set echo off Rem Rem $Header: rdbms/admin/utlsyxsz.sql /main/4 2009/10/26 11:31:29 mfallen Exp $ Rem Rem utlsyxsz.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2003, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. Rem All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem utlsyxsz.sql - Utility script for SYSAUX Size Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem This script will estimate the amount of space required for the Rem SYSAUX tablespace. We will estimate based on the number Rem of active sessions, files, tables, indexes, etc. Rem Rem NOTES Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem mlfeng 02/03/04 - add underscore dbid Rem mlfeng 01/16/04 - create/drop package Rem mlfeng 12/19/03 - mlfeng_space_estimate Rem schakkap 12/17/03 - tweak coefficients of optimizer stats estimate Rem mziauddi 12/11/03 - Revise queries to get correct tab/ind/col counts Rem mlfeng 12/07/03 - estimate AWR, Optimizer Stats Rem mlfeng 12/04/03 - Created Rem set echo off verify off termout on heading off set linesize 80 trimspool on tab off pagesize 100 set feedback off -- initialize dbms_output set serveroutput on; exec dbms_output.enable(1000000); alter session set nls_date_format = 'HH24:MI:SS (MM/DD)'; alter session set nls_timestamp_format = 'HH24:MI:SS (MM/DD)'; -- variables for estimated size --- variable total_space_est NUMBER; variable awr_space_est NUMBER; variable optstats_space_est NUMBER; variable other_space_est NUMBER; ----------------------------------- variable awr_size number; variable opt_size number; variable oth_occ_size number; variable oth_size number; -- alignment variables variable align number; variable mb_format varchar2(20); variable kb_format varchar2(20); variable perc_format varchar2(20); variable banner number; variable estimated_others varchar2(2000); variable dbid number; begin select dbid into :dbid from v$database; :align := 37; :banner := 51; :mb_format := '99,999,990.0'; :kb_format := '999,999,990'; :perc_format := '990.0'; end; / --------------------------------------------------------------- -- Prompt the User for the report file name (specify default), -- then begin spooling --------------------------------------------------------------- set termout off; column dflt_name new_value dflt_name noprint; select 'utlsyxsz.txt' dflt_name from dual; set termout on; prompt prompt prompt This script estimates the space required for the SYSAUX tablespace. prompt ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ prompt prompt Specify the Report File Name prompt ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ prompt The default report file name is &dflt_name.. To use this name, prompt press to continue, otherwise enter an alternative. prompt column report_name new_value report_name noprint; select 'Using the report name ' || nvl('&&report_name','&dflt_name') , nvl('&&report_name','&dflt_name') report_name from sys.dual; /********************************************************** * Create the package for the routines used in this script **********************************************************/ create or replace package UTLSYXSZ_UTIL as --------------------------------------------------- -- show_default -- This routine will display the default value -- for a variable. --------------------------------------------------- procedure show_default (name IN VARCHAR2, value IN NUMBER, unit IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, list IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL); --------------------------------------------------- -- show_default2 -- Second routine for displaying the default value -- for a variable. --------------------------------------------------- procedure show_default2 (name IN VARCHAR2, value IN varchar2, list IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL); --------------------------------------------------- -- awr_set_variables -- This routine will return the number of active -- sessions, files, interval, retention, and -- number of instances currently in the system. --------------------------------------------------- procedure awr_set_variables (active_sessions OUT NUMBER, files OUT NUMBER, interval OUT NUMBER, retention OUT NUMBER, num_inst OUT NUMBER); ----------------------------------------------------- -- awr_space_estimate - -- This routine will return in the estimated usage -- for the AWR in megabytes (MB). ----------------------------------------------------- function awr_space_estimate (active_sessions IN NUMBER, files IN NUMBER, interval IN NUMBER, retention IN NUMBER, num_inst IN NUMBER, cur_awr_size IN NUMBER) return NUMBER; --------------------------------------------------- -- awr_display_variables -- This routine will display the number of active -- sessions, files, interval, retention, and -- number of instances used for estimation --------------------------------------------------- procedure awr_display_variables (active_sessions IN NUMBER, files IN NUMBER, interval IN NUMBER, retention IN NUMBER, num_inst IN NUMBER, awr_est IN NUMBER); ---------------------------------------------------------- -- optstats_get_vars -- This routine will return the number of system and user -- tables, indexes, and column currently in the system. -- It also returns the statistics retention peroid. ----------------------------------------------------------- PROCEDURE optstats_get_vars (num_sys_tabs OUT NUMBER, num_user_tabs OUT NUMBER, num_sys_parts OUT NUMBER, num_user_parts OUT NUMBER, num_sys_inds OUT NUMBER, num_user_inds OUT NUMBER, num_sys_part_inds OUT NUMBER, num_user_part_inds OUT NUMBER, num_sys_cols OUT NUMBER, num_user_cols OUT NUMBER, num_sys_part_cols OUT NUMBER, num_user_part_cols OUT NUMBER, stats_retention OUT NUMBER); ----------------------------------------------------- -- optstats_space_est - -- This routine will return the estimated usage -- for Optimizer Stats versions in megabytes (MB). ----------------------------------------------------- function optstats_space_est (num_sys_tabs IN NUMBER, num_user_tabs IN NUMBER, num_sys_parts IN NUMBER, num_user_parts IN NUMBER, num_sys_inds IN NUMBER, num_user_inds IN NUMBER, num_sys_part_inds IN NUMBER, num_user_part_inds IN NUMBER, num_sys_cols IN NUMBER, num_user_cols IN NUMBER, num_sys_part_cols IN NUMBER, num_user_part_cols IN NUMBER, pct_volatile IN NUMBER, pct_skewed_cols IN NUMBER, pct_cand_parts IN NUMBER, days_to_stale IN NUMBER, days_to_stale_low IN NUMBER, stats_retention IN