Rem Rem $Header: rdbms/admin/xdbs111.sql /st_rdbms_11.2.0/4 2011/05/20 09:12:32 spetride Exp $ Rem Rem xdbs111.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2007, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. Rem All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem xdbs111.sql - XDB Upgrade from 11.1.0 Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem This script performs XDB schema upgrade actions to upgrade from Rem 11.1.0 to the current release Rem Rem NOTES Rem It is invoked by xdbdbmig.sql and by xdbs102.sql Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem spetride 05/16/11 - grant select to select_catalog_role Rem spetride 04/12/11 - Backport spetride_bug-12317504 from main Rem badeoti 08/19/10 - make re-runnable by modularizing Rem badeoti 05/28/10 - make sure schema_t version is upgraded Rem badeoti 05/18/10 - lrg 4616786: xmltype table flags in sys.opqtype Rem thbaby 03/01/10 - add column grppos to xdb.xdb$xidx_imp_t Rem vhosur 02/16/10 - Schema for simple types should be XDBResource Rem badeoti 02/15/10 - bug 9304342: fix-up complex type PDs Rem vhosur 01/20/10 - Fix bug 9014927 Rem vhosur 01/07/10 - Mark Container unmuttable Rem ataracha 11/17/09 - XDBResource.xsd: IsXMLIndexed - mark immutable Rem badeoti 10/28/09 - Include sidicula_bug-7596530 fixes for 9201NT Rem schema-for-schemas Rem spetride 07/29/09 - add localApplicationGroupStore and on-deny options Rem badeoti 07/23/09 - drop utility functions Rem mkandarp 06/16/09 - 8571751: increase maxval for xdb$namesuff_seq Rem spetride 05/08/09 - upgrade XMLIndexMethods Rem spetride 02/16/09 - upgrade for Expire headers in xdbconfig Rem badeoti 02/26/09 - add respond-with-server-info to httpcfg Rem atabar 02/09/09 - xdbconfig upgrade: default-type-mappings Rem spetride 02/02/09 - upgrade for realm under httpconfig Rem spetride 06/11/08 - upgrade ACL and CONFIG schemas 11.1 to 11.2 Rem badeoti 10/28/08 - manual upgrade for resconfig schema, no Rem inplaceEvolve Rem bhammers 04/22/08 - renamed col in XDB.XDB$XIDX_IMP_T Rem badeoti 04/29/08 - ipv6 support: ipaddress type upgrade Rem attran 04/15/08 - Add support for new partitioning M of XMLIndex Rem bhammers 03/18/08 - add upgrade for XML Index Rem yifeng 11/07/07 - use xmldiff before call to InPlaceEvolve Rem jwwarner 10/12/07 - add upgrade for ResConfig schema Rem mrafiq 09/26/07 - add upgrade for acl and ace any element Rem rburns 08/22/07 - add 11g XDB up/down scripts Rem rburns 08/22/07 - Created Rem -- utility functions may not have been dropped during prior upgrade from 10.2 -- drop them here @@xdbuud2 Rem Load XDB upgrade downgrade utilities (dbms_xdbmig_util) @@prvtxudu.plb Rem Fix schema-for-schemas in DBs upgraded from 9201 execute dbms_xdbmig_util.checkSchSchCfgKids; execute dbms_xdbmig_util.fixSchSchCfgKids; execute dbms_xdbmig_util.checkSchSchCfgKids; commit; Rem Fix corrupted complex type rows execute dbms_xdbmig_util.fixCfgPDs; execute dbms_xdbmig_util.checkCfgPDs; execute dbms_xdbmig_util.checkSchSchCfgKids; commit; -- increase maxval for namesuff_seq alter sequence xdb.xdb$namesuff_seq maxvalue 99999; -- schema_t version attribute should have length 4000 declare ubound number; prvers varchar2(30); len NUMBER; begin select UPPER_BOUND into ubound from dba_coll_types where owner = 'XDB' and type_name = 'XDB$FACET_LIST_T'; -- check if this has been upgraded previously select prv_version into prvers from registry$ where cid='XDB'; if ((ubound < 65536) and (prvers is not null)) then -- Artificially increase facet_list_t version number to match table data -- Needed because a reset might have done on type during an earlier upgrade from 9.2 execute immediate 'alter type xdb.xdb$facet_list_t modify limit 65536 cascade not including table data'; dbms_output.put_line('altered facet list limit'); end if; select LENGTH into len from dba_type_attrs where owner = 'XDB' and TYPE_NAME = 'XDB$SCHEMA_T' and ATTR_NAME = 'VERSION'; if(len < 4000) then -- DDL change to schema table execute immediate 'alter type XDB.XDB$SCHEMA_T modify attribute version varchar2(4000) cascade not including table data'; dbms_output.put_line('altered schema_t version attr'); end if; if(((ubound < 65536) and (prvers is not null)) or (len < 4000)) then -- Upgrade data for tables depending on xdb$facet_list_t, xdb$schema_t execute immediate 'alter table XDB.XDB$SCHEMA upgrade'; execute immediate 'alter table XDB.XDB$SIMPLE_TYPE upgrade'; execute immediate 'alter table XDB.XDB$COMPLEX_TYPE upgrade'; end if; end; / /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Update opqtype$ flag for XMLType Tables */ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ column table_name format a35 column opqflg format a9 column obj# format 999999 select o.obj#, '"'||||'"."'||||'"' table_name, '0x'||ltrim(rawtohex(utl_raw.cast_from_binary_integer(opq.flags)),'0') opqflg from sys.obj$ o, sys.user$ u, xdb.xdb$element e, sys.opqtype$ opq,$ t, sys.col$ c where o.owner#=u.user# and e.xmldata.default_table is not null and e.xmldata.sql_inline = '00' and = '01' and = e.xmldata.default_table_schema and = e.xmldata.default_table and opq.obj# = o.obj# and t.obj# = o.obj# and c.obj# = opq.obj# and c.intcol# = opq.intcol# and bitand(, 512) = 512 -- rowinfo column and bitand(opq.flags, 32) = 32 -- OOL order by 1, 2 / select d.TABLE_NAME, d.SCHEMA_OWNER||'.'||d.ELEMENT_NAME element_name, d.STORAGE_TYPE, o.obj#, '0x'||ltrim(rawtohex(utl_raw.cast_from_binary_integer(opq.flags)),'0') opqflg from DBA_XML_TABLES d, sys.obj$ o, sys.opqtype$ opq, sys.user$ u, sys.col$ c where = d.table_name and o.owner# = u.user# and = d.owner and o.obj# = opq.obj# and c.obj# = opq.obj# and c.intcol# = opq.intcol# and bitand(, 512) = 512 -- rowinfo column and bitand(opq.flags, 1024) = 0 -- xmltype table / -- XMLType tables should have KKDOOPQF_XMLTYPETABLE set update sys.opqtype$ op set op.flags = utl_raw.cast_to_binary_integer ( utl_raw.bit_or ( utl_raw.cast_from_binary_integer(op.flags), utl_raw.cast_from_binary_integer(1024) ) ) where (op.obj#, op.intcol#) in (select opq.obj#, opq.intcol# from sys.obj$ o, sys.user$ u, sys.opqtype$ opq, sys.col$ c, sys.coltype$ ac,$ t where o.owner#=u.user# and o.obj# = t.obj# and bitand(, 1) = 1 and opq.obj# = o.obj# and c.obj# = ac.obj# and c.intcol# = ac.intcol# and ac.toid = '00000000000000000000000000020100' and c.obj# = opq.obj# and c.intcol# = opq.intcol# and bitand(, 512) = 512 /* rowinfo column */ and bitand(opq.flags, 1024) = 0 /* flag not already set xmltype table */ ); -- Default tables for global schema element are not OOL update sys.opqtype$ op set op.flags = op.flags - 32 where (op.obj#, op.intcol#) in (select opq.obj#, opq.intcol# from sys.obj$ o, sys.user$ u, xdb.xdb$element e, sys.opqtype$ opq,$ t, sys.col$ c where o.owner#=u.user# and e.xmldata.default_table is not null and e.xmldata.sql_inline = '00' and = '01' and = e.xmldata.default_table_schema and = e.xmldata.default_table and opq.obj# = o.obj# and t.obj# = o.obj# and c.obj# = opq.obj# and c.intcol# = opq.intcol# and bitand(, 512) = 512 -- rowinfo column and bitand(opq.flags, 32) = 32 -- OOL ); /*************************************************************************/ /******************* Upgrade XDBResource schema to 11.2 ******************/ /*************************************************************************/ declare res_schema_ref REF XMLTYPE; res_schema_url VARCHAR2(100); begin res_schema_url := ''; select ref(s) into res_schema_ref from xdb.xdb$schema s where s.xmldata.schema_url = res_schema_url; /* Set numcolumns for simple types to 0 */ execute immediate 'update xdb.xdb$element e set e.xmldata.num_cols = 0 where''XMLRef'' or''XMLLob'' or''Flags'' or''SBResExtra'' or''Snapshot'' or''NodeNum'' or''ContentSize'' or''SizeOnDisk'' and' using res_schema_ref; /* IsXMLIndexed - mark unmutable */ update xdb.xdb$attribute a set a.xmldata.MUTABLE = '01' where a.xmldata.parent_schema = res_schema_ref and = 'IsXMLIndexed'; /* container - mark unmutable */ update xdb.xdb$attribute a set a.xmldata.MUTABLE = '01' where a.xmldata.parent_schema = res_schema_ref and = 'Container'; commit; end; / /*************************************************************************/ /********************** Upgrade ACL schema to 11.2 **********************/ /*************************************************************************/ -- This changes the processContents attribute for the any element in the acl and ace elements -- to lax so that user defined data can be added to these any elements. create or replace procedure xdb$updateAclProcessContents(ace_cplx_ref IN REF SYS.XMLTYPE) as anylist XDB.XDB$XMLTYPE_REF_LIST_T; any_ref REF XMLTYPE; seq_ref REF XMLTYPE; begin -- update the any element of the ace element to make -- processContents attibute equals lax select c.xmldata.sequence_kid into seq_ref from xdb.xdb$complex_type c where ref(c) = ace_cplx_ref; select m.xmldata.anys into anylist from xdb.xdb$sequence_model m where ref(m) = seq_ref; any_ref := anylist(1); update xdb.xdb$any a set a.xmldata.process_contents = XDB.XDB$PROCESSCHOICE('01'),$ = XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T('43881800F000001E1F1C1D0809181B030B0C07') where ref(a) = any_ref; -- update the any element of the acl element to make -- processContents attibute equals lax select c.xmldata.sequence_kid into seq_ref from xdb.xdb$complex_type c where like 'aclType'; select m.xmldata.anys into anylist from xdb.xdb$sequence_model m where ref(m) = seq_ref; any_ref := anylist(1); update xdb.xdb$any a set a.xmldata.process_contents = XDB.XDB$PROCESSCHOICE('01'),$ = XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T('43881800F000001E1F1C1D0809181B030B0C07') where ref(a) = any_ref; commit; end xdb$updateAclProcessContents; / show errors; -- This adds 'ApplicationName' principal format create or replace procedure xdb$addAclApplicationName(ace_cplx_ref IN REF SYS.XMLTYPE) as aceattrs XDB.XDB$XMLTYPE_REF_LIST_T; i NUMBER; nm VARCHAR2(256); aceattr REF SYS.XMLTYPE; begin -- find the list of attributes for the ace's complex type select c.xmldata.attributes into aceattrs from xdb.xdb$complex_type c where ref(c) = ace_cplx_ref; for i in 1..aceattrs.last loop select into nm from xdb.xdb$attribute a where ref(a)=aceattrs(i); if (nm = 'principalFormat') then -- update the simple type for principalFormat update xdb.xdb$simple_type s set s.xmldata.sys_xdbpd$ = XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T('23020000000106'), s.xmldata.restriction = XDB.XDB$SIMPLE_DERIVATION_T( XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T('330008020000118B8005'), NULL, XDB.XDB$QNAME('00', 'string'), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, XDB.XDB$FACET_LIST_T( XDB.XDB$FACET_T(XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T('130200000102'), NULL, 'ShortName', '00', NULL), XDB.XDB$FACET_T(XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T('130200000102'), NULL, 'DistinguishedName', '00', NULL), XDB.XDB$FACET_T(XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T('130200000102'), NULL, 'GUID', '00', NULL), XDB.XDB$FACET_T(XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T('130200000102'), NULL, 'XSName', '00', NULL), XDB.XDB$FACET_T(XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T('130200000102'), NULL, 'ApplicationName', '00', NULL)), NULL, NULL) where ref(s) = (select a.xmldata.smpl_type_decl from xdb.xdb$attribute a where ref(a)=aceattrs(i)); dbms_output.put_line('updated acl.ace.principalFormat.restriction'); -- exit the loop exit; end if; end loop; commit; end xdb$addAclApplicationName; / show errors; declare acl_schema_url VARCHAR2(100); acl_schema_ref REF XMLTYPE; ace_cplxType_ref REF XMLTYPE; begin acl_schema_url := ''; select ref(s) into acl_schema_ref from xdb.xdb$schema s where s.xmldata.schema_url = acl_schema_url; select e.xmldata.cplx_type_decl into ace_cplxType_ref from xdb.xdb$element e where = 'ace' and = acl_schema_ref; xdb$updateAclProcessContents(ace_cplxType_ref); xdb$addAclApplicationName(ace_cplxType_ref); end; / -- drop acl-specific procedures/functions drop procedure xdb$updateAclProcessContents; drop procedure xdb$addAclApplicationName; /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* End upgrade of ACL schema */ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /****** Some utility functions ******/ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Return complex type in input list under schema_ref, */ /* and with name = child */ /* OR null if none exist in list */ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ create or replace function xdb$find_cmplx_type(seq xdb.xdb$xmltype_ref_list_t, child varchar2, schema_ref REF SYS.XMLTYPE) return ref xmltype as r ref sys.xmltype; begin select ref(c) into r from xdb.xdb$complex_type c where (seq is null OR (ref(c) in (select * from table(seq)))) and = child and c.xmldata.parent_schema = schema_ref; return r; exception when no_data_found then return null; end xdb$find_cmplx_type; / show errors; /*************************************************************************/ /********************* Upgrage XDBConfig to 11.2 *************************/ /*************************************************************************/ /* Insert one element under the xdbconfig schema into xdb$element table */ create or replace function xdb$insertCfgCplxElem( -- elems_reflist XDB.XDB$XMLTYPE_REF_LIST_T, prop_pd XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T, prop_parschema REF SYS.XMLTYPE, prop_elemname VARCHAR2, prop_typename XDB.XDB$QNAME, prop_memtypecode RAW, prop_sqlname VARCHAR2, prop_sqltype VARCHAR2, prop_dfltval VARCHAR2, prop_smpltypedecl REF SYS.XMLTYPE, prop_typeref REF SYS.XMLTYPE, mem_inline RAW, java_inline RAW, cplx_type_decl REF SYS.XMLTYPE, min_occurs INTEGER, max_occurs VARCHAR2) return REF SYS.XMLTYPE AS elemref REF SYS.XMLTYPE := NULL; prop_propnum INTEGER; BEGIN -- TODO: Need to check if element exists, to avoid dangling refs??? -- TODO: this has to be done with element_exists_complextype since multiple elements with same name and other details can exist in the same schema, especially if many of these details are null or default -- extend sequence and insert new element -- elems_reflist.extend(1); prop_propnum := xdb.xdb$propnum_seq.nextval; insert into xdb.xdb$element e (e.xmlextra, e.xmldata) values(dbms_xdbmig_util.getConfigXtra, XDB.XDB$ELEMENT_T( XDB.XDB$PROPERTY_T(prop_pd, prop_parschema, prop_propnum, prop_elemname, prop_typename, NULL, prop_memtypecode, '00', '00', NULL, -- 10 prop_sqlname, prop_sqltype, NULL, NULL, prop_dfltval, prop_smpltypedecl, prop_typeref, NULL, NULL, NULL, -- 20 NULL, '00', NULL, NULL, NULL, '00', NULL, NULL, '00'), NULL, NULL, '00', NULL, NULL, '00', mem_inline, '01', java_inline, -- 10 '01', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, cplx_type_decl, NULL, NULL, -- 20 min_occurs, max_occurs, '00', '01', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, -- 30 NULL, NULL)) returning ref(e) into elemref; -- elems_reflist(elems_reflist.last) := elemref; dbms_output.put_line('created new element ' || prop_elemname || ' ,propnum = ' || prop_propnum); return elemref; END xdb$insertCfgCplxElem; / show errors; -- ipv6 support: modify simpletype ipaddress in xdbconfig create or replace procedure xdb$updateConfigIpaddress(config_sch_ref IN REF SYS.XMLTYPE) as begin update xdb.xdb$simple_type e set e.xmldata.restriction.sys_xdbpd$ = XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T('3310000200001104'), e.xmldata.restriction.maxlength = XDB.XDB$NUMFACET_T(XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T('130200000102'), NULL, 40, '00', NULL), e.xmldata.restriction.pattern = NULL where e.xmldata.parent_schema = config_sch_ref and = 'ipaddress'; commit; end xdb$updateConfigIpaddress; / show errors; /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Procedure to create custom-authentication-trust-type (global complex type in xdbconfig) * If xdbconfig.custom-authentication-trust-type exists in xdb$complex_type, * we return that instead /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ create or replace function xdb$getCustomAuthTrustType(config_sch_ref IN REF SYS.XMLTYPE) return REF SYS.XMLTYPE as skidtrustelems XDB.XDB$XMLTYPE_REF_LIST_T; refskidtrustelems REF SYS.XMLTYPE; anypart