Rem Rem $Header: rdbms/admin/xdbeo101.sql /main/2 2010/01/07 06:14:56 badeoti Exp $ Rem Rem xdbeo101.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2007, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. Rem All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem xdbeo101.sql - XDB downgradE Drop objects for downgrade to 10.1 Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem This script drops objects and performs other downgrade actions Rem that would invalidate other objects used during the XDB Rem downgrade processing. Rem Rem NOTES Rem Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem badeoti 12/18/09 - fix config table access privs Rem rburns 11/11/07 - move object downgrade actions Rem rburns 11/08/07 - drop objects for XDB Rem rburns 11/08/07 - Created Rem Rem ================================================================ Rem BEGIN XDB Object downgrade to 10.2.0 Rem ================================================================ @@xdbeo102.sql Rem ================================================================ Rem END XDB Object downgrade to 10.2.0 Rem ================================================================ Rem ================================================================ Rem BEGIN XDB Object downgrade to 10.1.0 Rem ================================================================ -- drop embedded PL/SQL gateway objects drop package dbms_epg; drop public synonym dbms_epg; drop public synonym user_epg_dad_authorization; drop view user_epg_dad_authorization; drop public synonym dba_epg_dad_authorization; drop view dba_epg_dad_authorization; drop table epg$_auth; -- to downgrade for XMLIndex drop view DBA_XML_INDEXES; drop view USER_XML_INDEXES; drop view ALL_XML_INDEXES; drop table xdb.xdb$dxptab; drop table xdb.xdb$dxpath; drop indextype xdb.xmlindex; drop table xdb.xdb$nmspc_id; drop table xdb.xdb$qname_id; drop table xdb.xdb$path_id; drop package xdb.dbms_xmlschema_int; drop package sys.DBMS_REGXDB; drop package xdb.DBMS_XMLINDEX; drop package xdb.XDB$BOOTSTRAP; drop package xdb.XDB$BOOTSTRAPRES; -- Remove WS roles declare dropped_role EXCEPTION; PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(dropped_role, -01919); begin execute immediate 'drop role XDBWEBSERVICES'; execute immediate 'drop role XDBWEBSERVICESWITHPUBLIC'; execute immediate 'drop role XDBWEBSERVICESOVERHTTP'; exception when dropped_role then NULL; end; / -- Grant XDBADMIN privileges on xdbconfig -- Revoke PUBLIC access to xdbconfig -- Ensure that public has limited privileges on acl table -- even though PUBLIC in release has all privs granted on acl table -- and select granted on config table (see bugs 3824417 and 9223714) revoke all on XDB.XDB$CONFIG from public; grant all on XDB.XDB$CONFIG to xdbadmin; revoke all on XDB.XDB$ACL from public; grant select, insert, update, delete on XDB.XDB$ACL to public; commit; Rem ================================================================ Rem BEGIN XDB Object downgrade to 10.1.0 Rem ================================================================