Rem Rem $Header: rdbms/admin/utlspadv.sql /st_rdbms_11.2.0/2 2011/01/14 09:53:51 vchandar Exp $ Rem Rem utlspadv.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2007, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. Rem All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem utlspadv.sql - Streams Performance ADVisor Utility Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem A utility package for collecting streams topology and statistics, Rem which are similar to what Strmmon produces. Rem Rem NOTES Rem Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem vchandar 01/12/11 - Backport vchandar_bug-10384221 from main Rem vchandar 12/25/10 - Bug 10384221 Rem vchandar 06/30/10 - Account for all component/subcomponent types Rem vchandar 06/21/10 - use utl_file Rem vchandar 05/17/10 - lrg 4527973 Rem vchandar 02/12/10 - add secondary index for comp_stat table Rem vchandar 02/04/10 - Handle multiple bottlenecks for a single runid Rem bpwang 02/01/10 - Bug 9256726: Handle component state Rem vchandar 12/13/09 - Pass html bottleneck info in spare3 Rem vchandar 12/11/09 - Remove usage of htp package Rem vchandar 12/10/09 - make save_comp_stat default TRUE Rem vchandar 09/08/09 - Adding support for html report Rem jinwu 06/19/09 - allow purge in stop_monitoring Rem jinwu 04/21/09 - fix bug 7508507 (reduce sharable memory use) Rem jinwu 09/09/08 - add show_stats_table in streams$_pa_monitoring Rem jinwu 09/09/08 - donot persist streams$_pa_show_comp_stat Rem jinwu 09/08/08 - add param_unit to streams$_pa_control Rem jinwu 09/08/08 - add table streams$_pa_database_prop Rem tianli 09/15/08 - add spadv support for xstream Rem jinwu 08/18/08 - collect stats for active component only Rem jinwu 07/21/08 - add is/start/alter/stop_monitoring Rem jinwu 04/08/08 - change show_cca_mode to show_optimization Rem jinwu 04/04/08 - use scientific representation for BANDWIDTH Rem jinwu 04/04/08 - remove column original_path_id and active Rem jinwu 02/08/08 - change ANR to PS+PR for local CCAC Rem jinwu 12/31/07 - add CAP+PS for remote CCA Rem jinwu 12/31/07 - add cca_mode Rem jinwu 10/19/07 - fix ####### in percentage Rem jinwu 08/15/07 - fix bug 6343077 Rem jinwu 07/06/07 - aggregate TOP EVENT percentage for APS and LMP Rem jinwu 07/05/07 - rename 'CAPTURE PROCESS' to 'CAPTURE SESSION' Rem jinwu 06/13/07 - change param stat_table to path_stat_table. Rem jinwu 06/05/07 - Created Rem -- set up some environment for html report -- this should probably be moved to whichever script loads utlspadv -- html tags have & set define off; -- Create tables for monitoring API drop table streams$_pa_monitoring; create table streams$_pa_monitoring ( job_name varchar2(30) not null, client_name varchar2(30) default null, query_user_name varchar2(30) default null, show_stats_table varchar2(30) default 'STREAMS$_PA_SHOW_PATH_STAT', started_time timestamp default null, stopped_time timestamp default null, altered_time timestamp default null, state varchar2(30) default null /* ENABLED, STOPPED */ ) / -- PROP_NAME: -- VERSION -- COMPATIBILITY -- MANAGEMENT_PACK_ACCESS -- DB_UNIQUE_NAME drop table streams$_pa_database; create table streams$_pa_database ( global_name varchar2(128) not null, last_queried date default null, error_number number default null, error_message varchar2(4000) default null ) / drop table streams$_pa_database_prop; create table streams$_pa_database_prop ( global_name varchar2(128) not null, prop_name varchar2(30), prop_value varchar2(30) ) / drop table streams$_pa_component; create table streams$_pa_component ( component_id number not null, component_name varchar2(194), component_db varchar2(128), component_type varchar2(20), /* type of the streams component */ /* CAPTURE */ /* PROPAGATION SENDER */ /* PROPAGATION RECEIVER */ /* APPLY */ /* QUEUE */ component_changed_time date, /* time that the component was last changed */ spare1 number, /* spare column 1 */ spare2 number, /* spare column 2 */ spare3 varchar2(4000), /* spare column 3 */ spare4 date /* spare column 4 */ ) / -- PROP_NAME: (CAPTURE) SOURCE_DATABASE, PARALLELISM, OPTIMIZATION_MODE -- ( APPLY ) SOURCE_DATABASE, PARALLELISM, APPLY_CAPTURED, -- MESSAGE_DELIVERY_MODE drop table streams$_pa_component_prop; create table streams$_pa_component_prop ( component_id number not null, /* id of the component */ prop_name varchar2(30), /* name of the property */ prop_value varchar2(4000), /* value of the property */ spare1 number, spare2 number, spare3 varchar2(4000), spare4 date ) / drop table streams$_pa_component_link; create table streams$_pa_component_link ( path_id number not null, path_key varchar2(4000), /* unique key to stream path */ source_component_id number not null, destination_component_id number not null, position number, /* 1-based position of the link on stream path */ spare1 number, /* spare column 1 */ spare2 number, /* spare column 2 */ spare3 varchar2(4000), /* spare column 3 */ spare4 date /* spare column 4 */ ) / -- PARAM_NAME: -- INTERVAL (default 60 seconds) -- RETENTION_TIME (default 24 hours) -- TOP_EVENT_THRESHOLD (default 15) -- BOTTLENECK_IDLE_THRESHOLD (default 50) -- BOTTLENECK_FLOWCTRL_THRESHOLD (default 50) drop table streams$_pa_control; create table streams$_pa_control ( advisor_run_id number, /* 1-based logical number of advisor run */ advisor_run_time date, /* time that the advisor was run */ param_name varchar2(30), param_value varchar2(4000), param_unit varchar2(30), spare1 number, /* spare column 1 */ spare2 number, /* spare column 2 */ spare3 varchar2(4000), /* spare column 3 */ spare4 date /* spare column 4 */ ) / drop table streams$_pa_component_stat; create table streams$_pa_component_stat ( advisor_run_id number, /* 1-based logical number of advisor run */ advisor_run_time date, /* time that the advisor was run */ component_id number, /* id of the component */ statistic_time date, /* time that the statistic was taken */ statistic_name varchar2(64), /* name of the statistic. arbitrary length */ statistic_value number, /* value of the statistic */ statistic_unit varchar2(64), /* unit of the statistic. arbitrary length */ sub_component_type varchar2(64) default null, /* type of sub-component */ session_id number default null, /* id of the session */ session_serial# number default null, /* serial# of the session */ spare1 number, spare2 number, spare3 varchar2(4000), spare4 date ) / -- statistic_name: LATENCY -- THROUGHPUT /* APPLY_DATABASE_TIMESTAMP is stored as statistic */ drop table streams$_pa_path_stat; create table streams$_pa_path_stat ( advisor_run_id number, /* 1-based logical number of advisor run */ advisor_run_time date, /* time that the advisor was run */ path_id number, /* id the stream */ path_key varchar2(4000), /* unique key to stream path */ statistic_time date, /* time that the statistic was taken */ statistic_name varchar2(64), /* name of the statistic. arbitrary length */ statistic_value number, /* value of the statistic */ statistic_unit varchar2(64), /* unit of the statistic. arbitrary length */ spare1 number, spare2 number, spare3 varchar2(4000), spare4 date ) / drop table streams$_pa_path_bottleneck; create table streams$_pa_path_bottleneck ( advisor_run_id number, /* 1-based logical number of advisor run */ advisor_run_time date, /* time that the advisor was run */ advisor_run_reason varchar2(4000), /* reason for bottleneck results */ path_id number, /* id the stream */ path_key varchar2(4000), /* unique key to stream path */ component_id number, /* id of the component */ top_session_id number, /* top session id of the component */ top_session_serial# number, /* top session serial number of the component */ action_name varchar2(32), /* the action name for the top session */ bottleneck_identified varchar2(30), /* whether bottleneck was identified */ spare1 number, spare2 number, spare3 varchar2(4000), spare4 date ) / drop table streams$_pa_show_comp_stat; create table streams$_pa_show_comp_stat( advisor_run_id number, advisor_run_time date, path_id number, position number, component_id number, component_name varchar2(194), component_type varchar2(30), sub_component_type varchar2(30), session_id number, session_serial# number, statistic_alias varchar2(30), statistic_name varchar2(128), statistic_value number, statistic_unit varchar2(128) ) / CREATE INDEX comp_stat_pkey ON streams$_pa_show_comp_stat (advisor_run_id, path_id, position, statistic_alias) / drop table streams$_pa_show_path_stat; create table streams$_pa_show_path_stat( path_id number, advisor_run_id number, advisor_run_time date, setting varchar2(2000), statistics varchar2(4000), session_statistics varchar2(4000), optimization number ) / -- Streams Performance Advisor Utility Package. create or replace package UTL_SPADV authid current_user as -- Package version VERSION CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := '2.0'; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------= -- SHOW_STATS -- Print statistics for a stream path. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------= procedure SHOW_STATS( path_stat_table in varchar2 default 'STREAMS$_ADVISOR_PATH_STAT', path_id in number default null, -- show all stream paths bgn_run_id in number default -1, -- show the last 10 runs end_run_id in number default -10, show_path_id in boolean default TRUE, show_run_id in boolean default TRUE, show_run_time in boolean default TRUE, show_optimization in boolean default TRUE, show_setting in boolean default FALSE, show_stat in boolean default TRUE, show_sess in boolean default FALSE, show_legend in boolean default TRUE); ----------------------------------------------------------------------------= -- COLLECT_STATS -- Collect statistics for all active stream paths. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------= procedure COLLECT_STATS( interval in number default 60, num_runs in number default 10, comp_stat_table in varchar2 default 'STREAMS$_ADVISOR_COMP_STAT', path_stat_table in varchar2 default 'STREAMS$_ADVISOR_PATH_STAT', top_event_threshold in number default 15, bottleneck_idle_threshold in number default 50, bottleneck_flowctrl_threshold in number default 50); ----------------------------------------------------------------------------= -- IS_MONITORING -- Checks if a client has submitted a monitoring job. -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------= function IS_MONITORING( job_name IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'STREAMS$_MONITORING_JOB', client_name IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL) return BOOLEAN; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------= -- START_MONITORING -- Begins persistent monitoring of Streams performance. -- Allows (1) at most one monitoring job per schema, and -- (2) at most one EM monitoring job per database. -- -- Currently we require the following from the invoking user: -- 1. Database links to all participating Streams databases -- 2. Privilege to run the analyze_current_performance -- 3. Enough space to store monitoring results in tables -- 4. Privilege to create a job -- -- Parameters: -- job_name: The name of the job to create. -- client_name: The name of the client -- query_user_name: Privileges will be granted to this user to query -- the result tables. -- interval: The frequency of monitoring in seconds, up to a -- maximum of 3600 seconds. -- top_event_threshold: -- The percentage of time over which an -- event will be classified as a top event. -- bottleneck_idle_threshold: -- bottleneck_flowctrl_threshold: -- The thresholds above which a given compenent -- will not be considered a bottleneck. -- retention_time: The number of hours to persist results. -- -- Errors: -- ORA-XXXXX: Monitoring already started. If for example you want -- to change the user that is monitoring, first call -- stop_monitoring, then call start_monitoring with -- the new user name. -- ORA-20111: -- 'cannot start monitoring due to active EM monitoring job' -- ORA-20112: -- 'cannot start monitoring due to active Streams monitoring job' -- procedure START_MONITORING( job_name IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'STREAMS$_MONITORING_JOB', client_name IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, query_user_name IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, interval IN NUMBER DEFAULT 60, top_event_threshold IN NUMBER DEFAULT 15, bottleneck_idle_threshold IN NUMBER DEFAULT 50, bottleneck_flowctrl_threshold IN NUMBER DEFAULT 50, retention_time IN NUMBER DEFAULT 24); ----------------------------------------------------------------------------= -- ALTER_MONITORING -- Alters monitoring of Streams performance -- -- Parameters: -- interval: The frequency of monitoring in seconds, up to a -- maximum of 3600 seconds. -- top_event_threshold: -- The percentage of time over which an -- event will be classified as a top event. -- bottleneck_idle_threshold: -- bottleneck_flowctrl_threshold: -- The thresholds above which a given compenent -- will not be considered a bottleneck. -- retention_time: The number of hours to persist results. -- -- Errors: -- ORA-20113: 'no active monitoring job found' -- procedure ALTER_MONITORING( interval IN NUMBER DEFAULT null, top_event_threshold IN NUMBER DEFAULT null, bottleneck_idle_threshold IN NUMBER DEFAULT null, bottleneck_flowctrl_threshold IN NUMBER DEFAULT null, retention_time IN NUMBER DEFAULT null); ----------------------------------------------------------------------------= -- STOP_MONITORING -- Stops persistent monitoring of Streams performance. -- -- Parameters: -- purge: Whether or not to purge monitoring results from disk -- -- Returns: -- TRUE if monitoring has been enabled, false otherwise -- -- Errors: -- ORA-20113: 'no active monitoring job found' procedure STOP_MONITORING(purge IN BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE); ----------------------------------------------------------------------------= -- SHOW_STATS_HTML -- generates a html report of the streams performance statistics -- collected using collect_stats -- -- Parameters : -- directory : directory object name to place the html report -- reportName : name of the report file to be generated -- comp_stat_table : the comp_stat_tbl used in the previous call to -- collect_stats -- path_id : path for which statistics needs to be generated -- bgn_run_id : start run id to generate statistics -- end_run_id : end run id to generate statistics -- detailed : TRUE generates run level/ component level -- statistics also -- Print statistics for a stream path. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------= procedure SHOW_STATS_HTML( directory in varchar2, reportName in varchar2 default 'SPADVREPORT.HTML', comp_stat_table in varchar2 default 'STREAMS$_ADVISOR_COMP_STAT', path_id in number default null, -- show all stream paths bgn_run_id in number default -1, -- show the last 10 runs end_run_id in number default -10, detailed in boolean default TRUE ); end UTL_SPADV; / show errors; create or replace package body UTL_SPADV as -- Constants about date, time minutes_per_day CONSTANT NUMBER := 1440; seconds_per_day CONSTANT NUMBER := 86400; seconds_per_hour CONSTANT NUMBER := 3600; -- Streams Advisor control parameters param_interval NUMBER := 60; -- in seconds param_retention_time NUMBER := 24; -- in hours param_top_event_threshold NUMBER := 15; param_bot_idle_threshold NUMBER := 50; param_bot_flowctrl_threshold NUMBER := 50; total_param_cnt NUMBER := 5; monitoring_job_name VARCHAR2(30) := null; monitoring_client_name VARCHAR2(30) := null; monitoring_query_user_name VARCHAR2(30) := null; monitoring_started_time TIMESTAMP := null; -- Timestamp that the monitoring job was last altered monitoring_altered_time TIMESTAMP := null; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------= -- The STATISTIC_ALIAS in STAT_TYPE and STREAMS$_ADVISOR_COMP_STAT can have -- the following values: 'S1', 'S2', 'S3', 'S4', 'S5', 'S6' and 'S7'. These -- numbered values are sorted to order stream component statistics into the -- single-line representation. -- -- CAPTURE: -- 'S1' CAPTURE RATE -- 'S2' ENQUEUE RATE -- 'S3' LATENCY -- -- CAPTURE SUB-COMPONENT LEVEL: -- 'S4' -- 'S5' IDLE -- 'S6' FLOW CONTROL -- 'S7' EVENT: % -- -- PROPAGATION SENDER: -- 'S1' SEND RATE -- 'S2' BANDWIDTH -- 'S3' LATENCY -- 'S4' NA -- 'S5' IDLE -- 'S6' FLOW CONTROL -- 'S7' EVENT: % -- -- PROPAGATION RECEIVER: -- 'S5' IDLE -- 'S6' FLOW CONTROL -- 'S7' EVENT: % -- -- QUEUE: -- 'S1' ENQUEUE RATE -- 'S2' SPILL RATE -- 'S3' CURRENT QUEUE SIZE -- -- APPLY: -- 'S1' MESSAGE APPLY RATE -- 'S2' TRANSACTION APPLY RATE -- 'S3' LATENCY -- -- APPLY SUB-COMPONENT LEVEL: -- 'S4' -- 'S5' IDLE -- 'S6' FLOW CONTROL -- 'S7' EVENT: % ----------------------------------------------------------------------------= -- Record type for component statistic TYPE STAT_TYPE IS RECORD ( advisor_run_id number default 0, advisor_run_time date default SYSDATE, path_id number default 0, position number default 0, component_id number default 0, component_name varchar2(194), component_type varchar2(30), sub_component_type varchar2(30), session_id number, session_serial# number, statistic_alias varchar2(30) default 'UNKNOWN', statistic_name varchar2(128) default 'UNKNOWN', statistic_value number default 0, statistic_unit varchar2(128)); -- Stores a statistic name and value pair TYPE STAT_PAIR is Record( stat_name varchar2(128) default 'UNKNOWN', stat_value number default -1); ----------------------------------------------------------------------------= -- get_acronym -- generates the component acronyms for the html report -- NOTE: keep in sync with component/subcomponent types listed in catsadv ----------------------------------------------------------------------------= function get_acronym( type in varchar2, subtype in varchar2 default '' ) return varchar2 as begin if type = 'PROPAGATION SENDER' then return 'PS'; elsif type = 'PROPAGATION RECEIVER' then return 'PR'; elsif type = 'QUEUE' then return 'Q'; elsif subtype = 'LOGMINER READER' then return 'LMR'; elsif subtype = 'LOGMINER PREPARER' then return 'LMP'; elsif subtype = 'LOGMINER BUILDER' then return 'LMB'; elsif subtype = 'APPLY READER' then return 'APR'; elsif subtype = 'APPLY COORDINATOR' then return 'APC'; elsif subtype = 'APPLY SERVER' then return 'APS'; elsif subtype = 'CAPTURE SESSION' then return 'CP'; elsif subtype = 'PROPAGATION SENDER+RECEIVER' then return 'PS+PR'; elsif type = 'CAPTURE' then return 'CAPTURE'; elsif type = 'APPLY' then return 'APPLY'; else return type || ' ' || subtype; end if; end get_acronym; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------= -- get_component_db -- provides component db name given a component id ----------------------------------------------------------------------------= function get_component_db ( componentID in number ) return varchar2 is compDB varchar2(128); begin begin select component_db into compDB from streams$_pa_component where component_id = componentID; exception when others then compDB := ' '; end; return compDB; end get_component_db; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------= -- check_report_directory -- provides component db name given a component id ----------------------------------------------------------------------------= function check_report_directory ( dir in varchar2 ) return boolean is cnt number; begin cnt := 0; begin select count(*) into cnt from all_directories where directory_name = dir; exception when others then return FALSE; end; if cnt > 0 then return TRUE; else return FALSE; end if; end check_report_directory; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------= -- get_statistic_by_position -- Retrieve the statistis for a path and run based on component position ----------------------------------------------------------------------------= function get_statistic_by_position ( comp_stat_table in varchar2, alias in varchar2, path_id in number, run_id in number, position in number, indexName in varchar2 ) return STAT_PAIR is type cur_type is ref cursor; stat_cur cur_type; stat STAT_PAIR; sel_cursor NUMBER; sel_stmt varchar2(4000); numRows number; begin sel_stmt := 'select /*+ INDEX(' || comp_stat_table || ' ' || indexName || ') */ ' || 'statistic_name, statistic_value from ' || comp_stat_table || ' where statistic_alias = :alias' || ' and advisor_run_id = :run_id ' || ' and path_id = :path_id ' || ' and position = :position ' || ' and session_id is null ' || ' and session_serial# is null'; sel_cursor := dbms_sql.open_cursor; dbms_sql.parse(sel_cursor, sel_stmt, dbms_sql.native); dbms_sql.bind_variable(sel_cursor, ':alias', alias); dbms_sql.bind_variable(sel_cursor, ':run_id', run_id); dbms_sql.bind_variable(sel_cursor, ':path_id', path_id); dbms_sql.bind_variable(sel_cursor, ':position', position); dbms_sql.define_column(sel_cursor, 1, stat.stat_name, 128); dbms_sql.define_column(sel_cursor, 2, stat.stat_value); numRows := dbms_sql.execute_and_fetch(sel_cursor); if numRows > 0 then dbms_sql.column_value(sel_cursor, 1, stat.stat_name); dbms_sql.column_value(sel_cursor, 2, stat.stat_value); else stat.stat_name := null; stat.stat_value := -1; end if; dbms_sql.close_cursor(sel_cursor); return stat; end get_statistic_by_position; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------= -- get_statistic_by_component -- Retrieve statistics of a path and run based on the component type ----------------------------------------------------------------------------= function get_statistic_by_component( comp_stat_table in varchar2, alias in varchar2, path_id in number, run_id in number, comp_type in varchar2, comp_stype in varchar2 ) return STAT_PAIR is type cur_type is ref cursor; stat_cur cur_type; stat STAT_PAIR; comp_acronym varchar2(20); sel_cursor NUMBER; sel_stmt varchar2(4000); numRows number; begin comp_acronym := get_acronym(comp_type,comp_stype); sel_stmt := 'select statistic_name, statistic_value from ' || comp_stat_table || ' where statistic_alias = :alias ' || ' and advisor_run_id = :run_id ' || ' and path_id = :path_id ' || ' and component_type = :comp_type' || case when comp_acronym = 'PS' or comp_acronym ='PR' or comp_stype is null then ' and sub_component_type is null' else ' and sub_component_type = ''' || comp_stype || '''' end || ' and session_id is null ' || ' and session_serial# is null'; sel_cursor := dbms_sql.open_cursor; dbms_sql.parse(sel_cursor, sel_stmt, dbms_sql.native); dbms_sql.bind_variable(sel_cursor, ':alias', alias); dbms_sql.bind_variable(sel_cursor, ':run_id', run_id); dbms_sql.bind_variable(sel_cursor, ':path_id', path_id); dbms_sql.bind_variable(sel_cursor, ':comp_type', comp_type); dbms_sql.define_column(sel_cursor, 1, stat.stat_name, 128); dbms_sql.define_column(sel_cursor, 2, stat.stat_value); numRows := dbms_sql.execute_and_fetch(sel_cursor); if numRows > 0 then dbms_sql.column_value(sel_cursor, 1, stat.stat_name); dbms_sql.column_value(sel_cursor, 2, stat.stat_value); else stat.stat_name := null; stat.stat_value := -1; end if; dbms_sql.close_cursor(sel_cursor); return stat; end get_statistic_by_component; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------= -- get_avg_statistic_by_component -- Retrieves the avg value of statistic across runs for a given path -- and component type ----------------------------------------------------------------------------= function get_avg_statistic_by_component( comp_stat_table in varchar2, alias in varchar2, path_id in number, bgn_run_id in number, end_run_id in number, comp_type in varchar2, comp_stype in varchar2 ) return number is type cur_type is ref cursor; stat_cur cur_type; statistic number; comp_acronym varchar2(20); sel_cursor NUMBER; sel_stmt varchar2(4000); numRows number; begin comp_acronym := get_acronym(comp_type,comp_stype); sel_stmt := 'select avg(statistic_value) from ' || comp_stat_table || ' where statistic_alias = :alias' || ' and path_id = :path_id ' || ' and advisor_run_id <= :end_run_id '|| ' and advisor_run_id >= :bgn_run_id ' || ' and component_type = :comp_type ' || case when comp_acronym = 'PS' or comp_acronym ='PR' or comp_stype is null then ' and sub_component_type is null' else ' and sub_component_type = ''' || comp_stype || '''' end || ' and session_id is null ' || ' and session_serial# is null'; sel_cursor := dbms_sql.open_cursor; dbms_sql.parse(sel_cursor, sel_stmt, dbms_sql.native); dbms_sql.bind_variable(sel_cursor, ':alias', alias); dbms_sql.bind_variable(sel_cursor, ':end_run_id', end_run_id); dbms_sql.bind_variable(sel_cursor, ':path_id', path_id); dbms_sql.bind_variable(sel_cursor, ':comp_type', comp_type); dbms_sql.bind_variable(sel_cursor, ':bgn_run_id', bgn_run_id); dbms_sql.define_column(sel_cursor, 1, statistic); numRows := dbms_sql.execute_and_fetch(sel_cursor); if numRows > 0 then dbms_sql.column_value(sel_cursor, 1, statistic); else statistic := -1; end if; dbms_sql.close_cursor(sel_cursor); return statistic; end get_avg_statistic_by_component; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------= -- GET_RUN_TIME -- gets the run time for a run ----------------------------------------------------------------------------= function GET_RUN_TIME ( comp_stat_table in varchar2, indexName in varchar2, run_id in number, path_id in number ) return varchar2 as runTime varchar2(50); sel_cursor NUMBER; sel_stmt varchar2(4000); numRows number; begin sel_stmt := 'select /* INDEX(' || comp_stat_table || ' ' || indexName || ') */ ' || 'distinct ' || 'to_char(advisor_run_time,''DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS'') ' || ' from ' || comp_stat_table || ' where advisor_run_id = :run_id ' || ' and path_id = :path_id '; sel_cursor := dbms_sql.open_cursor; dbms_sql.parse(sel_cursor, sel_stmt, dbms_sql.native); dbms_sql.bind_variable(sel_cursor, ':path_id', path_id); dbms_sql.bind_variable(sel_cursor, ':run_id', run_id); dbms_sql.define_column(sel_cursor, 1, runTime, 50); numRows := dbms_sql.execute_and_fetch(sel_cursor); if numRows > 0 then dbms_sql.column_value(sel_cursor, 1, runTime); else runTime := ''; end if; dbms_sql.close_cursor(sel_cursor); return runTime; end GET_RUN_TIME; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------= -- GET_BOTTLENECK_HTML -- Get bottleneck information in the following form: -- advisor_run_reason -- OR -- component_acronym topevent% "topevent" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------= function GET_BOTTLENECK_HTML(run_id in number, path_id in number) return varchar2 as val varchar2(4000) := null; val2 varchar2(4000) := null; bott DBA_STREAMS_TP_COMPONENT_STAT%ROWTYPE; begin begin for bott in ( select distinct S.* from dba_streams_tp_path_bottleneck B, ( select distinct * from dba_streams_tp_component_stat where statistic_name LIKE 'EVENT: %' and session_id is not null and session_serial# is not null and advisor_run_id = GET_BOTTLENECK_HTML.run_id ) S where B.path_id = GET_BOTTLENECK_HTML.path_id and B.advisor_run_id = GET_BOTTLENECK_HTML.run_id and B.top_session_id is not null and B.top_session_serial# is not null and B.bottleneck_identified = 'YES' and B.advisor_run_id = S.advisor_run_id (+) and B.component_id = S.component_id (+) and B.top_session_id = S.session_id (+) and B.top_session_serial# = S.session_serial# (+) order by S.statistic_value desc) loop val := ' ' || get_acronym(bott.component_type, bott.sub_component_type) ||' '|| to_char(bott.statistic_value, 'FM999D9') || '% "' || regexp_replace(bott.statistic_name, '^EVENT: ', NULL) || '"'; exit when val is not null; end loop; if val is null then -- post process for XStream Bottleneck in case 'EXTERNAL' is -- the bottleneck. In this case, bottleneck_identified is set to 'YES' -- but component id/session_id/session_serial will all be NULL and will -- not be covered by previous step. select '"EXTERNAL"' into val2 from dba_streams_tp_path_bottleneck where advisor_run_id = GET_BOTTLENECK_HTML.run_id AND path_id = GET_BOTTLENECK_HTML.path_id AND action_name = 'EXTERNAL' AND bottleneck_identified = 'YES'; if val2 is not null then val := val2; else select distinct ' "' || advisor_run_reason || '"' into val from dba_streams_tp_path_bottleneck B where B.path_id = GET_BOTTLENECK_HTML.path_id and B.advisor_run_id = GET_BOTTLENECK_HTML.run_id; end if; end if; exception when others then val := '' || 'NO BOTTLENECK IDENTIFIED'; end; return val; end GET_BOTTLENECK_HTML; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------= -- get_bottleneck_percent -- returns the % of time a component was the bottleneck within some -- run id range ----------------------------------------------------------------------------= function get_bottleneck_percent( comp_acronym in varchar2, path_id number, bgn_run_id number, end_run_id number ) return number is type cur_type is ref cursor; bottleneck_cur cur_type; bcount number; run_id number; bottleneckInfo varchar2(4000); begin bcount := 0.0; for run_id in bgn_run_id .. end_run_id loop -- get the bottleneck info we wrote earlier open bottleneck_cur for 'select B.spare3 from ' || ' streams$_pa_path_bottleneck B' || ' where B.advisor_run_id =' || run_id || ' and B.path_id = ' || path_id; loop fetch bottleneck_cur into bottleneckInfo; exit when bottleneck_cur%notfound; if bottleneckInfo like '%'|| comp_acronym ||'%' then bcount := bcount + 1; end if; end loop; close bottleneck_cur; end loop; return (bcount / (end_run_id - bgn_run_id + 1)) * 100.0; end get_bottleneck_percent; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------= -- JOIN_VALUE -- Join values into a list. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------= function JOIN_VALUE( p_cur in sys_refcursor, p_del in varchar2 default ' ') return varchar2 is l_value varchar2(32767); l_result varchar2(32767); begin begin loop fetch p_cur into l_value; exit when p_cur%notfound; if l_result is not null then l_result := l_result || p_del; end if; l_result := l_result || l_value; end loop; close p_cur; exception when others then if p_cur%isopen then close p_cur; end if; raise; end; return l_result; end JOIN_VALUE; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------= -- GET_COMP_TYPEE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------= function GET_COMP_TYPE(component_type in varchar2) return varchar2 is val varchar2(10); begin val := case when component_type = 'CAPTURE' then '|' when component_type = 'APPLY' then '|' when component_type = 'QUEUE' then '|' when component_type = 'PROPAGATION SENDER' then '|' when component_type = 'PROPAGATION RECEIVER' then '|' else component_type end; return val; end GET_COMP_TYPE; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------= -- GET_COMP_NAME ----------------------------------------------------------------------------= function GET_COMP_NAME(component_type in varchar2, component_name in varchar2) return varchar2 is val varchar2(194); begin -- PROPAGATION SENDER: -- "src_schema"."src_queue"=>"dst_schema"."dst_queue"@database -- changed to: -- =>database -- -- PROPAGATION RECEIVER: -- "src_schema"."src_queue"@database=>"dst_schema"."dst_queue" -- changed to: -- database=> val := case when component_type = 'PROPAGATION SENDER' then regexp_replace( regexp_replace(component_name, '^.*=>', '=>'), '^=>.*@', '=>') when component_type = 'PROPAGATION RECEIVER' then regexp_replace( regexp_replace(component_name, '=>.*$', '=>'), '^.*@', null) else component_name end; return val; end GET_COMP_NAME; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------= -- GET_SUB_COMP_TYPE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------= function GET_SUB_COMP_TYPE(sub_component_type in varchar2) return varchar2 is val varchar2(10); begin val := case when sub_component_type = 'LOGMINER READER' then 'LMR' when sub_component_type = 'LOGMINER PREPARER' then 'LMP' when sub_component_type = 'LOGMINER BUILDER' then 'LMB' when sub_component_type = 'CAPTURE SESSION' then 'CAP' when sub_component_type = 'PROPAGATION SENDER+RECEIVER' then 'PS+PR' when sub_component_type = 'APPLY READER' then 'APR' when sub_component_type = 'APPLY COORDINATOR' then 'APC' when sub_component_type = 'APPLY SERVER' then 'APS' when sub_component_type = 'CAPTURE SESSION + PS' then 'CAP+PS' else sub_component_type end; return val; end GET_SUB_COMP_TYPE; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------= -- JOIN_STAT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------= function JOIN_STAT( prev in stat_type, -- previously joined stat curr in stat_type, -- current stat to be joined top_event_threshold in number default 15, is_session_level in boolean default FALSE) return varchar2 is sval varchar2(800); begin -- Format statistic value if (curr.statistic_alias = 'S1' OR curr.statistic_alias = 'S2' ) then if (curr.statistic_name = 'BANDWIDTH') then -- Use scientific representation sval := to_char(curr.statistic_value, 'FM9.99EEEE'); else -- Use integer for throughput (S1 and S2) if (curr.statistic_value > 10) then sval := to_char(curr.statistic_value, 'FM99999999999'); elsif (curr.statistic_value > 0.01) then sval := to_char(curr.statistic_value, 'FM99999999999.99'); else sval := '0.01'; end if; end if; elsif (curr.statistic_alias = 'S3') then -- S3 is latency (accuracy at one tenth second) sval := to_char(curr.statistic_value, 'FM999999999D9'); elsif (curr.statistic_alias = 'S5' OR curr.statistic_alias = 'S6' OR curr.statistic_alias = 'S7' ) then -- S5 S6 S7 are percentage sval := to_char(curr.statistic_value, 'FM99999999D9'); elsif (curr.statistic_name = 'PARALLELISM') then -- Use integer for 'PARALLELISM' sval := to_char(curr.statistic_value, 'FM99999999'); else sval := to_char(curr.statistic_value, 'FM999999999D9'); end if; if sval is not null then sval := regexp_replace(sval, '^\.', '0.'); sval := regexp_replace(sval, '\.$', null); end if; -- Add decoration to statistic value if (curr.statistic_alias = 'S5' OR curr.statistic_alias = 'S6' OR curr.statistic_alias = 'S7' ) then sval := sval || '%'; end if; -- Show PARALLELISM for LMP and APC if (curr.statistic_name = 'PARALLELISM') then sval := '(' || sval || ')'; end if; -- Use prev to determine how to join current stat. -- Show TOP EVENT only if it meets the threshold if (curr.statistic_alias = 'S7') then if (prev.statistic_alias = 'S7' AND prev.statistic_value = curr.statistic_value) then -- Show only one TOP EVENT -- when multiple TOP EVENTs have the same statistic_value sval := null; else if (to_number(curr.statistic_value) > top_event_threshold) then sval := sval || ' "' || curr.statistic_name || '"'; else sval := sval || ' ""'; end if; end if; end if; -- Session-Level STATISTICS if is_session_level = TRUE then -- Add SESSION_ID and SESSION_SERIAL# if (curr.statistic_alias = 'S5') then sval := curr.session_id ||' '|| curr.session_serial# ||' '|| sval; end if; -- Add SUB_COMPONENT_TYPE if (curr.statistic_alias = 'S5' AND curr.component_type in ('CAPTURE', 'APPLY')) then sval := get_sub_comp_type(curr.sub_component_type) ||' '|| sval; end if; -- Component-Level and Sub-Component-Level STATISTICS else -- Add SUB_COMPONENT_TYPE if (curr.sub_component_type is not null AND (prev.sub_component_type is null OR prev.sub_component_type != curr.sub_component_type)) then sval := get_sub_comp_type(curr.sub_component_type) ||' '|| sval; end if; end if; -- Add COMPONENT_TYPE and COMPONENT_NAME if (curr.component_id != prev.component_id) then sval := get_comp_type(curr.component_type) ||' '|| get_comp_name(curr.component_type, curr.component_name) ||' '|| sval; end if; return sval; end JOIN_STAT; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------= -- INIT_SPADV_COMP_STAT -- Create a table (default STREAMS$_ADVISOR_COMP_STAT) for comp statistics. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------= function INIT_SPADV_COMP_STAT( output_table in varchar2 default 'STREAMS$_ADVISOR_COMP_STAT' ) return varchar2 as stmt varchar2(4000) := null; indStmt varchar2(4000) := null; tbl_name varchar2(30) := null; tbl_desc varchar2(4000) := null; tbl_sign varchar2(1000) := '1 ADVISOR_RUN_ID NUMBER 2 ADVISOR_RUN_TIME DATE ' || '3 PATH_ID NUMBER 4 POSITION NUMBER ' || '5 COMPONENT_ID NUMBER 6 COMPONENT_NAME VARCHAR2 ' || '7 COMPONENT_TYPE VARCHAR2 8 SUB_COMPONENT_TYPE VARCHAR2 ' || '9 SESSION_ID NUMBER 10 SESSION_SERIAL# NUMBER '|| '11 STATISTIC_ALIAS VARCHAR2 12 STATISTIC_NAME VARCHAR2 ' || '13 STATISTIC_VALUE NUMBER 14 STATISTIC_UNIT VARCHAR2'; cur sys_refcursor; tbl_exception exception; PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(tbl_exception, -955); begin if output_table is not null then tbl_name := dbms_assert.qualified_sql_name(output_table); else tbl_name := 'STREAMS$_ADVISOR_COMP_STAT'; end if; tbl_name := upper(tbl_name); stmt := 'create table ' || tbl_name || '(' || ' advisor_run_id number, '|| ' advisor_run_time date, '|| ' path_id number, '|| ' position number, '|| ' component_id number, '|| ' component_name varchar2(194), '|| ' component_type varchar2(30), '|| ' sub_component_type varchar2(30), '|| ' session_id number, '|| ' session_serial# number, '|| ' statistic_alias varchar2(30), '|| ' statistic_name varchar2(128), '|| ' statistic_value number, '|| ' statistic_unit varchar2(128))'; -- create a unique to speed queries up for spadv html report indStmt := 'create index '|| tbl_name ||'_pk on ' || tbl_name || ' (advisor_run_id, path_id, position, statistic_alias)'; begin select table_name into tbl_name from user_tables where table_name = tbl_name; exception when NO_DATA_FOUND then execute immediate stmt; execute immediate indStmt; dbms_output.put_line('create table ' || tbl_name); end; begin open cur for select column_id || ' ' || column_name || ' ' || data_type from user_tab_columns where table_name = tbl_name order by column_id; tbl_desc := join_value(cur, ' '); exception when others then tbl_desc := 'UNKNOWN'; end; -- Throw exception if the two tables do not have the same shape. if tbl_desc != tbl_sign then raise tbl_exception; end if; return tbl_name; end INIT_SPADV_COMP_STAT; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------= -- CHECK_SPADV_COMP_STAT -- Check the table (default STREAMS$_ADVISOR_COMP_STAT) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------= function CHECK_SPADV_COMP_STAT( output_table in varchar2 default 'STREAMS$_ADVISOR_COMP_STAT' ) return varchar2 as tbl_name varchar2(30) := null; tbl_desc varchar2(4000) := null; tbl_sign varchar2(1000) := '1 ADVISOR_RUN_ID NUMBER 2 ADVISOR_RUN_TIME DATE ' || '3 PATH_ID NUMBER 4 POSITION NUMBER ' || '5 COMPONENT_ID NUMBER 6 COMPONENT_NAME VARCHAR2 ' || '7 COMPONENT_TYPE VARCHAR2 8 SUB_COMPONENT_TYPE VARCHAR2 ' || '9 SESSION_ID NUMBER 10 SESSION_SERIAL# NUMBER '|| '11 STATISTIC_ALIAS VARCHAR2 12 STATISTIC_NAME VARCHAR2 ' || '13 STATISTIC_VALUE NUMBER 14 STATISTIC_UNIT VARCHAR2'; cur sys_refcursor; begin if output_table is not null then tbl_name := dbms_assert.qualified_sql_name(output_table); else tbl_name := 'STREAMS$_ADVISOR_COMP_STAT'; end if; tbl_name := upper(tbl_name); begin select table_name into tbl_name from user_tables where table_name = tbl_name; exception when NO_DATA_FOUND then raise_application_error(-20100, 'Non-existing table ''' || output_table || ''''); end; begin open cur for select column_id || ' ' || column_name || ' ' || data_type from user_tab_columns where table_name = tbl_name order by column_id; tbl_desc := join_value(cur, ' '); exception when others then tbl_desc := 'UNKNOWN'; end; if tbl_desc != tbl_sign then raise_application_error(-20100, 'Invalid table ''' || output_table || ''''); end if; return tbl_name; end CHECK_SPADV_COMP_STAT; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------= -- INIT_SPADV_PATH_STAT -- Create a table (default STREAMS$_ADVISOR_PATH_STAT) for path statistics. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------= function INIT_SPADV_PATH_STAT( output_table in varchar2 default 'STREAMS$_ADVISOR_PATH_STAT' ) return varchar2 as stmt varchar2(4000) := null; tbl_name varchar2(30) := null; tbl_desc varchar2(4000) := null; tbl_sign varchar2(1000) := '1 PATH_ID NUMBER 2 ADVISOR_RUN_ID NUMBER 3 ADVISOR_RUN_TIME DATE ' ||'4 SETTING VARCHAR2 5 STATISTICS VARCHAR2 6 SESSION_STATISTICS VARCHAR2 ' ||'7 OPTIMIZATION NUMBER'; cur sys_refcursor; tbl_exception exception; PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(tbl_exception, -955); begin if output_table is not null then tbl_name := dbms_assert.qualified_sql_name(output_table); else tbl_name := 'STREAMS$_ADVISOR_PATH_STAT'; end if; tbl_name := upper(tbl_name); stmt := 'create table ' || tbl_name || '(' || ' path_id number, ' || ' advisor_run_id number, ' || ' advisor_run_time date, ' || ' setting varchar2(2000), ' || ' statistics varchar2(4000), ' || ' session_statistics varchar2(4000), ' || ' optimization number)'; begin select table_name into tbl_name from user_tables where table_name = tbl_name; exception when NO_DATA_FOUND then execute immediate stmt; dbms_output.put_line('create table ' || tbl_name); end; begin open cur for select column_id || ' ' || column_name || ' ' || data_type from user_tab_columns where table_name = tbl_name order by column_id; tbl_desc := join_value(cur, ' '); exception when others then tbl_desc := 'UNKNOWN'; end; -- Throw exception if the two tables do not have the same shape. if tbl_desc != tbl_sign then raise tbl_exception; end if; return tbl_name; end INIT_SPADV_PATH_STAT; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------= -- CHECK_SPADV_PATH_STAT -- Check the table (default STREAMS$_ADVISOR_PATH_STAT) for path statistics ----------------------------------------------------------------------------= function CHECK_SPADV_PATH_STAT( output_table in varchar2 default 'STREAMS$_ADVISOR_PATH_STAT' ) return varchar2 as tbl_name varchar2(30) := null; tbl_desc varchar2(4000) := null; tbl_sign varchar2(1000) := '1 PATH_ID NUMBER 2 ADVISOR_RUN_ID NUMBER 3 ADVISOR_RUN_TIME DATE ' ||'4 SETTING VARCHAR2 5 STATISTICS VARCHAR2 6 SESSION_STATISTICS VARCHAR2 ' ||'7 OPTIMIZATION NUMBER'; cur sys_refcursor; begin if output_table is not null then tbl_name := dbms_assert.qualified_sql_name(output_table); else tbl_name := 'STREAMS$_ADVISOR_PATH_STAT'; end if; tbl_name := upper(tbl_name); begin select table_name into tbl_name from user_tables where table_name = tbl_name; exception when NO_DATA_FOUND then raise_application_error(-20100, 'Non-existing table ''' || output_table || ''''); end; begin open cur for select column_id || ' ' || column_name || ' ' || data_type from user_tab_columns where table_name = tbl_name order by column_id; tbl_desc := join_value(cur, ' '); exception when others then tbl_desc := 'UNKNOWN'; end; if tbl_desc != tbl_sign then raise_application_error(-20100, 'Invalid table ''' || output_table || ''''); end if; return tbl_name; end CHECK_SPADV_PATH_STAT; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------= -- Init tables required by monitoring API. -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------= function INIT_TBL(tbl_name in varchar2, tbl_sign in varchar2, stmt in varchar2) return varchar2 as t_name varchar2(30) := null; t_sign varchar2(4000) := null; cur sys_refcursor; tbl_exception exception; PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(tbl_exception, -955); begin begin select table_name into t_name from user_tables where table_name = tbl_name; exception when NO_DATA_FOUND then execute immediate stmt; dbms_output.put_line('create table ' || tbl_name); end; begin open cur for select column_id || ' ' || column_name || ' ' || data_type from user_tab_columns where table_name = tbl_name order by column_id; t_sign := join_value(cur, ' '); exception when others then t_sign := 'UNKNOWN'; end; -- Throw exception if the two tables do not have the same shape. if t_sign != tbl_sign then raise tbl_exception; end if; return tbl_name; end INIT_TBL; function INIT_TBL_PA_MONITORING return varchar2 as stmt varchar2(4000) := null; tbl_sign varchar2(1000) := null; tbl_name varchar2(30) := 'STREAMS$_PA_MONITORING'; begin stmt := 'create table ' || tbl_name || '(' || ' job_name varchar2(30) not null, ' || ' client_name varchar2(30) default null, ' || ' query_user_name varchar2(30) default null, ' || ' show_stats_table varchar2(30) default ' || '''STREAMS$_PA_SHOW_PATH_STAT'', ' || ' started_time timestamp default null, ' || ' stopped_time timestamp default null, ' || ' altered_time timestamp default null, ' || ' state varchar2(30) default null)'; tbl_sign := '1 JOB_NAME VARCHAR2 '|| '2 CLIENT_NAME VARCHAR2 '|| '3 QUERY_USER_NAME VARCHAR2 '|| '4 SHOW_STATS_TABLE VARCHAR2 '|| '5 STARTED_TIME TIMESTAMP(6) '|| '6 STOPPED_TIME TIMESTAMP(6) '|| '7 ALTERED_TIME TIMESTAMP(6) '|| '8 STATE VARCHAR2'; return INIT_TBL(tbl_name, tbl_sign, stmt); end INIT_TBL_PA_MONITORING; function INIT_TBL_PA_DATABASE return varchar2 as stmt varchar2(4000) := null; tbl_sign varchar2(1000) := null; tbl_name varchar2(30) := 'STREAMS$_PA_DATABASE'; begin stmt := 'create table ' || tbl_name || '(' || ' global_name varchar2(128) not null, ' || ' last_queried date default null, ' || ' error_number number default null, ' || ' error_message varchar2(4000) default null)'; tbl_sign := '1 GLOBAL_NAME VARCHAR2 '|| '2 LAST_QUERIED DATE '|| '3 ERROR_NUMBER NUMBER '|| '4 ERROR_MESSAGE VARCHAR2'; return INIT_TBL(tbl_name, tbl_sign, stmt); end INIT_TBL_PA_DATABASE; function INIT_TBL_PA_DATABASE_PROP return varchar2 as stmt varchar2(4000) := null; tbl_sign varchar2(1000) := null; tbl_name varchar2(30) := 'STREAMS$_PA_DATABASE_PROP'; begin stmt := 'create table ' || tbl_name || '(' || ' global_name varchar2(128) not null, ' || ' prop_name varchar2(30), ' || ' prop_value varchar2(30))'; tbl_sign := '1 GLOBAL_NAME VARCHAR2 '|| '2 PROP_NAME VARCHAR2 '|| '3 PROP_VALUE VARCHAR2'; return INIT_TBL(tbl_name, tbl_sign, stmt); end INIT_TBL_PA_DATABASE_PROP; function INIT_TBL_PA_COMPONENT return varchar2 as stmt varchar2(4000) := null; tbl_sign varchar2(1000) := null; tbl_name varchar2(30) := 'STREAMS$_PA_COMPONENT'; begin stmt := 'create table ' || tbl_name || '(' || ' component_id number not null, ' || ' component_name varchar2(194), ' || ' component_db varchar2(128), ' || ' component_type varchar2(20), ' || ' component_changed_time date, ' || ' spare1 number, ' || ' spare2 number, ' || ' spare3 varchar2(4000), ' || ' spare4 date)'; tbl_sign := '1 COMPONENT_ID NUMBER '|| '2 COMPONENT_NAME VARCHAR2 '|| '3 COMPONENT_DB VARCHAR2 '|| '4 COMPONENT_TYPE VARCHAR2 '|| '5 COMPONENT_CHANGED_TIME DATE '|| '6 SPARE1 NUMBER '|| '7 SPARE2 NUMBER '|| '8 SPARE3 VARCHAR2 '|| '9 SPARE4 DATE'; return INIT_TBL(tbl_name, tbl_sign, stmt); end INIT_TBL_PA_COMPONENT; function INIT_TBL_PA_COMPONENT_LINK return varchar2 as stmt varchar2(4000) := null; tbl_name varchar2(30) := 'STREAMS$_PA_COMPONENT_LINK'; tbl_sign varchar2(1000) := null; begin stmt := 'create table ' || tbl_name || '(' || ' path_id number not null, ' || ' path_key varchar2(4000), ' || ' source_component_id number not null, ' || ' destination_component_id number not null, ' || ' position number, ' || ' spare1 number, ' || ' spare2 number, ' || ' spare3 varchar2(4000), ' || ' spare4 date)'; tbl_sign := '1 PATH_ID NUMBER '|| '2 PATH_KEY VARCHAR2 '|| '3 SOURCE_COMPONENT_ID NUMBER '|| '4 DESTINATION_COMPONENT_ID NUMBER '|| '5 POSITION NUMBER '|| '6 SPARE1 NUMBER '|| '7 SPARE2 NUMBER '|| '8 SPARE3 VARCHAR2 '|| '9 SPARE4 DATE'; return INIT_TBL(tbl_name, tbl_sign, stmt); end INIT_TBL_PA_COMPONENT_LINK; function INIT_TBL_PA_COMPONENT_PROP return varchar2 as stmt varchar2(4000) := null; tbl_name varchar2(30) := 'STREAMS$_PA_COMPONENT_PROP'; tbl_sign varchar2(1000) := null; begin stmt := 'create table ' || tbl_name || '(' || ' component_id number not null, ' || ' prop_name varchar2(30), ' || ' prop_value varchar2(4000), ' || ' spare1 number, ' || ' spare2 number, ' || ' spare3 varchar2(4000), ' || ' spare4 date)'; tbl_sign := '1 COMPONENT_ID NUMBER '|| '2 PROP_NAME VARCHAR2 '|| '3 PROP_VALUE VARCHAR2 '|| '4 SPARE1 NUMBER '|| '5 SPARE2 NUMBER '|| '6 SPARE3 VARCHAR2 '|| '7 SPARE4 DATE'; return INIT_TBL(tbl_name, tbl_sign, stmt); end INIT_TBL_PA_COMPONENT_PROP; function INIT_TBL_PA_CONTROL return varchar2 as stmt varchar2(4000) := null; tbl_name varchar2(30) := 'STREAMS$_PA_CONTROL'; tbl_sign varchar2(1000) := null; begin stmt := 'create table ' || tbl_name || '(' || ' advisor_run_id number, '|| ' advisor_run_time date, '|| ' param_name varchar2(30), '|| ' param_value varchar2(4000), '|| ' param_unit varchar2(30), '|| ' spare1 number, '|| ' spare2 number, '|| ' spare3 varchar2(4000), '|| ' spare4 date)'; tbl_sign := '1 ADVISOR_RUN_ID NUMBER '|| '2 ADVISOR_RUN_TIME DATE '|| '3 PARAM_NAME VARCHAR2 '|| '4 PARAM_VALUE VARCHAR2 '|| '5 PARAM_UNIT VARCHAR2 '|| '6 SPARE1 NUMBER '|| '7 SPARE2 NUMBER '|| '8 SPARE3 VARCHAR2 '|| '9 SPARE4 DATE'; return INIT_TBL(tbl_name, tbl_sign, stmt); end INIT_TBL_PA_CONTROL; function INIT_TBL_PA_COMPONENT_STAT return varchar2 as stmt varchar2(4000) := null; tbl_name varchar2(30) := 'STREAMS$_PA_COMPONENT_STAT'; tbl_sign varchar2(1000) := null; begin stmt := 'create table ' || tbl_name || '(' || ' advisor_run_id number, '|| ' advisor_run_time date, '|| ' component_id number, '|| ' statistic_time date, '|| ' statistic_name varchar2(64), '|| ' statistic_value number, '|| ' statistic_unit varchar2(64), '|| ' sub_component_type varchar2(64) default null, '|| ' session_id number default null, '|| ' session_serial# number default null, '|| ' spare1 number, '|| ' spare2 number, '|| ' spare3 varchar2(4000), '|| ' spare4 date)'; tbl_sign := '1 ADVISOR_RUN_ID NUMBER '|| '2 ADVISOR_RUN_TIME DATE '|| '3 COMPONENT_ID NUMBER '|| '4 STATISTIC_TIME DATE '|| '5 STATISTIC_NAME VARCHAR2 '|| '6 STATISTIC_VALUE NUMBER '|| '7 STATISTIC_UNIT VARCHAR2 '|| '8 SUB_COMPONENT_TYPE VARCHAR2 '|| '9 SESSION_ID NUMBER '|| '10 SESSION_SERIAL# NUMBER '|| '11 SPARE1 NUMBER '|| '12 SPARE2 NUMBER '|| '13 SPARE3 VARCHAR2 '|| '14 SPARE4 DATE'; return INIT_TBL(tbl_name, tbl_sign, stmt); end INIT_TBL_PA_COMPONENT_STAT; function INIT_TBL_PA_PATH_STAT return varchar2 as stmt varchar2(4000) := null; tbl_name varchar2(30) := 'STREAMS$_PA_PATH_STAT'; tbl_sign varchar2(1000) := null; begin stmt := 'create table ' || tbl_name || '(' || ' advisor_run_id number, '|| ' advisor_run_time date, '|| ' path_id number, '|| ' path_key varchar2(4000), '|| ' statistic_time date, '|| ' statistic_name varchar2(64), '|| ' statistic_value number, '|| ' statistic_unit varchar2(64), '|| ' spare1 number, '|| ' spare2 number, '|| ' spare3 varchar2(4000), '|| ' spare4 date)'; tbl_sign := '1 ADVISOR_RUN_ID NUMBER '|| '2 ADVISOR_RUN_TIME DATE '|| '3 PATH_ID NUMBER '|| '4 PATH_KEY VARCHAR2 '|| '5 STATISTIC_TIME DATE '|| '6 STATISTIC_NAME VARCHAR2 '|| '7 STATISTIC_VALUE NUMBER '|| '8 STATISTIC_UNIT VARCHAR2 '|| '9 SPARE1 NUMBER '|| '10 SPARE2 NUMBER '|| '11 SPARE3 VARCHAR2 '|| '12 SPARE4 DATE'; return INIT_TBL(tbl_name, tbl_sign, stmt); end INIT_TBL_PA_PATH_STAT; function INIT_TBL_PA_PATH_BOTTLENECK return varchar2 as stmt varchar2(4000) := null; tbl_name varchar2(30) := 'STREAMS$_PA_PATH_BOTTLENECK'; tbl_sign varchar2(1000) := null; begin stmt := 'create table ' || tbl_name || '(' || ' advisor_run_id number, '|| ' advisor_run_time date, '|| ' advisor_run_reason varchar2(4000), '|| ' path_id number, '|| ' path_key varchar2(4000), '|| ' component_id number, '|| ' top_session_id number, '|| ' top_session_serial# number, '|| ' action_name varchar2(32), '|| ' bottleneck_identified varchar2(30), '|| ' spare1 number, '|| ' spare2 number, '|| ' spare3 varchar2(4000), '|| ' spare4 date)'; tbl_sign := '1 ADVISOR_RUN_ID NUMBER '|| '2 ADVISOR_RUN_TIME DATE '|| '3 ADVISOR_RUN_REASON VARCHAR2 '|| '4 PATH_ID NUMBER '|| '5 PATH_KEY VARCHAR2 '|| '6 COMPONENT_ID NUMBER '|| '7 TOP_SESSION_ID NUMBER '|| '8 TOP_SESSION_SERIAL# NUMBER '|| '9 ACTION_NAME VARCHAR2 '|| '10 BOTTLENECK_IDENTIFIED VARCHAR2 '|| '11 SPARE1 NUMBER '|| '12 SPARE2 NUMBER '|| '13 SPARE3 VARCHAR2 '|| '14 SPARE4 DATE'; return INIT_TBL(tbl_name, tbl_sign, stmt); end INIT_TBL_PA_PATH_BOTTLENECK; function INIT_TBL_PA_SHOW_COMP_STAT return varchar2 as tbl_name varchar2(30) := 'STREAMS$_PA_SHOW_COMP_STAT'; begin return INIT_SPADV_COMP_STAT(tbl_name); end INIT_TBL_PA_SHOW_COMP_STAT; function INIT_TBL_PA_SHOW_PATH_STAT return varchar2 as tbl_name varchar2(30) := 'STREAMS$_PA_SHOW_PATH_STAT'; begin return INIT_SPADV_PATH_STAT(tbl_name); end INIT_TBL_PA_SHOW_PATH_STAT; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------= -- AGGREGATE_TOP_EVENT -- Aggregate TOP EVENT statistics for streams subcomponents that include -- LOGMINER PREPARER and APPLY SERVER because of parallel sessions. Only -- the top three event of each parallel session will be considered. -- -- Return the aggregated TOP EVENT PERCENTAGE over all session of a Streams -- sub-component and the TOP EVENT of the sub-component. For example if the -- APPLY SERVER has 3 parallel sessions, each having 3 top events: -- Session 79 TOP EVENT 1: 'CPU + Wait for CPU' 65 -- TOP EVENT 2: 'X' 20 -- TOP EVENT 3: 'Y' 5 -- -- Session 80 TOP EVENT 1: 'CPU + Wait for CPU' 45 -- TOP EVENT 2: 'X' 35 -- TOP EVENT 3: 'Y' 17 -- -- Session 81 TOP EVENT 1: 'X' 40 -- TOP EVENT 2: 'CPU + Wait for CPU' 25 -- TOP EVENT 3: 'Z' 25 -- -- The aggregated TOP EVENT percentage over the three sessions will be: -- TOP EVENT 1: 'CPU + Wait for CPU' 65+45+25=135 -- TOP EVENT 2: 'X' 20+35+40=95 -- TOP EVENT 3: 'Z' 25 -- TOP EVENT 4: 'Y' 5+17=22 -- -- The TOP EVENT of the sub-component is 'CPU + Wait for CPU'. So the -- returned value in varchar2 is as follows: -- 135.0% "CPU + Wait for CPU" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------= function AGGREGATE_TOP_EVENT( run_id in number, comp_id in number, sub_type in varchar2, top_event_threshold in number default 15) return varchar2 as TYPE cur_type is ref cursor; stmt varchar2(4000) := null; sval varchar2(800) := null; stat_cur cur_type; stat_name dba_streams_tp_component_stat.statistic_name%TYPE := null; stat_value dba_streams_tp_component_stat.statistic_value%TYPE := 0; begin stmt := ' select statistic_name, statistic_value '|| ' from ( select statistic_name, statistic_value '|| ' from ( select distinct statistic_name, '|| ' SUM(statistic_value) as statistic_value '|| ' from dba_streams_tp_component_stat '|| ' where statistic_name like ''EVENT:%'' and '|| ' session_id is not null and '|| ' session_serial# is not null and '|| ' component_id = ' || comp_id || ' and '|| ' advisor_run_id = ' || run_id || ' and '|| ' sub_component_type = ''' || sub_type || ''' '|| ' group by statistic_name ) '|| ' order by statistic_value DESC, statistic_name ) '|| ' where rownum = 1'; begin open stat_cur for stmt; fetch stat_cur into stat_name, stat_value; close stat_cur; exception when others then if stat_cur%isopen then close stat_cur; end if; raise; end; -- Represent TOP EVENT in percentage sval := to_char(stat_value, 'FM9999D9'); sval := regexp_replace(sval, '^\.', '0.'); sval := regexp_replace(sval, '\.