Rem Rem $Header: rdbms/admin/spup92.sql /st_rdbms_11.2.0/1 2010/08/13 11:23:18 kchou Exp $ Rem Rem spup92.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2002, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. Rem All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem spup92.sql - StatsPack UPgrade 92 Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem Upgrades the Statspack schema to the 10.1 schema Rem Rem NOTES Rem Export the Statspack schema before running this upgrade, Rem as this is the only way to restore the existing data. Rem A downgrade script is not provided. Rem Rem Disable any scripts which use Statspack while the upgrade script Rem is running. Rem Rem Ensure there is plenty of free space in the tablespace Rem where the schema resides. Rem Rem This script should be run when connected as SYSDBA Rem Rem This upgrade script should only be run once. Rem Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem kchou 08/12/10 - Bug#10009909 - Backport of Statspack Security Fix Rem Bug# 9950811 Rem kchou 08/12/10 - Backport kchou_bug-9950811 from main Rem cdialeri 03/02/04 - 3513994: 3473979, 3483451, 3483461 Rem cdialeri 11/05/03 - 3202706 Rem cdialeri 10/14/03 - 10g - streams - rvenkate Rem cdialeri 08/05/03 - 10g F3 Rem cdialeri 02/27/03 - 10i F2: baseline, purge Rem vbarrier 02/25/03 - 10i RAC Rem vbarrier 01/17/03 - stats$segstat_obj: new RAC stats Rem cdialeri 12/09/02 - 10i F1 Rem cdialeri 11/15/02 - Created Rem set verify off /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ prompt prompt Warning prompt ~~~~~~~ prompt Converting existing Statspack data to 10.1 format may result in prompt irregularities when reporting on pre-10.1 snapshot data. prompt This script is provided for convenience, and is not guaranteed to prompt work on all installations. To ensure you will not lose any existing prompt Statspack data, export the schema before upgrading. A downgrade prompt script is not provided. Please see spdoc.txt for more details. prompt prompt prompt Usage Recommendations prompt ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ prompt Disable any programs which run Statspack (including any dbms_jobs), prompt or this upgrade will fail. prompt prompt You will be prompted for the PERFSTAT password, and for the prompt tablespace to create any new PERFSTAT tables/indexes. prompt prompt You must be connected as a user with SYSDBA privilege to successfully prompt run this script. prompt accept confirmation prompt "Press return before continuing "; prompt prompt Please specify the PERFSTAT password prompt &&perfstat_password spool spup92a.lis prompt prompt Specify the tablespace to create any new PERFSTAT tables and indexes prompt Tablespace specified &&tablespace_name prompt /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ -- -- Create SYS views, public synonyms, issue grants create or replace view STATS$V_$SQLXS as select max(sql_text) sql_text , max(sql_id) sql_id , sum(sharable_mem) sharable_mem , sum(sorts) sorts , min(module) module , sum(loaded_versions) loaded_versions , sum(fetches) fetches , sum(executions) executions , sum(end_of_fetch_count) end_of_fetch_count , sum(loads) loads , sum(invalidations) invalidations , sum(parse_calls) parse_calls , sum(disk_reads) disk_reads , sum(direct_writes) direct_writes , sum(buffer_gets) buffer_gets , sum(application_wait_time) application_wait_time , sum(concurrency_wait_time) concurrency_wait_time , sum(cluster_wait_time) cluster_wait_time , sum(user_io_wait_time) user_io_wait_time , sum(plsql_exec_time) plsql_exec_time , sum(java_exec_time) java_exec_time , sum(rows_processed) rows_processed , max(command_type) command_type , address address , old_hash_value old_hash_value , max(hash_value) hash_value , count(1) version_count , sum(cpu_time) cpu_time , sum(elapsed_time) elapsed_time , max(outline_sid) outline_sid , max(outline_category) outline_category , max(is_obsolete) is_obsolete , max(child_latch) child_latch , max(sql_profile) sql_profile , max(program_id) program_id , max(program_line#) program_line# from v$sql group by old_hash_value, address; create or replace public synonym STATS$V$SQLXS for STATS$V_$SQLXS; create or replace view STATS$V_$FILESTATXS as select tsname , filename , fs.phyrds , fs.phywrts , fs.readtim , fs.writetim , fs.singleblkrds , fs.phyblkrd , fs.phyblkwrt , fs.singleblkrdtim , fw.count wait_count , fw.time time , df.file# from x$kcbfwait fw , v$filestat fs , v$tablespace ts , v$datafile df where ts.ts# = df.ts# and fs.file# = df.file# and fw.indx+1 = df.file#; create or replace view STATS$V_$TEMPSTATXS as select tsname , filename , tm.phyrds , tm.phywrts , tm.readtim , tm.writetim , tm.singleblkrds , tm.phyblkrd , tm.phyblkwrt , tm.singleblkrdtim , fw.count wait_count , fw.time time , tf.file# from x$kcbfwait fw , v$tempstat tm , v$tablespace ts , v$tempfile tf where ts.ts# = tf.ts# and tm.file# = tf.file# and fw.indx+1 = (tf.file# + (select value from v$parameter where name='db_files')); -- -- Workaround for Streams views create or replace view STATS$V_$PROPAGATION_SENDER as select queue_schema , queue_name , dblink , '-' dst_queue_schema , '-' dst_queue_name , total_msgs , total_bytes , elapsed_dequeue_time , elapsed_pickle_time , elapsed_propagation_time from v$propagation_sender; grant select on STATS$V_$PROPAGATION_SENDER to PERFSTAT; create synonym PERFSTAT.V$PROPAGATION_SENDER for STATS$V_$PROPAGATION_SENDER; create or replace view STATS$V_$PROPAGATION_RECEIVER as select replace(substrb(src_queue_name, 1, instr(src_queue_name, '"', 2)), '"') src_queue_schema , replace(substrb(src_queue_name, instr(src_queue_name, '"', 2) + 2), '"') src_queue_name , src_dbname , '-' dst_queue_schema , '-' dst_queue_name , startup_time , elapsed_unpickle_time , elapsed_rule_time , elapsed_enqueue_time from v$propagation_receiver; grant select on STATS$V_$PROPAGATION_RECEIVER to PERFSTAT; create synonym PERFSTAT.V$PROPAGATION_RECEIVER for STATS$V_$PROPAGATION_RECEIVER; grant select on V_$ENQUEUE_STATISTICS to PERFSTAT; grant select on V_$JAVA_POOL_ADVICE to PERFSTAT; grant select on V_$THREAD to PERFSTAT; grant select on V_$CR_BLOCK_SERVER to PERFSTAT; grant select on V_$CURRENT_BLOCK_SERVER to PERFSTAT; grant select on V_$CLASS_CACHE_TRANSFER to PERFSTAT; grant select on V_$FILE_HISTOGRAM to PERFSTAT; grant select on V_$TEMP_HISTOGRAM to PERFSTAT; grant select on V_$EVENT_HISTOGRAM to PERFSTAT; grant select on V_$EVENT_NAME to PERFSTAT; grant select on V_$SYS_TIME_MODEL to PERFSTAT; grant select on V_$SESS_TIME_MODEL to PERFSTAT; grant select on V_$STREAMS_CAPTURE to PERFSTAT; grant select on V_$STREAMS_APPLY_COORDINATOR to PERFSTAT; grant select on V_$STREAMS_APPLY_READER to PERFSTAT; grant select on V_$STREAMS_APPLY_SERVER to PERFSTAT; grant select on V_$PROPAGATION_SENDER to PERFSTAT; grant select on V_$PROPAGATION_RECEIVER to PERFSTAT; grant select on DBA_QUEUE_SCHEDULES to PERFSTAT; grant select on V_$BUFFERED_QUEUES to PERFSTAT; grant select on V_$BUFFERED_SUBSCRIBERS to PERFSTAT; grant select on V_$RULE_SET to PERFSTAT; grant select on V_$OSSTAT to PERFSTAT; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ prompt Note: prompt Please check remainder of upgrade log file, which is continued in prompt the file spup92b.lis spool off connect perfstat/&&perfstat_password spool spup92b.lis show user set verify off set serveroutput on size 4000 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ -- -- SGASTAT column increase -- Modify column alter table STATS$SGASTAT modify (pool varchar2(12) ); /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ -- -- WAITSTAT column increase -- Modify column alter table STATS$WAITSTAT modify (class varchar2(22) ); /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ -- -- Rename hash_value to old_hash_value, and add (new) hash_value alter table STATS$SQL_SUMMARY rename column hash_value to old_hash_value; alter table STATS$SQL_PLAN_USAGE rename column hash_value to old_hash_value; alter table STATS$SQLTEXT rename column hash_value to old_hash_value; alter table STATS$SQL_SUMMARY modify (old_hash_value not null); alter table STATS$SQL_SUMMARY add (hash_value number); alter table STATS$SQL_PLAN_USAGE add (hash_value number); /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ -- -- SQL_SUMMARY new columns -- Modify column alter table STATS$SQL_SUMMARY add (sql_id varchar2(13) ,end_of_fetch_count number ,direct_writes number ,application_wait_time number ,concurrency_wait_time number ,cluster_wait_time number ,user_io_wait_time number ,plsql_exec_time number ,java_exec_time number ,sql_profile varchar2(64) ,program_id number ,program_line# number ); /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ -- -- SQLTEXT new column alter table STATS$SQLTEXT add (sql_id varchar2(13) ); /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ -- -- SQL_PLAN new columns & modifications -- Modify alter table STATS$SQL_PLAN modify (object_name varchar2(31) ,object_node varchar2(40) ); -- Add columns alter table STATS$SQL_PLAN add (object_alias varchar2(65) ,object_type varchar2(20) ,projection varchar2(4000) ,time number ,qblock_name varchar2(31) ,remarks varchar2(4000) ); /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ -- -- SQL_PLAN_USAGE column addition alter table STATS$SQL_PLAN_USAGE add (sql_id varchar2(13) ); /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ -- -- SNAPSHOT new baseline column -- Add column alter table STATS$SNAPSHOT add (baseline varchar2(1) ,constraint STATS$SNAPSHOT_BASE_CK check (baseline in ('Y')) ); /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ -- -- UNDOSTAT PK modification and FK addition (purge support) -- Modify the PK for undostat to include snap_id alter table STATS$UNDOSTAT drop primary key drop index; -- Create the new PK alter table STATS$UNDOSTAT add constraint STATS$UNDOSTAT_PK primary key (begin_time, end_time, snap_id, dbid, instance_number) using index tablespace &&tablespace_name storage (initial 1m next 1m pctincrease 0); -- Delete orphaned rows delete from stats$undostat u where (snap_id, dbid, instance_number) not in (select /*+ index_ffs (s) */ snap_id, dbid, instance_number from stats$snapshot s); commit; -- Create a Foreign Key to the stats$snapshot table alter table STATS$UNDOSTAT add constraint STATS$UNDOSTAT_FK foreign key (snap_id, dbid, instance_number) references STATS$SNAPSHOT on delete cascade; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ -- -- Undostat addition of new columns alter table STATS$UNDOSTAT add (maxqueryid varchar2(13) ,activeblks number ,unexpiredblks number ,expiredblks number ,tuned_undoretention number ); /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ -- -- ENQUEUE_STATISTICS support -- Rename the table rename STATS$ENQUEUE_STAT to STATS$ENQUEUE_STATISTICS; -- Public Synonyms drop public synonym STATS$ENQUEUE_STAT; create public synonym STATS$ENQUEUE_STATISTICS for STATS$ENQUEUE_STATISTICS; -- Add new columns alter table STATS$ENQUEUE_STATISTICS add (req_reason varchar2(64) ,event# number ); -- Update req_reason in pre-existing rows, so that the column can be made not -- null, and so be part of the concat PK update STATS$ENQUEUE_STATISTICS set req_reason = '-' where req_reason is null; commit; -- Make the column not null alter table STATS$ENQUEUE_STATISTICS modify (req_reason not null); -- Drop the old PK alter table STATS$ENQUEUE_STATISTICS drop primary key drop index; -- Create the new PK alter table STATS$ENQUEUE_STATISTICS add constraint STATS$ENQUEUE_STATISTICS_PK primary key (snap_id, dbid, instance_number, eq_type, req_reason) using index tablespace &&tablespace_name storage (initial 1m next 1m pctincrease 0); -- Rename foreign key constraint to keep it consistent with new table name alter table STATS$ENQUEUE_STATISTICS rename constraint STATS$ENQUEUE_STAT_FK to STATS$ENQUEUE_STATISTICS_FK; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ -- -- Additions to SHARED_POOL_ADVICE -- Add new columns alter table STATS$SHARED_POOL_ADVICE add (estd_lc_load_time number ,estd_lc_load_time_factor number ); /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ -- -- Add THREAD support create table STATS$THREAD (snap_id number not null ,dbid number not null ,instance_number number not null ,thread# number not null ,thread_instance_number number ,status varchar2(6) ,open_time date ,current_group# number ,sequence# number ,constraint STATS$THREAD_PK primary key (snap_id, dbid, instance_number, thread#) using index tablespace &&tablespace_name storage (initial 1m next 1m pctincrease 0) ,constraint STATS$THREAD_FK foreign key (snap_id, dbid, instance_number) references STATS$SNAPSHOT on delete cascade ) tablespace &&tablespace_name storage (initial 1m next 1m pctincrease 0) pctfree 5 pctused 40; create public synonym STATS$THREAD for STATS$THREAD; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ -- -- Add JAVA_POOL_ADVICE create table STATS$JAVA_POOL_ADVICE (snap_id number not null ,dbid number not null ,instance_number number not null ,java_pool_size_for_estimate number not null ,java_pool_size_factor number ,estd_lc_size number ,estd_lc_memory_objects number ,estd_lc_time_saved number ,estd_lc_time_saved_factor number ,estd_lc_load_time number ,estd_lc_load_time_factor number ,estd_lc_memory_object_hits number ,constraint STATS$JAVA_POOL_ADVICE_PK primary key (snap_id, dbid, instance_number, java_pool_size_for_estimate) using index tablespace &&tablespace_name storage (initial 1m next 1m pctincrease 0) ,constraint STATS$JAVA_POOL_ADVICE_FK foreign key (snap_id, dbid, instance_number) references STATS$SNAPSHOT on delete cascade ) tablespace &&tablespace_name storage (initial 1m next 1m pctincrease 0) pctfree 5 pctused 40; create public synonym STATS$JAVA_POOL_ADVICE for STATS$JAVA_POOL_ADVICE; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ -- -- Add cr_block_server create table STATS$CR_BLOCK_SERVER (snap_id number not null ,dbid number not null ,instance_number number not null ,cr_requests number ,current_requests number ,data_requests number ,undo_requests number ,tx_requests number ,current_results number ,private_results number ,zero_results number ,disk_read_results number ,fail_results number ,fairness_down_converts number ,fairness_clears number ,free_gc_elements number ,flushes number ,flushes_queued number ,flush_queue_full number ,flush_max_time number ,light_works number ,errors number ,constraint STATS$CR_BLOCK_SERVER_PK primary key (snap_id, dbid, instance_number) using index tablespace &&tablespace_name storage (initial 1m next 1m pctincrease 0) ,constraint STATS$CR_BLOCK_SERVER_FK foreign key (snap_id, dbid, instance_number) references STATS$SNAPSHOT on delete cascade ) tablespace &&tablespace_name storage (initial 1m next 1m pctincrease 0) pctfree 5 pctused 40; create public synonym STATS$CR_BLOCK_SERVER for STATS$CR_BLOCK_SERVER; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ -- -- Add current_block_server create table STATS$CURRENT_BLOCK_SERVER (snap_id number not null ,dbid number not null ,instance_number number not null ,pin1 number ,pin10 number ,pin100 number ,pin1000 number ,pin10000 number ,flush1 number ,flush10 number ,flush100 number ,flush1000 number ,flush10000 number ,write1 number ,write10 number ,write100 number ,write1000 number ,write10000 number ,constraint STATS$CURRENT_BLOCK_SERVER_PK primary key (snap_id, dbid, instance_number) using index tablespace &&tablespace_name storage (initial 1m next 1m pctincrease 0) ,constraint STATS$CURRENT_BLOCK_SERVER_FK foreign key (snap_id, dbid, instance_number) references STATS$SNAPSHOT on delete cascade ) tablespace &&tablespace_name storage (initial 1m next 1m pctincrease 0) pctfree 5 pctused 40; create public synonym STATS$CURRENT_BLOCK_SERVER for STATS$CURRENT_BLOCK_SERVER; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ -- -- Add class_cache_transfer create table STATS$CLASS_CACHE_TRANSFER (snap_id number not null ,dbid number not null ,instance_number number not null ,class varchar2(18) not null ,cr_transfer number ,current_transfer number ,x_2_null number ,x_2_null_forced_write number ,x_2_null_forced_stale number ,x_2_s number ,x_2_s_forced_write number ,s_2_null number ,s_2_null_forced_stale number ,null_2_x number ,s_2_x number ,null_2_s number ,constraint STATS$CLASS_CACHE_TRANSFER_PK primary key (snap_id, dbid, instance_number,class) using index tablespace &&tablespace_name storage (initial 1m next 1m pctincrease 0) ,constraint STATS$CLASS_CACHE_TRANSFER_FK foreign key (snap_id, dbid, instance_number) references STATS$SNAPSHOT on delete cascade ) tablespace &&tablespace_name storage (initial 1m next 1m pctincrease 0) pctfree 5 pctused 40; create public synonym STATS$CLASS_CACHE_TRANSFER for STATS$CLASS_CACHE_TRANSFER; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ -- -- Add any new segment statistics, and rename statspack_parameter threshold -- columns -- Add new segment statistics columns to seg_stat table alter table STATS$SEG_STAT add (gc_cr_blocks_received number ,gc_current_blocks_received number ,gc_buffer_busy number ); -- Rename old threshold parameters which are no longer in use, to the new -- threshold parameters in the statspack parameter table alter table STATS$STATSPACK_PARAMETER rename column seg_cr_bks_sd_th to seg_cr_bks_rc_th; alter table STATS$STATSPACK_PARAMETER rename