Rem Rem $Header: rdbms/admin/xdbs920.sql /main/5 2010/05/05 15:12:00 badeoti Exp $ Rem Rem xdbs920.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2003, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. Rem All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem xdbs920.sql - XDB Upgrade Schemas from Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem Upgrades the bootstrap schemas from to and onward Rem Rem NOTES Rem At the end of the file, calls xdbs9202.sql to continue Rem upgrading schmeas from and onward. Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem badeoti 04/19/10 - Bug 9591328 Rem samane 10/24/09 - Bug 8609997 Rem spannala 06/24/03 - remove enable_hierarchy Rem spannala 05/22/03 - disable hierarchy on config until root schema is fully migrated Rem njalali 02/21/03 - njalali_bug-2796015 Rem njalali 02/11/03 - Created Rem -- XDB Schema for Schemas (DDL first) -- Add "ID" to the facets. The new columns should be NULL after the migration. declare m integer; begin select n into m from xdb.migr9202status for update; if (m < 10) then execute immediate 'alter type xdb.xdb$facet_t add attribute ("ID" VARCHAR2(256)) cascade'; update xdb.migr9202status set n = 10; commit; end if; end; / declare m integer; begin select n into m from xdb.migr9202status for update; if (m < 20) then execute immediate 'alter type xdb.xdb$numfacet_t add attribute ("ID" VARCHAR2(256)) cascade'; update xdb.migr9202status set n = 20; commit; end if; end; / declare m integer; begin select n into m from xdb.migr9202status for update; if (m < 30) then execute immediate 'alter type xdb.xdb$timefacet_t add attribute ("ID" VARCHAR2(256)) cascade'; update xdb.migr9202status set n = 30; commit; end if; end; / declare m integer; begin select n into m from xdb.migr9202status for update; if (m < 40) then execute immediate 'alter type xdb.xdb$whitespace_t add attribute ("ID" VARCHAR2(256)) cascade'; update xdb.migr9202status set n = 40; commit; end if; end; / -- Create type xdb$simplecont_res_t create or replace type xdb.xdb$simplecont_res_t OID '0000000000000000000000000002015B' AS OBJECT ( sys_xdbpd$ xdb.xdb$raw_list_t, base xdb.xdb$qname, id varchar2(256), lcl_smpl_decl ref sys.xmltype, /* locally declared simple type */ attributes xdb.xdb$xmltype_ref_list_t, any_attrs xdb.xdb$xmltype_ref_list_t, attr_groups xdb.xdb$xmltype_ref_list_t, annotation xdb.xdb$annotation_t, /* Facets */ fractiondigits xdb.xdb$numfacet_t, totaldigits xdb.xdb$numfacet_t, minlength xdb.xdb$numfacet_t, maxlength xdb.xdb$numfacet_t, whitespace xdb.xdb$whitespace_t, period xdb.xdb$timefacet_t, duration xdb.xdb$timefacet_t, min_inclusive xdb.xdb$facet_t, max_inclusive xdb.xdb$facet_t, pattern xdb.xdb$facet_list_t, enumeration xdb.xdb$facet_list_t, min_exclusive xdb.xdb$facet_t, max_exclusive xdb.xdb$facet_t, length xdb.xdb$numfacet_t ); / -- Create type xdb$simplecont_ext_t create or replace type xdb.xdb$simplecont_ext_t OID '0000000000000000000000000002015C' as object ( sys_xdbpd$ xdb.xdb$raw_list_t, base xdb.xdb$qname, id varchar2(256), attributes xdb.xdb$xmltype_ref_list_t, any_attrs xdb.xdb$xmltype_ref_list_t, attr_groups xdb.xdb$xmltype_ref_list_t, annotation xdb.xdb$annotation_t ) / -- Create type xdb$simplecontent_t create or replace type xdb.xdb$simplecontent_t OID '0000000000000000000000000002015D' as object ( sys_xdbpd$ xdb.xdb$raw_list_t, /* only one of the foll. can be non-null */ restriction xdb.xdb$simplecont_res_t, extension xdb.xdb$simplecont_ext_t, annotation xdb.xdb$annotation_t, id varchar2(256) ) / -- Add attribute "SIMPLECONT" to xdb$complex_t declare m integer; begin select n into m from xdb.migr9202status for update; if (m < 60) then execute immediate 'alter type xdb.xdb$complex_t add attribute (simplecont xdb.xdb$simplecontent_t) cascade'; update xdb.migr9202status set n = 60; commit; end if; end; / -- grant execute privileges grant execute on xdb.xdb$simplecont_res_t to public with grant option; grant execute on xdb.xdb$simplecont_ext_t to public with grant option; grant execute on xdb.xdb$simplecontent_t to public with grant option; GRANT SELECT ON xdb.xdb$namesuff_seq TO PUBLIC; create or replace function xdb.xdb$insertElement( parent_schema ref sys.xmltype, prop_number integer, name varchar2, typename xdb.xdb$qname, min_occurs integer, max_occurs integer, mem_byte_length raw, mem_type_code raw, system raw, mutable raw, fixed raw, sqlname varchar2, sqltype varchar2, sqlschema varchar2, java_type xdb.xdb$javatype, default_value varchar2, smpl_type_decl ref sys.xmltype, type_ref ref sys.xmltype, propref_name xdb.xdb$qname, propref_ref ref sys.xmltype, subs_group xdb.xdb$qname, num_cols integer, nillable raw, final_info xdb.xdb$derivationChoice, block xdb.xdb$derivationChoice, abstract raw, mem_inline raw, sql_inline raw, java_inline raw, maintain_dom raw, default_table varchar2, table_storage varchar2, java_classname varchar2, bean_classname varchar2, global raw, base_sqlname varchar2, cplx_type_decl ref sys.xmltype, subs_group_refs xdb.xdb$xmltype_ref_list_t, sqlcolltype varchar2 := null, sqlcollschema varchar2 := null, hidden raw := null, transient xdb.xdb$transientChoice := null, baseprop raw := null ) return ref sys.xmltype is elem_i xdb.xdb$element_t; elem_ref ref sys.xmltype; begin elem_i := xdb.xdb$element_t( xdb.xdb$property_t(null,parent_schema,prop_number, name,typename, mem_byte_length,mem_type_code,system, mutable,null, sqlname,sqltype,sqlschema,java_type, default_value,smpl_type_decl,type_ref, propref_name,propref_ref, null, null, global,null, sqlcolltype, sqlcollschema, hidden, transient, null, baseprop), subs_group,num_cols,nillable, final_info,block,abstract, mem_inline,sql_inline,java_inline, maintain_dom,default_table,'XDB', table_storage,java_classname,bean_classname, base_sqlname,cplx_type_decl, subs_group_refs, null, min_occurs,to_char(max_occurs), null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null); execute immediate 'insert into xdb.xdb$element e (xmldata) values (:1) returning ref(e) into :2' using elem_i returning into elem_ref; return elem_ref; end; / create or replace function xdb.xdb$insertAttr( parent_schema ref sys.xmltype, prop_number integer, name varchar2, typename xdb.xdb$qname, min_occurs integer, max_occurs integer, mem_byte_length raw, mem_type_code raw, system raw, mutable raw, fixed raw, sqlname varchar2, sqltype varchar2, sqlschema varchar2, java_type xdb.xdb$javatype, default_value varchar2, smpl_type_decl ref sys.xmltype, type_ref ref sys.xmltype, propref_name xdb.xdb$qname, propref_ref ref sys.xmltype, sqlcolltype varchar2 := null, sqlcollschema varchar2 := null, hidden raw := null, transient xdb.xdb$transientChoice := null, baseprop raw := null ) return ref sys.xmltype is attr_i xdb.xdb$property_t; attr_ref ref sys.xmltype; begin attr_i := xdb.xdb$property_t(null,parent_schema,prop_number,name, typename, mem_byte_length,mem_type_code, system,mutable,null, sqlname,sqltype,sqlschema,java_type, default_value,smpl_type_decl,type_ref, propref_name, propref_ref, null, null,null,null,sqlcolltype,sqlcollschema, hidden, transient, null, baseprop); execute immediate 'insert into xdb.xdb$attribute a (xmldata) values (:1) returning ref(a) into :2' using attr_i returning into attr_ref; return attr_ref; end; / create or replace function xdb.xdb$insertSequence( parent_schema ref sys.xmltype, elements xdb.xdb$xmltype_ref_list_t, anyelems xdb.xdb$xmltype_ref_list_t := null, choice_list xdb.xdb$xmltype_ref_list_t := null ) return ref sys.xmltype is model_i xdb.xdb$model_t; model_ref ref sys.xmltype; begin if (elements is null and anyelems is null) then return null; else model_i := xdb.xdb$model_t(null, parent_schema, 1, '1', elements, choice_list, null, anyelems, null, null, null); execute immediate 'insert into xdb.xdb$sequence_model c (xmldata) values (:1) returning ref(c) into :2' using model_i returning into model_ref; return model_ref; end if; end; / create or replace function xdb.xdb$insertComplex( parent_schema ref sys.xmltype, base_type ref sys.xmltype, name varchar2, base xdb.xdb$qname, abstract raw, derived_by xdb.xdb$derivationChoice, flags raw, precision integer, scale integer, minlength integer, maxlength integer, whitespace xdb.xdb$whitespaceChoice, period date, duration date, min_bound varchar2, max_bound varchar2, pattern varchar2, enumeration xdb.xdb$enum_values_t, dummy varchar2, final_info xdb.xdb$derivationChoice, block xdb.xdb$derivationChoice, glob_elements xdb.xdb$xmltype_ref_list_t, local_elements xdb.xdb$xmltype_ref_list_t, attributes xdb.xdb$xmltype_ref_list_t, anyelems xdb.xdb$xmltype_ref_list_t := null, mixed raw := '0', model_ref ref sys.xmltype := null ) return ref sys.xmltype is complex_i xdb.xdb$complex_t; complex_ref ref sys.xmltype; model_r ref sys.xmltype; FALSE RAW(1) := '0'; TRUE RAW(1) := '1'; begin if model_ref is null then model_r := xdb$insertSequence(parent_schema, local_elements, anyelems); else model_r := model_ref; end if; if base_type is null then complex_i := xdb.xdb$complex_t(null,parent_schema,base_type,name, abstract,mixed,final_info, block, attributes,null,null,null,null,model_r,null, null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null); else complex_i := xdb.xdb$complex_t(null,parent_schema,base_type,name, abstract,mixed,final_info,block, null, null, null, null, null,null,null,null, xdb.xdb$content_t(null, FALSE, null, xdb.xdb$complex_derivation_t( null, base, attributes, null, null, null,null,model_r,null,null,null), null,null), null, null,null,FALSE,null,null,null); end if; execute immediate 'insert into xdb.xdb$complex_type c (xmldata) values (:1) returning ref(c) into :2' using complex_i returning into complex_ref; return complex_ref; end; / create or replace function xdb.xdb$insertChoice( parent_schema ref sys.xmltype, elements xdb.xdb$xmltype_ref_list_t, anyelems xdb.xdb$xmltype_ref_list_t := null, maxoccurs varchar2 := 'unbounded') return ref sys.xmltype is model_i xdb.xdb$model_t; model_ref ref sys.xmltype; begin if (elements is null and anyelems is null) then return null; else model_i := xdb.xdb$model_t(null, parent_schema, 0, maxoccurs, elements, null, null, anyelems, null, null, null); execute immediate 'insert into xdb.xdb$choice_model c (xmldata) values (:1) returning ref(c) into :2' using model_i returning into model_ref; return model_ref; end if; end; / -- Big migration of the root schema create or replace procedure xdb.rootschemamigrate is /* * Root schema changes * * 1. modelType - changed from sequence to choice * 2. smplcontResType - added in * 3. smplcontExtType - added in * 4. smplcontType - added in * 5. simpleContent - use smplcontType for simpleContent * 6. complexDerivation - changed from sequence to choice * 7. complexType - changed from sequence to choice * - copy over simpleContent to new type * 8. schema - changed from sequence to choice * - update global complextypes and num_props * 9. hidden flag - has been set in for all attributes * whose value is a REF (example typeRef) * 10. ID attribute - added in for facets * 11. misc changes - baseProp, binary etc */ PN_FACET_ID CONSTANT INTEGER := 234; PN_NUMFACET_ID CONSTANT INTEGER := 235; PN_TIMEFACET_ID CONSTANT INTEGER := 236; PN_WHITESPACE_ID CONSTANT INTEGER := 237; /* simpleContent -> extension */ PN_SIMPLECONTEXT_BASE CONSTANT INTEGER := 238; PN_SIMPLECONTEXT_ID CONSTANT INTEGER := 239; PN_SIMPLECONTEXT_ANNOTATION CONSTANT INTEGER := 240; PN_SIMPLECONTEXT_ATTRIBUTE CONSTANT INTEGER := 241; PN_SIMPLECONTEXT_ANYATTR CONSTANT INTEGER := 242; PN_SIMPLECONTEXT_ATTRGROUP CONSTANT INTEGER := 243; /* simpleContent -> restriction */ PN_SIMPLECONTRES_BASE CONSTANT INTEGER := 244; PN_SIMPLECONTRES_ID CONSTANT INTEGER := 245; PN_SIMPLECONTRES_ATTRIBUTE CONSTANT INTEGER := 246; PN_SIMPLECONTRES_ANYATTR CONSTANT INTEGER := 247; PN_SIMPLECONTRES_ATTRGROUP CONSTANT INTEGER := 248; PN_SIMPLECONTRES_ANNOTATION CONSTANT INTEGER := 249; PN_SIMPLECONTRES_FRACDIGITS CONSTANT INTEGER := 250; PN_SIMPLECONTRES_TOTALDIGITS CONSTANT INTEGER := 251; PN_SIMPLECONTRES_MINLENGTH CONSTANT INTEGER := 252; PN_SIMPLECONTRES_MAXLENGTH CONSTANT INTEGER := 253; PN_SIMPLECONTRES_WHITESPACE CONSTANT INTEGER := 254; PN_SIMPLECONTRES_PERIOD CONSTANT INTEGER := 255; PN_SIMPLECONTRES_DURATION CONSTANT INTEGER := 256; PN_SIMPLECONTRES_MININCLUSIVE CONSTANT INTEGER := 257; PN_SIMPLECONTRES_MAXINCLUSIVE CONSTANT INTEGER := 258; PN_SIMPLECONTRES_PATTERN CONSTANT INTEGER := 259; PN_SIMPLECONTRES_ENUMERATION CONSTANT INTEGER := 260; PN_SIMPLECONTRES_MINEXCLUSIVE CONSTANT INTEGER := 261; PN_SIMPLECONTRES_MAXEXCLUSIVE CONSTANT INTEGER := 262; PN_SIMPLECONTRES_LENGTH CONSTANT INTEGER := 263; PN_SIMPLECONTRES_SIMPLETYPE CONSTANT INTEGER := 264; /* simpleContent */ PN_SIMPLECONTENT_ID CONSTANT INTEGER := 265; PN_SIMPLECONTENT_ANNOTATION CONSTANT INTEGER := 266; PN_SIMPLECONTENT_RESTRICTION CONSTANT INTEGER := 267; PN_SIMPLECONTENT_EXTENSION CONSTANT INTEGER := 268; T_JAVASTRING RAW(2) :='101'; T_XOB RAW(2) :='102'; T_ENUM RAW(2) :='103'; T_QNAME RAW(2) :='104'; T_XOBD RAW(2) :='105'; T_CSTRING RAW(2) :='1'; /* DTYCHR */ T_NUMBER RAW(2) :='2'; /* DTYNUM */ T_INTEGER RAW(2) :='3'; /* DTYINT */ T_FLOAT RAW(2) :='4'; /* DTYFLT */ T_DATE RAW(2) :='c'; /* DTYDAT */ T_TIMESTAMP RAW(2) :='b4'; /* DTYSTAMP */ T_BINARY RAW(2) :='17'; /* DTYBIN */ T_UNSIGNINT RAW(2) :='44'; /* DTYINT */ T_REF RAW(2) :='6e'; /* DTYREF */ T_BOOLEAN RAW(2) :='fc'; /* DTYBOL */ T_BLOB RAW(2) :='71'; /* DTYBLOB */ T_CLOB CONSTANT RAW(2) :='70'; JT_STRING xdb.xdb$javatype := xdb.xdb$javatype('0'); JT_INT xdb.xdb$javatype := xdb.xdb$javatype('1'); JT_LONG xdb.xdb$javatype := xdb.xdb$javatype('2'); JT_SHORT xdb.xdb$javatype := xdb.xdb$javatype('3'); JT_BYTE xdb.xdb$javatype := xdb.xdb$javatype('4'); JT_FLOAT xdb.xdb$javatype := xdb.xdb$javatype('5'); JT_DOUBLE xdb.xdb$javatype := xdb.xdb$javatype('6'); JT_BIGDECIMAL xdb.xdb$javatype := xdb.xdb$javatype('6'); JT_BOOLEAN xdb.xdb$javatype := xdb.xdb$javatype('8'); JT_BYTEARRAY xdb.xdb$javatype := xdb.xdb$javatype('9'); JT_STREAM xdb.xdb$javatype := xdb.xdb$javatype('a'); JT_CHARSTREAM xdb.xdb$javatype := xdb.xdb$javatype('b'); JT_TIMESTAMP xdb.xdb$javatype := xdb.xdb$javatype('c'); JT_REFERENCE xdb.xdb$javatype := xdb.xdb$javatype('d'); JT_QNAME xdb.xdb$javatype := xdb.xdb$javatype('e'); JT_ENUM xdb.xdb$javatype := xdb.xdb$javatype('f'); JT_XMLTYPE xdb.xdb$javatype := xdb.xdb$javatype('10'); TR_STRING xdb.xdb$qname := xdb.xdb$qname('00', 'string'); TR_BOOLEAN xdb.xdb$qname := xdb.xdb$qname('00', 'boolean'); TR_BINARY xdb.xdb$qname := xdb.xdb$qname('00', 'hexBinary'); TR_INT xdb.xdb$qname := xdb.xdb$qname('00', 'integer'); TR_NNEGINT xdb.xdb$qname := xdb.xdb$qname('00', 'nonNegativeInteger'); FALSE RAW(1) := '0'; TRUE RAW(1) := '1'; PN_TOTAL_PROPNUMS CONSTANT INTEGER := 270; seq_ref ref sys.xmltype; sch_ref ref sys.xmltype; ellist xdb.xdb$xmltype_ref_list_t; ellist2 xdb.xdb$xmltype_ref_list_t; ann_el ref sys.xmltype; choice_list xdb.xdb$xmltype_ref_list_t; choice_list2 xdb.xdb$xmltype_ref_list_t; attlist xdb.xdb$xmltype_ref_list_t; simplecontRes_t_ref ref sys.xmltype; attrgroupref_t_ref ref sys.xmltype; simplecontExt_t_ref ref sys.xmltype; any_t_ref ref sys.xmltype; annotation_t_ref ref sys.xmltype; num_facet_ref ref sys.xmltype; whitespace_ref ref sys.xmltype; smplcont_t_ref ref sys.xmltype; time_facet_ref ref sys.xmltype; facet_ref ref sys.xmltype; simple_t_ref ref sys.xmltype; attribute_t_ref ref sys.xmltype; attr_colcount integer; any_colcount integer; attrgroupref_colcount integer; annotation_colcount integer; simple_colcount integer; simplecontRes_colcount integer; simplecontExt_colcount integer; smplcont_colcount integer; schels xdb.xdb$xmltype_ref_list_t; num_props integer; schref REF sys.xmltype; m integer; rc integer; cur integer; begin select ref(s) into sch_ref from xdb.xdb$schema s where s.xmldata.schema_url = ''; select attributes into simple_colcount from all_types where type_name in ('XDB$SIMPLE_T') and owner = 'XDB'; select attributes into attr_colcount from all_types where type_name in ('XDB$PROPERTY_T') and owner = 'XDB'; select attributes into simplecontRes_colcount from all_types where type_name in ('XDB$SIMPLECONT_RES_T') and owner = 'XDB'; select attributes into simplecontExt_colcount from all_types where type_name in ('XDB$SIMPLECONT_EXT_T') and owner = 'XDB'; select attributes into smplcont_colcount from all_types where type_name in ('XDB$SIMPLECONTENT_T') and owner = 'XDB'; select sum(attributes) - 1 into any_colcount from all_types where type_name in ('XDB$ANY_T', 'XDB$PROPERTY_T') and owner = 'XDB'; select attributes into annotation_colcount from all_types where type_name in ('XDB$ANNOTATION_T') and owner = 'XDB'; select ref(c) into any_t_ref from xdb.xdb$complex_type c where'anyType'; select ref(c) into attrgroupref_t_ref from xdb.xdb$complex_type c where'attrGroupRefType'; select ref(c) into attribute_t_ref from xdb.xdb$complex_type c where'attribute'; select ref(c) into annotation_t_ref from xdb.xdb$complex_type c where'annotation'; /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * S T E P 1 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* modelType * * This has changed from a sequence of elements (each with maxoccurs unb) * to a choice (unbounded) of elements. * * Original definition of modelType * * modelType := ---- annotation (0..1) * | * |---- all (0..unb) * sequence --- ... * |---- choice (0..unb) * * * New definition of modelType * * modelType := -- annotation (0..1) * | * sequence ---- * (1..1) | * -- choice (0..unb) * -- all (0..1) * -- ... * -- group (0..1) * */ select n into m from xdb.migr9202status for update; if (m < 100) then select c.xmldata.sequence_kid into seq_ref from xdb.xdb$complex_type c where c.xmldata.parent_schema = sch_ref and = 