$', null); sval := sval || '% "' || case when stat_value > top_event_threshold then regexp_replace(stat_name, '^EVENT: ', NULL) else null end || '"'; return sval; end AGGREGATE_TOP_EVENT; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------= -- PREPARE_CAP_PS -- Prepare statistics for 'CAP+PS' which is a capture and also a propagaton -- sender in CCA. Note that capture and propagaton sender share the same -- session_id and session_serial# in CCA mode. -- -- PREPARE_CAP_PS is for converting the following -- -- | CAPTURE_USER1 2 0 0 0.E+00 LMR 97% 0% 3% "" LMP (1) 99.7% 0% 0.3% "" -- LMB 99% 0% 1% "" CAP 99.3% 0% 0.7% "" | "STRSEEDADM"."STRM_SEED_Q" 0 0 -- 0 | =>DBS2.REGRESS.RDBMS.DEV.US.ORACLE.COM 0 0 2 99.3% 0% 0.7% "" -- | DBS1.REGRESS.RDBMS.DEV.US.ORACLE.COM=> 100% 0% 0% "" | ... -- | CAPTURE_USER1 LMR 75 10 97% 0% 3% "" LMP 77 5 99.7% 0% 0.3% "" -- LMB 83 7 99% 0% 1% "" CAP 92 7 99.3% 0% 0.7% "" | -- =>DBS2.REGRESS.RDBMS.DEV.US.ORACLE.COM 92 7 99.3% 0% 0.7% "" | ... -- -- TO -- -- | CAPTURE_USER1=>DBS2.REGRESS.RDBMS.DEV.US.ORACLE.COM 2 0 0 0.E+00 -- LMR 97% 0% 3% "" LMP (1) 99.7% 0% 0.3% "" LMB 99% 0% 1% "" CAP+PS 0 0 2 -- 99.3% 0% 0.7% "" | ... -- | CAPTURE_USER1=>DBS2.REGRESS.RDBMS.DEV.US.ORACLE.COM -- LMR 75 10 97% 0% 3% "" LMP 77 5 99.7% 0% 0.3% "" LMB 83 7 99% 0% 1% "" -- CAP+PS 92 7 99.3% 0% 0.7% "" | ... -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------= procedure PREPARE_CAP_PS( run_id in number, tbl_name in varchar2) as TYPE cur_type is ref cursor; s_cur cur_type; s_rec stat_type; stmt1 varchar2(4000) := null; stmt2 varchar2(4000) := null; begin -- Find 'CAPTURE SESSION' sharing the same path_id and -- the same session_id/serial# with 'PROPAGATON SENDER' stmt1 := ' select A.advisor_run_id, '|| ' A.advisor_run_time, '|| ' A.path_id, '|| ' A.position, '|| ' A.component_id, '|| ' (A.component_name || '|| ' regexp_replace( '|| ' regexp_replace(B.component_name, ''^.*=>'', ''=>''), '|| ' ''^=>.*@'', ''=>'') ), '|| ' A.component_type, '|| ' A.sub_component_type, '|| ' A.session_id, '|| ' A.session_serial#, '|| ' A.statistic_alias, '|| ' A.statistic_name, '|| ' A.statistic_value, '|| ' A.statistic_unit '|| ' from ' || tbl_name || ' A, ' || tbl_name || ' B '|| ' where A.component_type = ''CAPTURE'' '|| ' and A.sub_component_type = ''CAPTURE SESSION'' '|| -- statistic IDLE is guaranteed by performance advisor ' and A.statistic_name = ''IDLE'' '|| ' and B.component_type = ''PROPAGATION SENDER'' '|| ' and B.sub_component_type is null '|| -- statistic IDLE is guaranteed by performance advisor ' and B.statistic_name = ''IDLE'' '|| ' and A.path_id = B.path_id '|| ' and A.session_id = B.session_id '|| ' and A.session_serial# = B.session_serial# '|| ' and A.advisor_run_id = B.advisor_run_id '|| ' and A.advisor_run_time = B.advisor_run_time '|| ' and (A.advisor_run_id, A.advisor_run_time) in '|| ' (select distinct advisor_run_id, advisor_run_time '|| ' from dba_streams_tp_component_stat '|| ' where advisor_run_id = '|| run_id ||')'; begin open s_cur for stmt1; loop fetch s_cur into s_rec; exit when s_cur%notfound; -- Change 'PROPAGATION SENDER' to 'CAPTURE SESSION + PS' stmt2 := ' update ' || tbl_name || ' set component_type = ''CAPTURE'', '|| ' sub_component_type = ''CAPTURE SESSION + PS'', '|| ' position = ' || s_rec.position || ', '|| ' component_id = ' || s_rec.component_id || ', '|| ' component_name = ''' || s_rec.component_name || ''' ' || ' where component_type = ''PROPAGATION SENDER'' '|| ' and path_id = ' || s_rec.path_id || ' and position = ' || ceil(s_rec.position+1) || ' and advisor_run_id = ' || s_rec.advisor_run_id || ' and advisor_run_time = '|| 'to_date(''' || to_char(s_rec.advisor_run_time, 'YYYY-MON-DD HH24:MI:SS') || ''', ''YYYY-MON-DD HH24:MI:SS'')'; execute immediate stmt2; commit; -- Delete redundat 'CAPTURE SESSION' at sub-component and session level stmt2 := ' delete from ' || tbl_name || ' where component_type = ''CAPTURE'' '|| ' and sub_component_type = ''CAPTURE SESSION'' '|| ' and path_id = ' || s_rec.path_id || ' and position = ' || s_rec.position || ' and advisor_run_id = ' || s_rec.advisor_run_id || ' and advisor_run_time = '|| 'to_date(''' || to_char(s_rec.advisor_run_time, 'YYYY-MON-DD HH24:MI:SS') || ''', ''YYYY-MON-DD HH24:MI:SS'')'; execute immediate stmt2; commit; -- Delete redundant 'QUEUE' between 'CAPTURE' and 'PROPAGATION SENDER' stmt2 := ' delete from ' || tbl_name || ' where component_type = ''QUEUE'' '|| ' and path_id = ' || s_rec.path_id || ' and position = ' || ceil(s_rec.position) || ' and advisor_run_id = ' || s_rec.advisor_run_id || ' and advisor_run_time = '|| 'to_date(''' || to_char(s_rec.advisor_run_time, 'YYYY-MON-DD HH24:MI:SS') || ''', ''YYYY-MON-DD HH24:MI:SS'')'; execute immediate stmt2; commit; -- Update capture name to => stmt2 := ' update ' || tbl_name || ' set component_name = ''' || s_rec.component_name || '''' || ' where component_type = ''CAPTURE'' '|| ' and path_id = ' || s_rec.path_id || ' and advisor_run_id = ' || s_rec.advisor_run_id || ' and advisor_run_time = '|| 'to_date(''' || to_char(s_rec.advisor_run_time, 'YYYY-MON-DD HH24:MI:SS') || ''', ''YYYY-MON-DD HH24:MI:SS'')'; execute immediate stmt2; commit; end loop; close s_cur; exception when others then if s_cur%isopen then close s_cur; end if; raise; end; end PREPARE_CAP_PS; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------= -- COLLECT_COMP_STAT -- Collect component statistics for all active stream paths. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------= procedure COLLECT_COMP_STAT( run_id in number, tbl_name in varchar2) as stmt varchar2(4000) := null; cur_handle number; rows_processed number; begin stmt := ' insert into ' || tbl_name || '( '|| ' advisor_run_id, '|| ' advisor_run_time, '|| ' path_id, '|| ' position, '|| ' component_id, '|| ' component_name, '|| ' component_type, '|| ' sub_component_type, '|| ' session_id, '|| ' session_serial#, '|| ' statistic_alias, '|| ' statistic_name, '|| ' statistic_value, '|| ' statistic_unit ) '|| 'values(:1, :2, :3, :4, :5, :6, :7, :8, :9, :10, :11, :12, :13, :14)'; cur_handle := dbms_sql.open_cursor; dbms_sql.parse(cur_handle, stmt, DBMS_SQL.NATIVE); -- Fix Bug 7508507 by reducing sharable memory use. -- Split the original gigantic query into smaller pieces -- so that cursors will consume less sharable memory. -- -- The dbms_sql is used to bind individual component statistics -- for fast repeated execution. -- -- Need alias statistics with 'Sn' to position them in proper order. for stat_rec in ( select p.advisor_run_id, P.advisor_run_time, P.path_id, P.position, P.component_id, P.component_name, P.component_type, S.sub_component_type, S.session_id, S.session_serial#, S.statistic_alias, S.statistic_name, S.statistic_value, S.statistic_unit from ( select P1.advisor_run_id, P1.advisor_run_time, P1.path_id, P2.position, P2.component_id, P2.component_name, P2.component_type from ( select distinct path_id, advisor_run_id, advisor_run_time from dba_streams_tp_path_stat where advisor_run_id = run_id) P1, ( select path_id, source_component_id as component_id, source_component_name as component_name, source_component_type as component_type, position from dba_streams_tp_component_link where position = 1 union select path_id, destination_component_id as component_id, destination_component_name as component_name, destination_component_type as component_type, (position + 1) as position from dba_streams_tp_component_link ) P2 where P1.path_id = P2.path_id ) P, ( select distinct component_id, sub_component_type, session_id, session_serial#, decode(statistic_name, 'IDLE', 'S5', 'FLOW CONTROL', 'S6', decode(component_type, 'CAPTURE', decode(statistic_name, 'CAPTURE RATE', 'S1', 'ENQUEUE RATE', 'S2', 'LATENCY', 'S3', 'S4'), 'APPLY', decode(statistic_name, 'MESSAGE APPLY RATE', 'S1', 'TRANSACTION APPLY RATE', 'S2', 'LATENCY', 'S3', 'S4'), 'QUEUE', decode(statistic_name, 'ENQUEUE RATE', 'S1', 'SPILL RATE', 'S2', 'CURRENT QUEUE SIZE', 'S3', 'S4'), 'PROPAGATION SENDER', decode(statistic_name, 'SEND RATE', 'S1', 'BANDWIDTH', 'S2', 'LATENCY', 'S3', 'S4'), 'S0') ) as statistic_alias, statistic_name, statistic_value, statistic_unit from dba_streams_tp_component_stat where statistic_name in ( 'LATENCY', 'IDLE', 'FLOW CONTROL', 'CAPTURE RATE', 'ENQUEUE RATE', 'MESSAGE APPLY RATE', 'TRANSACTION APPLY RATE', 'ENQUEUE RATE', 'SPILL RATE', 'CURRENT QUEUE SIZE', 'SEND RATE', 'BANDWIDTH') and advisor_run_id = run_id) S where P.component_id = S.component_id ) loop dbms_sql.bind_variable(cur_handle, ':1', stat_rec.advisor_run_id); dbms_sql.bind_variable(cur_handle, ':2', stat_rec.advisor_run_time); dbms_sql.bind_variable(cur_handle, ':3', stat_rec.path_id); dbms_sql.bind_variable(cur_handle, ':4', stat_rec.position); dbms_sql.bind_variable(cur_handle, ':5', stat_rec.component_id); dbms_sql.bind_variable(cur_handle, ':6', stat_rec.component_name); dbms_sql.bind_variable(cur_handle, ':7', stat_rec.component_type); dbms_sql.bind_variable(cur_handle, ':8', stat_rec.sub_component_type); dbms_sql.bind_variable(cur_handle, ':9', stat_rec.session_id); dbms_sql.bind_variable(cur_handle, ':10', stat_rec.session_serial#); dbms_sql.bind_variable(cur_handle, ':11', stat_rec.statistic_alias); dbms_sql.bind_variable(cur_handle, ':12', stat_rec.statistic_name); dbms_sql.bind_variable(cur_handle, ':13', stat_rec.statistic_value); dbms_sql.bind_variable(cur_handle, ':14', stat_rec.statistic_unit); rows_processed := dbms_sql.execute(cur_handle); end loop; -- S4 (PARALLELISM) FOR 'APPLY SERVER' -- S4 (PARALLELISM) FOR 'LOGMINER PREPARER' for stat_rec in ( select p.advisor_run_id, P.advisor_run_time, P.path_id, P.position, P.component_id, P.component_name, P.component_type, S.sub_component_type, S.session_id, S.session_serial#, S.statistic_alias, S.statistic_name, S.statistic_value, S.statistic_unit from ( select P1.advisor_run_id, P1.advisor_run_time, P1.path_id, P2.position, P2.component_id, P2.component_name, P2.component_type from ( select distinct path_id, advisor_run_id, advisor_run_time from dba_streams_tp_path_stat where advisor_run_id = run_id) P1, ( select path_id, source_component_id as component_id, source_component_name as component_name, source_component_type as component_type, position from dba_streams_tp_component_link where position = 1 union select path_id, destination_component_id as component_id, destination_component_name as component_name, destination_component_type as component_type, (position + 1) as position from dba_streams_tp_component_link ) P2 where P1.path_id = P2.path_id ) P, ( select component_id, decode(component_type, 'APPLY', 'APPLY SERVER', 'LOGMINER PREPARER') as sub_component_type, NULL as session_id, NULL as session_serial#, 'S4' as statistic_alias, prop_name as statistic_name, to_number(prop_value) as statistic_value, 'NUMBER' as statistic_unit from "_DBA_STREAMS_TP_COMPONENT_PROP" where prop_name = 'PARALLELISM' and component_type in ('APPLY', 'CAPTURE') ) S where P.component_id = S.component_id ) loop dbms_sql.bind_variable(cur_handle, ':1', stat_rec.advisor_run_id); dbms_sql.bind_variable(cur_handle, ':2', stat_rec.advisor_run_time); dbms_sql.bind_variable(cur_handle, ':3', stat_rec.path_id); dbms_sql.bind_variable(cur_handle, ':4', stat_rec.position); dbms_sql.bind_variable(cur_handle, ':5', stat_rec.component_id); dbms_sql.bind_variable(cur_handle, ':6', stat_rec.component_name); dbms_sql.bind_variable(cur_handle, ':7', stat_rec.component_type); dbms_sql.bind_variable(cur_handle, ':8', stat_rec.sub_component_type); dbms_sql.bind_variable(cur_handle, ':9', stat_rec.session_id); dbms_sql.bind_variable(cur_handle, ':10', stat_rec.session_serial#); dbms_sql.bind_variable(cur_handle, ':11', stat_rec.statistic_alias); dbms_sql.bind_variable(cur_handle, ':12', stat_rec.statistic_name); dbms_sql.bind_variable(cur_handle, ':13', stat_rec.statistic_value); dbms_sql.bind_variable(cur_handle, ':14', stat_rec.statistic_unit); rows_processed := dbms_sql.execute(cur_handle); end loop; -- S5 (IDLE%) -- S6 (FLOW CONTROL%) for stat_rec in ( select p.advisor_run_id, P.advisor_run_time, P.path_id, P.position, P.component_id, P.component_name, P.component_type, S.sub_component_type, S.session_id, S.session_serial#, S.statistic_alias, S.statistic_name, S.statistic_value, S.statistic_unit from ( select P1.advisor_run_id, P1.advisor_run_time, P1.path_id, P2.position, P2.component_id, P2.component_name, P2.component_type from ( select distinct path_id, advisor_run_id, advisor_run_time from dba_streams_tp_path_stat where advisor_run_id = run_id) P1, ( select path_id, source_component_id as component_id, source_component_name as component_name, source_component_type as component_type, position from dba_streams_tp_component_link where position = 1 union select path_id, destination_component_id as component_id, destination_component_name as component_name, destination_component_type as component_type, (position + 1) as position from dba_streams_tp_component_link ) P2 where P1.path_id = P2.path_id ) P, ( select component_id, sub_component_type, NULL as session_id , NULL as session_serial#, decode(statistic_name, 'IDLE', 'S5', 'S6') as statistic_alias, statistic_name as statistic_name, SUM(statistic_value) as statistic_value, statistic_unit as statistic_unit from dba_streams_tp_component_stat where statistic_name in ('IDLE', 'FLOW CONTROL') and session_id is not null and session_serial# is not null and advisor_run_id = run_id group by component_id, sub_component_type, statistic_name, statistic_unit ) S where P.component_id = S.component_id ) loop dbms_sql.bind_variable(cur_handle, ':1', stat_rec.advisor_run_id); dbms_sql.bind_variable(cur_handle, ':2', stat_rec.advisor_run_time); dbms_sql.bind_variable(cur_handle, ':3', stat_rec.path_id); dbms_sql.bind_variable(cur_handle, ':4', stat_rec.position); dbms_sql.bind_variable(cur_handle, ':5', stat_rec.component_id); dbms_sql.bind_variable(cur_handle, ':6', stat_rec.component_name); dbms_sql.bind_variable(cur_handle, ':7', stat_rec.component_type); dbms_sql.bind_variable(cur_handle, ':8', stat_rec.sub_component_type); dbms_sql.bind_variable(cur_handle, ':9', stat_rec.session_id); dbms_sql.bind_variable(cur_handle, ':10', stat_rec.session_serial#); dbms_sql.bind_variable(cur_handle, ':11', stat_rec.statistic_alias); dbms_sql.bind_variable(cur_handle, ':12', stat_rec.statistic_name); dbms_sql.bind_variable(cur_handle, ':13', stat_rec.statistic_value); dbms_sql.bind_variable(cur_handle, ':14', stat_rec.statistic_unit); rows_processed := dbms_sql.execute(cur_handle); end loop; -- S7 (TOP EVENT%) FOR SESSION for stat_rec in ( select p.advisor_run_id, P.advisor_run_time, P.path_id, P.position, P.component_id, P.component_name, P.component_type, S.sub_component_type, S.session_id, S.session_serial#, S.statistic_alias, S.statistic_name, S.statistic_value, S.statistic_unit from ( select P1.advisor_run_id, P1.advisor_run_time, P1.path_id, P2.position, P2.component_id, P2.component_name, P2.component_type from ( select distinct path_id, advisor_run_id, advisor_run_time from dba_streams_tp_path_stat where advisor_run_id = run_id) P1, ( select path_id, source_component_id as component_id, source_component_name as component_name, source_component_type as component_type, position from dba_streams_tp_component_link where position = 1 union select path_id, destination_component_id as component_id, destination_component_name as component_name, destination_component_type as component_type, (position + 1) as position from dba_streams_tp_component_link ) P2 where P1.path_id = P2.path_id ) P, ( select component_id, sub_component_type, session_id, session_serial#, 'S7' as statistic_alias, regexp_replace(statistic_name, '^EVENT: ', NULL) as statistic_name, statistic_value, statistic_unit from ( select component_id, sub_component_type, session_id, session_serial#, statistic_name, statistic_value, statistic_unit, max(statistic_value) over (partition by component_id, sub_component_type, session_id, session_serial#) as max_statistic_value from dba_streams_tp_component_stat where statistic_name LIKE 'EVENT: %' and session_id is not null and session_serial# is not null and advisor_run_id = run_id ) where statistic_value = max_statistic_value ) S where P.component_id = S.component_id ) loop dbms_sql.bind_variable(cur_handle, ':1', stat_rec.advisor_run_id); dbms_sql.bind_variable(cur_handle, ':2', stat_rec.advisor_run_time); dbms_sql.bind_variable(cur_handle, ':3', stat_rec.path_id); dbms_sql.bind_variable(cur_handle, ':4', stat_rec.position); dbms_sql.bind_variable(cur_handle, ':5', stat_rec.component_id); dbms_sql.bind_variable(cur_handle, ':6', stat_rec.component_name); dbms_sql.bind_variable(cur_handle, ':7', stat_rec.component_type); dbms_sql.bind_variable(cur_handle, ':8', stat_rec.sub_component_type); dbms_sql.bind_variable(cur_handle, ':9', stat_rec.session_id); dbms_sql.bind_variable(cur_handle, ':10', stat_rec.session_serial#); dbms_sql.bind_variable(cur_handle, ':11', stat_rec.statistic_alias); dbms_sql.bind_variable(cur_handle, ':12', stat_rec.statistic_name); dbms_sql.bind_variable(cur_handle, ':13', stat_rec.statistic_value); dbms_sql.bind_variable(cur_handle, ':14', stat_rec.statistic_unit); rows_processed := dbms_sql.execute(cur_handle); end loop; -- S7 (TOP EVENT%) FOR SUB_COMPONENT -- S7 (TOP EVENT%) TOP_LEVEL COMPONENT WITHOUT SUB_COMPONENT for stat_rec in ( select p.advisor_run_id, P.advisor_run_time, P.path_id, P.position, P.component_id, P.component_name, P.component_type, S.sub_component_type, S.session_id, S.session_serial#, S.statistic_alias, S.statistic_name, S.statistic_value, S.statistic_unit from ( select P1.advisor_run_id, P1.advisor_run_time, P1.path_id, P2.position, P2.component_id, P2.component_name, P2.component_type from ( select distinct path_id, advisor_run_id, advisor_run_time from dba_streams_tp_path_stat where advisor_run_id = run_id) P1, ( select path_id, source_component_id as component_id, source_component_name as component_name, source_component_type as component_type, position from dba_streams_tp_component_link where position = 1 union select path_id, destination_component_id as component_id, destination_component_name as component_name, destination_component_type as component_type, (position + 1) as position from dba_streams_tp_component_link ) P2 where P1.path_id = P2.path_id ) P, ( select distinct component_id, sub_component_type, null as session_id, null as session_serial#, 'S7' as statistic_alias, regexp_replace(statistic_name, '^EVENT: ', NULL) as statistic_name, statistic_value, statistic_unit from ( select component_id, sub_component_type, statistic_name, statistic_value, statistic_unit, max(statistic_value) over (partition by component_id, sub_component_type) as max_statistic_value from dba_streams_tp_component_stat where statistic_name LIKE 'EVENT: %' and session_id is not null and session_serial# is not null and advisor_run_id = run_id ) where statistic_value = max_statistic_value ) S where P.component_id = S.component_id ) loop dbms_sql.bind_variable(cur_handle, ':1', stat_rec.advisor_run_id); dbms_sql.bind_variable(cur_handle, ':2', stat_rec.advisor_run_time); dbms_sql.bind_variable(cur_handle, ':3', stat_rec.path_id); dbms_sql.bind_variable(cur_handle, ':4', stat_rec.position); dbms_sql.bind_variable(cur_handle, ':5', stat_rec.component_id); dbms_sql.bind_variable(cur_handle, ':6', stat_rec.component_name); dbms_sql.bind_variable(cur_handle, ':7', stat_rec.component_type); dbms_sql.bind_variable(cur_handle, ':8', stat_rec.sub_component_type); dbms_sql.bind_variable(cur_handle, ':9', stat_rec.session_id); dbms_sql.bind_variable(cur_handle, ':10', stat_rec.session_serial#); dbms_sql.bind_variable(cur_handle, ':11', stat_rec.statistic_alias); dbms_sql.bind_variable(cur_handle, ':12', stat_rec.statistic_name); dbms_sql.bind_variable(cur_handle, ':13', stat_rec.statistic_value); dbms_sql.bind_variable(cur_handle, ':14', stat_rec.statistic_unit); rows_processed := dbms_sql.execute(cur_handle); end loop; -- FILL IN S7 (TOP EVENT%) IF MISSING FOR SESSION for stat_rec in ( select p.advisor_run_id, P.advisor_run_time, P.path_id, P.position, P.component_id, P.component_name, P.component_type, S.sub_component_type, S.session_id, S.session_serial#, S.statistic_alias, S.statistic_name, S.statistic_value, S.statistic_unit from ( select P1.advisor_run_id, P1.advisor_run_time, P1.path_id, P2.position, P2.component_id, P2.component_name, P2.component_type from ( select distinct path_id, advisor_run_id, advisor_run_time from dba_streams_tp_path_stat where advisor_run_id = run_id) P1, ( select path_id, source_component_id as component_id, source_component_name as component_name, source_component_type as component_type, position from dba_streams_tp_component_link where position = 1 union select path_id, destination_component_id as component_id, destination_component_name as component_name, destination_component_type as component_type, (position + 1) as position from dba_streams_tp_component_link ) P2 where P1.path_id = P2.path_id ) P, ( select distinct component_id, sub_component_type, session_id, session_serial#, 'S7' as statistic_alias, NULL as statistic_name, 0 as statistic_value, 'PERCENT' as statistic_unit from dba_streams_tp_component_stat S1 where S1.component_type != 'QUEUE' and S1.session_id is not null and S1.session_serial# is not null and S1.advisor_run_id = run_id and not exists ( select component_id from dba_streams_tp_component_stat S2 where S2.statistic_name like 'EVENT: %' and S1.session_serial# = S2.session_serial# and S1.session_id = S2.session_id and S1.component_id = S2.component_id and S1.advisor_run_id = S2.advisor_run_id ) ) S where P.component_id = S.component_id ) loop dbms_sql.bind_variable(cur_handle, ':1', stat_rec.advisor_run_id); dbms_sql.bind_variable(cur_handle, ':2', stat_rec.advisor_run_time); dbms_sql.bind_variable(cur_handle, ':3', stat_rec.path_id); dbms_sql.bind_variable(cur_handle, ':4', stat_rec.position); dbms_sql.bind_variable(cur_handle, ':5', stat_rec.component_id); dbms_sql.bind_variable(cur_handle, ':6', stat_rec.component_name); dbms_sql.bind_variable(cur_handle, ':7', stat_rec.component_type); dbms_sql.bind_variable(cur_handle, ':8', stat_rec.sub_component_type); dbms_sql.bind_variable(cur_handle, ':9', stat_rec.session_id); dbms_sql.bind_variable(cur_handle, ':10', stat_rec.session_serial#); dbms_sql.bind_variable(cur_handle, ':11', stat_rec.statistic_alias); dbms_sql.bind_variable(cur_handle, ':12', stat_rec.statistic_name); dbms_sql.bind_variable(cur_handle, ':13', stat_rec.statistic_value); dbms_sql.bind_variable(cur_handle, ':14', stat_rec.statistic_unit); rows_processed := dbms_sql.execute(cur_handle); end loop; -- FILL IN S7 (TOP EVENT%) IF MISSING FOR SUB_COMPONENT_TYPE for stat_rec in ( select p.advisor_run_id, P.advisor_run_time, P.path_id, P.position, P.component_id, P.component_name, P.component_type, S.sub_component_type, S.session_id, S.session_serial#, S.statistic_alias, S.statistic_name, S.statistic_value, S.statistic_unit from ( select P1.advisor_run_id, P1.advisor_run_time, P1.path_id, P2.position, P2.component_id, P2.component_name, P2.component_type from ( select distinct path_id, advisor_run_id, advisor_run_time from dba_streams_tp_path_stat where advisor_run_id = run_id) P1, ( select path_id, source_component_id as component_id, source_component_name as component_name, source_component_type as component_type, position from dba_streams_tp_component_link where position = 1 union select path_id, destination_component_id as component_id, destination_component_name as component_name, destination_component_type as component_type, (position + 1) as position from dba_streams_tp_component_link ) P2 where P1.path_id = P2.path_id ) P, ( select distinct component_id, sub_component_type, NULL as session_id, NULL as session_serial#, 'S7' as statistic_alias, NULL as statistic_name, 0 as statistic_value, 'PERCENT' as statistic_unit from dba_streams_tp_component_stat S1 where S1.component_type in ('CAPTURE', 'APPLY') and S1.sub_component_type is not null and S1.advisor_run_id = run_id and not exists ( select component_id from dba_streams_tp_component_stat S2 where S2.statistic_name like 'EVENT: %' and S1.sub_component_type = S2.sub_component_type and S1.component_id = S2.component_id and S1.advisor_run_id = S2.advisor_run_id ) ) S where P.component_id = S.component_id ) loop dbms_sql.bind_variable(cur_handle, ':1', stat_rec.advisor_run_id); dbms_sql.bind_variable(cur_handle, ':2', stat_rec.advisor_run_time); dbms_sql.bind_variable(cur_handle, ':3', stat_rec.path_id); dbms_sql.bind_variable(cur_handle, ':4', stat_rec.position); dbms_sql.bind_variable(cur_handle, ':5', stat_rec.component_id); dbms_sql.bind_variable(cur_handle, ':6', stat_rec.component_name); dbms_sql.bind_variable(cur_handle, ':7', stat_rec.component_type); dbms_sql.bind_variable(cur_handle, ':8', stat_rec.sub_component_type); dbms_sql.bind_variable(cur_handle, ':9', stat_rec.session_id); dbms_sql.bind_variable(cur_handle, ':10', stat_rec.session_serial#); dbms_sql.bind_variable(cur_handle, ':11', stat_rec.statistic_alias); dbms_sql.bind_variable(cur_handle, ':12', stat_rec.statistic_name); dbms_sql.bind_variable(cur_handle, ':13', stat_rec.statistic_value); dbms_sql.bind_variable(cur_handle, ':14', stat_rec.statistic_unit); rows_processed := dbms_sql.execute(cur_handle); end loop; -- FILL IN S7 (TOP EVENT%) IF MISSING FOR TOP_LEVEL COMPONENT for stat_rec in ( select p.advisor_run_id, P.advisor_run_time, P.path_id, P.position, P.component_id, P.component_name, P.component_type, S.sub_component_type, S.session_id, S.session_serial#, S.statistic_alias, S.statistic_name, S.statistic_value, S.statistic_unit from ( select P1.advisor_run_id, P1.advisor_run_time, P1.path_id, P2.position, P2.component_id, P2.component_name, P2.component_type from ( select distinct path_id, advisor_run_id, advisor_run_time from dba_streams_tp_path_stat where advisor_run_id = run_id) P1, ( select path_id, source_component_id as component_id, source_component_name as component_name, source_component_type as component_type, position from dba_streams_tp_component_link where position = 1 union select path_id, destination_component_id as component_id, destination_component_name as component_name, destination_component_type as component_type, (position + 1) as position from dba_streams_tp_component_link ) P2 where P1.path_id = P2.path_id ) P, ( select distinct component_id, NULL as sub_component_type, NULL as session_id, NULL as session_serial#, 'S7' as statistic_alias, NULL as statistic_name, 0 as statistic_value, 'PERCENT' as statistic_unit from dba_streams_tp_component_stat S1 where S1.component_type not in ('CAPTURE', 'APPLY', 'QUEUE') and S1.sub_component_type is null and S1.advisor_run_id = run_id and not exists ( select component_id from dba_streams_tp_component_stat S2 where S2.statistic_name like 'EVENT: %' and S1.component_id = S2.component_id and S1.advisor_run_id = S2.advisor_run_id ) ) S where P.component_id = S.component_id ) loop dbms_sql.bind_variable(cur_handle, ':1', stat_rec.advisor_run_id); dbms_sql.bind_variable(cur_handle, ':2', stat_rec.advisor_run_time); dbms_sql.bind_variable(cur_handle, ':3', stat_rec.path_id); dbms_sql.bind_variable(cur_handle, ':4', stat_rec.position); dbms_sql.bind_variable(cur_handle, ':5', stat_rec.component_id); dbms_sql.bind_variable(cur_handle, ':6', stat_rec.component_name); dbms_sql.bind_variable(cur_handle, ':7', stat_rec.component_type); dbms_sql.bind_variable(cur_handle, ':8', stat_rec.sub_component_type); dbms_sql.bind_variable(cur_handle, ':9', stat_rec.session_id); dbms_sql.bind_variable(cur_handle, ':10', stat_rec.session_serial#); dbms_sql.bind_variable(cur_handle, ':11', stat_rec.statistic_alias); dbms_sql.bind_variable(cur_handle, ':12', stat_rec.statistic_name); dbms_sql.bind_variable(cur_handle, ':13', stat_rec.statistic_value); dbms_sql.bind_variable(cur_handle, ':14', stat_rec.statistic_unit); rows_processed := dbms_sql.execute(cur_handle); end loop; -- Close cursor dbms_sql.close_cursor(cur_handle); -- Update position for statistics at different levels. -- Positions of sub-components of a top level component are -- determined according to the direction streams data flow. stmt := ' update ' || tbl_name || ' set position = '|| ' floor(position) + '|| ' decode(sub_component_type, '|| ' ''LOGMINER READER'', 0.1, '|| ' ''LOGMINER PREPARER'', 0.2, '|| ' ''LOGMINER BUILDER'', 0.3, '|| ' ''CAPTURE SESSION'', 0.4, '|| ' ''PROPAGATION SENDER+RECEIVER'', 0.1, '|| ' ''APPLY READER'', 0.2, '|| ' ''APPLY COORDINATOR'', 0.3, '|| ' ''APPLY SERVER'', 0.4, '|| ' 0.0) '|| ' where (advisor_run_id, advisor_run_time) in '|| ' ( select distinct advisor_run_id, advisor_run_time '|| ' from dba_streams_tp_component_stat '|| ' where advisor_run_id = ' || run_id || ') '; execute immediate stmt; commit; -- TODO this may be not needed anymore since component_level -- statistics calculation now has a 'distinct' -- Delete duplicate TOP EVENTs with the same percentage stmt := ' delete from ' || tbl_name || ' A '|| ' where rowid > ( '|| ' select MIN(rowid) from ' || tbl_name || ' B '|| ' where A.advisor_run_id = B.advisor_run_id and '|| ' A.advisor_run_time = B.advisor_run_time and '|| ' A.path_id = B.path_id and '|| ' A.position = B.position and '|| ' A.component_id = B.component_id and '|| ' A.sub_component_type = B.sub_component_type and '|| ' A.session_id = B.session_id and '|| ' A.session_serial# = B.session_serial# and '|| ' A.statistic_alias = B.statistic_alias and '|| ' A.statistic_value = B.statistic_value ) '|| ' and statistic_alias = ''S7'' '|| ' and ( advisor_run_id, advisor_run_time ) in '|| ' ( select distinct advisor_run_id, advisor_run_time '|| ' from dba_streams_tp_component_stat '|| ' where advisor_run_id = '|| run_id ||')'; execute immediate stmt; commit; -- Preare CCA statistics for displaying 'CAP+PS' PREPARE_CAP_PS(run_id, tbl_name); end COLLECT_COMP_STAT; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------= -- GET_BOTTLENECK -- Get bottleneck information in the following form: -- | advisor_run_reason -- OR -- | component_name sub_component_name sid serial topevent% "topevent" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------= function GET_BOTTLENECK(run_id in number, path_id in number) return varchar2 as val varchar2(4000) := null; val2 varchar2(4000) := null; bott DBA_STREAMS_TP_COMPONENT_STAT%ROWTYPE; begin begin for bott in ( select distinct S.* from dba_streams_tp_path_bottleneck B, ( select distinct * from dba_streams_tp_component_stat where statistic_name LIKE 'EVENT: %' and session_id is not null and session_serial# is not null and advisor_run_id = GET_BOTTLENECK.run_id ) S where B.path_id = GET_BOTTLENECK.path_id and B.advisor_run_id = GET_BOTTLENECK.run_id and B.top_session_id is not null and B.top_session_serial# is not null and B.bottleneck_identified = 'YES' and B.advisor_run_id = S.advisor_run_id (+) and B.component_id = S.component_id (+) and B.top_session_id = S.session_id (+) and B.top_session_serial# = S.session_serial# (+) order by S.statistic_value desc) loop val := '| ' || get_comp_name(bott.component_type, bott.component_name) ||' '|| case when (bott.component_type = 'APPLY' OR bott.component_type = 'CAPTURE') then get_sub_comp_type(bott.sub_component_type) || ' ' else NULL end || bott.session_id ||' '|| bott.session_serial# ||' '|| to_char(bott.statistic_value, 'FM999D9') || '% "' || regexp_replace(bott.statistic_name, '^EVENT: ', NULL) || '"'; exit when val is not null; end loop; if val is null then -- post process for XStream Bottleneck in case 'EXTERNAL' is -- the bottleneck. In this case, bottleneck_identified is set to 'YES' -- but component id/session_id/session_serial will all be NULL and will -- not be covered by previous step. select '| "EXTERNAL"' into val2 from dba_streams_tp_path_bottleneck where advisor_run_id = GET_BOTTLENECK.run_id AND path_id = GET_BOTTLENECK.path_id AND action_name = 'EXTERNAL' AND bottleneck_identified = 'YES'; if val2 is not null then val := val2; else select distinct '| "' || advisor_run_reason || '"' into val from dba_streams_tp_path_bottleneck B where B.path_id = GET_BOTTLENECK.path_id and B.advisor_run_id = GET_BOTTLENECK.run_id; end if; end if; exception when others then val := '| ' || 'NO BOTTLENECK IDENTIFIED'; end; return val; end GET_BOTTLENECK; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------= -- COLLECT_PATH_STAT -- Collect path statistics by concatenating component statistics into -- one single line representation for each active path. The output is -- similar to STRMMON output. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------= procedure COLLECT_PATH_STAT( run_id in number, input_tbl in varchar2, output_tbl in varchar2, top_event_threshold in number default 15) as stmt1 varchar2(4000); stmt2 varchar2(4000); TYPE cur_type is ref cursor; s_cur cur_type; s_rec stat_type; p_rec stat_type; -- previous s_rec p_rec_default stat_type; -- reset p_rec to the default path_stat varchar2(4000) := null; TYPE maptype IS TABLE OF boolean INDEX BY VARCHAR2(30); topEventMap maptype; begin stmt1 := ' select advisor_run_id, '|| ' advisor_run_time, '|| ' path_id, '|| ' position, '|| ' component_id, '|| ' component_name, '|| ' component_type, '|| ' sub_component_type, '|| ' session_id, '|| ' session_serial#, '|| ' statistic_alias, '|| ' statistic_name, '|| ' statistic_value, '|| ' statistic_unit '|| ' from ' || input_tbl || ' where ( advisor_run_id, advisor_run_time ) in '|| ' ( select distinct advisor_run_id, advisor_run_time '|| ' from dba_streams_tp_component_stat '|| ' where advisor_run_id = '|| run_id ||') and '|| -- filter out session level statistics ' session_id is null and '|| ' session_serial# is null '|| ' order by path_id, position, statistic_alias'; begin open s_cur for stmt1; loop fetch s_cur into s_rec; exit when s_cur%notfound; if p_rec.path_id = 0 then path_stat := null; p_rec.path_id := s_rec.path_id; end if; if p_rec.path_id = s_rec.path_id then if path_stat is null then path_stat := join_stat(p_rec, s_rec, top_event_threshold); else if s_rec.statistic_alias = 'S7' and s_rec.sub_component_type in ('LOGMINER PREPARER', 'APPLY SERVER') then -- check if we have aggregated them already for this path if topEventMap.exists(s_rec.sub_component_type) then continue; else topEventMap(s_rec.sub_component_type) := TRUE; end if; -- Aggregate TOP EVENT percentage for LMP and APS path_stat := path_stat || ' ' || aggregate_top_event(run_id, s_rec.component_id, s_rec.sub_component_type, top_event_threshold); else path_stat := path_stat || ' ' || join_stat(p_rec, s_rec, top_event_threshold); end if; end if; else -- Append bottleneck information path_stat := path_stat || ' ' || get_bottleneck(p_rec.advisor_run_id, p_rec.path_id); stmt2 := 'insert into ' || output_tbl || '(path_id, advisor_run_id, advisor_run_time, statistics) '|| 'values( '|| p_rec.path_id || ',' || p_rec.advisor_run_id || ',' || 'to_date(''' || to_char(p_rec.advisor_run_time, 'YYYY-MON-DD HH24:MI:SS')|| ''', ''YYYY-MON-DD HH24:MI:SS''), ''' || path_stat || ''')'; execute immediate stmt2; commit; p_rec := p_rec_default; p_rec.path_id := s_rec.path_id; path_stat := join_stat(p_rec, s_rec, top_event_threshold); topEventMap.delete; end if; p_rec := s_rec; end loop; close s_cur; if path_stat is not null then -- Append bottleneck information path_stat := path_stat || ' ' || get_bottleneck(p_rec.advisor_run_id, p_rec.path_id); stmt2 := 'insert into ' || output_tbl || '(path_id, advisor_run_id, advisor_run_time, statistics) '|| 'values( '|| p_rec.path_id || ',' || p_rec.advisor_run_id || ',' || 'to_date(''' || to_char(p_rec.advisor_run_time, 'YYYY-MON-DD HH24:MI:SS')|| ''', ''YYYY-MON-DD HH24:MI:SS''), ''' || path_stat || ''')'; execute immediate stmt2; commit; end if; exception when others then if s_cur%isopen then close s_cur; end if; raise; end; end COLLECT_PATH_STAT; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------= -- COLLECT_PATH_SESS -- Collect session level statistics for each active stream path. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------= procedure COLLECT_PATH_SESS( run_id in number, input_tbl in varchar2, output_tbl in varchar2, top_event_threshold in number default 15) as stmt1 varchar2(4000); stmt2 varchar2(4000); TYPE cur_type is ref cursor; s_cur cur_type; s_rec stat_type; p_rec stat_type; -- previous s_rec p_rec_default stat_type; -- reset p_rec to the default path_sess varchar2(4000) := null; begin stmt1 := ' select advisor_run_id, '|| ' advisor_run_time, '|| ' path_id, '|| ' position, '|| ' component_id, '|| ' component_name, '|| ' component_type, '|| ' sub_component_type, '|| ' session_id, '|| ' session_serial#, '|| ' statistic_alias, '|| ' statistic_name, '|| ' statistic_value, '|| ' statistic_unit '|| ' from ' || input_tbl || ' where ( advisor_run_id, advisor_run_time ) in '|| ' ( select distinct advisor_run_id, advisor_run_time '|| ' from dba_streams_tp_component_stat '|| ' where advisor_run_id = '|| run_id ||') and '|| -- select session level statistics only ' session_id is not null and '|| ' session_serial# is not null '|| ' order by path_id,position,session_id,session_serial#,statistic_alias'; begin open s_cur for stmt1; loop fetch s_cur into s_rec; exit when s_cur%notfound; if p_rec.path_id = 0 then path_sess := null; p_rec.path_id := s_rec.path_id; end if; if p_rec.path_id = s_rec.path_id then if path_sess is null then path_sess := join_stat(p_rec, s_rec, top_event_threshold, TRUE); else path_sess := path_sess || ' ' || join_stat(p_rec, s_rec, top_event_threshold, TRUE); end if; else stmt2 := 'update ' || output_tbl || ' V set V.session_statistics = '|| '''' || path_sess || ''' '|| 'where (V.advisor_run_id, V.advisor_run_time) in '|| ' (select distinct advisor_run_id, advisor_run_time '|| ' from dba_streams_tp_component_stat '|| ' where advisor_run_id = ' || run_id || ') and '|| ' V.path_id = ' || p_rec.path_id; execute immediate stmt2; commit; p_rec := p_rec_default; p_rec.path_id := s_rec.path_id; path_sess := join_stat(p_rec, s_rec, top_event_threshold, TRUE); end if; p_rec := s_rec; end loop; close s_cur; if path_sess is not null then stmt2 := 'update ' || output_tbl || ' V set V.session_statistics = '|| '''' || path_sess || ''' '|| 'where (V.advisor_run_id, V.advisor_run_time) in '|| ' (select distinct advisor_run_id, advisor_run_time '|| ' from dba_streams_tp_component_stat '|| ' where advisor_run_id = ' || run_id || ') and '|| ' V.path_id = ' || p_rec.path_id; execute immediate stmt2; commit; end if; exception when others then if s_cur%isopen then close s_cur; end if; raise; end; end COLLECT_PATH_SESS; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------= -- COLLECT_CONTROL_SETTING -- Collect statistics control setting for all active stream paths. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------= procedure COLLECT_CONTROL_SETTING( run_id in number, output_tbl in varchar2, setting in varchar2) as stmt varchar2(2400); begin stmt := 'update ' || output_tbl || ' V set V.setting = ''' ||setting|| ''' '|| 'where (V.advisor_run_id, V.advisor_run_time) in '|| ' (select distinct advisor_run_id, advisor_run_time '|| ' from dba_streams_tp_component_stat '|| ' where advisor_run_id = ' || run_id || ')'; execute immediate stmt; commit; end COLLECT_CONTROL_SETTING; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------= -- COLLECT_OPTIMIZATION_MODE -- Collect property OPTIMIZATION_MODE for all active stream paths. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------= procedure COLLECT_OPTIMIZATION_MODE( run_id in number, output_tbl in varchar2) as stmt varchar2(2400); begin -- optimization_mode: -- 0 non-CCA mode -- 1 CCA mode -- 2 CCAC mode stmt := 'update ' || output_tbl || ' V set V.optimization = '|| ' ( select STATISTIC_VALUE '|| ' from dba_streams_tp_path_stat S '|| ' where statistic_name = ''OPTIMIZATION_MODE'' '|| ' and V.path_id = S.path_id '|| ' and V.advisor_run_id = S.advisor_run_id '|| ' and V.advisor_run_time = S.advisor_run_time ) '|| 'where (V.advisor_run_id, V.advisor_run_time) in '|| ' (select distinct advisor_run_id, advisor_run_time '|| ' from dba_streams_tp_path_stat '|| ' where advisor_run_id = ' || run_id || ')'; execute immediate stmt; commit; end COLLECT_OPTIMIZATION_MODE; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------= -- PERSIST_LINE_DISPLAY -- Persist statics for showing streams performance in line-display format. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------= procedure PERSIST_LINE_DISPLAY( run_id in number, comp_stat_tbl in varchar2, path_stat_tbl in varchar2, raise_error in boolean default FALSE, save_comp_stat in boolean default TRUE) as param_setting varchar2(2000); begin -- Get control parameter setting param_setting := 'TOP_EVENT_THRESHOLD=' || param_top_event_threshold || ' BOTTLENECK_IDLE_THRESHOLD=' || dbms_streams_advisor_adm.bottleneck_idle_threshold || ' BOTTLENECK_FLOWCTRL_THRESHOLD=' || dbms_streams_advisor_adm.bottleneck_flowctrl_threshold; -- Save component statistics begin COLLECT_COMP_STAT(run_id, comp_stat_tbl); exception when others then if raise_error then raise; else NULL; end if; end; -- Save top-level path statistics begin COLLECT_PATH_STAT(run_id, comp_stat_tbl, path_stat_tbl, param_top_event_threshold); exception when others then if raise_error then raise; else NULL; end if; end; -- Save session-level path statistics begin COLLECT_PATH_SESS(run_id, comp_stat_tbl, path_stat_tbl, param_top_event_threshold); exception when others then if raise_error then raise; else NULL; end if; end; -- Save OPTIMIZATION_MODE property begin COLLECT_OPTIMIZATION_MODE(run_id, path_stat_tbl); exception when others then if raise_error then raise; else NULL; end if; end; -- Save the control parameter setting begin COLLECT_CONTROL_SETTING(run_id, path_stat_tbl, param_setting); exception when others then if raise_error then raise; else NULL; end if; end; if (save_comp_stat = FALSE) then delete from streams$_pa_show_comp_stat; commit; end if; end PERSIST_LINE_DISPLAY; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------= -- CHECK_DATABASE_LINKS -- Persist database information upon each advisor run. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------= procedure CHECK_DATABASE_LINKS as TYPE CUR_TYPE IS ref cursor; TYPE DBLINK_TYPE IS RECORD(db_link VARCHAR2(128)); TYPE DBNAME_TYPE IS RECORD(global_name varchar2(128), db_unique_name varchar2(30)); cur cur_type; dbname_rec dbname_type; dblink_rec dblink_type; canon_user varchar2(30); stmt varchar2(4000); ecode number; emesg varchar2(200); begin canon_user := SYS_CONTEXT('USERENV', 'CURRENT_USER'); for dblink_rec in ( select global_name as db_link from global_name union select db_link from dba_db_links where owner = canon_user or username = canon_user) loop stmt := 'select global_name, db_unique_name from ' || 'global_name@' || dblink_rec.db_link ||', '|| 'v$database@' || dblink_rec.db_link; begin open cur for stmt; loop fetch cur into dbname_rec; exit when cur%NOTFOUND; -- upsert streams$_pa_database merge into streams$_pa_database T using (select dbname_rec.global_name as global_name from dual) N on (T.global_name = N.global_name) when matched then update set T.error_number = null, T.error_message = null when not matched then insert (T.global_name) values (N.global_name); commit; -- upsert streams$_pa_database_prop merge into streams$_pa_database_prop T using (select dbname_rec.global_name as global_name, 'DB_UNIQUE_NAME' as prop_name, dbname_rec.db_unique_name as prop_value from dual) N on (T.global_name = N.global_name and T.prop_name = N.prop_name) when matched then update set T.prop_value = N.prop_value when not matched then insert (T.global_name, T.prop_name, T.prop_value) values (N.global_name, N.prop_name, N.prop_value); commit; end loop; close cur; exception when others then close cur; ecode := SQLCODE; emesg := SQLERRM; -- Assume global_name set to TRUE update streams$_pa_database set error_number = ecode, error_message = emesg where global_name = dblink_rec.db_link; commit; end; -- End processing stmt end loop; end CHECK_DATABASE_LINKS; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------= -- LOAD_MONITORING_INFO -- Load advisor monitoring info upon each advisor run. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------= procedure LOAD_MONITORING_INFO as begin begin select job_name, client_name, query_user_name, started_time into monitoring_job_name, monitoring_client_name, monitoring_query_user_name, monitoring_started_time from streams$_pa_monitoring where state = 'STARTED'; exception when others then null; end; end LOAD_MONITORING_INFO; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------= -- SAVE_CONTROL_PARAMS -- Persist advisor control parameters upon each advisor run. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------= procedure SAVE_CONTROL_PARAMS(run_id in number, run_time date) as begin ----------------------------------------- -- Persist advisor control parameters. -- ----------------------------------------- -- PARAM_NAME: -- INTERVAL -- RETENTION_TIME -- TOP_EVENT_THRESHOLD -- BOTTLENECK_IDLE_THRESHOLD -- BOTTLENECK_FLOWCTRL_THRESHOLD insert into streams$_pa_control( advisor_run_id, advisor_run_time, param_name, param_value, param_unit) values(run_id, run_time, 'INTERVAL', param_interval, 'SECOND'); commit; insert into streams$_pa_control( advisor_run_id, advisor_run_time, param_name, param_value, param_unit) values(run_id, run_time, 'RETENTION_TIME', param_retention_time, 'HOUR'); commit; insert into streams$_pa_control( advisor_run_id, advisor_run_time, param_name, param_value, param_unit) values(run_id, run_time, 'TOP_EVENT_THRESHOLD', param_top_event_threshold, 'PERCENT'); commit; insert into streams$_pa_control( advisor_run_id, advisor_run_time, param_name, param_value, param_unit) values(run_id, run_time, 'BOTTLENECK_IDLE_THRESHOLD', param_bot_idle_threshold, 'PERCENT'); commit; insert into streams$_pa_control( advisor_run_id, advisor_run_time, param_name, param_value, param_unit) values(run_id, run_time, 'BOTTLENECK_FLOWCTRL_THRESHOLD', param_bot_flowctrl_threshold, 'PERCENT'); commit; end SAVE_CONTROL_PARAMS; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------= -- RECOVER_CONTROL_PARAMS -- Load advisor control parameters upon each advisor run. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------= procedure RECOVER_CONTROL_PARAMS as cnt number := 0; begin begin select count(*) into cnt from streams$_pa_monitoring where state = 'STARTED'; if (cnt = 0) then -- Someone manually deletes monitoring information for an active job. insert into streams$_pa_monitoring( job_name, client_name, query_user_name, started_time, altered_time, state) values(monitoring_job_name, monitoring_client_name, monitoring_query_user_name, monitoring_started_time, monitoring_altered_time, 'STARTED'); commit; end if; exception when others then null; end; begin select count(advisor_run_id) into cnt from streams$_pa_control where advisor_run_id = 0; if (cnt < total_param_cnt) then -- Someone manually deletes some control parameters. delete from streams$_pa_control where advisor_run_id = 0; commit; -- update using current control parameters. SAVE_CONTROL_PARAMS(0, null); end if; exception when others then null; end; end RECOVER_CONTROL_PARAMS; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------= -- LOAD_CONTROL_PARAMS -- Load advisor control parameters upon each advisor run. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------= procedure LOAD_CONTROL_PARAMS as alt_time timestamp := null; begin ------------------------------------------------ -- Check and load advisor control parameters. -- ------------------------------------------------ begin select nvl(altered_time, started_time) into alt_time from streams$_pa_monitoring where state = 'STARTED'; exception when others then alt_time := null; end; if(monitoring_altered_time is null or monitoring_altered_time < alt_time) then monitoring_altered_time := alt_time; begin select param_value into param_interval from streams$_pa_control where advisor_run_id = 0 and advisor_run_time is null and param_name = 'INTERVAL'; exception when others then null; end; begin select param_value into param_retention_time from streams$_pa_control where advisor_run_id = 0 and advisor_run_time is null and param_name = 'RETENTION_TIME'; -- Set advisor retention_time. -- No need to use monitoring API's retention_time -- since all we need is to keep the latest advisor run. dbms_streams_advisor_adm.retention_time := param_interval * 0.9 / seconds_per_hour; exception when others then null; end; begin select param_value into param_top_event_threshold from streams$_pa_control where advisor_run_id = 0 and advisor_run_time is null and param_name = 'TOP_EVENT_THRESHOLD'; exception when others then null; end; begin select param_value into param_bot_idle_threshold from streams$_pa_control where advisor_run_id = 0 and advisor_run_time is null and param_name = 'BOTTLENECK_IDLE_THRESHOLD'; -- Set bottleneck_idle_threshold dbms_streams_advisor_adm.bottleneck_idle_threshold := param_bot_idle_threshold; exception when others then null; end; begin select param_value into param_bot_flowctrl_threshold from streams$_pa_control where advisor_run_id = 0 and advisor_run_time is null and param_name = 'BOTTLENECK_FLOWCTRL_THRESHOLD'; -- bottleneck_flowctrl_threshold dbms_streams_advisor_adm.bottleneck_flowctrl_threshold := param_bot_flowctrl_threshold; exception when others then null; end; end if; end LOAD_CONTROL_PARAMS; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------= -- CLEAN_RETENTION -- Perform retention cleanup upon each advisor run. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------= procedure CLEAN_RETENTION(run_time date) as oldest_time date; begin oldest_time := run_time - param_retention_time/24; delete from streams$_pa_control where advisor_run_time < oldest_time; commit; delete from streams$_pa_component_stat where advisor_run_time < oldest_time; commit; delete from streams$_pa_path_bottleneck where advisor_run_time < oldest_time; commit; delete from streams$_pa_path_stat where advisor_run_time < oldest_time; commit; delete from streams$_pa_monitoring where stopped_time is not null and stopped_time < oldest_time; commit; delete from streams$_pa_show_comp_stat where advisor_run_time < oldest_time; commit; delete from streams$_pa_show_path_stat where advisor_run_time < oldest_time; commit; end CLEAN_RETENTION; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------= -- PERSIST_ADVISOR_RUN -- Persist statistics for all active stream paths for a given advisor run. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------= procedure PERSIST_ADVISOR_RUN(run_id in number) as type cur_type is ref cursor; run_time date := null; path_key varchar2(4000) := null; path_id number; path_id_cur cur_type; bottleneck varchar2(4000) := null; begin select advisor_run_time into run_time from (select max(advisor_run_time) as advisor_run_time from DBA_STREAMS_TP_PATH_STAT where advisor_run_id = run_id); -- upsert streams$_pa_database. merge into streams$_pa_database T using (select global_name, last_queried from dba_streams_tp_database) N on (T.global_name = N.global_name) when matched then update set T.last_queried = N.last_queried when not matched then insert (T.global_name, T.last_queried) values (N.global_name, N.last_queried); commit; -- upsert streams$_pa_database_prop. merge into streams$_pa_database_prop T using (select global_name as global_name, 'VERSION' as prop_name, version as prop_value from dba_streams_tp_database) N on (T.global_name = N.global_name and T.prop_name = N.prop_name) when matched then update set T.prop_value = N.prop_value when not matched then insert (T.global_name, T.prop_name, T.prop_value) values (N.global_name, N.prop_name, N.prop_value); merge into streams$_pa_database_prop T using (select global_name as global_name, 'COMPATIBILITY' as prop_name, compatibility as prop_value from dba_streams_tp_database) N on (T.global_name = N.global_name and T.prop_name = N.prop_name) when matched then update set T.prop_value = N.prop_value when not matched then insert (T.global_name, T.prop_name, T.prop_value) values (N.global_name, N.prop_name, N.prop_value); merge into streams$_pa_database_prop T using (select global_name as global_name, 'MANAGEMENT_PACK_ACCESS' as prop_name, management_pack_access as prop_value from dba_streams_tp_database) N on (T.global_name = N.global_name and T.prop_name = N.prop_name) when matched then update set T.prop_value = N.prop_value when not matched then insert (T.global_name, T.prop_name, T.prop_value) values (N.global_name, N.prop_name, N.prop_value); commit; -- check each db_link to get DB_UNIQUE_NAME or ERROR_NUMBER/VERSION. CHECK_DATABASE_LINKS(); -- remove those databases which have never been queried. delete from streams$_pa_database_prop where global_name in (select global_name from streams$_pa_database where last_queried is null); commit; delete from streams$_pa_database where last_queried is null; commit; -- upsert streams$_pa_component. merge into streams$_pa_component T using (select component_id, component_name, component_db, component_type, component_changed_time from dba_streams_tp_component) N on (T.component_id = N.component_id) when matched then update set T.component_changed_time = N.component_changed_time when not matched then insert (T.component_id, T.component_name, T.component_db, T.component_type, T.component_changed_time) values (N.component_id, N.component_name, N.component_db, N.component_type, N.component_changed_time); commit; -- upsert streams$_pa_component_link. merge into streams$_pa_component_link T using (select path_id, position, source_component_id, destination_component_id from dba_streams_tp_component_link) N on (T.path_id = N.path_id and T.position = N.position and T.source_component_id = N.source_component_id and T.destination_component_id = N.destination_component_id) when not matched then insert (T.path_id, T.position, T.source_component_id, T.destination_component_id) values (N.path_id, N.position, N.source_component_id, N.destination_component_id); commit; -- persist component properties. delete from streams$_pa_component_prop; commit; insert into streams$_pa_component_prop( component_id, prop_name, prop_value) select component_id, prop_name, prop_value from "_DBA_STREAMS_TP_COMPONENT_PROP"; commit; -- persist component statistics. insert into streams$_pa_component_stat( advisor_run_id, advisor_run_time, component_id, sub_component_type, session_id, session_serial#, statistic_time, statistic_name, statistic_value, statistic_unit, spare3) select advisor_run_id, advisor_run_time, component_id, sub_component_type, session_id, session_serial#, statistic_time, statistic_name, -- The state statistic will be a varchar2, store this in spare3 decode(statistic_name, 'STATE', 0, statistic_value), statistic_unit, -- Spare3 will store varchar2 statistic values decode(statistic_name, 'STATE', statistic_value, NULL) from DBA_STREAMS_TP_COMPONENT_STAT where advisor_run_id = PERSIST_ADVISOR_RUN.run_id; commit; -- persist path statistics. insert into streams$_pa_path_stat( advisor_run_id, advisor_run_time, path_id, statistic_time, statistic_name, statistic_value, statistic_unit) select advisor_run_id, advisor_run_time, path_id, statistic_time, statistic_name, statistic_value, statistic_unit from DBA_STREAMS_TP_PATH_STAT where advisor_run_id = PERSIST_ADVISOR_RUN.run_id; commit; -- persist path bottleneck information. insert into streams$_pa_path_bottleneck( advisor_run_id, advisor_run_time, advisor_run_reason, path_id, component_id, top_session_id, top_session_serial#, action_name, bottleneck_identified) select advisor_run_id, advisor_run_time, advisor_run_reason, path_id, component_id, top_session_id, top_session_serial#, action_name, bottleneck_identified from DBA_STREAMS_TP_PATH_BOTTLENECK where advisor_run_id = PERSIST_ADVISOR_RUN.run_id; commit; -- EM requires path_key to uniquely identify a stream path. -- -- path_key: apply_name@apply_database_global_name. -- -- Streams performance advisor reports only complete path -- starting with CAPTURE and ending with APPLY. The apply -- name and database is the unique key for stream path. -- update path_key for apply component update streams$_pa_component_link L set path_key = ( select distinct (component_name || '@' || component_db) from streams$_pa_component C where C.component_type = 'APPLY' and C.component_id = L.destination_component_id); commit; -- update path_key for other components update streams$_pa_component_link L set path_key = ( select distinct L2.path_key from streams$_pa_component C, streams$_pa_component_link L2 where L.path_id = L2.path_id and C.component_type = 'APPLY' and C.component_id = L2.destination_component_id); commit; -- update path_key for path stat update streams$_pa_path_stat T set path_key = ( select distinct L.path_key from streams$_pa_component_link L where T.path_id = L.path_id) where advisor_run_id = PERSIST_ADVISOR_RUN.run_id and advisor_run_time = run_time; commit; -- update path_key for path bottleneck update streams$_pa_path_bottleneck T set path_key = ( select distinct L.path_key from streams$_pa_component_link L where T.path_id = L.path_id) where advisor_run_id = PERSIST_ADVISOR_RUN.run_id and advisor_run_time = run_time; commit; -- Update bottleneck output for html report open path_id_cur for 'select distinct path_id from ' || ' DBA_STREAMS_TP_PATH_BOTTLENECK'; loop fetch path_id_cur into path_id; exit when path_id_cur%notfound; bottleneck := get_bottleneck_html(PERSIST_ADVISOR_RUN.run_id, path_id); update streams$_pa_path_bottleneck B set B.spare3 = bottleneck where B.advisor_run_id = PERSIST_ADVISOR_RUN.run_id and B.path_id = PERSIST_ADVISOR_RUN.path_id; commit; end loop; close path_id_cur; -- persist advisor control parameters. SAVE_CONTROL_PARAMS(run_id, run_time); -- recover monitoring and control params. RECOVER_CONTROL_PARAMS(); -- reload control params in case of altering. LOAD_CONTROL_PARAMS(); -- clean obsolete data based on retention_time. CLEAN_RETENTION(run_time); end PERSIST_ADVISOR_RUN; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------= -- PERSIST_ADVISOR_RUNS -- Collect statistics for all active stream paths and -- save in the persistent tables. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------= procedure PERSIST_ADVISOR_RUNS(comp_stat_tbl in varchar2, path_stat_tbl in varchar2) as prev_time date; curr_time date; sleep_time number := 0; last_run_id number := 0; begin -- Get the last advisor_run_id begin select max(advisor_run_id) into last_run_id from dba_streams_tp_component_stat; if last_run_id is null then last_run_id := 0; end if; end; -- Load advisor control parameters before the first advisor run LOAD_CONTROL_PARAMS(); -- Load advisor monitoring information before the first advisor run LOAD_MONITORING_INFO(); -- No exit condition. Monitoring is only stopped by stop_monitoring. while(TRUE) loop prev_time := sysdate(); dbms_streams_advisor_adm.analyze_current_performance; curr_time := sysdate(); last_run_id := last_run_id + 1; dbms_output.put_line('Run ' || last_run_id); -- Save line-display statistics PERSIST_LINE_DISPLAY(last_run_id, comp_stat_tbl, path_stat_tbl); -- Save result for each advisor run PERSIST_ADVISOR_RUN(last_run_id); sleep_time := param_interval - (curr_time - prev_time) * 86400; if sleep_time > 0 then dbms_lock.sleep(sleep_time); end if; end loop; -- Update monitoring job state in case of auto-drop update streams$_pa_monitoring set state = 'STOPPED', stopped_time = systimestamp where state = 'STARTED'; commit; end PERSIST_ADVISOR_RUNS; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------= -- ALTER_MONITORING_PARAM -- Alter Streams monitoring job control parameter. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------= procedure ALTER_MONITORING_PARAM(p_name IN VARCHAR2, p_value IN VARCHAR2, p_unit IN VARCHAR2, altered_time IN TIMESTAMP DEFAULT NULL) as begin merge into streams$_pa_control T using (select p_value as param_value from dual) N on (T.advisor_run_id = 0 and T.advisor_run_time is null and T.param_name = p_name) when matched then update set T.param_value = N.param_value when not matched then insert (T.advisor_run_id, T.advisor_run_time, T.param_name, T.param_value, T.param_unit) values (0, null, p_name, p_value, p_unit); commit; if (altered_time is not null) then update streams$_pa_monitoring T set T.altered_time = ALTER_MONITORING_PARAM.altered_time where T.state = 'STARTED'; commit; end if; end ALTER_MONITORING_PARAM; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------= -- CHECK_JOB_CONFLICT -- EM agent must have client_name set to to 'EM'. -- No more than one active monitoring job exists at any time. -- -- RAISED EXCEPTIONS: -- -- ORA-20111: -- cannot start monitoring due to active EM monitoring job -- ORA-20112: -- cannot start monitoring due to active Streams monitoring job -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------= procedure CHECK_JOB_CONFLICT(canon_job_name varchar2, canon_client_name varchar2) as sch_job_cnt number := 0; monitoring boolean := FALSE; active_cnt number := 0; active_em_cnt number := 0; canon_submit_job_name varchar(30) := null; begin select count(*) into active_cnt from streams$_pa_monitoring where state = 'STARTED'; if (active_cnt = 0) then -- Check if there is an EM monitoring job per database. if ((canon_client_name is not null) and (canon_client_name = 'EM') and IS_MONITORING(canon_job_name, canon_client_name)) then raise_application_error(-20111, 'cannot start monitoring ' || 'due to active EM monitoring job'); end if; else if canon_client_name is not null then canon_submit_job_name := canon_job_name ||'_'|| canon_client_name; else canon_submit_job_name := canon_job_name; end if; begin select count(*) into sch_job_cnt from dba_scheduler_jobs where enabled = 'TRUE' and job_name = canon_submit_job_name; exception when others then sch_job_cnt := 0; end; if (sch_job_cnt = 0) then -- no scheduled job is found, database may be bounced. update streams$_pa_monitoring set state = 'STOPPED' where job_name = canon_job_name and client_name||'X' = canon_client_name||'X'; commit; else select count(*) into active_em_cnt from streams$_pa_monitoring where state = 'STARTED' and client_name = 'EM'; if (active_em_cnt > 0) then raise_application_error(-20111, 'cannot start monitoring '|| 'due to active EM monitoring job'); else raise_application_error(-20112, 'cannot start monitoring '|| 'due to active Streams monitoring job'); end if; end if; end if; end CHECK_JOB_CONFLICT; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------= -- COLLECT_STATS -- Collect statistics for all active stream paths. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------= procedure COLLECT_STATS( interval in number default 60, num_runs in number default 10, comp_stat_table in varchar2 default 'STREAMS$_ADVISOR_COMP_STAT', path_stat_table in varchar2 default 'STREAMS$_ADVISOR_PATH_STAT', top_event_threshold in number default 15, bottleneck_idle_threshold in number default 50, bottleneck_flowctrl_threshold in number default 50) as prev_time date; curr_time date; sleep_time number := 0; last_run_id number := 0; comp_stat_tbl varchar2(30); path_stat_tbl varchar2(30); param_setting varchar2(2000); cnt number := 0; monitoring boolean:= FALSE; job_started boolean:= FALSE; begin -- Initialize the tables if they do not exist comp_stat_tbl := INIT_SPADV_COMP_STAT(comp_stat_table); path_stat_tbl := INIT_SPADV_PATH_STAT(path_stat_table); -- Check if invoked by START_MONITORING begin select count(*) into cnt from streams$_pa_monitoring where state = 'STARTED'; if cnt > 0 then job_started := TRUE; end if; exception when others then job_started := FALSE; end; -- Check control parameters if (nvl(interval, 60) < 1) then raise_application_error(-20100, 'Invalid interval, too small'); end if; if (nvl(num_runs, 10) < 1) then raise_application_error(-20100, 'Invalid num_runs, too small'); end if; if (nvl(top_event_threshold, 15) < 0 or nvl(top_event_threshold, 15) > 100 ) then raise_application_error(-20100, 'Invalid top_event_threshold'); end if; if (nvl(bottleneck_idle_threshold, 50) < 0 or nvl(bottleneck_idle_threshold, 50) > 100 ) then raise_application_error(-20100, 'Invalid bottleneck_idle_threshold'); end if; if (nvl(bottleneck_flowctrl_threshold, 50) < 0 or nvl(bottleneck_flowctrl_threshold, 50) > 100 ) then raise_application_error(-20100, 'Invalid bottleneck_flowctrl_threshold'); end if; param_interval := nvl(interval, 60); -- in seconds param_top_event_threshold := nvl(top_event_threshold, 15); param_bot_idle_threshold := nvl(bottleneck_idle_threshold, 50); param_bot_flowctrl_threshold := nvl(bottleneck_flowctrl_threshold, 50); -- Set bottleneck_idle_threshold and bottleneck_flowctrl_threshold dbms_streams_advisor_adm.bottleneck_idle_threshold := param_bot_idle_threshold; dbms_streams_advisor_adm.bottleneck_flowctrl_threshold := param_bot_flowctrl_threshold; -- check if invoked by start_monitoring. if job_started = TRUE then if(comp_stat_tbl <> 'STREAMS$_PA_SHOW_COMP_STAT' or path_stat_tbl <> 'STREAMS$_PA_SHOW_PATH_STAT' ) then monitoring := FALSE; else monitoring := TRUE; end if; else monitoring := FALSE; end if; -- -- START_MONITORING -- if monitoring = TRUE then PERSIST_ADVISOR_RUNS(comp_stat_tbl, path_stat_tbl); return; end if; if (monitoring = FALSE and num_runs is null) then raise_application_error(-20100, 'Invalid num_runs, '|| 'cannot be NULL without monitoring'); end if; -- -- COLLECT_STATS (blocking-mode) -- -- Get the last advisor_run_id begin select max(advisor_run_id) into last_run_id from dba_streams_tp_component_stat; if last_run_id is null then last_run_id := 0; end if; end; for i in 1 .. nvl(num_runs, 10) loop prev_time := sysdate(); dbms_streams_advisor_adm.analyze_current_performance; curr_time := sysdate(); -- Save result for each run last_run_id := last_run_id + 1; dbms_output.put_line('Run ' || last_run_id); PERSIST_LINE_DISPLAY(last_run_id, comp_stat_tbl, path_stat_tbl, TRUE, TRUE); -- No sleep for the last run if (i < num_runs) then sleep_time := interval - (curr_time - prev_time) * 86400; if sleep_time > 0 then dbms_lock.sleep(sleep_time); end if; end if; end loop; end COLLECT_STATS; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------= -- SHOW_STATS -- Print statistics for a stream path. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------= procedure SHOW_STATS( path_stat_table in varchar2 default 'STREAMS$_ADVISOR_PATH_STAT', path_id in number default null, -- show all stream paths bgn_run_id in number default -1, -- show the last 10 runs end_run_id in number default -10, show_path_id in boolean default TRUE, show_run_id in boolean default TRUE, show_run_time in boolean default TRUE, show_optimization in boolean default TRUE, show_setting in boolean default FALSE, show_stat in boolean default TRUE, show_sess in boolean default FALSE, show_legend in boolean default TRUE ) as type cur_type is ref cursor; type stat_rec_type is record( path_id number, advisor_run_id number, advisor_run_time date, setting varchar2(200), statistics varchar2(4000), session_statistics varchar2(4000), optimization number); cur cur_type; stat_rec stat_rec_type; svalue varchar2(2000); stmt varchar2(2000); stmt_run varchar2(2000); chk_table varchar2(30); begin if (upper(path_stat_table) = 'STREAMS$_ADVISOR_PATH_STAT') then -- Initialize the table if the default table does not exist. chk_table := INIT_SPADV_PATH_STAT(path_stat_table); else -- Check if the user specified path stat table exists. chk_table := CHECK_SPADV_PATH_STAT(path_stat_table); end if; -- Print the legend if show_legend = TRUE then dbms_output.put_line('LEGEND'); dbms_output.put_line( '= [ ] '|| ' '); dbms_output.put_line( ' = ''|'' '|| ' '); dbms_output.put_line(chr(9)||' '|| '''LMR'' '); dbms_output.put_line(chr(9)||' '|| '''LMP'' () '); dbms_output.put_line(chr(9)||' '|| '''LMB'' '); dbms_output.put_line(chr(9)||' '|| '''CAP'' '); dbms_output.put_line(chr(9)||' '|| '''CAP+PS'' ' || ' '); dbms_output.put_line( ' = ''|'' ' || ' '); dbms_output.put_line(chr(9)||' '|| '''PS+PR'' '); dbms_output.put_line(chr(9)||' '|| '''APR'' '); dbms_output.put_line(chr(9)||' '|| '''APC'' '); dbms_output.put_line(chr(9)||' '|| '''APS'' () '); dbms_output.put_line( ' = ''|'' '|| ' '); dbms_output.put_line( ' = ''|'' '|| ' '); dbms_output.put_line( ' = ''|'' '); dbms_output.put_line( '= ''|'' '|| ' '); dbms_output.put_line(chr(10)); dbms_output.put_line('OUTPUT'); end if; -- Check arguments if (path_id is not null and path_id < 1) then raise_application_error(-20100, 'Invalid path_id'); end if; if (bgn_run_id is null or bgn_run_id = 0) then raise_application_error(-20100, 'Invalid bgn_run_id'); end if; if (end_run_id is null or end_run_id = 0) then raise_application_error(-20100, 'Invalid end_run_id'); end if; -- Start with the first run (1) if (bgn_run_id > 0 and bgn_run_id > end_run_id) then raise_application_error(-20100, 'Invalid end_run_id'); end if; -- Start with the latest run (-1) if (bgn_run_id < 0 and bgn_run_id < end_run_id ) then raise_application_error(-20100, 'Invalid end_run_id'); end if; stmt_run := case when bgn_run_id > 0 then '(select ' || bgn_run_id || ' as bgn_run_id, ' || end_run_id || ' as end_run_id from dual)' else '(select distinct ' || ' (latest_run_id + ' || end_run_id || ' + 1) as bgn_run_id, ' || ' (latest_run_id + ' || bgn_run_id || ' + 1) as end_run_id ' || ' from ( select advisor_run_id as latest_run_id ' || ' from ' || upper(chk_table) || ' where advisor_run_time in (' || ' select max(advisor_run_time) ' || ' from ' || upper(chk_table) || ') ) )' end; stmt := 'select S.path_id, S.advisor_run_id, S.advisor_run_time, ' || ' S.setting, S.statistics, S.session_statistics, S.optimization '|| 'from ' || upper(chk_table) || ' S, ' || stmt_run || ' R, ' || ' ( select distinct path_id ' || ' from dba_streams_tp_component_link ) P ' || 'where S.advisor_run_id >= R.bgn_run_id ' || ' and S.advisor_run_id <= R.end_run_id ' || ' and S.path_id = P.path_id ' || case when path_id is NULL then NULL else ' and S.path_id = ' || path_id end || ' order by P.path_id, S.advisor_run_time, S.advisor_run_id'; begin open cur for stmt; loop fetch cur into stat_rec; exit when cur%notfound; -- Print PATH RUN_ID RUN_TIME -- PATH 2 RUN_ID 8 RUN_TIME 29-MAY-007 15:58:04 svalue := null; if show_path_id = TRUE then svalue := 'PATH ' || stat_rec.path_id; end if; if show_run_id = TRUE then svalue := case when svalue is null then null else svalue || ' ' end || 'RUN_ID ' || stat_rec.advisor_run_id; end if; if show_run_time = TRUE then svalue := case when svalue is null then null else svalue || ' ' end || 'RUN_TIME ' || to_char(stat_rec.advisor_run_time, 'YYYY-MON-DD HH24:MI:SS'); end if; if show_optimization = TRUE then svalue := case when svalue is null then null else svalue || ' ' end || 'CCA ' || case when stat_rec.optimization = 0 then 'N' else 'Y' end; end if; if svalue is not null then dbms_output.put_line(svalue); end if; -- Print SETTING if show_setting = TRUE then dbms_output.put_line(stat_rec.setting); end if; -- Print STATISTICS if show_stat = TRUE then dbms_output.put_line(stat_rec.statistics); end if; -- Print SESSION_STATISTICS if show_sess = TRUE then dbms_output.put_line(stat_rec.session_statistics); end if; dbms_output.put_line(chr(10)); end loop; close cur; exception when others then if cur%isopen then close cur; end if; raise; end; end SHOW_STATS; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------= -- GET_ACTIVE_JOB_NAME -- Gets the scheduled job name; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------= function GET_ACTIVE_JOB_NAME return varchar2 as active_job_name varchar(30) := null; begin begin select case when client_name is null then job_name else job_name || '_' || client_name end into active_job_name from streams$_pa_monitoring where state = 'STARTED'; exception when others then active_job_name := null; end; return active_job_name; end GET_ACTIVE_JOB_NAME; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------= -- GET_LATEST_JOB_NAME -- Gets the most recently scheduled job name; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------= function GET_LATEST_JOB_NAME return varchar2 as latest_job_name varchar(30) := null; begin -- don't care if STARTED or not begin select job_name into latest_job_name from ( select case when client_name is null then job_name else job_name || '_' || client_name end as job_name from streams$_pa_monitoring order by started_time desc ) where rownum = 1; exception when others then latest_job_name := null; end; return latest_job_name; end GET_LATEST_JOB_NAME; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------= -- IS_MONITORING -- Checks if a client has submitted a monitoring job. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------= function IS_MONITORING( job_name IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'STREAMS$_MONITORING_JOB', client_name IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL) return BOOLEAN as ret NUMBER := 0; tbl VARCHAR2(30) := null; canon_job_name VARCHAR2(30) := null; canon_client_name VARCHAR2(30) := null; canon_submit_job_name VARCHAR2(30) := null; begin -- check table tbl := INIT_TBL_PA_MONITORING(); if job_name is null then canon_job_name := 'STREAMS$_MONITORING_JOB'; else dbms_utility.canonicalize(job_name, canon_job_name, 30); end if; if client_name is not null then dbms_utility.canonicalize(client_name, canon_client_name, 30); end if; if canon_client_name is not null then if not ((length(canon_job_name) + length(canon_client_name)) < 30) then raise_application_error(-20100, 'Combined length of job_name and client_name must be less than 30'); end if; dbms_utility.canonicalize( canon_job_name ||'_'|| canon_client_name, canon_submit_job_name, 30); else canon_submit_job_name := canon_job_name; end if; -- At most one EM monitoring job per database. if (canon_client_name is not null and canon_client_name = 'EM') then begin select 1 into ret from dba_scheduler_jobs where enabled = 'TRUE' and job_name = canon_submit_job_name; exception when others then ret := 0; end; else -- At most one monitoring job per schema. begin select 1 into ret from streams$_pa_monitoring where state = 'STARTED' and job_name = canon_job_name and client_name||'X' = canon_client_name||'X'; exception when others then ret := 0; end; end if; if ret = 1 then return TRUE; else return FALSE; end if; end IS_MONITORING; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------= -- GRANT_PRIVILEGE -- Grant select privilege to query user. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------= procedure GRANT_PRIVILEGE(canon_query_user in VARCHAR2) as stmt varchar2(400) := null; head varchar2(100) := null; tail varchar2(100) := null; begin head := 'GRANT SELECT ON '; tail := ' TO ' || canon_query_user; stmt := head || 'STREAMS$_PA_MONITORING' || tail; execute immediate stmt; stmt := head || 'STREAMS$_PA_DATABASE' || tail; execute immediate stmt; stmt := head || 'STREAMS$_PA_DATABASE_PROP' || tail; execute immediate stmt; stmt := head || 'STREAMS$_PA_CONTROL' || tail; execute immediate stmt; stmt := head || 'STREAMS$_PA_COMPONENT' || tail; execute immediate stmt; stmt := head || 'STREAMS$_PA_COMPONENT_PROP' || tail; execute immediate stmt; stmt := head || 'STREAMS$_PA_COMPONENT_LINK' || tail; execute immediate stmt; stmt := head || 'STREAMS$_PA_COMPONENT_STAT' || tail; execute immediate stmt; stmt := head || 'STREAMS$_PA_PATH_STAT' || tail; execute immediate stmt; stmt := head || 'STREAMS$_PA_PATH_BOTTLENECK' || tail; execute immediate stmt; stmt := head || 'STREAMS$_PA_SHOW_COMP_STAT' || tail; execute immediate stmt; stmt := head || 'STREAMS$_PA_SHOW_PATH_STAT' || tail; execute immediate stmt; end GRANT_PRIVILEGE; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------= -- START_MONITORING -- -- Raised Exceptions: -- ORA-20100: -- 'Invalid interval, too small' -- 'Invalid top_event_threshold' -- 'Invalid bottleneck_idle_threshold' -- 'Invalid bottleneck_flowctrl_threshold' -- 'Invalid retention_time, too small' -- 'Combined length of job_name and client_name must be less than 30' -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------= procedure START_MONITORING( job_name IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'STREAMS$_MONITORING_JOB', client_name IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, query_user_name IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, interval IN NUMBER DEFAULT 60, top_event_threshold IN NUMBER DEFAULT 15, bottleneck_idle_threshold IN NUMBER DEFAULT 50, bottleneck_flowctrl_threshold IN NUMBER DEFAULT 50, retention_time IN NUMBER DEFAULT 24) as tbl VARCHAR2(30) := null; canon_job_name VARCHAR2(30) := null; canon_client_name VARCHAR2(30) := null; canon_query_user_name VARCHAR2(30) := null; canon_submit_job_name VARCHAR2(30) := null; start_monitoring_time timestamp := systimestamp; begin -- Check tables tbl := INIT_TBL_PA_MONITORING(); tbl := INIT_TBL_PA_DATABASE(); tbl := INIT_TBL_PA_DATABASE_PROP(); tbl := INIT_TBL_PA_COMPONENT(); tbl := INIT_TBL_PA_COMPONENT_LINK(); tbl := INIT_TBL_PA_COMPONENT_PROP(); tbl := INIT_TBL_PA_CONTROL(); tbl := INIT_TBL_PA_COMPONENT_STAT(); tbl := INIT_TBL_PA_PATH_STAT(); tbl := INIT_TBL_PA_PATH_BOTTLENECK(); tbl := INIT_TBL_PA_SHOW_COMP_STAT(); tbl := INIT_TBL_PA_SHOW_PATH_STAT(); if job_name is null then canon_job_name := 'STREAMS$_MONITORING_JOB'; else dbms_utility.canonicalize(job_name, canon_job_name, 30); end if; if client_name is not null then dbms_utility.canonicalize(client_name, canon_client_name, 30); end if; if query_user_name is not null then dbms_utility.canonicalize(query_user_name, canon_query_user_name, 30); GRANT_PRIVILEGE(canon_query_user_name); end if; if canon_client_name is not null then if not ((length(canon_job_name) + length(canon_client_name)) < 30) then raise_application_error(-20100, 'Combined length of job_name and client_name must be less than 30'); end if; dbms_utility.canonicalize( canon_job_name ||'_'|| canon_client_name, canon_submit_job_name, 30); else canon_submit_job_name := canon_job_name; end if; CHECK_JOB_CONFLICT(canon_job_name, canon_client_name); -- Check control parameters if (nvl(interval, 60) < 1) then raise_application_error(-20100, 'Invalid interval, too small'); end if; if (nvl(top_event_threshold, 15) < 0 or nvl(top_event_threshold, 15) > 100 ) then raise_application_error(-20100, 'Invalid top_event_threshold'); end if; if (nvl(bottleneck_idle_threshold, 50) < 0 or nvl(bottleneck_idle_threshold, 50) > 100 ) then raise_application_error(-20100, 'Invalid bottleneck_idle_threshold'); end if; if (nvl(bottleneck_flowctrl_threshold, 50) < 0 or nvl(bottleneck_flowctrl_threshold, 50) > 100 ) then raise_application_error(-20100, 'Invalid bottleneck_flowctrl_threshold'); end if; -- Retention time must at least cover 10 intervals if (nvl(retention_time, 24) < (nvl(interval, 60) * 10)/seconds_per_hour) then raise_application_error(-20100, 'Invalid retention_time, too small'); end if; param_interval := nvl(interval, 60); -- in seconds param_retention_time := nvl(retention_time, 24); -- in hours param_top_event_threshold := nvl(top_event_threshold, 15); param_bot_idle_threshold := nvl(bottleneck_idle_threshold, 50); param_bot_flowctrl_threshold := nvl(bottleneck_flowctrl_threshold, 50); -- Print trace info dbms_output.put_line('Monitoring Job Control Parameters:'); dbms_output.put_line(chr(9)||' INTERVAL='|| param_interval); dbms_output.put_line(chr(9)||' RETENTION_TIME='|| param_retention_time); dbms_output.put_line(chr(9)||' TOP_EVENT_THRESHOLD='|| param_top_event_threshold); dbms_output.put_line(chr(9)||' BOTTLENECK_IDLE_THRESHOLD='|| param_bot_idle_threshold); dbms_output.put_line(chr(9)||' BOTTLENECK_FLOWCTRL_THRESHOLD='|| param_bot_flowctrl_threshold); -- Start the monitoring job in 1 second. start_monitoring_time := systimestamp + (1/seconds_per_day); insert into streams$_pa_monitoring( job_name, client_name, query_user_name, started_time, stopped_time, altered_time, state) values(canon_job_name, canon_client_name, canon_query_user_name, start_monitoring_time, null, null, 'STARTED'); commit; alter_monitoring_param('INTERVAL', param_interval, 'SECOND'); alter_monitoring_param('RETENTION_TIME', param_retention_time, 'HOUR'); alter_monitoring_param('TOP_EVENT_THRESHOLD', param_top_event_threshold, 'PERCENT'); alter_monitoring_param('BOTTLENECK_IDLE_THRESHOLD', param_bot_idle_threshold, 'PERCENT'); alter_monitoring_param('BOTTLENECK_FLOWCTRL_THRESHOLD', param_bot_flowctrl_threshold, 'PERCENT'); begin dbms_scheduler.create_job( job_name => canon_submit_job_name, start_date => start_monitoring_time, repeat_interval => null, job_type => 'plsql_block', job_action => 'begin utl_spadv.collect_stats(' || 'interval => ' || param_interval || ', ' || 'num_runs => NULL, ' || 'comp_stat_table => ''streams$_pa_show_comp_stat'', ' || 'path_stat_table => ''streams$_pa_show_path_stat'', ' || 'top_event_threshold => ' || param_top_event_threshold || ', ' || 'bottleneck_idle_threshold => ' || param_bot_idle_threshold || ', ' || 'bottleneck_flowctrl_threshold => ' || param_bot_flowctrl_threshold || '); end;', number_of_arguments => 0, enabled => TRUE, auto_drop => FALSE); dbms_scheduler.set_attribute( name => canon_submit_job_name, attribute => 'restartable', value => true); exception when others then delete from streams$_pa_monitoring where state = 'STARTED' and job_name = canon_job_name and started_time = start_monitoring_time; commit; raise; end; end START_MONITORING; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------= -- ALTER_MONITORING -- -- Raised Exceptions: -- ORA-20113: 'no active monitoring job found' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------= procedure ALTER_MONITORING( interval IN NUMBER DEFAULT null, top_event_threshold IN NUMBER DEFAULT null, bottleneck_idle_threshold IN NUMBER DEFAULT null, bottleneck_flowctrl_threshold IN NUMBER DEFAULT null, retention_time IN NUMBER DEFAULT null) as tbl VARCHAR2(30) := null; p_name VARCHAR2(30) := null; p_value NUMBER := null; p_unit VARCHAR2(30) := null; active_job_name VARCHAR2(30) := null; begin -- Check tables tbl := INIT_TBL_PA_CONTROL(); tbl := INIT_TBL_PA_MONITORING(); active_job_name := GET_ACTIVE_JOB_NAME(); if(active_job_name is null) then raise_application_error(-20113, 'no active monitoring job found'); end if; -- Check control parameters if (nvl(interval, 60) < 1) then raise_application_error(-20100, 'Invalid interval, too small'); end if; if (nvl(top_event_threshold, 15) < 0 or nvl(top_event_threshold, 15) > 100 ) then raise_application_error(-20100, 'Invalid top_event_threshold'); end if; if (nvl(bottleneck_idle_threshold, 50) < 0 or nvl(bottleneck_idle_threshold, 50) > 100 ) then raise_application_error(-20100, 'Invalid bottleneck_idle_threshold'); end if; if (nvl(bottleneck_flowctrl_threshold, 50) < 0 or nvl(bottleneck_flowctrl_threshold, 50) > 100 ) then raise_application_error(-20100, 'Invalid bottleneck_flowctrl_threshold'); end if; -- Retention time must at least cover 10 intervals if (nvl(retention_time, 24) < (nvl(interval, 60) * 10)/seconds_per_hour) then raise_application_error(-20100, 'Invalid retention_time, too small'); end if; -- Indicate that job was altered update streams$_pa_monitoring set altered_time = systimestamp where state = 'STARTED'; commit; -- If parameter is null, the original parameter will be kept. if (interval is not null) then p_name := 'INTERVAL'; p_value := interval; p_unit := 'SECOND'; alter_monitoring_param(p_name, p_value, p_unit); end if; if (retention_time is not null) then p_name := 'RETENTION_TIME'; p_value := retention_time; p_unit := 'HOUR'; alter_monitoring_param(p_name, p_value, p_unit); end if; if (top_event_threshold is not null) then p_name := 'TOP_EVENT_THRESHOLD'; p_value := top_event_threshold; p_unit := 'PERCENT'; alter_monitoring_param(p_name, p_value, p_unit); end if; if (bottleneck_idle_threshold is not null) then p_name := 'BOTTLENECK_IDLE_THRESHOLD'; p_value := bottleneck_idle_threshold; p_unit := 'PERCENT'; alter_monitoring_param(p_name, p_value, p_unit); end if; if (bottleneck_flowctrl_threshold is not null) then p_name := 'BOTTLENECK_FLOWCTRL_THRESHOLD'; p_value := bottleneck_flowctrl_threshold; p_unit := 'PERCENT'; alter_monitoring_param(p_name, p_value, p_unit); end if; end ALTER_MONITORING; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------= -- STOP_MONITORING -- Stops persistent monitoring of Streams performance. -- -- Parameters: -- purge: Whether or not to purge monitoring results from disk -- -- Returns: -- TRUE if monitoring has been enabled, false otherwise -- -- Raised Exceptions: -- ORA-20113: 'no active monitoring job found' -- procedure STOP_MONITORING(purge IN BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE) as tbl VARCHAR2(30) := null; active_job_name VARCHAR2(30) := null; jobs NUMBER := 0; begin -- Check tables tbl := INIT_TBL_PA_MONITORING(); tbl := INIT_TBL_PA_DATABASE(); tbl := INIT_TBL_PA_DATABASE_PROP(); tbl := INIT_TBL_PA_COMPONENT(); tbl := INIT_TBL_PA_COMPONENT_LINK(); tbl := INIT_TBL_PA_COMPONENT_PROP(); tbl := INIT_TBL_PA_CONTROL(); tbl := INIT_TBL_PA_COMPONENT_STAT(); tbl := INIT_TBL_PA_PATH_STAT(); tbl := INIT_TBL_PA_PATH_BOTTLENECK(); tbl := INIT_TBL_PA_SHOW_COMP_STAT(); tbl := INIT_TBL_PA_SHOW_PATH_STAT(); active_job_name := GET_ACTIVE_JOB_NAME(); if(active_job_name is null AND purge) then active_job_name := GET_LATEST_JOB_NAME(); end if; if(active_job_name is null) then raise_application_error(-20113, 'no active monitoring job found'); end if; select count(job_name) into jobs from user_scheduler_jobs where job_name = active_job_name; if (jobs > 0) then dbms_scheduler.drop_job( job_name => active_job_name, force => true); end if; update streams$_pa_monitoring set state = 'STOPPED', stopped_time = systimestamp where state = 'STARTED'; commit; if purge then delete from streams$_pa_control; delete from streams$_pa_database; delete from streams$_pa_database_prop; delete from streams$_pa_component; delete from streams$_pa_monitoring; delete from streams$_pa_component_link; delete from streams$_pa_component_prop; delete from streams$_pa_component_stat; delete from streams$_pa_path_bottleneck; delete from streams$_pa_path_stat; delete from streams$_pa_show_comp_stat; delete from streams$_pa_show_path_stat; commit; end if; end STOP_MONITORING; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------= -- HTML REPORT -----------------------------------------------------------------------------= -----------------------------------------------------------------------------= -- PRINT_HEADER -- Prints the headers etc for the html file -----------------------------------------------------------------------------= procedure PRINT_HEADER( directory in varchar2, reportName in varchar2 ) IS file utl_file.file_type; begin file := utl_file.fopen(directory, reportName, 'W'); -- print the headers etc utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); -- TODO clean this up utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ' SPADV Report '); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.fclose(file); end PRINT_HEADER; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------= -- PRINT_FOOTER -- Prints the footer for the html file -----------------------------------------------------------------------------= procedure PRINT_FOOTER( directory in varchar2, reportName in varchar2 ) IS file utl_file.file_type; begin file := utl_file.fopen(directory, reportName, 'A'); -- close the html tags etc utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.fclose(file); end PRINT_FOOTER; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------= -- PRINT_EVENT_SUMMARY -- Displays a summary of avg statistics for a path -----------------------------------------------------------------------------= procedure PRINT_EVENT_SUMMARY( directory in varchar2, reportName in varchar2, comp_stat_table in varchar2 default 'STREAMS$_ADVISOR_COMP_STAT', path_id in number default null, -- show all stream paths bgn_run_id in number default -1, -- show the last 10 runs end_run_id in number default -10 ) IS type cur_type is ref cursor; event_cur cur_type; event_stmt varchar2(4000); curr_path_id number; path_id_stmt varchar2(4000); path_id_cur cur_type; event_val number; event_name varchar2(500); comp_cur cur_type; comp_stmt varchar2(4000); comp_type varchar2(100); comp_acronym varchar2(100); comp_stype varchar2(100); comp_position number; stat STAT_PAIR; file utl_file.file_type; indexName varchar2(200); begin if lower(comp_stat_table) = 'streams$_pa_show_comp_stat' then indexName := 'comp_stat_pkey'; else indexName := lower(comp_stat_table) || '_pk'; end if; file := utl_file.fopen(directory, reportName, 'A'); utl_file.put_line(file,''); utl_file.put_line(file, '
(Click on Component acronym to view' || ' statistics for that component)
'); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); --if path_id is null extract for all paths path_id_stmt := 'select distinct path_id from ' || comp_stat_table ||' '; if path_id is not null then path_id_stmt := path_id_stmt || ' where path_id = ' || path_id; end if; path_id_stmt := path_id_stmt || ' order by path_id'; begin open path_id_cur for path_id_stmt; loop fetch path_id_cur into curr_path_id; exit when path_id_cur%notfound; comp_stmt := 'select distinct component_type, sub_component_type ' || ', position from ' || comp_stat_table || ' where path_id =' || curr_path_id || ' order by position'; -- get all the components out there open comp_cur for comp_stmt; loop fetch comp_cur into comp_type, comp_stype, comp_position; exit when comp_cur%notfound; comp_acronym := get_acronym(comp_type,comp_stype); -- we are only interested in subcomponents continue when comp_acronym = 'CAPTURE' or comp_acronym = 'APPLY'; event_stmt := 'select statistic_name, avg(statistic_value)' || ' from ' || comp_stat_table || ' where path_id = ' || curr_path_id || ' and statistic_alias = ''S7'' ' || ' and advisor_run_id <= ' || end_run_id || ' and advisor_run_id >= ' || bgn_run_id || ' and component_type = ''' || comp_type || '''' || case when comp_acronym = 'PS' or comp_acronym ='PR' or comp_stype is null then ' and sub_component_type is null' else ' and sub_component_type = ''' || comp_stype || '''' end || ' and session_id is null ' || ' and session_serial# is null ' || ' group by statistic_name ' || 'order by avg(statistic_value) desc'; open event_cur for event_stmt; utl_file.put_line(file, ''); -- add the path id utl_file.put_line(file, ''); -- add component name if comp_acronym != 'APS' and comp_acronym != 'LMP' then if comp_acronym = 'Q' or comp_acronym = 'PS' or comp_acronym = 'PR' then utl_file.put_line(file, ''); else utl_file.put_line(file, ''); end if; else stat := get_statistic_by_position( comp_stat_table,'S4', curr_path_id, bgn_run_id, comp_position, indexName); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); end if; -- topevent 1 fetch event_cur into event_name, event_val; if event_cur%notfound or event_val <= 0.0 then utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); else utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); end if; -- topevent 2 fetch event_cur into event_name, event_val; if event_cur%notfound or event_val <= 0.0 then utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); else utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); end if; -- topevent 3 fetch event_cur into event_name, event_val; if event_cur%notfound or event_val <= 0.0 then utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); else utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); end if; -- % of time this event was the bottleneck utl_file.put_line(file, ''); -- close the row utl_file.put_line(file, ''); close event_cur; end loop; close comp_cur; end loop; close path_id_cur; end; -- close the table utl_file.put_line(file, '
Path IdComponentTopevent 1% Topevent 1Topevent 2% Topevent 2Topevent 3% Topevent 3% Bottleneck
' || curr_path_id || '' || comp_acronym ||'' || '' || comp_acronym ||'' || '' || comp_acronym || '(' || stat.stat_value || ')' || ' ' || ' ' || '' || event_name || '' || to_char(event_val, 'FM99999999.99') || ' ' || ' ' || '' || event_name || '' || to_char(event_val, 'FM99999999.99') || ' ' || ' ' || '' || event_name || '' || to_char(event_val, 'FM99999999.99') || '' || to_char(get_bottleneck_percent(comp_acronym, curr_path_id, bgn_run_id, end_run_id),'FM99999999.99') || '
'); utl_file.put_line(file, '
'); utl_file.fclose(file); end PRINT_EVENT_SUMMARY; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------= -- PRINT_PATH_LEVEL_SUMMARY -- Displays a summary of avg statistics for a path -----------------------------------------------------------------------------= procedure PRINT_PATH_LEVEL_SUMMARY( directory in varchar2, reportName in varchar2, comp_stat_table in varchar2 default 'STREAMS$_ADVISOR_COMP_STAT', path_id in number default null, -- show all stream paths bgn_run_id in number default -1, -- show the last 10 runs end_run_id in number default -10 ) IS type cur_type is ref cursor; comp_cur cur_type; comp_stmt varchar2(4000); comp_type varchar2(100); comp_stype varchar2(100); comp_position number; stat_cur cur_type; curr_path_id number; path_id_stmt varchar2(4000); path_id_cur cur_type; stat number; stat_alias varchar2(10); comp_acronym varchar2(20); file utl_file.file_type; begin file := utl_file.fopen(directory, reportName, 'A'); utl_file.put_line(file, '


'); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); --if path_id is null extract for all paths path_id_stmt := 'select distinct path_id from ' || comp_stat_table ||' '; if path_id is not null then path_id_stmt := path_id_stmt || ' where path_id = ' || path_id; end if; path_id_stmt := path_id_stmt || ' order by path_id'; begin open path_id_cur for path_id_stmt; loop fetch path_id_cur into curr_path_id; exit when path_id_cur%notfound; utl_file.put_line(file, ''); -- add the path id utl_file.put_line(file, ''); -- CAP msgs/sec stat := get_avg_statistic_by_component( comp_stat_table,'S2', curr_path_id, bgn_run_id, end_run_id, 'CAPTURE', null); if stat >= 0 then utl_file.put_line(file, ''); else utl_file.put_line(file, ''); end if; -- CAP Latency stat := get_avg_statistic_by_component( comp_stat_table,'S3', curr_path_id, bgn_run_id, end_run_id, 'CAPTURE', null); if stat >= 0 then utl_file.put_line(file, ''); else utl_file.put_line(file, ''); end if; -- Apply txns/sec stat := get_avg_statistic_by_component( comp_stat_table,'S2', curr_path_id, bgn_run_id, end_run_id, 'APPLY', null); if stat >= 0 then utl_file.put_line(file, ''); else utl_file.put_line(file, ''); end if; -- Apply msgs/sec stat := get_avg_statistic_by_component( comp_stat_table,'S1', curr_path_id, bgn_run_id, end_run_id, 'APPLY', null); if stat >= 0 then utl_file.put_line(file, ''); else utl_file.put_line(file, ''); end if; -- Apply Latency stat := get_avg_statistic_by_component( comp_stat_table,'S3', curr_path_id, bgn_run_id, end_run_id, 'APPLY', null); if stat >= 0 then utl_file.put_line(file, ''); else utl_file.put_line(file, ''); end if; -- close the row utl_file.put_line(file, ''); end loop; close path_id_cur; end; -- close the table utl_file.put_line(file, '
Path IdAvg CAPTURE msgs/secAvg CAPTURE latencyAvg APPLY txns/secAvg APPLY msgs/secAvg APPLY latency
' || curr_path_id || '' || to_char(stat, 'FM99999999.99') || ' ' || '' || to_char(stat, 'FM99999999.99') || ' ' || '' || to_char(stat, 'FM99999999.99') || ' ' || '' || to_char(stat, 'FM99999999.99') || ' ' || '' || to_char(stat, 'FM99999999.99') || ' ' || '
'); utl_file.put_line(file, '
'); utl_file.fclose(file); end PRINT_PATH_LEVEL_SUMMARY; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------= -- PRINT_RATE_LEVEL_STATS -- Displays a table of statistics at the rate level -----------------------------------------------------------------------------= procedure PRINT_RATE_LEVEL_STATS( directory in varchar2, reportName in varchar2, comp_stat_table in varchar2 default 'STREAMS$_ADVISOR_COMP_STAT', path_id in number default null, -- show all stream paths bgn_run_id in number default -1, -- show the last 10 runs end_run_id in number default -10 ) IS type cur_type is ref cursor; comp_cur cur_type; comp_stmt varchar2(4000); comp_type varchar2(100); comp_stype varchar2(100); comp_position number; stat_cur cur_type; run_id number; run_time_cur cur_type; run_time varchar2(50); curr_path_id number; path_id_stmt varchar2(4000); path_id_cur cur_type; stat STAT_PAIR default null; stat_alias varchar2(10); comp_acronym varchar2(20); bottleneckInfo varchar2(4000); bottleneck_cur cur_type; file utl_file.file_type; begin file := utl_file.fopen(directory, reportName, 'A'); bottleneckInfo := null; utl_file.put_line(file, '