column seg_cu_bks_sd_th to seg_cu_bks_rc_th; -- Modify the snapshot table to allow NULLable values in these old -- columns - new snapshots will not set the obsolete thresholds declare l_sql varchar2(2000); l_cursor integer; l_column varchar2(30); cursor null_column is select column_name from dba_tab_columns where owner = 'PERFSTAT' and column_name in ('SEG_CR_BKS_SD_TH', 'SEG_CU_BKS_SD_TH') and table_name = 'STATS$SNAPSHOT' and nullable = 'N'; begin dbms_output.put_line('Beginning modification of obsolete stats$snapshot threshold columns'); open null_column; l_cursor := dbms_sql.open_cursor; loop fetch null_column into l_column; exit when null_column%notfound; l_sql := 'alter table STATS$SNAPSHOT modify (' || l_column ||' null)'; dbms_sql.parse(l_cursor, l_sql, dbms_sql.native); dbms_output.put_line('.. Modified '|| l_column || ' to nullable'); end loop; dbms_output.put_line('Modification of stats$snapshot threshold columns complete'); end; / -- Add the new threshold columns to the snapshot table alter table STATS$SNAPSHOT add (seg_cr_bks_rc_th number ,seg_cu_bks_rc_th number ); /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ -- -- Support for file_histogram, temp_histogram and event_histogram create table STATS$FILE_HISTOGRAM (snap_id number not null ,dbid number not null ,instance_number number not null ,file# number not null ,singleblkrdtim_milli number not null ,singleblkrds number ,constraint STATS$FILE_HISTOGRAM_PK primary key (snap_id, dbid, instance_number, file#, singleblkrdtim_milli) using index tablespace &&tablespace_name storage (initial 1m next 1m pctincrease 0) ,constraint STATS$FILE_HISTOGRAM_FK foreign key (snap_id, dbid, instance_number) references STATS$SNAPSHOT on delete cascade ) tablespace &&tablespace_name storage (initial 1m next 1m pctincrease 0) pctfree 5 pctused 40; create public synonym STATS$FILE_HISTOGRAM for STATS$FILE_HISTOGRAM; create table STATS$TEMP_HISTOGRAM (snap_id number not null ,dbid number not null ,instance_number number not null ,file# number not null ,singleblkrdtim_milli number not null ,singleblkrds number ,constraint STATS$TEMP_HISTOGRAM_PK primary key (snap_id, dbid, instance_number, file#, singleblkrdtim_milli) using index tablespace &&tablespace_name storage (initial 1m next 1m pctincrease 0) ,constraint STATS$TEMP_HISTOGRAM_FK foreign key (snap_id, dbid, instance_number) references STATS$SNAPSHOT on delete cascade ) tablespace &&tablespace_name storage (initial 1m next 1m pctincrease 0) pctfree 5 pctused 40; create public synonym STATS$TEMP_HISTOGRAM for STATS$TEMP_HISTOGRAM; create table STATS$EVENT_HISTOGRAM (snap_id number not null ,dbid number not null ,instance_number number not null ,event_id number not null ,wait_time_milli number not null ,wait_count number ,constraint STATS$EVENT_HISTOGRAM_PK primary key (snap_id, dbid, instance_number, event_id, wait_time_milli) using index tablespace &&tablespace_name storage (initial 1m next 1m pctincrease 0) ,constraint STATS$EVENT_HISTOGRAM_FK foreign key (snap_id, dbid, instance_number) references STATS$SNAPSHOT on delete cascade ) tablespace &&tablespace_name storage (initial 1m next 1m pctincrease 0) pctfree 5 pctused 40; create public synonym STATS$EVENT_HISTOGRAM for STATS$EVENT_HISTOGRAM; -- Modify existing table to add lookup columns alter table STATS$FILESTATXS add (file# number); alter table STATS$TEMPSTATXS add (file# number); alter table STATS$SYSTEM_EVENT add (event_id number); /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ -- Additional columns to db_cache_advice alter table STATS$DB_CACHE_ADVICE add (estd_physical_read_time number ,estd_pct_of_db_time_for_reads number ); /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ -- -- Change snap_id column to number from number(6) declare l_dbid number; l_instance_number number; l_cursor integer; l_sql varchar2(2000); l_tname varchar2(30); cursor tabs_with_snapid is select tc.table_name from dba_tab_columns tc , dba_tables t where tc.owner = 'PERFSTAT' and tc.column_name = 'SNAP_ID' and tc.data_type = 'NUMBER' and tc.data_precision is not null and t.table_name = tc.table_name and t.owner = tc.owner and t.dropped = 'NO'; begin dbms_output.put_line('Beginning modification of snap_id number(6) to number'); open tabs_with_snapid; l_cursor := dbms_sql.open_cursor; loop fetch tabs_with_snapid