'modelType'; select s.xmldata.elements into ellist from xdb.xdb$sequence_model s where sys_op_r2o(ref(s)) = sys_op_r2o(seq_ref); ellist2 := xdb.xdb$xmltype_ref_list_t(); ellist2.extend(5); for i in 1..5 loop ellist2(i) := ellist(i+1); end loop; /* insert a choice */ choice_list := xdb.xdb$xmltype_ref_list_t(); choice_list.extend(1); choice_list(1) := xdb.xdb$insertChoice(sch_ref, ellist2); ellist2 := xdb.xdb$xmltype_ref_list_t(); ellist2.extend(1); ellist2(1) := ellist(1); /* update the sequence */ execute immediate 'update xdb.xdb$sequence_model s set s.xmldata.elements = :1, s.xmldata.choice_kids = :2 where sys_op_r2o(ref(s)) = sys_op_r2o(:3)' using ellist2, choice_list, seq_ref; /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * S T E P 2 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* * simpleContent Restriction * * This was not present in * * simpleContRes := * -- annotation (0..1) * | * -- simpleType (0..1) * | * |-- minExclusive (0..1) * |-- minInclusive (0..1) * | .... * sequence ---------|-- pattern (0..1) * | * | * | attribute (0..1) * -- choice -- attributeGrp (0..1) * (0..unb) anyAttribute (0..1) * *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ attlist := xdb.xdb$xmltype_ref_list_t(); attlist.extend(2); attlist(1) := xdb.xdb$insertAttr(sch_ref, PN_SIMPLECONTRES_BASE, 'base', xdb.xdb$qname('00', 'QName'), 0,1, null, T_QNAME, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, 'BASE', 'XDB$QNAME', 'XDB', JT_QNAME, null, null, null,null,null); attlist(2) := xdb.xdb$insertAttr(sch_ref, PN_SIMPLECONTRES_ID, 'id', TR_STRING, 0, 1, null, T_CSTRING, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, 'ID', 'VARCHAR2', null, JT_STRING, null, null, null,null,null); /* Construct choice of , , */ ellist := xdb.xdb$xmltype_ref_list_t(); ellist.extend(3); ellist(1) := xdb.xdb$insertElement(sch_ref, PN_SIMPLECONTRES_ATTRIBUTE, 'attribute', xdb.xdb$qname('01', 'attribute'), 0, 1, null, T_XOB, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, 'ATTRIBUTES', 'XDB$PROPERTY_T','XDB', JT_XMLTYPE, null, null, attribute_t_ref,null,null, null, attr_colcount, FALSE, null, null, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, 'XDB$ATTRIBUTE', null, 'oracle.xdb.Attribute', 'oracle.xdb.AttributeBean', FALSE, null, null, null, 'XDB$XMLTYPE_REF_LIST_T','XDB'); ellist(2) := xdb.xdb$insertElement(sch_ref, PN_SIMPLECONTRES_ANYATTR, 'anyAttribute', xdb.xdb$qname('01', 'anyType'), 0, 1, null, T_XOB, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, 'ANY_ATTRS', 'XDB$ANY_T','XDB', JT_XMLTYPE, null, null, any_t_ref,null,null, null, any_colcount, FALSE, null, null, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, 'XDB$ANYATTR', null, 'oracle.xdb.anyAttribute', 'oracle.xdb.anyAttributeBean', FALSE, 'PROPERTY', null, null, 'XDB$XMLTYPE_REF_LIST_T','XDB'); ellist(3) := xdb.xdb$insertElement(sch_ref, PN_SIMPLECONTRES_ATTRGROUP, 'attributeGroup', xdb.xdb$qname('01', 'attrGroupRefType'), 0, 1, null, T_XOB, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, 'ATTR_GROUPS', 'XDB$ATTRGROUP_REF_T','XDB', JT_XMLTYPE, null, null, attrgroupref_t_ref,null,null, null, attrgroupref_colcount, FALSE, null, null, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, 'XDB$ATTRGROUP_REF', null, 'oracle.xdb.attributeGroup', 'oracle.xdb.attributeGroupBean', FALSE, null, null, null, 'XDB$XMLTYPE_REF_LIST_T','XDB'); /* insert choice of above */ choice_list := xdb.xdb$xmltype_ref_list_t(); choice_list.extend(1); choice_list(1) := xdb.xdb$insertChoice(sch_ref, ellist); /* obtain all the type definitions */ select ref(s) into num_facet_ref from xdb.xdb$complex_type s where s.xmldata.parent_schema = sch_ref and = 'numFacet'; select ref(s) into whitespace_ref from xdb.xdb$complex_type s where s.xmldata.parent_schema = sch_ref and = 'whiteSpace'; select ref(s) into time_facet_ref from xdb.xdb$complex_type s where s.xmldata.parent_schema = sch_ref and = 'timeFacet'; select ref(s) into facet_ref from xdb.xdb$complex_type s where s.xmldata.parent_schema = sch_ref and = 'facet'; select ref(s) into simple_t_ref from xdb.xdb$complex_type s where s.xmldata.parent_schema = sch_ref and = 'simpleType'; /* Construct sequence of ... etc */ ellist := xdb.xdb$xmltype_ref_list_t(); ellist.extend(16); ellist(1) := xdb.xdb$insertElement(sch_ref, PN_SIMPLECONTRES_ANNOTATION, 'annotation', xdb.xdb$qname('01', 'annotation'), 0, 1, null, T_XOB, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, 'ANNOTATION', 'XDB$ANNOTATION_T', 'XDB', JT_STRING, null, null, annotation_t_ref,null,null, null, annotation_colcount, FALSE, null, null, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, null, null, null, null, FALSE, null, null, null); ellist(2) := xdb.xdb$insertElement(sch_ref, PN_SIMPLECONTRES_FRACDIGITS, 'fractionDigits', xdb.xdb$qname('01', 'numFacet'), 0, 1, null, T_XOB, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, 'FRACTIONDIGITS', 'XDB$NUMFACET_T', 'XDB', JT_SHORT, null, null, num_facet_ref,null,null, null, 2, FALSE, null, null, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, null, null, null, null, FALSE, null, null, null); ellist(3) := xdb.xdb$insertElement(sch_ref, PN_SIMPLECONTRES_TOTALDIGITS, 'totalDigits', xdb.xdb$qname('01', 'numFacet'), 0, 1, null, T_XOB, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, 'TOTALDIGITS', 'XDB$NUMFACET_T', 'XDB', JT_SHORT, null,null, num_facet_ref,null,null, null, 2, FALSE, null, null, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, null, null, null, null, FALSE, null, null, null); ellist(4) := xdb.xdb$insertElement(sch_ref,PN_SIMPLECONTRES_MINLENGTH, 'minLength', xdb.xdb$qname('01', 'numFacet'), 0, 1, null, T_XOB, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, 'MINLENGTH', 'XDB$NUMFACET_T', 'XDB', JT_INT, null, null, num_facet_ref,null,null, null, 2, FALSE, null, null, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, null, null, null, null, FALSE, null, null, null) ; ellist(5) := xdb.xdb$insertElement(sch_ref, PN_SIMPLECONTRES_MAXLENGTH, 'maxLength', xdb.xdb$qname('01', 'numFacet'), 0, 1, null, T_XOB, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, 'MAXLENGTH', 'XDB$NUMFACET_T', 'XDB', JT_INT, null, null, num_facet_ref,null,null, null, 2, FALSE, null, null, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, null, null, null, null, FALSE, null, null, null); ellist(6) := xdb.xdb$insertElement(sch_ref, PN_SIMPLECONTRES_WHITESPACE, 'whiteSpace', xdb.xdb$qname('01', 'whiteSpace'), 0, 1, '1', T_XOB, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, 'WHITESPACE', 'XDB$WHITESPACE_T', 'XDB', JT_ENUM, null, null, whitespace_ref,null,null, null, 2, FALSE, null, null, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, null, null, null, null, FALSE, null, null, null); ellist(7) := xdb.xdb$insertElement(sch_ref, PN_SIMPLECONTRES_PERIOD, 'period', xdb.xdb$qname('01', 'timeFacet'), 0, 1, null, T_XOB, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, 'PERIOD', 'XDB$TIMEFACET_T', 'XDB', JT_TIMESTAMP, null, null, time_facet_ref,null,null, null, 2, FALSE, null, null, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, null, null, null, null, FALSE, null, null, null); ellist(8) := xdb.xdb$insertElement(sch_ref, PN_SIMPLECONTRES_DURATION,'duration', xdb.xdb$qname('01', 'timeFacet'), 0, 1, null, T_XOB, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, 'DURATION', 'XDB$TIMEFACET_T','XDB',JT_TIMESTAMP, null, null, time_facet_ref,null,null, null, 2, FALSE, null, null, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, null, null, null, null, FALSE, null, null, null); ellist(9) := xdb.xdb$insertElement(sch_ref, PN_SIMPLECONTRES_MININCLUSIVE, 'minInclusive', xdb.xdb$qname('01', 'facet'), 0, 1, null, T_XOB, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, 'MIN_INCLUSIVE', 'XDB$FACET_T', 'XDB', JT_INT, null, null, facet_ref,null,null, null, 2, FALSE, null, null, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, null, null, null, null, FALSE, null, null, null); ellist(10) := xdb.xdb$insertElement(sch_ref, PN_SIMPLECONTRES_MAXINCLUSIVE, 'maxInclusive', xdb.xdb$qname('01', 'facet'), 0, 1, null, T_XOB, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, 'MAX_INCLUSIVE', 'XDB$FACET_T', 'XDB', JT_INT, null, null, facet_ref,null,null, null, 2, FALSE, null, null, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, null, null, null, null, FALSE, null, null, null); ellist(11) := xdb.xdb$insertElement(sch_ref, PN_SIMPLECONTRES_PATTERN, 'pattern', xdb.xdb$qname('01', 'facet'), 0, 65535, null, T_XOB, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, 'PATTERN', 'XDB$FACET_T', 'XDB', JT_STRING, null, null, facet_ref,null,null, null, 2, FALSE, null, null, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, null, null, null, null, FALSE, null, null, null, 'XDB$FACET_LIST_T','XDB'); ellist(12) := xdb.xdb$insertElement(sch_ref, PN_SIMPLECONTRES_ENUMERATION, 