Rem Rem $Header: spup102.sql 22-jun-2007.13:52:09 cdgreen Exp $ Rem Rem spup102.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2005, 2007, Oracle. All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem spup102.sql - StatsPack UPgrade 10.2 Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem Upgrades the Statspack schema to the 11 schema Rem Rem NOTES Rem Export the Statspack schema before running this upgrade, Rem as this is the only way to restore the existing data. Rem A downgrade script is not provided. Rem Rem Disable any scripts which use Statspack while the upgrade script Rem is running. Rem Rem Ensure there is plenty of free space in the tablespace Rem where the schema resides. Rem Rem This script should be run when connected as SYSDBA Rem Rem This upgrade script should only be run once. Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem shsong 06/14/07 - Add idle events Rem cdgreen 03/14/07 - 11 F2 Rem cdgreen 03/02/07 - use _FG for v$system_event Rem cdgreen 02/28/07 - 5908354 Rem cdgreen 04/26/06 - 11 F1 Rem cdgreen 06/26/06 - Increase column length Rem cdgreen 05/10/06 - 5215982 Rem cdgreen 08/23/05 - cdgreen_bug-4562627 Rem cdgreen 08/22/05 - Created Rem prompt prompt Statspack Upgrade script prompt ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ prompt prompt Warning prompt ~~~~~~~ prompt Converting existing Statspack data to 11 format may result in prompt irregularities when reporting on pre-11 snapshot data. prompt prompt This script is provided for convenience, and is not guaranteed to prompt work on all installations. To ensure you will not lose any existing prompt Statspack data, export the schema before upgrading. A downgrade prompt script is not provided. Please see spdoc.txt for more details. prompt accept confirmation prompt "Press return before continuing "; prompt prompt Usage prompt ~~~~~ prompt -> Disable any programs which run Statspack (including any dbms_jobs), prompt before continuing, or this upgrade will fail. prompt prompt -> You MUST be connected as a user with SYSDBA privilege to successfully prompt run this script. prompt prompt -> You will be prompted for the PERFSTAT password, and for the prompt tablespace to create any new PERFSTAT tables/indexes. prompt accept confirmation prompt "Press return before continuing "; prompt prompt Please specify the PERFSTAT password prompt &&perfstat_password spool spup102a.lis prompt prompt Specify the tablespace to create any new PERFSTAT tables and indexes prompt Tablespace specified &&tablespace_name prompt /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ -- -- Create SYS views, public synonyms, issue grants -- Remove Remaster Stats 10gR2 workaround drop view STATS$V_$DYNAMIC_REM_STATS; drop synonym PERFSTAT.V$DYNAMIC_REMASTER_STATS; -- -- Interconnect pings create or replace view STATS$X_$KSXPPING as select * from X$KSXPPING; create or replace public synonym STATS$X$KSXPPING for STATS$X_$KSXPPING; -- -- Recreate sqlxs create or replace view STATS$V_$SQLXS as select max(sql_text) sql_text , max(sql_id) sql_id , sum(sharable_mem) sharable_mem , sum(sorts) sorts , min(module) module , sum(loaded_versions) loaded_versions , sum(fetches) fetches , sum(executions) executions , sum(px_servers_executions) px_servers_executions , sum(end_of_fetch_count) end_of_fetch_count , sum(loads) loads , sum(invalidations) invalidations , sum(parse_calls) parse_calls , sum(disk_reads) disk_reads , sum(direct_writes) direct_writes , sum(buffer_gets) buffer_gets , sum(application_wait_time) application_wait_time , sum(concurrency_wait_time) concurrency_wait_time , sum(cluster_wait_time) cluster_wait_time , sum(user_io_wait_time) user_io_wait_time , sum(plsql_exec_time) plsql_exec_time , sum(java_exec_time) java_exec_time , sum(rows_processed) rows_processed , max(command_type) command_type , address address , old_hash_value old_hash_value , max(hash_value) hash_value , count(1) version_count , sum(cpu_time) cpu_time , sum(elapsed_time) elapsed_time , null avg_hard_parse_time , max(outline_sid) outline_sid , max(outline_category) outline_category , max(is_obsolete) is_obsolete , max(child_latch) child_latch , max(sql_profile) sql_profile , max(program_id) program_id , max(program_line#) program_line# , max(exact_matching_signature) exact_matching_signature , max(force_matching_signature) force_matching_signature , max(last_active_time) last_active_time from v$sql group by old_hash_value, address; -- grants grant create view to PERFSTAT; grant select on V_$DYNAMIC_REMASTER_STATS to PERFSTAT; grant select on V_$IOSTAT_FUNCTION to PERFSTAT; grant select on V_$IOSTAT_FILE to PERFSTAT; grant select on V_$MEMORY_TARGET_ADVICE to PERFSTAT; grant select on V_$MEMORY_RESIZE_OPS to PERFSTAT; grant select on V_$MEMORY_DYNAMIC_COMPONENTS to PERFSTAT; grant select on STATS$X_$KSXPPING to PERFSTAT; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ prompt Note: prompt Please check remainder of upgrade log file, which is continued in prompt the file spup102b.lis spool off connect perfstat/&&perfstat_password spool spup102b.lis show user set verify off set serveroutput on size 4000 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ -- -- Increase column length for value in stats$sql_plan alter table stats$sql_plan modify ( partition_start varchar2(64) , partition_stop varchar2(64)); /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ -- -- Increase column length for value in stats$sql_plan alter table stats$database_instance add (platform_name varchar2(101)); /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ -- -- PGA target advice alter table stats$pga_target_advice add (estd_time number ); /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ -- -- Increase column length for value in stats$parameter alter table stats$parameter modify (value varchar2(4000)); /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ -- Hard parse time alter table stats$sql_summary add (AVG_HARD_PARSE_TIME NUMBER ); /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ -- -- Lose bg_event_summary alter table stats$system_event add (total_waits_fg number ,total_timeouts_fg number ,time_waited_micro_fg number ); declare l_sql varchar2(2000); l_cursor integer; l_rowcount_1 number := 0; l_rowcount_2 number := 0; begin dbms_output.put_line('...Beginning modification of stats$system_event'); -- Set up the empty columns update stats$system_event set total_waits_fg = total_waits , total_timeouts_fg = total_timeouts , time_waited_micro_fg = time_waited_micro; select count(1) into l_rowcount_1 from stats$bg_event_summary where total_waits != 0; if l_rowcount_1 > 0 then merge into stats$system_event se using (select snap_id, dbid, instance_number, event , total_waits, total_timeouts, time_waited_micro from stats$bg_event_summary ) bg on ( se.snap_id = bg.snap_id and se.dbid = bg.dbid and se.instance_number = bg.instance_number and se.event = bg.event ) when matched then update set total_waits_fg = decode(sign(se.total_waits - bg.total_waits) , 1, se.total_waits - bg.total_waits, 0) , total_timeouts_fg = decode(sign(se.total_timeouts - bg.total_timeouts) , 1, se.total_timeouts - bg.total_timeouts, 0) , time_waited_micro_fg = decode(sign(se.time_waited_micro - bg.time_waited_micro), 1, se.time_waited_micro - bg.time_waited_micro, 0) when not matched then insert ( snap_id, dbid, instance_number, event , total_waits , total_timeouts, time_waited_micro , total_waits_fg, total_timeouts_fg, time_waited_micro_fg) values (bg.snap_id, bg.dbid, bg.instance_number, bg.event , bg.total_waits, bg.total_timeouts, bg.time_waited_micro , 0 , 0 , 0); -- Fix null event id's and rows which were in system event but not in bg event update stats$system_event se set se.event_id = (select event_id from v$event_name en where = se.event) where se.event_id is null; commit; end if; select count(1) into l_rowcount_2 from stats$system_event where total_waits != total_waits_fg; -- If all the data has been converted, drop the old table if l_rowcount_2 > 0 then l_cursor := dbms_sql.open_cursor; l_sql := 'drop table stats$bg_event_summary'; dbms_sql.parse(l_cursor, l_sql, dbms_sql.native); l_sql := 'drop public synonym stats$bg_event_summary'; dbms_sql.parse(l_cursor, l_sql, dbms_sql.native); dbms_output.put_line('...Dropped stats$bg_event_summary'); else dbms_output.put_line(l_rowcount_1); dbms_output.put_line(l_rowcount_2); end if; dbms_output.put_line('...Completed modification of