into l_tname; exit when tabs_with_snapid%notfound; -- 7/29/2010 kchou: bug# 9950811 security bug sql injection fix l_sql := 'alter table ' || dbms_assert.enquote_name(l_tname, FALSE) || ' modify (snap_id number)'; dbms_output.put_line('.. Modifying '|| l_tname); dbms_sql.parse(l_cursor, l_sql, dbms_sql.native); end loop; dbms_output.put_line('Modification of snap_id number(6) to number complete'); end; / /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ -- -- Time model support create table STATS$TIME_MODEL_STATNAME (stat_id number not null ,stat_name varchar2(64) not null ,constraint STATS$TIME_MODEL_STATNAME_PK primary key (stat_id) using index tablespace &&tablespace_name storage (initial 1m next 1m pctincrease 0) ) tablespace &&tablespace_name storage (initial 1m next 1m pctincrease 0) pctfree 5 pctused 40; create public synonym STATS$TIME_MODEL_STATNAME for STATS$TIME_MODEL_STATNAME; -- -- System wide time model create table STATS$SYS_TIME_MODEL (snap_id number not null ,dbid number not null ,instance_number number not null ,stat_id number not null ,value number not null ,constraint STATS$SYS_TIME_MODEL_PK primary key (snap_id, dbid, instance_number, stat_id) using index tablespace &&tablespace_name storage (initial 1m next 1m pctincrease 0) ,constraint STATS$SYS_TIME_MODEL_FK foreign key (snap_id, dbid, instance_number) references STATS$SNAPSHOT on delete cascade ) tablespace &&tablespace_name storage (initial 1m next 1m pctincrease 0) pctfree 5 pctused 40; create public synonym STATS$SYS_TIME_MODEL for STATS$SYS_TIME_MODEL; -- -- Session specific time model create table STATS$SESS_TIME_MODEL (snap_id number not null ,dbid number not null ,instance_number number not null ,stat_id number not null ,value number not null ,constraint STATS$SESS_TIME_MODEL_PK primary key (snap_id, dbid, instance_number, stat_id) using index tablespace &&tablespace_name storage (initial 1m next 1m pctincrease 0) ,constraint STATS$SESS_TIME_MODEL_FK foreign key (snap_id, dbid, instance_number) references STATS$SNAPSHOT on delete cascade ) tablespace &&tablespace_name storage (initial 1m next 1m pctincrease 0) pctfree 5 pctused 40; create public synonym STATS$SESS_TIME_MODEL for STATS$SESS_TIME_MODEL; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ -- -- Streams support -- -- Streams Capture create table STATS$STREAMS_CAPTURE (snap_id number not null ,dbid number not null ,instance_number number not null ,capture_name varchar2(30) not null ,startup_time date not null ,total_messages_captured number ,total_messages_enqueued number ,elapsed_capture_time number ,elapsed_rule_time number ,elapsed_enqueue_time number ,elapsed_lcr_time number ,elapsed_redo_wait_time number ,elapsed_pause_time number ,constraint STATS$STREAMS_CAPTURE_PK primary key (snap_id, dbid, instance_number, capture_name) using index tablespace &&tablespace_name storage (initial 1m next 1m pctincrease 0) ,constraint STATS$STREAMS_CAPTURE_FK foreign key (snap_id, dbid, instance_number) references STATS$SNAPSHOT on delete cascade ) tablespace &&tablespace_name storage (initial 1m next 1m pctincrease 0) pctfree 5 pctused 40; create public synonym STATS$STREAMS_CAPTURE for STATS$STREAMS_CAPTURE; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ -- -- Streams Apply -- Summary of data from v$apply_coordinator, v$apply_reader and v$apply_server create table STATS$STREAMS_APPLY_SUM (snap_id number not null ,dbid number not null ,instance_number number not null ,apply_name varchar2(30) not null ,startup_time date not null ,reader_total_messages_dequeued number ,reader_elapsed_dequeue_time number ,reader_elapsed_schedule_time number ,coord_total_received number ,coord_total_applied number ,coord_total_wait_deps number ,coord_total_wait_commits number ,coord_elapsed_schedule_time number ,server_total_messages_applied number ,server_elapsed_dequeue_time number ,server_elapsed_apply_time number ,constraint STATS$STREAMS_APPLY_SUM_PK primary key (snap_id, dbid, instance_number, apply_name) using index tablespace &&tablespace_name storage (initial 1m next 1m pctincrease 0) ,constraint STATS$STREAMS_APPLY_SUM_FK foreign key (snap_id, dbid, instance_number) references STATS$SNAPSHOT on delete cascade ) tablespace &&tablespace_name storage (initial 1m next 1m pctincrease 0) pctfree 5 pctused 40; create public synonym