'enumeration', xdb.xdb$qname('01', 'facet'), 0, 65535, null, T_XOB, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, 'ENUMERATION', 'XDB$FACET_T', 'XDB', JT_STRING, null, null, facet_ref,null,null, null, 2, FALSE, null, null, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, null, null, null, null, FALSE, null, null, null, 'XDB$FACET_LIST_T','XDB'); ellist(13) := xdb.xdb$insertElement(sch_ref, PN_SIMPLECONTRES_MINEXCLUSIVE, 'minExclusive', xdb.xdb$qname('01', 'facet'), 0, 1, null, T_XOB, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, 'MIN_EXCLUSIVE', 'XDB$FACET_T', 'XDB', JT_INT, null, null, facet_ref,null,null, null, 2, FALSE, null, null, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, null, null, null, null, FALSE, null, null, null); ellist(14) := xdb.xdb$insertElement(sch_ref, PN_SIMPLECONTRES_MAXEXCLUSIVE, 'maxExclusive', xdb.xdb$qname('01', 'facet'), 0, 1, null, T_XOB, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, 'MAX_EXCLUSIVE', 'XDB$FACET_T', 'XDB', JT_INT, null, null, facet_ref,null,null, null, 2, FALSE, null, null, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, null, null, null, null, FALSE, null, null, null); ellist(15) := xdb.xdb$insertElement(sch_ref, PN_SIMPLECONTRES_LENGTH, 'length', xdb.xdb$qname('01', 'numFacet'), 0, 1, null, T_XOB, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, 'LENGTH', 'XDB$NUMFACET_T', 'XDB', JT_INT, null, null, num_facet_ref,null,null, null, 2, FALSE, null, null, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, null, null, null, null, FALSE, null, null, null); ellist(16) := xdb.xdb$insertElement(sch_ref, PN_SIMPLECONTRES_SIMPLETYPE, 'simpleType', xdb.xdb$qname('01','simpleType'), 0, 1, null, T_XOB, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, 'LCL_SMPL_DECL', 'XDB$SIMPLE_T', 'XDB', JT_XMLTYPE, null, null, simple_t_ref,null,null, null, simple_colcount, FALSE, null, null, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, 'XDB$SIMPLE_TYPE', null, 'oracle.xdb.SimpleType', 'oracle.xdb.SimpleTypeBean', FALSE, null, null, null); /* insert sequence of above */ seq_ref := xdb.xdb$insertSequence(sch_ref, ellist, null, choice_list); simplecontRes_t_ref := xdb.xdb$insertComplex(sch_ref, null, 'simpleContentResType', null, FALSE, null, '0', null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, attlist, null, FALSE, seq_ref); /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * S T E P 3 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* * simpleContent Extension * * This was not present in * * * simpleContExt := -- annotation (0..1) * | * sequence ---- * (1..1) | * -- choice (0..unb) * -- attribute (0..1) * -- attributeGroup (0..1) * -- anyAttribute (0..1) *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ attlist := xdb.xdb$xmltype_ref_list_t(); attlist.extend(2); attlist(1) := xdb.xdb$insertAttr(sch_ref, PN_SIMPLECONTEXT_BASE, 'base', xdb.xdb$qname('00', 'QName'), 0,1, null, T_QNAME, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, 'BASE', 'XDB$QNAME', 'XDB', JT_QNAME, null, null, null,null,null); attlist(2) := xdb.xdb$insertAttr(sch_ref, PN_SIMPLECONTEXT_ID, 'id', TR_STRING, 0, 1, null, T_CSTRING, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, 'ID', 'VARCHAR2', null, JT_STRING, null, null, null,null,null); /* Construct choice of , , */ ellist := xdb.xdb$xmltype_ref_list_t(); ellist.extend(3); ellist(1) := xdb.xdb$insertElement(sch_ref, PN_SIMPLECONTEXT_ATTRIBUTE, 'attribute', xdb.xdb$qname('01', 'attribute'), 0, 1, null, T_XOB, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, 'ATTRIBUTES', 'XDB$PROPERTY_T','XDB', JT_XMLTYPE, null, null, attribute_t_ref,null,null, null, attr_colcount, FALSE, null, null, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, 'XDB$ATTRIBUTE', null, 'oracle.xdb.Attribute', 'oracle.xdb.AttributeBean', FALSE, null, null, null, 'XDB$XMLTYPE_REF_LIST_T','XDB'); ellist(2) := xdb.xdb$insertElement(sch_ref, PN_SIMPLECONTEXT_ANYATTR, 'anyAttribute', xdb.xdb$qname('01', 'anyType'), 0, 1, null, T_XOB, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, 'ANY_ATTRS', 'XDB$ANY_T','XDB', JT_XMLTYPE, null, null, any_t_ref,null,null, null, any_colcount, FALSE, null, null, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, 'XDB$ANYATTR', null, 'oracle.xdb.anyAttribute', 'oracle.xdb.anyAttributeBean', FALSE, 'PROPERTY', null, null, 'XDB$XMLTYPE_REF_LIST_T','XDB'); ellist(3) := xdb.xdb$insertElement(sch_ref, PN_SIMPLECONTEXT_ATTRGROUP, 'attributeGroup', xdb.xdb$qname('01', 'attrGroupRefType'), 0, 1, null, T_XOB, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, 'ATTR_GROUPS', 'XDB$ATTRGROUP_REF_T','XDB', JT_XMLTYPE, null, null, attrgroupref_t_ref,null,null, null, attrgroupref_colcount, FALSE, null, null, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, 'XDB$ATTRGROUP_REF', null, 'oracle.xdb.attributeGroup', 'oracle.xdb.attributeGroupBean', FALSE, null, null, null, 'XDB$XMLTYPE_REF_LIST_T','XDB'); /* insert choice of above */ choice_list := xdb.xdb$xmltype_ref_list_t(); choice_list.extend(1); choice_list(1) := xdb.xdb$insertChoice(sch_ref, ellist); /* build annotation element */ ellist := xdb.xdb$xmltype_ref_list_t(); ellist.extend(1); ellist(1) := xdb.xdb$insertElement(sch_ref,PN_SIMPLECONTEXT_ANNOTATION, 'annotation', xdb.xdb$qname('01', 'annotation'), 0, 1, null, T_XOB, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, 'ANNOTATION', 'XDB$ANNOTATION_T', 'XDB', JT_STRING, null, null, annotation_t_ref,null,null, null, annotation_colcount, FALSE, null, null, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, null, null, null, null, FALSE, null, null, null); /* insert sequence of above */ seq_ref := xdb.xdb$insertSequence(sch_ref, ellist, null, choice_list); simplecontExt_t_ref := xdb.xdb$insertComplex(sch_ref, null, 'simpleContentExtType', null, FALSE, null, '0', null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, attlist, null, FALSE, seq_ref); /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * S T E P 4 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* * smplcontentType * * This was not present in */ attlist := xdb.xdb$xmltype_ref_list_t(); attlist.extend(1); ellist := xdb.xdb$xmltype_ref_list_t(); ellist.extend(3); attlist(1) := xdb.xdb$insertAttr(sch_ref, PN_SIMPLECONTENT_ID, 'id', TR_STRING, 0, 1, null, T_CSTRING, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, 'ID', 'VARCHAR2', null, JT_STRING, null, null, null,null,null); ellist(1) := xdb.xdb$insertElement(sch_ref,PN_SIMPLECONTENT_ANNOTATION, 'annotation', xdb.xdb$qname('01', 'annotation'), 0, 1, null, T_XOB, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, 'ANNOTATION', 'XDB$ANNOTATION_T', 'XDB', JT_STRING, null, null, annotation_t_ref,null,null, null, annotation_colcount, FALSE, null, null, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, null, null, null, null, FALSE, null, null, null); ellist(2) := xdb.xdb$insertElement(sch_ref, PN_SIMPLECONTENT_RESTRICTION, 'restriction', xdb.xdb$qname('01', 'simpleContentResType'), 0, 1, null, T_XOB, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, 'RESTRICTION', 'XDB$SIMPLECONT_RES_T', 'XDB', JT_XMLTYPE, null, null, simplecontRes_t_ref,null,null, null, simplecontRes_colcount, FALSE, null, null, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, null, null, 'oracle.xdb.simpleContentRestriction', 'oracle.xdb.simpleContentRestrictionBean', FALSE, null, null, null); ellist(3) := xdb.xdb$insertElement(sch_ref, PN_SIMPLECONTENT_EXTENSION, 'extension', xdb.xdb$qname('01', 'simpleContentExtType'), 0, 1, null, T_XOB, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, 'EXTENSION', 'XDB$SIMPLECONT_EXT_T', 'XDB', JT_XMLTYPE, null, null, simplecontExt_t_ref,null,null, null, simplecontExt_colcount, FALSE, null, null, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, null, null, 'oracle.xdb.simpleContentExtension', 'oracle.xdb.simpleContentExtensionBean', FALSE, null, null, null); smplcont_t_ref := xdb.xdb$insertComplex(sch_ref, null, 'smplcontentType', null, FALSE, null, '0', null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, ellist, attlist); /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * S T E P 5 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* * simpleContent * * This was defined to be of type "complexDerivationType" in * In, we change it to be of type "smplcontentType". */ execute immediate 'update xdb.xdb$element e set = xdb.xdb$qname(''01'', ''smplcontentType''), = ''XDB$SIMPLECONTENT_T'', = ''SIMPLECONT'', = :1, e.xmldata.num_cols = :2, e.xmldata.java_classname = ''oracle.xdb.simpleContent'', e.xmldata.bean_classname = ''oracle.xdb.simpleContent'' where = ''simpleContent'' and = :3' using smplcont_t_ref, smplcont_colcount, sch_ref; /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * S T E P 6 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* * complexDerivation * * In this was defined as a sequence of , etc