Rem Rem $Header: sprsqins.sql 27-jun-2006.14:03:04 cdgreen Exp $ Rem Rem sprsqins.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2002, 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem sprsqins.sql - StatsPack Report SQl Instance Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem Statspack SQL report to show resource usage, SQL Text Rem and any SQL Plans Rem Rem NOTES Rem Usually run as the PERFSTAT user Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem cdgreen 06/27/06 - 4631691 Rem cdgreen 05/27/05 - 4246955 Rem vbarrier 02/18/05 - 4071648 Rem cdgreen 02/02/05 - sqlstats_opt Rem cdgreen 10/26/04 - 3970898 Rem cdgreen 07/16/04 - 10g R2 Rem vbarrier 03/18/04 - 3517841 Rem cdialeri 12/04/03 - 3290482 Rem vbarrier 02/25/03 - 10i RAC Rem arithikr 01/20/03 - 2728585 - fix single quote in SQL text_subset Rem cdialeri 11/05/02 - 2648471 Rem cdialeri 10/11/02 - cdialeri_tidy_10 Rem cdialeri 10/09/02 - 10.0 & Renamed from sprepsql.sql Rem spommere 02/14/02 - cleanup RAC stats that are no longer needed Rem spommere 02/08/02 - 2212357 Rem cdialeri 01/30/02 - 2184717 Rem cdialeri 01/16/02 - 2185967 Rem dtahara 01/10/02 - 2175923: check if divisor is zero in sql stats Rem cdialeri 04/22/01 - 9.0 Rem cdialeri 09/29/00 - Created Rem -- -- Get the report settings @@sprepcon.sql clear break compute; repfooter off; ttitle off; btitle off; set timing off veri off space 1 flush on pause off termout on numwidth 10; set echo off feedback off pagesize 60 linesize 80 newpage 1 recsep off; set trimspool on trimout on; -- -- Request the DB Id and Instance Number, if they are not specified column instt_num heading "Inst Num" format 99999; column instt_name heading "Instance" format a12; column dbb_name heading "DB Name" format a12; column dbbid heading "DB Id" format 9999999999 just c; column host heading "Host" format a12; prompt prompt prompt Instances in this Statspack schema prompt ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ select distinct dbid dbbid , instance_number instt_num , db_name dbb_name , instance_name instt_name , host_name host from stats$database_instance; prompt prompt Using &&dbid for database Id prompt Using &&inst_num for instance number -- -- Set up the binds for dbid and instance_number variable dbid number; variable inst_num number; begin :dbid := &dbid; :inst_num := &inst_num; end; / -- -- Error reporting whenever sqlerror exit; variable max_snap_time char(10); declare cursor cidnum is select 'X' from stats$database_instance where instance_number = :inst_num and dbid = :dbid; cursor csnapid is select to_char(max(snap_time),'dd/mm/yyyy') from stats$snapshot where instance_number = :inst_num and dbid = :dbid; vx char(1); begin -- Check Database Id/Instance Number is a valid pair open cidnum; fetch cidnum into vx; if cidnum%notfound then raise_application_error(-20200, 'Database/Instance '||:dbid||'/'||:inst_num||' does not exist in STATS$DATABASE_INSTANCE'); end if; close cidnum; -- Check Snapshots exist for Database Id/Instance Number open csnapid; fetch csnapid into :max_snap_time; if csnapid%notfound then raise_application_error(-20200, 'No snapshots exist for Database/Instance '||:dbid||'/'||:inst_num); end if; close csnapid; end; / whenever sqlerror continue; -- -- Ask how many days of snapshots to display set termout on; column instart_fmt noprint; column inst_name format a12 heading 'Instance'; column db_name format a12 heading 'DB Name'; column snap_id format 99999990 heading 'Snap|Id'; column snapdat format a17 heading 'Snap Started' just c; column lvl format 99 heading 'Snap|Level'; column commnt format a20 heading 'Comment'; prompt prompt prompt Specify the number of days of snapshots to choose from prompt ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ prompt Entering the number of days (n) will result in the most recent prompt (n) days of snapshots being listed. Pressing without prompt specifying a number lists all completed snapshots. prompt prompt set heading off; column num_days new_value num_days noprint; select 'Listing ' || decode( nvl('&&num_days', to_number('3.14','9D99','nls_numeric_characters=''.,''')) , to_number('3.14','9D99','nls_numeric_characters=''.,'''), 'all Completed Snapshots' , 0 , 'no snapshots' , 1 , 'the last day''s Completed Snapshots' , 'the last &num_days days of Completed Snapshots') , nvl('&&num_days', to_number('3.14','9D99','nls_numeric_characters=''.,''')) num_days from sys.dual; set heading on; -- -- List available snapshots break on inst_name on db_name on host on instart_fmt skip 1; ttitle off; select to_char(s.startup_time,' dd Mon "at" HH24:mi:ss') instart_fmt , di.instance_name inst_name , di.db_name db_name , s.snap_id snap_id , to_char(s.snap_time,'dd Mon YYYY HH24:mi') snapdat , s.snap_level lvl , substr(s.ucomment, 1,60) commnt from stats$snapshot s , stats$database_instance di where s.dbid = :dbid and di.dbid = :dbid and s.instance_number = :inst_num and di.instance_number = :inst_num and di.dbid = s.dbid and di.instance_number = s.instance_number and di.startup_time = s.startup_time and s.snap_time >= decode( to_number('&num_days') , to_number('3.14','9D99','nls_numeric_characters=''.,'''), s.snap_time , 0 , to_date('31-JAN-9999','DD-MON-YYYY') , to_date(:max_snap_time,'dd/mm/yyyy') - (to_number('&num_days') - 1)) order by db_name, instance_name, snap_id; clear break; ttitle off; -- -- Ask for the snapshots Id's which are to be compared prompt prompt prompt Specify the Begin and End Snapshot Ids prompt ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ prompt Begin Snapshot Id specified: &&begin_snap prompt prompt End Snapshot Id specified: &&end_snap prompt -- -- Ask for the Hash Value of the SQL statement to be reviewed prompt prompt prompt Specify the old (i.e. pre-10g) Hash Value prompt ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ prompt Hash Value specified is: &&hash_value prompt -- -- Set up the snapshot-related binds, and old_hash_value variable bid number; variable eid number; variable old_hash_value number; begin :bid := &begin_snap; :eid := &end_snap; :old_hash_value := &hash_value; end; / prompt -- -- Error reporting whenever sqlerror exit; declare cursor cspid(vspid stats$snapshot.snap_id%type) is select snap_time , startup_time , session_id , serial# from stats$snapshot where snap_id = vspid and instance_number = :inst_num and dbid = :dbid; bsnapt stats$snapshot.startup_time%type; bstart stats$snapshot.startup_time%type; bsesid stats$snapshot.session_id%type; bseria stats$snapshot.serial#%type; esnapt stats$snapshot.startup_time%type; estart stats$snapshot.startup_time%type; esesid stats$snapshot.session_id%type; eseria stats$snapshot.serial#%type; cursor sqlhash is select old_hash_value from stats$sql_summary ss1 where ss1.snap_id = :eid and ss1.dbid = :dbid and ss1.instance_number = :inst_num and ss1.old_hash_value = :old_hash_value; hv stats$sql_summary.old_hash_value%type; begin -- Check Begin Snapshot id is valid, get corresponding instance startup time open cspid(:bid); fetch cspid into bsnapt, bstart, bsesid, bseria; if cspid%notfound then raise_application_error(-20200, 'Begin Snapshot Id '||:bid||' does not exist for this database/instance'); end if; close cspid; -- Check End Snapshot id is valid and get corresponding instance startup time open cspid(:eid); fetch cspid into esnapt, estart, esesid, eseria; if cspid%notfound then raise_application_error(-20200, 'End Snapshot Id '||:eid||' does not exist for this database/instance'); end if; if esnapt <= bsnapt then raise_application_error(-20200, 'End Snapshot Id '||:eid||' must be greater than Begin Snapshot Id '||:bid); end if; close cspid; -- Check startup time is same