VARCHAR2(4000); reftrustschtyp REF SYS.XMLTYPE; skidtrustschs XDB.XDB$XMLTYPE_REF_LIST_T; refskidtrustschs REF SYS.XMLTYPE; refcauthtrusttyp REF SYS.XMLTYPE; begin refcauthtrusttyp := xdb$find_cmplx_type(null, 'custom-authentication-trust-type', config_sch_ref); if refcauthtrusttyp is not null then dbms_output.put_line('custom-authentication-trust-type exists, not creating'); return refcauthtrusttyp; end if; dbms_output.put_line('creating custom-authentication-trust-type ...'); -- create seq(trust-scheme-name, requireParsingSchema, allowRegistration, -- trust-scheme-description, trusted-session-user, trusted-parsing-schema) -- for trust-scheme skidtrustelems := XDB.XDB$XMLTYPE_REF_LIST_T(); skidtrustelems.extend(6); -- create trust-scheme-name element skidtrustelems(1):= xdb$insertCfgCplxElem( XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T('83B810200080030000000004050809181B23262A32343503150C07292728'), config_sch_ref, 'trust-scheme-name', XDB.XDB$QNAME('00','string'), '01', null, 'string', null, null, null, '01', '01', null, 0, NULL); -- create the requireParsingSchema element skidtrustelems(2):= xdb$insertCfgCplxElem( XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T('83B890200080030400000004050F320809181B23262A343503150C07292728'), config_sch_ref, 'requireParsingSchema', XDB.XDB$QNAME('00', 'boolean'), 'FC', NULL, 'boolean', 'true', NULL, NULL, '01', '01', null, 0, NULL); -- create the allowRegistration element skidtrustelems(3):= xdb$insertCfgCplxElem( XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T('83B890200080030400000004050F320809181B23262A343503150C07292728'), config_sch_ref, 'allowRegistration', XDB.XDB$QNAME('00', 'boolean'), 'FC', NULL, 'boolean', 'true', NULL, NULL, '01', '01', null, 0, NULL); -- create the trust-scheme-description element skidtrustelems(4):= xdb$insertCfgCplxElem( XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T('83B81020008003040000000405320809181B23262A343503150C07292728'), config_sch_ref, 'trust-scheme-description', XDB.XDB$QNAME('00', 'string'), '01', NULL, 'string', NULL, NULL, NULL, '01', '01', null, 0, NULL); -- create the trusted-user-session element skidtrustelems(5):= xdb$insertCfgCplxElem( XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T('83B810200080030C000000040532330809181B23262A343503150C07292728'), config_sch_ref, 'trusted-session-user', XDB.XDB$QNAME('00', 'string'), '01', NULL, 'string', NULL, NULL, NULL, '01', '01', NULL, 1, 'unbounded'); -- create the trusted-parsing-schema element skidtrustelems(6):= xdb$insertCfgCplxElem( XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T('83B810200080030C000000040532330809181B23262A343503150C07292728'), config_sch_ref, 'trusted-parsing-schema', XDB.XDB$QNAME('00', 'string'), '01', NULL, 'string', NULL, NULL, NULL, '01', '01', NULL, 0, 'unbounded'); -- the workgroup element is not added anymore dbms_output.put_line(to_char(skidtrustelems.count) || ' elements in trust-scheme'); insert into xdb.xdb$sequence_model m (m.xmlextra, m.xmldata) values(dbms_xdbmig_util.getConfigXtra, XDB.XDB$MODEL_T(XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T('230200000081800607'), config_sch_ref, 0, NULL, skidtrustelems, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)) returning ref(m) into refskidtrustelems; -- create annotation for trust-scheme anypart := dbms_xdbmig_util.buildAnnotationKidList(skidtrustelems, null); -- create complex type declaration for trust-scheme insert into xdb.xdb$complex_type c (c.xmlextra, c.xmldata) values(dbms_xdbmig_util.getConfigXtra, XDB.XDB$COMPLEX_T(XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T('33090000000000030D0E13'), config_sch_ref, NULL, NULL, '00', '00', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, refskidtrustelems, NULL, NULL, XDB.XDB$ANNOTATION_T( XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T('1301000000'), XDB.XDB$APPINFO_LIST_T( XDB.XDB$APPINFO_T(XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T('1301000000'), anypart, NULL)), NULL), NULL, NULL, '01', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)) returning ref(c) into reftrustschtyp; -- create seq(trust-scheme) for custom-authentication-trust-type skidtrustschs := XDB.XDB$XMLTYPE_REF_LIST_T(); skidtrustschs.extend(1); -- create complex element trust-scheme skidtrustschs(1) := xdb$insertCfgCplxElem( XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T('839800201080030C0000000432331C0809181B23262A3435031507292728'), config_sch_ref, 'trust-scheme', NULL, '0102', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, reftrustschtyp, '00', '00', reftrustschtyp, 0, 'unbounded'); insert into xdb.xdb$sequence_model m (m.xmlextra, m.xmldata) values(dbms_xdbmig_util.getConfigXtra, XDB.XDB$MODEL_T(XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T('23020000000107'), config_sch_ref, 0, NULL, skidtrustschs, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)) returning ref(m) into refskidtrustschs; -- create annotation for complex type custom-authentication-trust-type anypart := dbms_xdbmig_util.buildAnnotationKidList(skidtrustschs, null); -- create complex type custom-authentication-trust-type insert into xdb.xdb$complex_type c (c.xmlextra, c.xmldata) values(dbms_xdbmig_util.getConfigXtra, XDB.XDB$COMPLEX_T( XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T('3309104000000C00030D0E1316'), config_sch_ref, NULL, 'custom-authentication-trust-type', '00', '00', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, refskidtrustschs, NULL, NULL, XDB.XDB$ANNOTATION_T( XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T('1301000000'), XDB.XDB$APPINFO_LIST_T( XDB.XDB$APPINFO_T(XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T('1301000000'), anypart, NULL)), NULL), NULL, NULL, '01', NULL, NULL, NULL, 215)) returning ref(c) into refcauthtrusttyp; commit; return refcauthtrusttyp; end xdb$getCustomAuthTrustType; / show errors; create or replace function xdb$getCAuthMappings(config_sch_ref IN REF SYS.XMLTYPE) return REF SYS.XMLTYPE as refmapselem REF SYS.XMLTYPE; skidmapelems XDB.XDB$XMLTYPE_REF_LIST_T; refskidmap REF SYS.XMLTYPE; refmaptype REF SYS.XMLTYPE; skidmapselems XDB.XDB$XMLTYPE_REF_LIST_T; refskidmaps REF SYS.XMLTYPE; refmapstype REF SYS.XMLTYPE; ref_ondeny_typ REF SYS.XMLTYPE; anypart VARCHAR2(4000); begin begin select ref(e) into refmapselem from xdb.xdb$complex_type c, xdb.xdb$element e where = 'custom-authentication-mappings' and e.xmldata.cplx_type_decl = ref(c) and = config_sch_ref and c.xmldata.parent_schema = config_sch_ref; dbms_output.put_line('custom-authentication-mappings element exists, not creating'); return refmapselem; exception when no_data_found then null; end; dbms_output.put_line('creating custom-authentication-mappings element'); -- create seq(authentication-pattern, authentication-name, authentication-trust-name, -- user-prefix, on-deny) -- for custom-authentication-mapping skidmapelems := XDB.XDB$XMLTYPE_REF_LIST_T(); skidmapelems.extend(5); -- create authentication-pattern element skidmapelems(1) := xdb$insertCfgCplxElem( XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T('83B810200080030000000004050809181B23262A32343503150C07292728'), config_sch_ref, 'authentication-pattern', XDB.XDB$QNAME('00', 'string'), '01', NULL, 'string', NULL, NULL, NULL, '01', '01', NULL, 0, NULL); -- create authentication-name element skidmapelems(2) := xdb$insertCfgCplxElem( XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T('83B810200080030000000004050809181B23262A32343503150C07292728'), config_sch_ref, 'authentication-name', XDB.XDB$QNAME('00', 'string'), '01', NULL, 'string', NULL, NULL, NULL, '01', '01', NULL, 0, NULL); -- create authentication-trust-name element skidmapelems(3) := xdb$insertCfgCplxElem( XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T('83B81020008003040000000405320809181B23262A343503150C07292728'), config_sch_ref, 'authentication-trust-name', XDB.XDB$QNAME('00', 'string'), '01', NULL, 'string', NULL, NULL, NULL, '01', '01', NULL, 0, NULL); -- create user-prefix element skidmapelems(4) := xdb$insertCfgCplxElem( XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T('83B81020008003040000000405320809181B23262A343503150C07292728'), config_sch_ref, 