.parent_schema = :2' using attlist, schref; commit; end if; end; / show errors Rem Output should be '271' select s.xmldata.num_props from xdb.xdb$schema s where s.xmldata.schema_url = ''; Rem Fix schema-for-schemas in DBs upgraded from 9201 Rem Order of elements in complex type should be choice,seq,group,all, Rem simpleCont, complexCont, attribute, attributeGrp, anyAttribute declare ck xdb.xdb$xmltype_ref_list_t; ell xdb.xdb$xmltype_ref_list_t; ell2 xdb.xdb$xmltype_ref_list_t; oldsch integer; begin select s.xmldata.choice_kids into ck from xdb.xdb$sequence_model s where ref(s) = (select c.xmldata.sequence_kid from xdb.xdb$complex_type c where'complexType' and c.xmldata.parent_schema= (select ref(sc) from xdb.xdb$schema sc where sc.xmldata.schema_url='') ); execute immediate 'select ch.xmldata.elements from xdb.xdb$choice_model ch where ref(ch)=:1' into ell using ck(1); execute immediate 'select case when''all'' then 1 else 0 end from xdb.xdb$element e where ref(e)=:1' into oldsch using ell(1); if oldsch=1 then ell2 := xdb.xdb$xmltype_ref_list_t(); ell2.extend(6); ell2(1) := ell(2); ell2(2) := ell(3); ell2(3) := ell(4); ell2(4) := ell(1); ell2(5) := ell(5); ell2(6) := ell(6); execute immediate 'update xdb.xdb$choice_model ch set ch.xmldata.elements=:1 where ref(ch)=:2' using ell2, ck(1); end if; execute immediate 'select ch.xmldata.elements from xdb.xdb$choice_model ch where ref(ch)=:1' into ell using ck(2); execute immediate 'select case when''anyAttribute'' then 1 else 0 end from xdb.xdb$element e where ref(e)=:1' into oldsch using ell(2); if oldsch=1 then ell2 := xdb.xdb$xmltype_ref_list_t(); ell2.extend(3); ell2(1) := ell(1); ell2(2) := ell(3); ell2(3) := ell(2); execute immediate 'update xdb.xdb$choice_model ch set ch.xmldata.elements=:1 where ref(ch)=:2' using ell2, ck(2); end if; end; / Rem ACL Schema Upgrade Rem STATUS NUMBER USED 450 declare schema_ref REF SYS.XMLTYPE; st_ref REF SYS.XMLTYPE; pf_ref REF SYS.XMLTYPE; col_ref REF SYS.XMLTYPE; ACL_NUMPROPS CONSTANT INTEGER := 32; m integer; numprops integer; begin select n into m from xdb.migr9202status for update; if (m < 450) then select s.xmldata.num_props into numprops from xdb.xdb$schema s where s.xmldata.schema_url=''; if (numprops < ACL_NUMPROPS) then select ref(s) into schema_ref from xdb.xdb$schema s where s.xmldata.schema_url=''; insert into xdb.xdb$simple_type e (e.xmlextra, e.xmldata) values (SYS.XMLTYPEEXTRA(SYS.XMLTYPEPI( '4E0020687474703A2F2F7777772E77332E6F72672F323030312F584D4C536368656D61', '500003786462001B687474703A2F2F786D6C6E732E6F7261636C652E636F6D2F786462', '50000678646261636C0023687474703A2F2F786D6C6E732E6F7261636C652E636F6D2F7864622F61636C2E787364'), SYS.XMLTYPEPI('523030')), XDB.XDB$SIMPLE_T(XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T('23020000000106'), schema_ref, NULL, '00',XDB.XDB$SIMPLE_DERIVATION_T(XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T('330008020000118B8003'), NULL, XDB.XDB$QNAME('00', 'string'), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, XDB.XDB$FACET_LIST_T(XDB.XDB$FACET_T(XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T('130200000102'), NULL, 'ShortName', '00', NULL), XDB.XDB$FACET_T(XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T('130200000102'), NULL, 'DistinguishedName', '00', NULL), XDB.XDB$FACET_T(XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T('130200000102'), NULL, 'GUID', '00', NULL)), NULL, NULL), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)) returning ref(e) into st_ref; insert into xdb.xdb$attribute e (e.xmlextra, e.xmldata) values (SYS.XMLTYPEEXTRA(SYS.XMLTYPEPI( '4E0020687474703A2F2F7777772E77332E6F72672F323030312F584D4C536368656D61', '500003786462001B687474703A2F2F786D6C6E732E6F7261636C652E636F6D2F786462', '50000678646261636C0023687474703A2F2F786D6C6E732E6F7261636C652E636F6D2F7864622F61636C2E787364'), SYS.XMLTYPEPI('523030')), XDB.XDB$PROPERTY_T(XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T('439A3828020000041913010809181B03150B0C0D07'), schema_ref, xdb.xdb$propnum_seq.nextval, 'principalFormat', NULL, NULL, '0103', '00', '00', NULL, 'principalFormat', 'XDB$ENUM_T', 'XDB', NULL, NULL, st_ref, st_ref, NULL, NULL, XDB.XDB$USECHOICE('00'), NULL, '00', NULL, NULL, NULL, '00', XDB.XDB$TRANSIENTCHOICE('01'), NULL, '00')) returning