Rem Rem $Header: rdbms/admin/spup90.sql /main/9 2010/04/20 10:50:41 kchou Exp $ Rem Rem spup90.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2001, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. Rem All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem spup90.sql - StatsPack UPgrade 90 Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem Upgrades the Statspack schema to the 9.2 schema format Rem Rem NOTES Rem Export the Statspack schema before running this upgrade, Rem as this is the only way to restore the existing data. Rem A downgrade script is not provided. Rem Rem Disable any scripts which use Statspack while the upgrade script Rem is running. Rem Rem Ensure there is plenty of free space in the tablespace Rem where the schema resides. Rem Rem This script should be run when connected as SYSDBA Rem Rem This upgrade script should only be run once. Rem Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem kchou 04/20/10 - BUG# 9559470 Possible SQL Injection Rem kchou 04/08/10 - Security Fix: 2nd Order SQL Injections: Bug# Rem 9559470 Rem cdialeri 03/02/04 - 3513994: 3473979, 3483751 Rem vbarrier 04/01/02 - 2290728 Rem vbarrier 03/20/02 - 2143634 Rem vbarrier 03/05/02 - Segment Statistics Rem cdialeri 02/07/02 - 2218573 Rem cdialeri 01/30/02 - 2184717 Rem cdialeri 01/11/02 - 9.2 - features 2 Rem cdialeri 11/30/01 - Created - 9.2 - features 1 Rem set verify off set serveroutput on /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ prompt prompt Warning prompt ~~~~~~~ prompt Converting existing Statspack data to 9.2 format may result in prompt irregularities when reporting on pre-9.2 snapshot data. prompt This script is provided for convenience, and is not guaranteed to prompt work on all installations. To ensure you will not lose any existing prompt Statspack data, export the schema before upgrading. A downgrade prompt script is not provided. Please see spdoc.txt for more details. prompt prompt prompt Usage Recommendations prompt ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ prompt Disable any programs which run Statspack (including any dbms_jobs), prompt or this upgrade will fail. prompt prompt You will be prompted for the PERFSTAT password, and for the prompt tablespace to create any new PERFSTAT tables/indexes. prompt prompt You must be connected as a user with SYSDBA privilege to successfully prompt run this script. prompt accept confirmation prompt "Press return before continuing "; prompt prompt Please specify the PERFSTAT password prompt &&perfstat_password spool spup90a.lis prompt prompt Specify the tablespace to create any new PERFSTAT tables and indexes prompt Tablespace specified &&tablespace_name prompt /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ -- -- Create SYS views, public synonyms, issue grants -- Recreate stats$v$sqlxs with new child_latch and fetches columns create or replace view STATS$V_$SQLXS as select max(sql_text) sql_text , sum(sharable_mem) sharable_mem , sum(sorts) sorts , min(module) module , sum(loaded_versions) loaded_versions , sum(fetches) fetches , sum(executions) executions , sum(loads) loads , sum(invalidations) invalidations , sum(parse_calls) parse_calls , sum(disk_reads) disk_reads , sum(buffer_gets) buffer_gets , sum(rows_processed) rows_processed , max(command_type) command_type , address address , hash_value hash_value , count(1) version_count , sum(cpu_time) cpu_time , sum(elapsed_time) elapsed_time , max(outline_sid) outline_sid , max(outline_category) outline_category , max(is_obsolete) is_obsolete , max(child_latch) child_latch from v$sql group by hash_value, address; grant select on STATS$V_$SQLXS to PERFSTAT; create or replace view STATS$V_$TEMPSTATXS as select tsname , filename , tm.phyrds , tm.phywrts , tm.readtim , tm.writetim , tm.singleblkrds , tm.phyblkrd , tm.phyblkwrt , tm.singleblkrdtim , fw.count wait_count , fw.time time from x$kcbfwait fw , v$tempstat tm , v$tablespace ts , v$tempfile tf where ts.ts# = tf.ts# and tm.file# = tf.file# and fw.indx+1 = (tf.file# + (select value from v$parameter where name='db_files')); grant select on STATS$V_$TEMPSTATXS to PERFSTAT; -- Issue grants for new views