'user-prefix', XDB.XDB$QNAME('00', 'string'), '01', NULL, 'string', NULL, NULL, NULL, '01', '01', NULL, 0, NULL); -- create the simple type for on-deny insert into xdb.xdb$simple_type t (t.xmlextra, t.xmldata) values(dbms_xdbmig_util.getConfigXtra, XDB.XDB$SIMPLE_T( XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T('23020000000106'), config_sch_ref, NULL, '00', XDB.XDB$SIMPLE_DERIVATION_T( XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T('330008020000118B8002'), NULL, XDB.XDB$QNAME('00', 'string'), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, XDB.XDB$FACET_LIST_T( XDB.XDB$FACET_T(XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T('130200000102'), NULL, 'next-custom', '00', NULL), XDB.XDB$FACET_T(XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T('130200000102'), NULL, 'basic', '00', NULL)), NULL, NULL), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)) returning ref(t) into ref_ondeny_typ; -- create the on-deny element skidmapelems(5) := xdb$insertCfgCplxElem( XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T('839A1020008003040000000432010809181B23262A343503150C07292728'), config_sch_ref, 'on-deny', NULL, '0103', NULL, 'string', NULL, ref_ondeny_typ, ref_ondeny_typ, '01', '01', NULL, 0, NULL); insert into xdb.xdb$sequence_model m (m.xmlextra, m.xmldata) values(dbms_xdbmig_util.getConfigXtra, XDB.XDB$MODEL_T( XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T('230200000081800507'), config_sch_ref, 0, NULL, skidmapelems, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)) returning ref(m) into refskidmap; -- create annotation for custom-authentication-mapping anypart := dbms_xdbmig_util.buildAnnotationKidList(skidmapelems, null); -- create complex type declaration for custom-authentication-mapping insert into xdb.xdb$complex_type c (c.xmlextra, c.xmldata) values(dbms_xdbmig_util.getConfigXtra, XDB.XDB$COMPLEX_T( XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T('33090000000000030D0E13'), config_sch_ref, NULL, NULL, '00', '00', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, refskidmap, NULL, NULL, XDB.XDB$ANNOTATION_T(XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T('1301000000'), XDB.XDB$APPINFO_LIST_T(XDB.XDB$APPINFO_T(XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T('1301000000'), anypart, NULL)), NULL), NULL, NULL, '01', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)) returning ref(c) into refmaptype; -- create seq(custom-authentication-mapping) skidmapselems := XDB.XDB$XMLTYPE_REF_LIST_T(); skidmapselems.extend(1); -- create custom-authentication-mapping element skidmapselems(1) := xdb$insertCfgCplxElem( XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T('839800201080030C0000000432331C0809181B23262A3435031507292728'), config_sch_ref, 'custom-authentication-mapping', NULL, '0102', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, refmaptype, '00', '00', refmaptype, 0, 'unbounded'); insert into xdb.xdb$sequence_model m (m.xmlextra, m.xmldata) values(dbms_xdbmig_util.getConfigXtra, XDB.XDB$MODEL_T(XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T('23020000000107'), config_sch_ref, 0, NULL, skidmapselems, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)) returning ref(m) into refskidmaps; -- create annotation for complex type declaration for custom-authentication-mappings anypart := dbms_xdbmig_util.buildAnnotationKidList(skidmapselems, null); -- create complex type declaration for custom-authentication-mappings insert into xdb.xdb$complex_type c (c.xmlextra, c.xmldata) values(dbms_xdbmig_util.getConfigXtra, XDB.XDB$COMPLEX_T( XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T('33090000000000030D0E13'), config_sch_ref, NULL, NULL, '00', '00', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, refskidmaps, NULL, NULL, XDB.XDB$ANNOTATION_T(XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T('1301000000'), XDB.XDB$APPINFO_LIST_T(XDB.XDB$APPINFO_T(XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T('1301000000'), anypart, NULL)), NULL), NULL, NULL, '01', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)) returning ref(c) into refmapstype; refmapselem := xdb$insertCfgCplxElem( XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T('8398002010800300000000041C0809181B23262A323435031507292728'), config_sch_ref, 'custom-authentication-mappings', NULL, '0102', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, refmapstype, '00', '00', refmapstype, 0, NULL); return refmapselem; end xdb$getCAuthMappings; / show errors; create or replace function xdb$getCAuthList(config_sch_ref IN REF SYS.XMLTYPE) return REF SYS.XMLTYPE as reflistelem REF SYS.XMLTYPE; reflangtype REF SYS.XMLTYPE; skidauthelems XDB.XDB$XMLTYPE_REF_LIST_T; refskidauth REF SYS.XMLTYPE; refauthtype REF SYS.XMLTYPE; skidauthlistelems XDB.XDB$XMLTYPE_REF_LIST_T; refskidauthlist REF SYS.XMLTYPE; refauthlisttype REF SYS.XMLTYPE; anypart VARCHAR2(4000); begin begin select ref(e) into reflistelem from xdb.xdb$complex_type c, xdb.xdb$element e where = 'custom-authentication-list' and e.xmldata.cplx_type_decl = ref(c) and = config_sch_ref and c.xmldata.parent_schema = config_sch_ref; dbms_output.put_line('custom-authentication-list element exists, not creating'); return reflistelem; exception when no_data_found then null; end; dbms_output.put_line('creating custom-authentication-list element'); -- create seq(authentication-name, authentication-description, authentication-implement-schema, -- authentication-implement-method, authentication-implement-language) -- for custom-authentication-list.complexType.authentication skidauthelems := XDB.XDB$XMLTYPE_REF_LIST_T(); skidauthelems.extend(5); -- create authentication-name element skidauthelems(1) := xdb$insertCfgCplxElem( XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T('83B810200080030000000004050809181B23262A32343503150C07292728'), config_sch_ref, 'authentication-name', XDB.XDB$QNAME('00', 'string'), '01', NULL, 'string', NULL, NULL, NULL, '01', '01', NULL, 0, NULL); -- create authentication-description element skidauthelems(2) := xdb$insertCfgCplxElem( XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T('83B81020008003040000000405320809181B23262A343503150C07292728'), config_sch_ref, 'authentication-description', XDB.XDB$QNAME('00', 'string'), '01', NULL, 'string', NULL, NULL, NULL, '01', '01', NULL, 0, NULL); -- create authentication-implement-schema element skidauthelems(3) := xdb$insertCfgCplxElem( XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T('83B810200080030000000004050809181B23262A32343503150C07292728'), config_sch_ref, 'authentication-implement-schema', XDB.XDB$QNAME('00', 'string'), '01', NULL, 'string', NULL, NULL, NULL, '01', '01', NULL, 0, NULL); -- create authentication-implement-method element skidauthelems(4) := xdb$insertCfgCplxElem( XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T('83B810200080030000000004050809181B23262A32343503150C07292728'), config_sch_ref, 'authentication-implement-method', XDB.XDB$QNAME('00', 'string'), '01', NULL, 'string', NULL, NULL, NULL, '01', '01', NULL, 0, NULL); -- create annotation for simple type for authentication-implement-language (not needed) -- create simple type for authentication-implement-language insert into xdb.xdb$simple_type c (c.xmlextra, c.xmldata) values(dbms_xdbmig_util.getConfigXtra, XDB.XDB$SIMPLE_T( XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T('23020000000106'), config_sch_ref, NULL, '00', XDB.XDB$SIMPLE_DERIVATION_T( XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T('330008020000110B'), NULL, XDB.XDB$QNAME('00', 'string'), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, XDB.XDB$FACET_LIST_T( XDB.XDB$FACET_T(XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T('130200000102'), NULL, 'PL/SQL', '00', NULL)), NULL, NULL), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)) returning ref(c) into reflangtype; -- create authentication-implement-language element skidauthelems(5) := xdb$insertCfgCplxElem( XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T('839A10200080030000000004010809181B23262A32343503150C07292728'), config_sch_ref, 