ref(e) into pf_ref; insert into xdb.xdb$attribute e (e.xmlextra, e.xmldata) values (SYS.XMLTYPEEXTRA(SYS.XMLTYPEPI( '4E0020687474703A2F2F7777772E77332E6F72672F323030312F584D4C536368656D61', '500003786462001B687474703A2F2F786D6C6E732E6F7261636C652E636F6D2F786462', '50000678646261636C0023687474703A2F2F786D6C6E732E6F7261636C652E636F6D2F7864622F61636C2E787364'), SYS.XMLTYPEPI('523030')), XDB.XDB$PROPERTY_T(XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T('43B81828020000040519130809181B03150B0C07'), schema_ref, xdb.xdb$propnum_seq.nextval, 'collection', XDB.XDB$QNAME('00', 'boolean'), NULL, 'FC', '00', '00', NULL, 'collection', 'RAW', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, XDB.XDB$USECHOICE('00'), NULL, '00', NULL, NULL, NULL, '00', XDB.XDB$TRANSIENTCHOICE('01'), NULL, '00')) returning ref(e) into col_ref; update xdb.xdb$complex_type c set c.xmldata.attributes=XDB.XDB$XMLTYPE_REF_LIST_T(col_ref, pf_ref), c.xmldata.sys_xdbpd$=XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T('330801060000038880020D0E131112') where ref(c)=(select from xdb.xdb$element e where'ace' and; update xdb.xdb$schema s set s.xmldata.num_props=ACL_NUMPROPS where s.xmldata.schema_url=''; end if; update xdb.migr9202status set n = 450; commit; end if; end; / -- Config schema -- GRANT SELECT ON xdb.xdb$config TO PUBLIC; Rem disable hierarchy on config so that it does call the update trigger Rem Repeatable does not use status. call dbms_xdbz.disable_hierarchy('XDB', 'XDB$CONFIG'); -- Create a procedure to get the type name and schema given schema url -- and element name create or replace procedure element_type(schema_url IN varchar2, element_name IN varchar2, type_owner out varchar2, type_name out varchar2) as qry varchar2(4000); cur integer; rc integer; begin qry := 'select, ' || 'from xdb.xdb$element e, xdb.xdb$schema s ' || 'where = :a ' || 'and = ref(s) ' || 'and s.xmldata.schema_url = :b'; cur := dbms_sql.open_cursor; dbms_sql.parse(cur, qry, dbms_sql.native); dbms_sql.bind_variable(cur, ':a', element_name); dbms_sql.bind_variable(cur, ':b', schema_url); dbms_sql.define_column(cur, 1, type_owner, 30); dbms_sql.define_column(cur, 2, type_name, 30); rc := dbms_sql.execute(cur); IF dbms_sql.fetch_rows(cur) > 0 THEN dbms_sql.column_value(cur, 1, type_owner); dbms_sql.column_value(cur, 2, type_name); ELSE dbms_sql.close_cursor(cur); dbms_output.put_line('XDBNB: no element type, url=' || schema_url || ', elem=' || element_name); RETURN; END IF; dbms_sql.close_cursor(cur); END; / show errors; create or replace procedure alt_type_add_attribute(type_owner IN varchar2, type_name IN varchar2, attr_string IN varchar2) as cur integer; rc integer; begin cur := dbms_sql.open_cursor; dbms_sql.parse( cur, 'ALTER TYPE ' || dbms_assert.enquote_name(type_owner, false) || '.' || dbms_assert.enquote_name(type_name, false) || ' ADD ATTRIBUTE (' || attr_string || ') CASCADE', dbms_sql.native); rc := dbms_sql.execute(cur); dbms_sql.close_cursor(cur); end; / show errors; create or replace function det_inst_schm_map( schema_url IN varchar2) return boolean as elem_arr XDB.XDB$XMLTYPE_REF_LIST_T; name VARCHAR2(1000); lastref REF XMLTYPE; begin select m.xmldata.elements into elem_arr from xdb.xdb$sequence_model m where ref(m) = (select c.xmldata.sequence_kid from xdb.xdb$complex_type c where ref(c)= (select e.xmldata.cplx_type_decl from xdb.xdb$element e, xdb.xdb$schema s where'extension-mappings' and = ref(s) and s.xmldata.schema_url=schema_url)) ; lastref := elem_arr(elem_arr.last); select into name from xdb.xdb$element e where ref(e) = lastref; if name = 'xml-extensions' then return FALSE; else return TRUE; end if; end; / show errors; create or replace procedure update_config as cur INTEGER; rc INTEGER; owner_var_sc VARCHAR2(30); type_var_sc VARCHAR2(30); colname_xmb VARCHAR2(100); colname_lus VARCHAR2(100); elem_ref_xmb REF SYS.XMLTYPE; elem_ref_lus REF SYS.XMLTYPE; elem_ref_nspc REF SYS.XMLTYPE; elem_ref_elem REF SYS.XMLTYPE; elem_ref_surl REF SYS.XMLTYPE; elem_ref_slmp REF SYS.XMLTYPE; elem_ref_slms REF SYS.XMLTYPE; type_ref_cpxt1 REF SYS.XMLTYPE; type_ref_cpxt2 REF SYS.XMLTYPE; xml_ext_seq_mod_ref REF SYS.XMLTYPE; xml_ext_cmplx_typ_ref REF SYS.XMLTYPE; elem_arr