for begin and end snapshot ids if ( bstart != estart) then raise_application_error(-20200, 'The instance was shutdown between snapshots '||:bid||' and '||:eid); end if; -- Check Hash Value specified exists in end snapshot open sqlhash; fetch sqlhash into hv; if sqlhash%notfound then raise_application_error(-20200, 'Hash value ' || :old_hash_value || ' does not exist in end snapshot'); end if; close sqlhash; end; / whenever sqlerror continue; -- -- Get the database info to display in the report set termout off; column para new_value para; column versn new_value versn; column host_name new_value host_name; column db_name new_value db_name; column inst_name new_value inst_name; select parallel para , version versn , host_name host_name , db_name db_name , instance_name inst_name from stats$database_instance di , stats$snapshot s where s.snap_id = :bid and s.dbid = :dbid and s.instance_number = :inst_num and di.dbid = s.dbid and di.instance_number = s.instance_number and di.startup_time = s.startup_time; variable para varchar2(9); variable versn varchar2(10); variable host_name varchar2(64); variable db_name varchar2(20); variable inst_name varchar2(20); begin :para := '¶'; :versn := '&versn'; :host_name := '&host_name'; :db_name := '&db_name'; :inst_name := '&inst_name'; end; / set termout on; -- -- Get Text subset and module set termout off; column text_subset new_value text_subset noprint; column module new_value module noprint; select replace(text_subset, '''', '''''') text_subset , decode(module, null, ' ' , 'Module: ' || module) module from stats$sql_summary where snap_id = :eid and dbid = :dbid and instance_number = :inst_num and old_hash_value = :old_hash_value; set termout on; -- -- Use report name if specified, otherwise prompt user for output file -- name (specify default), then begin spooling set termout off; column dflt_name new_value dflt_name noprint; select 'sp_'||:bid||'_'||:eid||'_'||:old_hash_value dflt_name from dual; set termout on; prompt prompt Specify the Report Name prompt ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ prompt The default report file name is &dflt_name.. To use this name, prompt press to continue, otherwise enter an alternative. prompt set heading off; column report_name new_value report_name noprint; select 'Using the report name ' || nvl('&&report_name','&dflt_name') , nvl('&&report_name','&dflt_name') report_name from sys.dual; spool &report_name; set heading on; prompt set heading off; select 'WARNING: timed_statitics setting changed between begin/end snaps: TIMINGS ARE INVALID' from dual where not exists (select null from stats$parameter b , stats$parameter e where b.snap_id = :bid and e.snap_id = :eid and b.dbid = :dbid and e.dbid = :dbid and b.instance_number = :inst_num and e.instance_number = :inst_num and = and = 'timed_statistics' and b.value = e.value); set heading on; -- -- set newpage 1 heading on; -- -- Call statspack to calculate certain statistics -- -- sprsqin.sql specific variables variable text_subset varchar2(31); variable module varchar2(64); set termout off heading off verify off; variable lhtr number; variable bfwt number; variable tran number; variable chng number; variable ucal number; variable urol number; variable ucom number; variable rsiz number; variable phyr number; variable phyrd number; variable phyrdl number; variable phyrc number; variable phyw number; variable prse number; variable hprs number; variable recr number; variable gets number; variable slr number; variable rlsr number; variable rent number; variable srtm number; variable srtd number; variable srtr number; variable strn number; variable call number; variable lhr number; variable bsp varchar2(512); variable esp varchar2(512); variable bbc varchar2(512); variable ebc varchar2(512); variable blb varchar2(512); variable elb varchar2(512); variable