Rem Rem $Header: utlnchar.sql 19-jul-2004.04:01:08 kquinn Exp $ Rem Rem utlnchar.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2001, 2004, Oracle. All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem utlnchar.sql - The migration script for NCHAR data from 8i to 9i Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem The migration script for NCHAR data from 8i to 9i Rem Rem NOTES Rem 1) use SQLPLUS Rem 2) connect AS SYSDBA Rem Rem The migration script is to migrate NCHAR data, including Rem nchar, nvarchar2 and nclob, from 8i and 9i to make NCHAR Rem data accessible in 9i. It should run after database is Rem upgraded from 8i to 9i. Rem Once the script runs, what has been done can not be undone. Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem kquinn 07/19/04 - 3772100: quote object names Rem arrajara 05/10/01 - Replication nchar/nvarchar2 upgrade temp fix Rem yzhu 04/26/01 - Remove redundent values. Rem yzhu 04/13/01 - Add one more check for old NCHAR data. Rem yzhu 04/06/01 - Created Rem prompt prompt Warning: prompt The script is to migrate NCHAR data, including nchar prompt nvarcha2 and nclob, from 8i to 9i. prompt Once it runs, it can not undo what have been done. prompt prompt To run it, 1) use SQLPLUS and 2) connect AS SYSDBA prompt accept confirm prompt "Press ctrl-C, then return to quit or any other key to continue: "; set serveroutput on size 1000000; rem------------------------------------------------------- rem Create table fixedcs_0000 to hold fixec char sets and rem its byte width rem------------------------------------------------------- DROP TABLE nrmig0000; CREATE TABLE nrmig0000 (sname VARCHAR2(30), oname VARCHAR2(30), trigflag NUMBER); drop table fixedcs_0000; create table fixedcs_0000 (name varchar2(40), length number, csid number); insert into fixedcs_0000 values('US16TSTFIXED', 2, 1001); insert into fixedcs_0000 values('JA16EUCFIXED', 2, 1830); insert into fixedcs_0000 values('JA16SJISFIXED', 2, 1832); insert into fixedcs_0000 values('JA16DBCSFIXED', 2, 1833); insert into fixedcs_0000 values('KO16KSC5601FIXED', 2, 1840); insert into fixedcs_0000 values('KO16DBCSFIXED', 2, 1842); insert into fixedcs_0000 values('ZHS16CGB231280FIXED', 2, 1850); insert into fixedcs_0000 values('ZHS16GBKFIXED', 2, 1852); insert into fixedcs_0000 values('ZHS16DBCSFIXED', 2, 1853); insert into fixedcs_0000 values('ZHT32EUCFIXED', 2, 1860); insert into fixedcs_0000 values('ZHT32TRISFIXED', 4, 1863); insert into fixedcs_0000 values('ZHT16DBCSFIXED', 2, 1864); insert into fixedcs_0000 values('ZHT16BIG5FIXED', 2, 1865); insert into fixedcs_0000 values('Al16UTF16', 2, 2000); rem------------------------------------------------------- rem Create stored procedure new_nchar rem------------------------------------------------------- create or replace procedure new_nchar ( table_obj# in number, byte_width in number ) is -- Cursor of colunm name, type and length for NCHAR data from col$ cursor c is select name, type#, length from col$ where obj# = table_obj# and charsetform=2 and type# in (1, 96, 112) and bitand(property, 8388608) = 0; table_name varchar2(30); -- The table name for the given table_obj# length number; -- The length in char for new nchar data atb_stmt varchar2(120); owner_name varchar2(30); owner_id number; ncsetnm varchar(40); begin -- Get the table_name and owner_name for the given table obj# select name into table_name from obj$ where obj#=table_obj#; select owner# into owner_id from obj$ where obj#=table_obj#; select username into owner_name from all_users where user_id = owner_id; -- Get national character set name select value into ncsetnm from nls_database_parameters where parameter = 'NLS_NCHAR_CHARACTERSET'; -- Scan all the columns in the table for nchar, nvarchar2 and nclob for c_rec in c loop -- The common part of alter table modify command atb_stmt :='alter table "'||owner_name||'"."'||table_name||'" modify "'; atb_stmt := atb_stmt || || '"'; length := c_rec.length/byte_width; -- The nchar columns if c_rec.type# = 96 then if (length > 2000 and ncsetnm = 'UTF8') then dbms_output.put_line('Warning: Length of ' || || ' exceed 2000'); length := 2000; end if; if (length > 1000 and ncsetnm = 'AL16UTF16') then dbms_output.put_line('Warning: Length of ' || || ' exceed 1000'); length := 1000; end if; atb_stmt := atb_stmt || ' nchar(' || length || ')'; end if; -- The nvarchar2 columns if c_rec.type# = 1 then if (length > 4000 and ncsetnm = 'UTF8') then dbms_output.put_line('Warning: Length of ' || || ' exceed 4000'); length := 4000; end if; if (length > 2000 and ncsetnm = 'AL16UTF16') then dbms_output.put_line('Warning: Length of ' || || ' exceed 2000'); length := 2000; end if; atb_stmt := atb_stmt || ' nvarchar2(' || length || ')'; end if; -- The nclob columns if c_rec.type# = 112 then atb_stmt := atb_stmt || ' nclob'; end if; -- execute the alter table modify command execute immediate atb_stmt; end loop; end new_nchar; / rem------------------------------------------------------- rem Create stored function get_byte_width rem------------------------------------------------------- create or replace function get_byte_width return number is -- The cursor to get old charsetid for nchar data cursor c_ocsid is select charsetid from col$ where charsetform = 2 and bitand(property, 8388608) = 0 and obj# in (select obj# from obj$ where type# = 2 and owner# not in (select user_id from all_users where username='SYS' or username='SYSTEM')); ncsid number := 0; byte_width number := 1; begin -- Get byte_width of old ncharset open c_ocsid; fetch c_ocsid into ncsid; close c_ocsid; select length into byte_width from fixedcs_0000 where ncsid = fixedcs_0000.csid ; return(byte_width); exception when NO_DATA_FOUND then return (1); end get_byte_width; / Rem-------------------------------------------------------- Rem Disable internal triggers Rem-------------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE disable_internal_triggers0000 IS BEGIN FOR cur IN (SELECT sname, oname, trigflag FROM nrmig0000) LOOP dbms_output.put_line('disable_internal_triggers0000: sname :' || cur.sname || ' oname :' || cur.oname || ' trigflag:' || cur.trigflag); -- replication trigger IF bitand(cur.trigflag,1)=1 THEN sys.dbms_internal_trigger.destroy(cur.sname, cur.oname, dbms_internal_trigger.trigger_type_rep); END IF; -- materialized view log IF bitand(cur.trigflag,2)=2 THEN sys.dbms_internal_trigger.destroy(cur.sname, cur.oname, dbms_internal_trigger.trigger_type_log); END IF; -- updatable materialized view IF bitand(cur.trigflag,4)=4 THEN sys.dbms_internal_trigger.destroy(cur.sname, cur.oname, dbms_internal_trigger.trigger_type_snp); END IF; -- sync cdc trigger IF bitand(cur.trigflag,16)=16 THEN sys.dbms_internal_trigger.destroy(cur.sname, cur.oname, dbms_internal_trigger.trigger_type_scdc); END IF; END LOOP; END disable_internal_triggers0000; / Rem-------------------------------------------------------- Rem Enable internal triggers Rem-------------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE enable_internal_triggers0000 IS BEGIN FOR cur IN (SELECT sname, oname, trigflag FROM nrmig0000) LOOP dbms_output.put_line('enable_internal_triggers0000: sname :' || cur.sname || ' oname :' || cur.oname || ' trigflag:' || cur.trigflag); -- replication trigger IF bitand(cur.trigflag,1)=1 THEN sys.dbms_internal_trigger.make(cur.sname, cur.oname, dbms_internal_trigger.trigger_type_rep); END IF; -- materialized view log IF bitand(cur.trigflag,2)=2 THEN sys.dbms_internal_trigger.make(cur.sname, cur.oname, dbms_internal_trigger.trigger_type_log); END IF; -- updatable materialized view IF bitand(cur.trigflag,4)=4 THEN sys.dbms_internal_trigger.make(cur.sname, cur.oname, dbms_internal_trigger.trigger_type_snp); END IF; -- sync cdc trigger IF bitand(cur.trigflag,16)=16 THEN sys.dbms_internal_trigger.make(cur.sname, cur.oname, dbms_internal_trigger.trigger_type_scdc); END IF; END LOOP; END enable_internal_triggers0000; / rem-------------------------------------------------------- rem Migrate old NCHAR data to new NCHAR data rem-------------------------------------------------------- declare -- The cursor to get each user table obj# cursor c is select obj# from obj$ where type# = 2 and owner# not in ( select user_id from all_users where username='SYS' or username='SYSTEM'); byte_width number; obj# number; begin -- Get byte_width byte_width := get_byte_width(); -- Get all the replicated tables with nchar/nvarchar2 column INSERT INTO nrmig0000 (sname, oname, trigflag) (SELECT trim( sname, trim( oname, t.trigflag FROM$ t, sys.obj$ o, sys.user$ u WHERE t.obj# = o.obj# AND t.trigflag > 0 AND u.user# = o.owner# AND t.obj# IN (SELECT c.obj# FROM col$ c WHERE charsetform=2 and c.type# in (1, 96, 112))); BEGIN disable_internal_triggers0000; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN dbms_output.put_line('disable_internal_triggers0000 error:'|| sqlcode); END; -- For each user table, loop to check NCHAR data for c_rec in c loop obj# := c_rec.obj#; new_nchar(obj#, byte_width); end loop; BEGIN enable_internal_triggers0000; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN dbms_output.put_line('enable_internal_triggers0000 error:'|| sqlcode); END; end; / drop table nrmig0000; drop procedure enable_internal_triggers0000; drop procedure disable_internal_triggers0000; drop table fixedcs_0000; drop procedure new_nchar; drop function get_byte_width; set serveroutput off;