STATS$STREAMS_APPLY_SUM for STATS$STREAMS_APPLY_SUM; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ -- -- Propagation Sender -- Joins to dba_queue_schedules create table STATS$PROPAGATION_SENDER (snap_id number not null ,dbid number not null ,instance_number number not null ,queue_schema varchar2(30) not null ,queue_name varchar2(30) not null ,dblink varchar2(128) not null ,dst_queue_schema varchar2(30) not null ,dst_queue_name varchar2(30) not null ,startup_time date ,total_msgs number ,total_bytes number ,elapsed_dequeue_time number ,elapsed_pickle_time number ,elapsed_propagation_time number ,constraint STATS$PROPAGATION_SENDER_PK primary key (snap_id, dbid, instance_number ,queue_schema, queue_name, dblink, dst_queue_schema, dst_queue_name) using index tablespace &&tablespace_name storage (initial 1m next 1m pctincrease 0) ,constraint STATS$PROPAGATION_SENDER_FK foreign key (snap_id, dbid, instance_number) references STATS$SNAPSHOT on delete cascade ) tablespace &&tablespace_name storage (initial 1m next 1m pctincrease 0) pctfree 5 pctused 40; create public synonym STATS$PROPAGATION_SENDER for STATS$PROPAGATION_SENDER; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ -- -- Propagation Receiver create table STATS$PROPAGATION_RECEIVER (snap_id number not null ,dbid number not null ,instance_number number not null ,src_queue_schema varchar2(30) not null ,src_queue_name varchar2(30) not null ,src_dbname varchar2(128) not null ,dst_queue_schema varchar2(30) not null ,dst_queue_name varchar2(30) not null ,startup_time date not null ,elapsed_unpickle_time number ,elapsed_rule_time number ,elapsed_enqueue_time number ,constraint STATS$PROPAGATION_RECEIVER_PK primary key (snap_id, dbid, instance_number ,src_queue_schema, src_queue_name, src_dbname ,dst_queue_schema, dst_queue_name ) using index tablespace &&tablespace_name storage (initial 1m next 1m pctincrease 0) ,constraint STATS$PROPAGATION_RECEIVER_FK foreign key (snap_id, dbid, instance_number) references STATS$SNAPSHOT on delete cascade ) tablespace &&tablespace_name storage (initial 1m next 1m pctincrease 0) pctfree 5 pctused 40; /* create table STATS$PROPAGATION_RECEIVER (snap_id number not null ,dbid number not null ,instance_number number not null ,startup_time date not null ,src_queue_name varchar2(66) not null ,src_dbname varchar2(128) not null ,elapsed_unpickle_time number ,elapsed_rule_time number ,elapsed_enqueue_time number ,constraint STATS$PROPAGATION_RECEIVER_PK primary key (snap_id, dbid, instance_number, src_queue_name, src_dbname) using index tablespace &&tablespace_name storage (initial 1m next 1m pctincrease 0) ,constraint STATS$PROPAGATION_RECEIVER_FK foreign key (snap_id, dbid, instance_number) references STATS$SNAPSHOT on delete cascade ) tablespace &&tablespace_name storage (initial 1m next 1m pctincrease 0) pctfree 5 pctused 40; */ create public synonym STATS$PROPAGATION_RECEIVER for STATS$PROPAGATION_RECEIVER; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ -- -- Buffered Queues create table STATS$BUFFERED_QUEUES (snap_id number not null ,dbid number not null ,instance_number number not null ,queue_schema varchar2(30) not null ,queue_name varchar2(30) not null ,startup_time date not null ,num_msgs number ,cnum_msgs number ,cspill_msgs number ,constraint STATS$BUFFERED_QUEUES_PK primary key (snap_id, dbid, instance_number, queue_schema, queue_name) using index tablespace &&tablespace_name storage (initial 1m next 1m pctincrease 0) ,constraint STATS$BUFFERED_QUEUES_FK foreign key (snap_id, dbid, instance_number) references STATS$SNAPSHOT on delete cascade ) tablespace &&tablespace_name storage (initial 1m next 1m pctincrease 0) pctfree 5 pctused 40; create public synonym STATS$BUFFERED_QUEUES for STATS$BUFFERED_QUEUES; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ -- -- Buffered Subscribers -- Joins to v$instance, dba_queues create table STATS$BUFFERED_SUBSCRIBERS (snap_id number not null ,dbid number not null ,instance_number number not null ,queue_schema varchar2(30) not null ,queue_name varchar2(30) not null ,subscriber_id number not null ,subscriber_name varchar2(30) ,subscriber_address varchar2(1024) ,subscriber_type varchar2(30) ,startup_time date not null ,num_msgs number ,cnum_msgs number ,total_spilled_msg number ,constraint STATS$BUFFERED_SUBSCRIBERS_PK primary