Rem Copyright (c) 1998, 2007, Oracle. All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem utlip.sql - UTiLity script to Invalidate Pl/sql Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem Rem *WARNING* *WARNING* *WARNING* *WARNING* *WARNING* *WARNING* Rem Rem Do not run this script directly. Rem Rem utlip.sql is automatically executed when required for database Rem upgrades. Rem Rem Use utlirp.sql if you are looking to invalidate and recompile Rem PL/SQL for a 32-bit to 64-bit conversion. Use dbmsupgnv.sql Rem to convert all PL/SQL to NATIVE or dbmsupgin.sql to convert all Rem PL/SQL to INTERPRETED. Rem Rem *WARNING* *WARNING* *WARNING* *WARNING* *WARNING* *WARNING* Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem gviswana 05/02/07 - Add warning messages; revert view Diana delete Rem gviswana 06/10/06 - Delete Diana performance optimization Rem gviswana 06/06/06 - Delete 11.x Diana for fine-grain deps Rem ssubrama 12/30/05 - bug 4882839 invalidate dbms_standard dependents Rem gviswana 06/17/05 - Delete sequence Diana Rem weiwang 05/06/05 - invalidate rules engine objects Rem ciyer 07/24/04 - selectively invalidate views and synonyms Rem jmuller 02/12/04 - Fix bug 3432304: commit even if no rows deleted Rem gviswana 08/28/03 - 3103287: Remove Diana deletions for PL/SQL Rem jmallory 08/18/03 - Hardcode dbms_dbupgrade_subname Rem gviswana 06/23/03 - 2985184: Invalidate dependent views Rem kquinn 07/22/03 - 3009599: Handle remote dbms_standard case Rem jmallory 06/09/03 - Fix null checking Rem jmallory 03/31/03 - Exclude dbupgrade objects Rem gviswana 04/16/03 - Move system parameter handling to utlirp.sql Rem kmuthukk 02/03/03 - fix update performance Rem nfolkert 12/23/02 - invalidate summary objects Rem kmuthukk 10/22/02 - ncomp dlls in db Rem gviswana 10/28/02 - Deferred synonym translation Rem rdecker 11/09/01 - remove CREATE library code FOR bug 1952368 Rem gviswana 08/17/01 - Break up IDL_ deletes to avoid blowing rollback Rem rburns 08/23/01 - bug 1950073 - add exit on error Rem rburns 08/24/01 - add plitblm Rem rburns 07/26/01 - invalidate index types and operators Rem rxgovind 04/30/01 - interim fix for bug-1747462 Rem gviswana 10/19/00 - Disable system triggers for Standard recompile Rem sbalaram 06/01/00 - Add prvthssq.sql after resolving Bug 1292760 Rem thoang 05/26/00 - Do not invalidate earlier type versions Rem jdavison 04/11/00 - Modify usage notes for 8.2 changes. Rem rshaikh 09/22/99 - quote library names Rem mjungerm 06/15/99 - add java shared data object type Rem rshaikh 02/12/99 - dont delete java idl objects Rem rshaikh 11/17/98 - remove obsolete comments Rem rshaikh 10/30/98 - add slash after last truncate stmt Rem abrik 10/01/98 - just truncate idl_*$ tables Rem rshaikh 10/14/98 - bug 491101: recreate libraries Rem ncramesh 08/04/98 - change for sqlplus Rem rshaikh 07/20/98 - add commits Rem usundara 06/03/98 - merge from 8.0.5 Rem usundara 04/29/98 - creation (split from utlirp) Rem Kannan Muthukkaruppan (kmuthukk) was the original Rem author of this script. Rem =========================================================================== Rem BEGIN utlip.sql Rem =========================================================================== Rem Exit immediately if Any failure in this script WHENEVER SQLERROR EXIT; -- Step (I) -- -- First we invalidate all stored PL/SQL units (procs, fns, pkgs, -- types, triggers.) -- -- The type# in the update statement below indicates the KGL -- type of the object. They have the following interpretation: -- 7 - pl/sql stored procedure -- 8 - pl/sql stored function -- 9 - pl/sql pkg spec -- 11 - pl/sql pkg body -- 12 - trigger -- 13 - type spec -- 14 - type body -- 22 - library -- 32 - indextype -- 33 - operator -- -- Earlier type versions do not need to be invalidated since all pgm -- units reference latest type versions. There is no mechanisms to -- recompile earlier type versions anyway. They must be kept valid so -- we can get access to its TDO to handle image conversion from one type -- version to another. -- All earlier type versions has the version name stored in obj$.subname -- and the latest type version always has a null subname. We use this -- fact to invalidate only the latest type version. update obj$ set status = 6 