NUMBER) return NUMBER; ----------------------------------------------------- -- optstats_display_vars -- This routine will display the optstats variables ----------------------------------------------------- procedure optstats_display_vars (num_user_tabs IN NUMBER, num_user_parts IN NUMBER, num_user_inds IN NUMBER, num_user_part_inds IN NUMBER, num_user_cols IN NUMBER, num_user_part_cols IN NUMBER, stats_retention IN NUMBER, dml_activity IN NUMBER, optstats_est IN NUMBER); end UTLSYXSZ_UTIL; / -- Create package body create or replace package body UTLSYXSZ_UTIL as --------------------------------------------------- -- show_default -- This routine will display the default value -- for a variable. --------------------------------------------------- procedure show_default (name IN VARCHAR2, value IN NUMBER, unit IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, list IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL) as format VARCHAR2(20); format1 VARCHAR2(20) := '90.99'; format2 VARCHAR2(20) := '9,999.9'; format3 VARCHAR2(20) := '999,999,990'; begin if (value < 10) then format := format1; elsif (value < 10000) then format := format2; else format := format3; end if; dbms_output.put_line('| '); dbms_output.put_line('| For ''' || name || ''', '); dbms_output.put_line('| Press to use the current value: ' || to_char(value, format) || ' ' || unit); dbms_output.put_line('| otherwise enter an alternative ' || list); dbms_output.put_line('| '); end show_default; --------------------------------------------------- -- show_default2 -- Second routine for displaying the default value -- for a variable. --------------------------------------------------- procedure show_default2 (name IN VARCHAR2, value IN varchar2, list IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL) as format VARCHAR2(20) := '999,990'; pval VARCHAR2(6); begin IF (VALUE = 1) THEN pval := 'low'; ELSE IF (VALUE = 2) THEN pval := 'medium'; ELSE pval := 'high'; END IF; END IF; dbms_output.put_line('| '); dbms_output.put_line('| For ''' || name || ''','); dbms_output.put_line('| Press to use the current value: ' || to_char(value, format) || ' <' || pval || '>'); dbms_output.put_line('| otherwise enter an alternative ' || list); dbms_output.put_line('| '); end show_default2; --------------------------------------------------- -- awr_set_variables -- This routine will return the number of active -- sessions, files, interval, retention, and -- number of instances currently in the system. --------------------------------------------------- procedure awr_set_variables (active_sessions OUT NUMBER, files OUT NUMBER, interval OUT NUMBER, retention OUT NUMBER, num_inst OUT NUMBER) as cpu_count number; num_sess_cpu number; num_cpus number; cur_cpus number; cpu_quota number; step_size number; step_decr number; ash_hist number; /* amount of ash history (days) to look in past */ ash_hist_snap number; /* snap_id for ash history */ hist_size number; /* Actual num days of ASH history obtained */ avg_active number; /* Avg active sess across all instances in RAC */ weighted_avg number; /* weighted average */ l_dbid number; debug_on boolean := FALSE; /* display debug info */ zero_interval number := 3468960000; /* zero interval */ zero_retention number := 3468960000; /* zero retention */ df_ratio number := 10; /* ASH disk filter ratio - default 10 */ begin /* database id */ l_dbid := dbms_swrf_internal.get_awr_dbid; /* number of files */ select count(*) into files from sys.file$ where status$ = 2; /* retention and interval setting */ select snapint_num, retention_num into interval, retention from sys.wrm$_wr_control where dbid = l_dbid; /* special case for interval = 0 and retention = 0 */ if (interval = zero_interval) then interval := 0; end if; if (retention = zero_retention) then retention := 0; end if; /* number of instances */ select count(*) into num_inst from gv$instance; /*--------------------------------------------* * Compute average number of active sessions. *--------------------------------------------*/ -- Define how much of ASH data you want to look at in the past (in days) ash_hist := 2 + (interval / 86400); -- Find the closest snap_id - to perform indexed access on WRH$_ASH -- Can't just look at end_interval_time, but should rather go -- as far as possible until sum(end_interval_time - begin_interval_time) -- is close to 'ash_hist' number of days. select nvl(min(snap_id), 4294967296), nvl(max(past_in_days), 0) into ash_hist_snap, hist_size from (select snap_id, sum( cast(min(end_interval_time) as date) - cast(min(begin_interval_time) as date) ) over (order by snap_id desc rows unbounded preceding) as past_in_days from sys.wrm$_snapshot s where dbid = l_dbid group by snap_id) where past_in_days <= ash_hist; -- Query the average number of active session history -- Multiply numberator by 10 - as we flush only one out of 10 samples. select nvl(decode(hist_size, 0, 0, sum(cnt)*df_ratio/(hist_size * 86400)), 0) into avg_active from (select sample_id, count(*) as cnt from sys.wrh$_active_session_history where dbid = l_dbid and snap_id >= ash_hist_snap group by instance_number, sample_id); -- get NUM_CPUS from V$OSSTAT, guaranteed to be supported on all platforms select value into num_cpus from v$osstat where stat_name = 'NUM_CPUS'; /* store the cpu count */ cpu_count := num_cpus; /* calculate active sessions using cpu count */ cpu_quota := 6; step_size := 8; step_decr := 1; if (num_cpus >= (cpu_quota*step_size)) then -- Just an sum of an non-trivial arithmetic progression num_sess_cpu := (step_size*cpu_quota*(cpu_quota+step_decr)/2/step_decr); else num_sess_cpu := 0; -- Use a step function that gives less and less weightage -- as num_cpus goes higher and higher. -- Give 'cpu_quota' sessions/CPU for first 'step_size' CPUs, -- 'cpu_quota-1' sessions/CPU for next 'step_size', and so on ... while (num_cpus > 0) loop cur_cpus := least( num_cpus, step_size ); num_sess_cpu := num_sess_cpu + cur_cpus * cpu_quota; cpu_quota := cpu_quota - step_decr; num_cpus := num_cpus - cur_cpus; end loop; end if; /* else (num_cpus ...) */ ------------------------- -- Debugging Information if (debug_on) then dbms_output.put_line('Debug Info:'); dbms_output.put_line('Hist Snap: ' || ash_hist_snap ); dbms_output.put_line('Hist Size: ' || round(hist_size, 6)); dbms_output.put_line('Avg Active: ' || round(avg_active, 6)); dbms_output.put_line('Num CPUs: ' || round(cpu_count, 2)); dbms_output.put_line('Num Sess CPU: ' || round(num_sess_cpu, 