captured grant select on V_$SHARED_POOL_ADVICE to PERFSTAT; grant select on V_$SQL_WORKAREA_HISTOGRAM to PERFSTAT; grant select on V_$PGA_TARGET_ADVICE to PERFSTAT; grant select on V_$SEGSTAT to PERFSTAT; grant select on V_$SEGMENT_STATISTICS to PERFSTAT; grant select on V_$SEGSTAT_NAME to PERFSTAT; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ prompt Note: prompt Please check remainder of upgrade log file, which is continued in prompt the file spup90b.lis spool off connect perfstat/&&perfstat_password spool spup90b.lis show user set verify off set serveroutput on /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ -- -- Add new columns to sql_plan alter table STATS$SQL_PLAN add (search_columns number ,access_predicates varchar2(4000) ,filter_predicates varchar2(4000) ); /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ -- -- Add new columns to sql_summary alter table STATS$SQL_SUMMARY add (fetches number ,child_latch number ); /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ -- -- Add new column to buffer cache advisory alter table STATS$DB_CACHE_ADVICE add (size_factor number ); /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ -- -- Add support for shared pool advisory create table STATS$SHARED_POOL_ADVICE (snap_id number(6) not null ,dbid number not null ,instance_number number not null ,shared_pool_size_for_estimate number not null ,shared_pool_size_factor number ,estd_lc_size number ,estd_lc_memory_objects number ,estd_lc_time_saved number ,estd_lc_time_saved_factor number ,estd_lc_memory_object_hits number ,constraint STATS$SHARED_POOL_ADVICE_PK primary key (snap_id, dbid, instance_number, shared_pool_size_for_estimate) using index tablespace &&tablespace_name storage (initial 1m next 1m pctincrease 0) ,constraint STATS$SHARED_POOL_ADVICE_FK foreign key (snap_id, dbid, instance_number) references STATS$SNAPSHOT on delete cascade ) tablespace &&tablespace_name storage (initial 1m next 1m pctincrease 0) pctfree 5 pctused 40; create public synonym STATS$SHARED_POOL_ADVICE for STATS$SHARED_POOL_ADVICE; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ -- -- Add support for new PGA memory management views -- Histogram create table STATS$SQL_WORKAREA_HISTOGRAM (snap_id number(6) not null ,dbid number not null ,instance_number number not null ,low_optimal_size number not null ,high_optimal_size number not null ,optimal_executions number ,onepass_executions number ,multipasses_executions number ,total_executions number ,constraint STATS$SQL_WORKAREA_HIST_PK primary key (snap_id, dbid, instance_number, low_optimal_size, high_optimal_size) using index tablespace &&tablespace_name storage (initial 1m next 1m pctincrease 0) ,constraint STATS$SQL_WORKAREA_HIST_FK foreign key (snap_id, dbid, instance_number) references STATS$SNAPSHOT on delete cascade ) tablespace &&tablespace_name storage (initial 1m next 1m pctincrease 0) pctfree 5 pctused 40; create public synonym STATS$SQL_WORKAREA_HISTOGRAM for STATS$SQL_WORKAREA_HISTOGRAM; -- Advisory create table STATS$PGA_TARGET_ADVICE (snap_id number(6) not null ,dbid number not null ,instance_number number not null ,pga_target_for_estimate number not null ,pga_target_factor number ,advice_status varchar2(3) ,bytes_processed number ,estd_extra_bytes_rw number ,estd_pga_cache_hit_percentage number ,estd_overalloc_count number ,constraint STATS$PGA_TARGET_ADVICE_PK primary key (snap_id, dbid, instance_number, pga_target_for_estimate) using index tablespace &&tablespace_name storage (initial 1m next 1m pctincrease 0) ,constraint STATS$PGA_TARGET_ADVICE_FK foreign key (snap_id, dbid, instance_number) references STATS$SNAPSHOT on delete cascade ) tablespace &&tablespace_name storage (initial 1m next 1m pctincrease 0) pctfree 5 pctused 40; create public synonym STATS$PGA_TARGET_ADVICE for STATS$PGA_TARGET_ADVICE; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ -- -- Use foreign key constraints instead of check constraints when possible alter table STATS$STATSPACK_PARAMETER drop constraint STATS$STATSPACK_LVL_CK; alter table STATS$STATSPACK_PARAMETER add constraint STATS$STATSPACK_LVL_FK foreign key (snap_level) references STATS$LEVEL_DESCRIPTION; alter