XDB.XDB$XMLTYPE_REF_LIST_T; extmap_seq_ref REF SYS.XMLTYPE; extension_element_ref REF SYS.XMLTYPE; xml_ext_elt_ref REF SYS.XMLTYPE; elem_data XDB.XDB$ELEMENT_T; elem_extra SYS.XMLTYPEEXTRA; m integer; sch_ref ref sys.xmltype; ext_type_ref ref sys.xmltype; ellist xdb.xdb$xmltype_ref_list_t; ellist2 xdb.xdb$xmltype_ref_list_t; seq_ref ref sys.xmltype; sysconf_seq_ref ref sys.xmltype; out varchar2(10000); cplx_list xdb.xdb$xmltype_ref_list_t; attr1 varchar2(1000); attr1_nm varchar2(1000); attr1_ty varchar2(1000); attr2 varchar2(1000); attr2_nm varchar2(1000); attr2_ty varchar2(1000); create_type_str varchar2(1000); type_name varchar2(1000); config_schema_url varchar2(100); inst_schm_map boolean; begin -- The schema url of config config_schema_url := ''; -- determine if there is a need to install schema mappings inst_schm_map := det_inst_schm_map(config_schema_url); -- get the 'sysconfig' object type element_type(config_schema_url, 'sysconfig', owner_var_sc, type_var_sc); -- Add the 'xdbcore-xobmem-bound' element to the 'sysconfig' object type select n into m from xdb.migr9202status for update; if (m < 460) then update xdb.migr9202status set n = 460; -- The alter type ddl will commit the above update alt_type_add_attribute(owner_var_sc, type_var_sc, '"xdbcore-xobmem-bound" NUMBER(10)'); end if; -- Add the 'xdbcore-loadableunit-size' to sysconfig object type select n into m from xdb.migr9202status for update; if (m < 461) then update xdb.migr9202status set n = 461; alt_type_add_attribute(owner_var_sc, type_var_sc, '"xdbcore-loadableunit-size" NUMBER(10)'); end if; -- Create type 'schemaLocation-mapping26_T' select n into m from xdb.migr9202status for update; if (m < 470) then update xdb.migr9202status set n = 470; if inst_schm_map then create_type_str := 'create or replace type ' || dbms_assert.enquote_name(owner_var_sc, false) || '.' || '"schemaLocation-mapping26_T" as object ( ' || 'sys_xdbpd$ xdb.xdb$raw_list_t, ' || '"namespace" varchar2(4000 char), ' || '"element" varchar2(4000 char), ' || '"schemaURL" varchar2(4000 char))'; execute immediate create_type_str; else commit; end if; end if; -- Create type 'schemaLocation-mappi27_COLL' select n into m from xdb.migr9202status for update; if (m < 471) then update xdb.migr9202status set n = 471; if inst_schm_map then create_type_str := 'create or replace type ' || dbms_assert.enquote_name(owner_var_sc, false) || '.' || '"schemaLocation-mappi27_COLL" as VARRAY(2147483647) OF'|| ' "' || owner_var_sc || '".' || '"schemaLocation-mapping26_T"'; execute immediate create_type_str; else commit; end if; end if; -- Create type 'schemaLocation-mapping-25_T' select n into m from xdb.migr9202status for update; if (m < 472) then update xdb.migr9202status set n = 472; if inst_schm_map then type_name := dbms_assert.enquote_name(owner_var_sc, false) || '."schemaLocation-mapping-25_T"'; attr1 := 'SYS_XDBPD$ XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T'; attr2_nm := '"schemaLocation-mapping"'; attr2_ty := dbms_assert.enquote_name(owner_var_sc, false) || '."schemaLocation-mappi27_COLL"'; attr2 := attr2_nm || ' '|| attr2_ty; create_type_str := 'create or replace type ' || type_name || 'as object ('|| attr1 || ', ' || attr2 || ') NOT FINAL'; execute immediate create_type_str; else commit; end if; end if; -- add type 'schemaLocation-mapping-25_T' to sysconfig type select n into m from xdb.migr9202status for update; if (m < 473) then update xdb.migr9202status set n = 473; if inst_schm_map then alt_type_add_attribute(owner_var_sc, type_var_sc, '"schemaLocation-mappings" "' || owner_var_sc || '".' || '"schemaLocation-mapping-25_T"'); else commit; end if; end if; -- Create type 'extension29_COLL' select n into m from xdb.migr9202status for update; if (m < 474) then update xdb.migr9202status set n = 474; if inst_schm_map then create_type_str := 'create or replace type ' || dbms_assert.enquote_name(owner_var_sc, false) || '."extension29_COLL" as ' || 'VARRAY(2147483647) of VARCHAR2(4000 CHAR)'; -- this will auto commit and udpate the status execute immediate create_type_str; else commit; end if; end if; -- Create type "xml-extension-type28_T" select n into m from xdb.migr9202status for update; if (m < 475) then update xdb.migr9202status