'authentication-implement-language', NULL, '0103', NULL, 'string', NULL, reflangtype, reflangtype, '01', '01', NULL, 0, NULL); insert into xdb.xdb$sequence_model m (m.xmlextra, m.xmldata) values(dbms_xdbmig_util.getConfigXtra, XDB.XDB$MODEL_T( XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T('230200000081800507'), config_sch_ref, 0, NULL, skidauthelems, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)) returning ref(m) into refskidauth; -- create annotation for complex type declaration for authentication anypart := dbms_xdbmig_util.buildAnnotationKidList(skidauthelems, null); -- create complex type declaration for authentication insert into xdb.xdb$complex_type c (c.xmlextra, c.xmldata) values(dbms_xdbmig_util.getConfigXtra, XDB.XDB$COMPLEX_T( XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T('33090000000000030D0E13'), config_sch_ref, NULL, NULL, '00', '00', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, refskidauth, NULL, NULL, XDB.XDB$ANNOTATION_T( XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T('1301000000'), XDB.XDB$APPINFO_LIST_T( XDB.XDB$APPINFO_T(XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T('1301000000'), anypart, NULL)), NULL), NULL, NULL, '01', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)) returning ref(c) into refauthtype; -- create seq(authentication) skidauthlistelems := XDB.XDB$XMLTYPE_REF_LIST_T(); skidauthlistelems.extend(1); -- create authentication element skidauthlistelems(1) := xdb$insertCfgCplxElem( XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T('839800201080030C0000000432331C0809181B23262A3435031507292728'), config_sch_ref, 'authentication', NULL, '0102', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, refauthtype, '00', '00', refauthtype, 0, 'unbounded'); insert into xdb.xdb$sequence_model m (m.xmlextra, m.xmldata) values(dbms_xdbmig_util.getConfigXtra, XDB.XDB$MODEL_T( XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T('23020000000107'), config_sch_ref, 0, NULL, skidauthlistelems, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)) returning ref(m) into refskidauthlist; -- create annotation for complex type declaration for custom-authentication-list anypart := dbms_xdbmig_util.buildAnnotationKidList(skidauthlistelems, null); -- create complex type declaration for custom-authentication-list insert into xdb.xdb$complex_type c (c.xmlextra, c.xmldata) values(dbms_xdbmig_util.getConfigXtra, XDB.XDB$COMPLEX_T( XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T('33090000000000030D0E13'), config_sch_ref, NULL, NULL, '00', '00', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, refskidauthlist, NULL, NULL, XDB.XDB$ANNOTATION_T( XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T('1301000000'), XDB.XDB$APPINFO_LIST_T( XDB.XDB$APPINFO_T(XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T('1301000000'), anypart, NULL)), NULL), NULL, NULL, '01', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)) returning ref(c) into refauthlisttype; reflistelem := xdb$insertCfgCplxElem( XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T('8398002010800300000000041C0809181B23262A323435031507292728'), config_sch_ref, 'custom-authentication-list', NULL, '0102', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, refauthlisttype, '00', '00', refauthlisttype, 0, NULL); return reflistelem; end xdb$getCAuthList; / show errors; create or replace function xdb$getCustomAuthType(config_sch_ref IN REF SYS.XMLTYPE, cauthtrusttyp_ref IN REF SYS.XMLTYPE) return REF SYS.XMLTYPE as refcauthtype REF SYS.XMLTYPE; skidcauthtypeelems XDB.XDB$XMLTYPE_REF_LIST_T; refskidcauthtype REF SYS.XMLTYPE; anypart VARCHAR2(4000); begin refcauthtype := xdb$find_cmplx_type(null, 'custom-authentication-type', config_sch_ref); if refcauthtype is not null then dbms_output.put_line('custom-authentication-type exists, not creating'); return refcauthtype; end if; dbms_output.put_line('creating custom-authentication-type ...'); -- create seq(custom-authentication-mappings, custom-authentication-list, -- custom-authentication-trust) -- for custom-authentication-type skidcauthtypeelems := XDB.XDB$XMLTYPE_REF_LIST_T(); skidcauthtypeelems.extend(3); -- create custom-authentication-mappings element skidcauthtypeelems(1) := xdb$getCAuthMappings(config_sch_ref); -- create custom-authentication-list element skidcauthtypeelems(2) := xdb$getCAuthList(config_sch_ref); skidcauthtypeelems(3) := xdb$insertCfgCplxElem( XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T('83B80020008003040000000405320809181B23262A3435031507292728'), config_sch_ref, 'custom-authentication-trust', XDB.XDB$QNAME('01', 'custom-authentication-trust-type'), '0102', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, cauthtrusttyp_ref, '00', '00', NULL, 0, NULL); insert into xdb.xdb$sequence_model m (m.xmlextra, m.xmldata) values(dbms_xdbmig_util.getConfigXtra, XDB.XDB$MODEL_T( XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T('230200000081800307'), config_sch_ref, 0, NULL, skidcauthtypeelems, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)) returning ref(m) into refskidcauthtype; -- create annotation for custom-authentication-type anypart := dbms_xdbmig_util.buildAnnotationKidList(skidcauthtypeelems, null); -- create complex type custom-authentication-type insert into xdb.xdb$complex_type c (c.xmlextra, c.xmldata) values(dbms_xdbmig_util.getConfigXtra, XDB.XDB$COMPLEX_T( XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T('3309104000000C00030D0E1316'), config_sch_ref, NULL, 'custom-authentication-type', '00', '00', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, refskidcauthtype, NULL, NULL, XDB.XDB$ANNOTATION_T( XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T('1301000000'), XDB.XDB$APPINFO_LIST_T( XDB.XDB$APPINFO_T(XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T('1301000000'), anypart, NULL)), NULL), NULL, NULL, '01', NULL, NULL, NULL, 141)) returning ref(c) into refcauthtype; commit; return refcauthtype; end xdb$getCustomAuthType; / show errors; /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Procedure to create expire-type (global complex type in xdbconfig) */ /* If xdbconfig.expire-type exists in xdb$complex_type, we return that instead */ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ create or replace function xdb$getConfigExpireType (config_sch_ref IN REF SYS.XMLTYPE) return ref sys.xmltype as exptype REF SYS.XMLTYPE; expdeftype REF SYS.XMLTYPE; skidexpmap XDB.XDB$XMLTYPE_REF_LIST_T; refskidmap REF SYS.XMLTYPE; anypart VARCHAR2(4000); expmaptype REF SYS.XMLTYPE; skidexp XDB.XDB$XMLTYPE_REF_LIST_T; refskidexp REF SYS.XMLTYPE; begin exptype := xdb$find_cmplx_type(null, 'expire-type', config_sch_ref); if exptype is not null then dbms_output.put_line('expire-type exists, not creating'); return exptype; end if; dbms_output.put_line('creating expire-type ...'); skidexpmap := XDB.XDB$XMLTYPE_REF_LIST_T(); skidexpmap.extend(2); -- create the expire-pattern element skidexpmap(1) := xdb$insertCfgCplxElem( XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T('83B810200080030000000004050809181B23262A32343503150C07292728'), config_sch_ref, 'expire-pattern', XDB.XDB$QNAME('00', 'string'), '01', NULL, 'string', NULL, NULL, NULL, '01', '01', NULL, 0, NULL); dbms_output.put_line('1. expire-pattern element created'); -- create simple type for expire-default insert into xdb.xdb$simple_type st (st.xmlextra, st.xmldata) values(dbms_xdbmig_util.getConfigXtra, XDB.XDB$SIMPLE_T( XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T('23020000000106'), config_sch_ref, NULL, '00', XDB.XDB$SIMPLE_DERIVATION_T( XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T('330004020000110A'), NULL, XDB.XDB$QNAME('00', 'string'), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, XDB.XDB$FACET_LIST_T( XDB.XDB$FACET_T(XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T('130200000102'), NULL, '(now|modification)(\s(plus))?(\s(([1]\s(year))|([0-9]*\s(years))))?(\s(([1]\s(month))|([0-9]*\s(months))))?(\s(([1]\s(week))|([0-9]*\s(weeks))))?(\s(([1]\s(day))|([0-9]*\s(days))))?(\s(([1]\s(hour))|([0-9]*\s(hours))))?