each * of which was marked unbounded. * In we change this to a choice: * * complexDerivation := * -- annotation (0..1) * | * | choice (0..1) * -- choice -- sequence (0..1) * | group (0..1) * sequence ---------| all (0..1) * | * | * | attribute (0..1) * -- choice -- attributeGrp (0..1) * (0..unb) anyAttribute (0..1) * *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ select c.xmldata.sequence_kid into seq_ref from xdb$complex_type c where c.xmldata.parent_schema = sch_ref and = 'complexDerivationType'; select s.xmldata.elements into ellist from xdb$sequence_model s where sys_op_r2o(ref(s)) = sys_op_r2o(seq_ref); /* Construct choice of , , , */ ellist2 := xdb.xdb$xmltype_ref_list_t(); ellist2.extend(4); for i in 1..4 loop ellist2(i) := ellist(i+1); end loop; /* insert choice */ choice_list := xdb.xdb$xmltype_ref_list_t(); choice_list.extend(2); choice_list(1) := xdb.xdb$insertChoice(sch_ref, ellist2, null, '1'); /* construct choice of , and */ ellist2 := xdb.xdb$xmltype_ref_list_t(); ellist2.extend(3); for i in 1..3 loop ellist2(i) := ellist(i+5); end loop; /* insert choice of above */ choice_list(2) := xdb.xdb$insertChoice(sch_ref, ellist2); /* build annotation element */ ellist2 := xdb.xdb$xmltype_ref_list_t(); ellist2.extend(1); ellist2(1) := ellist(1); /* update sequence with and the choice_list */ execute immediate 'update xdb.xdb$sequence_model s set s.xmldata.elements = :1, s.xmldata.choice_kids = :2 where s.xmldata.parent_schema = :3 and sys_op_r2o(ref(s)) = (select sys_op_r2o(c.xmldata.sequence_kid) from xdb$complex_type c where c.xmldata.parent_schema = :4 and = ''complexDerivationType'')' using ellist2, choice_list, sch_ref, sch_ref; /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * S T E P 7a *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* * complexType * * In, this was defined as a sequence of unbounded elements. * In, we change this to be choice (unb) of elements. * * complexType := * -- annotation (0..1) * | * | simpleContent (0..1) * -- choice -- complexContent (0..1) * | group (0..1) * sequence ---------| all (0..1) * | sequence (0..1) * | choice (0..1) * | * | attribute (0..1) * -- choice -- attributeGrp (0..1) * (0..unb) anyAttribute (0..1) * *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ select c.xmldata.sequence_kid into seq_ref from xdb$complex_type c where c.xmldata.parent_schema = sch_ref and = 'complexType'; select s.xmldata.elements into ellist from xdb$sequence_model s where sys_op_r2o(ref(s)) = sys_op_r2o(seq_ref); /* construct a choice of , , * , , , */ ellist2 := xdb.xdb$xmltype_ref_list_t(); ellist2.extend(6); for i in 1..6 loop ellist2(i) := ellist(i+1); end loop; /* Insert these as a choice */ choice_list := xdb.xdb$xmltype_ref_list_t(); choice_list.extend(2); choice_list(1) := xdb.xdb$insertChoice(sch_ref, ellist2, null, '1'); /* Construct a choice of , and * */ ellist2 := xdb.xdb$xmltype_ref_list_t(); ellist2.extend(3); for i in 1..3 loop ellist2(i) := ellist(i+7); end loop; /* Insert these as a choice */ choice_list(2) := xdb.xdb$insertChoice(sch_ref, ellist2); ellist2 := xdb.xdb$xmltype_ref_list_t(); ellist2.extend(2); ellist2(1) := ellist(1); ellist2(2) := ellist(11); /* update sequence with ellist2 and the choice_list */ execute immediate 'update xdb.xdb$sequence_model s set s.xmldata.elements = :1, s.xmldata.choice_kids = :2 where s.xmldata.parent_schema = :3 and sys_op_r2o(ref(s)) = (select sys_op_r2o(c.xmldata.sequence_kid) from xdb$complex_type c where c.xmldata.parent_schema = :4 and = ''complexType'')' using ellist2, choice_list, sch_ref, sch_ref; /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * S T E P 7b *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* * The attribute "simplecontent" in xdb$complex_t has been changed * from "xdb.xdb$content_t" to "xdb.xdb$simplecontent_t". For * migration, we add a new attribute called "simplecont" of "simplecontent_t" * and copy over the appropriate fields. Later during PD migration, we * handle this specially to migrate the PDs also. */ /* set "id" and "annotation" */ update xdb.xdb$complex_type c set c.xmldata.simplecont = xdb.xdb$simplecontent_t(c.xmldata.simplecontent.sys_xdbpd$, null, null, c.xmldata.simplecontent.annotation, where c.xmldata.simplecontent is not null; /* copy over attributes of restriction */ update xdb.xdb$complex_type c set c.xmldata.simplecont.restriction = xdb.xdb$simplecont_res_t(c.xmldata.simplecontent.restriction.sys_xdbpd$, c.xmldata.simplecontent.restriction.base,, null, c.xmldata.simplecontent.restriction.attributes, c.xmldata.simplecontent.restriction.any_attrs, c.xmldata.simplecontent.restriction.attr_groups, c.xmldata.simplecontent.restriction.annotation, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null) where c.xmldata.simplecontent is not null and c.xmldata.simplecontent.restriction is not null; /* copy over attributes of extension */ update xdb.xdb$complex_type c set c.xmldata.simplecont.extension = xdb.xdb$simplecont_ext_t(c.xmldata.simplecontent.extension.sys_xdbpd$, c.xmldata.simplecontent.extension.base,, c.xmldata.simplecontent.extension.attributes, c.xmldata.simplecontent.extension.any_attrs, c.xmldata.simplecontent.extension.attr_groups, c.xmldata.simplecontent.extension.annotation) where c.xmldata.simplecontent is not null and c.xmldata.simplecontent.extension is not null; /* drop the old attribute now that we've copied the values */ cur := dbms_sql.open_cursor; dbms_sql.parse( cur, 'alter type xdb.xdb$complex_t drop attribute (simplecontent) cascade', dbms_sql.native); rc := dbms_sql.execute(cur); dbms_sql.close_cursor(cur); update xdb.migr9202status set n = 100; commit; end if; /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * S T E P 8 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* * schema * * In, we had a sequence of elements marked unbounded. * In, we change it to a choice unb. */ select n into m from xdb.migr9202status for update; if (m < 110) then select c.xmldata.sequence_kid into seq_ref from xdb$complex_type c where c.xmldata.parent_schema = sch_ref and = 'schema'; select s.xmldata.elements into ellist from xdb$sequence_model s where sys_op_r2o(ref(s)) = sys_op_r2o(seq_ref); /* insert a choice */ choice_list := xdb.xdb$xmltype_ref_list_t(); choice_list.extend(1); choice_list(1) := xdb.xdb$insertChoice(sch_ref, ellist); execute immediate 'update xdb$complex_type c set c.xmldata.sequence_kid = null, c.xmldata.choice_kid = :1 where c.xmldata.parent_schema = :2 and = ''schema''' using choice_list(1), sch_ref; /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * S T E P 8 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Since we've added 3 new complexTypes, we need to update the list * of global complexTypes. Similarly, the total propnums have to be * adjusted too. */ select s.xmldata.complex_types into ellist from xdb$schema s where sys_op_r2o(ref(s)) = sys_op_r2o(sch_ref); /* assert ellist.count() == 26 */ ellist.extend(3); ellist(27) := simplecontRes_t_ref; ellist(28) := simplecontExt_t_ref; ellist(29) := smplcont_t_ref; /* assert old num_props == 238 */ execute immediate 'update xdb$schema s set s.xmldata.complex_types = :1, s.xmldata.num_props = 269 where s.xmldata.schema_url = ''''' using ellist; /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * S T E P 9 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Set hidden flags for all REF values */ execute immediate 'update xdb$attribute a set a.xmldata.hidden = ''01'' where a.xmldata.parent_schema = :1 and in (''typeRef'', ''baseType'', ''parent_schema'', ''parentSchema'', ''refRef'', ''headElementRef'')' using sch_ref; execute immediate 'update xdb$element e set = ''01'' where = :1 and in (''typeRef'', ''subtypeRef'', ''substitutionGroupRef'')' using sch_ref; /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * S T E P 1 0 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ -- Update the four FACET attributes to include an 'id' attribute -- Since the schema for schemas has no positional descriptors, we need -- only to modify the VARRAY. select c.xmldata.attributes into attlist from xdb.xdb$complex_type c where'facet' and c.xmldata.parent_schema = sch_ref for update; attlist.extend(); attlist(3) := xdb.xdb$insertAttr(sch_ref, PN_FACET_ID, 'id', TR_STRING, 0, 1, null, T_CSTRING, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, 'ID', 'VARCHAR2', null, JT_STRING, null, null, null,null,null); execute immediate 'update xdb.xdb$complex_type c set c.xmldata.attributes = :1 where''facet'' and c.xmldata.parent_schema = :2' using attlist, sch_ref; select c.xmldata.attributes into attlist from xdb.xdb$complex_type c where'numFacet' and c.xmldata.parent_schema = sch_ref for update; attlist.extend(); attlist(3) := xdb.xdb$insertAttr(sch_ref, PN_NUMFACET_ID, 'id', TR_STRING, 0, 1, null, T_CSTRING, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, 'ID', 