bs varchar2(512); variable twt number; variable logc number; variable prscpu number; variable prsela number; variable tcpu number; variable exe number; variable bspm number; variable espm number; variable bfrm number; variable efrm number; variable blog number; variable elog number; variable bocur number; variable eocur number; variable bpgaalloc number; variable epgaalloc number; variable bsgaalloc number; variable esgaalloc number; variable bnprocs number; variable enprocs number; variable timstat varchar2(20); variable statlvl varchar2(40); -- OS Stat variable bncpu number; variable encpu number; variable bpmem number; variable epmem number; variable blod number; variable elod number; variable itic number; variable btic number; variable iotic number; variable rwtic number; variable utic number; variable stic number; variable vmib number; variable vmob number; variable oscpuw number; -- OS Stat derived variable ttic number; variable ttics number; variable cpubrat number; variable cpuirat number; -- Time Model variable dbtim number; variable dbcpu number; variable bgela number; variable bgcpu number; variable prstela number; variable sqleela number; variable conmela number; variable bncpu number; -- RAC variables variable dmsd number; variable dmfc number; variable dmsi number; variable pmrv number; variable pmpt number; variable npmrv number; variable npmpt number; variable dbfr number; variable dpms number; variable dnpms number; variable glsg number; variable glag number; variable glgt number; variable gccrrv number; variable gccrrt number; variable gccrfl number; variable gccurv number; variable gccurt number; variable gccufl number; variable gccrsv number; variable gccrbt number; variable gccrft number; variable gccrst number; variable gccusv number; variable gccupt number; variable gccuft number; variable gccust number; variable msgsq number; variable msgsqt number; variable msgsqk number; variable msgsqtk number; variable msgrq number; variable msgrqt number; begin STATSPACK.STAT_CHANGES ( :bid, :eid , :dbid, :inst_num , :para -- End of IN arguments , :lhtr, :bfwt , :tran, :chng , :ucal, :urol , :rsiz , :phyr, :phyrd , :phyrdl, :phyrc , :phyw, :ucom , :prse, :hprs , :recr, :gets , :slr , :rlsr, :rent , :srtm, :srtd , :srtr, :strn , :lhr , :bbc, :ebc , :bsp, :esp , :blb , :bs, :twt , :logc, :prscpu , :tcpu, :exe , :prsela , :bspm, :espm , :bfrm, :efrm , :blog, :elog , :bocur, :eocur , :bpgaalloc, :epgaalloc , :bsgaalloc, :esgaalloc , :bnprocs, :enprocs , :timstat, :statlvl , :bncpu, :encpu -- OS Stat , :bpmem, :epmem , :blod, :elod , :itic, :btic , :iotic, :rwtic , :utic, :stic , :vmib, :vmob , :oscpuw , :dbtim, :dbcpu -- Time Model , :bgela, :bgcpu , :prstela,:sqleela , :conmela , :dmsd, :dmfc -- begin RAC , :dmsi , :pmrv, :pmpt , :npmrv, :npmpt , :dbfr , :dpms, :dnpms , :glsg, :glag , :glgt , :gccrrv, :gccrrt, :gccrfl , :gccurv, :gccurt, :gccufl , :gccrsv , :gccrbt, :gccrft , :gccrst, :gccusv , :gccupt, :gccuft , :gccust , :msgsq, :msgsqt , :msgsqk, :msgsqtk , :msgrq, :msgrqt -- end RAC ); :call := :ucal + :recr; -- total ticks (cs) :ttic := :btic + :itic; -- total ticks (s) :ttics := :ttic/100; -- Busy to total CPU ratio :cpubrat := :btic / :ttic; :cpuirat := :itic / :ttic; -- SQL specific variables :module := '&module'; :text_subset := '&text_subset'; end; / set termout on -- -- Summary Statistics -- -- -- Print database, instance, parallel, release, host and snapshot -- information prompt prompt STATSPACK SQL report for Old Hash Value: &&hash_value &&module set heading on; column host_name heading "Host" format a16 print; column para heading "RAC" format a3 print; column versn heading "Release" format a11 print; select :db_name db_name , :dbid dbid , :inst_name inst_name , :inst_num inst_num , :versn versn , :para para , :host_name host_name from