Rem Rem $Header: rdbms/admin/xdbpatch.sql /st_rdbms_11.2.0/11 2011/07/20 10:50:28 bhammers Exp $ Rem Rem xdbpatch.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2002, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. Rem All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem xdbpatch.sql - Branch Specific Minor Version Patch Script for XDB Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem Patches are minor releases of the database. This script, depending Rem on where it is checked in, attempts to migrate all the previous Rem minor versions of the database to the version it is checked in to. Rem Obviously, this is a no-op for the first major production release Rem in any version. In addition, the script is also expected to reload Rem all the related PL/SQL packages types when called via catpatch. Rem Rem NOTES Rem Dictionary changes are not supposed to be done in DB Minor versions, Rem We should conform to this directive in 10g. Also, several Rem irrelevant MODIFIED lines were deleted Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem bhammers 07/18/11 - bug 12674093, see below Rem juding 05/26/11 - Backport badeoti_bug-10168805 from main Rem spetride 05/16/11 - grant select to select_catalog_role Rem spetride 04/12/11 - Backport spetride_bug-12317504 from main Rem juding 04/08/11 - Backport juding_bug11071061u from main Rem mkandarp 03/10/11 - 11826429: SCHEMA_EXPORT_VIEW_TBL Rem spetride 01/11/11 - Backport badeoti_bug-10096889 from main Rem badeoti 08/21/10 - add schema changes during patch upgrade/downgrade Rem juding 08/03/10 - Backport juding_bug-9903850 from main Rem yiru 06/17/10 - Fix lrg 4720543 - Add XS patch Rem thbaby 06/08/10 - add column segattrs to xdb.xdb$xtab Rem badeoti 05/18/10 - lrg 4616786: xmltype table flags in sys.opqtype Rem juding 05/01/10 - add xdbxtbix.sql Rem badeoti 04/22/10 - lrg 4337840, dbms_xmlschema grant option Rem vhosur 03/08/10 - Fix bug 4259338 Rem thbaby 03/01/10 - add column grppos to xdb.xdb$xidx_imp_t Rem thbaby 02/27/10 - add grppos, depgrppos to xdb.xdb$xtab Rem badeoti 02/16/10 - bug 9304342: fix-up complex type PDs Rem badeoti 12/21/09 - ensure limited acl table access privs for public Rem bhammers 11/10/09 - 8760324, set 'Unstructured Present' flag Rem when upgrading XIDX from to Rem sidicula 01/11/08 - Grants to DBA & System Rem mrafiq 11/08/05 - calling xdbrelod Rem mrafiq 11/08/05 - fix for bug 4721297: calling catxdbv Rem rburns 08/17/04 - conditionally run dbmsxdbt Rem spannala 04/30/04 - revalidate xdb at the end of patch Rem najain 01/28/04 - call prvtxdz0 and prvtxdb0 Rem spannala 12/16/03 - fix to be correct for main Rem njalali 07/10/02 - Created Rem WHENEVER SQLERROR EXIT; EXECUTE dbms_registry.check_server_instance; WHENEVER SQLERROR CONTINUE; select dbms_registry.version('XDB') from dual; Rem ================================================================ Rem BEGIN XDB Schema Data Patch Upgrade from earlier releases Rem ================================================================ Rem Load XDB upgrade downgrade utilities (dbms_xdbmig_util) @@prvtxudu.plb set serveroutput on Rem Fix schema-for-schemas in DBs upgraded from 9201 execute dbms_xdbmig_util.checkSchSchCfgKids; execute dbms_xdbmig_util.fixSchSchCfgKids; execute dbms_xdbmig_util.checkSchSchCfgKids; commit; Rem Fix corrupted complex type rows execute dbms_xdbmig_util.fixCfgPDs; execute dbms_xdbmig_util.checkCfgPDs; execute dbms_xdbmig_util.checkSchSchCfgKids; commit; -- schema_t version attribute should have length 4000 declare len NUMBER; begin select LENGTH into len from dba_type_attrs where owner = 'XDB' and TYPE_NAME = 'XDB$SCHEMA_T' and ATTR_NAME = 'VERSION'; if(len < 4000) then -- DDL change to schema table execute immediate 'alter type XDB.XDB$SCHEMA_T modify attribute version varchar2(4000) cascade'; dbms_output.put_line('altered schema_t version attr'); end if; end; / /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Update opqtype$ flag for XMLType Tables */ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ column table_name format a35 column opqflg format a9 column obj# format 999999 select o.obj#, '"'||||'"."'