Rem Rem $Header: utlxpls.sql 26-feb-2002.19:49:37 bdagevil Exp $ Rem Rem utlxpls.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 1998, 2002, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem utlxpls.sql - UTiLity eXPLain Serial plans Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem script utility to display the explain plan of the last explain plan Rem command. Do not display information related to Parallel Query Rem Rem NOTES Rem Assume that the PLAN_TABLE table has been created. The script Rem utlxplan.sql should be used to create that table Rem Rem With SQL*plus, it is recomended to set linesize and pagesize before Rem running this script. For example: Rem set linesize 100 Rem set pagesize 0 Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem bdagevil 02/26/02 - cast arguments Rem bdagevil 01/23/02 - rewrite with new dbms_xplan package Rem bdagevil 04/05/01 - include CPU cost Rem bdagevil 02/27/01 - increase Name column Rem jihuang 06/14/00 - change order by to order siblings by. Rem jihuang 05/10/00 - include plan info for recursive SQL in LE row source Rem bdagevil 01/05/00 - add order-by to make it deterministic Rem kquinn 06/28/99 - 901272: Add missing semicolon Rem bdagevil 05/07/98 - Explain plan script for serial plans Rem bdagevil 05/07/98 - Created Rem set markup html preformat on Rem Rem Use the display table function from the dbms_xplan package to display the last Rem explain plan. Force serial option for backward compatibility Rem select plan_table_output from table(dbms_xplan.display('plan_table',null,'serial'));