sys.dual; -- -- Print snapshot information column instart_fmt new_value INSTART_FMT noprint; column instart new_value instart noprint; column session_id new_value SESSION noprint; column ela new_value ELA noprint; column btim new_value btim heading 'Start Time' format a19 just c; column etim new_value etim heading 'End Time' format a19 just c; column bid heading 'Start Id' format 99999990; column eid heading ' End Id' format 99999990; column dur heading 'Duration(mins)' format 999,990.00 just r; column sess_id new_value sess_id noprint; column serial new_value serial noprint; column bbgt new_value bbgt noprint; column ebgt new_value ebgt noprint; column bdrt new_value bdrt noprint; column edrt new_value edrt noprint; column bet new_value bet noprint; column eet new_value eet noprint; column bsmt new_value bsmt noprint; column esmt new_value esmt noprint; column bvc new_value bvc noprint; column evc new_value evc noprint; column blog format 99,999; column elog format 99,999; column ocs format 99,999.0; column nl newline; select b.snap_id bid , to_char(b.snap_time, 'dd-Mon-yy hh24:mi:ss') btim , e.snap_id eid , to_char(e.snap_time, 'dd-Mon-yy hh24:mi:ss') etim , round(((e.snap_time - b.snap_time) * 1440 * 60), 0)/60 dur -- mins , to_char(b.startup_time, 'dd-Mon-yy hh24:mi:ss') instart_fmt , b.session_id , round(((e.snap_time - b.snap_time) * 1440 * 60), 0) ela -- secs , to_char(b.startup_time,'YYYYMMDD HH24:MI:SS') instart , e.session_id sess_id , e.serial# serial , b.buffer_gets_th bbgt , e.buffer_gets_th ebgt , b.disk_reads_th bdrt , e.disk_reads_th edrt , b.executions_th bet , e.executions_th eet , b.sharable_mem_th bsmt , e.sharable_mem_th esmt , b.version_count_th bvc , e.version_count_th evc from stats$snapshot b , stats$snapshot e where b.snap_id = :bid and e.snap_id = :eid and b.dbid = :dbid and e.dbid = :dbid and b.instance_number = :inst_num and e.instance_number = :inst_num and b.startup_time = e.startup_time and b.snap_time < e.snap_time; variable btim varchar2 (20); variable etim varchar2 (20); variable ela number; variable instart varchar2 (18); variable bbgt number; variable ebgt number; variable bdrt number; variable edrt number; variable bet number; variable eet number; variable bsmt number; variable esmt number; variable bvc number; variable evc number; begin :btim := '&btim'; :etim := '&etim'; :ela := to_number('&ela'); :instart := '&instart'; :bbgt := to_number('&bbgt'); :ebgt := to_number('&ebgt'); :bdrt := to_number('&bdrt'); :edrt := to_number('&edrt'); :bet := to_number('&bet'); :eet := to_number('&eet'); :bsmt := to_number('&bsmt'); :esmt := to_number('&esmt'); :bvc := to_number('&bvc'); :evc := to_number('&evc'); end; / -- -- -- -- SQL Reporting col Gets format 9,999,999,990 heading 'Buffer Gets'; col Reads format 9,999,999,990 heading 'Physical|Reads'; col Rw format 9,999,999,990 heading 'Rows | Processed'; col pc format 9,999,999,999 heading 'Parse|Calls' col cput format 9,999,999,999 heading 'CPU Time' col elat format 9,999,999,999 heading 'Ela Time' col Execs format 9,999,999,990 heading 'Executes'; col shm format 9,999,999,999 heading 'Sharable |Memory (bytes)'; col vcount format 9,999,999,999 heading 'Version|Count'; col sorts format 9,999,999,999 heading 'Sorts' col inv format 9,999,999,999 heading 'Invali-|dations'; col GPX format 9,999,999,990.0 heading 'Gets|per Exec' just c; col RPX format 9,999,999,990.0 heading 'Reads|per Exec' just c; col RWPX format 9,999,999,990.0 heading 'Rows|per Exec' just c; col PPX format 9,999,999,999.0 heading 'Parses|per Exec' just c; col cpupx format 9,999,999,999.0 heading 'CPU|per Exec' just c; col elapx format 9,999,999,999.0 heading 'Ela|per Exec' just c; col spx format 9,999,999,999.0 heading 'Sorts|per Exec' just c; col ptg format 999.99 heading '%Total|Gets'; col ptr format 999.99 heading '%Total|Reads'; col