(\s(([1]\s(minute))|([0-9]*\s(minutes))))?(\s(([1]\s(second))|([0-9]*\s(seconds))))?', '00', NULL)), NULL, NULL, NULL), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)) returning ref(st) into expdeftype; dbms_output.put_line('2. simple type for expire-default created'); -- create expire-default element skidexpmap(2) := xdb$insertCfgCplxElem( XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T('839A10200080030000000004010809181B23262A32343503150C07292728'), config_sch_ref, 'expire-default', NULL, '01', NULL, 'string', NULL, expdeftype, expdeftype, '01', '01', NULL, 0, NULL); dbms_output.put_line('3. expire-default element created'); -- seq(expire-pattern, expire-default) insert into xdb.xdb$sequence_model m (m.xmlextra, m.xmldata) values(dbms_xdbmig_util.getConfigXtra, XDB.XDB$MODEL_T( XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T('230200000081800207'), config_sch_ref, 0, NULL, skidexpmap, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)) returning ref(m) into refskidmap; dbms_output.put_line('4. seq(expire-pattern, expire-default) created'); -- create annotation for the type of expire-mapping anypart := dbms_xdbmig_util.buildAnnotationKidList(skidexpmap, null); -- create complex type declaration for expire-mapping insert into xdb.xdb$complex_type c (c.xmlextra, c.xmldata) values(dbms_xdbmig_util.getConfigXtra, XDB.XDB$COMPLEX_T( XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T('33090000000000030D0E13'), config_sch_ref, NULL, NULL, '00', '00', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, refskidmap, NULL, NULL, XDB.XDB$ANNOTATION_T( XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T('1301000000'), XDB.XDB$APPINFO_LIST_T( XDB.XDB$APPINFO_T(XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T('1301000000'), anypart, NULL)), NULL), NULL, NULL, '01', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)) returning ref(c) into expmaptype; dbms_output.put_line('5. complex type for expire-mapping created'); -- seq(expire-mapping) skidexp := XDB.XDB$XMLTYPE_REF_LIST_T(); skidexp.extend(1); -- create expire-mapping element skidexp(1) := xdb$insertCfgCplxElem( XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T('839800201080030C0000000432331C0809181B23262A3435031507292728'), config_sch_ref, 'expire-mapping', NULL, '0102', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, expmaptype, '00', '00', expmaptype, 0, 'unbounded'); dbms_output.put_line('6. expire-mapping element created'); insert into xdb.xdb$sequence_model m (m.xmlextra, m.xmldata) values(dbms_xdbmig_util.getConfigXtra, XDB.XDB$MODEL_T(XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T('23020000000107'), config_sch_ref, 0, NULL, skidexp, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)) returning ref(m) into refskidexp; dbms_output.put_line('7. seq(expire-mapping) created'); -- create annotation for expire-type anypart := dbms_xdbmig_util.buildAnnotationKidList(skidexp, null); -- create expire-type insert into xdb.xdb$complex_type c (c.xmlextra, c.xmldata) values(dbms_xdbmig_util.getConfigXtra, XDB.XDB$COMPLEX_T( XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T('3309104000000C00030D0E1316'), config_sch_ref, NULL, 'expire-type', '00', '00', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, refskidexp, NULL, NULL, XDB.XDB$ANNOTATION_T( XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T('1301000000'), XDB.XDB$APPINFO_LIST_T( XDB.XDB$APPINFO_T(XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T('1301000000'), anypart, NULL)), NULL), NULL, NULL, '01', NULL, NULL, NULL, 143)) returning ref(c) into exptype; dbms_output.put_line('8. expire-type created'); commit; return exptype; end xdb$getConfigExpireType; / show errors; /* Upgrade /xdbconfig/sysconfig/httpconfig children Add: /sysconfig/httpconfig/custom-authentication /sysconfig/httpconfig/realm /sysconfig/httpconfig/respond-with-server-info /sysconfig/httpconfig/expire */ create or replace procedure xdb$updateHttpConfig(config_sch_ref IN REF SYS.XMLTYPE, refcauthtype IN REF SYS.XMLTYPE, refexptype IN REF SYS.XMLTYPE) as PRAGMA AUTONOMOUS_TRANSACTION; refhttptype REF SYS.XMLTYPE; refskidhttp REF SYS.XMLTYPE; skidhttpelems XDB.XDB$XMLTYPE_REF_LIST_T; anypart VARCHAR2(4000); r REF SYS.XMLTYPE; seqsize number; begin -- update elements and PD for seq kid of httpconfig -- new elements : { ..., custom-authentication, realm, respond-with-server-info, -- expire} select e.xmldata.cplx_type_decl, c.xmldata.sequence_kid, m.xmldata.elements into refhttptype, refskidhttp, skidhttpelems from xdb.xdb$element e, xdb.xdb$complex_type c, xdb.xdb$sequence_model m where ='httpconfig' and = config_sch_ref and ref(c) = e.xmldata.cplx_type_decl and ref(m) = c.xmldata.sequence_kid; -- save initial count seqsize := skidhttpelems.count; -- create custom-authentication element of type custom-authentication-type r := dbms_xdbmig_util.find_child(skidhttpelems, 'custom-authentication'); if r is null then skidhttpelems.extend(1); skidhttpelems(skidhttpelems.last) := xdb$insertCfgCplxElem( XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T('83B80020008003040000000405320809181B23262A3435031507292728'), config_sch_ref, 'custom-authentication', XDB.XDB$QNAME('01', 'custom-authentication-type'), '0102', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, refcauthtype, '00', '00', NULL, 0, NULL); dbms_output.put_line('added custom-authentication to http elem list'); end if; -- create the realm element r := dbms_xdbmig_util.find_child(skidhttpelems, 'realm'); if r is null then skidhttpelems.extend(1); skidhttpelems(skidhttpelems.last) := xdb$insertCfgCplxElem( XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T('83B81020008003040000000405320809181B23262A343503150C07292728'), config_sch_ref, 'realm', XDB.XDB$QNAME('00', 'string'), '01', NULL, 'string', NULL, NULL, NULL, '01', '01', NULL, 0, NULL); dbms_output.put_line('added realm to http elem list'); end if; -- create the respond-with-server-info element r := dbms_xdbmig_util.find_child(skidhttpelems, 'respond-with-server-info'); if r is null then skidhttpelems.extend(1); skidhttpelems(skidhttpelems.last) := xdb$insertCfgCplxElem( XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T('83B890200080030400000004050F320809181B23262A343503150C07292728'), config_sch_ref, 'respond-with-server-info', XDB.XDB$QNAME('00', 'boolean'), 'FC', NULL, 'boolean', 'true', NULL, NULL, '01', '01', NULL, 0, NULL); dbms_output.put_line('added respond-with-server-info to http elem list'); end if; -- create the expire element r := dbms_xdbmig_util.find_child(skidhttpelems, 'expire'); if r is null then skidhttpelems.extend(1); skidhttpelems(skidhttpelems.last) := xdb$insertCfgCplxElem( XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T('83B80020008003040000000405320809181B23262A3435031507292728'), config_sch_ref, 'expire', XDB.XDB$QNAME('01', 'expire-type'), '0102', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, refexptype, '00', '00', NULL, 0, NULL); dbms_output.put_line('added expire to http elem list'); end if; commit; -- update elements and PD for seq kid of httpconfig, if new element was added if skidhttpelems.count > seqsize then update xdb.xdb$sequence_model m set m.xmldata.elements = skidhttpelems, m.xmldata.sys_xdbpd$ = XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T('230200000081801807') where ref(m)= refskidhttp; dbms_output.put_line('httpconfig: updated sequence kid and PD'); -- update annotations for the complex type declaration for httpconfig anypart := dbms_xdbmig_util.buildAnnotationKidList(skidhttpelems, null); -- needed in the upgrade to main update xdb.xdb$complex_type c set c.xmldata.annotation.appinfo = XDB.XDB$APPINFO_LIST_T( XDB.XDB$APPINFO_T(XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T('1301000000'), anypart, NULL)), c.xmldata.annotation.sys_xdbpd$ = XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T('1301000000') where c.xmldata.parent_schema = config_sch_ref and ref(c)=refhttptype; commit; end if; end xdb$updateHttpConfig; / show errors; /* Upgrade /xdbconfig/sysconfig children Add: /sysconfig/allow-authentication-trust /sysconfig/custom-authentication-trust /sysconfig/default-type-mappings /sysconfig/localApplicationGroupStore */ create or replace procedure xdb$updateSysConfig(config_sch_ref IN REF SYS.XMLTYPE, refcauthtrusttyp IN REF SYS.XMLTYPE) as PRAGMA AUTONOMOUS_TRANSACTION; refsystype REF SYS.XMLTYPE; refskidsys REF SYS.XMLTYPE; skidsyselems XDB.XDB$XMLTYPE_REF_LIST_T; anypart VARCHAR2(4000); r REF SYS.XMLTYPE; simpletype_ref REF SYS.XMLTYPE; seqsize NUMBER; begin -- update elements and PD for seq kid of sysconfig -- adding elements { ..., allow-authentication-trust, custom-authentication-trust } select e.xmldata.cplx_type_decl, c.xmldata.sequence_kid, m.xmldata.elements into refsystype, refskidsys, skidsyselems from xdb.xdb$element e, xdb.xdb$complex_type c, xdb.xdb$sequence_model m where ='sysconfig' and = config_sch_ref and ref(c) = e.xmldata.cplx_type_decl and ref(m) = c.xmldata.sequence_kid; -- save initial count seqsize := skidsyselems.count; -- create allow-authentication-trust element r := dbms_xdbmig_util.find_child(skidsyselems, 'allow-authentication-trust'); if r is null then skidsyselems.extend(1); skidsyselems(skidsyselems.last) := xdb$insertCfgCplxElem( XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T('83B890200080030400000004050F320809181B23262A343503150C07292728'), config_sch_ref, 'allow-authentication-trust', XDB.XDB$QNAME('00', 'boolean'), 'FC', NULL, 'boolean', 'false', NULL, NULL, '01', '01', NULL, 0, NULL); dbms_output.put_line('added allow-authentication-trust to sysconfig child list'); end if; -- create custom-authentication-trust element under sysconfig r := dbms_xdbmig_util.find_child(skidsyselems, 'custom-authentication-trust'); if r is null then skidsyselems.extend(1); skidsyselems(skidsyselems.last) := xdb$insertCfgCplxElem( XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T('83B80020008003040000000405320809181B23262A3435031507292728'), config_sch_ref, 'custom-authentication-trust', XDB.XDB$QNAME('01', 'custom-authentication-trust-type'), '0102', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, refcauthtrusttyp, '00', '00', NULL, 0, NULL); dbms_output.put_line('added custom-authentication-trust to sysconfig child list'); end if; -- create default-type-mappings element r := dbms_xdbmig_util.find_child(skidsyselems, 'default-type-mappings'); if r is null then -- create simple type declaration for default-type-mappings insert into xdb.xdb$simple_type st (st.xmlextra, st.xmldata) values (dbms_xdbmig_util.getConfigXtra, XDB.XDB$SIMPLE_T( XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T('23020000000106'), config_sch_ref, NULL, '00', XDB.XDB$SIMPLE_DERIVATION_T( XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T('330008020000118B8002'), NULL, XDB.XDB$QNAME('00', 'string'), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, XDB.XDB$FACET_LIST_T( XDB.XDB$FACET_T( XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T('130200000102'), NULL, 'pre-11.2', '00', NULL), XDB.XDB$FACET_T( XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T('130200000102'), NULL, 'post-11.2', '00', NULL)), NULL, NULL), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)) returning ref(st) into simpletype_ref; skidsyselems.extend(1); skidsyselems(skidsyselems.last) := xdb$insertCfgCplxElem( XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T('839A1020008003040000000432010809181B23262A343503150C07292728'), config_sch_ref, 'default-type-mappings', NULL, '0103', NULL, 'string', NULL, simpletype_ref, simpletype_ref, '01', '01', NULL, 0, NULL); dbms_output.put_line('added default-type-mappings to sysconfig child list'); end if; -- create localApplicationGroupStore element r := dbms_xdbmig_util.find_child(skidsyselems, 'localApplicationGroupStore'); if r is null then skidsyselems.extend(1); skidsyselems(skidsyselems.last) := xdb$insertCfgCplxElem( XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T('83B890200080030400000004050F320809181B23262A343503150C07292728'), config_sch_ref, 'localApplicationGroupStore', XDB.XDB$QNAME('00', 'boolean'), 'FC', NULL, 'boolean', 'true', NULL, NULL, '01', '01', NULL, 0, NULL); dbms_output.put_line('added localApplicationGroupStore to sysconfig child list'); end if; commit; -- update elements and PD for seq kid of sysconfig, if new element was added if skidsyselems.count > seqsize then update xdb.xdb$sequence_model m set m.xmldata.elements = skidsyselems, m.xmldata.sys_xdbpd$ = XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T('23020002000200182067656E65726963205844422070726F7065727469657320020E1E2070726F746F636F6C2073706563696669632070726F706572746965732081801C07') where ref(m) = refskidsys; -- update annotations for the complex type declaration for sysconfig anypart := dbms_xdbmig_util.buildAnnotationKidList(skidsyselems, null); -- pd update needed in the upgrade to main update xdb.xdb$complex_type c set c.xmldata.annotation.sys_xdbpd$ = XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T('1301000000'), c.xmldata.annotation.appinfo = XDB.XDB$APPINFO_LIST_T( XDB.XDB$APPINFO_T(XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T('1301000000'), anypart, NULL)) where c.xmldata.parent_schema = config_sch_ref and ref(c) = refsystype; commit; end if; end xdb$updateSysConfig; / show errors; /* ************ PLEASE MAKE SURE THIS REMAINS COMPLETELY RE-RUNNABLE ********** --add global complex types *custom-authentication-trust-type and *custom-authentication-type (dependent on custom-authentication-trust-type) *expire-type --add elements to sysconfig *allow-authentication-trust (type boolean) *custom-authentication-trust (type xdbc:custom-authentication-trust-type) *default-type-mappings (simple type) *localApplicationGroupStore (type boolean) --add elements to sysconfig->httpconfig *custom-authentication (type xdbc:custom-authentication-type) *realm (type string) *respond-with-server-info (type boolean) *expire --add value custom to restriction sysconfig->httpconfig->authentication->allow-mechanism */ create or replace procedure xdb$upgradeConfigSchema as schema_url VARCHAR2(700) := ''; refs REF SYS.XMLTYPE; CONFIG_PRPONUMS CONSTANT INTEGER := 204; clistinsch XDB.XDB$XMLTYPE_REF_LIST_T; numprops NUMBER(38); anypart VARCHAR2(4000); r REF SYS.XMLTYPE; refcauthtrusttyp REF SYS.XMLTYPE; refcauthtype REF SYS.XMLTYPE; refexptype REF SYS.XMLTYPE; begin select ref(s), s.xmldata.num_props, s.xmldata.complex_types into refs, numprops, clistinsch from xdb.xdb$schema s where s.xmldata.schema_url = schema_url; dbms_output.put_line('upgrading xdbconfig schema, numprops was ' || numprops); xdb$updateConfigIpaddress(refs); -- create/retrieve custom-authentication-trust-type complex type refcauthtrusttyp := xdb$getCustomAuthTrustType(refs); -- create/retrieve custom-authentication-type complex type refcauthtype := xdb$getCustomAuthType(refs, refcauthtrusttyp); -- create/retrieve expire-type complex type refexptype := xdb$getConfigExpireType(refs); commit; -- update /sysconfig/httpconfig children xdb$updateHttpConfig(refs, refcauthtype, refexptype); -- add 'custom' for 'allow-mechanism' -- Note: if more than one 'allow-mechanism' subelemnts will ever be added to the CONFIG schema, -- change this code to go through the kids of httpconfig, find 'authentication', and pick -- the 'allow-mechanism' in the authentication kids update xdb.xdb$simple_type t set t.xmldata.sys_xdbpd$ = XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T('23020000000106'), t.xmldata.restriction = XDB.XDB$SIMPLE_DERIVATION_T( XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T('330008020000118B8003'), NULL, XDB.XDB$QNAME('00', 'string'), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, XDB.XDB$FACET_LIST_T( XDB.XDB$FACET_T(XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T('130200000102'), NULL, 'digest', '00', NULL), XDB.XDB$FACET_T(XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T('130200000102'), NULL, 'basic', '00', NULL), XDB.XDB$FACET_T(XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T('130200000102'), NULL, 'custom', '00', NULL)), NULL, NULL) where ref(t) = (select from xdb.xdb$element e where ='allow-mechanism' and = refs); commit; -- update sysconfig children