set n = 475; if inst_schm_map then create_type_str := 'create or replace type ' || dbms_assert.enquote_name(owner_var_sc, false) || '."xml-extension-type28_T" as object(' || 'SYS_XDBPD$ xdb.XDB$RAW_LIST_T,' || ' "extension" ' || dbms_assert.enquote_name(owner_var_sc, false) || '."extension29_COLL")'; -- this will auto commit and this udpate the status execute immediate create_type_str; else commit; end if; end if; -- Now alter the extension-mappings type in extension-mappings -- to add the "extensions" if(m < 476) then update xdb.migr9202status set n = 476; if inst_schm_map then element_type(config_schema_url, 'extension-mappings', owner_var_sc, type_var_sc); alt_type_add_attribute(owner_var_sc, type_var_sc, '"xml-extensions" "' || owner_var_sc || '"."xml-extension-type28_T"'); else commit; end if; end if; select n into m from xdb.migr9202status for update; if (m < 480) then -- get the schema ref select ref(s) into sch_ref from xdb.xdb$schema s where s.xmldata.schema_url = config_schema_url; -- Insert the new element definitions into XDB.XDB$ELEMENT. insert into xdb.xdb$element e (e.xmlextra, e.xmldata) values (SYS.XMLTYPEEXTRA(SYS.XMLTYPEPI('4E0020687474703A2F2F7777772E77332E6F72672F323030312F584D4C536368656D61', '500004786462630029687474703A2F2F786D6C6E732E6F7261636C652E636F6D2F7864622F786462636F6E6669672E787364', '500003786462001B687474703A2F2F786D6C6E732E6F7261636C652E636F6D2F786462'), SYS.XMLTYPEPI('523030')), XDB.XDB$ELEMENT_T(XDB.XDB$PROPERTY_T(XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T('83F898200080030400000004050F320809181B23262A343503150B0C0706272928'), sch_ref, xdb.xdb$propnum_seq.nextval, 'xdbcore-xobmem-bound', XDB.XDB$QNAME('00', 'unsignedInt'), '04', '44', '00', '00', NULL, 'xdbcore-xobmem-bound', 'NUMBER', NULL, NULL, '1024', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '00', NULL, NULL, NULL, '00', NULL, NULL, '00'), NULL, NULL, '00', NULL, NULL, '00', '01', '01', '01', '01', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '00', '01', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)) returning ref(e) into elem_ref_xmb; insert into xdb.xdb$element e (e.xmlextra, e.xmldata) values (SYS.XMLTYPEEXTRA(SYS.XMLTYPEPI('4E0020687474703A2F2F7777772E77332E6F72672F323030312F584D4C536368656D61', '500004786462630029687474703A2F2F786D6C6E732E6F7261636C652E636F6D2F7864622F786462636F6E6669672E787364', '500003786462001B687474703A2F2F786D6C6E732E6F7261636C652E636F6D2F786462'), SYS.XMLTYPEPI('523030')), XDB.XDB$ELEMENT_T(XDB.XDB$PROPERTY_T(XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T('83F898200080030400000004050F320809181B23262A343503150B0C0706272928'), sch_ref, xdb.xdb$propnum_seq.nextval, 'xdbcore-loadableunit-size', XDB.XDB$QNAME('00', 'unsignedInt'), '04', '44', '00', '00', NULL, 'xdbcore-loadableunit-size', 'NUMBER', NULL, NULL, '16', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '00', NULL, NULL, NULL, '00', NULL, NULL, '00'), NULL, NULL, '00', NULL, NULL, '00', '01', '01', '01', '01', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '00', '01', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)) returning ref(e) into elem_ref_lus; -- Upgrade stuff added in install to the config -- Since we do not know if these elements exist, we cannot depend -- on the config status for this upgrade if inst_schm_map then -- Add the complex type for schemaLocation-mapping-type insert into xdb.xdb$element e (e.xmlextra, e.xmldata) values (SYS.XMLTYPEEXTRA(SYS.XMLTYPEPI('4E0020687474703A2F2F7777772E77332E6F72672F323030312F584D4C536368656D61', '500004786462630029687474703A2F2F786D6C6E732E6F7261636C652E636F6D2F7864622F786462636F6E6669672E787364', '500003786462001B687474703A2F2F786D6C6E732E6F7261636C652E636F6D2F786462'), SYS.XMLTYPEPI('523030')), XDB.XDB$ELEMENT_T(XDB.XDB$PROPERTY_T(XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T('83B818200080030000000004050809181B23262A32343503150B0C07272928'), sch_ref, xdb.xdb$propnum_seq.nextval, 'namespace', XDB.XDB$QNAME('00', 'string'), NULL, '01', '00', '00', NULL, 'namespace', 'VARCHAR2', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '00', NULL, NULL, NULL, '00', NULL, NULL, '00'), NULL, NULL, '00', NULL, NULL, '00', '01', '01', '01', '01', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '00', '01', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)) returning