hashval format 99999999999 heading 'Hash Value'; col sql_text format a500 heading 'SQL statement:' wrap; col rel_pct format 999.9 heading '% of|Total'; -- -- Show SQL statistics set heading off; select 'SQL Statistics' nl , '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' nl , '-> CPU and Elapsed Time are in seconds (s) for Statement Total and in' nl , ' milliseconds (ms) for Per Execute' nl , ' % Snap' nl , ' Statement Total Per Execute Total' nl , ' --------------- --------------- ------' nl , ' Buffer Gets: ' nl , e.buffer_gets - nvl(b.buffer_gets,0) gets , decode(e.executions - nvl(b.executions,0) ,0, to_number(null) , (e.buffer_gets - nvl(b.buffer_gets,0)) / (e.executions - nvl(b.executions,0))) gpx , decode(:slr , 0, to_number(null) , 100*(e.buffer_gets - nvl(b.buffer_gets,0)) /:slr) ptg , ' Disk Reads: ' nl , e.disk_reads - nvl(b.disk_reads,0) reads , decode(e.executions - nvl(b.executions,0) ,0, to_number(null) , (e.disk_reads - nvl(b.disk_reads,0)) / (e.executions - nvl(b.executions,0))) rpx , decode(:phyr , 0, to_number(null) , 100*(e.disk_reads - nvl(b.disk_reads,0)) /:phyr) ptr , ' Rows processed: ' nl , e.rows_processed - nvl(b.rows_processed,0) rw , decode(e.executions - nvl(b.executions,0) ,0, to_number(null) , (e.rows_processed - nvl(b.rows_processed,0)) / (e.executions - nvl(b.executions,0))) rwpx , ' CPU Time(s/ms): ' nl , (e.cpu_time - nvl(b.cpu_time,0))/1000000 cput , decode(e.executions - nvl(b.executions,0) ,0, to_number(null) , ((e.cpu_time - nvl(b.cpu_time,0))/1000) / (e.executions - nvl(b.executions,0))) cpupx , ' Elapsed Time(s/ms): ' nl , (e.elapsed_time - nvl(b.elapsed_time,0))/1000000 elat , decode(e.executions - nvl(b.executions,0) ,0, to_number(null) , ((e.elapsed_time - nvl(b.elapsed_time,0))/1000) / (e.executions - nvl(b.executions,0))) elapx , ' Sorts: ' nl , e.sorts - nvl(b.sorts,0) sorts , decode(e.executions - nvl(b.executions,0) ,0, to_number(null) , (e.sorts - nvl(b.sorts,0)) / (e.executions - nvl(b.executions,0))) spx , ' Parse Calls: ' nl , e.parse_calls - nvl(b.parse_calls,0) pc , decode(e.executions - nvl(b.executions,0) ,0, to_number(null) , (e.parse_calls - nvl(b.parse_calls,0)) / (e.executions - nvl(b.executions,0))) ppx , ' Invalidations: ' nl , e.invalidations - nvl(b.invalidations,0) inv , ' Version count: ' nl , e.version_count vcount , ' Sharable Mem(K): ' nl , e.sharable_mem/1024 shm , ' Executions: ' nl , e.executions - nvl(b.executions,0) execs from stats$sql_summary e , stats$sql_summary b where b.snap_id(+) = :bid and b.dbid(+) = e.dbid and b.instance_number(+) = e.instance_number and b.old_hash_value(+) = e.old_hash_value and b.address(+) = e.address and b.text_subset(+) = e.text_subset and e.snap_id = :eid and e.dbid = :dbid and e.instance_number = :inst_num and e.old_hash_value = :old_hash_value; -- -- Show complete SQL Text ttitle lef 'SQL Text' - skip 1 - lef '~~~~~~~~' - skip 1; select st.sql_text from stats$sql_summary e , stats$sqltext st where e.snap_id = :eid and e.dbid = :dbid and e.instance_number = :inst_num and e.old_hash_value = :old_hash_value and st.text_subset = e.text_subset and st.old_hash_value = e.old_hash_value order by st.piece; set heading on; -- -- Show Plan Hash Values for all known Plans ttitle lef 'Known Optimizer Plan(s) for this Old Hash Value' - skip 1 - lef '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' - skip 1 - lef 'Shows all known Optimizer Plans for this database instance, and the Snap Id''s' - skip 1 - lef 'they were first found in the shared pool. A Plan Hash Value will appear' - skip 1 - lef 'multiple times if the cost has changed' - skip 1 - lef '-> ordered by Snap Id' - skip 2; column plan_hash_value format 99999999999 heading 'Plan|Hash Value' just c; column snap_id format 99999990 heading 'First|Snap Id' just c; column cost format a10 heading 'Cost' just r; column