||||'"' table_name, '0x'||ltrim(rawtohex(utl_raw.cast_from_binary_integer(opq.flags)),'0') opqflg from sys.obj$ o, sys.user$ u, xdb.xdb$element e, sys.opqtype$ opq,$ t, sys.col$ c where o.owner#=u.user# and e.xmldata.default_table is not null and e.xmldata.sql_inline = '00' and = '01' and = e.xmldata.default_table_schema and = e.xmldata.default_table and opq.obj# = o.obj# and t.obj# = o.obj# and c.obj# = opq.obj# and c.intcol# = opq.intcol# and bitand(, 512) = 512 -- rowinfo column and bitand(opq.flags, 32) = 32 -- OOL order by 1, 2 / select d.TABLE_NAME, d.SCHEMA_OWNER||'.'||d.ELEMENT_NAME element_name, d.STORAGE_TYPE, o.obj#, '0x'||ltrim(rawtohex(utl_raw.cast_from_binary_integer(opq.flags)),'0') opqflg from DBA_XML_TABLES d, sys.obj$ o, sys.opqtype$ opq, sys.user$ u, sys.col$ c where = d.table_name and o.owner# = u.user# and = d.owner and o.obj# = opq.obj# and c.obj# = opq.obj# and c.intcol# = opq.intcol# and bitand(, 512) = 512 -- rowinfo column and bitand(opq.flags, 1024) = 0 -- xmltype table / -- XMLType tables should have KKDOOPQF_XMLTYPETABLE set update sys.opqtype$ op set op.flags = utl_raw.cast_to_binary_integer ( utl_raw.bit_or ( utl_raw.cast_from_binary_integer(op.flags), utl_raw.cast_from_binary_integer(1024) ) ) where (op.obj#, op.intcol#) in (select opq.obj#, opq.intcol# from sys.obj$ o, sys.user$ u, sys.opqtype$ opq, sys.col$ c, sys.coltype$ ac,$ t where o.owner#=u.user# and o.obj# = t.obj# and bitand(, 1) = 1 and opq.obj# = o.obj# and c.obj# = ac.obj# and c.intcol# = ac.intcol# and ac.toid = '00000000000000000000000000020100' and c.obj# = opq.obj# and c.intcol# = opq.intcol# and bitand(, 512) = 512 /* rowinfo column */ and bitand(opq.flags, 1024) = 0 /* flag not already set xmltype table */ ); -- Default tables for global schema element are not OOL update sys.opqtype$ op set op.flags = op.flags - 32 where (op.obj#, op.intcol#) in (select opq.obj#, opq.intcol# from sys.obj$ o, sys.user$ u, xdb.xdb$element e, sys.opqtype$ opq,$ t, sys.col$ c where o.owner#=u.user# and e.xmldata.default_table is not null and e.xmldata.sql_inline = '00' and = '01' and = e.xmldata.default_table_schema and = e.xmldata.default_table and opq.obj# = o.obj# and t.obj# = o.obj# and c.obj# = opq.obj# and c.intcol# = opq.intcol# and bitand(, 512) = 512 -- rowinfo column and bitand(opq.flags, 32) = 32 -- OOL ); /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Simple Upgrades for XDBResource.xsd go here */ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ declare res_schema_ref REF XMLTYPE; begin select ref(s) into res_schema_ref from xdb.xdb$schema s where s.xmldata.schema_url = ''; -- Set numcolumns for simple types to 0 update xdb.xdb$element e set e.xmldata.num_cols = 0 where = 'XMLRef' or = 'XMLLob' or = 'Flags' or = 'SBResExtra' or = 'Snapshot' or = 'NodeNum' or = 'ContentSize' or = 'SizeOnDisk' and = res_schema_ref; -- IsXMLIndexed - mark unmutable -- container - mark unmutable update xdb.xdb$attribute a set a.xmldata.MUTABLE = '01' where a.xmldata.parent_schema = res_schema_ref and = 'IsXMLIndexed' or = 'Container'; commit; end; / /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Remove: */ /* /xdbconfig/xdbc:custom-authentication-trust-type/trust-scheme/workgroup */ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ declare schema_url VARCHAR2(700) := ''; refs REF SYS.XMLTYPE; numprops NUMBER(38); refcauthtrusttype REF SYS.XMLTYPE; cauthtrustskid REF SYS.XMLTYPE; cauthtrustelems XDB.XDB$XMLTYPE_REF_LIST_T; reftrustsch REF SYS.XMLTYPE; refCtrustsch REF SYS.XMLTYPE; trustschskid REF SYS.XMLTYPE; trustschelems XDB.XDB$XMLTYPE_REF_LIST_T; workgrpref REF SYS.XMLTYPE; workgrpind number := 0; anypart VARCHAR2(4000); begin select