ref(e) into elem_ref_nspc; insert into xdb.xdb$element e (e.xmlextra, e.xmldata) values (SYS.XMLTYPEEXTRA(SYS.XMLTYPEPI('4E0020687474703A2F2F7777772E77332E6F72672F323030312F584D4C536368656D61', '500004786462630029687474703A2F2F786D6C6E732E6F7261636C652E636F6D2F7864622F786462636F6E6669672E787364', '500003786462001B687474703A2F2F786D6C6E732E6F7261636C652E636F6D2F786462'), SYS.XMLTYPEPI('523030')), XDB.XDB$ELEMENT_T(XDB.XDB$PROPERTY_T(XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T('83B818200080030000000004050809181B23262A32343503150B0C07272928'), sch_ref, xdb.xdb$propnum_seq.nextval, 'element', XDB.XDB$QNAME('00', 'string'), NULL, '01', '00', '00', NULL, 'element', 'VARCHAR2', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '00', NULL, NULL, NULL, '00', NULL, NULL, '00'), NULL, NULL, '00', NULL, NULL, '00', '01', '01', '01', '01', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '00', '01', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)) returning ref(e) into elem_ref_elem; insert into xdb.xdb$element e (e.xmlextra, e.xmldata) values (SYS.XMLTYPEEXTRA(SYS.XMLTYPEPI('4E0020687474703A2F2F7777772E77332E6F72672F323030312F584D4C536368656D61', '500004786462630029687474703A2F2F786D6C6E732E6F7261636C652E636F6D2F7864622F786462636F6E6669672E787364', '500003786462001B687474703A2F2F786D6C6E732E6F7261636C652E636F6D2F786462'), SYS.XMLTYPEPI('523030')), XDB.XDB$ELEMENT_T(XDB.XDB$PROPERTY_T(XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T('83B818200080030000000004050809181B23262A32343503150B0C07272928'), sch_ref, xdb.xdb$propnum_seq.nextval, 'schemaURL', XDB.XDB$QNAME('00', 'string'), NULL, '01', '00', '00', NULL, 'schemaURL', 'VARCHAR2', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '00', NULL, NULL, NULL, '00', NULL, NULL, '00'), NULL, NULL, '00', NULL, NULL, '00', '01', '01', '01', '01', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '00', '01', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)) returning ref(e) into elem_ref_surl; ellist := xdb.xdb$xmltype_ref_list_t(); ellist.extend(3); ellist(1) := elem_ref_nspc; ellist(2) := elem_ref_elem; ellist(3) := elem_ref_surl; insert into xdb.xdb$sequence_model m (m.xmlextra, m.xmldata) values (SYS.XMLTYPEEXTRA(SYS.XMLTYPEPI('4E0020687474703A2F2F7777772E77332E6F72672F323030312F584D4C536368656D61', '500004786462630029687474703A2F2F786D6C6E732E6F7261636C652E636F6D2F7864622F786462636F6E6669672E787364', '500003786462001B687474703A2F2F786D6C6E732E6F7261636C652E636F6D2F786462'), SYS.XMLTYPEPI('523030')), XDB.XDB$MODEL_T(XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T('230200000081800307'), sch_ref, 0, NULL, ellist, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)) returning ref(m) into seq_ref; insert into xdb.xdb$complex_type c (c.xmlextra, c.xmldata) values (SYS.XMLTYPEEXTRA(SYS.XMLTYPEPI('4E0020687474703A2F2F7777772E77332E6F72672F323030312F584D4C536368656D61', '500004786462630029687474703A2F2F786D6C6E732E6F7261636C652E636F6D2F7864622F786462636F6E6669672E787364', '500003786462001B687474703A2F2F786D6C6E732E6F7261636C652E636F6D2F786462'), SYS.XMLTYPEPI('523030')), XDB.XDB$COMPLEX_T(XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T('330800060000030D0E131112'), sch_ref, NULL, NULL, '00', '00', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, seq_ref, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'schemaLocation-mapping26_T', 'XDB', '01', NULL, NULL, NULL)) returning ref(c) into type_ref_cpxt1; insert into xdb.xdb$element e (e.xmlextra, e.xmldata) values (SYS.XMLTYPEEXTRA(SYS.XMLTYPEPI('4E0020687474703A2F2F7777772E77332E6F72672F323030312F584D4C536368656D61', '500004786462630029687474703A2F2F786D6C6E732E6F7261636C652E636F6D2F7864622F786462636F6E6669672E787364', '500003786462001B687474703A2F2F786D6C6E732E6F7261636C652E636F6D2F786462'), SYS.XMLTYPEPI('523030')), XDB.XDB$ELEMENT_T(XDB.XDB$PROPERTY_T(XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T('839838E01080030C0000000432331C0809181B23262A343503150B0C0D072729281617'), sch_ref, xdb.xdb$propnum_seq.nextval, 'schemaLocation-mapping', NULL, NULL, '0102', '00', '00', NULL, 'schemaLocation-mapping', 'schemaLocation-mapping26_T', 