table STATS$SNAPSHOT drop constraint STATS$SNAPSHOT_LVL_CK; alter table STATS$SNAPSHOT add constraint STATS$SNAPSHOT_LVL_FK foreign key (snap_level) references STATS$LEVEL_DESCRIPTION; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ -- -- Add support for new segment statistics views -- Add new threshold columns alter table STATS$STATSPACK_PARAMETER add (seg_phy_reads_th number ,seg_log_reads_th number ,seg_buff_busy_th number ,seg_rowlock_w_th number ,seg_itl_waits_th number ,seg_cr_bks_sd_th number ,seg_cu_bks_sd_th number ); alter table STATS$SNAPSHOT add (seg_phy_reads_th number ,seg_log_reads_th number ,seg_buff_busy_th number ,seg_rowlock_w_th number ,seg_itl_waits_th number ,seg_cr_bks_sd_th number ,seg_cu_bks_sd_th number ); -- Set default threshold values update stats$statspack_parameter set seg_phy_reads_th = 1000, seg_log_reads_th = 10000, seg_buff_busy_th = 100, seg_rowlock_w_th = 100, seg_itl_waits_th = 100, seg_cr_bks_sd_th = 1000, seg_cu_bks_sd_th = 1000; alter table STATS$STATSPACK_PARAMETER modify (seg_phy_reads_th not null ,seg_log_reads_th not null ,seg_buff_busy_th not null ,seg_rowlock_w_th not null ,seg_itl_waits_th not null ,seg_cr_bks_sd_th not null ,seg_cu_bks_sd_th not null ); -- New level 7 for segment statistics -- Segment statistics without object names create table STATS$SEG_STAT (snap_id number(6) not null ,dbid number not null ,instance_number number not null ,dataobj# number not null ,obj# number not null ,ts# number not null ,logical_reads number ,buffer_busy_waits number ,db_block_changes number ,physical_reads number ,physical_writes number ,direct_physical_reads number ,direct_physical_writes number ,global_cache_cr_blocks_served number ,global_cache_cu_blocks_served number ,itl_waits number ,row_lock_waits number , constraint STATS$SEG_STAT_PK primary key (snap_id, dbid, instance_number, dataobj#, obj#) using index tablespace &&tablespace_name storage (initial 1m next 1m pctincrease 0) ,constraint STATS$SEG_STAT_FK foreign key (snap_id, dbid, instance_number) references STATS$SNAPSHOT on delete cascade ) tablespace &&tablespace_name storage (initial 3m next 3m pctincrease 0); create public synonym STATS$SEG_STAT for STATS$SEG_STAT; -- Segment names having statistics create table STATS$SEG_STAT_OBJ (dataobj# number not null ,obj# number not null ,ts# number not null ,dbid number not null ,owner varchar(30) not null ,object_name varchar(30) not null ,subobject_name varchar(30) ,object_type varchar2(18) ,tablespace_name varchar(30) not null ,constraint STATS$SEG_STAT_OBJ_PK primary key (dataobj#, obj#, dbid) using index tablespace &&tablespace_name storage (initial 1m next 1m pctincrease 0) ) tablespace &&tablespace_name storage (initial 1m next 1m pctincrease 0); create public synonym STATS$SEG_STAT_OBJ for STATS$SEG_STAT_OBJ; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ -- -- Support modified SQL Plan Usage capture declare l_dbid number; l_instance_number number; l_db_count number := 0; l_instance_count number := 0; l_dummy varchar2(1); l_cursor integer; l_sql varchar2(2000); update_not_reqd exception; begin -- check to see if the PK and HV indexes exist select count(1) into l_dummy from dba_ind_columns where table_owner = 'PERFSTAT' and table_name = 'STATS$SQL_PLAN_USAGE' and index_name in ('STATS$SQL_PLAN_USAGE_PK','STATS$SQL_PLAN_USAGE_HV') and column_name in ('SNAP_ID','DBID','INSTANCE_NUMBER' ,'HASH_VALUE','TEXT_SUBSET','PLAN_HASH_VALUE','COST'); if l_dummy = 8 then -- The upgrade has been run successfully before - exit raise update_not_reqd; end if; dbms_output.put_line('Beginning upgrade of STATS$SQL_PLAN_USAGE'); -- Check to see if old I1 index exists, if so, drop it select count(1) into l_dummy from dba_ind_columns where table_owner = 'PERFSTAT' and table_name = 'STATS$SQL_PLAN_USAGE' and index_name = 'STATS$SQL_PLAN_USAGE_I1' and column_name = 'SNAP_ID'; l_cursor := dbms_sql.open_cursor; if l_dummy = 1 then -- old I1 index exists, drop it l_sql := 'drop index STATS$SQL_PLAN_USAGE_I1'; dbms_sql.parse(l_cursor, l_sql, dbms_sql.native); dbms_output.put_line('.. Dropped I1 index'); end if; -- Check to see if old PK index exists, if