xdb$updateSysConfig(refs, refcauthtrusttyp); commit; -- update complex_types list in schema to include the new custom-authentication and trust types -- update num_props in schema r := xdb$find_cmplx_type(clistinsch, 'custom-authentication-trust-type', refs); if r is null then clistinsch.extend(1); clistinsch(clistinsch.last) := refcauthtrusttyp; dbms_output.put_line('added custom-authentication-trust-type to config schema list'); end if; r := xdb$find_cmplx_type(clistinsch, 'custom-authentication-type', refs); if r is null then clistinsch.extend(1); clistinsch(clistinsch.last) := refcauthtype; dbms_output.put_line('added custom-authentication-type to config schema list'); end if; -- update complex_types list in schema to include the new expire-type types r := xdb$find_cmplx_type(clistinsch, 'expire-type', refs); if r is null then clistinsch.extend(1); clistinsch(clistinsch.last) := refexptype; dbms_output.put_line('added expire-type to config schema list'); end if; commit; update xdb.xdb$schema s set s.xmldata.complex_types = clistinsch, s.xmldata.sys_xdbpd$ = XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T('43163C8600050084010084020184030202081820637573746F6D697A6564206572726F7220706167657320020A3E20706172616D6574657220666F72206120736572766C65743A206E616D652C2076616C7565207061697220616E642061206465736372697074696F6E20200B0C110482800B818002828004131416120A170D'), s.xmldata.num_props = CONFIG_PRPONUMS where s.xmldata.schema_url = schema_url; commit; end xdb$upgradeConfigSchema; / show errors; -- now upgrade XDB$CONFIG schema exec xdb$upgradeConfigSchema; -- drop config-specific procedures/functions drop procedure xdb$upgradeConfigSchema; drop procedure xdb$updateSysConfig; drop procedure xdb$updateHttpConfig; drop function xdb$getConfigExpireType; drop function xdb$getCustomAuthType; drop function xdb$getCAuthList; drop function xdb$getCAuthMappings; drop function xdb$getCustomAuthTrustType; drop procedure xdb$updateConfigIpaddress; drop function xdb$insertCfgCplxElem; /* End upgrade of XDBConfig schema */ /*************************************************************************/ /********************* Upgrade XDBResConfig to 11.2 **********************/ /*************************************************************************/ Rem Manually add xlink-config/pre-condition property to XDB resource config schema declare seq_ref REF SYS.XMLTYPE; elem_arr XDB.XDB$XMLTYPE_REF_LIST_T; attr_arr XDB.XDB$XMLTYPE_REF_LIST_T; config_schema_url VARCHAR2(100); config_schema_ref REF SYS.XMLTYPE; elem_ref_precond REF SYS.XMLTYPE; elem_typeref_precond REF SYS.XMLTYPE; elem_propno number(38); anypart varchar2(4000); begin config_schema_url := ''; if not dbms_xdbmig_util.element_exists_complextype(config_schema_url, 'xlink-config', 'pre-condition') then select ref(s) into config_schema_ref from xdb.xdb$schema s where s.xmldata.schema_url = config_schema_url; select c.xmldata.sequence_kid, c.xmldata.attributes into seq_ref, attr_arr from xdb.xdb$complex_type c where = 'xlink-config' and c.xmldata.parent_schema = config_schema_ref; -- Get a list of all elements in this sequence select m.xmldata.elements into elem_arr from xdb.xdb$sequence_model m where ref(m) = seq_ref; -- create pre-condition element select ref(c) into elem_typeref_precond from xdb.xdb$complex_type c where = 'condition' and c.xmldata.parent_schema = config_schema_ref; insert into xdb.xdb$element e (e.xmlextra, e.xmldata) values (SYS.XMLTYPEEXTRA( SYS.XMLTYPEPI( dbms_xdbmig_util.getpickledns('', null), dbms_xdbmig_util.getpickledns('','xdb'), dbms_xdbmig_util.getpickledns('', 'rescfg')), SYS.XMLTYPEPI('523030')), XDB.XDB$ELEMENT_T( XDB.XDB$PROPERTY_T( XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T('83B800200080030C000000040532330809181B23262A3435031507292728'), config_schema_ref, xdb.xdb$propnum_seq.nextval, 'pre-condition', XDB.XDB$QNAME('02', 'condition'), NULL, '0102', '00', '00', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, elem_typeref_precond, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '00', NULL, NULL, NULL, '00', NULL, NULL, '00'), NULL, NULL, '00', NULL, NULL, '00', '00', '01', '00', '01', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, '1', '00', '01', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)) returning ref(e) into elem_ref_precond; -- extend elem_arr and add new element elem_arr.extend(1); elem_arr(elem_arr.last) := elem_ref_precond; -- update child element sequence for the xlink-config complex type update xdb.xdb$sequence_model m set m.xmldata.elements = elem_arr, m.xmldata.sys_xdbpd$ = XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T('230200000081800407') where ref(m) = seq_ref; -- edit annotation kidlist -- construct kidlist from element and attribute lists anypart := dbms_xdbmig_util.buildAnnotationKidList(elem_arr, attr_arr); update xdb.xdb$complex_type c set c.xmldata.annotation.appinfo = XDB.XDB$APPINFO_LIST_T( XDB.XDB$APPINFO_T(XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T('1301000000'), anypart, NULL)) where c.xmldata.parent_schema = config_schema_ref and = 'xlink-config'; -- no need to alter type since this is not an object type end if; commit; end; / /* End upgrade of XDBResConfig schema */ Rem clean up updown utilities @@dbmsxuducu.sql -- drop functions drop function xdb$find_cmplx_type; begin begin execute immediate 'drop procedure sys.set_tablespace'; exception when others then if (SQLCODE != -4043) then raise; end if; end; begin execute immediate 'drop procedure sys.movexdb_table'; exception when others then if (SQLCODE != -4043) then raise; end if; end; begin execute immediate 'drop procedure sys.movexdb_table_part2'; exception when others then if (SQLCODE != -4043) then raise; end if; end; end; / Rem Data Pump has the new requirement that users granted Rem DATAPUMP_FULL_EXP_DATABASE be able to export in FULL mode Rem tables in the XDB schema. The advise is actually to grant Rem SELECT on XDB tables to the SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE, which in Rem turn is granted to DATAPUMP_FULL_EXP_DATABASE, to be in sync Rem with other components to be supported by FULL export. Rem Some XDB tables are actually allowing PUBLIC access, so this Rem grant will be a noop for them, but some do not. Rem If other XDB scripts are run beyond this point, Rem it is the responsability of the script developer to allow similar Rem grants on any XDB-owned tables that may get created in the script. Rem prompt Granting SELECT on XDB tables to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE prompt ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ set serveroutput on declare type cur_type is ref cursor; cur cur_type; tname varchar2(100); stmt varchar2(2000); begin open cur for 'select table_name from dba_tables where owner=:1 union ' || 'select table_name from dba_xml_tables where owner=:2 union ' || 'select table_name from dba_object_tables where owner=:3 ' using 'XDB', 'XDB', 'XDB'; loop fetch cur into tname; exit when cur%NOTFOUND; tname := 'XDB."' || tname || '"'; stmt := 'grant select on ' || tname || ' to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE'; begin execute immediate stmt; exception when OTHERS then if ((SQLCODE != -22812) and (SQLCODE != -30967)) then dbms_output.put_line(stmt); dbms_output.put_line(SQLERRM); end if; end; end loop; end; / set serveroutput off -- Clean up session/shared state exec xdb.dbms_xdbutil_int.flushsession; alter system flush shared_pool; alter system flush shared_pool; alter system flush shared_pool; alter system flush shared_pool; Rem ================================================================ Rem END XDB Schema Data upgrade from 11.1.0 Rem ================================================================ Rem ================================================================ Rem BEGIN XDB Schema Data upgrade from next release Rem ================================================================ -- uncomment for next release --@@xdbs112.sql Rem ================================================================ Rem END XDB Schema Data upgrade from next release Rem ================================================================