'); utl_file.put_line(file, '
(Click on each row to view stats for the' || ' specific run)
'); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); --if path_id is null extract for all paths path_id_stmt := 'select distinct path_id from ' || comp_stat_table ||' '; if path_id is not null then path_id_stmt := path_id_stmt || ' where path_id = ' || path_id; end if; path_id_stmt := path_id_stmt || ' order by path_id'; begin open path_id_cur for path_id_stmt; loop fetch path_id_cur into curr_path_id; exit when path_id_cur%notfound; -- for every run for run_id in bgn_run_id..end_run_id loop utl_file.put_line(file, ''); -- add the path id utl_file.put_line(file, ''); -- add the run id utl_file.put_line(file, ''); -- add the run time open run_time_cur for 'select distinct ' || 'to_char( advisor_run_time,''DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS'') ' || ' from ' || comp_stat_table || ' where advisor_run_id = ' || run_id || ' and path_id = '||curr_path_id; fetch run_time_cur into run_time; close run_time_cur; utl_file.put_line(file, ''); -- CAP msgs/sec stat := get_statistic_by_component( comp_stat_table,'S2', curr_path_id, run_id, 'CAPTURE', null); if stat.stat_name is not null then utl_file.put_line(file, ''); else utl_file.put_line(file, ''); end if; -- CAP Latency stat := get_statistic_by_component( comp_stat_table,'S3', curr_path_id, run_id, 'CAPTURE', null); if stat.stat_name is not null then utl_file.put_line(file, ''); else utl_file.put_line(file, ''); end if; -- Apply txns/sec stat := get_statistic_by_component( comp_stat_table,'S2', curr_path_id, run_id, 'APPLY', null); if stat.stat_name is not null then utl_file.put_line(file, ''); else utl_file.put_line(file, ''); end if; -- Apply msgs/sec stat := get_statistic_by_component( comp_stat_table,'S1', curr_path_id, run_id, 'APPLY', null); if stat.stat_name is not null then utl_file.put_line(file, ''); else utl_file.put_line(file, ''); end if; -- Apply Latency stat := get_statistic_by_component( comp_stat_table,'S3', curr_path_id, run_id, 'APPLY', null); if stat.stat_name is not null then utl_file.put_line(file, ''); else utl_file.put_line(file, ''); end if; -- Bottleneck utl_file.put(file, ''); -- close the row utl_file.put_line(file, ''); end loop; end loop; close path_id_cur; end; -- close the table utl_file.put_line(file, '
Path IdRun IdRun timeCAP msgs/secCAP latencyAPPLY txns/secAPPLY msgs/secAPPLY latencyBottleneck
' || curr_path_id || '' || run_id || '' || run_time || '' || to_char(stat.stat_value, 'FM99999999') || ' ' || '' || to_char(stat.stat_value, 'FM99999999') || ' ' || '' || to_char(stat.stat_value, 'FM99999999') || ' ' || '' || to_char(stat.stat_value, 'FM99999999') || ' ' || '' || to_char(stat.stat_value, 'FM99999999') || ' ' || ''); open bottleneck_cur for 'select B.spare3 ' || ' from streams$_pa_path_bottleneck B ' || ' where B.advisor_run_id = ' || run_id || ' and B.path_id = ' || curr_path_id; loop fetch bottleneck_cur into bottleneckInfo; exit when bottleneck_cur%notfound; utl_file.put(file, bottleneckInfo || ','); end loop; if bottleneckInfo is null then utl_file.put(file, ' '); end if; close bottleneck_cur; utl_file.put_line(file, '
'); utl_file.put_line(file, '
'); utl_file.fclose(file); end PRINT_RATE_LEVEL_STATS; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------= -- PRINT_COMPONENT_LEVEL_STATS -- Displays a table of statistics at the component level -----------------------------------------------------------------------------= procedure PRINT_COMPONENT_LEVEL_STATS( directory in varchar2, reportName in varchar2, comp_stat_table in varchar2 default 'STREAMS$_ADVISOR_COMP_STAT', path_id in number default null, -- show all stream paths bgn_run_id in number default -1, -- show the last 10 runs end_run_id in number default -10 ) IS type cur_type is ref cursor; comp_cur cur_type; comp_stmt varchar2(4000); comp_type varchar2(100); comp_stype varchar2(100); comp_position number; stat_cur cur_type; run_time_cur cur_type; run_id number; run_time varchar2(50); curr_path_id number; path_id_stmt varchar2(4000); path_id_cur cur_type; stat STAT_PAIR default null; stat_alias varchar2(10); comp_acronym varchar2(20); event_stmt varchar2(4000); event_cur cur_type; event_name varchar2(200); event_val number; file utl_file.file_type; fileName varchar2(200); indexName varchar2(100); begin if lower(comp_stat_table) = 'streams$_pa_show_comp_stat' then indexName := 'comp_stat_pkey'; else indexName := lower(comp_stat_table) || '_pk'; end if; --if path_id is null extract for all paths path_id_stmt := 'select /* INDEX(' || comp_stat_table || ' ' || indexName || ') */ ' || ' distinct path_id from ' || comp_stat_table || ' ' ; if path_id is not null then path_id_stmt := path_id_stmt || ' where path_id = ' || path_id; end if; path_id_stmt := path_id_stmt || ' order by path_id'; comp_stmt := 'select /* INDEX(' || comp_stat_table || ' ' || indexName || ') */ ' || ' distinct component_type, sub_component_type ' || ', position from ' || comp_stat_table || ' order by position'; -- get all the components out there open comp_cur for comp_stmt; loop fetch comp_cur into comp_type, comp_stype, comp_position; exit when comp_cur%notfound; -- open file for component comp_acronym := get_acronym(comp_type,comp_stype); if comp_acronym = 'Q' or comp_acronym = 'PS' or comp_acronym = 'PR' then fileName := comp_acronym ||'at' || comp_position; else fileName := comp_acronym; end if; fileName := reportName || '_' || fileName || '.html'; print_header(directory, fileName); file := utl_file.fopen(directory, fileName, 'A'); utl_file.put_line(file,'


