Rem Rem $Header: utljavarm.sql 12-jan-99.17:10:39 rshaikh Exp $ Rem Rem utljavarm.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) Oracle Corporation 1999. All Rights Reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem utljavarm.sql - Remove all java objects Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem This removes all the java objects from the data dictionary. Rem Rem NOTES Rem WARNING: This script is highly destructive. It should Rem only be run if you upgrading to or downgrading Rem from 8.1.5. Once this script is run all of your Rem java objects will be gone unless you have a backup!!! Rem Rem This script requires a significant amount of rollback Rem to execute. Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem rshaikh 01/12/99 - Created (for mjungerm) Rem REM Java objects have a format change between 8.1.4 and 8.1.5. REM We have to remove all java objects between these releases REM because they are not compatible. set serveroutput on drop trigger AURORA$SERVER$SHUTDOWN / drop trigger AURORA$SERVER$STARTUP / DECLARE obj_number number := 0; cursor C1 is select o1.obj#, 'DROP PUBLIC SYNONYM "' || || '"' from obj$ o1, obj$ o2 where o1.obj# > obj_number and and o1.type#=5 and o2.type#=29 order by o1.obj#; DDL_CURSOR integer; ddl_statement varchar2(200); iterations number; loop_count number; my_err number; BEGIN loop_count := 0; -- To make sure we eventually stop, pick a max number of iterations select count(*) into iterations from obj$ o1,obj$ o2 where and o1.type#=5 and o2.type#=29; DDL_CURSOR := dbms_sql.open_cursor; OPEN C1; LOOP BEGIN FETCH C1 INTO obj_number, ddl_statement; EXIT WHEN C1%NOTFOUND OR loop_count > iterations; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN my_err := SQLCODE; IF my_err = -1555 THEN -- snapshot too old, re-execute fetch query CLOSE C1; -- Here is why C1 orders by obj#. When we restart the query, we -- will only find object with obj# greater than the last one tried. -- This keeps us from re-trying objects that failed. OPEN C1; GOTO continue; ELSE RAISE; END IF; END; BEGIN -- Issue the Alter Statement (Parse implicitly executes DDLs) dbms_sql.parse(DDL_CURSOR, ddl_statement, dbms_sql.native); EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN null; -- ignore, and proceed. END; <<continue>> loop_count := loop_count + 1; END LOOP; dbms_sql.close_cursor(DDL_CURSOR); CLOSE C1; END; / commit / alter system flush shared_pool / alter system flush shared_pool / alter system flush shared_pool / delete from dependency$ where p_obj# in (select obj# from obj$ where type#=29) / commit / delete from objauth$ where obj# in (select obj# from obj$ where type#>27 and type#<31) / commit / delete from javasnm$ / commit / REM REM We don't need to do these deletes since the idl tables REM will be truncated when we do an upgrade or a downgrade REM REM delete from idl_ub1$ where obj# in (select obj# from obj$ REM where type#>27 and type#<31) REM delete from idl_ub2$ where obj# in (select obj# from obj$ REM where type#>27 and type#<31) REM delete from idl_char$ where obj# in (select obj# from obj$ REM where type#>27 and type#<31) REM delete from idl_sb4$ where obj# in (select obj# from obj$ REM where type#>27 and type#<31) REM REM only delete from obj$ if all the java information was delete REM from the other tables correctly. Once we run this delete REM there is no going back to remove the information from REM syn$, objauth$ and dependency$ using this script. REM DECLARE c1 number; c2 number; c3 number; c4 number; BEGIN select count(*) into c1 from syn$ where obj# in (select o1.obj# from obj$ o1,obj$ o2 where and o1.type#=5 and o2.type#=29); select count(*) into c2 from dependency$ where p_obj# in (select obj# from obj$ where type#=29); select count(*)into c3 from objauth$ where obj# in (select obj# from obj$ where type#>27 and type#<31); select count(*)into c4 from javasnm$; IF c1 = 0 AND c2 = 0 AND c3 = 0 AND c4 = 0 THEN delete from obj$ where type#>27 and type#<31; dbms_output.put_line('All java object removed'); ELSE dbms_output.put_line('Java objects not completely removed. Rerun utljavarm.sql'); END IF; END; / alter system flush shared_pool / alter system flush shared_pool / alter system flush shared_pool / REM REM end java object removal REM