ref(s), s.xmldata.num_props into refs, numprops from xdb.xdb$schema s where s.xmldata.schema_url = schema_url; dbms_output.put_line('upgrading xdbconfig schema, numprops was ' || numprops); select ref(c), c.xmldata.sequence_kid, m.xmldata.elements into refcauthtrusttype, cauthtrustskid, cauthtrustelems from xdb.xdb$complex_type c, xdb.xdb$sequence_model m where = 'custom-authentication-trust-type' and c.xmldata.parent_schema = refs and ref(m) = c.xmldata.sequence_kid; -- get trust-scheme element reftrustsch := cauthtrustelems(1); -- get trust-scheme's anonymous complex type's elements select ref(c), c.xmldata.sequence_kid, m.xmldata.elements into refCtrustsch, trustschskid, trustschelems from xdb.xdb$element e, xdb.xdb$complex_type c, xdb.xdb$sequence_model m where ref(e) = reftrustsch and ref(c) = e.xmldata.cplx_type_decl and ref(m) = c.xmldata.sequence_kid; dbms_output.put_line(to_char(trustschelems.count) || ' elements under trust-scheme'); for j in 1..trustschelems.last loop select into schema_url from xdb.xdb$element e where ref(e) = trustschelems(j); if schema_url = 'workgroup' then workgrpind := j; end if; --dbms_output.put_line(to_char(j) || ': ' || schema_url); end loop; if workgrpind = 7 and trustschelems.count = 7 then workgrpref := trustschelems(workgrpind); trustschelems.trim(1); dbms_output.put_line('found workgroup at index ' || to_char(workgrpind)); dbms_xdbmig_util.delete_elem_by_ref(workgrpref, true); update xdb.xdb$sequence_model m set m.xmldata.elements = trustschelems, m.xmldata.sys_xdbpd$ = XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T('230200000081800607') where ref(m) = trustschskid; anypart := dbms_xdbmig_util.buildAnnotationKidList(trustschelems, null); update xdb.xdb$complex_type c set c.xmldata.annotation.appinfo = XDB.XDB$APPINFO_LIST_T( XDB.XDB$APPINFO_T(XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T('1301000000'), anypart, NULL)), c.xmldata.annotation.sys_xdbpd$ = XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T('1301000000') where c.xmldata.parent_schema = refs and ref(c)=refCtrustsch; update xdb.xdb$schema s set s.xmldata.num_props = s.xmldata.num_props - 1 where ref(s) = refs; commit; elsif workgrpind > 0 then dbms_output.put_line('Warning: workgroup property persists in XDB config schema'); end if; end; / /* Add: /xdbconfig/xdbc:custom-authentication-type/custom-authentication-mappings/custom-authentication-mapping/on-deny /xdbconfig/sysconfig/localApplicationGroupStore */ declare schema_url VARCHAR2(700) := ''; refs REF SYS.XMLTYPE; numprops NUMBER(38); refcauthmapp REF SYS.XMLTYPE; refcauthmappctype REF SYS.XMLTYPE; cauthmappskid REF SYS.XMLTYPE; cauthmappelems XDB.XDB$XMLTYPE_REF_LIST_T; ref_ondeny_typ REF SYS.XMLTYPE; ref_ondeny REF SYS.XMLTYPE; anypart VARCHAR2(4000); ref_localappgrpstore REF SYS.XMLTYPE; refsystype REF SYS.XMLTYPE; refskidsys REF SYS.XMLTYPE; skidsyselems XDB.XDB$XMLTYPE_REF_LIST_T; new_cfgprop_count number := 0; begin select ref(s), s.xmldata.num_props into refs, numprops from xdb.xdb$schema s where s.xmldata.schema_url = schema_url; dbms_output.put_line('add on-deny to xdbconfig schema, numprops was ' || numprops); -- get custom-authentication-mapping element and its complex-type children select ref(e), ref(c), c.xmldata.sequence_kid, m.xmldata.elements into refcauthmapp, refcauthmappctype, cauthmappskid, cauthmappelems from xdb.xdb$element e, xdb.xdb$complex_type c, xdb.xdb$sequence_model m where = 'custom-authentication-mapping' and = refs and ref(c) = e.xmldata.cplx_type_decl and ref(m) = c.xmldata.sequence_kid; dbms_output.put_line(to_char(cauthmappelems.count) || ' elements under trust-scheme'); ref_ondeny := dbms_xdbmig_util.find_child(cauthmappelems, 'on-deny'); if ref_ondeny is null then -- create the simple type for on-deny insert into xdb.xdb$simple_type t (t.xmlextra, t.xmldata) values(dbms_xdbmig_util.getConfigXtra, XDB.XDB$SIMPLE_T( XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T('23020000000106'), refs, NULL, '00', XDB.XDB$SIMPLE_DERIVATION_T( XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T('330008020000118B8002'), NULL, XDB.XDB$QNAME('00', 'string'), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, XDB.XDB$FACET_LIST_T( XDB.XDB$FACET_T(XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T('130200000102'), NULL, 'next-custom', '00', NULL), XDB.XDB$FACET_T(XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T('130200000102'), NULL, 'basic', '00', NULL)), NULL, NULL), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)) returning ref(t) into ref_ondeny_typ; -- create the on-deny element insert into xdb.xdb$element e (e.xmlextra, e.xmldata) values(dbms_xdbmig_util.getConfigXtra, XDB.XDB$ELEMENT_T( XDB.XDB$PROPERTY_T( XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T('839A1020008003040000000432010809181B23262A343503150C07292728'), refs, xdb.xdb$propnum_seq.nextval, 'on-deny', NULL, NULL, '0103', '00', '00', NULL, NULL, 'string', NULL, NULL, NULL, ref_ondeny_typ, ref_ondeny_typ, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '00', NULL, NULL, NULL, '00', NULL, NULL, '00'), NULL, NULL, '00', NULL, NULL, '00', '01', '01', '01', '01', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '00', '01', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)) returning ref(e) into ref_ondeny; cauthmappelems.extend(1); cauthmappelems(cauthmappelems.last) := ref_ondeny; update xdb.xdb$sequence_model m set m.xmldata.elements = cauthmappelems, m.xmldata.sys_xdbpd$ = XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T('230200000081800507') where ref(m) = cauthmappskid; anypart := dbms_xdbmig_util.buildAnnotationKidList(cauthmappelems, null); update xdb.xdb$complex_type c set c.xmldata.annotation.appinfo = XDB.XDB$APPINFO_LIST_T( XDB.XDB$APPINFO_T(XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T('1301000000'), anypart, NULL)), c.xmldata.annotation.sys_xdbpd$ = XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T('1301000000') where c.xmldata.parent_schema = refs and ref(c)=refcauthmappctype; dbms_output.put_line('added on-deny to trust-scheme child list'); commit; new_cfgprop_count := new_cfgprop_count + 1; end if; -- add localApplicationGroupStore select e.xmldata.cplx_type_decl, c.xmldata.sequence_kid, m.xmldata.elements into refsystype, refskidsys, skidsyselems from xdb.xdb$element e, xdb.xdb$complex_type c, xdb.xdb$sequence_model m where ='sysconfig' and = refs and ref(c) = e.xmldata.cplx_type_decl and ref(m) = c.xmldata.sequence_kid; dbms_output.put_line(to_char(skidsyselems.count) || ' elements under sysconfig'); ref_localappgrpstore := dbms_xdbmig_util.find_child(skidsyselems, 'localApplicationGroupStore'); if ref_localappgrpstore is null then insert into xdb.xdb$element e (e.xmlextra, e.xmldata) values (dbms_xdbmig_util.getConfigXtra, XDB.XDB$ELEMENT_T( XDB.XDB$PROPERTY_T( XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T('83B890200080030400000004050F320809181B23262A343503150C07292728'), refs, xdb.xdb$propnum_seq.nextval, 'localApplicationGroupStore', XDB.XDB$QNAME('00', 'boolean'), NULL, 'FC', '00', '00', NULL, NULL, 'boolean', NULL, NULL, 'true', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '00', NULL, NULL, NULL, '00', NULL, NULL, '00'), NULL, NULL, '00', NULL, NULL, '00', '01', '01', '01', '01', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '00', '01', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)) returning ref(e) into ref_localappgrpstore; skidsyselems.extend(1); skidsyselems(skidsyselems.last) := ref_localappgrpstore; update xdb.xdb$sequence_model m set m.xmldata.elements = skidsyselems, m.xmldata.sys_xdbpd$ = XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T('23020002000200182067656E65726963205844422070726F7065727469657320020E1E2070726F746F636F6C2073706563696669632070726F706572746965732081801C07') where ref(m) = refskidsys; anypart := dbms_xdbmig_util.buildAnnotationKidList(skidsyselems, null); update xdb.xdb$complex_type c set c.xmldata.annotation.appinfo = XDB.XDB$APPINFO_LIST_T( XDB.XDB$APPINFO_T(XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T('1301000000'), anypart, NULL)), c.xmldata.annotation.sys_xdbpd$ = XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T('1301000000') where c.xmldata.parent_schema = refs and ref(c)=refsystype; dbms_output.put_line('added localApplicationGroupStore to sysconfig child list'); commit; new_cfgprop_count := new_cfgprop_count + 1; end if; -- update xdbconfig num_props update xdb.xdb$schema s set s.xmldata.num_props = s.xmldata.num_props + new_cfgprop_count where ref(s) = refs; commit; end; / Rem clean up updown utilities @@dbmsxuducu.sql Rem bug 12674093, we need to bring xdb packages (especially dbms_xsc_int) to Rem version before executing the next pl/sql blocks. @@xdbptrl1.sql Rem ================================================================ Rem BEGIN XDB User Data Patch Upgrade from earlier releases Rem ================================================================ /* * Updates for XDB DEFAULT CONFIG */ -- (Re-)Insert the authentication element into xdbconfig.xml declare auth_count INTEGER := 0; auth_frag xmltype; cfg xmltype; begin cfg := dbms_xdb.cfg_get(); begin select 1 into auth_count from dual where XMLExists( 'declare namespace c = ""; /c:xdbconfig/c:sysconfig/c:protocolconfig/c:httpconfig/c:authentication' PASSING cfg); exception when no_data_found then null; end; -- enable INSERTXMLBEFORE, APPENDCHILDXML, DELETEXML(4) -- Turn on rewrite for updxml/delxml/insertxml over collections(128) execute immediate 'alter session set events ''19027 trace name context forever, level 132'' '; if auth_count = 0 then auth_frag := xmltype('basic300'); else -- extract authentication fragment for later re-insertion dbms_output.put_line('authentication fragment existed, deleting'); auth_frag := cfg.extract('/xdbconfig/sysconfig/protocolconfig/httpconfig/authentication'); select deletexml (cfg, '/c:xdbconfig/c:sysconfig/c:protocolconfig/c:httpconfig/c:authentication', 'xmlns:c=""') into cfg from dual; end if; dbms_output.put_line('inserting authentication fragment'); select insertchildxml (cfg, '/c:xdbconfig/c:sysconfig/c:protocolconfig/c:httpconfig', 'authentication', auth_frag, 'xmlns:c=""') into cfg from dual; dbms_output.put_line('updating xdbconfig doc'); dbms_xdb.cfg_update(cfg); end; / begin -- set 'UNSTRUCTURED PRESENT' flag for all unstructured and hybrid -- XML indexes where flag is not set, yet. Flag is set if and only if -- XML index is NOT a structured-only index. A structured only index is -- characterized by dxptab.idxobj# == dxptab.pathtabobj# because it has no -- path table. execute immediate 'UPDATE xdb.xdb$dxptab dxptab SET dxptab.flags = dxptab.flags + 268435456 WHERE bitand(dxptab.flags, 268435456) = 0 AND dxptab.idxobj# != dxptab.pathtabobj#'; exception when others then dbms_output.put_line('XDBNB: flag update failed'); end; / commit; -- Explicit grants to DBA,System; "any" privileges are no more applicable for -- XDB tables. Listing these specifically since there are certain tables -- for which we dont grant full access by default even to DBA & System. -- (eg, purely-dictionary tables like XDB$SCHEMA, XDB$TTSET etc.) grant all on XDB.XDB$RESOURCE to dba; grant all on XDB.XDB$RESOURCE to system with grant option; grant all on XDB.XDB$H_INDEX to dba; grant all on XDB.XDB$H_INDEX to system with grant option; grant all on XDB.XDB$H_LINK to dba; grant all on XDB.XDB$H_LINK to system with grant option; grant all on XDB.XDB$D_LINK to dba; grant all on XDB.XDB$D_LINK to system with grant option; grant all on XDB.XDB$NLOCKS to dba; grant all on XDB.XDB$NLOCKS to system with grant option; grant all on XDB.XDB$WORKSPACE to dba; grant all on XDB.XDB$WORKSPACE to system with grant option; grant all on XDB.XDB$CHECKOUTS to dba; grant all