2)); end if; ------------------------- -- check how much data we have from the WRH$_ASH table. -- Depending on the amount of data we have, we will use a mixture -- of the observed value and the estimate based on number of cpus. if (hist_size >= 1.9) then -- we have about 2 days of data, use the observed value active_sessions := avg_active; elsif (hist_size >= 1.0) then -- we have 1-2 days of data, use the observed value with 20% -- factor on the cpu estimate active_sessions := (0.80 * avg_active) + (0.20 * num_sess_cpu); elsif (hist_size >= 0.5) then -- we have 0.5-1 day of data, use the observed value with 50% -- factor the cpu estimate active_sessions := (0.50 * avg_active) + (0.50 * num_sess_cpu); else -- if we do not have enough history, simply use the average -- number of active sessions derived from cpu count active_sessions := num_sess_cpu; end if; /* else if (hist_size ...) */ if (debug_on) then dbms_output.put_line('Active Sessions: ' || round(active_sessions, 2)); end if; end awr_set_variables; ----------------------------------------------------- -- awr_space_estimate - -- This routine will return in the estimated usage -- for the AWR in megabytes (MB). ----------------------------------------------------- function awr_space_estimate (active_sessions IN NUMBER, files IN NUMBER, interval IN NUMBER, retention IN NUMBER, num_inst IN NUMBER, cur_awr_size IN NUMBER) return NUMBER as default_interval CONSTANT NUMBER := 3600; default_retention CONSTANT NUMBER := 604800; space_estimate NUMBER; begin /* handle the special case of interval = 0 or retention = 0 */ if (interval = 0) then /* in this case, no snapshots are taken, return the current size */ return cur_awr_size; elsif (retention = 0) then /* in this case, snapshots are retained forever, need infinite * amount of space */ return -1; end if; /* verify that we have valid inputs */ if (active_sessions < 0) then raise_application_error(-20500, 'Invalid value for active sessions: ' || active_sessions); elsif (files < 0) then raise_application_error(-20501, 'Invalid value for datafiles: ' || files); elsif (num_inst <= 0) then raise_application_error(-20502, 'Invalid value for number of instances: ' || num_inst); elsif (interval < 0) then raise_application_error(-20503, 'Invalid value for interval: ' || interval || ' seconds'); elsif (retention < 0) then raise_application_error(-20504, 'Invalid value for retention: ' || retention || ' seconds'); end if; /* the formula for AWR usage for the default interval and * retention setting for one instance is the following: * est_space = 80 MB + * (33 KB * number of files) + * (15 MB * number of active sessions) * * The 80 MB includes the following components of AWR: FIXED, * EVENTS, SPACE, SQLBIND, SQL, SQLPLAN, SQLTEXT. * Since number of events, number of segments, and number of * SQL should be relatively constant across all databases, * we lump all of these components into one number. * * For each file, we take up about 33KB per week given the * default 1 hour interval. * * The amount of space for the fixed and file components will * be inversely proportional to the interval size. * * The active session component is independent of interval * since we always capture the same amount of ASH data * for a given period of time. * * The amount of space is directly proportional to the retention * and number of instances. */ space_estimate := (((80 + (33 / 1024 * files)) * (default_interval / interval)) + (15 * active_sessions)) * (retention / default_retention) * num_inst; return space_estimate; end awr_space_estimate; --------------------------------------------------- -- awr_display_variables -- This routine will display the number of active -- sessions, files, interval, retention, and -- number of instances used for estimation --------------------------------------------------- procedure awr_display_variables (active_sessions IN NUMBER, files IN NUMBER, interval IN NUMBER, retention IN NUMBER, num_inst IN NUMBER, awr_est IN NUMBER) as align number := 37; salign number := 19; banner number := 51; mb_format varchar2(20) := '99,999,990.0'; num_format varchar2(20) := '9,999,990'; frac_format varchar2(20) := '99,990.99'; begin /* check if the estimate is infinity */ if (awr_est = -1) then dbms_output.put_line('| ' || rpad('#', banner, '#')); dbms_output.put_line('| Estimated size of AWR is Infinity!'); dbms_output.put_line('| ' || rpad('#', banner, '#')); else /* display estimated size of AWR */ dbms_output.put_line(rpad('| Estimated size of AWR: ', align) || to_char(awr_est, mb_format) || ' MB '); if (num_inst > 1) then dbms_output.put_line(rpad('| Estimated size of AWR per instance: ',align) || to_char(awr_est / num_inst, mb_format) || ' MB '); end if; end if; dbms_output.put_line('| '); dbms_output.put_line('| The AWR estimate was computed using '); dbms_output.put_line('| the following values: '); dbms_output.put_line('| '); dbms_output.put_line('| ' || lpad('Interval -', salign) || to_char(interval / 60, num_format) || ' minutes'); dbms_output.put_line('| ' || lpad('Retention -', salign) || to_char((retention / 86400), frac_format) || ' days'); dbms_output.put_line('| ' || lpad('Num Instances -', salign) || to_char(num_inst, num_format)); dbms_output.put_line('| ' || lpad('Active Sessions -', salign) || to_char(active_sessions, frac_format)); dbms_output.put_line('| ' || lpad('Datafiles -', salign) || to_char(files, num_format)); end awr_display_variables; ---------------------------------------------------------- -- optstats_get_vars -- This routine will return the number of system and user -- tables, indexes, and column currently in the system. -- It also returns the statistics retention peroid. ----------------------------------------------------------- PROCEDURE optstats_get_vars (num_sys_tabs OUT NUMBER, num_user_tabs OUT NUMBER, num_sys_parts OUT NUMBER, num_user_parts OUT NUMBER, num_sys_inds OUT NUMBER, num_user_inds OUT NUMBER, num_sys_part_inds OUT NUMBER, num_user_part_inds OUT NUMBER, num_sys_cols OUT NUMBER, num_user_cols OUT NUMBER, num_sys_part_cols OUT NUMBER, num_user_part_cols OUT NUMBER, stats_retention OUT NUMBER) AS num_tabs NUMBER; num_rsys_tabs NUMBER; num_nsys_tabs NUMBER; num_parts NUMBER; num_rsys_parts NUMBER; num_nsys_parts NUMBER; num_hsub_parts NUMBER; num_inds NUMBER; num_rsys_inds NUMBER; num_nsys_inds NUMBER; num_part_inds NUMBER; num_hsp_inds NUMBER; num_cols NUMBER; num_rsys_cols NUMBER; num_nsys_cols NUMBER; num_part_cols