key (snap_id, dbid, instance_number, queue_schema, queue_name, subscriber_id) using index tablespace &&tablespace_name storage (initial 1m next 1m pctincrease 0) ,constraint STATS$BUFFERED_SUBSCRIBERS_FK foreign key (snap_id, dbid, instance_number) references STATS$SNAPSHOT on delete cascade ) tablespace &&tablespace_name storage (initial 1m next 1m pctincrease 0) pctfree 5 pctused 40; create public synonym STATS$BUFFERED_SUBSCRIBERS for STATS$BUFFERED_SUBSCRIBERS; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ -- -- Rule Set create table STATS$RULE_SET (snap_id number not null ,dbid number not null ,instance_number number not null ,owner varchar2(30) not null ,name varchar2(30) not null ,startup_time date not null ,cpu_time number ,elapsed_time number ,evaluations number ,sql_free_evaluations number ,sql_executions number ,reloads number ,constraint STATS$RULE_SET_PK primary key (snap_id, dbid, instance_number, owner, name) using index tablespace &&tablespace_name storage (initial 1m next 1m pctincrease 0) ,constraint STATS$RULE_SET_FK foreign key (snap_id, dbid, instance_number) references STATS$SNAPSHOT on delete cascade ) tablespace &&tablespace_name storage (initial 1m next 1m pctincrease 0) pctfree 5 pctused 40; create public synonym STATS$RULE_SET for STATS$RULE_SET; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ -- -- OS Stat create table STATS$OSSTAT (snap_id number not null ,dbid number not null ,instance_number number not null ,osstat_id number not null ,stat_name varchar2(64) ,value number ,constraint STATS$OSSTAT_PK primary key (snap_id, dbid, instance_number, osstat_id) using index tablespace &&tablespace_name storage (initial 1m next 1m pctincrease 0) ,constraint STATS$OSSTAT_FK foreign key (snap_id, dbid, instance_number) references STATS$SNAPSHOT on delete cascade ) tablespace &&tablespace_name storage (initial 1m next 1m pctincrease 0) pctfree 5 pctused 40; create public synonym STATS$OSSTAT for STATS$OSSTAT; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ -- -- Add any new idle events, and Statspack Levels insert into STATS$IDLE_EVENT (event) values ('wait for unread message on broadcast channel'); commit; insert into STATS$IDLE_EVENT (event) values ('PX Deq Credit: send blkd'); commit; insert into STATS$IDLE_EVENT (event) values ('PX Deq: Execute Reply'); commit; insert into STATS$IDLE_EVENT (event) values ('PX Deq: Signal ACK'); commit; insert into STATS$IDLE_EVENT (event) values ('PX Deque wait'); commit; insert into STATS$IDLE_EVENT (event) values ('PX Deq Credit: need buffer'); commit; insert into stats$idle_event (event) values ('STREAMS apply coord waiting for slave message'); commit; insert into stats$idle_event (event) values ('STREAMS apply slave waiting for coord message'); commit; insert into stats$idle_event (event) values ('Queue Monitor Wait'); commit; insert into stats$idle_event (event) values ('Queue Monitor Slave Wait'); commit; insert into stats$idle_event (event) values ('wakeup event for builder'); commit; insert into stats$idle_event (event) values ('wakeup event for preparer'); commit; insert into stats$idle_event (event) values ('wakeup event for reader'); commit; insert into stats$idle_event (event) values ('PX Deq: Par Recov Execute'); commit; insert into stats$idle_event (event) values ('PX Deq: Table Q Sample'); commit; insert into STATS$IDLE_EVENT (event) values ('STREAMS apply slave idle wait'); commit; insert into STATS$IDLE_EVENT (event) values ('STREAMS capture process filter callback wait for ruleset'); commit; insert into STATS$IDLE_EVENT (event) values ('STREAMS fetch slave waiting for txns'); commit; insert into STATS$IDLE_EVENT (event) values ('STREAMS waiting for subscribers to catch up'); commit; insert into STATS$IDLE_EVENT (event) values ('Queue Monitor Shutdown Wait'); commit; insert into STATS$IDLE_EVENT (event) values ('AQ Proxy Cleanup Wait'); commit; insert into STATS$IDLE_EVENT (event) values ('knlqdeq'); commit; insert into STATS$IDLE_EVENT (event) values ('wait for activate message'); commit; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ prompt Note: prompt Please check the log file of the package recreation, which is prompt in the file spcpkg.lis spool off /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ -- -- Upgrade the package @@spcpkg -- End of Upgrade script