optimizer heading 'Optimizer'; column snap_time format a15 heading 'First|Snap Time' just c; column last_act_time format a15 heading 'Last|Active Time' just c; select fsp.snap_id , to_char(s.snap_time, 'DD-Mon-YY HH24:MI') snap_time , to_char(fsp.last_active_time, 'DD-Mon-YY HH24:MI') last_act_time , fsp.plan_hash_value , lpad(decode(fsp.cost , null, ' ' , -9, ' ' , decode( sign(cost-10000000) , -1, cost||' ' , decode( sign(cost-1000000000), -1, trunc(cost/1000000)||'M' , trunc(cost/1000000000)||'G' ) ) ), 10) cost from (select min(snap_id) snap_id , dbid , instance_number , plan_hash_value , cost , max(last_active_time) last_active_time from stats$sql_plan_usage spu where old_hash_value = &&hash_value and text_subset = '&&text_subset' and dbid = &&dbid and instance_number = &&inst_num group by plan_hash_value, cost, dbid, instance_number ) fsp , stats$snapshot s where s.snap_id(+) = fsp.snap_id and s.dbid(+) = fsp.dbid and s.instance_number(+) = fsp.instance_number order by fsp.snap_id, fsp.plan_hash_value; -- -- Show all known Plans used between Snap Ids specified ttitle lef 'Plans in shared pool between Begin and End Snap Ids' - skip 1 - lef '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' - skip 1 - lef 'Shows the Execution Plans found in the shared pool between the begin and end' - skip 1 - lef 'snapshots specified. The values for Rows, Bytes and Cost shown below are those' - skip 1 - lef 'which existed at the time the first-ever snapshot captured this plan - these' - skip 1 - lef 'values often change over time, and so may not be indicative of current values' - skip 1 - lef '-> Rows indicates Cardinality, PHV is Plan Hash Value' - skip 1 - lef '-> ordered by Plan Hash Value' - skip 2; set heading off; select '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------' from dual union all select '| Operation | PHV/Object Name | Rows | Bytes| Cost |' as "Optimizer Plan:" from dual union all select '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------' from dual union all select * from (select rpad('|'||substr(lpad(' ',1*(depth-1))||operation|| decode(options, null,'',' '||options), 1, 32), 33, ' ')||'|'|| rpad(decode(id, 0, '----- '||to_char(plan_hash_value)||' -----' , substr(decode(substr(object_name, 1, 7), 'SYS_LE_', null, object_name) ||' ',1, 20)), 21, ' ')||'|'|| lpad(decode(cardinality,null,' ', decode(sign(cardinality-1000), -1, cardinality||' ', decode(sign(cardinality-1000000), -1, trunc(cardinality/1000)||'K', decode(sign(cardinality-1000000000), -1, trunc(cardinality/1000000)||'M', trunc(cardinality/1000000000)||'G')))), 7, ' ') || '|' || lpad(decode(bytes,null,' ', decode(sign(bytes-1024), -1, bytes||' ', decode(sign(bytes-1048576), -1, trunc(bytes/1024)||'K', decode(sign(bytes-1073741824), -1, trunc(bytes/1048576)||'M', trunc(bytes/1073741824)||'G')))), 6, ' ') || '|' || lpad(decode(cost,null,' ', decode(sign(cost-10000000), -1, cost||' ', decode(sign(cost-1000000000), -1, trunc(cost/1000000)||'M', trunc(cost/1000000000)||'G'))), 8, ' ') || '|' as "Explain plan" from stats$sql_plan where plan_hash_value in (select plan_hash_value from stats$sql_plan_usage spu where spu.snap_id between :bid and :eid and spu.dbid = :dbid and spu.instance_number = :inst_num and spu.old_hash_value = :old_hash_value and text_subset = :text_subset and spu.plan_hash_value > 0 ) order by plan_hash_value, id ) union all select '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------' from dual; set heading on; -- -- prompt prompt End of Report prompt spool off; set termout off; clear columns sql; ttitle off; btitle off; repfooter off; set linesize 78 termout on feedback 6 heading on; undefine begin_snap undefine end_snap undefine dbid undefine inst_num undefine num_days undefine report_name undefine hash_value whenever sqlerror continue; -- -- End of script file;