where ((type# in (7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 14, 22, 32, 33, 87)) or (type# = 13 and subname is null)) and ((subname is null) or (subname <> 'DBMS_DBUPGRADE_BABY')) and status not in (5,6) and linkname is null and not exists (select 1 from type$ where (bitand(properties, 16) = 16) and toid = obj$.oid$) / commit / Rem Always invalidate MVs during upgrades/ downgrades update obj$ set status = 5 where type# = 42; commit; UPDATE sys.obj$ SET status = 5 where obj# in ((select obj# from obj$ where type# = 62 or type# = 46 or type# = 59) union all (select /*+ index (dependency$ i_dependency2) */ d_obj# from dependency$ connect by prior d_obj# = p_obj# start with p_obj# in (select obj# from obj$ where type# = 62 or type# = 46 or type# = 59))) / commit / -- Invalidate all synonym dependents of dbms_standard. If not we will end up -- with a timestamp mismatch between dependency and obj update obj$ set status=6 where obj# in (select d_obj# from dependency$ where p_obj# in (select obj# from obj$ where name='DBMS_STANDARD' and type# in ( 9, 11) and owner#=0) ) and type#=5 / commit / alter system flush shared_pool / -- -- Step (II) -- -- Delete Diana to force full recompile (rather than fast validation). -- Diana deletion is accomplished by changing the version number to make -- rows invisible. -- update idl_ub1$ set version = -version where part = 0 and version >= 184549376 and obj# IN (select obj# from obj$ o where status in (5, 6) and type# in (7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 22, 32, 33, 87)); update idl_ub2$ SET version = -version where part = 0 and version >= 184549376 and obj# IN (select obj# from obj$ o where status in (5, 6) and type# in (7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 22, 32, 33, 87)); update idl_sb4$ SET version = -version where part = 0 and version >= 184549376 and obj# IN (select obj# from obj$ o where status in (5, 6) and type# in (7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 22, 32, 33, 87)); update idl_char$ SET version = -version where part = 0 and version >= 184549376 and obj# IN (select obj# from obj$ o where status in (5, 6) and type# in (7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 22, 32, 33, 87)); commit; alter system flush shared_pool; -- Step (II) -- -- Recreate package standard and dbms_standard. This is needed to execute -- subsequent anonymous blocks @@standard @@dbmsstdx -- Step (III) -- -- Invalidate views and synonyms which depend (directly or indirectly) on -- invalid objects. begin loop update obj$ o_outer set status = 6 where type# in (4, 5) and status not in (5, 6) and linkname is null and ((subname is null) or (subname <> 'DBMS_DBUPGRADE_BABY')) and exists (select o.obj# from obj$ o, dependency$ d where d.d_obj# = o_outer.obj# and d.p_obj# = o.obj# and (bitand(, 1) = 1) and o.status > 1); exit when sql%notfound; end loop; end; / commit; alter system flush shared_pool; -- Step (IV) -- -- Delete Diana for tables, views, and sequences -- -- The DELETEs are coded in chunks using a PL/SQL loop to avoid running -- into rollback segment limits. -- begin loop delete from idl_ub1$ where obj# in (select o.obj# from obj$ o where o.type# in (2, 4, 6)) and rownum < 5000; exit when sql%rowcount = 0; commit; end loop; -- -- IDL_UB2$ must use dynamic SQL because its PIECE type is not -- understood by PL/SQL. -- loop execute immediate 'delete from idl_ub2$ where obj# in (select o.obj# from obj$ o where o.type# in (2, 4, 6)) and rownum < 5000'; exit when sql%rowcount = 0; commit; end loop; -- -- IDL_SB4$ must use dynamic SQL because its PIECE type is not -- understood by PL/SQL. -- loop execute immediate 'delete from idl_sb4$ where obj# in (select o.obj# from obj$ o where o.type# in (2, 4, 6)) and rownum < 5000'; exit when sql%rowcount = 0; commit; end loop; loop delete from idl_char$ where obj# in (select o.obj# from obj$ o where o.type# in (2, 4, 6)) and rownum < 5000; exit when sql%rowcount = 0; commit; end loop; end; / commit; alter system flush shared_pool; Rem Continue even if there are SQL errors WHENEVER SQLERROR CONTINUE; Rem =========================================================================== Rem END utlip.sql Rem ===========================================================================