on XDB.XDB$CHECKOUTS to system with grant option; grant all on XDB.XDB$ACL to dba; grant all on XDB.XDB$ACL to system with grant option; grant all on XDB.XDB$CONFIG to dba; grant all on XDB.XDB$CONFIG to system with grant option; grant all on XDB.XDB$RESCONFIG to dba; grant all on XDB.XDB$RESCONFIG to system with grant option; grant all on XDB.XS$DATA_SECURITY to dba; grant all on XDB.XS$DATA_SECURITY to system with grant option; grant all on XDB.XS$PRINCIPALS to dba; grant all on XDB.XS$PRINCIPALS to system with grant option; grant all on XDB.XS$ROLESETS to dba; grant all on XDB.XS$ROLESETS to system with grant option; grant all on XDB.XS$SECURITYCLASS to dba; grant all on XDB.XS$SECURITYCLASS to system with grant option; -- ensure that public has limited privileges on acl table revoke all on XDB.XDB$ACL from public; grant select, insert, update, delete on XDB.XDB$ACL to public; commit; -- lrg 4337840 -- Remove 'with grant option' by revoking rights and -- re-granting without grant option. revoke execute on XDB.DBMS_XMLSCHEMA from public; revoke execute on XDB.DBMS_XMLSCHEMA_INT from public; -- Both sys and xdb might appear as grantors, revoke again BEGIN EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'revoke execute on XDB.DBMS_XMLSCHEMA from public'; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN NULL; END; / BEGIN EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'revoke execute on XDB.DBMS_XMLSCHEMA_INT from public'; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN NULL; END; / grant execute on XDB.DBMS_XMLSCHEMA to public; grant execute on XDB.DBMS_XMLSCHEMA_INT to public; declare suf varchar2(26); stmt varchar2(2000); begin select toksuf into suf from xdb.xdb$ttset where flags = 0; stmt := 'grant all on XDB.X$PT' || suf || ' to DBA'; execute immediate stmt; stmt := 'grant all on XDB.X$PT' || suf || ' to SYSTEM WITH GRANT OPTION'; execute immediate stmt; end; / drop table XDB.XDB$XIDX_IMP_T; create global temporary table XDB.XDB$XIDX_IMP_T (index_name VARCHAR2(40), schema_name VARCHAR2(40), id VARCHAR2(40), data CLOB, grppos NUMBER) on commit preserve rows; grant insert, select, delete on XDB.XDB$XIDX_IMP_T to public; -- add columns 'GRPPOS' and 'DEPGRPPOS' to xdb.xdb$xtab -- add column 'SEGATTRS' to xdb.xdb$xtab declare col_num number; xtab_obj# number; length number; begin SELECT OBJ# INTO xtab_obj# FROM OBJ$ O, USER$ U WHERE O.NAME = 'XDB$XTAB' AND O.OWNER# = U.USER# AND U.NAME ='XDB'; SELECT COLS INTO col_num FROM TAB$ WHERE OBJ# = xtab_obj#; if col_num <> 11 then EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'ALTER TABLE XDB.XDB$XTAB ADD ( GRPPOS NUMBER)'; EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'ALTER TABLE XDB.XDB$XTAB ADD ( DEPGRPPOS NUMBER)'; EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'ALTER TABLE XDB.XDB$XTAB ADD ( SEGATTRS VARCHAR2(4000))'; EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'UPDATE XDB.XDB$XTAB SET GRPPOS = 0'; EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'UPDATE XDB.XDB$XTAB SET DEPGRPPOS = 0'; EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'UPDATE XDB.XDB$XTAB SET SEGATTRS = NULL'; end if; end; / -- change indexes for xdb.xdb$xtab, xdb.xdb$xtabnmsp, xdb.xdb$xtabcols declare need_upgrade number; begin select count(*) into need_upgrade from DBA_INDEXES where TABLE_OWNER = 'XDB' and TABLE_NAME = 'XDB$XTAB' and INDEX_NAME = 'XDB$IDXXTAB'; if need_upgrade <> 0 then EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'drop index xdb.xdb$idxxtab'; EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'drop index xdb.xdb$idxtabnmsp'; EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'drop index xdb.xdb$idxtabnmsp_xmltabobj'; EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'drop index xdb.xdb$idxtabcols'; EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'drop index xdb.xdb$idxtabcols_xmltabobj'; EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'create