'); utl_file.put_line(file, '' ||comp_acronym ||''); -- create a table utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); -- display 'rate 2' as actual statistic if comp_acronym = 'CAPTURE' then utl_file.put_line(file, ''); elsif comp_acronym = 'Q' then utl_file.put_line(file, ''); elsif comp_acronym = 'PS' then utl_file.put_line(file, ''); elsif comp_acronym = 'APPLY' then utl_file.put_line(file, ''); else utl_file.put_line(file, ''); end if; utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); begin open path_id_cur for path_id_stmt; loop -- for every path fetch path_id_cur into curr_path_id; exit when path_id_cur%notfound; -- for every run for run_id in bgn_run_id..end_run_id loop utl_file.put_line(file, ''); -- add the path id utl_file.put_line(file, ''); -- add the run id utl_file.put_line(file, ''); -- add the run time open run_time_cur for 'select /* INDEX(' || comp_stat_table || ' ' || indexName || ') */ ' ||' distinct ' || 'to_char( advisor_run_time,''DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS'') ' || ' from ' || comp_stat_table || ' where advisor_run_id = ' || run_id || ' and path_id = '||curr_path_id; fetch run_time_cur into run_time; close run_time_cur; utl_file.put_line(file, ''); -- populate throughput if comp_acronym = 'CAPTURE' then -- for capture display enqueued/sec stat_alias := 'S2'; else stat_alias := 'S1'; end if; stat := get_statistic_by_position( comp_stat_table,stat_alias, curr_path_id, run_id, comp_position, indexName); if stat.stat_name is not null then utl_file.put_line(file, ''); else utl_file.put_line(file, ''); end if; -- populate rate2 if comp_acronym = 'CAPTURE' then -- for capture display captured/sec stat_alias := 'S1'; elsif comp_acronym = 'Q' then stat_alias := 'S3'; else stat_alias := 'S2'; end if; stat := get_statistic_by_position( comp_stat_table,stat_alias, curr_path_id, run_id, comp_position, indexName); if stat.stat_name is not null then utl_file.put_line(file, ''); else utl_file.put_line(file, ''); end if; -- populate latency if comp_acronym != 'Q' then -- for Queues, S3 mean something else stat := get_statistic_by_position( comp_stat_table,'S3', curr_path_id, run_id, comp_position, indexName); if stat.stat_name is not null then utl_file.put_line(file, ''); else utl_file.put_line(file, ''); end if; else utl_file.put_line(file, ''); end if; -- populate idle % stat := get_statistic_by_position( comp_stat_table,'S5', curr_path_id, run_id, comp_position, indexName); if stat.stat_name is not null then utl_file.put_line(file, ''); else utl_file.put_line(file, ''); end if; -- populate flwctrl% stat := get_statistic_by_position( comp_stat_table,'S6', curr_path_id, run_id, comp_position, indexName); if stat.stat_name is not null then utl_file.put_line(file, ''); else utl_file.put_line(file, ''); end if; -- populate topevents%,topevents event_stmt := 'select /* INDEX(' || comp_stat_table || ' ' || indexName || ') */ ' || ' statistic_name, statistic_value' || ' from ' || comp_stat_table || ' where path_id = ' || curr_path_id || ' and statistic_alias = ''S7'' ' || ' and position = '|| comp_position || ' and advisor_run_id = ' || run_id || ' and component_type = ''' || comp_type || '''' || case when comp_acronym = 'PS' or comp_acronym ='PR' or comp_stype is null then ' and sub_component_type is null' else ' and sub_component_type = ''' || comp_stype || '''' end || ' and session_id is null ' || ' and session_serial# is null ' || ' order by statistic_value desc'; open event_cur for event_stmt; -- topevent 1 fetch event_cur into event_name, event_val; if event_cur%notfound or event_val <= 0.0 then utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); else utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); end if; -- topevent 2 fetch event_cur into event_name, event_val; if event_cur%notfound or event_val <= 0.0 then utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); else utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); end if; -- topevent 3 fetch event_cur into event_name, event_val; if event_cur%notfound or event_val <= 0.0 then utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); else utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); end if; close event_cur; utl_file.put_line(file, ''); end loop; -- ends for end loop; close path_id_cur; end;-- table ends when stats are printed for all pathids and runids utl_file.put_line(file, '
Path IdRun IdRun timeThroughputCaptured/secNo of msgsbytes/sectxns applied/secRate 2Latency% Idle% Flwctrl% Topevent 1Topevent 1% Topevent 2Topevent 2% Topevent 3Topevent 3
' || curr_path_id || '' || run_id || '' || run_time || '' || to_char(stat.stat_value, 'FM99999999') || ' ' || '' || to_char(stat.stat_value, 'FM99999999') || ' ' || '' || to_char(stat.stat_value, 'FM99999999') || ' ' || ' ' || '' || to_char(stat.stat_value, 'FM99999999D9') || ' ' || '' || to_char(stat.stat_value, 'FM99999999D9') || ' ' || ' ' || ' ' || '' || to_char(event_val, 'FM99999999.99') || '' || event_name || ' ' || ' ' || '' || to_char(event_val, 'FM99999999.99') || '' || event_name || ' ' || ' ' || '' || to_char(event_val, 'FM99999999.99') || '' || event_name || '
'); utl_file.put_line(file, '
'); utl_file.put_line(file,'