'XDB', NULL, NULL, NULL, type_ref_cpxt1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '00', NULL, 'schemaLocation-mappi27_COLL', 'XDB', '00', NULL, NULL, '00'), NULL, NULL, '00', NULL, NULL, '00', '00', '01', '00', '01', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, type_ref_cpxt1, NULL, NULL, 0, 'unbounded', '00', '01', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)) returning ref(e) into elem_ref_slmp; ellist2 := xdb.xdb$xmltype_ref_list_t(); ellist2.extend(1); ellist2(1) := elem_ref_slmp; insert into xdb.xdb$sequence_model m (m.xmlextra, m.xmldata) values (SYS.XMLTYPEEXTRA(SYS.XMLTYPEPI('4E0020687474703A2F2F7777772E77332E6F72672F323030312F584D4C536368656D61', '500004786462630029687474703A2F2F786D6C6E732E6F7261636C652E636F6D2F7864622F786462636F6E6669672E787364', '500003786462001B687474703A2F2F786D6C6E732E6F7261636C652E636F6D2F786462'), SYS.XMLTYPEPI('523030')), XDB.XDB$MODEL_T(XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T('23020000000107'), sch_ref, 0, NULL, ellist2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)) returning ref(m) into seq_ref; insert into xdb.xdb$complex_type c (c.xmlextra, c.xmldata) values (SYS.XMLTYPEEXTRA(SYS.XMLTYPEPI('4E0020687474703A2F2F7777772E77332E6F72672F323030312F584D4C536368656D61', '500004786462630029687474703A2F2F786D6C6E732E6F7261636C652E636F6D2F7864622F786462636F6E6669672E787364', '500003786462001B687474703A2F2F786D6C6E732E6F7261636C652E636F6D2F786462'), SYS.XMLTYPEPI('523030')), XDB.XDB$COMPLEX_T(XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T('3308100600000C030D0E131112'), sch_ref, NULL, 'schemaLocation-mapping-type', '00', '00', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, seq_ref, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'schemaLocation-mapping-25_T', 'XDB', '01', NULL, NULL,NULL)) returning ref(c) into type_ref_cpxt2; insert into xdb.xdb$element e (e.xmlextra, e.xmldata) values (SYS.XMLTYPEEXTRA(SYS.XMLTYPEPI('4E0020687474703A2F2F7777772E77332E6F72672F323030312F584D4C536368656D61', '500004786462630029687474703A2F2F786D6C6E732E6F7261636C652E636F6D2F7864622F786462636F6E6669672E787364', '500003786462001B687474703A2F2F786D6C6E732E6F7261636C652E636F6D2F786462'), SYS.XMLTYPEPI('523030')), XDB.XDB$ELEMENT_T(XDB.XDB$PROPERTY_T(XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T('83B83820008003040000000405320809181B23262A343503150B0C0D07272928'), sch_ref, xdb.xdb$propnum_seq.nextval, 'schemaLocation-mappings', XDB.XDB$QNAME('01', 'schemaLocation-mapping-type'), NULL, '0102', '00', '00', NULL, 'schemaLocation-mappings', 'schemaLocation-mapping-25_T', 'XDB', NULL, NULL, NULL, type_ref_cpxt2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '00', NULL, NULL, NULL, '00', NULL, NULL, '00'), NULL, NULL, '00', NULL, NULL, '00', '00', '01', '00', '01', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '00', '01', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)) returning ref(e) into elem_ref_slms; -- select the ref to simple type 'exttype' select ref(sim) into ext_type_ref from xdb.xdb$simple_type sim, xdb.xdb$schema sch where sim.xmldata.parent_schema = ref(sch) and sch.xmldata.schema_url = config_schema_url and = 'exttype'; -- insert the element into xdb.xdb$element insert into xdb.xdb$element e (e.xmlextra, e.xmldata) values( XMLTYPEEXTRA(XMLTYPEPI('4E0020687474703A2F2F7777772E77332E6F72672F323030312F584D4C536368656D61', '500004786462630029687474703A2F2F786D6C6E732E6F7261636C652E636F6D2F7864622F786462636F6E6669672E787364', '500003786462001B687474703A2F2F786D6C6E732E6F7261636C652E636F6D2F786462'), XMLTYPEPI('523029')), xdb.XDB$ELEMENT_T(xdb.XDB$PROPERTY_T(xdb.XDB$RAW_LIST_T('83B818E00080030C000000040532330809181B23262A343503150B0C072729281617'), sch_ref, xdb.xdb$propnum_seq.nextval, 'extension', xdb.XDB$QNAME('01', 'exttype'), NULL, '01', '00', '00', NULL, 'extension', 'VARCHAR2', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, ext_type_ref, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '00', NULL, 'extension29_COLL', 'XDB', '00', NULL, NULL, '00'), NULL, NULL, '00', NULL, NULL, '00', '01', '01', '01', '01', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 'unbounded', '00', '01', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)) returning