NUMBER; num_subp_cols NUMBER; num_hsp_cols NUMBER; BEGIN -- count all base tables in the database. SELECT count(*) INTO num_tabs FROM sys.obj$ o WHERE o.type# = 2 AND -- base tables bitand(o.flags, 128) != 128 AND -- not in recycle bin not (bitand(o.flags, 16) = 16 AND -- no CTX objects ( like 'DR$%' or like 'DR#%')); -- count all base tables registered as system-owned. SELECT count(*) INTO num_rsys_tabs FROM sys.obj$ o WHERE o.type# = 2 AND -- base tables bitand(o.flags, 128) != 128 AND -- not in recycle bin not (bitand(o.flags, 16) = 16 AND -- no CTX objects ( like 'DR$%' or like 'DR#%')) and o.owner# in (select r.schema# -- registered as from registry$ r -- system-owned where r.status in (1,3,5) and r.namespace='SERVER'); -- count all base tables not registered as system-owned. SELECT count(*) INTO num_nsys_tabs FROM sys.obj$ o WHERE o.type# = 2 AND -- base tables bitand(o.flags, 128) != 128 AND -- not in recycle bin not (bitand(o.flags, 16) = 16 AND -- no CTX objects ( like 'DR$%' or like 'DR#%')) and o.owner# in (select u.user# -- not registered as from user$ u -- system-owned where in ('SYSTEM','OUTLN','DBSNMP','MDDATA', 'WKPROXY','WK_TEST','ODM','ORDPLUGINS', 'SI_INFORMTN_SCHEMA')); -- number of system-owned base tables as candidates. num_sys_tabs := num_rsys_tabs + num_nsys_tabs; -- number of user base tables as candidates. num_user_tabs := greatest(0, num_tabs - num_sys_tabs); -- count all partitions, subpartitions in the database. SELECT count(*) INTO num_parts FROM sys.obj$ o WHERE o.type# IN (19, 34) AND -- parts, subparts bitand(o.flags, 128) != 128 AND -- not in recycle bin not (bitand(o.flags, 16) = 16 AND -- no CTX objects ( like 'DR$%' or like 'DR#%')); -- count all partitions registered as system-owned. SELECT count(*) INTO num_rsys_parts FROM sys.obj$ o WHERE o.type# IN (19, 34) AND -- parts, subparts bitand(o.flags, 128) != 128 AND -- not in recycle bin not (bitand(o.flags, 16) = 16 AND -- no CTX objects ( like 'DR$%' or like 'DR#%')) and o.owner# in (select r.schema# -- registered as from registry$ r -- system-owned where r.status in (1,3,5) and r.namespace='SERVER'); -- count all partitions not registered as system-owned. SELECT count(*) INTO num_nsys_parts FROM sys.obj$ o WHERE o.type# IN (19, 34) AND -- parts, subparts bitand(o.flags, 128) != 128 AND -- not in recycle bin not (bitand(o.flags, 16) = 16 AND -- no CTX objects ( like 'DR$%' or like 'DR#%')) and o.owner# in (select u.user# -- not registered as from user$ u -- system-owned where in ('SYSTEM','OUTLN','DBSNMP','MDDATA', 'WKPROXY','WK_TEST','ODM','ORDPLUGINS', 'SI_INFORMTN_SCHEMA')); -- we assume there are no system-owned subpartitions! num_sys_parts := num_rsys_parts + num_nsys_parts; -- count all hash subpartitions in the database. SELECT count(*) INTO num_hsub_parts FROM sys.obj$ o, sys.partobj$ po WHERE o.obj# = po.obj# AND o.type# = 34 AND -- subparts mod(po.spare2, 256) = 2 AND -- type hash bitand(o.flags, 128) != 128 AND -- not in recycle bin not (bitand(o.flags, 16) = 16 AND -- no CTX objects ( like 'DR$%' or like 'DR#%')); -- number of user partitions as candidates. num_user_parts := greatest(0, num_parts - num_sys_parts - num_hsub_parts); -- count indexes on all base tables. SELECT count(*) INTO num_inds FROM sys.obj$ o WHERE o.type# = 1 AND -- table indexes bitand(o.flags, 128) != 128 AND -- not in recycle bin not (bitand(o.flags, 16) = 16 AND -- no CTX objects ( like 'DR$%' or like 'DR#%')); -- count indexes on all registered system-owned base tables. SELECT count(*) INTO num_rsys_inds FROM sys.obj$ o WHERE o.type# = 1 AND -- table indexes bitand(o.flags, 128) != 128 AND -- not in recycle bin not (bitand(o.flags, 16) = 16 AND -- no CTX objects ( like 'DR$%' or like 'DR#%')) and o.owner# in (select r.schema# -- registered as from registry$ r -- system-owned where r.status in (1,3,5) and r.namespace='SERVER'); -- count indexes on all non-registered system-owned base tables. SELECT count(*) INTO num_nsys_inds FROM sys.obj$ o WHERE o.type# = 1 AND -- table indexes bitand(o.flags, 128) != 128 AND -- not in recycle bin not (bitand(o.flags, 16) = 16 AND -- no CTX objects ( like 'DR$%' or like 'DR#%')) and o.owner# in (select u.user# -- not registered as from user$ u -- system-owned where in ('SYSTEM','OUTLN','DBSNMP','MDDATA', 'WKPROXY','WK_TEST','ODM','ORDPLUGINS', 'SI_INFORMTN_SCHEMA')); -- number of indexes on system-owned tables as candidates. num_sys_inds := num_rsys_inds + num_nsys_inds; -- number of indexes on user tables as candidates. num_user_inds := greatest(0, num_inds - num_sys_inds); -- count indexes on all partitions, subpartitions. SELECT count(*) INTO num_part_inds FROM sys.obj$ o WHERE o.type# IN (20, 35) AND -- part, subpart indexes bitand(o.flags, 128) != 128 AND -- not in recycle bin not (bitand(o.flags, 16) = 16 AND -- no CTX objects ( like 'DR$%' or like 'DR#%')); -- count all indexes on partitions registered as system-owned. SELECT count(*) INTO num_rsys_inds FROM sys.obj$ o WHERE o.type# IN (20, 35) AND -- part, subpart indexes bitand(o.flags, 128) != 128 AND -- not in recycle bin not (bitand(o.flags, 16) = 16 AND -- no CTX objects ( like 'DR$%' or like 'DR#%')) and o.owner# in (select r.schema# -- registered as from registry$ r -- system-owned where r.status in (1,3,5) and r.namespace='SERVER'); -- count all indexes on partitions not registered as system-owned. SELECT count(*) INTO num_nsys_inds FROM sys.obj$ o WHERE o.type# IN (20, 35) AND -- part, subpart indexes bitand(o.flags, 128) != 128 AND -- not in recycle bin not (bitand(o.flags, 16) = 16 AND -- no CTX objects ( like 'DR$%' or like 'DR#%')) and o.owner# in (select u.user# -- not registered as from user$ u -- system-owned where in ('SYSTEM','OUTLN','DBSNMP','MDDATA', 'WKPROXY','WK_TEST','ODM','ORDPLUGINS', 'SI_INFORMTN_SCHEMA')); num_sys_part_inds := num_rsys_inds + num_nsys_inds; -- count indexes on all hash subpartitions. SELECT count(*) INTO num_hsp_inds FROM sys.obj$ o, sys.partobj$ po WHERE o.obj# = po.obj# AND o.type# = 35 AND -- subpart indexes MOD(po.spare2, 256) = 2 AND -- hash subparts bitand(o.flags, 128) != 128 AND -- not in recycle bin NOT (bitand(o.flags, 16) = 16 AND -- no CTX objects ( like 'DR$%' or like 'DR#%')); -- number of local indexes on partitions, subpartitions as candidates. num_user_part_inds := greatest(0, num_part_inds - num_sys_part_inds - num_hsp_inds); -- count columns in all base tables. SELECT count(*) INTO num_cols FROM sys.col$ c, sys.obj$ o