' || 'Back to Report Home' || '

'); utl_file.fclose(file); print_footer(directory, fileName); end loop; close comp_cur; end PRINT_COMPONENT_LEVEL_STATS; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------= -- PRINT_RUN_LEVEL_STATS -- Displays a table of statistics at the run level -----------------------------------------------------------------------------= procedure PRINT_RUN_LEVEL_STATS( directory in varchar2, reportName in varchar2, comp_stat_table in varchar2 default 'STREAMS$_ADVISOR_COMP_STAT', path_id in number default null, -- show all stream paths bgn_run_id in number default -1, -- show the last 10 runs end_run_id in number default -10 ) IS type cur_type is ref cursor; comp_cur cur_type; comp_stmt varchar2(4000); comp_type varchar2(100); comp_stype varchar2(100); comp_position number; stat_cur cur_type; run_id number; run_time varchar2(50); curr_path_id number; path_id_stmt varchar2(4000); path_id_cur cur_type; stat STAT_PAIR default null; stat_alias varchar2(10); comp_acronym varchar2(20); event_stmt varchar2(4000); event_cur cur_type; event_name varchar2(200); event_val number; file utl_file.file_type; fileName varchar2(200); indexName varchar2(200); --NOTE: Assumes there are no more than 30 components in a run type compTypeArr is varray(30) of varchar2(100); type compStypeArr is varray(30) of varchar2(100); type compPositionArr is varray(30) of number; comp_types compTypeArr; comp_stypes compStypeArr; comp_positions compPositionArr; i number; begin --if path_id is null extract for all paths path_id_stmt := 'select /* INDEX(' || comp_stat_table || ' ' || indexName || ') */ ' || ' distinct path_id from ' ||comp_stat_table || ' '; if path_id is not null then path_id_stmt := path_id_stmt || ' where path_id = ' || path_id; end if; path_id_stmt := path_id_stmt || ' order by path_id'; if lower(comp_stat_table) = 'streams$_pa_show_comp_stat' then indexName := 'comp_stat_pkey'; else indexName := lower(comp_stat_table) || '_pk'; end if; begin open path_id_cur for path_id_stmt; loop fetch path_id_cur into curr_path_id; exit when path_id_cur%notfound; -- store all the component information for the path comp_types := compTypeArr(); comp_stypes := compStypeArr(); comp_positions := compPositionArr(); comp_stmt := 'select /* INDEX(' || comp_stat_table || ' ' || indexName || ') */ ' || 'distinct component_type, sub_component_type ' || ', position from ' || comp_stat_table || ' where path_id =' || curr_path_id || ' order by position'; open comp_cur for comp_stmt; loop fetch comp_cur into comp_type, comp_stype, comp_position; exit when comp_cur%notfound; comp_types.extend(1); comp_stypes.extend(1); comp_positions.extend(1); comp_types(comp_types.last) := comp_type; comp_stypes(comp_stypes.last) := comp_stype; comp_positions(comp_positions.last) := comp_position; end loop; close comp_cur; -- for every run for run_id in bgn_run_id..end_run_id loop fileName := reportName ||'_' || curr_path_id || '_' || run_id || '.html'; print_header(directory, fileName); file := utl_file.fopen(directory, fileName, 'A'); utl_file.put_line(file, '