stats$system_event'); end; / -- To make reporting less problematic create or replace view PERFSTAT.STATS$BG_EVENT_SUMMARY as select snap_id , dbid , instance_number , event , total_waits - total_waits_fg total_waits , total_timeouts - total_timeouts_fg total_timeouts , time_waited_micro - time_waited_micro_fg time_waited_micro from stats$system_event; create or replace public synonym STATS$BG_EVENT_SUMMARY for STATS$BG_EVENT_SUMMARY; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ -- -- Drop temp_histogram drop public synonym STATS$TEMP_HISTOGRAM; drop table PERFSTAT.STATS$TEMP_HISTOGRAM; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ -- GTT create global temporary table STATS$TEMP_SQLSTATS ( old_hash_value number , text_subset varchar2(31) , module varchar2(64) , delta_buffer_gets number , delta_executions number , delta_cpu_time number , delta_elapsed_time number , avg_elapsed_time number , avg_hard_parse_time number , delta_disk_reads number , delta_parse_calls number , max_sharable_mem number , last_sharable_mem number , delta_version_count number , max_version_count number , last_version_count number , delta_cluster_wait_time number , delta_rows_processed number ) on commit preserve rows; create public synonym STATS$TEMP_SQLSTATS for STATS$TEMP_SQLSTATS; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ -- -- IOStat support create table STATS$IOSTAT_FUNCTION_NAME (function_id number not null ,function_name varchar2(18) not null ,constraint STATS$IOSTAT_FUNCTION_NAME_PK primary key (function_id) using index tablespace &&tablespace_name storage (initial 1m next 1m pctincrease 0) ) tablespace &&tablespace_name storage (initial 1m next 1m pctincrease 0) pctfree 5 pctused 40; create public synonym STATS$IOSTAT_FUNCTION_NAME for STATS$IOSTAT_FUNCTION_NAME; create table STATS$IOSTAT_FUNCTION (snap_id number not null ,dbid number not null ,instance_number number not null ,function_id number not null ,small_read_megabytes number ,small_write_megabytes number ,large_read_megabytes number ,large_write_megabytes number ,small_read_reqs number ,small_write_reqs number ,large_read_reqs number ,large_write_reqs number ,number_of_waits number ,wait_time number ,constraint STATS$IOSTAT_FUNCTION_PK primary key (snap_id, dbid, instance_number, function_id) using index tablespace &&tablespace_name storage (initial 1m next 1m pctincrease 0) ,constraint STATS$IOSTAT_FUNCTION_FK foreign key (snap_id, dbid, instance_number) references STATS$SNAPSHOT on delete cascade ) tablespace &&tablespace_name storage (initial 1m next 1m pctincrease 0) pctfree 5 pctused 40; create public synonym STATS$IOSTAT_FUNCTION for STATS$IOSTAT_FUNCTION; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ -- -- Auto-Memory support create table STATS$MEMORY_TARGET_ADVICE (snap_id number not null ,dbid number not null ,instance_number number not null ,memory_size number not null ,memory_size_factor number ,estd_db_time number ,estd_db_time_factor number ,version number ,constraint STATS$MEMORY_TARGET_ADVICE_PK primary key (snap_id, dbid, instance_number, memory_size) using index tablespace &&tablespace_name storage (initial 1m next 1m pctincrease 0) ,constraint STATS$MEMORY_TARGET_ADVICE_FK foreign key (snap_id, dbid, instance_number) references STATS$SNAPSHOT on delete cascade ) tablespace &&tablespace_name storage (initial 1m next 1m pctincrease 0) pctfree 5 pctused 40; create public synonym STATS$MEMORY_TARGET_ADVICE for STATS$MEMORY_TARGET_ADVICE; create table STATS$MEMORY_DYNAMIC_COMPS (snap_id number not null ,dbid number not null ,instance_number number not null ,component varchar2(64) not null ,current_size number ,min_size number ,max_size number ,user_specified_size number ,oper_count number ,last_oper_type varchar2(13) ,last_oper_mode varchar2(9) ,last_oper_time date ,granule_size number ,constraint STATS$MEMORY_DYNAMIC_COMPS_PK primary key (snap_id, dbid, instance_number, component) using index tablespace &&tablespace_name storage (initial 1m next 1m pctincrease 0) ,constraint STATS$MEMORY_DYNAMIC_COMPS_FK foreign key (snap_id, dbid, instance_number) references STATS$SNAPSHOT on delete cascade ) tablespace &&tablespace_name storage (initial 1m next 1m pctincrease 0) pctfree 5 pctused 