ref(e) into extension_element_ref; -- now insert the element into xdb.xdb$sequence_model insert into xdb.xdb$sequence_model m (m.xmlextra, m.xmldata) values( XMLTYPEEXTRA(XMLTYPEPI('4E0020687474703A2F2F7777772E77332E6F72672F323030312F584D4C536368656D61', '500004786462630029687474703A2F2F786D6C6E732E6F7261636C652E636F6D2F7864622F786462636F6E6669672E787364', '500003786462001B687474703A2F2F786D6C6E732E6F7261636C652E636F6D2F786462'), XMLTYPEPI('523030')), XDB.XDB$MODEL_T(XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T('23020000000107'), sch_ref, 0, NULL, XDB.XDB$XMLTYPE_REF_LIST_T(extension_element_ref), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)) returning ref(m) into xml_ext_seq_mod_ref; -- now insert the element into xdb.xdb$complex_type insert into xdb.xdb$complex_type c (c.xmlextra, c.xmldata) values( XMLTYPEEXTRA(XMLTYPEPI('4E0020687474703A2F2F7777772E77332E6F72672F323030312F584D4C536368656D61', '500004786462630029687474703A2F2F786D6C6E732E6F7261636C652E636F6D2F7864622F786462636F6E6669672E787364', '500003786462001B687474703A2F2F786D6C6E732E6F7261636C652E636F6D2F786462'), XMLTYPEPI('523030')), XDB.XDB$COMPLEX_T(XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T('3308100600000C030D0E131112'), sch_ref, NULL, 'xml-extension-type', '00', '00', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, xml_ext_seq_mod_ref, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'xml-extension-type28_T', 'XDB', '01', NULL, NULL, NULL)) returning ref(c) into xml_ext_cmplx_typ_ref; -- insert the actual element with the above complex type insert into xdb.xdb$element e (e.xmlextra, e.xmldata) values( XMLTYPEEXTRA(XMLTYPEPI('4E0020687474703A2F2F7777772E77332E6F72672F323030312F584D4C536368656D61', '500004786462630029687474703A2F2F786D6C6E732E6F7261636C652E636F6D2F7864622F786462636F6E6669672E787364', '500003786462001B687474703A2F2F786D6C6E732E6F7261636C652E636F6D2F786462'), XMLTYPEPI('523030')), XDB.XDB$ELEMENT_T(XDB.XDB$PROPERTY_T(XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T('83B83820008003040000000405320809181B23262A343503150B0C0D07272928'), sch_ref, xdb.xdb$propnum_seq.nextval, 'xml-extensions', XDB.XDB$QNAME('01', 'xml-extension-type'), NULL, '0102', '00', '00', NULL, 'xml-extensions', 'xml-extension-type28_T', 'XDB', NULL, NULL, NULL, xml_ext_cmplx_typ_ref, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '00', NULL, NULL, NULL, '00', NULL, NULL, '00'), NULL, NULL, '00', NULL, NULL, '00', '00', '01', '00', '01', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '00', '01', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)) returning ref(e) into xml_ext_elt_ref; -- Get the list of complex types select s.xmldata.complex_types into cplx_list from xdb.xdb$schema s where s.sys_nc_oid$ = sys_op_r2o(sch_ref); cplx_list.extend(2); cplx_list(cplx_list.last -1) := xml_ext_cmplx_typ_ref; cplx_list(cplx_list.last) := type_ref_cpxt2; update xdb.xdb$schema s set s.xmldata.sys_xdbpd$ = xdb.xdb$raw_list_t('43163C8600050084010084020184030202081820637573746F6D697A6564206572726F7220706167657320020A3E20706172616D6574657220666F72206120736572766C65743A206E616D652C2076616C7565207061697220616E642061206465736372697074696F6E20200B0C110482800A01131416120A170D'), s.xmldata.complex_types = cplx_list where ref(s) = sch_ref; -- Get the varray of element refs in the "extension-mappings" sequence select c.xmldata.sequence_kid into extmap_seq_ref from xdb.xdb$complex_type c where ref(c)= (select e.xmldata.cplx_type_decl from xdb.xdb$element e, xdb.xdb$schema s where'extension-mappings' and = ref(s) and s.xmldata.schema_url= config_schema_url); select m.xmldata.elements into elem_arr from xdb.xdb$sequence_model m where ref(m) = extmap_seq_ref for update; -- add the 'xml-extensions' element elem_arr.extend(1); elem_arr(elem_arr.last) := xml_ext_elt_ref; update xdb.xdb$sequence_model m set m.xmldata.elements = elem_arr, m.xmldata.SYS_XDBPD$ = XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T('230200000081800507') where ref(m) = extmap_seq_ref; end if; -- end if inst_schm_map -- Get the VARRAY of element REFs in the sysconfig sequence select c.xmldata.sequence_kid into sysconf_seq_ref from xdb.xdb$complex_type c where ref(c)= (select e.xmldata.cplx_type_decl from