Rem Rem $Header: wwvdocs.sql 29-nov-99.12:58:10 rdecker Exp $ Rem Rem wwvdocs.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) Oracle Corporation 1998, 1999. All Rights Reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem wwvdocs.sql - PL/SQL Gateway Document upload/download package spec Rem for backward webdb 2.x compatibility Rem Rem NOTES Rem This file is used to implement document upload and download Rem features in the PL/SQL gateway for webdb listener and Rem application backward compatibility. Rem This package acts as a wrapper around the plsql web gateway Rem wpg_docload package. Rem wwv_docload is portable between Oracle 7 and Oracle 8. Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem rdecker 01/14/00 - Created Rem CREATE OR replace PACKAGE wwv_docload AS -- -- PROCEDURE: -- download_file -- DESCRIPTION: -- This should be called from within a document download procedure -- to signal the PL/SQL Gateway that p_filename is to be downloaded -- from the document table to the client's browser. -- PARAMS: -- p_filename IN: name of the file in the document table to download PROCEDURE download_file(p_filename IN VARCHAR2); -- -- Private file upload/download procedures and functions -- -- **WARNING** -- The following procedures are used internally by the -- PL/SQL Gateway. Do not call them from your PL/SQL code. -- -- -- PROCEDURE: -- get_download_file -- DESCRIPTION: -- Get the name and mime_type of the file to be downloaded -- PARAMS: -- p_filename OUT: file to download -- p_mimetype OUT: mime type of the file to download -- PROCEDURE get_download_file(p_filename OUT VARCHAR2, p_mimetype OUT VARCHAR2); -- -- FUNCTION: -- is_file_download -- DESCRIPTION: -- Is there a file to download? -- PARAMS: -- none -- RETURN: -- TRUE if there is a pending file download, FALSE otherwise. -- FUNCTION is_file_download RETURN BOOLEAN; -- -- Public parts_table type -- TYPE parts_table IS TABLE OF VARCHAR2(256) INDEX BY binary_integer; END wwv_docload; / show errors; GRANT execute ON wwv_docload TO PUBLIC;