so, drop it select count(1) into l_dummy from dba_ind_columns where table_owner = 'PERFSTAT' and table_name = 'STATS$SQL_PLAN_USAGE' and index_name = 'STATS$SQL_PLAN_USAGE_PK' and column_name in ('SNAP_ID','DBID','INSTANCE_NUMBER' ,'HASH_VALUE','TEXT_SUBSET','PLAN_HASH_VALUE','COST'); if l_dummy = 4 then -- old PK index still here - drop l_sql := 'alter table STATS$SQL_PLAN_USAGE drop primary key drop index'; dbms_sql.parse(l_cursor, l_sql, dbms_sql.native); dbms_output.put_line('.. Dropped PK'); end if; -- Archive off the old table, if it doesn't already exist select count(1) into l_dummy from dba_tables where owner = 'PERFSTAT' and table_name = 'STATS$SQL_PLAN_USAGE_90'; if l_dummy = 0 then -- table not archived previously l_sql := 'rename STATS$SQL_PLAN_USAGE to STATS$SQL_PLAN_USAGE_90'; dbms_sql.parse(l_cursor, l_sql, dbms_sql.native); dbms_output.put_line('.. Archived original STATS$SQL_PLAN_USAGE table to STATS$SQL_PLAN_USAGE_90'); end if; -- Create new table, PK, FK l_sql := 'create table STATS$SQL_PLAN_USAGE (snap_id number(6) not null ,dbid number not null ,instance_number number not null ,hash_value number not null ,text_subset varchar2(31) not null ,plan_hash_value number not null ,cost number ,address raw(8) ,optimizer varchar2(20) ,constraint STATS$SQL_PLAN_USAGE_PK primary key (snap_id, dbid, instance_number ,hash_value, text_subset, plan_hash_value, cost) using index tablespace &&tablespace_name storage (initial 1m next 1m pctincrease 0) ,constraint STATS$SQL_PLAN_USAGE_FK foreign key (snap_id, dbid, instance_number) references STATS$SNAPSHOT on delete cascade ) tablespace &&tablespace_name storage (initial 5m next 5m pctincrease 0) pctfree 5 pctused 40'; dbms_sql.parse(l_cursor, l_sql, dbms_sql.native); dbms_output.put_line('.. Created new STATS$SQL_PLAN_USAGE table'); -- create HV index l_sql := 'create index STATS$SQL_PLAN_USAGE_HV ON STATS$SQL_PLAN_USAGE (hash_value) tablespace &&tablespace_name storage (initial 1m next 1m pctincrease 0)'; dbms_sql.parse(l_cursor, l_sql, dbms_sql.native); dbms_output.put_line('.. Created new HV index'); dbms_output.put_line('Upgrade of STATS$SQL_PLAN_USAGE complete'); exception when update_not_reqd then dbms_output.put_line('Upgrade of STATS$SQL_PLAN_USAGE not required - skipping'); when others then rollback; raise; end; / /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ -- -- Add new level for segment statistics insert into STATS$LEVEL_DESCRIPTION (snap_level, description) values (7, 'This level captures segment level statistics, including logical and physical reads, row lock, itl and buffer busy waits, along with all data captured by lower levels'); commit; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ -- -- Add any new idle events, and Statspack Levels insert into STATS$IDLE_EVENT (event) values ('gcs remote message'); commit; insert into STATS$IDLE_EVENT (event) values ('gcs for action'); commit; insert into STATS$IDLE_EVENT (event) values ('ges remote message'); commit; insert into STATS$IDLE_EVENT (event) values ('queue messages'); commit; insert into STATS$IDLE_EVENT (event) values ('PX Deq: Execution Msg'); commit; insert into STATS$IDLE_EVENT (event) values ('PX Deq: Table Q Normal'); commit; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ -- -- Revoke select privileges on statspack objects granted to PUBLIC declare sqlstr varchar2(128); begin for tbnam in (select atp.table_name from all_tab_privs atp , all_tables at where atp.privilege = 'SELECT' and atp.table_schema = 'PERFSTAT' and atp.grantee = 'PUBLIC' and at.table_name = atp.table_name and at.owner = atp.table_schema and at.dropped = 'NO') loop -- XXX kchou 4/20/2010 BUG# 9559470 POSSIBLE SQL INJECTION -- sqlstr := 'revoke select on perfstat.'||tbnam.table_name||' from public'; sqlstr := 'revoke select on perfstat.' || dbms_assert.enquote_name(tbnam.table_name, FALSE) || ' FROM PUBLIC'; execute immediate sqlstr; end loop; end; / prompt Note: prompt Please check the log file of the package recreation, which is prompt in the file spcpkg.lis spool off /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ -- -- Upgrade the package @@spcpkg -- End of Upgrade script