40; create public synonym STATS$MEMORY_DYNAMIC_COMPS for STATS$MEMORY_DYNAMIC_COMPS; create table STATS$MEMORY_RESIZE_OPS (snap_id number not null ,dbid number not null ,instance_number number not null ,component varchar2(64) not null ,oper_type varchar2(13) not null ,oper_mode varchar2(9) not null ,start_time date not null ,initial_size number not null ,target_size number not null ,final_size number not null ,status varchar2(9) not null ,end_time date not null ,parameter varchar2(80) ,num_ops number ,constraint STATS$MEMORY_RESIZE_OPS_PK primary key ( snap_id, dbid, instance_number , component, oper_type, start_time, oper_mode , initial_size, target_size, final_size,status, end_time ) using index tablespace &&tablespace_name storage (initial 1m next 1m pctincrease 0) ,constraint STATS$MEMORY_RESIZE_OPS_FK foreign key (snap_id, dbid, instance_number) references STATS$SNAPSHOT on delete cascade ) tablespace &&tablespace_name storage (initial 1m next 1m pctincrease 0) pctfree 5 pctused 40; create public synonym STATS$MEMORY_RESIZE_OPS for STATS$MEMORY_RESIZE_OPS; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ -- RAC create table STATS$INTERCONNECT_PINGS (snap_id number not null ,dbid number not null ,instance_number number not null ,target_instance number not null ,iter_500b number ,wait_500b number ,waitsq_500b number ,iter_8k number ,wait_8k number ,waitsq_8k number ,constraint STATS$INTERCONNECT_PINGS_PK primary key (snap_id, dbid, instance_number, target_instance) using index tablespace &&tablespace_name storage (initial 1m next 1m pctincrease 0) ,constraint STATS$INTERCONNECT_PINGS_FK foreign key (snap_id, dbid, instance_number) references STATS$SNAPSHOT on delete cascade ) tablespace &&tablespace_name storage (initial 1m next 1m pctincrease 0) pctfree 5 pctused 40; create public synonym STATS$INTERCONNECT_PINGS for STATS$INTERCONNECT_PINGS; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ -- -- Add diffable column alter table stats$osstatname add (cumulative varchar2(3)); update stats$osstatname osn set osn.cumulative = (select vo.cumulative from v$osstat vo where vo.osstat_id = osn.osstat_id) where osn.cumulative is null; commit; update stats$osstatname osn set osn.cumulative = 'NO' where osn.cumulative is null and osn.stat_name like 'AVG%'; commit; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ -- -- Add any new idle events, and Statspack Levels insert into STATS$IDLE_EVENT (event) values ('LogMiner: generic process sleep'); commit; insert into STATS$IDLE_EVENT (event) values ('LogMiner: reader waiting for more redo'); commit; insert into STATS$IDLE_EVENT (event) values ('LogMiner: waiting for processes to soft detach'); commit; insert into STATS$IDLE_EVENT (event) values ('Space Manager: slave idle wait'); commit; insert into STATS$IDLE_EVENT (event) values ('Streams capture: waiting for archive log'); commit; insert into STATS$IDLE_EVENT (event) values ('parallel recovery coordinator waits for slave cleanup'); commit; insert into STATS$IDLE_EVENT (event) values ('parallel recovery slave idle wait'); commit; insert into STATS$IDLE_EVENT (event) values ('watchdog main loop'); commit; insert into STATS$IDLE_EVENT (event) values ('DBRM Logical Idle Wait'); commit; insert into STATS$IDLE_EVENT (event) values ('EMON slave idle wait'); commit; insert into STATS$IDLE_EVENT (event) values ('IORM Scheduler Slave Idle Wait'); commit; insert into STATS$IDLE_EVENT (event) values ('pool server timer'); commit; insert into STATS$IDLE_EVENT (event) values ('cmon timer'); commit; insert into STATS$IDLE_EVENT (event) values ('fbar timer'); commit; insert into STATS$IDLE_EVENT (event) values ('PING'); commit; insert into STATS$IDLE_EVENT (event) values ('MRP redo arrival'); commit; insert into STATS$IDLE_EVENT (event) values ('parallel recovery slave next change'); commit; insert into STATS$IDLE_EVENT (event) values ('parallel recovery slave wait for change'); commit; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ prompt Note: prompt Please check the log file of the package recreation, which is prompt in the file spcpkg.lis spool off /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ -- -- Upgrade the package @@spcpkg -- End of Upgrade script