'VARCHAR2', null, JT_STRING, null, null, null,null,null); execute immediate 'update xdb.xdb$complex_type c set c.xmldata.attributes = :1 where''numFacet'' and c.xmldata.parent_schema = :2' using attlist, sch_ref; select c.xmldata.attributes into attlist from xdb.xdb$complex_type c where'timeFacet' and c.xmldata.parent_schema = sch_ref for update; attlist.extend(); attlist(3) := xdb.xdb$insertAttr(sch_ref, PN_TIMEFACET_ID, 'id', TR_STRING, 0, 1, null, T_CSTRING, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, 'ID', 'VARCHAR2', null, JT_STRING, null, null, null,null,null); execute immediate 'update xdb.xdb$complex_type c set c.xmldata.attributes = :1 where''timeFacet'' and c.xmldata.parent_schema = :2' using attlist, sch_ref; select c.xmldata.attributes into attlist from xdb.xdb$complex_type c where'whiteSpace' and c.xmldata.parent_schema = sch_ref for update; attlist.extend(); attlist(3) := xdb.xdb$insertAttr(sch_ref, PN_WHITESPACE_ID,'id', TR_STRING, 0, 1, null, T_CSTRING, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, 'ID', 'VARCHAR2', null, JT_STRING, null, null, null,null,null); execute immediate 'update xdb.xdb$complex_type c set c.xmldata.attributes = :1 where''whiteSpace'' and c.xmldata.parent_schema = :2' using attlist, sch_ref; /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * S T E P 1 1 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* The binary element has a memType of DTYBLOB */ execute immediate 'update xdb.xdb$element e set = :1 where = 83' using T_BLOB; /* Set system_qmtp to TRUE for 'baseProp' */ execute immediate 'update xdb.xdb$attribute e set e.xmldata.system = ''01'' where''baseProp'' and e.xmldata.parent_schema = :1' using sch_ref; update xdb.migr9202status set n = 110; commit; end if; end; / show errors; begin xdb.rootschemamigrate(); end; / -- Resource schema -- Function to invert the STICKYREF flag (0x01) -- Highest used flag bit is 0x20, so we stop the mapping at 0x3F. create or replace function xdb.xdb$invertstickyflag( r RAW ) return RAW is s RAW(1); begin case r when '00' then s := '01'; when '01' then s := '00'; when '02' then s := '03'; when '03' then s := '02'; when '04' then s := '05'; when '05' then s := '04'; when '06' then s := '07'; when '07' then s := '06'; when '08' then s := '09'; when '09' then s := '08'; when '0A' then s := '0B'; when '0B' then s := '0A'; when '0C' then s := '0D'; when '0D' then s := '0C'; when '0E' then s := '0F'; when '0F' then s := '0E'; when '10' then s := '11'; when '11' then s := '10'; when '12' then s := '13'; when '13' then s := '12'; when '14' then s := '15'; when '15' then s := '14'; when '16' then s := '17'; when '17' then s := '16'; when '18' then s := '19'; when '19' then s := '18'; when '1A' then s := '1B'; when '1B' then s := '1A'; when '1C' then s := '1D'; when '1D' then s := '1C'; when '1E' then s := '1F'; when '1F' then s := '1E'; when '20' then s := '21'; when '21' then s := '20'; when '22' then s := '23'; when '23' then s := '22'; when '24' then s := '25'; when '25' then s := '24'; when '26' then s := '27'; when '27' then s := '26'; when '28' then s := '29'; when '29' then s := '28'; when '2A' then s := '2B'; when '2B' then s := '2A'; when '2C' then s := '2D'; when '2D' then s := '2C'; when '2E' then s := '2F'; when '2F' then s := '2E'; when '30' then s := '31'; when '31' then s := '30'; when '32' then s := '33'; when '33' then s := '32'; when '34' then s := '35'; when '35' then s := '34'; when '36' then s := '37'; when '37' then s := '36'; when '38' then s := '39'; when '39' then s := '38'; when '3A' then s := '3B'; when '3B' then s := '3A'; when '3C' then s := '3D'; when '3D' then s := '3C'; when '3E' then s := '3F'; when '3F' then s := '3E'; else s := r; end case; return s; end; / declare T_XOB CONSTANT RAW(2) := '102'; PN_RES_CONTENTS_ANY CONSTANT INTEGER := 736; PN_RES_PARENTS CONSTANT INTEGER := 741; PN_RES_STICKYREF CONSTANT INTEGER := 743; PN_RES_TOTAL_PROPNUMS CONSTANT INTEGER := 43; TRUE CONSTANT RAW(1) := '1'; FALSE CONSTANT RAW(1) := '0'; TR_BOOLEAN xdb.xdb$qname := xdb.xdb$qname('00', 'boolean'); T_BOOLEAN RAW(2) :='fc'; /* DTYBOL */ JT_BOOLEAN xdb.xdb$javatype := xdb.xdb$javatype('8'); TRANSIENT_GENERATED CONSTANT xdb.xdb$transientChoice := xdb.xdb$transientChoice('01'); attlist xdb.xdb$xmltype_ref_list_t; sch_ref REF SYS.XMLTYPE; m integer; begin select n into m from xdb.migr9202status for update; if (m < 200) then -- get the Resource schema's REF select ref(s) into sch_ref from xdb.xdb$schema s where s.xmldata.schema_url = ''; -- the stickyref flag must be inverted (called "plainref" in update xdb.xdb$resource e set e.xmldata.flags = xdb.xdb$invertstickyflag(e.xmldata.flags); -- the default language for resources is now "en-US" update xdb.xdb$resource e set e.xmldata.language = 'en-US' where e.xmldata.language = 'us english' OR e.xmldata.language = 'en'; -- the 'utf-8' character set should read 'UTF-8' update xdb.xdb$resource e set e.xmldata.charset = 'UTF-8' where e.xmldata.charset = 'utf-8'; -- the root resource should have refcount zero update xdb.xdb$resource e set e.xmldata.refcount='00' where e.rowid=(select resource_root from xdb.xdb$root_info); -- the any element 'ContentsAny' now has memType QMXT_XOB update xdb.xdb$any a set = T_XOB where = PN_RES_CONTENTS_ANY; -- 'Parents' should be SqlInline=TRUE update xdb.xdb$element e set e.xmldata.sql_inline = TRUE where = PN_RES_PARENTS; -- NSB XML docs marked as binary should now have no schema update xdb.xdb$resource e set e.xmldata.elnum = NULL, e.xmldata.schoid = NULL where e.xmldata.elnum = 83 and e.xmldata.contype = 'text/xml'; -- Add the StickyRef attribute to the Resource complexType select c.xmldata.attributes into attlist from xdb.xdb$complex_type c where = 'ResourceType' and c.xmldata.parent_schema = sch_ref; attlist.extend(); attlist(8) := xdb.xdb$insertAttr(sch_ref, PN_RES_STICKYREF, 'StickyRef', TR_BOOLEAN, 1, 1, '1', T_BOOLEAN, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, null, null, null, JT_BOOLEAN, 'false', null, null, null, null, null, null, FALSE, TRANSIENT_GENERATED, FALSE); update xdb.xdb$complex_type c set c.xmldata.attributes = attlist where = 'ResourceType' and c.xmldata.parent_schema = sch_ref; update xdb.xdb$schema s set s.xmldata.num_props = PN_RES_TOTAL_PROPNUMS where ref(s) = sch_ref; update xdb.migr9202status set n = 200; commit; end if; end; / show errors -- Cleanup drop function xdb.xdb$invertstickyflag; -- Config schema -- GRANT SELECT ON xdb.xdb$config TO PUBLIC; declare cur INTEGER; rc INTEGER; owner_var_sc VARCHAR2(30); owner_var_fc VARCHAR2(30); owner_var_hc VARCHAR2(30); type_var_sc VARCHAR2(30); type_var_fc VARCHAR2(30); type_var_hc VARCHAR2(30); colname_acs VARCHAR2(100); colname_bs VARCHAR2(100); colname_rvcs VARCHAR2(100); simple_ref REF SYS.XMLTYPE; elem_ref_acs REF SYS.XMLTYPE; elem_ref_rvcs REF SYS.XMLTYPE; elem_ref_csic REF SYS.XMLTYPE; elem_ref_bs REF SYS.XMLTYPE; elem_ref_duc REF SYS.XMLTYPE; elem_arr XDB.XDB$XMLTYPE_REF_LIST_T; elem_data XDB.XDB$ELEMENT_T; elem_extra SYS.XMLTYPEEXTRA; m integer; begin -- get the 'sysconfig' object type cur := dbms_sql.open_cursor; dbms_sql.parse( cur, 'select, from xdb.xdb$element e, xdb.xdb$schema s where''sysconfig'' and = ref(s) and s.xmldata.schema_url=''''', dbms_sql.native); dbms_sql.define_column(cur, 1, owner_var_sc, 30); dbms_sql.define_column(cur, 2, type_var_sc, 30); rc := dbms_sql.execute(cur); IF dbms_sql.fetch_rows(cur) > 0 THEN dbms_sql.column_value(cur, 1, owner_var_sc); dbms_sql.column_value(cur, 2, type_var_sc); ELSE dbms_sql.close_cursor(cur); RETURN; END IF; dbms_sql.close_cursor(cur); -- get the 'ftpconfig' object type cur := dbms_sql.open_cursor; dbms_sql.parse( cur, 'select, from xdb.xdb$element e, xdb.xdb$schema s where''ftpconfig'' and = ref(s) and s.xmldata.schema_url=''''', dbms_sql.native); dbms_sql.define_column(cur, 1, owner_var_fc, 30); dbms_sql.define_column(cur, 2, type_var_fc, 30); rc := dbms_sql.execute(cur); IF dbms_sql.fetch_rows(cur) > 0 THEN dbms_sql.column_value(cur, 1, owner_var_fc); dbms_sql.column_value(cur, 2, type_var_fc); ELSE dbms_sql.close_cursor(cur); RETURN; END IF; dbms_sql.close_cursor(cur); -- get the 'httpconfig' object type cur := dbms_sql.open_cursor; dbms_sql.parse( cur, 'select, from xdb.xdb$element e, xdb.xdb$schema s where''httpconfig'' and = ref(s) and s.xmldata.schema_url=''''', dbms_sql.native); dbms_sql.define_column(cur, 1, owner_var_hc, 30); dbms_sql.define_column(cur, 2, type_var_hc, 30); rc := dbms_sql.execute(cur); IF dbms_sql.fetch_rows(cur) > 0 THEN dbms_sql.column_value(cur, 1, owner_var_hc); dbms_sql.column_value(cur, 2, type_var_hc); ELSE dbms_sql.close_cursor(cur); RETURN; END IF; dbms_sql.close_cursor(cur); -- Add the 'resource-view-cache-size' element to the 'sysconfig' object type select n into m from xdb.migr9202status for update; if (m < 300) then cur := dbms_sql.open_cursor; dbms_sql.parse( cur, 