xdb.xdb$element e, xdb.xdb$schema s where'sysconfig' and = ref(s) and s.xmldata.schema_url= config_schema_url); select m.xmldata.elements into elem_arr from xdb.xdb$sequence_model m where ref(m) = sysconf_seq_ref for update; -- schemaLocation-mappings element occurs before the loadableunit-size -- and xobmem-bound if inst_schm_map then elem_arr.extend(1); elem_arr(elem_arr.last) := elem_ref_slms; end if; -- now insert the two new elements. elem_arr.extend(2); elem_arr(elem_arr.last-1) := elem_ref_xmb; elem_arr(elem_arr.last) := elem_ref_lus; -- Update the VARRAY of element refs in the sysconfig sequence and fix -- the PD to reflect the added entries. -- This will change if the PD format changes. The PD can be obtained by -- selecting it from the corresponding row in a 10.0 DB. -- This will also change if the number of entries in 'elem_arr' changes. update xdb.xdb$sequence_model m set m.xmldata.elements = elem_arr, m.xmldata.SYS_XDBPD$ = XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T('23020002000200182067656E65726963205844422070726F706572746965732002101E2070726F746F636F6C2073706563696669632070726F706572746965732081801107') where ref(m) = sysconf_seq_ref; -- Now populate the new columns in the XDB.XDB$CONFIG table select into colname_xmb from col$ c, obj$ o, attrcol$ a where c.obj#=o.obj# and'XDB$CONFIG' and o.owner#=(select user# from user$ where name='XDB') and c.intcol#=a.intcol# and a.obj#=o.obj# and'"XMLDATA"."sysconfig"."xdbcore-xobmem-bound"'; select into colname_lus from col$ c, obj$ o, attrcol$ a where c.obj#=o.obj# and'XDB$CONFIG' and o.owner#=(select user# from user$ where name='XDB') and c.intcol#=a.intcol# and a.obj#=o.obj# and'"XMLDATA"."sysconfig"."xdbcore-loadableunit-size"'; cur := dbms_sql.open_cursor; dbms_sql.parse( cur, 'update xdb.xdb$config c set c.' || DBMS_ASSERT.ENQUOTE_NAME(colname_xmb, false) || ' = 1024, c.' || DBMS_ASSERT.ENQUOTE_NAME(colname_lus, false) || ' = 16', dbms_sql.native); rc := dbms_sql.execute(cur); dbms_sql.close_cursor(cur); update xdb.migr9202status set n = 480; commit; end if; -- end if m < 480 end; / show errors; call update_config(); -- drop all the temporary procedures created. drop procedure increase_facet_list_size; drop procedure update_config; drop function det_inst_schm_map; drop procedure alt_type_add_attribute; drop procedure element_type; declare PN_RES_HIERSCHMRES CONSTANT INTEGER := 744; PN_RES_TOTAL_PROPNUMS CONSTANT INTEGER := 44; TRUE CONSTANT RAW(1) := '1'; FALSE CONSTANT RAW(1) := '0'; TR_BOOLEAN xdb.xdb$qname := xdb.xdb$qname('00', 'boolean'); T_BOOLEAN RAW(2) :='fc'; /* DTYBOL */ JT_BOOLEAN xdb.xdb$javatype := xdb.xdb$javatype('8'); TRANSIENT_GENERATED CONSTANT xdb.xdb$transientChoice := xdb.xdb$transientChoice('01'); attlist xdb.xdb$xmltype_ref_list_t; sch_ref REF SYS.XMLTYPE; numprops number; begin -- get the Resource schema's REF select ref(s) into sch_ref from xdb.xdb$schema s where s.xmldata.schema_url = ''; -- Set the 'Lock', 'Flags' and 'RefCount' Properties to be Read-Only -- This operation is repeatable and does not use status update xdb.xdb$element e set = '01' where = sch_ref and in ('RefCount', 'Lock', 'Flags'); -- Has the property already been added select s.xmldata.num_props into numprops from xdb.xdb$schema s where ref(s) = sch_ref; IF (numprops != PN_RES_TOTAL_PROPNUMS) THEN -- Add the HierSchmResource attribute to the Resource complexType select c.xmldata.attributes into attlist from xdb.xdb$complex_type c where = 'ResourceType' and c.xmldata.parent_schema = sch_ref; attlist.extend(); attlist(9) := xdb.xdb$insertAttr(sch_ref, PN_RES_HIERSCHMRES, 'HierSchmResource', TR_BOOLEAN, 1, 1, '1', T_BOOLEAN, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, null, null, null, JT_BOOLEAN, 'false', null, null, null, null, null, null, TRUE, TRANSIENT_GENERATED, FALSE); update xdb.xdb$complex_type c set c.xmldata.attributes = attlist where = 'ResourceType' and c.xmldata.parent_schema = sch_ref; update xdb.xdb$schema s set s.xmldata.num_props = PN_RES_TOTAL_PROPNUMS where ref(s) = sch_ref; commit; END IF; end; / Rem Cleanup drop function xdb.xdb$insertElement; drop function xdb.xdb$insertAttr; alter session set events '22838 trace name context off'; Rem call 10g schema upgrades @@xdbs101.sql