' || 'RUN LEVEL STATS' ||'

'); comp_stmt := 'select /* INDEX(' || comp_stat_table || ' ' || indexName || ') */ ' || 'distinct component_type, sub_component_type ' || ', position from ' || comp_stat_table || ' where path_id =' || curr_path_id || ' and advisor_run_id =' || run_id || ' order by position'; open comp_cur for 'select /* INDEX(' || comp_stat_table || ' ' || indexName || ') */ ' || 'distinct ' || 'to_char(advisor_run_time,''DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS'') ' || ' from ' || comp_stat_table || ' where advisor_run_id = ' || run_id || ' and path_id = '||curr_path_id; fetch comp_cur into run_time; close comp_cur; utl_file.put_line(file, ''|| 'Path: ' || curr_path_id || ' Run id: ' || run_id || ' Run time: ' || run_time || ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); -- get all the components out there for i in comp_types.first .. comp_types.last loop comp_type := comp_types(i); comp_stype := comp_stypes(i); comp_position := comp_positions(i); comp_acronym := get_acronym(comp_type,comp_stype); -- for every such component extract the data utl_file.put_line(file, ''); -- populate component name if comp_acronym != 'APS' and comp_acronym != 'LMP' then if comp_acronym = 'Q' or comp_acronym = 'PS' or comp_acronym = 'PR' then utl_file.put_line(file, ''); else utl_file.put_line(file, ''); end if; else stat := get_statistic_by_position( comp_stat_table,'S4', curr_path_id, run_id, comp_position, indexName); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); end if; -- populate throughput if comp_acronym = 'CAPTURE' then -- for capture display enqueued/sec stat_alias := 'S2'; else stat_alias := 'S1'; end if; stat := get_statistic_by_position( comp_stat_table,stat_alias, curr_path_id, run_id, comp_position, indexName); if stat.stat_name is not null then utl_file.put_line(file, ''); else utl_file.put_line(file, ''); end if; -- populate rate2 if comp_acronym = 'CAPTURE' then -- for capture display captured/sec stat_alias := 'S1'; elsif comp_acronym = 'Q' then stat_alias := 'S3'; else stat_alias := 'S2'; end if; stat := get_statistic_by_position( comp_stat_table,stat_alias, curr_path_id, run_id, comp_position, indexName); if stat.stat_name is not null then utl_file.put_line(file, ''); else utl_file.put_line(file, ''); end if; -- populate latency if comp_acronym != 'Q' then -- for Queues, S3 mean something else stat := get_statistic_by_position( comp_stat_table,'S3', curr_path_id, run_id, comp_position, indexName); if stat.stat_name is not null then utl_file.put_line(file, ''); else utl_file.put_line(file, ''); end if; else utl_file.put_line(file, ''); end if; -- populate idle % stat := get_statistic_by_position( comp_stat_table,'S5', curr_path_id, run_id, comp_position, indexName); if stat.stat_name is not null then utl_file.put_line(file, ''); else utl_file.put_line(file, ''); end if; -- populate flwctrl% stat := get_statistic_by_position( comp_stat_table,'S6', curr_path_id, run_id, comp_position, indexName); if stat.stat_name is not null then utl_file.put_line(file, ''); else utl_file.put_line(file, ''); end if; -- populate topevents%,topevents event_stmt := 'select /* INDEX(' || comp_stat_table || ' ' || indexName || ') */ ' || ' statistic_name, statistic_value' || ' from ' || comp_stat_table || ' where path_id = ' || curr_path_id || ' and statistic_alias = ''S7'' ' || ' and position = '|| comp_position || ' and advisor_run_id = ' || run_id || ' and component_type = ''' || comp_type || '''' || case when comp_acronym = 'PS' or comp_acronym ='PR' or comp_stype is null then ' and sub_component_type is null' else ' and sub_component_type = ''' || comp_stype || '''' end || ' and session_id is null ' || ' and session_serial# is null ' || ' order by statistic_value desc'; open event_cur for event_stmt; -- topevent 1 fetch event_cur into event_name, event_val; if event_cur%notfound or event_val <= 0.0 then utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); else utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); end if; -- topevent 2 fetch event_cur into event_name, event_val; if event_cur%notfound or event_val <= 0.0 then utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); else utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); end if; -- topevent 3 fetch event_cur into event_name, event_val; if event_cur%notfound or event_val <= 0.0 then utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); else utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); end if; close event_cur; utl_file.put_line(file, ''); end loop; utl_file.put_line(file, '
ComponentThroughputRate 2Latency% Idle % Flwctrl % Topevent 1Topevent 1% Topevent 2Topevent 2% Topevent 3Topevent 3
' || comp_acronym ||'' || '' || comp_acronym ||'' || '' || comp_acronym || '(' || stat.stat_value || ')' || '' || to_char(stat.stat_value, 'FM99999999') || ' ' || '' || to_char(stat.stat_value, 'FM99999999') || ' ' || '' || to_char(stat.stat_value, 'FM99999999') || ' ' || ' ' || '' || to_char(stat.stat_value, 'FM99999999D9') || ' ' || '' || to_char(stat.stat_value, 'FM99999999D9') || ' ' || ' ' || ' ' || '' || to_char(event_val, 'FM99999999.99') || '' || event_name || ' ' || ' ' || '' || to_char(event_val, 'FM99999999.99') || '' || event_name || ' ' || ' ' || '' || to_char(event_val, 'FM99999999.99') || '' || event_name || '
'); utl_file.put_line(file, '
'); utl_file.put_line(file,'

' || 'Back to Report Home' || '

'); utl_file.fclose(file); print_footer(directory, fileName); end loop; -- clear all the component info for the path comp_types.delete(); comp_stypes.delete(); comp_positions.delete(); end loop; close path_id_cur; end; end PRINT_RUN_LEVEL_STATS; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------= -- PRINT_RUN_AND_COMP_LEVEL_STATS -- Displays a table of statistics at the run level and component level -- clubbed into one to improve performance -----------------------------------------------------------------------------= procedure PRINT_RUN_AND_COMP_LEVEL_STATS( directory in varchar2, reportName in varchar2, comp_stat_table in varchar2 default 'STREAMS$_ADVISOR_COMP_STAT', path_id in number default null, -- show all stream paths bgn_run_id in number default -1, -- show the last 10 runs end_run_id in number default -10 ) IS type cur_type is ref cursor; comp_cur cur_type; comp_stmt varchar2(4000); comp_type varchar2(100); comp_stype varchar2(100); comp_position number; stat_cur cur_type; run_id number; run_time varchar2(50); curr_path_id number; path_id_stmt varchar2(4000); path_id_cur cur_type; stat STAT_PAIR default null; stat_alias varchar2(10); comp_acronym varchar2(20); event_stmt varchar2(4000); event_cur cur_type; event_name varchar2(200); event_val number; file utl_file.file_type; fileName varchar2(200); indexName varchar2(200); --NOTE: Assumes there are no more than 30 components in a run type compTypeArr is varray(30) of varchar2(100); type compStypeArr is varray(30) of varchar2(100); type compPositionArr is varray(30) of number; type fileArr is varray(30) of varchar2(200); type fileMap is TABLE OF utl_file.file_type INDEX BY VARCHAR2(200); comp_types compTypeArr; comp_stypes compStypeArr; comp_positions compPositionArr; compFiles fileArr; compFile utl_file.file_type; openCompFiles fileMap; compFileName varchar2(200); i number; eventCursor number; eventRows number; begin --if path_id is null extract for all paths path_id_stmt := 'select /* INDEX(' || comp_stat_table || ' ' || indexName || ') */ ' || ' distinct path_id from ' ||comp_stat_table || ' '; if path_id is not null then path_id_stmt := path_id_stmt || ' where path_id = ' || path_id; end if; path_id_stmt := path_id_stmt || ' order by path_id'; if lower(comp_stat_table) = 'streams$_pa_show_comp_stat' then indexName := 'comp_stat_pkey'; else indexName := lower(comp_stat_table) || '_pk'; end if; begin open path_id_cur for path_id_stmt; loop fetch path_id_cur into curr_path_id; exit when path_id_cur%notfound; -- store all the component information for the path comp_types := compTypeArr(); comp_stypes := compStypeArr(); comp_positions := compPositionArr(); compFiles := fileArr(); comp_stmt := 'select /* INDEX(' || comp_stat_table || ' ' || indexName || ') */ ' || 'distinct component_type, sub_component_type ' || ', position from ' || comp_stat_table || ' where path_id =' || curr_path_id || ' order by position'; open comp_cur for comp_stmt; loop fetch comp_cur into comp_type, comp_stype, comp_position; exit when comp_cur%notfound; comp_types.extend(1); comp_stypes.extend(1); comp_positions.extend(1); compFiles.extend(1); comp_types(comp_types.last) := comp_type; comp_stypes(comp_stypes.last) := comp_stype; comp_positions(comp_positions.last) := comp_position; -- open file for component comp_acronym := get_acronym(comp_type,comp_stype); if comp_acronym = 'Q' or comp_acronym = 'PS' or comp_acronym = 'PR' then compFileName := comp_acronym ||'at' || comp_position; else compFileName := comp_acronym; end if; compFileName := reportName || '_' || compFileName || '.html'; -- print the header if not done already if not openCompFiles.exists(compFileName) then print_header(directory, compFileName); compFile := utl_file.fopen(directory, compFileName, 'A'); utl_file.put_line(compFile,'


'); utl_file.put_line(compFile, '' ||comp_acronym ||''); -- create a table utl_file.put_line(compFile, ''); utl_file.put_line(compFile, ''); utl_file.put_line(compFile, ''); utl_file.put_line(compFile, ''); utl_file.put_line(compFile, ''); utl_file.put_line(compFile, ''); -- display 'rate 2' as actual statistic if comp_acronym = 'CAPTURE' then utl_file.put_line(compFile, ''); elsif comp_acronym = 'Q' then utl_file.put_line(compFile, ''); elsif comp_acronym = 'PS' then utl_file.put_line(compFile, ''); elsif comp_acronym = 'APPLY' then utl_file.put_line(compFile, ''); else utl_file.put_line(compFile, ''); end if; utl_file.put_line(compFile, ''); utl_file.put_line(compFile, ''); utl_file.put_line(compFile, ''); utl_file.put_line(compFile, ''); utl_file.put_line(compFile, ''); utl_file.put_line(compFile, ''); utl_file.put_line(compFile, ''); utl_file.put_line(compFile, ''); utl_file.put_line(compFile, ''); utl_file.put_line(compFile, ''); openCompFiles(compFileName) := compFile; end if; compFiles(compFiles.last) := compFileName; end loop; close comp_cur; -- for every run for run_id in bgn_run_id..end_run_id loop fileName := reportName ||'_' || curr_path_id || '_' || run_id || '.html'; print_header(directory, fileName); file := utl_file.fopen(directory, fileName, 'A'); utl_file.put_line(file, '

' || 'RUN LEVEL STATS' ||'

'); run_time := get_run_time(comp_stat_table, indexName, run_id, curr_path_id); utl_file.put_line(file, ''|| 'Path: ' || curr_path_id || ' Run id: ' || run_id || ' Run time: ' || run_time || ''); utl_file.put_line(file, '
Path IdRun IdRun timeThroughputCaptured/secNo of msgsbytes/sectxns applied/secRate 2Latency% Idle% Flwctrl% Topevent 1Topevent 1% Topevent 2Topevent 2% Topevent 3Topevent 3
'); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); -- get all the components out there for i in comp_types.first .. comp_types.last loop comp_type := comp_types(i); comp_stype := comp_stypes(i); comp_position := comp_positions(i); comp_acronym := get_acronym(comp_type,comp_stype); compFile := openCompFiles(compFiles(i)); -- for every such component extract the data utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(compFile, ''); -- comp level : path_id, run_id , run_time utl_file.put_line(compFile, ''); utl_file.put_line(compFile, ''); utl_file.put_line(compFile, ''); -- populate component name if comp_acronym != 'APS' and comp_acronym != 'LMP' then if comp_acronym = 'Q' or comp_acronym = 'PS' or comp_acronym = 'PR' then utl_file.put_line(file, ''); else utl_file.put_line(file, ''); end if; else stat := get_statistic_by_position( comp_stat_table,'S4', curr_path_id, run_id, comp_position, indexName); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); end if; -- populate throughput if comp_acronym = 'CAPTURE' then -- for capture display enqueued/sec stat_alias := 'S2'; else stat_alias := 'S1'; end if; stat := get_statistic_by_position( comp_stat_table,stat_alias, curr_path_id, run_id, comp_position, indexName); if stat.stat_name is not null then utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(compFile, ''); else utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(compFile, ''); end if; -- populate rate2 if comp_acronym = 'CAPTURE' then -- for capture display captured/sec stat_alias := 'S1'; elsif comp_acronym = 'Q' then stat_alias := 'S3'; else stat_alias := 'S2'; end if; stat := get_statistic_by_position( comp_stat_table,stat_alias, curr_path_id, run_id, comp_position, indexName); if stat.stat_name is not null then utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(compFile, ''); else utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(compFile, ''); end if; -- populate latency if comp_acronym != 'Q' then -- for Queues, S3 mean something else stat := get_statistic_by_position( comp_stat_table,'S3', curr_path_id, run_id, comp_position, indexName); if stat.stat_name is not null then utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(compFile, ''); else utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(compFile, ''); end if; else utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(compFile, ''); end if; -- populate idle % stat := get_statistic_by_position( comp_stat_table,'S5', curr_path_id, run_id, comp_position, indexName); if stat.stat_name is not null then utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(compFile, ''); else utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(compFile, ''); end if; -- populate flwctrl% stat := get_statistic_by_position( comp_stat_table,'S6', curr_path_id, run_id, comp_position, indexName); if stat.stat_name is not null then utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(compFile, ''); else utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(compFile, ''); end if; -- populate topevents%,topevents event_stmt := 'select /* INDEX(' || comp_stat_table || ' ' || indexName || ') */ ' || ' statistic_name, statistic_value' || ' from ' || comp_stat_table || ' where path_id = :curr_path_id ' || ' and statistic_alias = ''S7'' ' || ' and position = :comp_position ' || ' and advisor_run_id = :run_id ' || ' and component_type = :comp_type ' || case when comp_acronym = 'PS' or comp_acronym ='PR' or comp_stype is null then ' and sub_component_type is null' else ' and sub_component_type = :comp_stype ' end || ' and session_id is null ' || ' and session_serial# is null ' || ' order by statistic_value desc'; eventCursor := dbms_sql.open_cursor; dbms_sql.parse(eventCursor, event_stmt, dbms_sql.native); dbms_sql.bind_variable(eventCursor, ':curr_path_id', curr_path_id); dbms_sql.bind_variable(eventCursor, ':run_id', run_id); dbms_sql.bind_variable(eventCursor, ':comp_position', comp_position); dbms_sql.bind_variable(eventCursor, ':comp_type', comp_type); if not (comp_acronym = 'PS' or comp_acronym ='PR' or comp_stype is null) then dbms_sql.bind_variable(eventCursor, ':comp_stype', comp_stype); end if; dbms_sql.define_column(eventCursor, 1, event_name, 200); dbms_sql.define_column(eventCursor, 2, event_val); eventRows := dbms_sql.execute(eventCursor); eventRows := 0; -- top events while dbms_sql.fetch_rows(eventCursor) > 0 loop dbms_sql.column_value(eventCursor, 1, event_name); dbms_sql.column_value(eventCursor, 2, event_val); if event_val <= 0.0 then utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(compFile, ''); utl_file.put_line(compFile, ''); else utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(compFile, ''); utl_file.put_line(compFile, ''); end if; eventRows := eventRows + 1; exit when eventRows = 3; end loop; -- put in empty rows if we had < 3 events while (3 - eventRows) > 0 loop utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(compFile, ''); utl_file.put_line(compFile, ''); eventRows := eventRows + 1; end loop; dbms_sql.close_cursor(eventCursor); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(compFile, ''); end loop; utl_file.put_line(file, '
ComponentThroughputRate 2Latency% Idle % Flwctrl % Topevent 1Topevent 1% Topevent 2Topevent 2% Topevent 3Topevent 3
' || curr_path_id || '' || run_id || '' || run_time || '' || comp_acronym ||'' || '' || comp_acronym ||'' || '' || comp_acronym || '(' || stat.stat_value || ')' || '' || to_char(stat.stat_value, 'FM99999999') || '' || to_char(stat.stat_value, 'FM99999999') || ' ' || ' ' || '' || to_char(stat.stat_value, 'FM99999999') || '' || to_char(stat.stat_value, 'FM99999999') || ' ' || ' ' || '' || to_char(stat.stat_value, 'FM99999999') || '' || to_char(stat.stat_value, 'FM99999999') || ' ' || ' ' || ' ' || ' ' || '' || to_char(stat.stat_value, 'FM99999999D9') || '' || to_char(stat.stat_value, 'FM99999999D9') || ' ' || ' ' || '' || to_char(stat.stat_value, 'FM99999999D9') || '' || to_char(stat.stat_value, 'FM99999999D9') || ' ' || ' ' || ' ' || ' ' || ' ' || ' ' || '' || to_char(event_val, 'FM99999999.99') || '' || event_name || '' || to_char(event_val, 'FM99999999.99') || '' || event_name || ' ' || ' ' || ' ' || ' ' || '
'); utl_file.put_line(file, '
'); utl_file.put_line(file,'

' || 'Back to Report Home' || '

'); utl_file.fclose(file); print_footer(directory, fileName); end loop; -- clear all the component info for the path comp_types.delete(); comp_stypes.delete(); comp_positions.delete(); compFiles.delete(); end loop; close path_id_cur; end; -- print footers for all the open component files compFileName := openCompFiles.FIRST; while compFileName is not null loop compFile := openCompFiles(compFileName); utl_file.put_line(compFile, ''); utl_file.put_line(compFile, '
'); utl_file.put_line(compFile,'

' || 'Back to Report Home' || '

'); utl_file.fclose(compFile); print_footer(directory, compFileName); compFileName :=; end loop; end PRINT_RUN_AND_COMP_LEVEL_STATS; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------= -- PRINT_PATHS -- Displays a table of all the paths of interest -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------= procedure PRINT_PATHS( directory in varchar2, reportName in varchar2, comp_stat_table in varchar2 default 'STREAMS$_ADVISOR_COMP_STAT', path_id in number default null) IS type cur_type is ref cursor; path_id_cur cur_type; query_cur cur_type; comp_name varchar2(100); comp_type varchar2(100); comp_stype varchar2(100); comp_acronym varchar2(20); comp_position number; comp_id number; path_id_stmt varchar2(4000) := null; query_stmt varchar2(4000) := null; current_path_id STREAMS$_PA_COMPONENT_LINK.path_id%TYPE; file utl_file.file_type; begin file := utl_file.fopen(directory, reportName, 'A'); utl_file.put_line(file, '


'); path_id_stmt := 'select distinct path_id from ' || comp_stat_table || ' '; if path_id is not null then path_id_stmt := path_id_stmt || ' where path_id = ' || path_id; end if; path_id_stmt := path_id_stmt || ' order by path_id'; begin open path_id_cur for path_id_stmt; loop fetch path_id_cur into current_path_id; exit when path_id_cur%notfound; -- print the path id utl_file.put_line(file, 'Path ' || current_path_id || ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); query_stmt := 'select distinct component_name, component_type, ' || 'sub_component_type, position, component_id ' || ' from ' || comp_stat_table ||' ' || ' where ' || ' path_id = ' || current_path_id || ' order by position'; open query_cur for query_stmt; loop fetch query_cur into comp_name, comp_type, comp_stype, comp_position, comp_id; exit when query_cur%notfound; comp_acronym := get_acronym(comp_type, comp_stype); if comp_acronym = 'CAPTURE' or comp_acronym = 'Q' or comp_acronym = 'PR' or comp_acronym = 'PS' or comp_acronym = 'APPLY' then utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); end if; end loop; close query_cur; -- close the table utl_file.put_line(file, '
' || comp_acronym || '' || comp_name || '' || get_component_db(comp_id) || '
'); end loop; close path_id_cur; end; utl_file.fclose(file); end PRINT_PATHS; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------= -- PRINT_TOC -- Prints the TOC for the report -----------------------------------------------------------------------------= procedure PRINT_TOC( directory in varchar2, reportName in varchar2 ) IS file utl_file.file_type; begin file := utl_file.fopen(directory, reportName, 'A'); utl_file.put_line(file, '


'); utl_file.put_line(file, '


'); utl_file.put_line(file, '

Event Metrics' || '

'); utl_file.put_line(file, '


'); utl_file.put_line(file, '

Path Summary

'); utl_file.put_line(file, '

Path Level Event ' || 'Summary

'); utl_file.put_line(file, '

Rate Level Stats' || '

'); utl_file.put_line(file, '
'); utl_file.fclose(file); end PRINT_TOC; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------= -- PRINT_LEGEND -- Prints the legend for the interpreting the various columns in the report -----------------------------------------------------------------------------= procedure PRINT_LEGEND( directory in varchar2, reportName in varchar2 ) IS file utl_file.file_type; begin file := utl_file.fopen(directory, reportName, 'A'); utl_file.put_line(file, '


'); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); -- column headers utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); -- CAP utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); -- LMR utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); -- LMP utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); -- LMB utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); -- CP utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); -- Q utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); -- PS utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); -- PR utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); -- APPLY utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); -- APR utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); -- APC utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); -- APS utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, '
AcronymComponentThroughputRate 2
CAPTURE' || 'Capture Component' || 'msgs enqueued/sec' || 'msgs captured/sec' || '
LMR' || 'Log Miner Reader' || 'n/a' || 'n/a' || '
LMP' || 'Log Miner Preparer' || 'n/a' || 'n/a' || '
LMB' || 'Log Miner Builder' || 'n/a' || 'n/a' || '
CP' || 'Capture Process' || 'n/a' || 'n/a' || '
Q' || 'Queue' || 'enqueued/sec' || 'no of msgs in queue' || '
PS' || 'Propagation Sender' || 'msgs/sec' || 'bytes/sec' || '
PR' || 'Propagation Receiver' || 'n/a' || 'n/a' || '
APPLYApply component' || 'msgs applied/sec' || 'txns applied/sec' || '
APR' || 'Apply Reader' || 'n/a' || 'n/a' || '
APC' || 'Apply Coordinator' || 'n/a' || 'n/a' || '
APS' || 'Apply Slave' || 'n/a' || 'n/a' || '
'); utl_file.put_line(file, '

Event Metrics' ||'

'); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); -- column headers utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); --IDLE % utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); --FLWCTRL % utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); --TOPEVENT utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); --TOPEVENT% utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, ''); utl_file.put_line(file, '
IDLE%' || 'Percent of time in the run,' || ' spent waiting on upstream ' || 'component' || '
FLWCTRL%Percent of time in the run, ' || 'spent waiting on downstream ' || 'component' || '
TOPEVENTNon-idle,Non-flwctrl Event which occupies ' || 'most of ' || 'run time' || '
TOPEVENT%' || 'Percent of time in the run, spent on Topevent' || '
'); utl_file.fclose(file); end PRINT_LEGEND; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------= -- SHOW_STATS_HTML -- generates a html report of the streams performance statistics -- collected using collect_stats -- -- Parameters : -- directory : directory object name to place the html report -- reportName : name of the report file to be generated -- comp_stat_table : the comp_stat_tbl used in the previous call to -- collect_stats -- path_id : path for which statistics needs to be generated -- bgn_run_id : start run id to generate statistics -- end_run_id : end run id to generate statistics -- detailed : TRUE generates run level/ component level -- statistics also -- Print statistics for a stream path. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------= procedure SHOW_STATS_HTML( directory in varchar2, reportName in varchar2 default 'SPADVREPORT.HTML', comp_stat_table in varchar2 default 'STREAMS$_ADVISOR_COMP_STAT', path_id in number default null, -- show all stream paths bgn_run_id in number default -1, -- show the last 10 runs end_run_id in number default -10, detailed in boolean default TRUE ) as type cur_type is ref cursor; latest_run_id number default 0; actual_bgn_run_id number default 0; actual_end_run_id number default 0; comp_stat_tbl varchar2(30); stmt varchar2(4000); dir varchar2(255); cur cur_type; begin -- check the existence of directory dir := UPPER(directory); if not check_report_directory(dir) then raise_application_error(-20100, 'Invalid Report Directory'); end if; -- check existence of table etc comp_stat_tbl := CHECK_SPADV_COMP_STAT(comp_stat_table); -- Check arguments if (path_id is not null and path_id < 1) then raise_application_error(-20100, 'Invalid path_id'); end if; if (bgn_run_id is null or bgn_run_id = 0) then raise_application_error(-20100, 'Invalid bgn_run_id'); end if; if (end_run_id is null or end_run_id = 0) then raise_application_error(-20100, 'Invalid end_run_id'); end if; -- Start with the first run (1) if (bgn_run_id > 0 and bgn_run_id > end_run_id) then raise_application_error(-20100, 'Invalid end_run_id'); end if; -- Start with the latest run (-1) if (bgn_run_id < 0 and bgn_run_id < end_run_id ) then raise_application_error(-20100, 'Invalid end_run_id'); end if; if bgn_run_id <= 0 then stmt := 'select distinct advisor_run_id from ' || comp_stat_tbl || ' where advisor_run_time in ( select max(advisor_run_time) from ' || comp_stat_tbl ||' )'; open cur for stmt; fetch cur into latest_run_id; close cur; actual_bgn_run_id := latest_run_id + end_run_id + 1; actual_end_run_id := latest_run_id + bgn_run_id + 1; else actual_bgn_run_id := bgn_run_id; actual_end_run_id := end_run_id; end if; PRINT_HEADER(directory, reportName); PRINT_TOC(directory, reportName); PRINT_LEGEND(directory, reportName); PRINT_PATHS(directory, reportName, comp_stat_tbl, path_id); PRINT_PATH_LEVEL_SUMMARY(directory, reportName, comp_stat_tbl, path_id, actual_bgn_run_id, actual_end_run_id); PRINT_EVENT_SUMMARY(directory, reportName, comp_stat_tbl, path_id, actual_bgn_run_id, actual_end_run_id); PRINT_RATE_LEVEL_STATS(directory, reportName, comp_stat_tbl, path_id, actual_bgn_run_id, actual_end_run_id); if detailed then PRINT_RUN_AND_COMP_LEVEL_STATS(directory, reportName, comp_stat_tbl, path_id, actual_bgn_run_id, actual_end_run_id); end if; PRINT_FOOTER(directory, reportName); end SHOW_STATS_HTML; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------= end UTL_SPADV; / show errors; -- Fix bug 6343077: -- Drop utl_spadv package and package body -- Raise error when utl_spadv is loaded under SYS or SYSTEM declare current_user varchar2(30); begin current_user := SYS_CONTEXT('USERENV', 'CURRENT_USER'); if (current_user in ('SYS', 'SYSTEM')) then execute immediate 'drop package utl_spadv'; raise_application_error(-20100, 'The package UTL_SPADV should be loaded into a '|| 'Streams administration schema: current user is '|| current_user || '.'); end if; end; /