WHERE c.obj# = o.obj# AND o.type# = 2 AND bitand(o.flags, 128) != 128 AND NOT (bitand(o.flags, 16) = 16 AND ( like 'DR$%' or like 'DR#%')); -- count columns in all registered system-owned tables. SELECT count(*) INTO num_rsys_cols FROM sys.col$ c, sys.obj$ o WHERE c.obj# = o.obj# AND o.type# = 2 AND -- columns on base tables bitand(o.flags, 128) != 128 AND -- not in recycle bin NOT (bitand(o.flags, 16) = 16 AND -- no CTX objects ( like 'DR$%' or like 'DR#%')) AND o.owner# IN (select r.schema# from registry$ r -- registered as system-owned where r.status in (1,3,5) and r.namespace='SERVER'); -- count columns in all non-registered system-owned tables. SELECT count(*) INTO num_nsys_cols FROM sys.col$ c, sys.obj$ o WHERE c.obj# = o.obj# AND o.type# = 2 AND -- columns on base tables bitand(o.flags, 128) != 128 AND -- not in recyc bin not (bitand(o.flags, 16) = 16 AND -- no CTX objects ( like 'DR$%' or like 'DR#%')) and o.owner# in (select u.user# from user$ u -- other system-owned where in ('SYSTEM','OUTLN','DBSNMP','MDDATA', 'WKPROXY','WK_TEST','ODM','ORDPLUGINS', 'SI_INFORMTN_SCHEMA')); -- number of columns in system-owned tables as candidates. num_sys_cols := num_rsys_cols + num_nsys_cols; -- number of columns in user tables as candidates. num_user_cols := greatest(0, num_cols - num_sys_cols); -- count columns in all partitions. SELECT count(*) INTO num_part_cols FROM sys.col$ c, sys.tabpart$ tp, sys.obj$ o WHERE c.obj# = o.obj# AND o.obj# = AND bitand(o.flags, 128) != 128 AND -- not in recycle bin NOT (bitand(o.flags, 16) = 16 AND -- no CTX objects ( like 'DR$%' or like 'DR#%')); -- count columns in all subpartitions. SELECT count(*) INTO num_subp_cols FROM sys.col$ c, sys.tabsubpart$ tsp, sys.obj$ o WHERE c.obj# = o.obj# AND o.obj# = tsp.pobj# AND bitand(o.flags, 128) != 128 AND -- not in recycle bin NOT (bitand(o.flags, 16) = 16 AND -- no CTX objects ( like 'DR$%' or like 'DR#%')); -- count columns in all partitions registered as system-owned. SELECT count(*) INTO num_rsys_cols FROM sys.col$ c, sys.tabpart$ tp, sys.obj$ o WHERE c.obj# = o.obj# AND o.obj# = AND bitand(o.flags, 128) != 128 AND -- not in recycle bin NOT (bitand(o.flags, 16) = 16 AND -- no CTX objects ( like 'DR$%' or like 'DR#%')) AND o.owner# IN (select r.schema# from registry$ r -- registered as system-owned where r.status in (1,3,5) and r.namespace='SERVER'); -- count columns in all partitions not registered as system-owned. SELECT count(*) INTO num_nsys_cols FROM sys.col$ c, sys.tabpart$ tp, sys.obj$ o WHERE c.obj# = o.obj# AND o.obj# = AND bitand(o.flags, 128) != 128 AND -- not in recycle bin NOT (bitand(o.flags, 16) = 16 AND -- no CTX objects ( like 'DR$%' or like 'DR#%')) AND o.owner# in (select u.user# from user$ u -- other system-owned where in ('SYSTEM','OUTLN','DBSNMP','MDDATA', 'WKPROXY','WK_TEST','ODM','ORDPLUGINS', 'SI_INFORMTN_SCHEMA')); num_sys_part_cols := num_rsys_cols + num_nsys_cols; -- count columns in all hash subpartitions. SELECT count(*) INTO num_hsp_cols FROM sys.col$ c, sys.tabsubpart$ tsp, sys.obj$ o, sys.partobj$ po WHERE c.obj# = o.obj# AND o.obj# = tsp.pobj# AND o.obj# = po.obj# AND MOD(po.spare2, 256) != 128 AND -- hash subparts bitand(o.flags, 128) != 128 AND NOT (bitand(o.flags, 16) = 16 AND ( like 'DR$%' or like 'DR#%')); -- number of columns in partitions as candidates num_user_part_cols := greatest(0, num_part_cols + num_subp_cols - num_sys_part_cols - num_hsp_cols); SELECT dbms_stats.get_stats_history_retention INTO stats_retention FROM sys.dual; END optstats_get_vars; ----------------------------------------------------- -- optstats_space_est - -- This routine will return the estimated usage -- for Optimizer Stats versions in megabytes (MB). ----------------------------------------------------- function optstats_space_est (num_sys_tabs IN NUMBER, num_user_tabs IN NUMBER, num_sys_parts IN NUMBER, num_user_parts IN NUMBER, num_sys_inds IN NUMBER, num_user_inds IN NUMBER, num_sys_part_inds IN NUMBER, num_user_part_inds IN NUMBER, num_sys_cols IN NUMBER, num_user_cols IN NUMBER, num_sys_part_cols IN NUMBER, num_user_part_cols IN NUMBER, pct_volatile IN NUMBER, pct_skewed_cols IN NUMBER, pct_cand_parts IN NUMBER, days_to_stale IN NUMBER, days_to_stale_low IN NUMBER, stats_retention IN NUMBER) return NUMBER AS sys_ver_size NUMBER; user_ver_size NUMBER; num_sys_vers NUMBER; num_user_vers NUMBER; size_estimate NUMBER; BEGIN /* ** The formula for SYSAUX usage to store optimizer statistics versions ** assumes that the automatic statistics collection job runs daily and ** that no manual statistics collection is performed. ** The retention period is assumed to be >= 1 day. */ sys_ver_size := (num_sys_tabs + num_sys_parts) * 100 + (num_sys_inds + num_sys_part_inds) * 125 + (num_sys_cols + num_sys_part_cols) * (150 + 30 * 175 * pct_skewed_cols); -- assume 30 buckets and 175 bytes/row for histogram entries user_ver_size := (num_user_tabs + num_user_parts * pct_cand_parts) * 100 + (num_user_inds + num_user_part_inds * pct_cand_parts) * 125 + (num_user_cols + num_user_part_cols * pct_cand_parts) * (150 + 30 * 175 * pct_skewed_cols); num_sys_vers := greatest(1, stats_retention / greatest (1, least(days_to_stale_low, stats_retention))); num_user_vers := greatest(1, stats_retention / greatest(1, least(days_to_stale, stats_retention))); if (false) then -- change to true to see the intermediate values. -- (in case if we want to debug stats estimation ) dbms_output.put_line('DEBUG BEGIN'); dbms_output.put_line('num_sys_tabs :' || num_sys_tabs); dbms_output.put_line('num_sys_parts :' || num_sys_parts); dbms_output.put_line('num_sys_inds :' || num_sys_inds); dbms_output.put_line('num_sys_part_inds :' || num_sys_part_inds); dbms_output.put_line('num_sys_cols :' || num_sys_cols); dbms_output.put_line('num_sys_part_cols :' || num_sys_part_cols); dbms_output.put_line('sys_ver_size :' || sys_ver_size); dbms_output.put_line('num_sys_vers :' || num_sys_vers); dbms_output.put_line('num_user_tabs :' || num_user_tabs); dbms_output.put_line('num_user_parts :' || num_user_parts); dbms_output.put_line('num_user_inds :' || num_user_inds); dbms_output.put_line('num_user_part_inds :' || num_user_part_inds); dbms_output.put_line('num_user_cols :' || num_user_cols); dbms_output.put_line('num_user_part_cols :' || num_user_part_cols); dbms_output.put_line( 'user_ver_size :' || user_ver_size); dbms_output.put_line('num_user_vers :' || num_user_vers); dbms_output.put_line('DEBUG END'); end if; size_estimate := sys_ver_size * (pct_volatile * num_sys_vers + (1 - pct_volatile)) + user_ver_size * (pct_volatile * num_user_vers + (1 - pct_volatile)) + stats_retention * 150; -- On the average, it is using only 94 % of the space for storing -- data, account for the rest ... size_estimate := size_estimate * 1.06; -- convert the size estimate in Megabytes size_estimate := size_estimate / 1048576; RETURN size_estimate; END optstats_space_est; ----------------------------------------------------- -- optstats_display_vars -- This routine will display the optstats variables ----------------------------------------------------- procedure optstats_display_vars (num_user_tabs IN NUMBER, num_user_parts IN NUMBER, num_user_inds IN NUMBER, num_user_part_inds IN NUMBER, num_user_cols IN NUMBER, num_user_part_cols IN NUMBER, stats_retention IN NUMBER, dml_activity IN NUMBER, optstats_est IN NUMBER) as align number := 37; salign number := 30; banner number := 51; mb_format varchar2(20) := '99,999,990.0'; num_format varchar2(20) := '999,990'; frac_format varchar2(20) := '9,990.9'; disp_activity VARCHAR2(6); begin dbms_output.put_line( rpad('| Estimated size of Stats history', align) || to_char(optstats_est, mb_format) || ' MB'); dbms_output.put_line('| '); dbms_output.put_line('| The space for Optimizer Statistics history was '); dbms_output.put_line('| estimated using the following values: '); dbms_output.put_line('| '); dbms_output.put_line('| ' || lpad('Tables -', salign) || to_char(num_user_tabs, num_format)); dbms_output.put_line('| ' || lpad('Indexes -', salign) || to_char(num_user_inds, num_format)); dbms_output.put_line('| ' || lpad('Columns -', salign) || to_char(num_user_cols, num_format)); dbms_output.put_line('| ' || lpad('Partitions -', salign) || to_char(num_user_parts, num_format)); dbms_output.put_line('| ' || lpad('Indexes on Partitions -', salign) || to_char(num_user_part_inds, num_format)); dbms_output.put_line('| ' || lpad('Columns in Partitions -', salign) || to_char(num_user_part_cols, num_format)); dbms_output.put_line('| ' || lpad('Stats Retention in Days -', salign) || to_char(stats_retention, num_format)); IF (dml_activity = 1) THEN disp_activity := ' Low'; ELSE IF (dml_activity = 2) THEN disp_activity := 'Medium'; ELSE disp_activity := ' High'; END IF; END IF; dbms_output.put_line('| ' || lpad('Level of DML Activity -', salign) || ' ' || disp_activity); end optstats_display_vars; end UTLSYXSZ_UTIL; / set termout on; spool &report_name /****************************************************** * (0) Display Header info: time, database name, etc. ******************************************************/ column db_id format a12 just r; column name format a20 column platform_name format a30 column host_platform format a40 wrap column startup_time format a17 column inst format 9999 prompt ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ prompt SYSAUX Size Estimation Report prompt ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ select 'Estimated at', to_char(systimestamp, 'HH24:MI:SS "on" Mon DD, YYYY ( ') || trim(to_char(systimestamp, 'Day')) || to_char(systimestamp, ' ) "in Timezone" TZR') from dual; set heading on; select (a.cur || a.db_name) as db_name, a.host_platform, a.inst, a.startup_time, a.parallel from (select (case when awr.dbid = max(d.dbid) and awr.instance_number = max(i.instance_number) then '* ' else ' ' end ) as Cur, awr.dbid, max(awr.db_name) as db_name, max(awr.host_name) || ' - ' || (case when awr.dbid = max(d.dbid) then max(d.platform_name) else '' end ) as host_platform, awr.instance_number inst, max(awr.startup_time) as startup_time, max(awr.parallel) as parallel from sys.wrm$_database_instance awr, v$database d, v$instance i group by awr.dbid, awr.instance_number) a, sys.wrm$_database_instance wdi where wdi.dbid = a.dbid and wdi.instance_number = a.inst and wdi.startup_time = a.startup_time; set heading off; /********************************************************** * (1) read current SYSAUX space usage into three buckets: * AWR, AutoStat_History, Others. **********************************************************/ prompt prompt ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ prompt Current SYSAUX usage prompt ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ declare occ_name varchar2(64); occ_size number; total_size number; /* cursor to select sysaux occupants */ cursor occ_cursor is select occupant_name, space_usage_mb from (select occupant_name, space_usage_kbytes/1024 as space_usage_mb, (case when occupant_name = 'SM/AWR' then 1 when occupant_name = 'SM/OPTSTAT' then 2 else 3 end) as occ_order from v$sysaux_occupants) occ where space_usage_mb > 0 order by occ_order, space_usage_mb desc; newline_char varchar2(1) := ' '; begin select (sum(bytes)/1024/1024) into total_size from dba_segments where tablespace_name = 'SYSAUX'; dbms_output.put_line( rpad('| Total SYSAUX size: ', :align ) || to_char(total_size, :mb_format) || ' MB' ); dbms_output.put_line( '| '); /* initialize other occupant size */ :oth_occ_size := 0; :estimated_others := NULL; /* open cursor to fetch occupants */ open occ_cursor; loop fetch occ_cursor into occ_name, occ_size; exit when occ_cursor%NOTFOUND; dbms_output.put_line(rpad('| Total size of ' || occ_name, :align) || to_char(occ_size, :mb_format) || ' MB (' || to_char(occ_size * 100/ total_size, :perc_format) || '% of SYSAUX )' ); /* compute different sizes */ case occ_name when 'SM/AWR' then :awr_size := occ_size; when 'SM/OPTSTAT' then :opt_size := occ_size; else :oth_occ_size := :oth_occ_size + occ_size; :estimated_others := :estimated_others || rpad('| Est size of ' || occ_name, :align) || to_char(occ_size, :mb_format) || ' MB' || newline_char; end case; end loop; :oth_size := total_size - (:awr_size + :opt_size + :oth_occ_size); dbms_output.put_line( rpad('| Total size of Others ', :align ) || to_char(:oth_size, :mb_format) || ' MB (' || to_char(:oth_size * 100/ total_size, :perc_format) || '% of SYSAUX )' ); :estimated_others := :estimated_others || rpad('| Est size of Others ', :align ) || to_char(:oth_size, :mb_format) || ' MB'; dbms_output.put_line( '| '); end; / /****************************************************** * (2) AWR Space estimate * a. read average number of active sessions from v$ash or * wrh$_active_session_history into :actses * b. prompt users for average number of active sessions with * recommended value of :actses * c. compute AWR size estimates into :awr_space_est ******************************************************/ -- variables for AWR space estimate variable active_sessions number; variable files number; variable interval number; variable retention number; variable num_inst number; /*---------------------------------------------* * (2.1) retrieve current values for variables *---------------------------------------------*/ begin utlsyxsz_util.awr_set_variables(:active_sessions, :files, :interval, :retention, :num_inst); end; / /*------------------------------------------* * (2.2) prompt users if they would like to * change recommended values *------------------------------------------*/ prompt prompt ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ prompt AWR Space Estimation prompt ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ prompt prompt | To estimate the size of the Automatic Workload Repository (AWR) prompt | in SYSAUX, we need the following values: prompt | prompt | - Interval Setting (minutes) prompt | - Retention Setting (days) prompt | - Number of Instances prompt | - Average Number of Active Sessions prompt | - Number of Datafiles /* set the columns */ column active_sessions new_value active_sessions noprint; column interval_val new_value interval noprint; column retention_val new_value retention noprint; column num_instances new_value num_instances noprint; /*------------------* * Interval Setting *------------------*/ prompt exec utlsyxsz_util.show_default('Interval Setting', (:interval / 60), 'minutes'); select '** Value for ''Interval Setting'': ' || nvl('&&interval', (:interval / 60)), nvl('&&interval', (:interval / 60)) interval_val from sys.dual; /*------------------* * Retention Setting *------------------*/ prompt exec utlsyxsz_util.show_default('Retention Setting', (:retention / 86400), 'days'); select '** Value for ''Retention Setting'': ' || round(nvl('&&retention', (:retention / 86400)), 2), nvl('&&retention', (:retention / 86400)) retention_val from sys.dual; /*---------------------* * Number of Instances *---------------------*/ prompt exec utlsyxsz_util.show_default('Number of Instances', :num_inst); select '** Value for ''Number of Instances'': ' || nvl('&&num_instances', :num_inst), nvl('&&num_instances', :num_inst) num_instances from sys.dual; /*-------------------------------* * Avg Number of Active Sessions *-------------------------------*/ prompt exec utlsyxsz_util.show_default('Average Number of Active Sessions', :active_sessions); select '** Value for ''Average Number of Active Sessions'': ' || round(nvl('&&active_sessions', :active_sessions), 2), nvl('&&active_sessions', :active_sessions) active_sessions from sys.dual; /*---------------------------------* * (2.3) Output Estimated AWR size *---------------------------------*/ whenever sqlerror exit; prompt declare begin /* set the final values. convert the interval * and retention to seconds. the select is * done to avoid number overflow. */ select (&interval * 60), (&retention * 86400) into :interval, :retention from dual; :active_sessions := &active_sessions; :num_inst := &num_instances; :awr_space_est := utlsyxsz_util.awr_space_estimate(:active_sessions, :files, :interval, :retention, :num_inst, :awr_size); dbms_output.put_line('| ' || rpad('*', :banner, '*')); /* the size is infinite */ if (:awr_space_est = -1) then utlsyxsz_util.awr_display_variables(:active_sessions, :files, :interval, :retention, :num_inst, :awr_space_est); dbms_output.put_line('| '); dbms_output.put_line('| ' || rpad('#', :banner, '#')); dbms_output.put_line('| We will re-estimate the AWR size using the '); dbms_output.put_line('| default retention!'); dbms_output.put_line('| ' || rpad('#', :banner, '#')); dbms_output.put_line('| ' || rpad('~' , :banner, '~')); dbms_output.put_line('| '); /* set the retention to the default 7 days */ :retention := 604800; /* re-estimating based on the default retention */ :awr_space_est := utlsyxsz_util.awr_space_estimate(:active_sessions, :files, :interval, :retention, :num_inst, :awr_size); end if; utlsyxsz_util.awr_display_variables(:active_sessions, :files, :interval, :retention, :num_inst, :awr_space_est); dbms_output.put_line('| ' || rpad('*', :banner, '*')); end; / whenever sqlerror continue; /************************************************************************** * (3) AutoStat_History estimate: * a. read total number of user/system tables, indexes, columns * b. compute estimates for AutoStat_History into :optstats_space_est **************************************************************************/ -- variables for Optimizer Stat space estimate variable num_sys_tabs NUMBER; variable num_user_tabs NUMBER; variable num_sys_parts NUMBER; variable num_user_parts NUMBER; variable num_sys_inds NUMBER; variable num_user_inds NUMBER; variable num_sys_part_inds NUMBER; variable num_user_part_inds NUMBER; variable num_sys_cols NUMBER; variable num_user_cols NUMBER; variable num_sys_part_cols NUMBER; variable num_user_part_cols NUMBER; variable pct_volatile NUMBER; variable pct_skewed_cols NUMBER; variable pct_cand_parts NUMBER; variable stats_retention NUMBER; variable dml_activity NUMBER; variable days_to_stale NUMBER; variable days_to_stale_low NUMBER; variable days_to_stale_med NUMBER; variable days_to_stale_high NUMBER; variable number_of_tables NUMBER; variable number_of_partitions NUMBER; -- set system default values BEGIN :pct_skewed_cols := 0.11; :pct_cand_parts := 0.2; :pct_volatile := 0.5; :dml_activity := 2; :days_to_stale_low := 15; :days_to_stale_med := 6; :days_to_stale_high := 2; END; / /*---------------------------------------------* * (3.1) retrieve current values for variables *---------------------------------------------*/ begin utlsyxsz_util.optstats_get_vars( :num_sys_tabs, :num_user_tabs, :num_sys_parts, :num_user_parts, :num_sys_inds, :num_user_inds, :num_sys_part_inds, :num_user_part_inds, :num_sys_cols, :num_user_cols, :num_sys_part_cols, :num_user_part_cols, :stats_retention); end; / /*------------------------------------------* * (3.2) prompt users if they would like to * change recommended values *------------------------------------------*/ prompt prompt ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ prompt Optimizer Stat History Space Estimation prompt ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ prompt prompt | To estimate the size of the Optimizer Statistics History prompt | we need the following values: prompt | prompt | - Number of Tables in the