index xdb.xdb$idxxtab_1 on xdb.xdb$xtab(idxobj#, groupname, ptabobj#)'; EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'create index xdb.xdb$idxxtab_2 on xdb.xdb$xtab(idxobj#, depgrppos, xmltabobj#)'; EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'create index xdb.xdb$idxtabnmsp_1 on xdb.xdb$xtabnmsp(idxobj#, groupname, xmltabobj#, flags)'; EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'create index xdb.xdb$idxtabcols_1 on xdb.xdb$xtabcols(idxobj#, groupname, xmltabobj#)'; end if; end; / begin begin execute immediate 'drop procedure sys.set_tablespace'; exception when others then if (SQLCODE != -4043) then raise; end if; end; begin execute immediate 'drop procedure sys.movexdb_table'; exception when others then if (SQLCODE != -4043) then raise; end if; end; begin execute immediate 'drop procedure sys.movexdb_table_part2'; exception when others then if (SQLCODE != -4043) then raise; end if; end; end; / -- fix for lrg 4720543, drop PREDICATE xmlindex for upgrade from -- to @@xspatch.sql set serveroutput off --fix for lrg 1957560 --replaced all the other files by xdbrelod as it loads all the files --which were being loaded before including catxdbv which is needed for fixing --lrg 1957560 @@xdbrelod.sql @@xdbxtbix.sql set serveroutput on -- check status of xdb schema cache event declare lev BINARY_INTEGER; newlvls varchar2(20); BEGIN dbms_system.read_ev(31150, lev); if (lev > 0) then dbms_output.put_line('event 31150 set to level ' || '0x' || ltrim(to_char(rawtohex(utl_raw.cast_from_binary_integer(lev))),'0')); else dbms_output.put_line('event 31150 NOT SET!'); end if; -- set level 0x8000 newlvls := '0x' || ltrim(to_char(rawtohex(utl_raw.bit_or( utl_raw.cast_from_binary_integer(lev), utl_raw.cast_from_binary_integer(32768)))), '0'); -- make sure event is set execute immediate 'alter session set events ''31150 trace name context forever, level ' || newlvls || ''' '; dbms_system.read_ev(31150, lev); if (lev > 0) then dbms_output.put_line('event 31150 set to level ' || '0x' || ltrim(to_char(rawtohex(utl_raw.cast_from_binary_integer(lev))),'0')); else dbms_output.put_line('event 31150 NOT SET!'); end if; end; / -- additionally, trace any further lxs-0002x errors alter session set events '31061 trace name errorstack level 3, forever'; Rem Data Pump has the new requirement that users granted Rem DATAPUMP_FULL_EXP_DATABASE be able to export in FULL mode Rem tables in the XDB schema. The advise is actually to grant Rem SELECT on XDB tables to the SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE, which in Rem turn is granted to DATAPUMP_FULL_EXP_DATABASE, to be in sync Rem with other components to be supported by FULL export. Rem Some XDB tables are actually allowing PUBLIC access, so this Rem grant will be a noop for them, but some do not. Rem If other XDB scripts are run beyond this point, Rem it is the responsability of the script developer to allow similar Rem grants on any XDB-owned tables that may get created in the script. Rem prompt Granting SELECT on XDB tables to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE prompt ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ set serveroutput on declare type cur_type is ref cursor; cur cur_type; tname varchar2(100); stmt varchar2(2000); begin open cur for 'select table_name from dba_tables where owner=:1 union ' || 'select table_name from dba_xml_tables where owner=:2 union ' || 'select table_name from dba_object_tables where owner=:3 ' using 'XDB', 'XDB', 'XDB'; loop fetch cur into tname; exit when cur%NOTFOUND; tname := 'XDB."' || tname || '"'; stmt := 'grant select on ' || tname || ' to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE'; begin execute immediate stmt; exception when OTHERS then if ((SQLCODE != -22812) and (SQLCODE != -30967)) then dbms_output.put_line(stmt); dbms_output.put_line(SQLERRM); end if; end; end loop; end; / set serveroutput off