'alter type ' || dbms_assert.enquote_name(owner_var_sc, false) || '.' || dbms_assert.enquote_name(type_var_sc, false) || ' add attribute ("resource-view-cache-size" NUMBER(10)) cascade', dbms_sql.native); rc := dbms_sql.execute(cur); dbms_sql.close_cursor(cur); update xdb.migr9202status set n = 300; commit; end if; -- Add the 'acl-cache-size' element to the 'sysconfig' object type select n into m from xdb.migr9202status for update; if (m < 310) then cur := dbms_sql.open_cursor; dbms_sql.parse( cur, 'alter type ' || dbms_assert.enquote_name(owner_var_sc, false) || '.' || dbms_assert.enquote_name(type_var_sc, false) || ' add attribute ("acl-cache-size" NUMBER(10)) cascade', dbms_sql.native); rc := dbms_sql.execute(cur); dbms_sql.close_cursor(cur); update xdb.migr9202status set n = 310; commit; end if; -- Add the 'case-sensitive-index-clause' element to the 'sysconfig' object type select n into m from xdb.migr9202status for update; if (m < 320) then cur := dbms_sql.open_cursor; dbms_sql.parse( cur, 'alter type ' || dbms_assert.enquote_name(owner_var_sc, false) || '.' || dbms_assert.enquote_name(type_var_sc, false) || ' add attribute ("case-sensitive-index-clause" VARCHAR2(4000)) cascade', dbms_sql.native); rc := dbms_sql.execute(cur); dbms_sql.close_cursor(cur); update xdb.migr9202status set n = 320; commit; end if; -- Add the 'buffer-size' element to the 'ftpconfig' object type select n into m from xdb.migr9202status for update; if (m < 330) then cur := dbms_sql.open_cursor; dbms_sql.parse( cur, 'alter type ' || dbms_assert.enquote_name(owner_var_fc, false) || '.' || dbms_assert.enquote_name(type_var_fc, false) || ' add attribute ("buffer-size" NUMBER(10)) cascade', dbms_sql.native); rc := dbms_sql.execute(cur); dbms_sql.close_cursor(cur); update xdb.migr9202status set n = 330; commit; end if; -- Add the 'default-url-charset' element to the 'httpconfig' object type select n into m from xdb.migr9202status for update; if (m < 340) then cur := dbms_sql.open_cursor; dbms_sql.parse( cur, 'alter type ' || dbms_assert.enquote_name(owner_var_hc, false) || '.' || dbms_assert.enquote_name(type_var_hc, false) || ' add attribute ("default-url-charset" VARCHAR2(4000)) cascade', dbms_sql.native); rc := dbms_sql.execute(cur); dbms_sql.close_cursor(cur); update xdb.migr9202status set n = 340; commit; end if; select n into m from xdb.migr9202status for update; if (m < 350) then -- Insert the new element definitions into XDB.XDB$ELEMENT. -- WATCH -- This will change if the PD format changes or if XDB$ELEMENT_T changes. -- It can be obtained by selecting 'resource-view-cache-size', -- 'acl-cache-size', etc. from XDB.XDB$ELEMENT in a DB. insert into xdb.xdb$element e (e.xmlextra, e.xmldata) values (SYS.XMLTYPEEXTRA(SYS.XMLTYPEPI('4E0020687474703A2F2F7777772E77332E6F72672F323030312F584D4C536368656D61', '500004786462630029687474703A2F2F786D6C6E732E6F7261636C652E636F6D2F7864622F786462636F6E6669672E787364', '500003786462001B687474703A2F2F786D6C6E732E6F7261636C652E636F6D2F786462'), SYS.XMLTYPEPI('523030')), XDB.XDB$ELEMENT_T(XDB.XDB$PROPERTY_T(XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T('83F898200080030000000004050F03150B0C0706272928'), (select ref(s) from xdb.xdb$schema s where s.xmldata.schema_url=''), xdb.xdb$propnum_seq.nextval, 'resource-view-cache-size', XDB.XDB$QNAME('00', 'unsignedInt'), '04', '44', '00', '00', NULL, 'resource-view-cache-size', 'NUMBER', NULL, NULL, '1048576', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '00', NULL, NULL, NULL, '00', NULL, NULL, '00'), NULL, NULL, '00', NULL, NULL, '00', '01', '01', '01', '00', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '00', '00', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)) returning ref(e) into elem_ref_rvcs; insert into xdb.xdb$element e (e.xmlextra, e.xmldata) values (SYS.XMLTYPEEXTRA(SYS.XMLTYPEPI('4E0020687474703A2F2F7777772E77332E6F72672F323030312F584D4C536368656D61', '500004786462630029687474703A2F2F786D6C6E732E6F7261636C652E636F6D2F7864622F786462636F6E6669672E787364', '500003786462001B687474703A2F2F786D6C6E732E6F7261636C652E636F6D2F786462'), SYS.XMLTYPEPI('523030')), XDB.XDB$ELEMENT_T(XDB.XDB$PROPERTY_T(XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T('83F898200080030000000004050F03150B0C0706272928'), (select ref(s) from xdb.xdb$schema s where s.xmldata.schema_url=''), xdb.xdb$propnum_seq.nextval, 'acl-cache-size', XDB.XDB$QNAME('00', 'unsignedInt'), '04', '44', '00', '00', NULL, 'acl-cache-size', 'NUMBER', NULL, NULL, '32', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '00', NULL, NULL, NULL, '00', NULL, NULL, '00'), NULL, NULL, '00', NULL, NULL, '00', '01', '01', '01', '00', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '00', '00', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)) returning ref(e) into elem_ref_acs; insert into xdb.xdb$simple_type s (s.xmlextra, s.xmldata) values (SYS.XMLTYPEEXTRA(SYS.XMLTYPEPI('4E0020687474703A2F2F7777772E77332E6F72672F323030312F584D4C536368656D61', '500004786462630029687474703A2F2F786D6C6E732E6F7261636C652E636F6D2F7864622F786462636F6E6669672E787364', '500003786462001B687474703A2F2F786D6C6E732E6F7261636C652E636F6D2F786462'), SYS.XMLTYPEPI('523030')), XDB.XDB$SIMPLE_T(XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T('1302000001'), (select ref(s) from xdb.xdb$schema s where s.xmldata.schema_url=''), NULL, '00', XDB.XDB$SIMPLE_DERIVATION_T(XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T('33000302020002020520314B422002040520314D4220110809'), NULL, XDB.XDB$QNAME('00', 'unsignedInt'), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, XDB.XDB$FACET_T(XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T('1302000001'), NULL, '1024', '00', NULL), XDB.XDB$FACET_T(XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T('1302000001'), NULL, '1048496', '00', NULL), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)) returning ref(s) into simple_ref; insert into xdb.xdb$element e (e.xmlextra, e.xmldata) values (SYS.XMLTYPEEXTRA(SYS.XMLTYPEPI('4E0020687474703A2F2F7777772E77332E6F72672F323030312F584D4C536368656D61', '500004786462630029687474703A2F2F786D6C6E732E6F7261636C652E636F6D2F7864622F786462636F6E6669672E787364', '500003786462001B687474703A2F2F786D6C6E732E6F7261636C652E636F6D2F786462'), SYS.XMLTYPEPI('523030')), XDB.XDB$ELEMENT_T(XDB.XDB$PROPERTY_T(XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T('83DA982000800300000000040F0103150B0C0706272928'), (select ref(s) from xdb.xdb$schema s where s.xmldata.schema_url=''), xdb.xdb$propnum_seq.nextval, 'buffer-size', NULL, '04', '44', '00', '00', NULL, 'buffer-size', 'NUMBER', NULL, NULL, '8192', simple_ref, simple_ref, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '00', NULL, NULL, NULL, '00', NULL, NULL, '00'), NULL, NULL, '00', NULL, NULL, '00', '01', '01', '01', '00', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '00', '00', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)) returning ref(e) into elem_ref_bs; insert into xdb.xdb$element e (e.xmlextra, e.xmldata) values (SYS.XMLTYPEEXTRA(SYS.XMLTYPEPI('4E0020687474703A2F2F7777772E77332E6F72672F323030312F584D4C536368656D61', '500004786462630029687474703A2F2F786D6C6E732E6F7261636C652E636F6D2F7864622F786462636F6E6669672E787364', '500003786462001B687474703A2F2F786D6C6E732E6F7261636C652E636F6D2F786462'), SYS.XMLTYPEPI('523030')), XDB.XDB$ELEMENT_T(XDB.XDB$PROPERTY_T(XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T('83B818200080030400000004053203150B0C07272928'), (select ref(s) from xdb.xdb$schema s where s.xmldata.schema_url=''), xdb.xdb$propnum_seq.nextval, 'case-sensitive-index-clause', XDB.XDB$QNAME('00', 'string'), NULL, '01', '00', '00', NULL, 'case-sensitive-index-clause', 'VARCHAR2', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '00', NULL, NULL, NULL, '00', NULL, NULL, '00'), NULL, NULL, '00', NULL, NULL, '00', '01', '01', '01', '00', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '00', '00', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)) returning ref(e) into elem_ref_csic; -- New 'httpconfig' child 'default-url-charset' is almost identical to -- the existing child 'servlet-realm'. We change only the property number, -- XML name, and SQL name. select e.xmlextra into elem_extra from xdb.xdb$element e where = (select ref(s) from xdb.xdb$schema s where s.xmldata.schema_url='') and = 'servlet-realm'; select e.xmldata into elem_data from xdb.xdb$element e where = (select ref(s) from xdb.xdb$schema s where s.xmldata.schema_url='') and = 'servlet-realm'; insert into xdb.xdb$element e (e.xmlextra, e.xmldata) values (elem_extra, elem_data) returning ref(e) into elem_ref_duc; update xdb.xdb$element e set = xdb.xdb$propnum_seq.nextval, = 'default-url-charset', = 'default-url-charset' where ref(e) = elem_ref_duc; -- Modify the 'acl-max-age' param to be an 'unsignedInt'. update xdb.xdb$element e set e.xmldata = XDB.XDB$ELEMENT_T(XDB.XDB$PROPERTY_T(XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T('83F898200080030000000004050F03150B0C0706272928'), (select ref(s) from xdb.xdb$schema s where s.xmldata.schema_url=''), (select from xdb.xdb$element p, xdb.xdb$schema s where = ref(s) and = 'acl-max-age' and s.xmldata.schema_url=''), 'acl-max-age', XDB.XDB$QNAME('00', 'unsignedInt'), '04', '44', '00', '00', NULL, 'acl-max-age', 'NUMBER', NULL, NULL, '1000', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '00', NULL, NULL, NULL, '00', NULL, NULL, '00'), NULL, NULL, '00', NULL, NULL, '00', '01', '01', '01', '00', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '00', '00', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL) where = (select from xdb.xdb$element p, xdb.xdb$schema s where = ref(s) and = 'acl-max-age' and s.xmldata.schema_url=''); -- Get the VARRAY of element REFs in the sysconfig sequence select m.xmldata.elements into elem_arr from xdb.xdb$sequence_model m where ref(m) = (select c.xmldata.sequence_kid from xdb.xdb$complex_type c where ref(c)= (select e.xmldata.cplx_type_decl from xdb.xdb$element e, xdb.xdb$schema s where'sysconfig' and = ref(s) and s.xmldata.schema_url='')) for update; -- Add the new elements to the sysconfig sequence -- WATCH -- This depends on how many elements are being added to the 'sysconfig' -- sequence. Currently we are adding 'acl-cache-size' in the 2nd position -- followed by 'resource-view-cache-size' in the 12th position, followed -- by 'case-sensitive-index-clause' in the 13th position. elem_arr.extend(3); for i in reverse 3..elem_arr.last loop elem_arr(i) := elem_arr(i - 1); end loop; elem_arr(2) := elem_ref_acs; for i in reverse 13..elem_arr.last loop elem_arr(i) := elem_arr(i - 1); end loop; elem_arr(12) := elem_ref_rvcs; for i in reverse 14..elem_arr.last loop elem_arr(i) := elem_arr(i - 1); end loop; elem_arr(13) := elem_ref_csic; -- Update the VARRAY of element refs in the sysconfig sequence and fix -- the PD to reflect the added entries. -- WATCH -- This will change if the PD format changes. The PD can be obtained by -- selecting it from the corresponding row in a DB. -- This will also change if the number of entries in 'elem_arr' changes. update xdb.xdb$sequence_model m set m.xmldata.elements = elem_arr, m.xmldata.SYS_XDBPD$ = XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T('23020002000200182067656E65726963205844422070726F7065727469657320020E1E2070726F746F636F6C2073706563696669632070726F706572746965732081800E') where ref(m) = (select c.xmldata.sequence_kid from xdb.xdb$complex_type c where ref(c)= (select e.xmldata.cplx_type_decl from xdb.xdb$element e, xdb.xdb$schema s where'sysconfig' and = ref(s) and s.xmldata.schema_url='')); -- Get the VARRAY of element REFs in the ftpconfig sequence select m.xmldata.elements into elem_arr from xdb.xdb$sequence_model m where ref(m) = (select c.xmldata.sequence_kid from xdb.xdb$complex_type c where ref(c)= (select e.xmldata.cplx_type_decl from xdb.xdb$element e, xdb.xdb$schema s where'ftpconfig' and = ref(s) and s.xmldata.schema_url='')) for update; -- Add the new elements to the ftpconfig sequence -- WATCH -- This depends on how many elements are being added to the 'ftpconfig' -- sequence. Currently we are adding 'buffer-size' in the last position. -- (So no PD changes are required in the config instance!) elem_arr.extend(); elem_arr(elem_arr.last) := elem_ref_bs; -- Update the VARRAY of element refs in the ftpconfig sequence and fix -- the PD to reflect the added entries. -- WATCH -- This will change if the PD format changes. The PD can be obtained by -- selecting it from the corresponding row in a DB. update xdb.xdb$sequence_model m set m.xmldata.elements = elem_arr, m.xmldata.SYS_XDBPD$ = XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T('2302000000818007') where ref(m) = (select c.xmldata.sequence_kid from xdb.xdb$complex_type c where ref(c)= (select e.xmldata.cplx_type_decl from xdb.xdb$element e, xdb.xdb$schema s where'ftpconfig' and = ref(s) and s.xmldata.schema_url='')); -- Get the VARRAY of element REFs in the httpconfig sequence select m.xmldata.elements into elem_arr from xdb.xdb$sequence_model m where ref(m) = (select c.xmldata.sequence_kid from xdb.xdb$complex_type c where ref(c)= (select e.xmldata.cplx_type_decl from xdb.xdb$element e, xdb.xdb$schema s where'httpconfig' and = ref(s) and s.xmldata.schema_url='')) for update; -- Add the new elements to the ftpconfig sequence -- WATCH -- This depends on how many elements are being added to the 'httpconfig' -- sequence. Currently we are adding 'default-url-charset' in the -- last position. (So no PD changes are required in the config instance!) elem_arr.extend(); elem_arr(elem_arr.last) := elem_ref_duc; -- Update the VARRAY of element refs in the httpconfig sequence and fix -- the PD to reflect the added entries. -- WATCH -- This will change if the PD format changes. The PD can be obtained by -- selecting it from the corresponding row in a DB. update xdb.xdb$sequence_model m set m.xmldata.elements = elem_arr, m.xmldata.SYS_XDBPD$ = XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T('230200000081800D') where ref(m) = (select c.xmldata.sequence_kid from xdb.xdb$complex_type c where ref(c)= (select e.xmldata.cplx_type_decl from xdb.xdb$element e, xdb.xdb$schema s where'httpconfig' and = ref(s) and s.xmldata.schema_url='')); -- Now populate the new columns in the XDB$CONFIG table select into colname_rvcs from col$ c, obj$ o, attrcol$ a where c.obj#=o.obj# and'XDB$CONFIG' and o.owner#=(select user# from user$ where name='XDB') and c.intcol#=a.intcol# and a.obj#=o.obj# and'"XMLDATA"."sysconfig"."resource-view-cache-size"'; select into colname_acs from col$ c, obj$ o, attrcol$ a where c.obj#=o.obj# and'XDB$CONFIG' and o.owner#=(select user# from user$ where name='XDB') and c.intcol#=a.intcol# and a.obj#=o.obj# and'"XMLDATA"."sysconfig"."acl-cache-size"'; select into colname_bs from col$ c, obj$ o, attrcol$ a where c.obj#=o.obj# and'XDB$CONFIG' and o.owner#=(select user# from user$ where name='XDB') and c.intcol#=a.intcol# and a.obj#=o.obj# and'"XMLDATA"."sysconfig"."protocolconfig"."ftpconfig"."buffer-size"'; cur := dbms_sql.open_cursor; dbms_xdbz.disable_hierarchy('XDB', 'XDB$CONFIG'); dbms_sql.parse( cur, 'update xdb.xdb$config c set c.' || DBMS_ASSERT.ENQUOTE_NAME(colname_rvcs, FALSE) || ' = 1048576, c.' || DBMS_ASSERT.ENQUOTE_NAME(colname_acs, FALSE) || ' = 32, c.' || DBMS_ASSERT.ENQUOTE_NAME(colname_bs, FALSE) || ' = 8192', dbms_sql.native); rc := dbms_sql.execute(cur); dbms_sql.close_cursor(cur); update xdb.migr9202status set n = 350; commit; end if; end; / show errors -- ACL Schema declare elref REF SYS.XMLTYPE; anyref REF SYS.XMLTYPE; choice_ref REF SYS.XMLTYPE; ellist XDB.XDB$XMLTYPE_REF_LIST_T; anylist XDB.XDB$XMLTYPE_REF_LIST_T; m integer; begin select n into m from xdb.migr9202status for update; if (m < 400) then select m.xmldata.anys into anylist from xdb.xdb$sequence_model m where ref(m) = (select c.xmldata.sequence_kid from xdb.xdb$complex_type c where ref(c) = (select from xdb.xdb$element e where = 'privilege' and = (select ref(s) from xdb.xdb$schema s where s.xmldata.schema_url = ''))); select m.xmldata.elements into ellist from xdb.xdb$sequence_model m where ref(m) = (select c.xmldata.sequence_kid from xdb.xdb$complex_type c where ref(c) = (select from xdb.xdb$element e where = 'privilege' and = (select ref(s) from xdb.xdb$schema s where s.xmldata.schema_url = ''))); anyref := anylist(1); elref := ellist(1); insert into xdb.xdb$choice_model h (h.xmlextra, h.xmldata) values (SYS.XMLTYPEEXTRA(SYS.XMLTYPEPI('4E0020687474703A2F2F7777772E77332E6F72672F323030312F584D4C536368656D61', '500003786462001B687474703A2F2F786D6C6E732E6F7261636C652E636F6D2F786462', '50000678646261636C0023687474703A2F2F786D6C6E732E6F7261636C652E636F6D2F7864622F61636C2E787364'), SYS.XMLTYPEPI('523030')), XDB.XDB$MODEL_T(XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T('23120101000202112048494444454E20454C454D454E545320080401'), (select ref(s) from xdb.xdb$schema s where s.xmldata.schema_url = ''), 0, 'unbounded', ellist, NULL, NULL, anylist, NULL, NULL, NULL)) returning ref(h) into choice_ref; update xdb.xdb$complex_type c set c.xmldata = XDB.XDB$COMPLEX_T(XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T('330400060000021112'), (select ref(s) from xdb.xdb$schema s where s.xmldata.schema_url = ''), NULL, NULL, '00', '00', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, choice_ref, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'XDB$PRIV_T', 'XDB', '00', NULL, NULL, NULL) where ref(c) = (select from XDB.xdb$element e where = 'privilege' and = (select ref(s) from xdb.xdb$schema s where s.xmldata.schema_url = '')); update xdb.migr9202status set n = 400; commit; end if; end; / show errors; Rem Now continue upgrade of bootstrap schemas @@xdbs9202.sql