Database prompt | - Number of Partitions in the Database prompt | - Statistics Retention Period (days) prompt | - DML Activity in the Database (level) column number_of_tables new_value number_of_tables noprint; column number_of_partitions new_value number_of_partitions noprint; column dml_activity new_value dml_activity noprint; column stats_retention new_value stats_retention noprint; /*---------------------* * Number of Tables *---------------------*/ prompt exec utlsyxsz_util.show_default('Number of Tables', :num_user_tabs, '', ''); BEGIN :number_of_tables := :num_user_tabs; END; / select '** Value for ''Number of Tables'': ' || nvl('&&number_of_tables', :number_of_tables), nvl('&&number_of_tables', :number_of_tables) number_of_tables from sys.dual; /*---------------------* * Number of Partitions *---------------------*/ prompt exec utlsyxsz_util.show_default('Number of Partitions', :num_user_parts, '', ''); BEGIN :number_of_partitions := :num_user_parts; END; / select '** Value for ''Number of Partitions'': ' || nvl('&&number_of_partitions', :number_of_partitions), nvl('&&number_of_partitions', :number_of_partitions) number_of_partitions from sys.dual; /*---------------------* * Statistics Retention *---------------------*/ prompt exec utlsyxsz_util.show_default('Statistics Retention', :stats_retention, 'days', ''); select '** Value for ''Statistics Retention'': ' || nvl('&&stats_retention', :stats_retention), nvl('&&stats_retention', :stats_retention) stats_retention from sys.dual; /*---------------------* * DML Activity Level *---------------------*/ prompt exec utlsyxsz_util.show_default2('DML Activity', :dml_activity, '<1=low, 2=medium, 3=high>'); select '** Value for ''DML Activity'': ' || nvl('&&dml_activity', :dml_activity), nvl('&&dml_activity', :dml_activity) dml_activity from sys.dual; /*-------------------------------------* * (3.3) Output Estimated OptStat size *-------------------------------------*/ prompt BEGIN :number_of_tables := &number_of_tables; IF (:number_of_tables != :num_user_tabs) THEN IF (:num_user_tabs > 0) THEN :num_user_inds := ceil(:num_user_inds * :number_of_tables / :num_user_tabs); :num_user_cols := ceil(:num_user_cols * :number_of_tables / :num_user_tabs); END IF; :num_user_tabs := :number_of_tables; END IF; :number_of_partitions := &number_of_partitions; IF (:number_of_partitions != :num_user_parts) THEN IF (:num_user_parts > 0) THEN :num_user_part_inds := ceil(:num_user_part_inds * :number_of_partitions / :num_user_parts); :num_user_part_cols := ceil(:num_user_part_cols * :number_of_partitions / :num_user_parts); END IF; :num_user_parts := :number_of_partitions; END IF; IF (&stats_retention > 0) THEN :stats_retention := &stats_retention; ELSIF (&stats_retention = 0) THEN -- 0 is a special value for retention. -- assume 1 version :stats_retention := 1; ELSIF (&stats_retention < 0) THEN :stats_retention := 31; END IF; :dml_activity := &dml_activity; IF (:dml_activity != 1 AND :dml_activity != 2 AND :dml_activity != 3) THEN :dml_activity := 2; END IF; IF (:dml_activity = 1) THEN :days_to_stale := :days_to_stale_low; ELSIF (:dml_activity = 3) THEN :days_to_stale := :days_to_stale_high; ELSE :days_to_stale := :days_to_stale_med; END IF; :optstats_space_est := utlsyxsz_util.optstats_space_est( :num_sys_tabs, :num_user_tabs, :num_sys_parts, :num_user_parts, :num_sys_inds, :num_user_inds, :num_sys_part_inds, :num_user_part_inds, :num_sys_cols, :num_user_cols, :num_sys_part_cols, :num_user_part_cols, :pct_volatile, :pct_skewed_cols, :pct_cand_parts, :days_to_stale, :days_to_stale_low, :stats_retention); dbms_output.put_line( '| ' || rpad('*', :banner, '*')); utlsyxsz_util.optstats_display_vars(:num_user_tabs, :num_user_parts, :num_user_inds, :num_user_part_inds, :num_user_cols, :num_user_part_cols, :stats_retention, :dml_activity, :optstats_space_est); dbms_output.put_line( '| ' || rpad('*', :banner, '*')); end; / /****************************************************** * (4) compute total SYSAUX space estimate: * :total_space_est = :oth_size + :awr_space_est + * :optstats_space_est ******************************************************/ prompt prompt ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ prompt Estimated SYSAUX usage prompt ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ prompt begin dbms_output.put_line( '| ' || rpad('~' , :banner, '~')); utlsyxsz_util.awr_display_variables(:active_sessions, :files, :interval, :retention, :num_inst, :awr_space_est); dbms_output.put_line( '| ' || rpad('~' , :banner, '~')); utlsyxsz_util.optstats_display_vars(:num_user_tabs, :num_user_parts, :num_user_inds, :num_user_part_inds, :num_user_cols, :num_user_part_cols, :stats_retention, :dml_activity, :optstats_space_est); dbms_output.put_line( '| ' || rpad('~' , :banner, '~')); dbms_output.put_line( '| For all the other components, the estimate'); dbms_output.put_line( '| is equal to the current space usage of'); dbms_output.put_line( '| the component.'); dbms_output.put_line( '| ' || rpad('~' , :banner, '~')); dbms_output.put_line( '| '); dbms_output.put_line( '| '); dbms_output.put_line( '| ' || rpad('*' , :banner, '*')); dbms_output.put_line( '| Summary of SYSAUX Space Estimation '); dbms_output.put_line( '| ' || rpad('*' , :banner, '*')); end; / select :estimated_others from dual; begin /* the estimate for others is equal to the current size */ :other_space_est := :oth_occ_size + :oth_size; /* compute the total estimated space */ :total_space_est := :awr_space_est + :optstats_space_est + :other_space_est; dbms_output.put_line( rpad('| Est size of SM/AWR ', :align) || to_char(:awr_space_est, :mb_format) || ' MB'); dbms_output.put_line( rpad('| Est size of SM/OPTSTAT ', :align ) || to_char(:optstats_space_est, :mb_format) || ' MB'); dbms_output.put_line( '| '); dbms_output.put_line( '| ' || rpad('~', :banner, '~')); dbms_output.put_line( rpad('| Total Estimated SYSAUX size: ', :align ) || to_char(:total_space_est, :mb_format) || ' MB' ); dbms_output.put_line( '| ' || rpad('~', :banner, '~')); dbms_output.put_line( '| ' || rpad('*', :banner, '*')); end; / prompt prompt End of Report spool off; -- drop the package that was created as part of this script drop package utlsyxsz_util; undefine dflt_name; undefine report_name; undefine active_sessions; undefine interval; undefine retention; undefine num_instances; undefine number_of_tables; undefine number_of_partitions; undefine dml_activity; undefine stats_retention; -- End of File